Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Mark and the Void (Defekt) - Paul Murray
While marooned at his banking job in the bewilderingly damp and insular realm known as Ireland, Claude Martingale is approached by a down-on-his-luck author, Paul, looking for his next great subject. Claude finds that his life gets steadily more exciting under Paul's fictionalizing influence; he even falls in love with a beautiful waitress.
Podívejte se také Simon Paul: In The Blue - LP (0190758414515)
The Cabin at the End of the World (Defekt) - Paul Tremblay
The Stoker Award-winning, taut and propulsive twist on home invasion horror, packed psychological suspense. Soon to be a major film, Knock At the Cabin, directed by M. Night Shyamalan.Seven-year-old Wen and her parents, Eric and Andrew, are vacationing at a remote cabin on a quiet New Hampshire lake, with their closest neighbours more than two miles in either direction.As Wen catches grasshoppers in the front yard, a stranger unexpectedly appears in the driveway. Leonard is the largest man Wen has ever seen but he is young and friendly. Leonard and Wen talk and play until Leonard abruptly apologises and tells Wen, "None of what's going to happen is your fault". Three more strangers arrive at the cabin carrying unidentifiable, menacing objects. As Wen sprints inside to warn her parents, Leonard calls out, "Your dads won't want to let us in, Wen. But they have to. We need your help to save the world."So begins an unbearably tense, gripping tale of paranoia, sacrifice, apocalypse, and survival that escalates to a shattering conclusion, one in which the fate of a loving family and quite possibly all of humanity are intertwined.
Podívejte se také Simon Paul: Rhythm of the Saints - LP (0190758351216)
The Sellout: Longlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2016 (1786070170)
Kniha - autor Paul Beatty, 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Podívejte se také Polštář 45x30 cm, Pat&Mat, defekt (99853A)
Podívejte se také
- Tyreweld sprej na opravu defekt 500ml (HT4YA)
- Weller Paul: Modern Classics The Greatest Hits (2x LP) - LP (3579341)
- PAUL MITCHELL The Detangler vyživující kondicionér pro snadné rozčesávání vlasů 1000 ml (HPLMLWXN116283)
- Weller Paul: An Orchestrated Songbook With Jules Buckley & The BBC Symphony Orchestra - CD (3845932)
- Leonard a Hladový Paul ()
- Anka Paul: Sessions - CD (5564302)
- Weller Paul: Illumination - LP (7209275)
- Dune - Paul Atreides - figurka (761568007473)
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- Weller Paul: True Meanings - CD (9029562047)
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- Paul Simon (978-80-7262-888-9)
- Landhaus Paul Selection Weiss 0,75l 12,5% (9120007313154)
- Landhaus Paul Sauvignon Blanc 0,75l 12% (9120007313215)
- Weller Paul: True Meanings (2x LP) - LP (9029563594)
- Leonard a Hladový Paul (978-80-275-0606-4)
- JEAN PAUL GAULTIER Le Male Deodorant 150 ml (8435415012843)
- Paul Morphy díl I. (978-80-87303-42-9)
- Paul Morphy díl II. (978-80-87303-43-6)
The Fashion Shoe - Desire Beatty
This comprehensive survey of women's fashion footwear, with more than 1,000 photos, includes every type of fashion shoe that has walked through the century, from the 1900s through the early 2000s. Along with a decade-by-decade photo timeline, with detailed information on each shoe's design and craftsmanship, every aspect of shoes is also explained. Starting with a clear explanation of the fundamentals of shoe design and the parts of the shoe, this treasure trove of info goes on to cover the great shoe designers and well-known brands, and the many cultural and societal influences and trends that shoes reflected. Special sections explore the health of the fashionable foot, the care and preservation of antique and vintage footwear, and the role of the celebrity shoe designer.
Objev podobné jako The Fashion Shoe - Desire Beatty
The Girl on the Train film tie-in (Defekt) - Paula Hawkins
THE RUNAWAY SUNDAY TIMES NO.1 BESTSELLER AND THRILLER OF THE YEAR 'Really great suspense novel. Kept me up most of the night. The alcoholic narrator is dead perfect' STEPHEN KING Rachel catches the same commuter train every morning. She knows it will wait at the same signal each time, overlooking a row of back gardens. She's even started to feel like she knows the people who live in one of the houses. ‘Jess and Jason', she calls them. Their life - as she sees it - is perfect. If only Rachel could be that happy. And then she sees something shocking. It's only a minute until the train moves on, but it's enough. Now everything's changed. Now Rachel has a chance to become a part of the lives she's only watched from afar. Now they'll see; she's much more than just the girl on the train…
Objev podobné jako The Girl on the Train film tie-in (Defekt) - Paula Hawkins
Píseň přežití (Defekt) - Paul Tremblay
Když se to rozjede, je to k nezastavení. Novou Anglií na východě Spojených států se jako oheň šíří záhadné virové onemocnění, jakási nová forma vztekliny. Nemocnice nezvládají přijímat pacienty, lékaři jsou zoufalí z rychlosti, jakou nemoc postihuje nervovou soustavu, jak mění lidi v agresivní, nemyslící tvory a zabíjí je. Nejbezpečnější je zůstávat doma, ale co když si nakažení najdou cestu i přes váš práh? Natalie je v osmém měsíci těhotenství a její manžel se o ni ze všech sil snaží pečovat. Jednoho dne vyráží na nákup, ale při návratu je napaden a umírá. Natalii se hroutí svět, a navíc si sama z potyčky s agresorem odnáší kousnutí na ruce. Začíná závod s časem. Kontaktuje svou dávnou kamarádku Ramolu, dětskou lékařku, kterou prosí o pomoc, hlavně o to, aby se jí dostalo péče a mohla v klidu porodit. Svět se však radikálně změnil a obě ženy teď v průběhu několika málo hodin musejí svést boj, jaký si ještě před několika dny neuměly ani představit, a pokusit se téměř o nemožné, přivést na svět dítě. Do jakého světa to však bude? Píseň přežití je strhující hororový thriller, v němž hraje roli každá jedna minuta.
Objev podobné jako Píseň přežití (Defekt) - Paul Tremblay
Píseň přežití (Defekt) - Paul Tremblay
Když se to rozjede, je to k nezastavení. Novou Anglií na východě Spojených států se jako oheň šíří záhadné virové onemocnění, jakási nová forma vztekliny. Nemocnice nezvládají přijímat pacienty, lékaři jsou zoufalí z rychlosti, jakou nemoc postihuje nervovou soustavu, jak mění lidi v agresivní, nemyslící tvory a zabíjí je. Nejbezpečnější je zůstávat doma, ale co když si nakažení najdou cestu i přes váš práh? Natalie je v osmém měsíci těhotenství a její manžel se o ni ze všech sil snaží pečovat. Jednoho dne vyráží na nákup, ale při návratu je napaden a umírá. Natalii se hroutí svět, a navíc si sama z potyčky s agresorem odnáší kousnutí na ruce. Začíná závod s časem. Kontaktuje svou dávnou kamarádku Ramolu, dětskou lékařku, kterou prosí o pomoc, hlavně o to, aby se jí dostalo péče a mohla v klidu porodit. Svět se však radikálně změnil a obě ženy teď v průběhu několika málo hodin musejí svést boj, jaký si ještě před několika dny neuměly ani představit, a pokusit se téměř o nemožné, přivést na svět dítě. Do jakého světa to však bude? Píseň přežití je strhující hororový thriller, v němž hraje roli každá jedna minuta.
Objev podobné jako Píseň přežití (Defekt) - Paul Tremblay
Mrtvý muž přichází (Defekt) - Paul Finch
Jezerní oblast na severu Anglie zahalila neprostupná mlha. Zároveň s ní udeřil i sériový vrah. A v detektivu Marku Heckenburgovi hlodá děsivé podezření, že se vrátil obávaný pachatel s přezdívkou Cizák.. Naposledy byl spatřen před deseti lety v Dartmooru, kde své oběti připravoval o život nebývale krutým způsobem. A teď, když záhadně zmizely dvě mladé ženy, se Heck obává nejhoršího. Celá místní komunita je paralyzována strachem, zatímco Heck bezmocně sleduje, jak Cizák znovu rozehrává svou krutou mašinérii, vybírá si jednu oběť za druhou a nehodlá jen tak přestat. Heckovi nezbývá nic jiného, než přistoupit na jeho hru...
Objev podobné jako Mrtvý muž přichází (Defekt) - Paul Finch
Na stopě zločinu 3 (Defekt) - Paul Martin
Vítejte v místech, kde se to jenom hemží zločinem. Zvládnete vyřešit všechny zapeklité případy? Staňte se detektivem a pusťte se do vyšetřování! Seznámíte se s výpověďmi svědků, prozkoumáte okolí a na základě stop odhalíte pachatele. Čeká na vás Sabotáž v Santa Klausově továrně, Poklad na Langustě, Záplava na kluzišti a mnoho dalších zábavných kriminalistických hádanek.
Objev podobné jako Na stopě zločinu 3 (Defekt) - Paul Martin
Chatrč (Defekt) - William Paul Young
Celosvětový bestseller o tom, jak lze tváří v tvář zlu, bolesti a beznaději nalézt Boha, milost, usmíření… a sebe sama. Missy, nejmladší dcera Macka Allena Phillipse, je unesena během rodinného výletu. Důkazy o tom, že byla pravděpodobně zavražděna, se najdou v opuštěné chatrči uprostřed oregonské divočiny. Díky podivné výzvě, kterou Mack obdrží pár let poté, se tam vrací, aby znovu vkročil do samého středu svých nejtemnějších nočních můr. To, co v chatrči najde, navždy změní jeho život…
Objev podobné jako Chatrč (Defekt) - William Paul Young
Láska a zkáza (Defekt) - Paula McLainová
V roce 1937 se osmadvacetiletá novinářka Martha Gellhornová vydává do Madridu, aby podala zprávu o hrůzách španělské občanské války. Osudy obyčejných lidí, lapených v soukolí ničivého konfliktu, se jí hluboce dotýkají. Navíc se nečekavě a bláznivě zamiluje do Hemingwaye, z něhož je tou dobou již žijící legenda. Jejich vztah i kariéra se naplno rozhoří a nakonec se, ve stínu blížící se druhé světové války, vezmou. Martha je nezávislá, neohrožená a ambiciózní válečná korespondentka a tvrdě pracuje, aby zůstala sama sebou, naplnila své poslání a nikdy nežila ve stínu svého muže. Ve chvíli, kdy Ernest v roce 1940 vydává jeden ze svých nejúspěšnějších románů Komu zvoní hrana, však přestávají být rovnocennými partnery. Martha se musí rozhodnout: sleví z vlastních cílů a poddá se omezujícím nárokům postavení manželky slavného spisovatele, nebo si ponechá samostatnost a kariéru, ale ztratí tím milovaného muže. Dilema, které může jim oběma zlomit srdce.
Objev podobné jako Láska a zkáza (Defekt) - Paula McLainová
Belmondo o Belmondovi (Defekt) - Jean-Paul Belmondo
Zcela výjimečná fotografická publikace. Je čas bilancovat – toho si je vědom i samotný J. P. A tak vedle autobiografického vyprávění uspořádal také velkolepý fotografický průřez svým životem. Unikátní fotografie pochází jak z jeho osobního archivu, tak z mnoha desítek světových agentur. Belmondo zde ožívá jako milující manžel, stejně jako milovník z jeho nejslavnějších filmů. Jako šťastný táta a dědeček, stejně jako charismatická hvězda filmového plátna.
Objev podobné jako Belmondo o Belmondovi (Defekt) - Jean-Paul Belmondo
Serafina a rozštěpené srdce - Robert Beatty
Velká a ničivá bouře se blíží… Serafině se stalo něco zvláštního. Probudila se do temnoty a světa, kterému nerozumí. Biltmorské panství se tolik změnilo, její staří přátelé dělají nemyslitelné věci a zdá se, že nepřátelé jsou všude okolo. Biltmorem prochází síla beze jména, která s sebou přináší násilné bouře, jež smetou vše, co jim stojí v cestě. A Serafina musí přijít na to, co se stalo, aby mohla zachránit nejen sebe, ale i ostatní
Objev podobné jako Serafina a rozštěpené srdce - Robert Beatty
Agent Storm (Defekt) - Morten Storm, Tim Lister, Paul Cruikshank
Dán Morten Storm se již v mládí dopouštěl násilného jednání, své třinácté narozeniny oslavil pokusem o ozbrojenou loupež. Po konverzi k islámu propadl jeho radikálnímu výkladu a odešel do Jemenu účastnit se ozbrojeného džihádu. V Jemenu strávil desítku let ve výcvikových táborech al-Káidy po boku nejhledanějších teroristů a postupně se stal jednou z předních postav mezi islamisty. Později však islámskou víru opustil a stal se dvojitým agentem pro americkou, britskou a dánskou tajnou službu. Kniha napsaná s pomocí specialisty na terorismus stanice CNN Paula Cruikshanka a zkušeného reportéra specializujícího se na Blízký východ Tima Listera odhaluje dramatický osud člověka, který se dokázal vymanit z osidel radikální ideologie. V době, kdy tisíce džihádistů evropského původu odcházejí bojovat v řadách Islámského státu do Sýrie a jejich případný návrat do Evropy představuje nemalé bezpečnostní riziko, je příběh agenta Storma o to aktuálnější.
Objev podobné jako Agent Storm (Defekt) - Morten Storm, Tim Lister, Paul Cruikshank
Serafína a starcova palica - Robert Beatty - e-kniha
eBook: Serafína každú noc v lese navštevuje mamu a dychtivo sa učí spôsobom divošeliem. Uviazla však medzi dvoma svetmi: je pridivoká na dom plný dám v nádherných róbach a spoločenských zvykov, no priveľmi ľudská, aby sa naplno pripojila k svojmu druhu.Raz natrafí na zvláštneho, desivého neznámeho a zaútočia na ňu zlovestné vlkodavy.Záhadná séria útokov preveruje Serafíninu úlohu ochrankyne Biltmoru a vyvrcholí tragédiou, ktorá od nej odlúči najlepšieho priateľa a jediného spojenca Braedena Vanderbilta. Zlo siaha oveľa ďalej, než si predstavovala. Aby mohla Serafína odvrátiť novú hrozbu, musí sa zahĺbiť do svojho vnútra a prijať osud, ktorý ju očakáva.
Objev podobné jako Serafína a starcova palica - Robert Beatty - e-kniha
Serafína a čierny plášť - Robert Beatty - e-kniha
eBook: Serafína nikdy nemala dôvod neposlúchnuť svojho otca a opustiť svoj tajný úkryt v podzemí Biltmoru. Doma je stále čo objavovať, musí si však dávať pozor, aby ju nikto zo zbohatlíkov na poschodí nezbadal. Z Biltmoru sa však začnú záhadne strácať deti. Serafína spojí sily so synovcom majiteľa Biltmoru Braedenom Vanderbittom a riskujú všetko, aby odhalili vinníka. Je ním záhadný muž v čiernom plášti?Pri záchrane biltmorských detí hľadá Serafína odpovede, ktoré odhalia aj mozaiku jej minulosti...
Objev podobné jako Serafína a čierny plášť - Robert Beatty - e-kniha
The Girl on the Train - Paula Hawkins
THE RUNAWAY SUNDAY TIMES NO.1 BESTSELLER AND THRILLER OF THE YEAR'Really great suspense novel. Kept me up most of the night. The alcoholic narrator is dead perfect' STEPHEN KINGRachel catches the same commuter train every morning. She knows it will wait at the same signal each time, overlooking a row of back gardens. She’s even started to feel like she knows the people who live in one of the houses. ‘Jess and Jason’, she calls them. Their life – as she sees it – is perfect. If only Rachel could be that happy.And then she sees something shocking. It’s only a minute until the train moves on, but it’s enough. Now everything’s changed. Now Rachel has a chance to become a part of the lives she’s only watched from afar.Now they’ll see; she’s much more than just the girl on the trainPaula Hawkins worked as a journalist for fifteen years before turning her hand to fiction. Born and brought up in Zimbabwe, Paula moved to London in 1989 and has lived there ever since. The Girl on the Train is her first thriller. it has been published in over forty languages and has been a No.1 bestseller around the world. It has been optioned for film by Dreamworks.
Objev podobné jako The Girl on the Train - Paula Hawkins
The Way of the Champion - Paul Rabil
Long before Paul Rabil had become lacrosses''s most acclaimed player, the sport''s first million-dollar man, and the cofounder of the Premier Lacrosse League, he always strove for greatness. The problem was he lacked a manual for how to achieve it - so, he set out to create one himself. He talked to Bill Belichick about how to prepare, Steph Curry about how to practice, Sue Bird about how to develop resilience, and Mark Cuban about how to build a career with longevity. From the wisdom of these and other legends, and through his own - often painful - trial and error, he forged himself into a true champion. And in doing so, he wrote the manual he always wanted. The Way of The Champion is the synthesis of everything Rabil learned on his path to becoming one of the greatest lacrosse players of all time. But this is not merely a sports book. It is a guide to embodying a champion''s mindset - in sports, in business, and in relationships. According to Paul Rabil, ''No one is born to be a champion. It can only be earned -through equal parts philosophy, execution, and sheer determination. I''ve won and lost championships, business deals, and relationships. I''ve learned that our best moments come after we''ve faced our most devastating defeats - when we choose to rise with unwavering resolve. That''s the way of the champion.''
Objev podobné jako The Way of the Champion - Paul Rabil
The Lyrics - Paul McCartney
The Sunday Times bestseller and Waterstones Book of the Year, now in paperback‘Paul McCartney says this is as close as he will get to an autobiography and no wonder – his life is in every line of these songs ... pure joy’ Sunday Times, Book of the Year With seven songs added for this edition: ‘Bluebird,’ ‘Day Tripper,’ ‘English Tea,’ ‘Every Night,’ ‘Hello, Goodbye,’ ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ and ‘Step Inside Love’Spanning seven decades – from his early Liverpool days, through the historic decade of The Beatles, to Wings and his long solo career – Paul McCartney’s The Lyrics has transformed the way artists write about music, pairing the definitive texts of 161 songs with intimate, autobiographical commentaries on McCartney’s life and music.Arranged alphabetically, these commentaries reveal the diverse circumstances in which the songs were written, how they ultimately came to be, and the remarkable – often ordinary – people and places that inspired them. Dozens of vignettes re-create the working-class Liverpool of McCartney’s youth, where delivery boys ran parcels on docks, as in ‘On My Way to Work,’ and elderly ladies in the neighbourhood inspired ‘Eleanor Rigby.’ McCartney also introduces us to his early literary influences, among them Shakespeare, Lewis Carroll and Allen Ginsberg, as well as Alan Durband, his beloved English teacher, and his mother, Mary, who passed away when he was just fourteen – and whose memory has infused his work ever since.Yet the two most powerful presences in The Lyrics after the author himself are his songwriting partner, John Lennon, and his ‘Golden Earth Girl,’ Linda Eastman McCartney. Here McCartney describes how he met John at a church fête in 1957; their adventures with George Harrison and Ringo Starr in the early 1960s; and how, at the end of the decade, they, and The Beatles, broke up. Thus began a second act of now more than fifty years, with Linda and family life as driving forces – inspiring songs from ‘Maybe I’m Amazed,’ written just after the breakup of The Beatles, to the 2012 ballad ‘My Valentine,’ addressed to McCartney’s wife and partner, Nancy Shevell McCartney.Edited and introduced by Pulitzer Prize–winning poet Paul Muldoon, and enhanced by more than a hundred images from McCartney’s personal archives – including handwritten texts, mementos, and photographs – and seven new song commentaries, The Lyrics is a book for the ages, and the definitive literary and visual record of one of the greatest songwriters of all time.
Objev podobné jako The Lyrics - Paul McCartney
Paul McCartney Tričko Band On The Run Paul Unisex Black S
Věková skupina: Dospělý Barva podle výrobce: Černá;Black Subžánr: Pop;Rock Dodavatel: Rock Off Interpret / Téma: Paul McCartney Žánr: Pop;Rock Barva: Černá Velikost: S Pohlaví: Unisex Délka rukávu: Krátké Země původu: Spojené království Materiál: Bavlna Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna
Objev podobné jako Paul McCartney Tričko Band On The Run Paul Unisex Black S
The Lyrics: 1956 to the Present - Paul McCartney
Finally in paperback and featuring seven new song commentaries, the #1 New York Times bestseller celebrates the creative life and unparalleled musical genius of Paul McCartney.Spanning sixty-four years―from his early days in Liverpool, through the historic decade of The Beatles, to Wings and his solo career―Paul McCartney’s The Lyrics revolutionized the way artists write about music. An unprecedented “triumph” (Times UK), this handsomely designed volume pairs the definitive texts of over 160 songs with first-person commentaries on McCartney’s life, revealing the diverse circumstances in which songs were written; how they ultimately came to be; and the remarkable, yet often delightfully ordinary, people and places that inspired them. The Lyrics also includes:· A personal foreword by McCartney· An unprecedented range of songs, from beloved standards like “Band on the Run” to new additions “Day Tripper” and “Magical Mystery Tour”· Over 160 images from McCartney’s own archivesEdited and introduced by Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Paul Muldoon, The Lyrics is the definitive literary and visual record of one of the greatest songwriters of all time. 165 images
Objev podobné jako The Lyrics: 1956 to the Present - Paul McCartney
Paul McCartney Tričko Band On The Run Paul Unisex Black XL
Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Materiál: Bavlna Barva: Černá Velikost: XL Délka rukávu: Krátké Pohlaví: Unisex Věková skupina: Dospělý Barva podle výrobce: Černá;Black Subžánr: Pop;Rock Interpret / Téma: Paul McCartney Žánr: Pop;Rock Dodavatel: Rock Off Země původu: Spojené království
Objev podobné jako Paul McCartney Tričko Band On The Run Paul Unisex Black XL
Paul McCartney Tričko Band On The Run Paul Unisex Black M
Délka rukávu: Krátké Velikost: M Barva: Černá Pohlaví: Unisex Země původu: Spojené království Žánr: Rock;Pop Subžánr: Rock;Pop Interpret / Téma: Paul McCartney Barva podle výrobce: Black;Černá Dodavatel: Rock Off Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Materiál: Bavlna Věková skupina: Dospělý
Objev podobné jako Paul McCartney Tričko Band On The Run Paul Unisex Black M
The Pallbearers´ Club - Paul Tremblay
The Bram Stoker award-winning modern master of horror reinvents vampires, from the author of The Cabin at the End of the World and A Head Full of Ghosts. 1988, Art Barbara is a painfully shy/socially awkward teenager, underweight, acne-ridden, and suffering from scoliosis when he starts the Pallbearers' Club. Members volunteer as mourners for the homeless and lonely, those with no one else to bury them. Art recruits his former bully, Eddie Patrick, a fellow slacker Cayla, and the mysterious Mercy Brown. Art and Mercy quickly form an intense friendship, but one day Art takes a photo of Mercy, and captures a strange parasitic creature wrapped around her.
Objev podobné jako The Pallbearers´ Club - Paul Tremblay
Paul the Peacock - Tilly Matthews
In this belly-laughing picture book, follow a very proud peacock named Paul as he tumbles down to earth from his treetop penthouse and learns to appreciate his helpful and caring friends. Paul has everything. He has the biggest nest, the most loyal friend, and of course, the most beautiful feathers in the forest. But as you can guess, he’s not the humblest of birds… In fact… Paul is a selfish, rude and arrogant peacock who isn’t very nice to his friend Norris the Loris and the other animals in the forest. He’s pampered by everyone around him and never has to shake a feather. Then, one evening, ‘after another long, tiring day of being perfect’, there is a huge storm. Paul loses everything – including his precious feathers. He has to go on an adventure through the forest to try and retrieve his most prized possession. But as he sets off to find his feathers, he ultimately discovers something even more important… This hilarious story with comic deadpan moments and vivid, expressive illustrations conveys an important message about kindness, friendship and humility. This is a fantastically funny fable that gently shows young readers how to be less materialistic, and more modest and mindful of other people’s feelings.
Objev podobné jako Paul the Peacock - Tilly Matthews
The Blue Hour - Paula Hawkins
Discover the new gripping and atmospheric thriller from the global No.1 bestselling author of The Girl on the Train and A Slow Fire Burning.''A masterpiece! Gorgeous and chilling, and I couldn’t put it down.'' SHARI LAPENA‘The best Paula Hawkins yet, by a tense and haunting mile.’ LEE CHILD‘An atmospheric, stylish puzzle box of a thriller’ - LIZ MOORE*************She no longer sleeps when the tide is out, she only rests when the sea separates her from the land. When she knows no one can sneak up on her.Eris, an island with only one house, one inhabitant, one way out.Unreachable from the Scottish mainland for twelve hours each day.Once home to Vanessa. A famous artist whose notoriously unfaithful husband disappeared twenty years ago.Now home to Grace. A solitary creature of the tides, content in her own isolation.But when a shocking discovery is made in an art gallery far away in London, a visitor comes calling.And the secrets of Eris threaten to emerge . . .**Pre-order now to get your hands on a special foiled design beneath the jacket, EXCLUSIVE to the first print run while stocks last!***************Praise for The Blue Hour:‘The Blue Hour swept me along on a tide as unforgiving and irresistible as the one around the island of Eris.’ Val McDermid, Sunday Times bestselling author of the Karen Pirie series‘Extremely hard to put down’ Mick Herron, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Secret Hours‘An atmospheric and marvellously twisty novel.’ Danya Kukafka, author of New York Times Crime Novel of the Year, Notes on an Execution''Beautifully written, intriguing . . . a real page-turner.’ Belinda Bauer, Sunday Times bestselling author of Snap‘A tensely atmospheric and layered exploration of artistic drive and devotion; loyalty and betrayal; class, money and revenge . . . I loved it. - Charlotte Wood, author of Booker Prize 2024 Longlisted Stone Yard Devotional‘The Blue Hour is her finest work yet.’ - John Boyne, author of bestselling Richard and Judy pick, Our Heart’s Invisible Furies‘An addictive, exhilarating book.’ - Donal Ryan, bestselling author of The Queen of Dirt Island
Objev podobné jako The Blue Hour - Paula Hawkins
The Blue Hour - Paula Hawkins
A GOOD MORNING AMERICA BOOK CLUB PICKTHE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER!The tense new crime thriller from the multi-million-copy bestselling author of The Girl on the Train.'The best Paula Hawkins yet.' LEE CHILD'Undoubtedly Hawkins' best novel yet.' The Observer'Paula's very best book... and a bloody good read.' LIZ NUGENT'A twisty dark thriller, this is Paula Hawkins' best book since The Girl on the Train.' Red'An atmospheric, stylish puzzle box of a thriller. . . truly exceptional.' LIZ MOORE------------WELCOME TO ERIS - A TIDAL ISLAND WITH ONLY ONE HOUSE, ONE INHABITANT, ONE WAY OUT. . .A place that is unreachable from the Scottish mainland for twelve hours each day.Once the hideaway of Vanessa, a famous artist whose husband disappeared twenty years ago.Now home to Grace. A solitary creature of the tides, content in her own isolation.But when a human bone is uncovered in Vanessa's artwork, far away in London, Grace receives an unexpected visitor.AND THE SECRETS OF ERIS THREATEN TO EMERGE. . .'A gripping, ambitious, big-skied novel about women who refuse to surrender to the tide.' ERIN KELLY------------Readers are OBSESSED with The Blue Hour!'This blew me away. I want to read it again IMMEDIATELY. It's creepy, unsettling and tense. ' 5-STAR Reader Review'I soaked up every bit of this book, savoured every word. I didn't want it to end but when it did, it did so in chilling style. Brilliant!' 5-STAR Reader Review'Once again, Hawkins has produced an irresistible, gripping story that I was completely immersed in from page one.' 5-STAR Reader Review------------More praise for The Blue Hour:'A fine, insidious thriller.' The Mail on Sunday'A masterpiece! Gorgeous and chilling.' SHARI LAPENA'Vivid, extremely tense, unnervingly unputdownable. This is a superb, powerful read.' The Independent'Extremely hard to put down.' MICK HERRON'Really, really, REALLY good. Highly recommended!' MARIAN KEYESThe Girl on the Train, global No.1 bestseller, The Bookseller Feb 2024Paula Hawkins, Sunday Times bestseller, October 2024
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Follow the Money - Paul Johnson
THE TOP TEN SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'Gripping and horrifying... witty and brilliant. Buy it'The Times'A treasure trove of killer facts' Guardian'Read it, absorb it, and understand how the country works' Laura Kuenssberg Paul Johnson and the enormously respected Institute for Fiscal Studies aim to hold Government to account - without which politicians will get away with their half-truths, elisions and dubious claims. This is a forensic examination - by the man best placed to do so - of the way the state raises and spends £1 trillion of our money every year. To follow the money. To provide an explanation, of where that money comes from and where it goes to, how that has changed and how it needs to change. 'This book is the antidote to naivety that our political class needs. Anyone, in fact, who has strong views about how society should be run would benefit from reading it, because every political ambition costs money and as Johnson writes, "someone has to pay for all this"... The story he tells may leave you reeling... Johnson's buoyant yet acerbic style will keep you engaged. The sobering realities he lays out are peppered with entertaining asides' Book of the Week, Sunday Times
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The Bee Sting - Paul Murray
WINNER OF THE NERO BOOK AWARD FOR FICTION 2023WINNER OF AN POST IRISH BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023SHORTLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE 2023SHORTLISTED FOR THE WRITERS’ PRIZE FOR FICTION 2024SHORTLISTED FOR THE KERRY GROUP NOVEL OF THE YEAR 2024SHORTLISTED FOR THE SKY ARTS AWARDS 2024ONE OF SARAH JESSICA PARKER’S BEST BOOKS OF 2023Book of the Year 2023 according to New York Times, New Yorker, The Sunday Times, The Economist, Observer, Guardian, Washington Post, Lit Hub, TIME magazine, Irish Times, The Oldie, Daily Mail, i Paper, Independent, The Standard, The Times, Kirkus, Daily Express, City A.M. From one of our greatest comic novelists and the author of Skippy Dies comes a funny, thought-provoking story of one family desperately clinging on as their world falls apart . . .''A tragicomic triumph. You won''t read a sadder, truer, funnier novel this year'' GuardianThe Barnes family is in trouble. Dickie''s once-lucrative car business is going under - but rather than face the music, he''s spending his days in the woods, building an apocalypse-proof bunker with a renegade handyman.His wife Imelda is selling off her jewellery on eBay while their teenage daughter Cass, formerly top of her class, seems determined to binge-drink her way to her final exams. And twelve-year-old PJ is putting the final touches to his grand plan to run away from home.Where did it all go wrong? A patch of ice on the tarmac, a casual favour to a charming stranger, a bee caught beneath a bridal veil?Can a single moment of bad luck change the direction of a life? And if the story has already been written - is there still time to find a happy ending?‘The finest novel that Murray has yet written . . . will surely be one of the books of 2023’ Sunday Independent''Murray is a natural storyteller . . . Ambitious, expansive, hugely entertaining tragicomic fiction'' Irish Times''It''s a thing of beauty, a novel that will fill your heart'' Observer‘Generous, immersive, sharp-witted and devastating . . . a triumph’ Financial Times‘It''s been compared to Jonathan Franzen''s The Corrections; I''d argue it''s better’ Daily Mail
Objev podobné jako The Bee Sting - Paul Murray
The Human Mind - Paul Bloom
Are you a human? Do you have a mind? Then this book is for you: a wonderfully entertaining overview of all of psychology by one of its greatest experts. 'Like having the mind's complexities untangled by a witty, eloquent and deeply knowledgeable friend' OLIVER BURKEMAN'Really wonderful, hugely readable' DERREN BROWNâ€~This book is a gem’ ROBERT SAPOLSKYNothing is more familiar and yet less understood than the human mind. It defines the experience of being human, and yet its workings contain some of the deepest mysteries ever encountered.Written by one of the world's greatest teachers of psychology, The Human Mind provides a masterful and riveting guide to all that we have learned since modern science began probing those mysteries. It will illuminate everything you think and feel, everything you say and do, everything that makes you you. â€~I don't remember the last time I was this excited about a psychology-related book.The Human Mind is everything a reader wants [and] will delight you’ DR SOPHIE MORT (AKA DR SOPH)â€~An up-to-the-minute [and] comprehensive journey through what it means to be human’ New Scientistâ€~The story of the human mind as told by psychology's best storyteller ... fantastic’ DANIEL GILBERT, author of Stumbling on Happinessâ€~Perhaps the wittiest, most captivating overview of the field of psychology to date’ JENNIFER SENIOR, author of All Joy and No Fun
Objev podobné jako The Human Mind - Paul Bloom
The Bee Sting - Paul Murray
'A tragicomic triumph. You won't read a sadder, truer, funnier novel this year' Guardian The Barnes family is in trouble. Dickie's once-lucrative car business is going under - but rather than face the music, he's spending his days in the woods, building an apocalypse-proof bunker with a renegade handyman. His wife Imelda is selling off her jewellery on eBay while their teenage daughter Cass, formerly top of her class, seems determined to binge-drink her way to her final exams. And twelve-year-old PJ is putting the final touches to his grand plan to run away from home. Where did it all go wrong? A patch of ice on the tarmac, a casual favour to a charming stranger, a bee caught beneath a bridal veil - can a single moment of bad luck change the direction of a life? And if the story has already been written - is there still time to find a happy ending?
Objev podobné jako The Bee Sting - Paul Murray
The Descent - Paul E. Hardisty
A young man and his young family set out on a perilous voyage across a devastated planet to uncover the origin of the events that set the world on its course to disaster ... The prescient, deeply shocking prequel to the bestselling, critically acclaimed Climate Emergency thriller, The Forcing. Kweku Ashworth is a child of the cataclysm, born on a sailboat to parents fleeing the devastation in search for a refuge in the Southern Ocean. Growing up in a world forever changed, his only connection to the events that set the planet on its course to disaster were the stories his step-father, long-dead, recorded in his manuscript, The Forcing. But there are huge gaps in the story that his mother, still alive but old and frail, steadfastly refuses to speak of, even thirty years later. When he discovers evidence that his mother has tried to cover up the truth, and then stumbles across an account by someone close to the men who forced the globe into a climate catastrophe, he knows that it is time to find out for himself. Determined to learn what really happened during his mother's escape from the concentration camp to which she and Kweku's father were banished, and their subsequent journey halfway around the world, Kweku and his young family set out on a perilous voyage across a devastated planet. What they find will challenge not only their faith in humanity, but their ability to stay alive. The Descent is the devastating, nerve-shattering prequel to the critically acclaimed thriller The Forcing, a story of survival, hope, and the power of the human spirit in a world torn apart by climate change.
Objev podobné jako The Descent - Paul E. Hardisty
The Kingfisher Secret (Defekt)
Her codename is Kingfisher. Her mission: to seduce and marry most powerful man in the world. October 2016: In America, the election is a few weeks away. Journalist Grace Elliot has just landed a scoop that she believe will make her career. A porn-star is willing to talk about her affair with the man some hope and many fear will become the next president of the United Stares. But no one will touch it. Instead, Grace is sent to Europe where she discovers a story so big, so explosive that it could decide the American election and launch a new Cold War. If she can stay alive long enough to tell it... Spies, murder and one of the biggest conspiracies of our time lie at the heart of the thriller of the year.
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The Shakespeare Secret (Defekt)
A modern serial killer - hunting an ancient secret. \n\nA woman is left to die as the rebuilt Globe theatre burns. Another woman is drowned like Ophelia, skirts swirling in the water. A professor has his throat slashed open on the steps of Washington's Capitol building. \n\nA deadly serial killer is on the loose, modelling his murders on Shakespeare's plays. But why is he killing? And how can he be stopped? \n\nA gripping, shocking page turner, The Shakespeare Secret masterfully combines modern murder and startling true revelations from the life of Shakespeare. It has been acclaimed as one of the most compulsively readable thrillers of recent years.
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Serafina Boxed Set [4-Book Hardcover Boxed Set] - Robert Beatty
The #1 New York Times best-selling series by Robert Beatty is now available in one spooky hardcover boxed set. Follow the brave and beloved heroine through her hair-raising adventures at the Biltmore estate in Serafina and the Black Cloak, Serafina and the Twisted Staff, Serafina and the Splintered Heart, and Serafina and the Seven Stars. This gorgeous set will delight loyal fans and new readers alike. Praise for the Serafina series: "The story drips with suspense, wrapping readers in to the narrative just as easily as the man in the black cloak binds his young victims. Serafina's friendship with Braeden is heartfelt and believable... mystery fans will enjoy this book... A creepy, suspenseful read."--School Library Journal *"From the first gripping page, the book pulses with action and intrigue... Each character continues to surprise both one another and readers with their emotional complexity. A captivating, edge-of-your-seat, action-packed fantasy."--Kirkus Reviews, starred review
Objev podobné jako Serafina Boxed Set [4-Book Hardcover Boxed Set] - Robert Beatty
The Name of the Wind (Defekt) - Patrick Rothfuss
'I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep.My name is Kvothe.You may have heard of me'So begins the tale of Kvothe - currently known as Kote, the unassuming innkeepter - from his childhood in a troupe of traveling players, through his years spent as a near-feral orphan in a crime-riddled city, to his daringly brazen yet successful bid to enter a difficult and dangerous school of magic. In these pages you will come to know Kvothe the notorious magician, the accomplished thief, the masterful musician, the dragon-slayer, the legend-hunter, the lover, the thief and the infamous assassin.The Name of the Wind is fantasy at its very best, and an astounding must-read title.
Objev podobné jako The Name of the Wind (Defekt) - Patrick Rothfuss
The Tower of the Swallow (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski
Geralt the Witcher races to find his missing ward, Ciri, in this fourth novel in the bestselling Witcher series that inspired the Netflix show and video games.The world has fallen into war. Ciri, the child of prophecy, has vanished. Hunted by friends and foes alike, she has taken on the guise of a petty bandit and lives free for the first time in her life.But the net around her is closing. Geralt, the Witcher, has assembled a group of allies determined to rescue her. Both sides of the war have sent brutal mercenaries to hunt her down. Her crimes have made her famous.There is only one place left to run. The tower of the swallow is waiting...Translated by David French.
Objev podobné jako The Tower of the Swallow (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski
The Name of the Rose (Defekt) - Umberto Eco
The year is 1327. Franciscans in a wealthy Italian abbey are suspected of heresy, and Brother William of Baskerville arrives to investigate. When his delicate mission is suddenly overshadowed by seven bizarre deaths, Brother William turns detective. His tools are the logic of Aristotle, the theology of Aquinas, the empirical insights of Roger Bacon - all sharpened to a glistening edge by wry humor and a ferocious curiosity. He collects evidence, deciphers secret symbols and coded manuscripts, and digs into the eerie labyrinth of the abbey, where "the most interesting things happen at night."
Objev podobné jako The Name of the Rose (Defekt) - Umberto Eco
The Lady of the Lake (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski
After walking through a portal in the Tower of the Swallow, thus narrowly escaping death, the Witcher girl, Ciri, finds herself in a completely different world... a world of the Elves. She is trapped with no way out. Time does not seem to exist and there are no obvious borders or portals to cross back into her home world. But this is Ciri, the child of prophecy, and she will not be defeated. She knows she must escape to finally rejoin the Witcher, Geralt, and his companions - and also to try to conquer her worst nightmare. Leo Bonhart, the man who chased, wounded and tortured Ciri, is still on her trail. And the world is still at war.
Objev podobné jako The Lady of the Lake (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski
The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes
This Is The Amazing New Thriller From Terry Hayes. If You Thought I Am Pilgrim Was Good...
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The Power of the Powerless (Defekt) - Václav Havel
Vaclav Havel's remarkable and rousing essay on the tyranny of apathy, with a new introduction by Timothy Snyder Cowed by life under Communist Party rule, a greengrocer hangs a placard in their shop window: Workers of the world, unite! Is it a sign of the grocer's unerring ideology? Or a symbol of the lies we perform to protect ourselves? Written in 1978, Vaclav Havel's meditation on political dissent - the rituals of its suppression, and the sparks that re-ignite it - would prove the guiding manifesto for uniting Solidarity movements across the Soviet Union. A portrait of activism in the face of falsehood and intimidation, The Power of the Powerless remains a rousing call against the allure of apathy. 'Havel's diagnosis of political pathologies has a special resonance in the age of Trump' Pankaj Mishra
Objev podobné jako The Power of the Powerless (Defekt) - Václav Havel
The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes
This Is The Amazing New Thriller From Terry Hayes. If You Thought I Am Pilgrim Was Good...
Objev podobné jako The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes
The Wrath and the Dawn (Defekt) - Renéé Ahdiehová
Every dawn brings horror to a different family in a land ruled by a killer. Khalid, the eighteen-year-old Caliph of Khorasan, takes a new bride each night only to have her executed at sunrise. So it is a terrible surprise when sixteen-year-old Shahrzad volunteers to marry Khalid. But she does so with a clever plan to stay alive and exact revenge on the Caliph for the murder of her best friend and countless other girls. Shazi's wit and will get her through to the dawn that no others have seen, but with a catch . . . she may be falling in love with a murderer. Shazi discovers that the villainous boy-king is not all that he seems and neither are the deaths of so many girls. It's up to her to uncover the reason for the murders and to break the cycle once and for all. "So you would have me throw Shazi to the wolves?" "Shazi? Honestly, I pity the wolves."
Objev podobné jako The Wrath and the Dawn (Defekt) - Renéé Ahdiehová
The Hungry and the Fat (Defekt) - Timur Vermes
By the author of Look Who's Back, a radical and bold satire in inequitable times.REFUGEE CAMPS IN AFRICA ARE SWELLINGAnd Europe has closed its borders. The refugees have no future, no hope, and no money to pay the vast sums now demanded by people smugglers. But what they do have is time.AND THEN AN ANGEL ARRIVES FROM REALITY T.V.When German model and star presenter Nadeche Hackenbusch comes to film at the largest of the camps, one young refugee sees a unique opportunity: to organise a march to Europe, in full view of the media. Viewers are gripped as the vast convoy moves closer, but the far right in Germany is regrouping and the government is at a loss. Which country will halt the refugees in their tracks?THE HUNGRY AND THE FATA devastating, close-to-the-knuckle satire about the haves and have-nots in our divided world by one of Europe's finest and most perceptive writers, in which an outlandish conceit follows a kind of impeccable logic to a devastating conclusion.Translated from the German by Jamie Bulloch
Objev podobné jako The Hungry and the Fat (Defekt) - Timur Vermes
The Women of the Castle (Defekt) - Jessica Shattuck
In war they made impossible choices. Now can they live with them?'Moving . . . surprises and devastates' New York Times'Masterful' People'Mesmerising . . . reveals new truths about one of history's most tragic eras' USA TodayThe Third Reich has crumbled. The Russians are coming.Marianne von Lingenfels - widow of a resister murdered by the Nazi regime - finds refuge in the crumbling Bavarian castle where she once played host to German high society. There she fulfils her promise to find and protect the wives and children of her husband's brave conspirators, rescuing her dearest friend's widow, Benita, from sexual slavery to the Russian army, and Ania from a work camp for political prisoners. As Marianne assembles this makeshift family she is certain their shared pain will bind them together.But as Benita begins a clandestine relationship and Ania struggles to conceal her role in the Nazi regime, Marianne learns that her clear-cut, highly principled world view has no place in these new, frightening and emotionally-charged days.All three women must grapple with the realities they now face, and the consequences of decisions each made in the darkest of times . . . Deeply moving and compelling, The Women of the Castle is a heart-wrenching and hopeful novel of secrets and survival, a reckoning, and the astonishing power of forgiveness. Perfect for fans of All the Light You Cannot See, The Reader and The Light Between Oceans.
Objev podobné jako The Women of the Castle (Defekt) - Jessica Shattuck
Valley of the Templars - Paul Christopher
Retired Army Ranger John Holliday and his friend Eddie travel to Cuba in search of Eddie's mysteriously vanished brother-and find themselves desperately trying to stop a shocking plot of a secret Templar cabal that has been growing for five hundred years.
Objev podobné jako Valley of the Templars - Paul Christopher
The Charlie Chaplin Archives - Paul Duncan
Within a year of arriving in Hollywood in 1914, British-born Charlie Chaplin had become the slapstick king of America. By the end of his second year on the silver screen, Chaplin's fame had spread worldwide. He was the first international film star and rapidly one of the richest men in the world, with a million dollar contract, his own studio and his stock company of close collaborators. From Alaska to Zimbabwe, the bowler hat, cane, baggy trousers and outsized shoes of the Tramp became, and remains, an instantly recognizable silhouette. With unrestricted access to the Chaplin archives, TASCHEN presents the ultimate book on the making of every one of his films. With 900 images, including stills, memos, storyboards and on-set photos, as well as interviews with Chaplin and his closest collaborators, it reveals the process behind the Chaplin genius, from the impromptu invention of early shots to the meticulous retakes and reworking of scenes and gags in his classic movies: The Kid (1921), The Gold Rush (1925), The Circus (1928), City Lights (1931), Modern Times (1936), and the provocative Hitler parody The Great Dictator (1940). The book includes: The entire Chaplin life history in words and pictures 900 images including many previously unseen stills, on-set photos, memos, documents, storyboards, posters, and designs, plus scripts and images for unmade films An oral history, told from the point of view of Chaplin himself, drawing upon his extensive writings, many of which have never been reprinted before. Supplementary interviews with some of his closest collaborators. Material from over 150 books of press clippings in Chaplin's archives, which range from his early days in music halls to his death Chaplin's short films, from Making a Living (1914) to The Pilgrim (1923), as well as all of his feature-length movies, from The Kid (1921) to A Countess from Hong Kong (1967) The first print run of 10,000 copies includes a precious 12 frame strip from City Lights (1931), cut from a 35 mm print in Chaplin’s archives. Documents from the Chaplin Archives Property and Copyright of Roy Export Company Establishment, scanned by Cineteca di Bologna
Objev podobné jako The Charlie Chaplin Archives - Paul Duncan
The New York Trilogy - Paul Auster
A triology of three cleverly interconnected novels that exploit the elements of standard detective fiction.
Objev podobné jako The New York Trilogy - Paul Auster
All the Flowers Kneeling - Tran Paul
This is a book about survival. This is a book about love.Visceral and astonishing, Paul Tran's debut poetry collection, All the Flowers Kneeling, charts the rebuilding of a self in the wake of extremity. How, it asks, can we reimagine what we have been given in order to make something new: an identity, a family, a life, a dream? These rich, resonant poems of desire, freedom, control and rebirth reach back into the past - the tale of Scheherazade, US imperial violence, a shattering history of personal abuse - to show how it both scars and transforms. Innovative poetic forms mirror the nonlinear experiences of trauma survivors, while ambitious sequences probe our systems of knowledge-making and the power of storytelling as survival.At once virtuosic and vulnerable, confessional and profoundly defiant, All the Flowers Kneeling revels in rediscovering and reconfiguring the self, and ultimately becomes an essential testament to the human capacities for resilience, endurance and love.
Objev podobné jako All the Flowers Kneeling - Tran Paul
The Potting Shed Murder - Paula Sutton
''Sutton has flipped the script on the countryside murder mystery! Reminiscent of Poirot... Daphne Brewster is easily the most interesting whodunnit sleuth in years. An observant, humour-filled read that left me wanting more of Pudding Corner'' PATERSON JOSEPH''Miss Marple for the 21st Century. Loved it. A must-read'' S.J. BENNETTWelcome to the sleepy village of Pudding Corner, a quintessentially English haven of golden cornfields, winding cobbled lanes ... and murder.Daphne Brewster has left London behind and is settling into her family''s new life in rural Norfolk, planting broad beans in raised beds and vintage hunting for their farmhouse. But when the local headmaster is found dead in his potting shed, amongst his allotment cabbages, the village is ablaze: Who would kill beloved Mr Papplewick, pillar of the community? Daphne soon comes to realise perhaps the countryside isn''t so idyllic after all...When the headmaster''s widow points her finger at Minnerva, Daphne''s new friend, Daphne vows to clear her name. Sneaking into the crime scene and chasing down rumours gets her into hot water with the local inspector - until she comes across a faded photograph that unearths a secret buried for forty years... They say nothing bad ever happens in close-knit Pudding Corner, but Daphne is close to the truth - dangerously close...There''s death amongst the dahlias... A truly unputdownable whodunnit by Paula Sutton - otherwise known as Instagram''s happiest influencer: Hill House Vintage, the queen of cottagecore - an unforgettable new voice in cosy crime. Perfect for fans of Richard Osman, Janice Hallett and Richard Coles.''Blooming fabulous! The perfect book to get lost in . . . The cosiest of cosy crime'' Veronica Henry''A village of secrets, a cast of zany characters: this is a romp of a read that warms the heart'' Orlando Murrin, author of Knife Skills for Beginners ''A really fun, fast-paced and atmospheric whodunnit. Perfect for fans of Agatha Raisin'' Jessica Bull, author of Miss Austen Investigates''Begs to be read in the cosiest of spaces'' Tasha Coryell, author of Love Letters to a Serial Killer''A great modern cosy'' Ian Moore, author of Death and Croissants''Delightful . . . Charming and fresh'' Kuchenga Shenjé, author of The Library Thief''I absolutely loved it! Utterly absorbing. Daphne is such a brilliant protagonist, I couldn''t help but love her. And that twist!'' Lisa Hall, author of The Mysterious Double Death of Honey Black''The most wholesome whodunit I''ve ever read . . . I loved it!'' Stephanie Yeboah''Such a fun cosy crime mystery with a really exciting ending! I hope that we''re going to see Daphne solving more crimes in the future!'' Kate Weston, author of You May Now Kill the Bride ''A quintessentially English murder mystery. Paula Sutton brings a new voice to the cosy genre with her fresh take and witty twist on modern village life. Vintage crime!'' Jo Furniss, author of Dead Mile''An utterly delightful whodunnit unfolds in this pitch-perfect cosy mystery. Absolutely glorious!'' Victoria Dowd, author of The Smart Woman''s Guide to Murder''Beautiful, mesmerising and immensely satisfying, The Potting Shed Murder shows us how even the most idyllic places can hide secrets. Rich in detail and bursting with warmth, I read this book well into the night, finding myself unable to put it down. Sutton is a master storyteller'' Awais Khan, author of No Honour and Someone Like Her
Objev podobné jako The Potting Shed Murder - Paula Sutton
Smash!: The Broxteth Devil - Paul Grist
An action-packed team-up featuring a host of classic British comics characters - The Spider, Janus Stark, The Steel Claw, Jane Bond, Adam Eterno - written by Paul Grist (Jack Staff) with art by Tom Foster (Judge Dredd), Anna Morozova (Lowborn High), Jimmy Broxton (Goldtiger) and V.V Glass (The Last Witch).THE EVIL WITHIN! In Victorian London, when Janus Stark traps a demon in a stone idol he creates a prize too alluring for criminal masterminds to resist. Enter the King of Crooks – The Spider – who tasks his infamous Crime Syndicate with stealing the statuette. Thus begins a six decade-spanning adventure featuring a host of British comics’ finest heroes as The Steel Claw, Jane Bond, Robot Archie and Adam Eterno – with a little help from Maxwell Towers’ rogue AI – team up to ensure The Spider never lays his hands on the idol. This action-packed team-up is written by Paul Grist (Jack Staff) with art by Tom Foster (Judge Dredd), Anna Morozova (Lowborn High), Jimmy Broxton (Goldtiger) and V.V Glass (The Last Witch).
Objev podobné jako Smash!: The Broxteth Devil - Paul Grist
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- Česká filharmonie, Paul Kletzki: Symfonie (komplet) (6x CD) - CD (SU4051-2)
- McCartney Paul: Egypt Station (Limited Edition 2019) (3x LP) - LP (7750148)
- Paul Neuhaus 6238-48 - Stropní svítidlo GRETA 9xG9/40W/230V (116086)
- Paul Neuhaus 6398-48 - Přisazený lustr GRETA 6xG9/40W/230V (116242)
- Paul Neuhaus 398-48 - Stojací lampa GRETA 6xG9/40W/230V (116076)
- Paul Neuhaus 4032-48 - Stolní lampa GRETA 2xG9/40W/230V (116441)