Exquisite cloth-bound edition of the classic art-history text – the ideal gift for every art connoisseur and student For more than 70 years Sir Ernst Gombrich’s The Story of Art has been a global bestseller – with more than 8 million copies sold – the perfect introduction to art history, from the earliest cave paintings to art of the twentieth century, a masterpiece of clarity and personal insight. This classic book is currently in its 16th edition, and has been translated into more than 30 languages and published in numerous formats and editions. This luxury edition, with its bespoke cloth cover and preface by Professor Gombrich's granddaughter Leonie, is the ultimate gift purchase for all art lovers – a keepsake to treasure, and to inspire future generations.A global bestseller for over five decades, this luxury edition is perfect for collectors, connoisseurs, and the millions of people who have grown up reading and loving this classic companion. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Story of Art - Ernst Hans Gombrich , Story of seasons: pioneers of olive town - ps4 (5060540771339)'Anyone looking for the most readable survey of the history of art from the [sic] cave paintings to the 20th century should buy the new, beautifully produced pocket edition of The Story of Art, still one of the great classics of art criticism.' – Independent A cornerstone of art history – in a compact yet readable format and with a new preface by the author's granddaughter The Story of Art has been a global bestseller for over half a century – the finest and most popular introduction ever written, published globally in more than 30 languages. Attracted by the simplicity and clarity of his writing, readers of all ages and backgrounds have found in Professor Gombrich a true master, who combines knowledge and wisdom with a unique gift for communicating his deep love of the subject. Updated with a stunning new cover and a preface written specially by Professor Gombrich's granddaughter Leonie, this pocket format allows Gombrich's classic work to continue its triumphant progress for another generation, and to remain the title of first choice for all newcomers to art and its history. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Story of Art - Ernst Hans Gombrich , The art of mafia trilogy (9788090796423)In 1935, with a doctorate in art history and no prospect of a job, the 26-year-old Ernst Gombrich was invited to attempt a history of the world for younger readers. Amazingly, he completed the task in six weeks, and "Eine kurze Weltgeschichte fur junge Leser" was published in Vienna. This book presents his history to English-language readers. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Little History of the World - Ernst Hans Gombrich , The art of mafia trilogy (9788090796416)Druhý svazek Gombrichových studií o renesanční době a umění spojuje antologie Apellův odkaz a Staří mistři v novém nasvícení. Název prvního souboru, Apellův odkaz (The Heritage of Apelles, 1976), připomíná nejslavnějšího malíře starověkého Řecka, který prý ve svých dílech spojoval dokonalou krásu s nedostižnou dovedností, s níž zachycoval vzezření přírody. Tento dvojí ideál dokonalé krásy a dokonalého napodobení přírody, zděděný z antiky, přetrvával až do dvacátého století a je východiskem poučených a inspirativních studií v tomto souboru, věnovaných otázkám tradice, hodnot a standardů, i konkrétněji pracovním metodám Leonarda da Vinci či malířským technikám zachycování lesku a světla. Druhá část knihy, antologie Staří mistři v novém nasvícení (New Light on Old Masters, 1986), se pak zaměřuje na jednotlivé tvůrce, nově zkoumá dobové texty a dokumenty a objevně interpretuje díla mistrů, jak byli Giotto, Leonardo da Vinci, Raffael, Giulio Romano či Michelangelo. Gombrichovy eseje zůstávají dodnes vzorem kvalitního psaní o historii výtvarného umění. Soubor O renesanci 2 vychází opět v překladu Martina Pokorného. Vydání knihy podpořilo Ministerstvo kultury České republiky. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako O renesanci 2 - Ernst Hans Gombrich , Bush: art of survival - cd (4050538835854)Tento ucelený soubor studií vyšel už v roce 1959, v dalších letech byl doplňován, přepracováván a znovu vydáván; zůstává platným vhledem do "psychologie znázorňování". Autor v něm zkoumá, jaký je vztah skutečnosti a jejího výtvarného zachycení, jak se na utváření tohoto vztahu podílí divák a jeho zkušenosti; jak se vyvíjely metody umělců, kteří chtěli skutečnost zachytit co nejpřesněji, co vlastně znamená "přesné zachycení", a věnuje se i tomu, jak se stalo, že umělecké prostředky začaly směřovat od realismu k náznaku, stylizaci či karikatuře. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Umění a iluze - Ernst Hans Gombrich , Uhlíř františek: story of my life - cd (8595017400124)Tento svazek nabízí erudovanou a přitom široce přístupnou teorii dekorativních umění. Gombrich zkoumá univerzálně lidský sklon hledat v prostoru a čase řád, který se projevuje v dětských hrách, v poezii, hudbě či architektuře, ale právě i v dekorativních uměních. Kniha svým pojetím navazuje na Umění a iluzi, která přinesla originální teorii obrazového znázorňování. I tentokrát jde fascinující a inspirativní úvahy o umění, přírodě, lidské psychologii a tom, jak náš mozek zpracovává podněty z vnějšího prostředí. Vydání knihy podpořilo Ministerstvo kultury České republiky. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Smysl pro řád - Ernst Hans Gombrich , The story of the trapp family singers (0060005777)První svazek souboru O renesanci spojuje dvě klasické knihy esejů o renesančním umění. V první z nich, pojmenované Norma a forma, je shromážděno jedenáct studií věnovaných zásadním otázkám stylu, vkusu, patronace, pracovních metod a teorií umění, které autor vykládá se svou příznačnou erudicí a srozumitelností. Tyto eseje jsou povinnou četbou pro všechny, kdo se o renesanci zajímají, a bezpochyby budou přínosem pro každého, kdo si přeje lépe se orientovat v jedné z nejtvořivějších etap západního umění. Druhou část knihy zaujímá soubor Symbolické obrazy, v němž se E. H. Gombrich věnuje stěžejnímu tématu symbolického zobrazování. Knihu otevírá badatelský úvod o "Cílech a omezeních ikonologie", po kterém následují podrobné studie o Botticellim, Mantegnovi, Rafaelovi, Poussinovi a dalších. Svazek uzavírá rozsáhlé pojednání o filozofických přístupech k symbolice, které ukazuje, že myšlenky, které zaměstnávaly renesanční filozofy, jsou živé dodnes. Stejně jako v případě Normy a formy jde o soubor nezbytný pro všechny, kdo se zabývají renesančním uměním a myšlením; je to práce, která napomáhala utváření vědní disciplíny dějiny umění. A jelikož se zde autor neustále zabývá problematikou norem, hodnot a metod, jde zároveň o úvod k fundamentálním otázkám spojeným s interpretací obrazů obecně. Vydání knihy podpořilo Ministerstvo kultury České republiky. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako O renesanci 1 - Ernst Hans Gombrich , This land: the story of a movement (0241470943)Kniha světoznámého historika umění umožňuje základní orientaci ve zvláštní a fascinující oblasti lidské činnosti, jakou je právě umění. Na 684 stranách doplněných černobílými i barevnými reprodukcemi a vyklápěcími přílohami se pokouší srozumitelným způsobem utřídit nepřeberné bohatství jmen, období a slohů. (patro.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Příběh umění - Gombrich Ernst Hans , Superforecasting: the art and science of prediction (1847947158)Tento ucelený soubor studií vyšel už v roce 1959, v dalších letech byl doplňován, přepracováván a znovu vydáván; zůstává platným vhledem do „psychologie znázorňování“. Autor v něm zkoumá, jaký je vztah skutečnosti a jejího výtvarného zachycení, jak se na utváření tohoto vztahu podílí divák a jeho zkušenosti; jak se vyvíjely metody umělců, kteří chtěli skutečnost zachytit co nejpřesněji, co vlastně znamená „přesné zachycení“, a věnuje se i tomu, jak se stalo, že umělecké prostředky začaly směřovat od realismu k náznaku, stylizaci či karikatuře. (patro.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Umění a iluze - Gombrich Ernst Hans , The house by the lake: a story of germany (0099592045)Ernstovi H. Gombrichovi, ktorý patril medzi najvýznamnejších vzdelancov 20. storočia, sa podarilo niečo, čo sa dnes zdá byť až neuveriteľné: na 300 stranách hutne a výstižne opísal dejiny ľudstva. Autor obrazným a ľahko pochopiteľným jazykom živo vykresľuje vývojové trendy a zlomové udalosti, charakterizuje významné osobnosti a dejinné konflikty. Gombrich sa zameral na mladších čitateľov, ale to neznamená, že text nie je zaujímavý a užitočný aj pre dospelých. Gombrichova kniha je známa po celom svete v 21 jazykoch, po autorovej smrti v roku 2001 vyšla opätovne v mierne upravenej podobe. (patro.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Stručné dejiny sveta pre mladých čitateľov - Gombrich Ernst H. , Blakey art: milestones of a legend (10x cd) - cd (600358)A lively introduction to and history of international contemporary art from 1960 to the present. What does it mean? Is it really art? Why does it cost so much? While these questions are perpetually asked about contemporary art, they are not the questions that E. H. Gombrich set out to answer in his seminal book The Story of Art. Contemporary art is very different from what came before. From the 1960s, where Gombrich’s account concludes, artists began to abandon traditional forms of art and started to make work that questioned art’s very definition.This is where Godfrey picks up the story. Developments in contemporary art have followed no straightforward line of progress or sequence of movements. Recognizing this, Tony Godfrey creates a narrative from a series of often dramatic creative conflicts and arguments around what art is or should be.From object versus sculpture and painting versus conceptual to local versus global, gallery versus wider world, The Story of Contemporary Art traces a history in terms of drastic changes in social and political life over the last sixty years. How do we experience being human in a world that seems to change so quickly? In exploring art’s relationship to this question, Godfrey asserts that multiple voices must be heard: critics, theorists, curators and collectors, but also audiences and artists themselves. Key to the book is the story of how a perception that art was made almost exclusively by white men from North America and Western Europe has been radically overturned.Compelling and intelligent, but never academic, this book tells us how. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Story of Contemporary Art - Tony Godfrey , Wheeler kenny: windmill tilter (the story of don quixote) - lp (0748057)The best-selling Guardian art critic Jonathan Jones presents a radical new story of British art. "Sensations is a riveting story of art and science: thoughtful, provocative and persuasive" - The Times "Erudite, impassioned, fascinating" - Financial Times “Sensations brilliantly marshals Jones’s extensive research into engaging narratives of British intellectual history… Compelling.” Times Literary Supplement “I even loved Jonathan’s writing when he slagged my work off! He is a true thinker, a brilliant art historian who can back up his criticism with more than just opinion.” – Tracey Emin “Sensations presents a radically new story of British art. It connects the artists of today with British culture more than three hundred years ago as it finds an unexpected thread that links William Hogarth and Tracey Emin, Thomas Gainsborough and Lucian Freud. What they share is an eye for the real world. I hope this book will change how you see Britain, and its art.” – Jonathan Jones What is the artistic impulse uniting Robert Hooke's drawings of insects, George Stubbs's studies of horses and Damien Hirst's pickled shark? In this new and spirited account of British art, Jonathan Jones argues for empiricism. From the Enlightenment to the present, British artists have shared a passion for looking hard at the world around them. Jones shows how this zeal for precision and careful observation paved the way for Realism, Impressionism and the birth of modern art. This essential art book is a must-read for fans of Gombrich’s The Story of Art and the perfect introduction to British art history. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Sensations: The Story of British Art from Hogarth to Banksy - Anna Jones , Sick of it all: based on a true story - lp (npr1134vinyl)Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Stručné dějiny současného umění: kapesní průvodce klíčovými směry, díly, motivy a technikami. (answear.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Knížka home & lifestyle The Short Story of Modern Art by Susie Hodge, English , Dreams from my father: a story of race and inheritance (1782119256)Most art historians agree that the modern art adventure first developed in the 1860s in Paris. A circle of painters, whom we now know as Impressionists, began painting pictures with rapid, loose brushwork. They turned to everyday street life for subjects, instead of overblown heroic scenes, and they escaped the power of the Salon by organizing their own independent exhibitions. After this first assault on the artistic establishment, there was no holding back. In a constant desire to challenge, innovate, and inspire, one modernist style supplanted the next: Symbolism, Expressionism, Futurism, Dada, abstract art, renewed Realism, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, Pop, Minimal and conceptual practice. This indispensable overview traces the restless energy of modern art with a year-by-year succession of the groundbreaking artworks that shook standards and broke down barriers.Introductory essays outline the most significant and influential movements alongside explanatory texts for each major work and its artist. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Modern Art 1870–2000 - Hans Werner Holzwarth , Wagner hans sada příborů 24ks palardo (142384)Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was born in Odense, the son of a shoemaker. His early life was wretched, but he was adopted by a patron and became a short-story writer, novelist and playwright, though he remains best-known for his magical fairy tales which were published between 1835 and 1872. For 150 years his stories have been delighting both adults and children. Packed with a light-hearted whimsy combined with a mature wisdom they are as entrancing as ever. Here are all of Andersen's 154 tales, and among the favourites are The Red Shoes, The Mermaid, The Real Princess, The Emperor's New Clothes, The Tinder Box and of course The Ugly Duckling. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Complete Fairy Tales Of Hans Christian Andersen - Hans Christian Andersen , Wagner hans sada příborů 24ks catania (142380)With exclusive, behind-the-scenes access, preeminent photographer Brother Ernie captures the last four decades of the evolution of hip-hop - the styles that grew from it, and the artists who shaped it. Complete with Brother Ernie's personal anecdotes of time spent with subjects, and stories behind the photographs, Hip-Hop at the End of the World shares intimate moments from the most important era of hip-hop. After picking up a camera in the 1973 to document the graffiti art that dominated New York City, Ernest Paniccioli started his journey of whole-heartedly capturing the scene during the most fertile years of hip-hop. Always armed with a 35mm camera, he successfully photographed nearly every rapper of note since the genre's inception, making him the go-to photographer for magazines like Word Up and Rap Masters. Hip Hop at the End of the World is a carefully curated selection of photographs from Brother Ernie's extensive archives, celebrating over 40 years of swag in one of the most complete records of the most crucial movements in American music. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Hip-Hop at the End of the World : The Photography of Brother Ernie - Paniccioli Ernst , Pohadky hanse christiana andersena hans christian andersenKniha - autor Marjane Satrapi, 344 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Wise, often funny, sometimes heartbreaking, "Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood" tells the story of Marjane Satrapi's life in Tehran from the ages of six to fourteen, years that saw the overthrow of the Shah's regime, the triumph of the Islamic Revolution and the devastating effects of war with Iraq. The intelligent and outspoken child of radical Marxists, and the great-grandaughter of Iran's last emperor, Satrapi bears witness to a childhood uniquely entwined with the history of her country. Persepolis paints an unforgettable portrait of daily life in Iran and of the bewildering contradictions between home life and public life. Amidst the tragedy, Marjane's child's eye view adds immediacy and humour, and her story of a childhood at once outrageous and ordinary, beset by the unthinkable and yet buffered by an extraordinary and loving family, is immensely moving. It is also very... (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Persepolis I and II: The Story of a Childhood and The Story of a Return (009952399X) , Ernst ludwig kirchner: zakladatel německého expresionismu (978-80-86279-67-1)Hra na konzoli - PS4 / PS4 Pro, PS5 (s mechanikou), krabicová verze, žánr: RPG, - Nechte se inspirovat vyprávěními o pionýrských dnech vašeho dědečka, zabalte si to nejnutnější, dejte vale shonu velkoměsta a začněte si užívat venkovského života v městečku Olive Town. Farmářův odkazVítejte v Olive Town. Tahle kolonie je v STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town PS4 místem, které čeká pouze na vás. Vašim úkolem je ujmout se rodinné farmy a naplnit odkaz vašeho nedávno zesnulého dědečka. V STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town PS4 se nudit nebudeteOkopávejte záhonky ležící v dosahu vašeho stavení. Sekejte přilehlý les. Prozkoumávejte okolí a vylepšujte svět okolo sebe. Účastněte se městských akcí a staňte se součástí světa, který toho nabízí opravdu mnoho. (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town - PS4 (5060540771339) , Slovensko príbeh stredoveku: slovakia story of medieval (978-80-8136-104-3)Minions: The Rise of Gru, will be released in UK cinemas in July 2022.This retelling of the highly anticipated movie Minions: The Rise of Gru brings the magic home so fans can experience the Minions' adventures again and again. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Minions 2: The Rise of Gru Story of the Movie , Lord of the rings - swordman orc - bds art scale 1/10 (609963127825)Země interpreta: Německo Země původu: Evropská unie Interpret / Téma: Hans Zimmer Typ: Limitovaná edice;Album;LP deska Subžánr: Score;Stage & Screen;Soundtrack Balení obsahuje: LP Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;1980 - 1989;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Hmotnost: 180 g Žánr: Classical Barva: Černá Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Datum vydání: 2019-03-15 Složení setu: 3 ks Rok nahrávky: 2019.0 Rok vydání: 2019.0 Barva podle výrobce: Black Vydavatelství: Sony Classical Varianta: The World of Hans Zimmer - A Symphonic Celebration (Gatefold Sleeve) (3 LP) (muziker.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Hans Zimmer The World of Hans Zimmer - A Symphonic Celebration (3 LP) , Tatum art: original albums - milestones of a jazzlegend (10x cd) - cd (600547)The fourth edition of the essential introduction to digital art, one of contemporary art’s most exciting and dynamic forms of practice. Digital art, along with the technological developments of its medium, has rapidly evolved from the ‘digital revolution’ into the social media era and to the postdigital and post-Internet landscape. This new, expanded edition of this invaluable overview of the medium traces the emergence of artificial intelligence, augmented and mixed realities, and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), and surveys themes explored by digital artworks in the areas of activism, networks and telepresence, and ecological art and the Anthropocene. Christiane Paul considers all forms of digital art, focusing on the basic characteristics of their aesthetic language and their technological and art-historical evolution. By looking at the ways in which internet art, digital installation, software art, AR and VR have emerged as recognized artistic practices, Digital Art is an essential critical guide. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Digital Art (World of Art) - Christiane Paul , Lord of the rings - armored orc - bds art scale 1/10 (609963127801)Fotoalbum z kolekce Printworks. (answear.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Fotoalbum Printworks A Story of Love , Once upon a time in the east: a story of growing up (1784740683)From the dawn of life itself, every being that has ever lived owes its existence to the cell.The discovery of this vital form led to a transformation in medicine but also in our understanding of ourselves - not as bodies or machines but as ecosystems. It has also given us the power to treat a vast array of mortal maladies...and even to create new kinds of human altogether.Rich with stories of scientists, doctors and the patients whose lives may be saved by their work, The Song of the Cell is a stunning ode to the building blocks of life and the cutting-edge science harnessing their power for the better. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Song of the Cell: The Story of Life - Siddhartha Mukherjee , The story of czechs and slovaks in canada (978-80-85948-85-1)Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: simulátor, Další dobrodružství je tuDORAEMON STORY OF SEASONS: Friends of the Great Kingdom PC DIGITAL přináší další z příběhů Nobyho a jeho přátel. Tentokrát na vás v herním světě čeká vyprávění, jež prezentuje průběhu ročních období. Farma v DORAEMON STORY OF SEASONS: Friends of the Great Kingdom PC DIGITAL zabere hodně časuStarejte se o svůj statek. Pěstujte aktivně plodiny. Krmte hospodářská zvířata. Pečujte o ně a následně je prodejte na místním trhu. Generujte finance a pomaličku budujte ranč, který vám budou všichni závidět. Zamiřte díky technologiím do hlubinŽivot si v DORAEMON STORY OF SEASONS: Friends of the Great Kingdom - PC DIGITAL usnadníte za pomoci pestré škály vychytávek, které má hlavní hrdina k dispozici.... (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako DORAEMON STORY OF SEASONS: Friends of the Great Kingdom - PC DIGITAL (2091082) , Zimmer hans: live in prague (2017) - dvd (0413007)Soon to be an HBO series, book four in the New York Times bestselling Neapolitan quartet about two friends in post-war Italy is a rich, intense, and generous-hearted epic by one of today's most beloved and acclaimed writers, Elena Ferrante, "one of the great novelists of our time." (Roxana Robinson, The New York Times) Here is the dazzling saga of two women, the brilliant, bookish Elena and the fiery uncontainable Lila. In this book, life's great discoveries have been made, its vagaries and losses have been suffered. Through it all, the women's friendship, examined in its every detail over the course of four books, remains the gravitational center of their lives. Both women once fought to escape the neighborhood in which they grew up. Elena married, moved to Florence, started a family, and published several well-received books. But now, she has returned to Naples to be with the man she has always loved. Lila, on the other hand, never succeeded in freeing herself from Naples. She has become a successful entrepreneur, but her success draws her into closer proximity with the nepotism, chauvinism, and criminal violence that infect her neighborhood. Yet somehow this proximity to a world she has always rejected only brings her role as unacknowledged leader of that world into relief. Ferrante is one of the world's great storytellers. With the Neapolitan quartet she has given her readers an abundant, generous, and masterfully plotted page-turner that is also a stylish work of literary fiction destined to delight readers for many generations to come. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Story Of Lost Child - Elena Ferrante , Wagner hans catania sada příborů 30 d. (142381)This is an engaging history of Western Art from cave paintings through to modern times, plus information about the artists and their lives and techniques. It is illustrated with a combination of full colour reproductions of the original works of art and humorous line drawings. Internet links lead to a range of fascinating websites, including online art galleries and lots more about the artists featured in the book. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Story Of Painting - Fiona Patchettová, Abigail Wheatley , The stranger in the woods: the extraordinary story of the last true hermit (1524711098)Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.Doctor Dolittle is one of the most delightful and fascinating characters in children's literature. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition is illustrated with Hugh Lofting's own drawings, and includes updated material and an afterword by remarkable author Philip Ardagh.Doctor Dolittle's house in Puddleby-on-the-Marsh is full to the brim with eccentric characters, from Polynesia the parrot to Gub-Gub the pig. After learning the language of all his animals, the gracious and kind-hearted doctor hears that the monkeys in Africa have become inflicted with a terrible disease. So with a team of trusty creatures by his side, the doctor sets sail on an action packed adventure to save them. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Story of Doctor Dolittle - Hugh Lofting , Art teakThe Short Story of Science is a new introduction to the complete subject of science. Covering 60 key experiments, from Archimedes' investigations of buoyancy to the discovery of dark matter, and then linking these to the history of science, as well as to the key theories and methods, the book simplifies and explains all the key breakthroughs.Accessible and concise, generously illustrated throughout, and with all the essential information presented without jargon, readers are given all the tools they need to enjoy the fascinating history of scientific knowledge. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Short Story of Science - Fletcher Mark , Rcf art 915-a (art 915-a)When she was 19 months old, Helen Keller (1880-1968) suffered a severe illness that left her blind and deaf. Not long after, she also became mute. Her tenacious struggle to overcome these handicaps -- with the help of her inspired teacher, Anne Sullivan -- is one of the great stories of human courage and dedication. In this classic autobiography, first published in 1903, Miss Keller recounts the first 22 years of her life, including the magical moment at the water pump when, recognizing the connection between the word "water" and the cold liquid flowing over her hand, she realized that objects had names. Subsequent experiences were equally noteworthy: her joy at eventually learning to speak, her friendships with Oliver Wendell Holmes, Edward Everett Hale and other notables, her education at Radcliffe (from which she graduated cum laude), and-underlying all-her extraordinary relationship with Miss Sullivan, who showed a remarkable genius for communicating with her eager and quick-to-learn pupil. These and many other aspects of Helen Keller's life are presented here in clear, straightforward prose full of wonderful descriptions and imagery that would do credit to a sighted writer. Completely devoid of self-pity, yet full of love and compassion for others, this deeply moving memoir offers an unforgettable portrait of one of the outstanding women of the twentieth century. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Story of My Life - Helen Keller , Freudův "malý hans" lacanovsky (978-80-7530-322-6)John Dolittle is a highly respected doctor in the village of Puddleby-on-the-Marsh, yet he loves animals so much that his house is soon full of them. With all his patients scared away, and the expense of feeding his menagerie mounting, a friend suggests that the Doctor become a vet instead.With the help of Polynesia the parrot, Doctor Dolittle swiftly learns the language of the animals so that he can talk to all of his new patients. However, when a message comes from Africa, telling of a terrible sickness among the monkeys there, the Doctor and his animal friends depart on a thrilling and dangerous adventure that they are never likely to forget.This new edition contains original illustrations and extra material for young readers including a glossary and a quiz-yourself section.show less (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Story of Doctor Dolittle - Hugh Lofting , Mowgli´s story ()Kniha - autor David Eagleman, 246 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Locked in silence and darkness, the brain nevertheless creates both your identity and your reality. Renowned neuroscientist Eagleman takes reader on a journey into the heart of our very existence, asking questions such as: What is reality? and How do we make decisions?, as well as looking at things such as brain surgery and facial expressions. (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Brain: The Story of You (1782116613)eBook: In ‘The Story of the Duchess of Cicogne and of Monsieur de Boulingrin’ (1920), Anatole France presents a fantastic reimagining of the classic fairy-tale ‘Sleeping Beauty’. However, rather than concerning himself with Sleeping Beauty herself, France focuses on the turmoil of her parents as they wait for their daughter to wake. France’s short story, ‘The Story of the Duchess of Cicogne and of Monsieur de Boulingrin’, offers a nuanced take on the classic tale and presents a sophisticated account that will enthral all. A must-read for anyone familiar with ‘Sleeping Beauty’ or a fan of any of Anatole France’s works, this imaginative reinterpretation is a fresh take on an already incredible story. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Story of the Duchess of Cicogne and of Monsieur de Boulingrin - Anatole France - e-knihaThe powerful, heart-breaking memoir of Dita Kraus, the real-life Librarian of AuschwitzBorn in Prague to a Jewish family in 1929, Dita Kraus has lived through the most turbulent decades of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Here, Dita writes with startling clarity on the horrors and joys of a life delayed by the Holocaust. From her earliest memories and childhood friendships in Prague before the war, to the Nazi-occupation that saw her and her family sent to the Jewish ghetto at Terezin, to the unimaginable fear and bravery of her imprisonment in Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen, and life after liberation.Dita writes unflinchingly about the harsh conditions of the camps and her role as librarian of the precious books that her fellow prisoners managed to smuggle past the guards. But she also looks beyond the Holocaust - to the life she rebuilt after the war: her marriage to fellow survivor Otto B Kraus, a new life in Israel and the happiness and heartbreaks of motherhood.Part of Dita's story was told in fictional form in the Sunday Times bestseller The Librarian of Auschwitz by Antonio Iturbe. Her memoir tells the full story in her own words. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako A Delayed Life: The true story of the Librarian of Auschwitz - Dita KrausováGlobal icon. Songwriting sensation. Fashion phenomenon.Welcome to the Taylor-verse. Through stunning photographs that explore key outfits from her style evolution alongside expert analysis, Icons of Style pays homage to the artist whose every outfit tells a tale. From country boots to bejewelled body suits, explore the wardrobe of the girl-next-door-turned-superstar, who connects with fans the world over with her ever-evolving attire, eye-catching looks and signature pieces.Taylor's relatability, integrity and sartorial storytelling mean this fearless fashion queen will never go out of style. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Icons of Style - Taylor Swift: The story of a fashion icon - Glenys JohnsonTo have a colour named after you is one of the highest accolades in fashion. Valentino Garavani is one such icon. Since the founding of the House of Valentino in 1950s Rome, Garavani has been celebrated for the desirability of his designs. His stunning gowns in his signature Valentino Red have been sought after by the jet set for over half a century, and still signify the very epitome of red carpet glamour. Little Book of Valentino tells the story of this most elegant of brands. Beginning with Garavani's initiation into the world of haute couture in 1950s Paris, progressing through the glittering social scene of 1970s New York and Valentino's domination of Hollywood from the 1980s to the present day, images of every dazzling era are beautifully reproduced alongside text exploring the significance of each stunning piece. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Little Book of Valentino: The story of the iconic fashion house - Karen Homerová"Give me time and I'll give you a revolution" – Alexander McQueen Ever since its creation in 1992, the House of Alexander McQueen has been synonymous with drama, risk-taking and cutting-edge innovation. From iconic collaborations, like with Lady Gaga for her "Bad Romance" music video, to shockingly controversial runway shows like The Horn of Plenty, Alexander McQueen was beloved for his fantastical silhouettes and blurring of gender lines. This exquisitely illustrated volume explores the story behind the House, from McQueen's own early days to the current leadership of Sarah Burton. Through a carefully curated collection of finished designs, close-up details and sketches, this book pulls back the veil on the wonderful world of McQueen. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Little Book of Alexander McQueen: The story of the iconic brand - Karen Homerová"It's a fabulous thing to give life to fabric, to make something move well, the harmony of colour" - Hubert de Givenchy Ever since Audrey Hepburn stood outside Tiffany's, croissant in hand, Givenchy has been the last word in elegant couture. The clean, sweeping lines and classic, feminine silhouettes have enthralled women from the Duchess of Sussex to Kendall Jenner, all of whom adore the romanticism and sophistication of a Givenchy ensemble. More sculptor than designer, Hubert de Givenchy created a house that is utterly timeless. This exquisitely illustrated volume explores the story behind the brand, from its creation in 1952 to its current leadership and designs. Through a carefully curated collection of finished designs, close-up details and key moments, this book shines a light on the dazzling world of Givenchy. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Little Book of Givenchy: The story of the iconic fashion house - Karen HomerováeBook: When thousands are being executed, would you risk your life to save a stranger? That’s the choice faced by Dr. Ledru in Alexandre Dumas’ \"Solange\".It’s the time of The Terror, and across France, the nobility are being put to the guillotine. So when a beautiful young aristocrat begs for his help, Dr. Ledru must choose which side of the Revolution he is on.Set during the French Revolution’s bloodiest period, \"Solange\" is a tightly-wound short story from the author of \"The Three Musketeers\". It will keep you guessing right up until the shock twist ending. A must for Dumas fans and lovers of suspense. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Solange: Dr. Ledru’s Story of the Reign of Terror - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha"Good fashion is evolution, not revolution" – Pierre Balmain One of the original big Parisian couture houses, alongside the likes of Dior and Chanel, Pierre Balmain reigned supreme over the 1950s fashion world with his spectacular and intricate evening wear. Now, in the twenty-first century, Balmain's ultra-modern look – still with the spirit of Pierre – is worn by the likes of Beyoncé, Kristen Stewart, Kate Moss and Kendall Jenner. Heavily embellished, dazzling detail meets futuristic silhouettes for an instantly recognisable look.Known for their strong social media presence driven by their "Balmain army" of fans, Balmain holds a unique position among the top couture houses today (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Little Book of Balmain: The story of the iconic fashion house - Karen HomerováKniha - autor Michael Wood, 624 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná China's story is extraordinarily rich and dramatic. Now Michael Wood, one of the UK's pre-eminent historians, brings it all together in a major new one-volume history of China that is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand its burgeoning role in our world today. China is the oldest living civilisation on earth, but its history is still surprisingly little known in the wider world. Michael Wood's sparkling narrative, which mingles the grand sweep with local and personal stories, woven together with the author's own travel journals, is an enthralling account of China's 4000-year-old tradition, taking in life stationed on the Great Wall or inside the Forbidden City. The story is enriched with the latest archaeological and documentary discoveries; correspondence and court cases going back to the Qin and Han dynasties; family letters from soldiers in the real-life Terracotta... (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Story of China: A portrait of a civilisation and its people (1471175987)The Reinvention of Humanity tells the story of a small circle of renegade scientist-explorers who changed something profound: what it means to be normal. In the early twentieth century, these pioneering anthropologists, most of them women, made intrepid journeys that overturned our assumptions about race, sexuality, gender and the nature of human diversity. From the Arctic to the South Pacific, from Haiti to Japan, they immersed themselves in distant or isolated communities, where they observed and documented radically different approaches to love and child-rearing, family structure and the relationship between women and men. With this evidence they were able to challenge the era's scientific consensus - and deep-rooted Western belief - that intelligence, ability and character are determined by a person's race or sex, and show that the roles people play in society are shaped in fact according to the immense variety of human cultures. Theirs were boundary-breaking lives, filled with scandal, romance, rivalry and tragedy. Those of Margaret Mead and her essential partner Ruth Benedict resulted in fame and notoriety. Those of Native American activist Ella Deloria and the African-American writer and ethnographer Zora Neale Hurston ended in poverty and obscurity; here their achievements are brought fully into the light for the first time. All were outsiders, including the controversial founder of their field, the wild-haired professor, German immigrant and revolutionary thinker, Franz Boas. The Reinvention of Humanity takes us on their globe-spanning adventures and shows how, together, these courageous and unconventional people created the moral universe we inhabit today. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Reinvention of Humanity : A Story of Race, Sex, Gender and the Discovery of Culture - Charles KingThe third edition of this classic study, a thorough introduction to one of the most popular and recognizable artists of the 20th century.Salvador Dali was, and remains, among the most universally recognizable artists of the twentieth century. What accounts for this popularity? His excellence as an artist? Or his genius as a self-publicist? In this searching text, partly based on interviews with the artist and fully revised, extended and updated for this edition, Dawn Ades considers the Dali phenomenon. From his early years, his artistic friendships and the development of his technique and style, to his relationship with the Surrealists and exploitation of Freudian ideas, and on to his post-war paintings, this essential study places Dali in social, historical and artistic context, and casts new light on the full range of his creativity. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Dalí (World of Art)Women of the White House looks at the work, lives and times of the 47 women officially recognized as America's first lady.Through portraits, photographs, accounts and profiles, the book examines their contributions to the presidencies they supported and to the 230-year history of the role. The women who have held the position have evolved it from White House hostess to campaigner for social causes and a game-changing leadership position. A role model for the world, a powerful political player, a traditional yet modern woman - the position of first lady of the United States is many-faceted, complex and beyond high profile.Amy Russo explores how the social platforms these women established - from Mary Todd Lincoln's work for slaves and soldiers after the Civil War to Michelle Obama's fight for girls' education - have not only made the role iconic but also shaped America. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Women of the White House: The Illustrated Story of the First Ladies of the United States of America - Amy RussoThe Story of the Lost Child is the concluding volume in the dazzling saga of two women- the brilliant, bookish Elena, and the fiery, uncontainable Lila. Both are now adults, with husbands, lovers, aging parents, and children. Their friendship has been the gravitational center of their lives. Both women fought to escape the neighborhood in which they grew up-a prison of conformity, violence, and inviolable taboos. Elena married, moved to Florence, started a family, and published several well-received books. In this final novel she has returned to Naples, drawn back as if responding to the city's obscure magnetism. Lila, on the other hand, could never free herself from the city of her birth. She has become a successful entrepreneur, but her success draws her into closer proximity with the nepotism, chauvinism, and criminal violence that infect the neighborhood. Proximity to the world she has always rejected only brings her role as its unacknowledged leader into relief. For Lila is unstoppable, unmanageable, unforgettable.The four volumes in this series constitute a long remarkable story that readers will return to again and again, and each return will bring with it new revelations. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Story of the Lost Child - Elena FerranteJazyková úroveň A1-A2. Podle příběhu Johanny Spyri. Když malá Heidi osiří, je poslána do Alp žít se svým podivínským dědečkem. Život v horách si zamiluje, hraje si na slunci a vyrůstá obklopená čistou přírodou. Její život se ale náhle změní, když je přinucena žít ve městě. Najde si tam novou kamarádku, ale po životě v horách se jí začne stýskat. Dokáže najít cestu zpátky tam, kam patří? (patro.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Story of Heidi/Heidi, děvčátko z horKniha - 224 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako This Land: The Story of a Movement (0241470943)Hudební CD - František Uhlíř - Story Of My Life Music for Septet František Uhlíř - Story Of My Life Music for Septet Septet ve složení: František Tomšíček - trumpet / trubka Přemek Tomšíček - trombone / pozoun Andy Schofield - altsax / altový saxofon Suzanne Higgins - tenorsax / tenorový saxofon Standa Macha - piano / klavír František Uhlíř - bass / kontrabas Marek Urbánek - drums / bicí Seznam stop Prolog - Born to the Future / Part 1. - Home / Part 2. - Youth / Part 3. - Ústí - Brno- Praha / Part 4 - Life as A Musician / Part 5. - Children / Part 6. - Turbulence of the Life / Part 7. - From my Heart to All of You (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Uhlíř František: Story Of My Life - CD (8595017400124)Kniha - autor Maria Augusta von Trapp, 312 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In her own beautiful, simple words, Baroness Maria Augusta Trapp tells the dramatic story that inspired the classic American musical and film "The Sound of Music." 8-page photo insert. (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Story of the Trapp Family Singers (0060005777)Hlavní výhody: krásné fotoalbum na svatební fotografie na každou stránku se vejdou dvě fotografie 10 x 15 cm s dostatečným prostorem pro poznámku kvalitní fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin fotografie je možno připevnit pomocí fotorůžků nebo samolepek (nejsou součástí balení) možnost přidání dalších až 10 stránek Dodatečné informace: rozměry: 27 x 5 x 33 cm rozměry fotopapíru: 21 x 28 cm materiály: potah 100% bavlna + recyklovaná šedá deska, stránky FSC cert. bílý fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin počet stran: 30 (chefshop.cz_ine)
Podobné produkty ako Svatební fotoalbum A STORY OF LOVE Printworks bíléHlavní výhody: krásné fotoalbum na svatební fotografie na každou stránku se vejdou dvě fotografie 10 x 15 cm s dostatečným prostorem pro poznámku kvalitní fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin fotografie je možno připevnit pomocí fotorůžků nebo samolepek (nejsou součástí balení) možnost přidání dalších až 10 stránek Dodatečné informace: rozměry: 27 x 5 x 33 cm rozměry fotopapíru: 21 x 28 cm materiály: potah 100% bavlna + recyklovaná šedá deska, stránky FSC cert. bílý fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin počet stran: 30 (chefshop.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Svatební fotoalbum A STORY OF LOVE Printworks bílé