Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Talking with Psychopaths and Savages: Guilty but Insane - Christopher Berry-Dee
The plea of insanity in criminal cases can be traced back at least to the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi, which dates from 1755-1759 BC. It is a complicated defence, and its origins in modern law lie with the 'M'Naghten Rules' of 1843, formulated by British judges as a jury instruction in cases where a plea of insanity had been entered. Daniel M'Naghten shot and killed one Edward Drummond, believing him to be the British Prime Minister, Sir Robert Peel, and was acquitted on the grounds of insanity, and the M'Naghten Rules still exert considerable influence over defences today.Clearly a plea of insanity in murder cases is of critical importance when the death penalty is still applied, and even today it may still be the difference between a life sentence in a high-security prison, or an indeterminate one in a secure psychiatric hospital. Meanwhile, 27 of the USA's 50 states have retained or readopted the death penalty, and at least 54 other countries, including China, Russia, India, Iran and Saudi Arabia, also retain it. Naturally, a criminal who was liable to swing for murder could, and sometimes did, make every attempt to appear insane, and this book examines some of these cases, as well as trials in which the accused was indeed judged to be insane. The failure rate is high; of seven American serial killers who deployed the defence in their trials, only two were successful, ending their days in secure psychiatric facilities; two were executed, and the other three either died or were killed while serving full-life sentences, or are still in gaol.
Podívejte se také Talking Heads: More Songs About Buildings And Food - LP (8122796358)
Talking with Psychopaths and Savages: Guilty but Insane - Christopher Berry-Dee
The plea of insanity in criminal cases can be traced back at least to the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi, which dates from 1755-1759 BC. It is a complicated defence, and its origins in modern law lie with the 'M'Naghten Rules' of 1843, formulated by British judges as a jury instruction in cases where a plea of insanity had been entered. Daniel M'Naghten shot and killed one Edward Drummond, believing him to be the British Prime Minister, Sir Robert Peel, and was acquitted on the grounds of insanity, and the M'Naghten Rules still exert considerable influence over defences today.Clearly a plea of insanity in murder cases is of critical importance when the death penalty is still applied, and even today it may still be the difference between a life sentence in a high-security prison, or an indeterminate one in a secure psychiatric hospital. Meanwhile, 27 of the USA's 50 states have retained or readopted the death penalty, and at least 54 other countries, including China, Russia, India, Iran and Saudi Arabia, also retain it. Naturally, a criminal who was liable to swing for murder could, and sometimes did, make every attempt to appear insane, and this book examines some of these cases, as well as trials in which the accused was indeed judged to be insane.The failure rate is high; of seven American serial killers who deployed the defence in their trials, only two were successful, ending their days in secure psychiatric facilities; two were executed, and the other three either died or were killed while serving full-life sentences, or are still in gaol.
Podívejte se také Talking Heads: More Songs About Buildings And Food (colored) - LP (0349784615)
Talking with Female Serial Killers - A chilling study of the most evil women in the world - Christopher Berry-Dee
Christopher Berry-Dee, criminologist and bestselling author of books about the serial killers Aileen Wuornos and Joanne Dennehy, turns his uncompromising gaze upon women who not only kill, but kill repeatedly.
Podívejte se také Polštář 45x30 cm, Pat&Mat, defekt (99853A)
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Rozhovory se sériovými vrahy - Christopher Berry-Dee
Ti nejhorší vyprávějí svůj příběh.Christopher Berry-Dee hovoří se sériovými vrahy. Coby uznávaný kriminolog si získal důvěru řady odsouzených monster. Vstoupil do přísně střežených věznic, kde s nimi probral jejich šokující zločiny. Výsledkem je tato kniha. Berry-Dee rekonstruuje případy Arthura J. Shawcrosse, Henryho Lee Lucase, Douglase D. Clarka a Carol M. Bundyové a řady dalších. Popisuje svá setkání s těmi nejhoršími, ale také reprodukuje jejich slova, jimiž ospravedlňují své zločiny. A umožňuje tak čtenáři nahlédnout do propasti…
Objev podobné jako Rozhovory se sériovými vrahy - Christopher Berry-Dee
Rozhovory se sériovými vrahy - Christopher Berry-Dee - e-kniha
eBook: „Kdo zápasí s nestvůrami, ať se má na pozoru, aby se při tom nestal sám nestvůrou.“ Friedrich Nietzsche Christopher Berry-Dee je muž, který hovoří se sériovými vrahy. Coby světově uznávaný investigativní novinář a kriminolog si získal důvěru řady odsouzených zabijáků. Vstoupil do přísně střežených věznic, kde s nimi podrobně probral jejich šokující zločiny. Výsledkem byly unikátní audiozáznamy a videozáznamy, které se staly základem jednotlivých kapitol této knihy. Berry-Dee podrobně rekonstruuje případy Arthura J. Shawcrosse, Henryho Lee Lucase, Douglase D. Clarka a Carol M. Bundyové a řady dalších. Popisuje svá setkání s některými z nejhorších mužů a žen světa, ale také doslovně reprodukuje jejich slova, jimiž vysvětlují či ospravedlňují své zločiny. Umožňuje tak čtenáři nahlédnout do propasti – do nitra lidí, kteří nemilosrdně vzali život jiným lidským bytostem.
Objev podobné jako Rozhovory se sériovými vrahy - Christopher Berry-Dee - e-kniha
Murtagh (Defekt) - Christopher Paolini
Pro Dračího jezdce Murtagha a jeho draka Trna už není na světě bezpečno. Zlý král byl svržen a z nich se stali vyděděnci. Po celé zemi se navíc začínají šířit zvěsti o pukající zemi a zápachu síry, který se vznáší ve vzduchu. Zdá se, že ve stínech Alagaësie se skrývá cosi zlého. A tak začíná epická cesta do známých i neprobádaných krajů, kde budou muset Murtagh a Trn použít všechny zbraně ze svého arzenálu, aby našli a přelstili tajemnou čarodějnici. Čarodějnici, která je mnohem mocnější, než se zdá.
Objev podobné jako Murtagh (Defekt) - Christopher Paolini
Psychologie sebeobrany (Defekt) - Christopher Sutton
Po přečtení téhle knihy snad pochopíte, že sami můžete značně snížit riziko násilného přepadení a že i v jeho průběhu existují způsoby, jak se ubránit. Reálná a opravdu efektivní sebeobrana začíná v hlavě. Vám se teď dostává do ruky návod, jak si osvojit potřebný způsob myšlení. Naučte se, co to obnáší zvítězit v konfliktu a ochránit tak sebe i své blízké. V téhle knize zjistíte, jaká doopravdy reálná sebeobrana je, jak přežít v dnešním světe, proč by měl být trénink sebeobrany prioritou v životě každého člověka, jaký je rozdíl mezi sebeobranou a bojovými uměními… a to je teprve začátek.Ať už jste matka v domácnosti, dělník, policista, ředitel nebo prodavač, vaše zdraví by mělo být to nejdůležitější. Na ničem jiném nezáleží. Ačkoliv vás žádná kniha nemůže nikdy naučit bojovat, může vám otevřít oči a donutit vás nahlédnout pod pokličku násilného jednání a způsobu uvažování útočníků a poradit, jak v případě střetu zvýšit svoje šance. To bylo záměrem autora Chrise Suttona, zkušeného instruktora sebeobrany a bojových umění.
Objev podobné jako Psychologie sebeobrany (Defekt) - Christopher Sutton
Epocha nároků (Defekt) - Christopher Caldwell
Tato kniha sleduje původ a obsah zákona o občanských právech z roku 1964 a jeho důsledky. Norma, jejímž prvotním účelem bylo zrovnoprávnit černochy na jihu Spojených států, přinesla osudný odvrat od principu svobody. Vyplynula z ní neblaze proslulá afirmativní akce a nakonec i ideologie politické korektnosti. Američané tak ztratili nejen svobodu slova, ale i demokracii, protože prosazování "nové ústavy", jak autor nazývá změť právních norem a úředních vyhlášek, které se postupně nabalily na zákon o občanských právech, se čím dál víc odehrávalo - a dosud odehrává - nikoli v parlamentu, ale prostřednictvím soudů a státních úřadů. Zásadním politickým paradoxem Spojených států je v posledních desetiletích skutečnost, že s postupným odstraňováním segregace černochů problém rasy nejen nezmizel, ale dokonce se stal dominantní americkou obsesí. Caldwell neopomněl žádný ze zásadních problémů novodobé Ameriky - například feminismus, sexuální menšiny, migraci, moderní technologie a z nich vzešlé nové elity, otázku diverzity, diskriminaci a úpadek bělochů nebo zánik univerzity jako prostoru svobodného myšlení. Jeho text se opírá se o rozsáhlé rešerše z literatury i médií a je významným příspěvkem ke zkoumání nynějšího bezprecedentního rozpolcení americké společnosti.
Objev podobné jako Epocha nároků (Defekt) - Christopher Caldwell
Inheritance : Book Four (Defekt) - Christopher Paolini
Not so very long ago, Eragon - Shadeslayer, Dragon Rider - was nothing more than a poor farm boy, and his dragon, Saphira, only a blue stone in the forest. Now, the fate of an entire civilization rests on their shoulders. Long months of training and battle have brought victories and hope, but they have also brought heartbreaking loss. And still, the real battle lies ahead: they must confront Galbatorix. When they do, they will have to be strong enough to defeat him. And if they cannot, no one can. There will be no second chances. The Rider and his dragon have come farther than anyone dared to hope. But can they topple the evil king and restore justice to Alagaesia? And if so, at what cost?
Objev podobné jako Inheritance : Book Four (Defekt) - Christopher Paolini
Treasury of Folklore: Woodlands and Forests - Dee Dee Chainey, Willow Winsham
An entertaining and enthralling collection of myths, tales and traditions surrounding our trees, woodlands and forests from around the world.From the dark, gnarled woodlands of the north, to the humid jungles of the southern lands, trees have captured humanity’s imagination for millennia. Filled with primal gods and goddesses, dryads and the fairy tales of old, the forests still beckon to us, offering sanctuary, mystery and more than a little mischievous trickery. From insatiable cannibalistic children hewn from logs, to lumberjack lore, and the spine-chilling legend of Bloody Mary, there is much to be found between the branches. Come into the trees; witches, seductive spirits and big, bad wolves await you.With this book, Folklore Thursday aim to encourage a sense of belonging across all cultures by showing how much we all have in common.
Objev podobné jako Treasury of Folklore: Woodlands and Forests - Dee Dee Chainey, Willow Winsham
Treasury of Folklore – Seas and Rivers - Dee Dee Chainey, Willow Winsham
Enthralling tales of the sea, rivers and lakes from around the globe. Folklore of the seas and rivers has a resonance in cultures all over the world. Watery hopes, fears and dreams are shared by all peoples where rivers flow and waves crash. This fascinating book covers English sailor superstitions and shape-shifting pink dolphins of the Amazon, Scylla and Charybdis, the many guises of Mami Wata, the tale of the Yoruba River spirit, the water horses of the Scottish lochs, the infamous mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, and much more.Accompanied by stunning woodcut illustrations, popular authors Dee Dee Chainey and Willow Winsham explore the deep history and enduring significance of water folklore the world over, from mermaids, selkies and sirens to ghostly ships and the fountains of youth. With this book, Folklore Thursday aims to encourage a sense of belonging across all cultures by showing how much we all have in common.
Objev podobné jako Treasury of Folklore – Seas and Rivers - Dee Dee Chainey, Willow Winsham
To Sleep in a Sea of Stars (Defekt) - Christopher Paolini
Action-packed SF adventure that zings along at hyperluminal speed' – Peter F. Hamilton Goodreads Choice Award for Best Science Fiction Novel To Sleep in a Sea of Stars is a masterful epic science fiction novel from the New York Times and Sunday Times bestselling author of the Inheritance Cycle, Christopher Paolini. Kira Navárez dreamed of life on new worlds Now she’s awakened a nightmare During a routine survey mission on an uncolonized planet, Kira finds an alien relic. At first she’s delighted, but elation turns to terror when the ancient dust around her begins to move. As war erupts among the stars, Kira is launched into a galaxy-spanning odyssey of discovery and transformation. First contact isn’t at all what she imagined, and events push her to the very limits of what it means to be human. While Kira faces her own horrors, Earth and its colonies stand upon the brink of annihilation. Now, Kira might be humanity’s greatest and final hope . . .
Objev podobné jako To Sleep in a Sea of Stars (Defekt) - Christopher Paolini
Running with Sherman - Christopher McDougall
When barefoot running guru Christopher McDougall takes in a neglected donkey, his aim is to get Sherman back to reasonable health. But Sherman is ill-tempered, obstinate and uncooperative - and it''s clear his poor treatment has made him deeply fearful of humans. Christopher knows that donkeys need a purpose - they are working, pack animals - and so when he learns of the sport of Burro Racing or running with donkeys, he sets out to give Sherman something worth living for.With the aid of Christopher''s menagerie on his farm in rural Pennsylvania, his wife Mika and their friends and neighbours including the local Amish population, Sherman begins to build trust in Christopher. To give him a purpose, they start to run together. But what Sherman gains in confidence and meaning is something we all need: a connection with nature, the outdoors, with movement. And as Christopher learns, the side benefits of exercise and animal contact are surprising, helping with mental and physical health in unexpected ways.
Objev podobné jako Running with Sherman - Christopher McDougall
Living with the Gods : On Beliefs and Peoples (Defekt) - Neil Macgregor
Following the award-winning BBC Radio 4 series, a panoramic exploration of peoples, objects and beliefs from the celebrated author of A History of the World in 100 Objects and Germany'Riveting, extraordinary ... tells the sweeping story of religious belief in all its inventive variety. The emphasis is not on our differences, but on shared spiritual yearnings' Rachel Campbell-Johnston, The Times, Books of the YearOne of the central facts of human existence is that every society shares a set of beliefs and assumptions - a faith, an ideology, a religion - that goes far beyond the life of the individual. These beliefs are an essential part of a shared identity. They have a unique power to define - and to divide - us, and are a driving force in the politics of much of the world today. Throughout history they have most often been, in the widest sense, religious.Yet this book is not a history of religion, nor an argument in favour of faith. It is about the stories which give shape to our lives, and the different ways in which societies imagine their place in the world. Looking across history and around the globe, it interrogates objects, places and human activities to try to understand what shared beliefs can mean in the public life of a community or a nation, how they shape the relationship between the individual and the state, and how they help give us our sense of who we are.For in deciding how we live with our gods, we also decide how to live with each other.
Objev podobné jako Living with the Gods : On Beliefs and Peoples (Defekt) - Neil Macgregor
Klíč k Chíramovi (Defekt) - Robert Lomas, Christopher Knight
Při rozboru symboliky zednářských obřadů dochází autoři k důkazu přímé spojitosti mezi moderními zednáři a středověkými templáři.Když se členové zednářské lóže Ch. Knight a R. Lomas rozhodli nalézt původ svobodného zednářství, netušili, že tím začnou odhalovat skutečný příběh Ježíše Krista a původní jeruzalémské církve. Pečlivým analyzováním a srovnáváním staroegyptských dokumentů, Starého a Nového zákona, raných křesťanských a rabínských textů, svitků od Mrtvého moře a rituálů svobodného zednářství dokázali autoři rekonstruovat zapomenutý příběh Ježíše a jeho bratra Jakuba a popsat jejich zápas o vybudování "království nebeského" na zemi s pomocí rituálů v zednářském stylu. V založení křesťanské církve autoři odhalují politický záměr, jenž má s mužem, jemuž říkáme "Ježíš", pramálo společného.
Objev podobné jako Klíč k Chíramovi (Defekt) - Robert Lomas, Christopher Knight
Klíč k Chíramovi (Defekt) - Robert Lomas, Christopher Knight
Při rozboru symboliky zednářských obřadů dochází autoři k důkazu přímé spojitosti mezi moderními zednáři a středověkými templáři.Když se členové zednářské lóže Ch. Knight a R. Lomas rozhodli nalézt původ svobodného zednářství, netušili, že tím začnou odhalovat skutečný příběh Ježíše Krista a původní jeruzalémské církve. Pečlivým analyzováním a srovnáváním staroegyptských dokumentů, Starého a Nového zákona, raných křesťanských a rabínských textů, svitků od Mrtvého moře a rituálů svobodného zednářství dokázali autoři rekonstruovat zapomenutý příběh Ježíše a jeho bratra Jakuba a popsat jejich zápas o vybudování "království nebeského" na zemi s pomocí rituálů v zednářském stylu. V založení křesťanské církve autoři odhalují politický záměr, jenž má s mužem, jemuž říkáme "Ježíš", pramálo společného.
Objev podobné jako Klíč k Chíramovi (Defekt) - Robert Lomas, Christopher Knight
Poslední království (Defekt) - Steve Berry
Král Ludvík II. Bavorský byl v roce 1886 zbaven funkce a následně za záhadných okolností zemřel. Výstřední panovník se v posledních letech života snažil najít nové království, v němž by mohl vládnout podle svého. Cotton Malone a Luke Daniels teď hledají listinu dokazující, komu toto území vlastně patří. Jelikož po dokumentu kromě USA prahnou následníci bavorského trůnu, Německo i Čína, mají američtí agenti v patách velmi nebezpečné protivníky. A ti udělají cokoli, aby poslední království bylo jejich.
Objev podobné jako Poslední království (Defekt) - Steve Berry
Christopher and His Kind (0099561077)
Kniha - autor Christopher Isherwood, 352 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Isherwood's classic memoir of his life in 1930s Berlin, a seminal book of gay liberation. Recently adapted into a BBCTV drama starring Matt Smith. *Also appeared in May Buyer's Notes*
Objev podobné jako Christopher and His Kind (0099561077)
The Malta Exchange (Defekt) - Steve Berry
The pulse-pounding new thriller featuring Cotton Malone. Perfect for fans of Dan Brown, Sam Bourne and Scott Mariani.The pope is dead. Cardinals are beginning to arrive at the Vatican to select his replacement, but one has fled for Malta in search of a document that dates back to the 4th century and Constantine the Great.Former Justice Department operative Cotton Malone is in Italy, on the trail of legendary letters between Winston Churchill and Benito Mussolini that could re-write history. But someone else is after the same letters and, when Malone obtains and then loses them, he's plunged into a hunt that draws the attention of the legendary Knights of Malta.The knights are the only warrior-monks to survive into modern times. Now they are a global humanitarian organization, but within their ranks lurks the Secreti - an ancient sect intent on affecting the coming papal conclave. Malone races the rogue cardinal, the knights, the Secreti, and the clock to find what has been lost for centuries. Meanwhile, the election of the next pope hangs in the balance.
Objev podobné jako The Malta Exchange (Defekt) - Steve Berry
Savages - Lucie Lomová
A graphic novel based on real events, as captured in his journals by a young Czech explorer and botanist, Alberto Vojtěch Frič. In the winter of 1908 he returned to Europe from Paraguay accompanied by Cherwuish, a member of an indigenous tribe afflicted by a mysterious disease. A captivating story depicting the encounter between two men from two entirely different cultures whose paths crossed for a short time. A fascinating comic-form narrative laced with humour and melancholy. Lucie Lomová is the best-known woman Czech comic art author of the new, postcommunist generation, with three coveted Muriel Prizes for comic art to her name. She is also a prolific illustrator, and her books have been translated into German, French, Hungarian and Polish.
Objev podobné jako Savages - Lucie Lomová
The Fall of Gondolin (Defekt) - J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien
Painstakingly restored from Tolkien's manuscripts and presented for the first time as a standalone work, the epic tale of The Fall of Gondolin will reunite fans of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings with Elves and Men, Balrogs, Dragons and Orcs and the rich landscape and creatures unique to Tolkien's Middle-earth.In the Tale of The Fall of Gondolin are two of the greatest powers in the world. There is Morgoth of the uttermost evil, unseen in this story but ruling over a vast military power from his fortress of Angband. Deeply opposed to Morgoth is Ulmo, second in might only to Manwe, chief of the Valar.Central to this enmity of the gods is the city of Gondolin, beautiful but undiscoverable. It was built and peopled by Noldorin Elves who, when they dwelt in Valinor, the land of the gods, rebelled against their rule and fled to Middle-earth. Turgon King of Gondolin is hated and feared above all his enemies by Morgoth, who seeks in vain to discover the marvellously hidden city, while the gods in Valinor in heated debate largely refuse to intervene in support of Ulmo's desires and designs.Into this world comes Tuor, cousin of Turin, the instrument of Ulmo's designs. Guided unseen by him Tuor sets out from the land of his birth on the fearful journey to Gondolin, and in one of the most arresting moments in the history of Middle-earth the sea-god himself appears to him, rising out of the ocean in the midst of a storm. In Gondolin he becomes great; he is wedded to Idril, Turgon's daughter, and their son is Earendel, whose birth and profound importance in days to come is foreseen by Ulmo.At last comes the terrible ending. Morgoth learns through an act of supreme treachery all that he needs to mount a devastating attack on the city, with Balrogs and dragons and numberless Orcs. After a minutely observed account of the fall of Gondolin, the tale ends with the escape of Tuor and Idril, with the child Earendel, looking back from a cleft in the mountains as they flee southward, at the blazing wreckage of their city. They were journeying into a new story, the Tale of Earendel, which Tolkien never wrote, but which is sketched out in this book from other sources.Following his presentation of Beren and Luthien Christopher Tolkien has used the same 'history in sequence' mode in the writing of this edition of The Fall of Gondolin. In the words of J.R.R. Tolkien, it was 'the first real story of this imaginary world' and, together with Beren and Luthien and The Children of Hurin, he regarded it as one of the three 'Great Tales' of the Elder Days.
Objev podobné jako The Fall of Gondolin (Defekt) - J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien
Damien Ike and the Fallen House of Draven - Benson Dee, David Arlo
INTRODUCING A BOLD NEW HERO - DAMIEN IKE.Damien Ike is fortunate. As the son of the most powerful mage in the land, he should have a bright future ahead of him. But as Damien approaches adulthood, he can't help but worry that there is no sign of his magic developing. And yet to survive beyond a few days old with no magic is unthinkable - the High Commission of Mages does not allow it. There's no way his father, their leader, would have a son who is a Nullborn.Then Damien stumbles upon a secret his mother has kept from everyone - even him - and everything changes. Could it be that the fortune his future promised is not all it's cracked up to be? As Damien's world is turned upside down, he must discover how to keep their secret safe and get to the heart of the lies on which their world is founded . . .A thrilling new YA fantasy exploring fear, prejudice . . . and hope. Perfect for fans of THE WITCHER and AN EMBER IN THE ASHES.
Objev podobné jako Damien Ike and the Fallen House of Draven - Benson Dee, David Arlo
Noble Savages - Sarah Watling
'Interesting women have secrets. They also ought to have sisters.' From the beginning of their lives, the Olivier sisters stood out: surprisingly emancipated, strikingly beautiful, markedly determined, and alarmingly 'wild'. Rupert Brooke was said to be in love with all four of them; D. H. Lawrence thought they were frankly 'wrong'; Virginia Woolf found them curiously difficult to read. The sisters seemed always to be one step ahead of their time. Margery and Daphne studied at Cambridge when education was still thought by some to be damaging to ovaries. Noel became a doctor; Daphne a pioneering teacher; Margery's promising trajectory was shot down by mental illness; Brynhild, the great beauty of the four, excelled as a Bloomsbury hostess yet gave it up for love and a life of uncertainty. In this intimate, sweeping biography, Sarah Watling brings the sisters in from the margins, tracing lives that span colonial Jamaica, the bucolic life of Victorian progressives, the frantic optimism of Edwardian Cambridge, the bleakness of two world wars, and a host of evolving philosophies for life over the course of the twentieth century. Noble Savages is a compelling portrait of sisterhood in all its complexities, which rediscovers the lives of four extraordinary women within the varied fortunes of the feminism of their times, while illuminating the battles and ethics of biography itself.
Objev podobné jako Noble Savages - Sarah Watling
Chelsea, hotel hrůzy - Dee Dee Ramone
Newyorským hotelem Chelsea obchází hrůza a děs. Tak nějak to aspoň líčí ve své místy poněkud zmatené novele Dee Dee Ramone, někdejší basák slavné punkové kapely Ramones. Pro svůj revival gotického románu si její autor snad ani nemohl vybrat příhodnější místo. Postarší hotel uprostřed New Yorku, ve kterém se to jen hemží šváby, krysami a jinou havětí, se spoustou feťáků, úchylů a výstředních umělců, se stává v Dee Deeho podání scénou ztřeštěného příběhu, který si v ničem nezadá s laciným béčkovým hororem.
Objev podobné jako Chelsea, hotel hrůzy - Dee Dee Ramone
Christopher and Columbus - Elizabeth von Arnim - e-kniha
eBook: Set just before the first world war as the onset of conflict looms, ‘Christopher and Columbus’ tells the story of seventeen-year-old twin orphans, Anna-Rose and Anna-Felicitas as they are thrust upon their relatives by their Uncle Arthur. Arthur, a patriot, is suspicious of their half-German heritage and worries that they may be spying. He ships the twins off to America, and on their voyage, they befriend Mr Twist. However, Twist has not considered the pitfalls of taking the young women under his wings, especially since they cannot behave with tact and will need continued protection long after the ship docks. In this witty and comic novel, the twins arrive in America and take on the nicknames of Christopher and Columbus, as the reader follows their adventures in a country poised for war. A fun and uplifting novel, ‘Christopher and Columbus’ will be enjoyed by fans of ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’. Elizabeth von Arnim was an English novelist – a cousin of the New Zealand-born writer Katherine Mansfield – born as Mary Annette Beauchamp in Australia in 1866. She married a German aristocrat and her earliest written works are set in Germany. Von Arnim launched her career as a writer with her satirical and semi-autobiographical work ‘Elizabeth and Her German Garden’, published anonymously in 1898. Although she was known by the name May in her early life, when she began writing, her success as ‘Elizabeth’ meant that her writings were ascribed to the name Elizabeth von Arnim.
Objev podobné jako Christopher and Columbus - Elizabeth von Arnim - e-kniha
Harry Potter Talking Sorting Hat and Sticker Book: Which House Are You? (0762461764)
Kniha - 16 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná With a continual stream of exciting releases from the Wizarding World leading to the launch of the film Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them in November 2016, Harry Potter fans young and old are as engaged as ever. Harry Potter Talking Sorting Hat and Sticker Book continues a magically successful program for Running Press. The kit includes a 3-inch miniature replica of the Sorting Hat, featuring voice from the film saying the names of the 4 houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at random so that the consumer can be sorted, and a 16-page sticker book featuring full-color photographic stickers.Kit includes:* 3-inch miniature replica of the Sorting Hat* Features voice from the film, saying the names of the 4 houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at random, allowing fans to be sorted. Audio plays at the push of a button.* 16-page book featuring full-color photographic stickers
Objev podobné jako Harry Potter Talking Sorting Hat and Sticker Book: Which House Are You? (0762461764)
The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm - Christopher Paolini
It's been a year since Eragon departed Alagaësia in search of the perfect home to train a new generation of Dragon Riders. Now he is struggling with an endless sea of tasks: constructing a vast dragonhold, wrangling with suppliers, guarding dragon eggs and dealing with belligerent Urgals and haughty elves. Then a vision from the Eldunarí, unexpected visitors and an exciting Urgal legend offer a much-needed distraction and a new perspective. This volume features three original stories set in Alagaësia, interspersed with scenes from Eragon's own unfolding adventure. Included is an excerpt from the memoir of the unforgettable witch and fortune-teller Angela the herbalist, penned by Angela Paolini, the inspiration for the character, herself! Relish the incomparable imagination of Christopher Paolini in this thrilling new collection of stories based in the world of the Inheritance Cycle.
Objev podobné jako The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm - Christopher Paolini
A Treasury of British Folklore - Dee Dee Chainey
An entertaining and engrossing collection of British customs, superstitions and legends from past and present.An entertaining and engrossing collection of British customs, superstitions and legends from past and present. Did you know, in Cumbria it was believed a person lying on a pillow stuffed with pigeon’s feathers could not die? Or that green is an unlucky colour for wedding dresses? In Scotland it was thought you could ward off fairies by hanging your trousers from the foot of the bed, and in Gloucestershire you could cure warts by cutting notches in the bark of an ash tree.You’ve heard about King Arthur and St George, but how about the Green Man, a vegetative deity who is seen to symbolise death and rebirth? Or Black Shuck, the giant ghostly dog who was reputed to roam East Anglia?In this beautifully illustrated book, Dee Dee Chainey tells tales of mountains and rivers, pixies and fairy folk, and witches and alchemy. She explores how British culture has been shaped by the tales passed between generations, and by the land that we live on.As well as looking at the history of this subject, this book lists the places you can go to see folklore alive and well today. The Whittlesea Straw Bear Festival in Cambridgeshire or the Abbots Bromley Horn Dance in Staffordshire for example, or wassailing cider orchards in Somerset.
Objev podobné jako A Treasury of British Folklore - Dee Dee Chainey
Daisy Jones and The Six: Read the book everyone's talking about this summer (1787462145)
Kniha - 416 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Daisy Jones and The Six: Read the book everyone's talking about this summer (1787462145)
Slow Puncture: Living Well With Dementia - Deb Bunt, Peter Berry
This is an account of a year in the life of Peter Berry, an ordinary man living in a sleepy Suffolk village. Happily married and running a successful business, Peter''s life changes when, at the age of fifty, he is given a terminal diagnosis of early-onset dementia. Since that day, he has learned to live with his very own ''dementia monster''. From depression and suicide attempts through to his determination to confront his dementia, Peter has embarked on a series of challenges to show that ''life isn''t over with dementia, it''s just a little different''. Peter has now raised thousands of pounds for dementia charities, cycling hundreds of miles in his quest to show that life is always worth living. When Peter meets Deb, recently retired, they embark on regular cycle rides and, as their friendship grows, Deb is able to look at her own life through the lens of Peter''s dementia. In ''Slow Puncture'', Peter tells the world what it is really like to live with a terminal condition and Deb learns to enjoy each day more fully. With a foreword by best-selling author Wendy Mitchell, author of ''Somebody I Used to Know'', this is an inspirational look at both living in the present and coping with dementia.
Objev podobné jako Slow Puncture: Living Well With Dementia - Deb Bunt, Peter Berry
Poison Heart: Přežil jsem Ramones - Dee Dee Ramone, Veronica Kofmanová
Dee Dee Ramone, vlastním jménem Douglas Glenn Colvin (18. 9. 1951 - 5. 6. 2002), baskytarista a autor mnoha zásadních textů skupiny Ramones, která se hned po svém založení v roce 1974 stala jednou z nejvýznamnějších představitelů newyorského punku. Na její rebelské vizáži a jejích krátkých, ryčných a rychlých skladbách s chytlavými melodiemi a údernými, vtipnými texty měl velký podíl právě on. Ve své autobiografii vpravdě punkovým způsobem líčí svou životní, hudební i závislostní kariéru a popisuje hlavní milníky, jež formovaly jeho osud. Velkou část autobiografie věnuje svému dětství v poválečném Německu, spoluhráčům ze skupiny Ramones, vzpomínkám na přátele hudebníky, kteří zemřeli na drogovou závislost, i zamyšlení nad cenou slávy a popularity. "Lidi, co vstoupěj do kapely jako Ramones, nepocházej ze stabilního prostředí, protože to není civilizovaná forma umění. Punk rock pochází od rozhněvanejch dětí, který maj pocit, že jsou kreativní. Myslím, že právě proto byli členové Ramones známí tím, že shazovali telky ze střech činžáků na lidi dole na ulici."
Objev podobné jako Poison Heart: Přežil jsem Ramones - Dee Dee Ramone, Veronica Kofmanová
Sex, Likes and Social Media : Talking to Our Teens in the Digital Age - Puccio Deana
Welcome to the world of the Digital Native, where self-esteem is measured in Likes, everyone is sexting and 'Pimps and Hoes' is an acceptable party theme. Dates have been replaced with swipes, rape jokes are hilarious and 'No' means 'Yes'. For most parents, the digital landscape that our kids and teens are growing up in is uncharted territory. How do we know if they're happy? How do we talk to them about sex and relationships? How do we give them the new tools they need when we don't have them ourselves? This book is here to help. Based on their professional work with young people, parents and teachers - and their experiences with their own children - Deana Puccio and Allison Havey give you the tools. With top tips, stats and conversation starters on everything from porn to University life, Sex, Likes and Social Media is the indispensible guide to parenting in the digital age. "1 is one of the 5 Best Parenting Books." (the Sun). "1 of the 10 Best Parenting Books." (the Independent)
Objev podobné jako Sex, Likes and Social Media : Talking to Our Teens in the Digital Age - Puccio Deana
Talking Heads - Talking Heads: 77 (2 x 12" Vinyl)
Subžánr: Post Punk;Art Pop;New Wave Rok vydání: 2024.0 Varianta: Talking Heads: 77 (2 x 12" Vinyl) Datum vydání: 2024-11-08 Žánr: Pop;Rock Interpret / Téma: Talking Heads Barva: Černá Vydavatelství: Rhino Records Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země interpreta: USA Země původu: Německo Typ: 12" vinylová deska Barva podle výrobce: Black Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;1970 - 1979 Složení setu: 2 ks Balení obsahuje: 12" vinylová deska
Objev podobné jako Talking Heads - Talking Heads: 77 (2 x 12" Vinyl)
CARBOTEX povlečení Dexterova laboratoř Dexter a Dee Dee 140×200 cm (5904302512672)
Povlečení dětské, rozměr: 70 × 90 a 140 × 200 cm, materiál: bavlna, na zip, vhodné do pračky, vícebarevná barva Postel je zásadní součástí ložnice, proto hraje výběr povlečení důležitou roli. Povlečení CARBOTEX zajistí příjemné chvíle ve vaší posteli a přitom se stane elegantním doplňkem v interiéru. Hlavní roli pro jeho výběr hraje materiál, který v tomto případě představuje bavlna. Bavlněné produkty jsou mezi uživateli oblíbené, zachovávají si svou velikost a jsou stálobarevné. Díky krásnému motivu budou vaše děti rádi trávit čas v posteli. Díky zipu se povlékání postele stane zábavou. Během výběru je nutné myslet na rozměry. Ty jsou v tomto případě 70 × 90 a 140 × 200. Povlečení CARBOTEX zdůrazňuje vícebarevná barva. Významné přednosti povlečení CARBOTEX povlečení Dexterova laboratoř Dexter a Dee Dee 140×200 cm S povlečením CARBOTEX se vám budou noční můry vyhýbat K ušití tohoto povlečení byl použit materiál, jímž je bavlna Zapínání na zip si oblíbíte Díky...
Objev podobné jako CARBOTEX povlečení Dexterova laboratoř Dexter a Dee Dee 140×200 cm (5904302512672)
ONLY Dee Šaty Černá
Dee Šaty - ONLY - Černá.
Objev podobné jako ONLY Dee Šaty Černá
ONLY Dee Šaty Černá
Dee Šaty - ONLY - Černá.
Objev podobné jako ONLY Dee Šaty Černá
ONLY Dee Šaty Černá
Dee Šaty - ONLY - Černá.
Objev podobné jako ONLY Dee Šaty Černá
ONLY Dee Šaty Černá
Dee Šaty - ONLY - Černá.
Objev podobné jako ONLY Dee Šaty Černá
ONLY Dee Šaty Černá
Dee Šaty - ONLY - Černá.
Objev podobné jako ONLY Dee Šaty Černá
Sense and Sensibility (Defekt) - Jane Austenová
HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics. 'Oh! Mama, how spiritless, how tame was Edward's manner in reading to us last night! I felt for my sister most severely. Yet she bore it with so much composure, she seemed scarcely to notice it. I could hardly keep my seat.' Spirited and impulsive, Marianne Dashwood is the complete opposite to her controlled and sensible sister, Elinor. When it comes to matters of the heart, Marianne is passionate and romantic and soon falls for the charming, but unreliable Mr Willoughby. Elinor, in contrast, copes stoically with the news that her love, Edward Ferrars is promised to another. It is through their shared experiences of love that both sisters come to learn that the key to a successful match comes from finding the perfect mixture of rationality and feeling.
Objev podobné jako Sense and Sensibility (Defekt) - Jane Austenová
Milk and Honey (Defekt) - Rupi Kaur
From Rupi Kaur, the top ten Sunday Times-bestselling author, comes the beautiful audio edition of milk and honey, her debut poetry collection. Read to you by the author, milk and honey, is a book about surivival, love, loss and femininity. Milk and honey takes you on a journey of of hurting, loving, breaking and healing. Listen to Rupi Kaur's incredible poetry, in her own words.This is the journey of suriving through poetry this is the blood sweat tears of twenty-one years this is my heart in your hands this is the hurting the loving the breaking the healing - rupi kaur Praise for Sunday Times bestseller milk and honey: ‘Kaur is at the forefront of a poetry renaissance’ Observer ‘Kaur made her name with poems about love, life and grief. They resonate hugely’ Sunday Times ‘Poems tackling feminism, love, trauma and healing in short lines as smooth as pop music’ New York Times ‘Caught the imagination of a large, atypical poetry audience…Kaur knows the good her poetry does: it saves lives’ Evening Standard ‘Breathing new life into poetry…It has people reading, and listening’ The Pool.
Objev podobné jako Milk and Honey (Defekt) - Rupi Kaur
Sudek and Sculpture (Defekt) - Hana Buddeus
Sudek and Sculpture Hana Buddeus (ed.) Texts: Hana Buddeus, Katarína Mašterová, Mariana Kubištová, Zuzana Krišková, Kateřina Doležalová, Martin Pavlis, Fedora Parkmann From his panoramic views of Pragueto his enigmatic still lifes and reflections in the misty window of his studio, photographer Josef Sudek captured the unique spirit of the Czech capital between the 1920s and 1970s. Already in his lifetime, Sudek enjoyed a worldwide reputation-and yet a substantial part of his practice, dedicated to photographing works of art, has remained largely unknown until now. This book shines a light on Sudek's most beloved topic-sculpture-which acted as a bridge between his fine art photography and his commercial work. Sumptuous full-page reproductions of Sudek's black-and-white photographs illustrate a series of thematic essays, focusing on the scope and legacy of his work; while cameos of the key people and institutions supporting his career reveal Sudek's rich connection to the artistic circles and tendencies of his day. Together, they uncover the shifting tension between the ability of photographs to bring art closer to the people and their potential as works of art in their own right, raising important questions for the history of photography. "Sculpture is a living thing and must be photographed as if alive.” Josef Sudek (1957)
Objev podobné jako Sudek and Sculpture (Defekt) - Hana Buddeus
Lords and Ladies (Defekt) - Terry Pratchett
THE FAIRIES ARE BACK--BUT THIS TIME THEY DON'T JUST WANT YOUR TEETH... Granny Weatherwax and her tiny coven are up against realelves. It's Midsummer Night.No time for dreaming... With full supporting cast of dwarfs, wizards, trolls, Morris dancers and one orang-utan. And lots of hey-nonny-nonny and blood all over the place.
Objev podobné jako Lords and Ladies (Defekt) - Terry Pratchett
Vánoční věnec Berry and pinecone červená, 50 x 13 cm
Věneček ze zelených větviček bude vypadat skvěle na vstupních dveřích nebo uprostřed stolu. Je dozdobený červenými bobulkami, šiškami a malými lístky.
Objev podobné jako Vánoční věnec Berry and pinecone červená, 50 x 13 cm
Vánoční věnec Berry and pinecone bílá, 50 x 13 cm
Věneček ze zelených větviček bude vypadat skvěle na vstupních dveřích nebo uprostřed stolu. Je dozdobený bílými bobulkami, šiškami a malými lístky.
Objev podobné jako Vánoční věnec Berry and pinecone bílá, 50 x 13 cm
Rozhovory se sériovými vrahy (978-80-264-4446-6)
Kniha - autor Christopher Berry-Dee, 336 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Ti nejhorší vyprávějí svůj příběh. Christopher Berry-Dee hovoří se sériovými vrahy. Coby uznávaný kriminolog si získal důvěru řady odsouzených monster. Vstoupil do přísně střežených věznic, kde s nimi probral jejich šokující zločiny. Výsledkem je tato kniha. Berry-Dee rekonstruuje případy Arthura J. Shawcrosse, Henryho Lee Lucase, Douglase D. Clarka a Carol M. Bundyové a řady dalších. Popisuje svá setkání s těmi nejhoršími, ale také reprodukuje jejich slova, jimiž ospravedlňují své zločiny. A umožňuje tak čtenáři nahlédnout do propasti…
Objev podobné jako Rozhovory se sériovými vrahy (978-80-264-4446-6)
How to Make Friends with the Dark (Defekt) - Kathleen Glasgow
From the New York Times bestselling author of Girl in Pieces I thought I was done with death, at least a little bit, but death wasn't done with me. It's always been Tiger and her mother against the world. Then, on a day like any other, Tiger's mother dies. Now it's Tiger, alone. And she must learn to make friends with the dark
Objev podobné jako How to Make Friends with the Dark (Defekt) - Kathleen Glasgow
The Most Beautiful - My Life With Prince (Defekt) - Garcia Mayte
In The Most Beautiful, a title inspired by the hit song Prince wrote about their legendary love story, Mayte Garcia for the first time shares the deeply personal story of their relationship and offers a singular perspective on the music icon and their world together: from their unconventional meeting backstage at a concert (and the long-distance romance that followed), to their fairy-tale wedding (and their groundbreaking artistic partnership), to the devastating losses that ultimately dissolved their romantic relationship for good. Throughout it all, they shared a bond more intimate than any other in Prince's life. No one else can tell this story or can provide a deeper, more nuanced portrait of Prince--both the famously private man and the pioneering, beloved artist--than Mayte, his partner during some of the most pivotal personal and professional years of his career. The Most Beautiful is a book that will be returned to for decades, as Prince's music lives on with generations to come.
Objev podobné jako The Most Beautiful - My Life With Prince (Defekt) - Garcia Mayte
Talking Heads: The Name Of This Band Is Talking Heads (2x LP) - LP (0349784534)
LP vinyl - Talking Heads byla americká hudební skupina založená roku 1974 v New Yorku. Talking Heads byla americká hudební skupina založená roku 1974 v New Yorku. LP obsakuje koncertní album z roku 1982. Rok reedice : 2020 Seznam stop New Feeling / A Clean Break / Don't Worry About the Government / Pulled Up / Psycho Killer / Artists Only / Stay Hungry / Air / Building On Fire / Memories (Can't Wait) / I Zimbra / Drugs / Houses in Motion / Life During Wartime / The Great Curve / Crosseyed and Painless / Take Me to the River
Objev podobné jako Talking Heads: The Name Of This Band Is Talking Heads (2x LP) - LP (0349784534)
Read and Grow with Pepper
6 příběhů o pejskovi Tlapkovi v angličtině.
Objev podobné jako Read and Grow with Pepper
The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm: Tales from Alagaësia (Volume 1: Eragon) - Christopher Paolini
A wanderer and a cursed child. Spells and magic. And dragons, of course. Welcome back to the world of Alagaësia.It's been a year since Eragon departed Alagaësia in search of the perfect home to train a new generation of Dragon Riders. Now he is struggling with an endless sea of tasks: constructing a vast dragonhold, wrangling with suppliers, guarding dragon eggs, and dealing with belligerent Urgals and haughty elves. Then a vision from the Eldunarí, unexpected visitors, and an exciting Urgal legend offer a much-needed distraction and a new perspective.This volume features three original stories set in Alagaësia, interspersed with scenes from Eragon's own unfolding adventure. Included is an excerpt from the memoir of the unforgettable witch and fortune-teller Angela the herbalist . . . penned by Angela Paolini, the inspiration for the character, herself!Relish the incomparable imagination of Christopher Paolini in this thrilling new collection of stories based in the world of the Inheritance Cycle. Includes four new pieces of original art by the author.
Objev podobné jako The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm: Tales from Alagaësia (Volume 1: Eragon) - Christopher Paolini
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