Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Butterfly Garden - Dot Hutchisonová
Near an isolated mansion lies a beautiful garden.In this garden grow luscious flowers, shady trees...and a collection of precious "butterflies"-young women who have been kidnapped and intricately tattooed to resemble their namesakes. Overseeing it all is the Gardener, a brutal, twisted man obsessed with capturing and preserving his lovely specimens.When the garden is discovered, a survivor is brought in for questioning. FBI agents Victor Hanoverian and Brandon Eddison are tasked with piecing together one of the most stomach-churning cases of their careers. But the girl, known only as Maya, proves to be a puzzle herself.As her story twists and turns, slowly shedding light on life in the Butterfly Garden, Maya reveals old grudges, new saviors, and horrific tales of a man who'd go to any length to hold beauty captive. But the more she shares, the more the agents have to wonder what she's still hiding...
Podívejte se také The Secret Garden
Ztracená sezóna - Dot Hutchisonová
Čtvrtý díl oblíbené série Sběratel je tady! Osmiletá Brooklyn Mercerová zmizela. Ačkoli jsou agenti FBI Eliza Sterlingová a Brandon Eddison zvyklí na takové případy, tenhle je skutečně rozhodí. Únos se totiž stal na výročí zmizení Eddisonovy vlastní mladší sestry, k němuž došlo před lety. Zneklidňující je také podobnost zmizelé dívky s Elizou – mohly by skoro být matka s dcerou. Eliza je odhodlána vyřešit tento případ za každou cenu, ale čím víc se do něj noří, tím víc ji děsí to, co vychází najevo...
Podívejte se také King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard: Butterfly 3000 - CD (1214426)
Sběratel motýlů - Dot Hutchisonová - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Izolovaná zahrada, kvetoucí rostliny a… sbírka nádherných motýlů – mladých žen, které byly uneseny. O to vše pečuje Zahradník, zvrhlý muž posedlý uchováváním krásných dívek. Jediná přeživší Maya postupně odkrývá podrobnosti o tomto děsivém místě i o svém vězniteli. Jak se jí ale podařilo utéct? Přežily i další dívky? Agenti FBI Victor Hanoverian a Brandon Eddison musí vyřešit rozhodně nejotřesnější případ své kariéry. Dot Hutchison Dot se narodila na ostrově v době mezi dvěma hurikány a od té doby způsobuje potíže. Je to horlivá čtenářka, spisovatelkou a malířka. Pracovala i jako instruktorka na skautském táboře nebo prodavačka v knihkupectví. Její první kniha Wounded name byla inspirována Shakespearovým Hamletem. Dot je také autorkou oceňované trilogie Sběratel. Jan Hofman (1986) Pochází z jihočeského města Třeboň, hraje v seriálu Velmi křehké vztahy. Ve Strašnickém divadle hraje Jan Hofman v inscenacích Škola pro ženy a Popcorn. Chodí na Pražskou konzervatoř společně s Janem Cinou a Marií Doležalovou (Saša z Comebacku). Hraje v Divadle Járy Cimrmana (společně se svojí absolvenstskou třídou).
Podívejte se také Spojovačky Dot to dot: spojujte a vybarvujte (978-80-271-0110-8)
Podívejte se také
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Májové růže - Dot Hutchisonová - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Čtyři měsíce po výbuchu v Zahradě, kde zvrhlý psychopat držel mladé dívky, se agenti FBI snaží pomáhat přeživším s návratem do každodenního života. S blížícím se jarem však opět udeří sériový vrah a vyšetřovací tým musí pachatele dopadnout dřív, než se objeví další dívčí tělo s podříznutým hrdlem. Vše navíc nasvědčuje tomu, že to bude Priya, sestra jedné z prvních obětí. Pomůže agentům vraha dopadnout a pomstít smrt své sestry?
Objev podobné jako Májové růže - Dot Hutchisonová - audiokniha
Ztracená sezona - Dot Hutchisonová - e-kniha
eBook: Osmiletá Brooklyn Mercerová zmizela. Ačkoli jsou agenti FBI Eliza Sterlingová a Brandon Eddison zvyklí na takové případy, tenhle je skutečně rozhodí. Únos se totiž stal na výročí zmizení Eddisonovy vlastní mladší sestry, k němuž došlo před lety. Zneklidňující je také podobnost zmizelé dívky s Elizou – mohly by skoro být matka s dcerou. Eliza je odhodlána vyřešit tento případ za každou cenu, ale čím víc se do něj noří, tím víc ji děsí to, co vychází najevo. Po celé zemi totiž mizely dívky podobné Brooklyn už několik desítek let… Má ještě děvčátko naději na záchranu? Čtvrtý díl oblíbené série Sběratel začíná velkým závodem s časem!
Objev podobné jako Ztracená sezona - Dot Hutchisonová - e-kniha
Záhrada motýľov - Dot Hutchisonová - e-kniha
eBook: „Krása ešte nikdy nebola taká desivá... Prvý diel oceňovanej trilógie.“ Izolovaná záhrada, kvitnúce rastliny a... zbierka nádherných motýľov – mladých žien, ktoré boli unesené. O to všetko sa stará Záhradník, zvrhlý muž posadnutý uchovávaním krásnych dievčat. Jedna z tých, čo prežijú, Maya postupne odkrýva podrobnosti o tomto desivom mieste aj o svojom väzniteľovi. Ako sa jej napokon podarí utiecť? Prežijú aj ďalšie dievčatá? Agenti FBI Victor Hannoverian a Brandon Eddison musia vyriešiť najotrasnejší prípad svojej kariéry.
Objev podobné jako Záhrada motýľov - Dot Hutchisonová - e-kniha
Májové růže - Dot Hutchisonová, Eva Josefíková, Martin Písařík - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Čtyři měsíce po výbuchu v Zahradě, kde zvrhlý psychopat držel mladé dívky, se agenti FBI snaží pomáhat přeživším s návratem do každodenního života. S blížícím se jarem však opět udeří sériový vrah a vyšetřovací tým musí pachatele dopadnout dřív, než se objeví další dívčí tělo s podříznutým hrdlem. Vše navíc nasvědčuje tomu, že to bude Priya, sestra jedné z prvních obětí. Pomůže agentům vraha dopadnout a pomstít smrt své sestry?
Objev podobné jako Májové růže - Dot Hutchisonová, Eva Josefíková, Martin Písařík - audiokniha
Dekorační látka premium Butterfly garden
Výrobce: Evropský výrobce, Barva: barevná, Gramáž: 210 g/m2, Motív: Zvířatá, Šířka: 140 cm, Složení: 80%CO + 20%PES, Ošetrování: 7
Objev podobné jako Dekorační látka premium Butterfly garden
Dekorační látka GOBELIN Lavender butterfly garden
Výrobce: Evropský výrobce, Barva: barevná, Gramáž: 425 g/m2, Motív: Stromy a květy, Šířka: 140 cm, Složení: 58% CO + 32% PES + 10% PAN, Ošetrování: 7
Objev podobné jako Dekorační látka GOBELIN Lavender butterfly garden
Stínidlo Tiffany Butterfly Garden - Ø 48 cm 5LL-5382
Stínidlo Tiffany Butterfly Garden - Ø 48 cm Barva: barevnéMateriál: opálové sklo Krásné stínidlo k lampám Tiffany. Vyberte si svou Tiffany nohu a své Tiffany stínidlo, které Vám padne do oka. Nakombinujete si tak podle svého krásnou stolní lampu Tiffany. Pořiďte si celou krásnou ko
Objev podobné jako Stínidlo Tiffany Butterfly Garden - Ø 48 cm 5LL-5382
Stolní lampa Tiffany Butterfly Garden - 12.5*35 cm 5LL-9301
Stolní lampa Tiffany Butterfly Garden - 12.5*35 cm 1x E14 / Max 25W Rozměr: šířka : 12,5, výška : 35cmMateriál: lepené sklo, polyresin Krásná stolní Tiffany lampa, která bude kouzelným a hřejivým doplňkem u Vás doma. Vybírejte z celé Butterfly Garden.
Objev podobné jako Stolní lampa Tiffany Butterfly Garden - 12.5*35 cm 5LL-9301
Voňavá panenka miminko My Baby garden Butterfly
Panenka miminko My Baby Garden Butterfly je okouzlující mládě motýla, které miluje plazení a blábolení. Její velké modré oči a sladké rty přitahují pozornost. Miminko má krátký růžový účes zdobený barevným látkovým motýlkem. Oblečení miminka také odkazuje na zahradní téma – je oblečená v růžových dupačkách se sluníčky a motýly. Celek doplňují tyrkysová, průhledná, třpytivá plastová křídla. Panenka je vyrobena z plastu a nejkvalitnějších materiálů s důrazem na detail. Celé to vypadá velmi působivě.Hračka je vhodná pro děti od 2 let.Souprava obsahuje:Panenka miminkoBeruškaMiminko má interaktivní funkce. Po stlačení křídel se miminko začne plazit a hýbat křídly. Miminko také vydává krásné zvuky blábolení a smíchu a mluví máma a táta. Vydává celkem 20 různých zvuků. Dupačky se dají svlést, díky čemuž je zábava ještě atraktivnější. Souprava obsahuje berušku na kolečkách, kterou může miminko následovat. Panenka jemně voní po květu jasmínu, díky čemuž je hraní ještě příjemnější.K funkčnosti panenky jsou zapotřebí 3 ks baterií typu AA 1,5V - (testovací baterie jsou součástí balení).Rozměry panenky: cca 23 cm x 23 cm x 13 cmRozměry berušky: cca 6 cm x 4,5 cm x 3 cmPanenka poskytne spoustu hodin úžasné zábavy. Lala potřebuje péči a spoustu něžnosti. Bude ideální parťačkou a strážkyní tajemství. Hrou na „mámu“ se dítě učí jemnosti, péči a zodpovědnosti.Rozměry:délka: 30,5 cmšířka: 16 cmvýška: 33,5 cm
Objev podobné jako Voňavá panenka miminko My Baby garden Butterfly
Stolní lampa Tiffany Butterfly Garden - Ø 41*60 cm 2x E27 / Max 60w 5LL-5365
Stolní lampa Tiffany Butterfly Garden - Ø 41*60 cm 2x E27 / Max 60w Barva: barevnéMateriál: opálové sklo Krásná stolní Tiffany lampa se s vítidlem s motýlky. Jistě se Vám bude líbit tato lampa po rozsvícení a užijete si své chvilky relaxu.
Objev podobné jako Stolní lampa Tiffany Butterfly Garden - Ø 41*60 cm 2x E27 / Max 60w 5LL-5365
The Garden Visitor's Handbook 2024 - The National Garden Scheme
Inspire a year of garden visiting with the National Garden Scheme’s Garden Visitor’s Handbook 2024 – the essential guide to over 3,500 gardens opening for the National Garden Scheme this year. With hundreds of new gardens opening each year there are new horticultural gems to explore and old favourites to be revisited. Rachel de Thame says ‘Wandering through a garden always gives me time and space to breathe, enjoy outdoors and find peace. Browsing the pages of this book offers thousands of amazing gardens just waiting to be explored. It’s my must have guide to a year of garden visiting.’ With detailed descriptions of every garden, stunning photos, and handy maps and calendars, all of the information you could possibly need to visit a beautiful garden is right at your fingertips! What could be better, an affordable day out in a beautiful garden whilst knowing that your visit is helping support some of the best loved nursing and health charities in the UK.
Objev podobné jako The Garden Visitor's Handbook 2024 - The National Garden Scheme
The Butterfly Lion - Michael Morpurgo
A lyrical and moving tale of a young boy growing up in Africa, and his lifelong friendship with a white lion, from a master storyteller‘Will touch all hearts – both young and old’ Virginia McKenna, Born Free FoundationWhen Bertie rescues an orphaned white lion cub from the African veld, the pair are inseparable – until Bertie is sent to boarding school far away in England and the lion is sold to a circus.Bertie swears that one day they will see one another again, but it is the butterfly lion which ensures that their friendship will never be forgotten.
Objev podobné jako The Butterfly Lion - Michael Morpurgo
The Bishop and the Butterfly - Michael Wolraich
“The 1931 murder of 'Broadway Butterfly' Vivian Gordon exposed an explosive story of graft, corruption and entrapment that went all the way to the top of the state. Wolraich brings a journalist’s eye and a novelist’s elegance to this story of Jazz Age New York.”—New York Times Vivian Gordon went out before midnight in a velvet dress and mink coat. Her body turned up the next morning in a desolate Bronx park, a dirty clothesline wrapped around her neck. At her stylish Manhattan apartment, detectives discovered notebooks full of names—businessmen, socialites, gangsters. And something else: a letter from an anti-corruption commission established by Governor Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Led by the imperious Judge Samuel Seabury, the commission had uncovered a police conspiracy to frame women as prostitutes. Had Vivian Gordon been executed to bury her secrets? As FDR pressed the police to solve her murder, Judge Seabury pursued the trail of corruption to the top of Gotham’s powerful political machine—the infamous Tammany Hall.
Objev podobné jako The Bishop and the Butterfly - Michael Wolraich
The Dot - Peter H. Reynolds
One little dot marks the beginning of Vashti's journey of surprise and self-discovery in Peter H. Reynolds' multiple award-winning modern classic. In this inspiring, award-winning story of self-expression and creativity from Peter H.Reynolds, illustrator of Ish and the Judy Moody series, Vashti thinks she can't draw. But her teacher is sure that she can. She knows that there's creative spirit in everyone, and encourages Vashti to sign the angry dot she makes in frustration on a piece of paper.This act makes Vashti look at herself a little differently, and helps her discover that where there's a dot there's a way... With wit, charm and free-spirited illustrations, Peter H. Reynolds encourages even the stubbornly uncreative among us to make a mark - and follow where it takes us.
Objev podobné jako The Dot - Peter H. Reynolds
Gibson The Garden Kytarový pás Garden Green
Originálny gitarový pás Gibson, ručne vyrábaný v USA, vyrobený z kvalitného textilu a kože, šírka 5 cm, nastaviteľná dĺžka od 88,3 do 153,6 cm. Minimální délka: 88 cm Barva podle výrobce: Garden Green Země původu: USA Šířka: 5 cm Materiál: Textil, kůže Barva: Multi Maximální délka: 153 cm
Objev podobné jako Gibson The Garden Kytarový pás Garden Green
Moonspell: The Butterfly Effect - CD (0840588129096)
Hudební CD - Čtvrté studiové album portugalské gothic-metalové kapely z roku 1999. Čtvrté studiové album portugalské gothic-metalové kapely z roku 1999. Moonspell je portugalská gothic metalová skupina s death metalovými, doom metalovými a black metalovými prvky. Seznam stop Soulsick / Butterfly FX / Can't Bee / Lustmord / Selfabuse / I Am The Eternal Spectator / Soulitary Vice / Dissapear Here / Adaptables / Angelizer / Tired / KBonus Never Stop to Hurt You (Lustmord Remix) by Pedro Paixao) / Angelized (Angelizer Remix) by Pedro Paixao
Objev podobné jako Moonspell: The Butterfly Effect - CD (0840588129096)
The Boy with the Butterfly Mind - Victoria Williamson
Paperback edition of the moving and funny novel from Victoria Williamson, author of The Fox Girl and the White Gazelle. When chaotic Jamie and ordered Elin's two families blend, sparks fly. But perhaps they have something in common...
Objev podobné jako The Boy with the Butterfly Mind - Victoria Williamson
The Kitchen Garden: Sowing, growing and cooking for the garden enthusiast - Lucy Mora
The book features fifty-five plant profiles ranging from the everyday to the utterly unique, from broccoli to cape gooseberries. Each profile has a hero illustration and an easy-to-comprehend table detailing the most important information: when to sow and harvest; growing time; space needed between plants; optimal soil pH; whether the plant will tolerate pots and frost; and each plant's companions and dislikes.A planting chart summarising the most useful information from the plant profiles is also included, along with guidance on the different climate zones and how best to start your kitchen garden. With an emphasis on seasons rather than months, the book is a beautiful and practical gift for a garden enthusiast, whether they live in the northern or southern hemisphere.
Objev podobné jako The Kitchen Garden: Sowing, growing and cooking for the garden enthusiast - Lucy Mora
The Secret Garden
Audiokniha MP3 Frances Hodgson Burnett, čte Rodilý mluvčí Audiokniha The Secret Garden namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň A2 pro mírně pokročilé posluchače. One day, in India, nine-year old Mary wakes up and finds that she is completely alone. Back home in England, she is sent to live with an uncle she has never met. His house is a strange, lonely place where she will gradually discover secret after secret in a new and magical world.
Objev podobné jako The Secret Garden
The Butterfly Cannon Rosa Tequila 40% 0,5l
Stříbrná tequila s růžovým grapefruitem. Krásná světle růžová tekutina se sladkou a kyselou citrusovou příchutí navrstvenou bohatou agáve chutí. 100% agáve tequila z mexického nejoceňovanějšího lihovaru. Rosa je obohacena kůrou z mexického grapefruitu, která dodává svěží chuť. Na zdraví!
Objev podobné jako The Butterfly Cannon Rosa Tequila 40% 0,5l
The Garden Party (0241341647)
Kniha - autor Katherine Mansfield, 192 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A windless, warm day greets the Sheridan family on the day of their garden party. As daughter Laura takes the reins on party preparations the news of a neighbour's demise casts a cloud over the host and threatens the entire celebration. The Penguin English Library - collectable general readers' editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century to the end of the Second World War.
Objev podobné jako The Garden Party (0241341647)
The Secret Garden (0062692577)
Kniha - autor Frances Hodgson Burnett, 272 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá The Secret Garden is a novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett first published in book form in 1911, after serialization in The American Magazine (November 1910 – August 1911). When Mary Lennox, the unloved, contrary and spoiled ten-year-old, is found alone in the deserted house after her parents’ death, she is sent to live with an uncle whom she has never known. In Yorkshire, England, at his secluded Misselthwaite Manor, Martha Sowerby, a warm-hearted chambermaid, introduces Mary to the late Mrs. Craven and her private walled garden, which has been locked for years. As Mary becomes curious to explore this secret garden, will she be able to find the key? Published more than a hundred years ago, The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett is a prominent children’s classic. It is regarded as one of the best works of the twentieth century children’s literature.
Objev podobné jako The Secret Garden (0062692577)
The Garden - Clare Beams
From the critically acclaimed author comes an eerie, psychologically thrilling novel about womanhood and bodily autonomy___________________''Pet Sematary meets Rosemary''s Baby with a literary sheen'' NEW YORK TIMES''A feminist voice for the 21st century'' JOYCE CAROL OATES''Prepare to be haunted'' RACHEL YODER___________________It''s 1948, and Irene Willard has had five miscarriages. She''s desperate to give her beloved husband the child he desperately desires and, now pregnant for the sixth time, checks in to an isolated house-cum-hospital run by a husband-and-wife team of doctors who are pioneering a cure, they say, to ''rectify the maternal environment''.There, she befriends Margaret and Pearl, women who are also yearning for motherhood, and together, they undertake the doctors'' examinations, both physical and psychological. In the meantime, she discovers a long-forgotten walled garden on the spacious grounds, a place imbued with its own impenetrable powers and pulls. As the doctors'' plans begin to crumble, Irene and her fellow patients make a desperate bid to harness the power of the garden for themselves - and must face the incalculable risks associated with such incalculable rewards.Haunting, uncanny and unforgettable, The Garden exhumes private griefs and mysteries in a stunning gothic that explores the ways that women''s bodies are policed and manipulated. ______________________More praise for The Garden''Truly original'' DAILY MAIL''Page-turning, horror-infused'' LITHUB''A dreamlike chiller'' OBSERVER''I''m in awe if this book'' JESSAMINE CHAN''A shimmering, strange, important novel'' RUFI THORPE
Objev podobné jako The Garden - Clare Beams
The Accidental Garden - Richard Mabey
''Part memoir, part naturescape and part gardening book ... there is also something much rarer in this book: wisdom. What a treat'' The Times''Delightful ... Mabey is the doyen of UK nature writing'' New Statesman''Our greatest nature writer'' New ScientistWe regard gardens as our personal dominions, where we can create whatever worlds we desire. But they are also occupied by myriads of other organisms, all with their own lives to lead. The conflict between these two power bases, Richard Mabey suggests, is a microcosm of what is happening in the larger world. In this provocative book, rooted in the daily dramas of his own Norfolk garden, Mabey offers a different scenario, where nature becomes an equal partner, a ''gardener'' itself. Against a background of disordered seasons he watches his ''accidental'' garden reorganising itself. Ants sow cowslip seeds in the parched grass. Moorhens take to nesting in trees. A spectacular self-seeded rose springs up in the gravel. The garden becomes a place of cultural and ecological fusion, and perhaps a metaphor for the troubled planet. This is vintage Mabey, maverick, intensely observed, and written with an unquenchable sense of wonder.
Objev podobné jako The Accidental Garden - Richard Mabey
The Preserving Garden - Jo Turner
Grow your garden to fill your pantry with bottled fruit, fermented vegetables and over 40 sorts of preserved and dried home-grown food. The Preserving Garden is a stylishly illustrated guide to creating a garden that will provide food all year round. Featuring over 40 plant profiles with growing notes for starting or improving your garden, you will learn how to make a vegetable patch or small orchard in any space – including where to begin, when to plant and how to care for your garden. The book includes scalable, easy-to-follow recipes and techniques for chutneys, relishes, jams, jellies, marmalades, bottling and drying. Make the most of your home-grown produce throughout the year by pureeing tomatoes for sauces, fermenting your cabbage for sauerkraut, drying your cherries to use in muffins and much more. When you are using fruit or vegetables grown in your own yard or allotment (or simply in pots) you are reducing food miles, waste, plastic use and reclaiming control over what goes into the food you eat – all very contemporary concerns addressed by long-established practices. Offering a joyful reinterpretation of cookery illustration, this book is an inspiring and practical gift for the food enthusiast, whatever their local growing conditions.
Objev podobné jako The Preserving Garden - Jo Turner
The Tulip Garden - Polly Nicholson
An inspirational introduction to growing and collecting tulips, set against the backdrop of a beautiful English garden, with expert tips and advice for gardeners Tulips are one of the world’s most popular flowers, with over 2,500 varieties produced in the Netherlands each year. This spectacular book showcases a unique collection of rare and covetable tulips at Blacklands, the beautiful English country garden of tulip expert Polly Nicholson. Combining the flower’s rich cultural history with growing advice, Nicholson provides a comprehensive introduction to cultivating species, historic Dutch and English Florists’ tulips, and annual garden tulips.Featuring all types of tulip – from wild, species tulips to old Dutch cultivars, as well as English Florists’, and the ever popular annual garden tulips – she also offers modern context and sensible and practical advice for gardeners, based on her personal horticultural experience. Bringing to life varieties that date back to the 16th century, Nicholson demonstrates how these treasured bulbs and more modern varieties of these enchanting spring flowers can be grown today – whether in herbaceous borders, naturalized in grass, in containers, gravel, meadow settings, or in the garden for cutting. The Tulip Garden is an essential reference for tulip lovers, florists, and gardeners, but also, with newly commissioned photography by Andrew Montgomery, an inspirational resource, tapping into the zeitgeist for sustainable flowers and organic gardening, focusing on one of the world’s most popular flowers.
Objev podobné jako The Tulip Garden - Polly Nicholson
Čepice The North Face Dot Knit z tenké pleteniny
Čepice z kolekce The North Face. Model vyroben z materiálu odvádějícího vlhkost.
Objev podobné jako Čepice The North Face Dot Knit z tenké pleteniny
Swatch Gold In The Garden SO29G103
Objev podobné jako Swatch Gold In The Garden SO29G103
Life in the Garden - Penelope Lively
Penelope Lively has always been a keen gardener. This book is partly a memoir of her own life in gardens: the large garden at home in Cairo where she spent most of her childhood, her grandmother's garden in a sloping Somerset field, then two successive Oxfordshire gardens of her own, and the smaller urban garden in the North London home she lives in today. It is also a wise, engaging and far-ranging exploration of gardens in literature, from Paradise Lost to Alice in Wonderland, and of writers and their gardens, from Virginia Woolf to Philip Larkin.
Objev podobné jako Life in the Garden - Penelope Lively
The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová
Mary Lennox was horrid. Selfish and spoilt, she was sent to stay with her hunchback uncle in Yorkshire. She hated it.But when she finds the way into a secret garden and begins to tend to it, a change comes over her and her life. She meets and befriends a local boy, the talented Dickon, and comes across her sickly cousin Colin who had been kept hidden from her. Between them, the three children work astonishing magic in themselves and those around them.The Secret Garden is one of the best-loved stories of all time.
Objev podobné jako The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová
The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová
Sisterhood Classics - classic female writers, iconic female characters, superb female designers.After losing her parents, young Mary Lennox is sent from India to live in her uncle's gloomy mansion on the wild English moors. She is lonely and has no one to play with, but one day she learns of a secret garden somewhere in the grounds that no one is allowed to enter. Then Mary uncovers an old key in a flowerbed - and a gust of magic leads her to the hidden door. Slowly she turns the key and enters a world she could never have imagined.
Objev podobné jako The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová
The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová
Rediscover the favourite childhood classic.***With a heartwarming introduction by Sophie Dahl***What little girl can turn a whole household upside down and breathe new life back into a strange, old manor? The wonderfully contrary, strong-willed, angry, misunderstood Mary Lennox.When Mary Lennox is sent to Misselthwaite Manor to live with her uncle, everybody says she is the most disagreeable-looking child ever seen. It is true, too. Mary is pale, spoilt and quite contrary. But she is also horribly lonely. Then one day she hears about a garden in the grounds of the Manor that has been kept locked and hidden for years.And when a friendly robin helps Mary find the key, she discovers the most magical place anyone could imagine...''The book is brim full of magic and joy'' Sunday Telegraph
Objev podobné jako The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová
The Twilight Garden - Sara Nisha Adams
The spellbinding new novel from the acclaimed author of The Reading ListWelcome to The Twilight Garden – the neighbourhood''s best-kept secret…‘It was a complete joy’ Sally Page, bestselling author of The Keeper of Stories__________________________________________________________For too long, Winston has lived a quiet life.But when a mystery parcel drops on his doormat – a curious collection of photographs showing a community garden, his garden, bursting with life years ago – it sparks a bigger change than he could ever imagine.Who is the secret gardener? And what are they trying to tell him?All Winston knows is The Twilight Garden holds an extraordinary story; humming with memories just waiting to be unearthed. And the garden can work its magic on the community again – if only he finds the courage to invite people in…Readers love Sara Nisha Adams’ storytelling:‘I laughed, smiled, cried, and didn''t want it to end’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘So beautifully written and I loved every single character! This is so much hope and love in every page’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Thoroughly uplifting and at times poignant. Wonderful book!’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘One of the most heartwarming and inspiring books I''ve ever read’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘If you need a book that gives you hope, this is it’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Objev podobné jako The Twilight Garden - Sara Nisha Adams
The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová
Mary Lennox was horrid. Selfish and spoilt, she was sent to stay with her hunchback uncle in Yorkshire. She hated it.But when she finds the way into a secret garden and begins to tend it, a change comes over her and her life. She meets and befriends a local boy, the talented Dickon, and comes across her sickly cousin Colin who had been kept hidden from her. Between them, the three children work astonishing magic in themselves and those around them.The Secret Garden is one of the best-loved stories of all time.
Objev podobné jako The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová
The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová
Mary Lennox was horrid. Selfish and spoilt, she was sent to stay with her hunchback uncle in Yorkshire. She hated it. But when she finds the way into a secret garden and begins to tend it, a change comes over her and her life. She meets and befriends a local boy, the talented Dickon, and comes across her sickly cousin Colin who had been kept hidden from her. Between them, the three children work astonishing magic in themselves and those around them. The Secret Garden is one of the best-loved stories of all time.
Objev podobné jako The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová
Drawn to the Garden - Caroline Quentin
Find solace in your outdoor space in this delightful horticultural journey with actress Caroline Quentin, as she draws on her life-long passion for gardening.Through the pages of this gift book, Caroline shows how much joy she gets from spending time in her garden, whether it be grappling with the best way to grow plants and vegetables, or raising seeds in her potting shed. Though she now has a large following on her Instagram account, @CQGardens, her attitude to gardening is the same as it has always been – expertise helps but is not essential. Gardening should be fun and enjoyable, filled with the simple pleasures of planning, planting, harvesting and cooking. It is also a meditative and restorative pastime, and a great way to lift your spirits.Written in a warm and engaging way that reflects her personality, Caroline tells stories of growing chillies from seed in her greenhouse, berating the thieving blackbirds in her fruit cage, and swimming in her pond singing to dragon flies and flag irises. Over the years, she has come to realise that gardening, just like life, is a series of happy accidents, unplanned successes, and baffling and frustrating failures.Illustrated by Caroline herself, this gorgeous book mixes personal stories of her life and experiences in the garden, with practical tips, recipes for food and drink, and even the occasional favourite poem. As she likes to misquote Dorothy Parker: ‘Take to horticulture, it’s cheaper than a shrink’.
Objev podobné jako Drawn to the Garden - Caroline Quentin
The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett.
Chiltern Publishing creates the most beautiful editions of the World's finest literature. Your favourite classic titles in a way you have never seen them before; the tactile embossed layers, fine details and beautiful colours of these remarkable covers make these titles feel extra special and will look striking on any shelf.
Objev podobné jako The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett.
The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová
Designed to appeal to the book lover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautifully bound pocket-sized gift editions of much loved classic titles. Bound in real cloth, printed on high quality paper, and featuring ribbon markers and gilt edges, Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. Mary Lennox is sent from an India as an orphan to live at Misselthwaite Manor. She arrives as a sour-faced, sickly and ill-tempered little madam but becomes friends with local lad Dickon and her poorly cousin Colin. In their restoration of a secret garden all their lives are changed for the better. With an Afterword by Anna South.
Objev podobné jako The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová
The Garden Against Time - Laing Olivia
In 2020, Olivia Laing began to restore a walled garden in Suffolk, an overgrown Eden of unusual plants. The work drew her into an exhilarating investigation of paradise and its long association with gardens. Moving between real and imagined gardens, from Milton’s Paradise Lost to John Clare’s enclosure elegies, from a wartime sanctuary in Italy to a grotesque aristocratic pleasure ground funded by slavery, Laing interrogates the sometimes shocking cost of making paradise on earth. But the story of the garden doesn’t always enact larger patterns of privilege and exclusion. It’s also a place of rebel outposts and communal dreams. From the improbable queer utopia conjured by Derek Jarman on the beach at Dungeness to the fertile vision of a common Eden propagated by William Morris, new modes of living can and have been attempted amidst the flower beds, experiments that could prove vital in the coming era of climate change. The result is a beautiful and exacting account of the abundant pleasures and possibilities of gardens: not as a place to hide from the world but as a site of encounter and discovery, bee-loud and pollen-laden.
Objev podobné jako The Garden Against Time - Laing Olivia
The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová
Frances Burnett Hodgson’s novel The Secret Garden is both intriguing and uplifting. It is regarded as one of the best children’s books written in the twentieth century.Mary Lennox, a sickly ten year old girl, adrift in the world after both her mother and father die is sent to Yorkshire to live with an uncle whom she has never met, at his isolated house, Misselthwaite Manor. Initially Mary is seen as a rude, aggressive and selfish child. She dislikes her new home and the people living in it. But now the scene is set for her transformation and the introduction of the author’s engaging theme of rejuvenation and renewal. In exploring the grounds Mary finds the key to the locked garden which is neglected and overrun with weeds. She sets her mind to bringing it back to life. In doing so, Mary finds a purpose and an excitement in her lonely existence. However, apart from the garden, there are other secrets to be revealed at Misselthwaite Manor such as the strange cries in the night and the identity of Colin, a disabled boy, whom she discovers in the hidden bedroom. The popularity of this novel bears witness to its universal appeal and its timeless hold on the imagination.
Objev podobné jako The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová
The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová
The classic English children's novel of three young friends and one special garden, stunningly reimagined in a deluxe full-color edition, illustrated with beautiful artwork and unique interactive features created by the award-winning design studio behind the graphics for the Harry Potter film franchise, MinaLima-sure to delight fans of the live action film versions coming in 2018 from Disney and Universal Studios.After tragedy leaves Mary Lennox orphaned, the bratty ten-year-old British girl is sent from her home in India to Yorkshire, to live with Archibald Craven, a distant uncle whom she has never met.At first, life in the isolated Misselthwaite Manor is as cold and desolate as the bleak moor outside her window. Then Mary learns the story of the late Mrs. Craven, the estate's mistress, who spent hours in a walled garden tending to her roses. Mrs. Craven died after an accident in the garden, and her forlorn husband forbid anyone to enter it again, locking it and burying the key. The tale piques Mary's curiosity and inspires her to find this secret garden, a search that introduces her to new friends, including a robin redbreast; Dickson, a twelve-year-old boy with a kindness to animals; and Colin, her secluded sickly first-cousin. Spending time in the garden transforms Mary and Colin and ultimately, life at Misselthwaite Manor itself.Originally published in 1911, Frances Hodgson Burnett's poignant story has captured reader's hearts for more than a century. Part of Harper Design's series of deluxe reimagined children's classics, this captivating unabridged gift edition takes readers on a memorable journey that teaches them lessons about hardship, friendship, happiness, and restoration.Illustrated throughout, The Secret Garden comes with ten interactive features, including:A layout of the Manor House and groundsA map of the Secret GardenA dial showing how plants grow throughout the seasonA cut-out paper doll of Mary and her clothesA removable letter to Dickon from his older sister, the maid who tells Mary the story of the garden
Objev podobné jako The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová
The Garden of Empire - J.T. Greathouse
WAR MAKES MONSTERS OF EVERYONE.Foolish Cur, once named Wen Alder, finds that his allies in the rebellion might cross any line if it means freedom from the Empire. But he can't overcome a foe as strong as Emperor Tenet alone.REBELLION HAS UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES.Koro Ha, Foolish Cur's former tutor, discovers the Empire is not so forgiving of those who raise a traitor. And their suspicion may cost him and his people more than he can imagine.THE GODS ARE LURKING IN THE SHADOWS.As war against the Empire rages, Foolish Cur knows there is a greater threat. The emperor plans his own coup against the gods, and they will wreak destruction if he tries. To stop him, Foolish Cur might have to risk everything - and resort to ancient magics that could tear the world apart.This is perfect for fans of Robin Hobb and Shelley Parker-Chan.
Objev podobné jako The Garden of Empire - J.T. Greathouse
The Garret and the Garden - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
eBook: First published in 1890, ‘The Garret and the Garden’ is an adventure story set in the criminal underworld of London by prolific author R.M. Ballantyne. Young Scot David Laidlaw has come to London to seek his fortune but finds instead the seedy underbelly of London - and is soon embroiled in a world of criminals and mercenaries. A thrilling tale from the popular author.
Objev podobné jako The Garret and the Garden - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
The Garden: Elements and Styles - Toby Musgrave
The definitive reference guide to garden design, its rich history, and the creative art of gardening – a luxuriously illustrated A-Z compendium of more than 200 garden elements, styles, features, and ornaments for gardeners around the globe With its easy-to-use A-Z format, The Garden examines over 200 modern and historical garden styles, features, types and ornaments, with definitions and informative descriptions and more than 500 spectacular images. This accessible, inspirational book is perfect for both amateur gardeners and specialists alike. Its entries, written by garden expert and historian Toby Musgrave – author of Phaidon's bestselling book The Gardener's Garden – range from Allée, Borrowed Landscape and Coastal Garden, to Minimalism, New Perennial Planting, Pool, Vista and Xeriscape Garden and form a unique, illustrated 'glossary' for gardeners, featuring more than 400 gardens, both public and private, iconic and lesser known. Examples include spaces such as the Baroque gardens of Versailles and rarely published tropical courtyards from contemporary designers, alongside artist creations such as Frida Kahlo’s courtyard in Mexico and Derek Jarman's coastal garden in Dungeness, England. Alongside the work of private garden owners and makers, the book also showcases the work of emerging and eminent designers, including Andrea Cochran, Emily Erlam, Raymond Jungles, Dan Pearson, and Piet Oudolf. Whether creating an English cottage garden or tending a Japanese Zen landscape, the range and beauty of The Garden will inspire gardeners and garden lovers everywhere as never before.
Objev podobné jako The Garden: Elements and Styles - Toby Musgrave
The Twilight Garden (Defekt) - Sara Nisha Adams
The uplifting, unforgettable new novel from the acclaimed author of The Reading List'It was a complete joy to spend time in The Twilight Garden' SALLY PAGEIn a small pocket of London, between the houses of No.77 and No.79 Eastbourne Road, lies a neglected community garden.Once a sanctuary for people when they needed it most, the garden's gate is now firmly closed. And that's exactly how Winston at No.79 likes it - anything to avoid his irritating new next-door neighbour.But when a mystery parcel drops on Winston's doormat - a curious bundle of photographs of a community garden, his garden, bursting with life years ago - a seed of an idea is planted . .
Objev podobné jako The Twilight Garden (Defekt) - Sara Nisha Adams
Lost in the Garden - Adam S. Leslie
Heather, Rachel and Antonia are going to Almanby. Heather needs to find her boyfriend who, like so many, went and never came back. Rachel has a mysterious package to deliver, and her life depends on it. And Antonia - poor, lovestruck Antonia just wants the chance to spend the day with Heather. So off they set through the idyllic yet perilous English countryside, in which nature thrives in abundance and summer lasts forever. And as they travel through ever-shifting geography and encounter strange voices in the fizz of shortwave radio, the harder it becomes to tell friend from foe. Creepy, dreamlike, unsettling and unforgettable - you are about to join the privileged few who come to understand exactly why we don''t go to Almanby.
Objev podobné jako Lost in the Garden - Adam S. Leslie
Garden To Save The World - Joe Clark
No matter your space, gardening expert and social media sensation Joe Clark will help you find joy and peace in the natural world.Nature enthusiast Joe Clark is here to help you make the most of the outdoors, whether or not you have a garden of your own. Garden to Save the World covers everything from growing your own food and eating seasonally to keeping vital ecosystems alive by encouraging wildlife and appreciating all nature has to offer.Garden to Save the World showcases just how fantastic the natural world is, both for your physical and mental health. It’s a fun, positive guide to the joys of the natural world as a haven for all. The book is complete with practical takeaways on how to make an urban bee hotel, zero waste tips, going wild, using your garden as a supermarket and more. There are fun facts and surprising stories about what your garden can do for you, your community and the planet. Perfect for any budding or seasoned nature lover.- DIY tips on how to make your garden more sustainable- Growing guides so you can grow your favourite vegetables- Advice on how to avoid food waste with tips on how to store, preserve and ferment food- Delicious recipes to try at home- Checklists throughout the book Joe has a brilliant community of nearly 2 million online, where he shares top tips on his Joesgarden platforms.
Objev podobné jako Garden To Save The World - Joe Clark
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