The physics of sorrow - georgi gospodinov

Produkt The physics of sorrow - georgi gospodinov sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu The physics of sorrow - georgi gospodinov upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

The Physics of Sorrow - Georgi Gospodinov


'Compulsively readable' New York Times'Utterly original' Alberto ManguelIn the small and the insignificant - that's where life hides, that's where it builds its nest. Our unnamed narrator is not well. He suffers from attacks of 'pathological empathy', which cause him to wander unbidden into other people's memories.He moves from recollection to recollection - from a Bulgarian country fair in 1925, where he meets a Minotaur, to inside the mind of a slug, as it is swallowed by his own Grandfather. Part family history, part coming-of-age story, part meditation on life in Communist Europe, The Physics of Sorrow is a dazzlingly inventive, mind-expanding novel from one of Europe's most important writers. TRANSLATED FROM THE BULGARIAN BY ANGELA RODEL (

Podobné produkty ako The Physics of Sorrow - Georgi Gospodinov , Lanegan mark: straight songs of sorrow - cd (5400863022754)

The Story Smuggler - Georgi Gospodinov


'Some smuggle cigarettes, others alcohol - or weapons. Our contraband, being invisible, is more dangerous. Our contraband is undetectable by scanners.What we carry as concealed excess baggage is stories.'In this exquisite literary gem, Georgi Gospodinov, winner of the International Booker Prize, invites the reader on a winding journey through his own memories. He shows us a childhood under Communism, a particularly Bulgarian variety of melancholy, the freedom and thrills found in reading and writing, and the coming of age of one extraordinary writer. Ultimately, this profound, playful and deeply moving autobiographical text offers resounding proof of the power and importance of storytelling.TRANSLATED FROM THE BULGARIAN BY KRISTINA KOVACHEVA AND DAN GUNN (

Podobné produkty ako The Story Smuggler - Georgi Gospodinov

Časokryt - Georgi Gospodinov


Ve svém třetím a zatím posledním románu Časokryt, přeloženým do několika světových jazyků, v Bulharsku oceněným jako nejlepší román roku, a ověnčeným také prestižní Mezinárodní Bookerovou cenou (2023), využívá Georgi Gospodinov fiktivní postavu Gaustina k tomu, aby popsal život s deficitem budoucnosti. Život, ve kterém čas neplyne lineárně, ale stává se součástí nás samých. Gaustin, který dokáže přeskakovat čas jako lesní potůček, se snaží o zdánlivě nemožné – léčit lidi pomocí minulosti. Gaustin, Gospodinovovo alter ego, našel způsob, jak vytvořit kliniky času, kde se lidé trpící ztrátou paměti mohou vrátit do doby, kdy se cítili nejlépe. Tato nemoc, jakási dlouhotrvající časová amnézie, se během vyprávění proměňuje v nemoc, kterou trpí celá společnost. Ta se stává obětí jakési kolektivní „Alzheimerovy choroby“, což vede různé země v Evropě k rozhodnutí dát občanům možnost volby, aby v referendu rozhodli, v jaké historické epoše chtějí žít.Časokryt je kniha osobní i politická. Její autobiografické prvky vyprávějí životní příběh svého autora. Trefnými komentáři minulého, současného a vlastně i budoucího dění je ale také hluboce společenská. Od svého vydání opakovaně generuje paralely se současným politickým a společenským děním.Vítězný román Mezinárodní Bookerovy ceny 2023Vydání knihy podpořil Národní kulturní fond Bulharska. (

Podobné produkty ako Časokryt - Georgi Gospodinov , The turn of the screw

Fyzika smutku - Georgi Gospodinov

Fyzika smutku - Georgi Gospodinov

Gospodinovovu Fyziku smutku je možné zařadit k již etablovaným postmoderním románům. Ovšem kromě intelektuální hry, jež se projevuje například v mnohavrstevnatých odkazech na antickou mytologii či bulharské reálie, vykazuje také prvky lyrické prózy. Sice i v tomto případě Gospodinov tematizuje žánr románu a jeho hranice či principy, ale současně se snaží rehabilitovat klasické vyprávění. Mezi tyto snahy by se dala řadit i jedna z hlavních linií románu, jež nejen rekonstruuje mýtus o Mínótaurovi, ale zároveň se ho snaží nově nahlédnout a přehodnotit. Fyziku smutku je možné číst jako zprávu o složité románové kompozici a jejích stavebních principech, ale zároveň je možné v ní sledovat napínavé příběhy jednotlivých vypravěčů, jejichž osudy se proplétají napříč prostorem i časem. (

Podobné produkty ako Fyzika smutku - Georgi Gospodinov , Empire of the vampire: empire of the vampire (1) (0008350442)

Time Shelter - Georgi Gospodinov


In Time Shelter, an enigmatic flaneur named Gaustine opens a 'clinic for the past' that offers a promising treatment for Alzheimer's sufferers: each floor reproduces a decade in minute detail, transporting patients back in time.As Gaustine's assistant, the unnamed narrator is tasked with collecting the flotsam and jetsam of the past, from 1960s furniture and 1940s shirt buttons to scents and even afternoon light. But as the rooms become more convincing, an increasing number of healthy people seek out the clinic as a 'time shelter', hoping to escape from the horrors of our present - a development that results in an unexpected conundrum when the past begins to invade the present.Intricately crafted, and eloquently translated by Angela Rodel, Time Shelter cements Georgi Gospodinov's reputation as one of the indispensable writers of our times, a major voice in international literature.Georgi Gospodinov is one of Europe's most acclaimed writers. Originally from Bulgaria, his novels have won his country's most prestigious literary prize twice and have been shortlisted for more than a dozen international prizes - including the 2015 PEN Literary Award for Translation, the Premio Gregor von Rezzori, the Premio Strega Europeo, the Bruecke Berlin Preis, and the Haus der Kulturen der Welt Literaturpreis. He has won the 2016 Jan Michalski Prize for Literature, the 2019 Angelus Literature Central Europe Prize and the 2021 Premio Strega Europeo, among others. (

Podobné produkty ako Time Shelter - Georgi Gospodinov , The heart of the matter (0099478420)

Time Shelter (Defekt) - Georgi Gospodinov


In Time Shelter, an enigmatic flaneur named Gaustine opens a 'clinic for the past' that offers a promising treatment for Alzheimer's sufferers: each floor reproduces a decade in minute detail, transporting patients back in time.As Gaustine's assistant, the unnamed narrator is tasked with collecting the flotsam and jetsam of the past, from 1960s furniture and 1940s shirt buttons to scents and even afternoon light. But as the rooms become more convincing, an increasing number of healthy people seek out the clinic as a 'time shelter', hoping to escape from the horrors of our present - a development that results in an unexpected conundrum when the past begins to invade the present.Intricately crafted, and eloquently translated by Angela Rodel, Time Shelter cements Georgi Gospodinov's reputation as one of the indispensable writers of our times, a major voice in international literature.Georgi Gospodinov is one of Europe's most acclaimed writers. Originally from Bulgaria, his novels have won his country's most prestigious literary prize twice and have been shortlisted for more than a dozen international prizes - including the 2015 PEN Literary Award for Translation, the Premio Gregor von Rezzori, the Premio Strega Europeo, the Bruecke Berlin Preis, and the Haus der Kulturen der Welt Literaturpreis. He has won the 2016 Jan Michalski Prize for Literature, the 2019 Angelus Literature Central Europe Prize and the 2021 Premio Strega Europeo, among others. (

Podobné produkty ako Time Shelter (Defekt) - Georgi Gospodinov , The wisdom of crowds: the riotous conclusion to the age of madness (0575095989)

Lapidárium /Literární salon/ - Georgi Gospodinov, Valentin Popov

Furry Logic: The Physics of Animal Life - Matin Durrani, Liz Kalaugher

Furry Logic: The Physics of Animal Life - Matin Durrani, Liz Kalaugher

The animal world is full of mysteries. Why do dogs slurp from their drinking bowls while cats lap up water with a delicate flick of the tongue? How does a tiny turtle hatchling from Florida circle the entire northern Atlantic before returning to the very beach where it hatched? And how can a Komodo dragon kill a water buffalo with a bite only as strong as a domestic cat's? These puzzles - and many more besides - are all explained by physics. From heat and light to electricity and magnetism, Furry Logic unveils the ways that more than 30 animals exploit physics to eat, drink, mate and dodge death in their daily battle for survival. Along the way, science journalists Matin Durrani and Liz Kalaugher introduce the great physicists whose discoveries helped us understand the animal world, as well as the animal experts of today who are scouring the planet to find and study the animals that seem to push the laws of physics to the limit. Presenting mind-bending physics principles in a simple and engaging way, Furry Logic will appeal both to animal lovers and to those curious to see how physics crops up in the natural world. It's more of a `howdunit' than a whodunit, though you're unlikely to guess some of the answers. (

Podobné produkty ako Furry Logic: The Physics of Animal Life - Matin Durrani, Liz Kalaugher , Empire of pain: the secret history of the sackler dynasty (1529063078)

The Stormbringer Saga - Saints of Storm and Sorrow - Gabriella Buba


In this fiercely imaginative Filipino-inspired fantasy debut, a bisexual nun hiding a goddess-given gift is unwillingly transformed into a lightning rod for her people's struggle against colonization. Perfect for fans of lush fantasy full of morally ambiguous characters, including The Poppy War and The Jasmine Throne. Maria Lunurin has been living a double life for as long as she can remember.To the world, she is Sister Maria, dutiful nun and devoted servant of Aynila's Codician colonizers. But behind closed doors, she is a stormcaller, chosen daughter of the Aynilan goddess Anitun Tabu. In hiding not only from the Codicians and their witch hunts, but also from the vengeful eye of her slighted goddess, Lunurin does what she can to protect her fellow Aynilans and the small family she has created in the convent: her lover Catalina, and Cat's younger sister Inez.Lunurin is determined to keep her head down-until one day she makes a devastating discovery, which threatens to tear her family apart. In desperation, she turns for help to Alon Dakila, heir to Aynila's most powerful family, who has been ardently in love with her for years. But this choice sets in motion a chain of events beyond her control, awakening Anitun Tabu's rage and putting everyone Lunurin loves in terrible danger.Torn between the call of Alon's magic and Catalina's jealousy, her duty to her family and to her people, Lunurin can no longer keep Anitun Tabu's fury at bay. The goddess of storms demands vengeance. And she will sweep aside anyone who stands in her way. (

Podobné produkty ako The Stormbringer Saga - Saints of Storm and Sorrow - Gabriella Buba , Morning of the earth , soundtrack: morning of the earth - lp (5054197111921)

Lanegan Mark: Straight Songs of Sorrow - CD (5400863022754)

Lanegan Mark: Straight Songs of Sorrow - CD (5400863022754)

Hudební CD - Protřelý americký rocker Mark Lanegan a bývalý frontman skupiny Screaming Trees se tentokrát inspiroval vlastními vzpomínkami v projektu Straight Songs of Sorrow. Protřelý americký rocker Mark Lanegan a bývalý frontman skupiny Screaming Trees se tentokrát inspiroval vlastními vzpomínkami v projektu Straight Songs of Sorrow. Seznam stop I Wouldn't Want To Say / Apples From A Tree / This Game Of Love / Ketamine / Bleed All Over / Churchbells, Ghosts / Internal Hourglass Discussion / Stockholm City Blues / Skeleton Key / Daylight In The Nocturnal House / Ballad of a Dying Rover / Hanging On (For DRC) / Burying Ground / At Zero Below / At Eden Lost and Found (

Podobné produkty ako Lanegan Mark: Straight Songs of Sorrow - CD (5400863022754) , The lost book of the grail (1846884217)

The Physics Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained - Dorling Kindersley


Explore the laws and theories of physics in this accessible introduction to the forces that shape our Universe, our planet, and our everyday lives.Using a bold, graphic-led approach The Physics Book sets out more than 80 key concepts and discoveries that have defined the subject and influenced our technology since the beginning of time. Seven themed chapters examine the history and developments in areas such as energy and matter, and electricity and magnetism, as well as quantum, nuclear, and particle physics.Eureka moments abound: from Pythagoras's observations of the pleasing harmonies created by vibrating strings, and Galileo's experiments with spheres, to Isaac Newton's apple and his conclusions about gravity and the laws of motion. You'll also learn about Albert Einstein's insights into relativity, how the accidental discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation confirmed the Big Bang theory, the search for the Higgs boson particle, and why most of our Universe is missing.If you've ever wondered exactly how physicists formulated - and proved - these abstract concepts, The Physics Book is the book for you. (

Podobné produkty ako The Physics Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained - Dorling Kindersley , The ocean at the end of the lane (1472283368)

Stephen Hawking: A Memoir of Friendship and Physics - Leonard Mlodinow

Stephen Hawking: A Memoir of Friendship and Physics - Leonard Mlodinow

An icon of the last fifty years, Stephen Hawking seems to encapsulate genius: not since Albert Einstein has a scientific figure held such a position in popular consciousness. In this enthralling memoir, writer and physicist Leonard Mlodinow tells the story of his friend and their friendship, offering an intimate account of this giant of science.The two met in 2003, when Stephen asked Leonard if he would consider writing a book with him, the follow up to the bestselling A Brief History of Time. As they spent years working on a second book, The Grand Design, they forged a deep connection and Leonard gained a much better understanding of Stephen's daily life and struggles - as well as his compassion and good humour. Together they obsessed over the perfect sentence, debated the physics, and occasionally punted on Cambridge's waterways with champagne and strawberries. In time, Leonard was able to finish Stephen's jokes, chide his sporadic mischief, and learn how the hardships of his illness helped forge that unique perspective on the universe.By weaving together their shared story with a clear-sighted portrayal of Hawking's scientific achievements, Mlodinow creates a beautiful portrait of Stephen Hawking as a brilliant, impish and generous man whose life was not only exceptional but also genuinely inspiring. (

Podobné produkty ako Stephen Hawking: A Memoir of Friendship and Physics - Leonard Mlodinow , The narrative of arthur gordon pym of nantucket

Basics of Medical Physics - Daniel Jirák, František Vítek - e-kniha

Basics of Medical Physics - Daniel Jirák, František Vítek - e-kniha

eBook:,Učebnice Basics of Medical Physics (Základy lékařské fyziky) popisuje základní fyzikální vztahy a metody, se kterými se lékař může nejčastěji setkat v klinické nebo experimentální medicíně. Lékařská fyzika je specifická tím, že se zabývá aplikací fyzikálních metod na živý organismus. Je tedy interdisciplinárním vědním oborem, který spojuje fyziku a biologické vědy. Kniha obsahuje osm kapitol: Stavba hmoty; Molekulární biofyzika; Termodynamika; Biofyzika elektrických projevů a účinků; Akustika a fyzikální principy sluchu; Optika; Fyzika rentgenového záření a jeho použití v lékařství; Radioaktivita a ionizující záření. Text je doplněn mnoha obrázky, které pomůžou k snadnějšímu pochopení dané problematiky. Metody, které jsou v učebnici vysvětleny, jsou založeny na různých fyzikálních principech. Některé z nich, např. používání optických zvětšovacích čoček nebo rentgenového záření, jsou známé více než 100 let, jiné nacházejí díky technologickému pokroku uplatnění až v poslední době, jako např. zobrazování magnetickou rezonancí nebo pozitronovou emisní tomografií. Čtenář by tak měl po prostudování této knihy získat ucelený přehled o možnostech využití různých fyzikálních metod v medicíně. Měl by být schopen fyzikální vztahy uvedené v učebnici chápat v širších souvislostech a popsané metody aplikovat v jednotlivých lékařských oborech. (

Podobné produkty ako Basics of Medical Physics - Daniel Jirák, František Vítek - e-kniha , Yardbirds: the best of the yardbirds - cd (charly604cd)

The Magpie Society 01: One for Sorrow (0241402352)

The Magpie Society 01: One for Sorrow (0241402352)

Kniha - autor Zoe Sugg; Amy McCulloch, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná "A nail-biting page turner written with cinematic sparkle" - Jennifer Niven, bestselling author of All The Bright Places "The perfect read for teens" - Glamour UK "Think Serial at Malory Towers" - Katie Lowe, author of The Furies A STUDENT FOUND DEAD ON THE BEACH. A WEB OF UNANSWERED QUESTIONS. SOMEONE POISED TO STRIKE AGAIN. Illumen Hall is a boarding school of tradition and achievement. But tragedy strikes when the body of a student is discovered on the beach - and on her back is an elaborate tattoo of a magpie. For new student Audrey, it is just another strange and unsettling thing about her new surroundings, along with the secrets the school seems to hide and its weird obsession with magpies. For her roommate Ivy, the death of her friend Lola is just one thing she desperately wants to get past - and having a new student asking questions and cluttering up her... (

Podobné produkty ako The Magpie Society 01: One for Sorrow (0241402352) , The story of the trapp family singers (0060005777)

The Magpie Society: One for Sorrow - Amy McCullochová, Zoe Suggová


Welcome to the Magpie Society...Tragedy has struck Illumen Hall, a prestigious boarding school of tradition and achievement. The body of student Lola Radcliffe is discovered on the beach, and on her back someone has tattooed an elaborate magpie.For new student Audrey, it's just another strange and unsettling thing about her new surroundings. For her roommate Ivy, the death of her friend Lola is something she's desperate to get past - and Audrey's presence isn't helping. But the two girls are thrown together when a mysterious podcast airs, with a sinister headline: I KNOW WHO KILLED LOLA. AND ONE OF YOU IS NEXT.This edition includes the spine-chilling first chapter of THE MAGPIE SOCIETY: TWO FOR JOY. From the Back Cover Tragedy has struck Illumen Hall, a prestigious boarding school of tradition and achievement. The body of student Lola Radcliffe is discovered on the beach, and on her back someone has tattooed an elaborate magpie. For new student Audrey, it's just another strange and unsettling thing about her new surroundings. For her roommate Ivy, the death of her friend Lola is something she's desperate to get past - and Audrey's presence isn't helping. (

Podobné produkty ako The Magpie Society: One for Sorrow - Amy McCullochová, Zoe Suggová , The lord of the rings - elven - hrnek (3665361048251)

Six Easy Pieces: Essentials of Physics Explained by Its Most Brilliant Teacher (9780465025275)

Fyzika smutku - Gospodinov Georgi

Fyzika smutku - Gospodinov Georgi

Gospodinovovu Fyziku smutku je možné zařadit k již etablovaným postmoderním románům. Ovšem kromě intelektuální hry, jež se projevuje například v mnohavrstevnatých odkazech na antickou mytologii či bulharské reálie, vykazuje také prvky lyrické prózy. Sice i v tomto případě Gospodinov tematizuje žánr románu a jeho hranice či principy, ale současně se snaží rehabilitovat klasické vyprávění. Mezi tyto snahy by se dala řadit i jedna z hlavních linií románu, jež nejen rekonstruuje mýtus o Mínótaurovi, ale zároveň se ho snaží nově nahlédnout a přehodnotit. Fyziku smutku je možné číst jako zprávu o složité románové kompozici a jejích stavebních principech, ale zároveň je možné v ní sledovat napínavé příběhy jednotlivých vypravěčů, jejichž osudy se proplétají napříč prostorem i časem. (

Podobné produkty ako Fyzika smutku - Gospodinov Georgi , House of the dragon - to the throne - tričko

Sweet Sorrow (1529308429)

Sweet Sorrow (1529308429)

Kniha - 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako Sweet Sorrow (1529308429) , The end of loneliness (1473654041)

Newtonian Physics for Babies - Chris Ferrie


Help your future genius become the smartest baby in the room!Written by an expert, Newtonian Physics for Babies is a colorfully simple introduction to Newton's laws of motion. Babies (and grownups!) will learn all about mass, acceleration, the force of gravity, and more. With a tongue-in-cheek approach that adults will love, this installment of the Baby University board book series is the perfect way to introduce basic concepts to even the youngest scientists.After all, it's never too early to become a physicist! (

Podobné produkty ako Newtonian Physics for Babies - Chris Ferrie , The tower of fools (1473226147)

Seven Brief Lessons on Physics (0141981725)

Seven Brief Lessons on Physics (0141981725)

Kniha - autor Carlo Rovelli, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A mind-bending introduction to modern physics in seven entertaining lessons. Explains Einstein's theory of general relativity, quantum mechanics, black holes, the complex architecture of the universe, elementary particles, gravity and the nature of the mind. This topped the bestseller charts in Italy for months. Now in paperback. (

Podobné produkty ako Seven Brief Lessons on Physics (0141981725) , Orphans of the carnival (1782116567)

Sweet Sorrow - David Nicholls

Sweet Sorrow - David Nicholls

One life-changing summerCharlie meets Fran...In 1997, Charlie Lewis is the kind of boy you don't remember in the school photograph. His exams have not gone well. At home he is looking after his father, when surely it should be the other way round, and if he thinks about the future at all, it is with a kind of dread.Then Fran Fisher bursts into his life and despite himself, Charlie begins to hope.But if Charlie wants to be with Fran, he must take on a challenge that could lose him the respect of his friends and require him to become a different person. He must join the Company. And if the Company sounds like a cult, the truth is even more appalling.The price of hope, it seems, is Shakespeare.Poignant, funny, enchanting, devastating, Sweet Sorrow is a tragicomedy about the rocky path to adulthood and the confusion of family life, a celebration of the reviving power of friendship and that brief, searing explosion of first love that can only be looked at directly after it has burned out. (

Podobné produkty ako Sweet Sorrow - David Nicholls , The age of innocence (9788853620293)

Sweet Sorrow - David Nicholls

Sweet Sorrow - David Nicholls

One life-changing summerSixteen-year-old Charlie meets Fran...8 million copies since STARTER FOR TEN first introduced us to hisincomparable talent for making us laugh, cry and wince with recognition in the space of a single sentence; ten years after ONE DAY became the iconic love story for a generation; five years since the journey of US took him to the Man Booker Prize long-list;DAVID NICHOLLS has written a major new novel, SWEET SORROW:a hymn to the tragicomedy of ordinary lives, a celebration of the reviving power of friendship and that brief, blinding explosion of first love that perhaps can only be looked at directly once it has burned out.'Nicholls writes with such tender precision about love'The Times'There is a sharp empathetic intelligence to his writing that makes his characters real . . . the clear writing often dazzles with truth . . . sad funny, soulful' Observer'A sublime talent for illuminating the murky causeway that most of us have to navigate between darkness and light' Donal Ryan'Nicholls' ability to create and then subvert the traditional plot for comedy is the secret of his success. It makes us confront the gap between what we expect from storytelling and what happens in real life' (

Podobné produkty ako Sweet Sorrow - David Nicholls , The stories of sherlock holmes ()

The Witcher Boxed Set : The Last Wish, Sword of Destiny, Blood of Elves, Time of Contempt, Baptism of Fire, The Tower of The Swallow, The Lady of the


Meet Geralt of Rivia - the Witcher - who holds the line against the monsters plaguing humanity in the bestselling series that inspired the Witcher video games and a major Netflix show.The Witcher's magic powers and lifelong training have made him a brilliant fighter and a merciless assassin.Yet he is no ordinary killer: he hunts the vile fiends that ravage the land and attack the innocent.But not everything monstrous-looking is evil; not everything fair is good . . . and in every fairy tale there is a grain of truth.Translated by Danusia Stok and David French.Andrzej Sapkowski, winner of the World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement award, started an international phenomenon with his Witcher series. This boxed set contains all eight books: THE LAST WISH, SWORD OF DESTINY, BLOOD OF ELVES, TIME OF CONTEMPT, BAPTISM OF FIRE, THE TOWER OF THE SWALLOW, THE LADY OF THE LAKE, SEASON OF STORMS. (

Podobné produkty ako The Witcher Boxed Set : The Last Wish, Sword of Destiny, Blood of Elves, Time of Contempt, Baptism of Fire, The Tower of The Swallow, The Lady of the , The bastard of istanbul (0241972906)

Stephen Hawking : Friendship and Physics - Leonard Mlodinow


CHOSEN AS A BOOK OF THE YEAR BY THE GUARDIAN, DAILY TELEGRAPH, NEW STATESMAN AND BBC SCIENCE FOCUS'An intimate, unique, and inspiring perspective on the life and work of one of the greatest minds of our time. Filled with insight, humour, and never-before-told stories, it's a view of Stephen Hawking that few have seen and all will appreciate' James Clear, author of Atomic HabitsAn icon of the last fifty years, Stephen Hawking seems to encapsulate genius: not since Albert Einstein has a scientific figure held such a position in popular consciousness. In this enthralling memoir, writer and physicist Leonard Mlodinow tells the story of his friend and their collaboration, offering an intimate account of this giant of science. The two met in 2003, when Stephen asked Leonard if he would consider writing a book with him, the follow up to the bestselling A Brief History of Time. As they spent years working on a second book, The Grand Design, they forged a deep connection and Leonard gained a much better understanding of Stephen's daily life and struggles -- as well as his compassion and good humour. Together they obsessed over the perfect sentence, debated the physics, and occasionally punted on Cambridge's waterways with champagne and strawberries. In time, Leonard was able to finish Stephen's jokes, chide his sporadic mischief, and learn how the hardships of his illness helped forge that unique perspective on the universe. By weaving together their shared story with a clear-sighted portrayal of Hawking's scientific achievements, Mlodinow creates a beautiful portrait of Stephen Hawking as a brilliant, impish and generous man whose life was not only exceptional but also genuinely inspiring. (

Podobné produkty ako Stephen Hawking : Friendship and Physics - Leonard Mlodinow , Fall of the argosi (1471405575)

Sweet Sorrow (Defekt) - David Nicholls

Sweet Sorrow (Defekt) - David Nicholls

One life-changing summerSixteen-year-old Charlie meets Fran...8 million copies since STARTER FOR TEN first introduced us to hisincomparable talent for making us laugh, cry and wince with recognition in the space of a single sentence; ten years after ONE DAY became the iconic love story for a generation; five years since the journey of US took him to the Man Booker Prize long-list;DAVID NICHOLLS has written a major new novel, SWEET SORROW:a hymn to the tragicomedy of ordinary lives, a celebration of the reviving power of friendship and that brief, blinding explosion of first love that perhaps can only be looked at directly once it has burned out.'Nicholls writes with such tender precision about love'The Times'There is a sharp empathetic intelligence to his writing that makes his characters real . . . the clear writing often dazzles with truth . . . sad funny, soulful' Observer'A sublime talent for illuminating the murky causeway that most of us have to navigate between darkness and light' Donal Ryan'Nicholls' ability to create and then subvert the traditional plot for comedy is the secret of his success. It makes us confront the gap between what we expect from storytelling and what happens in real life' (

Podobné produkty ako Sweet Sorrow (Defekt) - David Nicholls , The seed of compassion: lessons from the life and teachings of his holiness the dalai lama (0241456975)

Sorrow and Bliss - Meg Masonová


A dazzling novel about modern love up against the confusing, sad aches of mental illness - with all its highs, lows, humour and misery. Everyone tells Martha Friel she is clever and beautiful, a brilliant writer who has been loved every day of her adult life by one man, her husband Patrick. A gift, her mother once said, not everybody gets.So why is everything broken? Why is Martha - on the edge of 40 - friendless, practically jobless and so often sad? And why did Patrick decide to leave?Maybe she is just too sensitive, someone who finds it harder to be alive than most people. Or maybe - as she has long believed - there is something wrong with her. Something that broke when a little bomb went off in her brain, at 17, and left her changed in a way that no doctor or therapist has ever been able to explain.Forced to return to her childhood home to live with her dysfunctional, bohemian parents (but without the help of her devoted, foul-mouthed sister Ingrid), Martha has one last chance to find out whether a life is ever too broken to fix - or whether, maybe, by starting over, she will get to write a better ending for herself.THE BOOK OF THE YEAR An instant Sunday Times bestseller and a book of the year for the Times and Sunday Times, Guardian, Observer, Independent, Mail on Sunday, Evening Standard, Spectator, Daily Express, Irish Times, Irish Examiner, Irish Daily Mail, Metro, Critic, Sydney Morning Herald, Los Angeles Times, Stylist, Red and Good Housekeeping (

Podobné produkty ako Sorrow and Bliss - Meg Masonová , Game of thrones - house of the dragon - kšiltovka (8718526146806)

The Art of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - Hayao Miyazaki


An epic fantasy written and illustrated by the legendary director Hayao Miyazaki!An addition to the perennially popular line of Studio Ghibli art books-which include interviews, concept sketches, and finished animation cels-of classic animated films such as Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro.Hayao Miyazaki's Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, based on his own manga, was released in 1984 and has been a cult classic ever since. In a long-ago war, humankind set off a devastating ecological disaster. The earth is slowly submerging beneath the expanding Sea of Decay, an enormous toxic forest that creates mutant insects and poisonous spores. Beyond the sea lies the Valley of the Wind, a kingdom of barely 500 citizens and home to Nausicaa, who risks everything to save her people and bring peace and health to the valley. Includes sketches, developmental water colors, cel animation, and more. (

Podobné produkty ako The Art of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - Hayao Miyazaki , Orchestra of the royal danish theatre: orchestra of the royal danish (10xcd) - cd (223548)

Stephen Hawking : Friendship and Physics (Defekt) - Leonard Mlodinow


CHOSEN AS A BOOK OF THE YEAR BY THE GUARDIAN, DAILY TELEGRAPH, NEW STATESMAN AND BBC SCIENCE FOCUS'An intimate, unique, and inspiring perspective on the life and work of one of the greatest minds of our time. Filled with insight, humour, and never-before-told stories, it's a view of Stephen Hawking that few have seen and all will appreciate' James Clear, author of Atomic HabitsAn icon of the last fifty years, Stephen Hawking seems to encapsulate genius: not since Albert Einstein has a scientific figure held such a position in popular consciousness. In this enthralling memoir, writer and physicist Leonard Mlodinow tells the story of his friend and their collaboration, offering an intimate account of this giant of science. The two met in 2003, when Stephen asked Leonard if he would consider writing a book with him, the follow up to the bestselling A Brief History of Time. As they spent years working on a second book, The Grand Design, they forged a deep connection and Leonard gained a much better understanding of Stephen's daily life and struggles -- as well as his compassion and good humour. Together they obsessed over the perfect sentence, debated the physics, and occasionally punted on Cambridge's waterways with champagne and strawberries. In time, Leonard was able to finish Stephen's jokes, chide his sporadic mischief, and learn how the hardships of his illness helped forge that unique perspective on the universe. By weaving together their shared story with a clear-sighted portrayal of Hawking's scientific achievements, Mlodinow creates a beautiful portrait of Stephen Hawking as a brilliant, impish and generous man whose life was not only exceptional but also genuinely inspiring. (

Podobné produkty ako Stephen Hawking : Friendship and Physics (Defekt) - Leonard Mlodinow , Lord of the rings - gandalf the white - figurka (9420024732984)

The Hound of the Baskervilles & The Valley of Fear

The Hound of the Baskervilles & The Valley of Fear

Supernatural hounds, a family curse, a mysterious cipher and the return of a deadly enemy . . . Sherlock Holmes will have to utilize every skill he has to solve the two classic mysteries collected here. The Hound of the Baskervilles sees Holmes and Dr Watson travel to the misty wilds of Dartmoor to confront a devilish apparition, while in The Valley of Fear the pair investigate a gruesome murder that may be the work of the dastardly Professor Moriarty himself.In this Macmillan Collector's Library edition, Sherlock scholar David Stuart Davies provides both an illuminating afterword and a fascinating chronology of the Sherlock Holmes stories.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. (

Podobné produkty ako The Hound of the Baskervilles & The Valley of Fear , Various: until the end of the world - lp (9362490386)

Women of the White House: The Illustrated Story of the First Ladies of the United States of America - Amy Russo


Women of the White House looks at the work, lives and times of the 47 women officially recognized as America's first lady.Through portraits, photographs, accounts and profiles, the book examines their contributions to the presidencies they supported and to the 230-year history of the role. The women who have held the position have evolved it from White House hostess to campaigner for social causes and a game-changing leadership position. A role model for the world, a powerful political player, a traditional yet modern woman - the position of first lady of the United States is many-faceted, complex and beyond high profile.Amy Russo explores how the social platforms these women established - from Mary Todd Lincoln's work for slaves and soldiers after the Civil War to Michelle Obama's fight for girls' education - have not only made the role iconic but also shaped America. (

Podobné produkty ako Women of the White House: The Illustrated Story of the First Ladies of the United States of America - Amy Russo , Iron maiden: the number of the beast - cd (9029556774)

Knížka The School of Life Press The School of Life, The School of Life

Knížka The School of Life Press The School of Life, The School of Life

Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Sbírka nejlepších a nejpronikavějších citátů ze série Škola života o vztazích, smutku, úzkosti, práci, přátelích, rodině, cestování a smyslu života. (

Podobné produkty ako Knížka The School of Life Press The School of Life, The School of Life

The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings, Book 1)


Begin your journey into Middle-earth. A New Legend Begins on Prime Video, in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. The first part of J. R. R. Tolkien’s epic adventure THE LORD OF THE RINGS. In a quiet village in the Shire, young Frodo is about to receive a gift that will change his life forever. Thought lost centuries ago, it is the One Ring, an object of terrifying power once used by the Dark Lord to enslave Middle-earth. Now darkness is rising, and Frodo must travel deep into the Dark Lord’s realm, to the one place the Ring can be destroyed: Mount Doom. The journey will test Frodo’s courage, his friendships and his heart. Because the ring corrupts all who bear it – can Frodo destroy it, or will it destroy him? (

Podobné produkty ako The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings, Book 1)

Plakát 61x91,5cm-The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King


Plakát Pán prstenů - Návrat krále se hodí na každou zeď Tištěno na kvalitní papír, snadno sbalitelné do tubusu (

Podobné produkty ako Plakát 61x91,5cm-The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King

The Lord of the Rings 3. The Return of the King (0261102370)

The Lord of the Rings 3. The Return of the King (0261102370)

Kniha - autor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, 556 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná J.R.R. Tolkien's great work of imaginative fiction has been labeled both a heroic romance and a classic fantasy fiction. By turns comic and homely, epic and diabolic, the narrative moves through countless changes of scene and character in an imaginary world which is totally convincing in its detail. (

Podobné produkty ako The Lord of the Rings 3. The Return of the King (0261102370)

The Stolen Heir: A Novel of Elfhame, from the author of The Folk of the Air series (1471413624)

The Stolen Heir: A Novel of Elfhame, from the author of The Folk of the Air series (1471413624)

Kniha - 496 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako The Stolen Heir: A Novel of Elfhame, from the author of The Folk of the Air series (1471413624)

The City Of Prague - The Hobbit & The Lord Of The Rings (2 LP)

The City Of Prague - The Hobbit & The Lord Of The Rings (2 LP)

Vydavatelství: Diggers Factory Země interpreta: Česká republika Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Německo Varianta: The Hobbit & The Lord Of The Rings (2 LP) Typ: LP deska;Kompilace Žánr: Stage & Screen Interpret / Téma: The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Subžánr: Score Dekáda interpreta: 1940 - 1949;1960 - 1969;1950 - 1959;2020 - 2029;1980 - 1989;1970 - 1979;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999 Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 2 ks Datum vydání: 2020-10-02 Barva: Černá Rok vydání: 2020.0 (

Podobné produkty ako The City Of Prague - The Hobbit & The Lord Of The Rings (2 LP)

The Song of the Cell: The Story of Life - Siddhartha Mukherjee


From the dawn of life itself, every being that has ever lived owes its existence to the cell.The discovery of this vital form led to a transformation in medicine but also in our understanding of ourselves - not as bodies or machines but as ecosystems. It has also given us the power to treat a vast array of mortal maladies...and even to create new kinds of human altogether.Rich with stories of scientists, doctors and the patients whose lives may be saved by their work, The Song of the Cell is a stunning ode to the building blocks of life and the cutting-edge science harnessing their power for the better. (

Podobné produkty ako The Song of the Cell: The Story of Life - Siddhartha Mukherjee

Lord of the Rings 1. The Fellowship of the Rings (0261102354)

Lord of the Rings 1. The Fellowship of the Rings (0261102354)

Kniha - autor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, 530 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In a sleepy village in the Shire, a young hobbit is entrusted with an immense task. He must make a perilous journey across Middle-earth to the Cracks of Doom, there to destroy the Ruling Ring of Power - the only thing that prevents the Dark Lord's evil dominion. (

Podobné produkty ako Lord of the Rings 1. The Fellowship of the Rings (0261102354)

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

VSTUPTE DO SVĚTA PLNÉHO DOBRODRUŽSTVÍ Zapomeňte na vše, co víte o hrách The Legend of Zelda. Vstupte do světa plného tajemství, objevů a dobrodružství v The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, nejnovějším titulu v úspěšné sérii, který překračuje hranice předchozích her. Putujte poli, lesy či po vrcholcích hor a objevte pozůstatky zpustošeného království Hyrulu v tomto dech beroucím dobrodružství v otevřeném světě. Na své cestě budete bojovat s impozantními protivníky, lovit divokou zvěř a sbírat ingredience pro výrobu jídla a lektvarů, které budete potřebovat k přežití v divočině. Krajina je posetá svatyněmi čekajícími na své odhalení. Najděte je, vyřešte hádanky, které se v nich skrývají a odměnou vám budou speciální předměty a další odměny, které vám pomohou na vaší výpravě. (

Podobné produkty ako The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

The Rise of Magicks (Chronicles of The One)


The brilliant conclusion to the Chronicles of the One trilogy - an epic story of love, war, family and magic.Fallon Swift has spent all her life preparing for this moment. No longer can she stand by whilst her fellow Magicks are hunted by the fanatical Purity Warriors or rounded up and experimented on by the government.Fallon must follow her destiny to restore the magical shield that once protected them all. But she can't do it alone. It is time to build her army, to take on her nemesis and take down the enemy.She has learned to fight, now she must restore the light and banish the dark forever. The final battle has begun... (

Podobné produkty ako The Rise of Magicks (Chronicles of The One)

PLEASURES Sorrow Heavyweight T-shirt P22F003-NATURAL

PLEASURES Sorrow Heavyweight T-shirt P22F003-NATURAL

PLEASURES Sorrow Heavyweight T-shirt P22F003-NATURAL (

Podobné produkty ako PLEASURES Sorrow Heavyweight T-shirt P22F003-NATURAL

PLEASURES Sorrow Heavyweight T-shirt P22F003-NATURAL

PLEASURES Sorrow Heavyweight T-shirt P22F003-NATURAL

PLEASURES Sorrow Heavyweight T-shirt P22F003-NATURAL (

Podobné produkty ako PLEASURES Sorrow Heavyweight T-shirt P22F003-NATURAL

PLEASURES Sorrow Heavyweight T-shirt P22F003-NATURAL

PLEASURES Sorrow Heavyweight T-shirt P22F003-NATURAL

PLEASURES Sorrow Heavyweight T-shirt P22F003-NATURAL (

Podobné produkty ako PLEASURES Sorrow Heavyweight T-shirt P22F003-NATURAL

PLEASURES Sorrow Heavyweight T-shirt P22F003-NATURAL

PLEASURES Sorrow Heavyweight T-shirt P22F003-NATURAL

PLEASURES Sorrow Heavyweight T-shirt P22F003-NATURAL (

Podobné produkty ako PLEASURES Sorrow Heavyweight T-shirt P22F003-NATURAL

PLEASURES Sorrow Heavyweight T-shirt P22F003-NATURAL

PLEASURES Sorrow Heavyweight T-shirt P22F003-NATURAL

PLEASURES Sorrow Heavyweight T-shirt P22F003-NATURAL (

Podobné produkty ako PLEASURES Sorrow Heavyweight T-shirt P22F003-NATURAL

The Invention of Nature: The Adventures of Alexander Von Humboldt, the Lost Hero of Science (1848549008)

The Invention of Nature: The Adventures of Alexander Von Humboldt, the Lost Hero of Science (1848549008)

Kniha - autor Andrea Wulf, 474 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859) is the great lost scientist: more things are named after him than anyone else including towns, rivers, mountain ranges, a penguin, a giant squid - even the Mare Humboldtianum on the moon.His colourful adventures read like something from Boy's Own: Humboldt explored deep into the rainforest, climbed the world's highest volcanoes and inspired princes and presidents, scientists and poets.Taking us on a fantastic voyage in his footsteps, Andrea Wulf shows why his life and ideas remain so important today. (

Podobné produkty ako The Invention of Nature: The Adventures of Alexander Von Humboldt, the Lost Hero of Science (1848549008)

Psychologie stárnutí a stáří - Eva Dragomirecká, Eva Jarolímová, Georgi Hana


Motto této monografie zní „Každý člověk je jedinečný“. Jedinečnost je i ve stylu každého z autorů rozsáhlého kolektivu, který se zde spojil, aby zájemcům přiblížil šíři problematiky psychologie stárnutí a stáří včetně kontextu dalších gerontologických disciplín a otázek. Text je rozdělen do šesti bloků, které pokrývají převážně psychologická, ale také demografická, sociální či biologická hlediska stárnutí, nemoci i zdraví. Zmiňované poznatky reflektují současné poznání a jsou výběrem každého z autorů z velmi pestrého pole teorie a praxe. Monografie si klade za cíl ukázat bohatý obraz psychologie stárnutí a stáří, povzbudit u čtenářů pozitivní náhled na stárnutí a inspirovat k profesnímu zájmu o práci se staršími lidmi. Kniha je určena studentům, ale i psychologům a psychoterapeutům pracujícím se seniorskou populací a také dalším pomáhajícím profesím. (

Podobné produkty ako Psychologie stárnutí a stáří - Eva Dragomirecká, Eva Jarolímová, Georgi Hana

Guardians of the Gods - In the Shadow of the Fall - Ogundrian Tobi


An untried acolyte desperate to speak with the orisha she worships accidentally reignites a cosmic war. The fate of her gods - and of her world - now lies in her inexperienced hands. Perfect for fans of N. K. Jemisin, Suyi Davies Okungbowa, Daughters of Nri, and Godkiller. Ashake is an acolyte in the temple of Ifa, yearning for the day she is made a priest and sent out into the world to serve the orisha.But of all the acolytes, she is the only one the orisha refuse to speak to. For years she has watched from the sidelines as peer after peer passes her by and ascends to full priesthood. Desperate, Ashake attempts to summon and trap an orisha-any orisha.Instead, she experiences a vision so terrible it draws the attention of a powerful enemy sect and thrusts Ashake into the center of a centuries-old war that will shatter the very foundations of her world. (

Podobné produkty ako Guardians of the Gods - In the Shadow of the Fall - Ogundrian Tobi

The Hunger of the Gods: Book Two of the Bloodsworn Saga (0356514250)

The Hunger of the Gods: Book Two of the Bloodsworn Saga (0356514250)

Kniha - 656 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako The Hunger of the Gods: Book Two of the Bloodsworn Saga (0356514250)

NINTENDO The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

NINTENDO The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Switch - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild VSTUPTE DO SVĚTA PLNÉHO DOBRODRUŽSTVÍZapomeňte na vše, co víte o hrách The Legend of Zelda. Vstupte do světa plného tajemství, objevů a dobrodružství v The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, nejnovějším titulu v úspěšné sérii, který překračuje hranice předchozích her. Putujte poli, lesy a po vrcholcích hor a objevte pozůstatky zpustošeného království Hyrulu v tomto dech beroucím dobrodružství v otevřeném světě. KLÍČOVÉ PRVKY:Prozkoumejte hyrulskou divočinu, jak se vám zachce – Šplhejte na věže a vrcholky hor, objevte nové lokace a pak si za svým cílem najděte vlastní cestu a vyrazte do divočiny. Po cestě budete bojovat s obřími nepřáteli, lovit divokou zvěř a sbírat ingredience potřebné k vaření jídla a elixírů, které budete potřebovat, abyste si na své výpravě zachovali dostatek energie.Objevte a prozkoumejte více než 100 Svatyní zkoušek – V zemi jsou roztroušené svatyně, které jen čekají na to, až je objevíte v jakémkoli pořadí se vám bude chtít. Různými způsoby je vyhledávejte a vyřešte všechny hádanky uvnitř. Poraďte si s pastmi a různými aparaturami uvnitř a získejte speciální předměty a jiné odměny, které vám pomohou ve vašem dobrodružství.Buďte připraveni a pořádně se vyzbrojte – Celý svět čeká, až ho prozkoumáte, takže budete potřebovat rozličné obleky a vybavení, abyste se dostali do všech jeho koutů. Možná se budete muset zabalit do teplejšího oblečení, nebo se převléci do něčeho, co se vám bude lépe hodit do pouštních veder. Některé obleky dokonce mají speciální účinky a pomohou vám při pohybu být rychlejší nebo tišší.Souboje s nepřáteli vyžadují strategii – Svět obývají nepřátelé všech možných tvarů a velikostí. Každý z nich má vlastní zbraň a styl útoku, takže musíte být schopni rychle přemýšlet a přijít na tu správnou strategii, která vám pomůže je pokořit.Kompatibilita s figurkami amiibo – Připojte ke hře amiibo vlčího Linka (samostatně v prodeji) a vlčí Link se objeví. Vlčí Link bude sám útočit na nepřátele a pomůže vám najít předměty, které hledáte. Letos bude na E3 představena i nová kolekce figurek The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. (

Podobné produkty ako NINTENDO The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Lanegan Mark: Straight Songs of Sorrow - CD (5400863022754), The turn of the Screw, Empire of the Vampire: Empire of the Vampire (1) (0008350442), The Heart of the Matter (0099478420), The Wisdom of Crowds: The Riotous Conclusion to The Age of Madness (0575095989), The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Nintendo Switch (045496420055), Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078), Morning Of The Earth , Soundtrack: Morning Of The Earth - LP (5054197111921), The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217), The Ocean at the End of the Lane (1472283368), The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, Yardbirds: The Best Of The Yardbirds - CD (CHARLY604CD), The Story of the Trapp Family Singers (0060005777), The Lord of the Rings - Elven - hrnek (3665361048251), The Witcher - Signs of the Witcher - tričko (thewitchsgnnad), House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko, The End of Loneliness (1473654041), The Tower of Fools (1473226147), Orphans of the Carnival (1782116567), The age of Innocence (9788853620293), The Stories of Sherlock Holmes (), The Bastard of Istanbul (0241972906), Fall of the Argosi (1471405575), The Seed of Compassion: Lessons from the Life and Teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama (0241456975), Game of Thrones - House of the Dragon - kšiltovka (8718526146806), Orchestra Of The Royal Danish Theatre: Orchestra Of The Royal Danish (10xCD) - CD (223548), Lord of the Rings - Gandalf the White - figurka (9420024732984), Various: Until the End of the World - LP (9362490386), Iron Maiden: The Number Of The Beast - CD (9029556774)