Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

All of Us Villains - Amanda Foody, Christine Lynn Herman

You Fell In Love With The Victors of The Hunger Games. Now Prepare To Meet The Villains Of The Blood Veil. After the publication of a salacious tell-all book, the remote city of Ilvernath is thrust into the spotlight. Tourists, protesters, and reporters alike flock to its spellshops and historic ruins to witness an ancient curse unfold: every generation, seven families name a champion among them to compete in a tournament to the death. The winner awards their family exclusive control over the city's high magick supply, the most powerful resource in the world. In the past, the villainous Lowes have won nearly every tournament, and their champion is prepared to continue his family's reign. But this year, thanks to the influence of their newfound notoriety, each of the champions has a means to win. Or better yet--a chance to rewrite their story. But this is a story that must be penned in blood.

Podívejte se také Howard Luke: All Of Us - LP (3599826)

cena 294.0 Kč

My všichni neřádi - Amanda Foody, Christine Lynn Herman

Nestvůry vám nemůžou ublížit — pokud jste jedna z nich. Když vyjde Krvavý měsíc, potomci sedmi zakladatelů města Ilvernath vyberou své zástupce, aby se mezi sebou utkali v turnaji na život a na smrt. Vítěz získá neomezenou vládu nad tajným zdrojem vysoké mágie, nejmocnějším na světě — o němž se traduje, že už je dávno vyčerpaný. Nelítostný souboj o moc a postavení probíhal po generace v utajení. Zatímco nejmladší potomci umírali, jejich rodiče spřádali plány, jak získat výhru pro sebe a svůj rod. Ovšem tentokrát je všechno jinak. Někdo zasvěcený promluvil a světlo světa spatřila kniha plná detailů o krutém klání. Na jednu stranu jsou tak šampioni bez varování vrženi do centra pozornosti celého světa, na druhou stranu však kniha každému z nich poskytuje jistou výhodu — představuje totiž cenný zdroj poznatků o soupeřích a ty zase můžou být klíčem k vítězství. Krvavý měsíc vychází. Turnaj začíná. My všichni neřádi je prvním dílem dvoudílné mágické série.

Podívejte se také Turner Joe Lynn: Belly of the Beast - CD (0810020508734)

cena 384.0 Kč

All of Our Demise - Amanda Foody, Herman Christine

The incredible conclusion to the tournament that started in the category bestselling novel All of Us Villains.I should warn you: this is going to be absolutely brutal . . . For the first time in this ancient, bloodstained story, the tournament is breaking. The boundaries between the city of Ilvernath and the arena have fallen. Reporters swarm the historic battlegrounds. A dead boy now lives again. And a new champion has entered the fray, one who seeks to break the curse for good... no matter how many lives are sacrificed in the process. As the curse teeters closer and closer to collapse, the surviving champions each face a choice: dismantle the tournament piece by piece, or fight to the death as this story always intended. Long-held alliances will be severed. Hearts will break. Lives will end. Because a tale as wicked as this one was never destined for happily ever after.

Podívejte se také LEGIE II: Amanda

cena 459.0 Kč

Pád všech neřádů - Amanda Foodyová, Christine Lynn Herman

Brutální vyvrcholení krvavého turnaje je tady! Sedm nejstarších rodin v Ilvernathu mezi sebou kdysi válčilo o skrytý pramen vysoké mágie, dokud nedospěly k brutálnímu kompromisu - ke kletbě, již na sebe rodiny samy seslaly. Každou generaci pak jednotlivé rodiny posílaly svého šampiona do turnaje na život a na smrt. Vítěz své rodině zajistil výlučné právo používat ilvernathskou vysokou mágii po příštích dvacet let - dokud na oblohu nevyjde další Krvavý měsíc značící, že předchozí cyklus skončil a turnaj začíná nanovo. Před dvěma týdny kletba znovu započala. Hranice mezi městem Ilvernath a arénou padly. Na historickém bojišti se to hemží reportéry. Mrtvý chlapec nyní znovu ožívá. A do boje vstoupil nový šampion, který se snaží zlomit kletbu nadobro… bez ohledu na to, kolik životů při tom padne za oběť. Každý z přeživších šampionů stojí před volbou: rozebrat turnaj kousek po kousku, nebo bojovat na život a na smrt. Pád všech neřádů je závěrečným dílem dvoudílné mágické série.

Objev podobné jako Pád všech neřádů - Amanda Foodyová, Christine Lynn Herman

cena 402.0 Kč

Král bláznů - Amanda Foody

Oddejte se svým neřestem ve Městě hříchu, kde vře hrozivá pouliční válka a sláva je tím nejkrutějším vrahem ze všech...Při pátrání po své ztracené matce upjatá a pořádná Enne Salta uzavírá váhavé společenství s Levim Glaisyerem, nejslavnějším podvodníkem ve městě. Jeho záchrana ze spárů Stínové hry přinutí Enne přijmout identitu Séance, tajemné postavy z podsvětí. Nyní, když je Kancléř republiky po smrti a na hlavy obou jsou vypsané odměny, musí společně s Levim hrát nebezpečnou hru zločinu a politiky… v sázce je osud samotného New Reynes.Žíznivý po svobodě a příležitosti vybudovat si své vlastní impérium vstupuje Levi do nepravděpodobného partnerství s odcizeným synem Vianky Augustine. Mezitím Enne zůstává lapena v donině svazující přísaze a hraje jak okouzlující dámu, tak i mazaného lorda ulice, nejistá tím, která z těchto rolí odráží pravdu.

Objev podobné jako Král bláznů - Amanda Foody

cena 99.0 Kč

Voltová královna - Amanda Foody

Návrat do Města hříchu, kde se právě rozehrává poslední hra… a vítězové budou muset přinést ty největší oběti.Uplynulo jen několik dní od zkorumpovaných voleb a v brutální pouliční válce se spustila poslední krvavá hra. Kdo ji hraje? Dvaadvacet nejmocnějších, nejslavnějších lidí z New Reynes.Když si Enne Scordata a Levi Glaisyer uvědomí, že nemají jinou možnost než hrát, zoufale se snaží uzavřít nová spojenectví a vyjednat si bezpečí. Zatímco Levi městským politikům nabízí falešné úsměvy a ještě prázdnější mír, Enne musí čelit světu, který ví o jejím mizérském talentu… Jediný chybný krok by se jí mohl stát osudným.Mezitím se na šachovnici vynořil mnohem nebezpečnější oponent vytržený z jedné z nejděsivějších legend New Reynes. Až hra vstoupí do závěrečného krutého kola, Levi a Enne se budou muset jednou provždy rozhodnout, zda budou partnery, nebo nepřáteli.Protože když se hraje o holý život, existují jen poražení… A zrůdy.

Objev podobné jako Voltová královna - Amanda Foody

cena 249.0 Kč

Voltová královna - Amanda Foody - e-kniha

eBook: Návrat do Města hříchu, kde se právě rozehrává poslední hra… a vítězové budou muset přinést ty největší oběti.Uplynulo jen několik dní od zkorumpovaných voleb a v brutální pouliční válce se spustila poslední krvavá hra. Kdo ji hraje? Dvaadvacet nejmocnějších, nejslavnějších lidí z New Reynes.Když si Enne Scordata a Levi Glaisyer uvědomí, že nemají jinou možnost než hrát, zoufale se snaží uzavřít nová spojenectví a vyjednat si bezpečí. Zatímco Levi městským politikům nabízí falešné úsměvy a ještě prázdnější mír, Enne musí čelit světu, který ví o jejím mizérském talentu… Jediný chybný krok by se jí mohl stát osudným.Mezitím se na šachovnici vynořil mnohem nebezpečnější oponent vytržený z jedné z nejděsivějších legend New Reynes. Až hra vstoupí do závěrečného krutého kola, Levi a Enne se budou muset jednou provždy rozhodnout, zda budou partnery, nebo nepřáteli.Protože když se hraje o holý život, existují jen poražení… A zrůdy.

Objev podobné jako Voltová královna - Amanda Foody - e-kniha

cena 359.0 Kč

Howard Luke: All Of Us - LP (3599826)

LP vinyl - All ot US je album Luke Howarda. All ot US je album Luke Howarda. Seznam stop LP Critical Spirit / A Different Idea of Love / A World of Abstractions / An Hour Off For Friendship / The Compass of a Telegraph / The Closing of the Gates / The Opening of the Gates / The Moment Only / The Vast Indifference of the Sky / I Was Very Fond of You, But Now I'm So Tired / A Language Forgotten / A Faint Qualm for the Future

Objev podobné jako Howard Luke: All Of Us - LP (3599826)

cena 689.0 Kč

All Of Us Are Broken - Fiona Cummins

Could you sacrifice one of your children to save the other?*SUNDAY EXPRESS BEST BOOKS OF 2023**AN IRISH TOP TEN BESTSELLER*‘A gripping crime narrative which blends so seamlessly with emotional family drama’ - Erin KellyAn unbearable decisionHeld up at gunpoint by two vicious killers, Christina Hardwicke is ordered to make an unthinkable choice – between the life of her daughter or her son.An unsuspecting familyWhen the Hardwicke family set off on a holiday to the Scottish Highlands, the last thing they expected was to be confronted by a deadly couple on a killing spree.A nightmare come to lifeTailed closely by Detective Saul Anguish, the damaged pair have committed a string of ruthless killings across the country, all leading to this moment.Will the detective be able to reach the Hardwicke family before catastrophe strikes?Everyone is talking about All Of Us Are Broken:‘Breathtakingly good' – Daily Mail‘Beautifully written’ – Sunday Express‘Action-packed and brimming with atmosphere’ – i‘This thriller has it all’ – T. M. Logan‘Savage, heartbreaking, beautiful and chilling’ – Chris WhitakerReaders can’t get enough of All Of Us Are Broken:‘This book had me in tears, swearing at my kindle and holding my breath. It is that good’‘An excellent, tense, pacy thriller that left me speechless’‘I’ve read some dark thrillers in my time but woah, this takes it to another level!’‘Dark, gritty, and at times incredibly moving’‘Gripping and gruesome’‘Beautifully plotted, breathtakingly twisted and absolutely spot on in its emotional resonance. I absolutely loved it’

Objev podobné jako All Of Us Are Broken - Fiona Cummins

cena 295.0 Kč

Guess Ocelový dvojitý náhrdelník All Of Us JUBN04042JWRHT/U

Šperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení .

Objev podobné jako Guess Ocelový dvojitý náhrdelník All Of Us JUBN04042JWRHT/U

cena 1265.0 Kč

Guess Pozlacený dvojitý náhrdelník All Of Us JUBN04042JWYGT/U

Šperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení .

Objev podobné jako Guess Pozlacený dvojitý náhrdelník All Of Us JUBN04042JWYGT/U

cena 1265.0 Kč

There's a princess Diana in All of us - Michal Brozman

There´s a Princess Diana in all of us It can also happen to you. One day, after years of ignoring your body´s call for a lifestyle change, you are sitting in the doctor´s waiting room and read, black on white, that the "diagnosis” is harder than the "disease” itself. This triggers your psyche, which is a very powerful tool, into a game of regrets and sacrifices. What if you could take it all back, or even prevent what had happened?

Objev podobné jako There's a princess Diana in All of us - Michal Brozman

cena 491.0 Kč

Guess Pozlacený náramek se zirkony All Of Us JUBB04043JWYG 21 cm

Šperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení .

Objev podobné jako Guess Pozlacený náramek se zirkony All Of Us JUBB04043JWYG 21 cm

cena 933.0 Kč

Guess Ocelový náramek se zirkony All Of Us JUBB04043JWRH 21 cm

Šperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení .

Objev podobné jako Guess Ocelový náramek se zirkony All Of Us JUBB04043JWRH 21 cm

cena 1170.0 Kč

Disney Villains: City of Villains - Estelle Laure

Mary Elizabeth Heart is a high school student by day and an intern at the Monarch City police department by night. Desperate to prove herself, Mary is thrilled to get the chance to work on a real case when the daughter of a powerful businessman goes missing.However, what begins as a missing person''s report soon escalates, leading to a girl with horns, a boyfriend with secrets and a monster in a poisonous lake. As the mystery starts to circle closer to home, Mary finds herself caught in the fight between those who once had magic, and those who will do anything to bring it back.

Objev podobné jako Disney Villains: City of Villains - Estelle Laure

cena 236.0 Kč

Pád všech neřádů - Amanda Foodyová, C. L. Herman - e-kniha

eBook: Brutální vyvrcholení krvavého turnaje je tu! Sedm nejstarších rodin v Ilvernathu mezi sebou kdysi válčilo o skrytý pramen vysoké mágie, dokud nedospěly ke krutému kompromisu — ke kletbě, již na sebe seslaly. V každé generaci pak posílaly svého šampiona do turnaje na život a na smrt. Vítěz své rodině zajistil výlučné právo používat ilvernathskou vysokou mágii po příštích dvacet let — dokud na oblohu nevyjde další Krvavý měsíc značící, že předchozí cyklus skončil a turnaj začíná nanovo. Před dvěma týdny kletba znovu započala. Hranice mezi městem Ilvernath a turnajovým územím padly. Všude kolem se to hemží reportéry. Mrtvý chlapec nevysvětlitelně znovu ožívá, a do boje navíc vstupuje nový šampion, který se snaží zlomit kletbu nadobro… Každý ze zbývajících šampionů stojí před volbou: pokusit se rozebrat turnaj kousek po kousku, nebo bojovat na život a na smrt? Pád všech neřádů je závěrečným dílem dvoudílné mágické série. ––– Krví nasáklá moderní pohádka překypující mágií, barvitým líčením a nezapomenutelnými postavami.— Katy Rose Poolová, spisovatelka Hutná, mágií jiskřící atmosféra plná tajemných zákoutí, prastarých rytin, krve a zaprášených grimoárů je něco, na čem vyprávění obou autorek stojí. Ponořte se do ní a nechte se přivábit voláním Krvavého měsíce. Možná odhalíte i tajemství mágie…— časopis Pevnost o My všichni neřádi Aby měli šampioni šanci přežít, musí se pustit do rozplétání vlastní minulosti i svých rodinných osudů a překonat zkoušky, které kletbu jednou provždy ukončí. Intenzivní napětí a vynalézavá akce drží čtenáře ve střehu, ale jsou to právě postavy, které doslova září.— Kirkus

Objev podobné jako Pád všech neřádů - Amanda Foodyová, C. L. Herman - e-kniha

cena 369.0 Kč

My všichni neřádi - Amanda Foodyová, C. L. Herman - e-kniha

eBook: Nestvůry vám nemůžou ublížit — pokud jste jedna z nich. Když vyjde Krvavý měsíc, potomci sedmi zakladatelů města Ilvernath vyberou své zástupce, aby se mezi sebou utkali v turnaji na život a na smrt. Vítěz získá neomezenou vládu nad tajným zdrojem vysoké mágie, nejmocnějším na světě — o němž se traduje, že už je dávno vyčerpaný. Nelítostný souboj o moc a postavení probíhal po generace v utajení. Zatímco nejmladší potomci umírali, jejich rodiče spřádali plány, jak získat výhru pro sebe a svůj rod. Ovšem tentokrát je všechno jinak. Někdo zasvěcený promluvil a světlo světa spatřila kniha plná detailů o krutém klání. Na jednu stranu jsou tak šampioni bez varování vrženi do centra pozornosti celého světa, na druhou stranu však kniha každému z nich poskytuje jistou výhodu — představuje totiž cenný zdroj poznatků o soupeřích a ty zase můžou být klíčem k vítězství. Krvavý měsíc vychází. Turnaj začíná. My všichni neřádi je prvním dílem dvoudílné mágické série. ––– Ze spolupráce autorek vzešel zábavný, byť surový příběh o obětování, zradě a složitých vztazích mezi postavami. Budete lapat po dechu nad dějovými zvraty, držet palce lidsky chybujícím postavám, kterým byste rádi pomohli, a zároveň je proklínat. Tahle knížka vás rozhodně udrží v napětí. — Tara Simová, spisovatelka Před samotným zahájením turnaje vás oslní znamenitě vystavěný svět, ve kterém postavy řeší komplikované rodinné vztahy, outsideři se pokoušejí ovlivnit výsledky turnaje a konkurence se snaží vypořádat s čarotvůrci, kteří vybavují šampiony do boje… Nesmírně okouzlující kniha, takže cliffhanger na konci bude působit jako prokletí. — Kirkus Temná, svůdná a brutálně chytrá kniha. My všichni neřádi je svěžím, ale nemilosrdným pohledem na dědictví násilnických rodin. Autorky píšou napínavý příběh, který nedokážete odložit. Zůstala jsem kvůli němu vzhůru celou noc. — Victoria Leeová, spisovatelka

Objev podobné jako My všichni neřádi - Amanda Foodyová, C. L. Herman - e-kniha

cena 349.0 Kč

Queer Villains of Myth and Legend - Dan Jones

Every good hero needs a villain! Explore the hidden world of magnetic and mysterious villains, often cast aside and misunderstood in tales of mythology and folklore. Through the pages of Queer Villains of Myth and Legend, discover a diverse community of fascinating characters, ranging from seductive and cunning to powerful and awe-inspiring. Experience the dark allure of Circe and Medusa through to David Bowie's Jareth in Labyrinth and delve into their complex and multifaceted personalities and motivations.Take a deep dive into the intersection of queerness and villainy, re-examine some of our favourite characters, and discover why so many 'bad' characters are queer-coded. From ancient mythology to contemporary pop culture, Queer Villains of Myth and Legend celebrates the fascinating stories of these often-overlooked characters. Join Dan Jones on a journey of discovery, as he explores the hidden depths of queer villainy and sheds light on the queer identities of these compelling figures.It's a powerful celebration of queerness through the ages in all its legendary complexity.

Objev podobné jako Queer Villains of Myth and Legend - Dan Jones

cena 499.0 Kč

The Daughters of Olympus - Hannah Lynn

A daughter pulled between two worlds and a mother willing to destroy both to protect her... Demeter: a goddess of life, living half of one. Demeter did not always live in fear.Once, she loved the world and the humans who inhabited it. But after an act of devastating violence, she hides herself away among the grasses and wildflowers. Her only solace is her daughter…Before she was Persephone, she was Core.Core is as bright as summer and devoted to her mother, even during their millennia in exile from Olympus. But she craves freedom. Naïve and determined, she secretly builds a life of her own and as she does so, she catches the eye of a powerful god…The daughters of Olympus will have the last word…Hades kidnaps Core and renames her as Queen of the Underworld.In the land without sun, she realises she may have a chance to regain what she thought she’d lost forever. But Demeter will destroy anything, even the humans she holds dear, to bring her daughter back. A mother who has lost everything and a daughter with more to gain than she ever realised will irrevocably shape the world: all in the name of something as human as love.Gods and men wage their petty wars, but the women of spring will have the last word.

Objev podobné jako The Daughters of Olympus - Hannah Lynn

cena 241.0 Kč

The Naturals: All In: Book 3 in this unputdownable mystery series from the author of The Inheritance Games - Jennifer Lynn Barnesová

Cold cases get hot in this unputdownable mystery from Jennifer Lynn Barnes, no.1 New York Times bestselling author of The Inheritance Games series. Perfect for fans of A Good Girl's Guide to Murder. Three casinos.Three bodies. Three days. After a string of brutal murders in Las Vegas, Cassie Hobbes and the Naturals are called in to investigate.But even with the team's unique profiling talents, these murders seem baffling: unlike many serial killers, this one uses different methods every time. All of the victims were killed in public, yet the killer does not show up on any security feed. And each victim has a string of numbers tattooed on their wrist.Hidden in the numbers is a code - and the closer the Naturals come to unraveling the mystery, the more perilous the case becomes. Meanwhile, Cassie is dealing with an equally dangerous and much more painful mystery. For the first time in years, there's been a break in her mother's case.As personal issues and tensions between the team mount, Cassie and the Naturals will be faced with impossible odds - and impossible choices. Born smart. Born tough.Born FBI.

Objev podobné jako The Naturals: All In: Book 3 in this unputdownable mystery series from the author of The Inheritance Games - Jennifer Lynn Barnesová

cena 268.0 Kč

Catrice Disney Villains Queen of Hearts paletka očních stínů 18 g

Catrice Disney Villains Queen of Hearts, 18 g, Paletky očních stínů pro ženy, Chcete zvýraznit svůj pohled, dotvarovat oči a podtrhnout jejich přednosti? Paletka pro líčení očí Catrice Disney Villains Queen of Hearts otevírá možnosti vytváření těch nejúžasnějších variací očního make-upu. Obsahuje ne jeden, ale hned několik lisovaných očních stínů, které se vzájemně ideálně barevně doplňují a lze je tedy skvěle kombinovat pro vytvoření líčení různých typů – od jemného denního až po výrazné večerní. Každý stín zajistí rovnoměrné barevné krytí, bude se vám dobře nanášet, ale i roztírat do ztracena, případně míchat s dalšími stíny, aniž by vznikaly nežádoucí ostré přechody. Vlastnosti: odstíny jsou snadno kombinovatelné pigmentace je velmi intenzivní třpytivý i matný efekt Složení: veganský produkt Jak používat: Nanášejte stíny na oční víčka štětečkem, pěnovým aplikátorem nebo bříšky prstů.

Objev podobné jako Catrice Disney Villains Queen of Hearts paletka očních stínů 18 g

cena 276.0 Kč

Queens Of The Stone Age - Villains (Reissue) (White Coloured) (2 LP)

Žánr: Rock Země původu: Německo Rok vydání: 2022.0 Subžánr: Hard Rock;Alternative Rock Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Interpret / Téma: Queens Of The Stone Age Balení obsahuje: LP Datum vydání: 2022-12-09 Varianta: Villains (Reissue) (White Coloured) (2 LP) Typ: Album;Barevná;Nové vydání;LP deska Barva podle výrobce: White Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009 Barva: Bílá Vydavatelství: Matador Země interpreta: USA Složení setu: 2 ks

Objev podobné jako Queens Of The Stone Age - Villains (Reissue) (White Coloured) (2 LP)

cena 673.0 Kč

Daughter of the Moon Goddess - Sue Lynn Tan

The bestselling debut fantasy inspired by the legend of the Chinese moon goddess. A young woman's quest to free her mother pits her against the most powerful immortal in the realm, setting her on a dangerous path where those she loves are not the only ones at risk THERE ARE MANY LEGENDS ABOUT MY MOTHER… Raised far away on the moon, Xingyin was unaware she was being hidden from the Celestial Emperor - who exiled her mother for stealing the elixir of immortality. But when her magic flares and reveals her, Xingyin is forced to flee her home, leaving her mother behind. Alone, powerless, and afraid, Xingyin makes her way to the Celestial Kingdom, a land of wonder and secrets. In disguise, she trains alongside the Emperor's son, mastering archery and magic, despite the passion which flames between them. Vowing to rescue her mother, Xingyin embarks on a quest, confronting legendary creatures and vicious enemies. But when forbidden magic threatens the kingdom, Xingyin must challenge the ruthless Emperor, leaving her torn between losing all she loves or plunging the realm into chaos… Inspired by the legend of Chang'e the Moon Goddess, this captivating debut weaves Chinese mythology into a sweeping adventure of love and family, immortals and magic.

Objev podobné jako Daughter of the Moon Goddess - Sue Lynn Tan

cena 268.0 Kč

A Sky Full of Song - Susan Lynn Meyer

This heartwarming, beautifully written middle-grade historicalnovel about an untold American frontier story is destined to be a cherished classic. North Dakota, 1905 After fleeing persecution in the Russian Empire, eleven-year-old Shoshana and her family, Jewish immigrants, start a new life on the prairie. Shoshana takes fierce joy in the wild beauty of the plains and the thrill of forging a new, American identity. But it’s not as simple for her older sister, Libke, who misses their Ukrainian village and doesn’t pick up English as quickly or make new friends as easily. Desperate to fit in, Shoshana finds herself hiding her Jewish identity in the face of prejudice, just as Libke insists they preserve it. For the first time, Shoshana is at odds with her beloved sister, and has to look deep inside herself to realize that her family’s difference is their greatest strength. By listening to the music that’s lived in her heart all along, Shoshana finds new meaning in the Jewish expression all beginnings are difficult, as well as in the resilience and traditions her people have brought all the way to the North Dakota prairie.

Objev podobné jako A Sky Full of Song - Susan Lynn Meyer

cena 384.0 Kč

Heart of the Sun Warrior - Sue Lynn Tan

The stunning sequel to Daughter of the Moon Goddess delves deeper into beloved Chinese mythology, concluding the epic story of Xingyin—the daughter of Chang’e and the mortal archer, Houyi—as she battles a grave new threat to the realm, in this powerful tale of love, sacrifice, and hope. After winning her mother’s freedom from the Celestial Emperor, Xingyin thrives in the enchanting tranquility of her home. But her fragile peace is threatened by the discovery of a strange magic on the moon and the unsettling changes in the Celestial Kingdom as the emperor tightens his grip on power. While Xingyin is determined to keep clear of the rising danger, the discovery of a shocking truth spurs her into a perilous confrontation. Forced to flee her home once more, Xingyin and her companions venture to unexplored lands of the Immortal Realm, encountering legendary creatures and shrewd monarchs, beloved friends and bitter adversaries. With alliances shifting quicker than the tides, Xingyin has to overcome past grudges and enmities to forge a new path forward, seeking aid where she never imagined she would. As an unspeakable terror sweeps across the realm, Xingyin must uncover the truth of her heart and claw her way through devastation—to rise against this evil before it destroys everything she holds dear, and the worlds she has grown to love . . . even if doing so demands the greatest price of all.

Objev podobné jako Heart of the Sun Warrior - Sue Lynn Tan

cena 268.0 Kč

Heart of the Sun Warrior - Sue Lynn Tan

The stunning conclusion to the Celestial Kingdom Duology An unspeakable terror is sweeping across the realm as the Celestial Emperor tightens his grip on power. The fragile peace Xingyin fought so hard for when freeing her mother is under threat. Forced to flee her home, Xingyin ventures into the unexplored lands of the Immortal Realm to seek aid in her fight, but, with alliances shifting quicker than the tides, she has to overcome past grudges and enmities to forge a new path forward, seeking aid where she never imagined. Xingyin must uncover the truth of her heart and claw her way through devastation – to rise against evil before it destroys everything she holds dear, and the worlds she has grown to love … even if doing so demands the greatest price of all. The stunning sequel to the Sunday Times bestselling Daughter of the Moon Goddess delves deeper into beloved Chinese mythology, concluding the epic story of Xingyin – the daughter of Chang’e and the mortal archer Houyi – as she battles a grave new threat to the realm, in this powerful tale of love, sacrifice, and hope.

Objev podobné jako Heart of the Sun Warrior - Sue Lynn Tan

cena 429.0 Kč

Tales of the Celestial Kingdom - Sue Lynn Tan

Return to the realm of gods and legends, magic and romance. Sue Lynn Tan’s highly acclaimed, bestselling Celestial Kingdom duology is expanded with this new compilation of stories from before, during, and after the events in Daughter of the Moon Goddess and Heart of the Sun Warrior, all from the perspectives of beloved characters. Tales of the Celestial Kingdom collects nine spellbinding stories – two previously published, seven original, including the epilogue to the duology – set in the enchanting world of Sue Lynn Tan’s stunning debut. Filled with magic and mythology, friendship and love, these stories intertwine through the past, present, and future of the two novels, told from the perspectives of multiple characters, including Chang’e, Shuxiao, Liwei, and Wenzhi. With beautiful illustrations from Kelly Chong throughout, these wondrous tales make the perfect complement to Sue Lynn Tan’s breathtaking series. Embark upon new adventures of valour, danger, and love, in a world where the celestial and mortal realms entwine.

Objev podobné jako Tales of the Celestial Kingdom - Sue Lynn Tan

cena 402.0 Kč

Way of the Chosen - Amanda Jenkins

Discover what it means to belong to and be blessed by God. We all have to choose: the wide road that leads to destruction or the narrow path that leads to life. The third season of the groundbreaking television show, The Chosen, picks up with how Jesus’ followers apply His teaching to their lives. The Way of the Chosen is an eight-lesson interactive Bible study for individuals or small groups that works in tandem with each episode of the show. In modeling “the narrow road that leads to life” it includes: Forgiving the way Jesus does Going when and where He says to go Grieving what He grieves Standing firm on His words and character Delighting in the things that please Him Asking because He says to Welcoming those He welcomes Trusting His will and way Readers will be challenged to move from knowing who Jesus is to living out their faith by going the way of the Chosen.

Objev podobné jako Way of the Chosen - Amanda Jenkins

cena 473.0 Kč

The Patron Saint of Second Chances - Christine Simon

The perfect feel-good novel - a celebration of the underdog, of family and of remembering what really matters in life - from a joyous new voice in fiction. Perfect for fans of The Authenticity Project, The Lido and The Keeper of Lost Things.

Objev podobné jako The Patron Saint of Second Chances - Christine Simon

cena 502.0 Kč

Plakát The Last of Us

Plakát The Last of Us se hodí na každou zeď Tištěno na kvalitní papír, snadno sbalitelné do tubusu Rozměr plakátu: 61 x 91,5 cm

Objev podobné jako Plakát The Last of Us

cena 189.0 Kč

The Gravity of Us - Phil Stamper

"I'm so starry-eyed for this wise, romantic gem of a book." - Becky Albertalli, bestselling author of Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda Cal wants to be a journalist, and he's already well underway with almost half a million followers on his FlashFame app and an upcoming internship at Buzzfeed. But his plans are derailed when his pilot father is selected for a highly-publicized NASA mission to Mars. Within days, Cal and his parents leave Brooklyn for hot and humid Houston. With the entire nation desperate for any new information about the astronauts, Cal finds himself thrust in the middle of a media circus. Suddenly his life is more like a reality TV show, with his constantly bickering parents struggling with their roles as the "perfect American family." And then Cal meets Leon, whose mother is another astronaut on the mission, and he finds himself falling head over heels--and fast. They become an oasis for each other amid the craziness of this whole experience. As their relationship grows, so does the frenzy surrounding the Mars mission, and when secrets are revealed about ulterior motives of the program, Cal must find a way to get to the truth without hurting the people who have become most important to him.

Objev podobné jako The Gravity of Us - Phil Stamper

cena 279.0 Kč

One Of Us Is Next (0241376920)

Kniha - autor Karen McManus, 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Welcome back to Bayview High . . . It's been a year since the events of One Of Us Is Lying. But nothing has settled for the residents of Bayview. Not now someone has started playing a sinister game of Truth or Dare. Choose truth? You must reveal your darkest secret. Choose dare? Well, that could be even more dangerous. Even deadly. When the game takes an even darker turn, suddenly no one at Bayview High knows who to trust. But they need to find out who is behind the game, before it's too late.

Objev podobné jako One Of Us Is Next (0241376920)

cena 236.0 Kč

The Memory of Us - Atkins Dani

If you can't trust your head, can you trust your heart?If she had been found moments later, Amelia's heart would have stopped and never recovered. Instead she was taken from the desolate beach to the nearest hospital just in time to save her life.When her sister Lexi arrives from New York, Amelia's heart is beating, but the accident has implanted a series of false memories. These memories revolve around a man named Sam, and a perfect love story that never existed. Determined to help her sister, Lexi enlists the help of Nick, a local vet who bears a striking resemblance to Sam.Together, Lexi and Nick recreate and photograph Amelia's dream dates in the hopes of triggering her true memories. But as love starts to stir between Lexi and Nick, they must navigate a complex web of emotions. How can Lexi fall for Amelia's dream man without hurting her sister? Filled with breathtaking romance, heart-wrenching emotion, the magic of destiny and the power of sisterhood, The Memory of Us is a must-read for fans of Holly Miller and Colleen Hoover.

Objev podobné jako The Memory of Us - Atkins Dani

cena 268.0 Kč

The Wreckage of Us - Malakin Dan

''A searing thriller that delivers shock after shock'' - B.P. WALTER''Suspenseful and perfectly crafted'' - VICTORIA SELMAN''A profoundly thrilling descent into the deadly nature of obsession'' - JANICE HALLETTIt''s always the husband... Isn''t it?Astrid Webb is missing. The police have found her car crashed near the woods, the driver''s door open, the seat spotted with blood. But there''s no sign of Astrid herself, a sick woman who rarely left her house, who surely couldn''t have left the scene of the accident without help.Her husband Bryan is sure that she''s alive - after all, this isn''t the first time she''s vanished, only to reappear without explanation. But as the days pass, Bryan starts to look like a suspect in his wife''s disappearance, perhaps in her murder. Because Bryan isn''t telling the police the whole truth. Not about Astrid''s stalker, their broken-in back door, or the threatening messages she received. And it seems as if both Astrid and Bryan have something to hide.Then a woman''s body is found in the woods, her face terribly disfigured. By staying silent, is Bryan protecting Astrid, or protecting himself?From the bestselling author of The Regret and The Box, this heart-pounding thriller is perfect for readers of Harlan Coben, Mark Billingham and Alex North.

Objev podobné jako The Wreckage of Us - Malakin Dan

cena 502.0 Kč

One of Us Knows - Cole Alyssa

From the critically acclaimed and New York Times bestselling author of When No One Is Watching comes a riveting thriller about the new caretaker of a historic estate who finds herself trapped on an island with a murderer-and the ghosts of her past. Years after a breakdown and a diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder derailed her historical preservationist career, Kenetria Nash and her alters have been given a second chance they can't refuse: a position as resident caretaker of a historic home. Having been dormant for years, Ken has no idea what led them to this isolated Hudson River island, but she's determined not to ruin their opportunity. Then a surprise visit from the home's conservation trust just as a Nor'easter bears down on the island disrupts her newfound life, leaving Ken trapped with a group of possibly dangerous strangers-including the man who brought her life tumbling down years earlier. When he turns up dead, Ken is the prime suspect. Caught in a web of secrets and in a race against time, Ken and her alters must band together to prove their innocence and discover the truth of Kavanaugh Island-and their own past-or they risk losing not only their future, but their life.

Objev podobné jako One of Us Knows - Cole Alyssa

cena 268.0 Kč

Chicken Run Dawn of the Nugget - Li Amanda

Ginger and the gang are back in this junior novel of Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget, the eagerly anticipated sequel to Chicken Run, the highest-grossing animated movie of all time. Having pulled off a death-defying escape from Tweedy’s farm, Ginger has finally found her dream — a peaceful island sanctuary for the whole flock, far from the dangers of the human world. But back on the mainland the whole of chicken-kind faces a new and terrible threat.For Ginger and her team, even if it means putting their own hard-won freedom at risk — this time, they’re breaking in!Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget: The Junior Novel is based on the eagerly anticipated Netflix sequel from Aardman, creators of Wallace & Gromit, Shaun the Sheep and Morph. The action-packed adventure comes to life in this novelisation for young readers, packed with amazing illustrations, laugh-out-loud text and bite-sized chapters. Turn to the middle of the book to discover cool character profiles and full-colour artwork from the film!

Objev podobné jako Chicken Run Dawn of the Nugget - Li Amanda

cena 214.0 Kč

The Kids’ Book of Awesome Riddles - Amanda Learmonth

Packed with over 150 cunning conundrums and perplexing puzzles, this fun and challenging riddle book is packed with difficult riddles, designed to test logic and lateral thinking.This brain-bending collection of the trickiest riddles for clever kids is packed with hundreds of cunning conundrums and perplexing puzzles that will keep kids guessing. The riddles are accompanied with fun illustrations that add humour, but won't give the game away.From quick, easy riddles to keep your brain ticking over, to longer riddles that involve some serious brainpower, The Kids' Book of Awesome Riddles has something for everyone to enjoy.These riddles are the perfect activity for kids, parents, brothers, sisters, friends and family. For anyone that loves problem solving and testing their lateral and creative thinking skills, whether travelling, on holiday, at home or on the go, this book has it all.

Objev podobné jako The Kids’ Book of Awesome Riddles - Amanda Learmonth

cena 148.0 Kč

The Last Of Us Remastered - PS4 (PS719411970)

Hra na konzoli - PS4 / PS4 Pro, PS5 (s mechanikou), krabicová verze, české titulky, žánr: akční, pro online hraní vyžaduje předplatné PlayStation Plus, - herní majstrštyk od Naughty Dog, remasterovaný pro Playstation 4, obsahuje balíček pro jednoho hráče Left Behind a balíčky pro více hráčů Abandoned Territories a Reclaimed Territories Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! The Last of Us Remastered – Zakuste srdceryvné dobrodružstvíVydejte se na pouť rozpadajícím se světem v kůži pašeráka Joela. Ten má za úkol dovést 14letou Ellie přes celé Spojené státy. Na první pohled jednoduché zadání, nebýt toho, že se příběh The Last Of Us Remastered PS4 odehrává v postapokalyptickém světě plném nástrah. Dokážete je překonat bez morální poskvrny, nebo si ušpiníte ruce? Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Objevte v The Last Of Us Remastered PS4 padlá městaCestujte...

Objev podobné jako The Last Of Us Remastered - PS4 (PS719411970)

cena 199.0 Kč

My Memory of Us (PC) DIGITAL (452244)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, české titulky, žánr: akční, 70% I když vypadá jako dětský příběh, My Memory of Us adresuje několik vážných témat a vkládá k rukám hráčů mnoho inteligentních hádanek. Události zobrazené ve hře jsou založené na skutečných válečných příbězích. Nádherná kreslená grafika inspirovaná naivním uměním. Navzájem se doplňují Jednou z nejvýznamnějších a nejjedinečnějších vlastností hry je možnost ovládat postavy samostatně nebo jako pár. Každá postava má své vlastní schopnosti – ona umí rychleji utíkat, on se umí plížit. Vzájemně si pomáhají a sdílejí...

Objev podobné jako My Memory of Us (PC) DIGITAL (452244)

cena 359.0 Kč

Gallagher Liam: One Of Us - LP (9029539792)

LP vinyl - Singl One Of Us z alba Why me? Why not. Singl One Of Us z alba Why me? Why not. William John Paul "Liam" Gallagher je britský hudebník a skladatel, známý především coby frontman zaniklé rockové skupiny Oasis.

Objev podobné jako Gallagher Liam: One Of Us - LP (9029539792)

cena 489.0 Kč

One of Us Is Lying - Karen McManus

Five students go to detention. Only four leave alive. Yale hopeful Bronwyn has never publicly broken a rule. Sports star Cooper only knows what he's doing in the baseball diamond. Bad boy Nate is one misstep away from a life of crime. Prom queen Addy is holding together the cracks in her perfect life. And outsider Simon, creator of the notorious gossip app at Bayview High, won't ever talk about any of them again. He dies 24 hours before he could post their deepest secrets online. Investigators conclude it's no accident. All of them are suspects. Everyone has secrets, right? What really matters is how far you'll go to protect them.

Objev podobné jako One of Us Is Lying - Karen McManus

cena 223.0 Kč

One of Us is Back - Karen McManus

From international bestseller, Karen McManus, comes the explosive third and final thrilling instalment in the acclaimed One of Us... series.It's been almost two years since Simon died in detention, and the aftermath has been hard to shake. First the Bayview Four had to prove they weren't killers. Then a new generation outwitted a vengeful copycat. Now the entire Bayview Crew is back home for the summer, and everyone is trying to move on.Only, this is Bayview, and life is never that simple.At first the mysterious billboard seems like a bad joke- Time for a new game, Bayview. But when a member of the Bayview Crew disappears, it's clear this "game" is serious-and whoever's in charge isn't sharing the rules. Or maybe there aren't any.Bronwyn. Cooper. Addy. Nate. Maeve. Phoebe. Knox. Luis. Kris. Everyone's a target. And now that someone unexpected has returned to Bayview, things could start getting deadly.The thing is, Simon was right about secrets-they all come out, eventually. And Bayview has a lot it's still hiding.

Objev podobné jako One of Us is Back - Karen McManus

cena 399.0 Kč

One of Us Is Next - Karen McManus

The sequel to the international bestseller One of Us is LyingWelcome back to Bayview High . . .It's been a year since the events of One Of Us Is Lying.But nothing has settled for the residents of Bayview. Not now someone has started playing a sinister game of Truth or Dare.Choose truth? You must reveal your darkest secret.Choose dare? Well, that could be even more dangerous. Even deadly.When the game takes an even darker turn, suddenly no one at Bayview High knows who to trust.But they need to find out who is behind the game, before it's too late.

Objev podobné jako One of Us Is Next - Karen McManus

cena 250.0 Kč

One of Us Is Dead - Peter James

When James Taylor arrives late for a funeral, he has to stand at the back of the small church.But, as the service progresses, Taylor notices a man six rows in front of him. At first he thinks he must be mistaken, but the more he looks at the man, the more convinced Taylor becomes that this is his old schoolfriend Rufus Rorke. Except it couldn't be him, could it? Because two years ago Taylor attended Rufus Rorke's funeral. He even delivered Rufus' eulogy. On the other side of Brighton, at Police HQ, Detective Superintendent Roy Grace has been alerted to a number of suspicious deaths that he can't get out of his mind.But how are they linked? And how could they possibly be connected to Rufus Rorke?Roy Grace is about to find out just how dangerous a dead man can be.

Objev podobné jako One of Us Is Dead - Peter James

cena 357.0 Kč

One Hundred Moments of Us - Jon Rance

‘A beautifully written “must read” for fans of David Nicholls’ Sue MoorcroftThey say life is made up of moments.So is a relationship.From the moment he sets his eyes on Ashley Oliver at sixth form on the cusp of the new millennium, Charlie falls in love. It isn’t all sunshine and roses though and it takes several years and more than one chance meeting before they begin their relationship.Will they survive everything the world has to throw at them or will the pressure of life, love, and London be too much for them?Told through moments big and small, trivial and significant, this is the moving and uplifting story of a relationship - the ups, the downs, and everything in between.An unforgettable romance, perfect for fans of Sophie Cousens, Jill Mansell and Mike Gayle.Readers are falling hard for One Hundred Moments of Us:''You''ll want to put aside as many moments as you can to read this...you''ll love it!'' Nick Spalding‘Thought-provoking yet tender, witty and warm, and with characters you’ll care about and be rooting for until the end.’ Matt Dunn‘An ambitious novel, covering over two decades and taking in all the moments - big, small, tender, painful, intimate and brutal - that make up a complex relationship and a charming and touching story.’ Andy Jones‘What a beautiful, beautiful love story. I can’t say enough good things about it!’⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘Absolutely loved this story and found it near impossible to put down!’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘I fell in love with the characters in this book and simply could not put the book down’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘A beautiful tapestry of love, life, and everything in between… both uplifting and heart-wrenching…A must-read for anyone who believes in the power of moments and the enduring nature of true love.’⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘Such a lovely read…highly recommend.’⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘A captivating read that can only be described as unputdownable.’ Reader ReviewPraise for Jon Rance:‘A wonderful story of emotions, humour, and true love.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘Couldn’t put this book down.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘If I could give this book 10 stars I would’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘Funny, insightful, engaging and refreshing.’⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘A thoroughly good read and one I didn’t want to finish!’⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘The author had me enthralled in the nostalgia of the 90s, Uni and the carefree times of youth.’⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘If you are a fan of romantic comedy you will love this!’⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review

Objev podobné jako One Hundred Moments of Us - Jon Rance

cena 295.0 Kč

One of Us Is Dead - Peter James

'One of the best British crime writers' – Lee ChildRoy Grace is about to find out just how dangerous a dead man can be . . .When James Taylor arrives late for a funeral, he has to stand at the back of the small church. But, as the service progresses, Taylor notices a man six rows in front of him. At first he thinks he must be mistaken, but the more he looks at the man, the more convinced Taylor becomes that this is his old schoolfriend Rufus Rorke.Except it couldn’t be him, could it? Because two years ago Taylor attended Rufus Rorke’s funeral. He even delivered Rufus’s eulogy.On the other side of Brighton, at Police HQ, Detective Superintendent Roy Grace has been alerted to a number of suspicious deaths that he can’t get out of his mind. But how are they linked? And could they possibly be connected to Rufus Rorke?One Of Us Is Dead is the latest race-against-time instalment of the award-winning Grace series by Peter James, now a major ITV show starring John Simm.*****23 million books sold.Creator of Her Majesty Queen Camilla’s favourite fictional detective.'Peter James is one of the best crime writers in the business' – Karin Slaughter, author of the Will Trent series'Peter James is one of the best British crime writers and therefore one of the best in the world' – Lee Child, author of the Jack Reacher series'One of the world’s most popular detective series' – The Guardian'An easy 5* book' Reader review'Excellent as always!' Reader review'A brilliant addition to this excellent series' Reader review

Objev podobné jako One of Us Is Dead - Peter James

cena 650.0 Kč

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