Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

The Sands of Mars - Arthur Charles Clarke

It is the twenty-first century. On Mars a dedicated group of pioneers - among them some of Earth's finest brains - struggle to change the face of the planet . . .Science fiction writer Martin Gibson finally gets a chance to visit the research colony on the Red Planet. It's a dream come true - until he discovers the difficulties and perils of survival on another world . . . and the very real terror it holds.

Podívejte se také The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket

cena 268.0 Kč

Earthlight - Arthur Charles Clarke

The time: 200 years after man's first landing on the Moon. There are permanent populations established on the Moon, Venus and Mars. Outer space inhabitants have formed a new political entity, the Federation, and between the Federation and Earth a growing rivalry has developed. EARTHLIGHT is the story of this emerging conflict.Two centuries from now there may be men who do not owe allegiance to any nation on Earth, or even to Earth itself. This brilliant story tells of a time when man stands upon the moon and the planets, tells of men now divided by the vast stretches of the Solar System but once again torn by jealousy and fear. With vaulting imagination Arthur C. Clarke describes life on the strange, awe-inspiring surface of the moon, scene of a most fantastic and exciting contest of arms.

Podívejte se také Clarke Stanley: School Days - CD (0886978483324)

cena 250.0 Kč

2010: Odyssey Two - Arthur Charles Clarke

"A daring romp through the solar system and a worthy successor to 2001."; *Carl SaganNine years after the disastrous Discovery mission to Jupiter in 2001, a joint U.S.-Soviet expedition sets out to rendezvous with the derelict spacecraft; *to search the memory banks of the mutinous computer HAL 9000 for clues to what went wrong . . . and what became of Commander Dave Bowman.Without warning, a Chinese expedition targets the same objective, turning the recovery mission into a frenzied race for the precious information Discovery may hold about the enigmatic monolith that orbits Jupiter.Meanwhile, the being that was once Dave Bowman; *the only human to unlock the mystery of the monolith; *streaks toward Earth on a vital mission of its own . . ."Clarke deftly blends discovery, philosophy, and a newly acquired sense of play."; *Time"2010 is easily Clarkes' best book in over a decade."; *The San Diego Tribune

Podívejte se také Artušův pád The Eall of Arthur: bilingvní (978-80-257-1928-2)

cena 269.0 Kč

2010: Druhá vesmírná odysea - Arthur Charles Clarke

Ke kosmické lodi Discovery, osamoceně plující hlubokým vesmírem od doby, co David Bowman prošel „Hvězdnou bránou“, se vydává nová mezinárodní expedice. Jedním z cílů výpravy je objasnění tragických událostí, které se na Discovery odehrály. Ale tím nejdůležitějším úkolem je průzkum záhadného vesmírného tělesa zcela pravidelných tvarů. Jde o přírodní úkaz, nebo o výtvor mimozemské civilizace? Znamená těleso pro lidstvo hrozbu, nebo mu naopak může prospět? Vynořují se tisíce různých otázek a zodpovězení byť jen části z nich může navždy změnit chápání samé podstaty existence vesmíru a tím i budoucnost lidského druhu... Pokud bychom měli zvolit symbol vědeckofantastické literatury v její nejčistší podobě, byl by to právě velmistr žánru Arthur Charles Clarke (1917–2008). Science fiction se jako spisovatel věnoval od roku 1946 a z jeho raných děl jsou nejznámější romány Konec dětství a Město a hvězdy. Z pozdějších knih můžeme jmenovat Měsíční prach či prestižními žánrovými cenami odměněné Setkání s Rámou a Rajské fontány. Román 2001: Vesmírná odysea vznikal souběžně se slavným stejnojmenným snímkem Stanleyho Kubricka, jenž se stal na dlouhá léta příslovečným etalonem filmové vědeckofantastické tvorby. V následujících letech se k němu Clarke vrátil ve třech románových pokračováních. Během jeho dlouhého života se mu dostalo mnoha poct, z nichž jmenujme nominaci na Nobelovu cenu za mír či titul rytíře.

Objev podobné jako 2010: Druhá vesmírná odysea - Arthur Charles Clarke

cena 298.0 Kč

2001: A Space Odyssey - Arthur Charles Clarke

Written when landing on the moon was still a dream, and made into one of the most influential films of all time, 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY remains a classic work of science fiction fifty years after its original publication. The discovery of a black monolith on the moon leads to a manned expedition deep into the solar system, in the hope of establishing contact with an alien intelligence. Yet long before the crew can reach their destination, the voyage descends into disaster . . . Brilliant, compulsive and prophetic, Arthur C. Clarke's timeless novel tackles the enduring theme of mankind's place in the universe.

Objev podobné jako 2001: A Space Odyssey - Arthur Charles Clarke

cena 241.0 Kč

2001: Vesmírná odysea - Arthur Charles Clarke - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Sci-fi román, který navždy změnil podobu žánru Předloha kultovního filmu Stanleyho Kubricka Audioknižní operní opus, který posouvá hranice mluveného slova V měsíčním kráteru Tycho je nalezen záhadný objekt: černý monolit, který vysílá pravidelný elektromagnetický signál na jeden ze Saturnových měsíců. Vůbec poprvé je proto hluboko do Sluneční soustavy vypravena lidská posádka. Ještě než dosáhne cíle, objeví se podivné technické obtíže, které postupně narůstají do děsivých rozměrů. Kapitán lodi David Bowman musí čelit selhávajícímu lodnímu systému, jež mění vědeckou misi v boj o život. Černý mimozemský kvádr na Japetu mezitím mlčí a čeká. Existuje odpověď na věčnou otázku o původu člověka a jeho místě ve vesmíru? Cesta za limity lidské zkušenosti, za hranice prostoru a času, posouvá hranice mluveného slova, hudby a zvuku. Arthur C. Clarke (1917–2008) Britský vynálezce, společně s Robertem Heinleinem a Isaacem Asimovem patřil do Velké trojky žánru science fiction. Za druhé světové války sloužil jako radiový instruktor, poté vystudoval matematiku a fyziku na King's College v Londýně. Žánru sci-fi se věnoval jako spisovatel od roku 1946. Z jeho raných děl jsou nejznámější romány Konec dětství a Město a hvězdy, z pozdějších pak Měsíční prach či žánrovými cenami ověnčené Setkání s Rámou a Rajské fontány. Román 2001: Vesmírná odysea vznikal souběžně se slavným stejnojmenným snímkem Stanleyho Kubricka. V následujících letech se k němu Clarke vrátil ve třech pokračováních. Vedle literární tvorby proslul jako vynálezce geostacionární telekomunikační družice. S myšlenkou satelitu zavěšeného na pevném místě na obloze přišel už v roce 1945, dlouho před vypuštěním první družice do vesmíru. Dvakrát byl předsedou Britské Interplanetární Společnosti, byl nominován na Nobelovu cenu míru a za své zásluhy získal šlechtický titul. Richard Honzovič (1934–2005) Legendární hlasatel, moderátor a dabér. Už jako malý chtěl pracovat v médiích a tak po maturitě v roce 1952 nastoupil do Československého rozhlasu. Chvíli poté působil i jako hlasatel zpráv v Československé televizi. Jelikož se v roce 1968 podílel na protiokupačním vysílání, nesměl na obrazovku a byl propuštěn. Pracoval pro Krátký film Praha a namlouval komentáře Československého filmového týdeníku a mnoha technických a přírodopisných dokumentů. Uváděl pořad Objektiv, jeho hlas se objevil ve Filmopolisu a České sodě. V soutěži TýTý dvakrát obsadil třetí místo. Pro vydavatelství Tympanum načetl audioknihy Solaris a oba díly Jistě pane ministře. Nahrávka vznikla podle knihy Arthura C. Clarka 2001: Vesmírná odysea vydané nakladatelstvím Odeon v roce 1982. Copyright © 1968 by Arthur C. Clarke and Polaris Productions Inc.

Objev podobné jako 2001: Vesmírná odysea - Arthur Charles Clarke - audiokniha

cena 299.0 Kč

Children of Memory: An action-packed alien adventure from the winner of the Arthur C. Clarke Award - Adrian Tchaikovsky

From the award-winning master of sci-fi Adrian Tchaikovsky, Children of Memory is the unmissable follow-up space opera to the highly acclaimed Children of Time and Children of Ruin. They dreamed of a new homeThey woke to a nightmareOn Imir, Captain Holt founded a new colony on an empty world. In the process, he created hope and a new future for humanity.But generations later, his descendants are struggling to survive. As harvests worsen and equipment fails, strangers appear in a town where everyone knows their neighbour. Now the inexplicable lurks in the woods and the community fears it's being observed - that they're not alone.They'd be right, as explorers from the stars have arrived in secret to help this lost outpost. Confident of their superior technology, and overseen by the all-knowing construct of Doctor Avrana Kern, they begin to study their long-lost cousins from Earth. Yet the planet hides deeper mysteries.It seems the visitors aren't the only watchers. And when the starfarers discover the scale of their mistake, it will be far too late to escape. Children of Memory by Arthur C.Clarke Award-winning author Adrian Tchaikovsky is a far-reaching space opera spanning generations, species and galaxies.

Objev podobné jako Children of Memory: An action-packed alien adventure from the winner of the Arthur C. Clarke Award - Adrian Tchaikovsky

cena 268.0 Kč

The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 4 (Defekt) - Philip K. Dick

The definitive editions of Philip K. Dick's short stories, containing some of the most defining works in the Science Fiction genre. This stunning new edition of Philip K Dick's work includes the influential 'We Can Remember It For You Wholesale' and 'The Electric Ant', as well as a litany of mind-expanding other works.Work your way through some of the most influential stories from the 20th century, which have had a massive impact on popular culture. 'A great collection, showcasing Dick's evolution' Goodreads reviewer, 'my reason for giving the book a five-star rating has to do with my emotional state I felt when I closed the last page. I feel that I delved into a more extensive realm of PKD's mind by reading this collection' Goodreads reviewer, 'An amazing collection of downright bizarre fiction.So many excellent stories that it would be hard to pick a favorite' Goodreads reviewer,

Objev podobné jako The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 4 (Defekt) - Philip K. Dick

cena 69.0 Kč

The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 4 (Defekt) - Philip K. Dick

The definitive editions of Philip K. Dick's short stories, containing some of the most defining works in the Science Fiction genre. This stunning new edition of Philip K Dick's work includes the influential 'We Can Remember It For You Wholesale' and 'The Electric Ant', as well as a litany of mind-expanding other works.Work your way through some of the most influential stories from the 20th century, which have had a massive impact on popular culture. 'A great collection, showcasing Dick's evolution' Goodreads reviewer, 'my reason for giving the book a five-star rating has to do with my emotional state I felt when I closed the last page. I feel that I delved into a more extensive realm of PKD's mind by reading this collection' Goodreads reviewer, 'An amazing collection of downright bizarre fiction.So many excellent stories that it would be hard to pick a favorite' Goodreads reviewer,

Objev podobné jako The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 4 (Defekt) - Philip K. Dick

cena 69.0 Kč

Micah Clarke - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: This historical novel, first published in 1889, was Doyle's third book -- his first hardcover one, preceded only by the two paper-wrappered titles A Study in Scarlet and The Mystery of Cloomber. Micah Clarke was quite successful, running through several quick printings, though Doyle had to take it to numerous publishers before Andrew Lang at Longmans finally accepted it. Doyle brought together his knowledge of the seventeenth century and supplemented it with months of research on detail. Then, at intervals of tramping medical rounds or studying optics at the Portsmouth Eye Hospital, he wrote the book in three months. Now the power of Micah Clarke, aside from its best action scenes -- the bloodhounds on Salisbury Plain, the brush with the King's Dragoons, the fight in Wells Cathedral, the blinding battle scene at Sedgemoor -- still lies in its characterization: that other imagination, the use of homely detail, by which each character grows into life before ever a shot is fired in war. It was attempt by Conan Doyle to present the story of the Puritans in a more favorable light than generally thought of in England at the time the book was written - a historical romance about the Monmouth rebellion and 'Hanging Judge' Jeffries. told by a humble adherent of the Duke of Monmouth - the whole story of the rising in Somerset, the triumphant advance towards Bristol and Bath, and the tragic rout at Sedgemoor (1685).

Objev podobné jako Micah Clarke - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 3 - Philip K. Dick

The definitive editions of Philip K. Dick's short stories, containing some of the most defining works in the Science Fiction genre. This stunning new edition of Philip K Dick's work includes the influential 'Minority Report' and 'Sales Pitch', as well as a litany of mind-expanding other works.Work your way through some of the most influential stories from the 20th century, which have had a massive impact on popular culture. 'First time I have read Philip K. Dick and I thoroughly enjoyed his stories and the suspense that he puts into them' Goodreads reviewer, 'Most of the stories had something to say about society.It was interesting to see how 50 years later so many of the fears and criticism was still relevant. Highly recommended' Goodreads reviewer, 'Dick's stories are often surprising and spin a captivating yarn, but they are also teeming with fascinating ideas which ensure their ability to age well and keep modern readers interested' Goodreads reviewer, 'Each tale is filled with twists and turns, and it's a total pageturner' Goodreads reviewer,

Objev podobné jako The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 3 - Philip K. Dick

cena 312.0 Kč

The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 4 - Philip K. Dick

The definitive editions of Philip K. Dick's short stories, containing some of the most defining works in the Science Fiction genre. This stunning new edition of Philip K Dick's work includes the influential 'We Can Remember It For You Wholesale' and 'The Electric Ant', as well as a litany of mind-expanding other works.Work your way through some of the most influential stories from the 20th century, which have had a massive impact on popular culture. 'A great collection, showcasing Dick's evolution' Goodreads reviewer, 'my reason for giving the book a five-star rating has to do with my emotional state I felt when I closed the last page. I feel that I delved into a more extensive realm of PKD's mind by reading this collection' Goodreads reviewer, 'An amazing collection of downright bizarre fiction.So many excellent stories that it would be hard to pick a favorite' Goodreads reviewer,

Objev podobné jako The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 4 - Philip K. Dick

cena 312.0 Kč

The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 1 - Philip K. Dick

The definitive editions of Philip K. Dick's short stories, containing some of the most defining works in the Science Fiction genre. This stunning new edition of Philip K Dick's work includes the influential 'Beyond Lies the Wub' and 'Second Variety', as well as a litany of mind-expanding other works.Work your way through some of the most influential stories from the 20th century, which have had a massive impact on popular culture. 'One of the most original practitioners writing any kind of fiction' Sunday Times'No other writer of his generation had such a powerful intellectual presence' Brian Aldiss'Thought-provoking,original,deeply moving. HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION' Goodreads reviewer, 'Very fun.Classic PKD' Goodreads reviewer, 'Wow. Every single story in this book could be made into a contemporary movie' Goodreads reviewer, 'Absolutely brilliant . .. Strongly recommend to everyone (even those who normally do not like science fiction)' Goodreads reviewer,

Objev podobné jako The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 1 - Philip K. Dick

cena 312.0 Kč

The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 2 - Philip K. Dick

The definitive editions of Philip K. Dick's short stories, containing some of the most defining works in the Science Fiction genre. This stunning new edition of Philip K Dick's work includes the influential 'Adjustment Team' and 'The Father Thing', as well as a litany of mind-expanding other works.Work your way through some of the most influential stories from the 20th century, which have had a massive impact on popular culture. 'I am bowled over. I am so impressed by the variety in stories, and how interesting the individual story ideas are' Goodreads reviewer, 'Philip K.Dick is a master of messing with your head in a story' Goodreads reviewer, 'Enter the Mind of a Genius . . .This collection of short stories by Philip K. Dick are great, thought provoking, funny, and some really frightening' Goodreads reviewer, 'This blew my mind, and then some. The ideas and concepts alone need five stars.What an amazing man' Goodreads reviewer,

Objev podobné jako The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 2 - Philip K. Dick

cena 349.0 Kč

The Stories of Sherlock Holmes - Sabrina D. Harris, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Audiokniha nabízí čtyři příběhy Sherlocka Holmese, které jsou určeny mírně pokročilým studentům angličtiny. Zájemci se díky nim nejen seznámí s případy, v nichž věhlasný detektiv rozehrává své brilantní logické myšlení, ale také si procvičí poslech a porozumění angličtiny. Kniha je načtená rodilým mluvčím.

Objev podobné jako The Stories of Sherlock Holmes - Sabrina D. Harris, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - audiokniha

cena 79.0 Kč

Stories of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - audiokniha

Audiokniha: In the Boscombe Valley Mystery, Turner kills his blackmailer McCarthy to prevent McCarthy's son marrying his daughter and claiming all of his property. In the Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle, Holmes foils Mr Ryder's plans to steal a precious jewel and frame a plumber for the crime. The Adventure of Silver Blaze tells of how a trainer tries to injure his horse in order to win a bet, but is killed when the horse fights back! In the Adventure of the Copper Beeches a selfish father traps his daughter so he will not lose her money. His plan is foiled when his daughter's love rescues her.

Objev podobné jako Stories of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - audiokniha

cena 99.0 Kč

The Stories of Sherlock Holmes Příběhy Sherlocka Holmese - Sabrina D. Harris, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Publikace nabízí čtyři příběhy Sherlocka Holmese, které jsou určeny mírně pokročilým studentům angličtiny. Zájemci se díky nim nejen seznámí s případy, v nichž věhlasný detektiv rozehrává své brilantní logické myšlení, ale také si procvičí angličtinu. Český zrcadlový překlad umožní zkontrolovat, zda cizojazyčnému textu správně porozuměli. Na konci knihy jsou zajímavé informace o Sherlocku Holmesovi. Audionahrávka, na níž text vypráví rodilý mluvčí, je k dispozici zdarma na stránkách nakladatelství.

Objev podobné jako The Stories of Sherlock Holmes Příběhy Sherlocka Holmese - Sabrina D. Harris, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

cena 241.0 Kč

The Story of a Heart - Rachel Clarke

FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER DEAR LIFE AND BREATHTAKING, A MAJOR TV DRAMA''Profoundly moving and at the same time wildly inspiring'' Rob Delaney''The best narrative non-fiction I''ve read in years. Rachel Clarke has written a profound piece of investigative journalism and wrapped it up in poetry'' Christie WatsonThe first of our organs to form, the last to die, the heart is both a simple pump and the symbol of all that makes us human: as long as it continues to beat, we hope. One summer day, nine-year-old Keira suffered catastrophic injuries in a car accident. Though her brain and the rest of her body began to shut down, her heart continued to beat. In an act of extraordinary generosity, Keira''s parents and siblings agreed that she would have wanted to be an organ donor. Meanwhile nine-year-old Max had been hospitalised for nearly a year with a virus that was causing his young heart to fail. When Max''s parents received the call they had been hoping for, they knew it came at a terrible cost to another family. This is the unforgettable story of how one family''s grief transformed into a lifesaving gift. With tremendous compassion and clarity, Dr Rachel Clarke relates the urgent journey of Keira''s heart and explores the history of the remarkable medical innovations that made it possible, stretching back over a century and involving the knowledge and dedication not just of surgeons but of countless physicians, immunologists, nurses and scientists.The Story of a Heart is a testament to compassion for the dying, the many ways we honour our loved ones, and the tenacity of love.

Objev podobné jako The Story of a Heart - Rachel Clarke

cena 650.0 Kč

Round the Fire Stories - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: Originally published in 1908 and out of print for more than half a century, this collection of stories, complete with a Preface by the author, presents Sir Arthur Conan Doyle at his finest. These 17 tales of suspense and adventure are meant to be read "round the fire" on a cold winter's night and include murder, madness, ghosts, unsolved crimes, mysterious disappearances, and more.

Objev podobné jako Round the Fire Stories - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Spotter´s Guides: Flags of the World - Phillip Clarke

Whose flag is whose? Why are some flags so similar? What does that symbol in the middle mean? Find out in this fact-packed book which illustrates the flags of every independent nation and selected territories.

Objev podobné jako Spotter´s Guides: Flags of the World - Phillip Clarke

cena 241.0 Kč

Clarke C-major

Foukací harmonika Diatonická foukací harmonika, tj. bluesovka, značky Clarke představuje dobrou volbu začínající muzikanty. Korpus nástroje je zhotoven z odolného plastového materiálu ABS. Harmonika dále disponuje kryty z nerezové oceli s pozlaceným finišem a zdobnou rytinou, mosaznými a stříbrnými hlásky a mosaznými plátky (0,1 mm). Harmonika je dodávána ve stylovém tubusu spolu s příbalovým informačním letákem a čistícím hadříkem.

Objev podobné jako Clarke C-major

cena 391.0 Kč

The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket

Audiokniha MP3 Edgar Allan Poe, čte Rodilý mluvčí Audiokniha The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň A1 pro posluchače začátečníky. His name is Arthur Gordon Pym. He comes from Nantucket. Nantucket is a town in America, near the sea. People from Nantucket are often sailors. His grandfather is a lawyer. He’s famous and he’s very rich. Gordon Pym is very lucky. He is only eighteen years old, but he has a small boat. Its name is the Ariel. He often goes sailing on the Ariel, near Nantucket. He has a good education and a dream: he wants to go to sea. This is the story of his adventures at sea. He meets pirates, a ghost ship, and storms. He visits Kerguelen’s Land, Prince Edward’s Island and Tristan da Cunha before arriving in Antarctica.

Objev podobné jako The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket

cena 99.0 Kč

The Gallery of Arthur´s Adventures - Marcela Konárková

Kniha Galerie aneb Arturovo dobrodružství vychází v koedici s Národní galerií. Vznikla tzv. pop-up technikou – pomocí pohyblivých ilustrací, které posouvají příběh do další roviny, takže ožívá a stane se pro děti hrou a zábavou.

Objev podobné jako The Gallery of Arthur´s Adventures - Marcela Konárková

cena 625.0 Kč

Clarke Original C - Black

Irská flétna Irské flétny Clarke Original Tinwhistle jsou vyráběny v Anglii a jsou k dostání v C a D laděních. Součástí balení je tabulka prstokladů. Irská flétna je tradiční hudební nástroj používaný ve folkové/keltské hudbě, nicméně s jejím zvukem se setkáte v široké škále hudebních žánrů – ať už vystupuje jako sólový nástroj, nebo jako součást hudebního doprovodu. Hra na flétnu není nijak obtížná a bude bavit muzikanty všech věkových skupin včetně dětí.

Objev podobné jako Clarke Original C - Black

cena 416.0 Kč

Clarke Original C - Silver

Irská flétna Irské flétny Clarke Original Tinwhistle jsou vyráběny v Anglii a jsou k dostání v C a D laděních. Součástí balení je tabulka prstokladů. Irská flétna je tradiční hudební nástroj používaný ve folkové/keltské hudbě, nicméně s jejím zvukem se setkáte v široké škále hudebních žánrů – ať už vystupuje jako sólový nástroj, nebo jako součást hudebního doprovodu. Hra na flétnu není nijak obtížná a bude bavit muzikanty všech věkových skupin včetně dětí.

Objev podobné jako Clarke Original C - Silver

cena 400.0 Kč

Clarke Original C - Gold

Irská flétna Irské flétny Clarke Original Tinwhistle jsou vyráběny v Anglii a jsou k dostání v C a D laděních. Součástí balení je tabulka prstokladů. Irská flétna je tradiční hudební nástroj používaný ve folkové/keltské hudbě, nicméně s jejím zvukem se setkáte v široké škále hudebních žánrů – ať už vystupuje jako sólový nástroj, nebo jako součást hudebního doprovodu. Hra na flétnu není nijak obtížná a bude bavit muzikanty všech věkových skupin včetně dětí.

Objev podobné jako Clarke Original C - Gold

cena 416.0 Kč

Build the Life You Want - Oprah Winfrey, Arthur C. Brooks

You can get happier. And getting there will be the adventure of a lifetime.In Build the Life You Want, Harvard Professor Arthur C. Brooks and Oprah Winfrey invite you to begin a journey toward greater happiness, no matter how challenging your circumstances. Combining their decades of experience studying happiness from every angle, they show you how to improve your life right now - instead of waiting for the outside world to change. You will learn how to:- Manage your emotions so they no longer control your outlook and behaviour- Turn life's inevitable difficulties and challenges into opportunities for growth- Strengthen your family ties by managing your expectations and building trust- Create and preserve deep and lasting friendships at any age- Develop an approach to work that fits your life and brings satisfaction- Find your inner peace with a spiritual practiceBuild the Life You Want introduces you to the cutting-edge science that can change your life, in understandable terms and with actionable strategies. Along the way, Arthur and Oprah share hard-earned wisdom from their own lives and careers. In every page, your happiness skills will grow, and you will learn amazing information you can't wait to share with others. Build the Life You Want is your blueprint for a better life.

Objev podobné jako Build the Life You Want - Oprah Winfrey, Arthur C. Brooks

cena 536.0 Kč

Nejtemnější polibek (Defekt) - Arthur Keri

Nebezpečí ji rozpaluje. Vášeň ji činí nebezpečnou.Riley Jensonová loví zloduchy – a dělá to s osobitým stylem. Riley s upíří krví kolující v žilách a s nadpřirozeným vlkodlačím čichem na nebezpečí nosí lodičky z hadí kůže a nekompromisně se vrhá do nejnovějšího případu: má chytit vražedkyni, jejímiž obětmi jsou promiskuitní ženy z lepší společnosti a bohatí a mocní muži, s nimiž se scházely.Pro Riley však případ nabere mrazivý zvrat, když se objeví druhý zabiják, který za sebou nechává cestičku ze zohavených těl: šílený mladý upír, který si vybírá oběti na základě minulosti poznamenané tragédií. Riley ví, že má dostatek schopností i důvtipu k tomu, aby chytila dva sériové vrahy najednou… dokud jeden z nich neudeří na její vlastní pevně sevřený klan – a dokud do jejího života opět nevstoupí jeden sexy upír, aby jí pomohl při lovu. Jmenuje se Quinn. Žije snad už celou věčnost, prolil krev a dělil se o rozkoše… a je jediným mužem, nad nímž nemá Riley absolutně žádnou kontrolu…

Objev podobné jako Nejtemnější polibek (Defekt) - Arthur Keri

cena 99.0 Kč

The Poison Belt and Other Professor Challenger Stories - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Summoned from London, journalist Edward Malone, narrator of Arthur Conan Doyle’s prehistoric-adventure novel The Lost World, finds himself reunited with his erstwhile travelling companions at the country home of their leader, the indomitable Professor Challenger, who, confining his guests in a sealed room with the cylinders of oxygen they have brought at his request, informs them that the Earth is passing through an immense miasma of poisonous ether that will likely extirpate all life. And so the isolated inmates begin a grim and terrifying vigil – but will the toxic vapour dissipate before their limited supply of oxygen is exhausted?Presented here with two short stories representing further thrilling episodes in the illustrious career of Conan Doyle’s other great anti-hero, Professor Challenger – ‘The Disintegration Machine’ and ‘When the World Screamed’ – The Poison Belt is a tour de force of speculative fiction that is the equal of any of the author’s best-known works.The Poison Belt and Other Professor Challenger’s Stories is part of Alma Classics Arthur Conan Doyle Collection which includes: Tales of Adventure and Medical Life, Tales of Long Ago, Tales of Terror and Mystery, Tales of Twilight and the Unseen, The Lost World and The Tragedy of the Korosko.Alma Classics is committed to making available a wide range of literature from around the globe. Most of the titles are enriched by an extensive critical apparatus, notes and extra reading material, as well as a selection of photographs. The texts are based on the most authoritative edition and edited using a fresh, accessible editorial approach. With an emphasis on production, editorial and typographical values, Alma Classics aspires to revitalize the whole experience of reading classics.

Objev podobné jako The Poison Belt and Other Professor Challenger Stories - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

cena 325.0 Kč

The Hound of the Baskervilles - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

One of the BBC''s ''100 Novels That Shaped Our World''The Hound of the Baskervilles gripped readers when it was first serialised and remains one of Sherlock Holmes''s greatest and most popular adventures. Could the sudden death of Sir Charles Baskerville have been caused by the gigantic ghostly hound that is said to have haunted his family for generations? Arch-rationalist Sherlock Holmes characteristically dismisses the theory as nonsense. And, immersed in another case, he sends Dr Watson to Devon to protect the Baskerville heir and observe the suspects at close hand. With its atmospheric setting on the ancient, wild moorland and its savage apparition, The Hound of the Baskervilles is one of the greatest crime novels ever written. Rationalism is pitted against the supernatural and good against evil as Sherlock Holmes sets out to defeat a foe almost his equal.This edition contains a full chronology of Arthur Conan Doyle''s life and works, an introduction by renowned horror scholar Professor Christopher Frayling discussing the background to the novel and the legends and events that inspired the story, with further reading and explanatory notes.''Arthur Conan Doyle is unique ... Personally, I would walk a mile in tight boots to read him to the milkman''Stephen Fry

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cena 236.0 Kč

The Hound of the Baskervilles - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

When the corpse of Sir Charles Baskerville is found on the grounds of his Dartmoor estate next to a mysterious animal footprint, thoughts turn to a fabled family curse: that of a hellhound set out to avenge a crime committed by one of Sir Charles's ancestors. As the only surviving heir of the Baskervilles is terrified for his safety, Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson are called in to investigate.The most famous novel in Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes cycle, The Hound of the Baskervilles is a masterpiece of terror, suspense and mystery which has enthralled readers young and old since it was first published in 1902.

Objev podobné jako The Hound of the Baskervilles - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

cena 196.0 Kč

Clarke Sweet Tone C-Black

Irská flétna Klasická irská flétna Sweetone je jedna z nejlepší pro začátečníka. Má jasný čistý zvuk a zvládne dvě oktávy. Zobcová hubička je z plastu a tělo kovové. Flétny Clarke se vyrabějí již od roku 1840

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cena 230.0 Kč

Clarke Sweet Tone C-Green

Irská flétna Klasická irská flétna Sweetone je jedna z nejlepší pro začátečníka. Má jasný čistý zvuk a zvládne dvě oktávy. Zobcová hubička je z plastu a tělo kovové. Flétny Clarke se vyrabějí již od roku 1840

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cena 230.0 Kč

Clarke Sweet Tone C-Gold

Irská flétna Klasická irská flétna Sweetone je jedna z nejlepší pro začátečníka. Má jasný čistý zvuk a zvládne dvě oktávy. Zobcová hubička je z plastu a tělo kovové. Flétny Clarke se vyrabějí již od roku 1840

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cena 280.0 Kč

Clarke Sweet Tone C-Red

Irská flétna Klasická irská flétna Sweetone je jedna z nejlepších pro začátečníka. Má jasný čistý zvuk a zvládne dvě oktávy. Zobcová hubička je z plastu a tělo kovové. Flétny Clarke se vyrabějí již od roku 1840

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cena 230.0 Kč

Clarke Sweet Tone C-Silver

Irská flétna Klasická irská flétna Sweetone je jedna z nejlepší pro začátečníka. Má jasný čistý zvuk a zvládne dvě oktávy. Zobcová hubička je z plastu a tělo kovové. Flétny Clarke se vyrabějí již od roku 1840

Objev podobné jako Clarke Sweet Tone C-Silver

cena 230.0 Kč

Clarke Nickel Plated C Original

Irská flétna Irské flétny Clarke Original Tinwhistle jsou vyráběny v Anglii a jsou k dostání v C a D laděních. Model Nickel Plated C Original je irská flétna s niklovým finišem, který chrání kov pod niklovou vrstvou proti rzi a prodlužuje tak životnost a funkčnost flétny. Balení obsahuje čistící hadřík a tabulku prstokladů. Irská flétna je tradiční hudební nástroj používaný ve folkové/keltské hudbě, nicméně s jejím zvukem se setkáte v široké škále hudebních žánrů – ať už vystupuje jako sólový nástroj, nebo jako součást hudebního doprovodu. Hra na flétnu není nijak obtížná a bude bavit muzikanty všech věkových skupin včetně dětí.

Objev podobné jako Clarke Nickel Plated C Original

cena 722.0 Kč

Clarke Gold Plated’ Original C

Irská flétna Irské flétny Clarke Original Tinwhistle jsou vyráběny v Anglii a jsou k dostání v C a D laděních. Clarke Gold Plated flétny s pozlaceným finišem byly vyrobeny při příležitosti korunovace krále Karla III. Britského. Balení kromě flétny obsahuje prezentační krabičku, prémiové kožené pouzdro, vytěrák, čistící hadřík z mikrovláken a tabulku prstokladů. Irská flétna je tradiční hudební nástroj používaný ve folkové/keltské hudbě, nicméně s jejím zvukem se setkáte v široké škále hudebních žánrů – ať už vystupuje jako sólový nástroj, nebo jako součást hudebního doprovodu. Hra na flétnu není nijak obtížná a bude bavit muzikanty všech věkových skupin včetně dětí.

Objev podobné jako Clarke Gold Plated’ Original C

cena 1350.0 Kč

The Sign of Four - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

As a dense yellow fog swirls through the streets of London, a deep melancholy has descended on Sherlock Holmes, who sits in a cocaine-induced haze at 221B Baker Street. His mood is only lifted by a visit from a beautiful but distressed young woman - Mary Morstan, whose father vanished ten years before. Four years later she began to receive an exquisite gift every year: a large, lustrous pearl. Now she has had an intriguing invitation to meet her unknown benefactor and urges Holmes and Watson to accompany her. And in the ensuing investigation - which involves a wronged woman, a stolen hoard of Indian treasure, a wooden-legged ruffian, a helpful dog and a love affair - even the jaded Holmes is moved to exclaim, ''Isn''t it gorgeous!''

Objev podobné jako The Sign of Four - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

cena 236.0 Kč

Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Novels and Stories Volume 2 - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Sherlock HolmesThe Complete Novels and StoriesVolume IISince his first appearance in Beeton’s Christmas Annual in 1887, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes has been one of the most beloved fictional characters ever created. Now, in two paperback volumes, Bantam presents all fifty-six short stories and four novels featuring Conan Doyle’s classic hero--a truly complete collection of Sherlock Holmes’s adventures in crime!Volume II begins with The Hound of the Baskervilles, a haunting novel of murder on eerie Grimpen Moor, which has rightly earned its reputation as the finest murder mystery ever written. The Valley of Fear matches Holmes against his archenemy, the master of imaginative crime, Professor Moriarty. In addition, the loyal Dr. Watson has faithfully recorded Holmes’s feats of extraordinary detection in such famous cases as the thrilling The Adventure of the Red Circle and the twelve baffling adventures from The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes. Conan Doyle’s incomparable tales bring to life a Victorian England of horse-drawn cabs, fogs, and the famous lodgings at 221B Baker Street, where for more than forty years Sherlock Holmes earned his undisputed reputation as the greatest fictional detective of all time.

Objev podobné jako Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Novels and Stories Volume 2 - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

cena 241.0 Kč

V náručí temnoty (Defekt) - Arthur Keri

Riley Jensonová, zčásti upír, zčásti vlkodlak, hraje podle vlastních pravidel, ať už je řeč o bouřlivém milostném životě či o její práci strážkyně. Když po ní však alfa samec z její bývalé smečky žádá, aby vyřešila případ zmizelé dívky, Riley vycítí, že se kolem ní utahuje smyčka. Její úkol má totiž háček: pokud Riley neuspěje, její matka zemře. Hraje se o hodně, lov začal… a když zmizí další ženy, ocitá se Riley v takřka neřešitelné situaci mezi milencem, který na ni naléhá, aby se vzdala své práce, sériovým vrahem, který nezná hranice, a nočním klubem, kde se lidé potkávají s nadpřirozenými - na vlastní nebezpečí. Riley, vržena do říše svodů a násilí, jež předčí veškeré její představy, musí bojovat za záchranu všeho, co je jí drahé. Ten největší hon však teprve začíná

Objev podobné jako V náručí temnoty (Defekt) - Arthur Keri

cena 119.0 Kč

Hitlerovy ztracené sochy (Defekt) - Arthur Brand

Monumentální sochy, které si Hitler vybral pro své Říšské kancléřství, padly společně s Berlínem na jaře 1945. Anebo ne? Když se nizozemský umělecký detektiv Arthur Brand tajně snaží sochy najít, objevuje přízračný svět ilegálních obchodů, kterému vládnou staří nacisté a bývalí agenti KGB a Stasi. Ale koho vlastně hledá? A stihne to dříve, než se o tom dozví tisk a vše bude ztraceno? Zápletka knihy si nezadá s těmi nejlepšími thrillery – a přitom mapuje skutečný případ, jenž v roce 2015 plnil stránky novin.

Objev podobné jako Hitlerovy ztracené sochy (Defekt) - Arthur Brand

cena 89.0 Kč

The Hound of the Baskervilles & The Valley of Fear - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Supernatural hounds, a family curse, a mysterious cipher and the return of a deadly enemy . . . Sherlock Holmes will have to utilize every skill he has to solve the two classic mysteries collected here. The Hound of the Baskervilles sees Holmes and Dr Watson travel to the misty wilds of Dartmoor to confront a devilish apparition, while in The Valley of Fear the pair investigate a gruesome murder that may be the work of the dastardly Professor Moriarty himself.In this Macmillan Collector's Library edition, Sherlock scholar David Stuart Davies provides both an illuminating afterword and a fascinating chronology of the Sherlock Holmes stories.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.

Objev podobné jako The Hound of the Baskervilles & The Valley of Fear - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

cena 294.0 Kč

The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Little Clothbound Classics: irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world's greatest writers, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith.Emerging from their smoke-filled rooms at 21B Baker Street, Holmes and Watson grapple with the forces of crime that stalk the streets of London. From the first story, 'A Scandal in Bohemia' where Holmes is foiled by the quick-thinking of 'the woman', Irene Adler, to what was presumed to be the last, 'The Final Problem' where Holmes at last comes face to face with the diabolical Professor Moriarty, this selection is presents the very best of Arthur Conan Doyle's iconic detective.'Arthur Conan Doyle is unique ... Personally, I would walk a mile in tight boots to read him to the milkman' Stephen Fry

Objev podobné jako The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

cena 294.0 Kč

The Hound of the Baskervilles - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Audiokniha The Hound of the Baskervilles namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň A1 pro posluchače začátečníky. An old family document says that everyone who l ivesat Baskerville Hall is in danger from a terrifying animal which lives on Dartmoor. When Sir Charles Baskerville dies in a mysterious way, his nephew, the young Sir Henry Baskerville, comes to live on Dartmoor. Is he in danger too? Is there really a dangerous animal on the moor, or did someone murder Sir Charles? Sherlock Holmes, the world-famous detective, is the only person who can solve the case. Or can he? Even Holmes is worried.

Objev podobné jako The Hound of the Baskervilles - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - audiokniha

cena 149.0 Kč

The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket - Edgar Allan Poe - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Audiokniha Frankenstein namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň A1 pro posluchače začátečníky. His name is Arthur Gordon Pym. He comes from Nantucket. Nantucket is a town in America, near the sea. People from Nantucket are often sailors. His grandfather is a lawyer. He’s famous and he’s very rich. Gordon Pym is very lucky. He is only eighteen years old, but he has a small boat. Its name is the Ariel. He often goes sailing on the Ariel, near Nantucket. He has a good education and a dream: he wants to go to sea. This is the story of his adventures at sea. He meets pirates, a ghost ship, and storms. He visits Kerguelen’s Land, Prince Edward’s Island and Tristan da Cunha before arriving in Antarctica.

Objev podobné jako The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket - Edgar Allan Poe - audiokniha

cena 99.0 Kč

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Having firmly established the characters of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson in the novels A Study in Scarlet and The Sign of the Four, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was retained by The Strand Magazine to contribute a series of twelve short stories, which began with ''A Scandal in Bohemia'' in 1891 and were published monthly for the next year. The stories, in which the master sleuth receives a stream of clients presenting him with baffling and bizarre mysteries in his consulting room at 221B Baker Street, were instantly popular and by the time of the publication of the final story, ''The Copper Beeches'', they had become the mainstay of the magazine. They included such classic tales as ''The Five Orange Pips'' and ''The Adventure of the Speckled Band'', and were gathered together in a collection known as The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, representing some of the finest detective stories ever written.

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cena 266.0 Kč

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Part of Penguin's beautiful hardback Clothbound Classics series, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith, these delectable and collectible editions are bound in high-quality, colourful, tactile cloth with foil stamped into the design.This collection includes many of the famous cases - and great strokes of brilliance - that made the legendary Sherlock Holmes one of fiction's most popular creations. With his devoted amanuensis, Dr Watson, Holmes emerges from his smoke filled rooms in Baker Street to grapple with the forces of treachery, intrigue and evil in such cases as 'The Speckled Band', in which a terrified woman begs their help in solving the mystery surrounding her sister's death, or 'A Scandal in Bohemia', which portrays a European king blackmailed by his mistress. In 'Silver Blaze' the pair investigate the disappearance of a racehorse and the violent murder of its trainer, while in 'The Final Problem' Holmes at last comes face to face with his nemesis, the diabolical Professor Moriarty - 'the Napoleon of crime'.

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cena 447.0 Kč

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

''It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.''Sherlock Holmes, scourge of criminals everywhere, whether they be lurking in London''s foggy backstreets or plotting behind the walls of an idyllic country mansion, and his faithful colleague Dr Watson solve twelve breathtaking and perplexing mysteries.In The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, the first collection of the great consulting detective''s cases, we encounter some of his most famous and devilishly difficult problems, including A Scandal in Bohemia, The Speckled Band, The Red-Headed League, The Blue Carbuncle, The Five Orange Pips and The Man with the Twisted Lip.

Objev podobné jako The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

cena 266.0 Kč

The Tragedy of the Korosko - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: Originally serialised in 'The Strand' magazine, ‘The Tragedy of Korosko’ is an exciting adventure story set in Egypt by famous author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In it, a motley group of European tourists are enjoying a trip along the River Nile in the steamship Korosko while visiting Egypt, when they are suddenly attacked and kidnapped. Will they ever escape and make it home again? A thrilling tale, full of vivid descriptions, ‘The Tragedy of Korosko’ was later adapted into a play by Doyle, titled ‘Fires of Fate’.

Objev podobné jako The Tragedy of the Korosko - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The Last of the Legions - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: 'The Last of the Legions' by famous Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is a collection of twelve short stories. Stories in the collection include 'Through the Veil', 'The First Cargo' and 'The Silver Mirror'. Many are set during the Roman Empire, and some even delve into spiritualism – a personal interest of Doyle's. A highly enjoyable collection of some of the famous authors lesser-known tales. -

Objev podobné jako The Last of the Legions - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

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