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The Malta Exchange (Defekt) - Steve Berry

The pulse-pounding new thriller featuring Cotton Malone. Perfect for fans of Dan Brown, Sam Bourne and Scott Mariani.The pope is dead. Cardinals are beginning to arrive at the Vatican to select his replacement, but one has fled for Malta in search of a document that dates back to the 4th century and Constantine the Great.Former Justice Department operative Cotton Malone is in Italy, on the trail of legendary letters between Winston Churchill and Benito Mussolini that could re-write history. But someone else is after the same letters and, when Malone obtains and then loses them, he's plunged into a hunt that draws the attention of the legendary Knights of Malta.The knights are the only warrior-monks to survive into modern times. Now they are a global humanitarian organization, but within their ranks lurks the Secreti - an ancient sect intent on affecting the coming papal conclave. Malone races the rogue cardinal, the knights, the Secreti, and the clock to find what has been lost for centuries. Meanwhile, the election of the next pope hangs in the balance.

Podívejte se také The Exchange (978-80-877-2003-5)

cena 49.0 Kč

The Malta Exchange - Steve Berry

The pulse-pounding new thriller featuring Cotton Malone. Perfect for fans of Dan Brown, Sam Bourne and Scott Mariani.The pope is dead. Cardinals are beginning to arrive at the Vatican to select his replacement, but one has fled for Malta in search of a document that dates back to the 4th century and Constantine the Great.Former Justice Department operative Cotton Malone is in Italy, on the trail of legendary letters between Winston Churchill and Benito Mussolini that could re-write history. But someone else is after the same letters and, when Malone obtains and then loses them, he's plunged into a hunt that draws the attention of the legendary Knights of Malta.The knights are the only warrior-monks to survive into modern times. Now they are a global humanitarian organization, but within their ranks lurks the Secreti - an ancient sect intent on affecting the coming papal conclave. Malone races the rogue cardinal, the knights, the Secreti, and the clock to find what has been lost for centuries. Meanwhile, the election of the next pope hangs in the balance.

Podívejte se také Berry Chuck: The Album - CD (4260494433159)

cena 239.0 Kč

Poslední království (Defekt) - Steve Berry

Král Ludvík II. Bavorský byl v roce 1886 zbaven funkce a následně za záhadných okolností zemřel. Výstřední panovník se v posledních letech života snažil najít nové království, v němž by mohl vládnout podle svého. Cotton Malone a Luke Daniels teď hledají listinu dokazující, komu toto území vlastně patří. Jelikož po dokumentu kromě USA prahnou následníci bavorského trůnu, Německo i Čína, mají američtí agenti v patách velmi nebezpečné protivníky. A ti udělají cokoli, aby poslední království bylo jejich.

Podívejte se také Steve Miller Band: The Album - CD (4260494433357)

cena 199.0 Kč

The Atlas Maneuver - Steve Berry

From celebrated New York Times bestselling author Steve Berry comes the latest Cotton Malone adventure, in which Cotton unravels a mystery from World War II involving a legendary lost treasure, Yamashita''s Gold, worth billions.1945. In the waning months of World War II, Japan hid vast quantities of gold and other stolen valuables in boobytrapped underground caches all across the Philippines. By 1947 some of that loot was recovered, not by treasure hunters, but by the United States government, which told no one about the find. Instead, those assets were stamped classified, shipped to Europe, and secretly assimilated into something called the Black Eagle Trust.Present day. Retired Justice Department operative, Cotton Malone, is in Switzerland doing a favor for a friend. But what was supposed to be a simple operation turns violent and Cotton is thrust into a war between the world''s oldest bank and the CIA, a battle that directly involves the Black Eagle Trust. He quickly discovers that everything hinges on a woman from his past, who suddenly reappears harboring a host of explosive secrets centering around bitcoin. The cryptocurrency is being quietly weaponized, readied for an assault on the world''s financial systems, a calculated move that will have devastating consequences. Cotton has no choice. He has to act. But at what cost?From the stolid banking halls of Luxembourg, to the secret vaults of Switzerland, and finally up into the treacherous mountains of southern Morocco, Cotton Malone is stymied at every turn. Each move he makes seems wrong, and nothing works, until he finally comes face-to-face with the Atlas Maneuver.

Objev podobné jako The Atlas Maneuver - Steve Berry

cena 650.0 Kč

Faktor Omega - Steve Berry

Co skrývá Gentský oltář a proč byl tolikrát v historii ukraden či poničen? Tajemstvím opředená relikvie vstoupí i do života bývalého agenta FBI Nicka Leeho. Jeho bývalá snoubenka právě v Belgii restauruje dvanáctou desku oltáře a chce se s Nickem podělit o úchvatný nález. Oba se ale nečekaně zapletou do prastarého konfliktu. Proti sobě stojí tajný řád panen svatého Michaela a Vatikán, odhodlaný získat to, co jeptišky střeží. Bude šokující pravda vyjevena, nebo navždy zmizí z našeho světa?

Objev podobné jako Faktor Omega - Steve Berry

cena 379.0 Kč

Císařova past - Steve Berry

Blíží se volba německého kancléře. O post bojují dva kandidáti – patriotka, která pozici drží už šestnáct let, a populista přiživující nacionalistické nálady ve společnosti. Výsledek souboje závisí na tom, co se odehrálo 30. dubna 1945. Opravdu Adolf Hitler a Eva Braunová v bunkru pod Berlínem spáchali sebevraždu? Cotton Malone se vydává hledat odpověď do Chile, Jižní Afriky i Švýcarska. To, co objeví, má potenciál přepsat historii a otřást celou Evropou.

Objev podobné jako Císařova past - Steve Berry

cena 449.0 Kč

Maltézská výměna - Steve Berry

Papež zemřel a ve Vatikánu se chystá volba jeho nástupce. Jeden z kardinálů však místo příprav zamíří na Maltu, aby našel tajný dokument sepsaný císařem Konstantinem. Bývalý tajný agent Cotton Malone v Itálii právě pátrá po tajemné korespondenci mezi Mussolinim a Churchillem. Není ale sám. Stopy vedou k maltézským rytířům, v jejichž řádu dřímá zlo – sekta odhodlaná ovlivnit volbu papeže. Malone se ocitá uprostřed zběsilé honby za kardinálem, rytíři i ztraceným dokumentem.

Objev podobné jako Maltézská výměna - Steve Berry

cena 357.0 Kč

Devátý muž - Steve Berry

Osudného 22. listopadu 1963 se v texaském Dallasu změnil chod amerických dějin – došlo k atentátu na Johna F. Kennedyho. Skutečně však 35. prezidenta Spojených Států zastřelil Lee Harvey Oswald? Oficiální verze má spoustu trhlin a pravdu zná jen tajemný muž jménem Thomas Rowland. Agent Luke Daniels se pouští do závodu s časem napříč Belgií a Lucemburskem, skrz louisianské bažiny a wyomingskou divočinu až na bahamské pobřeží. Cestou bude čelit sérii šokujících pravd, které přepíšou historii a změní mu život…

Objev podobné jako Devátý muž - Steve Berry

cena 420.0 Kč

Varšavský protokol - Steve Berry

V novém dílu série s Cottonem Malonem začnou ze svých úschoven po celém světě mizet vzácné artefakty zvané Arma Christi – Zbraně Kristovy. Poté, co se Cotton Malone stane svědkem krádeže jednoho z těchto artefaktů, dozví se od své bývalé šéfky Stephanie Nellové, že se chystá tajná aukce. Na této aukci získá dražitel, který nabídne nejvyšší částku, inkriminující informace o polském prezidentovi – informace, které chtějí Spojené státy i Rusko, ale obě země z různých důvodů. Cenou za přístup na aukci je právě jeden z artefaktů, a tak je Malone nejdříve vyslán do Polska, aby ukradl kopí, které je tisíc let staré a svaté nejen křesťanům, ale také Polákům, a následně na samotnou aukci. Situace se ovšem nevyvine podle plánu a Malone se ocitá v krvavé bitvě mezi třemi národy. V této bitvě jde o tajemství zvané Varšavský protokol, jehož odhalení by mohlo změnit rovnováhu sil v Evropě.

Objev podobné jako Varšavský protokol - Steve Berry

cena 402.0 Kč

Poslední království - Steve Berry

Král Ludvík II. Bavorský byl v roce 1886 zbaven funkce a následně za záhadných okolností zemřel. Výstřední panovník se v posledních letech života snažil najít nové království, v němž by mohl vládnout podle svého. Cotton Malone a Luke Daniels teď hledají listinu dokazující, komu toto území vlastně patří. Jelikož po dokumentu kromě USA prahnou následníci bavorského trůnu, Německo i Čína, mají američtí agenti v patách velmi nebezpečné protivníky. A ti udělají cokoli, aby poslední království bylo jejich.

Objev podobné jako Poslední království - Steve Berry

cena 389.0 Kč

Faktor Omega - Steve Berry - audiokniha

Audiokniha: "Vatikán nikdy nezapomíná. Akční thriller balancující na ostří skutečné historie." Co skrývá Gentský oltář a proč byl tolikrát v historii ukraden či poničen? Tajemstvím opředená relikvie vstoupí i do života bývalého agenta FBI Nicka Leeho. Jeho bývalá snoubenka právě v Belgii restauruje dvanáctou desku oltáře a chce se s Nickem podělit o úchvatný nález. Oba se ale nečekaně zapletou do prastarého konfliktu. Proti sobě stojí tajný řád panen svatého Michaela a Vatikán, odhodlaný získat to, co jeptišky střeží. Bude šokující pravda vyjevena, nebo navždy zmizí z našeho světa?

Objev podobné jako Faktor Omega - Steve Berry - audiokniha

cena 399.0 Kč

Císařova past - Steve Berry - e-kniha

eBook: Blíží se volba německého kancléře. O post bojují dva kandidáti – patriotka, která pozici drží už šestnáct let, a populista přiživující nacionalistické nálady ve společnosti. Výsledek souboje závisí na tom, co se odehrálo 30. dubna 1945. Opravdu Adolf Hitler a Eva Braunová v bunkru pod Berlínem spáchali sebevraždu? Cotton Malone se vydává hledat odpověď do Chile, Jižní Afriky i Švýcarska. To, co objeví, má potenciál přepsat historii a otřást celou Evropou.

Objev podobné jako Císařova past - Steve Berry - e-kniha

cena 349.0 Kč

Devátý muž - Steve Berry - e-kniha

eBook: Osudného 22. listopadu 1963 se v texaském Dallasu změnil chod amerických dějin – došlo k atentátu na Johna F. Kennedyho. Skutečně však 35. prezidenta Spojených Států zastřelil Lee Harvey Oswald? Oficiální verze má spoustu trhlin a pravdu zná jen tajemný muž jménem Thomas Rowland. Agent Luke Daniels se pouští do závodu s časem napříč Belgií a Lucemburskem, skrz louisianské bažiny a wyomingskou divočinu až na bahamské pobřeží. Cestou bude čelit sérii šokujících pravd, které přepíšou historii a změní mu život…

Objev podobné jako Devátý muž - Steve Berry - e-kniha

cena 329.0 Kč

Faktor Omega - Steve Berry - e-kniha

eBook: Co skrývá Gentský oltář a proč byl tolikrát v historii ukraden či poničen? Tajemstvím opředená relikvie vstoupí i do života bývalého agenta FBI Nicka Leeho. Jeho bývalá snoubenka právě v Belgii restauruje dvanáctou desku oltáře a chce se s Nickem podělit o úchvatný nález. Oba se ale nečekaně zapletou do prastarého konfliktu. Proti sobě stojí tajný řád panen svatého Michaela a Vatikán, odhodlaný získat to, co jeptišky střeží. Bude šokující pravda vyjevena, nebo navždy zmizí z našeho světa?

Objev podobné jako Faktor Omega - Steve Berry - e-kniha

cena 319.0 Kč

Poslední království - Steve Berry - e-kniha

eBook: Král Ludvík II. Bavorský byl v roce 1886 zbaven funkce a následně za záhadných okolností zemřel. Výstřední panovník se v posledních letech života snažil najít nové království, v němž by mohl vládnout podle svého. Cotton Malone a Luke Daniels teď hledají listinu dokazující, komu toto území vlastně patří. Jelikož po dokumentu kromě USA prahnou následníci bavorského trůnu, Německo i Čína, mají američtí agenti v patách velmi nebezpečné protivníky. A ti udělají cokoli, aby poslední království bylo jejich.

Objev podobné jako Poslední království - Steve Berry - e-kniha

cena 349.0 Kč

Varšavský protokol - Steve Berry - e-kniha

eBook: Z úschoven po celém světě mizí vzácné artefakty zvané Zbraně Kristovy. Právě tyto relikvie jsou cenou za přístup na aukci, kde se mají dražit kompromitující informace o polské hlavě státu. Cotton Malone je vyslán do Polska, aby ukradl prastaré kopí a mohl se tajné dražby zúčastnit. Záhy se však ocitá uprostřed nelítostné bitvy mezi Spojenými státy, Ruskem a Polskem. Bitvy o informace, jejichž odhalení by mohlo zcela změnit rovnováhu sil v Evropě.

Objev podobné jako Varšavský protokol - Steve Berry - e-kniha

cena 319.0 Kč

Exchange: After The Firm (The Firm Series Book 2) (Defekt) - John Grisham

What became of Mitch and Abby McDeere after they exposed the crimes of Memphis law firm Bendini, Lambert and Locke and fled the country?The answer is in THE EXCHANGE, the riveting sequel to THE FIRM, the blockbuster thriller that launched the career of the world's bestselling author.It is now fifteen years later, and Mitch and Abby are living in Manhattan, where Mitch is a partner at the largest law firm in the world. When a mentor in Rome asks him for a favour that will take him far from home, Mitch finds himself at the centre of a sinister plot that has worldwide implications - and once again endangers his colleagues, friends and family.

Objev podobné jako Exchange: After The Firm (The Firm Series Book 2) (Defekt) - John Grisham

cena 149.0 Kč

Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (Defekt) - Joanne K. Rowlingová, Steve Kloves

The official complete screenplay of Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore by J.K. Rowling & Steve Kloves, accompanied by illuminating behind-the-scenes content and commentary. Professor Albus Dumbledore knows the powerful Dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald is moving to seize control of the wizarding world. Unable to stop him alone, he entrusts Magizoologist Newt Scamander to lead an intrepid team of wizards, witches, and one brave Muggle baker on a dangerous mission, where they encounter old and new beasts and clash with Grindelwald's growing legion of followers. But with the stakes so high, how long can Dumbledore remain on the sidelines? The official screenplay of Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore is the ultimate companion to the film, and invites readers to explore every scene of the complete script penned by J.K. Rowling & Steve Kloves. Special features include behind-the-scenes content and commentary from David Yates, David Heyman, Jude Law, Eddie Redmayne, Colleen Atwood and more.

Objev podobné jako Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (Defekt) - Joanne K. Rowlingová, Steve Kloves

cena 269.0 Kč

Paper Planes (Defekt) - Steve Worland

Dylan is an imaginative twelve-year-old boy who discovers that his talent for folding and flying paper planes could take him to the World Paper Plane Championship. With a great challenge soaring ahead and a goal to fly into the number one spot, there's no telling how far he can go.

Objev podobné jako Paper Planes (Defekt) - Steve Worland

cena 119.0 Kč

Trauma is Really Strange (Defekt) - Steve Haines

What is trauma? How does it change the way our brains work? And how can we overcome it?When something traumatic happens to us, we dissociate and our bodies shut down their normal processes. This unique comic explains the strange nature of trauma and how it confuses the brain and affects the body. With wonderful artwork, cat and mouse metaphors, essential scientific facts, and a healthy dose of wit, the narrator reveals how trauma resolution involves changing the body's physiology and describes techniques that can achieve this, including Trauma Releasing Exercises that allow the body to shake away tension, safely releasing deep muscular patterns of stress and trauma.

Objev podobné jako Trauma is Really Strange (Defekt) - Steve Haines

cena 89.0 Kč

Proč jsou šťastné děti šťastné (Defekt) - Steve Biddulph

Proč je tolik lidí nešťastných? Mnozí rodiče způsobují svým dětem celoživotní problémy tím, že je učí mít negativní vztah k sobě samým. Steve Biddulph ve své praktické a humorně napsané knize nabízí pomoc při komunikaci s dětmi od nejútlejšího věku až do doby dospívání. Nápaditým způsobem probírá důležitá témata: pozitivní a asertivní výchovavýznam širší rodiny a dalších vztahů pro rozvoj dítětepomoc dětí s domácími pracemijak reagovat na dětský vzdorjak pomoci dětem vyrovnat se s nepříjemnými zážitkyjak pomoci dětem lépe se vyjadřovatPři tom všem povzbuzuje rodiče, aby byli víc sami sebou, přísnější a současně láskyplnější, pevnější i uvolněnější. Ukazuje, jak opustit staré negativní přístupy k dětem a plně prožívat radost z nich i ze života.

Objev podobné jako Proč jsou šťastné děti šťastné (Defekt) - Steve Biddulph

cena 89.0 Kč

Malta: Mediterranean Recipes From The Islands - Simon Bajada

Malta: Flavours of the Mediterranean is a richly photographed cookbook which takes you to the captivating archipelago between Sicily and the North African coast, with 70 recipes showcasing the country's vibrant Mediterranean cuisine. Many empires have influenced the Maltese kitchen over the centuries, leaving a seductive blend of Arab, French, Italian and English flavours. The result is a balance of raw agrarian produce, fruits of the sea, and well-honed technique against a backdrop of breathtaking rocky outcrops and spectacular blue water. In this beautiful ode to Maltese cooking, author Simon Bajada (Baltic, The New Nordic) captures the everyday food of Malta for the home cook, including dishes such as Ftira, a flattened sourdough bread loaf drenched in tomato with tuna capers and olives; Aljotta, a hearty fish stew; and Bigilla, a broad bean paste used as a delicious dip.Malta is a one-way ticket into the heart of one of Europe's most captivating hidden gems.

Objev podobné jako Malta: Mediterranean Recipes From The Islands - Simon Bajada

cena 797.0 Kč

Haunted Empire - Apple After Steve Jobs (Defekt) - Yukari Iwatani Kane

An insightful, behind-the-scences portrait of the technology giant Apple.

Objev podobné jako Haunted Empire - Apple After Steve Jobs (Defekt) - Yukari Iwatani Kane

cena 189.0 Kč

The Defence - Steve Cavanagh

''Everything a great thriller should be and I can''t wait to see more of Eddie Flynn.'' Mark Billingham''So Hollywood, punchy and cool and pacy as hell.'' Eva Dolan Eddie Flynn has 48 hours to save his daughter...Eddie Flynn used to be a con artist. Then he became a lawyer. Turned out the two weren''t that different.It''s been over a year since Eddie vowed never to set foot in a courtroom again. But now he doesn''t have a choice. Olek Volchek, the infamous head of the Russian mafia in New York, has strapped a bomb to Eddie''s back and kidnapped his ten-year-old daughter, Amy. Eddie only has forty-eight hours to defend Volchek in an impossible murder trial - and win - if he wants to save his daughter. Under the scrutiny of the media and the FBI, Eddie must use his razor-sharp wit and every con-artist trick in the book to defend his ''client'' and ensure Amy''s safety. With the timer on his back ticking away, can Eddie convince the jury of the impossible?Praise for race-against-time legal thriller writer, Steve Cavanagh:''A gripping, twisty thriller'' Ian Rankin, number 1 bestselling author of Rather Be The Devil''Legal thrillers are my blind spot, but I''ll always make an exception for Steve Cavanagh. Quite simply, THE PLEA is one of the most purely entertaining books you''ll read this year. It''s a blast.'' John Connolly, bestselling author of the Charlie Parker series''In the crowded field of legal thrillers, Steve Cavanagh stands head and shoulders above the competition, with his skilfully plotted, action-packed and big-hearted Eddie Flynn novels . . . highly intelligent, twist-laden and absolutely unputdownable'' Eva Dolan, author of the critically acclaimed Tell No Tales''A cleverly constructed legal thriller combined with a classic locked-room mystery. Eddie Flynn is fast becoming one of my favourite fictional heroes and Cavanagh one of my favourite thriller writers.'' S.J.I. Holliday, author of Black Wood''Raymond Chandler could have created Eddie Flynn. THE PLEA is Phillip Marlowe and Michael Connolly''s Mickey Haller combined, with a bit of Jim Thompson''s THE GRIFTERS thrown in. A superb read with a main character destined to be one of the most talked about in crime fiction.'' Howard Linskey, author of The SearchIf you like John Grisham, Lee Child and Michael Connelly, you will LOVE the gripping and twisty Eddie Flynn series:1. The Defence2. The Plea3. The Liar* Each Eddie Flynn thriller can be read as a standalone or in series order *

Objev podobné jako The Defence - Steve Cavanagh

cena 295.0 Kč

The Wilderness - McCarthy Steve

This is a real adventure book, so be careful not to get too lost between its pages...The Vasylenko family are adventurers. They all love the wet and the wild, the thrill of exploring the outside world. All that is ... except Oktober. He prefers the warm and safe comfort of the inside world, and for his adventures to take place between the pages of a book. But tomorrow, Oktober has to join his family on a trek into the slimy, grimy and climby wild, where he sees only danger and worry and fears a creature called "The Wilderness"! Failing to keep his wits about him could be dangerous though – it may even get him a bit ... lost. But perhaps getting lost is just what Oktober needs to find himself and maybe even make an unexpected friend.The Wilderness is a wild and wondrous story of true bravery and discovering friendship in the most unexpected of places, perfect for adventurers and the more timid alike.

Objev podobné jako The Wilderness - McCarthy Steve

cena 236.0 Kč

The Birdcage Library - Freya Berry

A diary hidden. A crime buried. A secret to be freed...'A delicious page-turning mystery within a mystery' LIZ HYDER'A twisty treasure hunt of a novel... Utterly beguiling' LIZZIE POOK'It glistens with a hint of the danger that lurks within' CHARLOTTE PHILBY'Claustrophobic and clever' JANE SHEMILT_________Dear Reader, the man I love is trying to kill me... 1932.Emily Blackwood, a young adventuress and plant hunter, travels north for a curious new commission. A gentleman has written to request she catalogue his vast collection of taxidermied creatures before sale. On arrival, Emily finds a ruined castle, its owner haunted by the memory of a woman who disappeared five decades before.And when she discovers the ripped pages of an old diary, crammed into the walls, she realises a dark secret lies here, waiting to entrap her too... 'Beautiful writing, thrilling plot and a literary treasure hunt - all my favourite things' ANNA MAZZOLA'Outstanding. Lovers of crime, mystery and intrigue should order this immediately' HARPER'S BAZAAR'Wonderfully gothic and immersive' NEW EUROPEAN'An atmospheric read - add in a literary treasure hunt and this is irresistible' GOOD HOUSEKEEPING'Very clever.Keeps you glued until the final twist' WOMAN & HOME'Compulsive. A twisty, atmospheric tale of dark secrets and hidden clues' KATE HAMER'Gorgeous, atmospheric; an immersive page-turner to be swept up in' ELLERY LLOYD'Addictive. Beautifully atmospheric and darkly compelling, this tale of murder and obsession will keep you guessing until the final page' HEAT'A most intriguing detective story within the most gothic of atmospheres - a double shiver of pleasure' THE CHAP

Objev podobné jako The Birdcage Library - Freya Berry

cena 268.0 Kč

The Chimp Paradox - Steve Peters

Do you sabotage your own happiness and success? Are you struggling to make sense of yourself? Do your emotions sometimes dictate your life?The Chimp Paradox is an incredibly powerful mind management model that can help you become a happy, confident, healthier and more successful person. Prof Steve Peters explains the struggle that takes place within your mind and then shows how to apply this understanding to every area of your life so you can:- Recognise how your mind is working- Understand and manage your emotions and thoughts- Manage yourself and become the person you would like to beThe Chimp Mind Management Model is based on scientific facts and principles, which have been simplified into a workable model for easy use. It will help you to develop yourself and give you the skills, for example, to remove anxiety, have confidence and choose your emotions. The book will do this by giving you an understanding of the way in which your mind works and how you can manage it. It will also help you to identify what is holding you back or preventing you from having a happier and more successful life. Each chapter explains different aspects of how you function and highlights key facts for you to understand. There are also exercises for you to work with. By undertaking these exercises you will see immediate improvements in your daily living and, over time, you will develop emotional skills and practical habits that will help you to become the person that you want to be, and live the life that you want to live.

Objev podobné jako The Chimp Paradox - Steve Peters

cena 443.0 Kč

The Exchange - John Grisham

TEN DAYS TO SAVE A LIFE. ONE SECOND TO END IT.Mitch McDeere has cheated death and come out the other side. Fifteen years ago, he stole $10 million from the mob and disappeared. Now, with his enemies jailed or dead, he has fought his way to the top of the biggest law firm in the world.When a new case takes Mitch to Libya, danger awaits: he's soon in the biggest hostage negotiation in recent history with terrorists who have murdered and will murder again. Their demand is staggering: a ransom of $100 million must be paid within 10 days. But this isn't a random kidnapping - it's personal.And no one, not even Mitch's wife in New York, is safe. With the clock ticking, can Mitch stay one step ahead of his enemies?

Objev podobné jako The Exchange - John Grisham

cena 268.0 Kč

Berry Chuck: The Album - CD (4260494433159)

Hudební CD - Výběr zpěváka Chucka Berryho. Pokud byste se pokusili dát rock and rollu jiné jméno, dalo by se tomu říkat Chuck Berry. Rok vydání : 2018 Seznam stop CD 1 / Johnny B.Goode / Maybellene / Little Queenie / School Days (Ring Ring Goes The Bell) / Carol / Too Much Monkey Business / No Money Down / Come On / Guitar Boogie / Stop And Listen / Together We'll Always Be / Run Around / Confessin' The Blues / You Can't Catch Me / The Way It Was Before / It Don't Take But A Few Minutes / Worried Life Blues / I Got To Find My Baby / Away From You / I'm Talking About You / Thirty Days To Come Back Home (Forty Days) / Vacation Time / Our Little Rendezvous / Jaguar And Thunderbird / Too Pooped To Pop / CD 2 / Memphis Tennessee / Sweet Little Sixteen / Brown Eyed Handsome Man / Beautiful Delilah / Thirteen Question Method / Almost Grown / Driftin' Blues / Mad Lad / Blues For Hawaiians / Down The Road Apiece / Blue Feeling / Don't...

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cena 179.0 Kč

The Beatles všechny písně - Steve Turner

Víte, že melodie Yesterday přišla k Paulovi "sama", ale že s textem se dost natrápil, a dokonce chvíli zpíval o míchaných vejcích? Nebo že inspirací pro Johnovu Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds nebylo LSD, ale obrázek jeho syna? Tušíte, proč Ringo napsal píseň o zahradě chobotnice? A od čeho utíkal George, když skládal Here Comes the Sun? Příběhy všech písní Beatles – největší kapely všech dob – můžete mít teď v jedné knize, spolu s kompletními texty a raritními fotografiemi. Sledujte vývoj tvorby originálních tvůrčích osobností. Skupin jako tato byla v téže době nejen v Liverpoolu spousta. Proč zrovna Beatles? Otevřete knihu a zjistěte, co jedinečného v sobě měli tihle kluci, že se stali nejzářivějšími hvězdami na nebi pop-music.

Objev podobné jako The Beatles všechny písně - Steve Turner

cena 715.0 Kč

Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography (034914043X)

Kniha - autor Walter Isaacson, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Walter Isaacson tells the story of the rollercoaster life and searingly intense personality of creative entrepreneur whose passion for perfection and ferocious drive revolutionized six industries: personal computers, animated movies,music, phones, tablet computing, and digital publishing.

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cena 359.0 Kč

The Devil´s Advocate - Steve Cavanagh

''The Devil''s Advocate makes your palms sweat and your blood run cold; the terrific trial scenes out-Grisham John Grisham.'' The Times''This guy is the real deal. Trust me.'' LEE CHILD''Top notch thrills and courtroom drama'' SHARI LAPENA''A terrific writer. He has talent to burn.'' DON WINSLOWHE''S WON EVERY TRIAL. BECAUSE HE''S BEHIND EVERY MURDER.Ambitious District Attorney Randal Korn lives to watch prisoners executed.Even if they are not guilty. An innocent man, Andy Dubois, faces the death penalty for the murder of young girl. Korn has already fixed things to make sure he wins a fast conviction. The one thing Korn didn''t count on was Eddie Flynn. Slick, street smart and cunning, the former con artist turned New York lawyer has only seven days to save an innocent man against a corrupt system and find the real killer. In a week the Judge will read the verdict, but will Eddie be alive to hear it?''Addictive, unpredictable and timely'' WILL DEAN''Gripping, twisty and smart'' JANE FALLON''THE beach read of the summer of 2021'' ADRIAN MCKINTY''Like a binge-worthy boxset in book form'' PHILIPPA PERRY''This is Steve Cavanagh''s best yet'' JO SPAIN

Objev podobné jako The Devil´s Advocate - Steve Cavanagh

cena 241.0 Kč

Steve Schapiro. The Godfather Family Album. 40th Anniversary Edition - Paul Duncan, Steve Schapiro

As special photographer on the sets and locations of Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather trilogy, Steve Schapiro had the remarkable experience of witnessing legendary actors giving some of their most memorable performances. This book gathers more than 300 of Schapiro’s finest photographs to take us behind the scenes of this epic and inimitable cinematic saga. “It’s dangerous to be an honest man.” — Michael Corleone, Godfather IIIAs special photographer on the sets and locations of Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather trilogy, Steve Schapiro had the remarkable experience of witnessing legendary actors giving some of their most memorable performances. Schapiro immortalized Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, James Caan, Robert Duvall, and Diane Keaton in photos that have since become iconic images, instantly recognizable and endlessly imitated. Gathered together in this book are Schapiro’s finest photographs from all three Godfather films, lovingly reproduced from the original negatives. With contextual essays and interviews covering the trilogy in its entirety, this book contains over 300 color and black-and-white images. Schapiro’s images take us behind the scenes of this epic and inimitable cinematic saga, revealing the director’s working process, capturing the moods and personalities involved, and providing insight into the making of movie history. The photographer American photojournalist Steve Schapiro has documented six decades of American culture, from the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and the presidential campaign of Robert F. Kennedy to Andy Warhol’s Factory and the filming of The Godfather trilogy. He has published a dozen books of his photographs, has exhibited his work in shows from Los Angeles to Moscow, and is represented in the permanent collections of the Smithsonian Institution, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the J. Paul Getty Museum, among others. The editor Paul Duncan is a film historian whose TASCHEN books include The James Bond Archives, The Charlie Chaplin Archives, The Godfather Family Album, Taxi Driver, Film Noir, and Horror Cinema, as well as publications on film directors, film genres, movie stars, and film posters. TASCHEN turns 40 this year! Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible publishing, helping bookworms around the world curate their own library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia at an unbeatable price. In 2020, we celebrate 40 years of incredible books by staying true to our company credo. The 40 series presents new editions of some of the stars of our program—now more compact, friendly in price, and still realized with the same commitment to impeccable production.

Objev podobné jako Steve Schapiro. The Godfather Family Album. 40th Anniversary Edition - Paul Duncan, Steve Schapiro

cena 670.0 Kč

The Peace of Wild Things - Berry Wendell

I come into the peace of wild thingswho do not tax their lives with forethoughtof grief. I come into the presence of still water.And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a timeI rest in the grace of the world, and am free. The poems of Wendell Berry invite us to stop, to think, to see the world around us, and to savour what is good. Here are consoling verses of hope and of healing; short, simple meditations on love, death, friendship, memory and belonging; luminous hymns to the land, the cycles of nature and the seasons as they ebb and flow. Here is the peace of wild things.

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cena 266.0 Kč

Steve Miller Band: The Album - CD (4260494433357)

Hudební CD - Steve Miller Band a jejich výběr na 2CD live. Steve Miller Band je americká rocková skupina, která vznikla v roce 1966 v San Franciscu. Skupinu vede Steve Miller na kytaru a zpěv. Skupina měla řadu hitů z poloviny až konce sedmdesátých let, které jsou základem klasického rockového rádia, a také několik dřívějších psychedelických rockových alb. Seznam stop CD 1 / Super Shuffle / Your Old Lady / Mercury Blues / Goin' To Mexico / I Got Love If You Want It / Mojo (Got My Moyo Working) / Think / Blues With A Feelin' / Fannie Mae / I Wrote My Babe A Letter / Baby I Don't Know Why I Love You / I Want Her Back / Medley / a) Super Shuffle / b) Your Old Lady / c) Another Blues Shuffle / The Joker / Baby's Calling Me Home / Another Shuffle / Title 1 - 14 recorded live throughout the U.S.A. / / Title 15 + 16 recorded live from Shady Grove / Washington D.C., U.S.A. in 1973 / CD 2 / Fly Like An Eagle / Nothing Lasts / Going To The Country /...

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cena 179.0 Kč

The Bletchley Riddle - Ruta Sepetysová, Sheinkin Steve

A thrilling middle grade historical adventure from bestselling authors Ruta Sepetys and Steve Sheinkin

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cena 236.0 Kč

The Hare Who Wouldn't Share - Small Steve

There was once a hare who did NOT like to share. What is the point of sharing? thinks the hare. The more I give away the less there is for ME. But even the hare can appreciate the lovingly tended carrot patch created by the neighbouring rabbits. So, when a huge boar threatens to destroy the patch, will this hare come to see that giving things up for others means that you can gain so very much MORE of the most important things in life? A brilliant book to encourage conversations about sharing and communityStunning artwork from the highly-acclaimed illustrator of I'm Sticking with You and The Duck Who Didn't Like Water A warm hug of an ending! Praise for Steve Small: "A pure splash of joy" - Daily Mail on The Duck Who Didn't Like Water "Comical, bold ... tender" - The Sunday Times on I'm Sticking with You Also by Steve Small: The Duck Who Didn't Like Water Wellington's Big Day Out Brave Litle BearWith Smriti Halls:I'm Sticking with You I'm Sticking with You Too Let's Stick Together

Objev podobné jako The Hare Who Wouldn't Share - Small Steve

cena 384.0 Kč

The Kingfisher Secret (Defekt)

Her codename is Kingfisher. Her mission: to seduce and marry most powerful man in the world. October 2016: In America, the election is a few weeks away. Journalist Grace Elliot has just landed a scoop that she believe will make her career. A porn-star is willing to talk about her affair with the man some hope and many fear will become the next president of the United Stares. But no one will touch it. Instead, Grace is sent to Europe where she discovers a story so big, so explosive that it could decide the American election and launch a new Cold War. If she can stay alive long enough to tell it... Spies, murder and one of the biggest conspiracies of our time lie at the heart of the thriller of the year.

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cena 129.0 Kč

The Shakespeare Secret (Defekt)

A modern serial killer - hunting an ancient secret. \n\nA woman is left to die as the rebuilt Globe theatre burns. Another woman is drowned like Ophelia, skirts swirling in the water. A professor has his throat slashed open on the steps of Washington's Capitol building. \n\nA deadly serial killer is on the loose, modelling his murders on Shakespeare's plays. But why is he killing? And how can he be stopped? \n\nA gripping, shocking page turner, The Shakespeare Secret masterfully combines modern murder and startling true revelations from the life of Shakespeare. It has been acclaimed as one of the most compulsively readable thrillers of recent years.

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cena 49.0 Kč

Poo in the Zoo: The Super Pooper Road Race - Steve Smallman

It''s the super POOPER Road Race, and Bob McGrew and the animals in the zoo are building the perfect poo-powered race cars. It’s going to be a poop-tastic adventure . . .But – oh no! – who’s that dastardly driver sabotaging the race? This race course is becoming more doo-doo dangerous by the minute!Who will zoom to victory and who will be left to finish last? Find out in this laugh out loud vehicle book for children. Kids that enjoy things that go and car books like the Diggersaurus series by Michael Whaite, Goodnight Tractor by Michelle Robinson and Nick East, and You Can’t Let an Elephant Drive a Racing Car by Patricia Cleveland-Peck and David Tazzyman will love Poo in the Zoo: The Super Pooper Road Race.

Objev podobné jako Poo in the Zoo: The Super Pooper Road Race - Steve Smallman

cena 236.0 Kč

Chuck Berry - The Father Of Rock (2 LP)

Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;1960 - 1969;1950 - 1959;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999 Složení setu: 2 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Žánr: Rock Balení obsahuje: LP Země interpreta: USA Typ: Kompilace;LP deska;Stereo Barva podle výrobce: Black Země původu: Německo Barva: Černá Datum vydání: 2022-03-25 Subžánr: Rockabilly;Classic Rock Rok vydání: 2022.0 Varianta: The Father Of Rock (2 LP) Vydavatelství: Wagram Music Interpret / Téma: Chuck Berry

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cena 640.0 Kč

The Exchange - Nika Peas - e-kniha

eBook: Vivian, a petite translator, always managed her life with cold logic and spent her time between jobs taking care of her only living relative, her beloved Grandmother. Facing the seemingly insolvable problem of having to pay for this lovely woman’s operation in a private clinic, she reached a desperate and repugnant solution –agreeing to the offer of her current client, Matteo. Bargaining her debt, the rich and handsome Italian is willing to pay whatever she asks. The price? A single night of passion. Gripped by remorse and shame, Vivian regards her fate as the cost she must accept. With near zero experience in the arena of love and the determination to overcome any obstacle for her Grandmother’s sake, she enters the darkened hotel room and is immediately blindfolded. She has no idea how this single night will change her, her lover hidden by darkness and playing her body like a fine instrument. In the morning, she leaves the already vacated hotel room with a dreamy smile – she can now pay for her Grandmother’s treatment and, on top of that, experienced her first taste of exquisite lovemaking. Infatuated with passion, she has eyes only for Matteo, ignoring the tortured longings of his business partner, Ryan. This tall masculine Scotsman grinds his teeth, unable to explain to the fragile blond that, through intrigue and lies, he switched the liaison and deceived Matteo, taking his place and spending the entire night making passionate love to Vivian. How will he manage to bring Vivian’s seductive, shy body into his arms again?

Objev podobné jako The Exchange - Nika Peas - e-kniha

cena 149.0 Kč

Pochoutka s malt pastou Beaphar Malt Bits 35 g

Malt Bits je doplňkové krmivo ve formě křupavých polštářků naplněných malt pastou. Chutná a zdravá pochoutka pro kočky a koťata Pomáhají přirozenému průchodu spolykaných chlupů zažívacím traktem Pravidelným podáváním předejdete zvracení a trávicím problémům vašeho mazlíčka Mají také blahodárné účinky na stav srsti – je lesklejší a zdravější Dávkování: 5-10 ks za den. Zajistěte přístup k čerstvé, pitné vodě. Složení: obiloviny, mléko a mléčné výrobky, oleje a tuky, vedlejší produkty rostlinného původu (výtažek ze sladu 1,7 %), maso a živočišné produkty, kvasnice, minerální látky Analytické složky: hrubý protein 31 %, hrubá vláknina 2,8 %, hrubé oleje a tuky 10 %, hrubý popel 3,2 %, vlhkost 9 %, vápník 0,09 %, fosfor 0,62 %, sodík 0,15 %, draslík 0,49 %, hořčík 0,13 % Nutriční doplňkové látky: vitamin A 4600 m.j./kg, vitamin B1 4,1 mg/kg, železo 210 mg/kg, antioxidanty

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cena 67.0 Kč


Maltské souostroví nabízí ideální podmínky pro adrenalinové vodní sporty, zejména potápění. Poznejte kouzlo maltského souostroví s naším průvodcem! Začínáme na hlavním ostrově Malta, ale podíváme se i na krásné Gozo a Comino. Náš průvodce Vám představí to nejzajímavější, co Malta nabízí.

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cena 205.0 Kč

The Name of the Wind (Defekt) - Patrick Rothfuss

'I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep.My name is Kvothe.You may have heard of me'So begins the tale of Kvothe - currently known as Kote, the unassuming innkeepter - from his childhood in a troupe of traveling players, through his years spent as a near-feral orphan in a crime-riddled city, to his daringly brazen yet successful bid to enter a difficult and dangerous school of magic. In these pages you will come to know Kvothe the notorious magician, the accomplished thief, the masterful musician, the dragon-slayer, the legend-hunter, the lover, the thief and the infamous assassin.The Name of the Wind is fantasy at its very best, and an astounding must-read title.

Objev podobné jako The Name of the Wind (Defekt) - Patrick Rothfuss

cena 219.0 Kč

The Tower of the Swallow (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski

Geralt the Witcher races to find his missing ward, Ciri, in this fourth novel in the bestselling Witcher series that inspired the Netflix show and video games.The world has fallen into war. Ciri, the child of prophecy, has vanished. Hunted by friends and foes alike, she has taken on the guise of a petty bandit and lives free for the first time in her life.But the net around her is closing. Geralt, the Witcher, has assembled a group of allies determined to rescue her. Both sides of the war have sent brutal mercenaries to hunt her down. Her crimes have made her famous.There is only one place left to run. The tower of the swallow is waiting...Translated by David French.

Objev podobné jako The Tower of the Swallow (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski

cena 119.0 Kč

The Mark and the Void (Defekt) - Paul Murray

While marooned at his banking job in the bewilderingly damp and insular realm known as Ireland, Claude Martingale is approached by a down-on-his-luck author, Paul, looking for his next great subject. Claude finds that his life gets steadily more exciting under Paul's fictionalizing influence; he even falls in love with a beautiful waitress.

Objev podobné jako The Mark and the Void (Defekt) - Paul Murray

cena 49.0 Kč

The Name of the Rose (Defekt) - Umberto Eco

The year is 1327. Franciscans in a wealthy Italian abbey are suspected of heresy, and Brother William of Baskerville arrives to investigate. When his delicate mission is suddenly overshadowed by seven bizarre deaths, Brother William turns detective. His tools are the logic of Aristotle, the theology of Aquinas, the empirical insights of Roger Bacon - all sharpened to a glistening edge by wry humor and a ferocious curiosity. He collects evidence, deciphers secret symbols and coded manuscripts, and digs into the eerie labyrinth of the abbey, where "the most interesting things happen at night."

Objev podobné jako The Name of the Rose (Defekt) - Umberto Eco

cena 129.0 Kč

The Lady of the Lake (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski

After walking through a portal in the Tower of the Swallow, thus narrowly escaping death, the Witcher girl, Ciri, finds herself in a completely different world... a world of the Elves. She is trapped with no way out. Time does not seem to exist and there are no obvious borders or portals to cross back into her home world. But this is Ciri, the child of prophecy, and she will not be defeated. She knows she must escape to finally rejoin the Witcher, Geralt, and his companions - and also to try to conquer her worst nightmare. Leo Bonhart, the man who chased, wounded and tortured Ciri, is still on her trail. And the world is still at war.

Objev podobné jako The Lady of the Lake (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski

cena 99.0 Kč

The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes

This Is The Amazing New Thriller From Terry Hayes. If You Thought I Am Pilgrim Was Good...

Objev podobné jako The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes

cena 99.0 Kč

The Power of the Powerless (Defekt) - Václav Havel

Vaclav Havel's remarkable and rousing essay on the tyranny of apathy, with a new introduction by Timothy Snyder Cowed by life under Communist Party rule, a greengrocer hangs a placard in their shop window: Workers of the world, unite! Is it a sign of the grocer's unerring ideology? Or a symbol of the lies we perform to protect ourselves? Written in 1978, Vaclav Havel's meditation on political dissent - the rituals of its suppression, and the sparks that re-ignite it - would prove the guiding manifesto for uniting Solidarity movements across the Soviet Union. A portrait of activism in the face of falsehood and intimidation, The Power of the Powerless remains a rousing call against the allure of apathy. 'Havel's diagnosis of political pathologies has a special resonance in the age of Trump' Pankaj Mishra

Objev podobné jako The Power of the Powerless (Defekt) - Václav Havel

cena 99.0 Kč

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