Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

The Charlie Chaplin Archives - Paul Duncan

Within a year of arriving in Hollywood in 1914, British-born Charlie Chaplin had become the slapstick king of America. By the end of his second year on the silver screen, Chaplin's fame had spread worldwide. He was the first international film star and rapidly one of the richest men in the world, with a million dollar contract, his own studio and his stock company of close collaborators. From Alaska to Zimbabwe, the bowler hat, cane, baggy trousers and outsized shoes of the Tramp became, and remains, an instantly recognizable silhouette. With unrestricted access to the Chaplin archives, TASCHEN presents the ultimate book on the making of every one of his films. With 900 images, including stills, memos, storyboards and on-set photos, as well as interviews with Chaplin and his closest collaborators, it reveals the process behind the Chaplin genius, from the impromptu invention of early shots to the meticulous retakes and reworking of scenes and gags in his classic movies: The Kid (1921), The Gold Rush (1925), The Circus (1928), City Lights (1931), Modern Times (1936), and the provocative Hitler parody The Great Dictator (1940). The book includes: The entire Chaplin life history in words and pictures 900 images including many previously unseen stills, on-set photos, memos, documents, storyboards, posters, and designs, plus scripts and images for unmade films An oral history, told from the point of view of Chaplin himself, drawing upon his extensive writings, many of which have never been reprinted before. Supplementary interviews with some of his closest collaborators. Material from over 150 books of press clippings in Chaplin's archives, which range from his early days in music halls to his death Chaplin's short films, from Making a Living (1914) to The Pilgrim (1923), as well as all of his feature-length movies, from The Kid (1921) to A Countess from Hong Kong (1967) The first print run of 10,000 copies includes a precious 12 frame strip from City Lights (1931), cut from a 35 mm print in Chaplin’s archives. Documents from the Chaplin Archives Property and Copyright of Roy Export Company Establishment, scanned by Cineteca di Bologna

Podívejte se také Charlie Chaplin: Můj životopis ()

cena 4824.0 Kč

The Star Wars Archives. 1999–2005. 40th Anniversary Edition - Paul Duncan

Made in close collaboration with George Lucas and Lucasfilm, this second volume covers the making of the prequel trilogy: Episode I The Phantom Menace, Episode II Attack of the Clones, and Episode III Revenge of the Sith. The book continues our visual trip through the Star Wars galaxywith an exclusive interview with Lucas, script pages, concept art, on-set photography, and more. Volume two of the definitive exploration of the [i]Star Wars[/i] galaxy From the moment Star Wars burst onto the screen in 1977, audiences have been in equal parts fascinated and appalled by the half-man/half-machine hybrid Darth Vader. In 1999, creator George Lucas began the story of how Anakin Skywalker grew up to train as a Jedi under Obi-Wan Kenobi, found love with the Queen of Naboo, Padmé Amidala, before turning to the dark side of his nature and becoming more machine than man. After driving the development of nascent digital technology, George Lucas perceived how he could create new creatures and new worlds on a grander scale than ever before. He created the first digital blockbuster, and met fierce resistance when he pushed for widespread digital cameras, sets, characters, and projection – all of which are now used throughout the industry. He essentially popularized the modern way of making movies. Made with the full cooperation of George Lucas and Lucasfilm, this second volume covers the making of the prequel trilogy — Episode I The Phantom Menace, Episode II Attack of the Clones, and Episode III Revenge of the Sith — and features exclusive interviews with Lucas and his collaborators. The book is profusely illustrated with script pages, production documents, concept art, storyboards, on-set photography, stills, and posters.

Podívejte se také Zuty - Malování podle čísel - BAREVNÝ CHARLIE CHAPLIN, 80x100 cm, vypnuté plátno na rám (HRAmmb11761nad)

cena 670.0 Kč

Charlie Chaplin: Můj životopis - Charles Spencer Chaplin - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Ve své autobiografii vzpomíná Charlie Chaplin, jeden z nejslavnějších a nejpopulárnějších filmových tvůrců a současně herců němého filmu, na svou životní i uměleckou dráhu od nejútlejšího chudého mládí, přes dobu úspěšnou a bohatou, na časy strávené v rodné Anglii, v Americe, až po poslední léta strávená ve Švýcarsku. Zaposloucháme se do vyprávění o tragických okolnostech Chaplinova dětství, o jeho hereckých a filmových počátcích, ... Příběh se nese od chvíle, kdy kdy se s matkou ze tří pokojů přestěhovali do dvou a pak do jednoho, přes okamžik, kdy si oblékl kostým, buřinku a boty a kdy se tak narodila postava jeho tuláka, která následně žila po mnoho let svým vlastním životem. Množstvím událostí a faktů, spoustou setkání slavného člověka se slavnými lidmi, je vyprávěn příběh umělce, který se zapsal do srdcí miliónů diváků celého světa hlubokým lidstvím svých postav. Nahrávka vznikla podle knihy Charlese Chaplina – Charlie Chaplin: Můj životopis

Podívejte se také Simon Paul: In The Blue - LP (0190758414515)

cena 399.0 Kč

Charlie Chaplin: Můj životopis ()

Audiokniha MP3 - Ve své autobiografii vzpomíná Charlie Chaplin, jeden z nejslavnějších a nejpopulárnějších filmových tvůrců a současně herců němého filmu, na svou životní i uměleckou dráhu. - autor Charles Spencer Chaplin, čte Jan Eisler

Objev podobné jako Charlie Chaplin: Můj životopis ()

cena 399.0 Kč

Manuscript Box Paperblanks - Celebrating Charlie Chaplin

Luxusní desky na papíry Paperblanks z kolekce Celebrating Charlie Chaplin. Originální design inspirovaný světovými vzory a uměleckými díly. Pojmou až 250 listů papírů velikosti A4. Magnetické zavírání pro bezpečné upevnění. 100% recyklované desky. Dekorativní potištěný krycí papír. Oslavujeme Charlieho Chaplina Originální dílo: rukopis projevu Charlieho Chaplina k filmu Velký diktátor Éra: pozdní 30. léta Region: Kalifornie, Spojené státy americké Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin (1889 - 1977) byl anglický herec, filmař a skladatel, který se stal mezinárodní ikonou. Chaplinova kariéra trvala více než 75 let, od jeho raných dob po hudebních sálech, přes jeho vzestup a pád ve 20. a 50. letech, až po jeho emocionální návrat v pozdějším životě. Chaplinova finanční nezávislost mu umožnila věnovat se svému umění. Stal se známým pro své psaní, režii, produkci, střih, skládání a hlavní role ve většině svých filmů. Spoluzaložil společnost United Artist, která umožnila jemu a svým spoluzakladatelům svobodu v distribuci svých filmů, a dokonce si vybudoval vlastní studia, díky kterým získal úplnou kontrolu nad svou vlastní vizí. The Kid (1921), jeho první celovečerní film, byl jedním z prvních hollywoodských filmů, které v sobě spojily komedii s dramatem. V průběhu své kariéry se Chaplin stále více zabýval socioekonomickými problémy, které odrážel i ve své práci. Znepokojen mezinárodním vzestupem militaristického nacionalismu ve 30. letech 20. století se rozhodl vytvořit film, který umožní lidem se smát i těm nejnebezpečnějším politickým vůdcům. Velký diktátor, vydaný v roce 1940, satirizoval Adolfa Hitlera a zdůraznil podobnost Chaplinova knírku s fašistickým vůdcem. Poslední projev z toho filmu se stal inspirací pro tuto vazbu kolekce Celebrating Charlie Chaplin. Film byl nesmírně populární mezi kritiky i diváky; závěrečných pět minut, během nichž Chaplin přímo a vášnivě prosí diváky, aby zvolili mír a demokracii před válkou a fašismem, vyvolalo velkou polemiku. Čtyřicátá léta znamenala pro Chaplina období úpadku, protože se v Hollywoodu jako údajný komunistický sympatizant dostal na černou listinu, a v roce 1952 se přestěhoval do Švýcarska. Jeho povolení k opětovnému vstupu do USA bylo zrušeno. Další dvě desetiletí strávil redigováním a skórováním některých svých raných filmů, psal svou autobiografii a pracoval na nových projektech. Chaplinova houževnatost ho neopustila ani při zhoršujícím se zdraví, přestože utrpěl řadu drobných úrazů, a pokračoval v psaní a skládání. Svět si ho nakonec znovu všiml a v roce 1972 Akademie filmových umění a věd nabídla Chaplinovi olivovou ratolest v podobě čestného Oskara. Chaplin přijal gesto Ameriky jako "snahu o nápravu" a naposledy se vrátil do Spojených států, kde si vysloužil 12minutový potlesk vestoje a získal čestnou cenu Akademie. V roce 1977 zemřel doma ve Švýcarsku v pokojném spánku. Ačkoliv se Chaplin proslavil v éře němého filmu, je to jeho jedinečný umělecký hlas a vášeň, co upevnilo jeho odkaz jako jedné z nejdůležitějcíh postav v historii filmu. Umělci a interpreti jako Marcel Marceau, Raj Kapoor a Walt Disney často Chaplina citovali a jeho filmy dodnes baví a jsou studovány po celém světě. Navzdory své pověsti grotesky se v mnoha jeho nejznámějších dílech objevuje skutečný lidský patos a sociální komentáře.

Objev podobné jako Manuscript Box Paperblanks - Celebrating Charlie Chaplin

cena 480.0 Kč

Diamondi - Diamantové malování - BAREVNÝ CHARLIE CHAPLIN, 40x50 cm, Vypnuté plátno na rám (604716B)

Diamantové malování - motiv abstraktních obrazů, s rámem a s vypnutím plátna, orientace na výšku, kulaté diamanty, 9 barev, aplikační pero, diamanty, ochranná fólie, pinzeta a sáčky v balení, vhodné od 4 let Klíčové vlastnosti produktu Diamondi - Diamantové malování - BAREVNÝ CHARLIE CHAPLIN, 40x50 cm, Vypnuté plátno na rám Diamantové malování je vhodné pro všechny tvořivé lidi Téma: abstraktní obrazy V balení se nachází aplikační pero, diamanty, ochranná fólie, pinzeta a sáčky Obraz je orientovaný na výšku Malování zvládne i úplný začátečník Kulatý tvar diamantů Obraz má rám Vypnuté plátno je ihned připraveno k použití K namalování obrázku využijete 9 barev

Objev podobné jako Diamondi - Diamantové malování - BAREVNÝ CHARLIE CHAPLIN, 40x50 cm, Vypnuté plátno na rám (604716B)

cena 669.0 Kč

Alfred Hitchcock: The Complete Films (Bibliotheca Universalis) - Paul Duncan

The name Alfred Hitchcock is synonymous with suspense―that is to say, masterful, spine-tingling, thrilling, shocking, excruciating, eye-boggling suspense. With triumphs such as Rebecca, Vertigo, Rear Window, and Psycho, Hitchcock (1899–1980) fashioned a new level of cinematic intrigue and fear through careful pacing, subtlety, and suggestiveness. This complete guide traces Hitchcock’s life and career from his earliest silent films right through to his last picture in 1976, Family Plot. Updated with fresh images, the book combines detailed entries for each of Hitchcock’s 53 films, an incisive essay that sheds light on his fear-inducing devices, photos of the master at work, and an illustrated list of each of his cameos, together adding up to a movie buff’s dream.

Objev podobné jako Alfred Hitchcock: The Complete Films (Bibliotheca Universalis) - Paul Duncan

cena 858.0 Kč

Zuty - Malování podle čísel - BAREVNÝ CHARLIE CHAPLIN, 80x100 cm, vypnuté plátno na rám (HRAmmb11761nad)

Malování podle čísel - tématika abstraktní obraz, plátno, sada štětců, barvy a vymalovaný vzor součástí balení Klíčové vlastnosti malování podle čísel Zuty - Malování podle čísel - BAREVNÝ CHARLIE CHAPLIN, 80x100 cm, vypnuté plátno na rám Malování podle čísel ocení především tvořiví jedinci Materiálem plátna je dřevo a len Téma: abstraktní obrazy V balení se nachází plátno, sada štětců, barvy a vymalovaný vzor K tomu, aby byl výsledek podle představ, poslouží 13 akrylových barev

Objev podobné jako Zuty - Malování podle čísel - BAREVNÝ CHARLIE CHAPLIN, 80x100 cm, vypnuté plátno na rám (HRAmmb11761nad)

cena 427.0 Kč

Diamondi - Diamantové malování - BAREVNÝ CHARLIE CHAPLIN, 40x50 cm, bez rámu a bez vypnutí plátna (604716A)

Diamantové malování - motiv abstraktních obrazů, bez rámu a bez vypnutí plátna, orientace na výšku, kulaté diamanty, 9 barev, aplikační pero, diamanty, ochranná fólie, pinzeta a sáčky v balení, vhodné od 4 let Klíčové vlastnosti produktu Diamondi - Diamantové malování - BAREVNÝ CHARLIE CHAPLIN, 40x50 cm, bez rámu a bez vypnutí plátna Diamantové malování se hodí pro všechny tvořivé jedince Námět: abstraktní obrazy V balení se nachází aplikační pero, diamanty, ochranná fólie, pinzeta a sáčky Obraz je orientovaný na výšku Malování zvládnete i bez předchozích zkušeností Kulatý tvar kamínků Plátno je potřeba před použitím vypnout K tomu, abyste měli obrázek tip ťop, využijete 9 barev

Objev podobné jako Diamondi - Diamantové malování - BAREVNÝ CHARLIE CHAPLIN, 40x50 cm, bez rámu a bez vypnutí plátna (604716A)

cena 398.0 Kč

Steve Schapiro. The Godfather Family Album. 40th Anniversary Edition - Paul Duncan, Steve Schapiro

As special photographer on the sets and locations of Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather trilogy, Steve Schapiro had the remarkable experience of witnessing legendary actors giving some of their most memorable performances. This book gathers more than 300 of Schapiro’s finest photographs to take us behind the scenes of this epic and inimitable cinematic saga. “It’s dangerous to be an honest man.” — Michael Corleone, Godfather IIIAs special photographer on the sets and locations of Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather trilogy, Steve Schapiro had the remarkable experience of witnessing legendary actors giving some of their most memorable performances. Schapiro immortalized Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, James Caan, Robert Duvall, and Diane Keaton in photos that have since become iconic images, instantly recognizable and endlessly imitated. Gathered together in this book are Schapiro’s finest photographs from all three Godfather films, lovingly reproduced from the original negatives. With contextual essays and interviews covering the trilogy in its entirety, this book contains over 300 color and black-and-white images. Schapiro’s images take us behind the scenes of this epic and inimitable cinematic saga, revealing the director’s working process, capturing the moods and personalities involved, and providing insight into the making of movie history. The photographer American photojournalist Steve Schapiro has documented six decades of American culture, from the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and the presidential campaign of Robert F. Kennedy to Andy Warhol’s Factory and the filming of The Godfather trilogy. He has published a dozen books of his photographs, has exhibited his work in shows from Los Angeles to Moscow, and is represented in the permanent collections of the Smithsonian Institution, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the J. Paul Getty Museum, among others. The editor Paul Duncan is a film historian whose TASCHEN books include The James Bond Archives, The Charlie Chaplin Archives, The Godfather Family Album, Taxi Driver, Film Noir, and Horror Cinema, as well as publications on film directors, film genres, movie stars, and film posters. TASCHEN turns 40 this year! Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible publishing, helping bookworms around the world curate their own library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia at an unbeatable price. In 2020, we celebrate 40 years of incredible books by staying true to our company credo. The 40 series presents new editions of some of the stars of our program—now more compact, friendly in price, and still realized with the same commitment to impeccable production.

Objev podobné jako Steve Schapiro. The Godfather Family Album. 40th Anniversary Edition - Paul Duncan, Steve Schapiro

cena 670.0 Kč

Knížka Taschen GmbH Alfred Hitchcock by Paul Duncan, English

Kniha z kolekce Taschen GmbH. Kompletní průvodce Hitchcockovým životem a kariérou - od jeho prvních němých filmů až po poslední záběry z filmu Rodinná zápletka z roku 1976.

Objev podobné jako Knížka Taschen GmbH Alfred Hitchcock by Paul Duncan, English

cena 989.0 Kč

Gibson Charlie Starr Les Paul Junior Ebony Satin

Elektrická kytara Charlie Starr z americké kapely Blackberry Smoke, která před lety oživila uvadající žánr jižanského rocku, používá model Les Paul Junior na koncertech i ve studiu. Ne náhodou tak došlo ke spojení se značkou Gibson a zhmotnění spolupráce ve formě signature modelu Charlie Starr Les Paul Junior Ebony Satin. Jedná se o repliku modifikované elektrické kytary 1956 Les Paul Junior. Tělo kytary je zhotoveno z mahagonu. K mahagonovému krku s padesátkovým profilem je přilepen palisandrový hmatník osazený dvaadvaceti pražci velikosti Medium Jumbo. O ozvučení nástroje se stará na zakázku zhotovený kobylkový Overwound P-90 snímač v Dogear designu. Charakter zvuku upravíte pomocí ovladačů hlasitosti a tónové clony. Stabilní ladění zaručuje uchycení strun v mechanikách Grover Rotomatic a ve struníku. Kytara je dodávána v kufru. Součástí balení je porcelánový signature slide umělce a samolepka Hey Ya'll.

Objev podobné jako Gibson Charlie Starr Les Paul Junior Ebony Satin

cena 50990.0 Kč

Charlie byl vždy v pohodě - Paul Sexton - e-kniha

eBook: Pokud bychom hledali nejnepravděpodobnější rokenrolovou hvězdu, jméno Charlieho Wattse by nás napadlo jako jedno z prvních! A přesto nenápadný bubeník – milovník jazzu, klasické hudby a klasických obleků, ručně šitých bot a luxusních aut – která neuměl řídit – po půl století „kryl záda“ hvězdám typu Micka Jaggera a Keitha Richardse. A nejenom to! Svým jazzovým feelingem natolik ovlivnil zvuk „nejrokenrolovější kapely všech dob“ – Rolling Stones –, že se stal nezaměnitelným. Stejně cenný byl klidem, ochotou pomoci a schopností suchým humorem uhladit i nejostřejší hrany uvnitř skupiny. Protože… Charlie byl vždy v pohodě!

Objev podobné jako Charlie byl vždy v pohodě - Paul Sexton - e-kniha

cena 299.0 Kč

The Walt Disney Film Archives. The Animated Movies 1921–1968 - Daniel Kothenschulte

This TASCHEN Collector’s Edition presents the first volume of one of the most expansive illustrated publications on Disney animation. In it, some 1,500 images as well as top essays by eminent Disney experts take us to the beating heart of the studio’s “Golden Age of Animation,” tracing Disney’s complete animation journey from the silent film era, through his first full-length feature Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) and the pioneering artistic experiment Fantasia (1940), right up to his last masterpieces Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966) and The Jungle Book (1967). The book brings focus to each of the major animated features made during Walt’s lifetime, including Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo, Bambi, Cinderella, Peter Pan, Lady and the Tramp, and One Hundred and One Dalmatians, without forgetting the experimental short films of the Silly Symphonies series, underappreciated episodic musical films such as Make Mine Music and Melody Time, and many unfinished projects, such as proposed sequels to Fantasia or a homage to Davy Crockett by painter Thomas Hart Benton. With extensive research conducted through the collections of the Walt Disney Company, as well as private collections, editor Daniel Kothenschulte curates some of the most precious concept paintings and storyboards to reveal just how these animation masterpieces came to life. These original artworks are accompanied by cel setups of famous film scenes, rare pictures from Disney photographers, and fascinating excerpts from story conferences between Walt and his staff. Throughout, contributions from such leading Disney specialists as Leonard Maltin, Dave Smith, Charles Solomon, J. B. Kaufman, Russell Merritt, Brian Sibley, and Didier Ghez detail the evolution of each respective film and honor the outstanding animators and designers who influenced the style of the studio, among them Albert Hurter, Gustaf Tenggren, Kay Nielsen, Carl Barks, Mary Blair, Sylvia Holland, Tyrus Wong, Ken Anderson, Eyvind Earle, and Walt Peregoy. This definitive Collector’s Edition, limited to 2,500 copies, comes with its own facsimile of a 64-page color storyboard designed for Mickey Mouse’s legendary appearance in “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” in Fantasia and stunning facsimile portfolio of five masterful cel setups from the Silly Symphonies cartoon musicals, offering remarkable testimony to the love of detail that was built into each Disney frame.

Objev podobné jako The Walt Disney Film Archives. The Animated Movies 1921–1968 - Daniel Kothenschulte

cena 13335.0 Kč

The Star Wars Archives. 1977–1983. 40th Anniversary Edition

Star Wars exploded onto our cinema screens in 1977, and the world has not been the same since. In this book, George Lucas guides us through the original trilogy like never before, recounting the inspirations, experiences, and stories that created a modern monomyth. Complete with script pages, concept art, storyboards, on-set photography, and more. Star Wars exploded onto our cinema screens in 1977, and the world has not been the same since. After watching depressing and cynical movies throughout the early 1970s, audiences enthusiastically embraced the positive energy of the Star Wars galaxy as they followed moisture farmer Luke Skywalker on his journey through a galaxy far, far away, meeting extraordinary characters like mysterious hermit Obi-Wan Kenobi, space pirates Han Solo and Chewbacca, loyal droids C-3PO and R2-D2, bold Princess Leia Organa and the horrific Darth Vader, servant of the dark, malevolent Emperor. Writer, director, and producer George Lucas created the modern monomyth of our time, one that resonates with the child in us all. He formed Industrial Light & Magic to develop cutting-edge special effects technology, which he combined with innovative editing techniques and a heightened sense of sound to give audiences a unique sensory cinematic experience. In this first volume, made with the full cooperation of Lucasfilm, Lucas narrates his own story, taking us through the making of the original trilogy—Episode IV A New Hope, Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, and Episode VI Return of the Jedi—and bringing fresh insights into the creation of a unique universe. Complete with script pages, production documents, concept art, storyboards, on-set photography, stills, and posters, this is the authoritative exploration of the original saga as told by its creator. The editor Paul Duncan is a film historian whose TASCHEN books include The James Bond Archives, The Charlie Chaplin Archives, The Godfather Family Album, Taxi Driver, Film Noir, and Horror Cinema, as well as publications on film directors, film genres, movie stars, and film posters. TASCHEN turns 40 this year! Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible publishing, helping bookworms around the world curate their own library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia at an unbeatable price. In 2020, we celebrate 40 years of incredible books by staying true to our company credo. The 40 series presents new editions of some of the stars of our program—now more compact, friendly in price, and still realized with the same commitment to impeccable production.

Objev podobné jako The Star Wars Archives. 1977–1983. 40th Anniversary Edition

cena 670.0 Kč

The Walt Disney Film Archives. The Animated Movies 1921–1968. 40th Anniversary Edition

One of the most creative minds of the 20th century, Walt Disney created a unique and unrivaled imaginative universe. Like scarcely any other classics of cinema, his astonishing collection of animated cartoons revolutionized storytelling on screen and enchant to this day across geographies and generations.This expansively illustrated publication on Disney animation gathers hundreds of images as well as essays by Disney experts, taking us to the beating heart of the studio's "Golden Age of Animation." We trace Disney's complete animation journey from the silent film era, through his first full-length feature Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) and Fantasia (1940), right up to his last masterpieces Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966) and The Jungle Book (1967).With extensive research conducted through the historical collections of the Walt Disney Company, as well as private collections, editor Daniel Kothenschulte curates some of the most precious concept paintings and storyboards to reveal just how these animation triumphs came to life. Masterful cel setups provide highly detailed illustrations of famous film scenes while rare pictures taken by Disney photographers bring a privileged insider's view to the studio's creative process.Each of the major animated features that were made during Walt's lifetime-including Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo, Bambi, Cinderella, Peter Pan, and One Hundred and One Dalmatians-is given its own focus chapter, without forgetting less-familiar gems such as the experimental short films of the Silly Symphonies series and under-appreciated episodic musical films such as Make Mine Music and Melody Time.Realizing the Disney style was a collective project and, as much as the master himself, The Walt Disney Film Archives acknowledges the outstanding animators and designers who influenced the style of the studio, among them Albert Hurter, Gustaf Tenggren, Kay Nielsen, Mary Blair, Sylvia Holland, Tyrus Wong, Ken Anderson, Eyvind Earle, and Walt Peregoy.

Objev podobné jako The Walt Disney Film Archives. The Animated Movies 1921–1968. 40th Anniversary Edition

cena 670.0 Kč

Spydle - Dr Gareth Moore, Laura Jayne Ayres, The National Archives

PRE-ORDER THE LATEST PUZZLING PHENOMENON NOW – SPYDLE PROMISES TO PERPLEX AND DELIGHT WITH TALES OF ESPIONAGE AND INTRIGUEThe fates of nations, outcomes of wars and general sweep of history have often hinged upon the deciphering of devilishly difficult codes and devious deceptions by spymasters.In Spydle, The National Archives and Britain’s leading puzzle masterminds, Dr Gareth Moore and Laura Jayne Ayres, have drawn on five centuries of British spycraft and cryptography to compile an unputdownable history of real-life codebreaking and espionage through a series of addictive puzzles.Using original documents, maps, ciphers, plans, letters and telegrams from plots and espionage relating to Mary, Queen of Scots, the Gunpowder Plot, Mata Hari, Agent Zigzag and dozens more, Spydle’s puzzles are based on real codes and conundrums.Packed with fiendish puzzles covering over 500 years of espionage, could you be a code-cracking spymaster and untangle history’s most cryptic mysteries?Play Spydle to find out . . .

Objev podobné jako Spydle - Dr Gareth Moore, Laura Jayne Ayres, The National Archives

cena 502.0 Kč

The Stanley Kubrick Archives (Bibliotheca Universalis) - Alison Castle, Pavel Ambros

In 1968, when Stanley Kubrick was asked to comment on the metaphysical significance of 2001: A Space Odyssey, he replied: “It’s not a message I ever intended to convey in words. 2001 is a nonverbal experience... I tried to create a visual experience, one that bypasses verbalized pigeonholing and directly penetrates the subconscious with an emotional and philosophic content.”Now available as part of our Bibliotheca Universalis series, The Stanley Kubrick Archives borrows from the director’s philosophy. From the opening sequence of Killer’s Kiss to the final frames of Eyes Wide Shut, it allows the masterful visuals of Kubrick’s complete films to impress through a sequence of compelling, mesmerizing stills. We uncover Kubrick’s creative process through fascinating archival material, including set designs, sketches, correspondence, documents, screenplays, drafts, notes, and shooting schedules.Accompanying the visual material are essays by noted Kubrick scholars, articles written by and about Kubrick, and a selection of Kubrick’s best interviews. The result is a visual, archival, and scholarly journey through masterworks of 20th century cinema and the meticulous mind of the director behind them.

Objev podobné jako The Stanley Kubrick Archives (Bibliotheca Universalis) - Alison Castle, Pavel Ambros

cena 536.0 Kč

Dream Theater: Lost Not Forgotten Archives: The Number of the Beast 2002 - CD (0196587095024)

Hudební CD - Toto jedinečné vystoupení z roku 2002 před francouzským publikem v La Mutualite v Paříži ve Francii je jedinou dostupnou nahrávkou této jednorázové historické události. Toto jedinečné vystoupení z roku 2002 před francouzským publikem v La Mutualite v Paříži ve Francii je jedinou dostupnou nahrávkou této jednorázové historické události. Dream Theater je americká progresivní metalová skupina založená v roce 1985 pod názvem Majesty Johnem Petruccim , Johnem Myungem a Mikem Portnoyem , když navštěvovali Berklee College of Music v Bostonu , Massachusetts . Následně opustili svá studia, aby se dále soustředili na kapelu, která se nakonec jmenuje Dream Theater. Rok vydání : 2022 Seznam stop CD Invaders / Children of the Damned / The Prisoner / 22, Acacia Avenue / The Number of the Beast / Run to the Hills / Gangland / Hallowed be thy Name

Objev podobné jako Dream Theater: Lost Not Forgotten Archives: The Number of the Beast 2002 - CD (0196587095024)

cena 349.0 Kč

Charlie byl vždy v pohodě: Život, doba a Rolling Stones - Paul Sexton

Plně autorizovaný a oficiální životopis legendárního bubeníka Rolling Stones Charlieho Wattse, jednoho z nejuznávanějších a nejslavnějších hudebníků posledního půlstoletí.Předmluvy Micka Jaggera a Keitha Richardse.Charlie Watts byl jedním z nejuznávanějších hudebníků na světě, který se ke skupině Rolling Stones připojil několik měsíců po jejím vzniku, počátkem roku 1963.Jako student jazzového bubnování se do kapely dostal poté, co na ni pravidelně narážel v londýnských rhythm and bluesových klubech. Jakmile usedl za bicí, nevynechal za 60 let svého působení v kapele žádný koncert, album ani turné. Byl u toho během houpavých šedesátých let, kdy Stones začali být hvězdou a dobývali svět, i během zhýralých sedmdesátých let, pro něž bylo typické album Exile on Main St. z roku 1972, považované za jedno z nejlepších alb století. V osmdesátých letech Charlie bojoval s vlastními démony, ale vyšel z toho bez úhony, aby v následujících desetiletích ještě více posílil svou jedinečnou pověst.Watts prošel rozpady kapely, rozchody a změnami personálu, manažerů, kytaristů i rytmické sekce, ale téměř 60 let zůstal srdcem Rolling Stones – přemýšlivým, intelektuálním, ale neméně přesvědčivým protipólem svých hlučných spoluhráčů Keitha Richardse, Micka Jaggera a Ronnieho Wooda. A toto je jeho příběh.Pokud bychom hledali nejnepravděpodobnější rokenrolovou hvězdu, jméno Charlieho Wattse by nás napadlo jako jedno z prvních!A přesto nenápadný bubeník – milovník jazzu, klasické hudby a klasických obleků, ručně šitých bot a luxusních aut – která neuměl řídit – po půl století „kryl záda“ hvězdám typu Micka Jaggera a Keitha Richardse. A nejenom to! Svým jazzovým feelingem natolik ovlivnil zvuk „nejrokenrolovější kapely všech dob“ – Rolling Stones –, že se stal nezaměnitelným.Stejně cenný byl klidem, ochotou pomoci a schopností suchým humorem uhladit i nejostřejší hrany uvnitř skupiny.Protože… Charlie byl vždy v pohodě!

Objev podobné jako Charlie byl vždy v pohodě: Život, doba a Rolling Stones - Paul Sexton

cena 357.0 Kč

Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse - Charlie Mackesy

A reminder of the most important things in life. A book of hope for uncertain times. Enter the world of Charlie's four unlikely friends, discover their story and their most poignant life lessons. Charlie's first book includes his most-loved illustrations and new ones too. The conversations of the boy, the mole, the fox and the horse have been shared thousands of times online, recreated in school art classes, hung on hospital walls and turned into tattoos. 'A wonderful work of art and a wonderful window into the human heart' Richard Curtis

Objev podobné jako Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse - Charlie Mackesy

cena 411.0 Kč

Sudan Archives - Sudan Archives (12" Vinyl)

Typ: 12" vinylová deska Varianta: Sudan Archives (12'' Vinyl LP) Barva podle výrobce: Black Žánr: Soul;Funk;R&B Subžánr: Funk;Soul;R&B Interpret / Téma: Sudan Archives Rok nahrávky: 2017.0 Země interpreta: USA Rok vydání: 2017.0 Složení setu: 1 ks Vydavatelství: Stones Throw Records Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Evropská unie Balení obsahuje: 12" Barva: Černá

Objev podobné jako Sudan Archives - Sudan Archives (12" Vinyl)

cena 837.25 Kč

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (0142410314)

Kniha - autor Roald Dahl, 156 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Roald Dahl, 156 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The gates of Willy Wonkas chocolate factory are opening at last, and only five children will be allowed inside.

Objev podobné jako Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (0142410314)

cena 245.0 Kč

Charlie Haden - The Golden Number (LP)

Barva: Černá Typ: LP deska;Album Složení setu: 1 ks Barva podle výrobce: Black Interpret / Téma: Charlie Haden Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Varianta: The Golden Number (LP) Datum vydání: 2024-06-07 Rok vydání: 2024.0 Vydavatelství: Verve Records Subžánr: Hard Bop;Jazz Žánr: Jazz

Objev podobné jako Charlie Haden - The Golden Number (LP)

cena 988.0 Kč

The Tree Next Door - Charlie Moyler

A heart-warming tribute to community, nature and intergenerational friendship. When a little girl moves into her new home, the first thing she notices is the magnificent tree next door.Helping her neighbour tend to her garden through the seasons, the girl learns what an important place both the tree and her neighbour hold in the hearts of their community."A beautiful story that celebrates community and how nature can bring us all together.” Fiona Lumbers

Objev podobné jako The Tree Next Door - Charlie Moyler

cena 236.0 Kč

The NASA Archives. 40th Anniversary Edition - Piers Bizony, Andrew Chaikin, Roger Launius

On October 1, 1958, the world's first civilian space agency opened for business as an emergency response to the Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik a year earlier. Within a decade, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, universally known as NASA, had evolved from modest research teams experimenting with small converted rockets into one of the greatest technological and managerial enterprises ever known, capable of sending people to the Moon aboard gigantic rockets and of dispatching robot explorers to Venus, Mars, and worlds far beyond. In spite of occasional, tragic setbacks in NASA's history, the Apollo lunar landing project remains a byword for American ingenuity; the winged space shuttles spearheaded the International Space Station and a dazzling array of astronomical satellites and robotic landers, and Earth observation programs have transformed our understanding of the cosmos and our home world's fragile place within it.Throughout NASA's 60-year history, images have played a central role. Who today is not familiar with the Hubble Space Telescope's mesmerizing views of the universe or the pin-sharp panoramas of Mars from NASA's surface rovers? And who could forget the photographs of the first men walking on the Moon?This compact edition is derived from our XL edition, which was researched in collaboration with NASA, and gathers hundreds of historic photographs and rare concept renderings, scanned and remastered using the latest technology. Texts by science and technology journalist Piers Bizony, former NASA chief historian Roger Launius, and best-selling Apollo historian Andrew Chaikin round out this comprehensive exploration of NASA, from its earliest days to its current development of new space systems for the future.The NASA Archives is more than just a fascinating pictorial history of the U.S. space program. It is also a profound meditation on why we choose to explore space and how we will carry on this grandest of all adventures in the years to come.About the seriesTASCHEN is 40! Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible publishing, helping bookworms around the world curate their own library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia at an unbeatable price. Today we celebrate 40 years of incredible books by staying true to our company credo. The 40 series presents new editions of some of the stars of our program-now more compact, friendly in price, and still realized with the same commitment to impeccable production.

Objev podobné jako The NASA Archives. 40th Anniversary Edition - Piers Bizony, Andrew Chaikin, Roger Launius

cena 670.0 Kč

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse: The Animated Story - Charlie Mackesy

A journey, in search of homeCharlie Mackesy's beloved The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse has been adapted into an animated short film, coming to BBC One and iPlayer this Christmas.This beautifully made hardback celebrates the work of over 100 animators across two years of production - with Charlie's distinctive illustrations brought to life in full colour with hand-drawn traditional animation and accompanying hand-written script."I made a film with some friends about a boy, a mole, a fox and a horse - their journey together and the boy's search for home. I hope this book gives you courage and makes you feel loved."

Objev podobné jako The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse: The Animated Story - Charlie Mackesy

cena 536.0 Kč

Dream Theater: Lost Not Forgotten Archives: The Number of the Beast 2002 (CD + LP ) - CD-LP (0196587095116)

LP vinyl - Toto jedinečné vystoupení z roku 2002 před francouzským publikem v La Mutualite v Paříži ve Francii je jedinou dostupnou nahrávkou této jednorázové historické události. Toto jedinečné vystoupení z roku 2002 před francouzským publikem v La Mutualite v Paříži ve Francii je jedinou dostupnou nahrávkou této jednorázové historické události. Dream Theater je americká progresivní metalová skupina založená v roce 1985 pod názvem Majesty Johnem Petruccim , Johnem Myungem a Mikem Portnoyem , když navštěvovali Berklee College of Music v Bostonu , Massachusetts . Následně opustili svá studia, aby se dále soustředili na kapelu, která se nakonec jmenuje Dream Theater. Rok vydání : 2022 Seznam stop CD, LP Invaders / Children of the Damned / The Prisoner / 22, Acacia Avenue / The Number of the Beast / Run to the Hills / Gangland / Hallowed be thy Name

Objev podobné jako Dream Theater: Lost Not Forgotten Archives: The Number of the Beast 2002 (CD + LP ) - CD-LP (0196587095116)

cena 619.0 Kč

The Miseducation of Henry Cane - Brooks Charlie

A stunning coming-of-age novel about one young man's eye-opening sexual awakening at the hands of an intriguing older woman. Henry Cane knows exactly what he's going to do with the rest of his life. That's the problem. Born into the rarefied world of Manhattan wealth and privilege, after graduating from Princeton, Henry is about to start his perfectly planned out life. He's always known he will move back to Manhattan and be groomed to take over his father's publishing business. He's destined to date a string of appropriate girls until he dates the most appropriate girl and asks her to marry him. It's all so awfully tedious. But Henry's been given eight weeks to do something else, to be an entirely different person. When his parents leave him alone in their Sag Harbor estate for the summer, Henry embarks on a double life as Joe, a blue collar fisherman on the other side of the bay. Once ensconced in his fake identity, he finds himself entangled in an affair with an alluring, older European woman--who happens to be married. As he becomes more and more infatuated with her, their affair threatens to unravel his tightly wound story, and could jeopardize his entire future. This is the story of a boy becoming a man, shaped by the hands of women who truly control the narrative.

Objev podobné jako The Miseducation of Henry Cane - Brooks Charlie

cena 357.0 Kč

Charlie and the Christmas Factory - Roald Dahl

Why is Matilda worried about being on the naughty list? What happens when years after the creation of his original marvellous medicine George's granddaughter Gigi decides to make her own potion? And how does Charlie plan to celebrate Christmas at the chocolate factory? A magical and hilarious short-story collection from 13 bestselling, much-loved storytellers. This is the perfect seasonal read featuring 12 brand-new short stories based on their author's favourite Roald Dahl characters.

Objev podobné jako Charlie and the Christmas Factory - Roald Dahl

cena 357.0 Kč

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Roald Dahl

Greetings to you, the lucky finder of this Gold Ticket from Mr Willy Wonka! Tremendous things are in store for you! Charlie Bucket's life is about to change forever, thanks to one miraculous moment! Willy Wonka, chocolate maker extraordinaire, has hidden five golden tickets in five ordinary bars of chocolate, and any child who finds one will get the chance to visit his incredible factory. And Charlie has found one . . . But so have . . . Augustus Gloop - a glutton for chocolate Veruca Salt - a spoiled and selfish brat Violet Beauregarde - a repulsive gum-chewer Mike Teavee - a television fiend With a chocolate river, delectable confectionery and mysterious Oompa Loompas, Mr Wonka's factory is the most wondrous place Charlie has ever seen.

Objev podobné jako Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Roald Dahl

cena 223.0 Kč

Mackesy Charlie: The Boy, The Mole, The Fox And The Horse (2x LP) - LP (4050538676297)

LP vinyl - Kniha „The Boy, The Mole, The Fox And The Horse” vyšla v říjnu 2019 a stala se jedním z bestsellerů let 2019 a 2020, kdy se jí celosvětově prodalo více jak dva miliony kusů a přinesla mnoha lidem naději v době pandemie. Kniha „The Boy, The Mole, The Fox And The Horse” vyšla v říjnu 2019 a stala se jedním z bestsellerů let 2019 a 2020, kdy se jí celosvětově prodalo více jak dva miliony kusů a přinesla mnoha lidem naději v době pandemie. Nyní vychází i v podobě audioknihy podbarvené hudbou světoznámého skladatele Maxe Richtera. Charlie Mackesy (spisovatel), Max Richter (skladatel) Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop LP1 A1 The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse (Side A) / B1 The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse (Side B) LP2 C1 The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse (Side C) / D1The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse (Side D)

Objev podobné jako Mackesy Charlie: The Boy, The Mole, The Fox And The Horse (2x LP) - LP (4050538676297)

cena 719.0 Kč

Charlie Parker - Ornithology: The Best Of Bird (LP)

Barva podle výrobce: Black Žánr: Jazz Typ: LP deska;Album Subžánr: Jazz;Bebop Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Vydavatelství: Concord Varianta: Ornithology: The Best Of Bird (LP) Barva: Černá Rok vydání: 2024.0 Interpret / Téma: Charlie Parker Datum vydání: 2024-08-23

Objev podobné jako Charlie Parker - Ornithology: The Best Of Bird (LP)

cena 819.0 Kč

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator - Roald Dahl

'Did we go too far?' Charlie asked. 'Too far?' cried Mr Wonka. 'Of course we went too far! We've gone into orbit!' WHOOSH! Inside the Great Glass Elevator, Willy Wonka, Charlie Bucket and his family are cruising a thousand feet above the chocolate factory. They can see the whole world below them, but they're not alone. The American Space Hotel has also just launched. Lurking inside are the Vermicious Knids - the most brutal beasts in the universe! Can Charlie and Willy Wonka stop them from destroying everything?

Objev podobné jako Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator - Roald Dahl

cena 223.0 Kč

The Criminal Mind - Dr Duncan Harding

Discover this edge-of-your-seat journey into the darkest depths of the human mind from forensic psychiatrist Dr Duncan Harding'Engrossing' DR RICHARD SHEPHERD, author of Unnatural Causes'Riveting, very moving' MAIL ON SUNDAYA must-read for readers of Unnatural Causes, All That Remains, Do No Harm, War Doctor or The Jigsaw Man----A likeable young girl who’s burnt her family home to the ground. A man with no memory of the night he killed his wife. A teenager whose visions and voices have had murderous effect. One question binds these and others from the casebook of Britain’s leading forensic psychiatrist: Why?What drives a person to commit seemingly inexplicable crimes? Dr Duncan Harding is the person the police and the courts turn to for answers. An expert witness, he must try to establish a defendant’s mental state and motivation. And their fitness to stand trial. Growing up in a broken, violent home, Harding became a doctor because he wanted to be good and kind. It led him on a journey that has brought him face to face with psychopaths, taken him to the limits of his compassion and to the darkest corners of his own troubled past. But he’s never turned away nor given up hope. Mesmerising, insightful and redemptive, The Criminal Mind is his unforgettable story. ‘A riveting memoir … interweaves Harding’s often very moving life story with his memories of working as a forensic psychiatrist … the book left me with a powerful respect for the people in the health and justice systems who put their lives on the line to keep patients, and the rest of us, safe’MAIL ON SUNDAY

Objev podobné jako The Criminal Mind - Dr Duncan Harding

cena 738.0 Kč

The Charlie Watts Orchestra - Live At Fulham Town Hall (RSD 2024) (LP)

Rychlost: 45 RPM;33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Vydavatelství: Warner Music Rok vydání: 2024.0 Interpret / Téma: The Charlie Watts Orchestra Varianta: Live At Fulham Town Hall (RSD 2024) (LP) Datum vydání: 2024-04-20 Barva podle výrobce: Black Složení setu: 1 ks Barva: Černá Typ: LP deska;Record Store Day edice Žánr: Jazz Subžánr: Jazz Země původu: Německo

Objev podobné jako The Charlie Watts Orchestra - Live At Fulham Town Hall (RSD 2024) (LP)

cena 808.0 Kč

Chaplin Tom: Midpoint - CD (4050538801545)

Hudební CD - Album „Midpoint” je jeho třetím sólovým studiovým albem a prvním singlem z alba je stejnojmenná skladba. Album „Midpoint” je jeho třetím sólovým studiovým albem a prvním singlem z alba je stejnojmenná skladba. Tom Chaplin se narodil v britském Hastingsu a proslavil se jako zpěvák, skladatel a hudebník v kapele Keane. Rok vydání : 2022 (3.album) Seznam stop CD All Fall Down / Rise and Fall / Black Hole / Stars Align / Colourful Light / Gonna Run / It's Over / Midpoint / Panoramic Eyes / Gravitational / New Flowers / Cameo / Overshoot

Objev podobné jako Chaplin Tom: Midpoint - CD (4050538801545)

cena 359.0 Kč

Parker Charlie: Now's The Time (10x CD) - CD (222921)

Hudební CD - Charlie Parker se vám představí na tomto deseti CD. Charlie Parker se vám představí na tomto deseti CD. Seznam stop CD1 / 1 Swingmatism / 2 The Jumpin' Blues / 3 Now's The Time / 4 I'll Always Love You / 5 Romance Without Finance / 6 Red Cross / 7 Dream Of You / 8 Groovin' High / 9 Dizzy Athosphere / 10 All The Things You Are / 11 Salt Peanuts / 12 Shaw 'Nuff / 13 Hat House / 14 Hallelujah / 15 Get Happy / 16 Slam Slam Blues / 17 Congo Blues / 18 Takin' Off / 19 20th Century Blues / 20 The Street Beat / CD2 / 1 Warming Up A Riff / 2 Billie's Bounce / 3 Now's The Time / 4 Thriving On A Riff / 5 Meandering / 6 Ko-Ko / 7 Dizzy's Boogie / 8 Flat Foot Boogie / 9 Poppity Pop / 10 Slim's Jam / 11 Diggin' Diz / 12 Moose The Mooche / 13 Yardbird Suite / 14 Ornithology / 15 Night In Tunisia / 16 Max (Is) Making Wax / 17 Lover Man / 18 The Gypsy / 19 Be-Bop / 20 This Is Always / CD3 / 1 Dark Shadows / 2...

Objev podobné jako Parker Charlie: Now's The Time (10x CD) - CD (222921)

cena 449.0 Kč

Charlie to the Rescue - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

eBook: Fatherless young Charlie Brooke is a brave and kind character, who is always trying to help others. His mother is struggling to make ends meet, and when Charlie leaves school he must find a way to support them both. One fateful day Charlie encounters a shipwreck, and his brave actions in the face of much danger will change the course of his life forever. A thrilling adventure tale by Scottish author R.M. Ballantyne.

Objev podobné jako Charlie to the Rescue - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Colour Edition) - Roald Dahl

Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in glorious full colour. Mr Willy Wonka is the most extraordinary chocolate maker in the world. And do you know who Charlie is? Charlie Bucket is the hero.The other children in this book are nasty little beasts, called: Augustus Gloop - a great big greedy nincompoop; Veruca Salt - a spoiled brat; Violet Beauregarde - a repulsive little gum-chewer; Mike Teavee - a boy who only watches television. Clutching their Golden Tickets, they arrive at Wonka's chocolate factory. But what mysterious secrets will they discover? Our tour is about to begin.Please don't wander off. Mr Wonka wouldn't like to lose any of you at this stage of the proceedings . .. Listen to CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY and other Roald Dahl audiobooks read by some very famous voices, including Kate Winslet, David Walliams and Steven Fry - plus there are added squelchy soundeffects from Pinewood Studios! Look out for new Roald Dahl apps in the App store and Google Play- including the disgusting TWIT OR MISS! inspired by the revolting Twits.

Objev podobné jako Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Colour Edition) - Roald Dahl

cena 384.0 Kč

Soundtrack: It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown - CD (7243683)

Hudební CD - Hudba ke krátkometrážnímu filmu It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown z roku 1966. Hudba ke krátkometrážnímu filmu It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown z roku 1966. Rok vydání : 2022 Seznam stop CD Linus and Lucy / Graveyard Theme / Snoopy and the Leaf / Frieda (With the Naturally Curly Hair) / The Great Pumpkin Waltz / Linus and Lucy [Reprise] / Charlie Brown Theme / Charlie Brown Theme (Minor Theme)/ Graveyard Theme (Reprise) / The Great Pumpkin Waltz [Reprise] / The Red Baron / Military Drum March / The Great Pumpkin Waltz (2nd Reprise) / the Great Pumpkin Waltz (3rd Reprise) / Graveyard Theme (Trick or Treat) [2nd Reprise] / Fanfare / Breathless / Graveyard Theme (Trick or Treat) (3rd Reprise) / Charlie Brown Theme [Reprise] / Breathless [2nd Reprise] / It's a Long Way to Tipperary / There's a Long Long Trail A-Winding / Pack Up Your Troubles in Your / Graveyard Theme (Trick or Treat) [4th Reprise] / Linus and Lucy (2nd Reprise) /...

Objev podobné jako Soundtrack: It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown - CD (7243683)

cena 359.0 Kč

Charles Mingus - The Jazz Experiments Of Charlie Mingus (LP)

Dekáda interpreta: 1950 - 1959;1940 - 1949;1960 - 1969;1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989 Barva: Černá Typ: LP deska Země interpreta: USA Složení setu: 1 ks Datum vydání: 2024-03-15 Vydavatelství: BMG Balení obsahuje: LP Varianta: The Jazz Experiments Of Charlie Mingus (LP) Subžánr: Post Bop;Jazz Rok vydání: 2024.0 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Interpret / Téma: Charles Mingus Barva podle výrobce: Black Žánr: Jazz Země původu: Německo

Objev podobné jako Charles Mingus - The Jazz Experiments Of Charlie Mingus (LP)

cena 783.0 Kč

Mitchell Joni: Joni Mitchell Archives, Vol. 2: The Reprise Years (1968-1971) (5x CD) - CD (0349784452)

Hudební CD - Zpěvačka pokračuje ve zveřejňování archivních a raritních nahrávek. Druhý díl pokrývá její nejkreativnější období v letech 1968-1971. Zpěvačka pokračuje ve zveřejňování archivních a raritních nahrávek. Druhý díl pokrývá její nejkreativnější období v letech 1968-1971. Kanadská zpěvačka, skladatelka a také malířka je považována za jednu z nejnadanějších písničkářek hudební historie. Získala několik cen Grammy a spolupracovala s řadou zajímavých osobností hudebního světa. Její tvorba byla ovlivněna i jazzem nebo elektronikou, především se ale věnovala rocku a folku. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop CD1 Midnight Cowboy (Home Demo 1) / The Dawntreader (Home Demo With Vocal Overdub) / Song To A Seagull (Home Demo) / Midnight Cowboy (Home Demo 2) / The Way It Is (Chelsea Recording) / Turn Around (Incomplete Chelsea Recording) / I Had A King (Home Demo With Piano Overdub) / The Fiddle And The Drum (Piano Home Demo) / Roses Blue (Home Demo With Peacock Harp...

Objev podobné jako Mitchell Joni: Joni Mitchell Archives, Vol. 2: The Reprise Years (1968-1971) (5x CD) - CD (0349784452)

cena 1479.0 Kč

Soundtrack: It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (Coloured) - LP (7225583)

LP vinyl - Vince Guaraldi je uznávaný klavírista, který se naučil pracovat s Calem Tadjerem. Na této vzácné reedici najdete nejlegendárnějších písní 'Charlie Brown', 'Linus & Lucy' a 'Great Pumkin Waltz'. Vince Guaraldi je uznávaný klavírista, který se naučil pracovat s Calem Tadjerem. Na této vzácné reedici najdete nejlegendárnějších písní 'Charlie Brown', 'Linus & Lucy' a 'Great Pumkin Waltz'. Rok reedice : 2021 Seznam stop LP 1 Linus and Lucy / 2 Graveyard Theme / 3 Snoopy and the Leaf / Frieda (With the Naturally Curly Hair) / 4 The Great Pumpkin Waltz / 5 Linus and Lucy (Reprise) / 6 Charlie Brown Theme / Happy Linus / 7 The Great Pumpkin Waltz (Reprise) / 8 The Red Baron / Military Drum March / - Disc 2 - / 1 The Great Pumpkin Waltz (2nd Reprise) / 2 Trick or Treat / 3 Fanfare / Breathless/Trick or Treat (Reprise) / 4 Charlie Brown Theme (Reprise) / 5 Breathless / 6 It's a Long Way to Tipperary / There's a Long, Long Trail A-Winding / Pack...

Objev podobné jako Soundtrack: It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (Coloured) - LP (7225583)

cena 979.0 Kč

Sammy and the Extra-Hot Chilli Powder - Charlie P. Brooks

A warm and brilliantly funny family comedy told from the perspective of Sammy the sniffer dog – perfect for younger readers aged 7 and upSetterpoo Sammy has a BRILLIANT sense of smell. She can sniff out ANYTHING – watches, explosives, even parrots!But one day, Sammy sniffs some EXTRA-HOT chilli powder and loses her sense of smell COMPLETELY. It’s up to Sammy’s Best Human Friend, Beanie, to help her get it back.And when Sammy finds out that someone is planning to steal a precious DIAMOND, she’ll have to use ALL her instincts to save the day!

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cena 236.0 Kč

The Girl on the Train - Paula Hawkins

THE RUNAWAY SUNDAY TIMES NO.1 BESTSELLER AND THRILLER OF THE YEAR'Really great suspense novel. Kept me up most of the night. The alcoholic narrator is dead perfect' STEPHEN KINGRachel catches the same commuter train every morning. She knows it will wait at the same signal each time, overlooking a row of back gardens. She’s even started to feel like she knows the people who live in one of the houses. ‘Jess and Jason’, she calls them. Their life – as she sees it – is perfect. If only Rachel could be that happy.And then she sees something shocking. It’s only a minute until the train moves on, but it’s enough. Now everything’s changed. Now Rachel has a chance to become a part of the lives she’s only watched from afar.Now they’ll see; she’s much more than just the girl on the trainPaula Hawkins worked as a journalist for fifteen years before turning her hand to fiction. Born and brought up in Zimbabwe, Paula moved to London in 1989 and has lived there ever since. The Girl on the Train is her first thriller. it has been published in over forty languages and has been a No.1 bestseller around the world. It has been optioned for film by Dreamworks.

Objev podobné jako The Girl on the Train - Paula Hawkins

cena 241.0 Kč

The Way of the Champion - Paul Rabil

Long before Paul Rabil had become lacrosses''s most acclaimed player, the sport''s first million-dollar man, and the cofounder of the Premier Lacrosse League, he always strove for greatness. The problem was he lacked a manual for how to achieve it - so, he set out to create one himself. He talked to Bill Belichick about how to prepare, Steph Curry about how to practice, Sue Bird about how to develop resilience, and Mark Cuban about how to build a career with longevity. From the wisdom of these and other legends, and through his own - often painful - trial and error, he forged himself into a true champion. And in doing so, he wrote the manual he always wanted. The Way of The Champion is the synthesis of everything Rabil learned on his path to becoming one of the greatest lacrosse players of all time. But this is not merely a sports book. It is a guide to embodying a champion''s mindset - in sports, in business, and in relationships. According to Paul Rabil, ''No one is born to be a champion. It can only be earned -through equal parts philosophy, execution, and sheer determination. I''ve won and lost championships, business deals, and relationships. I''ve learned that our best moments come after we''ve faced our most devastating defeats - when we choose to rise with unwavering resolve. That''s the way of the champion.''

Objev podobné jako The Way of the Champion - Paul Rabil

cena 768.0 Kč

The Lyrics - Paul McCartney

The Sunday Times bestseller and Waterstones Book of the Year, now in paperback‘Paul McCartney says this is as close as he will get to an autobiography and no wonder – his life is in every line of these songs ... pure joy’ Sunday Times, Book of the Year With seven songs added for this edition: ‘Bluebird,’ ‘Day Tripper,’ ‘English Tea,’ ‘Every Night,’ ‘Hello, Goodbye,’ ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ and ‘Step Inside Love’Spanning seven decades – from his early Liverpool days, through the historic decade of The Beatles, to Wings and his long solo career – Paul McCartney’s The Lyrics has transformed the way artists write about music, pairing the definitive texts of 161 songs with intimate, autobiographical commentaries on McCartney’s life and music.Arranged alphabetically, these commentaries reveal the diverse circumstances in which the songs were written, how they ultimately came to be, and the remarkable – often ordinary – people and places that inspired them. Dozens of vignettes re-create the working-class Liverpool of McCartney’s youth, where delivery boys ran parcels on docks, as in ‘On My Way to Work,’ and elderly ladies in the neighbourhood inspired ‘Eleanor Rigby.’ McCartney also introduces us to his early literary influences, among them Shakespeare, Lewis Carroll and Allen Ginsberg, as well as Alan Durband, his beloved English teacher, and his mother, Mary, who passed away when he was just fourteen – and whose memory has infused his work ever since.Yet the two most powerful presences in The Lyrics after the author himself are his songwriting partner, John Lennon, and his ‘Golden Earth Girl,’ Linda Eastman McCartney. Here McCartney describes how he met John at a church fête in 1957; their adventures with George Harrison and Ringo Starr in the early 1960s; and how, at the end of the decade, they, and The Beatles, broke up. Thus began a second act of now more than fifty years, with Linda and family life as driving forces – inspiring songs from ‘Maybe I’m Amazed,’ written just after the breakup of The Beatles, to the 2012 ballad ‘My Valentine,’ addressed to McCartney’s wife and partner, Nancy Shevell McCartney.Edited and introduced by Pulitzer Prize–winning poet Paul Muldoon, and enhanced by more than a hundred images from McCartney’s personal archives – including handwritten texts, mementos, and photographs – and seven new song commentaries, The Lyrics is a book for the ages, and the definitive literary and visual record of one of the greatest songwriters of all time.

Objev podobné jako The Lyrics - Paul McCartney

cena 650.0 Kč

Dream Theater: Lost Not Forgotten Archives: TLost Not Forgotten Archives (2xLP+CD) - LP (0194398885018)

LP vinyl - Třetí vydání ze série „Lost Not Forgotten Archives”, vzácný archivní i nevydaný materiál z kariéry kapely. Třetí vydání ze série „Lost Not Forgotten Archives”, vzácný archivní i nevydaný materiál z kariéry kapely. Třetí díl této série je prvním z klasického katalogu Ytsejams Records, který bude znovu vydán, a obsahuje instrumentální ukázky z monumentálního studiového alba Dream Theater z roku 2003 „Train of Thought” Seznam stop In the Name of God / As I Am / Honor Thy Father / Endless Sacrifice / This Dying Soul / Vacant / Stream of Consciousness

Objev podobné jako Dream Theater: Lost Not Forgotten Archives: TLost Not Forgotten Archives (2xLP+CD) - LP (0194398885018)

cena 679.0 Kč

Paul McCartney Tričko Band On The Run Paul Unisex Black S

Věková skupina: Dospělý Barva podle výrobce: Černá;Black Subžánr: Pop;Rock Dodavatel: Rock Off Interpret / Téma: Paul McCartney Žánr: Pop;Rock Barva: Černá Velikost: S Pohlaví: Unisex Délka rukávu: Krátké Země původu: Spojené království Materiál: Bavlna Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna

Objev podobné jako Paul McCartney Tričko Band On The Run Paul Unisex Black S

cena 426.55 Kč

Chaplin Tom: Midpoint (2x LP) - LP (4050538804010)

LP vinyl - Album „Midpoint” je jeho třetím sólovým studiovým albem a prvním singlem z alba je stejnojmenná skladba. Album „Midpoint” je jeho třetím sólovým studiovým albem a prvním singlem z alba je stejnojmenná skladba. Tom Chaplin se narodil v britském Hastingsu a proslavil se jako zpěvák, skladatel a hudebník v kapele Keane. Rok vydání : 2022 (3.album) Seznam stop LP1 A1 All Fall Down / A2 Rise and Fall / A3 Black Hole / A4 Stars Align / B1 Colourful Light / B2 Gonna Run / B3 It's Over / B4 Midpoint LP2 C1 Panoramic Eyes / C2 Gravitational / C3 New Flowers / C4 Cameo / C5 Overshoot

Objev podobné jako Chaplin Tom: Midpoint (2x LP) - LP (4050538804010)

cena 829.0 Kč

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