The paying guests - sarah watersová

Produkt The paying guests - sarah watersová sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu The paying guests - sarah watersová upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

The Paying Guests - Sarah Watersová


It is 1922, and in a hushed south London villa life is about to be transformed, as genteel widow Mrs Wray and her discontented daughter Frances are obliged to take in lodgers. Lilian and Leonard Barber, a modern young couple of the 'clerk class', bring with them gramophone music, colour, fun - and dangerous desires. The most ordinary of lives, it seems, can explode into passion and drama...A love story that is also a crime story, this is vintage Sarah Waters. (

Podobné produkty ako The Paying Guests - Sarah Watersová , Veritas 1301 sarah (1301)

The Little Stranger - Sarah Watersová

The Little Stranger - Sarah Watersová

Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize 'Sarah Waters's masterly novel is . . . gripping, confident, unnerving and supremely entertaining' Hilary Mantel In a dusty post-war summer in rural Warwickshire, a doctor is called to a patient at lonely Hundreds Hall. Home to the Ayres family for over two centuries, the Georgian house, once grand and handsome, is now in decline, its masonry crumbling, its gardens choked with weeds, its owners - mother, son and daughter - struggling to keep pace. But are the Ayreses haunted by something more sinister than a dying way of life? Little does Dr Faraday know how closely, and how terrifyingly, their story is about to become entwined with his. (

Podobné produkty ako The Little Stranger - Sarah Watersová , Kralovstvi popela sarah j maasova

Náklonnost - Sarah Watersová


Román populární autorky (např. Zlodějka nebo Špičkou jazyka) z prostředí viktoriánského Londýna a jeho ženských věznic.Margaret Priorová, mladá dáma z lepší společnosti, má před sebou ušlechtilý úkol. Coby dobročinná návštěvnice bude docházet do Millbanku, nejponuřejší ženské věznice v Londýně, a stýkat se s tamními trestankyněmi. Skeptická a nešťastná Margaret, zotavující se z pokusu o sebevraždu, vidí v ženách z Millbanku jen prosté ubožačky, dokud se neseznámí se Selinou Dawesovou. Mladá spiritistka, odsouzená za podvod při seanci, přitahuje Margaret od prvního okamžiku a díky ní se nechá stále hlouběji zatahovat do světa duchů a zjevení, otisků nehmotných dlaní a nevysvětlitelných úkazů. (

Podobné produkty ako Náklonnost - Sarah Watersová , Dedicka ohne sarah j maasova

Zlodějka - Sarah Watersová


Sarah Watersová, rodem z Walesu (1966), usazená v Londýně, je pokračovatelkou nejlepší tradice anglického románu rozvinuté do výsostně moderní podoby. V románu Zlodějka, odehrávajícím se roku 1862, nás zavádí do Londýna a okolí, do nejrůznějších prostředí a vrstev tehdejší společnosti. Spolu s hlavní hrdinkou, Sue Trinderovou, se ocitáme mezi spodinou živořící v nejubožejších částech Londýna a živící se pochybnými způsoby. Sue se snaží vymanit z prostředí podvodníků, ve kterém vyrostla, a její nelehká cesta je plná nečekaných zákrutů a zvratů. Autorka prokazuje svrchované mistrovství v budování rafinované zápletky i v barvitém líčení postav a prostředí. V jejím románu není nikdy nic tak, jak se čtenáři, ani nedýchajícímu napětím, zdá, a všechno přitom do sebe bezvadně zapadá. Román, psaný vybroušeným stylem, dokonale vystihuje dobu děje, nádherně plyne a unáší čtenáře jako řeka. (

Podobné produkty ako Zlodějka - Sarah Watersová , Sarah (978-80-906106-0-6)

Malý vetřelec - Sarah Watersová

Malý vetřelec - Sarah Watersová

Po dvou románech z viktoriánské Anglie: Zlodějce a Špičkou jazyka, se současná nejúspěšnější britská spisovatelka kvalitní beletrie představí v jiné době, jiném prostředí i jiném druhu vztahů. Malý vetřelec je zasazený do doby po druhé světové válce, na anglický venkov - do dříve opulentního, nyní chátrajícího sídla, a jeho středobodem je tentokrát heterosexuální vztah. Sídlo je přes dvě stě let domovem zámožné rodiny Ayresových: syn Roddy, který se vrátil z války, se pokouší v rychle se měnící době majetek spravovat, jeho matka usiluje o zachování dekoru, obyčejů a starého pořádku a jeho sestra Caroline, která se vůbec nehodí do role příslušnice vyšší třídy, na sebe bere úkoly, jež dříve plnilo početné služebnictvo, a v holinkách pracuje na zahradě. Do rodiny zcela zásadně zasáhne lékař z blízkého městečka, dr. Faraday, který jako chudý kluk kdysi dům navštívil při jakési dobročinné akci pro chudinu. Celý román má svoji druhou, velice temnou stránku, díky které se zatím poslední román Watersové může směle řadit mezi nejlepší díla duchařské literatury. (

Podobné produkty ako Malý vetřelec - Sarah Watersová , Axi dětský domeček sarah bílá/hnědá (8717973930655)

Platící hosté - Sarah Watersová


Píše se rok 1922 a v Londýně panuje napjatá atmosféra. Váleční veteráni se jen obtížně vracejí do normálního života, všude zástupy nezaměstnaných a v mnoha rodinách chybí muži. K takovým patří i paní Wrayová a její dcera Frances, před válkou dámy z lepší společnosti, jež nyní zápolí s chudobou, a proto musí do rodinného sídla přijmout nájemníky. S příchodem Lilian a Leonarda Barberových, mladých manželů patřících k nové "úřednické vrstvě" se jejich monotónní životy rychle změní - do domu vtrhnou hudba, barvy, kýč i vášeň. Ale vášeň může být i nebezpečná... (

Podobné produkty ako Platící hosté - Sarah Watersová , Axi dětský domeček sarah bílá/hnědá (8717973932925)

Noční hlídka - Sarah Watersová


Román, jenž podle některých kritiků plyne poklidněji a malinko posmutněněji než ty předchozí, však nepostrádá nic z toho, čím si Sarah Watersová získala své čtenáře - tedy bravurně vykreslené dobové reálie: rozbombardovaný Londýn, neustálý strach z náletů, poničené domy a všudypřítomný chaos. Ženy se pod tíhou nelehké doby ve všech směrech emancipovaly - vyměnily sukně za kalhoty, usedly za volant sanitky a dočkaly se uvolnění i v otázce vztahů a sexuality. (

Podobné produkty ako Noční hlídka - Sarah Watersová , Lene bjerre sarah, výška 9 cm (lb_a00007386)

Zlodějka - Watersová Sarah

Zlodějka - Watersová Sarah

Sarah Watersová, rodem z Walesu (1966), usazená v Londýně, je pokračovatelkou nejlepší tradice anglického románu rozvinuté do výsostně moderní podoby. V románu Zlodějka, odehrávajícím se roku 1862, nás zavádí do Londýna a okolí, do nejrůznějších prostředí a vrstev tehdejší společnosti. Spolu s hlavní hrdinkou, Sue Trinderovou, se ocitáme mezi spodinou živořící v nejubožejších částech Londýna a živící se pochybnými způsoby. Sue se snaží vymanit z prostředí podvodníků, ve kterém vyrostla, a její nelehká cesta je plná nečekaných zákrutů a zvratů. Autorka prokazuje svrchované mistrovství v budování rafinované zápletky i v barvitém líčení postav a prostředí. V jejím románu není nikdy nic tak, jak se čtenáři, ani nedýchajícímu napětím, zdá, a všechno přitom do sebe bezvadně zapadá. Román, psaný vybroušeným stylem, dokonale vystihuje dobu děje, nádherně plyne a unáší čtenáře jako řeka. (

Podobné produkty ako Zlodějka - Watersová Sarah , Bohemia royal crystal sarah optic sklenice 400ml (8595135531151)

Náklonnost - Watersová Sarah

Náklonnost - Watersová Sarah

Margaret Priorová, mladá dáma z lepší společnosti, má před sebou ušlechtilý úkol. Coby dobročinná návštěvnice bude docházet do Millbanku, nejponuřejší ženské věznice v Londýně, a stýkat se s tamními trestankyněmi. Skeptická a nešťastná Margaret, zotavující se z pokusu o sebevraždu, vidí v ženách z Millbanku jen prosté ubožačky, dokud se neseznámí se Selinou Dawesovou. Mladá spiritistka, odsouzená za podvod při seanci, přitahuje Margaret od prvního okamžiku a díky ní se nechá stále hlouběji zatahovat do světa duchů a zjevení, otisků nehmotných dlaní a nevysvětlitelných úkazů. (

Podobné produkty ako Náklonnost - Watersová Sarah , Luxera 68019 - stropní svítidlo sarah 2xe14/60w (47799)

Platící hosté - Watersová Sarah

Platící hosté - Watersová Sarah

Píše se rok 1922 a v Londýně panuje napjatá atmosféra. Váleční veteráni se jen obtížně vracejí do normálního života, všude zástupy nezaměstnaných a v mnoha rodinách chybí muži. K takovým patří i paní Wrayová a její dcera Frances, před válkou dámy z lepší společnosti, jež nyní zápolí s chudobou, a proto musí do rodinného sídla přijmout nájemníky. S příchodem Lilian a Leonarda Barberových, mladých manželů patřících k nové "úřednické vrstvě" se jejich monotónní životy rychle změní - do domu vtrhnou hudba, barvy, kýč i vášeň. Ale vášeň může být i nebezpečná... (

Podobné produkty ako Platící hosté - Watersová Sarah , Bohemia royal crystal sarah optic sklenice 520ml (8595135531359)

Malý vetřelec - Watersová Sarah

Malý vetřelec - Watersová Sarah

Po dvou románech z viktoriánské Anglie: Zlodějce a Špičkou jazyka, se současná nejúspěšnější britská spisovatelka kvalitní beletrie představí v jiné době, jiném prostředí i jiném druhu vztahů. Malý vetřelec je zasazený do doby po druhé světové válce, na anglický venkov - do dříve opuletního, nyní chátrajícího sídla, a jeho středobodem je tentokrát heterosexuální vztah. Sídlo je přes dvě stě let domovem zámožné rodiny Ayresových: syn Roddy, který se vrátil z války, se pokouší v rychle se měnící době majetek spravovat, jeho matka usiluje o zachování dekoru, obyčejů a starého pořádku a jeho sestra Caroline, která se vůbec nehodí do role příslušnice vyšší třídy, na sebe bere úkoly, jež dříve plnilo početné služebnictvo, a v holinkách pracuje na zahradě. Do rodiny zcela zásadně zasáhne lékař z blízkého městečka, dr. Faraday, který jako chudý kluk kdysi dům navštívil při jakési dobročinné akci pro chudinu. Celý román má svoji druhou, velice temnou stránku, díky které se zatím poslední román Watersové může směle řadit mezi nejlepší díla duchařské literatury. (

Podobné produkty ako Malý vetřelec - Watersová Sarah , Schleich deka a ohlávka, sarah a mystery 42462 (4059433568683)

The Sanatorium - Sarah Pearse


A beautiful, eerie hotel in the Swiss Alps, recently converted from an abandoned sanatorium, is the last place Detective Elin Warner wants to be. But her estranged brother has invited her there for his engagement party, and she feels she has no choice but to accept.Arriving in the midst of a threatening storm, Elin immediately feels on edge. And things only get worse when they wake the next morning to find her brother's fiancee is missing. With access to the hotel cut off, the guests begin to panic.But this is only the first disappearance. Everyone's in danger - and anyone could be next . . . (

Podobné produkty ako The Sanatorium - Sarah Pearse , Schleich sarah s koníkem a zvířátky kempují 42533 (4059433572635)

The Enemy - Sarah Adamsová


Enemies should never get a second chance. But this one might . . . It's been twelve years since June Broaden has seen her high school enemy (and secret crush), Ryan Henderson.That's a long time to hold a grudge over some petty feud, but the sharp memory of him dangling a kiss at graduation, then pulling away at the last second, has fuelled many angry fantasies since. Now's her chance to get even. Ryan, along with most of her high school class, is back in town for her best friend's wedding, and June is eager to show the former bully exactly what he missed out on.A lot has changed since their high school days; June is the Southern queen of gourmet donuts now, not to mention one of the most desired bachelorettes in her small town. What's she's not expecting, though, is for Ryan to show up looking like Adonis and touting his own career success as the youngest chef to ever win three Michelin stars. How dare he try to one up her revenge plot? Luckily June never backs down from a challenge . . . (

Podobné produkty ako The Enemy - Sarah Adamsová , Vaughan sarah: sara vaughan with clifford brown - lp (8436542011723)

The Match - Sarah Adamsová


Sometimes, love finds you when you least expect it . .. Evie Jones has dedicated her life to Southern Service Paws, the company that matched her with the love of her life: Charlie, a service dog trained to assist with her epilepsy. But, as the company struggles to make ends meet, it's up to her and her longtime mentor and boss to keep the doors open with the fundraiser of the century.When Evie meets Jacob Broaden at a client consultation for his daughter, Sam, there are instant sparks - but not the good kind. Still, it doesn't take long for Jacob to be convinced that a service dog, and possibly Evie, might just be the best thing for his family. As Evie spends more time with Jacob and helps Sam find her perfect match, she starts longing for the loving family she's never had.For Jacob, falling in love with Evie is the last thing he should be doing, but love has a way of finding those who need it most . . . (

Podobné produkty ako The Match - Sarah Adamsová , Schleich sedlo a uzda, klub sarah + mystery 42492 (4059433572819)

The Lost Apothecary - Penner Sarah

The Lost Apothecary - Penner Sarah

"A bold, edgy, accomplished debut!" --Kate Quinn, New York Times bestselling author of The Alice Network and The Huntress A forgotten history. A secret network of women. A legacy of poison and revenge. Welcome to The Lost Apothecary... Hidden in the depths of eighteenth-century London, a secret apothecary shop caters to an unusual kind of clientele. Women across the city whisper of a mysterious figure named Nella who sells well-disguised poisons to use against the oppressive men in their lives. But the apothecary's fate is jeopardized when her newest patron, a precocious twelve-year-old, makes a fatal mistake, sparking a string of consequences that echo through the centuries. Meanwhile in present-day London, aspiring historian Caroline Parcewell spends her tenth wedding anniversary alone, running from her own demons. When she stumbles upon a clue to the unsolved apothecary murders that haunted London two hundred years ago, her life collides with the apothecary's in a stunning twist of fate--and not everyone will survive. With crackling suspense, unforgettable characters and searing insight, The Lost Apothecary is a subversive and intoxicating debut novel of secrets, vengeance and the remarkable ways women can save each other despite the barrier of time. (

Podobné produkty ako The Lost Apothecary - Penner Sarah , Schleich 42542 černovláska sarah s pohyblivými klouby na koni mystery

The Shoestring Club - Sarah Webb

The Shoestring Club - Sarah Webb

When the love of her life, Ed, announces his surprise engagement to her best friend, Julia Schuster is distraught but determined not to let them see how much she’s hurting. She spies a remarkable dress in Shoestring, her sister’s designer second-hand shop, and knows she’ll only be able to stagger through the wedding day, showing everyone how over Ed she is, if her body is wrapped in its soft silk chiffon. Unfortunately it costs mega bucks and she’s barely hanging on to her job as it is. Arietty Pilgrim can’t and won’t attend her fiercely competitive school reunion unless she can arrive wearing exactly the same dress. But working as an elephant keeper in Dublin Zoo does not a millionaire make. But fate has a funny way of bringing people together. Just as Julia starts to flounder amidst family troubles, problem drinking and a broken heart, she meets Arietty and the two of them set up The Shoestring Club – time-sharing one extraordinary dress and beginning a life-altering (

Podobné produkty ako The Shoestring Club - Sarah Webb , Schleich černovláska sarah s pohyblivými klouby na koni 42542 (4059433574332)

The Rule Book - Sarah Adamsová


College sweethearts meet again years later, in this highly anticipated sequel to the viral TikTok sensation The Cheat Sheet!'Adams dazzles in her latest, a saucy second chance rom-com' Publishers Weekly, STARRED REVIEW ?'The Rule Book did not disappoint. . .Their banter, the quirkiness, the iou he keeps GAHHH. I could keep going on for how much I loved this' ? ? ? ? ?'I knew I would be obsessed with this book, but truly this one blew me away. I swear, Sarah's writing just keeps getting better and better' ? ? ? ? ?'This book was such a fun ride.I loved Derek and Nora's story. It was a joy to see them process through their individual challenges and insecurities, grow, and ultimately reconnect. It was so so sweet.Sarah Adams just keeps getting better!' ? ? ? ? ?'This was by far one of the funniest and exciting sports romance books I've read. I literally loved everything about it' ? ? ? ? ?................................................. Nora Mackenzie's entire career lies in the hands of famous NFL tight end Derek Pender who also happens to be her extremely hot college ex-boyfriend.Nora didn't end things as gracefully as she could have back then, and now it's come back to haunt her. Derek is her first client as an official full-time sports agent and he's holding a grudge. Derek has set his sights on a little friendly revenge.If Nora Mackenzie, the first girl to ever break his heart, wants to be his agent, oh he'll let her be his agent. The plan is simple: make Nora's life absolutely miserable. But if Derek knows anything about the woman he once loved-she won't quit easily.Instead of giving in, Nora starts a scheme of her own. But then a wild night in Vegas leads to Nora and Derek in bed the next morning married. With their rule book out the window, could this new relationship be the thing to save their careers? (

Podobné produkty ako The Rule Book - Sarah Adamsová , Kočky útočí: sbírka komiksů sarah´s scribbles (978-80-7544-590-2)

The Three (Defekt) - Sarah Lotz


The extraordinary, unforgettable new thriller for fans of The Shining Girls, The Passage and Lost. (

Podobné produkty ako The Three (Defekt) - Sarah Lotz , Oldcom slip-on sarah garden (limitovaná edice) barva: béžová, velikost: 36 (579_36-garden)

The Retreat (Defekt) - Sarah Pearse


Most are here to recharge and refresh.But someone's here for revenge . . .The addictive new thriller from the global bestselling author of The Sanatorium.___________________________________They couldn't wait to stay here.An idyllic wellness retreat has opened on an island off the coast of Devon, promising rest and relaxation - but the island itself, known locally as Reaper's Rock, has a dark past.Once the playground of a serial killer, it's rumored to be cursed.But now they can't leave.A woman is found dead below the yoga pavilion in what seems to be a tragic fall. But DS Elin Warner soon learns that the victim wasn't a guest - she wasn't meant to be on the island at all.And they would do anything to escape...The longer Elin stays, the more secrets she uncovers. And when someone else drowns in a diving incident, Elin begins to suspect that the old stories about the island are true.Because history seems to be repeating itself - and the guests might not make it home alive...___________________________________'Pearse goes from strength to strength in The Retreat.The suspense inexorably builds to a stunning climax. An added treat is the return of Elin Warner, who is a fascinating character one can only root for.' David Baldacci, No.1 Sunday Times bestselling author of Mercy'A world-class thriller writer. Superb.Pre-order it now. ' Steve Cavanagh, Sunday Times bestselling author of Thirteen'The Retreat recalls the one-by-one-by-one nerve-shredding of Agatha Christie at her darkest. A fresh, daring, irresistible thriller.' A.J. Finn, No.1 Sunday Times bestselling author of The Woman in the Window'A eerie, atmospheric thriller that will have you looking over your shoulder as you read. A wonderfully chilling story of grief, revenge, and family secrets.An absorbing escape!' Ashley Audrain, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Push'Full of foreboding and high-stakes tension, Sarah Pearse's latest is a page-turner. The past doesn't stay buried for long, at sea or on land, and what comes to the surface is both shocking and chilling.' Nita Prose, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Maid___________________________________PRAISE FOR SARAH PEARSE:'This spine-tingling, atmospheric thriller has it all . .. A must-read.' Richard Osman, bestselling author of The Thursday Murder Club'An absolutely splendid Gothic thriller.' A. J.Finn, bestselling author of The Woman in the Window'An addictive, creepy and twisting read.' Stylist'Dark, suspenseful and downright chilling . . .it had me on the edge of my seat from the first page.' Sally Hepworth, author of The Mother-in-Law'A mix of whodunnit and psychological thriller with hints of horror, this fine debut [...] is smartly structured and often powerful.' Sunday Times'A chillingly vivid thriller in a fantastic setting.' T M Logan, bestselling author of The Holiday'A menacing, creepy debut [...] echoes of Hitchcock and du Maurier.' Daily Mail'An eerie atmospheric novel that had me completely on the edge of my seat.' Reese Witherspoon, for Reese's Book Club (

Podobné produkty ako The Retreat (Defekt) - Sarah Pearse , Auna sarah ann, gramofon, bluetooth, usb, 33, 45 a 78 ot./min., hnědý

The Sanatorium (Defekt) - Sarah Pearse


A beautiful, eerie hotel in the Swiss Alps, recently converted from an abandoned sanatorium, is the last place Detective Elin Warner wants to be. But her estranged brother has invited her there for his engagement party, and she feels she has no choice but to accept.Arriving in the midst of a threatening storm, Elin immediately feels on edge. And things only get worse when they wake the next morning to find her brother's fiancee is missing. With access to the hotel cut off, the guests begin to panic.But this is only the first disappearance. Everyone's in danger - and anyone could be next . . . (

Podobné produkty ako The Sanatorium (Defekt) - Sarah Pearse , Auna sarah ann, gramofon, bluetooth, usb, 33, 45 a 78 ot./min., černý

The Spellshop - Sarah Beth Durst


Kiela has always had trouble dealing with people. Thankfully, as a librarian at the Great Library of Alyssium, she and her assistant, Caz—a magically sentient spider plant—have spent the last decade sequestered among the empire’s most precious spellbooks, preserving their magic for the city’s elite.When a revolution begins and the library goes up in flames, she and Caz flee with all the spellbooks they can carry and head to a remote island Kiela never thought she’d see again: her childhood home. Taking refuge there, Kiela discovers, much to her dismay, a nosy—and very handsome—neighbor who can’t take a hint and keeps showing up day after day to make sure she’s fed and to help fix up her new home.In need of income, Kiela identifies something that even the bakery in town doesn’t have: jam. With the help of an old recipe book her parents left her and a bit of illegal magic, her cottage garden is soon covered in ripe berries.But magic can do more than make life a little sweeter, so Kiela risks the consequences of using unsanctioned spells and opens the island’s first-ever and much needed secret spellshop.Like a Hallmark rom-com full of mythical creatures and fueled by cinnamon rolls and magic, The Spellshop will heal your heart and feed your soul. (

Podobné produkty ako The Spellshop - Sarah Beth Durst , The mamas & the papas: the album - cd (4260494433203)

The Cheat Sheet - Sarah Adamsová


Discover the heartwarming friends-to-lovers romance that became a sensation on TikTok! Bree Camden is helplessly (and secretly) in love with her longtime best friend and NFL legend, Nathan Donelson. And that's the least of her problems. After a car accident ended her chance of becoming a ballerina, Bree now runs her own dance studio - if she can afford the rent to keep it open, that is. When Nathan comes to the rescue and buys the entire building, a stubborn Bree is not happy about it. Rebelling with a couple - okay, maybe more than a couple - of tequila shots, she spills her deepest, darkest secret to a TMZ reporter. One viral video later, the world thinks Nathan and Bree are the perfect couple and Nathan's publicist has an idea that could mean financial security for Bree. The catch? They have to pretend to be in love. For three. whole. weeks. Is now the moment for Bree to finally act on her hidden feelings? And is it possible that Nathan has been hiding some of his own? FEATURES A NEW CHAPTER AND Q&A WITH SARAH! (

Podobné produkty ako The Cheat Sheet - Sarah Adamsová , Schleich 42533 sarah s koníkem a zvířátky kempují, 24,5 x 19 x 6,6 cm

The Lost Apothecary - Sarah Penner


With crackling suspense, unforgettable characters and searing insight, The Lost Apothecary is a subversive and intoxicating debut novel of secrets, vengeance and the remarkable ways women can save each other despite the barrier of time.Hidden in the depths of eighteenth-century London, a secret apothecary shop caters to an unusual kind of clientele. Women across the city whisper of a mysterious figure named Nella who sells well-disguised poisons to use against the oppressive men in their lives. But the apothecary’s fate is jeopardized when her newest patron, a precocious twelve-year-old, makes a fatal mistake, sparking a string of consequences that echo through the centuries.Meanwhile in present-day London, aspiring historian Caroline Parcewell spends her tenth wedding anniversary alone, running from her own demons. When she stumbles upon a clue to the unsolved apothecary murders that haunted London two hundred years ago, her life collides with the apothecary’s in a stunning twist of fate—and not everyone will survive. (

Podobné produkty ako The Lost Apothecary - Sarah Penner , Auna sarah ann dab gramofon, 3/45/78 rpm, dab+/fm rádio, bluetooth, černý

Michelangelo: the last decades - Sarah Vowles


Tracing the final 30 years of Michelangelo’s career, this book examines how the great master used art and faith to explore the common human experience of ageing in a rapidly changing world. ‘This fascinating and beautifully illustrated catalogue demonstrates the creativity of Michelangelo’s late years in a way that is both accessible and scholarly.’ – Jill Burke, author of How to be a Renaissance Woman and The Italian Renaissance Nude Michelangelo was not the isolated, tortured genius of artistic legend but a man who maintained a close circle of friends and associates into old age. His late drawings, letters and poetry offer powerful insights into his psychology, reflecting his Catholic faith, his commanding intellectual engagement, and his hope for eternal life.Built on the British Museum’s extraordinary collection of drawings, this book explores Michelangelo’s relationships and late creativity to go beyond the towering Renaissance master known today. (

Podobné produkty ako Michelangelo: the last decades - Sarah Vowles , Auna sarah ann, gramofon, bluetooth, usb, 33, 45 a 78 ot./min., černý/krémový

The Lost Apothecary (Defekt) - Sarah Penner

The Lost Apothecary (Defekt) - Sarah Penner

"A bold, edgy, accomplished debut!" --Kate Quinn, New York Times bestselling author of The Alice Network and The Huntress A forgotten history. A secret network of women. A legacy of poison and revenge. Welcome to The Lost Apothecary... Hidden in the depths of eighteenth-century London, a secret apothecary shop caters to an unusual kind of clientele. Women across the city whisper of a mysterious figure named Nella who sells well-disguised poisons to use against the oppressive men in their lives. But the apothecary's fate is jeopardized when her newest patron, a precocious twelve-year-old, makes a fatal mistake, sparking a string of consequences that echo through the centuries. Meanwhile in present-day London, aspiring historian Caroline Parcewell spends her tenth wedding anniversary alone, running from her own demons. When she stumbles upon a clue to the unsolved apothecary murders that haunted London two hundred years ago, her life collides with the apothecary's in a stunning twist of fate--and not everyone will survive. With crackling suspense, unforgettable characters and searing insight, The Lost Apothecary is a subversive and intoxicating debut novel of secrets, vengeance and the remarkable ways women can save each other despite the barrier of time. (

Podobné produkty ako The Lost Apothecary (Defekt) - Sarah Penner , The hound of the baskervilles

Where the Heart Should Be - Sarah Crossan


Thought-provoking and incredibly moving, it explores love and family during The Great HungerIreland, 1846 Nell is working as a scullery maid in the kitchen of the Big House. Once she loved school and books and dreaming. But there's not much choice of work when the land grows food that rots in the earth. Now she is scrubbing, peeling, washing, sweeping for Sir Philip Wicken, the man who owns her home, her family's land, their crops, everything. His dogs are always well fed, even as famine sets in. Upstairs in the Big House, where Nell is forbidden to enter, is Johnny Browning, newly arrived from England: the young nephew who will one day inherit it all. And as hunger and disease run rampant all around them, a spark of life and hope catches light when Nell and Johnny find each other. This is a love story, and the story of a people being torn apart. This is a powerful and unforgettable novel from the phenomenally talented Sarah Crossan. (

Podobné produkty ako Where the Heart Should Be - Sarah Crossan , The turn of the screw

Calm the F**k Down - Sarah Knight


The latest no-f**ks-given guide from New York Times bestselling author of the international sensation The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k, Get Your Sh*t Together, and You Do YouDo you waste time overthinking things you can't do anything about?Do you freak out when things don't go to plan?Does anxiety get in the way of you living your best life?When life hands you a big fat f**king lemon, Calm the F**k Down gives you practical ways to manage the situation, not to mention your anxiety about the situation. One hundred per cent practical and zero percent Pollyanna-ish, this is a book that acknowledges all the bad shit that can and probably will happen to you - from break ups and breakdowns to floods, family feuds and France running out of butter - and shows you what you can realistically do about it so you can get on with your life, stop worrying and wallowing, and start bouncing back.Think of Calm the F**k Down as the friend who, instead of reassuring you that 'everything's going to be okay,' actually shows you how to make it so. (

Podobné produkty ako Calm the F**k Down - Sarah Knight , The ocean at the end of the lane (1472283368)

Calm the F**k Down - Sarah Knight


The latest no-f**ks-given guide from New York Times bestselling author of the international sensation The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k, Get Your Sh*t Together, and You Do YouDo you waste time overthinking things you can't do anything about? Do you freak out when things don't go to plan? Does anxiety get in the way of you living your best life? When life hands you a big fat f**king lemon, Calm the F**k Down gives you practical ways to manage the situation, not to mention your anxiety about the situation. One hundred per cent practical and zero percent Pollyanna-ish, this is a book that acknowledges all the bad shit that can and probably will happen to you - from break ups and breakdowns to floods, family feuds and France running out of butter - and shows you what you can realistically do about it so you can get on with your life, stop worrying and wallowing, and start bouncing back. Think of Calm the F**k Down as the friend who, instead of reassuring you that 'everything's going to be okay,' actually shows you how to make it so. (

Podobné produkty ako Calm the F**k Down - Sarah Knight , The stranger in the woods: the extraordinary story of the last true hermit (1524711098)

The Golden Couple - Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen


If Avery Chambers can’t fix you in 10 sessions, she won’t take you on as a client. Her successes are phenomenal—she helps people overcome everything from domineering parents to assault—and almost absorbs the emptiness she sometimes feels since her husband’s death. Marissa and Mathew Bishop seem like the golden couple—until Marissa cheats. She wants to repair things, both because she loves her husband and for the sake of their eight-year-old son. After a friend forwards an article about Avery, Marissa takes a chance on this maverick therapist, who lost her license due to controversial methods. When the Bishops glide through Avery’s door and Marissa reveals her infidelity, all three are set on a collision course. Because the biggest secrets in the room are still hidden, and it’s no longer simply a marriage that’s in danger. (

Podobné produkty ako The Golden Couple - Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen , The hand on the wall (0062338110)

After Me Comes the Flood - Sarah Perryová


The debut novel by the bestselling author of THE ESSEX SERPENTOne hot summer's day, John Cole decides to leave his life behind.He shuts up the bookshop no one ever comes to and drives out of London. When his car breaks down and he becomes lost on an isolated road, he goes looking for help, and stumbles into the grounds of a grand but dilapidated house.Its residents welcome him with open arms - but there's more to this strange community than meets the eye. They all know him by name, they've prepared a room for him, and claim to have been waiting for him all along.Who are these people? And what do they intend for John?Elegant, gently sinister and psychologically complex, After Me Comes the Flood is the haunting debut novel by the author of The Essex Serpent. (

Podobné produkty ako After Me Comes the Flood - Sarah Perryová , The heart of the matter (0099478420)

KARE DESIGN Soška Fred Welcome Guests 46cm Doprava zdarma

KARE DESIGN Soška Fred Welcome Guests 46cm Doprava zdarma

KARE DESIGN Soška Fred Welcome Guests 46cm: Dekorace v podobě vítací sošky Freda vysoké 46cm v červené barvě představuje sluhu v lehkém úklonu. Sklolaminátová soška v červeném provedení stojí pevně na mramorovém podstavci. Fred přitahuje pozornost. Skvěle poslouží na recepčním baru jako milá figura vítající vaše hosty. Usměvavá soška pobaví na první pohled, proto se hodí k upoutání pozornosti nebo rozptýlení. Dejte k Fredovi materiály nebo vizitky, kterých si má někdo všimnout a uvidíte, jak Fred skvěle splní svůj úkol. Červená socha Freda je krásným doplňkem do moderního bytu nebo domu. Můžete si k Fredovi dávat třeba věci, na které při odchodu z domu, nesmíte zapomenout. (

Podobné produkty ako KARE DESIGN Soška Fred Welcome Guests 46cm Doprava zdarma

The Assassin's Blade : The Throne of Glass Novellas - Sarah J. Maasová

The Assassin's Blade : The Throne of Glass Novellas - Sarah J. Maasová

The action-packed introduction to the legendary Throne of Glass series - an irresistible bind-up of all five of #1 New York Times bestselling author Sarah J. Maas's Assassin novellas Celaena Sardothien is Adarlan's most feared assassin. As part of the Assassins' Guild, her allegiance is to her master, Arobynn Hamel, yet Celaena listens to no one and trusts only her fellow killer-for-hire, Sam. In these action-packed prequel novellas - together in one edition for the first time - Celaena embarks on five daring missions. They take her from remote islands to hostile deserts, where she fights to liberate slaves and seeks to avenge the tyrannous. But she is acting against Arobynn's orders and could suffer an unimaginable punishment for such treachery . . . Explore the dark underworld of this kick-ass heroine and find out how the legend begins in the five page-turning prequel novellas to the New York Times bestselling Throne of Glass series. (

Podobné produkty ako The Assassin's Blade : The Throne of Glass Novellas - Sarah J. Maasová

The London Seance Society: The New York Times Bestseller - Sarah Penner


May mercy be upon the man who finds himself the enemy of a vengeful medium… 1873. At an abandoned château on the outskirts of Paris, a dark séance is about to take place, led by acclaimed spiritualist Vaudeline D'Allaire. Known worldwide for her talent in conjuring the spirits of murder victims to ascertain the identities of the people who killed them, she is highly sought after by widows and investigators alike. Lenna Wickes has come to Paris to find answers about her sister's death, but to do so, she must embrace the unknown and overcome her own logic-driven bias against the occult. When Vaudeline is beckoned to England to solve a high-profile murder, Lenna accompanies her as an understudy. But as the women team up with the powerful men of London's exclusive Séance Society to solve the mystery, they begin to suspect that they are not merely out to solve a crime, but perhaps entangled in one themselves… 'Gloriously gothic, delightfully atmospheric slice of Victoriana' Daily Mail (

Podobné produkty ako The London Seance Society: The New York Times Bestseller - Sarah Penner

Lies We Sing to the Sea - Sarah Underwood


In the cursed kingdom of Ithaca, each spring brings the hanging of twelve maidens, a gift to the vengeful Poseidon. But when Leto awakens from her death on the shore of a long-forgotten island, its enigmatic keeper Melantho tells her that there's only one way the curse can be broken. Leto must kill the last prince of Ithaca . . .In Lies We Sing to the Sea, debut author Sarah Underwood delivers a thrilling and breathtaking tale that will enthral readers from the very first page as they are transported to the cursed shores of Ithaca.A reclamation of a story from thousands of years ago, Lies We Sing to the Sea is about love and fate, grief and sacrifice, and, ultimately, the power we must find within. (

Podobné produkty ako Lies We Sing to the Sea - Sarah Underwood

The Golden Couple (Defekt) - Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen


If Avery Chambers can’t fix you in 10 sessions, she won’t take you on as a client. Her successes are phenomenal—she helps people overcome everything from domineering parents to assault—and almost absorbs the emptiness she sometimes feels since her husband’s death. Marissa and Mathew Bishop seem like the golden couple—until Marissa cheats. She wants to repair things, both because she loves her husband and for the sake of their eight-year-old son. After a friend forwards an article about Avery, Marissa takes a chance on this maverick therapist, who lost her license due to controversial methods. When the Bishops glide through Avery’s door and Marissa reveals her infidelity, all three are set on a collision course. Because the biggest secrets in the room are still hidden, and it’s no longer simply a marriage that’s in danger. (

Podobné produkty ako The Golden Couple (Defekt) - Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen

The Assassin´s Blade: The Throne of Glass Prequel Novellas - Sarah J. Maasová


The twist of a knife. The birth of a legend. Step into the world of the #1 bestselling Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas with this collection of prequel novellas. Celaena Sardothien is her kingdom's most feared assassin. Though she works for the powerful Assassin's Guild and its scheming master, Arobynn Hamel, she yields to no one and trusts only her fellow killer-for-hire, Sam. But when Arobynn dispatches her on missions that take her from remote islands to hostile deserts, Celaena finds herself acting independently of his wishes and questioning her own allegiance.If she hopes to escape Arobynn's clutches, Celaena will have to put her faith in her wits and her blade ... knowing that if she fails, she'll lose not just a chance at freedom but her life. A prequel to the New York Times bestselling Throne of Glass, this collection of five novellas explores the history of this cunning assassin and her enthralling - and deadly - world. (

Podobné produkty ako The Assassin´s Blade: The Throne of Glass Prequel Novellas - Sarah J. Maasová

The Assassin´s Blade: The Throne of Glass Prequel Novellas - Sarah J. Maasová


'One of the best fantasy book series of the past decade' TIMEThe twist of a knife. The birth of a legend.Step into the world of the #1 bestselling Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas with this collection of prequel novellas.Celaena Sardothien is her kingdom's most feared assassin. Though she works for the powerful Assassin's Guild and its scheming master, Arobynn Hamel, she yields to no one and trusts only her fellow killer-for-hire, Sam. But when Arobynn dispatches her on missions that take her from remote islands to hostile deserts, Celaena finds herself acting independently of his wishes and questioning her own allegiance. If she hopes to escape Arobynn's clutches, Celaena will have to put her faith in her wits and her blade ... knowing that if she fails, she'll lose not just a chance at freedom but her life.A prequel to the New York Times bestselling Throne of Glass, this collection of five novellas explores the history of this cunning assassin and her enthralling - and deadly - world.Included in this volume: The Assassin and the Pirate LordThe Assassin and the HealerThe Assassin and the DesertThe Assassin and the UnderworldThe Assassin and the Empire (

Podobné produkty ako The Assassin´s Blade: The Throne of Glass Prequel Novellas - Sarah J. Maasová

Mr Bean A Day at the Beach - Silver Sarah

Mr Bean A Day at the Beach - Silver Sarah

Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. Mr Bean is popular with children around the world for his eccentric and hilarious behaviour. Mr Bean: A Day at the Beach is based on an episode from the animated television series. (

Podobné produkty ako Mr Bean A Day at the Beach - Silver Sarah

The Strange Adventures of H - Sarah Burton - e-kniha


eBook: Shortlisted for the HWA Debut Crown AwardOrphaned young, H is sent to live with her doting aunt in London. H\'s life is a happy one until her lecherous cousin robs her of her innocence, and the plague takes away the city and the people she loves. H is cast out – friendless, pregnant and destitute – into the rapidly emptying streets of London under quarantine.Forced to fend for herself, she is determined to gain back the life she lost. H will face a villain out for revenge, find love in the most unexpected places, and overcome a betrayal that she never could have foreseen. Weathering it all, can H charm, or scheme, her way to the life of freedom and independence that she longs for? (

Podobné produkty ako The Strange Adventures of H - Sarah Burton - e-kniha

Last Night at the Hollywood Canteen: A Novel - Sarah James


"Glamorous and suspenseful." -Marie Benedict, New York Times bestselling author of The Only Woman in the Room and The Mitford AffairPerhaps the best place in 1943 Hollywood to see the stars is the Hollywood Canteen, a club for servicemen staffed exclusively by those in show business. Murder mystery playwright Annie Laurence, new in town after a devastating breakup, definitely hopes to rub elbows with the right stars. Maybe then she can get her movie made.But Hollywood proves to be more than tinsel and glamour. When despised film critic Fiona Farris is found dead in the Canteen kitchen, Annie realizes any one of the Canteen's luminous volunteers could be guilty of the crime. To catch the killer, Annie falls in with Fiona's friends, a bitter and cynical group-each as uniquely unhappy in their life and career as Annie is in hers-that call themselves the Ambassador's Club.Solving a murder in real life, it turns out, is a lot harder than writing one for the stage. And by involving herself in the secrets and lies of the Ambassador's Club, Annie just might have put a target on her own back. "This vibrant, utterly delightful mystery expertly captures the drama, glamour and absurdity of wartime Hollywood.Sarah James's swift dialogue, dry wit and clever characters transport you into a 1940s movie, where the jokes are quick, the love affairs scandalous and the cast as charming as they are flawed. Underneath it all, James's deep knowledge of the era's movies and music lends an authenticity that makes the rest shine even brighter. I laughed, I gasped and I never wanted it to end.This should head straight to the top of every must-read list." -Brianna Labuskes, author of The Librarian of Burned Books (

Podobné produkty ako Last Night at the Hollywood Canteen: A Novel - Sarah James

The Illustrated Atlas of Architecture and Marvelous Monuments - Alexandre Verhille, Sarah Tavernier


Mali, in North Africa, is home to the largest building made out of clay; the structure only took one year to complete. For the construction of Neuschwanstein Castle, 465 tons of marble were hefted to the Alps to the building site. The Atomium in Brussels boasts the longest escalators in Europe. The largest mosque in the world is as big as 56 football fields. The Illustrated Atlas of Architecture and Marvelous Monuments presents a world of breathtaking buildings and their incredible stories through illustrated maps and engaging factsheets. Sarah Tavernier and Alexandre Verhille have already deftly shown with Legendary Routes of the World that they are experts in showcasing the biggest and the best. Now, for The Illustrated Atlas of Architecture and Marvelous Monuments, they researched the longest bridges, tallest towers, the most impressive cultural sites, and plenty of curiosities. Exciting facts are woven together with a myriad of architectural styles; the material feats are skillfully and artfully placed upon bold maps, situating the constructions within a geographic context. Alexandre Verhille illustrates maps for a variety of international newspapers and magazines. He draws inspiration from novelists such as Jack Kerouac and Jack London and comicbook writers in the vein of Hugo Pratt. When he is not working on new maps, he plans adventures around the world and illustrates children’s and travel books. Sarah Tavernier holds a degree from the European School of Arts and Materials and works in the fields of architecture and illustration. Together with Alexandre Verhille, she crafted the pop-up book Legendary Routes of the World. (

Podobné produkty ako The Illustrated Atlas of Architecture and Marvelous Monuments - Alexandre Verhille, Sarah Tavernier

Path of Night (The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Novel #3) - Sarah Rees Brennanová

Path of Night (The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Novel #3) - Sarah Rees Brennanová

Half-witch, half-mortal sixteen-year-old Sabrina Spellmanhas made her choice: she's embraced her witchy roots, andher power is growing daily. But will it come at too high a price?It's not easy being half-mortal, half-witch. At least, not forSabrina Spellman. She just discovered that her dad is Satan ...and that it's her destiny to rule Hell.As usual, Sabrina's got other plans for her future. She's figuredout a way to trap her father ... but he's caged in the bodyof her boyfriend, Nick Scratch. Now the love of her life is stuckin Hell ... with Satan stuck inside him.Sabrina knows there's a way to get Nick back while also keepingdear old dad out of commission. She just has to figure out whatit is. Unfortunately, her loyal cousin Ambrose is unavailable ashe's off hunting Father Blackwood, the evil former head of the Churchof Night.Fortunately, Sabrina's still got her mortal friends, Roz, Harveyand Theo. So when her aunt Zelda - now the church's highpriestess - mentions an ancient quest that might help openthe gates of Hell, Sabrina and her friends are all in. But Zeldafailed to mention that the quest has some perils of its own... (

Podobné produkty ako Path of Night (The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Novel #3) - Sarah Rees Brennanová

Anywhere: the BookTok sensation, a sweet slow-burn first love romance - Sarah Sprinz


The road ahead of us winds through the valley, along a river that snakes away to the sea. And then I see it. The former monastery with the big church in the middle, surrounded by a dark wall.The jumble of rooftops and pointed spires, reaching up in to the blue sky . . .Falling in love wasn't on Emma's agenda for her year abroad at Dunbridge Academy, the boarding school where her parents once met. Here she wants to find out where her father disappeared to when he left their family all those years ago. She has no time for distractions.But when she meets fellow student Henry, Emma knows she's in trouble. During secret midnight parties and moonlit walks through the old school buildings, feelings grow between them, and Emma feels powerless to resist. But Henry has a girlfriend and Emma doesn't want her heart broken .. . 'An amazing book about love and dark academia' 5* reader review'I laughed and I cried' 5* reader review'Incredible, I couldn't put it down' 5* reader review (

Podobné produkty ako Anywhere: the BookTok sensation, a sweet slow-burn first love romance - Sarah Sprinz

Popcorn ELT Readers Starter: Mr Bean - A Day at the Beach with CD - Sarah Silver

Popcorn ELT Readers Starter: Mr Bean - A Day at the Beach with CD - Sarah Silver

Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, lowlevel reading material for younger learners. Mr Bean is popular with children around the world for his eccentric and hilarious behaviour. Mr Bean A Day at the Beach is based on an episode from the animated television series. (

Podobné produkty ako Popcorn ELT Readers Starter: Mr Bean - A Day at the Beach with CD - Sarah Silver

Heartland : A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country on Earth - Smarsh Sarah


*Longlisted for the National Book Award for Nonfiction and Finalist for the Kirkus Prize* An eye-opening memoir of working-class poverty in the American Midwest. During Sarah Smarsh's turbulent childhood in Kansas in the 1980s and 1990s, the forces of cyclical poverty and the country's changing economic policies solidified her family's place among the working poor. By telling the story of her life and the lives of the people she loves, Smarsh challenges us to look more closely at the class divide in our country and examine the myths about people thought to be less because they earn less. Her personal history affirms the corrosive impact intergenerational poverty can have on individuals, families, and communities, and she explores this idea as lived experience, metaphor, and level of consciousness. Smarsh was born a fifth generation Kansas wheat farmer on her paternal side and the product of generations of teen mothers on her maternal side. Through her experiences growing up as the daughter of a dissatisfied young mother and raised predominantly by her grandmother on a farm thirty miles west of Wichita, we are given a unique and essential look into the lives of poor and working class Americans living in the heartland. Combining memoir with powerful analysis and cultural commentary, Heartland is an uncompromising look at class, identity, and the particular perils of having less in a country known for its excess. "Sarah Smarsh--tough-minded and rough-hewn--draws us into the real lives of her family, barely making it out there on the American plains. There's not a false note. Smarsh, as a writer, is Authentic with a capital A...This is just what the world needs to hear" (George Hodgman, author of Bettyville). (

Podobné produkty ako Heartland : A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country on Earth - Smarsh Sarah

Grow the F*ck Up: How to be an adult and get treated like one - Sarah Knight


It's never too late to grow the f*ck up.And New York Times bestselling author Sarah Knight is hereto help! With her no-bullsh*t bible for the modern adult, you'll become more self-aware, self-sufficient and resourceful - and turn grownup responsibilities into exciting opportunities for making YOUR life easier and more fun.You'll learn:- How to anticipate consequences and orchestrate outcomes- Four keys to effective communication- Strategies for slaying self-care- The perks of being independent and dependableAnd much more!Packed with practical advice and pro-dult tips for everything from balancing your budget to impressing your in-laws, Grow the F*ck Up is the perfect guide for anyone - at any age - who wants to be an adult and get treated like one.SARAH KNIGHT's No F*cks Given Guides have sold 3 million copies and her TEDx talk has been viewed 10 million times. (

Podobné produkty ako Grow the F*ck Up: How to be an adult and get treated like one - Sarah Knight

Grow the F*ck Up: How to be an adult and get treated like one (Defekt) - Sarah Knight


It's never too late to grow the f*ck up.And New York Times bestselling author Sarah Knight is hereto help! With her no-bullsh*t bible for the modern adult, you'll become more self-aware, self-sufficient and resourceful - and turn grownup responsibilities into exciting opportunities for making YOUR life easier and more fun.You'll learn:- How to anticipate consequences and orchestrate outcomes- Four keys to effective communication- Strategies for slaying self-care- The perks of being independent and dependableAnd much more!Packed with practical advice and pro-dult tips for everything from balancing your budget to impressing your in-laws, Grow the F*ck Up is the perfect guide for anyone - at any age - who wants to be an adult and get treated like one.SARAH KNIGHT's No F*cks Given Guides have sold 3 million copies and her TEDx talk has been viewed 10 million times. (

Podobné produkty ako Grow the F*ck Up: How to be an adult and get treated like one (Defekt) - Sarah Knight

Manželka mezi námi - Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen - Pekkanen Sarah

Manželka mezi námi - Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen - Pekkanen Sarah

Ponořte se do příběhu Vanessy Thompsonové… Budete si myslet, že čtete o žárlivé ženě, která je posedlá snoubenkou svého bývalého muže. Bude vám připadat příšerná a pochopíte, proč ji manžel opustil a našel si náhradu. Budete si jistí, že znáte všechny jejich pohnutky i detaily tohoto milostného trojúhelníku. Jenže ať už si myslíte cokoli, mýlíte se. Dokážete číst mezi řádky a odhalit pravdu dřív, než obrátíte na poslední stránku? (

Podobné produkty ako Manželka mezi námi - Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen - Pekkanen Sarah

The Zodiac Series: 10 Erotic Short Stories for Leo - Elena Lund, B. J. Hermansson, Vanessa Salt, Sarah Skov - e-kniha


eBook: “I await his next move. His eyes wander up and down my body, lingering on the tattoos, then my exposed collarbone. He sips his wine, studying me. Just like the painter must’ve looked at these women. My body gets hot and moist. He makes me feel like I exist for his pleasure, and the worst part is that I enjoy it.” – Objectify me. Part of an erotic star signs series from LUST, ‘The Zodiac Series: 10 Erotic Short Stories for Leo’ is a collection of erotica that aligns with this fire sign. A roaring lion of passion and eagerness in bed, a Leo seeks constant attention and pleasure, and that’s exactly what these stories have to offer. From hardcore submission and domination to taboo exhibitionism, whatever pleasure Leo is looking for is catered for in this collection. ‘The Zodiac Series: 10 Erotic Short Stories for Leo’ features the stories: ‘Objectify Me’, ‘Erotic Metro Ride’, ‘To My Lover’, ‘Body on Fire’, ‘At Your Service!’, ‘The Writer’, ‘Harem’, ‘Lights, Camera, Sex!’, ‘Cum Online’, and ‘The Doctor and I’. LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: B. J. Hermansson, Elena Lund, Sarah Skov, Vanessa Salt, Alicia Luz, Sara Agnès L., and Irse Kræmer. (

Podobné produkty ako The Zodiac Series: 10 Erotic Short Stories for Leo - Elena Lund, B. J. Hermansson, Vanessa Salt, Sarah Skov - e-kniha

Adulthood is a Myth : A Sarah´s Scribbles Collection - Sarah Andersenová

Adulthood is a Myth : A Sarah´s Scribbles Collection - Sarah Andersenová

Do you love networking to advance your career? Is adulthood an exciting new challenge for which you feel fully prepared? Ugh. Please go away. (

Podobné produkty ako Adulthood is a Myth : A Sarah´s Scribbles Collection - Sarah Andersenová
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