Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

There's a princess Diana in All of us - Michal Brozman

There´s a Princess Diana in all of us It can also happen to you. One day, after years of ignoring your body´s call for a lifestyle change, you are sitting in the doctor´s waiting room and read, black on white, that the "diagnosis” is harder than the "disease” itself. This triggers your psyche, which is a very powerful tool, into a game of regrets and sacrifices. What if you could take it all back, or even prevent what had happened?

Podívejte se také Princess Diana ()

cena 491.0 Kč

Vesmírná Zná-most - Michal Brozman

Vesmírná Zná~most je kniha o mužích a ženách. Hledáš toho pravého? Co ten můj chlap vlastně chce? S kým si budu rozumět? Zajímá tě psychologie? Máš rád numerologii? Pokračování knihy Každý jsme princezna Diana ti odhalí další tajemství. O nalezení mostu mezi těmito dvěma světy, jak název sám o sobě vypovídá. O přístupu k dětem a poznání jejich originality. I ty jsi byl kdysi dítě, pamatuješ? Chtěl bys být i ty rodiči milován bez podmínek? Pak je tato kniha pro tebe.

Podívejte se také Howard Luke: All Of Us - LP (3599826)

cena 715.0 Kč

50 vzkazů ženám - Michal Brozman

Tato kniha vám dává možnost vzít život do svých rukou a najít odvahu k vystoupení z nefunkčních partnerských vztahů. 50 vzkazů ženám zahrnuje umění komunikace a efektivnější využívání slov ve vztazích na všech úrovních. Kniha je protknuta láskou, empatií, pokorou, vděčností k ženám. Ukáže vám, jak se lze těmto lidským vlastnostem opět více přiblížit, a tím své srdce zbavit hranic, v nichž bylo dosud drženo, aby se láska ve vás mohla rozlétnout do každé části vašeho těla. Kniha je plná energie, která vyzařuje z každého vzkazu a vám ženám dodá odvahu udělat první krok do neznáma, kde se setkáte samy se sebou a poznáte se v celé své kráse. Zdánlivě nemožné ožívá a stává se nadějí ve vašich srdcích. Zanese vás do míst, kde sídlí laskavost, i tam, kde mají svůj domov vaše slzy. Také vám nabídne důvod k tomu, opět si dovolit snít, jako když jste byly malé děti, a moci se smát skutečně bez důvodu.

Podívejte se také Shevchenko Zhenya, Ensemble Barynya: There is a Ring of Tambourine - CD (4600383120126)

cena 378.0 Kč

Po uši v duši - Michal Brozman

Michal Brozman je oblíbeným autorem knih o osobním rozvoji. Kniha skvělá pro rodiče a jejich děti. Když se rozhoduješ na jakou školu jít ? Hledáš pro sebe vhodné zaměstnání. Skrze psychologii, filosofii, numerologii, osobní rozvoj. Kniha je naplněna informacemi pro tvou změnu. Jaké zaměstnání ti přinese finance? Kniha tě provede k tvé "originalitě" Budeš bohatší a spokojenější.

Objev podobné jako Po uši v duši - Michal Brozman

cena 626.0 Kč

Jak se zbavit svého Ega - Michal Brozman

Právě jste nalezli knihu, která vám pomůže pracovat se svým Egem a nalézt své Vědomí v sobě a změnit tak tím svůj život. Zastiňte své Ego a dejte prostor vašemu okolí a partnerům. Změníte-li vnímání vašeho vnitřního světa, rázem se změní i vaše okolí. Vykročte blíže k tomu světlu na konci tunelu, ve které všichni stále doufáme. Přestaňme si stavět vzdušné zámky. Situace v našem okolí i na celé planetě Zemi si prosebně žádá o řešení.

Objev podobné jako Jak se zbavit svého Ega - Michal Brozman

cena 241.0 Kč

Howard Luke: All Of Us - LP (3599826)

LP vinyl - All ot US je album Luke Howarda. All ot US je album Luke Howarda. Seznam stop LP Critical Spirit / A Different Idea of Love / A World of Abstractions / An Hour Off For Friendship / The Compass of a Telegraph / The Closing of the Gates / The Opening of the Gates / The Moment Only / The Vast Indifference of the Sky / I Was Very Fond of You, But Now I'm So Tired / A Language Forgotten / A Faint Qualm for the Future

Objev podobné jako Howard Luke: All Of Us - LP (3599826)

cena 689.0 Kč

All Of Us Are Broken - Fiona Cummins

Could you sacrifice one of your children to save the other?*SUNDAY EXPRESS BEST BOOKS OF 2023**AN IRISH TOP TEN BESTSELLER*‘A gripping crime narrative which blends so seamlessly with emotional family drama’ - Erin KellyAn unbearable decisionHeld up at gunpoint by two vicious killers, Christina Hardwicke is ordered to make an unthinkable choice – between the life of her daughter or her son.An unsuspecting familyWhen the Hardwicke family set off on a holiday to the Scottish Highlands, the last thing they expected was to be confronted by a deadly couple on a killing spree.A nightmare come to lifeTailed closely by Detective Saul Anguish, the damaged pair have committed a string of ruthless killings across the country, all leading to this moment.Will the detective be able to reach the Hardwicke family before catastrophe strikes?Everyone is talking about All Of Us Are Broken:‘Breathtakingly good' – Daily Mail‘Beautifully written’ – Sunday Express‘Action-packed and brimming with atmosphere’ – i‘This thriller has it all’ – T. M. Logan‘Savage, heartbreaking, beautiful and chilling’ – Chris WhitakerReaders can’t get enough of All Of Us Are Broken:‘This book had me in tears, swearing at my kindle and holding my breath. It is that good’‘An excellent, tense, pacy thriller that left me speechless’‘I’ve read some dark thrillers in my time but woah, this takes it to another level!’‘Dark, gritty, and at times incredibly moving’‘Gripping and gruesome’‘Beautifully plotted, breathtakingly twisted and absolutely spot on in its emotional resonance. I absolutely loved it’

Objev podobné jako All Of Us Are Broken - Fiona Cummins

cena 295.0 Kč

Jak vzniká ne-moc aneb Pravdivost srdce - Michal Brozman

Uznávaný terapeut, lektor a spisovatel Michal Brozman vás zve prostřednictvím knihy k zodpovězení otázek, které palčivě trápí lidstvo. Třetí kniha, která následuje dva předchozí autorovy bestsellery vás zavede do hlubokých úvah, kam směřuje lidská společnost a z ní vznikající duševní a fyzické ne-moci lidských životů. Naleznete zde mnoho odpovědí na vaše vnitřní trápení a na konci knihy se vám vykouzlí úsměv na tváři. Kniha vás donutí dotknout se vašeho srdce a užít si své vlastni přítomnosti.

Objev podobné jako Jak vzniká ne-moc aneb Pravdivost srdce - Michal Brozman

cena 259.0 Kč

Guess Ocelový dvojitý náhrdelník All Of Us JUBN04042JWRHT/U

Šperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení .

Objev podobné jako Guess Ocelový dvojitý náhrdelník All Of Us JUBN04042JWRHT/U

cena 1265.0 Kč

Guess Pozlacený dvojitý náhrdelník All Of Us JUBN04042JWYGT/U

Šperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení .

Objev podobné jako Guess Pozlacený dvojitý náhrdelník All Of Us JUBN04042JWYGT/U

cena 1265.0 Kč

Who Made Me a Princess 1 - Plutus, Spoon

The story of Athanasia, forsaken princess of the Obelian Empire, ends with her execution at the hands of her own father--or does it? Her tragic tale is the plot of the novel The Lovely Princess. But now, a modern woman who read the book has just woken up as baby Athanasia herself, filled with her own memories and knowledge of the story she's stuck in! Determined to survive her doomed fate, infant Athanasia embarks on this new life with a plan: avoid attention and hoard valuables to fund her escape. When her plan goes awry, she suddenly needs to charm her way into the good graces of her father, the beautiful tyrant emperor, so he doesn't kill her again!

Objev podobné jako Who Made Me a Princess 1 - Plutus, Spoon

cena 499.0 Kč

All of Us Villains - Amanda Foody, Christine Lynn Herman

You Fell In Love With The Victors of The Hunger Games. Now Prepare To Meet The Villains Of The Blood Veil. After the publication of a salacious tell-all book, the remote city of Ilvernath is thrust into the spotlight. Tourists, protesters, and reporters alike flock to its spellshops and historic ruins to witness an ancient curse unfold: every generation, seven families name a champion among them to compete in a tournament to the death. The winner awards their family exclusive control over the city's high magick supply, the most powerful resource in the world. In the past, the villainous Lowes have won nearly every tournament, and their champion is prepared to continue his family's reign. But this year, thanks to the influence of their newfound notoriety, each of the champions has a means to win. Or better yet--a chance to rewrite their story. But this is a story that must be penned in blood.

Objev podobné jako All of Us Villains - Amanda Foody, Christine Lynn Herman

cena 294.0 Kč

Princess Diana ()

Audiokniha MP3 - autor Anglictina.com, čte Anglictina.com Příběh princezny Diany v angličtiněLady Spencerovou, později princeznu z Walesu, znají všichni především jako princeznu Dianu, i když je vlastně tento titul nesprávný. Napsáno a natočeno toho o ní bylo spousta a nejspíš už se nikdy nedozvíme, jak se některé události v jejím krátkém životě skutečně odehrály. Audiokniha nabízí příběh v angličtině, který zachycuje nejdůležitějších milníků jejího života tak, aby si jej mohli poslechnout studenti anglického jazyka, i když jsou v tomto jazyce jen mírně pokročilí. Text vypráví rodilý mluvčí.

Objev podobné jako Princess Diana ()

cena 79.0 Kč

Guess Pozlacený náramek se zirkony All Of Us JUBB04043JWYG 21 cm

Šperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení .

Objev podobné jako Guess Pozlacený náramek se zirkony All Of Us JUBB04043JWYG 21 cm

cena 933.0 Kč

Guess Ocelový náramek se zirkony All Of Us JUBB04043JWRH 21 cm

Šperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení .

Objev podobné jako Guess Ocelový náramek se zirkony All Of Us JUBB04043JWRH 21 cm

cena 1170.0 Kč

Princess Diana - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Lady Spencerovou, později princeznu z Walesu, znají všichni především jako princeznu Dianu, i když je vlastně tento titul nesprávný. Napsáno a natočeno toho o ní bylo spousta a nejspíš už se nikdy nedozvíme, jak se některé události v jejím krátkém životě skutečně odehrály. Audiokniha nabízí příběh v angličtině, který zachycuje nejdůležitějších milníků jejího života tak, aby si jej mohli poslechnout studenti anglického jazyka, i když jsou v tomto jazyce jen mírně pokročilí. Text vypráví rodilý mluvčí.

Objev podobné jako Princess Diana - audiokniha

cena 79.0 Kč

Něžná svítání / Příběh o čisté lásce muže a ženy prokládaný autorskými básněmi - Michal Brozman

216 stran emocí, které jsou v knize autora bestsellerů Michala Brozmana.Příběh vás vtáhne do milostného děje muže a ženy, kteří spolu prožívají čistou lásku. Povídají si u hrnku kakaa, na pláži, v panenské přírodě a filosofují o životě. Hladí se po zádech a objímají, tak velmi intenzivně, až z toho mrazí po těle. Zažívají také milování pod vodopádem.Potkávají se s rostlinami a zvířaty, s kterými mají možnost rozmlouvat a přebírat od nich nejhlubší tajemství života. V druhé části knihy se můžete začíst do 50 básní plné lásky a citu, které vás pohladí po duši a vaše srdce bude cítit , že je pochopeno. U knihy se budete smát, plakat, budete mít příležitost se zasnít a připomenout si, jak může být krásná láska mezi mužem a ženou. Kdo máte rádi lásku a moudro života, básně, vsazené do milostného příběhu, tak je tato kniha právě pro vás.

Objev podobné jako Něžná svítání / Příběh o čisté lásce muže a ženy prokládaný autorskými básněmi - Michal Brozman

cena 357.0 Kč

In Search of Us: Twelve Adventures in Anthropology - Lucy Moore

The story of the pioneering anthropologists and their adventures among civilisations that were first thought of as being primitive and savage. What they discovered, however, would change the way we think about ourselves.In the late nineteenth century, when non-European societies were seen as 'living fossils' offering an insight into how Western civilisation had evolved, anthropology was a thrilling new discipline which attracted the brightest minds of the academic world. But, by the middle of the twentieth century, colonialism was recognised as being inextricably linked to exploitation and outdated labels like 'savage' were inconceivable when so-called 'civilised' man had wreaked such devastation across two world wars.Focusing on twelve key European and American anthropologists working in the field, from Franz Boas on Baffin Island in the 1880s to Claude Levi-Strauss in Brazil fifty years later, Lucy Moore explores the brief flowering of anthropology as a quasi-scientific area of study with all its insights and ambivalence. In Search of Us tells the story of the men and women whose observations of the 'other' would transform attitudes about race, gender equality, sexual liberation, parenting and tolerance in ways they had never anticipated.In an enthralling, perceptive narrative, Moore shows how these radical anthropologists were inspired by their time in the furthest-flung reaches of the known world, becoming pioneers of a new way of thinking. In the end, their legacy is less about understanding foreign cultures and more about their attempts to persuade human beings to look at one another with eyes washed free from prejudice. Their intention may have been to explain what they saw as the primitive world to the civilised one but they ended up changing the way people viewed themselves - at least for a time.

Objev podobné jako In Search of Us: Twelve Adventures in Anthropology - Lucy Moore

cena 321.0 Kč

Schleich 42437 stáj s koněm klubová, Tori a Princess, 24,5 x 19 x 8,2 cm

Klubová stáj s plně pohyblivou figurkou Tori a jejím koněm Princess, překrásnou klisnou fríského koně. Stuha pro vítěze, zlatá medaile a pohár ukazují jejich společné jezdecké úspěchy. Stěny boxu jsou ozdobeny překrásnými nálepkami, které lze libovolně popisovat. Střecha je odnímatelná a slouží zároveň jako samostatný přístřešek. Uzda, otěže a sedlo jsou po ruce pro další trénink a nechybí ani odměna v podobě mrkve. Zatímco klisna spokojeně stojí u krmicích jeslí a napajedla, peláší legrační čivava Beauty, která patří Tori, kolem krabice. Tori si ráda dělá selfie, fotí sebe, svou frískou klisnu Princess a čivavu Beauty. Specifikace: odnímatelná střecha a dveře k otevření a zavření Tori dokáže sedět, stát a brát předměty rozměr balení: 24,5 x 19 x 8,2 cmSada obsahuje: 1x koňský box 1x dívka Tori 1x fríská klisna Princess 1x čivava 1x sedlo 1x uzda a otěže 1x krmicí jesle 1x napajedlo 1x mrkev 1x pohár 1x zlatá medaile 2x stuha pro vítěze 1x přilbaFigurky Schleich jsou mimořádně detailní, láskyplně malované a umožňují dětem hrát si a zároveň se učit. Nevhodné pro děti do 3 let. Doporučený věk: 5-12 let.

Objev podobné jako Schleich 42437 stáj s koněm klubová, Tori a Princess, 24,5 x 19 x 8,2 cm

cena 909.0 Kč

There are Rivers in the Sky: From the bestselling author of The Island of Missing Trees - Elif Shafaková

This is the story of one lost poem, two great rivers, and three remarkable lives – all connected by a single drop of water. In the ruins of Nineveh, that ancient city of Mesopotamia, there lies hidden in the sand fragments of a long-forgotten poem, the Epic of Gilgamesh. In Victorian London, an extraordinary child is born at the edge of the dirt-black Thames.Arthur’s only chance of escaping poverty is his brilliant memory. When his gift earns him a spot as an apprentice at a printing press, Arthur’s world opens up far beyond the slums, with one book soon sending him across the seas: Nineveh and Its Remains. In 2014 Turkey, Narin, a ten-year-old Yazidi girl, waits to be baptised in the waters of the River Tigris.The ceremony is cruelly interrupted, and soon Narin and her grandmother must journey across war-torn lands in the hope of finding the sacred valley of their people. In 2018 London, broken-hearted Zaleekhah, a hydrologist, moves to a houseboat on the Thames to escape the wreckage of her marriage. Zaleekhah foresees a life drained of all love and meaning – until an unexpected connection to her homeland changes everything.A dazzling feat of storytelling from one of the greatest writers of our time, Elif Shafak’s There are Rivers in the Sky is a rich, sweeping novel that spans centuries, continents and cultures, entwined by rivers, rains, and waterdrops:‘Water remembers. It is humans who forget.’

Objev podobné jako There are Rivers in the Sky: From the bestselling author of The Island of Missing Trees - Elif Shafaková

cena 509.0 Kč

In the Name of the Mermaid Princess 1 - Yoshino Fumikawa

In a society hostile to diversity, can mermaid princess Mio be true to herself?In the classic fairy tale, a mermaid princess gives up her special abilities for love. What happens if she doesn’t?Princess Mio is betrothed to Prince Chika. However, they’ve never met, and he doesn’t know her secret—she’s a mermaid! When her tutor, Yuri, takes her out of the castle to meet her subjects, Mio begins to accept her true self.But Yuri has a secret too… And when Mio tells her father, the king, she wants to live life openly as a mermaid, he punishes her. How can she stay true to herself?Plus, a bonus story about a royal subject with wings!

Objev podobné jako In the Name of the Mermaid Princess 1 - Yoshino Fumikawa

cena 268.0 Kč

All The Sinners Bleed - S. A. Cosby

***GUARDIAN BEST CRIME AND THRILLERS OF 2023*** THE TIMES - THRILLER OF THE MONTH****** MAIL ON SUNDAY - BEST NEW FICTION*** FINANCIAL TIMES - BEST NEW CRIME BOOKS***''A crackling good police procedural....fresh and exhilarating'' STEPHEN KING''Gripping'' MICHAEL CONNELLY''Titus Crown is one of the most compelling characters I''ve read in a long time.'' STEVE CAVANAGHA BLACK SHERIFF. A SERIAL KILLER.AND A SMALL TOWN READY TO COMBUST.Titus Crown is the first Black sheriff in the history of Charon County, Virginia. In recent decades, Charon has had only two murders. After years of working as an FBI agent, no one knows better than Titus that while his hometown might seem like a land of moonshine, cornbread, and honeysuckle, secrets always fester under the surface.But a year to the day after Titus''s election, a school teacher is killed by a former student. The student is then fatally shot by Titus''s deputies.As Titus investigates the shootings, he unearths terrible crimes, and a serial killer who has been hiding in plain sight, haunting the dirt lanes and woodland clearings of Charon. With the killer''s possible connections to a local church and the town''s harrowing history weighing on him, Titus tries to project confidence about closing the case while concealing a painful secret from his own past. At the same time, he also has to contend with a far-right group that wants to hold a parade in celebration of the town''s Confederate history.Charon is Titus''s home and his heart. But where faith and violence meet, there will be a reckoning.''Richly textured, this is elegant, fierce storytelling at its absolute best.'' DAILY MAIL''A distinctive, thrilling new voice in crime writing...will linger long after you''ve closed the book'' DAILY EXPRESS''American crime fiction has found its future and his name is S.A. Cosby'' DENNIS LEHANE''One of the most important new voices in crime fiction. I won''t read a better book this year. Incredible.'' M. W. CRAVEN''A powerful crime thriller that pulls no punches'' VASEEM KHAN''An uncompromising, blistering Southern Gothic with a compelling, beautifully drawn protagonist in Titus Crown. Cosby''s writing sings.'' MASON CROSS

Objev podobné jako All The Sinners Bleed - S. A. Cosby

cena 325.0 Kč

The City of Brass - Chakraborty S. A.

Among the bustling markets of eighteenth century Cairo, the city's outcasts eke out a living swindling rich Ottoman nobles and foreign invaders alike. But alongside this new world the old stories linger. Tales of djinn and spirits. Of cities hidden among the swirling sands of the desert, full of enchantment, desire and riches. Where magic pours down every street, hanging in the air like dust. Many wish their lives could be filled with such wonder, but not Nahri. She knows the trades she uses to get by are just tricks and sleights of hand: there's nothing magical about them. She only wishes to one day leave Cairo, but as the saying goes... Be careful what you wish for.

Objev podobné jako The City of Brass - Chakraborty S. A.

cena 241.0 Kč

The Little Princess - Michal Čagánek - e-kniha

eBook: A poetic tale in the tradition of The Little Prince by A. de Saint-Exupéry. According to usual standards, Blanka is a little girl from a working-class family similar to thousands of others in Prague. Her father is an alcoholic, her mother an invalid, confined to a hospital bed. But who, really, is this little girl who is not quite five years old? Has she really come to Earth from Nauhir, a planet she so often speaks about enthusiastically?

Objev podobné jako The Little Princess - Michal Čagánek - e-kniha

cena 120.0 Kč

How to Fit All of Ancient Greece in an Elevator - Theodore Papakostas

''Irresistibly fascinating'' MARIE CLAIRE GREECE''Essential'' VICTORIA HISLOP''Brilliantly conceived'' PAUL CARTLEDGEAn enormous bestseller in Greece, this is a bold, witty retelling of the story of Ancient Greece by a rising star in archaeologyTwo strangers meet in a trapped elevator. One is an archaeologist, the other isn’t. A simple question, ‘What do you do?’, becomes the springboard for a dialogue that weaves a fascinating tale.Archaeologist Theodore Papakostas takes us on a spectacularly iconoclastic and hugely engrossing journey through ancient Greece, from its beginnings in prehistory to its end. Marvelling at the exalted moments in history as well as the more mundane, Papakostas introduces the reader to countless fascinating stories about the cradle of western civilisation – many of which upend received wisdom about the empire as well as about archaeology itself. Along the way, he settles questions such as: What did a Minoan princess pack for a trip to Egypt? How did a raunchy dance lead to the birth of Democracy? Why did Heraclitus suggest that Homer should be slapped?A whistle-stop tour through three hundred years of Greek history, How to Fit All of Ancient Greece in an Elevator is an unforgettable love letter to the treasures we’ve inherited from the ancient world, as well as to those who have helped us unearth them.

Objev podobné jako How to Fit All of Ancient Greece in an Elevator - Theodore Papakostas

cena 502.0 Kč

The Mercy of Gods - James S. A. Corey

From the New York Times bestselling author of the Expanse comes a spectacular new space opera that sees humanity fighting for its survival in a war as old as the universe itself.Invasion is only the beginning . . .The Carryx - part empire, part hive - has waged wars of conquest for centuries, destroying or enslaving species across the galaxy in its conflict with an ancient and deathless enemy.When they descend on the isolated world of Anjiin, the human population is abased, slaughtered and put in chains. The best and brightest are abducted, taken to the Carryx world-palace to join prisoners from a thousand other species. Dafyd Alkhor, assistant to a prestigious scientist, is captured along with his team.Even he doesn't suspect that his peculiar insight and skills will be the key to seeing past their captors' terrifying agenda. Swept up in a conflict beyond his control and vaster than his imagination, Dafyd is poised to become humanity's champion - and its betrayer.This is where his story begins.

Objev podobné jako The Mercy of Gods - James S. A. Corey

cena 447.0 Kč

A Comparison of 20th Century Theories of Style (in the Context of Czech and British Scholarly Discourses) - Michal Křístek - e-kniha

eBook: Práce poskytuje srovnání teoretických přístupů k problematice stylu, a to v rámci českého a anglosaského (především britského) kontextu. Cílem bylo ukázat a srovnat odlišná metodologická pojetí založená na odlišných teoretických východiscích – proto byly zvoleny dva odlišné kulturní okruhy: pozornost je však samozřejmě věnována také vztahů mezi nimi. Dvacáté století bylo vybráno úmyslně, jako období, v němž se v obou prostředích stylistika konstituovala jako moderní teoretická disciplína opírající se o základnu lingvistiky a literární vědy. Práci mohou využít jak domácí, tak zahraniční studenti a vyučující, především bohemisté a anglisté.

Objev podobné jako A Comparison of 20th Century Theories of Style (in the Context of Czech and British Scholarly Discourses) - Michal Křístek - e-kniha

cena 102.0 Kč

In the Sea There Are Crocodiles - Fabio Geda

I read somewhere that the decision to emigrate comes from a need to breathe. The hope of a better life is stronger than any other feeling. My mother decided it was better to know I was in danger far from her; but on the way to a different future, than to know I was in danger near her; but stuck in the same old fear.At the age of ten, Enaiatollah Akbari was left alone to fend for himself. This is the heartbreaking, unforgettable story of his journey from Afghanistan to Italy in an attempt to find a safe place to live.

Objev podobné jako In the Sea There Are Crocodiles - Fabio Geda

cena 295.0 Kč

There are Rivers in the Sky - Elif Shafaková

This is the story of one lost poem, two great rivers, and three remarkable lives - all connected by a single drop of water.In the ruins of Nineveh, that ancient city of Mesopotamia, there lies hidden in the sand fragments of a long-forgotten poem, the Epic of Gilgamesh.In Victorian London, an extraordinary child is born at the edge of the dirt-black Thames. Arthur's only chance of escaping poverty is his brilliant memory. When his gift earns him a spot as an apprentice at a printing press, Arthur's world opens up far beyond the slums, with one book soon sending him across the seas: Nineveh and Its Remains.In 2014 Turkey, Narin, a Yazidi girl living by the River Tigris, waits to be baptised with water brought from the holy sit of Lalish in Iraq.The ceremony is cruelly interrupted, and soon Narin and her grandmother must journey across war-torn lands in the hope of reaching the sacred valley of their people.In 2018 London, broken-hearted Zaleekhah, a hydrologist, moves to a houseboat on the Thames to escape the wreckage of her marriage. Zaleekhah foresees a life drained of all love and meaning - until an unexpected connection to her homeland changes everything.A dazzling feat of storytelling from one of the greatest writers of our time, Elif Shafak's There are Rivers in the Sky is a rich, sweeping novel that spans centuries, continents and cultures, entwined by rivers, rains, and waterdrops:'Water remembers. It is humans who forget.'

Objev podobné jako There are Rivers in the Sky - Elif Shafaková

cena 447.0 Kč

Diana Krall - The Very Best Of Diana Krall (2 LP)

Tracklist A1 'S Wonderful 4:26A2 Peel Me A Grape 5:49A3 Pick Yourself Up 3:01A4 Frim Fram Sauce 5:00B1 You Go To My Head 6:46B2 Let's Fall In Love 4:18B3 The Look Of Love 4:41 C1 East Of The Sun (And West Of The Moon) 5:45C2 I've Got You Under My Skin 6:08C3 All Or Nothing At All 4:32C4 Only The Lonely 4:16D1 Let's Face The Music And Dance 5:17D2 The Heart Of Saturday Night 4:05D3 Little Girl Blue 5:38D4 Fly Me To The Moon 5:43 Subžánr: Easy Listening;Traditional Pop;Bossa Nova;Contemporary Jazz;Smooth Jazz;Vocal;Jazz Typ: The Greatest Hits;Album;LP deska;Kompilace Žánr: Pop;Jazz Rok vydání: 2007.0 Země interpreta: Kanada Rok nahrávky: 2007.0 Složení setu: 2 ks Vydavatelství: Verve Records Datum vydání: 2007-10-11 Interpret / Téma: Diana Krall Barva: Černá Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Varianta: The Very Best Of Diana Krall (2 LP) Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Evropská unie

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cena 822.0 Kč

Drums Of Autumn - Diana Gabaldon

Claire Randall was swept through time into the arms of James Fraser whose love for her became legend - a tale of tragic passion that ended with her return to the present to bear his child. Two decades later, Claire travelled back again to reunite with Jamie, this time in frontier America.

Objev podobné jako Drums Of Autumn - Diana Gabaldon

cena 299.0 Kč

Plakát The Last of Us

Plakát The Last of Us se hodí na každou zeď Tištěno na kvalitní papír, snadno sbalitelné do tubusu Rozměr plakátu: 61 x 91,5 cm

Objev podobné jako Plakát The Last of Us

cena 189.0 Kč

Leviathan Falls : Book 9 of the Expanse - James S. A. Corey

The biggest SF series of the decade comes to an incredible conclusion in the ninth and final novel in James S. A. Corey's Hugo Award-winning Expanse series.NOW A MAJOR TV SERIES FROM AMAZON PRIMEHUGO AWARD WINNER FOR BEST SERIES'Interplanetary adventure the way it ought to be written' George R. R. MartinThe Expanse series:Leviathan WakesCaliban's WarAbaddon's GateCibola BurnNemesis GamesBabylon's AshesPersepolis RisingTiamat's WrathLeviathan Falls

Objev podobné jako Leviathan Falls : Book 9 of the Expanse - James S. A. Corey

cena 312.0 Kč

The Light of Home - Diana Farid

A universal story about displacement, migration, and the many ways we find home, from the talented author-illustrator team of Diana Farid and Hoda Hadadi. Nur has always loved her home by the sea, where water glimmers along a straight horizon.But when Nur and her family are forced to leave, they begin a long journey to an unfamiliar place. Here the horizon curves and twists, and the moonlight no longer glitters across the water. For Nur, nothing in this new place feels like home.Then one day, Nur''s mother brings her a new set of paintbrushes. Nur''s brushstrokes help her connect the place she''s lost to this new horizon, and she finds home again through her own creativity and heart.The Light of Home will resonate with anyone who has ever had to leave a place they''ve loved.From author, poet, and physician Diana Farid and artist Hoda Hadadi comes this introspective story about belonging and the power of creativity. For readers of Yuyi Morales'' Dreamers and Yamile Saied Mendez and Jaime Kim''s Where Are You From?

Objev podobné jako The Light of Home - Diana Farid

cena 443.0 Kč

A Man of Understanding - Diana Janney

Set principally in the mountains of Mallorca, this absorbing, moving literary fiction novel is interlaced with poetry, philosophy, wit and love. It takes a man of understanding to rebuild a shattered soul. That enigmatic man is Horatio Hennessy. His grandson Blue is that shattered soul.

Objev podobné jako A Man of Understanding - Diana Janney

cena 266.0 Kč

The Gravity of Us - Phil Stamper

"I'm so starry-eyed for this wise, romantic gem of a book." - Becky Albertalli, bestselling author of Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda Cal wants to be a journalist, and he's already well underway with almost half a million followers on his FlashFame app and an upcoming internship at Buzzfeed. But his plans are derailed when his pilot father is selected for a highly-publicized NASA mission to Mars. Within days, Cal and his parents leave Brooklyn for hot and humid Houston. With the entire nation desperate for any new information about the astronauts, Cal finds himself thrust in the middle of a media circus. Suddenly his life is more like a reality TV show, with his constantly bickering parents struggling with their roles as the "perfect American family." And then Cal meets Leon, whose mother is another astronaut on the mission, and he finds himself falling head over heels--and fast. They become an oasis for each other amid the craziness of this whole experience. As their relationship grows, so does the frenzy surrounding the Mars mission, and when secrets are revealed about ulterior motives of the program, Cal must find a way to get to the truth without hurting the people who have become most important to him.

Objev podobné jako The Gravity of Us - Phil Stamper

cena 279.0 Kč

One Of Us Is Next (0241376920)

Kniha - autor Karen McManus, 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Welcome back to Bayview High . . . It's been a year since the events of One Of Us Is Lying. But nothing has settled for the residents of Bayview. Not now someone has started playing a sinister game of Truth or Dare. Choose truth? You must reveal your darkest secret. Choose dare? Well, that could be even more dangerous. Even deadly. When the game takes an even darker turn, suddenly no one at Bayview High knows who to trust. But they need to find out who is behind the game, before it's too late.

Objev podobné jako One Of Us Is Next (0241376920)

cena 236.0 Kč

The Memory of Us - Atkins Dani

If you can't trust your head, can you trust your heart?If she had been found moments later, Amelia's heart would have stopped and never recovered. Instead she was taken from the desolate beach to the nearest hospital just in time to save her life.When her sister Lexi arrives from New York, Amelia's heart is beating, but the accident has implanted a series of false memories. These memories revolve around a man named Sam, and a perfect love story that never existed. Determined to help her sister, Lexi enlists the help of Nick, a local vet who bears a striking resemblance to Sam.Together, Lexi and Nick recreate and photograph Amelia's dream dates in the hopes of triggering her true memories. But as love starts to stir between Lexi and Nick, they must navigate a complex web of emotions. How can Lexi fall for Amelia's dream man without hurting her sister? Filled with breathtaking romance, heart-wrenching emotion, the magic of destiny and the power of sisterhood, The Memory of Us is a must-read for fans of Holly Miller and Colleen Hoover.

Objev podobné jako The Memory of Us - Atkins Dani

cena 268.0 Kč

The Wreckage of Us - Malakin Dan

''A searing thriller that delivers shock after shock'' - B.P. WALTER''Suspenseful and perfectly crafted'' - VICTORIA SELMAN''A profoundly thrilling descent into the deadly nature of obsession'' - JANICE HALLETTIt''s always the husband... Isn''t it?Astrid Webb is missing. The police have found her car crashed near the woods, the driver''s door open, the seat spotted with blood. But there''s no sign of Astrid herself, a sick woman who rarely left her house, who surely couldn''t have left the scene of the accident without help.Her husband Bryan is sure that she''s alive - after all, this isn''t the first time she''s vanished, only to reappear without explanation. But as the days pass, Bryan starts to look like a suspect in his wife''s disappearance, perhaps in her murder. Because Bryan isn''t telling the police the whole truth. Not about Astrid''s stalker, their broken-in back door, or the threatening messages she received. And it seems as if both Astrid and Bryan have something to hide.Then a woman''s body is found in the woods, her face terribly disfigured. By staying silent, is Bryan protecting Astrid, or protecting himself?From the bestselling author of The Regret and The Box, this heart-pounding thriller is perfect for readers of Harlan Coben, Mark Billingham and Alex North.

Objev podobné jako The Wreckage of Us - Malakin Dan

cena 502.0 Kč

One of Us Knows - Cole Alyssa

From the critically acclaimed and New York Times bestselling author of When No One Is Watching comes a riveting thriller about the new caretaker of a historic estate who finds herself trapped on an island with a murderer-and the ghosts of her past. Years after a breakdown and a diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder derailed her historical preservationist career, Kenetria Nash and her alters have been given a second chance they can't refuse: a position as resident caretaker of a historic home. Having been dormant for years, Ken has no idea what led them to this isolated Hudson River island, but she's determined not to ruin their opportunity. Then a surprise visit from the home's conservation trust just as a Nor'easter bears down on the island disrupts her newfound life, leaving Ken trapped with a group of possibly dangerous strangers-including the man who brought her life tumbling down years earlier. When he turns up dead, Ken is the prime suspect. Caught in a web of secrets and in a race against time, Ken and her alters must band together to prove their innocence and discover the truth of Kavanaugh Island-and their own past-or they risk losing not only their future, but their life.

Objev podobné jako One of Us Knows - Cole Alyssa

cena 268.0 Kč

There There

Discover Tommy Orange’s searing debut novel, following a multi-generational cast of characters as they gather for the Big Oakland Powwow.''A thunderclap'' Marlon James''Astonishing'' Margaret Atwood, via Twitter''Pure soaring beauty'' Colm TóibínJacquie Red Feather is newly sober and hoping to reconnect with her estranged family. That''s why she is there. Dene is there because he has been collecting stories to honour his uncle''s death, while Edwin is looking for his true father and Opal came to watch her boy Orvil dance.All of them are connected by bonds they may not yet understand. All of them are here for the celebration that is the Big Oakland Powwow. But Tony Loneman is also there.And Tony has come to the Powow with darker intentions.** Shortlisted for the 2020 International Dublin Literary Award **''An exhilarating, polyphonic debut novel... Dazzling'' Daily Telegraph''Lyrical and playful, shaking and shimmering with energy... Orange creates beauty out of tragedy'' Guardian''Bold and engrossing... Orange has got under his characters'' skins, allowing them to speak for themselves'' Financial Times

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cena 250.0 Kč

Blue Collar Little Book of Tom of Finland - Dian Hanson

Let s get physical: Tom s cowboys, loggers, roughnecks, and roustaboutsAs a boy, Tom s first crush was a strapping young farmhand who worked the fields around his family home. Finland is a land of tough physical men, catching fish in the icy sea; cutting logs in the endless forests; threshing oats, rye, and barley on the farms. Tom, a more sensitive boy, admired these rough men and their distinctive clothing, designed for protection and utility. He later said, When I was young, leather was worn by people who worked outside because it was warm. All the men who wore leather, they were the type of men which I adored. When he began to draw he celebrated these early idols, improving their wardrobes with tight jeans, faded T-shirts, and thigh-high beak-toed Lappish boots. It was a young logger in this gear who appeared on the spring 1957 cover of Physique Pictorial, introducing Tom to the world. In the decades to follow Tom added truckers, repairmen, construction workers, circus roustabouts, and the American cowboy to his roster of working-class heroes. Though just sexual fantasies for him, his portrayal of blue-collar lovers helped working class gays accept their true selves.The Little Book of Tom of Finland: Blue Collar traces Tom s fascination with working men in one compact and affordable package. A brawny lineup of multi-panel comics and single-panel drawings and paintings is set alongside archival and contextual material, including historic film stills and posters, personal photos of Tom, sketches, and Tom s own reference photos.Text in English, French, and German"

Objev podobné jako Blue Collar Little Book of Tom of Finland - Dian Hanson

cena 223.0 Kč

The Meaning of Liff: The Original Dictionary Of Things There Should Be Words For - Douglas Adams

The Meaning of Liff has sold hundreds of thousands of copies since it was first published in 1983, and remains a much-loved humour classic. This edition has been revised and updated, and includes The Deeper Meaning of Liff, giving fresh appeal to Douglas Adams and John Lloyd's entertaining and witty dictionary. In life, there are hundreds of familiar experiences, feelings and objects for which no words exist, yet hundreds of strange words are idly loafing around on signposts, pointing at places. The Meaning of Liff connects the two.

Objev podobné jako The Meaning of Liff: The Original Dictionary Of Things There Should Be Words For - Douglas Adams

cena 384.0 Kč

Háček na oblečení HANG IN THERE 10 cm, černá, ocel, Umage

Hlavní výhody: multifunkční věšák kombinující více úložných míst včetně háčků, tyče pro ramínka a police pro maximální využití prostoru univerzální využití pro zavěšení klíčů, kabelek nebo svrchního oblečení kombinace háčků a malé police umožňuje efektivní organizaci věcí, které chcete mít po ruce vhodný do vstupních prostor nebo menších místností, kde je potřeba flexibilní úložné řešení vyrobený z černé oceli s detaily z broušené mosazi pro elegantní vzhled elegantní mosazné detaily dodávají exkluzivní dotek a zvyšují vizuální atraktivitu minimalistický design, který snadno zapadne do různých typů interiérů kompaktní rozměry umožňují použití i v menších prostorách stabilní konstrukce zajišťuje dlouhou životnost a odolnost při každodenním použití navrženo s ohledem na skandinávskou estetiku, kombinující funkčnost a styl ekologicky balené pro snížení dopadu na životní prostředí při přepravě Dodatečné informace: šířka: 10 cm výška: 10 cm hloubka: 11,3 cm materiál: ocel

Objev podobné jako Háček na oblečení HANG IN THERE 10 cm, černá, ocel, Umage

cena 1975.0 Kč

Háček na oblečení HANG IN THERE 10 cm, černá, ocel, Umage

Hlavní výhody: multifunkční věšák kombinující více úložných míst včetně háčků, tyče pro ramínka a police pro maximální využití prostoru univerzální využití pro zavěšení klíčů, kabelek nebo svrchního oblečení kombinace háčků a malé police umožňuje efektivní organizaci věcí, které chcete mít po ruce vhodný do vstupních prostor nebo menších místností, kde je potřeba flexibilní úložné řešení vyrobený z černé oceli s detaily z broušené mosazi pro elegantní vzhled elegantní mosazné detaily dodávají exkluzivní dotek a zvyšují vizuální atraktivitu minimalistický design, který snadno zapadne do různých typů interiérů kompaktní rozměry umožňují použití i v menších prostorách stabilní konstrukce zajišťuje dlouhou životnost a odolnost při každodenním použití navrženo s ohledem na skandinávskou estetiku, kombinující funkčnost a styl ekologicky balené pro snížení dopadu na životní prostředí při přepravě Dodatečné informace: šířka: 10 cm výška: 10 cm hloubka: 11,3 cm materiál: ocel

Objev podobné jako Háček na oblečení HANG IN THERE 10 cm, černá, ocel, Umage

cena 1975.0 Kč

Háček na oblečení HANG IN THERE 10 cm, černá, ocel, Umage

Hlavní výhody: multifunkční věšák kombinující více úložných míst včetně háčků, tyče pro ramínka a police pro maximální využití prostoru univerzální využití pro zavěšení klíčů, kabelek nebo svrchního oblečení kombinace háčků a malé police umožňuje efektivní organizaci věcí, které chcete mít po ruce vhodný do vstupních prostor nebo menších místností, kde je potřeba flexibilní úložné řešení vyrobený z černé oceli s detaily z broušené mosazi pro elegantní vzhled elegantní mosazné detaily dodávají exkluzivní dotek a zvyšují vizuální atraktivitu minimalistický design, který snadno zapadne do různých typů interiérů kompaktní rozměry umožňují použití i v menších prostorách stabilní konstrukce zajišťuje dlouhou životnost a odolnost při každodenním použití navrženo s ohledem na skandinávskou estetiku, kombinující funkčnost a styl ekologicky balené pro snížení dopadu na životní prostředí při přepravě Dodatečné informace: šířka: 10 cm výška: 10 cm hloubka: 11,3 cm materiál: ocel

Objev podobné jako Háček na oblečení HANG IN THERE 10 cm, černá, ocel, Umage

cena 1975.0 Kč

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