The gift: a survivor’s journey to freedom - edith eger

Produkt The gift: a survivor’s journey to freedom - edith eger sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu The gift: a survivor’s journey to freedom - edith eger upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

The Gift: A survivor’s journey to freedom - Edith Eger


Each moment in Auschwitz was hell on earth. It was also my best classroom. Subjected to loss, torture, starvation and the constant threat of death, I discovered tools for survival and freedom that I continue to use every day.In her darkest moments, Edith Eger discovered that the most damaging prison was the one in her mind. Drawing on her incredible story and experience as a celebrated therapist, she shares valuable life lessons to heal and inspire so that we too can break free from whatever's holding us back. (

Podobné produkty ako The Gift: A survivor’s journey to freedom - Edith Eger , Journey: freedom - cd (8024391123720)

In Order to Live: 'A North Korean Girl''s Journey to Freedom' (0241973031)

In Order to Live: 'A North Korean Girl''s Journey to Freedom' (0241973031)

Kniha - autor Yeonmi Park, 274 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The autobiography of Yeonmi Park: a North Korean defector who escaped across the Gobi desert and is now a leading spokesperson for human rights at just 21-years-old. Park has appeared on ITV's "This Morning", and "In Order To Live" was a Radio 4 Book of the Week in hardback. (

Podobné produkty ako In Order to Live: 'A North Korean Girl''s Journey to Freedom' (0241973031) , Piaf edith: the album - cd (7619943022685)

Voľba - Edith Eger

Voľba - Edith Eger

Mala len šestnásť rokov, keď ju a jej rodinu odviedli nacisti z Košícdo Osvienčimu. Hneď po príchode ju doktor Mengele oddelilod mamy a jej rodičia zomreli v plynovej komore. Edith v tábore zažilanepredstaviteľné chvíle, no jej odvaha a sila pomohli prežiť nielenjej a jej sestre, ale aj ďalším ženám z tábora.Dnes je Dr. Edith Eva Eger medzinárodne uznávanou psychologičkoua skúsenosti, ktoré nadobudla, jej umožňujú pomáhať najťažším prípadom,či už sú to vojnoví veteráni, ľudia žijúci v traumatizujúcom rodinnomprostredí, alebo potenciálni vrahovia. V knihe Voľba spracúva svojjedinečný príbeh o prežití holokaustu a úteku do Ameriky. Spomienkypretkáva zaujímavými prípadmi zo svojej praxe, svojimi názormi na ľudskýživot a na to, čo sama nazýva „možnosťou voľby“. Ukazuje, ako si každýmôže zvoliť, že sa zbaví väzenia, ktoré si postavil vo svojej mysli, a nájsťoslobodenie bez ohľadu na minulosť. (

Podobné produkty ako Voľba - Edith Eger , Piaf edith: edith piaf - cd (9029571553)

Dar - Edith Eger

Dar - Edith Eger

Vo svojej predchádzajúcej knihe Voľba autorka Edith Eger (ktorá sanarodila v Košiciach) vyrozprávala silný príbeh o tom, ako prežilakoncentračný tábor v Osvienčime, začala nový život v Spojenýchštátoch a sama prešla cestou oslobodenia sa z ,väzenia vlastnej mysle’.V knihe Dar teraz táto oslavovaná terapeutka podáva povzbudivýa praktický návod, ako zmeniť myslenie a deštruktívne správanie,ktoré z nás robí väzňov. Opisuje dvanásť najčastejších obmedzujúcichpocitov a presvedčení a s empatiou a humorom poskytuje nástrojea riešenia vychádzajúce z jej vlastnej skúsenosti a z terapeutickej praxe,ako sa s týmito rozšírenými a ľudstvu vlastnými výzvami vysporiadať. (

Podobné produkty ako Dar - Edith Eger , Young neil, the restless: freedom - cd (7599258992)

Master Slave Husband Wife: An epic journey from slavery to freedom - A NEW YORKER BOOK OF THE YEAR - Ilyon Woo


A NEW YORK TIMES AND NEW YORKER BOOK OF THE YEARA New York Times bestseller, the incredible true story of a couple that escaped slavery in the South and eventually made their way to the UK, Africa and beyond. The remarkable true story of Ellen and William Craft, who escaped slavery through daring, determination, and disguise, with Ellen passing as a wealthy, disabled White man and William posing as "his" slave. In 1848, a year of international democratic revolt, a young, enslaved couple, Ellen and William Craft, achieved one of the boldest feats of self-emancipation in history.Posing as master and slave, while sustained by their love as husband and wife, they made their escape together across more than 1,000 miles, riding steamboats, carriages, and trains that took them from bondage in Georgia to the free states of the North. Along the way, they dodged slave traders, military officers, and even friends of their enslavers, who might have revealed their true identities. The tale of their adventure soon made them celebrities, and generated headlines around the country.Audiences could not get enough of this charismatic young couple, who travelled the country drawing thunderous applause as they spoke alongside some of the greatest abolitionists of the day. But even then, they were not out of danger. With the passage of an infamous new Fugitive Slave Act in 1850, all Americans became accountable for returning refugees like the Crafts to slavery.Then yet another adventure began, as the Crafts fled to England to embark upon a new life. With three epic journeys compressed into one monumental bid for freedom, Master Slave Husband Wife recounts both a ground-breaking quest for liberty and justice, and an unforgettable love story. (

Podobné produkty ako Master Slave Husband Wife: An epic journey from slavery to freedom - A NEW YORKER BOOK OF THE YEAR - Ilyon Woo , The witcher: journey of ciri - puzzle (5908305233626)

Cilka´s Journey : The sequel to The Tattooist of Auschwitz - Heather Morrisová


Her beauty saved her life - and condemned her. In 1942 Cilka Klein is just sixteen years old when she is taken to Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp. The Commandant at Birkenau, Schwarzhuber, notices her long beautiful hair, and forces her separation from the other women prisoners. Cilka learns quickly that power, even unwillingly given, equals survival. After liberation, Cilka is charged as a collaborator by the Russians and sent to a desolate, brutal prison camp in Siberia known as Vorkuta, inside the Arctic Circle. Innocent and imprisoned once again, Cilka faces challenges both new and horribly familiar, each day a battle for survival. Cilka befriends a woman doctor, and learns to nurse the ill in the camp, struggling to care for them under unimaginable conditions. And when she tends to a man called Alexandr, Cilka finds that despite everything, there is room in her heart for love. Based on what is known of Cilka Klein's time in Auschwitz, and on the experience of women in Siberian prison camps, Cilka's Journey is the breathtaking sequel to The Tattooist of Auschwitz. A powerful testament to the triumph of the human will, this novel will make you weep, but it will also leave you astonished and uplifted by one woman's fierce determination to survive, against all odds. 'She was the bravest person I ever met' Lale Sokolov, The Tattooist of Auschwitz (

Podobné produkty ako Cilka´s Journey : The sequel to The Tattooist of Auschwitz - Heather Morrisová , Bts: map of the soul:7-the journey - cd (0893538)

Voľba - Eger Edith

Voľba - Eger Edith

Mala len šestnásť rokov, keď ju a jej rodinu odviedli nacisti z Košíc do Osvienčimu. Hneď po príchode ju doktor Mengele oddelil od mamy a jej rodičia zomreli v plynovej komore. Edith v tábore zažila nepredstaviteľné chvíle, no jej odvaha a sila pomohli prežiť nielen jej a jej sestre, ale aj ďalším ženám z tábora. Dnes je Dr. Edith Eva Eger medzinárodne uznávanou psychologičkou a skúsenosti, ktoré nadobudla, jej umožňujú pomáhať najťažším prípadom, či už sú to vojnoví veteráni, ľudia žijúci v traumatizujúcom rodinnom prostredí, alebo potenciálni vrahovia. V knihe Voľba spracúva svoj jedinečný príbeh o prežití holokaustu a úteku do Ameriky. Spomienky pretkáva zaujímavými prípadmi zo svojej praxe, svojimi názormi na ľudský život a na to, čo sama nazýva „možnosťou voľby“. Ukazuje, ako si každý môže zvoliť, že sa zbaví väzenia, ktoré si postavil vo svojej mysli, a nájsť oslobodenie bez ohľadu na minulosť. (

Podobné produkty ako Voľba - Eger Edith , Victrola the journey+ černý (vsc-400sb-blk-eu)

Dar - Eger Edith

Dar - Eger Edith

Vo svojej predchádzajúcej knihe Voľba autorka Edith Eger (ktorá sa narodila v Košiciach) vyrozprávala silný príbeh o tom, ako prežila koncentračný tábor v Osvienčime, začala nový život v Spojených štátoch a sama prešla cestou oslobodenia sa z ,väzenia vlastnej mysle’. V knihe Dar teraz táto oslavovaná terapeutka podáva povzbudivý a praktický návod, ako zmeniť myslenie a deštruktívne správanie, ktoré z nás robí väzňov. Opisuje dvanásť najčastejších obmedzujúcich pocitov a presvedčení a s empatiou a humorom poskytuje nástroje a riešenia vychádzajúce z jej vlastnej skúsenosti a z terapeutickej praxe, ako sa s týmito rozšírenými a ľudstvu vlastnými výzvami vysporiadať. (

Podobné produkty ako Dar - Eger Edith , Call of the sea - journey edition - ps5 (8437020062749)

The Road to Freedom: Economics and the Good Society - Joseph E. Stiglitz


A major reappraisal, by the Nobel-prizewinning economist, of the relationship between capitalism and freedomDespite its manifest failures, the narrative of neoliberalism retains its grip on the public mind and the policies of governments all over the world. By this narrative, less regulation and more ‘animal spirits’ capitalism produces not only greater prosperity, but more freedom for individuals in society - and is therefore morally better. But, in The Road to Freedom Stiglitz asks, whose freedom are we – should we be – thinking about? What happens when one person’s freedom comes at the expense of another’s? Should the freedoms of corporations be allowed to impinge upon those of individuals in the ways they now do? Taking on giants of neoliberalism such as Hayek and Friedman and examining how public opinion is formed, Stiglitz reclaims the language of freedom from the right to show that far from ‘free’ – unregulated – markets promoting growth and enterprise, they in fact reduce it, lessening economic opportunities for majorities and siphoning wealth from the many to the few – both individuals and countries. He shows how neoliberal economics and its implied moral system have impacted our legal and social freedoms in surprising ways, from property and intellectual rights, to education and social media. Stiglitz’s eye, as always, is on how we might create the true human flourishing which should be the great aim of our economic and social system, and offers an alternative to that prevailing today. The Road to Freedom offers a powerful re-evaluation of democracy, economics and what constitutes a good society—and provides a roadmap of how we might achieve it. (

Podobné produkty ako The Road to Freedom: Economics and the Good Society - Joseph E. Stiglitz , The fates divide: a sequel to 'carve the mark' (0062819860)

Máme na vybranou - Eger Edith

Máme na vybranou - Eger Edith

Doporučujeme všem čtenářům Hany Ve své knize, která je víc než jen memoárovou literaturou, nám Edith Egerová předkládá nejen napínavý a působivý příběh vlastního života, ale také inspirativní příběhy svých pacientů. Na jejich pozadí nám ukazuje, že všichni máme na výběr - rozhodnout se vystoupit z role oběti, osvobodit se z pout minulosti a začít naplno žít. Edith Eva Egerová se narodila 29. září 1927 v maďarské židovské rodině v Košicích. V pouhých šestnácti letech ji nacisti deportovali do Osvětimi, kde jí zavraždili rodiče a kde musela tančit Mengelemu. Spolu se sestrou Magdou přežila několik lágrů i pochod smrti. V roce 1945 ji američtí vojáci vytáhli z hromady mrtvol v Mauthausenu. Ještě desítky let po válce bojovala s traumaty a pocitem viny. V Americe, kam nakonec s manželem za dramatických okolností po komunistickém převratu emigrovala, si udělala doktorát z klinické psychologie, vychovala tři děti a otevřela si terapeutickou praxi. Na žádost americké armády začala pomáhat vojákům ohroženým posttraumatickým stresovým syndromem. O své vlastní minulosti přitom zpočátku vůbec nedokázala mluvit. Pak se ale odhodlala mlčení prolomit a po pětatřiceti letech se vydala do Auschwitz. Teprve tam pochopila, že aby se mohla uzdravit, musí nejdřív odpustit. Ne Hitlerovi nebo Mengelovi. Ale sama sobě. (

Podobné produkty ako Máme na vybranou - Eger Edith , Universal: a guide to the cosmos (1846144361)

Dog´s Journey - W. Bruce Cameron

Dog´s Journey - W. Bruce Cameron

NOW A MAJOR FILM, STARRING DENNIS QUAID. From W. Bruce Cameron, the author of A Dog's Purpose, the phenomenal New York Times Number One bestseller about the unbreakable bond between a dog and their human. Buddy is a good dog. He thought he had found and fulfilled his purpose, over the course of several lives, in helping his beloved boy Ethan. On the farm, Buddy watches over Ethan's granddaughter, curious baby Clarity, trying to keep her out of mischief. He begins to realize that this is a little girl very much in need of a dog of her own. Buddy realizes that he has a new destiny. Reborn once more, he's overjoyed when he is adopted by Clarity, now a vibrant but troubled teenager. When they are suddenly separated, Buddy despairs - who will take care of his girl? With her selfish mother determined to keep them apart, and an unpredictable, obsessive boyfriend, Clarity's life threatens to spiral out of control - she needs help more than ever, but can Buddy find his way back to her in time? A charming and heartwarming story of hope, love, and unending devotion, A Dog's Journey asks the question: Do we really take care of our pets, or do they take care of us? This is a moving story of unwavering loyalty and a love that crosses all barriers. (

Podobné produkty ako Dog´s Journey - W. Bruce Cameron , Homefront: the revolution - freedom fighter bundle - xbox digital (g3q-01299)

Vendulka - Flight to Freedom - Ondřej Kundra


Famed Czech Avant-garde photographer Jan Lukas snapped an offhand portrait of twelve-year-old Vendulka Vogl in March 1943. A friend of the Vogls, Lukas was saying goodbye to the family, who were soon to leave Prague for a concentration camp. The photograph almost didn't see the light of day-Lukas knew that if the Nazis found it on him, he could wind up in the camps as well-but the image was eventually developed and came to symbolize the Holocaust and humanize its victims. Seventy years after this famous picture was taken, investigative journalist Ondřej Kundra discovered that, despite all odds, Vendulka Vogl had survived the camps of Terezín, Auschwitz, and Christianstadt, and was in fact still alive and living in the United States. Kundra persuaded her to tell the remarkable story surrounding the photograph: her survival, her later decision to flee the Communist regime for America, and how she later reconnected with Jan Lukas, maintaining a lifelong friendship. Vogl's thrillingly moving story, Kundra's sharp and engaging writing, and Lukas's striking photography all combine to make Vendulka an inspiring investigation into the horrors of totalitarianism and the redemptive beauty of friendship. (

Podobné produkty ako Vendulka - Flight to Freedom - Ondřej Kundra , The secret lives of the planets: a user's guide to the solar system (1529319412)

Journey: Freedom - CD (8024391123720)

Journey: Freedom - CD (8024391123720)

Hudební CD - Freedom je patnácté studiové album americké rockové skupiny Journey z roku 2022. Freedom je patnácté studiové album americké rockové skupiny Journey z roku 2022. Journey je americká rocková skupina založená v San Francisku v roce 1973 bývalými členy Santana, Steve Miller Band a Frumious Bandersnatch. Rok vydání : 2022 (15.album) Seznam stop CD Together We Run / Don't Give Up On Us / Still Believe In Love / You Got The Best Of Me / Live To Love Again / The Way We Used To Be / Come Away With Me / After Glow / Let It Rain / Holdin On / All Day And All Night / Don't Go / United We Stand / Life Rolls On / Beautiful As You Are (

Podobné produkty ako Journey: Freedom - CD (8024391123720) , Sada chrastítek a kousátek gift set (773554151275)

The Survivor - Simon Conway


Jude Lyon of MI6 has narrowly foiled the traitor Fowle's plot to level London, but the public are demanding answers.Answers the government doesn't have.As the country reels, a new populist political figure carves a stratospheric trajectory - but is he all he seems?In Moscow the President is furious. The world now knows the destructive power of the programme his people had been developing, and as the Russians scramble to understand how it got into Fowle's hands, they start to worry that perhaps it could be used against them . . .But Jude Lyon has just one question on his mind:Guy Fowle is missing, with nothing left to lose,So what is he planning next?Seething with political machinations, burning with blood-thumping action, and featuring the best returning MI6 operative since James Bond The Survivor brings the espionage novel crashing into the modern day. (

Podobné produkty ako The Survivor - Simon Conway , Rituals the ritual of sakura gift set l 520 ml (8719134142068)

Journey to the Centre of the Earth - Jules Verne


Journey to the Centre of the Earth has been consistently praised for its style and its vision of the world. It explores the prehistory of the globe, but can also be read as a psychological quest, for the journey itself is as important as arrival or discovery. Professor Lidenbrock and his nephew Axel travel across Iceland, and then down through an extinct crater towards a sunless sea where they enter a living past and are confronted with the origins of man. A classic of nineteenth-century French literature, the novel's distinctive combination of realism and Romanticism has marked figures as diverse as Sartre and Tournier, Mark Twain and Conan Doyle. This new translation of the complete text is faithful to the lyricism, verve, and humour of the original. (

Podobné produkty ako Journey to the Centre of the Earth - Jules Verne , The lady and the generals: 'aung san suu kyi and burma''s struggle for freedom' (1846043735)

Cypria: A Journey to the Heart of the Mediterranean - Christofi Alex


An evocative and lyrical history of Cyprus and the Mediterranean. Think of a place where can you stand at the intersection of Christian and Arab cultures, at the crossroads of the British, Ottoman, Byzantine, Roman and Egyptian empires; a place marked by the struggle between fascism and communism and where the capital city is divided in half as a result of bloody conflict; where the ancient olive trees of Homer's time exist alongside the undersea cables which link up the world's internet. In Cypria, named after a lost Cypriot epic which was the prequel to The Odyssey, British Cypriot writer Alex Christofi writes a deeply personal, lyrical history of the island of Cyprus, from the era of goddesses and mythical beasts to the present day. This sprawling, evocative and poetic book begins with the legend of the cyclops and the storytelling at the heart of the Mediterranean culture. Christofi travels to salt lakes, crusader castles, mosques and the eerie town deserted at the start of the 1974 war. He retells the particularly bloody history of Cyprus during the twentieth century and considers his own identity as traveler and returner, as Odysseus was. Written in the same sensitive, witty and beautifully rendered prose as his last book Dostoevsky in Love, with a novelist's flair and eye for detail, Cypria combines the political, cultural and geographical history of Cyprus with reflections on time, place and belonging. (

Podobné produkty ako Cypria: A Journey to the Heart of the Mediterranean - Christofi Alex , Marley bob: songs of freedom: the island years (3x cd) - cd (5393128)

Journey to the Center of the Earth - Jules Verne - e-kniha


eBook: Without even realizing it, the German professor Lidenbrock purchases his ticket to the center of the Earth. He finds an original runic manuscript which unfolds a long kept secret. The center of the Earth lies at the bottom of an Icelandic volcano. The obvious choice is to embark on a journey down the volcano and make the biggest discovery of all times. However there are so many dangers and obstacles, that the expedition seems to be doomed to failure. Will the professor get to the bottom of things or he will lose his life trying? Will he get to describe his findings or the nature will find a way to keep its secrets? Jules Verne's "Journey to the Center of the Earth" takes us on an amazing adventure through the Earth's depths which will leave us wondering if we really know that much about the Earth. (

Podobné produkty ako Journey to the Center of the Earth - Jules Verne - e-kniha , Marley bob: songs of freedom: the island years (6x lp) - lp (5393132)

The Railway Children - Nesbit Edith

The Railway Children - Nesbit Edith

'"Stand firm'" said Peter, "and wave like mad!"' They were not railway children to begin with. When their Father mysteriously leaves home Roberta (everyone calls her Bobbie), Phyllis and Peter must move to a small cottage in the countryside with Mother. It is a bitter blow to leave their London home, but soon they discover the hills and valleys, the canal and of course, the railway. But with the thrilling rush and rattle and roar of the trains comes danger too. Will the brave trio come to the rescue? And most importantly, can they solve the disappearance of their Father? BACKSTORY: Find out all about steam trains and learn what it was really like to be a child in Edwardian times. (

Podobné produkty ako The Railway Children - Nesbit Edith , Freedom in the mirror of university history (978-80-210-9743-8)

The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová

The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová

When Father goes away with two strangers one evening, the lives of Roberta, Peter and Phyllis are shattered. They and their mother have to move from their comfortable London home to go and live in a simple country cottage, where Mother writes books to make ends meet. However, they soon come to love the railway that runs near their cottage, and they make a habit of waving to the Old Gentleman who rides on it. They befriend the porter, Perks, and through him learn railway lore and much else. They have many adventures, and when they save a train from disaster, they are helped by the Old Gentleman to solve the mystery of their father's disappearance, and the family is happily reunited. (

Podobné produkty ako The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová , House of the dragon - to the throne - tričko

The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová


When Father goes away with two strangers one evening, the lives of Roberta, Peter and Phyllis are shattered. They and their mother have to move from their comfortable London home to go and live in a simple country cottage, where Mother writes books to make ends meet. However, they soon come to love the railway that runs near their cottage, and they make a habit of waving to the Old Gentleman who rides on it.They befriend the porter, Perks, and through him learn railway lore and much else. They have many adventures, and when they save a train from disaster, they are helped by the Old Gentleman to solve the mystery of their father's disappearance, and the family is happily reunited. (

Podobné produkty ako The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová , Stropní svítidlo eger 1xgu10/10w/230v (109089)

The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová


Discover our collectable Puffin Clothbound Classic edition of The Railway Children Puffin Clothbound Classics are stunning collectable gift editions of some of the best-loved classics in the world - including this charming edition of The Railway ChildrenFather is in trouble, and Roberta, Peter, and Phyllis have to leave their home in London and go into hiding in the countryside. 'Boys and girls are only little men and women. And we are much harder and hardier than they are.'Each day, the children run down to the nearby railway station, where they say good morning to the Station Master and hello to Perks the Porter and wave at the passing London train, sending their love to Father.Little do they know that the stranger on board the 9:15 a.m. train might be able to help track him down. . (

Podobné produkty ako The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová , Stropní svítidlo eger 1xgu10/10w/230v (109114)

The Survivor - Edward Phillips Oppenheim - e-kniha


eBook: The orphaned Douglas Guest has had a miserable childhood being raised by his strict and religious uncle Gideon Strong. Tired of his uncle and his rural existence, Douglas steals money intended for his education and runs away to London to start a new life as a writer. Despite his aspirations, Douglas struggles to achieve his dreams, and following a shocking murder he finds himself once again faced with his family and the life he had tried to leave behind. (

Podobné produkty ako The Survivor - Edward Phillips Oppenheim - e-kniha , Edith piaf (978-80-735-9399-5)

The Gift - Cecelia Ahern

The Gift - Cecelia Ahern

Step into the magical world of Cecelia Ahern in this heartwarming bestseller. If you could wish for one gift this Christmas, what would it be? Lou Suffern wishes he could be in two places at once. His constant battle with the clock is a sensitive issue with his wife and family. Gabe wishes he was somewhere warm. When Lou invites Gabe, a homeless man who sits outside his office, into the building and into his life, Lou's world is changed beyond all measure... An enchanting and thoughtful Christmas story that speaks to all of us abut the value of time and what is truly important in life. (

Podobné produkty ako The Gift - Cecelia Ahern , Stone temple pilots: tiny music... songs from the vatican gift shop - cd (0349784438)

AWAY : Journey to the Unexpected (PC) DIGITAL (689550)

AWAY : Journey to the Unexpected (PC) DIGITAL (689550)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: dobrodružná, % Zahrajte si hru FPS v neobvyklém pojetí. 2D postavy v trojrozměrném okouzlujícím, ale bláznivém světě s prvky rogue-lite. Hru provází veselý příběh s vtipnými rozhovory a roztomilými tvory. Zahrajete si za 8 postav. Každá má jedinečné vlastnosti a schopnosti. Zvláštní příběh Během hry se budete snažit rozlousknout příběh se zmizelými rodiči. Sami to však nezvládnete. Během svého dobrodružství si najděte věrné a spolehlivé spojence. ... (

Podobné produkty ako AWAY : Journey to the Unexpected (PC) DIGITAL (689550) , Dandy gift box (0764460596243)

The Fruit of the Tree - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha


eBook: Considered wildly controversial at the time of its release, \'The Fruit of the Tree\' is a departure from the norm for Edith Wharton. While her trademark eye for social detail and psychological insights are present and correct, this novel deals with more melancholic themes, such as divorce, addiction, euthanasia, poor working conditions, and extravagance. It follows the story of George Amhurst, the assistant manager of a textile mill in New England. While his heart might be in the right place, when he marries the widow of a mill owner, he might be forced to compromise in his ideals. A striking book from the pen that wrote \'The Age of Innocence,\' which became a film, starring Michelle Pfeiffer and Daniel Day-Lewis. (

Podobné produkty ako The Fruit of the Tree - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha , Stropní bodové svítidlo eger 1xgu10/10w/230w (109078)

The age of Innocence - Whartonová Edith

The age of Innocence - Whartonová Edith

Newland je v rozpakoch. Všetci muži uprene hľadeli smerom k miestu, kde sedela May s mamou a tetou. Nepoznal dámu v zvláštnych šatách a netušil, prečo boli všetci takí šokovaní, že ju vidia. Newland Archer, dedič jednej z najlepších newyorských rodín, chce riadne manželstvo, ako si to žiada newyorská spoločnosť V jeden večer spozná Mayinu sesternicu, grófku Ellen Olenskú. Táto exotická a krásna žena sa vrátila z Poľska do New Yorku po záhadnom škandále. Newland musí zvádzať boj medzi povinnosťou a záhadnosťou, medzi tradíciou a silou lásky. CEFR Level: B1 (

Podobné produkty ako The age of Innocence - Whartonová Edith , Stropní bodové svítidlo eger 1xgu10/10w/230w (109110)

The House of Mirth - Edith Whartonová


Lily Bart is twenty-nine, beautiful and charming. She has expensive tastes, loves to gamble and socializes with the wealthy upper-class families of New York. But her meagre finances are dwindling and her place in society is slipping away from her. Her only hope of security is to find a suitable husband. However, Lily has an independence of spirit that stands in the way of her committing to the suitors available to her. As her options diminish, her friends become her enemies and her situation grows increasing perilous.In The House of Mirth, Edith Wharton gives us a witty and piercingly insightful dark satire about the privileged society of early twentieth-century New York.This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition of The House of Mirth features an introduction by novelist Danuta Reah.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. (

Podobné produkty ako The House of Mirth - Edith Whartonová , Memoriam: to the end - cd (0840588141555)

The Choice - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha


eBook: While \'The Choice\' might be one of Wharton\'s shorter stories, it nonetheless showcases her talents as a master storyteller. \'The Choice\' focuses on the dilemma faced by Cobham Stilling, who is quickly burning the family fortune, much to the horror of his wife and lawyer. Packed with social detail and keen psychological insights, Wharton creates well-rounded characters and presents the reader with a choice that many of us would not like to have to make. (

Podobné produkty ako The Choice - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha , The 15:17 to paris (9780008292294)

The Marne - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha


eBook: One of Wharton\'s earliest works, \'The Marne\' offers a fascinating insight into the shadow cast by the First World War. When 15 year-old American, Troy Belknap, is on his annual holiday in France, war breaks out. While Troy would love to fight for the French but is too young for service. Will he be able to live with himself or will frustration swallow him up? \'The Marne\' is a culturally-significant story and one that allows us to see and experience France as the author herself did. A thrilling and thought-provoking story from one of America\'s greatest novelists.- (

Podobné produkty ako The Marne - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha , Exhumed: to the dead - lp (rr48151)

The Reef - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha


eBook: Wharton\'s fifth novel, \'The Reef\' is widely thought to be partly autobiographical. When American diplomat, George Darrow, bumps into aspiring actress, Sophy Viner, the relationship he has with his former love, Anna Leath, is challenged. Through this tale, Wharton explores the human condition, examining how those from different classes interact, whether it is better to tell the truth and harm or lie and protect, the nature of trust, and the nature of forgiveness. Written with Wharton\'s trademark sensitivity, this book is ideal for those who like their romance served up in a compelling and realistic way. Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America\'s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.- (

Podobné produkty ako The Reef - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha , Hama freedom light, zelená (184077)

The Spark - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha


eBook: \'The Spark\' is the third of four books set in Old New York. When Hayley Delane discovers that there\'s more to his mentor than meets the eye, he realises that he needs to change his way of thinking. \'The Spark\' is a poignant and often funny exploration of the relationship between two men. At the same time, Wharton uses the novella to take some acerbic pot-shots at a society where appearance seems to carry more weight than genuine goodness. An elegant and humorous story about stories themselves.- (

Podobné produkty ako The Spark - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha

The Touchstone - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha


eBook: Tense and atmospheric, \'The Touchstone\' follows the trials and tribulations of New York lawyer, Stephen Glennard. When we meet Glennard, he is unable to afford to marry his girlfriend, Alexa Trent. However, when he reads an advertisement seeking information about the deceased novelist, Margarey Aubyn, he is faced with a moral dilemma. Should he sell the letter she wrote him, even though he spurned her romantic advances? A taut novella, \'The Touchstone\' is a fascinating take on the classic ghost story.- (

Podobné produkty ako The Touchstone - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha

The Age of Innocence - Edith Whartonová


Edith Wharton's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Age of Innocence, is both a poignant story of frustrated love and an extraordinarily vivid, delightfully satirical record of a vanished world. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features an introduction by award-winning novelist, Rachel Cusk. As the scion of one of New York's leading families, Newland Archer has been born into a life of sumptuous privilege and strict duty. But the arrival of the Countess Olenska, a free spirit who breathes clouds of European sophistication, makes him question the path on which his upbringing has set him. As his fascination with her grows, he discovers just how hard it is to escape the bonds of the society that has shaped him. (

Podobné produkty ako The Age of Innocence - Edith Whartonová

Piaf Edith: The Album - CD (7619943022685)

Piaf Edith: The Album - CD (7619943022685)

Hudební CD - Edith Piaf a její výběr. Édith Piaf byla světoznámá a oblíbená francouzská šansoniérka. Její způsob interpretace odrážel praktické zkušenosti ze života, které sama prožila, anebo vnitřní poměry, ve kterých se právě nacházela. Tento umělecký přístup z ní nakonec učinil francouzskou národní ikonu. Seznam stop CD 1 / La Vie En Rose / Un Refrain Courait Dans La Rue / Hymne ? L'Amour / La Petite Marie / Chante Moi / Chanson Bleue / Pour Qu' Elle Soit Jolie Ma Chanson / Un Grand Amour Qui S'Ach?ve / Légende / C'Est L'Amour Qui Fait Qu'On Aime / La Belle Histoire D'Amour / T'Es L'Homme Qu'll Me Faut / Padam Padam / My Lost Melody (JE N'EN CONNAIS PAS LA FIN) / Notre-Dame De Paris / La Goualante Du Pauvre Jean / Ça Ira / Sous Le Ciel De Paris / Serenade Du Pavé / Diable De La Bastille / CD 2 / Boulevard Du Crime / Les Flonflons Du Bae / Marie Trottoir / Le Billard Électrique / Quatorze Juillet /... (

Podobné produkty ako Piaf Edith: The Album - CD (7619943022685)

The Blood Gift (The Blood Gift Duology, Book 2) - N. E. Davenport


Ikenna is now a fugitive with a colossal bounty on her head. Yet, somehow that's the least for her worries. Her grandfather's long time allies refuse to help, and the Blood Emperor's Warlord is tracking her. She's also struggling to control the enormous power she was granted by the Goddess of Blood Rites ... and come to terms with the promises she made to get such power.Amidst all of this, the Blood Emperor leaves decimated cities, war crimes, and untold death in his wake. As the horrors increase, Ikenna and her team realize they must assassinate the Blood Emperor and quickly end the war. His killing may have planet-shattering consequences. But to do nothing means annihilation. (

Podobné produkty ako The Blood Gift (The Blood Gift Duology, Book 2) - N. E. Davenport

The Gift of the Magi - O. Henry


Little Clothbound Classics: irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world's greatest writers, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith.O. Henry is one of the most popular American writers of the twentieth century and a true master of the short story. This selection of tales ranges from Christmas in New York to the cattle-lands of Texas, taking in con men, clerks, shop assistants, tramps and tricksters. They all highlight O. Henry's comic eye, his gift for evoking speech and setting, and his unique approach to life's quirks of fate.'His stories are perfectly executed mini-classics' Washington Post (

Podobné produkty ako The Gift of the Magi - O. Henry

The Hermit and the Wild Woman - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha


eBook: \'The Hermit and the Wild Woman\' is a collection of short stories through which Wharton explores the themes of choice and morality. A surprising read, the stories feature a wide variety of central protagonists, including a lawyer\'s wife, a struggling artist, a governor, and a monk living in cloisters. Shot through with wry humour, cultural criticism, and psychological observations, this book is perfect for fans of Wharton, who want to get to know the author a little better. (

Podobné produkty ako The Hermit and the Wild Woman - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha

The Long Run - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha


eBook: Well -- I failed to sell the Works, and that increased my discontent. I went through moods of cold unsociability, alternating with sudden flushes of curiosity, when I gloated over stray scraps of talk overheard in railway stations and omnibuses, when strange faces that I passed in the street tantalized me with fugitive promises. I wanted to get away, among things that were unexpected and unknown; and it seemed to me that nobody about me understood in the least what I felt, but that somewhere just out of reach there was some one who did, and whom I must find or despair. . . . (

Podobné produkty ako The Long Run - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha

The Greater Inclination - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha


eBook: The earliest collection of short stories from Edith Wharton, \'The Greater Inclination\' documents the beginning of an outstanding literary career. The book contains seven short stories and one two-act play. In typical Wharton style, the tales deal with the themes of love, marriage, death, deception, American society, and the true intent of art. Wharton\'s eye for the minutiae of social conventions and interactions breathes life into each story. A superb book for those who want to see where it all started. (

Podobné produkty ako The Greater Inclination - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha

The Old Maid - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha


eBook: The story follows the life of Tina, a young woman caught between the mother who adopted her - the beautiful, upstanding Delia - and her true mother, her plain, unmarried ‘aunt’ Charlotte, who gave Tina up to provide her with a socially acceptable life.The three women live quietly together until Tina’s wedding day, when Delia’s and Charlotte’s hidden jealousies rush to the surface. Originally serialized in The Red Book magazine in 1922, The Old Maid is an examination of class and society as only Edith Wharton could undertake. (

Podobné produkty ako The Old Maid - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha

The Edith Farnsworth House: Architecture, Preservation, Culture


The comprehensive story of an icon of modern architecture: the Edith Farnsworth House, designed by Mies van der Rohe One of the most famous residences in modern history, a glass and steel marvel that seems to float above its site, the Edith Farnsworth House had been legendary in the public imagination long before it could be widely accessed. This book charts the house’s original design by Mies van der Rohe and periods of neglect, flooding, and new ownership by Lord Peter Palumbo. Now publicly accessible and celebrating twenty years of being owned and administered by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, this icon of modern architecture commissioned by client and patron Edith Farnsworth now gets its due.The Edith Farnsworth House is one of the most prized residences in modern architectural history, whose sometimes fraught history culminates in its publicly accessible life today. The book, which newly foregrounds the key role of client Edith Farnsworth, is written and edited by Michelangelo Sabatino, who contributes deep expertise on modernist architecture, and includes an essay by architectural historian Dietrich Neumann, excerpts of Edith Farnsworth’s unpublished memoir, as well as interviews with Mies’s grandson Dirk Lohan, and the house’s second owner, Lord Peter Palumbo. Published in association with the National Trust for Historic Preservation, this book is published is a trove of cultural and visual history, and includes photographs by Hedrich Blessing, Hiroshi Sugimoto, and Annie Leibovitz, in addition to documentation of cultural collaborations with artists, designers, and performance troupes such as Virgil Abloh, Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle, and Gerard & Kelly. (

Podobné produkty ako The Edith Farnsworth House: Architecture, Preservation, Culture

The Sims 4: Star Wars - Journey to Batuu - PC DIGITAL (1572889)

The Sims 4: Star Wars - Journey to Batuu - PC DIGITAL (1572889)

Herní doplněk / DLC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Origin, žánr: Party, pro uplatnění je vyžadována základní hra Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Objevte se simíky svět Star WarsV nejnovějším rozšiřujícím balíčku The Sims 4: Star Wars - Journey to Batuu PC ovládnou The Sims 4 PC ikonické postavy ze Star Wars. Zda se přikloníte na temnou, či světlou stranu Síly, bude záležet pouze na vás a vašem Simíkovi. Na Simíky čekají v The Sims 4: Star Wars - Výprava na Batuu PC výzvy, díky jejichž splnění získají přístup k novým oblečkům nebo k vesmírné stíhačce. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Taste světelný meč!Ale nebude to tak jednoduché! Na výrobu světelného meče potřebujete dostatečné množství kyber krystalů a také rukojeť. Jakmile však bude váš simík v rukou pevně svírat tuto zbraň, stačí najít rovnocenného soupeře a souboj může... (

Podobné produkty ako The Sims 4: Star Wars - Journey to Batuu - PC DIGITAL (1572889)

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream (0007204493)

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream (0007204493)

Kniha - autor Hunter S. Thompson, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Stylish reissue of this classic first published in the 1970s. A savage journey to the heart of the American Dream. (

Podobné produkty ako Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream (0007204493)

TM Toys Roblox Action figurka After the Flash Wasteland Survivor

TM Toys Roblox Action figurka After the Flash Wasteland Survivor

Wasteland Survivor je jednou z figurek specifického designu počítačové hry Roblox. Figurky mohou děti přenést do atmosféry hry, ve které děti tvoří, budují předměty, to vše s kostek podobných Lego dílkům. S příslušenstvím si děti vytváří charakter své postavy. Figurky v široké nabídce vychází ze hry, kterou podle statistik r. 2017, hrálo průměrně každý měsíc 48 milionů hráčů. Obsah balení: postavička s doplňkem, průvodce sběratele jedinečný kód umožňující odemknout dodatečné doplňky ve hře Kupte dětem sběratelskou figurku Roblox! Vhodné pro děti od 6 let Výška: 7 cm (

Podobné produkty ako TM Toys Roblox Action figurka After the Flash Wasteland Survivor

The Descent of Man - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha


eBook: \'The Descent of Man, and Other Stories,\' is a collection of short stories from the author of such greats as \'The Age of Innocence,\' and \'Ethan Frome.\' Through these sharply-observed tales, Wharton explores the nature of relationships and marriage, compromise, regret – and even throws in a ghost story for good measure. Her writing is peppered with incisive social detail, helping the backdrop to each story breathe as deeply as the characters. A superb book for those who want to get to know this extraordinary novelist a little better.- (

Podobné produkty ako The Descent of Man - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha

The Triumph of Night - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha


eBook: A masterclass in psychological and supernatural storytelling, \'The Triumph of Night\' follows George Foxon who, one snowy, moonlit night, finds himself in the company of a sick young man and his wealthy uncle. However, Foxon is haunted by a spectre that only he can see. With more than a whiff of Stanley Kubrick\'s \'The Shining\' about it, \'The Triumph of Night\' is a supremely spooky take on the horror genre. - (

Podobné produkty ako The Triumph of Night - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha

The Valley of Decision - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha


eBook: \'The Valley of Decision\' is Wharton\'s first full-length novel. Set in 18th Century, it follows the rising fortunes of Odo Valsecca who, on becoming a man, inherits a dukedom. With the French Revolution a constant shadow, Valsecca must decide whether to fully assume the responsibilities that come with power or whether to ally himself to his working-class roots. A fascinating read, Wharton peppers the tale with plenty of historical detail and insights into human nature. Romantic, dramatic, and elegantly written, this book is perfect for fans of Julia Quinn\'s \'Bridgerton\' series.- (

Podobné produkty ako The Valley of Decision - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha

The Writing of Fiction - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha


eBook: A rare work of nonfiction from Edith Wharton, The Writing of Fiction contains timeless advice on writing and reading well from the first woman ever to win a Pulitzer Prize—now with a new introduction by Brandon Taylor.In 1921, Edith Wharton won a Pulitzer Prize for her first novel, The Age of Innocence. Over the course of her career, she would continue to produce beloved, bestselling work—from The House of Mirth to The Custom of the Country—and gained a reputation for her incisive critiques of her upper-class social circle. To each new generation of readers, her work remains fresh, formally remarkable, and endlessly entertaining.The Writing of Fiction is a window into Wharton’s mind as she ponders the intertwined arts of writing and reading. Wharton provides invaluable insight on the subjects of character, the challenge of finely-tuned short stories, the construction of a novel, and more. Beyond a treatise on craft, The Writing of Fiction is a sweeping meditation by a masterful practitioner and a rare chance to experience the inimitable voice of one of America’s most influential novelists. (

Podobné produkty ako The Writing of Fiction - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha

The Age of Innocence (Collins Classics) - Edith Whartonová


'I want – I want somehow to get away with you into a world where words like that – categories like that – won't exist. Where we shall be simply two human beings who love each other, who are the whole of life to each other; and nothing else on earth will matter.’ Newland Archer, a successful and charming young lawyer conducts himself by the rules and standards of the polite, upper class New York society that he resides in. Happily engaged to the pretty and conventional May Welland, his attachment guarantees his place in this rigid world of the elite. However, the arrival of May’s cousin, the exotic and beautiful European Countess Olenska throws Newland’s life upside down. A divorcee, Olenska is ostracised by those around her, yet Newland is fiercely drawn to her wit, determination and willingness to flout convention. With the Countess, Newland is freed from the limitations that surround him and truly begins to ‘feel’ for the first time. Wharton’s subtle exposé of the manners and etiquette of 1870s New York society is both comedic, subtle, satirical and cynical in style and paints an evocative picture of a man torn between his passion and his obligation. (

Podobné produkty ako The Age of Innocence (Collins Classics) - Edith Whartonová

Vintage Travel Posters: A Journey to the Sea in 30 Posters - Saunders


Thirty detachable vintage posters drawn from the Victoria and Albert Museum’s renowned archive take you back to the Golden Age of travel From the restorative retreat of a palm-lined beach to the brisk breeze of Bridlington, holidaying by the sea is hard to beat. For over a century, whether by boat, train, car or plane, we’ve flocked to the coast at home and abroad. These vintage advertisements help evoke the early 20th century’s Golden Age of travel. With an introduction by Gill Saunders, this book is packed with charm and style, and includes thirty detachable full-page posters to transport you back to the sun, sea and sand. Contents List Introduction by Gill Saunders • 30 detachable posters (

Podobné produkty ako Vintage Travel Posters: A Journey to the Sea in 30 Posters - Saunders
Journey: Freedom - CD (8024391123720), Piaf Edith: The Album - CD (7619943022685), Piaf Edith: Edith Piaf - CD (9029571553), Young Neil, The Restless: Freedom - CD (7599258992), The Witcher: Journey of Ciri - Puzzle (5908305233626), BTS: Map Of The Soul:7-The Journey - CD (0893538), Victrola The Journey+ černý (VSC-400SB-BLK-EU), Call of the Sea - Journey Edition - PS5 (8437020062749), The Fates Divide: A Sequel to 'Carve the Mark' (0062819860), Universal: A guide to the Cosmos (1846144361), Homefront: The Revolution - Freedom Fighter Bundle - Xbox Digital (G3Q-01299), The Secret Lives of the Planets: A User's Guide to the Solar System (1529319412), Sada chrastítek a kousátek Gift Set (773554151275), RITUALS The Ritual of Sakura Gift Set L 520 ml (8719134142068), The Lady and the Generals: 'Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma''s Struggle for Freedom' (1846043735), Marley Bob: Songs of Freedom: The Island Years (3x CD) - CD (5393128), Marley Bob: Songs of Freedom: The Island Years (6x LP) - LP (5393132), Freedom in the Mirror of University History (978-80-210-9743-8), House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko, Stropní svítidlo EGER 1xGU10/10W/230V (109089), Stropní svítidlo EGER 1xGU10/10W/230V (109114), Edith Piaf (978-80-735-9399-5), Stone Temple Pilots: Tiny Music... Songs From The Vatican Gift Shop - CD (0349784438), DANDY Gift Box (0764460596243), Stropní bodové svítidlo EGER 1xGU10/10W/230W (109078), Stropní bodové svítidlo EGER 1xGU10/10W/230W (109110), Memoriam: To The End - CD (0840588141555), The 15:17 to Paris (9780008292294), Exhumed: To The Dead - LP (RR48151), Hama Freedom Light, zelená (184077)