Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Shiang : Empire of Salt Book II - For fans of Joe Abercrombie - Conn Iggulden

IF THESE STONES COULD SPEAK . . . THEY WOULD CALL FOR WAR. In Shiang, the young king rules without dissent. Mazer swordsmen stand watch on every corner, looking for the first sign of rebellion. This city is a place of quiet and slow dignity, like a man eating rice with a razor pressed against his throat. Yet with one sharp movement, order is overturned. The balance of centuries is undone in the sudden spill of blood - and in the darkness, something terrible returns to Shiang. Far to the west, four Shiang masters approach the city walls of Darien. The sword saint and his companions have crossed a continent to bring an old man home for punishment. They will not be denied, even if the whole city stands in their way. TWO ANCIENT CITIES. ONE FINAL WAR.

Podívejte se také Empire of the Vampire: Empire of the Vampire (1) (0008350442)

cena 214.0 Kč

Empire: Book 2 of The Golden Age - Conn Iggulden

Pericles returns home more than a hero: he's the leader of Athens, the empire's beacon of light in the dark.But even during times of peace, the threat of Sparta - Athens's legendary rival - looms large on the horizon. When a sudden catastrophe brings Sparta to its knees, Pericles sees a golden opportunity to forever shift the balance of power in his city's favour.For sometimes, the only way to win lasting peace is to wage war.Sparta may be weak, but their power is far from extinguished. Soon a ruthless young boy steps forward to lead the Spartans back to greatness.As the drums of battle draw closer, can Pericles rise once more or will the world's greatest empire fall under his watch?

Podívejte se také Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078)

cena 402.0 Kč

The Double Dangerous Book for Boys (Defekt) - Conn Iggulden

Spark your imagination, forge your own adventures and unearth long-lost skills.In this long-awaited follow-up to his much-loved bestseller, written with his sons Cameron and Arthur, Conn Iggulden presents a brand-new compendium of cunning schemes, projects, tricks, games and tales of extraordinary courage.Whether it's building a flying machine (keep your temper with this one) or learning how to pick a padlock (or your own front door, but not someone else's), discovering our forgotten explorers and the world's greatest speeches, or mastering the lauded task of solving a Rubik's cube, The Double Dangerous Book for Boys is the ultimate companion to be cherished by readers and doers of all ages.

Podívejte se také The Little Book of Feminism (1849538441)

cena 199.0 Kč

Empire - Conn Iggulden

THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERJOIN PERICLES, THE LION OF ATHENS, ON A JOURNEY TO SECURE THE FATE OF THE ATHENIAN EMPIRE'The master historical storyteller' DAILY EXPRESS'Iggulden draws the Greek world convincingly and he is strongest writing battle scenes' THE TIMES on the Golden Age series'The sights, sounds and smells of Athens bring history to life with gripping brilliance' DAILY MIRROR___________THE GOLDEN AGE OF ATHENS:THE JEWEL IN THE GREEK EMPIREStanding like a colossus over the city is Pericles:politician, general, architect of the city's fortunes.Yet some look on jewels with envy.Forever a threat from the south,Sparta will not kneel to its rival.From their ranks rises a young boy- ruthless, courageous, hungry.Soon he will lead them . . .Pericles is no longer young.His city is divided - against the Spartan threat, against him.Can Athens' most famous son rouse its citizens to war?Will the Lion of Athens roar one final time?------------Praise for the Golden Age Series'Pacy and propulsive. Crackling with energy, violence and stirring speeches' DAILY MAIL'Iggulden draws the Greek world convincingly' THE TIMES'The master historical storyteller. This swords-and-sandals epic brings the ancient world to life' DAILY EXPRESS___________Praise for Conn Iggulden'Pacy and propulsive, cracking with energy, violence and stirring speeches, Iggulden chronicles power struggles, political machinations and the bloodthirsty ravages of up-close combat' DAILY MAIL'Iggulden tells an absolutely cracking story . . . The pace is nail-biting and the set dressing magnificent' THE TIMES

Objev podobné jako Empire - Conn Iggulden

cena 241.0 Kč

The Double Dangerous Book for Boys - Conn Iggulden

Spark your imagination, forge your own adventures and unearth long-lost skills.In this long-awaited follow-up to his much-loved bestseller, written with his sons Cameron and Arthur, Conn Iggulden presents a brand-new compendium of cunning schemes, projects, tricks, games and tales of extraordinary courage.Whether it's building a flying machine (keep your temper with this one) or learning how to pick a padlock (or your own front door, but not someone else's), discovering our forgotten explorers and the world's greatest speeches, or mastering the lauded task of solving a Rubik's cube, The Double Dangerous Book for Boys is the ultimate companion to be cherished by readers and doers of all ages.

Objev podobné jako The Double Dangerous Book for Boys - Conn Iggulden

cena 499.0 Kč

Emperor: The Blood of Gods - Conn Iggulden

The epic new novel in Conn Iggulden's bestselling EMPEROR series, featuring a new short story by the author. Julius Caesar has been assassinated. A nation is in mourning. Revenge will be bloody. Rome's great hero Julius Caesar has been brutally murdered by his most trusted allies. While these self-appointed Liberatores seek refuge in the senate, they have underestimated one man: Caesar's adopted son Octavian, a man whose name will echo through history as Augustus Caesar. Uniting with his great rival Mark Antony, Octavian will stop at nothing to seek retribution from the traitors and avenge his father's death. His greatest hatred is reserved for Brutus, Caesar's childhood friend and greatest ally, now leader of the conspirators. As the people take to the streets of Rome, the Liberatores must face their fate. Some flee the city; others will not escape mob justice. Not a single one will die a natural death. And the reckoning will come for Brutus on the sweeping battlefield at Philippi.

Objev podobné jako Emperor: The Blood of Gods - Conn Iggulden

cena 259.0 Kč

Brány do Atén (Defekt) - Conn Iggulden

Jeden z najlepších súčasných autorov historickej fikcie Conn Iggulden oživuje vo svojom najnovšom románe Brány do Atén slávnu časť gréckych dejín, keď sa zoči-voči perzskej invázii rozhodovalo o bytí či nebytí Grécka – kolísky európskej civilizácie. V roku 490 pred n. l. vládne v obrovskej perzskej ríši mocný kráľ Dareios. Nik sa mu neodváži postaviť na odpor okrem spurných gréckych mestských štátov, ktoré sa otvorene odmietajú skloniť pred jeho autoritou. Napokon Dareios vypláva s veľkým loďstvom proti Aténam. Aténčania však len krátko predtým zvrhli vládu tyranov, nastolili vo svojom meste demokraciu a za žiadnych okolností nie sú ochotní podriadiť sa svojvôli jedného človeka.Keď Dareiovo vojsko vystúpi na breh na maratónskej pláni neďaleko Atén, čakajú ho šíky na všetko odhodlaných aténskych hoplitov. Nasledujúca bitka rozhodne nielen o osude celého Grécka, ale aj o osude strojcov gréckeho víťazstva – charizmatického Temistokla, múdreho a čestného Aristeida a slávneho vodcu Xantippa.O desať rokov neskôr mieri ku gréckym brehom ďalší perzský kráľ Xerxes, aby pomstil otcovu porážku. Napriek obrovskej vojenskej prevahe na mori i na súši narazí na odpor oveľa menšieho počtu gréckych vojakov odhodlaných bojovať na život a na smrť a ubrániť Termopylský priesmyk aj morskú úžinu pri Salamíne, ktoré chránia vstup do Atén.Bude bojový duch a statočnosť tejto hŕstky stačiť na záchranu slobody a demokracie, hodnôt, ktoré si Gréci cenia viac než vlastný život, alebo ju rozdrvia hordy valiacich sa nepriateľov?

Objev podobné jako Brány do Atén (Defekt) - Conn Iggulden

cena 159.0 Kč

Reputation: ´If Bridgerton and Fleabag had a book baby´ Sarra Manning, perfect for fans of ´Mean Girls´ - Lex Croucher

It is a truth universally acknowledged that girls just wanna have fun'If Bridgerton and Fleabag had a book baby, it would be Reputation. I inhaled it in one sitting' Sarra Manning'I had so much fun reading Reputation. It's a total blast' Louise O'NeillA classic romcom with a Regency-era twist, for fans of Mean Girls and Bridgerton.Abandoned by her parents in favour of a sea view, middle class Georgiana Ellers has moved to a new town to live with her dreary aunt and uncle. At a particularly dull dinner party, she meets the enigmatic Frances Campbell, a wealthy socialite and enchanting member of the in-crowd.Through Frances and her friends, Georgiana is introduced to a new world of wild parties, drunken debauchery, mysterious young men with strangely alluring hands, and the sparkling upper echelons of Regency society.But high society isn't all it's cracked up to be, and the price of entry might be more than Georgiana is willing to pay . . .Full of lavish parties, handsome men on horseback and laugh-out-loud humour, this is the summer read everyone's talking about.

Objev podobné jako Reputation: ´If Bridgerton and Fleabag had a book baby´ Sarra Manning, perfect for fans of ´Mean Girls´ - Lex Croucher

cena 285.0 Kč

Last Argument Of Kings - Joe Abercrombie

The end is coming.Logen Ninefingers might only have one more fight in him - but it's going to be a big one. Battle rages across the North, the King of the Northmen still stands firm, and there's only one man who can stop him. His oldest friend, and his oldest enemy. It's past time for the Bloody-Nine to come home.With too many masters and too little time, Superior Glokta is fighting a different kind of war. A secret struggle in which no-one is safe, and no-one can be trusted. His days with a sword are far behind him. It's a good thing blackmail, threats and torture still work well enough.Jezal dan Luthar has decided that winning glory is far too painful, and turned his back on soldiering for a simple life with the woman he loves. But love can be painful too, and glory has a nasty habit of creeping up on a man when he least expects it.While the King of the Union lies on his deathbead, the peasants revolt and the nobles scramble to steal his crown. No-one believes that the shadow of war is falling across the very heart of the Union. The First of the Magi has a plan to save the world, as he always does. But there are risks. There is no risk more terrible, after all, than to break the First Law...

Objev podobné jako Last Argument Of Kings - Joe Abercrombie

cena 447.0 Kč

Last Argument of Kings - Joe Abercrombie

Striking, character-driven and cynical noir fantasy.

Objev podobné jako Last Argument of Kings - Joe Abercrombie

cena 268.0 Kč

Ochranca - Conn Iggulden

Themistokles je archón, vodca antických Atén, nešľachtic. Na mesto sa valia nepriatelia a on musí bojovať. S nepriateľmi. So spojencami. Zachrániť mesto. Spraviť si meno. Pripravte sa na dve legendárne bitky a nebojácneho hrdinu, ktorý dokazuje, že šľachtický pôvod nie je všetko. Iggulden dejiny neopisuje, ukáže vám ich. Politický stratég a obdivuhodný analytik Temistokles sa zaslúžil o konečné víťazstvo Grékov nad Peržanmi. Jeho politické majstrovstvo a nezvyčajný životný údel priťahuje historikov aj po dvoch tisícročiach. Živé rozprávanie Conna Igguldena nás vtiahne do deja a prežijete bitky pri Termopylách a Salamíne v takej blízkosti, ako by ste boli ich účastníkmi.

Objev podobné jako Ochranca - Conn Iggulden

cena 688.0 Kč

Nero - Conn Iggulden

PERFECT FOR FANS OF THOSE ABOUT TO DIETYRANTS AREN''T BORN. THEY''RE RAISED.Travel to the heart of a Roman dynasty drenched in danger and intrigue in master storyteller Conn Iggulden''s bold and brilliant return to Rome as he tells the story of Nero – last of the the Julio-Claudian emperors . . .''Deft and robust storytelling, that whips through the history with plenty of blood, guts and plot-twists'' The Times''Epic and in a class of his own'' Daily Mirror ----ANCIENT ROME, AD 37It begins with a man’s hand curled around another’s throat.Emperor Tiberius first dispatches a traitor.Then his whole family.Next all his friends. It is as if he never existed.THIS IS ROMAN JUSTICE.Into this fevered forum, a child is born.His mother is Agrippina, granddaughter of Emperor Augustus. But their imperial blood is no protection. The closer you are to the heart of the empire, the closer you are to power, intrigue, and danger.She faces soldiers, senators, rivals, silver-tongued pretenders, each vying for position. One mistake risks exile, incarceration, execution. Or, worst of all, the loss of her infant son.For Agrippina knows that opportunity waits, even in your darkest moments. Her son is everything. She can make this boy, shape him into Rome itself – the one all must kneel before.BUT FIRST, THEY MUST SURVIVE . . .This then is the story of Nero''s birth and raising under the watchful and scheming eye of his mother Agrippina – a woman every man crossed at his peril.----PRAISE FOR CONN IGGULDEN''Breakthtakingly good’ Bernard Cornwell‘Magnificent’ The Times''Pacy and propulsive, cracking with energy, violence and stirring speeches, Iggulden chronicles power struggles, political machinations and the bloodthirsty ravages of up-close combat'' Daily MailReaders love Nero''Iggulden draws you into Rome, its brutality and its glory, and brings it back to life with such seamless ease'' ***** Reader Review''Absolute quality from first to last page, atmospheric with a real feel for time and place'' ***** Reader Review''It was fascinating to see the seeds being planted that will lead to the Nero becoming the tyrant we know through the ancient historians, but told in such a contemporary and accessible way'' ***** Reader Review''An absolutely immersive experience throughout that throws you into the politics of Ancient Rome'' ***** Reader ReviewConn Iggulden, Sunday Times bestseller, June 2023

Objev podobné jako Nero - Conn Iggulden

cena 650.0 Kč

Nero - Conn Iggulden

ANCIENT ROME, AD 37It begins with a man's hand curled around another's throat.Emperor Tiberius first dispatches a traitor.Then his whole family.Next all his friends. It is as if he never existed.THIS IS ROMAN JUSTICE.Into this fevered forum, a child is born.His mother is Agrippina, granddaughter of Emperor Augustus. But their imperial blood is no protection.The closer you are to the heart of the empire, the closer you are to power, intrigue, and danger.She faces soldiers, senators, rivals, silver-tongued pretenders, each vying for position. One mistake risks exile, incarceration, execution. Or, worst of all, the loss of her infant son.For Agrippina knows that opportunity waits, even in your darkest moments.Her son is everything. She can make this boy, shape him into Rome itself - the one all must kneel before.BUT FIRST, THEY MUST SURVIVE . . .This then is the story of Nero's birth and raising under the watchful and scheming eye of his mother Agrippina - a woman every man crossed at his peril.

Objev podobné jako Nero - Conn Iggulden

cena 402.0 Kč

Lion - Conn Iggulden

Pericles stands in the shadow of his father: a man who once saved Athens.To make his own name he must prove himself in the liar's den of Athenian politics: pitting wits against friends, sceptics, enemies.But words alone do not make a leader.A force of Persians threatens the city and Pericles must find courage on the battlefield.In its time of need, Athens' warriors must be lions . . .

Objev podobné jako Lion - Conn Iggulden

cena 299.0 Kč

Lev - Conn Iggulden

Vstúpte na bojisko starovekého Grécka v románe bestsellerového autora Conna Igguldena. Doba mýtov a legiend ustúpila svetu mužov, Perikles bol vždy v tieni svojho otca, muža, ktorý kedysi zachránil Atény. Keď nastane čas, aby sa postavil sám za seba, musí sa vrhnúť do klamárskeho brlohu aténskej politiky a vzoprieť sa svojim rivalom, nepriateľom i priateľom. Samotné slová však vodcu nerobia. Za Periklom leží najväčšie mesto starovekého sveta, pred ním, na mori aj súši, neľútostná perzská armáda. Mladý Perikles vie len jedno – pokiaľ chce vyhrať vojnu, musí nastoliť mier. Je čas, aby povstal hrdina a aby sa jeho nepriatelia triasli. A aby Atény, mesto múdrosti a bojovníkov, zažiarili slávou, pretože v čase núdze musia byť aténski bojovníci levmi.

Objev podobné jako Lev - Conn Iggulden

cena 584.0 Kč

Brány Athén - Conn Iggulden

Píše se rok 490 před naším letopočtem. Perský král Dareios se svou armádou se vyloďuje v Řecku s jediným cílem: podrobit si tamní svobodný lid. V cestě mu stojí athénské vojsko, k němuž se připojuje i vojevůdce Xanthippos, vedoucí své muže do bitvy u Marathónu. Její průběh však napovídá, že Řekové mezi sebou mají zrádce, a jeho odhalení má pro Xanthippa nedozírné následky. Peršané navíc s dobyvačnými snahami rozhodně nekončí a o deset let později se schyluje k legendární bitvě u Thermopyl.

Objev podobné jako Brány Athén - Conn Iggulden

cena 491.0 Kč

Válka růží Bouře - Conn Iggulden

Píše se rok 1437 a v Anglii na trůn usedá mladičký Jindřich VI. z rodu Lancasterů. Na rozdíl od otce, který sjednotil anglickou a francouzskou korunu, nevládne pevnou rukou a podle mínění mnohých pánů příliš podléhá svým rádcům. Anglické državy ve Francii jsou v ohrožení, šíří se zvěsti o vzpouře a strach, že král a jeho našeptávači přivedou Anglii ke zkáze. Mračna se stahují a neodvratně se schyluje k bouři, jež navždy poznamená osud království.

Objev podobné jako Válka růží Bouře - Conn Iggulden

cena 357.0 Kč

Brány do Atén - Conn Iggulden

Jeden z najlepších súčasných autorov historickej fikcie Conn Iggulden oživuje vo svojom najnovšom románe Brány do Atén slávnu časť gréckych dejín, keď sa zoči-voči perzskej invázii rozhodovalo o bytí či nebytí Grécka – kolísky európskej civilizácie. V roku 490 pred n. l. vládne v obrovskej perzskej ríši mocný kráľ Dareios. Nik sa mu neodváži postaviť na odpor okrem spurných gréckych mestských štátov, ktoré sa otvorene odmietajú skloniť pred jeho autoritou. Napokon Dareios vypláva s veľkým loďstvom proti Aténam. Aténčania však len krátko predtým zvrhli vládu tyranov, nastolili vo svojom meste demokraciu a za žiadnych okolností nie sú ochotní podriadiť sa svojvôli jedného človeka.Keď Dareiovo vojsko vystúpi na breh na maratónskej pláni neďaleko Atén, čakajú ho šíky na všetko odhodlaných aténskych hoplitov. Nasledujúca bitka rozhodne nielen o osude celého Grécka, ale aj o osude strojcov gréckeho víťazstva – charizmatického Temistokla, múdreho a čestného Aristeida a slávneho vodcu Xantippa.O desať rokov neskôr mieri ku gréckym brehom ďalší perzský kráľ Xerxes, aby pomstil otcovu porážku. Napriek obrovskej vojenskej prevahe na mori i na súši narazí na odpor oveľa menšieho počtu gréckych vojakov odhodlaných bojovať na život a na smrť a ubrániť Termopylský priesmyk aj morskú úžinu pri Salamíne, ktoré chránia vstup do Atén.Bude bojový duch a statočnosť tejto hŕstky stačiť na záchranu slobody a demokracie, hodnôt, ktoré si Gréci cenia viac než vlastný život, alebo ju rozdrvia hordy valiacich sa nepriateľov?

Objev podobné jako Brány do Atén - Conn Iggulden

cena 589.0 Kč

The Heroes (Defekt) - Joe Abercrombie

Three men. One battle. No Heroes.They say Black Dow's killed more men than winter, and clawed his way to the throne of the North up a hill of skulls. The King of the Union, ever a jealous neighbour, is not about to stand smiling by while he claws his way any higher. The orders have been given and the armies are toiling through the northern mud.Thousands of men are converging on a forgotten ring of stones, on a worthless hill, in an unimportant valley, and they've brought a lot of sharpened metal with them.Bremer dan Gorst, disgraced master swordsman, has sworn to reclaim his stolen honour on the battlefield. Obsessed with redemption and addicted to violence, he's far past caring how much blood gets spilled in the attempt. Even if it's his own.Prince Calder isn't interested in honour, and still less in getting himself killed. All he wants is power, and he'll tell any lie, use any trick, and betray any friend to get it. Just as long as he doesn't have to fight for it himself.Curnden Craw, the last honest man in the North, has gained nothing from a life of warfare but swollen knees and frayed nerves. He hardly even cares who wins any more, he just wants to do the right thing. But can he even tell what that is with the world burning down around him?Over three bloody days of battle, the fate of the North will be decided. But with both sides riddled by intrigues, follies, feuds and petty jealousies, it is unlikely to be the noblest hearts, or even the strongest arms that prevail.Three men. One battle. No Heroes.

Objev podobné jako The Heroes (Defekt) - Joe Abercrombie

cena 279.0 Kč

Válka růží 4: Drak - Conn Iggulden

Anglie, 1470. Devět let po bitvě u Towtonu se karta obrací a král Eduard musí prchnout i se svým bratrem Richardem do Burgundska. Královskou korunu chce ale za každou cenu získat zpět, nicméně jeho plán na vylodění u anglických břehů je nesmírně riskantní. Hrabě Warwick navíc netouží po ničem jiném než zbavit se Yorků jednou provždy. A na svou příležitost čeká také Jindřich Tudor, který se ve francouzském vyhnanství rozhodne k zásadnímu kroku...

Objev podobné jako Válka růží 4: Drak - Conn Iggulden

cena 384.0 Kč

Brány Athén - Conn Iggulden - e-kniha

eBook: Píše se rok 490 před naším letopočtem. Perský král Dareios se svou armádou se vyloďuje v Řecku s jediným cílem: podrobit si tamní svobodný lid. V cestě mu stojí athénské vojsko, k němuž se připojuje i vojevůdce Xanthippos, vedoucí své muže do bitvy u Marathónu. Její průběh však napovídá, že Řekové mezi sebou mají zrádce, a jeho odhalení má pro Xanthippa nedozírné následky. Peršané navíc s dobyvačnými snahami rozhodně nekončí a o deset let později se schyluje k legendární bitvě u Thermopyl.

Objev podobné jako Brány Athén - Conn Iggulden - e-kniha

cena 389.0 Kč

Bloodstream: A sizzling motorsport romance for fans of Lauren Asher and Hannah Grace - Carter Emilee

For fans of Hannah Grace and Lauren Asher BLOODSTREAM is a sizzling new enemies-to-lovers racing romance! He’s a world champion. She’s the new girl on the grid. Will their sizzling chemistry throw him off track? As the new social media manager for Revolution Racing, Faith is ready to get her drivers in front of the world. With their sizzling good looks, champagne lifestyles, and charming smiles it's going to be easy. But Julien Moretz is the obstacle she never saw coming. The renowned World Champion doesn't need his personal life splashed across the internet. He's here to race and he's here to win.Julien has too much at stake to let someone see the real him. But Faith isn't the woman he first thought, and Julien isn't the bad boy he shows the world.No matter how hard they try to push each other away, as they discover the people behind the media, Faith and Julien could be the most scandalous story of the racing season!

Objev podobné jako Bloodstream: A sizzling motorsport romance for fans of Lauren Asher and Hannah Grace - Carter Emilee

cena 268.0 Kč

Vojna ruží: Búrka - Conn Iggulden - e-kniha

eBook: Píše sa rok 1437 a v Anglicku na trón nastupuje mladučký Henrich VI. z rodu Lancasterovcov. Na rozdiel od otca nevládne železnou rukou a kráľovstvom kolujú správy, že sa príliš spolieha na svojich radcov. Anglické dŕžavy vo Francúzsku sú v ohrození, šíria sa zvesti o vzbure a strach, že kráľ a jeho našepkávači privedú Anglicko do skazy. Mračná sa sťahujú a neodvratne sa schyľuje k búrke, ktorá navždy poznamená osud monarchie.

Objev podobné jako Vojna ruží: Búrka - Conn Iggulden - e-kniha

cena 329.0 Kč

Potíže s mírem (Defekt) - Joe Abercrombie

Mír je jen jiný druh bojiště… Savine dan Glokta, kdysi nejmocnější investorka v Adově, zjišťuje, že její plány, bohatství i reputace jsou v troskách. Pořád ale má svoje ambice a nedovolí, aby jí v jejich naplňování cokoliv stálo v cestě. Pro hrdiny jako je Leo dan Brock a Soumrak Zběsilec, šťastné, jen když mohou tasit meč, je mír utrpení, které by mělo skončit tak rychle, jak je to jen možné. Nejprve je ale třeba rozdmýchat křivdy, získat moc a shromáždit spojence – a Rikke musí ovládnout moc dlouhého oka dřív, než ji zabije. Nepokoje narůstají v každé společenské vrstvě. Bořiči se stále plíží ve stínech a kují pikle, jak osvobodit obyčejné lidi od okovů poroby, zatímco aristokraté se mezi sebou hašteří kvůli výhodám pro sebe. Orso se snaží najít bezpečnou cestu tím labyrintem nožů, kterým politika je, ale jeho dluhy a nepřátelé se jen násobí. Staré způsoby mizí v propadlišti dějin a staří vůdcové s nimi, ale ti, kdo se chápou otěží moci, nenacházejí žádné spojence, žádné přátele a určitě ne věčný mír.

Objev podobné jako Potíže s mírem (Defekt) - Joe Abercrombie

cena 189.0 Kč

Rise Of Empire : The Riyria Revelations (Defekt) - Michael J. Sullivan

The birth of the Nyphron Empire has brought war to Melengar. To save her kingdom, Princess Arista runs a desperate gamble when she defies her brother and hires Royce and Hadrian to perform a dangerous mission behind the enemy's lines. As the power of the Nyphron Empire grows, so does Royce's suspicion that the wizard Esrahaddon is using the thieves as pawns in his own shadowy struggle for power. To find the truth, he must unravel the secret of Hadrian's past. What he discovers leads the thieves to the ends of the world on a journey amid treachery and betrayals, forcing Hadrian to face a past he hoped never to see again.

Objev podobné jako Rise Of Empire : The Riyria Revelations (Defekt) - Michael J. Sullivan

cena 69.0 Kč

The Book Of Answers (Defekt) - Carol Bolt

AS SEEN ON TIKTOK: The Book of Answers holds the solution you've been looking for.Ask a yes or no question, open the book and find your answer...Is my partner the one?Should I travel this weekend?Should I ask my boss for a pay rise?The perfect gift for those looking for new perspectives and enlightenment...or simply (spookily accurate) fun!HOW TO USE THE BOOK OF ANSWERS:1. Simply hold the closed book in your hands and take ten to fifteen seconds to concentrate on your question.2. Whilst visualising or saying your question out loud, place one palm on the book's front cover and stroke the edge of the pages back to front.3. When you sense the time is right, open to the page your fingers land on and there is your answer!Beautifully packaged with over 700 guiding insights, The Book of Answers is a brilliant and original gift.

Objev podobné jako The Book Of Answers (Defekt) - Carol Bolt

cena 159.0 Kč

The Book of Speculation (Defekt) - Swylerová Erika

For fans of The Night Circus, comes a sweeping and captivating debut novel about a young librarian who discovers that his family labours under a terrible curse. Simon Watson lives alone on the Long Island Sound. On a day in late June, Simon receives a mysterious book connected to his family. The book tells the story of two doomed lovers, two hundred years ago. He is fascinated, yet as he reads Simon becomes increasingly unnerved. Why do so many women in his family drown on 24th July? And could his beloved sister risk the same terrible fate? As 24th July draws ever closer, Simon must unlock the mysteries of the book, and decode his family history, before it's too late.

Objev podobné jako The Book of Speculation (Defekt) - Swylerová Erika

cena 99.0 Kč

The Art of War / The Book of Lord Shang (Defekt) - Sun Tzu

Translated by Yuan Shibing and J.J.L.Duyvendak. With introductions by Robert Wilkinson. The two political classics in this book are the product of a time of intense turmoil in Chinese history.Dating from the Period of the Warring States (403-221BC), they anticipate Machiavelli's The Prince by nearly 2000 years. The Art of War is the best known of a considerable body of Chinese works on the subject. It analyses the nature of war, and reveals how victory may be ensured.The Book of Lord Shang is a political treatise for the instruction of rulers. These texts are anything but armchair strategy or ivory-tower speculation. They are serious, urgent and practical responses to the desperate situations in which they were written.They have been immensely influential both inside and outside China.

Objev podobné jako The Art of War / The Book of Lord Shang (Defekt) - Sun Tzu

cena 99.0 Kč

The Book of All Books (Defekt) - Roberto Calasso

A splendid reimagining of key stories from the Bible, by the author of The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony. A man named Saul is sent to search for some lost donkeys and on the way is named king of his people. The queen of a remote African realm travels for three years with her multitudinous retinue to meet the king of Jerusalem and pose him a few riddles. A man named Abraham hears a divine voice speaking words that reverberate throughout the Bible: 'Go away from your land, from your kindred and from the house of your father toward the land that I will show you'. In The Book of All Books, Roberto Calasso weaves together stories of promise and separation from one of the founding texts of Western civilisation. These tales of grace and guilt, of the chosen and the damned, cast many Biblical figures and indeed the whole book in a light as astonishing as it is disquieting. The Book of All Books is part of a larger work which began with The Ruin of Kasch (1983) and includes The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony, Ka, and The Celestial Hunter.

Objev podobné jako The Book of All Books (Defekt) - Roberto Calasso

cena 389.0 Kč

The Book of Mirrors (Defekt) - Eugen Ovidiu Chirovici

ONE MAN'S TRUTH IS ANOTHER MAN'S LIE. When big-shot literary agent Peter Katz receives an unfinished manuscript entitled The Book of Mirrors, he is intrigued. The author, Richard Flynn is writing a memoir about his time at Princeton in the late 80s, documenting his relationship with the famous Professor Joseph Wieder. One night in 1987, Wieder was brutally murdered in his home and the case was never solved. Peter Katz is hell-bent on getting to the bottom of what happened that night twenty-five years ago and is convinced the full manuscript will reveal who committed the violent crime. But other people's recollections are dangerous weapons to play with, and this might be one memory that is best kept buried.

Objev podobné jako The Book of Mirrors (Defekt) - Eugen Ovidiu Chirovici

cena 69.0 Kč

The Story of the Titanic for Children - Joe Fullman

Explore the beautiful sundecks, marvel at the luxurious design and relive the tragic sinking of the world''s most famous ship with The Story of the Titanic for Children. Over one hundred years on, the captivating story of the Titanic has lost none of its appeal. This stunning book explores real-life stories and little known facts that will absorb young readers. Beautiful images and bite-sized information bring the Titanic to life, from its construction to the victims and survivors after its tragic sinking. Filled with amazing facts and details giving insights into the ''unsinkable'' ship, The Story of the Titanic for Children will satisfy even the most curious minds.

Objev podobné jako The Story of the Titanic for Children - Joe Fullman

cena 325.0 Kč

The Big Book of PRAGUE for Little Storytellers

Knihy, ve kterých se to obrázky jen hemží - ukrývají spousty příběhů! Oblíbený a osvědčený základní "stavební kámen" každé dětské knihovničky. Ještě neumíte číst písmenka? Obrázky však umíte "číst" určitě!

Objev podobné jako The Big Book of PRAGUE for Little Storytellers

cena 223.0 Kč

The Usborne Book of the Moon (Defekt) - Laura Cowan

Welcome to the story of our Moon - a story of Moon dust and Moon rabbits, cheese and astronauts, deep thoughts and bold plans. Read, dream and wonder as you discover ancient legends about the Moon's creation, meet the very first astronomers and learn about the Space Race. Published to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing.

Objev podobné jako The Usborne Book of the Moon (Defekt) - Laura Cowan

cena 179.0 Kč

The Ladybird Book Of Boxing Day (Defekt) - Jason Hazeley

A HILARIOUS, BRAND NEW BOOK IN THE PHENOMENAL LADYBIRDS FOR GROWN UPS SERIES, FOR CHRISTMAS 2016* The Ladybird Book of Boxing Day - a nugget of wisdom from bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Other new titles from the Ladybirds for Grown Ups Series: How it Works: The Student How it Works: The Cat How it Works: The Dog How it Works: The Grandparent The Ladybird Book of Red Tape The Ladybird Book of the People Next Door The Ladybird Book of the Sickie The Ladybird Book of the Zombie Apocalypse The Ladybird Book of the Meeting Previous titles in the Ladybirds for Grown Ups series: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum How it Works: The Dad The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipster

Objev podobné jako The Ladybird Book Of Boxing Day (Defekt) - Jason Hazeley

cena 49.0 Kč

Empire of Silence - Christopher Ruocchio

Hadrian Marlowe, a man revered as a hero and despised as a murderer, chronicles his tale in the galaxy-spanning debut of the Sun Eater series, merging the best of space opera and epic fantasy. It was not his war. On the wrong planet, at the right time, for the best reasons, Hadrian Marlowe started down a path that could only end in fire.The galaxy remembers him as a hero: the man who burned every last alien Cielcin from the sky. They remember him as a monster: the devil who destroyed a sun, casually annihilating four billion human lives--even the Emperor himself--against Imperial orders. But Hadrian was not a hero.He was not a monster. He was not even a soldier. Fleeing his father and a future as a torturer, Hadrian finds himself stranded on a strange, backwater world.Forced to fight as a gladiator and navigate the intrigues of a foreign planetary court, he will find himself fighting a war he did not start, for an Empire he does not love, against an enemy he will never understand.

Objev podobné jako Empire of Silence - Christopher Ruocchio

cena 443.0 Kč

Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078)

Kniha - autor Patrick Radden Keefe, 528 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The story of the Sackler Dynasty, Purdue Pharma, and their involvement in the opioid crisis that has created millions of addicts, even as it generated billions of dollars in profit.

Objev podobné jako Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078)

cena 459.0 Kč

Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt (Defekt) - Lucinda Rileyová, Harry Whittaker

Spanning a lifetime of love and loss, crossing borders and oceans, Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt, co-authored by her son Harry Whittaker, draws Lucinda Riley's Seven Sisters series to its stunning, unforgettable conclusion.1928, ParisA boy is found, moments from death, and taken in by a kindly family. Gentle, precocious, talented, he flourishes in his new home, and the family show him a life he hadn't dreamed possible. But he refuses to speak a word, or reveal a single detail about who he is.As he grows into a young man, falling in love and taking classes at the prestigious Conservatoire de Paris, he can almost forget the terrors of his past, or the promise he has made. But in 1930s Europe, an evil is rising across the continent and no one's safety is certain. In his heart, he knows the time will come where he must flee once more.2008, the AegeanAll the seven sisters are gathered for the first time, on board the Titan to say a final goodbye to the enigmatic father they loved so dearly.To the surprise of everyone, it is the missing sister who Pa Salt has chosen to entrust with the clue to their pasts. But for every truth revealed, another question emerges. The sisters must confront the idea that their adored father was someone they barely knew. And, even more shockingly, that the secrets of his past may still have consequences for them today.

Objev podobné jako Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt (Defekt) - Lucinda Rileyová, Harry Whittaker

cena 219.0 Kč

Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt (Defekt) - Lucinda Rileyová, Harry Whittaker

Spanning a lifetime of love and loss, crossing borders and oceans, Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt, co-authored by her son Harry Whittaker, draws Lucinda Riley's Seven Sisters series to its stunning, unforgettable conclusion.1928, ParisA boy is found, moments from death, and taken in by a kindly family. Gentle, precocious, talented, he flourishes in his new home, and the family show him a life he hadn't dreamed possible. But he refuses to speak a word, or reveal a single detail about who he is.As he grows into a young man, falling in love and taking classes at the prestigious Conservatoire de Paris, he can almost forget the terrors of his past, or the promise he has made. But in 1930s Europe, an evil is rising across the continent and no one's safety is certain. In his heart, he knows the time will come where he must flee once more.2008, the AegeanAll the seven sisters are gathered for the first time, on board the Titan to say a final goodbye to the enigmatic father they loved so dearly.To the surprise of everyone, it is the missing sister who Pa Salt has chosen to entrust with the clue to their pasts. But for every truth revealed, another question emerges. The sisters must confront the idea that their adored father was someone they barely knew. And, even more shockingly, that the secrets of his past may still have consequences for them today.

Objev podobné jako Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt (Defekt) - Lucinda Rileyová, Harry Whittaker

cena 219.0 Kč

The Great Book of Amber 1-10 (Defekt) - Roger Zelazny

One of the most revered names in sf and fantasy, the incomparable Roger Zelazny was honored with numerous prizes--including six Hugo and three Nebula Awards--over the course of his legendary career. Among his more than fifty books, arguably Zelazny's most popular literary creations were his extraordinary Amber novels. The Great Book of Amber is a collection of the complete Amber chronicles--featuring volumes one through ten--a treasure trove of the ingenious imagination and phenomenal storytelling that inspired a generation of fantasists, from Neil Gaiman to George R.R. Martin.Includes:Nine Princes in AmberThe Guns of AvalonSign of the UnicornThe Hand of OberonThe Courts of ChaosTrumps of DoomBlood of AmberSign of ChaosKnights of ShadowsPrince of Chaos

Objev podobné jako The Great Book of Amber 1-10 (Defekt) - Roger Zelazny

cena 319.0 Kč

Diggers : The Second Book of the Nomes (Defekt) - Terry Pratchett

And Grimma said, We have two choices. We can run, or we hide. And they said, Which shall we do? She said, We shall Fight. A Bright New Dawn is just around the corner for thousands of tiny nomes when they move into the ruined buildings of an abandoned quarry. Or is it? Soon strange things begin to happen. Like the tops of puddles growing hard and cold, and the water coming down from the sky in frozen bits. Then humans appear and they really mess everything up. The quarry is to be re-opened, and the nomes must fight to defend their new home. But how long will they be able to keep the humans at bay - even with the help of the monster Jekub?

Objev podobné jako Diggers : The Second Book of the Nomes (Defekt) - Terry Pratchett

cena 89.0 Kč

Big Book of Things to Know: A Fact Book for Kids - James Maclaine

You'll never guess how your body fights germs or how dinosaurs fought each other, what kind of animal is named after Sir David Attenborough and what sunsets look like on Mars. All is revealed in this delightful collection of four books. A brilliant addition to any family bookshop, the Big Book of Things to Know contains amazing facts from Lots of things to know about Your Body, Space, Animals and Dinosaurs in a single volume bursting with vibrant illustrations and packed with quirky and surprising things to know. Clear, approachable text will spark young readers' curiosity and is perfect for fact-hungry children to share with family or impress their friends with.

Objev podobné jako Big Book of Things to Know: A Fact Book for Kids - James Maclaine

cena 447.0 Kč

Empire of the Vampire - Jay Kristoff

It has been twenty-seven long years since the last sunrise.For nearly three decades, vampires have waged war against humanity; building their eternal empire even as they tear down our own. Now, only a few tiny sparks of light endure in a sea of darkness.Gabriel de Leon, half man, half monster and last remaining silversaint - a sworn brother of the holy Silver Order dedicated to defending the realm from the creatures of the night - is all that stands between the world and its end.Now imprisoned by the very monsters he vowed to destroy, the last silversaint is forced to tell his story. A story of legendary battles and forbidden love, of faith lost and friendships won, of the Wars of the Blood and the Forever King and the quest for humanity's last remaining hope:The Holy Grail.

Objev podobné jako Empire of the Vampire - Jay Kristoff

cena 268.0 Kč

The Empire of Time - David Wingrove

There is only the war. Otto Behr is a German agent, fighting his Russian counterparts across three millennia, manipulating history for moments in time that can change everything. Only the remnants of two great nations stand and for Otto, the war is life itself, the last hope for his people.

Objev podobné jako The Empire of Time - David Wingrove

cena 303.0 Kč

Empire of Storms - Sarah J. Maasová

Only the greatest sacrifice can turn the tide of war. War is brewing in the fifth book of the #1 bestselling Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. The long path to the throne has only just begun for Aelin Galathynius as war looms on the horizon. Loyalties have been broken and bought, friends have been lost and gained, and those who possess magic find themselves increasingly at odds with those who don't. With her heart sworn to the warrior-prince by her side and her fealty pledged to the people she is determined to save, Aelin will delve into the depths of her power to protect those she loves. But as monsters emerge from the horrors of the past, dark forces stand poised to claim her world. The only chance for salvation lies in a desperate quest that may take more from Aelin than she has to give, a quest that forces her to choose what - and who -she's willing to sacrifice for the sake of peace. Kingdoms collide in this fifth book in the #1 New York Times bestselling Throne of Glass series.

Objev podobné jako Empire of Storms - Sarah J. Maasová

cena 268.0 Kč

Empire of the Damned - Jay Kristoff

The highly anticipated sequel to the SUNDAY TIMES bestselling EMPIRE OF THE VAMPIRE 'Bloody brilliant'V.E. Schwab'A ripping read'Joe AbercrombieGabriel de Leon has saved the Holy Grail from death, but his chance to end the endless night is lost.After turning his back on his silversaint brothers once and for all, Gabriel and the Grail set out to learn the truth of how Daysdeath might finally be undone.But the last silversaint faces peril, within and without. Pursued by children of the Forever King, drawn into wars and webs centuries in the weaving, and ravaged by his own rising bloodlust, Gabriel may not survive to see the truth of the Grail revealed.A truth that may be too awful for any to imagine.

Objev podobné jako Empire of the Damned - Jay Kristoff

cena 402.0 Kč

Empire of Storms - Sarah J. Maasová

Only the greatest sacrifice can turn the tide of war. War is brewing in the fifth book of the #1 bestselling Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. The long path to the throne has only just begun for Aelin Galathynius as war looms on the horizon. Loyalties have been broken and bought, friends have been lost and gained, and those who possess magic find themselves increasingly at odds with those who don't. With her heart sworn to the warrior-prince by her side and her fealty pledged to the people she is determined to save, Aelin will delve into the depths of her power to protect those she loves. But as monsters emerge from the horrors of the past, dark forces stand poised to claim her world. The only chance for salvation lies in a desperate quest that may take more from Aelin than she has to give, a quest that forces her to choose what - and who -she's willing to sacrifice for the sake of peace. Kingdoms collide in this fifth book in the #1 New York Times bestselling Throne of Glass series.

Objev podobné jako Empire of Storms - Sarah J. Maasová

cena 518.0 Kč

Empire of the Damned - Jay Kristoff

From holy cup comes holy light;The faithful hands sets world aright.And in the Seven Martyrs' sight,Mere man shall end this endless night.Gabriel de Leon has saved the Holy Grail from death, but his chance to end the endless night is lost. Drawn into an uneasy alliance with the mysterious vampire Liathe, Gabriel must now deliver the Grail to ancients of the Blood Esani, and learn the truth of how Daysdeath might be finally undone.But the Last Silversaint faces peril, within and without.Pursued by terrors of the Blood Voss, drawn into warfare between the Blood Dyvok and duskdancers of the frozen Highlands, and ravaged by his own rising bloodlust, Gabriel may not survive to see the Grail learn her truth.And that truth may be too awful for any to imagine.

Objev podobné jako Empire of the Damned - Jay Kristoff

cena 894.0 Kč

Empire of the Damned - Jay Kristoff

The highly anticipated sequel to the SUNDAY TIMES bestselling EMPIRE OF THE VAMPIRE ''Bloody brilliant''V.E. Schwab‘A ripping read’Joe AbercrombieGabriel de León has saved the Holy Grail from death, but his chance to end the endless night is lost.After turning his back on his silversaint brothers once and for all, Gabriel and the Grail set out to learn the truth of how Daysdeath might finally be undone.But the last silversaint faces peril, within and without. Pursued by children of the Forever King, drawn into wars and webs centuries in the weaving, and ravaged by his own rising bloodlust, Gabriel may not survive to see the truth of the Grail revealed.A truth that may be too awful for any to imagine.

Objev podobné jako Empire of the Damned - Jay Kristoff

cena 536.0 Kč

Worlds of Wonder: A Colouring Book for the Curious (1529107393)

Kniha - 80 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako Worlds of Wonder: A Colouring Book for the Curious (1529107393)

cena 413.0 Kč

MS The Little Black Book Of Beatles Songs For Ukulele

Noty pro ukulele LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF BEATLES SONGS FOR UKULELE Zpěvníky z edice Little Black Book obsahují texty a akordy k desítkám populárních skladeb. Tato verze těchto zpěvníků kapesní velikosti představuje ty největší hity The Beatles v aranžmá pro ukulele – a to celkem 185 skladeb.

Objev podobné jako MS The Little Black Book Of Beatles Songs For Ukulele

cena 509.0 Kč

MS The Little Black Book Of Hit Songs For Ukulele

Noty pro ukulele LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF HIT SONGS FOR UKULELE Zpěvníky z edice Little Black Book obsahují texty a akordy k desítkám populárních skladeb. Tato verze těchto zpěvníků kapesní velikosti představuje ty největší hity v aranžmá pro ukulele. Seznam skladeb: 1234 [Feist] A Pair Of Brown Eyes [Pogues, The] A Well Respected Man [Kinks, The] Across The Universe [Beatles, The] All Or Nothing [Small Faces] Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) [Lennon, John] Between The Bars [Smith, Elliott] Bird On The Wire [Cohen, Leonard] Blaze Of Glory [Bon Jovi, Jon] Born Free [Monro, Matt] Bye Bye Love [Everly Brothers, The] Can’t Keep It In [Stevens, Cat] Candle In The Wind [John, Elton] Can't Get You Out Of My Head [Kylie] Crazy [Barkley, Gnarls] Crazy Crazy Nights [Kiss] Creeque Alley [Mamas & The Papas, The] Do You Believe In Magic [Lovin' Spoonful, The] Do You Realize?? [Flaming Lips, The] Don't Stop [Fleetwood Mac] Don't Stop Believin' [Journey] Empire State Of Mind (Part II) [Keys, Alicia] Eye Of The Tiger [Survivor] Flowers On The Wall [Statler Brothers, The] Games People Play [South, Joe] God Put A Smile Upon Your Face [Coldplay] Gold Dust Woman [Fleetwood Mac] Golden Touch [Razorlight] Guitar Man [Presley, Elvis] Have A Nice Day [Stereophonics] Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman? [Adams, Bryan] He’ll Have To Go [Reeves, Jim] Here She Comes Now [Velvet Underground, The] Highway To Hell [Ac/Dc] I Have A Dream [Abba] I’ll Have To Say I Love You In A Song [Croce, Jim] I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry [Williams, Hank] In My Room [Beach Boys, The] In The Summertime [Jerry, Mungo] It’s A Heartache [Tyler, Bonnie] Life Is A Long Song [Tull, Jethro] Love In Vain [Rolling Stones, The] Love Of The Common People [Thomas, Nicky] Maggie’s Farm [Dylan, Bob] Magic Bus [Who, The] Make You Feel My Love [Adele] Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard [Simon, Paul] Mellow Yellow [Donovan] More Than A Feeling [Boston] Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) [Florence & The Machine] Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head [Thomas, Billy Joe] Raspberry Beret [Prince And The Revolution] Rawhide [Laine, Frankie] Rock Island Line [Lonnie Donegan Skiffle Group, The] Roxanne [Police, The] Save The Last Dance For Me [Drifters, The] She’s About A Mover [Sir Douglas Quintet] Should I Stay Or Should I Go [Clash, The] Singing The Blues [Mitchell, Guy] Stand By Me [King, Ben E] Sultans Of Swing [Dire Straits] Summertime Blues [Cochran, Eddie] Sweet Caroline [Diamond, Neil] Sweet Home Alabama [Lynyrd Skynyrd] Teach Your Children [Crosby Stills, Nash & Young] That’ll Be The Day [Crickets, The] The Dolphins [Buckley, Tim] The Winner Takes It All [Abba] Three Little Birds [Bob Marley And The Wailers] Toxic [Spears, Britney] Train In Vain [Clash, The] Use Somebody [Kings of Leon] Video Games [Del Ray, Lana] Viva La Vida [Coldplay] White Rabbit [Airplane, Jefferson] Who Knows Where The Time Goes? [Fairport Convention] Wichita Lineman [Campbell, Glen] Writing To Reach You [Travis] Yakety Yak [Coasters, The]

Objev podobné jako MS The Little Black Book Of Hit Songs For Ukulele

cena 490.0 Kč

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