The cyber effect - mary aiken

Produkt The cyber effect - mary aiken sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu The cyber effect - mary aiken upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

The Cyber Effect - Mary Aiken


Freakonomics for our modern online lives from the world's leading cyberpsychologist and inspiration for CSI Cyber, Mary Aiken. (

Podobné produkty ako The Cyber Effect - Mary Aiken , The susan effect (1784702269)

The Cyber Effect (Defekt) - Mary Aiken


Freakonomics for our modern online lives from the world's leading cyberpsychologist and inspiration for CSI Cyber, Mary Aiken. (

Podobné produkty ako The Cyber Effect (Defekt) - Mary Aiken , The ascent - cyber edition - ps5 (5060760886882)

Nebezpečný efekt - Mary Aiken


"Fascinující kniha… Pokud máte děti, všeho nechte a kupte si ji," napsal britský deník The Times. Dílo přední světové kyberpsycholožky popisuje, jak online prostředí mění lidské chování. Zabývá se nejrůznějšími aspekty internetu, digitálních médií a sociálních sítí a jejich vlivem na člověka a jeho jednání. Přináší nejen překvapující statistiky a údaje, ale především je ilustruje skutečnými alarmujícími případy odhalujícími skryté trendy, které formují naši kulturu a nastolují znepokojivé otázky. Bere čtenáře na cestu do hlubin digitálního světa, kde čekají nástrahy, které mohou změnit lidstvo nepředstavitelným způsobem a zásadně ovlivnit přirozenou evoluci. Zvláštní důraz klade kniha na to, jak nové technologie ovlivňují a jaká nebezpečí mohou znamenat pro děti. Jak provést děti současným hyperpropojeným světem je pro dnešní rodiče jednou z největších výzev. (

Podobné produkty ako Nebezpečný efekt - Mary Aiken , The ascent - cyber edition - ps4 (5060760886844)

Nebezpečný efekt - Aiken Mary

Nebezpečný efekt - Aiken Mary

„Fascinující kniha… Pokud máte děti, všeho nechte a kupte si ji,“ napsal britský deník The Times. Dílo přední světové kyberpsycholožky popisuje, jak online prostředí mění lidské chování. Zabývá se nejrůznějšími aspekty internetu, digitálních médií a sociálních sítí a jejich vlivem na člověka a jeho jednání. Přináší nejen překvapující statistiky a údaje, ale především je ilustruje skutečnými alarmujícími případy odhalujícími skryté trendy, které formují naši kulturu a nastolují znepokojivé otázky. Bere čtenáře na cestu do hlubin digitálního světa, kde čekají nástrahy, které mohou změnit lidstvo nepředstavitelným způsobem a zásadně ovlivnit přirozenou evoluci. Zvláštní důraz klade kniha na to, jak nové technologie ovlivňují a jaká nebezpečí mohou znamenat pro děti. Jak provést děti současným hyperpropojeným světem je pro dnešní rodiče jednou z největších výzev. (

Podobné produkty ako Nebezpečný efekt - Aiken Mary , Cyber clean the original 160 g (46280)

The Wolves of Willoughby Chase - Joan Aiken


Rediscover the A Puffin Book series and bring the best-loved classics to a new generation - including this special edition of The Wolves of Willoughby Chase. It's 19th Century England, Good King James III is on the throne, and the whole country is ravaged by wolves which have migrated through the newly-opened Channel Tunnel. When young orphans Bonnie and Sylvia get caught by the governess, Miss Slighcarp - they need their wits and Simon the goose-boy - to escape unscathed.For Miss Slighcarp is more cruel and merciless than the wolves that surround the great house of Willoughby Chase. . . (

Podobné produkty ako The Wolves of Willoughby Chase - Joan Aiken , Cyber clean the original 80 g (46197)

The Ascent - Cyber Edition - PS4 (5060760886844)

The Ascent - Cyber Edition - PS4 (5060760886844)

Hra na konzoli - PS4 / PS4 Pro, krabicová verze, žánr: akční a RPG, - Hrajete jako dělník, zotročený společností, která vlastní vás a všechny ostatní ve vašem okolí. Jednoho dne se náhle ocitnete ve víru katastrofických událostí: Skupina Ascent se z neznámých důvodů vypne a budoucnost vaší čtvrti je ohrožena. Musíte vzít zbraně a vydat se na novou misi, abyste zjistili, co to všechno začalo. Budoucnost plná násilíAkční RPG The Ascent - Cyber Edition PS4 vás vezme do vzdálené budoucnosti, v níž ovládají svět gigantické korporace. Převezměte kontrolu nad jedním z mnoha obyvatel obřího města. Uchopte zbraň a změňte s ní svůj osud. Vytvořte ze sebe v The Ascent - Cyber Edition PS4 bytost budoucnostiVylepšujte futuristickými technologiemi svého šampiona. Namontujte do jeho těla některý z řady unikátních čipů a zlepšete tak... (

Podobné produkty ako The Ascent - Cyber Edition - PS4 (5060760886844) , The blue effect: meditace - cd (su6379-2)

The Ascent - Cyber Edition - PS5 (5060760886882)

The Ascent - Cyber Edition - PS5 (5060760886882)

Hra na konzoli - PS5 (s mechanikou), krabicová verze, žánr: akční a RPG, - Hrajete jako dělník, zotročený společností, která vlastní vás a všechny ostatní ve vašem okolí. Jednoho dne se náhle ocitnete ve víru katastrofických událostí: Skupina Ascent se z neznámých důvodů vypne a budoucnost vaší čtvrti je ohrožena. Musíte vzít zbraně a vydat se na novou misi, abyste zjistili, co to všechno začalo. Budoucnost plná násilíAkční RPG The Ascent - Cyber Edition PS5 vás vezme do vzdálené budoucnosti, v níž ovládají svět gigantické korporace. Převezměte kontrolu nad jedním z mnoha obyvatel obřího města. Uchopte zbraň a změňte s ní svůj osud. Vytvořte ze sebe v The Ascent - Cyber Edition PS5 bytost budoucnostiVylepšujte futuristickými technologiemi svého šampiona. Namontujte do jeho těla některý z řady unikátních čipů a zlepšete... (

Podobné produkty ako The Ascent - Cyber Edition - PS5 (5060760886882) , Larry rose band: the jupiter effect - cd (bbe627acd)

CYBER CLEAN The Original 160 g (46280)

CYBER CLEAN The Original 160 g (46280)

Čisticí hmota čisticí hmota v uzavíratelném kalíšku, pro jednoduché čištění strukturovaných a obtížně čistitelných povrchů, vhodná na klávesnice, ovladače, fotoaparáty, IT hardware a další zařízení a příslušenství Unikátní čisticí hmota Cyber Clean The Original 160 g ze ŠvýcarskaRádi byste vyčistili své auto v nepřístupných prostorech jako například větrák? Vyzkoušejte patentovanou čisticí hmotu Cyber Clean The Original. Využijete ji nejen pro čištění strukturovaných, obtížně čistitelných povrchů klávesnic, mobilních telefonů a dalších zařízení. Dokonale odstraňuje i hluboce usazené nečistoty a prachové částice ze všech povrchů.Cyber Clean The Original se dostane i do jinak nepřístupných místCyber Clean The Original je výborně tvarovatelná hmota, která se spolehlivě dostane do všech spár a těžko dostupných koutů. Prach a nečistoty se na ni nalepí a povrch zůstane tak dokonale čistý.Zlikvidujte bakterie a nečistotyČisticí hmota žluté barvy a svěží limetkové vůně... (

Podobné produkty ako CYBER CLEAN The Original 160 g (46280) , Larry rose band: the jupiter effect - lp (bbe627alp)

CYBER CLEAN The Original 80 g (46197)

CYBER CLEAN The Original 80 g (46197)

Čisticí hmota čisticí hmota v uzavíratelném pytlíku, pro jednoduché čištění strukturovaných a obtížně čistitelných povrchů, vhodná na klávesnice, ovladače, fotoaparáty, IT hardware a další zařízení a příslušenství Unikátní čisticí hmota Cyber Clean The Original 80 g ze ŠvýcarskaRádi byste vyčistili těžko přístupná místa, jakými jsou komponenty v PC, ventilátory, klávesnice a další? Vyzkoušejte patentovanou čisticí hmotu Cyber Clean The Original. Využijete ji nejen pro čištění strukturovaných, obtížně čistitelných povrchů klávesnic, mobilních telefonů a dalších zařízení. Dokonale odstraňuje i hluboce usazené nečistoty a prachové částice ze všech povrchů.Cyber Clean The Original se dostane i do jinak nepřístupných místCyber Clean The Original je výborně tvarovatelná hmota, která se spolehlivě dostane do všech spár a těžko dostupných koutů. Prach a nečistoty se na ni nalepí a povrch zůstane tak dokonale čistý.Zlikvidujte bakterie a nečistotyČisticí hmota žluté... (

Podobné produkty ako CYBER CLEAN The Original 80 g (46197) , Halo effect: days of the lost - cd (4065629602925)

bellaoggi Gel Effect Keratin Nail Polish lak na nehty odstín Bloody Mary 10 ml

bellaoggi Gel Effect Keratin Nail Polish lak na nehty odstín Bloody Mary 10 ml

bellaoggi Gel Effect Keratin Nail Polish, 10 ml, Laky na nehty pro ženy, Nádherná manikúra jako po návštěvě nehtového studia? Lak na nehty bellaoggi Gel Effect Keratin Nail Polish umožňuje vytvořit si ji v pohodlí vlastního domova. Pokrývá povrch nehtů souvislou vrstvou dlouhotrvající intenzivní barvy s lesklým finišem, a pomáhá tak dodat nehtům pěstěný, dokonale upravený vzhled. Můžete s jeho pomocí jednoduše zvýraznit své nehty a nebo třeba podtrhnout styl vašeho outfitu. Tak která barva se zaleskne na vašich nehtech? Vlastnosti: zářivá a sytá barva zajišťuje vysoký lesk pohodlně se nanáší má dlouhotrvající výdrž posiluje a zpevňuje nehty Jak používat: Lak nanášejte pomocí štětečku na odlakované odmaštěné nehty. Pro lepší výsledný efekt aplikujte 2 vrstvy. (

Podobné produkty ako bellaoggi Gel Effect Keratin Nail Polish lak na nehty odstín Bloody Mary 10 ml , Mary poppinsová ()

The Susan Effect (1784702269)

The Susan Effect (1784702269)

Kniha - 346 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako The Susan Effect (1784702269) , Mary konopela

The Wren Hunt - Mary Watson

The Wren Hunt - Mary Watson

Every winter, Wren Silke is chased through the forest in a warped version of a childhood game. The boys who haunt her are judges, powerful and frightening pursuers, who know nothing of her true identity. If they knew she was an augur, their sworn enemy, the game would turn deadly. But Wren is on the hunt, too. Sent undercover as an intern to the Harkness Foundation - enemy headquarters - her family's survival rests on finding a secret meant to stay hidden. As the enmity between two ancient magics reaches breaking point, Wren is torn between old loyalties and new lies. And trapped in the most dangerous game of her life. Part thriller, part love story, this captivating debut novel will leave readers spellbound. (

Podobné produkty ako The Wren Hunt - Mary Watson , Mermaid mary valve (sptmer006)

The Egyptian Souvenir - Flagan Mary

The Egyptian Souvenir - Flagan Mary

‘I’m going to solve this mystery! I’m tired, but before I turn out the light, I’m going to write down all the things I’ll need for my investigation.’ Tags Crime Friendship In this Reader you will find: - Focus on… - Glossary of difficult words - Comprehension activities - Test yourself Sally wants to be a detective and her hobby is solving mysteries. But this time the mystery is really difficult! Read about Sally’s adventures and enjoy! Syllabus Topics People Personal feelings School and Study Travel and holidays Functions and Notions Making predictions, talking about (im)probability and (im)possibility, Expressing opinions, agreement and disagreement, Expressing degrees of certainty and doubt, Understanding simple signs and notices Grammar and Structures Present tenses: simple, continuous and perfect, Past tenses: simple, continuous, Future tenses: going to, will, Adjectives, Adverbs, Modals, Prepositions, Question formation, Verb patterns (

Podobné produkty ako The Egyptian Souvenir - Flagan Mary , Mikrodermální sada mary kay

The Secret Garden - Flagan Mary

The Secret Garden - Flagan Mary

One day, in India, nine-year old Mary wakes up and finds that she is completely alone. Back home in England, she is sent to live with an uncle she has never met. His house is a strange, lonely place where she will gradually discover secret after secret in a new and magical world. In this reader you will find: - information about Frances Hodgson Burnett - a section providing background and contextual information - a glossary of difficult words - comprehension activities - an exit text Tags Friendship Emotions Syllabus Topics Family, friends and ourselves Occupations and the world of work School and education: including school subjects Daily routine Notions and concepts Ability, Actions and activities Feelings, Obligation Offers, Likes and dislikes Predictions, Suggestions Talking about future plans Other Adverbs, Adjectives Prepositions, Phrases with when Comparatives and superlatives Gerunds, Imperatives Present simple, Future forms (

Podobné produkty ako The Secret Garden - Flagan Mary , Peter, paul and mary: where have all the flowers gone (coloured) - lp (4260494436372)

The Secret Garden - Mary Flagan

The Secret Garden - Mary Flagan

One day, in India, nine-year old Mary wakes up and finds that she is completely alone. Back home in England, she is sent to live with an uncle she has never met. His house is a strange, lonely place where she will gradually discover secret after secret in a new and magical world. In this reader you will find: - information about Frances Hodgson Burnett - a section providing background and contextual information - a glossary of difficult words - comprehension activities - an exit text Tags Friendship Emotions Syllabus Topics Family, friends and ourselves Occupations and the world of work School and education: including school subjects Daily routine Notions and concepts Ability, Actions and activities Feelings, Obligation Offers, Likes and dislikes Predictions, Suggestions Talking about future plans Other Adverbs, Adjectives Prepositions, Phrases with when Comparatives and superlatives Gerunds, Imperatives Present simple, Future forms (

Podobné produkty ako The Secret Garden - Mary Flagan , Cyber clean vinylcare 100 g (46355)

The River Capture - Costello Mary

The River Capture - Costello Mary

Shortlisted for Novel of the Year at the Irish Book Awards, the Dalkey Literary Awards and the Kerry Group AwardsLuke O'Brien has left Dublin to live a quiet life on the bend of the River Sullane. Alone in his big house, he longs for a return to his family's heyday and turns to books for solace. One morning a young woman arrives at his door, presenting Luke and his family with an almost impossible dilemma. (

Podobné produkty ako The River Capture - Costello Mary , Head mx cyber tour g4 (726424830008)

The Compound Effect - Hardy Darren


No gimmicks. No hyperbole. Finally, just the truth on what it takes to earn successAs the central curator of the success media industry for over 25 years, author Darren Hardy has heard it all, seen it all, and tried most of it. This book reveals the core principles that drive success. The Compound Effect contains the essence of what every superachiever needs to know, practice, and master to obtain extraordinary success. Inside you will find strategies on:How to win--every time! The No. 1 strategy to achieve any goal and triumph over any competitor, even if they're smarter, more talented or more experienced.Eradicating your bad habits (some you might be unaware of!) that are derailing your progress.Painlessly installing the few key disciplines required for major breakthroughs.The real, lasting keys to motivation--how to get yourself to do things you don't feel like doing.Capturing the elusive, awesome force of momentum. Catch this, and you'll be unstoppable.The acceleration secrets of superachievers. Do they have an unfair advantage? Yes, they do, and now you can too!If you're serious about living an extraordinary life, use the power of The Compound Effect to create the success you desire. Begin your journey today! (

Podobné produkty ako The Compound Effect - Hardy Darren , Cyber clean professional 160 g (46295)

The Graham Effect - Elle Kennedy


The first book in the delicious, icy-hot Campus Diaries series, a spinoff of BookTok sensations Off Campus and Briar U, by New York Times bestselling author Elle Kennedy. Gigi Graham has exactly three goals: qualify for the women's national hockey team, win Olympic gold, and step out of her famous father's shadow. So far, so good, except for two little things.Fine - a little thing and a big, grumpy thing. She needs to improve her game behind the net, and she needs help from Luke Ryder. Ryder is six-foot five, built, opinionated, rude .. . and sexy as hell.But he's still the enemy. Briar's new hockey co-captain has his reasons, though. The men's team just merged with a rival program, leaving Ryder with an angry roster where everyone hates one another's guts.To make matters worse, the summer coaching spot he's angling for with the legendary Garrett Graham is out of reach after he makes the worst possible first impression on his hero. So, really, this compromise with Gigi is win-win. He helps her make the national team, she puts in a good word with her dad.The only potential snag? This bone-deep, body-numbing, mind-spinning chemistry they're trying to ignore. It's a dangerous game they're playing, but the risks just might be worth it. (

Podobné produkty ako The Graham Effect - Elle Kennedy , Cyber clean car 160 g (46220)

PS4 The Caligula Effect 2

PS4 The Caligula Effect 2

Popis produktu Virtuální panenka jménem Regret vytvořila svět Redo, aby zachránila lidi před jejich minulými výčitkami tím, že je nevědomky uvěznila v simulaci. Tento "ráj" se však otřese v základech, když do Regretovy virtuální reality pronikne virtuální idol jménem χ a obnoví vzpomínky středoškolského studenta na skutečný svět. Aby unikli Redo, znovu založí Go-Home Club, odbojovou skupinu, která se snaží bojovat proti Regret a jejím vymahačům, Obbligato Musicians. Klíčové prvky: Vítejte v Akademii Tatefushi: Seznamte se s čerstvými tvářemi Go-Home Clubu, jejichž vzpomínky probouzí virtuadoll χ. Přizvěte na pomoc další studenty, vyzvěte virtuadoll, Regret, a její Obbligato Musicians a unikněte z falešného světa Redo! Breakout Battles: Využívejte imaginární řetězec k předvídání tahů nepřátel a vytváření dokonalé strategie a používejte vypočítané techniky k získání taktické výhody v boji. Nezapomenutelný ráj: Mistrovsky zpracované příběhové scénáře od scénáristy Persony Tadashi Satomiho a režiséra Takuya Yamanaky se snoubí s pulzujícím, vokaloidy inspirovaným soundtrackem, díky němuž je svět Redo nezapomenutelným vizuálním i zvukovým zážitkem. (

Podobné produkty ako PS4 The Caligula Effect 2 , Plastová dóza mary, 1,5 l

The Dressmaker of Dachau - Mary Chamberlainová

The Dressmaker of Dachau - Mary Chamberlainová

Spanning the intense years of war, The Dressmaker of Dachau is a dramatic tale of love, conflict, betrayal and survival. It is the compelling story of one young woman’s resolve to endure and of the choices she must make at every turn – choices which will contain truths she must confront.London, spring 1939. Eighteen-year-old Ada Vaughan, a beautiful and ambitious seamstress, has just started work for a modiste in Dover Street. A career in couture is hers for the taking – she has the skill and the drive – if only she can break free from the dreariness of family life in Lambeth.A chance meeting with the enigmatic Stanislaus von Lieben catapults Ada into a world of glamour and romance. When he suggests a trip to Paris, Ada is blind to all the warnings of war on the continent: this is her chance for a new start.Anticipation turns to despair when war is declared and the two are trapped in France. After the Nazis invade, Stanislaus abandons her. Ada is taken prisoner and forced to survive the only way she knows how: by being a dressmaker. It is a decision which will haunt her during the war and its devastating aftermath. (

Podobné produkty ako The Dressmaker of Dachau - Mary Chamberlainová , Mary kay krém na obličej

The Egyptian Souvenir - Mary Flaganová - audiokniha

The Egyptian Souvenir - Mary Flaganová - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,Audiokniha The Egyptian Souvenir namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň C2 pro mírně pokročilé posluchače. Sally wants to be a detective and her hobby is solving mysteries. But this time the mystery is really difficult! Read about Sally’s adventures and enjoy! (

Podobné produkty ako The Egyptian Souvenir - Mary Flaganová - audiokniha , Bellasin effect 90tob. (4514080)

The Fated Sky - Mary Robinette Kowal


THE SECOND IN THE NEBULA AND LOCUS AWARD-WINNING SERIESOne large step for humankind...It's 1961, and the Earth's gaze is turning to Mars. The Moon colony is well established, but tensions are rising on Earth-both from those who see themselves being left behind on a disaster-laden planet, and those who don't believe in equality for all.But even with personal sacrifices and political tensions, Elma York, the Lady Astronaut, dearly wants to go on the first mission to Mars-despite everything that stands in her way. (

Podobné produkty ako The Fated Sky - Mary Robinette Kowal , Double effect kofeinový šampon

English for the Teacher - Mary Spratt


This course is designed to help teachers improve their language ability for various purposes: using English in the classroom, making professional contacts, studying the teaching of English and discussions with colleagues and students. (

Podobné produkty ako English for the Teacher - Mary Spratt , Funko pop! shazam 2 - mary (889698691239)

The Relentless Moon - Mary Robinette Kowal


Mary Robinette Kowal continues her Hugo and Nebula award-winning Lady Astronaut series, following The Calculating Stars and The Fated Sky, with The Relentless Moon.The Earth is coming to the boiling point as the climate disaster of the Meteor strike becomes more and more clear, but the political situation is already overheated. Riots and sabotage plague the space program. The IAC's goal of getting as many people as possible off Earth before it becomes uninhabitable is being threatened.Elma York is on her way to Mars, but the Moon colony is still being established. Her friend and fellow Lady Astronaut Nicole Wargin is thrilled to be one of those pioneer settlers, using her considerable flight and political skills to keep the program on track. But she is less happy that her husband, the Governor of Kansas, is considering a run for President. (

Podobné produkty ako The Relentless Moon - Mary Robinette Kowal , Mary poppins se vrací - dvd (d01163)

Mattel Cars 3 Auta Aiken Axler

Mattel Cars 3 Auta Aiken Axler

Aiken Axler je kovovým autíčkem ze sběratelské kolekce Cars3. Závodní vůz Blesk McQueen při zastávce v Kardanové Lhotě u silnice 66, poznal hodně nových zajímavých kolegů na čtyřech kolech. Tato kolekce nám je představuje. Kupte chlapcům autíčko z filmu Cars3! Vhodné pro děti od 3 let Materiál: kov Rozměr: 9 cm Rozměr balení: 16,5 x 14 x 5 cm (

Podobné produkty ako Mattel Cars 3 Auta Aiken Axler , Mary kay maska na černé tečky

The Hot Henry Effect - Lucy Chalice


When a mishap with a pain au chocolat ruins the most important presentation of Dr Clara Clancy’s career, the last person she expects to come to her rescue is the impossibly good-looking and all-round super-nice guy from her university days, Dr Henry Fraser.. Back during their time together at Oxford, Clara was seemingly the only person immune to The Hot Henry Effect – a genuine scientific phenomenon whereby those around Henry fall instantly and helplessly in love with him, the outcomes of which he has remained entirely oblivious to.? Now, reunited and back working together, it’s not long before they slip back into their easy friendship.But both Henry and Clara are keeping secrets – if they can’t be honest with themselves, what hope is there of them being honest with each other? And will Clara really be able to resist the Hot Henry Effect for long? (

Podobné produkty ako The Hot Henry Effect - Lucy Chalice , Tangle teezer compact styler xmas cyber metallics (5060630047078)

Moonspell: The Butterfly Effect - CD (0840588129096)

Moonspell: The Butterfly Effect - CD (0840588129096)

Hudební CD - Čtvrté studiové album portugalské gothic-metalové kapely z roku 1999. Čtvrté studiové album portugalské gothic-metalové kapely z roku 1999. Moonspell je portugalská gothic metalová skupina s death metalovými, doom metalovými a black metalovými prvky. Seznam stop Soulsick / Butterfly FX / Can't Bee / Lustmord / Selfabuse / I Am The Eternal Spectator / Soulitary Vice / Dissapear Here / Adaptables / Angelizer / Tired / KBonus Never Stop to Hurt You (Lustmord Remix) by Pedro Paixao) / Angelized (Angelizer Remix) by Pedro Paixao (

Podobné produkty ako Moonspell: The Butterfly Effect - CD (0840588129096) , Cyber peach 11ml - orly - lak na nehty (2020016)

The Art of the Mass Effect Trilogy: Expanded Edition (150672163X)

The Art of the Mass Effect Trilogy: Expanded Edition (150672163X)

Kniha - autor Bioware, 264 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Expanded with never before seen works of art, this new edition delves deeper than ever into the sci-fi saga that changed video games forever. Contains extensive new material from the DLCs for all three games--including the award-winning Lair of the Shadow Broker from Mass Effect 2 and the fan-favorite Citadel from Mass Effect 3. Experience the evolution of the aliens, planets, ships, and technology that define this iconic science fiction universe, as the developers who brought BioWare's masterpiece to life take you from the earliest design sketches through to the meticulous final renders. Brimming with concept art and commentary, this expanded edition is the ultimate companion to one of the greatest series in the history of gaming! (

Podobné produkty ako The Art of the Mass Effect Trilogy: Expanded Edition (150672163X) , Nivea hydra effect box (9005800348865)

The Testament of Mary (Defekt) - Colm Tóibín

The Testament of Mary (Defekt) - Colm Tóibín

SHORTLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2013Colm Toibin's The Testament of Mary is the moving story of the Virgin Mary, told by a novelist famous for writing brilliantly about the family.From the author of Brooklyn, in a voice that is both tender and filled with rage, The Testament of Mary tells the story of a cataclysmic event which led to an overpowering grief. For Mary, her son has been lost to the world, and now, living in exile and in fear, she tries to piece together the memories of the events that led to her son's brutal death. To her he was a vulnerable figure, surrounded by men who could not be trusted, living in a time of turmoil and change. As her life and her suffering begin to acquire the resonance of myth, Mary struggles to break the silence surrounding what she knows to have happened. In her effort to tell the truth in all its gnarled complexity, she slowly emerges as a figure of immense moral stature as well as a woman from history rendered now as fully human.Praise for The Testament of Mary:'This is a short book, but it is as dense as a diamond. It is as tragic as a Spanish pieta, but it is completely heretical...Toibin maintains all the dignity of Mary without subscribing to the myths that have accumulated around her' Edmund White, Irish Times'Depicting the harrowing losses and evasions that can go on between mothers and sons...Toibin creates a reversed Pieta: he holds the mother in his arms' Independent 'A beautiful and daring takes its power from the surprise of its language, its almost shocking characterization' Mary Gordon, New York Times. (

Podobné produkty ako The Testament of Mary (Defekt) - Colm Tóibín , Alpecin double effect kofeinový šampon

The New Annotated Frankenstein - Mary W. Shelley


Two centuries after its original publication, Mary Shelley’s classic tale of gothic horror comes to vivid life in "what may very well be the best presentation of the novel" to date (Guillermo del Toro). "Remarkably, a nineteen-year-old, writing her first novel, penned a tale that combines tragedy, morality, social commentary, and a thoughtful examination of the very nature of knowledge," writes best-selling author Leslie S. Klinger in his foreword to The New Annotated Frankenstein. Despite its undeniable status as one of the most influential works of fiction ever written, Mary Shelley’s novel is often reductively dismissed as the wellspring for tacky monster films or as a cautionary tale about experimental science gone haywire. Now, two centuries after the first publication of Frankenstein, Klinger revives Shelley’s gothic masterpiece by reproducing her original text with the most lavishly illustrated and comprehensively annotated edition to date. Featuring over 200 illustrations and nearly 1,000 annotations, this sumptuous volume recaptures Shelley’s early nineteenth-century world with historical precision and imaginative breadth, tracing the social and political roots of the author’s revolutionary brand of Romanticism. Braiding together decades of scholarship with his own keen insights, Klinger recounts Frankenstein’s indelible contributions to the realms of science fiction, feminist theory, and modern intellectual history—not to mention film history and popular culture. The result of Klinger’s exhaustive research is a multifaceted portrait of one of Western literature’s most divinely gifted prodigies, a young novelist who defied her era’s restrictions on female ambitions by independently supporting herself and her children as a writer and editor. Born in a world of men in the midst of a political and an emerging industrial revolution, Shelley crafted a horror story that, beyond its incisive commentary on her own milieu, is widely recognized as the first work of science fiction. The daughter of a pioneering feminist and an Enlightenment philosopher, Shelley lived and wrote at the center of British Romanticism, the “exuberant, young movement” that rebelled against tradition and reason and "with a rebellious scream gave birth to a world of gods and monsters" (del Toro). Following his best-selling The New Annotated H. P. Lovecraft and The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes, Klinger not only considers Shelley’s original 1818 text but, for the first time in any annotated volume, traces the effects of her significant revisions in the 1823 and 1831 editions. With an afterword by renowned literary scholar Anne K. Mellor, The New Annotated Frankenstein celebrates the prescient genius and undying legacy of the world’s "first truly modern myth." (

Podobné produkty ako The New Annotated Frankenstein - Mary W. Shelley , Hrací deka s hrazdou lorelli mary (10300400000)

The Calculating Stars (Defekt) - Mary Robinette Kowal


One woman. One mission. One chance to save the world.It's 1952, and the world as we know it is gone. A meteorite has destroyed Washington DC, triggering extinction-level global warming. To save humanity, the world unites to form the International Aerospace Coalition. Its mission: to colonise first the Moon, then Mars.Elma York, World War Two pilot and mathematician, dreams of becoming an astronaut - but prejudice has kept her grounded. Now nothing - and no man - will stop her from reaching for the stars. (

Podobné produkty ako The Calculating Stars (Defekt) - Mary Robinette Kowal

The Fated Sky (Defekt) - Mary Robinette Kowal


THE SECOND IN THE NEBULA AND LOCUS AWARD-WINNING SERIESOne large step for humankind...It's 1961, and the Earth's gaze is turning to Mars. The Moon colony is well established, but tensions are rising on Earth-both from those who see themselves being left behind on a disaster-laden planet, and those who don't believe in equality for all.But even with personal sacrifices and political tensions, Elma York, the Lady Astronaut, dearly wants to go on the first mission to Mars-despite everything that stands in her way. (

Podobné produkty ako The Fated Sky (Defekt) - Mary Robinette Kowal

CYBER CLEAN The Original 160 gr. čisticí hmota v kalíšku

CYBER CLEAN The Original 160 gr. čisticí hmota v kalíšku

CYBER CLEAN The Original 160 gr. čisticí hmota v kalíšku Absorbuje nečistoty a prach i v špatně přístupných místech Eliminuje až 99,999% choroboplodných zárodků Neuvolňuje vlhkost a nezanechává žádné zbytky Snižuje obecné riziko infekcí a poskytuje zdravé životní prostředí Svěží vůně z přírodních olejů Vhodné na čištění interiéru auta Znovu použitelný Balení: 160 gramů (

Podobné produkty ako CYBER CLEAN The Original 160 gr. čisticí hmota v kalíšku

The Kiss of Deception (The Remnant Chronicles #1) - Mary E. Pearsonová


The first book in the New York Times bestselling Remnant Chronicles.The Kingdom of Morrighan is steeped in tradition and the stories of a bygone world, but some traditions Lia can't abide. Like having to marry someone she's never met to secure a political alliance.Fed up and ready for a new life, Lia escapes to a distant village on the morning of her wedding. She settles in among the common folk, intrigued when two mysterious and handsome strangers arrive - and unaware that one is the jilted prince and the other an assassin sent to kill her. Deceptions swirl and Lia finds herself on the brink of unlocking perilous secrets - secrets that may unravel her world - even as she feels herself falling in love. (

Podobné produkty ako The Kiss of Deception (The Remnant Chronicles #1) - Mary E. Pearsonová

The Blue Effect: Meditace - CD (SU6379-2)

The Blue Effect: Meditace - CD (SU6379-2)

Hudební CD - Legendární rockové album v novém CD balení! Jedno z nejzásadnějších alb české rockové historie jako CD reedice! Meditace z roku 1970 vychází v době uvedení kytaristy Radima Hladíka - bohužel in memoriam - do Síně slávy Rádia Beat. Legendární rockové album v novém CD balení! Jedno z nejzásadnějších alb české rockové historie jako CD reedice! Meditace z roku 1970 vychází v době uvedení kytaristy Radima Hladíka - bohužel in memoriam - do Síně slávy Rádia Beat. Právě on se postupně stal synonymem pro Blue Effect, ač kapelou do roku 2016 prošla řada excelentních zpěváků a instrumentalistů. Tady uslyšíte zásadní čtyřčlennou sestavu: vedle Hladíka také zpěváka Vladimíra Mišíka, baskytaristu Jiřího Kozla a bubeníka Vlado Čecha. Albu se dostalo nového remasteringu z pásů pro CD. Okolnosti vzniku skupiny i jejího dlouhohrajícího debutu najdete v bookletu, přinášejícím také fotografie, vybrané písňové texty a dokumenty. CD obsahuje sedm bonusů, aby komplet... (

Podobné produkty ako The Blue Effect: Meditace - CD (SU6379-2)

The Pillars of the House Volume 1 - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha


eBook: \'The Pillars of the House Volume 1\' - or ´Under Wode, Under Rode´ - is the first instalment of English writer Charlotte Mary Yonge\'s story about the Underwood children. Three years after the birth of her twins, Mrs Underwood dies, leaving her thirteen children orphaned. Felix, the oldest child at 16 years of age, and his eldest sister, Wilmet, are determined their family will stay together. Set in the industrial town of Bexley, this Victorian family saga tells the story of the children as they struggle to survive and find their way in the world against all odds. This is a story of hope, love, sacrifice, and family, and it is ideal for anyone looking for a great, heartwarming family saga. (

Podobné produkty ako The Pillars of the House Volume 1 - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha

The Pillars of the House Volume 2 - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha


eBook: \'The Pillars of the House Volume 2\' - or ´Under Wode, Under Rode´ - is the second instalment of English writer Charlotte Mary Yonge\'s story about the Underwood children. Set in the industrial town of Bexley, this Victorian family saga continues the story of the orphaned children as they struggle to survive and find their way in the world against all odds.A story of hope, love, sacrifice, and family, \'The Pillars of the House Volume 2\' will surely delight anyone interested in great family sagas. (

Podobné produkty ako The Pillars of the House Volume 2 - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha

The Heart of Betrayal (The Remnant Chronicles #2) (Defekt) - Mary E. Pearsonová


The thrilling, New York Times bestselling sequel to The Kiss of Deception.Held captive in the barbarian kingdom of Venda, Lia and Rafe have little chance of escape. Desperate to save her life, Lia's erstwhile assassin, Kaden, has told the Vendan Komizar that she has the gift, and the Komizar's interest in Lia is greater than anyone could have foreseen.Meanwhile, nothing is straightforward: there's Rafe, who lied to Lia but has sacrificed his freedom to protect her; Kaden, who meant to assassinate her but has now saved her life; and the Vendans, whom Lia always believed to be barbarians.Now that she lives among them, however, she realizes that may be far from the truth. Wrestling with her upbringing, her gift, and her sense of self, Lia must make powerful choices that will affect her country . . . and her own destiny.The Heart of Betrayal drives up the stakes and the romance, and will leave readers desperate to read book three in the Remnant Chronicles, The Beauty of Darkness. (

Podobné produkty ako The Heart of Betrayal (The Remnant Chronicles #2) (Defekt) - Mary E. Pearsonová

STILL: The Art of Noticing - Mary Jo Hoffman


The astonishing culmination of the artist-author’s decade-plus project to capture beauty, commemorate place, and see the world more fully Every day (every single day) for over a decade, Mary Jo Hoffman has made a photograph of found nature – no subject too small or too ordinary. For Hoffman, a former aeronautical engineer, this daily ritual cracked open profound revelations about the connectedness of all things, the importance of place, and her own life. This book shares a selection of the breathtaking photographs from Hoffman’s enormous archive, accompanied by perceptive, deeply felt, and oftentimes humorous essays illuminating the insights gained through this daily creative practice. STILL features 275 of the most stunning photographs the author-artist has accumulated over thousands of consecutive days of daily shooting – a true feast for the senses. (

Podobné produkty ako STILL: The Art of Noticing - Mary Jo Hoffman

The Caged Lion - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha


eBook: Written by the English author Charlotte Mary Yonge, \'The Caged Lion\' (1870) tells the story of King James I of Scotland - the caged lion of the title - who has been a prisoner in England since childhood.It\'s 1421, Scotland is in chaos, and Malcolm Stewart is desperate to protect his sister and tenants. He enters service as a royal kinsman to James I and sets out on a journey that will see him fight for his King, his country, and for love.\'The Caged Lion\' is an ideal read for those new to Yonge\'s authorship. (

Podobné produkty ako The Caged Lion - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha

The Three Brides - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha


eBook: The bed-ridden widow Julia Charnock Poynsett lives at home with her two youngest sons, but soon her three eldest children, who left home to get married, will return with their wives for the very first time.Raymond, an MP and heir to his mother\'s fortune, has married his second cousin, while Julius is the new rector of the parish. The third son, Miles, has sent his wife Anne back ahead of him while he completes his tour of duty. Living under the same roof as their crippled mother, the sons begin to learn a lot about their new wives.\'The Three Brides\' is a family drama full of romance, betrayal, and greed, perfect for fans of the Brontë sisters. (

Podobné produkty ako The Three Brides - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha

Mary J. Blige - What's The 411? (2 LP)

Mary J. Blige - What's The 411? (2 LP)

Varianta: What's The 411? (2 LP);What's The 411? (2 LP) Země interpreta: USA;USA Vydavatelství: Universal Music;Universal Music Typ: LP deska;LP deska;Album;Album Hmotnost: 180 g;180 g Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;1980 - 1989;2010 - 2019;1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029;1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009;2000 - 2009 Barva: Černá;Černá Složení setu: 2 ks;2 ks Barva podle výrobce: Black;Black Datum vydání: 2017-11-17;2017-11-17 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM;33 1/3 RPM Rok vydání: 2017.0;2017.0 Žánr: Hip Hop;R&B;R&B;Hip Hop Balení obsahuje: LP;LP Země původu: Německo;Německo Subžánr: Soul;Soul Interpret / Téma: Mary J. Blige;Mary J. Blige (

Podobné produkty ako Mary J. Blige - What's The 411? (2 LP)

The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect (0141982411)

The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect (0141982411)

Kniha - autor Judea Pearl; Dana Mackenzie, 432 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Correlation is not causation." This mantra, chanted by scientists for more than a century, has led to a virtual prohibition on causal talk. Today, that taboo is dead. The causal revolution, instigated by Judea Pearl and his colleagues, has cut through a century of confusion and established causality -- the study of cause and effect -- on a firm scientific basis. His work explains how we can know easy things, like whether it was rain or a sprinkler that made a sidewalk wet; and how to answer hard questions, like whether a drug cured an illness. Pearl's work enables us to know not just whether one thing causes another: it lets us explore the world that is and the worlds that could have been. It shows us the essence of human thought and key to artificial intelligence. Anyone who wants to understand either needs The Book of Why. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect (0141982411)

Larry Rose Band: The Jupiter Effect - CD (BBE627ACD)

Larry Rose Band: The Jupiter Effect - CD (BBE627ACD)

Hudební CD - První reedice vzácného jazzového alba z roku 1978. Nahráno v Amsterdamu holandskoamerickým kvintetem hráčů. První reedice vzácného jazzového alba z roku 1978. Nahráno v Amsterdamu holandskoamerickým kvintetem hráčů. Seznam stop Papa / Blues Are Dyin' / Nana / Looking / Who Conned The Lady / Oregon / Lucina / The Sand (

Podobné produkty ako Larry Rose Band: The Jupiter Effect - CD (BBE627ACD)

Halo Effect: Days Of The Lost - CD (4065629602925)

Halo Effect: Days Of The Lost - CD (4065629602925)

Hudební CD - The Halo Effect je švédská melodická death metalová kapela tvořená bývalými členy In Flames. Jsou podepsáni pod značkou Nuclear Blast. The Halo Effect je švédská melodická death metalová kapela tvořená bývalými členy In Flames. Jsou podepsáni pod značkou Nuclear Blast. Album z roku 2022 Seznam stop Shadowminds / Days of the Lost / The Needless End / Conditional / In Broken Trust / Gateways / A Truth Worth Lying For / Feel What I Believe / Last of Our Kind / The Most Alone (

Podobné produkty ako Halo Effect: Days Of The Lost - CD (4065629602925)

Larry Rose Band: The Jupiter Effect - LP (BBE627ALP)

Larry Rose Band: The Jupiter Effect - LP (BBE627ALP)

LP vinyl - První reedice vzácného jazzového alba z roku 1978. Nahráno v Amsterdamu holandskoamerickým kvintetem hráčů. První reedice vzácného jazzového alba z roku 1978. Nahráno v Amsterdamu holandskoamerickým kvintetem hráčů. Seznam stop Papa / Blues Are Dyin' / Nana / Looking / Who Conned The Lady / Oregon / Lucina / The Sand (

Podobné produkty ako Larry Rose Band: The Jupiter Effect - LP (BBE627ALP)

CYBER CLEAN The Original 80 gr. čisticí hmota v pytlíku se zipem

CYBER CLEAN The Original 80 gr. čisticí hmota v pytlíku se zipem

CYBER CLEAN The Original 80 gr. čisticí hmota v pytlíku se zipem Absorbuje nečistoty a prach i v špatně přístupných místech Eliminuje až 99,999% choroboplodných zárodků Snižuje obecné riziko infekcí a poskytuje zdravé životní prostředí Má osvědčený dezinfekční účinek Nezanechává zbytky Vhodné na všechna zařízení a povrchy S citrusovou vůní Znovu použitelný Balení: 80 gramů (

Podobné produkty ako CYBER CLEAN The Original 80 gr. čisticí hmota v pytlíku se zipem

The Young Step-Mother - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha


eBook: Charlotte Mary Yonge\'s \'The Young Step-Mother\' - or ´A Chronicle of Mistakes´ - is a historical fiction novel that tells the story of the heroine, Albinia Ferrars, who leaves her happy home to marry Edmund Kendal, a widower fifteen years older than her. She takes on the role of encouraging wife and stepmother to his three children, however, she quickly finds that other tasks and obstacles come her way. Her husband has depression, his children are sickly, and those around the family are hostile to change. Albinia tackles all these problems without judgement and begins to believe things have improved, up until her stepchildren begin to fall in love, with disastrous results. A novel to be enjoyed by fans of Louisa May Alcott\'s \'Little Women\' or Jane Austen\'s novels, Yonge\'s fiction has a subtle theme of moral teaching (

Podobné produkty ako The Young Step-Mother - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha

Figurka Funko POP: Mary Poppins 2018 - Jack the Lamplighter

Figurka Funko POP: Mary Poppins 2018 - Jack the Lamplighter

Figurka Funk POP: Mary Poppins 2018 - Jack the Lamplighter výška figurky: 10 cm sběratelská krabička obsahující figurku Jack the Lamplighter vhodné pro děti od 3 let Vinylové figurky Funko POP jsou populární a oblíbené po celém světě. Americký výrobce funk vlastní licence na světové série jako je například Star Wars, Disney, Marvel, Živí mrtví, Game of Thrones a mnoho dalších. Figurky jsou vyrobeny z měkkého plastového vinylu, který je hebký na dotek. Tento hrdina patřící do série populárních vinylových figurek Funko POP by neměl v žádné sbírce chybět. (

Podobné produkty ako Figurka Funko POP: Mary Poppins 2018 - Jack the Lamplighter

Mary Louise in the Country - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha


eBook: ‘Mary Louise in the Country’ is the second book in the popular ‘Mary Louise’ series of children’s books by ‘Oz’ author L. Frank Baum. Mary Louise and her grandpa Jim have relocated to the sleepy little town of Craggs Crossing for the summer. Here Mary encounters young Ingua Scammel, who seems to be hiding something. Mary Louise suspects something isn’t right, and calls upon her friend and detective in training Josie O’Gorman to help get to the bottom of the mystery. (

Podobné produkty ako Mary Louise in the Country - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha
The Susan Effect (1784702269), The Ascent - Cyber Edition - PS5 (5060760886882), The Ascent - Cyber Edition - PS4 (5060760886844), CYBER CLEAN The Original 160 g (46280), CYBER CLEAN The Original 80 g (46197), The Blue Effect: Meditace - CD (SU6379-2), Larry Rose Band: The Jupiter Effect - CD (BBE627ACD), Larry Rose Band: The Jupiter Effect - LP (BBE627ALP), Halo Effect: Days Of The Lost - CD (4065629602925), Mary Poppinsová (), mary konopela, Mermaid Mary Valve (SPTmer006), mikrodermální sada mary kay, Peter, Paul And Mary: Where Have All The Flowers Gone (Coloured) - LP (4260494436372), CYBER CLEAN VinylCare 100 g (46355), Head MX Cyber Tour G4 (726424830008), CYBER CLEAN Professional 160 g (46295), CYBER CLEAN Car 160 g (46220), Plastová dóza Mary, 1,5 l, mary kay krém na obličej, Bellasin effect 90tob. (4514080), double effect kofeinový šampon, Funko POP! Shazam 2 - Mary (889698691239), Mary Poppins se vrací - DVD (D01163), mary kay maska na černé tečky, TANGLE TEEZER Compact Styler XMAS Cyber Metallics (5060630047078), Cyber Peach 11ml - ORLY - lak na nehty (2020016), NIVEA Hydra Effect box (9005800348865), alpecin double effect kofeinový šampon, Hrací deka s hrazdou Lorelli MARY (10300400000)