Ruská katastrofa a možnosti, jak ji překonat Andrej Zubov byl v roce 2022 nucen opustit svoji rodnou zemi a přijal pozvání rektora Masarykovy univerzity, aby přednášel v Brně. Soubor jeho přednášek česky souhrnně nazvaný „Ruská katastrofa a možnosti, jak ji překonat“ nyní vychází knižně. Autor skrze studium ruských dějin hledá odpovědi na dvě úzce související otázky: Proč bylo Rusko od bolševického převratu po celé dvacáté století neustálým zdrojem agrese? a Existuje nějaká naděje, že se Rusko radikálně promění, přestane být agresorem a stane se mírumilovným státem, demokratickou zemí, jako země EU a NATO? Profesor Zubov věří, že jeho texty přispějí k lepšímu pochopení tragického osudu jeho lidu v minulých i současných staletích, procesů, které vedly k válce, a tím i k budování trvalejšího míru po jejím skončení. (
Podobné produkty ako The Russian Catastrophe and Chances to Overcome It - Andrej Zubov , Dyscarnate: and so it came to pass - lp (ulr291lp)eBook: Andrej Zubov byl v roce 2022 nucen opustit svoji rodnou zemi a přijal pozvání rektora Masarykovy univerzity, aby přednášel v Brně. Soubor jeho přednášek česky souhrnně nazvaný „Ruská katastrofa a možnosti, jak ji překonat“ nyní vychází knižně. Autor skrze studium ruských dějin hledá odpovědi na dvě úzce související otázky: Proč bylo Rusko od bolševického převratu po celé dvacáté století neustálým zdrojem agrese? a Existuje nějaká naděje, že se Rusko radikálně promění, přestane být agresorem a stane se mírumilovným státem, demokratickou zemí, jako země EU a NATO? Profesor Zubov věří, že jeho texty přispějí k lepšímu pochopení tragického osudu jeho lidu v minulých i současných staletích, procesů, které vedly k válce, a tím i k budování trvalejšího míru po jejím skončení. (
Podobné produkty ako The Russian Catastrophe and Chances to Overcome It - Andrej Zubov - e-kniha , Šeban andrej: rock and roll z rači - cd (sr0131)Zubovova kniha představuje osobitý pohled na ruské revoluce, únorovou a říjnovou, v roce 1917. Autor se zde formou přednášek zamýšlí nad příčinami politického a sociálního napětí v carském Rusku na počátku 20. století a nastoluje tezi, že revoluce nepropukla ze sociální bídy, ale byla spíše reakcí na pomalost a nedostatečnost politických změn. Velmi kriticky se přitom staví k vůdcům buržoazní opozice, kteří nedokázali vést zemi po rezignaci cara Mikuláše II. a svým politickým lavírováním a ustrašeností umožnili uchopit moc úzkou vrstvou bolševických revolucionářů, jejichž myšlenky měly v ruské společností velmi omezenou odezvu. Bolševici, vedení Leninem, se neštítili jakékoli brutality a dokázali využít protiválečných nálad. Zcela nedemokratickým způsobem zničili existující parlamentní demokracii a namísto ní nastolili nekompromisní režim diktatury proletariátu, jenž ve svých důsledcích ovlivňuje ruskou společnost dodnes. Teprve úplným zbavením se říjnových iluzí může podle Zubova dojít ke zrození nové ruské demokratické a liberální společnosti. Vydání knihy podpořila Nadace Mikhaila Prokhorova. (
Podobné produkty ako Rusko 1917. Katastrofa - Andrej Zubov , Harry potter: the monster book of monsters: it roams and chomps!Dvousvazková, moderně pojatá a na oficiální prokremelské propagandě nezávislá práce kolektivu ruských autorů, vedená profesorem Andrejem Borisovičem Zubovem, představuje jedinečný pokus o syntetický výklad dějin Ruska 20. století. Autoři se v ní pokoušejí odpovědět na otázku, proč se ruské dějiny po pádu carismu ubíraly cestami vedoucímu k vytvoření totalitního, nelidského, cynického, navenek však modernizačního režimu, jenž ve svém důsledku vedl téměř ke zničení ruské duše a svébytné ruské civilizace. Jejich pohled je veskrze komplexní. Hlavní důraz nekladou na suché politické dějiny, nýbrž na dějiny společnosti, která specifickým způsobem reagovala na sociálně inženýrské pokusy nevzdělaných sovětských vůdců, kteří si nevážili lidského života a vše nazírali prizmatem osobní moci a osobního prospěchu. Na pozadí utrpení ruského národa autoři píší i dějiny ruského intelektuálního života a dějiny ruské pravoslavné církve, v níž spatřují, i přes její tendence kolaborovat s totalitním režimem, jeden z pilířů přetrvání ruské existence. Jako vůbec první historická práce Velké dějiny Ruska rovněž propojují dějiny ruské emigrace, dějiny "jiného" Ruska, Ruska mimo Rusko, s dějinami sovětského impéria, čímž líčení ruské minulosti dávají rozměr konfrontace dvou světů, jež mezi sebou vedly život na život a na smrt. První díl, zahrnující léta 1894-1939, je věnován konci období carského Ruska, revolucím 1905 a 1917, budování sovětského státu za Leninovy a Stalinovy diktatury. Vydání knihy podpořila Nadace Mikhaila Prokhorova. (
Podobné produkty ako Dějiny Ruska 20. století - 2. díl - Andrej Zubov , Tones and i: welcome to the madhouse - cd (7567864210)eBook: Delivering the untold truth about why it’s so important to express yourself, ‘Find Your Creative Mojo’ provides the perfect manifesto on finding your voice, your passions and unleashing your creative soul. Whether you’re taking your first step or looking to awaken your arty side, you’ll be reaching for this book whenever you find your creative voice in need of a boost.A rattling read, Josh Langley mixes humour, inspirational quotes, beautiful illustrations and quirky anecdotes to craft one cocktail of creative love letter to art. Ideal for any budding creative soul. (
Podobné produkty ako Find Your Creative Mojo: How to Overcome Fear, Procrastination and Self-Doubt to Express your True Self - Josh Langley - e-kniha , Šeban andrej: rock and roll z rači - lp (sr0131-1)Zubovova kniha představuje osobitý pohled na ruské revoluce, únorovou a říjnovou, v roce 1917. Autor se zde formou přednášek zamýšlí nad příčinami politického a sociálního napětí v carském Rusku na počátku 20. století a nastoluje tezi, že revoluce nepropukla ze sociální bídy, ale byla spíše reakcí na pomalost a nedostatečnost politických změn. Velmi kriticky se přitom staví k vůdcům buržoazní opozice, kteří nedokázali vést zemi po rezignaci cara Mikuláše II. a svým politickým lavírováním a ustrašeností umožnili uchopit moc úzkou vrstvou bolševických revolucionářů, jejichž myšlenky měly v ruské společností velmi omezenou odezvu. Bolševici, vedení Leninem, se neštítili jakékoli brutality a dokázali využít protiválečných nálad. Zcela nedemokratickým způsobem zničili existující parlamentní demokracii a namísto ní nastolili nekompromisní režim diktatury proletariátu, jenž ve svých důsledcích ovlivňuje ruskou společnost dodnes. Teprve úplným zbavením se říjnových iluzí může podle Zubova dojít ke zrození nové ruské demokratické a liberální společnosti. Vydání knihy podpořila Nadace Mikhaila Prokhorova. (
Podobné produkty ako Rusko 1917. Katastrofa - Zubov Andrej , The brother of the other: mmigration from belarus, russia and ukraine to the czech republic and the (978-80-210-8577-0)Dvousvazková, moderně pojatá a na oficiální prokremelské propagandě nezávislá práce kolektivu ruských autorů, vedená profesorem Andrejem Borisovičem Zubovem, představuje jedinečný pokus o syntetický výklad dějin Ruska 20. století. Autoři se v ní pokoušejí odpovědět na otázku, proč se ruské dějiny po pádu carismu ubíraly cestami vedoucímu k vytvoření totalitního, nelidského, cynického, navenek však modernizačního režimu, jenž ve svém důsledku vedl téměř ke zničení ruské duše a svébytné ruské civilizace. Jejich pohled je veskrze komplexní. Hlavní důraz nekladou na suché politické dějiny, nýbrž na dějiny společnosti, která specifickým způsobem reagovala na sociálně inženýrské pokusy nevzdělaných sovětských vůdců, kteří si nevážili lidského života a vše nazírali prizmatem osobní moci a osobního prospěchu. Na pozadí utrpení ruského národa autoři píší i dějiny ruského intelektuálního života a dějiny ruské pravoslavné církve, v níž spatřují, i přes její tendence kolaborovat s totalitním režimem, jeden z pilířů přetrvání ruské existence. Jako vůbec první historická práce Velké dějiny Ruska rovněž propojují dějiny ruské emigrace, dějiny „jiného“ Ruska, Ruska mimo Rusko, s dějinami sovětského impéria, čímž líčení ruské minulosti dávají rozměr konfrontace dvou světů, jež mezi sebou vedly život na život a na smrt. První díl, zahrnující léta 1894-1939, je věnován konci období carského Ruska, revolucím 1905 a 1917, budování sovětského státu za Leninovy a Stalinovy diktatury. (
Podobné produkty ako Dějiny Ruska 20. století 2.díl - Zubov Andrej , Shock and awe: glam rock and its legacy, from the seventies to the twenty-first century (0062279807)A transporting, good-humored, and revealing account of Greece s dire troubles, reported from the mountain villages, idyllic islands, and hardscrabble streets that define the country today In recent years, small Greece, often associated with ancient philosophers and marble ruins, whitewashed villages and cerulean seas, has been at the center of a debt crisis that has sown economic and social ruin, spurred panic in international markets, and tested Europe s decades-old project of forging a closer union. In "The Full Catastrophe," James Angelos makes sense of contrasting images of Greece, a nation both romanticized for its classical past and castigated for its dysfunctional present. With vivid character-driven narratives and engaging reporting that offers an immersive sense of place, he brings to life some of the causes of the country s financial collapse, and examines the changes, some hopeful and others deeply worrisome, emerging in its aftermath. A small rebellion against tax authorities breaks out on a normally serene Aegean island. A mayor from a bucolic, northern Greek village is gunned down by the municipal treasurer. An aging, leftist hero of the Second World War fights to win compensation from Germany for the wartime occupation. A once marginal group of neo-Nazis rises to political prominence out of a ramshackle Athens neighborhood. "The Full Catastrophe" goes beyond the transient coverage in the daily headlines to deliver an enduring and absorbing portrait of modern Greece." (
Podobné produkty ako The Full Catastrophe - James Angelos , Sotkilava zurab: russian folk and georgian songs - cd (4600383160139)A transporting, good-humored, and revealing account of Greece s dire troubles, reported from the mountain villages, idyllic islands, and hardscrabble streets that define the country today In recent years, small Greece, often associated with ancient philosophers and marble ruins, whitewashed villages and cerulean seas, has been at the center of a debt crisis that has sown economic and social ruin, spurred panic in international markets, and tested Europe s decades-old project of forging a closer union. In "The Full Catastrophe," James Angelos makes sense of contrasting images of Greece, a nation both romanticized for its classical past and castigated for its dysfunctional present. With vivid character-driven narratives and engaging reporting that offers an immersive sense of place, he brings to life some of the causes of the country s financial collapse, and examines the changes, some hopeful and others deeply worrisome, emerging in its aftermath. A small rebellion against tax authorities breaks out on a normally serene Aegean island. A mayor from a bucolic, northern Greek village is gunned down by the municipal treasurer. An aging, leftist hero of the Second World War fights to win compensation from Germany for the wartime occupation. A once marginal group of neo-Nazis rises to political prominence out of a ramshackle Athens neighborhood. "The Full Catastrophe" goes beyond the transient coverage in the daily headlines to deliver an enduring and absorbing portrait of modern Greece." (
Podobné produkty ako The Full Catastrophe (Defekt) - James Angelos , Erdenko nikolay, lopato, ludmila: the night is bright - the best russian romances - cd (4600383140186)A compelling history of catastrophes and their consequences, from 'the most brilliant British historian of his generation' (The Times)Disasters are inherently hard to predict. But when catastrophe strikes, we ought to be better prepared than the Romans were when Vesuvius erupted or medieval Italians when the Black Death struck. We have science on our side, after all. Yet the responses of many developed countries to a new pathogen from China were badly bungled. Why?While populist rulers certainly performed poorly in the face of the pandemic, Niall Ferguson argues that more profound pathologies were at work - pathologies already visible in our responses to earlier disasters.Drawing from multiple disciplines, including economics and network science, Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe offers not just a history but a general theory of disaster. As Ferguson shows, governments must learn to become less bureaucratic if we are to avoid the impending doom of irreversible decline. (
Podobné produkty ako Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe - Niall Ferguson , Crossing the chasm: marketing and selling disruptive products to mainstream customers (0062292986)The explosive story of the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and the new spy war between the West and Russia, based on hours of exclusive interviews Skripal gave before his near-death with number one bestselling author Mark Urban, diplomatic and defence editor for BBC Newsnight. 'With regard to traitors, they will kick the bucket on their own, I assure you . . . Whatever thirty pieces of silver those people may have gotten, they will stick in their throat.'Vladimir Putin, 2010 4 March 2018, Salisbury, England. Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were enjoying a rare and peaceful Sunday spent together, completely unaware that they had been poisoned with the deadly nerve agent Novichok. Hours later both were found slumped on a park bench close to death. Following their attempted murders on British soil, Russia was publicly accused by the West of carrying out the attack, marking a new low for international relations between the two since the end of the Cold War. The Skripal Files is the definitive account of how Skripal's story fits into the wider context of the new spy war between Russia and the West. The book explores the time Skripal spent as a spy in the Russian military intelligence, how he was turned to work as an agent by MI6, his imprisonment in Russia and his eventual release as part of a spy-swap that would bring him to Salisbury where, on that fateful day, he and his daughter found themselves fighting for their lives. (
Podobné produkty ako The Skripal Files: The Life and Near Death of a Russian Spy - Mark Urban , Koziol sklenice s nápisem i love you to the moon and backA compelling history of catastrophes and their consequences, from 'the most brilliant British historian of his generation' (The Times)Disasters are inherently hard to predict. But when catastrophe strikes, we ought to be better prepared than the Romans were when Vesuvius erupted or medieval Italians when the Black Death struck. We have science on our side, after all. Yet the responses of many developed countries to a new pathogen from China were badly bungled. Why?While populist rulers certainly performed poorly in the face of the pandemic, Niall Ferguson argues that more profound pathologies were at work - pathologies already visible in our responses to earlier disasters.Drawing from multiple disciplines, including economics and network science, Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe offers not just a history but a general theory of disaster. As Ferguson shows, governments must learn to become less bureaucratic if we are to avoid the impending doom of irreversible decline. (
Podobné produkty ako Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe (Defekt) - Niall Ferguson , Šeban andrej: bezvetrie - cd (1578492)Uncovering his family's remarkable and moving stories, Mark Mazower recounts the sacrifices and silences that marked a generation and their descendants. It was a family that fate drove into the siege of Stalingrad, the Vilna ghetto, occupied Paris, and even into the ranks of the Wehrmacht. His British father was the lucky one, the son of Russian Jewish emigrants who settled in London after escaping the civil war and revolution. Max, the grandfather, had started out as a socialist and manned the barricades against tsarist troops, but never spoke of it. His wife, Frouma, came from a family ravaged by the Great Terror yet somehow making their way in Soviet society. In the centenary of the Russian Revolution, What You Did Not Tell recounts a brand of socialism erased from memory - humanistic, impassioned, and broad-ranging in its sympathies. But it also explores the unexpected happiness that may await history's losers, the power of friendship, and the love of place that allowed Max and Fro (
Podobné produkty ako What You Did Not Tell : A Russian Past and the Journey Home - Mark Mazower , Black edge: inside information, dirty money, and the quest to bring down the most wanted man (075355223x)In print for the very first time, The Long and Short of It collects eight unmissable short stories from the international bestselling Chronicles of St Mary's series. With introductions plus the brand new short story, A Perfect Storm. When a Child is Born A jump back to 1066 to witness the coronation of William the Conqueror goes slightly astray. Roman Holiday Max and her team become spectacularly involved with Julius Caesar, Cleopatra and a basket of confused asps. Christmas Present An attempt to rescue lost historians involving an enraged pig and Boudicca herself. The Very First Damned Thing From the very beginning of St Mary's. Discover the truth behind Markham s stolen furniture and Professor Rapson s flies. Ships and Stings and Wedding Rings A gun left behind in Ancient Egypt and a race against time to prevent a catastrophe. The Great St Mary's Day Out Hooray! Hooray! It's a happy holiday. For everyone except Max the only one with her mind on the job. My Name is Markham Alfred, the cakes and Mr Markham. The Great British Bake Off it's not! (
Podobné produkty ako The Long and the Short of it - Jodi Taylor , House of the dragon - to the throne - tričkoQuantum computing has been hailed as a technological game-changer. But what precisely is it and what is its true potential?In this superbly insightful, one-stop guide WIRED journalist Amit Katwala tells you everything you need to know about the next computer revolution. He explains the highly complex science that lies behind it. He describes the competing efforts of the likes of Google, Microsoft and Chinese companies Tencent and Alibaba to create a viable quantum computer, and the different routes they have taken to meet the immense technical challenges involved. He considers the technology's potential application in spheres as diverse as medicine, cyber security and clean energy. And he addresses the fundamental question: how close are we to seeing quantum computers become a widespread reality. (
Podobné produkty ako Quantum Computing: How It Works and How It Could Change the World , Dereliction of duty: johnson, mcnamara, the joint chiefs of staff, and the lies that led to vietnam (0060929081)'This life-stuffed novel is Aleksandar Hemon's masterpiece' - David Mitchell, author of Cloud AtlasThe World and All That It Holds is the epic, cross-continental tale of a love so strong it conquers the Great War, revolution, and even death itself.As the Archduke Franz Ferdinand arrives in Sarajevo one June day in 1914, Rafael Pinto is busy crushing herbs and grinding tablets behind the counter at the pharmacy he inherited from his father. It's not quite the life he had expected during his poetry-filled student days in libertine Vienna, but it's nothing a dash of laudanum, a summer stroll and idle fantasies can't put in perspective.And then the world explodes. In the trenches in Galicia, fantasies fall flat. Heroism gets a man killed quickly. War devours all that they have known, and the only thing Pinto has to live for are the attentions of Osman, a fellow soldier, a man of action to complement Pinto's introspective, poetic soul; a charismatic storyteller and Pinto's protector and lover.Together, Pinto and Osman will escape the trenches and find themselves entangled with spies and Bolsheviks. As they travel over mountains and across deserts, from one world to another, all the way to Shanghai, it is Pinto's love for Osman that will truly survive. (
Podobné produkty ako The World and All That It Holds - Aleksandar Hemon , Šeban andrej: zep tepi - cd (sr0134)As the Archduke Franz Ferdinand arrives in Sarajevo one June day in 1914, Rafael Pinto is busy crushing herbs and grinding tablets behind the counter at the pharmacy he inherited from his father. It’s not quite the life he had expected during his poetry-filled student days in libertine Vienna, but it’s nothing a dash of laudanum, a summer stroll and idle fantasies can’t put in perspective.And then the world explodes. In the trenches in Galicia, fantasies fall flat. Heroism gets a man killed quickly. War devours all that they have known, and the only thing Pinto has to live for are the attentions of Osman, a fellow soldier, a man of action to complement Pinto’s introspective, poetic soul; a charismatic storyteller and Pinto’s protector and lover.Together, Pinto and Osman will escape the trenches and find themselves entangled with spies and Bolsheviks. As they travel over mountains and across deserts, from one world to another, all the way to Shanghai, it is Pinto’s love for Osman that will truly survive.'This life-stuffed novel is Aleksandar Hemon’s masterpiece' - David Mitchell (
Podobné produkty ako The World and All That It Holds - Aleksandar Hemon , Jezuitsky kostol v bratislave filipek andrej'A fascinating exposé of the world behind your screen. Timely, often disturbing, and so important' Caroline Criado Perez, author of Invisible Women 'Takes us beyond Zuckerberg, Bezos et al to a murkier world where we discover how everything online works and who benefits from it. Fascinating, engaging and important' Observer 'Could not be more timely' Spectator The internet is a network of physical cables and connections, a web of wires enmeshing the world, linking huge data centres to one another and eventually to us. All are owned by someone, financed by someone, regulated by someone. We refer to the internet as abstract from reality. By doing so, we obscure where the real power lies. In this powerful and necessary book, James Ball sets out on a global journey into the inner workings of the system. From the computer scientists to the cable guys, the billionaire investors to the ad men, the intelligence agencies to the regulators, these are the real-life figures powering the internet and pulling the strings of our society. Ball brilliantly shows how an invention once hailed as a democratising force has concentrated power in places it already existed – that the system, in other words, remains the same as it did before. (
Podobné produkty ako The System: Who Owns the Internet, and How It Owns Us - Ball James , O.g. and the odd gifts: o.g. and the odd gifts - cd (100p019)Hudební CD - Po rozsáhlém a žánrově nezařaditelném hudebním díle Triplet přichází uznávaný slovenský hudebník Andrej Šeban s dalším albem. A opět zní jinak, novátorsky a zároveň písničkově, jako by volně navazoval na svoji dnes již kultovní nahrávku Bezvětří Po rozsáhlém a žánrově nezařaditelném hudebním díle Triplet přichází uznávaný slovenský hudebník Andrej Šeban s dalším albem. A opět zní jinak, novátorsky a zároveň písničkově, jako by volně navazoval na svoji dnes již kultovní nahrávku Bezvětří Seznam stop Pár slov na úvod / Život je krásny / V poho / Princ / Plastický chlapec / Vodomer / Ing. Láska / Lovištia / Rock and Roll z Rači / Slávna vianočná pieseň vhodná ako výplň medzi dva reklamné bloky kamkoľvek / Život je krásny 2 (
Podobné produkty ako Šeban Andrej: Rock and Roll z Rači - CD (SR0131) , Armstrong louis: and the good book + louis and the angels - cd (8436563184369)It´s never too late to start again. And Again. It's always awkward when five thousand kronor goes missing. When it happens at a certain grotty hotel in south Stockholm, it's particularly awkward because the money belongs to the hitman currently staying in room seven. Per Persson, the hotel receptionist, just wants to mind his own business, and preferably not get murdered. Johanna Kjellander, temporarily resident in room eight, is a priest without a vocation, and, as of last week, without a parish. But right now she has two things at her disposal: an envelope containing five thousand kronor, and an excellent idea . . . Featuring one violent killer, two shrewd business brains and many crates of Moldovan red wine, Hitman Anders and the Meaning of It All is an outrageously zany story with as many laughs as Jonasson's multimillion-copy bestseller The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared. (
Podobné produkty ako Hitman Anders and the Meaning of It All - Jonas Jonasson , It pennywise - time to float - hrnek proměňovací (3665361038849)Take a visual journey through the world of music and learn the science behind it, too.Budding music fans will love discovering musical geniuses of every era, from Mozart and classical music to Bowie and pop, as well as finding out how music is created and what links it all together.The book looks at music throughout history, beginning with the first known melody from the Fertile Crescent and covering modern music phenomena, from K Pop to hip-hop. Instruments and genres from across the world are featured, with "playlists" of key pieces encouraging kids to look up pieces to hear for themselves. STEAM spreads delve into the psychology and math behind music, from how it affects our mood to how it can improve our minds.Covering India's Ragas, Indonesia's Gamelan, Japan's city pop, and more, this book will help children discover a love of music. (
Podobné produkty ako Music and How it Works: The Complete Guide for Kids , Monk's choir of the pochaev lavra of the dormotion: lavra is joyful today - chorus;russian sacred mu (4600383150062)Inferior is more than just a book. It's a battle cry - and right now, it's having a galvanising effect on its core fanbase' ObserverAre women more nurturing than men?Are men more promiscuous than women?Are males the naturally dominant sex?And can science give us an impartial answer to these questions?Taking us on an eye-opening journey through science, Inferior challenges our preconceptions about men and women, investigating the ferocious gender wars that burn in biology, psychology and anthropology. Angela Saini revisits the landmark experiments that have informed our understanding, lays bare the problem of bias in research, and speaks to the scientists finally exploring the truth about the female sex.The result is an enlightening and deeply empowering account of women's minds, bodies and evolutionary history. Interrogating what these revelations mean for us as individuals and as a society, Inferior unveils a fresh view of science in which women are included, rather than excluded. (
Podobné produkty ako Inferior : The True Power of Women and the Science That Shows it - Angela Sainiová , Choir of the church of the three saints in kharkov, kurilo s.: liturgy - chorus;russian sacred music (4600383130033)Kniha - autor Ethan Kross, 272 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná This book is going to fundamentally change some of the most important conversations in your life-the ones you have with yourself.' - Adam Grant, bestselling author of Give and TakeOne of the best new books of January 2021 - The Washington Post, CNN Underscored, Shape, Behavioral Scientist, Kirkus Reviews and Publishers Weekly starred reviewsTurn your inner voice from critic to coachWe all have a voice in our head. We tune into its endless chatter to look for guidance, ideas and wisdom. Except sometimes, this voice leads us down a rabbit hole of negative self-talk and endless rumination.These silent conversations are so powerful they can sink our mood, trip us up and even impact our health.How can we take back control? This is the question award-winning psychologist Ethan Kross set out to answer twenty years ago when he began an audacious mission - to study the conversations we have with... (
Podobné produkty ako Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It (0593238753) , The witcher - geralt and the griffon - hrnek (3665361087571)LP vinyl - Po rozsáhlém a žánrově nezařaditelném hudebním díle Triplet přichází uznávaný slovenský hudebník Andrej Šeban s dalším albem. A opět zní jinak, novátorsky a zároveň písničkově, jako by volně navazoval na svoji dnes již kultovní nahrávku Bezvětří Seznam stop Pár slov na úvod / Život je krásny / V poho / Princ / Plastický chlapec / Vodomer / Ing. Láska / Lovištia / Rock and Roll z Rači / Slávna vianočná pieseň vhodná ako výplň medzi dva reklamné bloky kamkoľvek / Život je krásny 2 (
Podobné produkty ako Šeban Andrej: Rock and Roll z Rači - LP (SR0131-1) , The beauty and the beast - chip - hrnek (3665361007869)The colour coded verb table allows the reader to focus all of their attention on one colour tense at a time enabling them to make immediate connections between the subject and the verb! The Russian LearnBots are a great resource for dyslexic learners, children and adult learners. Children can start to identify what a verb is and the way it changes with the subject of the sentence. Advanced learners can go on to learn the different tenses and improve their accuracy. This book also works alongside its very own kickstarter app on Googles Android and Apples App Store allowing the user the ability to hear some of the conjugations being read out loud by a native speaker. The app also allows the user to test their ability in remembering verbs and conjugations. (
Podobné produkty ako Learn with the LearnBots 101 - Russian verbs , Like-it: city in the city - cd (8594171281297)Inferior is more than just a book. It's a battle cry - and right now, it's having a galvanising effect on its core fanbase' ObserverAre women more nurturing than men?Are men more promiscuous than women?Are males the naturally dominant sex?And can science give us an impartial answer to these questions?Taking us on an eye-opening journey through science, Inferior challenges our preconceptions about men and women, investigating the ferocious gender wars that burn in biology, psychology and anthropology. Angela Saini revisits the landmark experiments that have informed our understanding, lays bare the problem of bias in research, and speaks to the scientists finally exploring the truth about the female sex.The result is an enlightening and deeply empowering account of women's minds, bodies and evolutionary history. Interrogating what these revelations mean for us as individuals and as a society, Inferior unveils a fresh view of science in which women are included, rather than excluded. (
Podobné produkty ako Inferior : The True Power of Women and the Science That Shows it (Defekt) - Angela Sainiová , Pinkpantheress: to hell with it (rsd 2022) - lp (9029632409)A playful, fact-filled exploration of the fascinating history of 35 famous pasta shapes with a delicious, child-friendly recipe perfectly suited to each shape In this ultimate book of pasta for children ages 7–11, 35 pasta shapes are brought to life through clever illustrations and fascinating facts to feed children’s imaginations – and their bellies! From farfalle, which means ‘butterflies’ in Italian, to linguine, meaning ‘little tongues,’ different types of pasta have wonderfully playful shapes, names, and origin stories! Each pasta is accompanied by a simple recipe specially suited to its shape. The result is an entertaining, engaging, fact-filled, scrumptious offering for every child interested in cooking and eating – a fresh and joyful introduction to pasta, that is a fun-filled cookery book … and more! For ages 7-11 (
Podobné produkty ako The Story of Pasta and How to Cook It! - Steven Guarnaccia , Various: here it is:tribute to leonard cohen - cd (4565995)Follow the owl professor as he takes two children on a tour of a body. But not just any human body - a gigantic factory building built to explain how real bodies work, from cell 'building blocks' to conveyor belts that carry life-giving energy packets and transport defenders to repel germ attacks! This beautifully illustrated book will open children's eyes to the wonder and weirdness of what's going on inside them. (
Podobné produkty ako Usborne Book of the Body and How it Works - Alex Frith , Memoriam: to the end - cd (0840588141555)Kniha - anglicky The textbook of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry's Care of Magical Creatures class comes to life in this one-of-a-kind collectable featuring the sound and movement of the famous Monster Book of Monsters. Kit includes: 3-1/2" Monster Book of Monsters replica featuring audio of the book in chomping action and movement. Both special features are sound-activated, prompted by a simple sound such as hand-clapping. 48-page book on magical creatures, featuring descriptions, quotes, and full-colour illustrations and photos from the films throughout. Requires two AAA batteries (not included). (
Podobné produkty ako Harry Potter: The Monster Book of Monsters: It Roams and Chomps! , The 15:17 to paris (9780008292294)Kniha - autor Richard Rumelt, 322 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A Profile Business Classic edition of this critically acclaimed book on strategy. 'A business classic' "Management Today" (
Podobné produkty ako Good Strategy / Bad Strategy: The difference and why it matters (1781256179) , Exhumed: to the dead - lp (rr48151)Kniha - autor Richard Rumelt, 336 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Richard Rumelt, 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá This witty and opinionated book is filled with new ideas and fascinating stories about the central task of managers in business, government, education, charitable organizations, and the arts: creating and implementing a strategy. Demystifies and debunks the visions, motivational schemes, and financial goals touted as strategy, while awakening an appreciation of the power of 'real' strategies. (
Podobné produkty ako Good Strategy Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why it Matters (0307886239)Hudební CD - Ruské lidové a gruzínské písně v podání Zuraba Sotkilava. Ruské lidové a gruzínské písně v podání Zuraba Sotkilava. Seznam stop CD Russian Folk Songs „Evening Chimes” (Lyrics by I. Kozlov) / „Encircled by the Steppe” (Lyrics by I. Surikov) / „The Bell Thunders Monotonously” (Lyrics by I. Marakov) / Accompanied by the Academic Choir of the All-Union Radio and Television -Conductor L. Ermakova / Recorded in 1982 FELDMAN, Jacob Lazarevich (1884-1950), (Lyrics by N. Ritter) „Coachman, Don't Drive the Horses!” POTSKHVERASHVILI, Kote (1889-1959) „Indi-Mindi” (Folk lyrics) CHUBINISHVILI, G. (Lyrics by V. Pshavela) „She Didn't Bestow a Kiss” ARAKISHVILI, D „I Will Look at You” (Lyrics by G. Abashidze) / Anonymous „For You Alone” / Accompanied by the Academic Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments of „Ostankino” State Broadcasting... (
Podobné produkty ako Sotkilava Zurab: Russian Folk and Georgian Songs - CD (4600383160139)eBook: The Mysterious Key and What it Opened is written by L. M. Alcott. The strange passing of Sir Richard Trevlyn sets the story in the beginning. The only thing the reader is aware of is that Richard's wife, Alice, who is expecting their first child, is listening to a discussion Richard is having with a visitor via a keyhole in the library door. She faints after being horrified by what she hears, and a servant named Hester discovers her and puts her to bed. Hester rushes to the library to inform Richard that his wife is ill despite Alice's insistence that he not be disturbed. She discovers him dead, slouched over his desk. A sixteen-year-old kid named Paul who is applying for work on the estate runs into the young child, Lillian, twelve years later. He performs his duties successfully, rising in rank and winning the love of both his family and his employees. Some of the servants are confused and sad when he goes without saying goodbye since they have a suspicion that he may be more than just the gardener or groom. When everything is revealed in the final chapters, the riddles of why Richard died, who Paul is, and how those things are connected are still unsolved. (
Podobné produkty ako The Mysterious Key and What it Opened - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha`This book could not have come at a better moment... The People Vs Tech makes clear that there is still time - just - for us to take back control.' - Camilla Cavendish, Sunday Times The internet was meant to set us free.Tech has radically changed the way we live our lives. But have we unwittingly handed too much away to shadowy powers behind a wall of code, all manipulated by a handful of Silicon Valley utopians, ad men, and venture capitalists? And, in light of recent data breach scandals around companies like Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, what does that mean for democracy, our delicately balanced system of government that was created long before big data, total information and artificial intelligence? In this urgent polemic, Jamie Bartlett argues that through our unquestioning embrace of big tech, the building blocks of democracy are slowly being removed. The middle class is being eroded, sovereign authority and civil society is weakened, and we citizens are losing our critical faculties, maybe even our free will.The People Vs Tech is an enthralling account of how our fragile political system is being threatened by the digital revolution. Bartlett explains that by upholding six key pillars of democracy, we can save it before it is too late. We need to become active citizens; uphold a shared democratic culture; protect free elections; promote equality; safeguard competitive and civic freedoms; and trust in a sovereign authority. This essential book shows that the stakes couldn't be higher and that, unless we radically alter our course, democracy will join feudalism, supreme monarchies and communism as just another political experiment that quietly disappeared. (
Podobné produkty ako The People Vs Tech: How the internet is killing democracy (and how we save it) - Jamie BartlettAnna Hermanovská je autorkou úspešných zbierok poviedok Kvapôčky a Vianočné kvapôčky. Kniha Čas pekných zubov (2018) má názov podľa poviedky, v ktorej sa zamýšľa nad otázkami starnutia a osobného dozrievania. Texty Anny Hermanovskej sú obľúbené aj vďaka tomu, že celý život pracovala s mládežou ako učiteľka, vychovávateľka a desať rokov ako riaditeľka cirkevného Gymnázia sv. Moniky v Prešove. Príbehy z jej poviedok tak majú reálny základ v osudoch ľudí, medzi ktorými a s ktorými žije. (
Podobné produkty ako Čas pekných zubov - Hermanovská AnnaAnna Hermanovská je autorkou úspešných zbierok poviedok Kvapôčky a Vianočné kvapôčky. Kniha Čas pekných zubov (2018) má názov podľa poviedky, v ktorej sa zamýšľa nad otázkami starnutia a osobného dozrievania. Texty Anny Hermanovskej sú obľúbené aj vďaka tomu, že celý život pracovala s mládežou ako učiteľka, vychovávateľka a desať rokov ako riaditeľka cirkevného Gymnázia sv. Moniky v Prešove. Príbehy z jej poviedok tak majú reálny základ v osudoch ľudí, medzi ktorými a s ktorými žije. (
Podobné produkty ako Čas pekných zubov - Anna HermanovskáWe spend our lives gathering - first in classrooms and then in meetings, weddings, conferences and away days. Yet so many of us spend this time in underwhelming moments that fail to engage us, inspire us, or connect us. We've all sat in meetings where people talk past each other or go through the motions and others which galvanize a team and remind everyone why they first took the job. We've been to weddings that were deeply moving and others that were run-of-the-mill and simply faded away. Why do some moments take off and others fizzle? What's the difference between the gatherings that inspire you and the ones that don't? In The Art of Gathering, Priya Parker gets to the heart of these questions and reveals how to design a transformative gathering. An expert on organizing successful gatherings whether in conference centres or her living room, Parker shows us how to create moving, magical, mind-changing experiences - even in spaces where we've come to expect little. (
Podobné produkty ako The Art of Gathering : How We Meet and Why It Matters - Priya ParkerWhen Richard Rumelt's Good Strategy/Bad Strategy was published in 2011, it immediately struck a chord, calling out as bad strategy the mish-mash of pop culture, motivational slogans and business buzz speak so often and misleadingly masquerading as the real thing. Since then, his original and pragmatic ideas have won fans around the world and continue to help readers to recognise and avoid the elements of bad strategy and adopt good, action-oriented strategies that honestly acknowledge the challenges being faced and offer straightforward approaches to overcoming them. Strategy should not be equated with ambition, leadership, vision or planning; rather, it is coherent action backed by an argument. For Rumelt, the heart of good strategy is insight into the hidden power in any situation, and into an appropriate response - whether launching a new product, fighting a war or putting a man on the moon. Drawing on examples of the good and the bad from across all sectors and all ages, he shows how this insight can be cultivated with a wide variety of tools that lead to better thinking and better strategy, strategy that cuts through the hype and gets results. (
Podobné produkty ako Good Strategy/Bad Strategy : The difference and why it matters (Defekt) - Rumelt RichardFinally - finally! - Max has that nice office job she's always wanted. The one with no heavy lifting and no one tries to kill her. Well, one out of two's not bad...Punching well above their weight, Max and Markham set out to bring down a sinister organisation founded in the future - with a suspicious focus on the past.Max's focus is staying alive long enough to reunite with Leon and Matthew, alternately helped and hindered by St Mary's. Who aren't always the blessing they like to think they are.But non-stop leaping around the timeline - from witnessing Magna Carta to disturbing a certain young man with a penchant for gunpowder - is beginning to take its toll. Is Max going mad? Or are the ghosts of the past finally catching up with her?What people are saying about Jodi Taylor: 'Once in a while, I discover an author who changes everything... Jodi Taylor and her protagonista Madeleine "Max" Maxwell have seduced me''This amazing series is anything but formulaic. Just when you think you've got to grips with everything, out comes the rug from under your feet''Addictive. I wish St Mary's was real and I was a part of it''St Mary's stories are the much-anticipated highlight of my year''Jodi Taylor has an imagination that gets me completely hooked''A tour de force' (
Podobné produkty ako A Catalogue of Catastrophe - Jodi TaylorModelka na obrázcích je vysoká 177 cm, obvod přes prsa má 100 cm, obvod pasu 80 cm a přes boky 110 cm. Modelka je oblečena do velikosti 44. (
Podobné produkty ako Bílé triko new chances vel. 44Modelka na obrázcích je vysoká 177 cm, obvod přes prsa má 100 cm, obvod pasu 80 cm a přes boky 110 cm. Modelka je oblečena do velikosti 44. (
Podobné produkty ako Bílé triko new chances vel. 46Modelka na obrázcích je vysoká 177 cm, obvod přes prsa má 100 cm, obvod pasu 80 cm a přes boky 110 cm. Modelka je oblečena do velikosti 44. (
Podobné produkty ako Bílé triko new chances vel. 48Kniha - autor Linda Scott, 512 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The Cost of Sexism is an urgent analysis of global gender inequality and a fervently argued case for change by a pioneer in the movement for women's economic empowerment. Drawing on decades of statistical evidence, original research and global on-the-ground experience, Linda Scott outlines a revolutionary, actionable plan to remove economic barriers against women, and in the process combat humankind's most pressing problems. (
Podobné produkty ako The Cost of Sexism: How the Economy is Built for Men and Why We Must Reshape It (057137459X)The future may still be unpredictable, but nowadays, disasters are not. We live in a time of constant, consistent catastrophe, where things more often go wrong than they go right. So why do we still fumble when disaster hits? Why are we always one step behind?In The Devil Never Sleeps, Juliette Kayyem lays the groundwork for a new approach to dealing with disasters.Presenting the basic themes of crisis management, Kayyem amends the principles we rely on far too easily. Instead, she offers us a new framework to anticipate the "devil's" inevitable return, highlighting the leadership deficiencies we need to overcome and the forward thinking we need to harness. It's no longer about preventing a disaster from occurring, but learning how to use the tools at our disposal to minimize the consequences when it does.Filled with personal anecdotes and real-life examples from natural disasters like the California wildfires to man-made ones like the Boeing 737 MAX crisis, The Devil Never Sleeps is a guide for governments, businesses, and individuals alike on how to alter our thinking so that we can develop effective strategies in the face of perpetual catastrophe. (
Podobné produkty ako The Devil Never Sleeps : Learning to Live in an Age of Disasters - Kayyem JulietteHudební CD - Později romští zpěváci opustili tradiční populární písně ve prospěch ruských romancí. Později romští zpěváci opustili tradiční populární písně ve prospěch ruských romancí. Erdenko, Nikolay gypsy singer Lopato, Ludmila (singer) Zakharov, Sergey (singer) Gypsy Band Moscow folk singing and dancing ensemble of Russian Gypsies „Djang” Seznam stop CD When All Day Long - Ludmila Lopato / Evening Bells - Sergey Zakharov / In Paths Of The Dead Garden - Ludmila Lopato / For Whom? - Ludmila Lopato / The Night Is Bright - Sergey Zakharov / My Dear - Sergey Zakharov / I Loved You - Ludmila Lopato / I Meet You - Sergey Zakharov / I've Dreamed For You For Three Years - Ludmila Lopato / Don't Tell Anybody - Ludmila Lopato / The Hazy Morning - Sergey Zakharov / Today we've Been Parted - Ludmila Lopato / Goodbye, My Friend, Goodbye - Nikolai Erdenko / Do Not Stir My Renminiscences - Sergey Zakharov / The Coachman, Do Not Drive Your Horses so Hard -... (
Podobné produkty ako Erdenko Nikolay, Lopato, Ludmila: The Night is Bright - The Best Russian Romances - CD (4600383140186)eBook: H.G. Wells\'s short story, \'A Catastrophe\' was published alongside many of his other works in \'The Plattner Story and Others\'. This novella is a poignant tale of a cloth merchant, named Winslow, whose business is on the brink of bankrupcy; his competitor Bandersnatch undercuts his prices and he still owes his investors – Helter, Skelter and Grab – money. His fortunes change, however, when the titular catastrophe strikes the family just in time to stop complete financial ruin. H.G. Wells (1866 – 1946) was a prolific writer and the author of more than 50 novels. Additionally, he wrote more than 60 short stories, alongside various scientific papers. Many of his most famous works have been adapted for film and television, including ‘The Time Machine,’ starring Guy Pearce, ‘War of the Worlds,’ starring Tom Cruise, and ‘The Invisible Man,’ starring Elizabeth Moss. Because of his various works exploring futuristic themes, Wells is regarded as one of the ‘Fathers of Science Fiction.’ (
Podobné produkty ako A Catastrophe - Herbert George Wells - e-knihaTato kniha sleduje dynamiku vojensko-technologických inovací v Rusku za posledních sto padesát let, přičemž se zaměřuje zejména na tři odlišná období: zavedení puškových zbraní se závěrovým mechanismem v carském Rusku v 19. století, vynález jaderných zbraní v Sovětském svazu ve 20. století a vývoj přesně naváděných zbraní v postsovětském Rusku v 21. století. Analýza se ve velké míře opírá o primární data získaná z ruských archivů, doplněná řadou rozhovorů s odborníky, a nastiňuje odlišný strategický kulturní přístup Ruska k vojensko-technologickým inovacím. (
Podobné produkty ako Technology in Russian Strategic Culture From the Nineteenth Century to the Present Day - Solovyeva Anzhelika'A fascinating hybrid. Part freewheeling history of the rise of the modern autonomous vehicle, part intimate memoir from an insider who was on the front lines for much of that history, Autonomy will more than bring readers up to speed on one of today's most closely watched technologies' Brian Merchant, author of The One Device From the ultimate insider - a former General Motors executive and current advisor to the Google Self-Driving Car project - comes the definitive story of the race between Google, Tesla and Uber to create the driverless car. We stand on the brink of a technological revolution. In the near future, most of us will not own automobiles, but will travel instead in driverless electric vehicles summoned at the touch of an app. We will be liberated from driving, so that the time we spend in cars can be put to more productive use. We will prevent more than 90 percent of car crashes, provide freedom of mobility to the elderly and disabled and decrease our dependence on fossil fuels. Autonomy tells the story of the maverick engineers and computer experts who triggered the revolution. Lawrence Burns - long-time adviser to the Google self-driving car project (now Waymo) and former corporate vice president of research, development and planning at General Motors - provides the perfectly timed history of how we arrived at this point, in a character-driven and vivid account of the unlikely thinkers who accomplished what billion-dollar automakers never dared. Beginning at a 2004 off-road robot race across the Mojave Desert with a million-dollar purse and continuing up to the current stampede to develop driverless technology, Autonomy is a page-turning chronicle of the past, a diagnosis of the present and a prediction of the future - the ultimate guide to understanding the driverless car and to navigating the revolution it has less (
Podobné produkty ako Autonomy : The Quest to Build the Driverless Car and How it Will Reshape Our World - Lawrence D. Burns, Shulgan ChristopherFotograf a publicista Andrej Bán v knihe Kosovo ponúka pohľad na ľudí a krajinu, ktorá prechádza ťažkými skúškami. Kosovo (Kosovská republika) je od roku 1999 pod administratívnou správou OSN, o bezpečnosť sa stará NATO a policajnú a súdnu misiu zabezpečuje Európska únia EULEX. Fotografie Andreja Bána pozastavili čas, aby sprítomnili okamihy, čo poznačili ľudí i krajinu, a aby podali výpoveť aj tým, ktorí neboli na mieste a mali by poznať pravdu. Publikácia vychádza v slovenskom aj anglickom jazyku. (
Podobné produkty ako Andrej Bán: Kosovo - Andrej BánI know of no one better qualified to understand what young people are facing today - Philippa PerryLouis cares deeply about children and the world they are growing up in. In this book, he provides a brilliant, nurturing, much needed voice to children and anyone who cares about children - Jessie WareIn this book, rich in edifying insight and illuminating case examples, Louis Weinstock confronts us with uncomfortable truths and guides us towards creating a world that is comfortable for our children and supports their healthy development - Gabor MatéHow can we raise children in a world that appears to have gone so wrong?We all want our children to grow up in a world where they feel safe, and where people are kind to each other and the planet. But when we hear about climate change, a mental health crisis, war, it's hard not to worry about the future and how they will cope. Drawing on over 20 years of helping children and families, psychotherapist Louis Weinstock is here to help. Combining case studies, playful meditations and simple exercises with life-changing insights from history, science, psychology and anthropology, this is a parenting book like no other.Whether your child is struggling with mental health issues already, or you want to build their capacity to handle change and uncertainty, this book is a safe place to catch your breath and develop the skills to help your child through life's challenges.You will discover ways to find peace in the middle of chaos, bring deeper levels of love and healing to the troubled parts of your child (and yourself) and find hope when things feel hopeless. Most importantly, you will see that inside of you there is strength, wisdom and beauty, and no matter what is going on in this mad world, you can guide your child towards a more beautiful tomorrow. (
Podobné produkty ako How the World is Making Our Children Mad and What to Do About It - Louis Weinstock