The kinfolk garden - john burns

Produkt The kinfolk garden - john burns sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu The kinfolk garden - john burns upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

The Kinfolk Garden - John Burns


The next book in the highly successful Kinfolk series, The Kinfolk Garden invites readers inside 30 spaces that blur the lines between indoors and out, from jungle-like rooftops to sprawling backyards. Featuring 30 inspiring people and places around the globe, The Kinfolk Garden offers an easy approach to bringing nature into your life. Following on from The Kinfolk Table, Home and Entrepreneur, the latest book from the team behind Kinfolk magazine focusses on beautiful spaces that bring the outdoors in and the indoors out. Divided into chapters on Care, Creativity and Community, the book explores the garden as a place for work, play, entertaining, and inspiration. Explore lush gardens and plant-filled homes, meet the inspiring people who coax them into bloom and learn from the experts about everything from arranging to eating plants and flowers. (

Podobné produkty ako The Kinfolk Garden - John Burns

Skroť svoje nepokojné srdce - John Burns - e-kniha


eBook: Dielo Františka Saleského Návod na nábožný život už vyše štyristo rokov slúži ako príručka na živšie a autentickejšie kráčanie v Ježišových šľapajach. Otec Burns mu teraz v knihe Skroť svoje nepokojné srdce dáva nový šat. Zrozumiteľným a pritom moderným jazykom tlmočí meditácie svätca a pozýva nás vydať sa na desaťdňovú duchovnú púť. Počas nej nás chce po boku Františka Saleského, Panny Márie i anjela strážcu podnietiť k aktívnej snahe o svätosť a nábožnosť. Na začiatku je nutné pripustiť si všetky limity a obmedzenia a prosiť Boha o pomoc a posilu. Potom sa môžeme vydať do ťažšieho terénu tém, ako je smrť, súd, nebeská blaženosť verzus večný zármutok. V priebehu putovania sa naučíme rozlišovať dobro a zlo, nanovo si usporiadame svoje hodnoty, aby lepšie odzrkadľovali našu lásku k Bohu i blížnym. Osvojíme si postoj vďačnosti a pochopíme, že sme závislí od Boha. Napokon preniknutí krásou nebeského raja, zatúžime konať tak, ako konal Ježiš. Tak teda neváhajme, naštartujme alebo reštartujme svoj duchovný život a vyjdime v ústrety nebu už tu na zemi. Knihe bol v pôvodnom anglickom vydaní udelený Imprimatur. (

Podobné produkty ako Skroť svoje nepokojné srdce - John Burns - e-kniha , Denver john: the album - cd (4260494433432)

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil - Berendt John


Four years on The New York Times bestseller listPublished for the first time in flipback - the new, portable, stylish format that's taken Europe by storm.Genteel society ladies who compare notes on their husbands' suicides. A hilariously foul-mouthed black drag queen. A voodoo priestess who works her roots in the graveyard at midnight. A morose inventor who owns a bottle of poison powerful enough to kill everyone in town. A prominent antiques dealer who hangs a Nazi flag from his window to disrupt the shooting of a movie. And a redneck gigolo whose conquests describe him as a 'walking streak of sex'.These are some of the real residents of Savannah, Georgia, a city whose eccentric mores are unerringly observed - and whose dirty linen is gleefully aired - in this utterly irresistible book. At once a true-crime murder story and a hugely entertaining and deliciously perverse travelogue, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is as bracing and intoxicating as half-a-dozen mint juleps.Biographical Notes John Berendt is a journalist and former editor of New York magazine. His first book, MIDNIGHT IN THE GARDEN OF GOOD AND EVIL, was an international bestseller. He lives in New York. (

Podobné produkty ako Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil - Berendt John , John elton: the captain and the kid - lp (4505532)

Kinfolk Volume 27 (1941815308)

Kinfolk Volume 27 (1941815308)

Kniha - 192 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako Kinfolk Volume 27 (1941815308) , Hooker john lee: the album - cd (7619943022302)



Vermione GEL + Vermione STRONG (

Podobné produkty ako BURNS , Mayall john & the bluesbreakers: silver tones: the best of - cd (8718627233115)

Autonomy : The Quest to Build the Driverless Car and How it Will Reshape Our World - Lawrence D. Burns, Shulgan Christopher

Autonomy : The Quest to Build the Driverless Car and How it Will Reshape Our World - Lawrence D. Burns, Shulgan Christopher

'A fascinating hybrid. Part freewheeling history of the rise of the modern autonomous vehicle, part intimate memoir from an insider who was on the front lines for much of that history, Autonomy will more than bring readers up to speed on one of today's most closely watched technologies' Brian Merchant, author of The One Device From the ultimate insider - a former General Motors executive and current advisor to the Google Self-Driving Car project - comes the definitive story of the race between Google, Tesla and Uber to create the driverless car. We stand on the brink of a technological revolution. In the near future, most of us will not own automobiles, but will travel instead in driverless electric vehicles summoned at the touch of an app. We will be liberated from driving, so that the time we spend in cars can be put to more productive use. We will prevent more than 90 percent of car crashes, provide freedom of mobility to the elderly and disabled and decrease our dependence on fossil fuels. Autonomy tells the story of the maverick engineers and computer experts who triggered the revolution. Lawrence Burns - long-time adviser to the Google self-driving car project (now Waymo) and former corporate vice president of research, development and planning at General Motors - provides the perfectly timed history of how we arrived at this point, in a character-driven and vivid account of the unlikely thinkers who accomplished what billion-dollar automakers never dared. Beginning at a 2004 off-road robot race across the Mojave Desert with a million-dollar purse and continuing up to the current stampede to develop driverless technology, Autonomy is a page-turning chronicle of the past, a diagnosis of the present and a prediction of the future - the ultimate guide to understanding the driverless car and to navigating the revolution it has less (

Podobné produkty ako Autonomy : The Quest to Build the Driverless Car and How it Will Reshape Our World - Lawrence D. Burns, Shulgan Christopher , Echo & the bunnymen: the john peel sessions 1979-1983 - cd (9029546020)

The Kitchen Garden: Sowing, growing and cooking for the garden enthusiast - Lucy Mora


The book features fifty-five plant profiles ranging from the everyday to the utterly unique, from broccoli to cape gooseberries. Each profile has a hero illustration and an easy-to-comprehend table detailing the most important information: when to sow and harvest; growing time; space needed between plants; optimal soil pH; whether the plant will tolerate pots and frost; and each plant's companions and dislikes.A planting chart summarising the most useful information from the plant profiles is also included, along with guidance on the different climate zones and how best to start your kitchen garden. With an emphasis on seasons rather than months, the book is a beautiful and practical gift for a garden enthusiast, whether they live in the northern or southern hemisphere. (

Podobné produkty ako The Kitchen Garden: Sowing, growing and cooking for the garden enthusiast - Lucy Mora , Prine john: diamonds in the rough - lp (0349784658)

The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden

Audiokniha MP3 Frances Hodgson Burnett, čte Rodilý mluvčí Audiokniha The Secret Garden namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň A2 pro mírně pokročilé posluchače. One day, in India, nine-year old Mary wakes up and finds that she is completely alone. Back home in England, she is sent to live with an uncle she has never met. His house is a strange, lonely place where she will gradually discover secret after secret in a new and magical world. (

Podobné produkty ako The Secret Garden , Coltrane john: trane - the atlantic collection - lp (8122794068)

Mlíkař - Burns Anna

Mlíkař - Burns Anna

Mlíkař je intimní příběh z dramatického období konfliktu v Severním Irsku. Osmnáctiletá hrdinka žije stejně jako všichni ostatní bez přestání pod drobnohledem okolí – všichni sledují, s kým mluvíte, kam chodíte, co čtete, protože každé sebemenší gesto má svůj význam a napovídá, jestli jste „náš“, nebo patříte „k nim“, nebo jste „zrádce“. Když se o ni začne zajímat o hodně starší ženatý muž, „mlíkař“, známý účastí v odboji, nemá úniku v doslovném ani přeneseném slova smyslu. Není kam odejít a nemůže už hledat útěchu ani v četbě za chůze, ani v běhu po místních parcích – mlíkař je všude a zlé jazyky se nezastaví. (

Podobné produkty ako Mlíkař - Burns Anna , Lord john and the hand of devils (0099278251)

Bonboniera In the garden

Bonboniera In the garden


Podobné produkty ako Bonboniera In the garden , Urgo burns na popaleniny lipidok napl 5x7cm 6ks

The Garden Party (0241341647)

The Garden Party (0241341647)

Kniha - autor Katherine Mansfield, 192 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A windless, warm day greets the Sheridan family on the day of their garden party. As daughter Laura takes the reins on party preparations the news of a neighbour's demise casts a cloud over the host and threatens the entire celebration. The Penguin English Library - collectable general readers' editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century to the end of the Second World War. (

Podobné produkty ako The Garden Party (0241341647) , Echo & the bunnymen: the john peel sessions 1979-1983 (2x lp) - lp (9029549495)

The Secret Garden (0062692577)

The Secret Garden (0062692577)

Kniha - autor Frances Hodgson Burnett, 272 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá The Secret Garden is a novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett first published in book form in 1911, after serialization in The American Magazine (November 1910 – August 1911). When Mary Lennox, the unloved, contrary and spoiled ten-year-old, is found alone in the deserted house after her parents’ death, she is sent to live with an uncle whom she has never known. In Yorkshire, England, at his secluded Misselthwaite Manor, Martha Sowerby, a warm-hearted chambermaid, introduces Mary to the late Mrs. Craven and her private walled garden, which has been locked for years. As Mary becomes curious to explore this secret garden, will she be able to find the key? Published more than a hundred years ago, The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett is a prominent children’s classic. It is regarded as one of the best works of the twentieth century children’s literature. (

Podobné produkty ako The Secret Garden (0062692577) , Mutter anne-sophie: john williams - across the stars - cd (4797553)

Vetřelci dávnověku - Burns Kevin

Vetřelci dávnověku - Burns Kevin

První oficiální doprovodná publikace k hitovému seriálu Vetřelci dávnověku televizní společnosti History: strhující výprava napříč lidskými dějinami zkoumá fascinující, stále nezodpovězené otázky o původu pozemských civilizací. Doplněno předmluvou tvůrce seriálu Kevina Burnse. Miliony lidí na celém světě věří, že nás v minulosti navštěvovaly mimozemské bytosti. Co kdyby to byla pravda? A pokud ano, jaké stopy tu po nich zůstaly? Každý týden na History sledují statisíce diváků nesmírně populární seriál Vetřelci dávnověku, aby se dopátrali odpovědí právě na tyhle otázky – a stali se součástí vzrušujícího zkoumání záhad v samém srdci světových civilizací. První doprovodná kniha hitového seriálu Vetřelci dávnověku zasvětí čtenáře ještě hlouběji do záhad, které z pořadu udělaly popkulturní fenomén. Publikace plná strhujících faktů a zákulisních příběhů předních protagonistů paleoastronautiky, bohatě doplněná kvalitními fotografiemi archeologických záhad, se zabývá těmi stejnými klíčovými otázkami, které vévodily seriálu: Kdo byli? Proč přišli? Co tu po nich zůstalo? Kam odešli? Vrátí se? Čtenáře čeká fantastická cesta po celé planetě. S Vetřelci dávnověku budete zkoumat úchvatná tajemství a záhadné nálezy, které po sobě zanechali naši předkové, od neuvěřitelných objektů až po neskutečně přesné starověké mapy, od pyramid v Gíze a kamenných megalitů v Göbekli Tepe až po náhorní plošinu Nazca a záhadné objekty v Puma Punku. Nádherně ilustrovaná kniha umožňuje zájemcům o archeologii zkoumat důkazy z odlehlých částí světa poprvé zblízka. Skvělý dárek jak pro skalní příznivce seriálu, tak pro ty, kdo ho ještě neviděli. Kniha nabízí úchvatnou exkurzi po záhadách dávnověkých civilizací a je otevřená možnosti, že pozemské kultury byly ve svém vývoji ovlivňovány mimozemskou přítomností. (

Podobné produkty ako Vetřelci dávnověku - Burns Kevin , Coltrane john: in the winner's circle (2012 - remaster) - lp (4050538816198)

Bludiště 1 - Charles Burns


Brian rád kreslí. Kreslí ale nejrůznější podivnosti, které snad ani nejsou z tohoto světa. Občas se taky dostdivně chová. Když k němu na večírku přistoupí krásná Laurie, nemůže z jeho kreseb spustit oči. Brian jizároveň děsí i přitahuje. Co se mu vlastně odehrává v hlavě? Není ten kluk chodící průšvih? A co majíznamenat ty mimozemské medúzy?Bludiště jsou prvním dílem nové trilogie Charlese Burnse, v níž se věnuje lidskému nevědomí, silné kávě istarým černobílým hororům. (

Podobné produkty ako Bludiště 1 - Charles Burns , Hooker, john lee: blues is the healer (10xcd) - cd (222916)

Bludiště 2 - Charles Burns


Brian pořád skvěle kreslí, ale taky se pořád chová dost divně. Jeho vztah s Laurie se komplikuje a situace v partě se následně vyhrotí na na filmařském výletě na chatu u pláže. Zjevení mimozemských medúz rozhodně nikomu na pohodě nepřidá. Odkud pocházejí? Zrodily se snad v bludišti Brianovy mysli? A jak do toho všeho zapadá osamělá maminka, vraždící Pařát a exkluzivní parmezán?Bludiště 2 pokračují v započaté trajektorii – ani v druhém díle chystané trilogie nechybí labilní adolescenti, hlubinné vize či amatérské osmičkové filmy. (

Podobné produkty ako Bludiště 2 - Charles Burns , John elton: elton john - lp (5707094)

Bludiště 3 - Charles Burns


Brian se už nemůže dočkat, až vyrazí s partou vysoko do hor – má v plánu dotočit v divočině společný mysteriózní snímek. A snad najde i chvilku na to, aby si promluvil s Laurie o samotě. Podaří se mu ji během natáčení vysvobodit z mušelínové kukly? Navštíví jejich tábořiště kmen vidláckých kanibalů? A hlavně, přistanou v údolí mimozemské medúzy? Bludiště 3 uzavírají příběh party mladých filmařů v emocionálním finále – Laurie s Brianem musí překonat narůstající úzkost a otevřít poslední dveře. (

Podobné produkty ako Bludiště 3 - Charles Burns , Prine john: john prine - lp (0349784659)

The Day of the Triffids - John Wyndham

The Day of the Triffids - John Wyndham

When Bill Masen wakes up blindfolded in hospital there is a bitter irony in his situation. Carefully removing his bandages, he realizes that he is the only person who can see. This title expresses many of the political concerns of its time: the Cold War, the fear of biological experimentation and the man-made apocalypse. (

Podobné produkty ako The Day of the Triffids - John Wyndham , Hooker john lee: house of the blues (coloured lp) - lp (8436559469500)

The Shadow of the Gods - John Gwynne


The Witcher meets Vikings in this new Norse-inspired fantasy series from acclaimed British author John Gwynne, which will thrill his existing fans as well as being the perfect starting point for new readers THE GREATEST SAGAS ARE WRITTEN IN BLOOD. A century has passed since the gods fought and drove themselves to extinction. Now only their bones remain, promising great power to those brave enough to seek them out.As whispers of war echo across the land of Vigrið, fate follows in the footsteps of three warriors: a huntress on a dangerous quest, a noblewoman pursuing battle fame, and a thrall seeking vengeance among the mercenaries known as the Bloodsworn.All three will shape the fate of the world as it once more falls under the shadow of the gods.Set in a brand-new, Norse-inspired world, and packed with myth, magic and bloody vengeance, The Shadow of the Gods begins an epic new fantasy saga from bestselling author John Gwynne.Further praise for The Shadow of the Gods'Visceral, heart-breaking and unputdownable' Jay Kristoff'A satisfying and riveting read. The well-realised characters move against a backdrop of a world stunning in its immensity. It's everything I've come to expect from a John Gwynne book' Robin Hobb'A masterclass in storytelling . . . epic, gritty fantasy with an uncompromising amount of heart' FanFiAddict'Quintessential Gwynne honed to perfection . . . The Shadow of the Gods is absolutely stunning, one hell of an epic series opener and a spectacular dose of Viking-flavoured fantasy' The Tattooed Book Geek'Reminds me of all that I love in the fantasy genre. The Shadow of the Gods is an action-packed cinematic read' Fantasy Hive (

Podobné produkty ako The Shadow of the Gods - John Gwynne , The time garden záhrada času (978-80-87288-86-3)

The Exchange: After The Firm - John Grisham


What became of Mitch and Abby McDeere after they exposed the crimes of Memphis law firm Bendini, Lambert and Locke and fled the country?The answer is in THE EXCHANGE, the riveting sequel to THE FIRM, the blockbuster thriller that launched the career of the world's bestselling author.It is now fifteen years later, and Mitch and Abby are living in Manhattan, where Mitch is a partner at the largest law firm in the world. When a mentor in Rome asks him for a favour that will take him far from home, Mitch finds himself at the centre of a sinister plot that has worldwide implications - and once again endangers his colleagues, friends and family. (

Podobné produkty ako The Exchange: After The Firm - John Grisham , John yoko

The Day of the Triffids - John Wyndham


A stunning new clothbound edition of one of the most famous science-fiction novels of the twentieth century, designed by the acclaimed Coralie-Bickford Smith.When Bill Masen wakes up blindfolded in hospital there is a bitter irony in his situation. Carefully removing his bandages, he realizes that he is the only person who can see: everyone else, doctors and patients alike, have been blinded by a meteor shower. Now, with civilization in chaos, the triffids - huge, venomous, large-rooted plants able to 'walk', feeding on human flesh - can have their day... (

Podobné produkty ako The Day of the Triffids - John Wyndham , John galliano

The Poems of John Donne - John Donne - e-kniha


eBook: Soldier, secretary, Anglican priest, MP, father of 12, Dean of St Paul\'s... it\'s amazing that John Donne had any spare time. But this collection of his poems shows why it is good to give work to a busy person. \'The Poems of John Donne\' is an education and an inspiration, with his signature rhetorical style ever-present. Through love letters, songs, epigrams, satires and memorial verse, Donne reveals a breadth of knowledge and depth of understanding of the human spirit that has hardly been surpassed. This collection is perfect for fans of William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope. (

Podobné produkty ako The Poems of John Donne - John Donne - e-kniha , Vera john

The Secret Garden - Flagan Mary

The Secret Garden - Flagan Mary

One day, in India, nine-year old Mary wakes up and finds that she is completely alone. Back home in England, she is sent to live with an uncle she has never met. His house is a strange, lonely place where she will gradually discover secret after secret in a new and magical world. In this reader you will find: - information about Frances Hodgson Burnett - a section providing background and contextual information - a glossary of difficult words - comprehension activities - an exit text Tags Friendship Emotions Syllabus Topics Family, friends and ourselves Occupations and the world of work School and education: including school subjects Daily routine Notions and concepts Ability, Actions and activities Feelings, Obligation Offers, Likes and dislikes Predictions, Suggestions Talking about future plans Other Adverbs, Adjectives Prepositions, Phrases with when Comparatives and superlatives Gerunds, Imperatives Present simple, Future forms (

Podobné produkty ako The Secret Garden - Flagan Mary , John cotton prošívaná lehká mikrovláknová přikrývka the first 220x200 cm (jc-027927)

The Secret Garden - Mary Flagan

The Secret Garden - Mary Flagan

One day, in India, nine-year old Mary wakes up and finds that she is completely alone. Back home in England, she is sent to live with an uncle she has never met. His house is a strange, lonely place where she will gradually discover secret after secret in a new and magical world. In this reader you will find: - information about Frances Hodgson Burnett - a section providing background and contextual information - a glossary of difficult words - comprehension activities - an exit text Tags Friendship Emotions Syllabus Topics Family, friends and ourselves Occupations and the world of work School and education: including school subjects Daily routine Notions and concepts Ability, Actions and activities Feelings, Obligation Offers, Likes and dislikes Predictions, Suggestions Talking about future plans Other Adverbs, Adjectives Prepositions, Phrases with when Comparatives and superlatives Gerunds, Imperatives Present simple, Future forms (

Podobné produkty ako The Secret Garden - Mary Flagan , John jay jay: the eminent jay jay johnson, vol. 1 - lp (4535351)

The Tulip Garden - Polly Nicholson


An inspirational introduction to growing and collecting tulips, set against the backdrop of a beautiful English garden, with expert tips and advice for gardeners Tulips are one of the world’s most popular flowers, with over 2,500 varieties produced in the Netherlands each year. This spectacular book showcases a unique collection of rare and covetable tulips at Blacklands, the beautiful English country garden of tulip expert Polly Nicholson. Combining the flower’s rich cultural history with growing advice, Nicholson provides a comprehensive introduction to cultivating species, historic Dutch and English Florists’ tulips, and annual garden tulips.Featuring all types of tulip – from wild, species tulips to old Dutch cultivars, as well as English Florists’, and the ever popular annual garden tulips – she also offers modern context and sensible and practical advice for gardeners, based on her personal horticultural experience. Bringing to life varieties that date back to the 16th century, Nicholson demonstrates how these treasured bulbs and more modern varieties of these enchanting spring flowers can be grown today – whether in herbaceous borders, naturalized in grass, in containers, gravel, meadow settings, or in the garden for cutting. The Tulip Garden is an essential reference for tulip lovers, florists, and gardeners, but also, with newly commissioned photography by Andrew Montgomery, an inspirational resource, tapping into the zeitgeist for sustainable flowers and organic gardening, focusing on one of the world’s most popular flowers. (

Podobné produkty ako The Tulip Garden - Polly Nicholson , The sims 4: (sp6) romantic garden stuff - xbox digital (7d4-00231)

The Preserving Garden - Jo Turner


Grow your garden to fill your pantry with bottled fruit, fermented vegetables and over 40 sorts of preserved and dried home-grown food. The Preserving Garden is a stylishly illustrated guide to creating a garden that will provide food all year round. Featuring over 40 plant profiles with growing notes for starting or improving your garden, you will learn how to make a vegetable patch or small orchard in any space – including where to begin, when to plant and how to care for your garden. The book includes scalable, easy-to-follow recipes and techniques for chutneys, relishes, jams, jellies, marmalades, bottling and drying. Make the most of your home-grown produce throughout the year by pureeing tomatoes for sauces, fermenting your cabbage for sauerkraut, drying your cherries to use in muffins and much more. When you are using fruit or vegetables grown in your own yard or allotment (or simply in pots) you are reducing food miles, waste, plastic use and reclaiming control over what goes into the food you eat – all very contemporary concerns addressed by long-established practices. Offering a joyful reinterpretation of cookery illustration, this book is an inspiring and practical gift for the food enthusiast, whatever their local growing conditions. (

Podobné produkty ako The Preserving Garden - Jo Turner , Prine john: live at the other end, dec. 1975 (2x cd) - cd (0349784472)

The Reckoning - John Grisham

The Reckoning - John Grisham

John Grisham returns to Clanton, Mississippi, to tell the story of an unthinkable murder, the bizarre trial that followed it, and its profound and lasting effect on the people of Ford County. Pete Banning was Clanton's favourite son, a returning war hero, the patriarch of a prominent family, a farmer, father, neighbour, and a faithful member of the Methodist Church. Then one cool October morning in 1946. he rose early, drove into town, walked into the church, and calmly shot and killed the Reverend Dexter Bell. As if the murder wasn't shocking enough, it was even more baffling that Pete's only statement about it - to the sheriff, to his defense attorney, to the judge, to his family and friends, and to the people of Clanton - was 'I have nothing to say'. And so the murder of the esteemed Reverend Bell became the most mysterious and unforgettable crime Ford County had ever known. Praise for Grisham's latest book, The Rooster Bar (

Podobné produkty ako The Reckoning - John Grisham , Prine john: live at the other end, dec. 1975 (4x lp) - lp (0349784497)

The Whistler - John Grisham

The Whistler - John Grisham

From John Grisham, America's #1 bestselling author, comes the most electrifying novel of the year, a high-stakes thrill ride through the darkest corners of the Sunshine State. We expect our judges to be honest and wise. Their integrity and impartiality are the bedrock of the entire judicial system. We trust them to ensure fair trials, to protect the rights of all litigants, to punish those who do wrong, and to oversee the orderly and efficient flow of justice. But what happens when a judge bends the law or takes a bribe? It's rare, but it happens. Lacy Stoltz is an investigator for the Florida Board on Judicial Conduct. She is a lawyer, not a cop, and it is her job to respond to complaints dealing with judicial misconduct. After nine years with the Board, she knows that most problems are caused by incompetence, not corruption. But a corruption case eventually crosses her desk. A previously disbarred lawyer is back in business with a new identity. He now goes by the name Greg Myers, and he claims to know of a Florida judge who has stolen more money than all other crooked judges combined. And not just crooked judges in Florida. All judges, from all states, and throughout U.S. history. What's the source of the ill-gotten gains? It seems the judge was secretly involved with the construction of a large casino on Native American land. The Coast Mafia financed the casino and is now helping itself to a sizable skim of each month's cash. The judge is getting a cut and looking the other way. It's a sweet deal: Everyone is making money. But now Greg wants to put a stop to it. His only client is a person who knows the truth and wants to blow the whistle and collect millions under Florida law. Greg files a complaint with the Board on Judicial Conduct, and the case is assigned to Lacy Stoltz, who immediately suspects that this one could be dangerous. Dangerous is one thing. Deadly is something else. (

Podobné produkty ako The Whistler - John Grisham , Soundtrack: john williams: star wars - the rise of skywalker (2x lp) - lp (8743492)

The Singularities - John Banville


From the Booker Prize-winning John Banville comes a playful, multilayered novel of nostalgia, life and death, and quantum theory. A man with a borrowed name steps from a flashy red sports car also borrowed onto the estate of his youth. But all is not as it seems.There is a new family living in the drafty old house: the Godleys, descendants of the late, world-famous scientist Adam Godley, whose theory of existence threw the universe into chaos. And this mystery man, who has just completed a prison sentence, feels as if time has stopped, or was torn, or was opened in new and strange ways. He must now vie with the idiosyncratic Godley family, with their harried housekeeper who becomes his landlady, with the recently commissioned biographer of Godley Sr., and with a wealthy and beautiful woman from his past who comes bearing an unusual request.With sparkling intelligence and rapier wit, John Banville revisits some of his career's most memorable figures, in a novel as mischievous as it is brilliantly conceived. (

Podobné produkty ako The Singularities - John Banville , Lennon john: imagine - the ultimate mixes (deluxe edice 2018) (2x cd) - cd (6774267)

The Firm - John Grisham


He thought it was his dream job. It turned into his worst nightmare. When Mitch McDeere qualified third in his class at Harvard, offers poured in from every law firm in America.Bendini, Lambert and Locke were a small, well-respected firm, but their offer exceeded Mitch's wildest expectations: a fantastic salary, a new home, and the keys to a brand new BMW. Except for the mysterious deaths of previous lawyers with the firm. And the FBI investigations.And the secret files. Mitch soon realises that he's working for the Mafia's law firm, and there's no way out - because you don't want this company's severance package. To survive, he'll have to play both sides against each other - and navigate a vast criminal conspiracy that goes higher than he ever imagined... (

Podobné produkty ako The Firm - John Grisham , Various: woodstock: back to the garden - woodstack campaign (10x cd) - cd (0349785170)

The Whistler - John Grisham


The most corrupt judge in US history. A young investigator with a secret informant. John Grisham will keep you on the edge of your seat with his electrifying number one bestseller. The most corrupt judge in US history. A young investigator with a secret informant. The electrifying new thriller. Lacy Stoltz never expected to be in the firing line. Investigating judicial misconduct by Florida's one thousand judges, her cases so far have been relatively unexciting. That's until she meets Greg Myers, an indicted lawyer with an assumed name, who has an extraordinary tale to tell. Myers is representing a whistle blower who knows of a judge involved in organised crime. Along with her gangster associates this judge has facilitated the building of a casino on an Indian reservation. At least two people who opposed the scheme are dead. Since the casino was built, the judge has made several fortunes off undeclared winnings. She owns property around the world, hires private jets to take her where she wishes, and her secret vaults are overflowing with rare books, art and jewels. No one has a clue what she's been doing - until now. Under Florida law, those who help the state recover illegally acquired assets stand to gain a large percentage of them. Myers and his whistle blower friend could make millions. But first they need Lacy to start an investigation. Is she ready to pit herself against the most corrupt judge in American history, a judge whose associates think nothing of murder? 'The best thriller writer alive' Ken Follett (

Podobné produkty ako The Whistler - John Grisham , Various artists: revamp: reimagining the songs of elton john and bernie taupin - cd (6742842)

The Vigilante - John Steinbeck


'Everything was dead, everything unreal; the dark mob was made up of stiff lay-figures' One of America's greatest writers explores mob violence, voyeurism and betrayal in these unforgettable tales of Californian life. Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the iconic Penguin Modern Classics series, with each one offering a concentrated hit of its contemporary, international flavour. Here are authors ranging from Kathy Acker to James Baldwin, Truman Capote to Stanislaw Lem and George Orwell to Shirley Jackson; essays radical and inspiring; poems moving and disturbing; stories surreal and fabulous; taking us from the deep South to modern Japan, New York's underground scene to the farthest reaches of outer space. (

Podobné produkty ako The Vigilante - John Steinbeck

The Exchange - John Grisham


TEN DAYS TO SAVE A LIFE. ONE SECOND TO END IT.Mitch McDeere has cheated death and come out the other side. Fifteen years ago, he stole $10 million from the mob and disappeared. Now, with his enemies jailed or dead, he has fought his way to the top of the biggest law firm in the world.When a new case takes Mitch to Libya, danger awaits: he's soon in the biggest hostage negotiation in recent history with terrorists who have murdered and will murder again. Their demand is staggering: a ransom of $100 million must be paid within 10 days. But this isn't a random kidnapping - it's personal.And no one, not even Mitch's wife in New York, is safe. With the clock ticking, can Mitch stay one step ahead of his enemies? (

Podobné produkty ako The Exchange - John Grisham

The Wall - John Lanchester

The Wall - John Lanchester

Kavanagh begins his life patrolling the Wall. If he's lucky, if nothing goes wrong, he only has two years of this, 729 more nights.The best thing that can happen is that he survives and gets off the Wall and never has to spend another day of his life anywhere near it. He longs for this to be over; longs to be somewhere else.He will soon find out what Defenders do and who the Others are. Along with the rest of his squad, he will endure cold and fear day after day, night after night. But somewhere, in the dark cave of his mind, he thinks: wouldn't it be interesting if something did happen, if they came, if you had to fight for your life?John Lanchester's thrilling, hypnotic new novel is about why the young are right to hate the old. It's about a broken world you will recognise as your own-and about what might be found when all is lost. (

Podobné produkty ako The Wall - John Lanchester

Nikomu by neublížil - Cathrine Burns

Nikomu by neublížil - Cathrine Burns

Marion žije s dominantním bratrem Johnem v rozpadajícím se domě po rodičích. Stará panna, která ještě spí s plyšovým medvídkem, je na něm zcela závislá. Když bratr skončí s infarktem v nemocnici, musí Marion čelit tomu, před čím celou dobu zavírala oči. Před tím, co se dělo ve sklepení. Zdá se, že John není jediný, kdo skrýval svou temnou stránku. (

Podobné produkty ako Nikomu by neublížil - Cathrine Burns

Mliekar - Anna Burns - e-kniha

Mliekar - Anna Burns - e-kniha

eBook:,Román z búrlivého obdobia konfliktu v Severnom Írsku, ktorý hlboko zasiahol do životov nevinných ľudí. Uprostred týchto udalostí v bezmennom meste dospieva bezmenné osemnásťročné dievča, nazývané len stredná sestra. Jej pobožná matka by ju už najradšej videla vydatú, a tak sa musí obracať, aby pred ňou utajila neperspektívny vzťah s asifrajerom. Keď sa však o ňu navyše začne zaujímať miestny paramilitant nazývaný mliekar, klebety sa rozšíria ako požiar a stredná sestra sa stáva nebezpečne zaujímavou... (

Podobné produkty ako Mliekar - Anna Burns - e-kniha

Maradona – Boží ruka - Jimmy Burns


Diego Maradona. Málokterý hráč předvedl na zeleném pažitu tolik geniálních kousků. Přes všechny nechutné excesy a skandály na hřišti i mimo něj se právem zařadil mezi největší fotbalisty všech dob. Renomovaný žurnalista Jimmy Burns zmapoval celý Maradonův život od jeho počátků v argentinských slumech přes působení v Neapoli a Barceloně, triumf na mistrovství světa až po hořký pád z piedestalu. Hovořil s jeho rodinou, kamarády i trenéry, doktory či vládními úředníky a vznikl tak poutavý příběh neobyčejného života plného kotrmelců. (

Podobné produkty ako Maradona – Boží ruka - Jimmy Burns

Cat Burns - Early Twenties (LP)


Balení obsahuje: LP Typ: LP deska;Album Žánr: Pop;Indie Vydavatelství: Sony Music Barva: Černá Interpret / Téma: Cat Burns Složení setu: 1 ks Datum vydání: 2024-07-12 Rok vydání: 2024.0 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Varianta: Early Twenties (LP) Subžánr: Indie Pop Barva podle výrobce: Black (

Podobné produkty ako Cat Burns - Early Twenties (LP)

The Hunger of the Gods (Defekt) - John Gwynne


The Hunger of the Gods continues John Gwynne's acclaimed Norse-inspired epic fantasy series, packed with myth, magic and bloody vengeanceLik-Rifa, the dragon god of legend, has been freed from her eternal prison. Now she plots a new age of blood and conquest. As Orka continues the hunt for her missing son, the Bloodsworn sweep south in a desperate race to save one of their own - and Varg takes the first steps on the path of vengeance. Elvar has sworn to fulfil her blood oath and rescue a prisoner from the clutches of Lik-Rifa and her dragonborn followers, but first she must persuade the Battle-Grim to follow her. Yet even the might of the Bloodsworn and Battle-Grim cannot stand alone against a dragon god. Their hope lies within the mad writings of a chained god. A book of forbidden magic with the power to raise the wolf god Ulfrir from the dead . . . and bring about a battle that will shake the foundations of the earth. (

Podobné produkty ako The Hunger of the Gods (Defekt) - John Gwynne

Elton John - The Captain And The Kid (LP)

Elton John - The Captain And The Kid (LP)

Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999;1960 - 1969 Barva podle výrobce: Black Datum vydání: 2022-09-02 Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Rok vydání: 2022.0 Hmotnost: 180 g Typ: Album;Remastered;Nové vydání;LP deska Barva: Černá Vydavatelství: Rocket Entertainment Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: LP Interpret / Téma: Elton John Žánr: Pop;Rock Subžánr: Pop Rock Varianta: The Captain And The Kid (LP) Země interpreta: Spojené království (

Podobné produkty ako Elton John - The Captain And The Kid (LP)

Swatch Gold In The Garden SO29G103



Podobné produkty ako Swatch Gold In The Garden SO29G103

The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová


The classic English children's novel of three young friends and one special garden, stunningly reimagined in a deluxe full-color edition, illustrated with beautiful artwork and unique interactive features created by the award-winning design studio behind the graphics for the Harry Potter film franchise, MinaLima-sure to delight fans of the live action film versions coming in 2018 from Disney and Universal Studios.After tragedy leaves Mary Lennox orphaned, the bratty ten-year-old British girl is sent from her home in India to Yorkshire, to live with Archibald Craven, a distant uncle whom she has never met.At first, life in the isolated Misselthwaite Manor is as cold and desolate as the bleak moor outside her window. Then Mary learns the story of the late Mrs. Craven, the estate's mistress, who spent hours in a walled garden tending to her roses. Mrs. Craven died after an accident in the garden, and her forlorn husband forbid anyone to enter it again, locking it and burying the key. The tale piques Mary's curiosity and inspires her to find this secret garden, a search that introduces her to new friends, including a robin redbreast; Dickson, a twelve-year-old boy with a kindness to animals; and Colin, her secluded sickly first-cousin. Spending time in the garden transforms Mary and Colin and ultimately, life at Misselthwaite Manor itself.Originally published in 1911, Frances Hodgson Burnett's poignant story has captured reader's hearts for more than a century. Part of Harper Design's series of deluxe reimagined children's classics, this captivating unabridged gift edition takes readers on a memorable journey that teaches them lessons about hardship, friendship, happiness, and restoration.Illustrated throughout, The Secret Garden comes with ten interactive features, including:A layout of the Manor House and groundsA map of the Secret GardenA dial showing how plants grow throughout the seasonA cut-out paper doll of Mary and her clothesA removable letter to Dickon from his older sister, the maid who tells Mary the story of the garden (

Podobné produkty ako The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová

The Garden Against Time - Laing Olivia


In 2020, Olivia Laing began to restore a walled garden in Suffolk, an overgrown Eden of unusual plants. The work drew her into an exhilarating investigation of paradise and its long association with gardens. Moving between real and imagined gardens, from Milton’s Paradise Lost to John Clare’s enclosure elegies, from a wartime sanctuary in Italy to a grotesque aristocratic pleasure ground funded by slavery, Laing interrogates the sometimes shocking cost of making paradise on earth. But the story of the garden doesn’t always enact larger patterns of privilege and exclusion. It’s also a place of rebel outposts and communal dreams. From the improbable queer utopia conjured by Derek Jarman on the beach at Dungeness to the fertile vision of a common Eden propagated by William Morris, new modes of living can and have been attempted amidst the flower beds, experiments that could prove vital in the coming era of climate change. The result is a beautiful and exacting account of the abundant pleasures and possibilities of gardens: not as a place to hide from the world but as a site of encounter and discovery, bee-loud and pollen-laden. (

Podobné produkty ako The Garden Against Time - Laing Olivia

The Summer Garden (Defekt) - Paullina Simonsová


A novel tracing the enduring power of love and commitment against the forces of war and the equally dangerous forces of keeping the peace From the bestselling author of The Girl in Times Square, comes the magnificent conclusion to the saga that was set in motion when Tatiana fell in love with her Red Army officer, Alexander Belov, in wartime Leningrad in 1941. Tatiana and Alexander have since suffered the worst the twentieth century had to offer. After years of separation, they are miraculously reunited in America, the land of their dreams. They have a beautiful son, Anthony. They have proved to each other that their love is greater than the vast evil of the world. But though they are only in their twenties, in their hearts they are old, and they are strangers. In the climate of fear and mistrust of the Cold War, dark forces are at work in the US that threaten their life and their family. Can they be happy? Or will the ghosts of yesterday reach out to blight even the destiny of their firstborn son? Epic in scope, masterfully told, The Summer Garden is a novel of unique and devastating emotional power that spans two thirds of the twentieth century, and three continents. (

Podobné produkty ako The Summer Garden (Defekt) - Paullina Simonsová

Life in the Garden - Penelope Lively


Penelope Lively has always been a keen gardener. This book is partly a memoir of her own life in gardens: the large garden at home in Cairo where she spent most of her childhood, her grandmother's garden in a sloping Somerset field, then two successive Oxfordshire gardens of her own, and the smaller urban garden in the North London home she lives in today. It is also a wise, engaging and far-ranging exploration of gardens in literature, from Paradise Lost to Alice in Wonderland, and of writers and their gardens, from Virginia Woolf to Philip Larkin. (

Podobné produkty ako Life in the Garden - Penelope Lively

The Garden of Empire - J.T. Greathouse


WAR MAKES MONSTERS OF EVERYONE.Foolish Cur, once named Wen Alder, finds that his allies in the rebellion might cross any line if it means freedom from the Empire. But he can't overcome a foe as strong as Emperor Tenet alone.REBELLION HAS UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES.Koro Ha, Foolish Cur's former tutor, discovers the Empire is not so forgiving of those who raise a traitor. And their suspicion may cost him and his people more than he can imagine.THE GODS ARE LURKING IN THE SHADOWS.As war against the Empire rages, Foolish Cur knows there is a greater threat. The emperor plans his own coup against the gods, and they will wreak destruction if he tries. To stop him, Foolish Cur might have to risk everything - and resort to ancient magics that could tear the world apart.This is perfect for fans of Robin Hobb and Shelley Parker-Chan. (

Podobné produkty ako The Garden of Empire - J.T. Greathouse

Swatch Gold In The Garden SO29G103


Swatch Gold In The Garden SO29G103 (

Podobné produkty ako Swatch Gold In The Garden SO29G103

The Garret and the Garden - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha


eBook: First published in 1890, ‘The Garret and the Garden’ is an adventure story set in the criminal underworld of London by prolific author R.M. Ballantyne. Young Scot David Laidlaw has come to London to seek his fortune but finds instead the seedy underbelly of London - and is soon embroiled in a world of criminals and mercenaries. A thrilling tale from the popular author. (

Podobné produkty ako The Garret and the Garden - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

The Rooster Bar - John Grisham

The Rooster Bar - John Grisham

'The Best Thriller Writer Alive' Ken Follett. John Grisham's newest legal thriller takes you inside a law firm that shouldn't exist. They were three young law students. They dreamed of changing the world. But they were duped. They took out massive student loans and have no hope of graduating with a good job. Now the three friends have given up studying and spend a lot of time plotting in a bar. There is only way out of their crushing debt: pretend to be real lawyers and expose the crooked hedge fund operator who owns both the school and the bank that arranged their student loans.They are taking a desperate risk. After all, they are going to war with a billionaire and the might of the FBI. (

Podobné produkty ako The Rooster Bar - John Grisham

The Anthropocene Reviewed - John Green

The Anthropocene Reviewed - John Green

A deeply moving and insightful collection of personal essays from #1 bestselling author John Green, adapted from his critically acclaimed podcast. The Anthropocene is the current geological age, in which human activity has profoundly shaped the planet and its biodiversity. In this remarkable symphony of essays adapted and expanded from his groundbreaking podcast, John Green reviews different facets of the human-centered planet - from the QWERTY keyboard and Staphylococcus aureus to the Taco Bell breakfast menu - on a five-star scale. Complex and rich with detail, the Anthropocene's reviews have been praised as 'observations that double as exercises in memoiristic empathy.' John Green's gift for storytelling shines throughout this artfully curated collection that includes both beloved essays and all-new pieces exclusive to the book. (

Podobné produkty ako The Anthropocene Reviewed - John Green

The Echo Chamber - John Boyne

The Echo Chamber - John Boyne

What a thing of wonder a mobile phone is. Six ounces of metal, glass and plastic, fashioned into a sleek, shiny, precious object. At once, a gateway to other worlds - and a treacherous weapon in the hands of the unwary, the unwitting, the inept.The Cleverley family live a gilded life, little realising how precarious their privilege is, just one tweet away from disaster. George, the patriarch, is a stalwart of television interviewing, a 'national treasure' (his words), his wife Beverley, a celebrated novelist (although not as celebrated as she would like), and their children, Nelson, Elizabeth, Achilles, various degrees of catastrophe waiting to happen.Together they will go on a journey of discovery through the Hogarthian jungle of the modern living where past presumptions count for nothing and carefully curated reputations can be destroyed in an instant. Along the way they will learn how volatile, how outraged, how unforgiving the world can be when you step from the proscribed path.Powered by John Boyne's characteristic humour and razor-sharp observation, The Echo Chamber is a satiric helter skelter, a dizzying downward spiral of action and consequence, poised somewhere between farce, absurdity and oblivion. To err is maybe to be human but to really foul things up you only need a phone. (

Podobné produkty ako The Echo Chamber - John Boyne
Denver John: The Album - CD (4260494433432), John Elton: The Captain And The Kid - LP (4505532), Hooker John Lee: The Album - CD (7619943022302), Mayall John & The Bluesbreakers: Silver Tones: The Best of - CD (8718627233115), Echo & The Bunnymen: The John Peel Sessions 1979-1983 - CD (9029546020), Prine John: Diamonds In The Rough - LP (0349784658), Coltrane John: Trane - the Atlantic Collection - LP (8122794068), Lord John and the Hand of Devils (0099278251), urgo burns na popaleniny lipidok napl 5x7cm 6ks, Echo & The Bunnymen: The John Peel Sessions 1979-1983 (2x LP) - LP (9029549495), Mutter Anne-Sophie: John Williams - Across The Stars - CD (4797553), Coltrane John: In The Winner's Circle (2012 - Remaster) - LP (4050538816198), Hooker, John Lee: Blues Is The Healer (10xCD) - CD (222916), John Elton: Elton John - LP (5707094), Prine John: John Prine - LP (0349784659), Hooker John Lee: House Of The Blues (Coloured LP) - LP (8436559469500), The time garden Záhrada času (978-80-87288-86-3), john yoko, john galliano, vera john, John Cotton Prošívaná lehká mikrovláknová přikrývka THE FIRST 220x200 cm (JC-027927), John Jay Jay: The Eminent Jay Jay Johnson, Vol. 1 - LP (4535351), THE SIMS 4: (SP6) ROMANTIC GARDEN STUFF - Xbox Digital (7D4-00231), Prine John: Live At The Other End, Dec. 1975 (2x CD) - CD (0349784472), Prine John: Live At The Other End, Dec. 1975 (4x LP) - LP (0349784497), Soundtrack: John Williams: Star Wars - The Rise Of Skywalker (2x LP) - LP (8743492), Lennon John: Imagine - The Ultimate Mixes (Deluxe Edice 2018) (2x CD) - CD (6774267), Various: Woodstock: Back To The Garden - Woodstack Campaign (10x CD) - CD (0349785170), Various Artists: Revamp: Reimagining The Songs Of Elton John And Bernie Taupin - CD (6742842)