The adventures of tom sawyer

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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Audiokniha MP3 Mark Twain, čte Rodilý mluvčí Audiokniha The Adventures of Tom Sawyer namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň A2 pro mírně pokročilé posluchače. Meet Tom Sawyer, a boy with a good heart who’s always in trouble with everyone: at home, in school and in church. With his best friends, Joe, Ben and Huckleberry, Tom lives an exciting outdoor life. But he begins to grow up when pretty Becky Thatcher comes to town, and when something terrible happens in this quiet town near the Mississippi. (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain


Published in 1876, this book has delighted generations of readers. This edition is one of Barnes & Noble's 'Collectible Editions' classics. Each volume features authoritative texts by the world's greatest authors in an exquisitely designed foil-stamped binding, with distinctive coloured edging and an attractive silk-ribbon bookmark. (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain , Adventures of tom sawyer/dobrodružství toma sawyera: a1-a2 (978-80-7547-332-5)

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain


One of the most irrepressible and exuberant characters in the history of literature, Tom Sawyer explodes onto the page in a whirl of bad behaviour and incredible adventures. Whether he is heaving clods of earth at his brother, faking a gangrenous toe, or trying to convince the world that he is dead, Tom's infectious energy and good humour shine through.This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer features an afterword by playwright and screenwriter Peter Harness.This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition features an afterword by Peter Harness.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain , Jones tom: the world of tom jones - lp (0831275)

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain - audiokniha

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,Audiokniha The Adventures of Tom Sawyer namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň A2 pro mírně pokročilé posluchače. Meet Tom Sawyer, a boy with a good heart who’s always in trouble with everyone: at home, in school and in church. With his best friends, Joe, Ben and Huckleberry, Tom lives an exciting outdoor life. But he begins to grow up when pretty Becky Thatcher comes to town, and when something terrible happens in this quiet town near the Mississippi. (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain - audiokniha , Tom sawyer na cestách (978-80-748-7213-6)

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain - e-kniha


eBook: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain is an 1876 novel about a young boy growing up along the Mississippi River. The story is set in the Town of "St. Petersburg", inspired by Hannibal, Missouri, where Twain lived. Tom Sawyer's best friends include Joe Harper and Huckleberry Finn. In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Tom's infatuation with classmate Rebecca "Becky" Thatcher is apparent. He lives with his half brother Sid, his cousin Mary, and his stern Aunt Polly in the (fictional) town of St. Petersburg, Missouri. In addition, he has another aunt, Sally Phelps, who lives considerably farther down the Mississippi River, in the town of Pikesville. Tom is the son of Aunt Polly's dead sister. (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain - e-kniha , Tom sawyer: zrcadlová četba (978-80-7240-749-1)

Dobrodružství Toma Sawyera / The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Twain Mark

Dobrodružství Toma Sawyera / The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Twain Mark

Dobrodružství Toma Sawyera (zkrácené dvojjazyčné vydání) převyprávěné moderním jazykem, pro začínající a mírně pokročilé angličtináře. Vzpomínky z dětství byly inspirací Marka Twaina pro napsání Dobrodružství Toma Sawyera, která se odehrávají v malém městečku na břehu řeky Mississippi, podobnému tomu, kde bydlel autor v prvních letech svého života – Haniballu v Missouri na jihu Spojených států, kde stále přetrvávalo otroctví. (

Podobné produkty ako Dobrodružství Toma Sawyera / The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Twain Mark , Wolfenstein ii: the new colossus: the adventures of gunslinger joe - xbox digital (7d4-00264)

Adventures Of Tom Sawyer + CD-ROM


Zjednodušená klasická anglická četba s poslechovým CD-ROMem ( úroveň 1 - Elementary) - dobrodružství Toma Sawyera na řece Missssippi... (

Podobné produkty ako Adventures Of Tom Sawyer + CD-ROM , Playmobil 71029 adventures of ayuma - adventní kalendář (4008789710291)

Adventures of Tom Sawyer/Dobrodružství Toma Sawyera

Adventures of Tom Sawyer/Dobrodružství Toma Sawyera

Tom has nothing but pranks and mischief on his mind. But luckily his good friend Huck loves adventure as much as he does. When the boys witness a murder in a graveyard, their courage is put to the test! Tom nemyslí celý den na nic jiného, než na vtípky a lumpárny. Naštěstí má ale dobrého kamaráda Hucka, který miluje dobrodružství stejně jako on. Když se však chlapci stanou svědky vraždy na hřbitově, je jejich odvaha vystavena zkoušce! (

Podobné produkty ako Adventures of Tom Sawyer/Dobrodružství Toma Sawyera , The adventures of pinocchio/pinocchiova dobrodružství: zrcadlový text pro začátečníky (978-80-7547-796-5)

Četba pro začátečníky - Adventures of Tom Sawyer (A1 - A2)

Četba pro začátečníky - Adventures of Tom Sawyer (A1 - A2)

Tom has nothing but pranks and mischief on his mind. But luckily his good friend Huck loves adventure as much as he does. When the boys witness a murder in a graveyard, their courage is put to the test! Tom nemyslí celý den na nic jiného, než na vtípky a lumpárny. Naštěstí má ale dobrého kamaráda Hucka, který miluje dobrodružství stejně jako on. Když se však chlapci stanou svědky vraždy na hřbitově, je jejich odvaha vystavena zkoušce! (

Podobné produkty ako Četba pro začátečníky - Adventures of Tom Sawyer (A1 - A2) , Tom of finland 0,5l 40% (6430043095000)

Adventures of Tom Sawyer/Dobrodružství Toma Sawyera: A1-A2 (978-80-7547-332-5)

Adventures of Tom Sawyer/Dobrodružství Toma Sawyera: A1-A2 (978-80-7547-332-5)

Kniha - 64 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Tom has nothing but pranks and mischief on his mind. But luckily his good friend Huck loves adventure as much as he does. When the boys witness a murder in a graveyard, their courage is put to the test! Tom nemyslí celý den na nic jiného, než na vtípky a lumpárny. Naštěstí má ale dobrého kamaráda Hucka, který miluje dobrodružství stejně jako on. Když se však chlapci stanou svědky vraždy na hřbitově, je jejich odvaha vystavena zkoušce! (

Podobné produkty ako Adventures of Tom Sawyer/Dobrodružství Toma Sawyera: A1-A2 (978-80-7547-332-5) , Tom clancy's the division 2: warlords of new york edition - xbox digital (g3q-00896)

The Adventure of Tom Sawyer - Twain Mark

The Adventure of Tom Sawyer - Twain Mark

Meet Tom Sawyer, a boy with a good heart who’s always in trouble with everyone: at home, in school and in church. With his best friends, Joe, Ben and Huckleberry, Tom lives an exciting outdoor life. But he begins to grow up when pretty Becky Thatcher comes to town, and when something terrible happens in this quiet town near the Mississippi. (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventure of Tom Sawyer - Twain Mark , The hound of the baskervilles

ELI - A - Teen 2 - The Adventure of Tom Sawyer - readers - Mark Twain

ELI - A - Teen 2 - The Adventure of Tom Sawyer - readers - Mark Twain

Meet Tom Sawyer, a boy with a good heart whos always in trouble with everyone at home, in school and in church. With his best friends, Joe, Ben and Huckleberry, Tom lives an exciting outdoor life. But he begins to grow up when pretty Becky Thatcher comes to town, and when something terrible happens in this quiet town near the Mississippi. (

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Teen 2 - The Adventure of Tom Sawyer - readers - Mark Twain , The turn of the screw

Tom Sawyer na cestách, Tom Sawyer detektivem - Mark Twain


Tom Sawyer na cestách (1894) a Tom Sawyer detektivem (1896) patří mezi méně známé tituly s proslulým dětským hrdinou Tomem Sawyerem. I v těchto příbězích jej potkáme s jeho nerozlučnými přáteli. V prvních z nich se vydávají na výlet balonem až do daleké Afriky. Dokonce zabloudí i na Saharu a k pyramidám. Ve druhém dobrodružství pak potkává Tom s přítelem Huckem zloděje, který uloupil drahocenné diamanty a nyní utíká a skrývá se i před ostatními spolupachateli. Tomovo pátrání ztěžuje fakt, že zločinec má k nerozeznání podobné dvojče...Mistrovské vyprávění dobrodružných příběhů party malých kluků neztrácí své kouzlo ani po více než sto letech. I dospělí ocení Twainův živý styl, humorné příběhy z amerického maloměsta, fantazijní představy a lumpárny vyprávěné pohledem malého kluka. Autor totiž skutečně dokázal vidět svět dětskýma očima a chápal to, co dospělí nikdy nepochopí... (

Podobné produkty ako Tom Sawyer na cestách, Tom Sawyer detektivem - Mark Twain , Sawyer squeeze filter (050716001297)

Tom Sawyer

Tom Sawyer

Audiokniha MP3 Mark Twain, čte Vladimír Ráž,Alois Švehlík,Martin Růžek,Svatopluk Beneš,Naďa Konvalinková,Miloš Hlavica,Marie Marešová,Jan Přeučil,Jiří Prager,Václav Knop Klasická dětská kniha Marka Twaina Tom Sawyer jako audiokniha Světově proslulý příběh kamarádů Toma Sawyera a Huckleberryho Finna je klasickým, oblíbeným dobrodružstvím čtenářů mnoha generací. Audiokniha plná romantiky i dobrodružství, vtipu i humoru a čtenáře získá nejenom Tom Sawyer, ale i jeho přítel Huckleberry Finn a další členové dětské partyPůvodní supraphonské 2LP album 1018 2951 vydané v roce 1980, bylo ve velmi zkrácené formě poprvé vydáno na CD (SU 5920-2) v roce 2004 - nyní vychází digitálně 1:1 i s původním obalem. (

Podobné produkty ako Tom Sawyer , Tom clancy's the division 2: warlords of new york ultimate edition - xbox digital (g3q-00895)

Tom Sawyer na cestách, Tom Sawyer detektivem (978-80-277-1346-2)

Tom Sawyer na cestách, Tom Sawyer detektivem (978-80-277-1346-2)

Kniha - autor Mark Twain, 208 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Málo známé dobrodružství hrdinů bude jistě pro mnoho čtenářů překvapením. Po knihách Dobrodružství Toma Sawyera, Dobrodružství Huckleberryho Finna a Tom Sawyer detektivem čtvrtý titul se světově proslulými hrdiny v češtině samostatně nikdy vyšel. Objevil se pouze v roce 1966 jako součást Twainových spisů. Je to opět úsměvné dílo plné dobré nálady, vtipu a klukovských taškařic, v němž samozřejmě nechybí ani řada postav z předchozích vyprávění. Co je jejich ústředním námětem, napovídá název. (

Podobné produkty ako Tom Sawyer na cestách, Tom Sawyer detektivem (978-80-277-1346-2) , Tom clancys the division 2 - ps4 (3307216080480)

Tom Sawyer - Twain Mark

Tom Sawyer - Twain Mark

První klasický román Marka Twaina, zasazen do prostředí zdivočelé krajiny kolem řeky Mississippi, je strhujícím způsobem převyprávěn pro dnešní čtenáře. Zůstává stejně svěží a napínavý, jako když byl poprvé vydán před více než sto lety. Tom Sawyer, rebel, odvážlivec a vůdce gangu, je jedním z rozených dobrodruhů. Během nudného léta na malém městě sní o tom, že se stane pirátem, cestovatelem nebo zločincem. Ale poté, co je svědkem ohavného zločinu na městském hřbitově, se vydává za dobrodružstvím, které je mnohem napínavější, než jaké si kdy vysnil. (

Podobné produkty ako Tom Sawyer - Twain Mark , Empire of the vampire: empire of the vampire (1) (0008350442)

Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain - audiokniha

Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,Původní supraphonské 2LP album 1018 2951 vydané v roce 1980, bylo ve velmi zkrácené formě poprvé vydáno na CD (SU 5920-2) v roce 2004 - nyní vychází digitálně 1:1 i s původním obalem. (

Podobné produkty ako Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain - audiokniha , The heart of the matter (0099478420)

Tom Sawyer detektivem - Mark Twain


I v tomto oblíbeném příběhu se setkáváme s nerozlučnými klukovskými přáteli. Tom Sawyer a Huck Finn jedou na návštěvu k Tomovu strýci a tetě. Během plavby po Mississippi se seznámí s mužem, který provedl loupež diamantů za tisíce dolarů a který je na útěku před svými komplici. Kromě toho, že jde o mistra převleků, má navíc k nerozeznání podobné dvojče. Díky tomu se dobrodružství pěkně zamotá. Tom a Huck se tedy vydávají po stopách zločinu. Pomohou nakonec díky nadšení a detektivním schopnostem odhalit a usvědčit zločince? (

Podobné produkty ako Tom Sawyer detektivem - Mark Twain , The wisdom of crowds: the riotous conclusion to the age of madness (0575095989)

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes


The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is perhaps the greatest collection of detective stories ever written. From his residence at 221B Baker Street, Sherlock Holmes solves a series of baffling and bizarre cases, including those of a man terrified by the arrival of an envelope containing orange pips, and a woman whose fiance disappeared on his way to their wedding. Each story showcases the great detective's inimitable and extraordinary deductive powers, recounted to us by his faithful friend and colleague, Dr Watson. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition features an afterword by David Stuart Davies - a Fellow of the Royal Literary Fund and an authority on Sherlock Holmes.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes , The legend of zelda: breath of the wild - nintendo switch (045496420055)

Liberty - Tom Sawyer + CD - Mark Twain

Liberty - Tom Sawyer + CD - Mark Twain

The famous story of a young American boy who prefers adventure to school he witnesses a crime in a graveyard, is a pirate for two days, gets lost in a cavern and even finds treasure. Among his friends are the wild Huckleberry Finn and the angel, Becky Thatcher. (

Podobné produkty ako Liberty - Tom Sawyer + CD - Mark Twain , Empire of pain: the secret history of the sackler dynasty (1529063078)

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Defekt)


The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is perhaps the greatest collection of detective stories ever written. From his residence at 221B Baker Street, Sherlock Holmes solves a series of baffling and bizarre cases, including those of a man terrified by the arrival of an envelope containing orange pips, and a woman whose fiance disappeared on his way to their wedding. Each story showcases the great detective's inimitable and extraordinary deductive powers, recounted to us by his faithful friend and colleague, Dr Watson. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition features an afterword by David Stuart Davies - a Fellow of the Royal Literary Fund and an authority on Sherlock Holmes.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Defekt) , Morning of the earth , soundtrack: morning of the earth - lp (5054197111921)

The Adventures of Paddington: Pet Show


Join Paddington for a pet show like no other in this gloriously funny new picture book based on the award-winning preschool series The Adventures of Paddington!It's time for the Windsor Gardens Annual Pet Show and everyone is very excited! But when the judge fails to show up, has Paddington got what it takes to pick the best in show?With hilarious pet fashion shows, animal assault courses and a special skills round, Paddington has a real job on his hands to select a winner! (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Paddington: Pet Show , The lost book of the grail (1846884217)

The Adventures of Paddington: My First Colours

The Adventures of Paddington: My First Colours

Red, yellow, green, blue, orange - what's your favourite colour? Let Paddington help you choose! With simple words and gorgeous pictures from the TV show, this sturdy board book is perfect for introducing the first concept of colours to little cubs. It will help develop their image and word recognition, as well as their early speaking skills.The second in a range of four brilliant new board books about Paddington and and his friends at 32 Windsor Gardens, each with a first concepts theme. (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Paddington: My First Colours , The ocean at the end of the lane (1472283368)

The Adventures of Paddington: My First Numbers

The Adventures of Paddington: My First Numbers

Learn to count to ten with everyone's favourite bear from Peru - Paddington!With sturdy board pages, simple sentences and colourful pictures from the successful TV series, this is the perfect book for young cubs wanting to learn their first numbers!The first in a range of four gorgeous new board books about Paddington and his friends at 32 Windsor Gardens, each with a soft learning theme for pre-schoolers. (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Paddington: My First Numbers , Petty tom & the heartbreakers: angel dream - cd (9362488304)

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain


Rather than be 'sivilized' by the Widow Douglas, Huckleberry Finn - the grubby but good-natured son of a local drunk - sets off with Jim, an escaped slave, to find freedom on the Mississippi river. With the law on their tail, they navigate a world of robbers, slave hunters and con men, and Huck must choose between what society says is 'right' and his own burgeoning understanding of Jim's friendship and humanity. Nostalgic and melancholy in equal measure, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is a razor-sharp satire of the antebellum South that, despite beginning life as a sequel to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, is now seen in its own right as one of the most important of all American novels. This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn features an afterword by playwright and screenwriter Peter Harness. Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. Author Information Samuel Langhorne Clemens was born in Missouri in 1835. Early in his childhood, the family moved to Hannibal, Missouri - a town which would provide the inspiration for St Petersburg in Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. When he started writing in earnest in his thirties, he adopted the pseudonym Mark Twain (the cry of a Mississippi boatman taking depth measurements, meaning 'two fathoms'), and a string of highly successful publications followed. His later life, however, was marked by personal tragedy and sadness, as well as financial difficulty. In 1894, several businesses in which he had invested failed, and he was declared bankrupt. Over the next fifteen years he saw the deaths of two of his beloved daughters, and his wife. Increasingly bitter and depressed, Twain died in 1910, aged seventy-four. (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain , Tom clancys the division 2 - xbox one (3307216080749)

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain


HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.'We said there warn't no home like a raft, after all. Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft don't. You feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft.'Huck Finn escapes from his alcoholic father by faking his own death and so begins his journey through the Deep South, seeking independence and freedom. On his travels, Huck meets an escaped slave, Jim, who is a wanted man, and together they journey down the Mississippi River. Raising the timeless and universal l issues of prejudice, bravery and hope, the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was and still is considered the great American novel. (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain , Tom clancy's the division - xbox digital (g3q-00104)

The Adventures of Augie March - Saul Bellow


A penniless and parentless Chicago boy growing up in the Great Depression, Augie March drifts through life latching on to a wild succession of occupations, including butler, thief, dog-washer, sailor and salesman. He is a 'born recruit', easily influenced by others who try to mould his destiny.Not until he tangles with the glamorous Thea, a huntress with a trained eagle, can he attempt to break free. A modern day everyman on an odyssey in search of reality and identity, Augie March is the star of star performer in a richly observed human variety show, a modern-day Columbus in search of reality and fulfilment. The Adventures of Augie March includes an introduction by Christopher Hitchens in Penguin Modern Classics. (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Augie March - Saul Bellow , The narrative of arthur gordon pym of nantucket

Tom Sawyer detektivem - Mark Twain - e-kniha

Tom Sawyer detektivem - Mark Twain - e-kniha

eBook:,I v tomto příběhu se setkáváme s nerozlučnými přáteli. Tom Sawyer a Huck Finn se během plavby po Mississippi seznamují s mužem, který provedl loupež diamantů za tisíce dolarů a je na útěku před svými komplici. Kromě toho, že jde o mistra převleků, má navíc k nerozeznání podobné dvojče. Díky tomu se dobrodružství pěkně zamotá. A hádejte, kdo záhadám a vraždě přijde na kloub? I tento příběh doprovázejí ilustrace Kamila Lhotáka. (

Podobné produkty ako Tom Sawyer detektivem - Mark Twain - e-kniha , Sonic the hedgehog - green hill adventures - podložka pod myš a klávesnici (8435497280536)

The Invention of Nature: The Adventures of Alexander Von Humboldt, the Lost Hero of Science (1848549008)

The Invention of Nature: The Adventures of Alexander Von Humboldt, the Lost Hero of Science (1848549008)

Kniha - autor Andrea Wulf, 474 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859) is the great lost scientist: more things are named after him than anyone else including towns, rivers, mountain ranges, a penguin, a giant squid - even the Mare Humboldtianum on the moon.His colourful adventures read like something from Boy's Own: Humboldt explored deep into the rainforest, climbed the world's highest volcanoes and inspired princes and presidents, scientists and poets.Taking us on a fantastic voyage in his footsteps, Andrea Wulf shows why his life and ideas remain so important today. (

Podobné produkty ako The Invention of Nature: The Adventures of Alexander Von Humboldt, the Lost Hero of Science (1848549008) , Yardbirds: the best of the yardbirds - cd (charly604cd)

The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi - Shannon Chakraborty


A pirate of infamy and one of the most storied and scandalous captains to sail the seven seas.Amina al-Sirafi has survived backstabbing rogues, vengeful merchant princes, several husbands, and one actual demon to retire peacefully with her family to a life of piety, motherhood, and absolutely nothing that hints of the supernatural.But when she's offered a job no bandit could refuse, she jumps at the chance for one final adventure with her old crew that will make her a legend and offers a fortune that will secure her and her family's future forever.Yet the deeper Amina dives the higher the stakes. For there's always risk in wanting to become a legend, to seize one last chance at glory, to savour just a bit more power...and the price might be your very soul. (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi - Shannon Chakraborty , The story of the trapp family singers (0060005777)

The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi - Shannon Chakraborty


Shannon Chakraborty, the bestselling author of The City of Brass, launches a new trilogy of magic and mayhem with this tale of pirates and sorcerers, forbidden artefacts and ancient mysteries, and one woman’s quest to seize a final chance at glory… A pirate of infamy and one of the most storied and scandalous captains to sail the seven seas. Amina al-Sirafi has survived backstabbing rogues, vengeful merchant princes, several husbands, and one actual demon to retire peacefully with her family to a life of piety, motherhood, and absolutely nothing that hints of the supernatural. But when she’s offered a job no bandit could refuse, she jumps at the chance for one final adventure with her old crew that will make her a legend and offers a fortune that will secure her and her family’s future forever.Yet the deeper Amina dives the higher the stakes. For there’s always risk in wanting to become a legend, to seize one last chance at glory, to savour just a bit more power…and the price might be your very soul. (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi - Shannon Chakraborty

Tom Sawyer na cestách - Mark Twain - e-kniha

Tom Sawyer na cestách - Mark Twain - e-kniha

eBook:,Málo známé dobrodružství hrdinů bude jistě pro mnoho čtenářů překvapením. Je to opět úsměvné dílo plné dobré nálady, vtipu a klukovských taškařic, v němž samozřejmě nechybí ani řada postav z předchozích vyprávění. Co je jejich ústředním námětem, napovídá název. Hlavní hrdinové zavítají balónem až k pyramidám na Sahaře. Ilustrovala Zuzana Krutá. (

Podobné produkty ako Tom Sawyer na cestách - Mark Twain - e-kniha

Tom Sawyer na cestách - Mark Twain, Zuzana Krutá


Málo známé dobrodružství hrdinů bude jistě pro mnoho čtenářů překvapením. Je to opět úsměvné dílo plné dobré nálady, vtipu a klukovských taškařic, v němž samozřejmě nechybí ani řada postav z předchozích vyprávění. Co je jejich ústředním námětem, napovídá název. Hlavní hrdinové zavítají balónem až k pyramidám na Sahaře. (

Podobné produkty ako Tom Sawyer na cestách - Mark Twain, Zuzana Krutá

Tom Sawyer detektivem (978-80-748-7196-2)

Tom Sawyer detektivem (978-80-748-7196-2)

Elektronická kniha - autor Mark Twain, 86 stran I v tomto příběhu se setkáváme s nerozlučnými přáteli. Tom Sawyer a Huck Finn se během plavby po Mississippi seznamují s mužem, který provedl loupež diamantů za tisíce dolarů a je na útěku před svými komplici. Kromě toho, že jde o mistra převleků, má navíc k nerozeznání podobné dvojče. Díky tomu se dobrodružství pěkně zamotá. A hádejte, kdo záhadám a vraždě přijde na kloub? I tento příběh doprovázejí ilustrace Kamila Lhotáka. (

Podobné produkty ako Tom Sawyer detektivem (978-80-748-7196-2)

The Adventures of Paddington: My Important Jobs Sticker Book

The Adventures of Paddington: My Important Jobs Sticker Book

The young bear has been a police officer, a fire bear, a waiter, a detective, a dancer, a singer and a monster hunter to name but a few. Your very important job is to help him complete all the puzzles in this activity book using the stickers inside. (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Paddington: My Important Jobs Sticker Book

The Adventures of Dog Man 2: Unleashed - Dav Pilkey


Howl with laughter with the SECOND book in the hilarious full-colour illustrated series, Dog Man, from the creator of Captain Underpants! Dog Man, the newest hero from the creator of Captain Underpants, is still learning a few tricks of the trade. If only the Chief would throw him a bone every once and a while... Dog Man needs to dry up the drool, dust away the dander, and roll out of the refuse if he's going to impress the Chief, and he needs to do it fast! Petey the cat is out of the bag, and his criminal curiosity is taking the city by storm. Can the canine crime biter unleash justice on this ruffian in time to save the city, or will Petey get away with the purrfect crime! Dav Pilkey's wildly popular Dog Man series appeals to readers of all ages and explores universally positive themes, including: empathy, kindness, persistence, and the importance of being true to one's self. Full colour pages throughout. (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Dog Man 2: Unleashed - Dav Pilkey

Richard Scarry´s The Adventures of Lowly Worm - Richard Scarry

Richard Scarry´s The Adventures of Lowly Worm - Richard Scarry

Lowly Worm is one of Richard Scarry's best loved characters, and the star of this lively collection of stories, in which he takes an unexpected ride on a hot-air balloon; helps Huckle find just the right gift for Mother Cat; rides the roller coaster at the fair and builds a castle at the beach. With everything from bike crashes to a big birthday surprise, these stories show exactly why Lowly is one special worm, loved the world over. Every page has something to delight over and discuss. (

Podobné produkty ako Richard Scarry´s The Adventures of Lowly Worm - Richard Scarry

Pinocchiova dobrodružství / The Adventures of Pinocchio - Zrcadlová četba (A1 - A2)


Anglickočeský zrcadlový text pro začátečníky. Kniha Pinocchiova dobrodružství, původně vydaná v roce 1883, je příběhem chudého loutkáře Geppetta, který z očarovaného kusu dřeva vyřeže marionetu. Pinocchio však loutkou být nechce. Přidejte se k němu a uvidíte, jestli mu jeho nos, který povyroste s každou vyslovenou lží, pomůže stát se lepší loutkou. Nebo snad skutečným chlapcem? (

Podobné produkty ako Pinocchiova dobrodružství / The Adventures of Pinocchio - Zrcadlová četba (A1 - A2)

The Adventures of Pinocchio (Ilustrated with Interactive Elements) - Carlo Collodi


The enduring children's tale The Adventures of Pinocchio, retold for a new generation in this spectacular full-color deluxe gift edition, packed with beautiful artwork and seven interactive features created by the award-winning design studio behind the graphics for the Harry Potter film franchise, MinaLima.Originally published in 1883, The Adventures of Pinocchio is one of the best known and beloved children's classics. Written by Italian political satirist Carlo Collodi, it is the story of Geppetto, a poor puppeteer who uses an enchanted piece of wood to carve a marionette boy he calls Pinocchio.The impish Pinocchio does not want to be a puppet; he yearns to become a real boy. Soon, his curiosity, mischievousness, and naivete lead him away from his father's shop and into a series of perilous encounters with vicious puppet masters, cunning animals, and other magical characters. Along this perilous journey, the magical puppet learns how much turmoil, heart, and hard work it takes to become a "real boy." With a nose that grows larger with each lie he tells, Pinocchio has become an enduring icon in children's literature, and now his story is brilliantly reimagined in this stunning gift edition.The Adventures of Pinocchio includes specially commissioned artwork and exclusive interactive features, including:A Pinocchio puppet with clothingAdditional finger puppetsA small theatre for a puppet showA court deck with Pinocchio behind sliding barsA fold out shark revealing Pinocchio and Geppetto insideThis wondrous edition will enchant readers of every age an become a treasured keepsake passed down for generations. (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Pinocchio (Ilustrated with Interactive Elements) - Carlo Collodi

Popcorn ELT Readers 3: The Adventures of Tintin - The Lost Treasure

Popcorn ELT Readers 3: The Adventures of Tintin - The Lost Treasure

When Tintin discovers a secret message inside a model ship he doesnt understand it. What are the three Unicorns? And who is Sir Francis Haddock? Soon Tintin and Snowy are on an adventure! They travel in boats, on planes and through the hot desert, in search of more clues. But can they find all the clues before the evil Sakharine? (

Podobné produkty ako Popcorn ELT Readers 3: The Adventures of Tintin - The Lost Treasure

Tom Sawyer: zrcadlová četba (978-80-7240-749-1)

Tom Sawyer: zrcadlová četba (978-80-7240-749-1)

Kniha - autor Mark Twain, 256 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá První klasický román Marka Twaina, zasazen do prostředí zdivočelé krajiny kolem řeky Mississippi, je strhujícím způsobem převyprávěn pro dnešní čtenáře. Zůstává stejně svěží a napínavý, jako když byl poprvé vydán před více než sto lety. Tom Sawyer, rebel, odvážlivec a vůdce gangu, je jedním z rozených dobrodruhů. Během nudného léta na malém městě sní o tom, že se stane pirátem, cestovatelem nebo zločincem. Ale poté, co je svědkem ohavného zločinu na městském hřbitově, se vydává za dobrodružstvím, které je mnohem napínavější, než jaké si kdy vysnil. (

Podobné produkty ako Tom Sawyer: zrcadlová četba (978-80-7240-749-1)

Tom Sawyer na cestách (978-80-748-7213-6)

Tom Sawyer na cestách (978-80-748-7213-6)

Elektronická kniha - autor Mark Twain, 152 stran Málo známé dobrodružství hrdinů bude jistě pro mnoho čtenářů překvapením. Je to opět úsměvné dílo plné dobré nálady, vtipu a klukovských taškařic, v němž samozřejmě nechybí ani řada postav z předchozích vyprávění. Co je jejich ústředním námětem, napovídá název. Hlavní hrdinové zavítají balónem až k pyramidám na Sahaře. Ilustrovala Zuzana Krutá. (

Podobné produkty ako Tom Sawyer na cestách (978-80-748-7213-6)

James: The Powerful Reimagining of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from the Booker Prize-Shortlisted Author of The Trees - Percival Everett


Selected as one of the top ten reads of 2024 by The Times and Sunday Times'Percival Everett is a giant of American letters, and JAMES is a canon-shatteringly great book' – Hernan Diaz, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Trust'Who should read this book? Every single person in the country' – Ann Patchett, bestselling author of Tom LakeJAMES is an enthralling and ferociously funny novel that leaves an indelible mark, inspiring us to see Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in a wholly new and transformative light. Shortlisted for the 2022 Booker Prize for his novel The Trees, Percival Everett is one of the most decorated writers of our lifetime.The Mississippi River, 1861. When the enslaved Jim overhears that he is about to be sold to a new owner in New Orleans and separated from his wife and daughter forever, he decides to hide on nearby Jackson’s Island until he can formulate a plan. Meanwhile, Huck Finn has faked his own death to escape his violent father who recently returned to town. Thus begins a dangerous and transcendent journey by raft along the Mississippi River, towards the elusive promise of the free states and beyond. As James and Huck begin to navigate the treacherous waters, each bend in the river holds the promise of both salvation and demise.With rumours of a brewing war, James must face the burden he carries: the family he is desperate to protect and the constant lie he must live. And together, the unlikely pair must face the most dangerous odyssey of them all . . .From the shadows of Huck Finn’s mischievous spirit, Jim emerges to reclaim his voice, defying the conventions that have consigned him to the margins. (

Podobné produkty ako James: The Powerful Reimagining of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from the Booker Prize-Shortlisted Author of The Trees - Percival Everett

Dobrodružství Sherlocka Holmese / The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Doyle Arthur Conan

Dobrodružství Sherlocka Holmese / The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Doyle Arthur Conan

Dobrodružství Sherlocka Holmese (zkrácené dvojjazyčné vydání) převyprávěné moderním jazykem, pro začínající a mírně pokročilé angličtináře. Veškerou práci Conana Doyla zastínil úspěch Dobrodružství Sherlocka Holmese, která byla vydávána po částech v časopise Strand od roku 1891 a později v roce 1892 shromážděna do knihy obsahující 12 dobrodružství. Autor udělal dobře, že je publikoval jako krátké příběhy a vytvořil detektiva s obrovským nadáním pro pozorování a dedukci. (

Podobné produkty ako Dobrodružství Sherlocka Holmese / The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Doyle Arthur Conan

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Collins Classics) - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'Sherlock Holmes was transformed when he was hot upon such a scent as this. Men who had only known the quiet thinker and logician of Baker Street would have failed to recognize him. His face flushed and darkened. His brows were drawn into two hard black lines, while his eyes shone out from beneath them with a steely glitter.' Set against the foggy, mysterious backdrops of London and the English countryside, these are the first twelve stories ever published to feature the infamous Detective Sherlock Holmes and his side kick Doctor Watson. They first appeared as stories in the Strand Magazine and feature some of his most famous and enjoyable cases, including 'A Scandal in Bohemia', 'The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle' and 'The Red-headed League'. (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Collins Classics) - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The Adventures of Paddington: A Busy Bear´s Big Sticker Book

The Adventures of Paddington: A Busy Bear´s Big Sticker Book

A fantastic new Paddington bumper activity book based on the hit TV series The Adventures of Paddington with lots and lots of stickers!Join Paddington Bear and the Browns for loads of fun puzzles, activities, colouring pages and sticker scenes based on their laugh-out-loud adventures at 32 Windsor Gardens. With loads and loads of stickers, this book will provide endless fun for little cubs. (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Paddington: A Busy Bear´s Big Sticker Book

The Adventures of Elizabeth in Rügen - Elizabeth von Arnim - e-kniha


eBook: In 1901, the author – the real Elizabeth – went on a trip to the Baltic island of Rügen with her maid, a chauffeur, a friend, and a carriage piled high with their luggage. From this, she weaves a captivating tale of her encounters in this semi-autobiographical novel. A snobbish bishop’s wife and her handsome son, a dressmaker, and a long-lost cousin Charlotte form the basis of this story, as Charlotte tries to evade the pursuit of her husband. Elizabeth von Arnim\'s humorous novel ‘The Adventures of Elizabeth in Rügen’ will be enjoyed by fans of Thomas Hardy’s ‘Far From the Madding Crowd’. Elizabeth von Arnim was an English novelist – a cousin of the New Zealand-born writer Katherine Mansfield – born as Mary Annette Beauchamp in Australia in 1866. She married a German aristocrat and her earliest written works are set in Germany. Von Arnim launched her career as a writer with her satirical and semi-autobiographical work ‘Elizabeth and Her German Garden’, published anonymously in 1898. Although she was known by the name May in her early life, when she began writing, her success as ‘Elizabeth’ meant that her writings were ascribed to the name Elizabeth von Arnim. (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Elizabeth in Rügen - Elizabeth von Arnim - e-kniha

The Suprising Adventures of The Magical Monarch of Mo - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha


eBook: ‘The Surprising Adventures of the Magical Monarch of Mo’ is a collection of fourteen short stories for children by renowned ‘Oz’ author L. Frank Baum. The stories focus on the adventures of the Magical Monarch of Mo and his family, who inhabit a magical and nonsensical world where everything you could ever need grows on trees. The characters find themselves in all kinds of weird and whimsical situations, including a fight with a purple dragon and the invasion of a wind-up iron intruder. Full of magic and the absurd, this is a wonderful introduction to early L. Frank Baum. (

Podobné produkty ako The Suprising Adventures of The Magical Monarch of Mo - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha

The Unlikely Adventures of the Shergill Sisters - Balli Kaur Jaswalová


Grab your passport and let the Shergill sisters take you on a journey...Meet the Shergill Sisters.The know-it-all, Rajni.The drama queen, Jezmeen.The golden child, Shirina.They have never been close. But their mother's dying wish was for them to take a pilgrimage across India together, to carry out her final rites. And so, the sisters are thrown together for one last (and very strange) family holiday.The three women seem to have nothing in common, apart from the fact that each of them has a secret she would prefer to keep hidden. But as one unlikely adventure follows another, it's not long before they start to realise that they might need each other now more than ever. After all, there are no secrets between sisters... (

Podobné produkty ako The Unlikely Adventures of the Shergill Sisters - Balli Kaur Jaswalová

The Adventures of Vaclav the Magnificent and his lovely assistant Lena - Tanner Haley

The Adventures of Vaclav the Magnificent and his lovely assistant Lena - Tanner Haley

Funny, heartbreaking, rich and wise, this is a story with the power to cast a spell all of its own.Vaclav and Lena seem destined for each other. They first meet as children at their English class in Brooklyn. Vaclav dreams of becoming a famous magician with Lena as his lovely assistant. But then Lena disappears; it seems that life can play cruel tricks too. Vaclav says goodnight to Lena every night for seven years to keep her safe, and then discovers why she was taken from him. Is their connection strong enough to survive the truth, or is happily ever after only an illusion? (

Podobné produkty ako The Adventures of Vaclav the Magnificent and his lovely assistant Lena - Tanner Haley
Adventures of Tom Sawyer/Dobrodružství Toma Sawyera: A1-A2 (978-80-7547-332-5), Jones Tom: The World of Tom Jones - LP (0831275), Tom Sawyer na cestách (978-80-748-7213-6), Tom Sawyer: zrcadlová četba (978-80-7240-749-1), Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus: The Adventures of Gunslinger Joe - Xbox Digital (7D4-00264), Playmobil 71029 Adventures of Ayuma - Adventní kalendář (4008789710291), The Adventures of Pinocchio/Pinocchiova dobrodružství: zrcadlový text pro začátečníky (978-80-7547-796-5), Tom of Finland 0,5l 40% (6430043095000), Tom Clancy's The Division 2: Warlords of New York Edition - Xbox Digital (G3Q-00896), The Hound of the Baskervilles, The turn of the Screw, Sawyer Squeeze Filter (050716001297), Tom Clancy's The Division 2: Warlords of New York Ultimate Edition - Xbox Digital (G3Q-00895), Tom Clancys The Division 2 - PS4 (3307216080480), Empire of the Vampire: Empire of the Vampire (1) (0008350442), The Heart of the Matter (0099478420), The Wisdom of Crowds: The Riotous Conclusion to The Age of Madness (0575095989), The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Nintendo Switch (045496420055), Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078), Morning Of The Earth , Soundtrack: Morning Of The Earth - LP (5054197111921), The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217), The Ocean at the End of the Lane (1472283368), Petty Tom & The Heartbreakers: Angel Dream - CD (9362488304), Tom Clancys The Division 2 - Xbox One (3307216080749), Tom Clancy's The Division - Xbox Digital (G3Q-00104), The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, Sonic The Hedgehog - Green Hill Adventures - podložka pod myš a klávesnici (8435497280536), Yardbirds: The Best Of The Yardbirds - CD (CHARLY604CD), The Story of the Trapp Family Singers (0060005777)