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The Egyptian Souvenir - Mary Flaganová - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Audiokniha The Egyptian Souvenir namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň C2 pro mírně pokročilé posluchače. Sally wants to be a detective and her hobby is solving mysteries. But this time the mystery is really difficult! Read about Sally’s adventures and enjoy!
Podívejte se také Maston: Souvenir - CD (CALICO003CD)
Val's Diary - Mary Flaganová - audiokniha
Audiokniha: School’s over at last! Summer holidays are here but who wants to spend them in the countryside? Not Val, of course! She hates the country, but eventually she’ll change her mind. Guess why! Read her diary and find out. She tells her diary all about herself, her moods, her emotions and her dreams. This country holiday is really boring and she can’t stand it, but don’t despair … something very exciting will happen soon, thanks to Luke and the others!
Podívejte se také Maston: Souvenir - LP (CALICO003V)
Hannas Tagebuch - Mary Flaganová - audiokniha
Podívejte se také Cohen Leonard: Can't Forget: A Souvenir of the Grand Tour - CD (0888750741622)
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The Egyptian Souvenir
Audiokniha MP3 Mary Flaganová, čte Rodilý mluvčí Audiokniha The Egyptian Souvenir namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň A2 pro mírně pokročilé posluchače. Sally wants to be a detective and her hobby is solving mysteries. But this time the mystery is really difficult! Read about Sally’s adventures and enjoy!
Objev podobné jako The Egyptian Souvenir
Lectures ELI Juniors 2/A2: Le souvenir d´Egypte + Downloadable multimedia - Flagan Mary
Sophie ha 14 anni e una grande passione per le investigazioni. Con il suo spirito di iniziativa riuscira a recuperare un prezioso amuleto egizio e a salvare il suo professore.TematicheAmiciziaScuolaAvventuraDossier culturaliGlossarioAttivita linguisticheAttivita per la certifi cazione DELFTest d’uscitaIl libroDurante una lezione di storia, ognuno porta in classe qualcosa che ricordi l’Egitto. Sophie porta un bruttissimo scarabeo nero, un semplice souvenir. Improvvisamente tutto cambia nella vita di Sophie: lo studio di suo padre viene messo sottosopra, appare una misteriosa limousine nera e il suo professore di storia scompare. Sara proprio Sophie che, con vivacita e tenacia, risolvera il mistero.SillaboVocabolarioLes rencontres. L’amitié. La famille. L’école. Les lieux. Les magasins. Les objets. L’histoire. La géographie. L’aventure.GrammaticaLe présent de l’indicatif. Le futur simple. Le futur proche. Le passé composé. L’imparfait. Le passé simple. L’impératif. Le conditionnel présent. Les questions et les mots interrogatifs.
Objev podobné jako Lectures ELI Juniors 2/A2: Le souvenir d´Egypte + Downloadable multimedia - Flagan Mary
Love from the Dark Side - Bram Stoker, Mary Elizabeth Pennová - audiokniha
Audiokniha: The ninth step into the Darkness is called Love from the Dark Side, and it brings us to the climax of the series – the Darkness itself. It features The Tenant of the Cedars by Mary Elizabeth Penn – a story about the vengeance of the dead. Little is known of the author other than the fact that she was published in magazines in the late Victorian era. Her stories were long forgotten until being rediscovered in 1999 – over 100 years since the last of them was published in 1897. On the other hand, Bram Stoker (author of the famed novel, Dracula) is a legend in the horror world. This collection features Stoker’s short story, A Dream of Red Hands. The theme is crime and punishment, seasoned with a hint of redemption. Once again – excellent voices, stunning music, and great graphical design result in an exquisite mixture of emotions.
Objev podobné jako Love from the Dark Side - Bram Stoker, Mary Elizabeth Pennová - audiokniha
The Unofficial Guide to the Ancient Egyptian Afterlife
"Hello my newly dead friends. Gather round. My name is Bastet and I'm going to be your tour guide to the afterlife. Please make sure your bandages don't trail as we walk along."Bastet is a mummified cat who is here to take you on a journey through the mystical death rituals of Ancient Egypt. Starting with some routine disembowelment and mummification, she explains about the role of the coffins, the separation of your soul, the importance of amulets and the various types of Egyptian tombs. Together, you will cross the river Styx and face the gods in one final judgement - the weighing of the heart. Bastet will make sure you have everything you need in the afterlife, because, it turns out, you can take it with you after all!This is a light-hearted, but nonetheless informative insight into the fascinating beliefs and traditions of Ancient Egypt. Bright, textural illustrations by Laura Winstone bring a freshness of tone to a subject matter that might be ancient, but never grows old.
Objev podobné jako The Unofficial Guide to the Ancient Egyptian Afterlife
The Last Egyptian - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha
eBook: Originally published anonymously in 1908, ‘The Last Egyptian’ is a novel by famous author L. Frank Baum. Set in Egypt, the story follows the fortunes of Egyptologist Gerald Winston, Egyptian Kara, and an interpreter named Tadros. From secret tombs to treasure troves, and from bandits to a mummy’s curse – this is a story full of excitement and adventure.
Objev podobné jako The Last Egyptian - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha
Frankenstein - Mary W. Shelley - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Světoznámý horor vypráví příběh mladého vědce Viktora Frankensteina, který stvoří umělého člověka, ohavné monstrum s nadlidskou silou… Mary Wollstonecraft Shelleyová (rozená Godwinová) (1797-1851) Byla anglická spisovatelka tvořící v období romantismu, která psala mimo jiné gotické romány, známá je především svým dílem Frankenstein. Byla druhou manželkou Percyho Bysshe Shelleyho.
Objev podobné jako Frankenstein - Mary W. Shelley - audiokniha
Frankenstein - Mary W. Shelley - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Kdo vlastně byl tvůrce monstra, které čtenáře a diváky děsí již přes 200 let? S odpovědí na tuto otázku přichází studio Needles, jehož debutová audiokniha Solaris posbírala hned dvě ceny (cena Vinyla a Audiokniha roku 2014). Dramatizované zpracování nervydrásajícího příběhu Viktora Frankensteina vychází ve vydavatelství Needles Audiobooks v původní nezkrácené podobě. Nahrávka je obohacena o originální zvukové zpracování a hudební doprovod. Právě ten - spolu s podmanivými hlasy interpretů Roberta Mikluše, Petra Pochopa a Jana Zadražila - dodává audioknize mrazivě atmosférickou hloubku a zpřístupňuje ji tak současnému posluchači. Ambiciózní doktor Frankenstein stvoří umělou bytost s nadlidskou silou. Tímto “úspěchem” je však zaskočen a svého ohavného díla se zříká. Netvor bezpečně ukryt daleko v horách se učí jazyku, zvyklostem a emocím vlastním lidem. Zpočátku je naivně otevřený a nadšený povahou lidí a jejich schopností lásky. Když se však po několika měsících rozhodne navázat první kontakt s lidským pokolením, jinak zcela dobrosrdečná rodina jej zavrhne stejně, jako to učinil i jeho tvůrce. Netvora začíná sžírat nenávist a vydává se po stezce krvavé pomsty... http://audiobooks.needles.cz/frankenstein
Objev podobné jako Frankenstein - Mary W. Shelley - audiokniha
Frankenstein - Mary W. Shelley - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Audiokniha Frankenstein namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň B2 pro pokročilé posluchače. Victor Frankenstein is a young, ambitious scientist who wants to make a better world, but does not understand the consequences of his work. Victor makes great advances in the study of medicine and biology and creates a new species of human being – one that is so terrifying it is known simply as ‘the monster’. In this fantastic adventure story, Victor and the monster fight an epic battle of courage and endurance. This science-fiction masterpiece asks questions about science that we are still asking today.
Objev podobné jako Frankenstein - Mary W. Shelley - audiokniha
The Egyptian Myths. A Guide to the Ancient Gods and Legends - Garry J. Shaw
A guide to Egyptian mythology that explores how the ancient Nile-dwellers explained the world around them. It delves into the origins of life, the creation and evolution of the world, and the reigns of the gods on earth, before introducing us to the manif
Objev podobné jako The Egyptian Myths. A Guide to the Ancient Gods and Legends - Garry J. Shaw
Mary Poppinsová - P. L. Traversová - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Velké dobrodružství začíná! Uvítejte na první pohled důstojnou chůvu, se kterou ale není radno žertovat. Mary Poppinsová je však i plná fantazie a navíc umí čarovat. A když se Banksovi rozhodnou najmout chůvu pro své děti, jako zázrakem se u dveří objeví právě Marry.
Objev podobné jako Mary Poppinsová - P. L. Traversová - audiokniha
British Museum: The Curse of the Tomb Robbers (An Ancient Egyptian Puzzle Mystery) - Andy Seed
Learn how to read hieroglyphs in this compelling puzzle adventure story, publishing 200 years after the Rosetta Stone was deciphered! Written by award-winning author Andy Seed, in consultation with experts at the British Museum, and sumptuously illustrated in colour by highly acclaimed artist James Weston Lewis.When ancient Egyptian friends, Nub and Iteti, overhear a gang of tomb robbers plotting to raid Queen Neith's tomb, they set off on a quest to stop them. But there are lots of clues and puzzles to solve along the way, from a suspicious list of hieroglyphic words found in the marketplace to a confusing maze across the River Nile. Will they get there in time to stop the robbers unleashing a terrible curse? And who was behind the evil plot all along?With breathtaking artwork, fascinating facts about ancient Egypt and a fold-out guide at the back of the book which explains how to read hieroglyphs and contains an easy-to-use hieroglyphic dictionary, this is the perfect book for children who love history and hair-raising adventures.Featuring hieroglyphic messages, mazes, logic puzzles and more, children will enjoy immersing themselves in ancient Egypt and taking part in the story.A page of solutions is included at the end of the book.
Objev podobné jako British Museum: The Curse of the Tomb Robbers (An Ancient Egyptian Puzzle Mystery) - Andy Seed
Cohen Leonard: Can't Forget: A Souvenir of the Grand Tour - CD (0888750741622)
Hudební CD - Can't Forget: A Souvenir of the Grand Tour je živé album kanadského písničkáře Leonarda Cohena vydané v květnu 2015. Can't Forget: A Souvenir of the Grand Tour je živé album kanadského písničkáře Leonarda Cohena vydané v květnu 2015. Rok vydání : 2015 Seznam stop CD Field Commander Cohen - Live at Denver Soundcheck, 2012 / I Can't Forget - Live at Copenhagen Show, 2012 / Light as the Breeze - Live at Dublin Show, 2012 / La Manic - Live at Quebec City Show, 2012 / Night Comes On - Live at Mönchengladbach Show, 2012 / Never Gave Nobody Trouble - Live at Odense Soundcheck, 2013 / Joan of Arc - Live at Quebec City Soundcheck, 2012 / Got a Little Secret - Live at Auckland Soundcheck, 2013 / Choices - Live at Christchurch Soundcheck, 2013 / Tower of Song - Live at Sydney show and Hamburg soundcheck, 2013
Objev podobné jako Cohen Leonard: Can't Forget: A Souvenir of the Grand Tour - CD (0888750741622)
Egyptian Myths: Meet the Gods, Goddesses, and Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt - Jean Menziesová
A beautifully illustrated collection of 20 ancient Egyptian myths retold for children aged 7-9.Delve into a world of monstrous creatures, magical spells, and warring gods in this thrilling compendium of ancient Egyptian myths. With 20 exciting tales alongside fascinating historical information, this is a must-have introduction for young readers interested in one of the world's great early civilizations. From the creation of the world to the first pharaohs, this book charts the full sweep of ancient Egyptian mythology, revealing fascinating elements of culture and religion along the way. The enthralling stories introduce mighty gods and wicked villains, while a handy reference section is packed with information about the ancient Egyptians themselves. Learn how Ra fought daily battles to make the Sun rise, how trouble-making Set brought chaos to the kingdom, and how Osiris became the first mummy. Perfect for children aged 7 to 9, this collection contains more than 20 enthralling new retellings of favourite myths as well as some you might not have heard before.Encourage your children to explore: - Over 20 fascinating Egyptian myths, covering famous classics and lesser known stories- Striking illustrations by multi-award winning artist Katie Ponder- Stunning gold foil on the cover - A handy pronunciation guide listing all difficult-to-pronounce names for the reader's convenience- Key reference spreads combining the appeal of a story collection with key reference informationIt's time to dive into the Duat underworld, ride into the sky on the back of the heavenly cow, and discover the secrets of the pharaoh's tombs. Egyptian Myths brings the world of ancient Egypt to life and is the perfect gift for children who love history and mythology. At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. So why not complete the collection!Discover stories from Ancient Greece like never before with Greek Myths, and uncover action-packed tales of extraordinary creatures and compelling gods, goddesses and more with Norse Myths.
Objev podobné jako Egyptian Myths: Meet the Gods, Goddesses, and Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt - Jean Menziesová
Vrazi - Frederick George Loring, Mary Eleanor Wilkinsová Freemanová - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Ve čtvrtém kroku k temnotě s názvem Vrazi se posluchač přenese do hájemství příběhů o upírech a strašidelných domech. Prvním z nich je Sářina hrobka anglického námořního důstojníka a spisovatele Fredericka George Loringa. Není bez zajímavosti, že její první překlad do češtiny vyšel knižně až v roce 2010, tedy o celé století později, než byla vydána. Jde o jednu vůbec prvních povídek minulého století, v níž nefiguruje upír, ale upírka. A ženské pohlaví hlavní hrdinky představuje spojnici s Luellou Millerovou od americké autorky Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freemanové. V této povídce hrdinka, obyvatelka strašidelného domu, doslova vysává život z každého, kdo o ni projeví zájem. A postupem času atmosféra houstne. Relativně krátký příběh má neuvěřitelnou hloubku a bude vám rezonovat v hlavě ještě dlouho poté, co si jej poslechnete. Obě povídky čte Petr Šmíd, přičemž Luellu Millerovou společně s Martou Dancingerovou.
Objev podobné jako Vrazi - Frederick George Loring, Mary Eleanor Wilkinsová Freemanová - audiokniha
Murderers - Frederick George Loring, Mary Eleanor Wilkinsová Freemanová - audiokniha
Audiokniha: The fourth step into the Darkness is called Murderers, and it takes the listener into the realm of vampire stories and haunted houses. The first – The Tomb of Sara – was written by English navy officer, and writer, Frederick George Loring. It was one of the very first stories from the last century featuring a lady vampire. The feminine element represents the connection with Luella Miller by Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman. The inhabitant of a haunted house sucks life out of everyone who gets interested in her – and the atmosphere gets denser throughout the story. This relatively short story is incredibly touching, and you will remember it for a long time. The atmosphere builds up thanks to well-chosen voices, music, and graphics.
Objev podobné jako Murderers - Frederick George Loring, Mary Eleanor Wilkinsová Freemanová - audiokniha
The Cyber Effect - Mary Aiken
Freakonomics for our modern online lives from the world's leading cyberpsychologist and inspiration for CSI Cyber, Mary Aiken.
Objev podobné jako The Cyber Effect - Mary Aiken
The River Capture - Costello Mary
Shortlisted for Novel of the Year at the Irish Book Awards, the Dalkey Literary Awards and the Kerry Group AwardsLuke O'Brien has left Dublin to live a quiet life on the bend of the River Sullane. Alone in his big house, he longs for a return to his family's heyday and turns to books for solace. One morning a young woman arrives at his door, presenting Luke and his family with an almost impossible dilemma.
Objev podobné jako The River Capture - Costello Mary
Listen to the Music: The Instruments - Mary Richards
Press the buttons to hear the music in this time-travelling journey around the world, as young readers embark on a magical adventure through classical music!Covering 10 different, beloved orchestral instruments, from different pieces from around the world, readers hear music composed and can press them to hear clips of musical masterpieces!From Elgar''s Cello Concerto to a violin sonata by Beethoven, this book will teach children about cultural history, famous musicians and musical genres, all while wanting to press the buttons and hear the music again and again.Each of the ten composers throughout the story tells children about their favourite instrument, how it makes them feel, and what animals or moods they thought of as they were writing the piece of music.This is a beautiful first introduction to the history of music as told to the tune of the key instruments in the orchestra. Perfectly pitched to inspire and instill a love of music from a young age, this book will strike a chord with curious children who might be thinking about choosing a first instrument to learn.
Objev podobné jako Listen to the Music: The Instruments - Mary Richards
Jak se dal Trautenberk na čáry máry - Marie Kubátová - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Od autorky námětu televizního večerníčku "Krkonošská pohádka".
Objev podobné jako Jak se dal Trautenberk na čáry máry - Marie Kubátová - audiokniha
The Fated Sky - Mary Robinette Kowal
THE SECOND IN THE NEBULA AND LOCUS AWARD-WINNING SERIESOne large step for humankind...It's 1961, and the Earth's gaze is turning to Mars. The Moon colony is well established, but tensions are rising on Earth-both from those who see themselves being left behind on a disaster-laden planet, and those who don't believe in equality for all.But even with personal sacrifices and political tensions, Elma York, the Lady Astronaut, dearly wants to go on the first mission to Mars-despite everything that stands in her way.
Objev podobné jako The Fated Sky - Mary Robinette Kowal
The Relentless Moon - Mary Robinette Kowal
Mary Robinette Kowal continues her Hugo and Nebula award-winning Lady Astronaut series, following The Calculating Stars and The Fated Sky, with The Relentless Moon.The Earth is coming to the boiling point as the climate disaster of the Meteor strike becomes more and more clear, but the political situation is already overheated. Riots and sabotage plague the space program. The IAC's goal of getting as many people as possible off Earth before it becomes uninhabitable is being threatened.Elma York is on her way to Mars, but the Moon colony is still being established. Her friend and fellow Lady Astronaut Nicole Wargin is thrilled to be one of those pioneer settlers, using her considerable flight and political skills to keep the program on track. But she is less happy that her husband, the Governor of Kansas, is considering a run for President.
Objev podobné jako The Relentless Moon - Mary Robinette Kowal
The Authority Gap - Mary Ann Sieghart
*A WATERSTONES ''BEST POLITICAL BOOK OF THE YEAR''**A TIMES ''BEST PHILOSOPHY AND IDEAS'' BOOK OF 2021**A GUARDIAN ''BEST POLITICS BOOKS OF THE YEAR''*LONGLISTED FOR THE 2022 BUSINESS BOOK AWARD''A brilliant manifesto explaining why women are still so underestimated and overlooked in today''s world, but how we can also be hopeful for change'' - Philippa Perry''An impassioned, meticulously argued and optimistic call to arms for anyone who cares about creating a fairer society'' - Observer__________Imagine living in a world in which you were routinely patronised by women.Imagine having your views ignored or your expertise frequently challenged by them.Imagine people always addressing the woman you are with before you.Now imagine a world in which the reverse of this is true.The Authority Gap provides a startling perspective on the unseen bias at work in our everyday lives, to reveal the scale of the gap that still persists between men and women. Would you believe that US Supreme Court Justices are interrupted four times more often than male ones... 96% of the time by men? Or that British parents, when asked to estimate their child''s IQ will place their son at 115 and their daughter at 107?Marshalling a wealth of data with precision and insight, and including interviews with pioneering women such as Baroness Hale, Mary Beard and Bernadine Evaristo, Mary Ann exposes unconscious bias in this fresh feminist take on how to address and counteract systemic sexism in ways that benefit us all.Includes interviews with pioneering women such as:Baroness HaleMary BeardBernadine EvaristoMary McAleeseJulia GillardDolly Alderton and Pandora SykesCherie BlairLiz TrussAmber RuddFrances MorrisLaura Bates__________''Hugely exciting'' - Emily Maitlis''Deeply researched, profoundly thoughtful and a book very much for the here and now: Mary Ann Sieghart''s The Authority Gap is the book she was probably born to write'' - Andrew Marr''At last here is a credible roadmap that is capable of taking women from the margins to the centre by bridging the authority gap that holds back even the best and most talented of women. - Mary McAleese, Former President of Ireland
Objev podobné jako The Authority Gap - Mary Ann Sieghart
The Half Moon - Keaneová Mary Beth
The story about a marriage in crisis that you will not be able to put down from the New York Times bestselling author of Ask Again, Yes ‘A fearless writer’Lisa Taddeo‘Compelling, touching, exquisitely crafted . . . I adored this story’Liane Moriarty''Keane writes to the heart of the human heart. I could not put this book down''Miranda Cowley-Heller, author of The Paper Palace‘A writer of extraordinary depth, feeling and wit’Meg Wolitzer, author of The Female Persuasion‘Luminous . . . She manages to find the extraordinary grace in our achingly ordinary world''New York Times''I fell in love with The Half Moon from the first page, and barely looked up until I''d finished.''Sara Collins‘Such a delicate story about the real heartbreaks of life’Claire Daverley, author of Talking at Night‘One of our finest writers on the interior complexities of marriage and family. I ran my finger over sentences while reading, thinking: Yes, exactly.’Ann Napolitano, author of Hello BeautifulThere are two sides to every story - and every marriage in crisis. . .Malcolm is a bartender at the Half Moon in Upstate New York. He has always dreamed of owning a bar, and so when his boss finally retires, he seizes his chance, despite his wife''s protests.Jess has devoted herself to her law career. After years of trying for a baby, she''s struggling to accept the idea that motherhood might not be in her future. She finds herself slipping away from both her career and her marriage.When a blizzard hits on the same day that Malcolm learns some shocking news about Jess, and a regular at the bar goes missing, everyone is frozen in place for a single, pivotal week, forcing Malcolm and Jess to confront their uncertain future.A beautiful, unforgettable story of love and second chances, for fans of The Paper Palace, Hello Beautiful and Tom Lake.
Objev podobné jako The Half Moon - Keaneová Mary Beth
English for the Teacher - Mary Spratt
This course is designed to help teachers improve their language ability for various purposes: using English in the classroom, making professional contacts, studying the teaching of English and discussions with colleagues and students.
Objev podobné jako English for the Teacher - Mary Spratt
The Last Man - Mary W. Shelley
One of the first dystopian novels ever written, The Last Man traces the impact of an unstoppable pandemic as it slowly overtakes the world. Beginning in the year 2073, the story follows Lionel Vesey—the titular last man—and his circle of friends as the disease creeps from continent to continent and erodes the foundations of civilization. Published in 1826, after the death of Shelley’s husband, her stepsister, and her two children, The Last Man is both an eerily accurate story about humanity wrestling with disaster and a moving fable about surviving personal grief.
Objev podobné jako The Last Man - Mary W. Shelley
O lásce a dalších citech - Bram Stoker, Mary Elizabeth Pennová - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Devátý krok k temnotě s názvem O lásce a dalších citech nás přenese do finále celé série – do samotné temnoty. Setkáváme se v něm s Nájemnicí chaty pod cedry autorky Mary Elizabeth Pennové – v příběhu, který se točí okolo msty ze záhrobí. O autorce je známo velmi málo, prakticky jen to, že publikovala v časopisech v pozdním Viktoriánském období a že její příběhy upadly v zapomnění záhy po zveřejnění. Její duchařské povídky byly znovu objeveny až v roce 1999, tedy více než sto let poté, kdy byla zveřejněna poslední z nich (1897). V Nájemnici chaty pod cedry vystupují Petr Šmíd, William Valerián, Pavel Nový a Jiří Dvořák. To Bram Stoker je o poznání známější figurou hororového žánru. Ano, právě on je autorem proslaveného románu v dopisech s názvem Drákula. Zde přichází se Snem o rudých rukou, kde rozpracovává nesmrtelné téma zločinu a trestu a přidává ještě špetku navíc – vykoupení. Krátký, leč hutný Sen o rudých rukou (v dřívějším překladu také Sen o červených rukách) čte Petr Šmíd.
Objev podobné jako O lásce a dalších citech - Bram Stoker, Mary Elizabeth Pennová - audiokniha
The Happy High Achiever - Mary E. Anderson
Are you an ambitious person? Have you been taught that anxiety is the price of admission for success?In this game-changing road map for high achievers, clinical psychologist Dr Mary Anderson shares her 8 Essentials – powerful principles that will allow you to pursue your goals without sacrificing your wellbeing. These actionable, science-based strategies tackle the pressures and pitfalls common to high-performing individuals, including burnout, imposter syndrome, anxiety, fear of failure, and more.You will discover:Why striving for perfection actually limits youHow to navigate uncertainty with less worry and more easeHow to find relief in moments of overwhelm and manage stressWhy gratitude is rocket fuel for your successHow to discover what you want in life and set clear, attainable goalsWith this book, you can optimize your mental health, achieve sustainable success and learn the secret habits of happy high achievers.
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Frankenstein: The 1818 Text - Mary W. Shelley
Mary Shelley''s seminal novel of the scientist whose creation becomes a monsterThis edition is the original 1818 text, which preserves the hard-hitting and politically charged aspects of Shelley''s original writing, as well as her unflinching wit and strong female voice. This edition also includes a new introduction and suggestions for further reading by author and Shelley expert Charlotte Gordon, literary excerpts and reviews selected by Gordon and a chronology and essay by preeminent Shelley scholar Charles E. Robinson.
Objev podobné jako Frankenstein: The 1818 Text - Mary W. Shelley
The Calculating Stars (Defekt) - Mary Robinette Kowal
One woman. One mission. One chance to save the world.It's 1952, and the world as we know it is gone. A meteorite has destroyed Washington DC, triggering extinction-level global warming. To save humanity, the world unites to form the International Aerospace Coalition. Its mission: to colonise first the Moon, then Mars.Elma York, World War Two pilot and mathematician, dreams of becoming an astronaut - but prejudice has kept her grounded. Now nothing - and no man - will stop her from reaching for the stars.
Objev podobné jako The Calculating Stars (Defekt) - Mary Robinette Kowal
The New Annotated Frankenstein - Mary W. Shelley
Two centuries after its original publication, Mary Shelley’s classic tale of gothic horror comes to vivid life in "what may very well be the best presentation of the novel" to date (Guillermo del Toro). "Remarkably, a nineteen-year-old, writing her first novel, penned a tale that combines tragedy, morality, social commentary, and a thoughtful examination of the very nature of knowledge," writes best-selling author Leslie S. Klinger in his foreword to The New Annotated Frankenstein. Despite its undeniable status as one of the most influential works of fiction ever written, Mary Shelley’s novel is often reductively dismissed as the wellspring for tacky monster films or as a cautionary tale about experimental science gone haywire. Now, two centuries after the first publication of Frankenstein, Klinger revives Shelley’s gothic masterpiece by reproducing her original text with the most lavishly illustrated and comprehensively annotated edition to date. Featuring over 200 illustrations and nearly 1,000 annotations, this sumptuous volume recaptures Shelley’s early nineteenth-century world with historical precision and imaginative breadth, tracing the social and political roots of the author’s revolutionary brand of Romanticism. Braiding together decades of scholarship with his own keen insights, Klinger recounts Frankenstein’s indelible contributions to the realms of science fiction, feminist theory, and modern intellectual history—not to mention film history and popular culture. The result of Klinger’s exhaustive research is a multifaceted portrait of one of Western literature’s most divinely gifted prodigies, a young novelist who defied her era’s restrictions on female ambitions by independently supporting herself and her children as a writer and editor. Born in a world of men in the midst of a political and an emerging industrial revolution, Shelley crafted a horror story that, beyond its incisive commentary on her own milieu, is widely recognized as the first work of science fiction. The daughter of a pioneering feminist and an Enlightenment philosopher, Shelley lived and wrote at the center of British Romanticism, the “exuberant, young movement” that rebelled against tradition and reason and "with a rebellious scream gave birth to a world of gods and monsters" (del Toro). Following his best-selling The New Annotated H. P. Lovecraft and The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes, Klinger not only considers Shelley’s original 1818 text but, for the first time in any annotated volume, traces the effects of her significant revisions in the 1823 and 1831 editions. With an afterword by renowned literary scholar Anne K. Mellor, The New Annotated Frankenstein celebrates the prescient genius and undying legacy of the world’s "first truly modern myth."
Objev podobné jako The New Annotated Frankenstein - Mary W. Shelley
The Fated Sky (Defekt) - Mary Robinette Kowal
THE SECOND IN THE NEBULA AND LOCUS AWARD-WINNING SERIESOne large step for humankind...It's 1961, and the Earth's gaze is turning to Mars. The Moon colony is well established, but tensions are rising on Earth-both from those who see themselves being left behind on a disaster-laden planet, and those who don't believe in equality for all.But even with personal sacrifices and political tensions, Elma York, the Lady Astronaut, dearly wants to go on the first mission to Mars-despite everything that stands in her way.
Objev podobné jako The Fated Sky (Defekt) - Mary Robinette Kowal
The Kiss of Deception (The Remnant Chronicles #1) - Mary E. Pearsonová
The first book in the New York Times bestselling Remnant Chronicles.The Kingdom of Morrighan is steeped in tradition and the stories of a bygone world, but some traditions Lia can't abide. Like having to marry someone she's never met to secure a political alliance.Fed up and ready for a new life, Lia escapes to a distant village on the morning of her wedding. She settles in among the common folk, intrigued when two mysterious and handsome strangers arrive - and unaware that one is the jilted prince and the other an assassin sent to kill her. Deceptions swirl and Lia finds herself on the brink of unlocking perilous secrets - secrets that may unravel her world - even as she feels herself falling in love.
Objev podobné jako The Kiss of Deception (The Remnant Chronicles #1) - Mary E. Pearsonová
Feminine power: the divine to the demonic - Mary Beard, Belinda Crerar
An exciting, wide-ranging exploration of the power and diversity of the divine woman in world cultures and belief systems, from the ancient world to today. Divine women – in many guises – have featured in every world faith from deep history until the present day, inspiring people and cultures across the world. In a cross-cultural and global approach, this book discusses Eve alongside Inanna, Radha and Aphrodite in the context of sex and desire, while in the chapter on evil, witches and Hecate are compared with other deities, like Lamaštu and the Cihuateotl, as well as monstrous women such as Taraka, Medusa, Rangda, and Lilith. Ideas of justice and defence are explored in the figures of Athena, Sekhmet and Kali, and the final chapter on compassion and salvation uncovers links between Isis, Mary, Tara and Guanyin. The publication concludes with a discussion of contemporary feminism and modern interpretations of goddesses. Until the mid-twentieth century, the disciplines of theology, archaeology and history were heavily dominated by male academics, resulting in the under-representation of women’s experience and fewer studies on female divinity. This timely book, which is packed with fascinating insights into different cultures and beliefs, seeks to redress that balance.
Objev podobné jako Feminine power: the divine to the demonic - Mary Beard, Belinda Crerar
The Kiss of Deception (The Remnant Chronicles 1) - Mary E. Pearsonová
In a society steeped in tradition, Princess Lia's life follows a preordained course. As First Daughter, she is expected to have the revered gift of sight - but she doesn't - and she knows her parents are perpetrating a sham when they arrange her marriage to secure an alliance with a neighbouring kingdom - to a prince she has never met. On the morning of her wedding, Lia flees to a distant village. She settles into a new life, intrigued when two mysterious and handsome strangers arrive - and unaware that one is the jilted prince and the other an assassin sent to kill her. Deception abounds, and Lia finds herself on the brink of unlocking perilous secrets - even as she finds herself falling in love.
Objev podobné jako The Kiss of Deception (The Remnant Chronicles 1) - Mary E. Pearsonová
The Courting of Bristol Keats - Mary E. Pearsonová
After losing both their parents, Bristol Keats and her sisters struggle to stay afloat in their small, quiet town of Bowskeep.When Bristol begins to receive letters from an aunt she has never heard of, who promises to help, Bristol reluctantly agrees to meet her and discovers that everything she thought she knew about her family is a lie. Her father might even still be alive. Not killed but kidnapped by terrifying creatures and taken to another realm, the one he is from. Desperate to save her father and find the truth, Bristol journeys to a land of gods, fae and monsters.Pulled into a dangerous world of magic and intrigue, she makes a deadly bargain with the fae king, Tyghan. But what she does not know is that he is the one who drove her parents to live a life on the run. And he is just as determined as she is to find her father; dead or alive .. .
Objev podobné jako The Courting of Bristol Keats - Mary E. Pearsonová
The Guernsey Girls Go to War - Wood Mary
From the bestselling author of The Jam Factory Girls, comes the second heartfelt installment in Mary Wood's The Guernsey Girls trilogy.War separates them, but it cannot dampen their spirits . . .Spring, 1940. Annie’s new husband Ricky leaves to fight, but she soon discovers battles brewing closer to home. As her sister Janey begins to unravel, only Annie can pick up the pieces – and, with London’s police officers on the front line, she must also step up at work and do her bit for the country.In Guernsey, Olivia finds herself without her husband and son just as Hitler's forces invade the island. Trapped and heartbroken, she faces untold horrors as the Germans tighten their hold on the islanders.How will Annie manage her responsibilities to her family and her country in the thick of the Blitz, while suffering the heartache of not knowing what is happening to her beloved Ricky? And can Olivia survive in Guernsey at the hands of the enemy?
Objev podobné jako The Guernsey Girls Go to War - Wood Mary
Flower Fairies of the Winter - Cicely Mary Barker
Relive the magic of Cicely Mary Barker''s Flower Fairies of the Winter with this beautiful new edition - the perfect gift. Since the publication of Cicely Mary Barker''s first book in 1923, the Flower Fairies have been ethereal companions to readers around the world. Her charming poetry and delicate illustrations have sparked the imaginations of children for over ninety years and continue to inspire a lifelong love for fairies and all things magical.
Objev podobné jako Flower Fairies of the Winter - Cicely Mary Barker
The Great Big Book of Families - Mary Hoffman
The Great Big Book of Families introduces children to the fact that not all families look the same. Featuring funny artwork and wonderfully accessible text this book celebrates each family in its own unique and wonderful way. What is a family? Once, it was said to be a father, mother, boy, girl, cat and dog living in a house with a garden. But as times have changed, families have changed too, and now there are almost as many kinds of families as colours of the rainbow. From a mum and dad or single parent to two mums or two dads, from a mixed-race family to children with different mums and dads, to families with a disabled member. This is a fresh, optimistic look through children's eyes at today's wide variety of family life: from homes, food, ways of celebrating, schools and holidays to getting around, jobs and housework, from extended families, languages and hobbies to pets and family trees.The Great Big Book of Families is a brilliant introduction for children to all family types great and small.
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The Three Brides - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha
eBook: The bed-ridden widow Julia Charnock Poynsett lives at home with her two youngest sons, but soon her three eldest children, who left home to get married, will return with their wives for the very first time.Raymond, an MP and heir to his mother\'s fortune, has married his second cousin, while Julius is the new rector of the parish. The third son, Miles, has sent his wife Anne back ahead of him while he completes his tour of duty. Living under the same roof as their crippled mother, the sons begin to learn a lot about their new wives.\'The Three Brides\' is a family drama full of romance, betrayal, and greed, perfect for fans of the Brontë sisters.
Objev podobné jako The Three Brides - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha
The Caged Lion - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha
eBook: Written by the English author Charlotte Mary Yonge, \'The Caged Lion\' (1870) tells the story of King James I of Scotland - the caged lion of the title - who has been a prisoner in England since childhood.It\'s 1421, Scotland is in chaos, and Malcolm Stewart is desperate to protect his sister and tenants. He enters service as a royal kinsman to James I and sets out on a journey that will see him fight for his King, his country, and for love.\'The Caged Lion\' is an ideal read for those new to Yonge\'s authorship.
Objev podobné jako The Caged Lion - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha
STILL: The Art of Noticing - Mary Jo Hoffman
The astonishing culmination of the artist-author’s decade-plus project to capture beauty, commemorate place, and see the world more fully Every day (every single day) for over a decade, Mary Jo Hoffman has made a photograph of found nature – no subject too small or too ordinary. For Hoffman, a former aeronautical engineer, this daily ritual cracked open profound revelations about the connectedness of all things, the importance of place, and her own life. This book shares a selection of the breathtaking photographs from Hoffman’s enormous archive, accompanied by perceptive, deeply felt, and oftentimes humorous essays illuminating the insights gained through this daily creative practice. STILL features 275 of the most stunning photographs the author-artist has accumulated over thousands of consecutive days of daily shooting – a true feast for the senses.
Objev podobné jako STILL: The Art of Noticing - Mary Jo Hoffman
The Pillars of the House Volume 1 - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha
eBook: \'The Pillars of the House Volume 1\' - or ´Under Wode, Under Rode´ - is the first instalment of English writer Charlotte Mary Yonge\'s story about the Underwood children. Three years after the birth of her twins, Mrs Underwood dies, leaving her thirteen children orphaned. Felix, the oldest child at 16 years of age, and his eldest sister, Wilmet, are determined their family will stay together. Set in the industrial town of Bexley, this Victorian family saga tells the story of the children as they struggle to survive and find their way in the world against all odds. This is a story of hope, love, sacrifice, and family, and it is ideal for anyone looking for a great, heartwarming family saga.
Objev podobné jako The Pillars of the House Volume 1 - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha
The Pillars of the House Volume 2 - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha
eBook: \'The Pillars of the House Volume 2\' - or ´Under Wode, Under Rode´ - is the second instalment of English writer Charlotte Mary Yonge\'s story about the Underwood children. Set in the industrial town of Bexley, this Victorian family saga continues the story of the orphaned children as they struggle to survive and find their way in the world against all odds.A story of hope, love, sacrifice, and family, \'The Pillars of the House Volume 2\' will surely delight anyone interested in great family sagas.
Objev podobné jako The Pillars of the House Volume 2 - Charlotte Mary Yonge - e-kniha
Maston: Souvenir - CD (CALICO003CD)
Hudební CD - Album Souvenir od kapely Maston. Album Souvenir od kapely Maston. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop CD L'Eau Bleue / Les Monstres / Do You Feel It Working? / Souvenir / Ghost / Café Collonge / The Doors Are Opening / Swiss Franc
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Maston: Souvenir - LP (CALICO003V)
LP vinyl - Album Souvenir od kapely Maston. Album Souvenir od kapely Maston. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop LP L'Eau Bleue / Les Monstres / Do You Feel It Working? / Souvenir / Ghost / Café Collonge / The Doors Are Opening / Swiss Franc
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Atlas of Egyptian Mummies in the Czech Collections II: Non-Adult Human Mummies (978-80-7036-750-6)
Elektronická kniha - ze série Atlas of Egyptian Mummies in the Czech Collections, autor Pavel Onderka, 104 stran, anglicky Ancient Egyptian mummies and their funerary equipment are an invaluable source of information not only on the Egyptians’ perception of death, but more importantly on their lives – diseases and traumas they suffered from, activities they carried out, their family relations, and more.The present volume, second in the series of Atlas of Egyptian Mummies in the Czech Collections, is dedicated to mummies and funerary containers of non-adults aged 15 and younger. Two complete mummies, twelve isolated parts from ten individuals, and six funerary containers were introduced in a detailed catalogue, along with their respective provenances, and brief excursions into the health and disease of ancient Egyptian children, and their funerarytreatment.The studied material came from the collections of two divisions of the National Museum in Prague, namely...
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The Jesus And Mary Chain Tričko Psychocandy Black M
Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989 Země původu: Čína Subžánr: Rock;Alternative Rock Žánr: Rock Pohlaví: Pánské;Unisex Barva podle výrobce: Black Interpret / Téma: The Jesus And Mary Chain Dodavatel: Plastic Head Barva: Černá Délka rukávu: Krátké Velikost: M Věková skupina: Dospělý Materiál: Bavlna Země interpreta: Skotsko Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna
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The Jesus And Mary Chain Tričko Psychocandy Black XL
Materiál: Bavlna Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;1980 - 1989;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009 Barva podle výrobce: Black Země původu: Čína Věková skupina: Dospělý Barva: Černá Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Délka rukávu: Krátké Subžánr: Rock;Alternative Rock Velikost: XL Země interpreta: Skotsko Pohlaví: Unisex;Pánské Žánr: Rock Dodavatel: Plastic Head Interpret / Téma: The Jesus And Mary Chain
Objev podobné jako The Jesus And Mary Chain Tričko Psychocandy Black XL
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