The accursed bread - guy de maupassant - e-kniha

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The Accursed Bread - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha


eBook: A widower and a loving father of three girls, old Taille is described as a model workman. He provides for his family with honest labour and enjoys a good reputation until his oldest daughter, Anna, runs away and mysteriously turns into one of the richest people in town. Can a family connection once broken be restored? Can money buy happiness and respect? Discover this complex family drama by the Master of the short story, Guy de Maupassant. (

Podobné produkty ako The Accursed Bread - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha , Divotvurce 6 rozvratnik sebastien de castell e kniha

The Wreck - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha


eBook: Are memories of past love affairs stronger than time? After a mysterious foreign letter arrives at breakfast, Georges Garin shares with his friend a peculiour travelogue. While inspecting a wrecked ship, an English man with his three daughters approaches him. A passionate love affair flares between Garin and the oldest daughter which settles in his heart for the years to come. The remarkable short story writer, Guy de Maupassant, unveils bit by bit their tale with a subtle expression of eroticism. (

Podobné produkty ako The Wreck - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha , Guy chambers: go gentle into the light - cd (4050538478242)

The Diamond Necklace - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha


eBook: "The Diamond Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant portrays the complexities and consequences of keeping up appearances in the 19th century. Mathilde is a young and beautiful woman, struggling with the ordinary circumstances of her life and marriage. When she is invited to a fancy ball with her husband, she borrows a diamond necklace from a friend. To her horror, she finds the necklace to be gone by the end of the night. The couple must now find a way to quickly replace the necklace, but the cost turns out to be terribly high. The story has inspired film adaptations, such as the silent film The Necklace (1909). (

Podobné produkty ako The Diamond Necklace - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha , Houbarka viktorie hanisova e kniha

The Legion of Honor - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha


eBook: The rich but rather dull Maitre Caillard has always been besotted with the famous 'Leigon of Honor'. It would kill him to walk the streets of Paris and see others displaying it proudly on their lapels, all the while his stayed empty. 'The Leigon of Honor' is a short social parody that follows a man with a boundless obsession desperately pulling strings he probably shouldn't be pulling. Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a French writer. Famed for being a master of the short story, he also wrote travel books and occasionally dabbled in poetry. His stories mainly focus on the relationships between men and women sitting at crossroads in their lives - whether personal or professional. His dramatic flair is largely influenced by French novelist Gustave Flaubert and is perfect for fans of Anton Chekhov's short stories. The most notable of the 300 short stories that he wrote include 'Bel Ami', 'Une Vie', and 'The Dumpling'. (

Podobné produkty ako The Legion of Honor - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha , Korist paul finch e kniha

Coward - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha


eBook: Wealth, wit, natural grace, and an air of nobility makes the perfect 19th century French gentleman. Add a certain amount of pride and you have Viscount Gontran-Joseph de Signoles, not by chance called Handsome Signoles. His flawless life changes when he challenges a man to a duel and realises that some virtues can be found beyond one's appearance. Explore the inner battle between a man and his deepest fears told by the master of the short story, Guy de Maupassant. (

Podobné produkty ako Coward - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha , Madarsko richard prazak e kniha

Toine - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha


eBook: A Norman bar keeper makes his village inn famous with his special drink: the best Cognac in France... Until his life changes in an instance, when he becomes paralysed and his wife uses his body for laying eggs at home. Does this sound peculiar enough? Wait and see until the Master of the short story, Guy de Maupassant, brings some more plot twists to the stage. (

Podobné produkty ako Toine - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha , Buzicci jan folny e kniha

Miláček - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha


eBook: Paříž 1885: Georgese Duroye, bývalého vojáka a toho času zaměstnance na dráze, trápí nedostatek peněz, chudoba a bezmoc. Vše se mění ze dne na den, když mu kamarád z vojny dohodí místo v novinách – z nýmanda se stane uznávaný novinář. Díky známým pozná Duroy, přezdívaný Miláček, pár zazobanců z místní smetánky a získá svou první milenku, paní de Marelle. Vzápětí se však žení z ryzího kalkulu – nebere si tu, kterou miluje, ale bohatou vdovu po kamarádovi. Se svatbou si zvolí i nové, vznešenější jméno, s postavením a penězi vzrostou i nároky. Satirický román má skvělou atmosféru, která nás vrací do doby, kdy se společenská smetánka vozila v drožkách a z venkovana se mohl stát lev salonů. Maupassant ve svém díle představuje sobeckého a sebestředného jedince, který touží po slávě, uznání, moci, penězích a úspěchu u žen. Miláček je nevyléčitelný sukničkář, prototyp průměrného člověka jdoucího přes mrtvoly. (

Podobné produkty ako Miláček - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha , Hadka petra nachtmanova e kniha

Jeden život - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha


eBook: Jeden život je prvním z Maupassantových šesti románů a po Miláčkovinejznámější. Hrdinkou díla z roku 1883 je Jeanne de Lamare, sympatická, možná trochu naivní dívka, dobrosrdečná a plná ideálů, které ovšem během svého života postupně ztrácí… Z manžela se vyklube skrblík a notorický proutník. Zjistí, že její matka měla milence a že komorná má dítě s jejím manželem. I syn ji zklame. Z Jeanne se tak postupně stává zatrpklá, ponížená žena, která však přese všechno hledá pozdní smysl života.Život není nikdy tak dobrý ani tak špatný, jak si myslíme. (

Podobné produkty ako Jeden život - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha , Slib lisa kleypas e kniha

Who Knows? - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha


eBook: Guy de Maupassant's short story "Who Knows?" recounts nothing short of a bizarre series of events. Our narrator writes from inside an asylum, where he has committed himself and now recounts what has transpired earlier. We learn that the narrator, a self-proclaimed recluse, has a love of furniture, which he used to decorate his house with. One day, the furniture disappeared under mysterious circumstances and he came across them in the most unexpected place. Yet he is still a long way from discovering how they got there in the first place. (

Podobné produkty ako Who Knows? - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha , Kra pavel obluk e kniha

Simon's Papa - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha


eBook: Can children be even crueller than adults? Left without a father, Simon is being tortured by his peеrs to the point when he attempts a suicide. Luckily enough, the local blacksmith, Phillip Remy, takes him under his wing. In this heartbreaking drama, Guy de Maupassant, touches the readers' feelings by exploring human cruelty and challenging societal stereotypes. (

Podobné produkty ako Simon's Papa - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha , Site petra dvorakova e kniha

Příběhy pařížské kokoty - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha

Příběhy pařížské kokoty - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha

eBook:,Próza s titulem "Příběhy pařížské kokoty", napsaná nejspíše v první polovině 80. let předminulého století a vydaná v českém překladu poprvé jako bibliofilie u K. J. Obrátila v roce 1932, podruhé „péčí" nakladatelství Monitor o devětapadesát let později, bývá automaticky připisována Guy de Maupassantovi (1850-93), spisovateli francouzského (kritického) realismu, potažmo naturalismu. (

Podobné produkty ako Příběhy pařížské kokoty - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha , Mstitel jan erik fjell e kniha

Moonlight - Guy de Maupassant


Introducing Little Clothbound Classics: irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world's greatest writers, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith. Celebrating the range and diversity of Penguin Classics, they take us from snowy Japan to springtime Vienna, from haunted New England to a sun-drenched Mediterranean island, and from a game of chess on the ocean to a love story on the moon. Beautifully designed and printed, these collectible editions are bound in colourful, tactile cloth and stamped with foil. Often described as the father of the modern short story, there is perhaps no other writer more closely associated with the form than Guy de Maupassant. Included here is his most famous story, 'Boule de Suif', as well as tales of love, such as the brilliant 'Happiness', and the supernatural, like the chilling 'The Horla'. (

Podobné produkty ako Moonlight - Guy de Maupassant , Anna boleynova alison weirova e kniha

Miláček - Guy de Maupassant


Paříž 1885: Georgese Duroye, bývalého vojáka a toho času zaměstnance na dráze, trápí nedostatek peněz, chudoba a bezmoc. Vše se mění ze dne na den, když mu kamarád z vojny dohodí místo v novinách – z nýmanda se stane uznávaný novinář. Díky známým pozná Duroy, přezdívaný Miláček, pár zazobanců z místní smetánky a získá svou první milenku, paní de Marelle. Vzápětí se však žení z ryzího kalkulu – nebere si tu, kterou miluje, ale bohatou vdovu po kamarádovi. Se svatbou si zvolí i nové, vznešenější jméno, s postavením a penězi vzrostou i nároky. Satirický román má skvělou atmosféru, která nás vrací do doby, kdy se společenská smetánka vozila v drožkách a z venkovana se mohl stát lev salonů. Maupassant ve svém díle představuje sobeckého a sebestředného jedince, který touží po slávě, uznání, moci, penězích a úspěchu u žen. Miláček je nevyléčitelný sukničkář, prototyp průměrného člověka jdoucího přes mrtvoly. (

Podobné produkty ako Miláček - Guy de Maupassant , Stin minulosti kristin colli e kniha

Jeden život - Guy de Maupassant

Jeden život - Guy de Maupassant

Román je považován za jedno z autorových vrcholných děl, je obžalobou rozkládající se aristokratické společnosti, její nicotné morálky plné polopravd sebeklamů, podvodů a zkorumpovanosti. Hlavní hrdinka Jana, vychovaná v klášteře, se ve své naivitě po krátké známosti provdá a prožívá srážku svých iluzí s drsnou životní realitou. Vlastně se z tohoto šoku nedokáže celý život vzpamatovat - všechny její ideály berou postupně za své. Z manžela se vyklube bezohledný, úzkoprsý člověk, který ji navíc s kdekým podvádí. Katastrofy se řetězí a hromadí. Jana není silná ani příliš bojovná, a tak často jen trpně přihlíží svým různým životním pohromám a nemá sílu jim čelit nebo zabránit, ba ani se s nimi duševně vyrovnat. (

Podobné produkty ako Jeden život - Guy de Maupassant , Sbirka kosti kathy reichs e kniha

Neteře paní plukovníkové - Guy de Maupassant


Nestydaté čtení od mistra erotické literatury. (

Podobné produkty ako Neteře paní plukovníkové - Guy de Maupassant , Pan selfridge lindy woodhead e kniha

Jeden život - Guy de Maupassant - audiokniha


Audiokniha: Dílo Guy de Maupassanta patřící k vrcholům francouzského literárního realismu a naturalismu Jeden život (Une Vie) je prvním z Maupassantových šesti románů a po Miláčkovi nejznámější. Zabývá se osudem nejsympatičtější hrdinky ze všech Maupassantových postav. Dobře vychovanou dívku Jeanne ze spořádané bohaté šlechtické rodiny čekal jediný osud: vdát se a být poslušnou manželkou a oddanou matkou. Když se však žena k tomuto osudu odhodlaná setká s mužem, který je všechno, jen ne milující manžel a slušný muž, postupem času ztrácí iluze a neví, co si počít se svými city a rozumem. Jeanne však překoná všechny nepřízně osudu a najde si svoji cestu. Veronika Khek Kubařová se svou dokonalou interpretací vžívá do hrdinčiných pocitů s naprostým pochopením, empatií a vřelostí. (

Podobné produkty ako Jeden život - Guy de Maupassant - audiokniha , Temne leto dan simmons e kniha

Příběhy pařížské kokoty - Guy de Maupassant


Próza s titulem Příběhy pařížské kokoty napsaná nejspíše v první polovině 80. let předminulého století, bývá automatiocky připisována Guy de Maupassantovi, spisovateli francouzského (kritického) realismu, potažmo naturalismu. (z předmluvy) Ale zpět k domnělému Maupassantovu autorství: Co pro ně svědčí dále? Třebas zasvěcené vhledy do prostředí novin, šantánu, případně burzy, s nimiž měl spisovatel a svého času aktivní novinář svoji bohatou zkušenost; třebas postava vykutáleného žurnalisty Alberta Tisina, adepta polosvěta, ochotně manipulujícího veřejným míněním podle přízně, které se mu dostává od vybraných objektů, šplhajícího - podobně jako Georges Duroy v Miláčkovi (1885) - přes srdce i klíny žen po společenském žebříčku vstříc kariéře a všem jejím skvělým atributům. A paralely najdeme taky v Kuličce (1880): Léna je možná vypočítavá a snad i neslitovná kurva, ale některé obrazy, v nichž účinkuje se svým manželem Stanislavem, ji ukazují málem jako ideální manželku, jako ženu respektující a milující svého muže. Možná by Léna posloužila jako příklad dnešním feministkám: odečteme-li hodnocení, je vlastně nezávislou a svobodnou bytostí. Podobně jako jí byla Maupassantova matka. Na ni by rovněž pasovala píseň, v níž jedna z postav příběhu, Elvíra, tančíc nahá budoárem, opěvuje titulní "kokotu" a s ní ženu jako takovou: "Tobě, ženo, patří celý svět!" (

Podobné produkty ako Příběhy pařížské kokoty - Guy de Maupassant , Vreteno osudu otomar dvorak e kniha

Bel-ami - Maupassant Guy de

Bel-ami - Maupassant Guy de

Román sleduje spoločenský vzostup ambiciózneho a ctižiadostivého zvodcu Georgesa Duroya de Cantela. Vidiecky mladík Georges Duroy prichádza do Paríža zbohatnúť. Aby dosiahol svoj cieľ, je pripravený urobiť čokoľvek. Inteligentný a zvodný, obklopený vplyvnými ženami, ktoré mu pomáhajú stúpať po spoločenskom rebríčku. Prostredníctvom knihy Bel-Ami (Miláčik) kritizuje Maupassant spoločnosť osemdesiatych rokov 19. storočia. CEFR level: A2 (

Podobné produkty ako Bel-ami - Maupassant Guy de , Ota pavel aleksander kaczorowski e kniha

Jeden život - de Maupassant Guy

Jeden život - de Maupassant Guy

Jeden život je prvním z Maupassantových šesti románů a po Miláčkovinejznámější. Hrdinkou díla z roku 1883 je Jeanne de Lamare, sympatická, možná trochu naivní dívka, dobrosrdečná a plná ideálů, které ovšem během svého života postupně ztrácí… Z manžela se vyklube skrblík a notorický proutník. Zjistí, že její matka měla milence a že komorná má dítě s jejím manželem. I syn ji zklame. Z Jeanne se tak postupně stává zatrpklá, ponížená žena, která však přese všechno hledá pozdní smysl života.Život není nikdy tak dobrý ani tak špatný, jak si myslíme. (

Podobné produkty ako Jeden život - de Maupassant Guy , Zamrzla produktivita milos toman e kniha

Ghost Stories: Chilling tales of the supernatural - Guy de Maupassant, Edgar Allan Poe, Thomas Hardy, Edith Whartonová, Joseph Sheridan LeFanu


This luxurious hardback anthology brings together 15 classic ghost stories by some of the genre's most acclaimed writers, presented in a beautiful gift edition with gilded page edges.This ghoulish collection is a perfect companion for lovers of the paranormal, featuring classic tales from Golden Age of the ghost story. Inside you will find haunted mansions, dark crypts, vengeful curses, silent specters and other supernatural delights of the genre, artfully conjured by the likes of Edgar Allan Poe, Sheridan Le Fanu and M. R. James.Stories include: 'The Oval Portrait' by Edgar Allan Poe 'The Wailing Well' by M. R. James 'The Withered Arm' by Thomas Hardy 'Afterward' by Edith Wharton 'A Ghost' by Guy de Maupassant 'An Account of Some Strange Disturbances in Aungier Street' by Sheridan Le Fanu This beautiful collection is presented with silver gilded page edges, ivory paper and wonderfully gothic endpaper illustrations, making it a wonderful gift for any horror lover. (

Podobné produkty ako Ghost Stories: Chilling tales of the supernatural - Guy de Maupassant, Edgar Allan Poe, Thomas Hardy, Edith Whartonová, Joseph Sheridan LeFanu , Smrtici hry steve robinson e kniha

Dědička Glenmahowley / Zmizela ze svého domova - Guy de Maupassant, Edogawa Rampo, Algernon Blackwood, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Catherine Louisa Pirkis


eBook: Dvě e-knihy za cenu jedné!... První kniha - povídky od světoznámých autorů jako je Arthur Conan Doyle, Algernon Blackwood, Guy de Maupassant, Edogawa Rampo. Tito autoři mají jedno společné – jsou vrcholem v jedinečné literární éře mystiky a hrůzy... Druhá kniha ´Zmizela ze svého domova´: Když Amy Wardenová beze stopy zmizí, její milenci, svalnatý Frank Varley a nevýrazný lord Hardcastle, odloží své neshody ve snaze zjistit, co se s ní stalo. Brzy začnou neúprosně vyplouvat na povrch stará tajemství – tajemství, která budou mít pro rodinu Wardenových dalekosáhlé důsledky... (

Podobné produkty ako Dědička Glenmahowley / Zmizela ze svého domova - Guy de Maupassant, Edogawa Rampo, Algernon Blackwood, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Catherine Louisa Pirkis , Devet dni zuzana strachotova e kniha

An Accursed Race - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha


eBook: A short essay by acclaimed Victorian writer Elizabeth Gaskell, 'An Accursed Race' is a study of the plight of the much-persecuted minority group the Cagots. In her essay, Gaskell explores the reasons behind their persecution in Europe, the commonly held superstitions surrounding them, and describes their ill-treatment in an effort to change the attitude towards this group. (

Podobné produkty ako An Accursed Race - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha , Vecere pane dan drapal e kniha

The Vendetta - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: Fans of \'The Godfather\' trilogy and \'The Sopranos\' will know a thing or two about vendettas.In Honore de Balzac\'s ´The Vendetta´, tragic consequences are laid bare. What begins as a love story between two Corsican immigrants, Ginevra and Luigi, soon becomes a tale of misery.Luigi is the sole survivor of a blood feud with Ginevra\'s family. And Ginevra\'s father Bartolomeo is determined to finish the job by killing Luigi. However, when the love-sick couple marries, he has to stay his hand - but he cuts them off, leaving them poverty-stricken. As Bartolomeo has an epiphany, his daughter is locked in a life-and-death struggle as she gives birth. Will she survive? And will her father get the chance to make things right? \'The Vendetta\' is an excoriating attack on the nature of honour and a tale of tragic romance that calls to mind \'Romeo and Juliet\' by William Shakespeare. (

Podobné produkty ako The Vendetta - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha , Sexualni dohody amara charlesova e kniha

The Message - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: It begins with the undignified scene of two young men on a Parisian stagecoach, boasting about their love affairs with older, married women.Hubris turns to tragedy when the coach overturns, leaving one of the men with fatal injuries. However, drama dictates that there is always time for some final words before death. The dying man gives his travelling companion a mission - collect love letters from his house and deliver them to his lover, a countess.How will the countess react to the news of her lover\'s death? And how will the count take the news that she was betraying him?If you like this classic short story by Honoré de Balzac about betrayal, try \'Anna Karenina\' by Leo Tolstoy or \'Rebecca\' by Daphne du Maurier. (

Podobné produkty ako The Message - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha , Propleteny zivot sheldrake merlin e kniha

The Recruit - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: \"The Recruit\" is a short story from Balzac\'s \"Philosophical studies\", set during the horrors of the Reign of Terror. An aristocratic mother is desperately awaiting the return of her only son and heir. Focusing on the small-town talk and gossip, Balzac\'s story is a melodramatic and hopeful episode on his literary journey. The author becomes the historian and narrator of the situation, creating a memorable and vivid narrative, rich in character portrayal and human emotions. (

Podobné produkty ako The Recruit - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha , Pozor partyzani lubos klech e kniha

The Exiles - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: Superstition, sorcery, dark strangers, and a great poet in disguise, Honoré de Balzac takes a new turn in \'The Exiles\'.Set in 14th century Paris, this novella sees sergeant Tirechair host two strangers at his house near Notre-Dame. One is a regular at the royal court, while the younger man is the son of a countess. Both of them spook the sergeant, as he believes they are sorcerers - and they are clearly incognito. As he gets ready to throw them out, there is a big reveal - and plenty of poetic justice.Balzac\'s \'The Exiles\' is a clever exploration of the price of fame and the pressure of being born into the upper classes.If you like \'The Canterbury Tales\' by Geoffrey Chaucer and \'World Without End\' by Ken Follett, ´The Exiles´ will be a great read! (

Podobné produkty ako The Exiles - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha , Pleteni kosiku monika kralikova e kniha

The Lily of the Valley - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: Felix was rejected as a child by his mother and those scars never fully heal. In a book with great emotional depth, Honore de Balzac explores Felix\' two major adult relationships with women through the form of a single letter. With the beautiful, but married, Madame Mortsauf, maternal love grows into a passion - but never crosses into physical infidelity. As the years pass by, Felix falls for sensuous Englishwoman Lady Arabelle. Torn between \"the wife of the spirit\" and \"the mistress of the flesh\", he becomes the laughing stock of the French Court.How will he untie his emotional knot without causing emotional damage to the two women? The insights and descriptions are exquisite - and there is an unexpected twist at the end. \'The Lily of the Valley\' is perfect reading for fans of other books featuring a love triangle, including Margaret Mitchell\'s \'Gone With the Wind\' and Emily Brontë\'s \'Wuthering Heights\'. Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for a sequence of novels, collectively called \'The Human Comedy\'.His signature style was a warts-and-all representation of post-Napoleonic French life, rich in detail and featuring complex, unfiltered characters. The style means Balzac is regarded as one of the pioneers of European literary realism. He is named as an influence on writers including Emile Zola, Henry James, Charles Dickens, and Gustave Flaubert. The first novel he published under his own name was \'Les Chouans\' in 1829.In 1834 he hit upon the idea of grouping his novels together to record all of society. The result, over a period of years, was \'The Human Comedy\', which comprised three categories: \'Analytic Studies\'; \'Philosophical Studies\'; and \'Studies of Manners\'. (

Podobné produkty ako The Lily of the Valley - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha , Fitness joga klara buzkova e kniha

The Marquise De Brinvilliers - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: When it came to the art of poisoning, Marquise de Brinvilliers had a rare talent. She honed her craft by testing out mixtures on hospital patients. And then began her most ambitious project, murdering first her father, and then her two brothers. Her motive? The substantial family fortune. Her crimes shocked 17th century France, and triggered a nationwide panic about poisoners in the nobility. Her story inspired works by numerous writers, including Robert Browning and Arthur Conan Doyle. In his version, Alexandre Dumas picks apart the Marquise\'s case and trial, including her excruciating torture by \'water cure\'. Recommended for fans of grisly true crime. (

Podobné produkty ako The Marquise De Brinvilliers - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha , Operace hrtanu ales slavicek e kniha

The Marquise De Ganges - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: She had a fortune to her name. And it made her an irresistible target. A famous beauty, Marie de Rossan married the Marquis de Ganges in 1658. It appeared to be a happy match, but trouble began over the issue of Marie\'s will, and who stood to inherit her money. The Marquis\' two brothers hounded her relentlessly, pressuring her to make revisions. And then, after months of threats, their campaign took a violent turn. A sordid tale of murder and greed, it\'s perfect subject matter for Alexandre Dumas\' \"Celebrated Crimes\" series. The case also peeked the interest of the Marquis de Sade (who inspired behind the term \'sadism\'), who wrote his own novel on the subject. (

Podobné produkty ako The Marquise De Ganges - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha , To zvladnu jutta heller e kniha

The Marriage Contract - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: Honora de Balzac is considered the founder of social realism. Balzac was the first writer to write about the all social levels of the social scene in France. His vast collection of works encompasses the Restoration period and the July Monarchy. La Comedie Humaine was written between 1799 and 1850. This collection contains 95 novels, stories, and essays. A Marriage Contract (Le contrat de mariage 1835) is part of the Scenes from private life (Scènes de la vie privée) of La Comedie Humaine. (

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The Deserted Woman - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: Once bitten, twice shy sometimes rings true. Madame de Beauseant must have been bitten very hard, for she became a hermit in her Normandy castle due to humiliation after being cast aside by her aristocratic lover. However, when Baron Gaston de Nueil, a far younger and very persistent man, comes to town, he cannot resist seeking out this mysterious and notorious woman. He falls for her but she, being \"twice shy\", first rejects his advances and then runs away to Geneva. The lovesick Baron follows her, melts her heart and they live happily....for a few years.The age gap spooks the Baron\'s fearsome mother, who lines up a younger woman for him to marry. Mme de Beauseant fears a second humiliation, while the Baron contends with the call of his heart and the fear of his mother. What will he decide to do? Fans of Jane Austen\'s \'Mansfield Park\' and \'Emma\' will love this exquisite story of lost love and social propriety. (

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The Grand Bretèche - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: The old, abandoned manor of La Grande Bretèche stands between the trees like a secret. Uncovered one day by Dr. Horace Bianchon whilst visiting the nearby town of Vendôme, the ruins will beckon any wandering visitor in.Full of intrigue, the doctor simply can\'t resist entering the house. But night after night, he fails. Why can\'t La Grande Bretèche be accessed? And what do the locals know of this mysterious shelter? Adapted into 3 films, 2 episodes, an opera, and a BBC Radio 4 play, Balzac\'s gripping \'The Human Comedy\' short story, \'The Grand Bretèche´, is ideal for fans of Xavier Giannolli\'s 2021 \'Lost Illusions\' film. (

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The Unknown Masterpiece - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: When an aspiring artist Nicolas Poussin gets a chance to meet the legendary painter Frenhofer, he is more than thrilled. Frenhofer has the ability to paint in an incredible way, and besides that, he has deep and philosophical thoughts about aesthetics and art. Poussin is so ensnared by Frenhofer that he offers his lover Gillette to work as a model for Frenhofer – without asking Gillette first.'The Unknown Masterpiece' is Honoré de Balzac's short story first published in 1831. (

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The Country Doctor - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: Dr. Benassis is a doctor and a village major. Thanks to him, the once poor village has started to blossom. The village is getting richer and richer, and also the villagers seem very happy about the situation. When commander Genestas arrives at the village, Dr. Benassis tells him about the changes he has made in the town. The two of them build a special friendship – without knowing that both of them also carry secrets. (

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The Red Inn - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: Dinner party in Paris. A guest called Hermann starts to tell a story; a story about two French doctors who traveled to Andernach in Germany in 1799. The men decided to stay in a guesthouse called Red Inn – without realizing that the name of the place might have been an omen about the terrifying things that were ought to happen there that very night...'The Red Inn' is Honoré de Balzac's an exciting short story first published in 1831 (

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The Two Brothers - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: With a sweeping narrative that features revolution, restoration, and colonial war, \'The Two Brothers\' is Honore de Balzac at his masterful best.It focuses on the Bridau family, including Agathe, her two sons, and her elder brother, as they engage in increasingly undignified battles for their inheritance.The eldest son, Philippe, is a courageous soldier but a gambler and a crook. The youngest, Joseph, is a misunderstood artist.When the Bourbons are restored and Napoleon exiled, Philippe becomes embroiled in an anti-government conspiracy.Meanwhile, a mysterious \"long-lost uncle\" appears and worms his way into the family - with unsavoury intentions.With the plot\'s fuse lit, it burns through priceless paintings, racist persecution, a knife attack, a duel, and an explosive climax.If you like this, you will love \'Les Miserables\' by Victor Hugo and \'A Tale of Two Cities\' by Charles Dickens. (

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The Old Maid - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: History lovers will revel in Balzac\'s social and political commentary of 19th century France in \'The Old Maid\'. With skilful insight into the human experience, the life of a rich lady and her respective suitors reveal themselves page after page. A short and snappy read, Balzac crafts his characters with expert skill, peppered with satirical misfortunes. Part of his \'The Human Comedy\' collection, \'The Old Maid\' is ideal for fans of Xavier Giannolli\'s 2021 \'Lost Illusions\' film. (

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The Hated Son - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: Why do good people suffer?This is the question Honoré de Balzac poses in \'The Hated Son\', set in Normandy during the eighth war of religion between Catholics and Protestant Huguenots.The kind and gentle Jeanne de Saint-Savin loves her Huguenot cousin but has to marry the old and cruel Royalist count d\'Herouville in order to save her lover\'s life.The couple has a son, who promises to be a ray of light in Jeanne\'s unhappy life. But darkness descends when the count accuses her of infidelity and banishes Etienne from his castle, to be brought up by fishermen.When the count\'s older son and sole heir dies, the rejected son is the only one alive to continue the family line and inherit the title.Etienne is back in the game. But will he play by the rules set by his father who rejected him?Other great reads that feature the theme of rejection are Jane Austen\'s \'Persuasion\' and \'Much Ado About Nothing\' by William Shakespeare. (

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The Lesser Bourgeoisie - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: If you have seen Ricky Gervais in \'The Office\', you will know how much comedy and pathos occurs in apparently mundane locations. In \'The Lesser Bourgeoisie\', Honore de Balzac turns his sharp eye on the intrigues of the white-collar world. Spinster Marie-Jeanne-Brigitte Thuillier has made money from selling her bank business. She dedicates her life to supporting her brother, an attractive but mediocre man with an illegitimate daughter, Celeste. Celeste\'s mother, Flavie, is a social climber who takes lovers to advance her husband\'s career - and to find a rich husband for her daughter. The murky waters are further muddied by the arrival of the lawyer Theodose de La Peyrade, who targets the hand of Celeste (and her inheritance). It is all rather unbecoming as the vultures circle around Celeste, and Balzac exposes the greed that exists at this level of French society. If you like office intrigue, try \'The Way We Live Now\' by Anthony Trollope. Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for a sequence of novels, collectively called \'The Human Comedy\'. His signature style was a warts-and-all representation of post-Napoleonic French life, rich in detail and featuring complex, unfiltered characters. The style means Balzac is regarded as one of the pioneers of European literary realism. He is named as an influence on writers including Emile Zola, Henry James, Charles Dickens, and Gustave Flaubert. The first novel he published under his own name was \'Les Chouans\' in 1829. In 1834 he hit upon the idea of grouping his novels together to record all of society. The result, over a period of years, was \'The Human Comedy\', which comprised three categories: \'Analytic Studies\'; \'Philosophical Studies\'; and \'Studies of Manners\'. (

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The Illustrious Gaudissart - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: Honoré de Balzac\'s short story ´The illustrious Gaudissaart´ reveals the arrogance and prejudice on both sides of the city-country divide.When a slick salesman from the big city visits the provincial town of Vouvray, he is confident that the locals will buy anything. But Gaudissart\'s apparent belief in the doctrine of Saint-Simonianism, which teaches that industrialisation will empty the countryside and create a Utopian society of workers, riles a local man named Vernier.He tricks him into selling items to his unstable neighbour Margaritis, who convinces the salesman to buy two non-existent wine barrels.This vindictive practical joke then escalates into legal action and a dramatic duel ensues. For more insights into life in 1830s Europe, try Elizabeth Gaskell\'s \'Ruth\' and \'North and South\'. (

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The Village Rector - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: Veronique Graslin is a woman of strength.Despite being scarred by smallpox at 11, and then railroaded into a miserable marriage with a man who resembles an \"antique satyr\", she builds a life of wealth and good works in the French countryside.But, nibbling away at her conscience like a persistent rat, there is a dark secret that will not let her go.After Veronique encounters two criminals, as well as Monsieur Bonnet, the insightful rector, she feels that her soul is being \"ploughed\".Balzac\'s novel mixes the spiritual with the political, exposing rural injustice, and railing against the horrific conditions endured by criminals on the French galleys.All the time, he tiptoes toward the big what is Veronique\'s secret?If you like \'Bleak House\' by Charles Dickens and \'Les Miserables\' by Victor Hugo, you will enjoy \'The Village Rector\'. (

Podobné produkty ako The Village Rector - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha

The Countess De Saint-Geran - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: The only way to secure her fortune was by committing a heinous crime. This shocking tale of greed and murder is recounted here by master storyteller Alexandre Dumas. Marchioness de Bouille is looking forward to being very rich. She stands to inherit her brother\'s money, as he and his wife, Countess de Saint-Geran, are childless. But her dreams are dashed when the Countess suddenly becomes pregnant. Together with her lover, the Marchioness hatches a plan to remove the newborn from the picture.Based a real case from 17th century France, \"Marchioness de Bouille\" is a true crime fan\'s dream. (

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The Duchesse of Langeais - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: In this tale the Duchesse de Langeais leads General Armande de Montriveau by the nose in her distinct coquettish yet grandiose manner. But as a member of the Thirteen, Armande kidnaps the Duchesse and threatens to have her branded as a criminal. However, he returns her unscathed.Suddenly the Duchesse develops feelings for Armande, who now will have nothing to do with her. After sparking rumours in Paris that she is visiting him, she disappears. Then Armande realises that he wants her more than ever before...A romantic and greatly tumultuous tale with an unexpected ending. A perfect fit for readers seeking a romance novel infused with notes of irony and the supernatural. A critically-acclaimed film adaptation of the same name was released in 2007, starring Jeanne Balibar, Guillaume Depardieu, Michel Piccoli and Bulle Ogier. (

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The Ball at Sceaux - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: \'The Ball at Sceaux\' is one of the oldest books in Balzac\'s \'The Human Comedy\' series. It tells the story of Émilie de Fontaine, a pretentious and spoiled young lady who refuses to love anyone who is not known in French high society. At the ball she falls in love with a handsome and mysterious young man, who is revealed to be the taciturn Maximilien Longueville. Émilie\'s family later discovers that Maximilien is concealing the fact that he is a shopkeeper at a Paris marketplace, which horrifies Émilie. But all is not what it seems, as Émilie is soon to find out after she abandons Maximilien for a rich man she does not love. Inspired by Aleksandr Pushkin\'s \'Eugene Onegin\' and the fables of La Fontaine, in particular \'The Girl\' and \'The Heron\'. This Balzacian novella is a wonderful and enthralling read, where the mysterious and unknown tightly grips the reader well past the final page. It is one of the sheer joys of \'The Human Comedy\' that we will meet these characters again in other stories. (

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The Collection of Antiquities - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: Spoiling a child is not just about letting them have a few extra sweets. In some cases, years of doting really do spoil them.Victurien d\'Esgrignon was raised by his doting aunt and adoring father - a family high up in the aristocracy of Restoration France. As a young man, he is both intelligent and a liar and a cheat who ruins his family, their lawyer, and others drawn into his circle.Then he meets his match - a young man with the same cold heart and eye for an opportunity. Who will triumph in this race to the bottom? Honore de Balzac\'s \'The Collection of Antiquities\' shines a bright light on the social and moral decline of the aristocracy in 1830s France.Fans of \'Les Miserables\' by Victor Hugo and \'A Tale of Two Cities\' by Charles Dickens will love this! (

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The Deputy of Arcis - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: Due to Balzac\'s death in 1850, \'The Deputy of Arcis\' was left incomplete at its most compelling moment. A political satire criticizing the electoral system, taking place in the provinces of southern France and revolving around a fierce electoral dispute. But the arrival of a mysterious man changes everything - is it for better or worse?Balzac\'s creative genius, combined with a humourous and ironic narrative makes this read thoroughly entertaining and enjoyable. Guy de Maupassant, Flaubert and Emile Zola were naturalist authors who were directly influenced by Balzac.Strongly recommended for fans of modern-day humorous political sitcoms such as \'Parks and Recreation,\' starring Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman as the unforgettable duo Leslie Knope and Ron Swanson. (

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Sons of the Soil - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: \"Vive la counter-revolution!\"In \'Sons of the Soil\', Balzac tells an extraordinary story of gentry and peasants, complacency and corruption, jealousy and revenge. And it has a contentious central the Revolution upset the balance and sowed new divisions between the classes.Centred around General Moncornet\'s chateau and estate in Burgundy, there is a large, fascinating cast of listless ladies and gentlemen indoors who \"get what amusement they can out of carefully dressing themselves\". Meanwhile, the staff are scheming and the locals con and poach their way through life.With the skill of Charles Dickens, Balzac draws together the main characters and enmeshes them in a murderous and treacherous plot with numerous serpentine twists.Fans of \'Downton Abbey\' and Dickens\' classics, including \'Bleak House\' and \'A Tale of Two Cities\' will love this. (

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The Commission in Lunacy - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: Judges receive legal training, but they cannot automatically be given courage and the wisdom of Solomon.That is what is needed when larger-than-life socialite the Marquise d\'Espard petitions Judge Jean-Jules Popinot to declare her husband mad.He is not mad, of course. But she is - mad that he is spending their money on another family. As the judge digs deeper, he discovers the heartbreaking reason why the Marquis was helping the Jeanrenauds. With the pressure building, he prepares to deliver his verdict...Fans of the courtroom dramas in Charles Dickens\' \'Bleak House\' and Harper Lee\'s \'To Kill a Mockingbird\' will love \'The Commission in Lunacy\'. (

Podobné produkty ako The Commission in Lunacy - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha

Beauty and the Beast - Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve - e-kniha


eBook: Originally published as ‘La Belle et la Bête’, Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve\'s \'Beauty and the Beast\' was published in 1740 and is the oldest known version of this fairytale. \"A tale as old as time\", ‘Beauty and the Beast’ is the bewitching fantasy romance story of Belle – a young woman imprisoned in the magical castle of a monstrous yet princely beast, where she is forced to \"be our guest\". This is an epic story that has captured generations of readers and will be enjoyed by fans of both film adaptations, from the animated Disney classic to the live-action film starring Emma Watson. Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve was a French author who published fairy tales and novels but is best remembered for writing the original story ‘La Belle et la Bête’. It was published in 1740 and is the oldest known version of the fairy tale ‘Beauty and the Beast’, which has since been adapted twice for the big screen including the animated Disney classic and the live-action movie starring Emma Watson as Belle. After her death, Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve’s ‘Beauty and the Beast’ was abridged by another author, Leprince de Beaumont, who did not credit the tale’s original writer. Leprince de Beaumont is, therefore, often still wrongly credited as being the original author, and her shortened version is the one most commonly known today. (

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A Drama on the Seashore - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha


eBook: When the narrator and his wife visit an idyllic and picturesque town near the sea they meet a fisherman and a hermit. The ubiquitous poverty and squalor of the seaside town spills over into the lives of its inhabitants. It is only to be expected that the two spouses are moored by the talkative fisherman in a manner invoking \'The Rime of The Ancient Mariner\' by English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Gleaming with descriptive language depicting the daily tribulations of post-Napoleonic France, \'A Drama on the Seashore\' is an absolute must-read for fans of other books in \'The Human Comedy\' series. But there is no need for prior acquaintance with the series in order to enjoy this evocative and elegant novel. Guy de Maupassant, Flaubert and Emile Zola were naturalist writers who were directly influenced by Balzac.- (

Podobné produkty ako A Drama on the Seashore - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha
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