Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals - jiří robert pick - e-kniha

Produkt Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals - jiří robert pick - e-kniha sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals - jiří robert pick - e-kniha upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - Jiří Robert Pick - e-kniha

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - Jiří Robert Pick - e-kniha

eBook:,Podtitul díla zní "Humoristická - pokud je to možné - novela z ghetta". Známý pražský satirik, spolutvůrce "divadel malých forem" a přispěvatel humoristického Dikobrazu jej vydal r. 1969. Obraz vlastního dospívání v "ghettě" Terezín se vymyká z literatury holocaustu nejen spojením smrti a hrůzy s absurditou a smíchem, ale také značnou otevřeností. Tradiční pohled dětských očí na svět dospělých zde slouží humoru, ale zároveň právě smíchem ukazuje zkušenost, která je nepopsatelná. Anglický překlad Alex Zucker, doslov Jáchym Topol, osobní vzpomínkou doprovodila sestra autora a filmová dokumentaristka Zuzana Justmanová. (

Podobné produkty ako Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - Jiří Robert Pick - e-kniha , Playmobil back to the future martyho pick-up (4008789706331)

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - Pick J. R.


Podtitul díla zní "Humoristická - pokud je to možné - novela z ghetta". Známý pražský satirik, spolutvůrce "divadel malých forem" a přispěvatel humoristického Dikobrazu jej vydal r. 1969. Obraz vlastního dospívání v "ghettě" Terezín se vymyká z literatury holocaustu nejen spojením smrti a hrůzy s absurditou a smíchem, ale také značnou otevřeností. Tradiční pohled dětských očí na svět dospělých zde slouží humoru, ale zároveň právě smíchem ukazuje zkušenost, která je nepopsatelná. Anglický překlad Alex Zucker, doslov Jáchym Topol, osobní vzpomínkou doprovodila sestra autora a filmová dokumentaristka Zuzana Justmanová. (

Podobné produkty ako Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - Pick J. R. , To zvladnu jutta heller e kniha

Spolek pro ochranu zvířat - Jiří Robert Pick - e-kniha


eBook: V hrůzné realitě terezínské pevnosti žily a vyrůstaly děti – ve stínu smrti, k níž často zbýval jen krátce vyměřený čas. Ale děti, i ty dospívající, obývají svůj vlastní svět, kam jenom obtížně a mnohdy málo srozumitelně proniká skutečnost dospělých a jehož běh se vymyká nesmlouvavým zákonům fyzikálního času. J. R. Pickovi se podařilo z vlastních vzpomínek nejen vykřesat a zpřítomnit obraz dychtivé, živelné radosti z toho mála, co bylo předčasně dospívajícím v lágru dopřáno, ale paradoxně také postihnout absurdně komický vztah židů k temné genocidní realitě. Knížečka je světovým unikátem, možná vůbec jediným humoristickým zpodobením života v koncentračním táboře. K černému humoru Spolku pro ochranu zvířat se bytostně hlásí autor doslovu k tomuto novému vydání knihy – Jáchym Topol. Jako dětský pamětník disidentských setkání v bytě svých rodičů vnímal tam účast i J. R. Picka. K atmosféře dávných protektorátních časů po boku svého staršího bratra se vrací také Zuzana Justman Picková, vzpomínkou a konstatováním, že po skončení koncentráčnického martyria trvalo celých dvacet let, než se Pick dokázal k tématu vrátit a vytěžit z něj tuto nevelkou knížku mimořádného významu. (

Podobné produkty ako Spolek pro ochranu zvířat - Jiří Robert Pick - e-kniha , House of the dragon - to the throne - tričko

The Ghosts of Society - Edward Phillips Oppenheim - e-kniha


eBook: Also published under the title ‘The Distributors’, ‘The Ghost Society’ by E. Phillips Oppenheim follows the story of secret society ‘The Ghosts’. Bored with London society, Lord Evelyn Madrecourt, along with seven like-minded individuals have founded this secret association. Seeking stimulation, the group decide to play fast and loose with the fortunes of others, making them enemies of many. There is romance as well as mystery along the way, in this enjoyable short story from the Victorian author. (

Podobné produkty ako The Ghosts of Society - Edward Phillips Oppenheim - e-kniha , The wisdom of crowds: the riotous conclusion to the age of madness (0575095989)

The Defence of Constitutionalism - Jiří Přibáň - e-kniha

The Defence of Constitutionalism - Jiří Přibáň - e-kniha

eBook:,Jak může znít v evropsky integrované a globálně provázané společnosti na počátku 21. století ona česká otázka, která po dvě staletí definovala náš politický i sociální vývoj a jejíž součástí vždy bylo i postavení naší země a národa v Evropě? To je jedna z otázek, které si Přibáň ve své publikaci o věcech veřejných, o politických systémech i právu klade. The Defence of Constitutionalism je souborem esejí politologických, sociologických i společenskovědních. Nenajdeme zde však formy abstraktního filosofování, nezaměnitelným Přibáně činí právě jeho ojedinělý kulturní záběr, na jehož pozadí se současným otázkám věnuje. Překlad původního vydání je pro anglicky čtoucí čtenáře adaptován a rozšířen o nové kapitoly, předmluvu napsal P. Pithart, vychází v Edici Václava Havla. (

Podobné produkty ako The Defence of Constitutionalism - Jiří Přibáň - e-kniha , Byla to ticha divka michele campbell e kniha

The Satire of Ishmael Reed - Jiří Šalamoun - e-kniha

The Satire of Ishmael Reed - Jiří Šalamoun - e-kniha

eBook:,Tato kniha se zaměřuje na tvorbu afroamerického spisovatele Ishmaela Reeda a sleduje, jak se napříč jeho padesátiletou románovou tvorbou proměňuje způsob, jímž autor uplatňuje satiru. Přestože je každý Reedův román originálním knižním počinem, v uplatnění satiry lze najít jisté pravidelnosti a vývojové tendence. Zatímco v Reedově rané satiře převládá společenská kritika založená na zobrazení nestandardní sexuality, v jeho současnější satiře (čímž je označována autorova románová tvorba od roku 1993 dále) dominuje společenská kritika založená na argumentaci. Uvedené mody satiry jsou v knize dále propojeny se dvěma druhy amerického rasismu, s rasismem zjevným a skrytým. Kniha dokládá, že spolu s tím, jak se zjevný rasismus stal v americkém společenském diskurzu nepřípustným a byl nahrazen rasismem skrytým, aktualizoval Ishmael Reed svoji satiru, aby i nadále zůstala efektivním modem společenské kritiky. Kniha je určena pro čtenáře z řad odborné i širší veřejnosti, kteří mají zájem o tvorbu Ishmaela Reeda i afroamerickou literaturu obecně. Inspirativní může být i pro ty, jež se zajímají o žánr satiry a její vývoj. (

Podobné produkty ako The Satire of Ishmael Reed - Jiří Šalamoun - e-kniha , Thank you for being late: 'an optimist''s guide to thriving in the age of accelerations' (0241301440)

The Plays of W. E. Henley and R. L. Stevenson - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha


eBook: This collection of three plays written by two equally creative minds takes the reader on a wild journey. In ‘Deacon Brodie’ we follow the double life of the character of the same name, a politician by day and a thrill seeking thief by night - will his double life catch up with him? We are then thrown in to a vicious boiling pot of romance and violence in ‘Beau Austin’ where a womanising bachelor will have to move carefully if he hopes to survive. Spurned lovers, duels to the death and huge sums of money on the line, what more could you ask from a dramatic play? Finally we take to the seas, where some iconic characters from ‘Treasure Island’ will reprise their roles in a tale of love, hope of course lost treasure. It is an adventurous caper with wonderful characters, perfect for any lovers of ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’. (

Podobné produkty ako The Plays of W. E. Henley and R. L. Stevenson - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha , The book: a cover-to-cover exploration of the most powerful object of our time (0393244792)

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha


eBook: One is kind, well-respected, and intelligent. The other is evil, selfish and, oh-so-immoral. But what if I told you that they were both the same person? And what would you think if I revealed that scientific endeavours, gory investigations, and malicious meanderings were behind this strange case of dual personality? ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ is a tense and thrilling read for fans of Netflix’s gloriously gothic ‘Wednesday’ series. Celebrated for his rip-roaring adventure tales and gothic fiction, Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet, and travel writer. He is best known for ‘Treasure Island’, ‘Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, and ‘Kidnapped´. (

Podobné produkty ako The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha , The secret lives of the planets: a user's guide to the solar system (1529319412)

Nejlepší filmové hlášky Jiřího Sováka - Robert Rohál - e-kniha

Nejlepší filmové hlášky Jiřího Sováka - Robert Rohál - e-kniha

eBook:,Dnes už málem zlidovělé hlášky z celé řady filmů a seriálů, ve kterých exceloval bohem políbený herec Jiří Sovák - toť hlavní menu nové knížky Roberta Rohála. Nepůjde tedy o hercovy memoáry či životopis, nýbrž o barvitou publikaci, která připomene prostřednictvím hlášek všechny jeho slavné filmy (Král Králů, Konec agenta W4C prostřednictvím psa pana Foustky, Kdo chce zabít Jessii, Pane, vy jste vdova!, Zabil jsem Einsteina, pánové..., Zlatá svatba, Marečku, podejte mi pero!, Což takhle dát si špenát, Co je doma, to se počítá, pánové...) či televizní seriály (Eliška a její rod, Byli jednou dva písaři, Arabela, Létající Čestmír, Chalupáři...), v nichž pod režijním vedením ostřílených režisérů " partneřil" s takovými herci, jako byli Vlastimil Brodský, Josef Kemr, Jiřina Bohdalová, Vladimír Menšík, Iva Janžurová, Libíček, Stella Zázvorková, Jiřina Jirásková, Miroslav Horníček a další herecké hvězdy. Nicméně hlavní hvězdou této knihy zůstává Jiří Sovák, jehož herecké kreace stejně jako dobře napsané i zahrané hlášky patří dodnes k tomu nejlepšímu v české filmové komediální tvorbě. (

Podobné produkty ako Nejlepší filmové hlášky Jiřího Sováka - Robert Rohál - e-kniha , Van canto: to the power of eight - cd (npr1037dp)

Reading Bohemia. Readership in the Czech Republic at the beginning of the 21th century - Jiří Trávníček - e-kniha

Reading Bohemia. Readership in the Czech Republic at the beginning of the 21th century - Jiří Trávníček - e-kniha

eBook:,Kniha vychází ze tří statistických výzkumů čtenářů a čtení, které v letech 2007, 2010 a 2013 zorganizovaly Ústav pro českou literaturu Akademie věd české republiky a Národní knihovna. Nejdříve jsou představeny základní údaje o České republice (demografie, kultura, vzdělání, ekonomika atd.), následují údaje z jednotlivých výzkumů. Ty se týkají čtení, digitálního čtení, toho, jak navštěvujeme veřejné knihovny, kolik knih si v průměru za rok kupujeme a jaký je náš vztah k jednotlivým médiím. Tuto kvantitativní část doplňují údaje části kvalitativní – volné výroky respondentů na téma čtení a knižního trhu. Publikaci uzavírá několik srovnání české čtenářské populace se situací v jiných zemích. – Vychází ve spolupráci s Ústavem pro českou literaturu Akademie věd české republiky. (

Podobné produkty ako Reading Bohemia. Readership in the Czech Republic at the beginning of the 21th century - Jiří Trávníček - e-kniha , How to change: the science of self-improvement (0593332598)

Gerulata: The Lamps - Robert Frecer - e-kniha

Gerulata: The Lamps - Robert Frecer - e-kniha

eBook:,Římské lampy byly charakteristickou formou vnitřního osvětlení. Díky reliéfním dekoracím se staly přitažlivými exponáty drobného umění v moderních sbírkách. V antickém světe však znamenaly mnohem víc — s distribuční sítí klenoucí se přes tři kontinenty, vyráběny zástupem výrobců pod řadou značek, s náboženským významem při uctívaní božstev a při posmrtném ritu i jako symbol vzdělání a studia nám umožňují objevovat antickou ekonomiku, kulturu, organizaci řemesla a běžný život v římských provinciích. Publikace obsahuje rozsáhlý soupis 210 antických lamp z římského tábora Gerulata a přilehlého civilního osídlení. Lampy byly získány během archeologických výzkumů od roku 1961 až po dnešek v prostorech domů, pohřebišť, vojenských stavení a v opevnění římské tvrze na dunajském limitu, pocházejí z časového rozpětí od r. 80 do r. 350 po Kristu. Poprvé jsou nyní publikovány v jediném celku, barevně a s detailní analýzou typů, výrobních značek a ikonografie. (

Podobné produkty ako Gerulata: The Lamps - Robert Frecer - e-kniha , Mental cruelty: purgatorium - cd (0194399838129)

The Dynamiter - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha


eBook: It’s the smoggy, gas-lit London of the 1880s. And three young men—Desborough, Challoner and Somerset—are bored stiff. So this trio make a pact. They’ll alleviate their listlessness by seeking out adventures wherever they can. These adventures form "The Dynamiter", a collection of loosely inter-connected stories, which features everything from violent Mormons to ghostly mansions. Veering from suspense to comedy, it’s a fun and light read. And for Stevenson fans, an interesting curio because it’s his only book written in collaboration with his wife, Fanny van de Grift Stevenson. (

Podobné produkty ako The Dynamiter - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha , Armaf the pride of armaf for women edp 100 ml (6294015108163)

Essays of Travel - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha



Podobné produkty ako Essays of Travel - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha , Lou reed: best of waiting for the man live - lp (cl78496)

Father Damien - An Open Letter to the Reverend Dr. Hyde of Honolulu - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha


eBook: Father Damien was a Belgian, Roman Catholic Missionary who devoted his life to helping at a leper sanctuary in Hawaii. Eventually Father Damien would die of the illness more than twenty years after arriving at the sanctuary. This letter by Stevenson is in fact a response to the Reverend of Hawaii, who following Damien’s death began attacking his character, something Stevenson took huge problem with. This letter is a beautiful example of the kind of soul Stevenson was, in this letter he refutes the reverend’s gross statements point by point. Stevenson targets the hypocrisy of the reverend, his lack of moral character and his failure in his spiritual duties. This letter is a potent moral statement stemming from a desire to be good and to do better. (

Podobné produkty ako Father Damien - An Open Letter to the Reverend Dr. Hyde of Honolulu - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha , Playboy queen of the game for her deodorant 75 ml (3614222348498)

The Pavilion on the Links - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha


eBook: If you’re thinking of reconnecting with old friends, this suspenseful tale may make you reconsider. Frank and Northmour haven’t seen each other in years. Mainly due to Northmour being a bad-tempered recluse. So when Frank turns up unannounced at Northmour’s house, he can’t quite believe his eyes. His old college buddy is entertaining guests! And not only that, he’s due to be married to one of them. But there are some ugly secrets lurking behind Northmour’s transformation. And as Frank digs into the mystery, he’s pulled into a thriller of Italian crime families, fraudulent bankers and forbidden love. Hailed by Arthur Conan Doyle as Stevenson’s "high water-mark", "Pavilion on the Links" recalls the thrillers of Agatha Christie or Wilkie Collins. (

Podobné produkty ako The Pavilion on the Links - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha , Beyond infinity: an expedition to the outer-limits of the mathematical universe (1781252858)

Lamentation for 77,297 Victims - Jiří Weil - e-kniha

Lamentation for 77,297 Victims - Jiří Weil - e-kniha

eBook:,Jiří Weil napsal Žalozpěv za 77.297 obětí v roce 1958 u příležitosti slavnostního setkání v Pinkasově synagoze, rekonstruované v památník obětem holocaustu. Dílo pozoruhodné hledáním literárního tvaru pro sdělení nesdělitelného napsal v době, kdy pracoval jako knihovník židovského muzea, kdy nemohl publikovat a kdy zároveň pracoval na slavném románu Na střeše je Mendelssohn, přeloženém do mnoha jazyků. První anglický překlad Žalozpěvu vznikal s pomocí J. Škvoreckého a J. Koláře, doslov napsal Jindřich Toman. (

Podobné produkty ako Lamentation for 77,297 Victims - Jiří Weil - e-kniha , The buying of lot 37: welcome to night vale (006279809x)

Animals in the Zoo - Ivy Dad - e-kniha


eBook: From tweeting birds and roaring tigers to dinosaurs, your little one will love reading and learning about animals in ‘Animals in the Zoo’, an English language learning book in the children’s series, ‘Hello English’. With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, children can learn the English words for a variety of animals as well as the sounds and actions they make! ‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions. (

Podobné produkty ako Animals in the Zoo - Ivy Dad - e-kniha , Dereliction of duty: johnson, mcnamara, the joint chiefs of staff, and the lies that led to vietnam (0060929081)

Animals on the Farm - Ivy Dad - e-kniha


eBook: ‘Animals on the Farm’ is an English language learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection, that will be enjoyed by readers of ‘Animals in the Zoo’. With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, children will learn the English words for typical farm animals as well as words that describe them and the noises that they make; from woolly sheep to cows that moo. ‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions. (

Podobné produkty ako Animals on the Farm - Ivy Dad - e-kniha , The hound of the baskervilles

The Sea Fogs - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha


eBook: ‘The Sea Fogs’ represents a highly personal insight in to the life and health of the world renowned author, Robert Louise Stevenson. It follows his honeymoon in the Napa Valley in California where he and his new wife have taken up residence in an abandoned silver mine. Stevenson had long been afflicted by pulmonary difficulties and it was hoped these two months away from the damp of San Francisco would give his ailing lungs a chance to recuperate. It is here where we are first acquainted with the ‘Sea Fogs’ drifting in from the pacific and swarming the coast. Breath-taking in his vivid description of this stunning natural phenomenon, his ailing health hangs low over the awesome sight in front of him. It is a moving short, fantastic in its description and commanding in its beauty, it also offers a profound insight in to the mind of this iconic author and his ability to see the beauty and joy in everything. This short is perfect reading for any nature lovers or those looking for the perfect bed-time read. (

Podobné produkty ako The Sea Fogs - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha , The turn of the screw

The Waif Woman - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha


eBook: Off the windswept coast of Iceland, there’s a ship with a mysterious passenger on board. Her name is Thorgunna, and soon she’ll be dead. But that won’t be the end of her story. Inspired by Iceland folk-tales, "The Waif Woman" is a creepy fable about pride and envy. It hinges on the deathbed promise the locals make to Thorgunna before she passes. Once they break it, her ghost comes calling to wreak revenge. "The Waif Woman" was never published in Stevenson’s lifetime, eventually coming out 20 years after his death. (

Podobné produkty ako The Waif Woman - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha , Armaf the pride of armaf for women white edp 100 ml (6294015138320)

The Silverado Squatters - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha


eBook: Robert Louis Stevenson's unconventional 1880 honeymoon in an abandoned silver mining camp on the shoulder of Mount St. Helena provides the backdrop for this wonderful narrative of late 19th century California. "Squatting" for two months during a California summer with his new wife, Fanny Vandegrift, The Silverado Squatters provides readers with insight into life in the Napa Valley—with descriptions of the "experiments" with local wine growing, his visit to a petrified forest, his first use of the telephone, and the characters of the local people. Stevenson used his memories of this California honeymoon to create much of the descriptive detail found in 1883's Treasure Island. (

Podobné produkty ako The Silverado Squatters - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha , Frahm nils: music for animals (3x cd) - cd (4050538816877)

100 Hits of Classical Music - Robert Ginalski - e-kniha


eBook: Do you know the stories behind how the greatest hits of classical music were created? Robert Ginalski discovers the secrets behind world-famous melodies. Even if you\'re not a classical music lover, you will get carried away by stories that break with the perceived stereotypes of classical music. The reader-friendly style, anecdotes and references to popular culture will rekindle the charm of the classics for you. Bach, Prokofiev, Mozart and Tchaikovsky are all given the author\'s special attention. By the end of the book you will realise that classical music is much more than what your music teacher told you in school (

Podobné produkty ako 100 Hits of Classical Music - Robert Ginalski - e-kniha , Brit animals immune stick for rodents 80 g (8595602504947)

The Cult of Unity - The Stalin Plan for the Transformation of Nature in Czechoslovakia 1948-1964 - Doubravka Olšáková, Jiří Janáč


The Stalin Plan for the Transformation of Nature, which was launched in the USSR in autumn of 1948, had a fundamental impact on the approach to postwar reconstruction and the reshaping of nature and the environment in Czechoslovakia. This publication outlines the main features of this ambitious plan, whose implementation in Czechoslovakia was entrusted to Rudolf Slánský and Josef Smrkovský. It examines the plan’s implementation and its institutional foundation and explores natural resource management in the context of Communist Czechoslovakia’s radical rejection of Malthusian theories. An investigation of the continuity and discontinuity between the interwar and postwar periods demonstrates the possibilities and limits of the Sovietization policies enacted by the new elites. It also reveals basic elements of continuity in the sciences and technology in an era that was seemingly hostile to continuity. (

Podobné produkty ako The Cult of Unity - The Stalin Plan for the Transformation of Nature in Czechoslovakia 1948-1964 - Doubravka Olšáková, Jiří Janáč , Brit animals alfalfa snack for rodents 100 g (8595602504916)

Jam for the Enemy - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha


eBook: Between 1904 and 1918, Wallace collected tales about life in the British Army and the escapades and adventures of the troops. These led him to create the eponymous character, ‘Smithy.’ However, ‘Jam for the Enemy’ shines the spotlight on his equally scurrilous partner in crime, Nobby Clark. In this short story, Nobby comes up with a plan to use a crate of jam to scupper the advancing German army. However, as with all Nobby’s plans, the end result isn’t quite what he expected. A light-hearted look at life in the lower ranks, ´Jam for the Enemy´ is perfect for those interested in WWI stories. Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England. Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street. He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book ‘The Four Just Men.’ Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts). However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad’. (

Podobné produkty ako Jam for the Enemy - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha , Frahm nils: music for animals (4x lp) - lp (4050538806830)

For the Queen - Edward Phillips Oppenheim - e-kniha


eBook: First published in 1912 ‘For the Queen’ is a collection of short stories by prolific author E. Phillips Oppenheim. In classic Oppenheim fashion, themes throughout this collection include crime, espionage, and mystery. Oppenheim went on to develop many of these short stories into full novels. ‘For the Queen’ is a wonderful collection of his works, and a good place to start for readers new to Oppenheim. (

Podobné produkty ako For the Queen - Edward Phillips Oppenheim - e-kniha , Red dragon letky robert thornton - the thorn rf6087 (222065)

Death Comes for the Archbishop - Willa Cather - e-kniha


eBook: When Jean-Baptiste Lamy and Joseph Projectus Machebeuf accept a commission to establish a Catholic diocese in New Mexico, they know they are in for a few trials.\'Death Comes for the Archbishop\' is an enchanting story that is part travelogue and part adventure, with flashes of the Wild West thrown in, as the territory the main characters get to explore is pretty wild, rugged, and challenging. This evocative novel sweeps across New Mexico, dealing with religion, the ill-treatment of native people, death and hypocrisy.This book is ideal for fans of Graham Greene\'s \'The Power and the Glory\' and of Cormac McCarthy. (

Podobné produkty ako Death Comes for the Archbishop - Willa Cather - e-kniha , Plant robert, krauss alison: raise the roof - cd (9029667219)

A Nation of Bookworms? - Jiří Trávníček - e-kniha

A Nation of Bookworms? - Jiří Trávníček - e-kniha

eBook:,Nation of Bookworms? je v komparativní perspektivě určená zahraničním čtenářům a představuje českou populaci z hlediska čtenářské kultury. Východiskem jsou statistické výzkumy čtenářů a čtení (2007, 2010, 2013 a 2018, které organizovala Národní knihovna ČR s Ústavem pro českou literaturu AV ČR, a orální výzkum konaný v letech 2009–2015 metodou čtenářských životopisů. Jednotlivé kapitoly kontextualizují české kulturní reálie a analyzují jednotlivé segmenty a jevy čtenářské kultury – čtení, digitální čtení, veřejné knihovny, knižní trh, čtenářskou socializaci (škola, rodina), čas věnovaný čtení i hodnotové preference (nejoblíbenější tituly a autoři) ad. Autor klade otázky po hlavních rysech české čtenářské kultury dnes, v čase probíhající digi-revoluce, jakož i po tom, čím se odlišuje od čtenářských kultur v jiných zemích. Kniha obsahuje množství užitečných tabulek a grafů. (

Podobné produkty ako A Nation of Bookworms? - Jiří Trávníček - e-kniha , Česká filharmonie, jiří bělohlávek: the best of czech classics / dvořák - concertos (3x cd) - cd (su3965-2)

Perception and Possibilities of ICT Tools in the Education from the Teachers´ Perspective - Jiří Dostál, Milan Klement, K. Bártek - e-kniha


eBook: A constant development of information and communication technologies, including their introduction into the education, place more and more demands on teachers who have to be prepared to work with modern ICT tools and to create suitable educational materials for the needs of teaching designed in this fashion.The submitted publication reacts on those topical calls, and it strives for an overall analysis of ways and approaches to the employment of ICT tools by the teachers of pre-primary, basic and secondary schools in the area of realization of teaching supported by modern didactic means and digital technologies. This analysis, delimiting theoretical bases of the solved issue based on analyses of relevant learning theories, is also completed by several researches - their courses and results. (

Podobné produkty ako Perception and Possibilities of ICT Tools in the Education from the Teachers´ Perspective - Jiří Dostál, Milan Klement, K. Bártek - e-kniha , Pes baskervillský the hound of the baskervilles: dvojjazyčná kniha pro začátečníky (978-80-266-1738-9)

Apocalypse Ready: The manual of manuals; a century of panic prevention


An expertly curated compilation of officially published step-by-step guides on how to deal with every kind of disaster imaginable, drawn from government archives all around the world from the 1910s to today.Organized into four broad disaster-themed scenarios - Pandemics, Natural Disasters, Nuclear War and Alien Invasion - this visual guide displays the plethora of public survival advice and scare tactics proposed from all around the globe to deal with every disaster scenario that has occurred or been imagined since the early 20th century. From leaflets showing how to build an earthquake shelter to booklets providing step-by-step advice on how to protect yourself and your family during a nuclear war, and from posters showing how to minimize your chances of catching Spanish flu to documents indicating how to identify aliens, this carefully curated selection of disaster-planning documents reveals differences in public attitudes towards impending catastrophe since the 1910s and showcases the variety of approaches taken by governments in advising their citizens. Informative commentary provides historical context for the official advice, exploring how our universal preoccupation with apocalypse has manifested around the globe, and explanatory captions clarify the messages contained in the survival documents. (

Podobné produkty ako Apocalypse Ready: The manual of manuals; a century of panic prevention , Empire of the vampire: empire of the vampire (1) (0008350442)

The Sire de Maletroit's Door - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha


eBook: In ‘The Sire de Maletroit's Door’ we follow young Denis de Beaulieu, a veteran in the raging ‘Hundred Years War’ as he creeps through the streets of Burgundy trying to avoid patrolling enemy troops. As he attempts to make his way home he is almost discovered by the enemy and must take cover behind the nearest door. This sanctuary will bear a steep price however, as he comes to meet the contemptuous occupant of this house with their very unusual demands. With a fantastic twist, beautiful description emblematic of Stevenson’s style and powerful incorporations of the idea of fate and destiny, this short is a must for lovers of drama and tension or those of you who loved Netflix’s ‘The King’. (

Podobné produkty ako The Sire de Maletroit's Door - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha , The heart of the matter (0099478420)

Songs of Travel, and Other Verses - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha


eBook: ‘Songs of Travel, and Other Verses’ is a collection of forty-four poems written in the last years of the life of renowned author Robert L. Stevenson. It is a wonderful collection with a wide range from love ballads to more pensive deliberations on time, being and mortality. Many poems are nostalgic retrospectives on his native Scotland, while others are set in his new home of Samoa. The word ‘Travel’ encompasses not just the physical movement of oneself, but also the internal journey we all take in our own lives. It is a beautiful collection of poetry, perfect for fans of Rupi Kaur’s ‘Milk and Honey’. (

Podobné produkty ako Songs of Travel, and Other Verses - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha

Tiahuanaco (The First Place) - Jiří Zvolský - e-kniha

Tiahuanaco (The First Place) - Jiří Zvolský - e-kniha

eBook:,Dobrodružné sci-fi o hledání důkazů návštěvy Země mimozemskou civilizací. (

Podobné produkty ako Tiahuanaco (The First Place) - Jiří Zvolský - e-kniha

AFRICA (The Second Place) - Jiří Zvolský - e-kniha

AFRICA (The Second Place) - Jiří Zvolský - e-kniha

eBook:,Dobrodružný příběh o hledání důkazů návštěvy Země mimozemskou civilizací. Volné pokračování Tiahuanaca (The First Place) (

Podobné produkty ako AFRICA (The Second Place) - Jiří Zvolský - e-kniha

The Evolution Myth - Jiří A. Mejsnar - e-kniha

The Evolution Myth - Jiří A. Mejsnar - e-kniha

eBook:,The origins of life, species, and man continue to interest scientists and stir debate among the general public more than one hundred and fifty years after Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species. The Evolution Myth approaches the subject with two intertwined objectives. Jiří A. Mejsnar first sets out to convey the advances made in cosmology, molecular biology, genetics, and other sciences that have enabled us to change our views on our origins and our relationship with the universe. Scientific advances now allow us to calculate, for example, the age of the universe, the period in which biblical Eve lived, and, with good justification, to reconsider the possibility that the Neanderthals and primates might be our ancestors. The author’s second objective is to use biology to explain why evolution cannot have taken place in the way that is most commonly assumed. Mejsnar builds his case around gene stability and on the sophisticated modern techniques for gene manipulation, the complexity of which make these modified genes inaccessible to nature. Development of life on Earth is a discontinuous, saltatory progression that results in stages following from preceding latent periods in which new forms suddenly appear and possess new types of genome. This, the author argues, is difficult to reconcile with the hypothesis of continuous biological evolution based on the natural selection of random variations. Taking a new approach to a much-debated subject, Mejsnar distills complex information into a readable style. The result is a book that as sure to get readers talking. (

Podobné produkty ako The Evolution Myth - Jiří A. Mejsnar - e-kniha

The Page of the Duke of Savoy - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: Often referred to as the sequel to \'The Two Dianas,\' \'The Page of the Duke of Savoy\' tells the story of the Duke of Savoy and his mysterious page. The Duke decides to fight the French at the Battle of St. Quentin, with potentially disastrous consequences. In typical Dumas style, this story is rife with political intrigue, double identities, and swashbuckling swordplay.However, at its heart, this is a historical romance which shows the lengths people will go to for love. A real page-turner for fans of Dumas and those who want an introduction to his work. (

Podobné produkty ako The Page of the Duke of Savoy - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

The Head of the House of Coombe - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová - e-kniha


eBook: Frances Hodgson Burnett's The Head of the House of Coombe was published first in 1922 in Canada. Revolving around the life of Lord Coombe and his mysterious past, it presents the raw and intelligent little Robin trying to cope with the adversities of life and accurately describes the social life of pre-war London. (

Podobné produkty ako The Head of the House of Coombe - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová - e-kniha

Leonard Cohen, the Modern Troubadour - Jiří Měsíc - e-kniha


eBook: This monograph arose from thinking about the literary tradition as described by the Anglo-American modernist writers Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot. In their view, the tradition of European love-lyrics crystallized in the work of the medieval Occitan troubadours, who represented the cultural and political milieu of the Occitanie of that period and whose work reflected the religious influences of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Nowadays, it is not surprising that contemporary artists draw on the troubadour poets and that they are even contrasted with them by critics. Such is the case of Leonard Cohen, who, during his career, revealed erudition in medieval poetry and religion and whose work shows many parallels with the work of his Occitan predecessors. (

Podobné produkty ako Leonard Cohen, the Modern Troubadour - Jiří Měsíc - e-kniha

Cradle Of Filth - Cruelty and the Beast (Remastered) (Red Coloured) (2 LP)

Cradle Of Filth - Cruelty and the Beast (Remastered) (Red Coloured) (2 LP)

Žánr: Black Metal;Metal;Gothic Rok vydání: 2019.0 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Rok nahrávky: 1998.0 Typ: Album;Barevná;LP deska;Nové vydání;Remastered Barva: Červená Složení setu: 2 ks Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019 Hmotnost: 180 g Subžánr: Black Metal;Metal;Gothic Metal Datum vydání: 2019-04-24 Země interpreta: Spojené království Vydavatelství: Music For Nations Varianta: Cruelty and the Beast (Remastered) (Red Coloured Vinyl) (2 LP) Země původu: Evropská unie Barva podle výrobce: Red Balení obsahuje: LP Interpret / Téma: Cradle Of Filth (

Podobné produkty ako Cradle Of Filth - Cruelty and the Beast (Remastered) (Red Coloured) (2 LP)

The Trial for Murder - Charles Dickens - e-kniha


eBook: When you think of Charles Dickens\' ghost stories, you may first think of \'A Christmas Carol\' and the ghosts that visit Scrooge. However, \'The Trail for Murder\' is perhaps Dickens\' second best-known ghost tale. Written in 1865, \'The Trial for Murder\' is a short story in which the ghost of a murder victim materialises to the foreman of the jury at his own murder trial. In this supernatural horror story, the ghost harasses the jurors and witnesses to ensure that his murderer is found guilty. While \'The Trial for Murder\' might not be considered scary by our modern-day standards it was one of the first ghost stories widely published and is a great read for fans of films like \'The Sixth Sense\'. (

Podobné produkty ako The Trial for Murder - Charles Dickens - e-kniha

In Quest of History - Karel Hvížďala, Jiří Přibáň - e-kniha

In Quest of History - Karel Hvížďala, Jiří Přibáň - e-kniha

eBook:,Dialog Karla Hvížďaly, novináře-zvědavce z Prahy, s Jiřím Přibáněm, právním filosofem z britského Cardiffu, nad uzlovými body naší historie, ku příležitosti 100. výročí republiky, v širokém teritoriálním i časovém kontextu od 9. do 21. století. Toto rozpětí umožnilo nahlédnout do minulosti a ptát se, proč a jak jsme v různých dobách vnímali a chápali naše dějiny a co to znamená pro naši přítomnost i budoucnost. S tímto hledáním je spojena i snaha zbavit se redukce dějin na projekční plátno našich frustrací. Autoři zvolili formu dialogu, ve kterém se snaží vrátit do veřejného prostoru otázky, které se většinou řeší jen na akademické půdě nebo kterým se vyhýbáme. Dotisk prvního vydání „Dva našinci, kteří jsou jako doma i v Evropě, mají starost: Kam se to vlastně suneme? Zkoumají naši minulost, a to úplně celou! Skeptičtější novinář znepokojuje sociologizujícího filosofa práva, ale ten se nedá: Dorůstá nám do zodpovědného klasika. Inspirující dialog!“ Petr Pithart „Přemítání dvou českých intelektuálů o českých dějinách, ‚národním příběhu‘, kolektivní paměti a současné politice je povinné čtení pro chápání hlubších souvislostí ‚naší nynější krize‘.“ Jacques Rupnik „Je to zajímavá kniha, protože právě tím, že člověk myslí, což autoři Hledání dějin předvádějí, ztratí jistotu pravdy a jednomyslný souhlas jiných, a tím se stane individuem.“ Milan Kundera (

Podobné produkty ako In Quest of History - Karel Hvížďala, Jiří Přibáň - e-kniha

Cur homo? A history of the thesis concerning man as a replacement for fallen angels - Vojtěch Novotný - e-kniha

Cur homo? A history of the thesis concerning man as a replacement for fallen angels - Vojtěch Novotný - e-kniha

eBook:,This monograph has set itself the goal to examine, outline, elucidate, and supplement the existing body of knowledge concerning a theme from patristic and medieval theology recalled in 1953 by Marie-Dominique Chenu, and that is the assertion that man was created as a replacement for fallen angels (Yves Congar: créature de remplacement; Louis Bouyer: ange de remplacement). The study first shows that the idea of man having being created to take the place of fallen angels was introduced by St. Augustine and developed by other church fathers. It then identifies the typical contexts in which the subject was raised by authors of the early Middle Ages, but goes on to focus on the discussion that developed during the twelfth century (Anselm of Canterbury, the school of Laon, Rupert of Deutz, Honorius of Autun), which represents the high point of the theme under investigation, culminating in the assertion that man is an "original" being, created for its own sake, for whom God created the world – a world which together with, and through, man is destined for the heavenly Jerusalem. The question as to whether man would have been created if the angels had not sinned (cur homo) bears a clear similarity to a further controversy, the origins of which also go back to the twelfth century, and that is whether the Son of God would have become incarnate if man had not sinned (cur Deus homo). Next, the book sheds light on how the subject begins to gradually fade away through the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, both within monastic tradition, which nonetheless held onto Augustine's motif, and within scholastic theology, which asserted that man was created for his own sake. The conclusion summarizes the findings and points to the surprisingly contemporary relevance of the foregoing reflections, particularly in relation to the critique that the Swiss philosopher and theologian Romano Amerio († 1997) offers concerning a statement in the pastoral constitution of the Second Vatican Council (Gaudium et spes 24), according to which man is "the only creature on earth that God willed for itself". (

Podobné produkty ako Cur homo? A history of the thesis concerning man as a replacement for fallen angels - Vojtěch Novotný - e-kniha

The Brother of the Other - Radka Klvaňová - e-kniha

The Brother of the Other - Radka Klvaňová - e-kniha

eBook:,Kniha se věnuje kulturním procesům vyjednávání symbolických hranic přináležení v českém imigračním kontextu. Na základě kvalitativní analýzy biografických rozhovorů s přistěhovalci z Běloruska, Ukrajiny a Ruska žijících v České republice autorka zjišťuje, jak se utvářejí symbolické hranice přináležení skrze stigma v každodenních interakcích v sociálním a kulturním kontextu imigrace. Kniha si všímá rozporuplné kulturní reprezentace této skupiny migrantů v českém prostoru etnizovaných vztahů – zvláštního napětí mezi pozicí ‚Druhého‘ (‚Other) a ‚Bratra‘ (‚Brother‘) ve vztahu k Čechům. Toto napětí odráží minulé i současné procesy vytváření národa ve střední a východní Evropě, historické politické vztahy mezi socialistickým Československem a Sovětským svazem a migrační procesy v období po roce 1989. Kniha nabízí nový vhled do kulturního repertoáru českého imigračního kontextu a vyjednávání hranic češství. (

Podobné produkty ako The Brother of the Other - Radka Klvaňová - e-kniha

The Birth of the State - Petr Charvát - e-kniha

The Birth of the State - Petr Charvát - e-kniha

eBook:,This book targets the problems of emergence and stabilization of the earliest state bodies in the pristine statehood foci of the Old World - Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China. Charvát takes his readers through the essential economic, political and intellectual transformations induced in those societies by their transformations into early states. The author also provides a comprehensive view over the entire range of the discussed problems, attempting to perceive the process of establishment of the earliest states of the Old World in its complexity. The book gives the word to ancient statesmen, as well as to men of religion and letters of yore, voicing their alarm in crisis situations of their states, when they feared collapse of what they understood as "civilized society". Addressing their admonitions to kings, managers, generals and, where possible, the widest circles of society, such thinkers urged their contemporaries to defend the ideals on which their civilizations wer e built. The book is addressed to all those interested in the emergence and development of humankind´s earliest states including university students of humanity disciplines. (

Podobné produkty ako The Birth of the State - Petr Charvát - e-kniha

The Fortune of the Rougons - Émile Zola - e-kniha


eBook: La Fortune des Rougon (The Fortune of the Rougons), originally published in 1871, is the first novel in Émile Zola's monumental twenty-volume series Les Rougon-Macquart. The novel is partly an origin story, with a large cast of characters - many of whom become the central figures of later novels in the series - and partly an account of the December 1851 coup d´etat that created the French Second Empire under Napoleon III. The events are experienced through the eyes of a large provincial town in southern France. The title refers not only to the "fortune" chased by protagonists Pierre and Felicité Rougon, but also to the fortunes of the various disparate family members Zola introduces, whose lives are of central importance to later books in the series. (

Podobné produkty ako The Fortune of the Rougons - Émile Zola - e-kniha

The Romance of the Forest - Ann Radcliffe - e-kniha


eBook: This novel, although not as well-known as Radcliffe's later works, is thought to represent her work at its best. More than just a work of suspense and mystery, it is a work of ideas--a discussion of the contrasts between hedonistic doctrines and a system of education and values. (

Podobné produkty ako The Romance of the Forest - Ann Radcliffe - e-kniha

The Mystery of the Sea - Bram Stoker - e-kniha


eBook: Archibald Hunter arrives at Cruden Bay for his yearly seaside vacation, looking for nothing more than peace and quiet. Then all of a sudden his life becomes plagued by intimidating visions and omens of impending disaster. What are these creepy ghosts trying to tell him? And what is the mystery behind the strange cipher that has inexplicably fallen into his lap?A mystery novel at first but transforms into an exciting adventure full of intrigue, romance and treasure hunting. 'The Mystery of The Sea' is a stark but refreshing contrast to Bram Stoker's well-known horror classic 'Dracula', famously portrayed by film star Bela Lugosi. Highly recommended for avid fans of H.P. Lovecraft's supernatural stories, and its HBO adaptation 'Lovecraft Country'. Also a perfect fit for 'Robinson Crusoe' fans seeking a sinister adventure story about a lone man taking on the malignant forces of nature.- (

Podobné produkty ako The Mystery of the Sea - Bram Stoker - e-kniha

The Lady of the Shroud - Bram Stoker - e-kniha


eBook: Business magnate Roger Melton has passed on, leaving behind one of the grandest fortunes of his time. To the family's astonishment, Roger has bequeathed his vast estate to the black sheep of the family, his young nephew Rupert Sent Leger. But Rupert's inheritance involves the most extraordinary conditions, including one stating that he must reside in the ancient castle of Vissarion in the Land of the Blue Mountains. Rupert travels to Vissarion with his Aunt Janet, who possesses the occult power of Second Sight. But despite all the precautions Rupert is visited by a mysterious woman veiled in a burial shroud. Beguiled by her otherworldly and ethereal beauty, Rupert ponders whether she is a vampire, a ghost, or another sort of mystic creature altogether. Determined to find out for himself, but has no idea of what dangers he has to face. (

Podobné produkty ako The Lady of the Shroud - Bram Stoker - e-kniha

The Face of the World - Johan Bojer - e-kniha


eBook: Is there anything wrong with a man that wants to change the world? What happens when he goes a little too far against the wishes of his family? All Dr. Mark wants to do is help, but is this possible?An idealistic physician, shaped by his reformist mother, decides to practice medicine in a cold area in the far north of Norway among the Sami people. He returns home with his stylish new wife and sets about looking into the social factors that contribute to illness. This leads him into difficulty not least from his jealous wife.Will Dr. Mark\'s epiphany for social justice outweigh his ability to function rationally in his role as physician and husband? An insightful novel from Northern Norway at the turn of the 20th century (

Podobné produkty ako The Face of the World - Johan Bojer - e-kniha

The Last of the Vikings - Johan Bojer - e-kniha


eBook: Dangerous storms, treacherous waters and friends who sometimes turn out to be enemies. The life of the Norwegian fishermen was never easy. If you love \'The Vikings\' series on Netflix, you will love this book!Set against the harsh beauty of the Lofoten Islands, \'The Last of the Vikings\' is a stirring depiction, both of man\'s perseverance and of the end of an era. Its action centres upon a single fishing season, when the Norwegian peasantry, descendants of the Vikings, make their annual voyage to the islands.For the people at home, fishing was just as hard, but in a different way. The knowledge that your husband, son or father was away for months, risking his life, wore on those staying at home. The main character\'s wife is described as hating the sea - she never saw God in the sea. He just existed back at her childhood farm.This is a tale of the poor and their ongoing struggle to live and provide for their families. Full of adventures and tales, though quite sad in places, this classic book makes for an interesting read and is one of those stories that should be read at least once in a lifetime! (

Podobné produkty ako The Last of the Vikings - Johan Bojer - e-kniha

The Riddle of the Sands - Childers Erskine - e-kniha


eBook: Do you like Stieg Larsson\'s \'Millennium\', James Bond and dystopian dramas like \'The Man in the High Castle\'? The 1903 spy thriller \'The Riddle of the Sands\' has elements of all three - and then some. Ken Follett, author of \'The Pillars of the Earth\', called \'The Riddle of the Sands\' the \"first modern thriller\". It centres on a suspected plot by the German Empire to invade Britain. The plot proved to be almost prophetic, bearing in mind what was to follow in the First World War and the Second World War in the coming decades. Minor civil servant Carruthers and his friend, Davies are the men investigating the plot while on a yachting holiday in the Baltic Sea. They are drawn into an intricate story that includes secret treasure, a British traitor and a race against time to save Britain from the grip of the Kaiser. In 1979 \'The Riddle of the Sands\' was made into a spy thriller movie, starring Michael York, Jenny Agutter and Simon MacCorkindale. Childers\' technique of including a great deal of detail that could be verified was later used by authors including: John Buchan, who wrote \'The Thirty-Nine Steps\'; \'James Bond\' author Ian Fleming and John Le Carré. Erskine Childers (1870-1922) was an Anglo-Irish writer whose only true literary success came with \'The Riddle of the Sands\'. Instead, he found infamy through his political activism. Having been a prospective Liberal parliamentary candidate, he left the party and took up the cause of Irish Republicanism. He smuggled guns into Ireland on his yacht, but was executed during the Irish Civil War. His son, Erskine Hamilton Childers, became the 4th president of Ireland. (

Podobné produkty ako The Riddle of the Sands - Childers Erskine - e-kniha
Playmobil Back to the Future Martyho pick-up (4008789706331), to zvladnu jutta heller e kniha, House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko, The Wisdom of Crowds: The Riotous Conclusion to The Age of Madness (0575095989), byla to ticha divka michele campbell e kniha, Thank You for Being Late: 'An Optimist''s Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations' (0241301440), The Book: A Cover-to-Cover Exploration of the Most Powerful Object of Our Time (0393244792), The Secret Lives of the Planets: A User's Guide to the Solar System (1529319412), Van Canto: To The Power Of Eight - CD (NPR1037DP), How to Change: The Science of Self-Improvement (0593332598), Mental Cruelty: Purgatorium - CD (0194399838129), ARMAF The Pride Of Armaf For Women EdP 100 ml (6294015108163), Lou Reed: Best of Waiting for the Man Live - LP (CL78496), PLAYBOY Queen Of The Game For Her Deodorant 75 ml (3614222348498), Beyond Infinity: An Expedition to the Outer-Limits of the Mathematical Universe (1781252858), The Buying of Lot 37: Welcome to night vale (006279809X), Dereliction of Duty: Johnson, McNamara, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Lies That Led to Vietnam (0060929081), The Hound of the Baskervilles, The turn of the Screw, ARMAF The Pride of Armaf For Women White EdP 100 ml (6294015138320), Frahm Nils: Music For Animals (3x CD) - CD (4050538816877), Brit Animals Immune Stick for Rodents 80 g (8595602504947), Brit Animals Alfalfa Snack for Rodents 100 g (8595602504916), Frahm Nils: Music For Animals (4x LP) - LP (4050538806830), Red Dragon Letky Robert Thornton - The Thorn RF6087 (222065), Plant Robert, Krauss Alison: Raise The Roof - CD (9029667219), Česká filharmonie, Jiří Bělohlávek: The Best of Czech Classics / Dvořák - Concertos (3x CD) - CD (SU3965-2), Pes baskervillský The Hound of the Baskervilles: dvojjazyčná kniha pro začátečníky (978-80-266-1738-9), Empire of the Vampire: Empire of the Vampire (1) (0008350442), The Heart of the Matter (0099478420)