Usborne - the killing street - chris ould

Produkt Usborne - the killing street - chris ould sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Usborne - the killing street - chris ould upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

Usborne - The Killing Street - Chris Ould

Usborne - The Killing Street - Chris Ould

The second book in the gripping Street Duty series from BAFTA awardwinning writer, Chris Ould. Gemma loved Dean, but now hes making her do things she doesnt want to do. Taz is being paid as an informant for the cops, but is she getting too close to the targets? And when trainee copper Holly attends two suspicious deaths in two days, can she cope with the fallout? Especially when it starts getting personal... Three different lives, all on the line. No way back. No way out. (

Podobné produkty ako Usborne - The Killing Street - Chris Ould , Rea chris: the very best of chris rea (2x lp) - lp (9029564661)

Neklidné pobřeží - Chris Ould

Neklidné pobřeží - Chris Ould

VYDAL SE NA NEBEZPEČNOU CESTU, ZE KTERÉ MOŽNÁ NENÍ NÁVRATU… Když detektiv Jan Reyna v dětství opouštěl rodné Faerské ostrovy, myslel si, že už je nikdy znovu neuvidí. O několik desítek let později se však neochotně vrací zpět, aby se pokusil zachránit vztah s otcem, stiženým mozkovou mrtvicí, a také aby se vyrovnal s vlastní minulostí. Faerské ostrovy jsou pro něj dávno cizí zemí, jejíž jazyk neovládá a zvyky nezná, přesto se ocitá ve víru vyšetřování vraždy. A nejen to. Zdá se, že případ souvisí právě s jeho otcem, což v Reynovi vyvolává mnoho let potlačované vzpomínky. Navíc musí čelit dvěma nevlastním bratrům, kteří se ze všech sil snaží ochránit pověst rodiny. Reyna stojí před zásadním rozhodnutím – může buď vytrvat a riskovat, že o své minulosti zjistí něco, co se dozvědět nechtěl, nebo může z podivných, větrem bičovaných ostrovů nadobro odjet. Reynovo osudové rozhodnutí změní životy všech jeho blízkých, ale tajemství, které odhalí, už nelze znovu pohřbít… (

Podobné produkty ako Neklidné pobřeží - Chris Ould , Killing joke: pandemonium - cd (3521385)

Zátoka smutku - Chris Ould


POBŘEŽÍ FAERSKÝCH OSTROVŮ JE ZNOVU NEKLIDNÉ… Na Faerské ostrovy přijíždí skupina aktivistů brojících proti lovu velryb a napětí mezi zdejšími obyvateli a protestujícími by se dalo krájet. Jen pár hodin po jedné zvlášť ostré potyčce je navíc objeveno ženské tělo a okolnosti vraždy nasvědčují tomu, že se někdo snaží propast mezi oběma tábory ještě více prohloubit. Policista Hjalti Hentze se pouští do vyšetřování, ale situace se vzápětí výrazně zkomplikuje, protože podezření padne na jeho zetě. Vypadá to, že se za vraždou ukrývají další, zlověstnější motivy, a navíc schází klíčový důkaz. Britský inspektor Jan Reyna se mezitím snaží zjistit víc o minulosti své matky, jenže podobně jako Hentze naráží na jednu překážku za druhou. Ani jeden z nich neví, komu může věřit ani jak daleko jsou někteří lidé schopni ve jménu svého přesvědčení zajít… (

Podobné produkty ako Zátoka smutku - Chris Ould , Rea chris: on the beach (deluxe edition, 2x cd) - cd (9029549224)

Oheň na pláži - Chris Ould


NÁLEZ ČTYŘICET LET POHŘBENÉHO TĚLA PROPOJÍ DVA ZDÁNLIVĚ NESOUVISEJÍCÍ PŘÍPADY… Faerský policista Hjalti Hentze se domnívá, že má poprvé po dlouhé době na stole jasný případ: požár opuštěné farmy, nejspíš omylem založený jejím majitelem, místním opilcem, který se v domě těsně předtím oběsil. Jenže pak jsou na pozemcích objeveny čtyřicet let staré ostatky mladé ženy a zdánlivě jednoduchý případ se začíná komplikovat. Navíc podle všeho souvisí nejen s komunitou, která se na farmě v sedmdesátých letech usadila, ale také se starým únosem a znásilněním místní dívky. Britský inspektor Jan Reyna mezitím pokračuje ve vyšetřování matčiny sebevraždy. Postupem času však zjišťuje, že jsou jeho a Hentzeho případy propojené a oba ukazují na zlověstné tajemství pohřbené po čtyři desetiletí nejen na ostrovech, ale i v Dánsku. Hentze si to uvědomuje také. Stejně jako to, že se Reynovo soukromé vyšetřování začíná měnit v posedlost. Posedlost, která by ho mohla zničit. (

Podobné produkty ako Oheň na pláži - Chris Ould , Quelle chris & chris keys: innocent country 2 - cd (mmg001452)

Neklidné pobřeží - Chris Ould - e-kniha

Neklidné pobřeží - Chris Ould - e-kniha

eBook:,VYDAL SE NA NEBEZPEČNOU CESTU, ZE KTERÉ MOŽNÁ NENÍ NÁVRATU… Když detektiv Jan Reyna v dětství opouštěl rodné Faerské ostrovy, myslel si, že už je nikdy znovu neuvidí. O několik desítek let později se však neochotně vrací zpět, aby se pokusil zachránit vztah s otcem, stiženým mozkovou mrtvicí, a také aby se vyrovnal s vlastní minulostí. Faerské ostrovy jsou pro něj dávno cizí zemí, jejíž jazyk neovládá a zvyky nezná, přesto se ocitá ve víru vyšetřování vraždy. A nejen to. Zdá se, že případ souvisí právě s jeho otcem, což v Reynovi vyvolává mnoho let potlačované vzpomínky. Navíc musí čelit dvěma nevlastním bratrům, kteří se ze všech sil snaží ochránit pověst rodiny. Reyna stojí před zásadním rozhodnutím – může buď vytrvat a riskovat, že o své minulosti zjistí něco, co se dozvědět nechtěl, nebo může z podivných, větrem bičovaných ostrovů nadobro odjet. Reynovo osudové rozhodnutí změní životy všech jeho blízkých, ale tajemství, které odhalí, už nelze znovu pohřbít… (

Podobné produkty ako Neklidné pobřeží - Chris Ould - e-kniha , Frankenstein: usborne english readers level 3 (9781474927857)

Zátoka smutku - Chris Ould - e-kniha


eBook: POBŘEŽÍ FAERSKÝCH OSTROVŮ JE ZNOVU NEKLIDNÉ… Na Faerské ostrovy přijíždí skupina aktivistů brojících proti lovu velryb a napětí mezi zdejšími obyvateli a protestujícími by se dalo krájet. Jen pár hodin po jedné zvlášť ostré potyčce je navíc objeveno ženské tělo a okolnosti vraždy nasvědčují tomu, že se někdo snaží propast mezi oběma tábory ještě více prohloubit. Policista Hjalti Hentze se pouští do vyšetřování, ale situace se vzápětí výrazně zkomplikuje, protože podezření padne na jeho zetě. Vypadá to, že se za vraždou ukrývají další, zlověstnější motivy, a navíc schází klíčový důkaz. Britský inspektor Jan Reyna se mezitím snaží zjistit víc o minulosti své matky, jenže podobně jako Hentze naráží na jednu překážku za druhou. Ani jeden z nich neví, komu může věřit ani jak daleko jsou někteří lidé schopni ve jménu svého přesvědčení zajít… (

Podobné produkty ako Zátoka smutku - Chris Ould - e-kniha , Killing joke: pandemonium / coloured - lp (3511303)

Oheň na pláži - Chris Ould - e-kniha


eBook: NÁLEZ ČTYŘICET LET POHŘBENÉHO TĚLA PROPOJÍ DVA ZDÁNLIVĚ NESOUVISEJÍCÍ PŘÍPADY… Faerský policista Hjalti Hentze se domnívá, že má poprvé po dlouhé době na stole jasný případ: požár opuštěné farmy, nejspíš omylem založený jejím majitelem, místním opilcem, který se v domě těsně předtím oběsil. Jenže pak jsou na pozemcích objeveny čtyřicet let staré ostatky mladé ženy a zdánlivě jednoduchý případ se začíná komplikovat. Navíc podle všeho souvisí nejen s komunitou, která se na farmě v sedmdesátých letech usadila, ale také se starým únosem a znásilněním místní dívky. Britský inspektor Jan Reyna mezitím pokračuje ve vyšetřování matčiny sebevraždy. Postupem času však zjišťuje, že jsou jeho a Hentzeho případy propojené a oba ukazují na zlověstné tajemství pohřbené po čtyři desetiletí nejen na ostrovech, ale i v Dánsku. Hentze si to uvědomuje také. Stejně jako to, že se Reynovo soukromé vyšetřování začíná měnit v posedlost. Posedlost, která by ho mohla zničit. (

Podobné produkty ako Oheň na pláži - Chris Ould - e-kniha , Killing joke: pandemonium / black - lp (3511302)

The Killing Lessons - Saul Black

The Killing Lessons - Saul Black

The most frightening serial killer thriller since THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS (

Podobné produkty ako The Killing Lessons - Saul Black , Spatny vojak ryan chris

The Killing Room - Peter May

The Killing Room - Peter May

Li Yan and Margaret Campbell travel to Shanghai: where a new ally, and a new enemy, await. (

Podobné produkty ako The Killing Room - Peter May , Bleskova povoden chris ryan

Killing Eve: Die For Me: The basis for the BAFTA-winning Killing Eve TV series (1529351537)

Killing Eve: Die For Me: The basis for the BAFTA-winning Killing Eve TV series (1529351537)

Kniha - 240 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 240 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako Killing Eve: Die For Me: The basis for the BAFTA-winning Killing Eve TV series (1529351537) , Vrazdici elita ryan chris

The Usborne Book of the Moon - Laura Cowan

The Usborne Book of the Moon - Laura Cowan

Welcome to the story of our Moon - a story of Moon dust and Moon rabbits, cheese and astronauts, deep thoughts and bold plans. Read, dream and wonder as you discover ancient legends about the Moon's creation, meet the very first astronomers and learn about the Space Race. Published to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing. (

Podobné produkty ako The Usborne Book of the Moon - Laura Cowan , Quelle chris & chris keys: innocent country 2 (2x lp) - lp (mmg001451)

The Usborne Complete Shakespeare - Anna Milbourneová


This collection of stories from all Shakespeare's plays, with beautiful illustrations and quotations, is the perfect introduction to Shakespeare. Each story includes short details about the main characters, and famous and memorable quotations from the play. This is a fabulous book that will be referred to again and again, by both children and adults. (

Podobné produkty ako The Usborne Complete Shakespeare - Anna Milbourneová , Diesell only the brave street edt 75 ml (3614272320826)

The Usborne Book of the Moon (Defekt) - Laura Cowan

The Usborne Book of the Moon (Defekt) - Laura Cowan

Welcome to the story of our Moon - a story of Moon dust and Moon rabbits, cheese and astronauts, deep thoughts and bold plans. Read, dream and wonder as you discover ancient legends about the Moon's creation, meet the very first astronomers and learn about the Space Race. Published to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing. (

Podobné produkty ako The Usborne Book of the Moon (Defekt) - Laura Cowan , Diesel only the brave street edt 125 ml (pdiesontbsmxn107865)

Usborne - English Readers 2 - The Wind in the Willows


From the English children's classic by Kenneth Grahame. One day, Mole discovers the enchanting world of the river. He makes new friends: generous Water Rat, kindly Badger - and Toad, whose love of fast cars soon causes mayhem. With fun activities after the story, and online audio in both British English and American English. (

Podobné produkty ako Usborne - English Readers 2 - The Wind in the Willows , Manic street preachers: gold against the soul - lp (0194397336115)

Usborne - English Readers 2 - The Phantom of the Opera - Mairi Mackinnon

Usborne - English Readers 2 - The Phantom of the Opera - Mairi Mackinnon

From the classic story by Gaston Leroux. When the soloist Carlotta loses her voice, young soprano Christine becomes a star overnight - but who is her teacher? Anonymous letters, mysterious accidents - something strange is behind the scenes at the Paris Opera House... and then Christine disappears.With fun activities after the story, and online audio in both British English and American English. (

Podobné produkty ako Usborne - English Readers 2 - The Phantom of the Opera - Mairi Mackinnon , Diesel only the brave street edt 50 ml (pdiesontbsmxn107864)

Usborne - English Readers 1 - The Emperor and the Nightingale - Mairi Mackinnon

Usborne - English Readers 1 - The Emperor and the Nightingale - Mairi Mackinnon

From the beloved story by Hans Christian Andersen. Everyone at the Emperor's court is enchanted by the song of the nightingale; but one day, the Emperor receives a glittering mechanical nightingale and the real bird is forgotten. Then the Emperor falls ill, and it seems that nothing can save him.With fun activities after the story, and online audio in both British English and American English. (

Podobné produkty ako Usborne - English Readers 1 - The Emperor and the Nightingale - Mairi Mackinnon , Thile chris: laysongs - cd (7559791618)

The Phantom of the Opera: Usborne English Readers Level 2 (9781474947893)

The Phantom of the Opera: Usborne English Readers Level 2 (9781474947893)

Kniha - 40 stran, anglicky, Lepená, trhací - 40 stran, anglicky, lepená, trhací Strange things are happening at the Paris Opera House. Young singer Christine is suddenly famous – but who is her ‘angel of music’? There are stories about a ghost. Can they be true? Includes a word list, 5 pages of activities and free online audio (British English and American English). (

Podobné produkty ako The Phantom of the Opera: Usborne English Readers Level 2 (9781474947893) , Thile chris: laysongs - lp (7559791617)

Usborne - English Readers 2 - Jason and the Argonauts

Usborne - English Readers 2 - Jason and the Argonauts

When his uncle gives him an impossible task, Jason invites heroes from all over Greece to sail on his ship, the Argo. He calls them the Argonauts, and this is their story. (

Podobné produkty ako Usborne - English Readers 2 - Jason and the Argonauts , Killing joke: lord of chaos (ep) - lp (4547008)

Usborne - English Readers 1 - Beauty and the Beast

Usborne - English Readers 1 - Beauty and the Beast

One of the bestloved fairy tales. Beauty goes to the Beasts castle in order to save her fathers life and help her family. The Beast is kind to her, but when he asks her to marry him, she cant bring herself to say yes. Then Beauty returns home and dreams that the Beast is dying. Can she save him? The Usborne English Readers series is a new range of graded readers in simplified English for younger learners. They include activities, glossaries and a full audio recording of the text in both British English and American English. (

Podobné produkty ako Usborne - English Readers 1 - Beauty and the Beast , Funko pop! rocks chris stapleton (889698614252)

Usborne Book & 3 Jigsaws: The Jungle - Sam Taplin


This boxed set contains three simple nine-piece jigsaw puzzles and a beautifully illustrated board book. Little children will enjoy looking at the colourful scenes in the book, filled with jungle animals including a tiger, elephants, parrots and leopards, and then using the jigsaw pieces to recreate three scenes. (

Podobné produkty ako Usborne Book & 3 Jigsaws: The Jungle - Sam Taplin , Killing joke: singles collection 1979-2012 / black - lp (0875338)

The Usborne Complete Book of Chess - Dalb Elizabeth


A complete guide to the history, techniques and tactics of chess, written in conjunction with Grand Master Jonathan Rowson. Includes advice on how to lay deadly traps, plan cunning moves, launch effective attacks and defend pieces to ensure a winning result. Internet links to carefully chosen websites where chess players can test their skills in online games. (

Podobné produkty ako The Usborne Complete Book of Chess - Dalb Elizabeth , Street surfing street rush xtreme (813398023502)

Usborne First 4 - The Emperor and the Nightingale + CD - Hans Christian Andersen

Usborne First 4 - The Emperor and the Nightingale + CD - Hans Christian Andersen

The classic Hans Christian Andersen story retold with simple text for children just beginning to read. The nightingale sings so sweetly that everyone loves to hear her song. But when the Emperor of China receives a new dazzling mechanical songbird made from gold and rubies, he has eyes for nothing else. What will become of the little nightingale now? Colourfully illustrated by Graham Philpot. Developed in conjunction with reading experts from Roehampton University. (

Podobné produkty ako Usborne First 4 - The Emperor and the Nightingale + CD - Hans Christian Andersen , Led panel chris led/40w/230v (122519)

Play Hide & Seek With the Dinosaurs / Usborne Lift-the-Flap - Sam Taplin


Little children will love lifting the big flaps in this beautifully illustrated book to reveal the dinosaurs hiding beneath. Diplodocus, Tyrannosaurus rex, Stegosaurus and Triceratops are among the dinosaurs playing hide-and-seek, with lively speech bubbles and holes to peep through adding to the fun. (

Podobné produkty ako Play Hide & Seek With the Dinosaurs / Usborne Lift-the-Flap - Sam Taplin , Rea chris: road to hell - lp (9029569345)

The Usborne Big Book Of Big Animals - Hazel Maskell


A fabulous book of enormous animals, including huge elephants, gigantic squids, hefty hippopotamuses and the colossal blue whale. Huge fold-out pages reveal the tallest, heaviest, and most dangerous animals in the world. (

Podobné produkty ako The Usborne Big Book Of Big Animals - Hazel Maskell , Norman chris: rediscovered love songs - cd (5712192003992)

Usborne First 3 - The Musicians of Bremen + CD - Susanna Davidsonová

Usborne First 3 - The Musicians of Bremen + CD - Susanna Davidsonová

When life on the farm becomes too dangerous for a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster, they decide to join a band but the band are really a rascally gang of robbers! First Reading Level 3 are real books for beginner readers which develop reading stamina through simple, repetitive text. Featuring the colourful illustrations of Mike Gordon. Includes several pages of readingrelated puzzles. Part of the Usborne Reading Programme developed with reading experts at the University of Roehampton. (

Podobné produkty ako Usborne First 3 - The Musicians of Bremen + CD - Susanna Davidsonová , Led panel chris led/40w/230v (122522)

Killing Moon: The NEW Sunday Times bestselling thriller - Jo Nesbø


When a body is found in the forest, the police make a horrifying discovery: her scalp has been removed and sewn back on. But they have no idea why.With a second woman reported missing, detectives fear their worst nightmare has come true. A serial killer is stalking the streets of Oslo. With time running out to find the woman, former detective Harry Hole is called in to think like a murderer thinks...and to track down this killer before they strike again. But Harry has ulterior motives for wanting to solve this case and, if he fails, there could be more than one life at risk. (

Podobné produkty ako Killing Moon: The NEW Sunday Times bestselling thriller - Jo Nesbø , Rea chris: road songs for lovers - cd (4050538290837)

Usborne Book of the Body and How it Works - Alex Frith


Follow the owl professor as he takes two children on a tour of a body. But not just any human body - a gigantic factory building built to explain how real bodies work, from cell 'building blocks' to conveyor belts that carry life-giving energy packets and transport defenders to repel germ attacks! This beautifully illustrated book will open children's eyes to the wonder and weirdness of what's going on inside them. (

Podobné produkty ako Usborne Book of the Body and How it Works - Alex Frith , Isaak chris: everybody knows it's christmas - lp (5580166)

Usborne - English Readers 1 - The Emperor´s New Clothes - Hans Christian Andersen

Usborne - English Readers 1 - The Emperor´s New Clothes - Hans Christian Andersen

From the classic story by Hans Christian Andersen. The Emperor loves fine clothes. One day two crooks offer to make him some magical clothes that can only be seen by the wise. The Emperor parades through the city. Noone admits that they cant see the clothes, until a little child speaks out. The Usborne English Readers series is a new range of graded readers in simplified English for younger learners. They include activities, glossaries and a full audio recording of the text in both British English and American English. (

Podobné produkty ako Usborne - English Readers 1 - The Emperor´s New Clothes - Hans Christian Andersen , Shuffle dance street

The Abbey - Chris Culver

The Abbey - Chris Culver

THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING SENSATION Addictive, thrilling, exhilarating...You won't be able to put it down. Ash Rashid is a former homicide detective who can't stand the thought of handling another death investigation. That's until his niece's body is found in the property of one of the city's wealthiest citizens. The coroner calls it an overdose, but the case doesn't add up. Against orders, Ash launches an investigation to find his niece's murderer. But the longer he searches, the darker the case gets - and if he doesn't solve it fast, his niece won't be the only family member he has to bury...Discover for yourself the US crime novel that became a word of mouth phenomenon. The Abbey is the beginning of a major new series, featuring one of the most fascinating detectives in the history of crime fiction. (

Podobné produkty ako The Abbey - Chris Culver , Cappa racing street

The People Vs Tech: How the internet is killing democracy (and how we save it) - Jamie Bartlett

The People Vs Tech: How the internet is killing democracy (and how we save it) - Jamie Bartlett

`This book could not have come at a better moment... The People Vs Tech makes clear that there is still time - just - for us to take back control.' - Camilla Cavendish, Sunday Times The internet was meant to set us free.Tech has radically changed the way we live our lives. But have we unwittingly handed too much away to shadowy powers behind a wall of code, all manipulated by a handful of Silicon Valley utopians, ad men, and venture capitalists? And, in light of recent data breach scandals around companies like Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, what does that mean for democracy, our delicately balanced system of government that was created long before big data, total information and artificial intelligence? In this urgent polemic, Jamie Bartlett argues that through our unquestioning embrace of big tech, the building blocks of democracy are slowly being removed. The middle class is being eroded, sovereign authority and civil society is weakened, and we citizens are losing our critical faculties, maybe even our free will.The People Vs Tech is an enthralling account of how our fragile political system is being threatened by the digital revolution. Bartlett explains that by upholding six key pillars of democracy, we can save it before it is too late. We need to become active citizens; uphold a shared democratic culture; protect free elections; promote equality; safeguard competitive and civic freedoms; and trust in a sovereign authority. This essential book shows that the stakes couldn't be higher and that, unless we radically alter our course, democracy will join feudalism, supreme monarchies and communism as just another political experiment that quietly disappeared. (

Podobné produkty ako The People Vs Tech: How the internet is killing democracy (and how we save it) - Jamie Bartlett , Unicorn šipky steel code dna - chris dobey - 21g (294567)

The Accident (Defekt) - Chris Pavone

The Accident (Defekt) - Chris Pavone

From the author of the New York Times-bestselling and Edgar Award-winning The Expats As dawn approaches in New York, literary agent Isabel Reed is turning the final pages of a mysterious, anonymous manuscript, racing through the explosive revelations about powerful people, as well as long-hidden secrets about her own past. In Copenhagen, veteran CIA operative Hayden Gray, determined that this sweeping story be buried, is suddenly staring down the barrel of an unexpected gun. And in Zurich, the author himself is hiding in a shadowy expat life, trying to atone for a lifetime’s worth of lies and betrayals with publication of The Accident, while always looking over his shoulder. Over the course of one long, desperate, increasingly perilous day, these lives collide as the book begins its dangerous march toward publication, toward saving or ruining careers and companies, placing everything at risk—and everyone in mortal peril. The rich cast of characters—in publishing and film, politics and espionage—are all forced to confront the consequences of their ambitions, the schisms between their ideal selves and the people they actually became. The action rockets around Europe and across America, with an intricate web of duplicities stretching back a quarter-century to a dark winding road in upstate New York, where the shocking truth about the accident itself is buried. Gripping, sophisticated, layered, and impossible to put down, The Accident proves once again that Chris Pavone is a true master of suspense. (

Podobné produkty ako The Accident (Defekt) - Chris Pavone

The Apollo Murders - Chris Hadfield


1973: a final, top-secret mission to the Moon. Three astronauts in a tiny module, a quarter of a million miles from home. A quarter of a million miles from help. As Russian and American crews sprint for a secret bounty hidden away on the lunar surface, old rivalries blossom and the political stakes are stretched to breaking point back on Earth. Houston flight controller Kazimieras 'Kaz' Zemeckis must do all he can to keep the NASA crew together, while staying one step ahead of his Soviet rivals. But not everyone on board Apollo 18 is quite who they appear to be. Full of fascinating technical detail, twists and tension, The Apollo Murders puts you right there in the moment. Experience the dark majesty of space, the fierce G-forces of launch and the rush of holding on to the outside of a spacecraft travelling at 17,000 mph, as told by a former Commander of the International Space Station who has done all of those things in real life. Strap in and count down for the ride of a lifetime. (

Podobné produkty ako The Apollo Murders - Chris Hadfield

Rea Chris: The Very Best Of Chris Rea (2x LP) - LP (9029564661)

Rea Chris: The Very Best Of Chris Rea (2x LP) - LP (9029564661)

LP vinyl - Vinylová reedice kompilačního alba z roku 2001. Anglický zpěvák, kytarista a skladatel patří k nejslavnějším britským hudebníkům pozdních osmdesátých let. Vinylová reedice kompilačního alba z roku 2001. Anglický zpěvák, kytarista a skladatel patří k nejslavnějším britským hudebníkům pozdních osmdesátých let. Legendární muzikant, jenž vyniká specifickou hrou na kytaru, získal hned několik nominací na Brit Awards a Grammy a jeho přínos je srovnatelný s Markem Knopflerem či Ericem Claptonem. Debutoval v roce 1978 albem Whatever Happened To Benny Santini?, které obsahuje píseň Fool (If You Think It's Over), což je hudebníkův nejúspěšnější singl v Americe. V Evropě Chris Rea uspěl až v roce 1983 s pátou deskou Water Sign. Dodnes prodal celosvětově přes 30 milionů desek. Obsah: LP 1 The Road To Hell, Pt. 2 Fool (If You Think It's Over) [2001 Edit] Let's Dance You Can Go Your Own Way Julia Stainsby Girls LP 2 Steel River On The Beach I Can Hear Your... (

Podobné produkty ako Rea Chris: The Very Best Of Chris Rea (2x LP) - LP (9029564661)

No Tomorrow: The basis for Killing Eve, now a major BBC TV series (1473676584)

No Tomorrow: The basis for Killing Eve, now a major BBC TV series (1473676584)

Kniha - 248 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 248 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako No Tomorrow: The basis for Killing Eve, now a major BBC TV series (1473676584)

Usborne - Slot-together castle with an Usborne book - Simon Tudhope

Usborne - Slot-together castle with an Usborne book - Simon Tudhope

Create your very own detailed model castle, complete with siege towers, a drawbridge, a trebuchet and two model armies. Simply press out the sturdy, foamboard pieces, slot together and youre ready to play. Comes with a book about life in a castle which also contains lots of ideas for games you can play with your castle and knights. (

Podobné produkty ako Usborne - Slot-together castle with an Usborne book - Simon Tudhope

Is Our Food Killing Us? A Primer for the 21st Century - Matthew Taylor, Joy Manning

Is Our Food Killing Us? A Primer for the 21st Century - Matthew Taylor, Joy Manning

A thought-provoking dissection of the ways in which the production and consumption of food have become harmful to our personal, societal and environmental health Never before have we produced so much food for so many people all around the world. But at what cost to our health and the health of the planet? How much is Big Food responsible for the rise in chronic obesity, diabetes and heart disease? Why do we love to eat junk food so much? Synthetic fertilizers and pesticides have dramatically improved crop yields but many are toxic to humans. Widespread factory farming has led to the adoption of an unhealthy meat-rich diet high in saturated fats and devastated the environment. Many of the hyperpalatable, ultra-processed foods we consume today have little or no nutritional value. This wide-ranging and exploratory volume re-evaluates what we eat and how we eat it; it questions why we choose to eat food that we know is damaging to us; and it considers how we can change our food industry and our food culture. Contents List Introduction • Chapter 1: The Evolution of an Epidemic • Chapter 2: The Health Hazards of Processed Food • Chapter 3: The Dark Side of Industrial Food • Chapter 4: Back to Health • Conclusion (

Podobné produkty ako Is Our Food Killing Us? A Primer for the 21st Century - Matthew Taylor, Joy Manning

The Unlisted 1 - Flynn Justine, Kunz Chris

The Unlisted 1 - Flynn Justine, Kunz Chris

There's nothing Dru Sharma fears more than the dentist. So whenhis school runs a compulsory dental check, he convinces his identicaltwin, Kal, to take his spot. What Dru and Kal don't realise is that the check-up has been initiatedby the Infinity Group, a mysterious organisation that isinterested in a lot more than the students' dental health. Infinitywants to control the hearts, minds and bodies of every youngperson in the world, and it isn't long before Kal and the other studentsstart developing super strength, while the kids who resistedthe procedure start to go missing. With Dru 'Unlisted' and outside of Infinity Group's control, it'sa race against time to uncover the truth of the operation. Druand Kal - with the help of a group of underground teens - willhave to do whatever they can to stop Infinity Group before it's toolate. (

Podobné produkty ako The Unlisted 1 - Flynn Justine, Kunz Chris

The Unlisted 2 - Flynn Justine, Kunz Chris

The Unlisted 2 - Flynn Justine, Kunz Chris

The Unlisted are running out of time. With Infinity Group closing in on the vigilante teenagers, it's up to Dru and Kal to infiltrate the headquarters of the sinister corporation and try to uncover their plans.Rebel groups of Unlisted are emerging across the globe, ready to rise up. But Infinity Group is always one step ahead, with they have an army of teens completely under their influence. Now TheUnlisted are in more danger than ever. (

Podobné produkty ako The Unlisted 2 - Flynn Justine, Kunz Chris

The Killer´s Christmas List - Chris Frost


All they want for Christmas is you . . .'This should be on every crime reader's Christmas wish list' CHRIS WHITAKER, bestselling author of We Begin at the End*THIS WINTER'S MOST CHILLING KINDLE TOP 20 BESTSELLER**In the picturesque village of Kibblesworth, DI Tom Stonem is dreaming of a quiet Christmas alone.But in the shadow of the Angel of the North, a body lies waiting. The dead man is posed with a child's Christmas list in his pocket, and the first mysterious item - 1. No angel - is crossed off.When a second body is found - a woman, stabbed in the abdomen after her work Christmas do - Stonem is convinced there's a grim connection between the crime scenes and the seemingly innocent list. 2. Red partee dress. Could this be a murderer's twisted code?As a blizzard rages in the Tyne & Wear countryside, the body count is snowballing. Can Stonem stop the killer before they get everyone on their Christmas list?An anti-cosy Christmas crime novel for fans of The Killer in the Snow and One by One.*'A brilliant premise and a very clever ending - I would dash through the snow to buy this!' SUSI HOLLIDAY, bestselling author of The Hike'As twisty as the tangled ball of Christmas tree lights in your attic' CALLUM McSORLEY, award-winning author of Squeaky Clean'Completely fooled me ... I am in awe of Chris Frost's plotting skills. Loved it' JO CALLAGHAN, author of In the Blink of an Eye'A fiendishly clever mystery guaranteed to give you the chills this Christmas!' LESLEY KARA, bestselling author of The Rumour'Absolutely loved The Killer's Christmas List ... Written with the precision of a scalpel yet emotionally layered' LOUISE SWANSON, author of End of Story (

Podobné produkty ako The Killer´s Christmas List - Chris Frost

Roswell Johnson Saves the World! - Chris Colfer


The bestselling author of The Land of Stories and A Tale of Magic returns with a funny, heartfelt, action-packed adventure to save the world! Perfect for fans of Guardians of the Galaxy. Eleven-year-old Roswell Johnson is obsessed with space and life beyond our planet. So, when he's accidentallyabducted in a spaceship, it feels like his biggest dream has come true - aliens are real!With the sinister General Xelic and his evil army of Reptoids planning to attack Earth, Roswell must team up with a quirky group of other-worldly beings: a Mantis with a fear of germs, a Cyborg programmed to take everything literally, a telepathic Pleiadean, two bickering Grays, and an overly confident Fungarian.Can Roswell and his eccentric gang of alien adventurers save Earth from invasion?Or is life as we know it doomed? (

Podobné produkty ako Roswell Johnson Saves the World! - Chris Colfer

The Usborne Children´s Encyclopedia: New Edition:With 150 QR Links and over 650 Internet Links (Defekt)


The best of both worlds: a traditional reference book to keep and pore over, plus the best and most up-to-date information on the web, accessed via the Usborne Quicklinks site and QR codes. A reference book for young readers covering a wide range of topics from art and animals to new technology. Arranged thematically and illustrated with over 1500 photos, illustrations and diagrams. QR codes allow readers to access hundreds of carefully selected websites, downloadable pictures and quizzes - straight to a mobile phone or tablet. All internet links are thoroughly researched, checked and monitored for quality and online safety. (

Podobné produkty ako The Usborne Children´s Encyclopedia: New Edition:With 150 QR Links and over 650 Internet Links (Defekt)

The Land of Stories: The Ultimate Book Hugger´s Guide - Chris Colfer


A behind-the-scenes look at the world of the Land of Stories - the No.1 New York Times bestselling series, from Golden Globe-winning actor, Chris Colfer. A combination travel guide, encyclopedia, and exciting fan compendium, this ultimate guidebook includes sections such as "Who's Who," "Places to Go," and "Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Things" that explore the backgrounds and histories of the many characters, places, and magic items throughout the beloved Land of Stories series. Perfect for new and mega-fans alike, this full-colour guidebook illustrated by series artist Brandon Dorman captures the magical ins and outs of the Land of Stories we know and love and delivers new, never-before-seen art and information sure to thrill and satisfy readers. (

Podobné produkty ako The Land of Stories: The Ultimate Book Hugger´s Guide - Chris Colfer

Star Wars The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire - Kempshall Chris


When Palpatine declared the birth of his new Empire, he expected it would stand for millennia. Instead, it lasted only 24 years. This is the story of how a tyrannical regime rose from the ashes of democracy, ruled the galaxy with an iron fist, and then collapsed into dust.It is a story of war and heroes, of the power of propaganda and the dangers of complacency. But most of all, it is a story of normal people trying to live their lives in the face of a brutal dictatorship. From the ruthlessness of Darth Vader's campaigns to the horrors of the Tarkin Initiative, this book offers fresh new insights into the dark entity at the core of Star Wars. (

Podobné produkty ako Star Wars The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire - Kempshall Chris

Clash Of the Worlds - Ned Vizzini, Chris Columbus

Clash Of the Worlds - Ned Vizzini, Chris Columbus

The third and final book in the epic HOUSE OF SECRETS series. Get ready for another roller coaster ride of an adventure! (

Podobné produkty ako Clash Of the Worlds - Ned Vizzini, Chris Columbus

Clash Of the Worlds - Ned Vizzini, Chris Columbus

Clash Of the Worlds - Ned Vizzini, Chris Columbus

The third and final book in the epic HOUSE OF SECRETS series. Get ready for another roller coaster ride of an adventure! The Walker kids - Cordelia, Brendan and Nell - may have saved the world, but they can't save their home and must leave Kristoff House. Things can't get any worse, but then...Turns out the Wind Witch is still alive and planning an invasion. To defeat her the Walkers must return to the book world, split up and embark on a dangerous quest - facing aliens, dinosaurs and monstrous creatures from the deep. The Walkers always have each other's backs, but must go it alone in their most important mission yet. And this time, if they fail, there's no coming back... (

Podobné produkty ako Clash Of the Worlds - Ned Vizzini, Chris Columbus

Battle of the Beasts - Ned Vizzini, Chris Columbus

Battle of the Beasts - Ned Vizzini, Chris Columbus

Book two in the bestselling HOUSE OF SECRETS series. Get ready for another action-packed adventure! Just when the Walker kids thought they were safe, the Wind Witch blasts Kristoff House into a crazy world of battles, beasts and cyborgs. From the searing heat and clashing swords of the Colosseum, to the snow-capped Tibetan mountains and some seriously freaky monks - the stakes have never been higher! Can the Walkers save the world? Again? Brendan, Cordelia and Nell better be prepared to fight for their lives...The second book in the major new House of Secrets series. IT'S GOING TO BE EPIC! (

Podobné produkty ako Battle of the Beasts - Ned Vizzini, Chris Columbus

Enchantress Returns - The Land of Stories - Chris Colfer

Enchantress Returns - The Land of Stories - Chris Colfer

Alex and Conner Bailey have not been back to the magical Land of Stories since their adventures in The Wishing Spell ended. But one night, they learn the famed Enchantress has kidnapped their mother. Against the will of their grandmother (the one and only Fairy Godmother), the twins must find their own way into the Land of Stories to rescue their mother and save the fairy tale world from the greatest threat it's ever faced. (

Podobné produkty ako Enchantress Returns - The Land of Stories - Chris Colfer

Tiggy Thistle and the Lost Guardians - Chris Riddell


Tiggy Thistle and the Lost Guardians is the second and final title in The Cloud Horse Chronicles duology, the exciting magical adventure from the Costa Award-winning creator of Goth Girl and 2015-2017 UK Children's Laureate Chris Riddell. With gorgeous illustrations throughout.The Guardians of Magic disappeared ten years ago, leaving the Kingdom of Thrynne in the icy grip of a powerful sorceress. Most people have fled in desperate search of warmer lands, escaping the Ice Monsters that roam the streets. Meanwhile, young Tiggy Thistle lives hidden and safe with a kindly Badger until the day she meets one of the crafty Stiltskin brothers and she has to run from her happy home. So begins Tiggy's quest to find Zam, Phoebe and Bathsheba - the lost Guardians and their beautiful Cloud Horses - the only people, she believes, who can save Thrynne from the curse of endless winter. (

Podobné produkty ako Tiggy Thistle and the Lost Guardians - Chris Riddell

The Unlisted 1 (Defekt) - Flynn Justine, Kunz Chris


There's nothing Dru Sharma fears more than the dentist. So whenhis school runs a compulsory dental check, he convinces his identicaltwin, Kal, to take his spot. What Dru and Kal don't realise is that the check-up has been initiatedby the Infinity Group, a mysterious organisation that isinterested in a lot more than the students' dental health. Infinitywants to control the hearts, minds and bodies of every youngperson in the world, and it isn't long before Kal and the other studentsstart developing super strength, while the kids who resistedthe procedure start to go missing. With Dru 'Unlisted' and outside of Infinity Group's control, it'sa race against time to uncover the truth of the operation. Druand Kal - with the help of a group of underground teens - willhave to do whatever they can to stop Infinity Group before it's toolate. (

Podobné produkty ako The Unlisted 1 (Defekt) - Flynn Justine, Kunz Chris

The Unlisted 2 (Defekt) - Flynn Justine, Kunz Chris


The Unlisted are running out of time. With Infinity Group closing in on the vigilante teenagers, it's up to Dru and Kal to infiltrate the headquarters of the sinister corporation and try to uncover their plans.Rebel groups of Unlisted are emerging across the globe, ready to rise up. But Infinity Group is always one step ahead, with they have an army of teens completely under their influence. Now TheUnlisted are in more danger than ever. (

Podobné produkty ako The Unlisted 2 (Defekt) - Flynn Justine, Kunz Chris
Rea Chris: The Very Best Of Chris Rea (2x LP) - LP (9029564661), Killing Joke: Pandemonium - CD (3521385), Rea Chris: On The Beach (Deluxe Edition, 2x CD) - CD (9029549224), Quelle Chris & Chris Keys: Innocent Country 2 - CD (MMG001452), Frankenstein: Usborne English Readers Level 3 (9781474927857), Killing Joke: Pandemonium / Coloured - LP (3511303), Killing Joke: Pandemonium / Black - LP (3511302), spatny vojak ryan chris, bleskova povoden chris ryan, vrazdici elita ryan chris, Quelle Chris & Chris Keys: Innocent Country 2 (2x LP) - LP (MMG001451), DIESELl Only The Brave Street EdT 75 ml (3614272320826), DIESEL Only The Brave Street EdT 125 ml (PDIESONTBSMXN107865), Manic Street Preachers: Gold Against the Soul - LP (0194397336115), DIESEL Only The Brave Street EdT 50 ml (PDIESONTBSMXN107864), Thile Chris: Laysongs - CD (7559791618), Thile Chris: Laysongs - LP (7559791617), Killing Joke: Lord Of Chaos (EP) - LP (4547008), Funko POP! Rocks Chris Stapleton (889698614252), Killing Joke: Singles Collection 1979-2012 / Black - LP (0875338), Street Surfing Street Rush Xtreme (813398023502), LED Panel CHRIS LED/40W/230V (122519), Rea Chris: Road To Hell - LP (9029569345), Norman Chris: Rediscovered Love Songs - CD (5712192003992), LED Panel CHRIS LED/40W/230V (122522), Rea Chris: Road Songs For Lovers - CD (4050538290837), Isaak Chris: Everybody Knows It's Christmas - LP (5580166), shuffle dance street, Cappa Racing Street, Unicorn Šipky Steel Code DNA - Chris Dobey - 21g (294567)