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Classic Werewolf Collection - Guy de Maupassant, Alexandre Dumas, Frank Powell, Frederick Marryat - e-kniha
eBook: Deep dive into this ‘Classic Werewolf Collection’ from the very best fantasy, adventure, and literary fiction writers. From the creator of ‘The Three Musketeers’, Alexandre Dumas, to Frank Powell, author of the first pioneering science-fiction novel about lost worlds and the mastermind of the short story himself, Guy de Maupassant, this unmissable collection paints a dark and dramatic anthology of twilight’s most frightening foe. You’ll encounter the poetic prose of Marie de France, an intoxicating tale from Sabine-Baring-Gold and the heartbreakingly unjust curses of Frederick Marryat. But beware, when the full moon shakes off its spooky shadow, you’ll be howling for mercy when the wolves awaken… This ‘Classic WereWolf Collection’ is ideal for fans of Netflix’s ‘Werewolves Within’ and Disney’s ‘Werewolf by Night’. Alexandre Dumas (1802-1879) was a widely celebrated French author, member of the Académie Française, recipient of the Legion of Honour, and famous for ‘The Three Musketeers’. A British actress and author, Florence Marryat\'s (1833-1899) work spans ‘Love’s Conflict’, ‘Her Father’s Name’, ‘There is No Death’, and ‘The Blood of the Vampire’. Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a French author and representative of the literary movement ‘Naturalism’. His first published story, ‘Boule de Suif’, remains his most celebrated work today. Frank Powell (1845-1906) was an American author, celebrated for his widely successful science-fiction novel ‘The Wolf-Men’. Marie de France (1160-1215) is the earliest known French female poet, famous for her 12 poems known as ‘lais’. Catherine Crow (1803-1876) was an English novelist, children’s writer, and playwright. Crow was the first female author of werewolf fiction, producing the works ‘A Story of a Weir-Wolf’ and ‘The Night-Side of Nature’. Sabine Baring-Gould (1834-1924) was an Anglican priest and writer, heavily influenced by the gothic and fantasy genre.
Podívejte se také Powell Bud: Time Waits: The Amazing Bud Powell - LP (4508216)
Miláček - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha
eBook: Paříž 1885: Georgese Duroye, bývalého vojáka a toho času zaměstnance na dráze, trápí nedostatek peněz, chudoba a bezmoc. Vše se mění ze dne na den, když mu kamarád z vojny dohodí místo v novinách – z nýmanda se stane uznávaný novinář. Díky známým pozná Duroy, přezdívaný Miláček, pár zazobanců z místní smetánky a získá svou první milenku, paní de Marelle. Vzápětí se však žení z ryzího kalkulu – nebere si tu, kterou miluje, ale bohatou vdovu po kamarádovi. Se svatbou si zvolí i nové, vznešenější jméno, s postavením a penězi vzrostou i nároky. Satirický román má skvělou atmosféru, která nás vrací do doby, kdy se společenská smetánka vozila v drožkách a z venkovana se mohl stát lev salonů. Maupassant ve svém díle představuje sobeckého a sebestředného jedince, který touží po slávě, uznání, moci, penězích a úspěchu u žen. Miláček je nevyléčitelný sukničkář, prototyp průměrného člověka jdoucího přes mrtvoly.
Podívejte se také Mad Guy Hokejová taška na kolečkach Classic JR 33" (4627144814261)
Coward - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha
eBook: Wealth, wit, natural grace, and an air of nobility makes the perfect 19th century French gentleman. Add a certain amount of pride and you have Viscount Gontran-Joseph de Signoles, not by chance called Handsome Signoles. His flawless life changes when he challenges a man to a duel and realises that some virtues can be found beyond one's appearance. Explore the inner battle between a man and his deepest fears told by the master of the short story, Guy de Maupassant.
Podívejte se také Mad Guy Hokejová taška na kolečkach Classic SR 36" (4627144814308)
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Toine - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha
eBook: A Norman bar keeper makes his village inn famous with his special drink: the best Cognac in France... Until his life changes in an instance, when he becomes paralysed and his wife uses his body for laying eggs at home. Does this sound peculiar enough? Wait and see until the Master of the short story, Guy de Maupassant, brings some more plot twists to the stage.
Objev podobné jako Toine - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha
Jeden život - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha
eBook: Jeden život je prvním z Maupassantových šesti románů a po Miláčkovinejznámější. Hrdinkou díla z roku 1883 je Jeanne de Lamare, sympatická, možná trochu naivní dívka, dobrosrdečná a plná ideálů, které ovšem během svého života postupně ztrácí… Z manžela se vyklube skrblík a notorický proutník. Zjistí, že její matka měla milence a že komorná má dítě s jejím manželem. I syn ji zklame. Z Jeanne se tak postupně stává zatrpklá, ponížená žena, která však přese všechno hledá pozdní smysl života.Život není nikdy tak dobrý ani tak špatný, jak si myslíme.
Objev podobné jako Jeden život - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha
Simon's Papa - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha
eBook: Can children be even crueller than adults? Left without a father, Simon is being tortured by his peеrs to the point when he attempts a suicide. Luckily enough, the local blacksmith, Phillip Remy, takes him under his wing. In this heartbreaking drama, Guy de Maupassant, touches the readers' feelings by exploring human cruelty and challenging societal stereotypes.
Objev podobné jako Simon's Papa - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha
Who Knows? - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha
eBook: Guy de Maupassant's short story "Who Knows?" recounts nothing short of a bizarre series of events. Our narrator writes from inside an asylum, where he has committed himself and now recounts what has transpired earlier. We learn that the narrator, a self-proclaimed recluse, has a love of furniture, which he used to decorate his house with. One day, the furniture disappeared under mysterious circumstances and he came across them in the most unexpected place. Yet he is still a long way from discovering how they got there in the first place.
Objev podobné jako Who Knows? - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha
The Wreck - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha
eBook: Are memories of past love affairs stronger than time? After a mysterious foreign letter arrives at breakfast, Georges Garin shares with his friend a peculiour travelogue. While inspecting a wrecked ship, an English man with his three daughters approaches him. A passionate love affair flares between Garin and the oldest daughter which settles in his heart for the years to come. The remarkable short story writer, Guy de Maupassant, unveils bit by bit their tale with a subtle expression of eroticism.
Objev podobné jako The Wreck - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha
The Accursed Bread - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha
eBook: A widower and a loving father of three girls, old Taille is described as a model workman. He provides for his family with honest labour and enjoys a good reputation until his oldest daughter, Anna, runs away and mysteriously turns into one of the richest people in town. Can a family connection once broken be restored? Can money buy happiness and respect? Discover this complex family drama by the Master of the short story, Guy de Maupassant.
Objev podobné jako The Accursed Bread - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha
The Diamond Necklace - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha
eBook: "The Diamond Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant portrays the complexities and consequences of keeping up appearances in the 19th century. Mathilde is a young and beautiful woman, struggling with the ordinary circumstances of her life and marriage. When she is invited to a fancy ball with her husband, she borrows a diamond necklace from a friend. To her horror, she finds the necklace to be gone by the end of the night. The couple must now find a way to quickly replace the necklace, but the cost turns out to be terribly high. The story has inspired film adaptations, such as the silent film The Necklace (1909).
Objev podobné jako The Diamond Necklace - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha
Příběhy pařížské kokoty - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha
eBook: Próza s titulem "Příběhy pařížské kokoty", napsaná nejspíše v první polovině 80. let předminulého století a vydaná v českém překladu poprvé jako bibliofilie u K. J. Obrátila v roce 1932, podruhé „péčí" nakladatelství Monitor o devětapadesát let později, bývá automaticky připisována Guy de Maupassantovi (1850-93), spisovateli francouzského (kritického) realismu, potažmo naturalismu.
Objev podobné jako Příběhy pařížské kokoty - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha
The Legion of Honor - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha
eBook: The rich but rather dull Maitre Caillard has always been besotted with the famous 'Leigon of Honor'. It would kill him to walk the streets of Paris and see others displaying it proudly on their lapels, all the while his stayed empty. 'The Leigon of Honor' is a short social parody that follows a man with a boundless obsession desperately pulling strings he probably shouldn't be pulling. Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a French writer. Famed for being a master of the short story, he also wrote travel books and occasionally dabbled in poetry. His stories mainly focus on the relationships between men and women sitting at crossroads in their lives - whether personal or professional. His dramatic flair is largely influenced by French novelist Gustave Flaubert and is perfect for fans of Anton Chekhov's short stories. The most notable of the 300 short stories that he wrote include 'Bel Ami', 'Une Vie', and 'The Dumpling'.
Objev podobné jako The Legion of Honor - Guy de Maupassant - e-kniha
Marguerite de Valois - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Dive into the drama of the royal court, and meet one of France\'s most devious villains. \"Marguerite de Valois\" is the fast-paced first entry in Alexandre Dumas\' \"Valois Romances\" series. At its center is Marguerite, daughter of the deceased Henry II, and potential peacemaker between the country\'s catholics and protestants. But little does she know that her mother, Catherine de Medici, is secretly stoking religious violence for her own evil ends. The story boasts all the ingredients of the best court murders, intrigues, conspiracies, escapades, and duels. And a lot of poison. Especially recommended for fans of Hillary Mantel\'s \"Wolf Hall\" series.
Objev podobné jako Marguerite de Valois - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
The Marquise De Ganges - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: She had a fortune to her name. And it made her an irresistible target. A famous beauty, Marie de Rossan married the Marquis de Ganges in 1658. It appeared to be a happy match, but trouble began over the issue of Marie\'s will, and who stood to inherit her money. The Marquis\' two brothers hounded her relentlessly, pressuring her to make revisions. And then, after months of threats, their campaign took a violent turn. A sordid tale of murder and greed, it\'s perfect subject matter for Alexandre Dumas\' \"Celebrated Crimes\" series. The case also peeked the interest of the Marquis de Sade (who inspired behind the term \'sadism\'), who wrote his own novel on the subject.
Objev podobné jako The Marquise De Ganges - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
The Marquise De Brinvilliers - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: When it came to the art of poisoning, Marquise de Brinvilliers had a rare talent. She honed her craft by testing out mixtures on hospital patients. And then began her most ambitious project, murdering first her father, and then her two brothers. Her motive? The substantial family fortune. Her crimes shocked 17th century France, and triggered a nationwide panic about poisoners in the nobility. Her story inspired works by numerous writers, including Robert Browning and Arthur Conan Doyle. In his version, Alexandre Dumas picks apart the Marquise\'s case and trial, including her excruciating torture by \'water cure\'. Recommended for fans of grisly true crime.
Objev podobné jako The Marquise De Brinvilliers - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
The Countess De Saint-Geran - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: The only way to secure her fortune was by committing a heinous crime. This shocking tale of greed and murder is recounted here by master storyteller Alexandre Dumas. Marchioness de Bouille is looking forward to being very rich. She stands to inherit her brother\'s money, as he and his wife, Countess de Saint-Geran, are childless. But her dreams are dashed when the Countess suddenly becomes pregnant. Together with her lover, the Marchioness hatches a plan to remove the newborn from the picture.Based a real case from 17th century France, \"Marchioness de Bouille\" is a true crime fan\'s dream.
Objev podobné jako The Countess De Saint-Geran - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
The Mesmerist\'s Victim: Andrea de Taverney - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Love can blossom even in the most desperate of situations. In \"The Mesmerist\'s Andrea de Taverney\", the second entry in the \"Marie Antoinette Romances\", the setting is Revolution-era Paris. The story centres on two passionate, but rather unlucky souls who become lovers. Amidst all the chaos, intrigue, and beheadings, they fight to keep their romance alive. Returning characters from the series\' first entry, \"Joseph Balsamo\", make up the supporting cast. Action takes a back seat in \"The Mesmerist\'s Victim\". Instead, Alexandre Dumas concentrates on deepening his characters and the intricate relationships which join them together through this turbulent time.
Objev podobné jako The Mesmerist\'s Victim: Andrea de Taverney - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
Murat - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Facing the firing squad, Joachim Murat told them to aim for his heart. Courageous until the end, his life is one of the great rise and fall stories. And Alexandre Dumas is the perfect author to tell it. Murat was a trusted general under Napoleon Bonaparte. His marriage to Napoleon\'s sister, Caroline, only served to deepen the bond between the two men. But he would eventually betray the emperor by switching allegiances during the Napoleonic Wars. This fateful decision would prove to be Murat\'s undoing. Dumas paints a fascinating portrait of Murat; a brave commander with a taste for extravagance. It makes his fall from grace all the more tragic.
Objev podobné jako Murat - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
Nisida - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: The Prince of Brancoleone has a reputation for breaking hearts. And now he\'s set his sights on a new conquest. She\'s Nisida, the beautiful daughter of a Naples fisherman. The prince disguises himself as a commoner and seduces her. But Nisida\'s little brother Gabriel intervenes, setting off a bloody tale of revenge, suicide and family secrets.Part of Dumas\' \"Celebrated Crimes\" series, \"Nisida\" is an enthralling look at honour and justice in 19th century Italy. Based on real events, it was co-written with Italian author Pier Angelo Fiorentino. Before \"The Three Musketeers\", Alexandre Dumas explored some of history\'s darkest chapters in \"Celebrated Crimes\". These true crime stories cover famous murders, conspiracies and executions, from Mary Queen of Scots to the Borgias.
Objev podobné jako Nisida - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
Vaninka - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: In 19th century Russia, a pair of lovers risk their lives by defying the tzar. Based loosely on true events, \"Vaninka\" takes place during the reign of Paul I. The lady of the title is a general\'s daughter, who is due to be married, in a match approved of by the tzar. But Vaninka has fallen for another man—an officer under her father\'s command. The pair\'s illicit romance sets in motion a dark tale of death and dangerous secrets. One of Alexandre Dumas\' \"Celebrated Crimes\", \"Vaninka\" is in the tradition of great tragic love stories, from \"Romeo and Juliet\" to \"Wuthering Heights\".
Objev podobné jako Vaninka - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
Georges - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Born mixed-race, but with pale skin, Georges was rejected by everyone in the 19th-century French colony of Mauritius. But, in this era of slavery and abuse, he was destined to be noticed.In Alexandre Dumas\' action-packed novel, Georges, the son of a wealthy, mixed-race planter, leads a black militia group and saves the lives of many planters during the British invasion of Mauritius.However, he gets no thanks. Then, when he fights with the son of another planter, his father sends him to France to be schooled. Here, Georges becomes eloquent, educated, and a hit with the ladies.He returns to Mauritius and his popularity quickly increases in society. But, when he discovers that his brother is the captain of a slave ship, he is furious.The fuse is lit for a slave revolt, imprisonment, and a death sentence. Is it the end for Georges? Perfect for readers of Victor Hugo\'s \'The Hunchback of Notre Dame\' and \'My Bondage and my Freedom\' by Frederick Douglass.
Objev podobné jako Georges - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
Derues - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: How far would you go to secure a fortune? In late 18th Century Paris, one man turned to murder. In this volume of his \"Celebrated Crimes\" series, Alexandre Dumas takes on the subject Antoine François Derues. Convicted of double poisoning, Derues was executed in 1777. His victims were the wealthy Madame de la Motte, whose country estate he wanted for himself, and her teenage son. In this gripping psychological portrait, Dumas ventures into the murderer\'s mind, recreating scenes that stretch back to Derues\' childhood. A must read for true crime fans, this work places Derues next to the other great names in the criminal pantheon – Jack the Ripper, H. H. Holmes, or Ted Bundy.Before \"The Three Musketeers\", Alexandre Dumas explored some of history\'s darkest chapters in \"Celebrated Crimes\". These true crime stories cover famous murders, conspiracies and executions, from Mary Queen of Scots to the Borgias.
Objev podobné jako Derues - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
The Countess de Charny: The Execution of King Louis XVI - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Stories of her arrogance and extravagance fanned the flames of revolution. But did Marie Antoinette really deserve her reputation?Alexandre Dumas seeks to find an answer in \"The Countess de The Execution of King Louis XVI\". It’s an epic dramatisation of the French Revolution, with Marie at its centre. Around her, Dumas weaves a tapestry of romance and politics, taking in characters from every rung of 18th century French society. It all builds to the royal family’s grisly end, as first Louis XVI, and then his queen, are sent to the guillotine.Picking up where \"Taking the Ange Pitou\" left off, this fast-paced read brings history to vivid life. It\'s also makes a great companion piece to the movie \"Marie Antoinette\" with Kirsten Dunst.
Objev podobné jako The Countess de Charny: The Execution of King Louis XVI - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
Miláček - Guy de Maupassant
Paříž 1885: Georgese Duroye, bývalého vojáka a toho času zaměstnance na dráze, trápí nedostatek peněz, chudoba a bezmoc. Vše se mění ze dne na den, když mu kamarád z vojny dohodí místo v novinách – z nýmanda se stane uznávaný novinář. Díky známým pozná Duroy, přezdívaný Miláček, pár zazobanců z místní smetánky a získá svou první milenku, paní de Marelle. Vzápětí se však žení z ryzího kalkulu – nebere si tu, kterou miluje, ale bohatou vdovu po kamarádovi. Se svatbou si zvolí i nové, vznešenější jméno, s postavením a penězi vzrostou i nároky. Satirický román má skvělou atmosféru, která nás vrací do doby, kdy se společenská smetánka vozila v drožkách a z venkovana se mohl stát lev salonů. Maupassant ve svém díle představuje sobeckého a sebestředného jedince, který touží po slávě, uznání, moci, penězích a úspěchu u žen. Miláček je nevyléčitelný sukničkář, prototyp průměrného člověka jdoucího přes mrtvoly.
Objev podobné jako Miláček - Guy de Maupassant
Captain Pamphile - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: The Captain Pamphile of the title is one of Dumas\' most intriguing creations. An anti-hero, the Captain is a rogue and a swindler who decides to exploit the demand for exotic animals that was prevalent in the early 19th century. However, Pamphile\'s methods are unconventional, to say the least. If you like your adventures on the high seas served up with betrayal, intrigue, mutiny, and a liberal dose of sardonic humour, then this is the book for you. A satirical tale with a twist, \'Captain Pamphile\' is the perfect read for fans of seafaring adventures.
Objev podobné jako Captain Pamphile - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
Captain Paul - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Chained up in the hold of a French warship, Lusignan\'s only hope of escape rests with his captor - Captain Paul. A man with a mysterious past, Captain Paul is transporting Lusignan to exile in the West Indies. Little does he know that his mission is a sham. His prisoner is an innocent man, framed because he fell in love with a Count\'s daughter. Once the truth is revealed, Paul and Lusignan return to France, determined to seek justice.Inspired by the real life of American Revolutionary War hero John Paul Jones, \"Captain Paul\" is a rollicking melodrama, packed with action and romance. A fine precursor to Dumas\' later classics, it\'s especially recommended for fans of naval adventures, like C.S. Forester\'s \"Hornblower\" series.
Objev podobné jako Captain Paul - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
The Borgias - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: How much power can one family wield before they\'re corrupted?In this first volume of his \"Celebrated Crimes\" series, Alexandre Dumas tackles the notorious Borgais. Originally from Spain, this noble family\'s political influence was felt across Europe through much of the 15th and 16th centuries. But their name also became synonymous with scandals and murder. \"The Borgais\" is a fictionalised account of the family\'s machinations. These include Rodrigo Borgia and his reign as Pope Alexander IV, when rumours abounded of orgies at the Vatican. A must read for history buffs, and any fans of \"The Borgias\" television series starring Jeremy Irons.
Objev podobné jako The Borgias - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
Ali Pacha - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Bloodthirsty tyrant or brilliant statesman? Alexandre Dumas explores the complicated legacy of Ali Pacha in this fictionalised biography. A leader under the Ottoman Empire, Pasha ruled over a large portion of Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries. There\'s no doubt he was politically astute—he maintained his power by signing alliances with both Napoleon and the British. But Pasha\'s not part of Dumas\' \"Celebrated Crimes\" series for nothing. His brutality was legendary, and his reign was marked by numerous atrocities. Dumas reckons with these complexities in the enthralling \"Ali Pacha\". It\'s a must read for Dumas fans and history buffs alike.
Objev podobné jako Ali Pacha - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
La Constantin - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: In a morally corrupt society, where does the guilt for a crime really end? In \"La Constantin\", Alexandre Dumas introduces us to two women who met untimely ends—Angelique-Louise de Guerchi and Josephine-Charlotte Boullenois. While they were killed by a pair of poisoners, Dumas points the reader towards other forces that led to their deaths. Namely, the husbands and fathers who controlled their lives.A history of violence, \"La Constantin\" also doubles as a critique of the sexist morals and codes of 17th Century France. The book will definitely appeal to lovers of true crime fiction and diehard fans of Dumas.
Objev podobné jako La Constantin - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
The Cenci - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Beatrice Cenci laid her neck on the chopping block. She\'d helped to beat a powerful nobleman to death, but for many in Rome, her execution was a tragic perversion of justice. Beatrice\'s father, Francisco, was a horrible abuser. His wife and three children all suffered at his hands. Pushed to the brink, the four Cencis grouped together to put an end to Francisco\'s evil. The ensuing trial enthralled the city\'s population, and gave rise to a legend about Beatrice that persists to this day.This entry in Dumas\' \"Celebrated Crimes\" nimbly explores issues of morality and justice, whilst also delivering a juicy true crime story.
Objev podobné jako The Cenci - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
Mary Stuart - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Two queens, joined by blood and rivals for the throne. Only one would survive their decades-long power play. \"Mary Stuart\" is a fictionalised essay about Mary Queen of Scots. Mary\'s reign in Scotland was marked by scandal. Her first husband was murdered, and she was heavily implicated in the crime. Forced to flea to England, Mary counted on the support of her cousin Elizabeth I. But Elizabeth feared that Mary had her sights set on the English crown. So she imprisoned her, and began building a case for her execution. Dumas portrays his protagonist as an enigmatic figure, driven by lust and a thirst for power. This story is a great companion to the many movies about Mary, such as \"Mary Queen of Scots\" starring Margot Robbie and Saoirse Ronan.
Objev podobné jako Mary Stuart - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
Martin Guerre - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Martin Guerre\'s disappearance has changed him. In fact, he\'s no longer Martin Guerre at all. In this true crime tale, Alexandre Dumas explores an outlandish case of impersonation. The year is 1556, and French peasant Martin Guerre has been missing for six years. But then he suddenly returns, and is welcomed back by his wife and son. But others in the village sense something amiss. They suspect the man is a total imposter.It\'s a story that\'s truly stranger than fiction, and Dumas navigates its many twists and turns with aplomb. An essential for mystery fans.
Objev podobné jako Martin Guerre - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
Urbain Grandier - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Accused of sorcery, a man of God is put on trial for his life. But the dark forces leading his persecution are far from supernatural. In \"Urbain Grandier\", Alexandre Dumas recounts one of France\'s most infamous witchcraft trials. The story begins in the early 1600s, in the parish of Loudon. A convent of nuns claim demonic possession, and the finger of blame is pointed at local priest Father Grandier. What follows is a horror story of exorcisms, torture, and execution. Dumas offers a gripping account of the trial, but also shows us the powerful figures who orchestrated the plot. They include Cardinal Richelieu, who Dumas later made the lead villain of his classic novel \"The Three Musketeers\".
Objev podobné jako Urbain Grandier - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
Tři mušketýři - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Historický román z dob novověké Francie. Mladý d'Artagnan přijíždí v roce 1625 do Paříže, kde se chce stát královským mušketýrem. Poté, co se spolu s Athosem, Porthosem a Aramisem ubrání gardě kardinála Richelieua, získá přátele na celý život. Spolu s nimi se snaží rozplést intriky kardinála a milady de Winter, kteří chtějí zničit královnu Annu Rakouskou.
Objev podobné jako Tři mušketýři - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
Jeden život - Guy de Maupassant
Román je považován za jedno z autorových vrcholných děl, je obžalobou rozkládající se aristokratické společnosti, její nicotné morálky plné polopravd sebeklamů, podvodů a zkorumpovanosti. Hlavní hrdinka Jana, vychovaná v klášteře, se ve své naivitě po krátké známosti provdá a prožívá srážku svých iluzí s drsnou životní realitou. Vlastně se z tohoto šoku nedokáže celý život vzpamatovat - všechny její ideály berou postupně za své. Z manžela se vyklube bezohledný, úzkoprsý člověk, který ji navíc s kdekým podvádí. Katastrofy se řetězí a hromadí. Jana není silná ani příliš bojovná, a tak často jen trpně přihlíží svým různým životním pohromám a nemá sílu jim čelit nebo zabránit, ba ani se s nimi duševně vyrovnat.
Objev podobné jako Jeden život - Guy de Maupassant
The Three Musketeers IV - Alexandre Dumas, Alexander Dumas ml. - e-kniha
eBook: Milady is finally behind bars. During the day, she patiently plots her escape. And at night, she dreams of reaping revenge on D'Artagnan. In this final part of "The Three Musketeers", our heroes' story looks to be drawing to a close. But the Cardinal and Milady have other ideas. Athos, Aramis, Porthos and D'Artagnan will have to use all their wits in this final struggle. It's a fitting end to Dumas' epic, which takes his famous blend of action and romance into some unexpected directions. And if you're left wanting more Musketeers, don't despair! Their adventures continue in the sequel "Twenty Years After".
Objev podobné jako The Three Musketeers IV - Alexandre Dumas, Alexander Dumas ml. - e-kniha
The Three Musketeers I - Alexandre Dumas, Alexander Dumas ml. - e-kniha
eBook: Prepare yourself for the ultimate swashbuckling epic! Perhaps Alexandre Dumas' most famous creation, this tale of heroic swordsmen set the standard for every adventure story that followed. This first part of the novel centres on D'Artagnan, who leaves home to make his fortune in 17th Century Paris. There he meets the famous Musketeers, Athos, Porthos and Aramis. The four become steadfast friends, committed to serving the king and preserving peace. But there's a darkness looming on the horizon—the villainous Cardinal Richelieu plans to plunge France into war. Packed with boisterous characters and derring-do, "The Three Musketeers" remains a page-turner. It's been adapted for the big screen many times, including a 1993 Disney movie starring Charlie Sheen.
Objev podobné jako The Three Musketeers I - Alexandre Dumas, Alexander Dumas ml. - e-kniha
The Three Musketeers III - Alexandre Dumas, Alexander Dumas ml. - e-kniha
eBook: Torn between his duty and his desires, D'Artagnan must decide where his loyalties lie. Continuing "The Three Musketeers" adventures, this third volume reveals Milady's true identity. It sets her on course for a showdown with D'Artagnan, who is still in love with her. And also brings to light a violent chapter from one of the other musketeers' past. Meanwhile, France's religious conflicts head towards a culmination—the siege of the city of La Rochelle. The Musketeers must prepare themselves for war. Deepening the bonds between our heroes, this is yet another boisterous adventure from the pen of Alexandre Dumas.
Objev podobné jako The Three Musketeers III - Alexandre Dumas, Alexander Dumas ml. - e-kniha
The Wolf Leader - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: In 'The Wolf Leader,' Dumas deftly weaves the Faust story with the werewolves of folklore. While it is not the typical swashbuckling fare you would expect from the author of 'The Three Musketeers,' 'The Wolf Leader' is a wonderfully atmospheric tale, detailing a deal between Thibault, a shoemaker, and a half-man-half-wolf creature he meets in the forest. While revenge might be sweet, for every deal, there is a price to pay. A superb and intriguing read for those who want to read something out of the ordinary.
Objev podobné jako The Wolf Leader - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
Balsamo, the Magician - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Twenty years before the French Revolution. The Monarchy has already started to lose some of its supporters, even though young Marie Antoinette has just married the King Louis XVI. Count Alessandro di Cagliostro is a noble man interested in hypnosis and occultism. He is also interested in the French royals – but what are his true motives?'Balsamo the Magician' is a historical novel by Alexandre Dumas. It is the first of 'The Marie Antoinette Romances'. The series also includes the novels 'The Queen's Necklace', 'Storming the Bastille', 'The Countess of Charny' and 'The Knight of the Red House'.
Objev podobné jako Balsamo, the Magician - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
A Masked Ball - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: The author is in the middle of working when he suddenly gets a visitor – a friend, whose face is completely pale. The author is no longer irritated by the interruption; he wants to know what has happened. The friend calms down and starts to tell a story of himself ending up in a vicious party where everyone hid their faces behind a mask...'A Masked Ball' is a masterful short story written by Alexandre Dumas.
Objev podobné jako A Masked Ball - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
Chicot the Jester - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Every King needs a wily advisor. For Henry III of France, it\'s Chicot the Jester. Quick witted and a pro at manipulation, Chicot must use all his skills to keep the King (and himself) at the top. The second of Dumas\' \"Valois Romances\", this novel continues the saga of the powerful Valois dynasty. Intertwined with Chicot\'s story is that of Bussy d\'Amboise, a gentleman who has fallen for a married woman. With these parallel plotlines, Dumas offer up plenty of cliffhangers, political skullduggery, and secret assignations. \"Chicot the Jester\" is a great read for fans of courtly intrigue, such as Netlix\'s \"The Crown\" or Hilary Mantel\'s \"Wolf Hall\" trilogy.
Objev podobné jako Chicot the Jester - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
The Prussian Terror - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Set during the war between Austria and Prussia in 1866, \'The Prussian Terror´ is a gritty, historical adventure novel. While the story graphically describes the horrors and effects of the conflict, it primarily focuses on the friendship between two soldiers. As their fortunes unfold, we find out more about their romantic entanglements and watch as the war threatens to destroy their kinship. Packed with historical and military detail, this is essential reading for those with an interest in the period as well as fans of Dumas who want to read beyond his better-known works.
Objev podobné jako The Prussian Terror - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
Karl-Ludwig Sand - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Fanatic. Murderer. Martyr. Karl-Ludwig Sand was all of these things and more. Alexandre Dumas delves into his fascinating story as part of the \"Celebrated Crimes\" series. Sand was a devout believer in German unification. At the time, Germany existed only as a loose confederation. In the name of this cause, he broke into the house of the conservative writer August von Kotzebue and stabbed him to death. Tried and executed in 1820, Sand became a nationalist icon. Dumas\' depicts a man driven to extremes by radical ideas. It\'s a story that remains frighteningly relevant to this day.
Objev podobné jako Karl-Ludwig Sand - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: eep dive into Alexandre Dumas\' swashbuckling historical adventure tale of honour and chivalry, set during the backdrop of the French monarchy\'s slow demise, ´The Three Musketeers´.Kickstarting the epic trilogy, ´The Three Musketeers´ follows D\'Artagnan\'s desperate attempt to leave home and join the elite Musketeers of the Guard in Paris. When he befriends three other formidable musketeers his age, the group soon take it upon themselves to save the state and control the courts!But when rogue do-gooders step on the toes of France\'s Ancien Régime, there\'s bound to be trouble. And violence. Will it be off with the heads? Or will the musketeers show France what a true republic looks like?Weaving a whirlwind adventure tale of courage and might, Dumas\' \'The Three Musketeers´ is a must-read masterpiece for fans of Luke Evans, Orlando Bloom, and Logan Lerman in the eponymous blockbuster hit film adaptation.
Objev podobné jako The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
The Corsican Brothers - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Two brothers, blessed with a telepathic connection, living under the shadow of a family vendetta. Can their strange power protect them? In \"The Corsican Brothers\", Alexander Dumas ventures into the supernatural. The brothers of the title, Lucien and Louis, are born as conjoined twins, but then separated. Despite this, they can still sense what the other is feeling, no matter the distance between them. This mysterious bond is tested when a centuries-old feud erupts into violence. A sprightly novella, \"The Corsican Brothers\" has been adapted multiple times for the screen. Matinee idol Douglas Fairbanks Jr. played the dual roles of the brothers in a 1941 movie version. And the book also partly inspired the Gene Wilder comedy \"Start the Revolution Without Me\".
Objev podobné jako The Corsican Brothers - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
The Black Tulip - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: 'To have discovered the black tulip, to have seen it for a moment...then to lose it, to lose it forever!'Cornelius von Baerle, a respectable tulip-grower, lives only to cultivate the elusive black tulip and win a magnificent prize for its creation. But after his powerful godfather is assassinated, the unwitting Cornelius becomes caught up in deadly political intrigue and is falsely accused of high treason by a bitter rival. Condemned to life imprisonment, his only comfort is Rosa, the jailer's beautiful daughter, and together they concoct a plan to grow the black tulip in secret. Dumas' last major historical novel is a tale of romantic love, jealousy and obsession, interweaving historical events surrounding the brutal murders of two Dutch statesman in 1672 with the phenomenon of tulipomania that gripped seventeenth-century Holland.
Objev podobné jako The Black Tulip - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
Jeden život - Guy de Maupassant - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Dílo Guy de Maupassanta patřící k vrcholům francouzského literárního realismu a naturalismu Jeden život (Une Vie) je prvním z Maupassantových šesti románů a po Miláčkovi nejznámější. Zabývá se osudem nejsympatičtější hrdinky ze všech Maupassantových postav. Dobře vychovanou dívku Jeanne ze spořádané bohaté šlechtické rodiny čekal jediný osud: vdát se a být poslušnou manželkou a oddanou matkou. Když se však žena k tomuto osudu odhodlaná setká s mužem, který je všechno, jen ne milující manžel a slušný muž, postupem času ztrácí iluze a neví, co si počít se svými city a rozumem. Jeanne však překoná všechny nepřízně osudu a najde si svoji cestu. Veronika Khek Kubařová se svou dokonalou interpretací vžívá do hrdinčiných pocitů s naprostým pochopením, empatií a vřelostí.
Objev podobné jako Jeden život - Guy de Maupassant - audiokniha
Hrabě Monte Cristo - komplet - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Výpravné vydání legendárního šestidílného románu Alexandra Dumase. S ilustracemi Adolfa Borna a v revidovaném překladu vychází generacemi milovaná klasika v překrásném třísvazkovém vydání a v dárkové krabici.
Objev podobné jako Hrabě Monte Cristo - komplet - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
Twenty Years After I - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: It's the time for heroes. But the Musketeers are no more. As Dumas' "Twenty Years Later" begins, only D'Artagnan still serves in the Queen's guard. Porthos, Aramis, and Athos are living comfortable lives, their fighting days long behind them. But all that's about to change. With the country on the brink of civil war, D'Artagnan is given a dangerous new mission, and he knows he'll need his old friends by his side. Expanding upon the mythology of "The Three Musketeers", the sequel is just as packed with sword fights, conspiracies, and political double dealings. And a very hateable new villain in Cardinal Mazarin. This first part of the novel sets the scene for the adventure that follows.
Objev podobné jako Twenty Years After I - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
Twenty Years After II - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Will the Musketeers ever be "all for one and one for all" again?In the second part of "Twenty Years After" political allegiances keep the four Musketeers divided. Revolution is brewing, and while D'Artagnan and Porthos remain loyal to the Queen, Aramis and Athos support the rebellion. Meanwhile, two sons enter the frame. One is Raoul, son of Athos, who has joined the army and is fighting the Spaniards. The other is Mordaunt, offspring of the devious Milady. His heart is set on revenging his mother's death.This part of the story is ripe with intrigue surrounding France's political tumult. And all the boisterous action that you expect from a Dumas adventure.
Objev podobné jako Twenty Years After II - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
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