The children's block - b. kraus

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The Children's Block - B. Kraus

The Children's Block - B. Kraus

'We lived on a bunk built for four but in times of overcrowding, it slept seven and at times even eight. There was so little space on the berth that when one of us wanted to ease his hip, we all had to turn in a tangle of legs and chests and hollow bellies as if we were one many-limbed creature, a Hindu god or a centipede. We grow intimate not only in body but also in mind because we knew that though we were not born of one womb, we would certainly die together.'Alex Ehren is a poet, a prisoner and a teacher in block 31 in Auschwitz-Birkenau, the children’s block. He spends his days trying to survive while illegally giving lessons to his young charges while shielding them as best he can from the impossible horrors of the camp. But trying to teach the children is not the only illicit activity that Alex is involved in. Alex is keeping a diary…Originally published as THE PAINTED WALL, Otto Kraus’s autobiographical novel, tells the true story of 500 Jewish children who lived in the Czech Family Camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau between September 1943 and June 1944. (

Podobné produkty ako The Children's Block - B. Kraus , Kraus ivan, kraus jan: ivan kraus: fantom televize - cd (59560-2)

Cesta pouští - Ota B. Kraus

Cesta pouští - Ota B. Kraus

Přestože je období druhé světové války nesmazatelně zatíženo katastrofou šoa, podařilo se neprávem opomíjenému česko-izraelskému spisovateli Otu B. Krausovi (1921 Praha - 2000 Netanja) napsat román, v němž tyto události pro hlavního hrdinu, dospívajícího židovského mladíka Štěpána, představují spíše jen historický kontext. Hrůzy holokaustu, jimiž si Kraus i jeho pozdější žena Dita, "osvětimská knihovnice", prošli, zůstávají jen jako stín dokreslující tíživou atmosféru doby, v níž Štěpán dospívá. Krausův román je citlivou a sugestivní výpovědí o mladém muži, jehož hledání prvních lásek, vlastní české židovské identity, ale i vztahu k práci, rodičům a určujícím ideologiím 20. století (marxismus, sionismus) je ortenovsky bolestné i krásné zároveň. Štěpán je pro svůj původ vyloučen z gymnázia, posléze před okupací prchne do sovětského Ruska, kde ovšem rychle ze sociálně utopických snů i nepřekročitelné bariéry mezi domácím a cizím vystřízliví. Vrací se do protektorátu, kde jej mezitím postupující represe přivedou k práci na statku ve středních Čechách. Zemědělství se objevuje jako motiv téměř ruralisticko-sionistický (Palestina), líčení je ovšem velmi atraktivní a tajemné: na statku sehrávají hlavní roli Němci i čarodějnice - obraz erotického napětí, které si ničím nezadá s žítkovskými bohyněmi, jež český čtenář objeví až několik desetiletí po napsání Cesty pouští. Celý román-metafora ve své kombinaci důvěrného líčení "velkých dějin" a "individuálních osudů" připomene vrcholná díla Ferdinanda Peroutky (Oblak a valčík) či Egona Hostovského, po jejichž bok se v překladu z anglického originálu suverénně řadí. Čeští čtenáři již znají prvotinu Oty B. Krause, svědeckou prózu Země bez Boha (1948 a 1992), i několik dalších textů, naposled vyšly prózy Obchodník se sny a jiné galilejské povídky (Sefer 2009), knihu Můj bratr dým připomněl Antonio Iturbe ve svém románu Osvětimská knihovnice (Akropolis 2013). Román Cesta pouští vznikal v osmdesátých letech a autor jej považoval za nejdůležitější ze svých děl. Jak sám řekl - "je psán vlastní krví". Vychází za podpory Ministerstva kultury ČR. (

Podobné produkty ako Cesta pouští - Ota B. Kraus , Kraus jan, kraus ivan: učit se, učit se...! - cd (59568-2)

Cesta pouští - Ota B. Kraus - e-kniha

Cesta pouští - Ota B. Kraus - e-kniha

eBook:,Přestože je období druhé světové války nesmazatelně zatíženo katastrofou šoa, podařilo se neprávem opomíjenému česko-izraelskému spisovateli Otu B. Krausovi (1921 Praha – 2000 Netanja) napsat román, v němž tyto události pro hlavního hrdinu, dospívajícího židovského mladíka Štěpána, představují spíše jen historický kontext. Hrůzy holokaustu, jimiž si Kraus i jeho pozdější žena Dita, „osvětimská knihovnice“, prošli, zůstávají jen jako stín dokreslující tíživou atmosféru doby, v níž Štěpán dospívá. Krausův román je citlivou a sugestivní výpovědí o mladém muži, jehož hledání prvních lásek, vlastní české židovské identity, ale i vztahu k práci, rodičům a určujícím ideologiím 20. století (marxismus, sionismus) je ortenovsky bolestné i krásné zároveň. Štěpán je pro svůj původ vyloučen z gymnázia, posléze před okupací prchne do sovětského Ruska, kde ovšem rychle ze sociálně utopických snů i nepřekročitelné bariéry mezi domácím a cizím vystřízliví. Vrací se do protektorátu, kde jej mezitím postupující represe přivedou k práci na statku v severních Čechách. Zemědělství se objevuje jako motiv téměř ruralisticko-sionistický (Palestina), líčení je ovšem velmi atraktivní a tajemné: na statku sehrávají hlavní roli Němci i čarodějnice – obraz erotického napětí, které si ničím nezadá s žítkovskými bohyněmi, jež český čtenář objeví až několik desetiletí po napsání Cesty pouští. Celý román-metafora ve své kombinaci důvěrného líčení „velkých dějin“ a „individuálních osudů“ připomene vrcholná díla Ferdinanda Peroutky (Oblak a valčík) či Egona Hostovského, po jejichž bok se v překladu z anglického originálu suverénně řadí. Čeští čtenáři již znají prvotinu Oty B. Krause, svědeckou prózu Země bez Boha (1948 a 1992), i několik dalších textů, naposled vyšly prózy Obchodník se sny a jiné galilejské povídky (Sefer 2009), knihu Můj bratr dým připomněl Antonio Iturbe ve svém románu Osvětimská knihovnice (Akropolis 2013). Román Cesta pouští vznikal v osmdesátých letech a autor jej považoval za nejdůležitější ze svých děl. Jak sám řekl – „je psán vlastní krví“. – Vychází za podpory Ministerstva kultury ČR. (

Podobné produkty ako Cesta pouští - Ota B. Kraus - e-kniha , Change sings: a children's anthem (0593203224)

Cesta pouští - Kraus Ota B.

Cesta pouští - Kraus Ota B.

Přestože je období druhé světové války nesmazatelně zatíženo katastrofou šoa, podařilo se neprávem opomíjenému česko-izraelskému spisovateli Otu B. Krausovi (1921 Praha – 2000 Netanja) napsat román, v němž tyto události pro hlavního hrdinu, dospívajícího židovského mladíka Štěpána, představují spíše jen historický kontext. Hrůzy holokaustu, jimiž si Kraus i jeho pozdější žena Dita, „osvětimská knihovnice“, prošli, zůstávají jen jako stín dokreslující tíživou atmosféru doby, v níž Štěpán dospívá. Krausův román je citlivou a sugestivní výpovědí o mladém muži, jehož hledání prvních lásek, vlastní české židovské identity, ale i vztahu k práci, rodičům a určujícím ideologiím 20. století (marxismus, sionismus) je ortenovsky bolestné i krásné zároveň. Štěpán je pro svůj původ vyloučen z gymnázia, posléze před okupací prchne do sovětského Ruska, kde ovšem rychle ze sociálně utopických snů i nepřekročitelné bariéry mezi domácím a cizím vystřízliví. Vrací se do protektorátu, kde jej mezitím postupující represe přivedou k práci na statku v severních Čechách. Zemědělství se objevuje jako motiv téměř ruralisticko-sionistický (Palestina), líčení je ovšem velmi atraktivní a tajemné: na statku sehrávají hlavní roli Němci i čarodějnice – obraz erotického napětí, které si ničím nezadá s žítkovskými bohyněmi, jež český čtenář objeví až několik desetiletí po napsání Cesty pouští . Celý románmetafora ve své kombinaci důvěrného líčení „velkých dějin“ a „individuálních osudů“ připomene vrcholná díla Ferdinanda Peroutky (Oblak a valčík ) či Egona Hostovského, po jejichž bok se v překladu z anglického originálu suverénně řadí. (

Podobné produkty ako Cesta pouští - Kraus Ota B. , Jan kraus: můj soukromý buzynes

The Children Act - Ian McEwan

The Children Act - Ian McEwan

Fiona Maye is a leading High Court judge, presiding over cases in the family court. She is renowned for her fierce intelligence, exactitude and sensitivity. But her professional success belies private sorrow and domestic strife. There is the lingering regret of her childlessness, and now, her marriage of thirty years is in crisis.At the same time, she is called on to try an urgent case: for religious reasons, a beautiful seventeen-year-old boy, Adam, is refusing the medical treatment that could save his life, and his devout parents share his wishes. Time is running out. Should the secular court overrule sincerely held faith? In the course of reaching a decision Fiona visits Adam in hospital – an encounter which stirs long-buried feelings in her and powerful new emotions in the boy. Her judgment has momentous consequences for them both. (

Podobné produkty ako The Children Act - Ian McEwan , Kraus hibernal 2018 0,75l (8594164610226)

The Children of Hurin (0007309368)

The Children of Hurin (0007309368)

Kniha - autor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, 314 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, 314 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Painstakingly restored from Tolkien's manuscripts, this is the first complete, standalone Middle-earth book by J.R.R. Tolkien since The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. (

Podobné produkty ako The Children of Hurin (0007309368) , Otl my little pony children's headphones (mp0920)

The Children of Jocasta (1529057132)

The Children of Jocasta (1529057132)

Kniha - autor Natalie Haynes, 352 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From Natalie Haynes, the Women's Prize shortlisted author of A Thousand Ships, comes The Children of Jocasta, a retelling of Oedipus and Antigone from the perspectives of the women the myths overlooked. My siblings and I have grown up in a cursed house, children of cursed parents . . . Jocasta is just fifteen when she is told that she must marry the King of Thebes, an old man she has never met. Her life has never been her own, and nor will it be, unless she outlives her strange, absent husband. Ismene is the same age when she is attacked in the palace she calls home. Since the day of her parents' tragic deaths a decade earlier, she has always longed to feel safe with the family she still has. But with a single act of violence, all that is about to change. With the turn of these two events, a tragedy is set in motion. But not as you know it. (

Podobné produkty ako The Children of Jocasta (1529057132) , Block moskytiéra (38916)

Kraus Peter: The Album - CD (4260494433418)

Kraus Peter: The Album - CD (4260494433418)

Hudební CD - Peter Kraus a jeho výběr na 2CD. Peter Kraus je německo-rakouský zpěvák a herec. Seznam stop CD 1 / Hula Baby / Sugar Baby / Sweety / Schwarze Rose, Rosemarie / Mit Siebzehn / Wenn / Macg' Dich Schön / Cowboy Billy / Silvermoon / Kitty Cat / Blue Melody / Ich Möcht' Mit Dir Träumen / Tiger / Susi-rock / Honey Baby / Die Jungen Jahre / Wenn Teenager Träumen / Wenn Du Heut' Ausgehst / Ich Bin Ja So Allein / Wunderbar Wie Du / Teenager-Melodie / Alle Mädchen Wollen Küssen / Ein Junges Herz / Morgen Bist Du Alle Sorgen Los / So Wie Damals Baby / CD 2 / Diana / Tutti Fruitti / Teddybär / Rosemarie / Ciao Ciao Bambina / Volare / Buena Sera / O Sole Mio / Va Bene / Musik, Musik, Musik (Ich Brauche Keine Millionen) / Man Müsste Klavier Spielen Können / Wenn Die Elisabeth / Farah Von Haifa / Sensationell / Sag' Mir Was Du Denkst / Jedes Mädchen Auf Erden / Mondschein Und Liebe / Liebelei / Ten O'clock Rock / Susi Sagt Es Gabi / Von... (

Podobné produkty ako Kraus Peter: The Album - CD (4260494433418) , Vinařství kraus chardonnay 2020 0,75l (8594164610615)

Billy and the Giant Adventure: The first children´s book from Jamie Oliver - Jamie Oliver


One pinch of adventure, a dash of friendship, a sprinkle of mystery and a HUGE spoonful of magic . . . Jamie Oliver, bestselling author and internationally renowned chef, delivers the perfect recipe for a page-turning children's fiction debut!Billy and his friends know that Waterfall Woods is out of bounds; strange things are rumoured to have happened there and no one in their village has ventured past its walls for decades...But when they discover a secret way in, Billy and his best friends, Anna, Jimmy and Andy, can't resist the temptation to explore! Only to quickly discover that the woods are brimming with magic and inhabited by all sorts of unusual creatures, including a whole community of sprites who need the childrens' help!With magical battles, a long-lost mythical city, fantastical flying machines, epic feasts and one GIANT rescue, get ready for an adventure you'll never forget! (

Podobné produkty ako Billy and the Giant Adventure: The first children´s book from Jamie Oliver - Jamie Oliver , Vinařství kraus tramín 2018 0,75l (8594164610110)

The Children of Hurin - J. R. R. Tolkien


TOLKIEN'S NEW WORK: A Parable on Humanity's Inability to Conquer Evil Without a Redeemer "Already the reviews are pouring in, and most are favorable for J. R. R. Tolkien's The Children of Hurin. Rather than focus on the usual stuff of criticism, I want to look directly at Tolkien the Catholic author and what he does with this material. The man who talked about the necessity for a happy ending and the triumph of good over evil has produced a tale of woe, betrayal, and tragedy that turns the most optimistic of us to tears. Therein lies the genius of this work. Born out of the despair of World War I, treasured in his heart for his entire life but never really given final form, a window into the complex heart of this Catholic author, The Children of Hurin is a brilliant portrayal of the power of evil even in the midst of God's providence and ultimate conquest of this dark force. Almost a century old in its genesis, the tale is parable for our times and a cautionary warning about the pride of humanity. In our world, we like to think of ourselves as the masters of creation, flawed but not really sinful. Ask a friend if he or she sins and they will tell you they make mistakes but "sin?"--not so much. The Western world values "niceness" above all other virtues and raises tolerance to an almost oppressive level. We must accept anything and everything because each of us is the ultimate decider of what is right and wrong. Ambiguity rules our hearts and assuages our consciences. What is good for you may be wrong for me and vice versa. Too much reflection and we may think badly of ourselves. The problem is: not enough reflection and when our sins come home to roost and we must face them, then we may just give in to despair. (

Podobné produkty ako The Children of Hurin - J. R. R. Tolkien , Noberu alum block (7350092203739    )

The Railway Children - Nesbit Edith

The Railway Children - Nesbit Edith

'"Stand firm'" said Peter, "and wave like mad!"' They were not railway children to begin with. When their Father mysteriously leaves home Roberta (everyone calls her Bobbie), Phyllis and Peter must move to a small cottage in the countryside with Mother. It is a bitter blow to leave their London home, but soon they discover the hills and valleys, the canal and of course, the railway. But with the thrilling rush and rattle and roar of the trains comes danger too. Will the brave trio come to the rescue? And most importantly, can they solve the disappearance of their Father? BACKSTORY: Find out all about steam trains and learn what it was really like to be a child in Edwardian times. (

Podobné produkty ako The Railway Children - Nesbit Edith , Kraus výběr sommeliéra 3x 0,75l sada vín (7020292543309)

The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová

The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová

When Father goes away with two strangers one evening, the lives of Roberta, Peter and Phyllis are shattered. They and their mother have to move from their comfortable London home to go and live in a simple country cottage, where Mother writes books to make ends meet. However, they soon come to love the railway that runs near their cottage, and they make a habit of waving to the Old Gentleman who rides on it. They befriend the porter, Perks, and through him learn railway lore and much else. They have many adventures, and when they save a train from disaster, they are helped by the Old Gentleman to solve the mystery of their father's disappearance, and the family is happily reunited. (

Podobné produkty ako The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová , Stormred yoga block fialový (ir97416b)

The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová


When Father goes away with two strangers one evening, the lives of Roberta, Peter and Phyllis are shattered. They and their mother have to move from their comfortable London home to go and live in a simple country cottage, where Mother writes books to make ends meet. However, they soon come to love the railway that runs near their cottage, and they make a habit of waving to the Old Gentleman who rides on it.They befriend the porter, Perks, and through him learn railway lore and much else. They have many adventures, and when they save a train from disaster, they are helped by the Old Gentleman to solve the mystery of their father's disappearance, and the family is happily reunited. (

Podobné produkty ako The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová , Bluebeards revenge alum block (96143940)

The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová


Discover our collectable Puffin Clothbound Classic edition of The Railway Children Puffin Clothbound Classics are stunning collectable gift editions of some of the best-loved classics in the world - including this charming edition of The Railway ChildrenFather is in trouble, and Roberta, Peter, and Phyllis have to leave their home in London and go into hiding in the countryside. 'Boys and girls are only little men and women. And we are much harder and hardier than they are.'Each day, the children run down to the nearby railway station, where they say good morning to the Station Master and hello to Perks the Porter and wave at the passing London train, sending their love to Father.Little do they know that the stranger on board the 9:15 a.m. train might be able to help track him down. . (

Podobné produkty ako The Railway Children - Edith Nesbitová , Betonový truhlík block, 29x13x10 cm

The World's Worst Children (0008197040)

The World's Worst Children (0008197040)

Kniha - autor David Walliams, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From the world's favourite author, David Walliams - ten cautionary tales and a delightfully dreadful cast of characters; all in a gorgeously gifty FULL COLOUR format!Are you ready to meet the World's Worst Children? Five beastly boys and five gruesome girls!* Like Sofia Sofa - a TV super-fan so stuck to the sofa that she's turning into one!* Or Dribbling Drew - a boy whose drool gets him into trouble on a school trip!* And not forgetting Blubbering Bertha - a girl who bawls and tells terrible tales!Also featuring a special appearance from fan-favourite Raj!From Number One bestselling author David Walliams comes this collection of wickedly funny, deliciously mischievous tales, illustrated in glorious colour by the artistic genius Tony Ross. (

Podobné produkty ako The World's Worst Children (0008197040) , Merco yoga block růžová (sptmcjb5nad)

New Kids On The Block - The Block Revisited (Reissue) (2 LP)

New Kids On The Block - The Block Revisited (Reissue) (2 LP)

Žánr: Pop Subžánr: Pop Balení obsahuje: LP Interpret / Téma: New Kids On The Block Země původu: Německo Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009 Složení setu: 2 ks Typ: Album;LP deska;Nové vydání Rok vydání: 2023.0 Datum vydání: 2023-11-03 Barva: Černá Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Vydavatelství: Universal Music Varianta: The Block Revisited (Reissue) (2 LP) Země interpreta: USA (

Podobné produkty ako New Kids On The Block - The Block Revisited (Reissue) (2 LP) , Merco yoga block šedá (sptmcjb1nad)

The World's Worst Children 3 (0008304599)

The World's Worst Children 3 (0008304599)

Kniha - anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá - anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá From the phenomenal number-one bestseller David Walliams comes another collection of more hilariously horrible children! Illustrated in glorious and gruesome colour by artist genius, Tony Ross, these stories will appal and delight young readers. Just when you thought it was safe to go back to your bookshelf, 10 more horrendously hilarious stories about the absolute worst children ever! From ten-year old Hank and his endless pranks on his poor, long-suffering family, to Tandy and her titanic tantrums – this brand new collection is the perfect companion to World's Worst Children books 1 and 2 and an ideal gift for the worst children in your life! (

Podobné produkty ako The World's Worst Children 3 (0008304599) , Stormred yoga block modrý (ir97416ba)

Dětské bavlněné tričko Puma ESS BLOCK B černá barva

Dětské bavlněné tričko Puma ESS BLOCK B černá barva

Dětské tričko z kolekce Puma. Model vyroben ze vzorované pleteniny. Model ze vzdušného, bavlněného materiálu. (

Podobné produkty ako Dětské bavlněné tričko Puma ESS BLOCK B černá barva , Sharp shape yoga block green

Dětské bavlněné tričko Puma ESS BLOCK B zelená barva

Dětské bavlněné tričko Puma ESS BLOCK B zelená barva

Dětské tričko z kolekce Puma. Model vyroben ze vzorované pleteniny. Model ze vzdušného, bavlněného materiálu. (

Podobné produkty ako Dětské bavlněné tričko Puma ESS BLOCK B zelená barva , Sharp shape yoga block pink (2496651204153)

ELI - A - Young 4 - The Children of the Forests - readers - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 4 - The Children of the Forests - readers - Jane Cadwallader

Do you enjoy walking among the trees and watching for forest animals? Do you know how important forests are for our world and our health? This book is about the three main different types of forests, about where you can find them, what the weather is like there and which animals live in and under the trees. It is also an adventure story about two children who overhear plans to destroy a part of their forest and who ask other children to join them to help save it. (

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Young 4 - The Children of the Forests - readers - Jane Cadwallader , Sharp shape yoga block flamingo (2496651203934)

The Duke's Children - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha


eBook: The sixth and final novel in Trollope’s “Palliser” series, this 1879 work begins after the unexpected death of Plantagenet Palliser’s beloved wife, Lady Glencora. Though wracked by grief over his loss, this Duke of Omnium and former Prime Minister must now become more involved in the lives of his three grown children. He soon discovers that this will be quite the challenge, for his son and heir Lord Silverbridge has been sent down from Oxford, his second son Lord Gerald is not doing well at Cambridge, and his daughter Lady Mary wishes to make an ‘unsuitable’ marriage. The widower is concerned for the principles of lineage they should represent, but seem reluctant to uphold. Through a series of circumstances, the Duke learns of the difficulties of weighing natural inclination and duty, progress against tradition, and especially of the strength of love in the face of wealth and pride. “The Duke’s Children” gives, as all the best Trollope novels do, an amazing view of British life at the height of the country’s prominence. This edition includes a biographical afterword. (

Podobné produkty ako The Duke's Children - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha , Sharp shape yoga block purple (2496651204221)

The King's Children - Peter Gotthardt - e-kniha


eBook: The King's Children, Signy, Regin and Buri, are forced to flee from their home when their father is killed by the marauding chieftain Harwolf and his men. Behind the high mountains, somewhere to the East, there is a strange kingdom where they hope to find help avenging their father and winning back their homeland. Along the way, they discover a world inhabited by witches, elves, the undead, giants and many more strange and wonderful creatures. The royal children will need all their courage and determination to make it – and most importantly, they must learn to trust one another and stick together. (

Podobné produkty ako The King's Children - Peter Gotthardt - e-kniha , Sharp shape yoga block green (2496651204160)

Children of the Lens - Smith E.E. 'Doc'


It was beginning to look as though no one could prevent the annihilation of the civilized Universe. For a weird intelligence was directing the destruction of all civilization from the icy depths of outer space.Kim Kinnison of the Galactic Patrol was one of the few men who knew how near the end was. And in the last desperate stratagem to save the Universe from total destruction, he knew he had to use his children as bait for the evil powers of the hell-planet Ploor . . .Children of the Lens is the sixth self-contained novel in E. E. 'Doc' Smith's epic Lensman series, one of the all-time classics of adventurous, galaxy-spanning science fiction. (

Podobné produkty ako Children of the Lens - Smith E.E. 'Doc' , Nox n312 block (bílo-červená) (motonad02533)

The World's Worst Children 3 - David Walliams


From phenomenal number-one bestseller David Walliams comes another collection of more hilariously horrible children!Look out! It's more badly behaved boys and ghoulish girls!Like Boastful Barnabas who is so big-headed he might just explode! And Tandy and her titanic tantrums and who will be crowned bully of the year!From number one bestselling author David Walliams come ten more hilarious and horrendous tales, illustrated throughout by artistic genius Tony Ross. (

Podobné produkty ako The World's Worst Children 3 - David Walliams , Jan kraus: můj soukromý buzynes (978-80-265-0735-2)

Children of the Whales 21 - Abi Umeda


In this postapocalyptic fantasy, a sea of sand swallows everything but the past.In an endless sea of sand drifts the Mud Whale, a floating island city of clay and magic. In its chambers a small community clings to survival, cut off from its own history by the shadows of the past.Neither fully human nor fully Nous, the emperor has had centuries to observe people and the sadness they cannot seem to escape. Determined to bring happiness to humanity, he will do anything to see his grand plan to fruition-even if it means bringing about the end of the world. (

Podobné produkty ako Children of the Whales 21 - Abi Umeda , Nástěnné svítidlo block 1xe27/40w/230v (117337)

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Barnes & Noble Collectible Classics: Children´s Edition) - Jules Verne


A gorgeous edition of Jules Verne's landmark of science fiction and wonder, featuring full-colour art by Milo Winter. When Professor Pierre Aronnax and harpoonist Ned Land join an expedition to hunt a fierce 'whale' that has been sinking ships, they end up as captives of Captain Nemo, who prowls the sea in his magnificent submarine, the Nautilus. There, they discover a mysterious and sometimes dangerous underwater world. (

Podobné produkty ako Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Barnes & Noble Collectible Classics: Children´s Edition) - Jules Verne , Nox n312 block (černá matná, titanová) (motonad02537)

The Children of the Anthropocene: Stories from the Young People at the Heart of the Climate Crisis


Across the planet, the futures of young people hang in the balance as they face the harsh realities of the environmental crisis. Isn't it time we made their voices heard?The Children of the Anthropocene, by conservationist and activist Bella Lack, chronicles the lives of the diverse young people on the frontlines of the environmental crisis around the world, amplifying the voices of those living at the heart of the crisis.Advocating for the protection of both people and the planet, Bella restores the beating heart to global environmental issues, from air pollution to deforestation and overconsumption, by telling the stories of those most directly affected. Transporting us from the humming bounty of Ecuador's Choco Rainforest and the graceful arcs of the Himalayan Mountains, to the windswept plains and vibrant vistas of life in Altiplano, Bella speaks to young activists from around the world including Dara McAnulty, Afroz Shah and Artemisa Xakriabá, and brings the crisis vividly to life.It's time we passed the mic and listened to different perspectives. Bella's manifestos for change will inspire and mobilize you to rediscover the wonders and wilds of nature and, ultimately, change the way you think about our planet in crisis. This is your chance to hear the urgent stories of an endangered species too often overlooked: the children of the Anthropocene. ____________________________'Extraordinarily moving, wild and engaging - the book of the moment' Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland and author of Climate Justice'A visionary statement for the future [...] Pragmatic, positive & beautifully written' Ben Macdonald, Award-Winning Conservation Writer, Wildlife TV Producer and Naturalist (

Podobné produkty ako The Children of the Anthropocene: Stories from the Young People at the Heart of the Climate Crisis , Sharp shape cork yoga block dream (2496651203873)

The Conference of the Birds: Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children - Ransom Riggs

The Conference of the Birds: Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children - Ransom Riggs

'Do you trust me?'An instant bestseller, A Map of Days launched readers into the previously unexplored world of American peculiars, one bursting with new questions, new allies, and new adversaries.Now, with enemies behind him and the unknown ahead, Jacob Portman's story continues as he takes a brave leap forward into The Conference of the Birds, the next instalment of the beloved, bestselling Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children series. (

Podobné produkty ako The Conference of the Birds: Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children - Ransom Riggs , Nox n312 block (šedá, neon žlutá) (motonad02535)

The Usborne Children´s Encyclopedia: New Edition:With 150 QR Links and over 650 Internet Links (Defekt)


The best of both worlds: a traditional reference book to keep and pore over, plus the best and most up-to-date information on the web, accessed via the Usborne Quicklinks site and QR codes. A reference book for young readers covering a wide range of topics from art and animals to new technology. Arranged thematically and illustrated with over 1500 photos, illustrations and diagrams. QR codes allow readers to access hundreds of carefully selected websites, downloadable pictures and quizzes - straight to a mobile phone or tablet. All internet links are thoroughly researched, checked and monitored for quality and online safety. (

Podobné produkty ako The Usborne Children´s Encyclopedia: New Edition:With 150 QR Links and over 650 Internet Links (Defekt) , Compass 12/230v block tüv/gs (8591686071948)

The World´s Worst Children 3 - David Walliams

The World´s Worst Children 3 - David Walliams

From the phenomenal number-one bestseller David Walliams comes another collection of more hilariously horrible children! Illustrated in glorious and gruesome colour by artist genius, Tony Ross, these stories will appal and delight young readers.Just when you thought it was safe to go back to your bookshelf, 10 more horrendously hilarious stories about the absolute worst children ever! From ten-year old Hank and his endless pranks on his poor, long-suffering family, to Tandy and her titanic tantrums – this brand new collection is the perfect companion to World’s Worst Children books 1 and 2 and an ideal gift for the worst children in your life!This compendium of catastrophically horrid boys and girls is brought to you by the phenomenal number-one bestseller David Walliams, and every story is illustrated in glorious and gruesome colour by the artistic genius Tony Ross.2018 marks the 10th anniversary of the publication of David Walliams’ first novel, The Boy in the Dress. (

Podobné produkty ako The World´s Worst Children 3 - David Walliams , Kiki calcium block minerální kámen 200g (8420717025516)

Thinking MU Children Of The Sun Sweatshirt MELANGE S

Thinking MU Children Of The Sun Sweatshirt MELANGE S

Thinking MU Children Of The Sun Sweatshirt - basic crewneckz organické bavlny od sustainable brandu z Barcelony. (

Podobné produkty ako Thinking MU Children Of The Sun Sweatshirt MELANGE S

The World´s Worst Children 2 - David Walliams

The World´s Worst Children 2 - David Walliams

The brilliant follow-up to David Walliams' bestseller The World's Worst Children! Ten more stories about a brand new gang of hilariously horrible kids from everyone's favourite children's author, illustrated in glorious full colour by Tony Ross. If you thought you had read about the World's Worst Children already, you're in for a rather nasty shock. The beastly boys and gruesome girls in this book are even ruder, even more disgusting and WORSE than you could ever imagine! This gorgeous hardback collection of ten stories from the master himself, David Walliams, will make you snort with laughter and thank your lucky stars that you don't know anyone like Gruesome Griselda or Fussy Frankie in real life. It also features a special appearance from fan-favourite Raj! Gloriously illustrated in full colour throughout by artistic genius Tony Ross, The World's Worst Children 2 is a side-splitting companion to David's blockbuster hit, The World's Worst Children, and the perfect gift for kids aged 9 and up. (

Podobné produkty ako The World´s Worst Children 2 - David Walliams

Children of the Whales, Vol. 18 - Abi Umeda


In this postapocalyptic fantasy, a sea of sand swallows everything but the past. In an endless sea of sand drifts the Mud Whale, a floating island city of clay and magic. In its chambers a small community clings to survival, cut off from its own history by the shadows of the past.The Mud Whale has been overrun with tarichos, a virulent parasitic growth that turns everyone it touches into mindless husks controlled by the Nous Geraki. The only way to stop the spread of the tarichos is to destroy the Nous, but that won't be an easy task-or one without sacrifice. (

Podobné produkty ako Children of the Whales, Vol. 18 - Abi Umeda

Children of the Whales, Vol. 14 - Abi Umeda


In this postapocalyptic fantasy, a sea of sand swallows everything but the past. In an endless sea of sand drifts the Mud Whale, a floating island city of clay and magic. In its chambers a small community clings to survival, cut off from its own history by the shadows of the past. (

Podobné produkty ako Children of the Whales, Vol. 14 - Abi Umeda

Children of the Whales, Vol. 5 - Abi Umeda


The people of the Mud Whale have fought off the forces of the Allied Empire-for now-and their only hope for continued survival is to find an ally from beyond the Sea of Sand. So when the bombastic Captain Rochalizo sails his ship alongside their island, Mayor Suou is ready and eager to befriend the stranger. But even if Rochalizo can offer asylum, they have no way to navigate the Mud Whale.That is, until the mysterious Aima begins unlocking the Mud Whale's secrets for Chakuro... A gripping postapocalyptic fantasy adventure in the vein of Nausicaa. (

Podobné produkty ako Children of the Whales, Vol. 5 - Abi Umeda

Children of the Whales, Vol. 6 - Abi Umeda


In this postapocalyptic fantasy, a sea of sand swallows everything but the past. In an endless sea of sand drifts the Mud Whale, a floating island city of clay and magic. In its chambers a small community clings to survival, cut off from its own history by the shadows of the past.The people of the Mud Whale have been trapped on the floating island since their ancestors were exiled to the Sea of Sand nearly a hundred years ago, yet their prison has mostly felt like a home. But now the true extent of the punishment inflicted on the criminals of Falaina has come to light, and the cost exacted by their home is immense. (

Podobné produkty ako Children of the Whales, Vol. 6 - Abi Umeda

Children of the Whales, Vol. 11 - Abi Umeda


In this post-apocalyptic fantasy, a sea of sand swallows everything but the past. In an endless sea of sand drifts the Mud Whale, a floating island city of clay and magic. In its chambers a small community clings to survival, cut off from its own history by the shadows of the past.Orca and his imperial troops have arrived in Amonlogia, and Chakuro and the other Marked hope to use the chaos as cover for a rescue operation. But as they attempt to breach the castle to save Suou and the Ummarked, Orca sets out on a diabolical mission of his own. Can Lykos prevent her brother from causing more harm, even if it means killing him? (

Podobné produkty ako Children of the Whales, Vol. 11 - Abi Umeda

Children of the Whales, Vol. 13 - Abi Umeda


In this postapocalyptic fantasy, a sea of sand swallows everything but the past. In an endless sea of sand drifts the Mud Whale, a floating island city of clay and magic. In its chambers a small community clings to survival, cut off from its own history by the shadows of the past. (

Podobné produkty ako Children of the Whales, Vol. 13 - Abi Umeda

Children of the Whales, Vol. 16 - Abi Umeda


In this postapocalyptic fantasy, a sea of sand swallows everything but the past. In an endless sea of sand drifts the Mud Whale, a floating island city of clay and magic. In its chambers a small community clings to survival, cut off from its own history by the shadows of the past.Chakuro, Suou and Shuan ventured to the battleship Karcharias to convince Orca to release Ouni and Lykos. But instead of rescuing their friends, they are now caught up in Orca's plan to destroy the Mud Whale and all its residents! He claims this will unleash an apocalypse and overthrow the Nouses, creating a parallel world where humans will never again feel pain or sadness, but Chakuro and his friends aren't interested in that kind of future. When words prove useless against Orca's sophistry, will theteam from the Mud Whale be forced into violence?! (

Podobné produkty ako Children of the Whales, Vol. 16 - Abi Umeda

Children of the Whales, Vol. 12 - Abi Umeda


In this postapocalyptic fantasy, a sea of sand swallows everything but the past. In an endless sea of sand drifts the Mud Whale, a floating island city of clay and magic. In its chambers a small community clings to survival, cut off from its own history by the shadows of the past.Chakuro and the other Marked children have freed the Unmarked from the Amonlogian dungeon, but their rescue mission is far from over. The people of the Mud Whale still need to get back to their island home, and the path to safety is blocked by imperial soldiers. Even worse, Orca is determined to secure Ouni in order to carry out his cataclysmic plans! (

Podobné produkty ako Children of the Whales, Vol. 12 - Abi Umeda

Children of the Whales, Vol. 15 - Abi Umeda


In this postapocalyptic fantasy, a sea of sand swallows everything but the past. In an endless sea of sand drifts the Mud Whale, a floating island city of clay and magic. In its chambers a small community clings to survival, cut off from its own history by the shadows of the past.Chakuro, Suou and Shuan ventured the battleship Karcharias, hoping to convince Orca to release Ouni and Lykos. But instead of rescuing their friends, they are now caught up in Orca's plan to destroy the Mud Whale and all its residents in order to unleash an apocalypse that will overthrow the Nouses and create a parallel world where humans will never again feel pain or sadness. When words prove useless against Orca's sophistry, will the team from the Mud Whale be forced into violence?! (

Podobné produkty ako Children of the Whales, Vol. 15 - Abi Umeda

Children of the Whales, Vol. 19 - Abi Umeda


In this postapocalyptic fantasy, a sea of sand swallows everything but the past. In an endless sea of sand drifts the Mud Whale, a floating island city of clay and magic. In its chambers a small community clings to survival, cut off from its own history by the shadows of the past.Chakuro and the people of the Mud Whale believe they have found a new home, safe from the ravaging effects of thymia and the threat of the empire. But when calamity follows close on their heels and dark omens gather on the green fields of Kivotos, they learn that when you can't escape fate, your only choice is to face it. (

Podobné produkty ako Children of the Whales, Vol. 19 - Abi Umeda

The World´s Worst Children 3 - David Walliams

The World´s Worst Children 3 - David Walliams

From the phenomenal number-one bestseller David Walliams comes another collection of more hilariously horrible children! Illustrated in glorious and gruesome colour by artist genius, Tony Ross, these stories will appal and delight young readers. Just when you thought it was safe to go back to your bookshelf, 10 more horrendously hilarious stories about the absolute worst children ever! From ten-year old Hank and his endless pranks on his poor, long-suffering family, to Tandy and her titanic tantrums - this brand new collection is the perfect companion to World's Worst Children books 1 and 2 and an ideal gift for the worst children in your life! This compendium of catastrophically horrid boys and girls is brought to you by the phenomenal number-one bestseller David Walliams, and every story is illustrated in glorious and gruesome colour by the artistic genius Tony Ross. 2018 marks the 10th anniversary of the publication of David Walliams' first novel, The Boy in the Dress (

Podobné produkty ako The World´s Worst Children 3 - David Walliams

The World´s Worst Children 1 - David Walliams


Ten cautionary tales and a delightfully dreadful cast of characters from number one bestselling author David Walliams! Are you ready to meet the world's worst children? Five beastly boys and five gruesome girls! Like Sofia Sofa, a TV superfan so stuck to the sofa that she's turning into one! And Blubbering Bertha, a bawling big sister with a horrid habit of telling tales! From number one bestselling author David Walliams comes this collection of deliciously mischievous tales, illustrated throughout by artistic genius Tony Ross. (

Podobné produkty ako The World´s Worst Children 1 - David Walliams

Kaipa - Children Of the Sounds (2 LP + CD)

Kaipa - Children Of the Sounds (2 LP + CD)

Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989;2020 - 2029;1970 - 1979;2000 - 2009 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Datum vydání: 2017-09-22 Hmotnost: 180 g Rok vydání: 2017.0 Typ: Album;LP deska;Stereo;Otevírací obal;CD Rok nahrávky: 2017.0 Složení setu: 3 ks Barva podle výrobce: Black Subžánr: Symphonic Rock;Prog Rock Žánr: Rock Vydavatelství: Sony Music Země interpreta: Švédsko Země původu: Evropská unie Interpret / Téma: Kaipa Barva: Černá Balení obsahuje: LP;CD Varianta: Children Of the Sounds (2 LP + CD) (

Podobné produkty ako Kaipa - Children Of the Sounds (2 LP + CD)

The Rolling Stones - December's Children (And Everybody's) (LP)

The Rolling Stones - December's Children (And Everybody's) (LP)

Žánr: Rock;Pop;Blues Balení obsahuje: LP Subžánr: Pop Rock Typ: LP deska;Album Země interpreta: Spojené království Interpret / Téma: The Rolling Stones Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;1960 - 1969;1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029 Datum vydání: 2024-06-07 Varianta: December's Children (And Everybody's) (LP) Země původu: Německo Rok vydání: 2024.0 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Vydavatelství: ABKCO Barva: Černá Barva podle výrobce: Black (

Podobné produkty ako The Rolling Stones - December's Children (And Everybody's) (LP)

New York Block by Block: An illustrated guide to the iconic American city - Block Cierra


Whether you're a fast-talking, swift-walking local or a tourist visiting the Big Apple for the first time, this book is for you. Arguably the most iconic city in the world, New York has more places to eat and things to see than you could manage in a lifetime. In New York Block by Block, artist Cierra Block reveals the best of the city, covering everything from secret leafy streets to inspiring bookstores, world-class museums to the best pizza, all accompanied by 40 vibrant maps.Featuring the most notable places to eat, what to see, where to walk and what to do, this is a guide like no other. Wander around Brooklyn like a local, grab the best bagels in town or see priceless masterpieces; the possibilities are endless. That's the wonderful thing about New York – there's always more to explore! (

Podobné produkty ako New York Block by Block: An illustrated guide to the iconic American city - Block Cierra

ESS Block Hoodie FL B 128


ESS Block Hoodie FL B 128 (

Podobné produkty ako ESS Block Hoodie FL B 128

On the block j jckt s

On the block j jckt s

On the block j jckt s (

Podobné produkty ako On the block j jckt s

On the block j jckt s

On the block j jckt s

On the block j jckt s (

Podobné produkty ako On the block j jckt s
Kraus Ivan, Kraus Jan: Ivan Kraus: Fantom televize - CD (59560-2), Kraus Jan, Kraus Ivan: Učit se, učit se...! - CD (59568-2), Change Sings: A Children's Anthem (0593203224), Jan Kraus: Můj soukromý buzynes, KRAUS Hibernal 2018 0,75l (8594164610226), OTL My Little Pony Children's headphones (MP0920), Block moskytiéra (38916), VINAŘSTVÍ KRAUS Chardonnay 2020 0,75l (8594164610615), VINAŘSTVÍ KRAUS Tramín 2018 0,75l (8594164610110), NOBERU Alum Block (7350092203739    ), Kraus výběr sommeliéra 3x 0,75l sada vín (7020292543309), Stormred Yoga block fialový (IR97416B), BLUEBEARDS REVENGE Alum Block (96143940), Betonový truhlík Block, 29x13x10 cm, Merco Yoga Block růžová (SPTmcjb5nad), Merco Yoga Block šedá (SPTmcjb1nad), Stormred Yoga block Modrý (IR97416Ba), sharp shape yoga block green, Sharp Shape Yoga block pink (2496651204153), Sharp Shape Yoga block Flamingo (2496651203934), Sharp Shape Yoga block purple (2496651204221), Sharp Shape Yoga block green (2496651204160), NOX N312 BLOCK (bílo-červená) (motonad02533), Jan Kraus: Můj soukromý buzynes (978-80-265-0735-2), Nástěnné svítidlo BLOCK 1xE27/40W/230V (117337), NOX N312 BLOCK (černá matná, titanová) (motonad02537), Sharp Shape Cork yoga block Dream (2496651203873), NOX N312 BLOCK (šedá, neon žlutá) (motonad02535), Compass 12/230V BLOCK TÜV/GS (8591686071948), Kiki Calcium block minerální kámen 200g (8420717025516)