The comprehensive range of bolt-type screw terminals offers secure connections for all power transmission applications. Connections from 10 mm² to 300 mm² are possible. The conductors are attached to the terminals using crimped cable lugs and each connection secured by tightening the hexagonal nut. Bolt-type screw terminals with threads from M5 to M16 can be used depending on the conductor cross-section. A low voltage drop and the use of a self-extinguishing material with a V-0 (UL 94) flammability rating guarantee maximum safety. All bolt-type screw terminals have been tested according to international railway standards (EN 50343, EN 50155, NF F61-017, NF16-101; Ria 20) and comply with the requirements of those standards. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTW WF6-WF12 1781240000, 20 ks , Paclan economic 20 l, 20 ks (5900942132003)The versatile and extensive range of products - from 0.05 mm² to 300 mm² - means that you have diverse options for your applications at your disposal. Hardened steel for mechanical strength and high-quality tinned copper for optimum conductivity. All materials comply with RoHS requirements and have been tested to current environment guidelines. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WAP 16+35 WTW 2.5-10 1050100000-20, 20 ks , Soundsation ks-20 (hn182330)The comprehensive range of bolt-type screw terminals offers secure connections for all power transmission applications. Connections from 10 mm² to 300 mm² are possible. The conductors are attached to the terminals using crimped cable lugs and each connection secured by tightening the hexagonal nut. Bolt-type screw terminals with threads from M5 to M16 can be used depending on the conductor cross-section. A low voltage drop and the use of a self-extinguishing material with a V-0 (UL 94) flammability rating guarantee maximum safety. All bolt-type screw terminals have been tested according to international railway standards (EN 50343, EN 50155, NF F61-017, NF16-101; Ria 20) and comply with the requirements of those standards. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTW WF6 1781220000, 20 ks , Harmasan (20 ks) (8584014805810)Weidmüller WTW EN 1058800000-1, 1 ks od výrobce Weidmüller v kategorii Příslušenství pro řadové svorkovnice Weidmüller za skvělou cenu u Conrada. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTW EN 1058800000-1, 1 ks , Natracare regular 20 ks (782126001009)The comprehensive range of bolt-type screw terminals offers secure connections for all power transmission applications. Connections from 10 mm² to 300 mm² are possible. The conductors are attached to the terminals using crimped cable lugs and each connection secured by tightening the hexagonal nut. Bolt-type screw terminals with threads from M5 to M16 can be used depending on the conductor cross-section. A low voltage drop and the use of a self-extinguishing material with a V-0 (UL 94) flammability rating guarantee maximum safety. All bolt-type screw terminals have been tested according to international railway standards (EN 50343, EN 50155, NF F61-017, NF16-101; Ria 20) and comply with the requirements of those standards. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTW WF6 2300 1781230000, 20 ks , Natracare vlhčené 20 ks (782126202024)The comprehensive range of bolt-type screw terminals offers secure connections for all power transmission applications. Connections from 10 mm² to 300 mm² are possible. The conductors are attached to the terminals using crimped cable lugs and each connection secured by tightening the hexagonal nut. Bolt-type screw terminals with threads from M5 to M16 can be used depending on the conductor cross-section. A low voltage drop and the use of a self-extinguishing material with a V-0 (UL 94) flammability rating guarantee maximum safety. All bolt-type screw terminals have been tested according to international railway standards (EN 50343, EN 50155, NF F61-017, NF16-101; Ria 20) and comply with the requirements of those standards. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTW WF10/WF12 1780890000, 20 ks , Bella normal 20 ks (5900516300814)The comprehensive range of bolt-type screw terminals offers secure connections for all power transmission applications. Connections from 10 mm² to 300 mm² are possible. The conductors are attached to the terminals using crimped cable lugs and each connection secured by tightening the hexagonal nut. Bolt-type screw terminals with threads from M5 to M16 can be used depending on the conductor cross-section. A low voltage drop and the use of a self-extinguishing material with a V-0 (UL 94) flammability rating guarantee maximum safety. All bolt-type screw terminals have been tested according to international railway standards (EN 50343, EN 50155, NF F61-017, NF16-101; Ria 20) and comply with the requirements of those standards. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTW WF10/WF12 2300 1780920000, 20 ks , Magnety dopravni prostredky 20 ksWeidmüller WAP 16+35 WTW 2.5-10 1050100000-1, 1 ks od výrobce Weidmüller v kategorii Příslušenství pro řadové svorkovnice Weidmüller za skvělou cenu u Conrada. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WAP 16+35 WTW 2.5-10 1050100000-1, 1 ks , Orion formička mix 20 ksThe versatile and extensive range of products - from 0.05 mm² to 300 mm² - means that you have diverse options for your applications at your disposal. Hardened steel for mechanical strength and high-quality tinned copper for optimum conductivity. All materials comply with RoHS requirements and have been tested to current environment guidelines. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WAP WDK2.5 1059100000-20, 20 ks , Orion formička bábovka 20 ksMounting plates that also act as end plates in the P-Series must be positioned every 200 mm when using the 10 x 3 busbar. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller PAP PDL4S 1837070000-20, 20 ks , Orion formička ořechy 20 ksMounting plates that also act as end plates in the P-Series must be positioned every 200 mm when using the 10 x 3 busbar. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller PAP PDL4 1883210000-20, 20 ks , Hansaplast marvel (20 ks) (4005900717672)The comprehensive range of bolt-type screw terminals offers secure connections for all power transmission applications. Connections from 10 mm² to 300 mm² are possible. The conductors are attached to the terminals using crimped cable lugs and each connection secured by tightening the hexagonal nut. Bolt-type screw terminals with threads from M5 to M16 can be used depending on the conductor cross-section. A low voltage drop and the use of a self-extinguishing material with a V-0 (UL 94) flammability rating guarantee maximum safety. All bolt-type screw terminals have been tested according to international railway standards (EN 50343, EN 50155, NF F61-017, NF16-101; Ria 20) and comply with the requirements of those standards. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTW WF8 1780900000, 20 ks , Bella nova 20 ks (5900516301194)The versatile and extensive range of products - from 0.05 mm² to 300 mm² - means that you have diverse options for your applications at your disposal. Hardened steel for mechanical strength and high-quality tinned copper for optimum conductivity. All materials comply with RoHS requirements and have been tested to current environment guidelines. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTW EN 1058800000-20, 20 ks , Hansaplast sensitive (20 ks) (9005800222363)Weidmüller offers users of modular terminals of the Z-Series a comprehensive range of accessories that render possible appropriate solutions for all - even non-standard - tasks. The accessories must comply with the same quality standards as the modular terminals themselves. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller ZAP/TW ZDK2.5 1674730000-20, 20 ks , Clay jídelní souprava corn, 20 ks (8882-20-00)The versatile and extensive range of products - from 0.05 mm² to 300 mm² - means that you have diverse options for your applications at your disposal. Hardened steel for mechanical strength and high-quality tinned copper for optimum conductivity. All materials comply with RoHS requirements and have been tested to current environment guidelines. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WQV 2.5/10 1054460000-20, 20 ks , Clay jídelní souprava triangle, 20 ks (8888-20-00)The comprehensive range of bolt-type screw terminals offers secure connections for all power transmission applications. Connections from 10 mm² to 300 mm² are possible. The conductors are attached to the terminals using crimped cable lugs and each connection secured by tightening the hexagonal nut. Bolt-type screw terminals with threads from M5 to M16 can be used depending on the conductor cross-section. A low voltage drop and the use of a self-extinguishing material with a V-0 (UL 94) flammability rating guarantee maximum safety. All bolt-type screw terminals have been tested according to international railway standards (EN 50343, EN 50155, NF F61-017, NF16-101; Ria 20) and comply with the requirements of those standards. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTW WF8 2300 1780910000, 20 ks , Clay jídelní souprava nebe, 20 ks (8797-20-00)Weidmüller offers users of modular terminals of the Z-Series a comprehensive range of accessories that render possible appropriate solutions for all - even non-standard - tasks. The accessories must comply with the same quality standards as the modular terminals themselves. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller ZQV 2.5/5 1608890000, 20 ks , Af screen-clene duo - balení 20 + 20 ks (ascr020)Pračka se sušičkou v energetické třídě D a lotosově bílém provedení s kapacitou 9 kg prádla při praní a 6 kg při sušení. Miele WTW 870 WPM nabízí šetrnou péči o prádlo díky voštinovému bubnu, automatické dávkování TwinDos, systém PowerWash a Single Wash@Dry. (
Podobné produkty ako Miele WTW 870 WPM , G21 náhradní náboje pro pistole g21 20 ks (01*20)Ústní sprcha Waterpik Cordless Select je vhodná pro uživatele, kterým svou velikostí nevyhovuje klasická sprcha. Irigátor Waterpik je vodotěsný, lze jej použít ve sprše, má magnetickou USB nabíječku a je ideální i na cesty. Barva černá.Waterpik Cordless Select WF12 Black ústní sprchaCordless Select se vyznačuje především magnetickou, 4 hodinovou USB nabíječkou velmi tichým provozem a vodotěsností. Je to ideální přístroj pro použití ve sprše a skladný na cesty. Odstraňuje až 99,9% plaku z ošetřených ploch a je až o 50 % úspěšnější ve zlepšení zdraví dásní než zubní nit. Tento model je dodáván se 4 různými tryskami, 2 nastavení tlaku, se 360 stupňovou otočnou tryskou a s el. napětím, které umožňuje cestování po celém světě. Waterpik® je nejdoporučovanější značka ústní sprchy v USA, je klinicky vyzkoušená a doporučená Americkou dentální asociací ADA. Benefity - Odstranění plaku: Odstraňuje až 99,9 % plaku z ošetřených ploch - Zdravější dásně: Klinické studie potvrdily, že je až o 50 % úspěšnější ve zlepšení zdraví dásní než zubní nit. - Ideální pro implantáty: Klinicky potvrzeno, že je až 2x vice účinný ve zlepšení zdraví dásní okolo implantátu než flosovací nit za pomoci trysky Plaque Seeker® - Esenciální pro rovnátka: Klinicky potvrzeno, že je až 3 x efektivnější v odstranění plaku než zubní nit při použití ortodontické trysky. - Odstraňuje zubní plak a zbytky potravin mezi zuby a pod linií dásní, kam se zubní kartáček I zubní nit nedostane. - Zanechá vaše ústa s dokonalým pocitem svěžesti a čistoty. - Skvělý pomocník pro všechny s implantáty, korunky, můstky a fazetami. Vlastnosti produktu - V balení jsou 4 trysky - Rychlé 4 hodinové nabíjení - USB nabíjení s magnetickým připojením - 2 nastavení síly tlaku - Kapacita nádrže na 45 sekund provozu - Extra tiché provedení - Vodotěsný, a proto se může používat ve sprše - Skvělý na cesty a pro male koupelny - Rozsah el. napětí vhodny pro celý svět - 360 stupňová rotace trysky - Lehký a přenosný - 2 letá záruka viz přibalený návod Technické vlastnosti - Rozsah tlaku vody : 45 to 75 PSI ( 3.103 to 5.171 Bar ) - Průtok za minuteu: 296 ml - Pulzace za minute: 1250 - Nastavení tlaku : 2 Počet trysek v balení: 4 - 2 x JT-450E Waterpik® Classic High-Pressure Jet Tip - 1 x OD-100E Waterpik® Orthodontic Tip - 1 x PS-100E Waterpik® Plaque Seeker™ Tip - Rotační tryska: 360 stupňů - LED indikátor Nádrž - Objem : 207 ml - Kapacita nádrže v sekundách: 45 Rozměry a váha - Výška i s tryskou: 29,21 cm - Šířka základny: 6,35 cm - Hloubka základny: 8,89 cm - Hmotnost: 0,336 kg Upozornění: PROFIMED je jediným autorizovaným prodejcem ústních sprch Waterpik® v České republice a zajišťuje pro své zákazníky záruční servis. Waterpik nemá jiného oficiálního distributora ani servisního partnera v ČR. (
Podobné produkty ako Waterpik Cordless Select WF12 Black ústní sprcha , První puzzle - džungle (20 ks) (732396295219)Weidmüller WTW 2.5-10 S 1266520000, 20 ks od výrobce Weidmüller v kategorii Příslušenství pro řadové svorkovnice Weidmüller za skvělou cenu u Conrada. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTW 2.5-10 S 1266520000, 20 ks , Ariel+ revita black 20 ks (8006540435250)The versatile and extensive range of products - from 0.05 mm² to 300 mm² - means that you have diverse options for your applications at your disposal. Hardened steel for mechanical strength and high-quality tinned copper for optimum conductivity. All materials comply with RoHS requirements and have been tested to current environment guidelines. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTW WTL6/1 DB 1068400000, 20 ks , Natracare super plus 20 ks (782126002020)Pračka se sušičkou s předním plněním, energetická třída: D, účinnost odstř. a sušení: A, kapacita praní: 9 kg, kapacita praní a sušení: 6 kg, spotřeba energie praní a sušení: 307 kWh/100 cyklů, spotřeba vody (celý cyklus): 73 l, hlavní funkce: parní program, invertorový motor, váhová automatika, odložený start, rychlý program, displej, přidání prádla v průběhu praní, automatické dávkování a ovládaní mobilem, 1600 ot/min při odstřeďování, speciální technologie: SteamCare, Voštinový buben a Power Wash, vyrobeno v Německu, bílá barva, 85 × 59,6 × 71,4 cm (V׊×H), váha: 102 kg Miele WTW 870 WPM vypere i vysušíPračka se sušičkou Miele WTW 870 WPM zajistí skvělé výsledky praní a sušení s kapacitou náplně 9 kg pro praní a 6 kg pro sušení. Vaše prádlo bude opečovávat hned řada inovativních funkcí. Dvoufázový systém automatického dávkování TwinDos, systém PowerWash, parní funkce SteamCare, LED osvětlení voštinového bubnu a řada dalších. Na dotykovém... (
Podobné produkty ako MIELE WTW 870 WPM (11TW8704OER) , Celtex save plus 20 ks (8022650101014)The versatile and extensive range of products - from 0.05 mm² to 300 mm² - means that you have diverse options for your applications at your disposal. Hardened steel for mechanical strength and high-quality tinned copper for optimum conductivity. All materials comply with RoHS requirements and have been tested to current environment guidelines. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTW WTL 6/1 4MM 1766900000, 20 ks , Bella herbs tilia 20 ks (5900516304744)Muškařská šňůra Delphin FLYRX je skvělou volbou pro všechny rybáře, kteří propadli lovu ryb pomocí královské disciplíny. Při navrhování této šňůry jsme využili naše dlouholeté zkušenosti, abychom přinesli šňůru se skvělými vlastnostmi a za přijatelnou cenu. Šňůra na hladině plave a díky tomu je s ní možné lovit různými způsoby na tekoucích i stojatých vodách. Šňůra je jednostranně zužována a tím je více zatížena v přední části. Díky posunutému těžišti je možné dosáhnout delších a přesnějších hodů, a tak umožňuje dopravit mušky přímo na stanoviště ryby bez větší námahy. Hladký povrch šňůry eliminuje tření v očkách při házení a při souboji s větší rybou a její odolný povrch zaručuje dlouhou životnost. Šňůra se vyznačuje nízkou pamětí, což umožňuje vždy dokonalý kontakt s nástrahou a dokonalou identifikaci záběru. Olivová barva působí přírodně a eliminuje rušivé vlivy na lovenou rybu. Šňůra je k dispozici v pěti hmotnostních kategoriích, kde nižší hmotnosti jsou vhodné pro lov na suchou a mokrou mušku na menších řekách a vyšší pro lov na jezerech, nebo při lovu dravých ryb pomocí streamerů a popperů. Muškařská šňůra Delphin FLYRX je skvělá univerzální šňůra vhodná pro úplné začátečníky ale i profesionální muškaře. Varianta: Šňůra;Plovoucí Série: FLYRX Navrženo v: Slovensko Barva: Žlutá Vrhací zátěž AFTMA: WF6-F Barva podle výrobce: Yellow Délka: 100'' Počet v balení (ks): 1 Země původu: Čína (
Podobné produkty ako Delphin FLYRX Yellow WF6-F 100'' Šňůra , Hansaplast aqua protect (20 ks) (9005800334509)Řada Classic je ideální pro snadné náhozy , nabízí dobrý a spolehlivý výkon a i přes muškařskou šnůru s označením Classic jsou výjímečné co se týče kvality a trvanlivosti. Specifikace: plovoucí šnůra barva žlutá kvalitní a spolehlivá šnůra řada Classic (
Podobné produkty ako Snowbee muškařská šňůra classic floating line pale yellow - wf6 , Vilac dřevěné magnetky farma, 20 ksWeidmüller KLBUE 10-20 SC 1712321001-1, 1 ks od výrobce Weidmüller v kategorii Příslušenství pro řadové svorkovnice Weidmüller za skvělou cenu u Conrada. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller KLBUE 10-20 SC 1712321001-1, 1 ks , Vilac dřevěné magnetky zahrada, 20 ksThe versatile and extensive range of products - from 0.05 mm² to 300 mm² - means that you have diverse options for your applications at your disposal. Hardened steel for mechanical strength and high-quality tinned copper for optimum conductivity. All materials comply with RoHS requirements and have been tested to current environment guidelines. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WAP 16+35 WTW 2.5-10 BL 1050180000, 20 ks , Orion formička rohlíčky 20 ks maléWeidmüller WAP 16+35 WTW 2.5-10 OR 1050160000, 20 ks od výrobce Weidmüller v kategorii Příslušenství pro řadové svorkovnice Weidmüller za skvělou cenu u Conrada. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WAP 16+35 WTW 2.5-10 OR 1050160000, 20 ks , Vilac dřevěné magnetky doprava, 20 ksStandard relays in the RIDERSERIES RCL 2 CO contacts Low height of 15.7 mm (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller RCL424024 zátěžové relé 24 V/DC 8 A 2 přepínací kontakty 20 ks , První puzzle - dinosauři (20 ks) (732396295226)The dekafix (DEK) marker is the universal marker for all conductor and plug-in connectors as well as for electronic sub-assemblies. The system is ideal for short number sequences and covers a large range of ready-printed markers. Strips for fast installation in one work step. The printing is easy to read, rich in contrast, and is available in five widths. Large range of ready-to-use markers Strips for fast installation Connector markers, suitable for all Weidmüller cable connectors Available as blank cards, MultiCard or as cards with standard printing (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller DEK 5 FWZ 11-20 523060011-500, 500 ks , Salvequick náplast transparent 20 ks (7310616265247)Weidmüller DEK 5 FWZ 11-20 523060011-50, 50 ks od výrobce Weidmüller v kategorii Příslušenství pro řadové svorkovnice Weidmüller za skvělou cenu u Conrada. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller DEK 5 FWZ 11-20 523060011-50, 50 ksFlexible - More flexible - Profilform Modular housings in profile form - the flexible modular system comprising coloured and transparent plastic profiles and carrier modules The combination of standard pitches mounted side by side in any arrangement and metre goods cut accurate to the millimetre creates the perfect balance between flexibility and economic efficiency: Pitch profiles with standard widths ranging from 5mm to 45mm allow the mounting of all standard PCB formats. Variable heights ensure maximum component density, even with larger electronics components. The different installation variations mean that mounting the enclosure directly is as easy as clipping components onto the terminal rail Solid hoods protect the module reliably from external influences The recipe for success: variable profile + modular form components = flexible enclosure concept that offers a large surface area for the PCBs. The modular concept is designed for modules with high space requirements and suitable for small component quantities and different widths. (
Podobné produkty ako Koncový díl pouzdra na DIN lištu Weidmüller AP 100 108.2 x 27.2 x 23.8 , 20 ksThe comprehensive range of bolt-type screw terminals offers secure connections for all power transmission applications. Connections from 10 mm² to 300 mm² are possible. The conductors are attached to the terminals using crimped cable lugs and each connection secured by tightening the hexagonal nut. Bolt-type screw terminals with threads from M5 to M16 can be used depending on the conductor cross-section. A low voltage drop and the use of a self-extinguishing material with a V-0 (UL 94) flammability rating guarantee maximum safety. All bolt-type screw terminals have been tested according to international railway standards (EN 50343, EN 50155, NF F61-017, NF16-101; Ria 20) and comply with the requirements of those standards. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTW WFF35 1067100000, 10 ksThe comprehensive range of bolt-type screw terminals offers secure connections for all power transmission applications. Connections from 10 mm² to 300 mm² are possible. The conductors are attached to the terminals using crimped cable lugs and each connection secured by tightening the hexagonal nut. Bolt-type screw terminals with threads from M5 to M16 can be used depending on the conductor cross-section. A low voltage drop and the use of a self-extinguishing material with a V-0 (UL 94) flammability rating guarantee maximum safety. All bolt-type screw terminals have been tested according to international railway standards (EN 50343, EN 50155, NF F61-017, NF16-101; Ria 20) and comply with the requirements of those standards. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTW WFF70 1067200000, 10 ksThe comprehensive range of bolt-type screw terminals offers secure connections for all power transmission applications. Connections from 10 mm² to 300 mm² are possible. The conductors are attached to the terminals using crimped cable lugs and each connection secured by tightening the hexagonal nut. Bolt-type screw terminals with threads from M5 to M16 can be used depending on the conductor cross-section. A low voltage drop and the use of a self-extinguishing material with a V-0 (UL 94) flammability rating guarantee maximum safety. All bolt-type screw terminals have been tested according to international railway standards (EN 50343, EN 50155, NF F61-017, NF16-101; Ria 20) and comply with the requirements of those standards. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTW WFF120 1067300000, 10 ksPrvek pro upevnění pouzdra na DIN lištu Weidmüller RF 180 79.2 x 17.55 x 26.55 , oranžová, 20 ks od výrobce Weidmüller v kategorii Obal na DIN lišty za skvělou cenu u Conrada. (
Podobné produkty ako Prvek pro upevnění pouzdra na DIN lištu Weidmüller RF 180 79.2 x 17.55 x 26.55 , oranžová, 20 ksThe RS 70 profile is supplied in fixed lengths. The desired length is obtained by connecting the individual pieces together. The PCB is pushed into the side of the profile. End cover plates close off the sides of the profile.. Elements for terminal rails and direct mounting are available here. The clip-on feet are permanently attached to the profile. Marking options are integrated into the side pieces. (
Podobné produkty ako Dělící prvek pouzdra na DIN lištu Weidmüller ZW 45 RS OR 70 x 45 x 33.5 , 20 ksNavijáky jsou ve dvou populárních velikostech, které by měly pokrýt každou situaci při rybaření. Jsou také již přednavinuty danou šnůrou. Možnost dokoupení náhradních cívek. Specifikace: super silná a lehká uhlíková cívka a rám navijáku centrální brzdový systém zaručuje lehký chod 5/6 - přednavinuto 100 m WF6F (
Podobné produkty ako Leeda muškařský naviják la 5/6 rtf fly reel + šňůra wf6 fly lineThe comprehensive range of bolt-type screw terminals offers secure connections for all power transmission applications. Connections from 10 mm² to 300 mm² are possible. The conductors are attached to the terminals using crimped cable lugs and each connection secured by tightening the hexagonal nut. Bolt-type screw terminals with threads from M5 to M16 can be used depending on the conductor cross-section. A low voltage drop and the use of a self-extinguishing material with a V-0 (UL 94) flammability rating guarantee maximum safety. All bolt-type screw terminals have been tested according to international railway standards (EN 50343, EN 50155, NF F61-017, NF16-101; Ria 20) and comply with the requirements of those standards. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WTW WFF185/300 1067400000, 10 ksThe comprehensive range of bolt-type screw terminals offers secure connections for all power transmission applications. Connections from 10 mm² to 300 mm² are possible. The conductors are attached to the terminals using crimped cable lugs and each connection secured by tightening the hexagonal nut. Bolt-type screw terminals with threads from M5 to M16 can be used depending on the conductor cross-section. A low voltage drop and the use of a self-extinguishing material with a V-0 (UL 94) flammability rating guarantee maximum safety. All bolt-type screw terminals have been tested according to international railway standards (EN 50343, EN 50155, NF F61-017, NF16-101; Ria 20) and comply with the requirements of those standards. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WQL 2 WF12 1781030000, 5 ksThe comprehensive range of bolt-type screw terminals offers secure connections for all power transmission applications. Connections from 10 mm² to 300 mm² are possible. The conductors are attached to the terminals using crimped cable lugs and each connection secured by tightening the hexagonal nut. Bolt-type screw terminals with threads from M5 to M16 can be used depending on the conductor cross-section. A low voltage drop and the use of a self-extinguishing material with a V-0 (UL 94) flammability rating guarantee maximum safety. All bolt-type screw terminals have been tested according to international railway standards (EN 50343, EN 50155, NF F61-017, NF16-101; Ria 20) and comply with the requirements of those standards. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WQL 3 WF12 1781040000, 5 ksThe RS 70 profile is supplied in fixed lengths. The desired length is obtained by connecting the individual pieces together. The PCB is pushed into the side of the profile. End cover plates close off the sides of the profile.. Elements for terminal rails and direct mounting are available here. The clip-on feet are permanently attached to the profile. Marking options are integrated into the side pieces. (
Podobné produkty ako Montážní patice pouzdra na DIN lištu Weidmüller RF RS 70 LI/A2/O.SG 70 x 10 x 33.5 , 20 ksThe RS 70 profile is supplied in fixed lengths. The desired length is obtained by connecting the individual pieces together. The PCB is pushed into the side of the profile. End cover plates close off the sides of the profile.. Elements for terminal rails and direct mounting are available here. The clip-on feet are permanently attached to the profile. Marking options are integrated into the side pieces. (
Podobné produkty ako Montážní patice pouzdra na DIN lištu Weidmüller RF RS 70 RE/A4/O.BEZ 70 x 10 x 33.5 , 20 ksThe comprehensive range of bolt-type screw terminals offers secure connections for all power transmission applications. Connections from 10 mm² to 300 mm² are possible. The conductors are attached to the terminals using crimped cable lugs and each connection secured by tightening the hexagonal nut. Bolt-type screw terminals with threads from M5 to M16 can be used depending on the conductor cross-section. A low voltage drop and the use of a self-extinguishing material with a V-0 (UL 94) flammability rating guarantee maximum safety. All bolt-type screw terminals have been tested according to international railway standards (EN 50343, EN 50155, NF F61-017, NF16-101; Ria 20) and comply with the requirements of those standards. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WQL 3 WF6 1780980000, 5 ksThe comprehensive range of bolt-type screw terminals offers secure connections for all power transmission applications. Connections from 10 mm² to 300 mm² are possible. The conductors are attached to the terminals using crimped cable lugs and each connection secured by tightening the hexagonal nut. Bolt-type screw terminals with threads from M5 to M16 can be used depending on the conductor cross-section. A low voltage drop and the use of a self-extinguishing material with a V-0 (UL 94) flammability rating guarantee maximum safety. All bolt-type screw terminals have been tested according to international railway standards (EN 50343, EN 50155, NF F61-017, NF16-101; Ria 20) and comply with the requirements of those standards. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WQL 2 WF6 1780970000, 5 ksThe comprehensive range of bolt-type screw terminals offers secure connections for all power transmission applications. Connections from 10 mm² to 300 mm² are possible. The conductors are attached to the terminals using crimped cable lugs and each connection secured by tightening the hexagonal nut. Bolt-type screw terminals with threads from M5 to M16 can be used depending on the conductor cross-section. A low voltage drop and the use of a self-extinguishing material with a V-0 (UL 94) flammability rating guarantee maximum safety. All bolt-type screw terminals have been tested according to international railway standards (EN 50343, EN 50155, NF F61-017, NF16-101; Ria 20) and comply with the requirements of those standards. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller HA ADP WF6/WF10 1781050000, 10 ksThe comprehensive range of bolt-type screw terminals offers secure connections for all power transmission applications. Connections from 10 mm² to 300 mm² are possible. The conductors are attached to the terminals using crimped cable lugs and each connection secured by tightening the hexagonal nut. Bolt-type screw terminals with threads from M5 to M16 can be used depending on the conductor cross-section. A low voltage drop and the use of a self-extinguishing material with a V-0 (UL 94) flammability rating guarantee maximum safety. All bolt-type screw terminals have been tested according to international railway standards (EN 50343, EN 50155, NF F61-017, NF16-101; Ria 20) and comply with the requirements of those standards. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WQL 2 WF6-8 1808980000, 5 ksThe comprehensive range of bolt-type screw terminals offers secure connections for all power transmission applications. Connections from 10 mm² to 300 mm² are possible. The conductors are attached to the terminals using crimped cable lugs and each connection secured by tightening the hexagonal nut. Bolt-type screw terminals with threads from M5 to M16 can be used depending on the conductor cross-section. A low voltage drop and the use of a self-extinguishing material with a V-0 (UL 94) flammability rating guarantee maximum safety. All bolt-type screw terminals have been tested according to international railway standards (EN 50343, EN 50155, NF F61-017, NF16-101; Ria 20) and comply with the requirements of those standards. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WQL 2 WF6-10 1806620000, 5 ksThe comprehensive range of bolt-type screw terminals offers secure connections for all power transmission applications. Connections from 10 mm² to 300 mm² are possible. The conductors are attached to the terminals using crimped cable lugs and each connection secured by tightening the hexagonal nut. Bolt-type screw terminals with threads from M5 to M16 can be used depending on the conductor cross-section. A low voltage drop and the use of a self-extinguishing material with a V-0 (UL 94) flammability rating guarantee maximum safety. All bolt-type screw terminals have been tested according to international railway standards (EN 50343, EN 50155, NF F61-017, NF16-101; Ria 20) and comply with the requirements of those standards. (
Podobné produkty ako Weidmüller WQL 3 WF6-10/2 1806640000, 5 ksThe halogen-free, transparent pocket of the WKM offers outstanding protection against environmental influences. Thanks to firm fixation with cable ties, it is suitable for almost all wire cross-sections. The pre-printed tags are simply inserted into the WKM holder and secured with a clip. WKM cable markers are the right solution for maximum efficiency in on-site marking. Your advantage when using WKM cables Paper and polyester labels can be printed individually with conventional office printers The robust design in combination with MultiCard ELS tags guarantees maximum protection against environmental influences (
Podobné produkty ako Cable markers, 20 x 8 mm, Polypropylene, Colour: Transparent Weidmüller Počet markerů: 50 WKM 8/20Množství: 50 ks