Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

The Starfish Sisters (Defekt) - Barbara O’Nealová

From the USA Today bestselling author of When We Believed in Mermaids comes an emotional novel about two women facing the betrayals, heartbreaks, and refuge of true friendship. Phoebe and Suze used to be closer than sisters. Growing up in a quiet and wildly beautiful coastal town in Oregon, they shared everything.Until the secrets they couldn't share threatened their bond and complicated their lives. Now, decades later, Suze, a famous actress desperate for safe haven following a brutal attack, is back in town. Phoebe, a successful illustrator and fabric designer, has discovered keeping a secret means she can't let anyone get close, aside from her beloved granddaughter, Jasmine.As Jasmine's move to London looms, Phoebe doesn't know how to face the return of her old friend and all that's still unsaid between them. Can the two women who've never confronted their past do it now when the choice is between healing and survival?Heartfelt and layered, The Starfish Sisters is a moving story about the complicated nature of female friendship, the joys and heartbreaks of life, and the resiliency and power that women possess.

Podívejte se také The Seven Sisters 03. The Shadow Sister (1447288629)

cena 129.0 Kč

The Starfish Sisters - Barbara O’Nealová

From the USA Today bestselling author of When We Believed in Mermaids comes an emotional novel about two women facing the betrayals, heartbreaks, and refuge of true friendship. Phoebe and Suze used to be closer than sisters. Growing up in a quiet and wildly beautiful coastal town in Oregon, they shared everything.Until the secrets they couldn't share threatened their bond and complicated their lives. Now, decades later, Suze, a famous actress desperate for safe haven following a brutal attack, is back in town. Phoebe, a successful illustrator and fabric designer, has discovered keeping a secret means she can't let anyone get close, aside from her beloved granddaughter, Jasmine.As Jasmine's move to London looms, Phoebe doesn't know how to face the return of her old friend and all that's still unsaid between them. Can the two women who've never confronted their past do it now when the choice is between healing and survival?Heartfelt and layered, The Starfish Sisters is a moving story about the complicated nature of female friendship, the joys and heartbreaks of life, and the resiliency and power that women possess.

Podívejte se také Osiřelé sestry: The Orphan Sisters (978-80-277-0371-5)

cena 268.0 Kč

The House of Unexpected Sisters (Defekt) - Alexander McCall Smith

Precious Ramotswe learns valuable lessons about first impressions and forgiveness in this latest installment of the much-loved, best-selling No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series. At Botswana's No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, Precious Ramotswe and Grace Makutsi are intrigued by the troubling dismissal of an employee at a thriving local business. The ladies proceed with investigations as they are inclined to do - with Mma Makutsi's customary vigour, and Mma Ramotswe's rather more subtle caution. Soon enough, interesting discoveries are made... marital subterfuge, undue influence and commercial chicanery! Clearly, there is more to this dismissal than at first imagined. While Mma Makutsi's focus, as self-appointed Principal Investigating Officer, is firmly on the case, Mma Ramotswe's attention is diverted by personal matters. Not only has her disgraced ex-husband reappeared in town, but she has stumbled on an unsettling family secret of her own - one that might threaten what she holds closest to her heart. As Precious contemplates this painful possibility, she must draw on her strength and compassion and confront The House of Unexpected Sisters. And for both Mma Makutsi and Mma Ramotswe, the wise words of their mentor Clovis Andersen - 'the needle swings in confusing ways' - have never been more prescient . . .

Podívejte se také Polštář 45x30 cm, Pat&Mat, defekt (99853A)

cena 49.0 Kč

Three Sisters (Defekt) - Heather Morrisová

A promise to stay together. An unbreakable bond. A fierce will to survive. From international bestselling author Heather Morris comes the breath-taking conclusion to The Tattooist of Auschwitz trilogy. When they are girls, Cibi, Magda and Livia make a promise to their father - that they will stay together, no matter what. Years later, at just 15 years old, Livia is ordered to Auschwitz by the Nazis. Cibi, only 19 herself, remembers their promise and follows Livia, determined to protect her sister, or die with her. In their hometown in Slovakia, 17-year-old Magda hides, desperate to evade the barbaric Nazi forces. But it is not long before she is captured and condemned to Auschwitz. In the horror of the death camp, these three beautiful sisters are reunited. Though traumatised by their experiences, they are together. They make another promise: that they will live. Their fight for survival takes them from the hell of Auschwitz, to a death march across war-torn Europe and eventually home to Slovakia, now under iron Communist rule. Determined to begin again, they embark on a voyage of renewal, to the new Jewish homeland, Israel. Rich in vivid detail, and beautifully told, Three Sisters will break your heart, but leave you amazed and uplifted by the courage and fierce love of three sisters, whose promise to each other kept them alive. Two of the sisters are in Israel today, surrounded by family and friends. They have chosen Heather Morris to reimagine their story in her astonishing new novel, Three Sisters.

Objev podobné jako Three Sisters (Defekt) - Heather Morrisová

cena 49.0 Kč

Three Sisters : The conclusion to the Tattooist of Auschwitz trilogy (Defekt) - Heather Morrisová

A promise to stay together. An unbreakable bond. A fierce will to survive. From international bestselling author Heather Morris comes the breath-taking conclusion to The Tattooist of Auschwitz trilogy. When they are girls, Cibi, Magda and Livia make a promise to their father - that they will stay together, no matter what. Years later, at just 15 years old, Livia is ordered to Auschwitz by the Nazis. Cibi, only 19 herself, remembers their promise and follows Livia, determined to protect her sister, or die with her. In their hometown in Slovakia, 17-year-old Magda hides, desperate to evade the barbaric Nazi forces. But it is not long before she is captured and condemned to Auschwitz. In the horror of the death camp, these three beautiful sisters are reunited. Though traumatised by their experiences, they are together. They make another promise: that they will live. Their fight for survival takes them from the hell of Auschwitz, to a death march across war-torn Europe and eventually home to Slovakia, now under iron Communist rule. Determined to begin again, they embark on a voyage of renewal, to the new Jewish homeland, Israel. Rich in vivid detail, and beautifully told, Three Sisters will break your heart, but leave you amazed and uplifted by the courage and fierce love of three sisters, whose promise to each other kept them alive. Two of the sisters are in Israel today, surrounded by family and friends. They have chosen Heather Morris to reimagine their story in her astonishing new novel, Three Sisters.

Objev podobné jako Three Sisters : The conclusion to the Tattooist of Auschwitz trilogy (Defekt) - Heather Morrisová

cena 159.0 Kč

Three Sisters : The conclusion to the Tattooist of Auschwitz trilogy (Defekt) - Heather Morrisová

A promise to stay together. An unbreakable bond. A fierce will to survive. From international bestselling author Heather Morris comes the breath-taking conclusion to The Tattooist of Auschwitz trilogy. When they are girls, Cibi, Magda and Livia make a promise to their father - that they will stay together, no matter what. Years later, at just 15 years old, Livia is ordered to Auschwitz by the Nazis. Cibi, only 19 herself, remembers their promise and follows Livia, determined to protect her sister, or die with her. In their hometown in Slovakia, 17-year-old Magda hides, desperate to evade the barbaric Nazi forces. But it is not long before she is captured and condemned to Auschwitz. In the horror of the death camp, these three beautiful sisters are reunited. Though traumatised by their experiences, they are together. They make another promise: that they will live. Their fight for survival takes them from the hell of Auschwitz, to a death march across war-torn Europe and eventually home to Slovakia, now under iron Communist rule. Determined to begin again, they embark on a voyage of renewal, to the new Jewish homeland, Israel. Rich in vivid detail, and beautifully told, Three Sisters will break your heart, but leave you amazed and uplifted by the courage and fierce love of three sisters, whose promise to each other kept them alive. Two of the sisters are in Israel today, surrounded by family and friends. They have chosen Heather Morris to reimagine their story in her astonishing new novel, Three Sisters.

Objev podobné jako Three Sisters : The conclusion to the Tattooist of Auschwitz trilogy (Defekt) - Heather Morrisová

cena 49.0 Kč

Spřádači snů (Defekt) - Barbara Erskinová

Píše se rok 787 po Kristu. Z rozlehlých síní dávné Mercie vládne tvrdou rukou chladný, ctižádostivý a bezohledně výbojný král Offa. Jeho třem dcerám je souzeno uzavřít sňatky výhodné pro jejich zemi, ale vášnivé srdce nejmladší z nich, Eadburh, patří velšskému princi – muži, kterého si nikdy nemůže vzít a jehož jí rychle a krutě vezmou. Příběh o ztracené lásce, zradě a tajemstvích, která leží pohřbena pod nánosy času a více než tisíc let čekají, až je někdo odhalí. Příběh minulý i soudobý se odehrávají paralelně: některé z postav ze současnosti jako by měly svůj protějšek v dávné minulosti, kam nahlížejí ze začátku 21. století.

Objev podobné jako Spřádači snů (Defekt) - Barbara Erskinová

cena 179.0 Kč

Hravý hmyz (Defekt) - Barbara Taylorová

Vydejte se do říše drobných živočichů. Prozkoumejte nepatrné i podivuhodně dlouhé, dobře maskované i velice nápadné tvory v magicky barevném světě designérského dua Carnovsky z Milána.Použijte barevné čočky a pozorujte ty nejúžasnější drobné živočichy z nejrůznějších částí všech světadílů. Kolik podivných potvůrek najdete při svém dobrodružství v tomto tajemném světě?

Objev podobné jako Hravý hmyz (Defekt) - Barbara Taylorová

cena 199.0 Kč

Jíst Buddhu (Defekt) - Barbara Demicková

Jak se žije v zemi, jejíž kulturu, víru i jazyk chce pohltit čínská supervelmoc? Princezna, mnich, trhovkyně, intelektuál i školačka se musí rozhodnout, zda zůstanou v Čínou okupovaném Tibetu, nebo odejdou do exilu za dalajlamou. Budou se řídit buddhistickým učením nenásilí, nebo pozvednou zbraně? Soubor autentických příběhů přináší překvapivé informace o kultuře, kterou si Západ často idealizuje a zjednodušuje, aniž rozumí její podstatě.

Objev podobné jako Jíst Buddhu (Defekt) - Barbara Demicková

cena 179.0 Kč

Touha po štěstí (Defekt) - Barbara Hannay

Freya své sestře Pearl pomůže splnit sen a coby náhradní matka pro ni odnosí vytoužené dítě. Namísto vděku se však dočká jen nesvárů v rodině a ztráty životní lásky. O několik let později Freya dopadne na samé dno – nemá děti, manžela, ani střechu nad hlavou. Nečekanou oporu najde v neteři Billie. Dlouho odkládané shledání ale oživí staré křivdy a věci naberou náhlý spád.

Objev podobné jako Touha po štěstí (Defekt) - Barbara Hannay

cena 139.0 Kč

Král bez srdce (Defekt) - Barbara Cartland

Když lord Rupert Brooke a jeho žena zahynou při nehodě, jejich jediné dítě, Titania, musí žít s rodinou svého strýce. Vévoda ze Starbrooke však svému bratrovi nikdy neodpustil, pro jakou se rozhodl manželku, a ani Titanii nepovažuje za dostatečně vznešenou, aby mohla žít v rodině Starbrookeových. Ve svém domě ji sice trpí, ve skutečnosti je však Titania spíš komornou své sestřenice Sophie. Ta se má provdat za prince z Velidu, malého jihoevropského státečku, a Titania odjede na cestu s ní, aby jí plnila každý rozmar. Titania si může oči vyplakat – v Anglii nechává milovaného koně a chůvu, jedinou osobu, která ji má ráda. Ve Velidu se setkává s králem, nevlastním bratrem prince Frederika, a postupně si získá jeho důvěru. Přeroste důvěra v náklonnost? Dokáže Titania projevit odvahu a zachránit krále před úkladnou vraždou? A nalezne na konci dlouhé cesty své vlastní štěstí?

Objev podobné jako Král bez srdce (Defekt) - Barbara Cartland

cena 79.0 Kč

Manucurist dětský meruňkový lak na nehty Stella the Starfish, 8 ml

Máte doma malé parádníky? Nebo sami hledáte hravý lak, který snadno smyjete teplou mýdlovou vodou? Pak vám udělá radost lak na nehty od francouzské značky Manucurist! A tento meruňkový se třpytkami udělá hvězdu z každého, komu padne do ruky.Manucurist dětský meruňkový lak na nehty Stella the StarfishKrásné syté barvy v lahvičkách s malými štětečky zajistí precizní nanášení i pro ty nejmenší nehtíky. A pokud přece lak ukápne, snadno se zapere mýdlovou vodou. Stejně jednoduše se odstraní z nehtů i ve chvíli, kdy zatoužíte po jiné barvě. Díky přírodnímu veganskému složení na bázi vody, kukuřice, brambor a manioku je navíc šetrný k planetě i ke svému nositeli. Klíčové ingredience -ricinový olej - změkčuje -bentonit - přírodní jíl, zmírňuje záněty Benefity -hravé balení i barva -snadné odstranění pomocí teplé vody -nezávadné, bez zápachu, dermatologicky testované -vhodné pro děti od 3 let Obsah: 8 ml

Objev podobné jako Manucurist dětský meruňkový lak na nehty Stella the Starfish, 8 ml

cena 212.0 Kč

Čekání na barbary (Defekt) - John Maxwell Coetzee

Román od držitele Nobelovy ceny za literaturu.Jaká je hranice mezi lidstvím a barbarstvím?Desítky let byl soudce loajálním úředníkem impéria, staral se o záležitosti malé osady na hranicích a nevěnoval pozornost blížící se válce s barbary. Nicméně když do osady přijedou vyšetřovatelé, stane se svědkem krutého a nespravedlivého jednání s válečnými zajatci. Otřesen tímto zážitkem pocítí soucit s oběťmi a spáchá donkichotskou vzpouru, která z něj udělá nepřítele státu, stejného, jako jsou barbaři. Coetzeeho oceněný román je znepokojivou alegorií války mezi utlačovatelem a utlačovaným. Soudce není jen obyčejný člověk žijící v krizi svědomí na obskurním místě v časech dávno zapomenutých. Reprezentuje všechny lidi žijící v neúnosné spoluvině na režimech, kterým jsou slušnost a spravedlnost cizí.Na které straně stojí barbaři?V září 2019 měla na filmovém festivalu v Benátkách premiéru anglicko-italská adaptace Čekání na barbary. Hlavní role ztvárnili držitel Oscara Mark Rylance, Johnny Depp a Robert Pattinson.

Objev podobné jako Čekání na barbary (Defekt) - John Maxwell Coetzee

cena 119.0 Kč

Čekání na barbary (Defekt) - John Maxwell Coetzee

Jaká je hranice mezi lidstvím a barbarstvím? Desítky let byl soudce loajálním úředníkem impéria, staral se o záležitosti malé osady na hranicích a nevěnoval pozornost blížící se válce s barbary. Nicméně když do osady přijedou vyšetřovatelé, stane se svědkem krutého a nespravedlivého jednání s válečnými zajatci. Otřesen tímto zážitkem pocítí soucit s oběťmi a spáchá donkichotskou vzpouru, která z něj udělá nepřítele státu, stejného, jako jsou barbaři. Coetzeeho oceněný román je znepokojivou alegorií války mezi utlačovatelem a utlačovaným. Soudce není jen obyčejný člověk žijící v krizi svědomí na obskurním místě v časech dávno zapomenutých. Reprezentuje všechny lidi žijící v neúnosné spoluvině na režimech, kterým jsou slušnost a spravedlnost cizí. Na které straně stojí barbaři?

Objev podobné jako Čekání na barbary (Defekt) - John Maxwell Coetzee

cena 99.0 Kč

Čekání na barbary (Defekt) - John Maxwell Coetzee

Jaká je hranice mezi lidstvím a barbarstvím? Desítky let byl soudce loajálním úředníkem impéria, staral se o záležitosti malé osady na hranicích a nevěnoval pozornost blížící se válce s barbary. Nicméně když do osady přijedou vyšetřovatelé, stane se svědkem krutého a nespravedlivého jednání s válečnými zajatci. Otřesen tímto zážitkem pocítí soucit s oběťmi a spáchá donkichotskou vzpouru, která z něj udělá nepřítele státu, stejného, jako jsou barbaři. Coetzeeho oceněný román je znepokojivou alegorií války mezi utlačovatelem a utlačovaným. Soudce není jen obyčejný člověk žijící v krizi svědomí na obskurním místě v časech dávno zapomenutých. Reprezentuje všechny lidi žijící v neúnosné spoluvině na režimech, kterým jsou slušnost a spravedlnost cizí. Na které straně stojí barbaři?

Objev podobné jako Čekání na barbary (Defekt) - John Maxwell Coetzee

cena 99.0 Kč

The Workhouse Sisters - Kay Brellend

After escaping the grip of the workhouse, Lily has kept her fiance's business afloat while he is away fighting on the Western Front. Still battling on, she's now doing her bit for her country as an auxiliary nurse - but one thing above all else continues to weigh heavily on her heart: her long-lost sister. Born just before her mother died, the scandal was hushed-up and the baby spirited away. But now, at last, there is hope Lily could find her little sister for she has a clue to go on: the name of the notorious baby farmer who bought the child all those years ago. Mrs Jolley. Using all her pluck, and with the help of her two friends Margie and Fanny, Lily will do anything in her power to find her little sister and save her from the dark streets of London. With Winter drawing in, and the war with no end in sight, will she be able to bring her family together?

Objev podobné jako The Workhouse Sisters - Kay Brellend

cena 620.0 Kč

The Seven Sisters - Lucinda Rileyová

Celebrate the 10th anniversary of Lucinda Riley’s iconic bestselling series, with this stunning hardback collector’s edition, with a new foreword from Lucinda's son, Harry Whittaker, and gorgeous illustrated endpapers.The Seven Sisters is an epic tale of love and loss that tells the stories of the D’Aplièse sisters, all adopted as babies by the enigmatic billionaire they affectionately call Pa Salt. This is Maia’s story. When Pa Salt dies suddenly, the bereaved sisters gather together at their childhood home, a spectacular secluded castle on the shores of Lake Geneva. Each of them is handed a tantalising clue to their heritage and Maia finds herself on a journey across the world to a crumbling mansion in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Eighty years earlier, Izabela Bonifacio’s father has aspirations for her to marry into the aristocracy. But Izabela longs for adventure, and convinces him to allow her to first travel to Paris. In the heady, vibrant streets of the city, Izabela meets an ambitious young sculptor, and knows at once that her life will never be the same again.What links these two young women? In the beautiful city of Rio, will Maia find the answers she needs to understand who she truly is?The Seven Sisters is the first book in the spellbinding Seven Sisters series, inspired by the mythology of the famous star constellation. It is followed by The Storm Sister.

Objev podobné jako The Seven Sisters - Lucinda Rileyová

cena 738.0 Kč

The Seven Sisters 03. The Shadow Sister (1447288629)

Kniha - autor Lucinda Riley, 682 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The third spellbinding story in the bestselling "Seven Sisters" series. 'A brilliant page-turner just soaked in glamour and romance' "Daily Mail"

Objev podobné jako The Seven Sisters 03. The Shadow Sister (1447288629)

cena 286.0 Kč

The Andrews Sisters - The Very Best Of (LP)

Vydavatelství: Not Now Music Barva podle výrobce: Black Dekáda interpreta: 1920 - 1929;1940 - 1949;1950 - 1959;1930 - 1939;1960 - 1969 Typ: Album;LP deska Země původu: Německo Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Černá Země interpreta: USA Žánr: Pop Varianta: The Very Best Of (LP) Interpret / Téma: The Andrews Sisters Rok vydání: 2022.0 Datum vydání: 2022-06-24 Subžánr: Vocal

Objev podobné jako The Andrews Sisters - The Very Best Of (LP)

cena 615.0 Kč

The Seven Sisters 04. The Pearl Sister (1509840079)

Kniha - 690 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Seven Sisters 04. The Pearl Sister (1509840079)

cena 289.0 Kč

The Unlikely Adventures of the Shergill Sisters - Balli Kaur Jaswalová

Grab your passport and let the Shergill sisters take you on a journey...Meet the Shergill Sisters.The know-it-all, Rajni.The drama queen, Jezmeen.The golden child, Shirina.They have never been close. But their mother's dying wish was for them to take a pilgrimage across India together, to carry out her final rites. And so, the sisters are thrown together for one last (and very strange) family holiday.The three women seem to have nothing in common, apart from the fact that each of them has a secret she would prefer to keep hidden. But as one unlikely adventure follows another, it's not long before they start to realise that they might need each other now more than ever. After all, there are no secrets between sisters...

Objev podobné jako The Unlikely Adventures of the Shergill Sisters - Balli Kaur Jaswalová

cena 259.0 Kč

Sisters of the Moon - Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick

A wonderfully atmospheric story about holistic mysticism, the unexplainable and the power of female friendship. From Carnegie-shortlisted author of On Midnight Beach.Suzy Button is grieving. Grieving for her dead mother, but also for the friends she''s left behind, the father who no longer laughs and the life that she once had. In desperation she finds herself in the garden in the middle of the night, under the light of a supermoon, wishing everything would change.And suddenly, it does.Into school walks Rhiannon, a fearless new girl who makes Suzy her instant best friend. And Rhiannon seems to make things . . . happen. If Suzy wants something, somehow Rhiannon can make it so: friends, beach parties, midnight photoshoots under a moonlit sky . . . Suzy''s life is finally moving forward again.But where did Rhiannon come from? She doesn''t seem to live in Sallycove. Why can''t Suzy go to her house? And why does she never have any stuff? Suzy might be her best friend, but does she really know who Rhiannon is?Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick''s book On Midnight Beach was shortlisted for the CILIP Carnegie Medal in 2021.

Objev podobné jako Sisters of the Moon - Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick

cena 266.0 Kč

Wyrd Sisters: The Witches Collection - Terry Pratchett

The funniest, most insighftul, clever and totally bonkers parody of all things Shakespeare, filled to the brim with Pratchett's signature style.'Pratchett uses his other world to hold up a distorting mirror to our own' The Times'The Discworld novels have always been among the most serious of comedies, the most relevant and real of fantasies' Independent'An enduring, endearing presence in comic literature' GuardianWitches are not by nature gregarious, and they certainly don't have leaders.Granny Weatherwax was the most highly regarded of the leaders they didn't have.But even she found that meddling in royal politics was a lot more difficult than certain playwrights would have you believe...

Objev podobné jako Wyrd Sisters: The Witches Collection - Terry Pratchett

cena 443.0 Kč

Secrets for the Three Sisters - Annie Groves

The heartwarming new novel from the author of The District Nurses of Victory Walk. It’s autumn 1940 and the Blitz has cast its shadow over London. Everyone is doing their bit to help, including the three Harrison sisters of the East End’s Victory Walk.Nurse Rose is snowed under in the hospital tending to victims of the bombings. Her sister Clover is on active duty on the south coast, while the baby of the family, Daisy, is growing up quickly working on the London Underground, now that thousands of people are taking shelter down below.Even in wartime, the sisters find time for a wedding, but the bride is keeping a secret, which threatens to come to light. Can the three sisters stick together, for each other, and for King and Country?

Objev podobné jako Secrets for the Three Sisters - Annie Groves

cena 236.0 Kč

Sisters under the Rising Sun - Heather Morrisová

The phenomenal new novel of resilience and survival from bestselling author of The Tattooist of Auschwitz, Heather Morris. In the midst of WWII, an English mother, Norah, places her eight-year-old daughter Sally on a ship leaving Malaya, desperate to keep her safe from the Japanese army as they move down through the Pacific, swiftly overrunning the Allied forces. Norah then flees, knowing she may never see her child again.In Singapore, a Welsh-Australian nurse, Nesta, has enlisted to tend to Allied troops. But as the island falls to the Japanese she joins the terrified cargo of people, including the heartbroken Norah, crammed aboard the Vyner Brooke merchant ship. Only two days later, they are bombarded from the air off the coast of Indonesia, and in a matter of hours, the Vyner Brooke lies broken on the seabed.After surviving a brutal 24 hours in the sea, Nesta and Norah reach the beaches of an Indonesian island, only to be captured by the Japanese and held in one of their notorious Prisoner of War camps. The camps are places of starvation and brutality, where disease runs rampant. Sisters in arms, Norah and Nesta fight side by side every day, helping whoever they can, and discovering in themselves and each other extraordinary reserves of courage, resourcefulness and determination.Sisters under the Rising Sun is a story of women in war: a novel of sisterhood, bravery and friendship in the darkest of circumstances, from the multimillion-copy bestselling author of The Tattooist of Auschwitz, Cilka's Journey and Three Sisters.

Objev podobné jako Sisters under the Rising Sun - Heather Morrisová

cena 402.0 Kč

Sisters under the Rising Sun - Heather Morrisová

The phenomenal new novel, based on a true story, from the multimillion-copy bestselling author of The Tattooist of Auschwitz, Cilka's Journey and Three Sisters. 1942. Singapore is falling to the Japanese Army.English musician Norah Chambers places her eight-year-old daughter Sally on a ship leaving Singapore, desperate to keep her safe. As the island burns, Australian nurse Nesta James joins the terrified cargo of people, including the heartbroken Norah, crammed aboard the HMS Vyner Brooke. After only two days at sea, the ship is bombarded and sunk.Nesta and Norah reach the beaches of Indonesia only to be captured and held in one of the notorious Japanese POW camps, places of starvation and brutality. But even here joy can be found, in music, where Norah's 'voice orchestra' transports the internees from squalor into light. The friendships they build with the dozens of other women in the camps will give them the hope, strength and camaraderie they need in order to stay alive.Sisters under the Rising Sun tells the story of women in war: a novel of sisterhood, bravery and resilience in the darkest of circumstances.

Objev podobné jako Sisters under the Rising Sun - Heather Morrisová

cena 295.0 Kč

The Lacuna - Barbara Kingsolver

From Pulitzer Prize nominee and award winning author of Homeland, The Poisonwood Bible and Flight Behaviour, The Lacuna is the heartbreaking story of a man torn between the warm heart of Mexico and the cold embrace of 1950s America in the shadow of Senator McCarthy. Born in America and raised in Mexico, Harrison Shepherd is a liability to his social-climbing flapper mother, Salome. When he starts work in the household of Mexican artists Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo - where the Bolshevik leader, Lev Trotsky, is also being harboured as a political exile - he inadvertently casts his lot with art, communism and revolution. A compulsive diarist, he records and relates his colourful experiences of life with Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo and Trotsky in the midst of the Mexican revolution. A violent upheaval sends him back to America; but political winds continue to throw him between north and south, in a plot that turns many times on the unspeakable breach - the lacuna - between truth and public presumption.

Objev podobné jako The Lacuna - Barbara Kingsolver

cena 295.0 Kč

The Makioka Sisters: Vintage Classics Japanese Series (1784875430)

Kniha - 562 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Makioka Sisters: Vintage Classics Japanese Series (1784875430)

cena 309.0 Kč

Seven Sisters 4 - The Pearl Sister - Lucinda Rileyová

The Pearl Sister is the fourth book in the number one international bestselling Seven Sisters series by Lucinda Riley.CeCe D'Apliese has never felt she fitted in anywhere. Following the death of her father, the elusive billionaire Pa Salt - so-called by the six daughters he adopted from around the globe and named after the Seven Sisters star cluster - she finds herself at breaking point. Dropping out of art college, CeCe watches as Star, her beloved sister, distances herself to follow her new love, leaving her completely alone.In desperation, she decides to flee England and discover her past; the only clues she has are a black-and-white photograph and the name of a woman pioneer who lived in Australia over one hundred years ago. En-route to Sydney, CeCe heads to the one place she has ever felt close to being herself: the stunning beaches of Krabi, Thailand. There amongst the backpackers, she meets the mysterious Ace, a man as lonely as she is and whom she subsequently realizes has a secret to hide . . .A hundred years earlier, Kitty McBride, daughter of an Edinburgh clergyman, is given the opportunity to travel to Australia as the companion of the wealthy Mrs McCrombie. In Adelaide, her fate becomes entwined with Mrs McCrombie's family, including the identical, yet very different, twin brothers: impetuous Drummond, and ambitious Andrew, the heir to a pearling fortune.When CeCe finally reaches the searing heat and dusty plains of the Red Centre of Australia, she begins the search for her past. As something deep within her responds to the energy of the area and the ancient culture of the Aboriginal people, her creativity reawakens once more. With help from those she meets on her journey, CeCe begins to believe that this wild, vast continent could offer her something she never thought possible: a sense of belonging, and a home . . .

Objev podobné jako Seven Sisters 4 - The Pearl Sister - Lucinda Rileyová

cena 241.0 Kč

The Dream Weavers - Barbara Erskinová

A couple torn apart...The year is 775AD, and the Saxon King Offa rules with cold ambition. His daughter, Eadburh, destined for an arranged marriage, is devastated when her true love is torn from her. Angry and passionate, she rebels - and her defiance may lead to war.A past that will not stay buriedCenturies later, unsettling visions disturb a cottage hidden amongst the Welsh hills, and Bea begins to have haunting nightmares. The past is calling - and Eadburh is trying to exact her revenge. As dreams and reality weave closer together, will Bea have the strength to resist the secrets of the Saxons?The Sunday Times bestseller is back with a spellbinding tale of secrets, magic and the dangerous power of true love...

Objev podobné jako The Dream Weavers - Barbara Erskinová

cena 269.0 Kč

Pyramid Principle, The - Barbara Minto

GET THE MAXIMUM IMPACT WITH THE MINIMUM EFFORT. The Pyramid Principle is the international best-seller on how to think creatively, reason lucidly and produce crisp, clear, compelling business writing. Join the tens of thousands of people worldwide who have benefited from Barbara Minto''s technique, to present your thinking so clearly that the ideas jump off the page and into the mind of the reader. Can your writing do without it?

Objev podobné jako Pyramid Principle, The - Barbara Minto

cena 1181.0 Kč

Holding the Line - Barbara Kingsolver

AVAILABLE TO PRE-ORDER NOWFrom the multi-million copy bestselling author Demon Copperhead: a true story of female-led resilience during the Great Arizona Mine Strike of 1983 - now available for the first time in the UK.‘[Kingsolver] means to save us by telling us stories . . . She comes closer than anyone else I know.’ ANNE PATCHETT‘Clear and emotional . . . This is a report from the trenches of where the political meets the personal.’ JOHN SAYLESIt was the summer of 1983. Barbara Kingsolver had a day job as a scientific writer spends her weekends cutting her teeth as a freelance journalist when she landed an assignment. Her mission: was to cover the Phelps Dodge mine strike.Over the year that followed Kingsolver stood with those miners and their families, increasingly engaged and heartbroken. She recorded stories of striking miners and their stunningly courageous wives, sisters and daughters. She saw rights she’d taken for granted denied to people she had learned to care about, as they cried out to a wide world that either refused to believe what was happening to them, or didn''t care, or simply could not know.This book is the true story of the families who held the line, and of Kingsolver''s commitment to tell the story of the women and girls who discovered themselves in their fight to keep their families from destitution. It is a story about the sparks that fly when the flint of force strikes against human mettle.FROM THE WINNER OF THE PULITZER AND WOMEN''S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2023

Objev podobné jako Holding the Line - Barbara Kingsolver

cena 502.0 Kč

The Poisonwood Bible - Barbara Kingsolver

**NOW INCLUDING THE FIRST CHAPTER OF DEMON COPPERHEAD**TWICE WINNER OF THE WOMEN''S PRIZE FOR FICTIONTHE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLERFOUR MILLION COPIES SOLD WORLDWIDEWITH OVER 7,000 5* REVIEWSAn international bestseller and a modern classic, this suspenseful epic of one family’s tragic undoing and their remarkable reconstruction has been read, adored and shared by millions around the world.''A masterpiece.'' MARIAN KEYES''Breathtaking.'' Sunday Times''Exquisite.'' The Times''Beautiful.'' Independent''Powerful.'' New York TimesThis story is told by the wife and four daughters of Nathan Price, a fierce, evangelical Baptist who takes his family and mission to the Belgian Congo in 1959.They carry with them everything they believe they will need from home, but soon find that all of it — from garden seeds to Scripture — is calamitously transformed on African soil.What readers are saying***** ''This remains one of the most fascinating books I have ever read.''***** ''I felt every emotion under the sky with this book.''***** ''Riveting.''***** ''This novel left a lasting - YEARS LASTING - impression.''***** ''This is one of those books that stands the test of time and is worth rereading.''***** ''Five epic, no-wonder-this-book-is-so-well-loved stars!''

Objev podobné jako The Poisonwood Bible - Barbara Kingsolver

cena 295.0 Kč

The Story Spinner - Barbara Erskine

The instant Sunday Times No. 1 Bestseller.Don''t miss the collector’s edition with a foiled design underneath the dust jacket. Exclusive to the first print run and available while stocks last! A Welsh princess. A Roman general. Their love story lost to time…The land of the Silures, 382 ADElen is a princess promised to a general of Rome. Macsen came to Wales seeking an alliance that would advance his quest for power.Despite warnings her marriage is destined for heartache, Elen is determined to honour her vows.But this union will change her destiny forever…Camp Meadow, 2024Cadi is a writer who has discovered Elen’s lost story. As she puts pen to paper, she hears the sound of ghostly marching feet.Opening the gate to the ancient meadow behind her cottage, could the secret behind Elen’s fate lie closer than she thinks?But someone is desperate to keep the past buried, plotting to destroy the meadow…Can Cadi uncover Elen’s story before it’s lost to time?The Sunday Times bestselling author returns with a spellbinding tale of love, ambition, and secrets that have lain silent for over a thousand years…PRAISE for The Story Spinner!‘A delicious feast of love, drama, suspense, mystery, history, and a ghostly magic… Simply unputdownable!’ Santa Montefiore‘Intriguing, dramatic, beautifully researched, with characters that bring past and present alive’ Rachel Hore‘On my best books of the year list.’ Elizabeth Chadwick‘Beautifully written and vividly evoking the magic of lost worlds, this novel is so breath-taking in its scope that it left me longing for more.’ Alison WeirReaders LOVE The Story Spinner!‘I loved this book! What a great story! Both gripping and thrilling I could not put this book down! Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘The characters make the story. It sucked me in and kept me reading. I''m sorry to have finished it’ Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘I thought about this book even when I wasn''t reading it which, to me, is the sign of a good book.’ Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Objev podobné jako The Story Spinner - Barbara Erskine

cena 591.0 Kč

Svědkové z továrny na smrt (Defekt) - Eric Friedler, Barbara Siebertová, Andreas Kilian

Členové zvláštního židovského oddílu, známého jako "sonderkommando", byli jedinými očitými svědky masového vraždění ve vyhlazovacím táboře Osvětim-Brzezinka. Nikdo jiný - kromě pachatelů samotných - nesměl vědět, co se v osvětimské továrně na smrt odehrává. Členové sonderkommanda nebyli však pouhými svědky - museli vykonávat tu nestrašnější práci, kterou si lze představit, byli totiž nuceni udržovat mašinerii smrti v chodu: prováděli přípravy pro hromadné vraždy nevinných obětí, statisíců lidí, včetně dětí a žen.Autorům knihy Svědkové z továrny na smrt se podařilo přimět ty, kteří přežili, aby o nepopsatelných hrůzách vyprávěli. Jejich autentická svědectví se stala základem pro knihu, při jejíž četbě tuhne krev v žilách a která ukazuje, že lidské zlo nezná žádných hranic.

Objev podobné jako Svědkové z továrny na smrt (Defekt) - Eric Friedler, Barbara Siebertová, Andreas Kilian

cena 159.0 Kč

Fleetwood Mac Tričko Sisters Of The Moon Unisex Black S

Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;1960 - 1969;2020 - 2029;1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989;2010 - 2019 Země interpreta: Spojené království Pohlaví: Unisex Barva podle výrobce: Black Země původu: Spojené království Velikost: S Věková skupina: Dospělý Délka rukávu: Krátké Interpret / Téma: Fleetwood Mac Subžánr: Rock;Pop Rock Dodavatel: Rock Off Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Žánr: Rock Materiál: Měkká bavlna Barva: Černá

Objev podobné jako Fleetwood Mac Tričko Sisters Of The Moon Unisex Black S

cena 505.0 Kč

Dr. Barbara Sturm Dr. Barbara Sturm The Good C pleťové sérum 30 ml

THE GOOD C SERUM Dr. Barbara Sturm je jedinečné sérum, které nasazuje svou patentovanou formuli vitaminu C ve třech formách šetrných k pleti. Sérum obsahuje optimální 5% koncentraci vitaminu C ve stabilní formě, která se snadno vstřebává, je bezpečná a šetrná k pleti.Sérum obsahuje komplex účinných látek, jehož součástí je v oleji rozpustný vitamin C THD, stabilizovaný syntetický vitamin C v glukosidové formě a extrakt z australské švestky Kakadu, jež je silným zdrojem rostlinného vitaminu C. Společně pomáhají snižovat nerovnoměrnou pigmentaci, zlepšují tón pleti, podporují tvorbu kolagenu a poskytují antioxidační ochranu před volnými radikály a stresory z vnějšího prostředí. Sérum také obsahuje zinek, který pomáhá zvyšovat vstřebávání vitaminu C do pleti. Výsledkem je mladistvá a zdravě vypadající pleť.Vhodné pro všechny typy pleti.ÚČINNÉ LÁTKY• Vitamin C – zlepšuje tón pleti, silný antioxidant• Kyselina hyaluronová – nízko-molekulární kyselina hyaluronová proniká do hlubokých vrstev pleti, zatímco ji nechává vysoce hydratovanou a viditelně dlouhodobě rozjasněnou; vysoko-molekulární kyselina hyaluronová poskytuje okamžitou hydrataci na povrchu pleti• Šrucha zelná – je bohatá na cenné antioxidanty, dodává energii vlastnímu antioxidačnímu systému pleti a chrání citlivé membrány před napadením volnými radikály, čímž snižuje viditelné známky předčasného stárnutí pokožky• Extrakt ze švestky Kakadu – je silným zdrojem rostlinného vitaminu C, pomáhají snižovat nerovnoměrnou pigmentaci, zlepšuje tón pleti a poskytuje antioxidační ochranu před volnými radikály a negativními stresory• Zinek – pomáhá aktivovat a efektivně transportovat vitamin C do pleti• Aloe Vera – poskytuje intenzivní zvlhčení a hydrataci pokožkyPOUŽITÍDůkladně vyčistěte pleť produktem CLEANSER a následně tonizujte pomocí BALANCING TONER. Poté naneste do dlaně celou pipetu pleťového séra a jemně vklepejte do pleti. Počkejte 1 minutu, než se sérum plně vstřebá, a poté aplikujte pleťový krém FACE CREAM. Pro denní použití doporučujeme zakončit rutinu péče o pleť pomocí SUN DROPS SPF 50 pro další ochranu před sluncem.Sérum můžete použít také večer, lze jej mísit i s jinými séry, dropsy nebo krémy Dr. Barbara Sturm.

Objev podobné jako Dr. Barbara Sturm Dr. Barbara Sturm The Good C pleťové sérum 30 ml

cena 2597.0 Kč

The Child´s Child - Barbara Vineová

When Grace and her brother Andrew inherit their grandmother's house in Hampstead, they decide to move in together. They've always got on well, the house is large enough to split down the middle, and neither of them likes partying or loud music. There's one thing they've forgotten though: what if one of them wants to bring a lover into the house?

Objev podobné jako The Child´s Child - Barbara Vineová

cena 268.0 Kč

Osiřelé sestry: The Orphan Sisters (978-80-277-0371-5)

Kniha - autor Shirley Dickson, 352 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Uprostřed válečné vřavy mají sestry jen jedna druhou… Srdceryvný a naprosto nezapomenutelný příběh dvou malých sester, které jejich matka nechá v sirotčinci. Kniha, kterou nedokážete odložit! 1929: Čtyřletou Etty a osmiletou Dorothy odveze matka do sirotčince Blakely Hall a ony už ji nikdy nespatří. Dívky nikoho jiného neměly takže svou matku hluboce milovaly a uctívaly. Její zmizení v době, kdy ji potřebují nejvíc, jim zlomí srdce a zanechá je zcela zmatené. 1940: Etty a Dorothy jsou konečně propuštěny z nuceného pobytu v Blakely Hall. Svobodu však získávají ve stejném roce, kdy jejich vlast vstupuje do období hrůz druhé světové války. Uprostřed děsivých následků bombardování, varovného jekotu sirén a chladných nocí strávených v bunkru se obě sestry zoufale snaží nechat vzpomínky na bolavé dětství za sebou. Problémy je však čekají i nyní. Dorothy musí dát sbohem svému...

Objev podobné jako Osiřelé sestry: The Orphan Sisters (978-80-277-0371-5)

cena 309.0 Kč

Fleetwood Mac Tričko Sisters Of The Moon Unisex Black XL

Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;1970 - 1979;2010 - 2019;1960 - 1969;2000 - 2009;1980 - 1989;2020 - 2029 Země interpreta: Spojené království Materiál: Měkká bavlna Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Délka rukávu: Krátké Žánr: Rock Subžánr: Rock;Pop Rock Země původu: Spojené království Věková skupina: Dospělý Barva podle výrobce: Black Dodavatel: Rock Off Velikost: XL Barva: Černá Interpret / Téma: Fleetwood Mac Pohlaví: Unisex

Objev podobné jako Fleetwood Mac Tričko Sisters Of The Moon Unisex Black XL

cena 505.0 Kč

Fleetwood Mac Tričko Sisters Of The Moon Unisex Black L

Dodavatel: Rock Off Barva: Černá Interpret / Téma: Fleetwood Mac Subžánr: Pop Rock;Rock Velikost: L Pohlaví: Unisex Dekáda interpreta: 1970 - 1979;2020 - 2029;1990 - 1999;1960 - 1969;1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019 Země původu: Spojené království Materiál: Měkká bavlna Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Barva podle výrobce: Black Délka rukávu: Krátké Země interpreta: Spojené království Žánr: Rock Věková skupina: Dospělý

Objev podobné jako Fleetwood Mac Tričko Sisters Of The Moon Unisex Black L

cena 505.0 Kč

Fleetwood Mac Tričko Sisters Of The Moon Unisex Black M

Země interpreta: Spojené království Žánr: Rock Dekáda interpreta: 1960 - 1969;1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;1970 - 1979 Věková skupina: Dospělý Barva podle výrobce: Black Země původu: Spojené království Materiál: Měkká bavlna Délka rukávu: Krátké Subžánr: Rock;Pop Rock Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Barva: Černá Pohlaví: Unisex Dodavatel: Rock Off Velikost: M Interpret / Téma: Fleetwood Mac

Objev podobné jako Fleetwood Mac Tričko Sisters Of The Moon Unisex Black M

cena 505.0 Kč

Fleetwood Mac Tričko Sisters Of The Moon Unisex Black 2XL

Subžánr: Pop Rock;Rock Velikost: 2XL Barva: Černá Dodavatel: Rock Off Pohlaví: Unisex Interpret / Téma: Fleetwood Mac Země původu: Spojené království Dekáda interpreta: 1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989;1960 - 1969;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999 Materiál: Měkká bavlna Barva podle výrobce: Black Žánr: Rock Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Země interpreta: Spojené království Věková skupina: Dospělý Délka rukávu: Krátké

Objev podobné jako Fleetwood Mac Tričko Sisters Of The Moon Unisex Black 2XL

cena 505.0 Kč

The Three Sisters and Other Stories - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

eBook: With handsome rich men and ladies of leisure fluttering their eyelids trying to catch their attention, \'The Three Sisters\' reads like a humorous trial run for \'Pride and Prejudice\'. Told via correspondence, this is in fact a tale of a single man, Mr. Watts, who is in possession of a good fortune and is in want of a wife. Mrs. Stanhope is the mother of a family of girls who is very much in want of a son-in-law. And the girls? Despite one of them being \"the happiest creature on the planet\", they aren\'t actually all that happy at all. This satirical narrative of courtship and self-interest by the young Jane Austen is a must for any fan of the modern Chick-Lit novel or Rom-Com film. As an extra treat, this edition includes four additional writings from Jane Austen, making this essential reading for any Austen fan or study.These additional pieces• A Fragment written to inculcate the practice of Virtue• A beautiful description of the different effects of sensibility on different minds• The Generous Curate.• Ode to Pity

Objev podobné jako The Three Sisters and Other Stories - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

A Day by the Sea - Barbara Nascimbeni

From the creator of Home Alone comes this delightful celebration of a day spent by the sea, complete with salty air, run-ins with sea life, and making forever friends. Frido is back and this time he's at the seaside. While his owner takes a nap in the shade, Frido sets off to explore. There are sandcastles to dig, waves to surf, beach games to disrupt and the arrival of an ice-cream truck. But can Frido find his way back to their sun umbrella before his owner wakes up?

Objev podobné jako A Day by the Sea - Barbara Nascimbeni

cena 379.0 Kč

The Korean Book of Happiness - Barbara J. Zitwer

From the very first moment she set foot in South Korea, Barbara Zitwer, literary agent to some of the most celebrated Korean authors, fell head-over-heels in love, rediscovering a vitality for life. In this fascinating book, Zitwer shares all that she has learnt about this vibrant country forged by the philosophies of han, heung and jeong: resilience, joy and the art of giving. She takes us from the buzzing capital of Seoul to Buddhist mountain temples, from the bizarre theme park within the Demilitarised Zone to the island of Jeju to meet haenyeo, a remarkable sisterhood of free-divers.Along the way, Zitwer recounts magical moments of understanding and connection, as well as top travel tips and local recipes. The Korean Book of Happiness invites you to explore a beguiling culture and learn how the Korean way can make your life happier and more fulfilled.

Objev podobné jako The Korean Book of Happiness - Barbara J. Zitwer

cena 312.0 Kč

The Darkest Night (Ikmen Mystery 26) - Barbara Nadel

Barbara Nadel''s gripping Ikmen mysteries are the inspiration behind The Turkish Detective, BBC Two''s sensational eight-part TV crime drama series, out now.Dark magic is unleashed on the streets of Istanbul . . .When a newborn baby is found drowned in the shallow waters of the Golden Horn, all-out warfare threatens to erupt between rival criminal gangs. Inspector Kerim Gürsel is assigned to the case and he must tread carefully when DNA tests reveal that the baby''s father is Görkan Paşahan, Istanbul''s most feared Mafia boss. But the identity of the infant''s mother is yet to be discovered . . .Meanwhile, Çetin İkmen and Mehmet Süleyman attend the winter festival known as Bocuk Gecesi, held on the darkest night of the year, and witness a magic trick whereby a young man, Emir Kaya, disappears. While İkmen investigates how the illusion took place, Süleyman conducts a tortuous hunt for Emir Kaya that exposes a harrowing tale of depravation, betrayal and corruption where the bloodline of a child is worth killing for and everything has its price . . .Praise for Barbara Nadel''s novels:''Complex and beguiling: a Turkish delight'' Mick Herron''İkmen is one of modern crime fiction''s true heroes, complex yet likeable, and the city he inhabits - Istanbul - is just as fascinating'' The Times ''Barbara Nadel''s distinctive Istanbul-set Inspector İkmen thrillers combine brightly coloured scene setting with deliciously tortuous plots'' Guardian

Objev podobné jako The Darkest Night (Ikmen Mystery 26) - Barbara Nadel

cena 650.0 Kč

The Darkest Night (Ikmen Mystery 26) - Barbara Nadel

Dark magic is unleashed on the streets of Istanbul . . .When a newborn baby is found drowned in the shallow waters of the Golden Horn, all-out warfare threatens to erupt between rival criminal gangs. Inspector Kerim Gürsel is assigned to the case and he must tread carefully when DNA tests reveal that the baby''s father is Görkan Paşahan, Istanbul''s most feared Mafia boss. But the identity of the infant''s mother is yet to be discovered . . .Meanwhile, Çetin İkmen and Mehmet Süleyman attend the winter festival known as Bocuk Gecesi, held on the darkest night of the year, and witness a magic trick whereby a young man, Emir Kaya, disappears. While İkmen investigates how the illusion took place, Süleyman conducts a tortuous hunt for Emir Kaya that exposes a harrowing tale of depravation, betrayal and corruption where the bloodline of a child is worth killing for and everything has its price . . .Praise for Barbara Nadel''s novels:''Complex and beguiling: a Turkish delight'' Mick Herron''İkmen is one of modern crime fiction''s true heroes, complex yet likeable, and the city he inhabits - Istanbul - is just as fascinating'' The Times''Barbara Nadel''s distinctive Istanbul-set Inspector İkmen thrillers combine brightly coloured scene setting with deliciously tortuous plots'' Guardian

Objev podobné jako The Darkest Night (Ikmen Mystery 26) - Barbara Nadel

cena 325.0 Kč

The Wonder of It All - Barbara Taylor Bradfordová

James Falconer returns in the third House of Falconer historical novel from multi-million copy bestseller Barbara Taylor Bradford.The Somme, 1916. James Falconer, once a barrow boy on a London market, stands in the trenches, awaiting the command to go over the top. Away from his business empire in London, he is simply a soldier, war the great leveller.But, unlike his men, and unknown to them, deep down, Falconer doesn’t care if he lives or dies.When a face from the past offers James the chance to repair his fractured relationship with his estranged daughter, Leonie, he must decide if he can hold different things dear – and make space in his life for love.But the war has left terrible scars, both personal and professional, and swept huge changes through the glittering world he once inhabited. James must weather myriad storms as he attempts to right past wrongs and build a new life.''Bradford’s tale is enriched by dynamic characters, especially James, who heroically persists in his effort to rebuild his life. It’s a satisfying culmination to a richly drawn historical series'' Publishers Weekly

Objev podobné jako The Wonder of It All - Barbara Taylor Bradfordová

cena 295.0 Kč

The Kingfisher Secret (Defekt)

Her codename is Kingfisher. Her mission: to seduce and marry most powerful man in the world. October 2016: In America, the election is a few weeks away. Journalist Grace Elliot has just landed a scoop that she believe will make her career. A porn-star is willing to talk about her affair with the man some hope and many fear will become the next president of the United Stares. But no one will touch it. Instead, Grace is sent to Europe where she discovers a story so big, so explosive that it could decide the American election and launch a new Cold War. If she can stay alive long enough to tell it... Spies, murder and one of the biggest conspiracies of our time lie at the heart of the thriller of the year.

Objev podobné jako The Kingfisher Secret (Defekt)

cena 129.0 Kč

The Shakespeare Secret (Defekt)

A modern serial killer - hunting an ancient secret. \n\nA woman is left to die as the rebuilt Globe theatre burns. Another woman is drowned like Ophelia, skirts swirling in the water. A professor has his throat slashed open on the steps of Washington's Capitol building. \n\nA deadly serial killer is on the loose, modelling his murders on Shakespeare's plays. But why is he killing? And how can he be stopped? \n\nA gripping, shocking page turner, The Shakespeare Secret masterfully combines modern murder and startling true revelations from the life of Shakespeare. It has been acclaimed as one of the most compulsively readable thrillers of recent years.

Objev podobné jako The Shakespeare Secret (Defekt)

cena 49.0 Kč

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