The midnight feast - lucy foley

Produkt The midnight feast - lucy foley sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu The midnight feast - lucy foley upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

The Midnight Feast - Lucy Foley


Midsummer, the Dorset coast Guests gather for the opening of The Manor hotel, the new jewel on the Dorset coastline. The champagne is flowing, the guest list sparkling, the sun setting on an unforgettable summer solstice. But under the cloak of celebration, something dark is stirring. The Manor has a secret history; built in the shadows of an ancient wood. Now old friends and enemies are creeping out of the shadows. And they'll soon discover what other deadly secrets come out at night . (

Podobné produkty ako The Midnight Feast - Lucy Foley , Dark millennium: midnight in the void - cd (4028466912824)

The Hunting Party - Lucy Foley

The Hunting Party - Lucy Foley

In a remote hunting lodge, deep in the Scottish wilderness, old friends gather.The beautiful oneThe golden coupleThe volatile oneThe new parentsThe quiet oneThe city boyThe outsiderThe victim.Not an accident - a murder among friends. (

Podobné produkty ako The Hunting Party - Lucy Foley , Puzzle feast 1000 dílků (5060602330320)

Štvanice - Lucy Foley

Štvanice - Lucy Foley

Skupina bývalých spolužáků z Oxfordu, nyní třicátníků, se tak jako každý rok od ukončení studia setkává o vánočních prázdninách, aby spolu přivítali nový rok. Tentokrát pro svou silvestrovskou oslavu zvolili idylické, odlehlé sídlo na Skotské vysočině – dokonalé místo, kde si s přáteli odpočinout od civilizace a spěchu každodenního života.Na místo dorazí 30. prosince, krátce předtím, než dům odřízne od okolního světa dlouho nevídaná sněhová vichřice. O dva dny později, na Nový rok, je jeden z přátel nalezen mrtvý.Výlet přitom začal nevinně: obdivováním okolní přenádherné, leč zlověstné přírody, popíjením šampaňského před krbem s praskajícím ohněm a vzpomínáním na studentská léta. Ale po deseti letech se tíha dlouho potlačovaných výčitek a vzájemných obvinění stává natolik neúnosnou, že ji nepřebije ani nostalgie vyvolaná vzpomínkami na společné zážitky. Uprostřed silvestrovského veselí se pouto, které přátele drželo tolik let pohromadě, znenadání přetrhne.Jeden z nich přijde o život. A někdo z přeživších je pachatelem. (

Podobné produkty ako Štvanice - Lucy Foley , Lucy - dvd (u00543)

Zoznam hostí - Lucy Foley

Zoznam hostí - Lucy Foley

Jedného letného dňa sa opustený ostrov pri divom pobreží Írska stane dejiskom veľkolepej udalosti: najbližšia rodina, príbuzní a priatelia sa zídu, aby oslávili svadbu majiteľky časopisu Jules a atraktívneho herca Willa. Všetko je perfektne a do najmenších detailov naplánované a zdá sa, že to bude dych vyrážajúca slávnosť.Drsná príroda, tma, zradné rašeliniská a povesti o dávnych úmrtiach na ostrove naplnia všetkých prítomných strachom a bázňou. Medzi hosťami čoraz častejšie prepuká závisť, žiarlivosť, nenávisť a dávno pochované nepriateľstvá. A krátko po tom, ako sa začne krájať svadobná torta, vonku pri močarinách objavia telo jedného z účastníkov svadby. Veselá zábava na ostrove vyústi do nečakanej tragédie...Strhujúci a zamotaný triler v duchu klasiky od Agathy Christie je prepracovaný do najmenších detailov a udrží čitateľa v napätí až do úplného konca. Kto neželal šťastnému páru radostnú budúcnosť? A čo je ešte dôležitejšie, prečo? (

Podobné produkty ako Zoznam hostí - Lucy Foley , Bodom after midnight: paint the sky with blood - cd (npr1027dp)

Štvanice - Lucy Foley - e-kniha

Štvanice - Lucy Foley - e-kniha

eBook:,Skupina bývalých spolužáků z Oxfordu, nyní třicátníků, se tak jako každý rok od ukončení studia setkává o vánočních prázdninách, aby spolu přivítali nový rok. Tentokrát pro svou silvestrovskou oslavu zvolili idylické, odlehlé sídlo na Skotské vysočině – dokonalé místo, kde si s přáteli odpočinout od civilizace a spěchu každodenního života.Na místo dorazí 30. prosince, krátce předtím, než dům odřízne od okolního světa dlouho nevídaná sněhová vichřice. O dva dny později, na Nový rok, je jeden z přátel nalezen mrtvý.Výlet přitom začal nevinně: obdivováním okolní přenádherné, leč zlověstné přírody, popíjením šampaňského před krbem s praskajícím ohněm a vzpomínáním na studentská léta. Ale po deseti letech se tíha dlouho potlačovaných výčitek a vzájemných obvinění stává natolik neúnosnou, že ji nepřebije ani nostalgie vyvolaná vzpomínkami na společné zážitky. Uprostřed silvestrovského veselí se pouto, které přátele drželo tolik let pohromadě, znenadání přetrhne.Jeden z nich přijde o život. A někdo z přeživších je pachatelem (

Podobné produkty ako Štvanice - Lucy Foley - e-kniha , Lucy - blu-ray (u00309)

Apartmán v Paríži - Lucy Foley


Všetci sú susedia. Všetci sú podozriví. A všetci niečo taja.Jess potrebuje začať odznova. Je osamelá, bez peňazí a práve prišla nie práve najšťastnejším spôsobom o prácu. Jej nevlastný brat Ben síce nebol nadšený, keď ho požiadala, či môže uňho chvíľu bývať, no nepovedal nie. Koniec koncov, v Paríži bude všetko vyzerať ružovejšie. Jess príde do krásneho apartmánu a je ním ohúrená – naozaj si ho Ben môže dovoliť? Po bratovi sa však zľahla zem.Čím dlhšie je Ben nezvestný, tým väčšmi sa oňho obáva a vynára sa pred ňou čoraz viac otázok. Benovi susedia sú veľmi rôznorodá partia a vôbec sa netaja tým, že jeho sestra nie je v dome vítaná. Jess utiekla do Paríža pred svojimi problémami, no teraz to vyzerá, že sa Ben ako novinár zamotal do čohosi omnoho závažnejšieho… (

Podobné produkty ako Apartmán v Paríži - Lucy Foley , Dexys midnight runners: searching for the young soul rebels - lp (9029519531)

Zoznam hostí - Lucy Foley - audiokniha


Audiokniha: Veselá zábava na ostrove vyústi do nečakanej tragédie... "Všetci majú tajomstvo. Všetky majú motív. Jeden hosť neodíde z tejto svatby živý." Jedného letného dňa sa opustený ostrov pri divom pobreží Írska stane dejiskom veľkolepej udalosti: najbližšia rodina, príbuzní a priatelia sa zídu, aby oslávili svadbu majiteľky časopisu Jules a atraktívneho herca Willa. Všetko je perfektne a do najmenších detailov naplánované a zdá sa, že to bude dych vyrážajúca slávnosť. Drsná príroda, tma, zradné rašeliniská a povesti o dávnych úmrtiach na ostrove naplnia však všetkých prítomných strachom a bázňou. Medzi hosťami čoraz častejšie prepuká závisť, žiarlivosť, nenávisť a dávno pochované nepriateľstvá. A krátko po tom, ako sa začne krájať svadobná torta, vonku pri močarinách objavia telo jedného z účastníkov svadby. Strhujúci a zamotaný triler v duchu klasiky od Agathy Christie je prepracovaný do najmenších detailov a udrží čitateľa v napätí až do úplného konca. Kto neželal šťastnému páru radostnú budúcnosť? A čo je ešte dôležitejšie, prečo? (

Podobné produkty ako Zoznam hostí - Lucy Foley - audiokniha , Top light lucy c - led stolní lampa lucy led/5w/230v (66843)

Byt v Paříži - Lucy Foley


Jess se ocitla ve složité situaci. Je na mizině, přišla o práci a potřebuje někam zmizet. Když zavolala svému nevlastnímu bratrovi Benovi a zeptala se ho, jestli by mohla na nějakou dobu zůstat u něj, moc nadšený nebyl, nakonec ovšem souhlasil. A v přepychovém bytě v Paříži jí jistě bude lépe.Po příjezdu ovšem zjistí, že její bratr zmizel. A že v domě bydlí samí zvláštní lidé. Lidé, kteří mají svá tajemství a kteří se ji odtud snaží vystrnadit. Jess se nevzdává, o bratrovi se jí však nic zjistit nedaří a místo odpovědí má jen další a další otázky. Napětí v domě graduje. Proč se sousedé chovají tak podivně? Co před ní skrývají? A je vůbec Ben ještě naživu?Dáma z vyšší společnosti a její despotický manžel. Alkoholik, jemuž utekla žena. Sympaťák, co se snaží pomoct. Psychicky nemocná dívka. Záhadná domovnice, které nic neunikne.Všichni jsou podezřelí. Všichni něco ví, ale mlčí. A všichni udělají cokoliv, aby jejich strašlivá tajemství nikdy nikdo neodhalil… (

Podobné produkty ako Byt v Paříži - Lucy Foley , Top light lucy b - led stolní lampa lucy led/5w/230v (66845)

Seznam hostů - Lucy Foley - e-kniha


eBook: Nevěsta. Doprovod. Svědek. Organizátorka svatby. Družička. Mrtvola.Na ostrov u irského pobřeží se sjíždějí hosté, aby oslavili den, kdy dva lidé spojí své životy v jeden. Ženich: televizní hvězda na vzestupu, pohledný a okouzlující. Nevěsta: majitelka časopisu, inteligentní a ambiciózní. Hvězdná svatba jako ze žurnálu: šaty od návrháře, odlehlé místo, luxusní výslužka, speciální whisky. Občas tu sice vypadává signál a moře vypadá trochu neklidně, ale vše je naplánováno do sebemenšího detailu a poběží to jako na drátkách. Dokonalost je ale výsadou plánů, lidé jsou příliš lidští. Jen co bouchne šampaňské a rozpoutá se všeobecné veselí, s gratulacemi se začnou mísit staré křivdy a malicherná žárlivost. Ženichovi bývalí spolužáci se pustí do pijácké hry ze školních let. Družička si ne zcela náhodnou poničí šaty. Nevěstin nejstarší přítel pronese až nevhodně láskyplný přípitek.A pak se objeví tělo. Kdo novomanželům nepřál štěstí? A co je snad ještě důležitější, proč? (

Podobné produkty ako Seznam hostů - Lucy Foley - e-kniha , Abus jc 8670 lucy (4003318901256)

Štvanice - Foley Lucy

Štvanice - Foley Lucy

Skupina bývalých spolužáků z Oxfordu, nyní třicátníků, se tak jako každý rok od ukončení studia setkává o vánočních prázdninách, aby spolu přivítali nový rok. Tentokrát pro svou silvestrovskou oslavu zvolili idylické, odlehlé sídlo na Skotské vysočině – dokonalé místo, kde si s přáteli odpočinout od civilizace a spěchu každodenního života. Na místo dorazí 30. prosince, krátce předtím, než dům odřízne od okolního světa dlouho nevídaná sněhová vichřice. O dva dny později, na Nový rok, je jeden z přátel nalezen mrtvý. Výlet přitom začal nevinně: obdivováním okolní přenádherné, leč zlověstné přírody, popíjením šampaňského před krbem s praskajícím ohněm a vzpomínáním na studentská léta. Ale po deseti letech se tíha dlouho potlačovaných výčitek a vzájemných obvinění stává natolik neúnosnou, že ji nepřebije ani nostalgie vyvolaná vzpomínkami na společné zážitky. Uprostřed silvestrovského veselí se pouto, které přátele drželo tolik let pohromadě, znenadání přetrhne. Jeden z nich přijde o život. A někdo z přeživších je pachatelem. (

Podobné produkty ako Štvanice - Foley Lucy , Top light lucy p c - led stojací lampa lucy led/5w/230v (66856)

Byt v Paříži - Lucy Foley - e-kniha


eBook: Jess se ocitla ve složité situaci. Je na mizině, přišla o práci a potřebuje někam zmizet. Když zavolala svému nevlastnímu bratrovi Benovi a zeptala se ho, jestli by mohla na nějakou dobu zůstat u něj, moc nadšený nebyl, nakonec ovšem souhlasil. A v přepychovém bytě v Paříži jí jistě bude lépe.Po příjezdu ovšem zjistí, že její bratr zmizel. A že v domě bydlí samí zvláštní lidé. Lidé, kteří mají svá tajemství a kteří se ji odtud snaží vystrnadit. Jess se nevzdává, o bratrovi se jí však nic zjistit nedaří a místo odpovědí má jen další a další otázky. Napětí v domě graduje. Proč se sousedé chovají tak podivně? Co před ní skrývají? A je vůbec Ben ještě naživu?Dáma z vyšší společnosti a její despotický manžel. Alkoholik, jemuž utekla žena. Sympaťák, co se snaží pomoct. Psychicky nemocná dívka. Záhadná domovnice, které nic neunikne.Všichni jsou podezřelí. Všichni něco ví, ale mlčí. A všichni udělají cokoliv, aby jejich strašlivá tajemství nikdy nikdo neodhalil… (

Podobné produkty ako Byt v Paříži - Lucy Foley - e-kniha , Top light lucy kl b - led lampa s klipem lucy led/5w/230v (66851)

Zoznam hostí - Foley Lucy

Zoznam hostí - Foley Lucy

Jedného letného dňa sa opustený ostrov pri divom pobreží Írska stane dejiskom veľkolepej udalosti: najbližšia rodina, príbuzní a priatelia sa zídu, aby oslávili svadbu majiteľky časopisu Jules a atraktívneho herca Willa. Všetko je perfektne a do najmenších detailov naplánované a zdá sa, že to bude dych vyrážajúca slávnosť. Drsná príroda, tma, zradné rašeliniská a povesti o dávnych úmrtiach na ostrove naplnia všetkých prítomných strachom a bázňou. Medzi hosťami čoraz častejšie prepuká závisť, žiarlivosť, nenávisť a dávno pochované nepriateľstvá. A krátko po tom, ako sa začne krájať svadobná torta, vonku pri močarinách objavia telo jedného z účastníkov svadby. Veselá zábava na ostrove vyústi do nečakanej tragédie... Strhujúci a zamotaný triler v duchu klasiky od Agathy Christie je prepracovaný do najmenších detailov a udrží čitateľa v napätí až do úplného konca. Kto neželal šťastnému páru radostnú budúcnosť? A čo je ešte dôležitejšie, prečo? (

Podobné produkty ako Zoznam hostí - Foley Lucy , Top light lucy kl c - led lampa s klipem lucy led/5w/230v (66847)

The Feast

The Feast

Cornwall, Midsummer 1947. Pendizack Manor Hotel is buried in the rubble of a collapsed cliff. Seven guests have perished, but what brought this strange assembly together for a moonlit feast before this Act of God - or Man? Over the week before the landslide, we meet the hotel guests in all their eccentric glory: and as friendships form and romances blossom, sins are revealed, and the cracks widen ... (

Podobné produkty ako The Feast , Siguro skleněná mísa feast, 0,75 l (sgr-gw-b075z)

Marple: Twelve New Stories - Kate Mosse, Agatha Christie, Val McDermidová, Ruth Ware, Lucy Foley, Elly Griffiths, Leigh Bardugová, Naomi Aldermanová,


A brand new collection of short stories featuring the Queen of Crime’s legendary detective Jane Marple, penned by twelve remarkable bestselling and acclaimed authors. This collection of twelve original short stories, all featuring Jane Marple, will introduce the character to a whole new generation. Each author reimagines Agatha Christie’s Marple through their own unique perspective while staying true to the hallmarks of a traditional mystery.· Naomi Alderman· Leigh Bardugo· Alyssa Cole· Lucy Foley· Elly Griffiths· Natalie Haynes· Jean Kwok· Val McDermid· Karen M. McManus· Dreda Say Mitchell· Kate Mosse· Ruth Ware Miss Marple was first introduced to readers in a story Christie wrote for The Royal Magazine in 1927 and made her first appearance in a full-length novel in 1930’s The Murder at the Vicarage. It has been 45 years since Agatha Christie’s last Marple novel, Sleeping Murder, was published posthumously in 1976, and this collection of ingenious new stories by twelve Christie devotees will be a timely reminder why Jane Marple remains the most famous fictional female detective of all time. (

Podobné produkty ako Marple: Twelve New Stories - Kate Mosse, Agatha Christie, Val McDermidová, Ruth Ware, Lucy Foley, Elly Griffiths, Leigh Bardugová, Naomi Aldermanová, , Siguro skleněná mísa feast, 1,5 l (sgr-gw-b150z)

Marple: Twelve New Stories (Defekt) - Kate Mosse, Agatha Christie, Val McDermidová, Ruth Ware, Lucy Foley, Elly Griffiths, Leigh Bardugová, Naomi Alde


A brand new collection of short stories featuring the Queen of Crime’s legendary detective Jane Marple, penned by twelve remarkable bestselling and acclaimed authors. This collection of twelve original short stories, all featuring Jane Marple, will introduce the character to a whole new generation. Each author reimagines Agatha Christie’s Marple through their own unique perspective while staying true to the hallmarks of a traditional mystery.· Naomi Alderman· Leigh Bardugo· Alyssa Cole· Lucy Foley· Elly Griffiths· Natalie Haynes· Jean Kwok· Val McDermid· Karen M. McManus· Dreda Say Mitchell· Kate Mosse· Ruth Ware Miss Marple was first introduced to readers in a story Christie wrote for The Royal Magazine in 1927 and made her first appearance in a full-length novel in 1930’s The Murder at the Vicarage. It has been 45 years since Agatha Christie’s last Marple novel, Sleeping Murder, was published posthumously in 1976, and this collection of ingenious new stories by twelve Christie devotees will be a timely reminder why Jane Marple remains the most famous fictional female detective of all time. (

Podobné produkty ako Marple: Twelve New Stories (Defekt) - Kate Mosse, Agatha Christie, Val McDermidová, Ruth Ware, Lucy Foley, Elly Griffiths, Leigh Bardugová, Naomi Alde , Siguro skleněná mísa feast, 1 l (sgr-gw-b100z)

Heroes' Feast Flavors of the Multiverse - Kyle Newman, Jon Peterson


Never adventure on an empty stomach! From the D&D experts behind the bestselling Heroes’ Feast comes Heroes’ Feast Flavors of the Multiverse,a mouthwatering cookbook stuffed with eclectic fare for solo adventurers and party quests alike. This culinary tour presents original recipes inspired by regions and settings from across the Forgotten Realms and beyond. All seventy-six dishes, developed by a professional chef from one of the country’s top test kitchens, are delicious, easy to prepare, and composed of ingredients readily found in our world.The immersive recipes in Heroes’ Feast Flavors of the Multiverse are perfect for sharing and entertaining. Dishes are organized by location with options for every occasion—especially game nights!—including• otherworldly appetizers such as Talyth and Goldenstars• savory main courses such as Steak of the Deep and Eldeen Banquet• alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages such as Elverquist and Kaeth• and desserts such as Green Ice Rime and Vada’s Vanilla Bean BunsAdventure has never tasted so good! (

Podobné produkty ako Heroes' Feast Flavors of the Multiverse - Kyle Newman, Jon Peterson , Siguro skleněná mísa feast, 2,5 l (sgr-gw-b250z)

Heroes' Feast (Dungeons & Dragons): The Official Dungeons & Dragons Cookbook (1984858904)

Heroes' Feast (Dungeons & Dragons): The Official Dungeons & Dragons Cookbook (1984858904)

Kniha - autor Kyle Newman; Jon Peterson; Michael Witwer, 240 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá (

Podobné produkty ako Heroes' Feast (Dungeons & Dragons): The Official Dungeons & Dragons Cookbook (1984858904) , Panenka lucy den v butiku (8590756861960)

The Midnight Hunt (The Midnight Hour book 3) - Benjamin Read, Laura Trinder


The third and final adventure in Benjamin Read and Laura Trinder's magical Midnight Hour series! 'A fantastic magical adventure featuring a cast of Ghibli-esque characters, a feisty heroine and a hedgehog. I loved it.' M.G. LEONARD, author of BEETLE BOY on book 1'Fans of Nevermoor will love this' THE BOOKSELLER on book 1 'I haven't enjoyed this kind of caper so much since Harry Potter' NEW STATESMAN on book 1 'Pure delight' THE GUARDIAN ON BOOK 1 Emily is locked out of the Midnight Hour, and things have grown dangerously dark in Victorian London. Her friends and family are on the run from the terrifying Midnight Hunt, while the foul Make Britain Dark Again party schemes to break the spell that keeps both worlds safe. It's going to take more than just Emily's big mouth to fix this one. But how's a girl meant to save the day (and night) when she's all out of snacks and her possibly-magic pocket hedgehog is hibernating? The ingeniously-plotted finale to the much-loved Midnight Hour trilogy, which began with The Midnight Hour and The Midnight Howl A hilarious, spooky adventure full of genuine scares and belly laughs! Coraline meets A Wrinkle in Time: all the makings of a modern classic (

Podobné produkty ako The Midnight Hunt (The Midnight Hour book 3) - Benjamin Read, Laura Trinder , Laceto lucy pink (lt-pb-413a)

A Dance With Dragons, part 2: After the Feast - George R.R. Martin


HBO's hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin's internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A DANCE WITH DRAGONS: AFTER THE FEAST is the SECOND part of the fifth volume in the series. The future of the Seven Kingdoms hangs in the balance. In King's Landing the Queen Regent, Cersei Lannister, awaits trial, abandoned by all those she trusted; while in the eastern city of Yunkai her brother Tyrion has been sold as a slave. From the Wall, having left his wife and the Red Priestess Melisandre under the protection of Jon Snow, Stannis Baratheon marches south to confront the Boltons at Winterfell. But beyond the Wall the wildling armies are massing for an assault...On all sides bitter conflicts are reigniting, played out by a grand cast of outlaws and priests, soldiers and skinchangers, nobles and slaves. The tides of destiny will inevitably lead to the greatest dance of all. (

Podobné produkty ako A Dance With Dragons, part 2: After the Feast - George R.R. Martin , Lucy interaktivní pejsek sing & dance (8421134905047)

A Dance with Dragons, part 2: After the Feast - George R.R. Martin


HBO's hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin's internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A DANCE WITH DRAGONS: AFTER THE FEAST is the SECOND part of the fifth volume in the series. 'Vivid, rich, multi-layered and utterly addictive' Daily Express. (

Podobné produkty ako A Dance with Dragons, part 2: After the Feast - George R.R. Martin , Stadler form lucy black (l-038)

The Midnight Gang (0008164622)

The Midnight Gang (0008164622)

Kniha - 476 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako The Midnight Gang (0008164622) , Ahastyle silikonový kryt pro airpods 3 midnight-blue (pt177-midnight-blue)

The Midnight Library (1786892731)

The Midnight Library (1786892731)

Kniha - autor Matt Haig, 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako The Midnight Library (1786892731) , Tiny changes: a celebration of frightened rabbit's 'the midnight organ fight' (2x lp) - lp (9029552561)

The Song of the Huntress - Lucy Holland


Britain, 60 AD. Hoping to save her lover and her land from the Romans, Herla makes a desperate pact with the Otherworld King. She becomes Lord of the Hunt and for centuries she rides, reaping wanderers souls.Until the night she meets a woman on a bloody battlefield a Saxon queen with ice-blue eyes. Queen thelburg of Wessex is a proven fighter, but after a battlefield defeat she finds her husbands court turning against her. Yet King Ine needs thel more than ever: the dead kings of Wessex are waking, and Ine must master his bloodlines ancient magic if they are to survive. When their paths cross, Herla knows its no coincidence. Something dark and dangerous is at work in the Wessex court.As she and thel grow closer, Herla must find her humanity and a way to break the curse before its too late. Striking, bold and beautifully written Angela Slatter, author of The Briar Book of the Dead. (

Podobné produkty ako The Song of the Huntress - Lucy Holland , Nici plyšová ovečka jolly lucy 25cm (4012390485349)

The Midnight Star - Marie Lu

The Midnight Star - Marie Lu

The thrilling finale to the New York Times bestselling Young Elites series from Marie Lu. There was once a time when darkness shrouded the world, and the darkness had a queen. Adelina Amouteru is done suffering. She's turned her back on those who have betrayed her and achieved the ultimate revenge: victory. Her reign as the White Wolf has been a triumphant one, but the darkness within her has begun to spiral out of control, threatening to destroy everything. When a new danger appears, Adelina must join the Daggers on a perilous quest in order to save herself and preserve her empire. But this uneasy alliance may prove to be the real danger ... (

Podobné produkty ako The Midnight Star - Marie Lu , Oclean f1 midnight-blue (e.aa00140)

The Midnight Guardians - Ross Montgomery

The Midnight Guardians - Ross Montgomery

Sometimes at the darkest hour, hope shines the brightest… When Col's childhood imaginary friends come to life, he discovers a world where myths and legends are real. Accompanied by his guardians - a six-foot tiger, a badger in a waistcoat and a miniature knight - Col must race to Blitz-bombed London to save his sister. But there are darker forces at work, even than the Nazi bombings. Soon Col is pursued by the terrifying Midwinter King, who is determined to bring an eternal darkness down over everything. PRAISE FOR THE MIDNIGHT GUARDIANS "Beautifully drawn fantasy characters ... a story of hope and love underpinned by witty humour.” Daily Mail "A magical slice of historical fantasy fiction.” i Newspaper "This lovely adventure story has the feel of a classic children's book." Book of the Week, The Week Junior "Ross Montgomery's beautiful writing and epic storytelling weave together a magical adventure set against the backdrop of World War Two.” WRD Magazine "Spectacular. A story of real and rare power - The Midnight Guardians is one of the best books I've read in years." Kiran Millwood Hargrave "The Midnight Guardians is torch-under-the-duvet, can't-stop-reading magic. British folklore rebooted … in an edge-of-your-seat, heart-filled search for hope in the darkest hour." Piers Torday "Embark on a mythic, comic, classic adventure with the finest fellowship since Frodo set a hairy foot beyond the Shire.” David Solomons (

Podobné produkty ako The Midnight Guardians - Ross Montgomery , Equa plain midnight 600ml (2409)

The Midnight Lock - Jeffery Deaver


The "master of ticking-bomb suspense" Jeffery Deaver brings us the latest thriller featuring his most beloved protagonists. Lincoln Rhyme and Amelia Sachs are back - on the hunt for a criminal terrorising New York CityA killer without limitsHe comes into your home at night. He watches you as you sleep. He waits.A city in turmoilHe calls himself 'The Locksmith'. No door can keep him out. No security system can catch him. And now he's about to kill.A race against time to stop himNobody in New York is safe. Now it's up to Lincoln Rhyme to untangle the web of evidence and catch him.But with Lincoln under investigation himself, and tension in the city at boiling point, time is running out... (

Podobné produkty ako The Midnight Lock - Jeffery Deaver , Nqi sport midnight black gloss

The Midnight News - Jo Bakerová


It is 1940 and twenty-year-old Charlotte Richmond watches from her attic window as enemy planes fly over London. Still grieving her beloved brother who never returned from France, she is working hard to keep her own little life ticking over: holding down a dull typist job at the Ministry of Information, sharing gin and confidences with her best friend Elena, and dodging her difficult father. She has good reason to keep her head down and stay out of trouble. She knows what happens when she makes a nuisance of herself.On her way to work she often sees the boy who feeds the birds - a source of unexpected joy amidst the rubble of the Blitz. But every day brings new scenes of devastation, and after yet another heartbreaking loss Charlotte has an uncanny sense of foreboding. Someone is stalking the darkness, targeting her friends. And now he is following her.She no longer knows who to trust. She can't even trust herself. She knows this; her family have told so her often enough. As grief and suspicion consume her, Charlotte's nerves become increasingly frayed, and soon her very freedom is under threat . . .Riveting and deeply moving, The Midnight News is a tour de force from Sunday Times bestselling author Jo Baker - a breathtaking story of friendship, love and war. (

Podobné produkty ako The Midnight News - Jo Bakerová , Osprey rook midnight blue (sptosp734nad)

The Midnight Lock - Jeffery Deaver


The "master of ticking-bomb suspense" Jeffery Deaver brings us the latest thriller featuring his most beloved protagonists. Lincoln Rhyme and Amelia Sachs are back - on the hunt for a criminal terrorising New York CityA killer without limitsHe comes into your home at night. He watches you as you sleep. He waits.A city in turmoilHe calls himself 'The Locksmith'. No door can keep him out. No security system can catch him. And now he's about to kill.A race against time to stop himNobody in New York is safe. Now it's up to Lincoln Rhyme to untangle the web of evidence and catch him.But with Lincoln under investigation himself, and tension in the city at boiling point, time is running out... (

Podobné produkty ako The Midnight Lock - Jeffery Deaver , Nitro rambler cold midnight (sptnit282nad)

The Midnight News - Jo Bakerová


'A tour-de-force' IRISH TIMES'Riveting and moving' NINA STIBBE'Gripping' THE TIMES'It had me by the throat' EMMA DONOGHUELondon, 1940. As enemy planes fly over the city, twenty-year-old Charlotte Richmond is trying to make the best of things. She has a dull but steady job at the Ministry of Information, a friend to share gin and secrets with, and an attic room of her own.All she has to do is keep her head down. She knows where her father will send her if she makes a nuisance of herself again. But amid the chaos of the Blitz, Charlotte's grip on reality starts slipping.Is someone following her in the blackouts, or is her mind playing tricks on her? In a city where nothing is safe, it's hard to know who to trust - until she meets the boy who feeds the birds . . .'Glorious' RED'A marvel of storytelling' FRANCIS SPUFFORD'Impressive' DAILY TELEGRAPH'A master storyteller' i PAPER (

Podobné produkty ako The Midnight News - Jo Bakerová , Kinderkraft easytwist midnight green (5902533914500)

The Midnight House - Amanda Geard


. . 1940: In south-west Ireland, the young and beautiful Lady Charlotte Rathmore is pronounced dead after she mysteriously disappears by the lake of Blackwater Hall.In London, on the brink of the Blitz, Nancy Rathmore is grieving Charlotte's death when a letter arrives containing a secret that she is sworn to keep - one that will change her life for ever. 2019: Disgraced young journalist Ellie Fitzgerald flees Dublin for the safety of rural Kerry. When she discovers a faded letter, tucked inside the pages of an old book from Blackwater Hall, she finds herself drawn in by the mystery of Lady Charlotte's disappearance, and uncovers a long-buried secret... (

Podobné produkty ako The Midnight House - Amanda Geard , Midnight oil: resist - cd (0194399058824)

The Midnight Bargain - C. L. Polk


Magic meets Bridgerton in the Regency fantasy everyone is talking about...Beatrice Clayborn is a sorceress who practices magic in secret, terrified of the day she will be locked into a marital collar to cut off her powers. She dreams of becoming a full-fledged mage, but her family are in severe debt, and only her marriage can save them.Beatrice finds a grimoire with the key to becoming a mage, but a rival sorceress swindles the book right out of her hands. Beatrice summons a spirit to help, but her new ally exacts a price: Beatrice's first kiss . . . with the sorceress's brother: the handsome, compassionate, and fabulously wealthy Ianthe Lavan.From the World Fantasy Award-winning author of Witchmark comes a sweeping, romantic new fantasy set in a world reminiscent of Regency England, where women's magic is taken from them when they marry. A sorceress must balance her desire to become the first great female magician against her duty to her family. (

Podobné produkty ako The Midnight Bargain - C. L. Polk

The Midnight Lock (Defekt) - Jeffery Deaver


The "master of ticking-bomb suspense" Jeffery Deaver brings us the latest thriller featuring his most beloved protagonists. Lincoln Rhyme and Amelia Sachs are back - on the hunt for a criminal terrorising New York CityA killer without limitsHe comes into your home at night. He watches you as you sleep. He waits.A city in turmoilHe calls himself 'The Locksmith'. No door can keep him out. No security system can catch him. And now he's about to kill.A race against time to stop himNobody in New York is safe. Now it's up to Lincoln Rhyme to untangle the web of evidence and catch him.But with Lincoln under investigation himself, and tension in the city at boiling point, time is running out... (

Podobné produkty ako The Midnight Lock (Defekt) - Jeffery Deaver

Process: Overcoming the Impossible - Lucy Spraggan


The chart-topping singer/songwriter's powerful story, told for the first time, in her own words. (

Podobné produkty ako Process: Overcoming the Impossible - Lucy Spraggan

The Ingredients of Happiness - Lucy Burdette


Is there a recipe for the perfect life?Thirty-two-year-old 'happiness guru' Dr Cooper Hunziker has it all - a dream job as assistant psychology professor at Yale University, a soon-to-be published self-help book, The Happiness Connection, and the perfect man. But there's a problem. Cooper isn't happy.Of course, it doesn't help that she's facing cut-throat competition for her tenure at Yale, an accusation of plagiarism that could cost her everything, or that her new book has irritated the department chairman, who assigns her to co-lead a happiness group at the New Haven Library.As her friendship with the other women in the group flourishes, Cooper finds herself questioning her choices. Forced to face a life-changing betrayal and her own traumatic past, can she navigate a path to happiness with the help of a gargoyle's wisdom? (

Podobné produkty ako The Ingredients of Happiness - Lucy Burdette

Lucy by the Sea - Elizabeth Stroutová


From the Pulitzer prize-winning author of MY NAME IS LUCY BARTON - available for pre-order now'It is a gift in this life that we do not know what awaits us'In March 2020 Lucy's ex-husband William pleads with her to leave New York and escape to a coastal house he has rented in Maine. Lucy reluctantly agrees, leaving the washing-up in the sink, expecting to be back in a week or two. Weeks turn into months, and it's just Lucy, William, and their complex past together in a little house nestled against the sea.Rich with empathy and a searing clarity, Lucy by the Sea evokes the fragility and uncertainty of the recent past, as well as the possibilities that those long, quiet days can inspire. At the heart of this miraculous novel are the deep human connections that sustain us, even as the world seems to be falling apart.'A superbly gifted storyteller and a craftswoman in a league of her own' Hilary Mantel'A terrific writer' Zadie Smith'She gets better with each book' Maggie O'Farrell (

Podobné produkty ako Lucy by the Sea - Elizabeth Stroutová

The Hot Henry Effect - Lucy Chalice


When a mishap with a pain au chocolat ruins the most important presentation of Dr Clara Clancy’s career, the last person she expects to come to her rescue is the impossibly good-looking and all-round super-nice guy from her university days, Dr Henry Fraser.. Back during their time together at Oxford, Clara was seemingly the only person immune to The Hot Henry Effect – a genuine scientific phenomenon whereby those around Henry fall instantly and helplessly in love with him, the outcomes of which he has remained entirely oblivious to.? Now, reunited and back working together, it’s not long before they slip back into their easy friendship.But both Henry and Clara are keeping secrets – if they can’t be honest with themselves, what hope is there of them being honest with each other? And will Clara really be able to resist the Hot Henry Effect for long? (

Podobné produkty ako The Hot Henry Effect - Lucy Chalice

The Day We Disappeared - Lucy Robinson

The Day We Disappeared - Lucy Robinson

Annie has a secret. But if she's not going to tell, we won't either. It's a heart-breaking secret she wishes she didn't have - yet Annie isn't broken, not quite yet. Especially now there's someone out there who seems determined to fix her. Kate has run aw (

Podobné produkty ako The Day We Disappeared - Lucy Robinson

Pracovní stolek Foley

Pracovní stolek Foley

Na podrobném popisu k produktu Pracovní stolek Foley pracujeme. (

Podobné produkty ako Pracovní stolek Foley

The Lonely Hearts Book Club - Lucy Gilmore


A young librarian and an old curmudgeon forge the unlikeliest of friendships in this charming uplit novel about one misfit book club and the lives it changed along the way. Because books have a way of bringing even the loneliest of souls together... Sloane Parker lives a small, contained life as a librarian in her small, contained town.She never thinks of herself as lonely...but still she looks forward to that time every day when old curmudgeon Arthur McLachlan comes to browse the shelves and cheerfully insult her. Their sparring is such a highlight of Sloane's day that when Arthur doesn't show up one morning, she's instantly concerned. And then another day passes, and another.Anxious, Sloane tracks the old man down only to discover him all but bedridden...and desperately struggling to hide how happy he is to see her. Wanting to bring more cheer into Arthur's gloomy life, Sloane creates an impromptu book club. Slowly, the lonely misfits of their sleepy town begin to find each other, and in their book club, find the joy of unlikely friendship.Because as it turns out, everyone has a special book in their heart-and a reason to get lost (and eventually found) within the pages. (

Podobné produkty ako The Lonely Hearts Book Club - Lucy Gilmore

The Second Midnight - Andrew Taylor

The Second Midnight - Andrew Taylor

From the No. 1 Sunday Times bestselling author comes a World War Two tale of one boy's fight for survival in Nazi EuropeA secret mission...1939. As Europe teeters on the brink of war, Alfred Kendall is tasked with carrying out a minor mission for the British Intelligence Service. Travelling to Prague, he takes his troubled young son, Hugh, as cover.A terrible choice...When Hitler invades Czechoslovakia, Alfred is given an ultimatum by the Czech Resistance. They will arrange for him to return to England, but only if he leaves his son Hugh behind as collateral.A young boy stranded in Nazi terrain...Hugh is soon taken under the wing of a Nazi colonel - Helmuth Scholl. But even though Scholl treats Hugh well, his son, Heinz, is suspicious of this foreigner. And as the war across the continent intensifies, they are set on a path that will ultimately lead towards destruction... (

Podobné produkty ako The Second Midnight - Andrew Taylor

Škandalózny vojvoda - Gaelen Foley


Gaelen Foley, populárna autorka historických romancí, sa už roky teší veľkej obľube aj u slovenských čitateľov. Po úspešnej trilógii Ostrov Ascencion sme tentoraz pre nich pripravili úvodnú novelu a prvý diel najnovšej regentskej série s názvom Moonlight Square.Po tom, čo sa v úvodnej novele zoznámime s Gableom a Trinny, ktorých osud zvedie dohromady jednej mesačnej noci, prichádza na rad hľadanie lásky ich priateľov Jasona a Felicity v románe Škandalózny vojvoda. Zvodca Jason Hawthorne, vojvoda Netherford, si nikdy nevšímal mladšiu sestru svojho najlepšieho priateľa, ba čo viac, pred šiestimi rokmi jej dal jasne najavo, že medzi nimi nikdy nič nebude. Má rád voľnosť, lenže postupne si uvedomí, že telesné pôžitky sa mu už prejedli. Keď ho jedného dňa v Londýne vyhľadá Felicity Carvelová, je z nej krásna zrelá žena. Nedávno zdedila slušný majetok, a tak sa o ňu zaujímajú rôzni muži. Jason si uvedomí, že ju musí pred lovcami vena chrániť, kým sa z cudziny nevráti jej brat. Felicity je nútená prijať jeho ochranu, navyše ich to k sebe čoraz väčšmi ťahá. A tak si mladá žena povie, že Jasona získa len pre seba. Zahráva sa s ohňom, no dúfa, že tentoraz jej škandalózny vojvoda podľahne... (

Podobné produkty ako Škandalózny vojvoda - Gaelen Foley

Emily Windsnap and the Land of the Midnight Sun - Liz Kesslerová


Emily is on a secret mission for the King in the fifth magical mermaid adventure in the NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING series, now in a new edition with a gorgeous cover look. Emily and Aaron are sent on a top secret mission by King Neptune. The king has been having nightmares he doesn't understand and he knows only that Emily and Aaron must go to the Land of the Midnight Sun to avoid catastrophe. But when the friends arrive in this icy world of mountains and glaciers, they uncover a mystery more dangerous than they ever imagined. A magical adventure about the power of friendship. (

Podobné produkty ako Emily Windsnap and the Land of the Midnight Sun - Liz Kesslerová

The Midnight - Monsters (Clear/Purple Splatter Coloured) (2 LP)

The Midnight - Monsters (Clear/Purple Splatter Coloured) (2 LP)

Vydavatelství: Counter Records Složení setu: 2 ks Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Barva podle výrobce: Clear/Purple Splatter Typ: Barevná;Album;LP deska;Limitovaná edice;Nové vydání Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Rok vydání: 2021.0 Země původu: Německo Země interpreta: USA Subžánr: Synth-pop;Synthwave Interpret / Téma: The Midnight Varianta: Monsters (Clear/Purple Splatter Coloured) (2 LP) Barva: Fialová;Průhledná Žánr: Elektronický Balení obsahuje: LP (

Podobné produkty ako The Midnight - Monsters (Clear/Purple Splatter Coloured) (2 LP)

Béžovo-černá vyztužená podprsenka The Lucy Longline Bra

Béžovo-černá vyztužená podprsenka The Lucy Longline Bra

Béžovo-černá vyztužená podprsenka The Lucy Longline Bra z kategorie Dámské podprsenky značky Rene Rofe, velikost , barva černá. (

Podobné produkty ako Béžovo-černá vyztužená podprsenka The Lucy Longline Bra

Agatha Christie: The Sunday Times Bestseller - Lucy Worsleyová


'One brilliant woman writing about another: an irresistible combination.' - Antonia Fraser'One of the most delightful biographies I have ever read.' - A.N. Wilson'Reading Worsley is as enjoyable as reading Christie herself.' - Ruth Scurr'Full of unique insight, eye opening detail, sharp analysis... Gripping.' - Kate Williams 'Nobody in the world was more inadequate to act the heroine than I was.'Why did Agatha Christie spend her career pretending that she was 'just' an ordinary housewife, when clearly she wasn't? As Lucy Worsley says, 'She was thrillingly, scintillatingly modern'.She went surfing in Hawaii, she loved fast cars, and she was intrigued by the new science of psychology, which helped her through devastating mental illness. So why - despite all the evidence to the contrary - did Agatha present herself as a retiring Edwardian lady of leisure? She was born in 1890 into a world which had its own rules about what women could and couldn't do. Lucy Worsley's biography is not just of an internationally renowned bestselling writer.It's also the story of a person who, despite the obstacles of class and gender, became an astonishingly successful working woman. With access to personal letters and papers that have rarely been seen, Lucy Worsley's biography is both authoritative and entertaining and makes us realise what an extraordinary pioneer Agatha Christie was - truly a woman who wrote the twentieth century. (

Podobné produkty ako Agatha Christie: The Sunday Times Bestseller - Lucy Worsleyová

The Best Days of Our Lives - Lucy Diamond


'Deeply moving' Katie Fforde'Wise and wonderful' Veronica Henry'Compelling and beautifully written' Sarah MorganThe McKenzies are your average complicated family: knotted together by in-jokes, arguments and a few closely-guarded secrets. Thirty-something sisters Leni and Alice became inseparable following the divorce of their parents, Belinda and Tony, with younger brother Will always trying to keep up. They're not perfect, but they love each other - most of the time, anyway.But then one ordinary summer day, an accident changes the family forever. Questions arise, guilt surfaces and secrets begin to emerge. Scattered by grief and seeking comfort in the unlikeliest of places, can the McKenzies find their way back to each other?Set over the course of one life-changing year, The Best Days of Our Lives is a warm, big-hearted and poignant story, full of hope, heartache and love. (

Podobné produkty ako The Best Days of Our Lives - Lucy Diamond

Sticker Dolly Dressing At the Stables - Lucy Bowman


Select outfits for the dolls as they indulge in their passion for horses and ponies. Choose their clothes for grooming, feeding and cleaning out at the stables, going for a trek in the countryside and taking part in pony games and show jumping events (

Podobné produkty ako Sticker Dolly Dressing At the Stables - Lucy Bowman

Things We Hide From The Light - Lucy Score


Police Chief Nash Morgan is known for two things: being a good guy and the way his uniform accentuates his rear end.But two bullets put a dent in his Southern charm and now he's facing a criminal still on the loose and a town full of citizens that consider the law more of a 'guideline'. The last thing he needs is the leggy, smart-mouthed Lina Solavita moving in next door, making him feel things he doesn't have the energy to feel.Lina is on a mission. As soon as she gets what she's after, she has no intention of sticking around. The town of Knockemout has other ideas. Soon she finds herself sucked into small-town life. Dog-sitting. Saying yes to a bridesmaid's dress. Listening to the sexy chief of police in the shower.But when Nash discovers Lina's secret these friends become furious enemies - though the sparks flying between them don't know the difference between love and hate. (

Podobné produkty ako Things We Hide From The Light - Lucy Score

Diář The Original, A5, Midnight Blue


V jednoduchosti je krása, a právě to dokazuje diář z oblíbené kolekce The Original ve velikosti A5. Moderní varianta ikonického designu společně s kvalitní a odolnou kůží v černé barvě odkazují na původní vzhled diářů Filofax. A to včetně malého detailu na patentu zapínání připomínající rok 1921, kdy byla společnost založena.HLAVNÍ PŘEDNOSTI pevná hovězí kůže silné sedlové prošívání flexibilní konstrukce desek s čistými liniemi multifunkční elastický držák zapínání na pásek s logem na patentu poutko na pero náplň Classic papír vhodný pro plnicí pera 80 g/m2 (

Podobné produkty ako Diář The Original, A5, Midnight Blue

The Kitchen Garden: Sowing, growing and cooking for the garden enthusiast - Lucy Mora


The book features fifty-five plant profiles ranging from the everyday to the utterly unique, from broccoli to cape gooseberries. Each profile has a hero illustration and an easy-to-comprehend table detailing the most important information: when to sow and harvest; growing time; space needed between plants; optimal soil pH; whether the plant will tolerate pots and frost; and each plant's companions and dislikes.A planting chart summarising the most useful information from the plant profiles is also included, along with guidance on the different climate zones and how best to start your kitchen garden. With an emphasis on seasons rather than months, the book is a beautiful and practical gift for a garden enthusiast, whether they live in the northern or southern hemisphere. (

Podobné produkty ako The Kitchen Garden: Sowing, growing and cooking for the garden enthusiast - Lucy Mora
Dark Millennium: Midnight In The Void - CD (4028466912824), Puzzle Feast 1000 dílků (5060602330320), Lucy - DVD (U00543), Bodom After Midnight: Paint The Sky With Blood - CD (NPR1027DP), Lucy - Blu-ray (U00309), Dexys Midnight Runners: Searching For The Young Soul Rebels - LP (9029519531), Top Light Lucy C - LED stolní lampa LUCY LED/5W/230V (66843), Top Light Lucy B - LED stolní lampa LUCY LED/5W/230V (66845), ABUS JC 8670 LUCY (4003318901256), Top Light Lucy P C - LED Stojací lampa LUCY LED/5W/230V (66856), Top Light Lucy KL B - LED lampa s klipem LUCY LED/5W/230V (66851), Top Light Lucy KL C - LED lampa s klipem LUCY LED/5W/230V (66847), Siguro Skleněná mísa Feast, 0,75 l (SGR-GW-B075Z), Siguro Skleněná mísa Feast, 1,5 l (SGR-GW-B150Z), Siguro Skleněná mísa Feast, 1 l (SGR-GW-B100Z), Siguro Skleněná mísa Feast, 2,5 l (SGR-GW-B250Z), Panenka Lucy den v butiku (8590756861960), Laceto LUCY Pink (LT-PB-413A), LUCY interaktivní pejsek sing & dance (8421134905047), Stadler Form Lucy Black (L-038), AhaStyle silikonový kryt pro AirPods 3 Midnight-Blue (PT177-midnight-blue), Tiny Changes: A Celebration of Frightened Rabbit's 'The Midnight Organ Fight' (2x LP) - LP (9029552561), NICI plyšová Ovečka Jolly Lucy 25cm (4012390485349), Oclean F1 Midnight-Blue (E.AA00140), Equa Plain Midnight 600ml (2409), NQi SPORT Midnight Black Gloss, Osprey Rook midnight blue (SPTosp734nad), Nitro Rambler Cold Midnight (SPTnit282nad), Kinderkraft Easytwist Midnight Green (5902533914500), Midnight Oil: Resist - CD (0194399058824)