The name of the rose (00-994660-3-1)

Produkt The name of the rose (00-994660-3-1) sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu The name of the rose (00-994660-3-1) upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

The Name of the Rose (00-994660-3-1)

The Name of the Rose (00-994660-3-1)

Kniha - autor Umberto Eco, 502 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako The Name of the Rose (00-994660-3-1) , No name: the best of (2x cd) - cd (2722649)

The Name of the Rose - Umberto Eco

The Name of the Rose - Umberto Eco

The year is 1327. Franciscans in a wealthy Italian abbey are suspected of heresy, and Brother William of Baskerville arrives to investigate. When his delicate mission is suddenly overshadowed by seven bizarre deaths, Brother William turns detective. His tools are the logic of Aristotle, the theology of Aquinas, the empirical insights of Roger Bacon - all sharpened to a glistening edge by wry humor and a ferocious curiosity. He collects evidence, deciphers secret symbols and coded manuscripts, and digs into the eerie labyrinth of the abbey, where "the most interesting things happen at night." (

Podobné produkty ako The Name of the Rose - Umberto Eco , Empire of the vampire: empire of the vampire (1) (0008350442)

The Name of the Rose (Defekt) - Umberto Eco


The year is 1327. Franciscans in a wealthy Italian abbey are suspected of heresy, and Brother William of Baskerville arrives to investigate. When his delicate mission is suddenly overshadowed by seven bizarre deaths, Brother William turns detective. His tools are the logic of Aristotle, the theology of Aquinas, the empirical insights of Roger Bacon - all sharpened to a glistening edge by wry humor and a ferocious curiosity. He collects evidence, deciphers secret symbols and coded manuscripts, and digs into the eerie labyrinth of the abbey, where "the most interesting things happen at night." (

Podobné produkty ako The Name of the Rose (Defekt) - Umberto Eco , The hound of the baskervilles

GlossWorks 9-free lak na nehty Name of the Rose 9 ml

GlossWorks 9-free lak na nehty Name of the Rose 9 ml

Neobsahuje formaldehyd, formaldehydovou pryskyřici, toluen, DBP, kafr, paraben, xylen, ethyl-tosylamid ani olovo 100% vegan obsah 9 ml Glossworks luxusní laky na nehty Buďte královnou lesku s Glossworks laky na nehty ve 12 lahodných barvách! Speciální složení zajišťuje vysoký lesk, texturu gelových nehtů, dlouhou výdrž a vegan složení. Vyberte si svou osobitou barvu laku na nehty... Nebo je mějte všechny! INCI Butylacetát, ethylacetát, nitrocelulóza, acetyl tributylcitrát, isopropylalkohol, isobutylacetát, kopolymer kyseliny adipové / neopentylglykolu a anhydridu kyseliny trimelitové, kopolymer styren / akrylát, benzoát sacharózy, stearalkonium bentonit, kopolymer anhydridu kyseliny ftalové / trimellitické anhydrid / sulfát, ci 15850 (červené 6 jezero), ci 77891 (oxid titaničitý), benzofenon-1, akrylátový kopolymer, butylenglykol, aqua, hydroxid hlinitý, triethoxycaprylylsilan, helianthus annuus seed oil, nelumbo nucifera flower extrakt, tokoferol. Proč používat netoxické laky na nehty a ty chemické hodit do koše? Od zničených nehtů přes neplodnost k rakovině Jako snad u každého kosmetického výrobku, můžete zvolit i u laku na nehty jeho netoxickou nebo chemickou formu. Tým Ladybio vám ukáže (bez jakéhokoliv zájmu vás strašit či děsit), proč byste měla sáhnout po první jmenované formě - netoxickém laku na nehty: Chemické laky, se kterými se běžně setkáváme v drogeriích, obsahují toxické a potenciálně nebezpečné látky ve větším než zanedbatelném množství. Že se o škodlivosti těchto látek živě diskutuje a vědci zkoumají jejich dopad na lidské zdraví, dokazuje to, že pro 3 nejčastěji obsažené látky v lacích na nehty existuje terminus technicus „toxic trio“. Toluen Rozpouštědlo, které má za úkol, aby se lak nepřilepil k lahvičce. Zajišťuje hladký a celistvý povrch nátěru. Může negativně ovlivnit centrální nervový systém, srdce, játra, ledviny, způsobit reprodukční problémy, dýchací potíže, vypadávání vlasů. Při vdechnutí může skrz točení hlavy vést až k bezvědomí. Má obrovsky negativní dopad na životní prostředí. Formaldehyd Karcinogen, který se používá jako prostředek k vytvrzování nehtů a dezinfekční prostředek na nástroje pro péči o nehty, např. pilníky. Může způsobit rakovinu kůže či problémy s dýcháním. Dibutyl ftalát (DBT) Látka zajišťující lesk, chrání lak před popraskáním. Vyvolává v těle hormonánlní disbalanci. Může způsobit problémy s reprodukcí, selhávání orgánů. Od roku 2008 je na listu prioritních nebezpečných látek EU. Další toxické látky obsažené v chemických lacích na nehty: Formaldehydová pryskyřice Chemická substance používající se při výrobě plastů a barev. Dráždí kůži a může způsobit alergickou reakci. Kafr Ačkoliv se jedná o přírodní látku využívanou v kosmetice i medicíně, důležité je její množství a způsob užití. Nadměrné množství může při vdechnutí způsobit bolesti hlavy či zmatenost. Parabeny Chemické látky užívané jako konzervační činidla v kosmetice a farmaceutickém průmyslu. Do laků se přidávají pro to, aby ničily bakterie. Nicméně mohou způsobit alergickou reakci či podráždění kůže. Zabraňují nehtovým lůžkům vstřebávat potřebné živiny ze vzduchu a slunce, čímž zpomalují růst nehtů a snižují jejich kvalitu. Trifenyl fosfát (TPHP) Chemická látka používaná jako zpomalovač hoření u nátěrů na nábytek, lepidel či právě laků na nehty. Způsobuje hormonální disbalanci, a tím problémy s reprodukcí či vývinem plodu u těhotných žen. Xylen Rozpouštědlo, které negativně ovlivňuje centrální nervovou soustavu, dráždí trávící a dýchací ústrojí. Olovo Chemická látka ukládající se při vniknutí do těla zejména v kostech. Způsobuje bolesti hlavy, křeče, zácpu, poruchy centrálního nervového systému. Jak vybrat správný netoxický lak na nehty a co to netoxický lak na nehty vlastně je? Pokud máte strach, že pro vás tímto lakování nehtů nadobro končí, nebojte se. Chytré hlavy vymyslely kvalitní laky vyrobené jen za pomocí netoxických látek a procesů. Pro jednodušší výběr se doporučujeme soustředit se na 3-free, 5-free, 7-free a 9-free laky. 3-free laky Garantují, že v nich nejsou obsaženy látky toxic tria – toluen, formaldehyd, DBT 5-free laky Garantují, že v nich nejsou obsaženy látky toxic tria + formaldehydová pryskyřice a kafr 7-free laky Garantují, že v nich nejsou obsaženy látky toxic tria, formaldehydová pryskyřice, kafr + TPHP a xylen 9-free laky Garantují, že v nich nejsou obsaženy látky toxic tria, formaldehydová pryskyřice, kafr, TPHP, xylen + parabeny, živočišné složky nebo vonné látky Pokud si chcete být naprosto jistá, že lak nebude obsahovat žádnou z toxických látek uvedených výše ani žádnou jinou, zkuste bio laky na nehty Glossworks, které vám Ladybio přináší ve dvanácti různých o (

Podobné produkty ako GlossWorks 9-free lak na nehty Name of the Rose 9 ml , The turn of the screw

The Name Of The Wind - Patrick Rothfuss

The Name Of The Wind - Patrick Rothfuss

'I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep. My name is Kvothe. You may have heard of me' So begins the tale of Kvothe - currently known as Kote, the unassuming innkeepter - from his childhood in a troupe of traveling players, through his years spent as a near-feral orphan in a crime-riddled city, to his daringly brazen yet successful bid to enter a difficult and dangerous school of magic. In these pages you will come to know Kvothe the notorious magician, the accomplished thief, the masterful musician, the dragon-slayer, the legend-hunter, the lover, the thief and the infamous assassin. The Name of the Wind is fantasy at its very best, and an astounding must-read title. (

Podobné produkty ako The Name Of The Wind - Patrick Rothfuss , The eldest curses 1. the red scrolls of magic (1471162168)

The Imitation of the Rose - Clarice Lispector


Little Clothbound Classics: irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world's greatest writers, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith Thirteen short tales from one of the most blistering and innovative writers of the twentieth century. The small incidents of life become moments of inner revelation in the luminous writing of Clarice Lispector. A woman contemplating a vase of roses after a nervous breakdown; a tangled mother-daughter relationship; a man's abandonment of a dog; an animal in a zoo: each one leads to mystery and self-discovery, delight and devastation. (

Podobné produkty ako The Imitation of the Rose - Clarice Lispector , The heart of the matter (0099478420)

The Name of the Wind (Defekt) - Patrick Rothfuss


'I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep.My name is Kvothe.You may have heard of me'So begins the tale of Kvothe - currently known as Kote, the unassuming innkeepter - from his childhood in a troupe of traveling players, through his years spent as a near-feral orphan in a crime-riddled city, to his daringly brazen yet successful bid to enter a difficult and dangerous school of magic. In these pages you will come to know Kvothe the notorious magician, the accomplished thief, the masterful musician, the dragon-slayer, the legend-hunter, the lover, the thief and the infamous assassin.The Name of the Wind is fantasy at its very best, and an astounding must-read title. (

Podobné produkty ako The Name of the Wind (Defekt) - Patrick Rothfuss , Ve jménu pomsty - in the name of revenge (978-80-266-0170-8)

The Name of the Wind: The Kingkiller Chronicle: Day One (0756404746)

The Name of the Wind: The Kingkiller Chronicle: Day One (0756404746)

Kniha - autor Patrick Rothfuss, 722 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A high-action novel written with a poet's hand, this brilliant debut fantasy by Patrick Rothfuss is a powerful coming-of-age story of a magically gifted young man, told through a riveting first-person narrative that allows the reader to "become" the hero. (

Podobné produkty ako The Name of the Wind: The Kingkiller Chronicle: Day One (0756404746) , The ocean at the end of the lane (1472283368)

In the Name of the Mermaid Princess 2 - Yoshino Fumikawa


In a society hostile to diversity, can Princess Mio be true to herself?In the classic fairy tale, a mermaid princess gives up her special abilities for love. What happens if she doesn’t?Mio and Yuri flee her father’s kingdom to explore the world, making new friends and possible enemies along the way. Mio learns about the other magical abilities and begins to use her magic to help others.But when Yuri is threatened, she loses control of her power over water! Is it true that mermaids are a menace to society after all…?Plus, the story of winged angel Eno and Ayun concludes! (

Podobné produkty ako In the Name of the Mermaid Princess 2 - Yoshino Fumikawa , The wisdom of crowds: the riotous conclusion to the age of madness (0575095989)

Talking Heads - The Name Of The Band Is Talking Heads (2 LP)

Talking Heads - The Name Of The Band Is Talking Heads (2 LP)

Rok vydání: 2021.0 Barva: Červená Země původu: Německo Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;1970 - 1979 Datum vydání: 2021-01-08 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 2 ks Typ: Barevná;LP deska Subžánr: Art Rock;New Wave;Funk Žánr: Soul;Rock;Funk Barva podle výrobce: Red Vydavatelství: Sire Balení obsahuje: LP Varianta: The Name Of The Band Is Talking Heads (2 LP) Interpret / Téma: Talking Heads Země interpreta: USA (

Podobné produkty ako Talking Heads - The Name Of The Band Is Talking Heads (2 LP) , The lost book of the grail (1846884217)

Requiem of the Rose King, Vol. 8 - Aya Kanno


The intrigue and royal conspiracy in the Bard's Richard III is given a dark manga twist that will appeal to aficionados of both comics and the classics. Richard, the ambitious third son of the House of York, believes he is cursed, damned from birth to eternal darkness. But is it truly fate that sets him on the path to personal destruction? Or his own tormented longings? Based on an early draft of Shakespeare's Richard III, Aya Kanno's dark fantasy finds the man who could be king standing between worlds, between classes, between good and evil.Ten years after the king's death, things have changed for Richard. His feud with his sibling has deepened, and the witch Jane tempts the new king with her mysterious charms. In this swirl of human desire, Richard reaches toward his own future and rises again in defense of the York family! A new dark fantasy based on the classic tale of Richard III, from one of the most exciting voices in modern manga. (

Podobné produkty ako Requiem of the Rose King, Vol. 8 - Aya Kanno , Talking heads: the name of this band is talking heads (2x lp) - lp (0349784534)

Requiem of the Rose King, Vol. 10 - Aya Kanno


Richard, the ambitious third son of the House of York, believes he is cursed, damned from birth to eternal darkness. But is it truly fate that sets him on the path to personal destruction? Or his own tormented longings? Based on an early draft of Shakespeare's Richard III, Aya Kanno's dark fantasy finds the man who could be king standing between worlds, between classes, between good and evil. Richard accepts his own ambitions, just as King Edward and his court descend into chaos.The past, in the form of the closely guarded secret about Richard's body, is finally coming to light. Awakened by betrayals and promises, Richard is about to begin his strike... (

Podobné produkty ako Requiem of the Rose King, Vol. 10 - Aya Kanno , The witcher 3: wild hunt - game of the year digital (g3q-00196)

The Name of All Things (1509879552)

The Name of All Things (1509879552)

Kniha - autor Jenn Lyons, 720 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná "Everything epic fantasy should be: rich, cruel, gorgeous, brilliant, enthralling and deeply, deeply satisfying. I loved it."—Lev Grossman on The Ruin of Kings You can have everything you want if you sacrifice everything you believe. Kihrin D'Mon is a wanted man. Since he destroyed the Stone of Shackles and set demons free across Quur, he has been on the run from the wrath of an entire empire. His attempt to escape brings him into the path of Janel Theranon, a mysterious Joratese woman who claims to know Kihrin. Janel's plea for help pits Kihrin against all manner of dangers: a secret rebellion, a dragon capable of destroying an entire city, and Kihrin's old enemy, the wizard Relos Var. Janel believes that Relos Var possesses one of the most powerful artifacts in the world—the Cornerstone called the Name of All Things. And if Janel is right, then there may be nothing in the world... (

Podobné produkty ako The Name of All Things (1509879552) , The legend of zelda: breath of the wild - nintendo switch (045496420055)

Speak of the Devil - Rose Wilding


All of us knew him. One of us killed him...Seven women stand in shock in a seedy hotel room; a man's severed head sits in the centre of the floor. Each of the women - the wife, the teenager, the ex, the journalist, the colleague, the friend, and the woman who raised him - has a very good reason to have done it, yet each swears she did not. In order to protect each other, they must figure out who is responsible, all while staying one step ahead of the police.Against the ticking clock of a murder investigation, each woman's secret is brought to light as the connections between them converge to reveal a killer.A dark and nuanced portrait of love, loyalty, and manipulation, Speak of the Devil explores the roles in which women are cast in the lives of terrible men...and the fallout when they refuse to stay silent for one moment longer. (

Podobné produkty ako Speak of the Devil - Rose Wilding , Empire of pain: the secret history of the sackler dynasty (1529063078)

The Rose of Tibet - Lionel Davidson

The Rose of Tibet - Lionel Davidson

A filmmaker is reported dead near Mount Everest. His brother, Charles Houston, is convinced he's alive and is determined to find him. It's a dangerous expedition. He travels from India to the forbidden land of Tibet. In the Yamdring monastery, he discovers an emerald treasure guarded by a woman with a deadly secret. But the Chinese army is coming. (

Podobné produkty ako The Rose of Tibet - Lionel Davidson , Morning of the earth , soundtrack: morning of the earth - lp (5054197111921)

The Mask of Mirrors : Rook and Rose 1 - Carrick M. A.


Darkly magical and beautifully imagined, The Mask of Mirrors is the unmissable start to the Rook & Rose trilogy, a rich and dazzling fantasy adventure in which a con artist, a vigilante, and a crime lord must unite to save their city.Nightmares are creeping through the city of dreams . . .Renata Virdaux is a con artist who has come to the sparkling city of Nadezra -- the city of dreams -- with one goal: to trick her way into a noble house and secure her fortune and her sister's future.But as she's drawn into the aristocratic world of House Traementis, she realises her masquerade is just one of many surrounding her. And as corrupted magic begins to weave its way through Nadezra, the poisonous feuds of its aristocrats and the shadowy dangers of its impoverished underbelly become tangled -- with Ren at their heart. (

Podobné produkty ako The Mask of Mirrors : Rook and Rose 1 - Carrick M. A. , Yardbirds: the best of the yardbirds - cd (charly604cd)

The Mask of Mirrors : Rook and Rose 1 (Defekt) - Carrick M. A.


Darkly magical and beautifully imagined, The Mask of Mirrors is the unmissable start to the Rook & Rose trilogy, a rich and dazzling fantasy adventure in which a con artist, a vigilante, and a crime lord must unite to save their city.Nightmares are creeping through the city of dreams . . .Renata Virdaux is a con artist who has come to the sparkling city of Nadezra -- the city of dreams -- with one goal: to trick her way into a noble house and secure her fortune and her sister's future.But as she's drawn into the aristocratic world of House Traementis, she realises her masquerade is just one of many surrounding her. And as corrupted magic begins to weave its way through Nadezra, the poisonous feuds of its aristocrats and the shadowy dangers of its impoverished underbelly become tangled -- with Ren at their heart. (

Podobné produkty ako The Mask of Mirrors : Rook and Rose 1 (Defekt) - Carrick M. A. , The story of the trapp family singers (0060005777)

The Lord of the Rings 3. The Return of the King (0261102370)

The Lord of the Rings 3. The Return of the King (0261102370)

Kniha - autor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, 556 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná J.R.R. Tolkien's great work of imaginative fiction has been labeled both a heroic romance and a classic fantasy fiction. By turns comic and homely, epic and diabolic, the narrative moves through countless changes of scene and character in an imaginary world which is totally convincing in its detail. (

Podobné produkty ako The Lord of the Rings 3. The Return of the King (0261102370) , The lord of the rings - elven - hrnek (3665361048251)

The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name (1250207142)

The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name (1250207142)

Kniha - 480 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá - 48 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá (

Podobné produkty ako The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name (1250207142) , The witcher - signs of the witcher - tričko (thewitchsgnnad)

The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings, Book 1)


Begin your journey into Middle-earth. A New Legend Begins on Prime Video, in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. The first part of J. R. R. Tolkien’s epic adventure THE LORD OF THE RINGS. In a quiet village in the Shire, young Frodo is about to receive a gift that will change his life forever. Thought lost centuries ago, it is the One Ring, an object of terrifying power once used by the Dark Lord to enslave Middle-earth. Now darkness is rising, and Frodo must travel deep into the Dark Lord’s realm, to the one place the Ring can be destroyed: Mount Doom. The journey will test Frodo’s courage, his friendships and his heart. Because the ring corrupts all who bear it – can Frodo destroy it, or will it destroy him? (

Podobné produkty ako The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings, Book 1) , House of the dragon - to the throne - tričko

Brosway Ocelový náramek Rose of the winds Chakra BHK59

Brosway Ocelový náramek Rose of the winds Chakra BHK59

Brosway Ocelový náramek Rose of the winds Chakra BHK59

Brosway Ocelový náramek Rose of the winds Chakra BHK59 (

Podobné produkty ako Brosway Ocelový náramek Rose of the winds Chakra BHK59 , The stranger in the woods: the extraordinary story of the last true hermit (1524711098)

Brosway Ocelový náramek Rose of the winds Chakra BHK59

Brosway Ocelový náramek Rose of the winds Chakra BHK59

Přehled puncovních značek najdete zde. (

Podobné produkty ako Brosway Ocelový náramek Rose of the winds Chakra BHK59 , Póly planety/the poles of the planet: staré a nové (978-80-906742-3-3)

The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings, Book 3) - J. R. R. Tolkien


Begin your journey into Middle-earth. A New Legend Begins on Prime Video, in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. The third part of J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic adventure THE LORD OF THE RINGS. The Dark Lord has risen, and as he unleashes hordes of Orcs to conquer all Middle-earth, Frodo and Sam struggle deep into his realm in Mordor. To defeat Sauron, the One Ring must be destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom. But the way is impossibly hard, and Frodo is weakening. The Ring corrupts all who bear it and Frodo’s time is running out. Will Sam and Frodo succeed, or will the Dark Lord rule Middle-earth once more? (

Podobné produkty ako The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings, Book 3) - J. R. R. Tolkien , Diaries from a crypt: the final days of seven parachutists from the time of the heydrich terror (978-80-7557-186-1)

Lord of the Rings 1. The Fellowship of the Rings (0261102354)

Lord of the Rings 1. The Fellowship of the Rings (0261102354)

Kniha - autor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, 530 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In a sleepy village in the Shire, a young hobbit is entrusted with an immense task. He must make a perilous journey across Middle-earth to the Cracks of Doom, there to destroy the Ruling Ring of Power - the only thing that prevents the Dark Lord's evil dominion. (

Podobné produkty ako Lord of the Rings 1. The Fellowship of the Rings (0261102354) , The count of monte cristo (999-00-020-6793-8)

The Immortality Key : The Secret History of the Religion with No Name (Defekt) - Muraresku Brian C.


THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER As seen on The Joe Rogan Experience! A groundbreaking dive into the role psychedelics have played in the origins of Western civilization, and the real-life quest for the Holy Grail that could shake the Church to its foundations. The most influential religious historian of the 20th century, Huston Smith, once referred to it as the best-kept secret in history. Did the Ancient Greeks use drugs to find God? And did the earliest Christians inherit the same, secret tradition? A profound knowledge of visionary plants, herbs and fungi passed from one generation to the next, ever since the Stone Age? There is zero archaeological evidence for the original Eucharist - the sacred wine said to guarantee life after death for those who drink the blood of Jesus. The Holy Grail and its miraculous contents have never been found. In the absence of any hard data, whatever happened at the Last Supper remains an article of faith for today's 2.5 billion Christians. In an unprecedented search for real answers, The Immortality Key examines the archaic roots of the ritual that is performed every Sunday for nearly one third of the planet. Religion and science converge to paint a radical picture of Christianity's founding event. And after centuries of debate, to solve history's greatest puzzle once and for all. Before the birth of Jesus, the Ancient Greeks found salvation in their own sacraments. Sacred beverages were routinely consumed as part of the so-called Ancient Mysteries - elaborate rites that led initiates to the brink of death. The best and brightest from Athens and Rome flocked to the spiritual capital of Eleusis, where a holy beer unleashed heavenly visions for two thousand years. Others drank the holy wine of Dionysus to become one with the god. In the 1970s, renegade scholars claimed this beer and wine - the original sacraments of Western civilization - were spiked with mind-altering drugs. In recent years, vindication for the disgraced theory has been quietly mounting in the laboratory. The constantly advancing fields of archaeobotany and archaeochemistry have hinted at the enduring use of hallucinogenic drinks in antiquity. And with a single dose of psilocybin, the psychopharmacologists at Johns Hopkins and NYU are now turning self-proclaimed atheists into instant believers. But the smoking gun remains elusive. If these sacraments survived for thousands of years in our remote prehistory, from the Stone Age to the Ancient Greeks, did they also survive into the age of Jesus? Was the Eucharist of the earliest Christians, in fact, a psychedelic Eucharist? With an unquenchable thirst for evidence, Muraresku takes the reader on his twelve-year global hunt for proof. He tours the ruins of Greece with its government archaeologists. He gains access to the hidden collections of the Louvre Museum to show the continuity from pagan to Christian wine. He unravels the Ancient Greek of the New Testament with the world's most controversial priest. He spelunks into the catacombs under the streets of Rome to decipher the lost symbols of Christianity's oldest monuments. He breaches the secret archives of the Vatican to unearth manuscripts never before translated into English. And with leads from the archaeological chemists at the University of Pennsylvania and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he unveils the first scientific data for the ritual use of psychedelic drugs in classical antiquity. The Immortality Key reconstructs the suppressed history of women consecrating a forbidden, drugged Eucharist that was later banned by the Church Fathers. Women who were then targeted as witches during the Inquisition, when Europe's sacred pharmacology largely disappeared. If the scientists of today have resurrected this technology, then Christianity is in crisis. Unless it returns to its roots. Featuring a Foreword by Graham Hancock, the New York Times bestselling author of America Before: The Key to Earth's Lost Civilization. (

Podobné produkty ako The Immortality Key : The Secret History of the Religion with No Name (Defekt) - Muraresku Brian C. , Lord of the rings - gandalf the white - figurka (9420024732984)

Ve jménu pomsty - In the Name of Revenge - Alena Kuzmová - e-kniha

Ve jménu pomsty - In the Name of Revenge - Alena Kuzmová - e-kniha

eBook:,Procvičujte angličtinu s knihou plnou napínavých případů! Kniha povídek vznikla na podkladě soudních případů a je určena středně pokročilým studentům anglického jazyka. Lze ji zařadit mezi knihy zjednodušené četby (simplified reading), které jsou vhodným doplňkovým materiálem při studiu angličtiny. Mohou ji používat samouci při individuálním studiu, ale také studenti při skupinové výuce. Cílem knihy je kromě poutavé četby autentických příběhů poskytnout čtenářům rovněž možnost zopakovat si gramatiku a prohloubit si slovní zásobu o celou řadu zajímavých frází a anglických idiomů. Anglické povídky jsou doplněny zrcadlovým českým překladem, což umožňuje studentům překládat text nejprve z angličtiny do češtiny a potom naopak a svou verzi překladu si hned porovnat s textem v knize. Povídky dále provází kontrolní otázky na porozumění četbě či podněty k samostatnému ústnímu projevu. Za každou povídkou jsou stručně vysvětleny klíčové gramatické jevy, které jsou doplněny vzorovými větami z textu povídky. Vybraná frázová slovesa slouží k jejich snadnějšímu nácviku a zapamatování. Frázová slovesa i gramatické formy vysvětlené v dané kapitole si mohou studenti procvičit v řadě následujících gramatických cvičení. Řešení ke cvičením jsou uvedena v klíči na konci knihy. K dispozici je i nahrávka ke stažení. Kniha In the Name of Revenge je originální verzí a osudy osob, které prožily tyto příběhy, jsou poprvé publikovány v knižní podobě. Přestože povídky nemají právě veselý děj a končí tragicky, jistě zaujmou čtenáře, kteří čtou rádi poutavé příběhy plné emocí, jež zinscenoval sám život. (

Podobné produkty ako Ve jménu pomsty - In the Name of Revenge - Alena Kuzmová - e-kniha , Various: until the end of the world - lp (9362490386)

The Way of the Househusband 3 - Kósuke Óno


It's a day in the life of your average househusband-if your average househusband is the legendary yakuza "the Immortal Dragon"!A former yakuza legend leaves it all behind to become your everyday househusband. But it's not easy to walk away from the gangster life, and what should be mundane household tasks are anything but!The Immortal Dragon, once the fiercest member of the yakuza, is now a married man devoted to supporting his loving wife-as a househusband! But when the gangster-turned-homemaker needs to make some quick cash to buy her a present, he turns to the only skills he knows-and gets his first part-time job! The cozy yakuza comedy continues! (

Podobné produkty ako The Way of the Househusband 3 - Kósuke Óno , Iron maiden: the number of the beast - cd (9029556774)

Blood of The Fold : Book 3 The Sword of Truth

Blood of The Fold : Book 3 The Sword of Truth

The envious and evil denizens of the Old World once more launch an attack on the sovreignty of the New World, threatening the security of humanity and all that Richard Cypher, Wielder of the Sword of Truth, holds dear. (

Podobné produkty ako Blood of The Fold : Book 3 The Sword of Truth , Trivium: in the court of the dragon - cd (7567864122)

Ve jménu pomsty - In the Name of Revenge (978-80-266-0170-8)

Ve jménu pomsty - In the Name of Revenge (978-80-266-0170-8)

Elektronická kniha - autor Alena Kuzmová, 144 stran Kniha povídek vznikla na podkladě soudních případů a je určena středně pokročilým studentům anglického jazyka Lze ji zařadit mezi knihy zjednodušené četby (simplified reading), které jsou vhodným doplňkovým materiálem při studiu angličtiny. Mohou ji používat samouci při individuálním studiu, ale také studenti při skupinové výuce. Cílem knihy je kromě poutavé četby autentických příběhů poskytnout čtenářům rovněž možnost zopakovat si gramatiku a prohloubit si slovní zásobu o celou řadu zajímavých frází a anglických idiomů. Anglické povídky jsou doplněny zrcadlovým českým překladem, což umožňuje studentům překládat text nejprve z angličtiny do češtiny a potom naopak a svou verzi překladu si hned porovnat s textem v knize. Povídky dále provází kontrolní otázky na porozumění četbě či podněty k samostatnému ústnímu projevu. Za každou povídkou jsou stručně vysvětleny klíčové gramatické jevy, které jsou doplněny... (

Podobné produkty ako Ve jménu pomsty - In the Name of Revenge (978-80-266-0170-8) , The seed of compassion: lessons from the life and teachings of his holiness the dalai lama (0241456975)

Ponožky Happy Socks Beatles In The Name Of Sock tmavomodrá barva, BEA01-6504

Ponožky Happy Socks Beatles In The Name Of Sock tmavomodrá barva, BEA01-6504

Ponožky z kolekce Happy Socks. Model vyroben z elastického, vzorovaného materiálu. (

Podobné produkty ako Ponožky Happy Socks Beatles In The Name Of Sock tmavomodrá barva, BEA01-6504

Empire of the Vampire: Empire of the Vampire (1) (0008350442)

Empire of the Vampire: Empire of the Vampire (1) (0008350442)

Kniha - 400 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako Empire of the Vampire: Empire of the Vampire (1) (0008350442)

Chopard Gardens of the Paradise Rose Seljuke parfémovaná voda unisex 100 ml

Chopard Gardens of the Paradise Rose Seljuke parfémovaná voda unisex 100 ml

Chopard Gardens of the Paradise Rose Seljuke, 100 ml, Parfémované vody unisex, Objevte vůni, která nezapadá do žádných škatulek, a přitom mistrně zdůrazní osobnost svého nositele. Unisex parfémovaná voda Chopard Gardens of the Paradise Rose Seljuke je ta pravá vůně, která umožní vyniknout vaší originalitě. květinová vůně orientální vůně pro všechny, kteří se nebojí vystoupit z davu unisex – pro muže i pro ženy jedinečná vůně pro speciální příležitosti (

Podobné produkty ako Chopard Gardens of the Paradise Rose Seljuke parfémovaná voda unisex 100 ml

The Queen of Nothing - Folk of the Air 3 - Holly Black

The Queen of Nothing - Folk of the Air 3 - Holly Black

The intoxicating and bloodthirsty finale to the New York Times bestselling The Cruel Prince, nominated for the CILIP CARNEGIE MEDAL 2019, and New York Times bestseller The Wicked King, winner of the Best YA Fantasy category in the Goodreads Choice AwardsAfter being pronounced Queen of Faerie and then abruptly exiled by the Wicked King Cardan, Jude finds herself unmoored, the queen of nothing. She spends her time with Vivi and Oak, watching reality television, and doing odd jobs, including squaring up to a cannibalistic faerie.When her twin sister Taryn shows up asking a favour, Jude jumps at the chance to return to the Faerie world, even if it means facing Cardan, who she loves despite his betrayal. When a dark curse is unveiled, Jude must become the first mortal Queen of Faerie and break the curse, or risk upsetting the balance of the whole Faerie world. (

Podobné produkty ako The Queen of Nothing - Folk of the Air 3 - Holly Black

Talking Heads: The Name Of This Band Is Talking Heads (2x LP) - LP (0349784534)

Talking Heads: The Name Of This Band Is Talking Heads (2x LP) - LP (0349784534)

LP vinyl - Talking Heads byla americká hudební skupina založená roku 1974 v New Yorku. Talking Heads byla americká hudební skupina založená roku 1974 v New Yorku. LP obsakuje koncertní album z roku 1982. Rok reedice : 2020 Seznam stop New Feeling / A Clean Break / Don't Worry About the Government / Pulled Up / Psycho Killer / Artists Only / Stay Hungry / Air / Building On Fire / Memories (Can't Wait) / I Zimbra / Drugs / Houses in Motion / Life During Wartime / The Great Curve / Crosseyed and Painless / Take Me to the River (

Podobné produkty ako Talking Heads: The Name Of This Band Is Talking Heads (2x LP) - LP (0349784534)

The Shadow of the Wind : The Cemetery of Forgotten Books 1 - Carlos Ruiz Zafón


The international bestseller and modern classic - over 20 million copies sold worldwide 'Shadow is the real deal, a novel full of cheesy splendour and creaking trapdoors, a novel where even the subplots have subplots. One gorgeous read' STEPHEN KING 'An instant classic' DAILY TELEGRAPH The Shadow of the Wind is a stunning literary thriller in which the discovery of a forgotten book leads to a hunt for an elusive author who may or may not still be alive... Hidden in the heart of the old city of Barcelona is the 'Cemetery of Lost Books', a labyrinthine library of obscure and forgotten titles that have long gone out of print. To this library, a man brings his 10-year-old son Daniel one cold morning in 1945. Daniel is allowed to choose one book from the shelves and pulls out 'The Shadow of the Wind' by Julian Carax. But as he grows up, several people seem inordinately interested in his find. Then, one night, as he is wandering the old streets once more, Daniel is approached by a figure who reminds him of a character from the book, a character who turns out to be the devil. This man is tracking down every last copy of Carax's work in order to burn them. What begins as a case of literary curiosity turns into a race to find out the truth behind the life and death of Julian Carax and to save those he left behind... (

Podobné produkty ako The Shadow of the Wind : The Cemetery of Forgotten Books 1 - Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Bride of the Shadow King 3: Heart of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia


A KING DESPERATE TO SAVE HIS BRIDE. A QUEEN DISCOVERING THE DARK POTENTIAL OF HER POWER. After nearly losing one another in a savage attack on the city, Vor and Faraine return to Mythanar fully committed to their marriage.But the situation in the Under Realm remains dire. With the world poised on the brink of collapse, Vor struggles to protect his kingdom. Though Faraine longs to support him as queen, she fights the weakness in her body at every turn .. . not to mention the strange changes warping her gods-gift.When war drags them apart, Vor and Faraine face the consequences of their choices. How can Vor lead those who have lost faith in him? Torn between honor and desire, he must decide where his heart truly lies: with his kingdom or his queen. Meanwhile, as Faraine explores the new dimensions of her power, she starts to believe the coming cataclysm may be prevented.But in doing so, will she unleash a darkness in herself far more disastrous?Breathtaking stakes. Ultimate reveals. This is the epic finale you've been waiting for! (

Podobné produkty ako Bride of the Shadow King 3: Heart of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia

Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie - Javins Marie


The 6th of the 24 Marvel Cinematic Universe Infinity Saga film titles being published as a complete set. Behind every great Iron Man stands a dedicated group of artists-and now, their secrets arerevealed. In this lavish coffee table book, you'll find everything from exclusive concept artwork and storyboards, to behind-the-scenes photographs, production stills with exploration designs of the Iron Man suits, and in-depth interviews with the cast and crew.Here's everything you need to know about the making of the blockbuster film from its key players, including director Shane Black, executive producer Stephen Broussard, the special-effects gurus, award-winning concept illustrators, visual-effects designers, and storyboard artists who worked on the set and behind the scenes to create the art of Iron Man 3. (

Podobné produkty ako Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie - Javins Marie

Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast (180g) (3 LP)

Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast (180g) (3 LP)

Barva podle výrobce: Black Datum vydání: 2022-11-18 Rok vydání: 2022.0 Složení setu: 3 ks Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989;2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009 Hmotnost: 180 g Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva: Černá Země původu: Německo Žánr: Rock;Heavy Metal;Hard Rock Interpret / Téma: Iron Maiden Subžánr: Rock;Heavy Metal;Progressive Rock;Hard Rock Balení obsahuje: LP Vydavatelství: Warner Music Země interpreta: Spojené království Typ: LP deska Varianta: The Number Of The Beast (180g) (3 LP) (

Podobné produkty ako Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast (180g) (3 LP)

Hero at the Fall: Rebel of the Sands 3 (0571325432)

Hero at the Fall: Rebel of the Sands 3 (0571325432)

Kniha - 506 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 506 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako Hero at the Fall: Rebel of the Sands 3 (0571325432)

The Secret of William Storitz / Tajemství Viléma Storitze (999-00-033-0659-3)

The Secret of William Storitz / Tajemství Viléma Storitze (999-00-033-0659-3)

Elektronická kniha - autor Alena Kuzmová, 236 stran, česky Tajemství Viléma Storitze patří mezi méně známá díla J. Verna. V tomto dobrodružném románu se autor obrací do světa fantazie, ale stejně jako ve svých dalších slavných románech se i zde staví za vědecký pokrok a rozumové vysvětlení všech záhad. Kniha s názvem The Secret of William Storitz / Tajemství Viléma Storitze patří do zvláštní kategorie literatury simplified reading, neboť vznikla zjednodušením původního textu románu. Je napsána v anglicko-české podobě, aby posloužila středně pokročilým studentům anglického jazyka jako doplňkový studijní materiál. Pomocí napínavé četby si ověříte nabyté znalosti anglického jazyka a v případě nejasností stačí nahlédnout do českého překladu či závěrečné části Glossary. (

Podobné produkty ako The Secret of William Storitz / Tajemství Viléma Storitze (999-00-033-0659-3)

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time (978-0-994704-3-4)

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time (978-0-994704-3-4)

Kniha - autor Mark Haddon, 224 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a murder mystery novel like no other. The detective, and narrator, is Christopher Boone. Christopher is fifteen and has Asperger's, a form of autism. He knows a very great deal about maths and very little about human beings. He loves lists, patterns and the truth. He hates the colours yellow and brown and being touched. He has never gone further than the end of the road on his own, but when he finds a neighbour's dog murdered he sets out on a terrifying journey which will turn his whole world upside down.The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a murder mystery novel like no other. The detective, and narrator, is Christopher Boone. Christopher is fifteen and has Asperger's Syndrome. He knows a very great deal about maths and very little about human beings. He loves lists, patterns and the truth. He hates the colours... (

Podobné produkty ako The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time (978-0-994704-3-4)

The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse 1


Return to the magical and thrilling world of Britannia with this new adventure from the creator of The Seven Deadly Sins, the manga that inspired the No. 1 hit Netflix Original Anime!Percival has always lived with his grandfather on the idyllic, remote God's Finger. And though Percival loves the simple life, he longs for adventure. That is, until adventure comes knocking at his door, tearing away everything he's ever known and leaving him alone in the world. Now Percival has no choice but to go out into the world and see what it holds... after all, it's his destiny! Four Knights of the Apocalypse is a new story in the world of The Seven Deadly Sins, but can be enjoyed totally on its own! (

Podobné produkty ako The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse 1

Birdgirl: Discovering the Power of Our Natural World - Mya-Rose Craig


Discover Mya-Rose Craig's moving and life-affirming memoir about family, searching for rare birds, and the power of our natural world.In her memoir, Mya-Rose Craig and her family travel the world in search of rare birds and astonishing landscapes. But a shadow moves with them, too - her mother's deepening mental health crisis. In the face of this struggle, the Craigs turn to nature again and again, and every time it offers joy and stillness.On these journeys, Mya-Rose also witnesses the inequality and destruction we are inflicting on our fragile planet. And so, through the simple, mindful act of looking for birds, she becomes ever more determined to campaign for all our survival. (

Podobné produkty ako Birdgirl: Discovering the Power of Our Natural World - Mya-Rose Craig

Mighty Marvel Masterworks: The Silver Surfer 1 - The Sentinel of the Spaceways - Stan Lee


The first solo adventures of the iconic Silver Surfer from the Marvel Age of Comics, collected in a smaller format that's perfect for new readers!When the world devourer Galactus arrived at the planet Zenn-La, one man stood up to sacrifice himself: Norrin Radd. In exchange for forgoing his limitless hunger, Galactus transformed Norrin into the Silver Surfer and forced him into servitude as his herald. But all that changed on the planet Earth. Free of Galactus, but trapped on our planet, the sensational Silver Surfer’s solo series boasts double-length tales of cosmic conflict. Written by Stan Lee and illustrated by John Buscema, they are some of the most masterful Marvel sagas ever produced. Not only will you be awed by the Surfer’s origin, be torn down to the depths of hell by Mephisto and engage in a battle with Thor that shakes the heavens! (

Podobné produkty ako Mighty Marvel Masterworks: The Silver Surfer 1 - The Sentinel of the Spaceways - Stan Lee

The Doobie Brothers - The Best Of The Doobie Brother: Volume 1 & 2 (2 CD)

The Doobie Brothers - The Best Of The Doobie Brother: Volume 1 & 2 (2 CD)

Varianta: The Best Of The Doobie Brother: Volume 1 & 2 (2 CD) Subžánr: Soft Rock Interpret / Téma: The Doobie Brothers Žánr: Rock Vydavatelství: Rhino Records Rok vydání: 2024.0 Balení obsahuje: CD Složení setu: 2 ks Datum vydání: 2024-07-26 Typ: Album;CD (

Podobné produkty ako The Doobie Brothers - The Best Of The Doobie Brother: Volume 1 & 2 (2 CD)

The Light of All That Falls : Book 3 of the Licanius trilogy - James Islington


The Light of All That Falls is the spectacular conclusion to James Islington's Licanius trilogy - a modern fantasy blockbuster packed with magic, prophecy and adventure.James Islington's bestselling debut, The Shadow of What Was Lost, began an epic tale of three heroes who embraced forbidden powers to confront a rising evil. The adventure continued in An Echo of Things to Come as armies clashed and magic collided. Now the final battle - and the fate of the world - is at hand in The Light of All That Falls, the enthralling final volume in the Licanius trilogy. (

Podobné produkty ako The Light of All That Falls : Book 3 of the Licanius trilogy - James Islington

Póly planety/The Poles of the Planet: staré a nové (978-80-906742-3-3)

Póly planety/The Poles of the Planet: staré a nové (978-80-906742-3-3)

Kniha - autor Oldřich Bubák, 504 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Trilogii Póly planety: staré a nové začínáme s uvědoměním si, že na Zemi existuje mnoho pólů. Vybavíme si nejdříve ty tři prominentní – severní, jižní a himálajský – dané nejen jejich historickýmvýznamem jako nejzazší hranice, ale také jejich polohou v oblastech jedinečných svojí vysokou zeměpisnou šířkou nebo nadmořskou výškou. Ať už se jednalo o honby za geografickými póly, závodyo dosažení nejvyššího vrcholu světa, nebo mapování a průzkum, tato místa vybízela ke spolupráci a tím sloužila jako důležité prostředky pro sbližování lidstva. A zatímco byly tyto cíle dosaženy a pomohlyv pokroku při vytváření mezinárodních fór, smluvních systémů a různých politik, mnoho problémů zůstává i další vycházejí najevo. A tak se vynořují nové póly na první pohled stejně nepřekonatelnéjako tyminulé, ale možná pro naši dlouhodobou budoucnost mnohem důležitější. Jde o cíle, předsevzetí a poslánípři řešení... (

Podobné produkty ako Póly planety/The Poles of the Planet: staré a nové (978-80-906742-3-3)

Enola Holmes 3: The Case of the Bizarre Bouquets (Defekt) - Nancy Springerová


Don't miss Enola Holmes: The Case of the Missing Marquess! Now a Netflix original movie starring Millie Bobby Brown, Henry Cavill, and Helena Bonham Carter!Enola Holmes--younger sister to Sherlock Holmes--is back on another case!Everyone knows Dr. Watson is Sherlock Holmes's right-hand man, so when he goes missing, it's a shock. Even Sherlock hasn't the slightest clue as to where he could be. Enola is intrigued but wary; she's still hiding from her older brothers, and getting involved could prove to be disastrous. But Enola can't help but investigate, especially when she learns that a bizarre bouquet--with flowers all symbolizing death--has been delivered to the Watson residence. Enola knows she must act quickly, but can she find Dr. Watson in time? (

Podobné produkty ako Enola Holmes 3: The Case of the Bizarre Bouquets (Defekt) - Nancy Springerová

Magnus Chase and the Ship of the Dead (Book 3) - Rick Riordan


Winner of the Goodreads Choice Award 2017 for Best Middle Grade & Children's!Loki the trickster god is free from his chains. Now he's readying Naglfar, the Ship of the Dead, armed with a host of giants and zombies, to sail against the Norse gods and begin the final battle of Ragnarok.It's up to Magnus Chase and his friends to stop Loki's plans. Along the way, they will face angry sea gods, hostile giants, and an evil fire-breathing dragon. But Magnus's biggest challenge will be facing his own inner demons . . . (

Podobné produkty ako Magnus Chase and the Ship of the Dead (Book 3) - Rick Riordan
No Name: The Best of (2x CD) - CD (2722649), Empire of the Vampire: Empire of the Vampire (1) (0008350442), The Hound of the Baskervilles, The turn of the Screw, The Eldest Curses 1. The Red Scrolls of Magic (1471162168), The Heart of the Matter (0099478420), Ve jménu pomsty - In the Name of Revenge (978-80-266-0170-8), The Ocean at the End of the Lane (1472283368), The Wisdom of Crowds: The Riotous Conclusion to The Age of Madness (0575095989), The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217), Talking Heads: The Name Of This Band Is Talking Heads (2x LP) - LP (0349784534), The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of The Year DIGITAL (G3Q-00196), The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Nintendo Switch (045496420055), Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078), Morning Of The Earth , Soundtrack: Morning Of The Earth - LP (5054197111921), Yardbirds: The Best Of The Yardbirds - CD (CHARLY604CD), The Story of the Trapp Family Singers (0060005777), The Lord of the Rings - Elven - hrnek (3665361048251), The Witcher - Signs of the Witcher - tričko (thewitchsgnnad), House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko, The Secret of William Storitz / Tajemství Viléma Storitze (999-00-033-0659-3), The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit (1524711098), Póly planety/The Poles of the Planet: staré a nové (978-80-906742-3-3), Diaries from a crypt: The final days of seven parachutists from the time of the Heydrich Terror (978-80-7557-186-1), The Count Of Monte Cristo (999-00-020-6793-8), Lord of the Rings - Gandalf the White - figurka (9420024732984), Various: Until the End of the World - LP (9362490386), Iron Maiden: The Number Of The Beast - CD (9029556774), Trivium: In The Court Of The Dragon - CD (7567864122), The Seed of Compassion: Lessons from the Life and Teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama (0241456975)