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The Double Dangerous Book for Boys - Conn Iggulden

Spark your imagination, forge your own adventures and unearth long-lost skills.In this long-awaited follow-up to his much-loved bestseller, written with his sons Cameron and Arthur, Conn Iggulden presents a brand-new compendium of cunning schemes, projects, tricks, games and tales of extraordinary courage.Whether it's building a flying machine (keep your temper with this one) or learning how to pick a padlock (or your own front door, but not someone else's), discovering our forgotten explorers and the world's greatest speeches, or mastering the lauded task of solving a Rubik's cube, The Double Dangerous Book for Boys is the ultimate companion to be cherished by readers and doers of all ages.

Podívejte se také dangerous dngrs

cena 499.0 Kč

The Double Dangerous Book for Boys (Defekt) - Conn Iggulden

Spark your imagination, forge your own adventures and unearth long-lost skills.In this long-awaited follow-up to his much-loved bestseller, written with his sons Cameron and Arthur, Conn Iggulden presents a brand-new compendium of cunning schemes, projects, tricks, games and tales of extraordinary courage.Whether it's building a flying machine (keep your temper with this one) or learning how to pick a padlock (or your own front door, but not someone else's), discovering our forgotten explorers and the world's greatest speeches, or mastering the lauded task of solving a Rubik's cube, The Double Dangerous Book for Boys is the ultimate companion to be cherished by readers and doers of all ages.

Podívejte se také The Big Book of PRAGUE for Little Storytellers (978-80-87034-43-9)

cena 199.0 Kč

Empire: Book 2 of The Golden Age - Conn Iggulden

Pericles returns home more than a hero: he's the leader of Athens, the empire's beacon of light in the dark.But even during times of peace, the threat of Sparta - Athens's legendary rival - looms large on the horizon. When a sudden catastrophe brings Sparta to its knees, Pericles sees a golden opportunity to forever shift the balance of power in his city's favour.For sometimes, the only way to win lasting peace is to wage war.Sparta may be weak, but their power is far from extinguished. Soon a ruthless young boy steps forward to lead the Spartans back to greatness.As the drums of battle draw closer, can Pericles rise once more or will the world's greatest empire fall under his watch?

Podívejte se také Bewit® Prawtein® For boys (3502000010000041)

cena 402.0 Kč

Shiang : Empire of Salt Book II - For fans of Joe Abercrombie - Conn Iggulden

IF THESE STONES COULD SPEAK . . . THEY WOULD CALL FOR WAR. In Shiang, the young king rules without dissent. Mazer swordsmen stand watch on every corner, looking for the first sign of rebellion. This city is a place of quiet and slow dignity, like a man eating rice with a razor pressed against his throat. Yet with one sharp movement, order is overturned. The balance of centuries is undone in the sudden spill of blood - and in the darkness, something terrible returns to Shiang. Far to the west, four Shiang masters approach the city walls of Darien. The sword saint and his companions have crossed a continent to bring an old man home for punishment. They will not be denied, even if the whole city stands in their way. TWO ANCIENT CITIES. ONE FINAL WAR.

Objev podobné jako Shiang : Empire of Salt Book II - For fans of Joe Abercrombie - Conn Iggulden

cena 214.0 Kč

Emperor: The Blood of Gods - Conn Iggulden

The epic new novel in Conn Iggulden's bestselling EMPEROR series, featuring a new short story by the author. Julius Caesar has been assassinated. A nation is in mourning. Revenge will be bloody. Rome's great hero Julius Caesar has been brutally murdered by his most trusted allies. While these self-appointed Liberatores seek refuge in the senate, they have underestimated one man: Caesar's adopted son Octavian, a man whose name will echo through history as Augustus Caesar. Uniting with his great rival Mark Antony, Octavian will stop at nothing to seek retribution from the traitors and avenge his father's death. His greatest hatred is reserved for Brutus, Caesar's childhood friend and greatest ally, now leader of the conspirators. As the people take to the streets of Rome, the Liberatores must face their fate. Some flee the city; others will not escape mob justice. Not a single one will die a natural death. And the reckoning will come for Brutus on the sweeping battlefield at Philippi.

Objev podobné jako Emperor: The Blood of Gods - Conn Iggulden

cena 259.0 Kč

Ochranca - Conn Iggulden

Themistokles je archón, vodca antických Atén, nešľachtic. Na mesto sa valia nepriatelia a on musí bojovať. S nepriateľmi. So spojencami. Zachrániť mesto. Spraviť si meno. Pripravte sa na dve legendárne bitky a nebojácneho hrdinu, ktorý dokazuje, že šľachtický pôvod nie je všetko. Iggulden dejiny neopisuje, ukáže vám ich. Politický stratég a obdivuhodný analytik Temistokles sa zaslúžil o konečné víťazstvo Grékov nad Peržanmi. Jeho politické majstrovstvo a nezvyčajný životný údel priťahuje historikov aj po dvoch tisícročiach. Živé rozprávanie Conna Igguldena nás vtiahne do deja a prežijete bitky pri Termopylách a Salamíne v takej blízkosti, ako by ste boli ich účastníkmi.

Objev podobné jako Ochranca - Conn Iggulden

cena 688.0 Kč

Nero - Conn Iggulden

PERFECT FOR FANS OF THOSE ABOUT TO DIETYRANTS AREN''T BORN. THEY''RE RAISED.Travel to the heart of a Roman dynasty drenched in danger and intrigue in master storyteller Conn Iggulden''s bold and brilliant return to Rome as he tells the story of Nero – last of the the Julio-Claudian emperors . . .''Deft and robust storytelling, that whips through the history with plenty of blood, guts and plot-twists'' The Times''Epic and in a class of his own'' Daily Mirror ----ANCIENT ROME, AD 37It begins with a man’s hand curled around another’s throat.Emperor Tiberius first dispatches a traitor.Then his whole family.Next all his friends. It is as if he never existed.THIS IS ROMAN JUSTICE.Into this fevered forum, a child is born.His mother is Agrippina, granddaughter of Emperor Augustus. But their imperial blood is no protection. The closer you are to the heart of the empire, the closer you are to power, intrigue, and danger.She faces soldiers, senators, rivals, silver-tongued pretenders, each vying for position. One mistake risks exile, incarceration, execution. Or, worst of all, the loss of her infant son.For Agrippina knows that opportunity waits, even in your darkest moments. Her son is everything. She can make this boy, shape him into Rome itself – the one all must kneel before.BUT FIRST, THEY MUST SURVIVE . . .This then is the story of Nero''s birth and raising under the watchful and scheming eye of his mother Agrippina – a woman every man crossed at his peril.----PRAISE FOR CONN IGGULDEN''Breakthtakingly good’ Bernard Cornwell‘Magnificent’ The Times''Pacy and propulsive, cracking with energy, violence and stirring speeches, Iggulden chronicles power struggles, political machinations and the bloodthirsty ravages of up-close combat'' Daily MailReaders love Nero''Iggulden draws you into Rome, its brutality and its glory, and brings it back to life with such seamless ease'' ***** Reader Review''Absolute quality from first to last page, atmospheric with a real feel for time and place'' ***** Reader Review''It was fascinating to see the seeds being planted that will lead to the Nero becoming the tyrant we know through the ancient historians, but told in such a contemporary and accessible way'' ***** Reader Review''An absolutely immersive experience throughout that throws you into the politics of Ancient Rome'' ***** Reader ReviewConn Iggulden, Sunday Times bestseller, June 2023

Objev podobné jako Nero - Conn Iggulden

cena 650.0 Kč

Nero - Conn Iggulden

ANCIENT ROME, AD 37It begins with a man's hand curled around another's throat.Emperor Tiberius first dispatches a traitor.Then his whole family.Next all his friends. It is as if he never existed.THIS IS ROMAN JUSTICE.Into this fevered forum, a child is born.His mother is Agrippina, granddaughter of Emperor Augustus. But their imperial blood is no protection.The closer you are to the heart of the empire, the closer you are to power, intrigue, and danger.She faces soldiers, senators, rivals, silver-tongued pretenders, each vying for position. One mistake risks exile, incarceration, execution. Or, worst of all, the loss of her infant son.For Agrippina knows that opportunity waits, even in your darkest moments.Her son is everything. She can make this boy, shape him into Rome itself - the one all must kneel before.BUT FIRST, THEY MUST SURVIVE . . .This then is the story of Nero's birth and raising under the watchful and scheming eye of his mother Agrippina - a woman every man crossed at his peril.

Objev podobné jako Nero - Conn Iggulden

cena 402.0 Kč

Empire - Conn Iggulden

THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERJOIN PERICLES, THE LION OF ATHENS, ON A JOURNEY TO SECURE THE FATE OF THE ATHENIAN EMPIRE'The master historical storyteller' DAILY EXPRESS'Iggulden draws the Greek world convincingly and he is strongest writing battle scenes' THE TIMES on the Golden Age series'The sights, sounds and smells of Athens bring history to life with gripping brilliance' DAILY MIRROR___________THE GOLDEN AGE OF ATHENS:THE JEWEL IN THE GREEK EMPIREStanding like a colossus over the city is Pericles:politician, general, architect of the city's fortunes.Yet some look on jewels with envy.Forever a threat from the south,Sparta will not kneel to its rival.From their ranks rises a young boy- ruthless, courageous, hungry.Soon he will lead them . . .Pericles is no longer young.His city is divided - against the Spartan threat, against him.Can Athens' most famous son rouse its citizens to war?Will the Lion of Athens roar one final time?------------Praise for the Golden Age Series'Pacy and propulsive. Crackling with energy, violence and stirring speeches' DAILY MAIL'Iggulden draws the Greek world convincingly' THE TIMES'The master historical storyteller. This swords-and-sandals epic brings the ancient world to life' DAILY EXPRESS___________Praise for Conn Iggulden'Pacy and propulsive, cracking with energy, violence and stirring speeches, Iggulden chronicles power struggles, political machinations and the bloodthirsty ravages of up-close combat' DAILY MAIL'Iggulden tells an absolutely cracking story . . . The pace is nail-biting and the set dressing magnificent' THE TIMES

Objev podobné jako Empire - Conn Iggulden

cena 241.0 Kč

Lion - Conn Iggulden

Pericles stands in the shadow of his father: a man who once saved Athens.To make his own name he must prove himself in the liar's den of Athenian politics: pitting wits against friends, sceptics, enemies.But words alone do not make a leader.A force of Persians threatens the city and Pericles must find courage on the battlefield.In its time of need, Athens' warriors must be lions . . .

Objev podobné jako Lion - Conn Iggulden

cena 299.0 Kč

Lev - Conn Iggulden

Vstúpte na bojisko starovekého Grécka v románe bestsellerového autora Conna Igguldena. Doba mýtov a legiend ustúpila svetu mužov, Perikles bol vždy v tieni svojho otca, muža, ktorý kedysi zachránil Atény. Keď nastane čas, aby sa postavil sám za seba, musí sa vrhnúť do klamárskeho brlohu aténskej politiky a vzoprieť sa svojim rivalom, nepriateľom i priateľom. Samotné slová však vodcu nerobia. Za Periklom leží najväčšie mesto starovekého sveta, pred ním, na mori aj súši, neľútostná perzská armáda. Mladý Perikles vie len jedno – pokiaľ chce vyhrať vojnu, musí nastoliť mier. Je čas, aby povstal hrdina a aby sa jeho nepriatelia triasli. A aby Atény, mesto múdrosti a bojovníkov, zažiarili slávou, pretože v čase núdze musia byť aténski bojovníci levmi.

Objev podobné jako Lev - Conn Iggulden

cena 584.0 Kč

Brány Athén - Conn Iggulden

Píše se rok 490 před naším letopočtem. Perský král Dareios se svou armádou se vyloďuje v Řecku s jediným cílem: podrobit si tamní svobodný lid. V cestě mu stojí athénské vojsko, k němuž se připojuje i vojevůdce Xanthippos, vedoucí své muže do bitvy u Marathónu. Její průběh však napovídá, že Řekové mezi sebou mají zrádce, a jeho odhalení má pro Xanthippa nedozírné následky. Peršané navíc s dobyvačnými snahami rozhodně nekončí a o deset let později se schyluje k legendární bitvě u Thermopyl.

Objev podobné jako Brány Athén - Conn Iggulden

cena 491.0 Kč

Válka růží Bouře - Conn Iggulden

Píše se rok 1437 a v Anglii na trůn usedá mladičký Jindřich VI. z rodu Lancasterů. Na rozdíl od otce, který sjednotil anglickou a francouzskou korunu, nevládne pevnou rukou a podle mínění mnohých pánů příliš podléhá svým rádcům. Anglické državy ve Francii jsou v ohrožení, šíří se zvěsti o vzpouře a strach, že král a jeho našeptávači přivedou Anglii ke zkáze. Mračna se stahují a neodvratně se schyluje k bouři, jež navždy poznamená osud království.

Objev podobné jako Válka růží Bouře - Conn Iggulden

cena 357.0 Kč

Brány do Atén - Conn Iggulden

Jeden z najlepších súčasných autorov historickej fikcie Conn Iggulden oživuje vo svojom najnovšom románe Brány do Atén slávnu časť gréckych dejín, keď sa zoči-voči perzskej invázii rozhodovalo o bytí či nebytí Grécka – kolísky európskej civilizácie. V roku 490 pred n. l. vládne v obrovskej perzskej ríši mocný kráľ Dareios. Nik sa mu neodváži postaviť na odpor okrem spurných gréckych mestských štátov, ktoré sa otvorene odmietajú skloniť pred jeho autoritou. Napokon Dareios vypláva s veľkým loďstvom proti Aténam. Aténčania však len krátko predtým zvrhli vládu tyranov, nastolili vo svojom meste demokraciu a za žiadnych okolností nie sú ochotní podriadiť sa svojvôli jedného človeka.Keď Dareiovo vojsko vystúpi na breh na maratónskej pláni neďaleko Atén, čakajú ho šíky na všetko odhodlaných aténskych hoplitov. Nasledujúca bitka rozhodne nielen o osude celého Grécka, ale aj o osude strojcov gréckeho víťazstva – charizmatického Temistokla, múdreho a čestného Aristeida a slávneho vodcu Xantippa.O desať rokov neskôr mieri ku gréckym brehom ďalší perzský kráľ Xerxes, aby pomstil otcovu porážku. Napriek obrovskej vojenskej prevahe na mori i na súši narazí na odpor oveľa menšieho počtu gréckych vojakov odhodlaných bojovať na život a na smrť a ubrániť Termopylský priesmyk aj morskú úžinu pri Salamíne, ktoré chránia vstup do Atén.Bude bojový duch a statočnosť tejto hŕstky stačiť na záchranu slobody a demokracie, hodnôt, ktoré si Gréci cenia viac než vlastný život, alebo ju rozdrvia hordy valiacich sa nepriateľov?

Objev podobné jako Brány do Atén - Conn Iggulden

cena 589.0 Kč

Brány do Atén (Defekt) - Conn Iggulden

Jeden z najlepších súčasných autorov historickej fikcie Conn Iggulden oživuje vo svojom najnovšom románe Brány do Atén slávnu časť gréckych dejín, keď sa zoči-voči perzskej invázii rozhodovalo o bytí či nebytí Grécka – kolísky európskej civilizácie. V roku 490 pred n. l. vládne v obrovskej perzskej ríši mocný kráľ Dareios. Nik sa mu neodváži postaviť na odpor okrem spurných gréckych mestských štátov, ktoré sa otvorene odmietajú skloniť pred jeho autoritou. Napokon Dareios vypláva s veľkým loďstvom proti Aténam. Aténčania však len krátko predtým zvrhli vládu tyranov, nastolili vo svojom meste demokraciu a za žiadnych okolností nie sú ochotní podriadiť sa svojvôli jedného človeka.Keď Dareiovo vojsko vystúpi na breh na maratónskej pláni neďaleko Atén, čakajú ho šíky na všetko odhodlaných aténskych hoplitov. Nasledujúca bitka rozhodne nielen o osude celého Grécka, ale aj o osude strojcov gréckeho víťazstva – charizmatického Temistokla, múdreho a čestného Aristeida a slávneho vodcu Xantippa.O desať rokov neskôr mieri ku gréckym brehom ďalší perzský kráľ Xerxes, aby pomstil otcovu porážku. Napriek obrovskej vojenskej prevahe na mori i na súši narazí na odpor oveľa menšieho počtu gréckych vojakov odhodlaných bojovať na život a na smrť a ubrániť Termopylský priesmyk aj morskú úžinu pri Salamíne, ktoré chránia vstup do Atén.Bude bojový duch a statočnosť tejto hŕstky stačiť na záchranu slobody a demokracie, hodnôt, ktoré si Gréci cenia viac než vlastný život, alebo ju rozdrvia hordy valiacich sa nepriateľov?

Objev podobné jako Brány do Atén (Defekt) - Conn Iggulden

cena 159.0 Kč

Válka růží 4: Drak - Conn Iggulden

Anglie, 1470. Devět let po bitvě u Towtonu se karta obrací a král Eduard musí prchnout i se svým bratrem Richardem do Burgundska. Královskou korunu chce ale za každou cenu získat zpět, nicméně jeho plán na vylodění u anglických břehů je nesmírně riskantní. Hrabě Warwick navíc netouží po ničem jiném než zbavit se Yorků jednou provždy. A na svou příležitost čeká také Jindřich Tudor, který se ve francouzském vyhnanství rozhodne k zásadnímu kroku...

Objev podobné jako Válka růží 4: Drak - Conn Iggulden

cena 384.0 Kč

Brány Athén - Conn Iggulden - e-kniha

eBook: Píše se rok 490 před naším letopočtem. Perský král Dareios se svou armádou se vyloďuje v Řecku s jediným cílem: podrobit si tamní svobodný lid. V cestě mu stojí athénské vojsko, k němuž se připojuje i vojevůdce Xanthippos, vedoucí své muže do bitvy u Marathónu. Její průběh však napovídá, že Řekové mezi sebou mají zrádce, a jeho odhalení má pro Xanthippa nedozírné následky. Peršané navíc s dobyvačnými snahami rozhodně nekončí a o deset let později se schyluje k legendární bitvě u Thermopyl.

Objev podobné jako Brány Athén - Conn Iggulden - e-kniha

cena 389.0 Kč

Vojna ruží: Búrka - Conn Iggulden - e-kniha

eBook: Píše sa rok 1437 a v Anglicku na trón nastupuje mladučký Henrich VI. z rodu Lancasterovcov. Na rozdiel od otca nevládne železnou rukou a kráľovstvom kolujú správy, že sa príliš spolieha na svojich radcov. Anglické dŕžavy vo Francúzsku sú v ohrození, šíria sa zvesti o vzbure a strach, že kráľ a jeho našepkávači privedú Anglicko do skazy. Mračná sa sťahujú a neodvratne sa schyľuje k búrke, ktorá navždy poznamená osud monarchie.

Objev podobné jako Vojna ruží: Búrka - Conn Iggulden - e-kniha

cena 329.0 Kč

Greek Myths: A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys - Nathaniel Hawthorne

Tales of Greek mythology have entertained countless generations of young readers with their accounts of brave heroes and heroines and the marvels and monsters that they encounter. This edition of Greek Myths: A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys features six classic tales written especially for children by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It includes the legends of Pandora and the Box of Troubles, King Midas and the Golden Touch, Perseus and the Medusa, Philemon and Baucis, Bellerophon and Pegasus, and the labors of Hercules, all illustrated magnificently in color by Walter Crane. Greek Myths: A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys is one of Barnes & Noble's Collectible Editions classics for children. It features classic illustrations, an elegant bonded-leather binding, distinctive gilt edging, and a satin-ribbon bookmark. Decorative, durable, and collectible, these books offer hours of pleasure to readers young and old and are an indispensable cornerstone for any home library.

Objev podobné jako Greek Myths: A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys - Nathaniel Hawthorne

cena 536.0 Kč

The Boys' Guide to Growing Up: the best-selling puberty guide for boys - Phil Wilkinson

Bestseller in ''Children''s sex education'' Amazon category in the UK, May 2024"My son said nothing scared him after reading this book and he felt much more comfortable about it all." - online customer review"Do you ever wonder how to start the conversation about the birds and the bees with your child? Well, this book helps you in so many ways! Highly recommend if you''re planning on having that talk soon." - online customer review"Great book, factual, easy to understand and supports parental talks!" - online customer review"It''s a perfect no-nonsense book! Brilliant!" - online customer review"It has all the answers for inquisitive minds." - online customer review"My son is autistic and finds change very hard. This book has helped him to understand the changes that will happen in himself that he can''t control. Bright pictures with accurate details for the body parts. Great book!" - online customer reviewA sensitively written, friendly guide to growing up, specifically aimed at younger boys.A friendly and reassuring guide for boys as they approach puberty, explaining the changes that will happen to their bodies as they grow up and how these changes might make them feel. Covering everything from body hair and vocal changes to mood swings and self-esteem, puberty and parenting expert Phil Wilkinson addresses any worries that boys might have relating to what is ''normal''. He reassures readers and boosts their confidence, encouraging them to feel positive about the changes they will experience as they go through puberty.The Boys'' Guide to Growing Up also includes advice on topics such exercise, healthy eating, shaving, talking about feelings and how puberty affects girls, and has an age-appropriate section on sex and reproduction.Contents include:- What is puberty?- Your puberty timeline- How do hormones work?- The height and weight race- A deeper voice- Spotty skin- Hair, hair, everywhere- The art of shaving- Sweat, smells and personal hygiene- Changes down below- New feelings- Sex explained- Making babies- Keeping your confidence up- Mood swings- Managing your feelings- Healthy eating- The power of exercise- Privacy and your body- Puberty for girls- Girls have worries, too

Objev podobné jako The Boys' Guide to Growing Up: the best-selling puberty guide for boys - Phil Wilkinson

cena 266.0 Kč

The Little Instruction Book for Retirement - Kate Freeman

It''s time to celebrate the end of an era - and the start of a whole new one! Ah, retirement - from here on out it''s all lazy lie-ins, pleasant afternoons in the garden (or the garden centre), long lunches with friends and evenings spent in a comfy chair in front of the fire, right? Wrong! Welcome to a world where you''re halfway to the office before you realize you don''t work there any more, you somehow seem to have even less free time than before to do all the things you need to do, and suddenly daytime TV seems a whole lot more appealing than it ever used to... This indispensable handbook, packed with amusing illustrations, is here to guide you through the pleasures and pitfalls of being retired. Most importantly, though, it''ll teach you how to how to make sure you always get a decent afternoon nap. This book is perfect gift for retirees, offering tongue-in-cheek advice on how to make the most of their new-found freedom.

Objev podobné jako The Little Instruction Book for Retirement - Kate Freeman

cena 236.0 Kč

Worlds of Wonder: A Colouring Book for the Curious (1529107393)

Kniha - 80 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako Worlds of Wonder: A Colouring Book for the Curious (1529107393)

cena 413.0 Kč

The Art Book for Children - Gilda Williams, Amanda Renshaw, Ferren Gipson

As seen in The Wall Street Journal, WSJ. Magazine, Guardian, and The Times UK''A perfect introduction to art for parents and children to enjoy together.'' – GuardianA brand-new combined, revised, and expanded edition of the ground-breaking, iconic art book series for children – perfect for readers aged 7-12 Two decades ago, Phaidon published the first volume in The Art Book for Children series (adapted especially for children from Phaidon’s iconic The Art Book), which quickly became beloved by children and parents the world over. To share its legacy with a new generation of readers, this combined, updated, and expanded edition pairs a selection of ‘best of’ artists from the original series with 30 brand-new contemporary entries. This single volume features 60 artists through a wide range of large-scale, full-page reproductions of their artworks, including paintings, photographs, sculptures, video, prints, and installations from across time and space. Each page showcases defining artworks by the artists, combined with an interactive and informative conversation, giving relatable and memorable contexts for children, and inspiring a curiosity and appreciation for the Visual Arts that will continue into adulthood. With a fresh new design, this book both features the ‘best of’ from the original two volumes, plus new entries, specially selected in collaboration with art historian and writer, Ferren Gipson. Ages 7-12

Objev podobné jako The Art Book for Children - Gilda Williams, Amanda Renshaw, Ferren Gipson

cena 589.0 Kč

Telling the Time Activity Book for Ages 5-7 - CGP Books

Fun and engaging practice for supporting your child''s learning at home. Perfectly matched to the National Curriculum – from CGP, the Primary experts!A fun, colourful Activity Book packed with charming characters and engaging activities. It's ideal for introducing your child to telling the time, and learning about the days, weeks and months of the year! We've explained everything in easy-to-understand language with loads of colourful diagrams - your child will be time-wiz before you know it! Each topic is covered by a range of activities - all designed to help that time-telling knowledge really stick. We’ve also thrown in a selection of exciting puzzles so your child can apply their Maths skills in a different context. Answers can be found at the back of the book.

Objev podobné jako Telling the Time Activity Book for Ages 5-7 - CGP Books

cena 118.0 Kč

The Christmas Joke Book for Funny Kids - Pinder Andrew, Imogen Currell-Williams

A new title in the ‘Buster Laugh-a-lot’ series and an ideal stocking filler, this hilarious collection has hundreds of jolly jokes for funny kids to share at Christmas.Who delivers presents to baby sharks at Christmas?Santa Jaws.What do you call an elf who has just won the lottery?Welfy.How does Rudolph know when Christmas is coming?He looks at his calen-deer.Stuffed full of festive fun, this book has over 300 Christmas jokes, including cracking one-liners, silly puns, tongue twisters, knock knocks and much more. Designed to be easy to read with wonderfully silly illustrations for extra laughs, this hilarious collection will keep jokers entertained for hours over Christmas. Also available in the 'Buster Laugh-a-lot' series:9781780556260 Jokes for Funny Kids: 6 Year Olds9781780556246 Jokes for Funny Kids: 7 Year Olds 9781780556253 Jokes for Funny Kids: 8 Year Olds9781780557168 The Jumbo Joke Book for Funny Kids

Objev podobné jako The Christmas Joke Book for Funny Kids - Pinder Andrew, Imogen Currell-Williams

cena 148.0 Kč

MS 101 Hits For Ukulele (The Red Book)

Noty pro ukulele Publikace nabízí 101 slavných hitů v úpravách pro ukulele. Jedná se o skutečný průřez jednotlivými obdobími a hudebními styly populární hudby, takže si své oblíbené skladby najde každý hráč, popř. objeví v adaptacích pro ukulele kouzlo skladeb, které ho dosud neoslovily. Melodickou linku písní doprovází texty a akordové doprovody se znázorněnými prstoklady. Obsah: (Sittin‘ On) The Dock Of The Bay [Otis Redding] A New England [Bragg, Billy] A Rainy Night In Soho [Pogues, The] All I Have To Do Is Dream [Everly Brothers, The] American Girl [Petty, Tom] Baby Can I Hold You [Chapman, Tracy] Back For Good [Take That] Band On The Run [Paul McCartney & Wings] Beautiful Noise [Diamond, Neil] Beggin' [Four Seasons, The] Chasing Pavements [Adele] Could You Be Loved [Bob Marley & The Wailers] Counting Stars [OneRepublic] Crazy [Gnarls Barkley] Creep [Radiohead] Dear Mr. Fantasy [Traffic] Distant Sun [Crowded House] Don't Worry Baby [Beach Boys, The] Downtown Train [Waits, Tom] Dream A Little Dream Of Me [Mamas And The Papas, The] Drive [Cars, The] Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic [Police, The] Everywhere [Fleetwood Mac] Get It On [T. Rex] Get Lucky [Daft Punk] Get Rhythm [Cash, Johnny] Ghost Town [Specials, The] Give A Little Bit [Supertramp] Gloria [Them] Happy [Williams, Pharrell] Hard To Handle [Redding, Otis] Heaven [Adams, Bryan] Help! [Beatles, The] Here Comes Your Man [Pixies, The] Here With Me [Dido] Hey, Good Lookin' [Williams, Hank] Ho Hey [Lumineers, The] Homeward Bound [Simon & Garfunkel] How Long Will I Love You [Goulding, Ellie] Human [Killers, The] I Want You [Dylan, Bob] I Will Wait [Mumford & Sons] In The Ghetto [Presley, Elvis] Israelites [Dekker, Desmond] It's A Sin [Pet Shop Boys] Jealous Guy [Lennon, John] Jive Talkin' [Bee Gees, The] Jolene [Parton, Dolly] Just Can't Get Enough [Depeche Mode] Lean On Me [Withers, Bill] Let's Stay Together [Green, Al] Linger [Cranberries, The] Little Red Rooster [Rolling Stones, The] Lola [Kinks, The] Love Is The Drug [Roxy Music] Love Will Tear Us Apart [Joy Division] Miss Misery [Smith, Elliott] Mr Blue Sky (ELO) New York, New York [Adams, Ryan] Oliver's Army [Costello, Elvis] Pompeii [Bastille] Put Your Records On [Bailey Rae, Corinne] Red Morning Light [Kings Of Leon] Ride A White Swan [T. Rex] Royals [Lorde] Rude [Magic!] S.O.S. [Abba] Sail Away [Gray, David] Scarborough Fair [Traditional] Sisters Of Mercy [Cohen, Leonard] Smile [Allen, Lily] Space Oddity [Bowie, David] Streets Of London [Mctell, Ralph] Substitute [Who, The] Sugar Man [Rodriguez] Sunny Afternoon [Kinks, The] Tainted Love [Soft Cell] Teach Your Children [Crosby Stills, Nash & Young] That's Entertainment [Jam, The] The A Team [Sheeran, Ed] The First Cut Is The Deepest [Stevens, Cat] the harder they come [Cliff, Jimmy] The Lovecats [Cure, The] The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore [Walker Brothers, The] There She Goes [La’s, The] Time Is On My Side [Rolling Stones, The] Tom Traubert's Blues (Four Sheets To The Wind In Copenhagen) [Waits, Tom] Trouble [LaMontagne, Ray] Turn! Turn! Turn! [Byrds, The] Unchained Melody [Righteous Brothers, The] Video Games [Del Ray, Lana] Vincent (Starry, Starry Night) [Mclean, Don] Viva La Vida [Coldplay] Wake Me Up [Avicii] Walk Away Renee [Left Banke, The] Waterloo [Abba] Why Does It Always Rain On Me [Travis] Wind Of Change [Scorpions, The] You Can Get It If You Really Want [Cliff, Jimmy] You Do Something To Me [Weller, Paul] You've Got To Hide Your Love Away [Beatles, The]

Objev podobné jako MS 101 Hits For Ukulele (The Red Book)

cena 599.0 Kč

The Big Book of PRAGUE for Little Storytellers

Knihy, ve kterých se to obrázky jen hemží - ukrývají spousty příběhů! Oblíbený a osvědčený základní "stavební kámen" každé dětské knihovničky. Ještě neumíte číst písmenka? Obrázky však umíte "číst" určitě!

Objev podobné jako The Big Book of PRAGUE for Little Storytellers

cena 223.0 Kč

The School for Good and Evil (The School for Good and Evil, Book 1) - Soman Chainani

THE SCHOOL FOR GOOD AND EVIL will soon be a major motion picture from Netflix, starring Academy Award winner Charlize Theron, Kerry Washington, Laurence Fishburne, Michelle Yeoh, Cate Blanchett, and many more! A beautiful Collector's Edition of the first in the bestselling School for Good and Evil series - perfect for gifting! Best friends Sophie and Agatha have been chosen to be students at the fabled School for Good and Evil, where ordinary boys and girls are trained to become fairy-tale heroes and villains. One will train for Good, taking classes in Princess Etiquette and Animal Communication. One will become Evil's new hope: learning Uglification and Death Curses.Sophie and Agatha think they know where they belong, but when they are swept into the Endless Woods, they're switched into the opposite schools. Together they'll discover who they really are and what they are capable of. Because the only way out of a fairy tale .. . is to live through it.

Objev podobné jako The School for Good and Evil (The School for Good and Evil, Book 1) - Soman Chainani

cena 499.0 Kč

The Battle for Roar (The Land of Roar series, Book 3) - Jenny McLachlan

The final book in the epic and bestselling children's fantasy series that will make you believe in magic ... Perfect for fans of Cressida Cowell's How to Train Your Dragon, Michelle Harrison's A Pinch of Magic, as well as classic children's fantasy adventures, Narnia and Jumanji. Rose and Arthur are back in Roar, on a voyage that takes them further than they've ever been before: beyond The End.It's an amazing adventure - full of secrets, surprises and fairies with fangs - but then a mysterious storm changes everything. Shipwrecked on a strange island, they make a shocking discovery ... Could this be the end of Roar? Jenny McLachlan is the author of several acclaimed teen novels including Flirty Dancing, Stargazing for Beginners and Truly, Wildly, Deeply.Before Jenny became a writer, she was Head of English in a secondary school; she now loves visiting schools as an author and delivering funny and inspiring talks and workshops. The Land of Roar series is Jenny's debut for readers of 8-12. Ben Mantle began his illustration career early, picking up his first award in a local library colouring-in competition aged seven.Ben has illustrated a number of children's books and is the creator of the award-winning The Best Birthday Present Ever! . Ben lives and works in Brighton.

Objev podobné jako The Battle for Roar (The Land of Roar series, Book 3) - Jenny McLachlan

cena 236.0 Kč

MS The Little Black Book Of Beatles Songs For Ukulele

Noty pro ukulele LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF BEATLES SONGS FOR UKULELE Zpěvníky z edice Little Black Book obsahují texty a akordy k desítkám populárních skladeb. Tato verze těchto zpěvníků kapesní velikosti představuje ty největší hity The Beatles v aranžmá pro ukulele – a to celkem 185 skladeb.

Objev podobné jako MS The Little Black Book Of Beatles Songs For Ukulele

cena 509.0 Kč

MS The Little Black Book Of Hit Songs For Ukulele

Noty pro ukulele LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF HIT SONGS FOR UKULELE Zpěvníky z edice Little Black Book obsahují texty a akordy k desítkám populárních skladeb. Tato verze těchto zpěvníků kapesní velikosti představuje ty největší hity v aranžmá pro ukulele. Seznam skladeb: 1234 [Feist] A Pair Of Brown Eyes [Pogues, The] A Well Respected Man [Kinks, The] Across The Universe [Beatles, The] All Or Nothing [Small Faces] Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) [Lennon, John] Between The Bars [Smith, Elliott] Bird On The Wire [Cohen, Leonard] Blaze Of Glory [Bon Jovi, Jon] Born Free [Monro, Matt] Bye Bye Love [Everly Brothers, The] Can’t Keep It In [Stevens, Cat] Candle In The Wind [John, Elton] Can't Get You Out Of My Head [Kylie] Crazy [Barkley, Gnarls] Crazy Crazy Nights [Kiss] Creeque Alley [Mamas & The Papas, The] Do You Believe In Magic [Lovin' Spoonful, The] Do You Realize?? [Flaming Lips, The] Don't Stop [Fleetwood Mac] Don't Stop Believin' [Journey] Empire State Of Mind (Part II) [Keys, Alicia] Eye Of The Tiger [Survivor] Flowers On The Wall [Statler Brothers, The] Games People Play [South, Joe] God Put A Smile Upon Your Face [Coldplay] Gold Dust Woman [Fleetwood Mac] Golden Touch [Razorlight] Guitar Man [Presley, Elvis] Have A Nice Day [Stereophonics] Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman? [Adams, Bryan] He’ll Have To Go [Reeves, Jim] Here She Comes Now [Velvet Underground, The] Highway To Hell [Ac/Dc] I Have A Dream [Abba] I’ll Have To Say I Love You In A Song [Croce, Jim] I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry [Williams, Hank] In My Room [Beach Boys, The] In The Summertime [Jerry, Mungo] It’s A Heartache [Tyler, Bonnie] Life Is A Long Song [Tull, Jethro] Love In Vain [Rolling Stones, The] Love Of The Common People [Thomas, Nicky] Maggie’s Farm [Dylan, Bob] Magic Bus [Who, The] Make You Feel My Love [Adele] Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard [Simon, Paul] Mellow Yellow [Donovan] More Than A Feeling [Boston] Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) [Florence & The Machine] Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head [Thomas, Billy Joe] Raspberry Beret [Prince And The Revolution] Rawhide [Laine, Frankie] Rock Island Line [Lonnie Donegan Skiffle Group, The] Roxanne [Police, The] Save The Last Dance For Me [Drifters, The] She’s About A Mover [Sir Douglas Quintet] Should I Stay Or Should I Go [Clash, The] Singing The Blues [Mitchell, Guy] Stand By Me [King, Ben E] Sultans Of Swing [Dire Straits] Summertime Blues [Cochran, Eddie] Sweet Caroline [Diamond, Neil] Sweet Home Alabama [Lynyrd Skynyrd] Teach Your Children [Crosby Stills, Nash & Young] That’ll Be The Day [Crickets, The] The Dolphins [Buckley, Tim] The Winner Takes It All [Abba] Three Little Birds [Bob Marley And The Wailers] Toxic [Spears, Britney] Train In Vain [Clash, The] Use Somebody [Kings of Leon] Video Games [Del Ray, Lana] Viva La Vida [Coldplay] White Rabbit [Airplane, Jefferson] Who Knows Where The Time Goes? [Fairport Convention] Wichita Lineman [Campbell, Glen] Writing To Reach You [Travis] Yakety Yak [Coasters, The]

Objev podobné jako MS The Little Black Book Of Hit Songs For Ukulele

cena 490.0 Kč

MS The Little Black Book Of Acoustic Songs For Ukulele

Noty pro ukulele LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF ACOUSTIC SONGS FOR UKULELE Zpěvníky z edice Little Black Book obsahují texty a akordy k desítkám populárních skladeb. Tato verze těchto zpěvníků kapesní velikosti představuje ty největší hity v aranžmá pro ukulele. Seznam skladeb: 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover [Simon, Paul] A Day In The Life [The Beatles] A Good Year For The Roses [Jones, George] American Pie [McLean, Don] Angie [The Rolling Stones] Army Dreamers [Bush, Kate] Babylon [Gray, David] Blue Jeans [Del Rey, Lana] Boulder To Birmingham [Harris, Emmylou] Broken Strings [Morrison, James] [Furtado, Nelly] Brothers In Arms [Dire Straits] Chasing Cars [Snow Patrol] Come On Eileen [Dexy’s Midnight Runners] Cosmic Dancer [T. Rex] Coyote [Mitchell, Joni] Cracklin’ Rosie [Diamond, Neil] Dog Days Are Over [Florence + The Machine] Dress Sexy At My Funeral [Smog] End Of A Century [Blur] Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall [Coldplay] Everyday [Buddy Holly] First We Take Manhattan [Cohen, Leonard] Fisherman’s Blues [The Waterboys] Forever Autumn [Hayward, Justin] Get Lucky [Daft Punk] Go Your Own Way [Fleetwood Mac] God Only Knows[The Beach Boys] Hickory Wind [Parsons, Gram] Ho Hey [The Lumineers] Holes [Mercury Rev] I Forgot To Remember To Forget [Cash, Johnny] I Say A Little Prayer [Franklin, Aretha] I’ll See You In My Dreams [Brown, Joe] If I Were A Carpenter [Darin, Bobby] In The Country [Cliff Richard & The Shadows] Ivy & Gold [Bombay Bicycle Club] Je T'aime… Moi Non Plus [Serge Gainsbourg & Jane Birkin] Just The Two Of Us [Withers, Bill] Killing Me Softly [The Fugees] Lay, Lady, Lay [Dylan, Bob] Let Her Go [Passenger] Let It Grow [Clapton, Eric] Life On Mars?[Bowie, David] Lightning Bolt [Bugg, Jake] Livin’ Thing [Electric Light Orchestra] Lola [The Kinks] Lost Cause [Beck] Love Is Easy[McFly] Lust For Life[Pop, Iggy] More Than Words[Extreme] Nothing Else Matters [Metallica] One Way [The Levellers] Over The Rainbow/What A Wonderful World [Kamakawiwo’ole, Israel] Pinball Wizard [The Who] S.O.S. [Abba] Satellite Of Love[Reed, Lou] She Said [Plan B] Someone Like You [Adele] Sugar Man [Rodriguez] Suspicion [Presley, Elvis] The Boy With The Thorn In His Side [The Smiths] The Lazy Song [Mars, Bruno] The Lovecats [The Cure] Theme from 'Shaft' [Hayes, Isaac] There She Goes [The La’s] Tiptoe Through The Tulips With Me [Tiny Tim] Tonight You Belong To Me [Vedder, Eddie] [Power, Cat] Wagon Wheel [Old Crow Medicine Show] We Are The People [Empire Of The Sun] We Have All The Time In The World[Armstrong, Louis] Weather With You [Crowded House] While My Guitar Gently Weeps [The Beatles] Whiskey In The Jar [Thin Lizzy] Winter Winds [Mumford & Sons] You Always Hurt The One You Love (from ‘Blue Valentine’) [Gosling, Ryan] You Wear It Well [Stewart, Rod]

Objev podobné jako MS The Little Black Book Of Acoustic Songs For Ukulele

cena 416.0 Kč

The Book of Symbols - Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism

The Book of Symbols combines original and incisive essays about particular symbols with representative images from all parts of the world and all eras of history. The highly readable texts and over 800 beautiful full-color images come together in a unique way to convey hidden dimensions of meaning. Each of the c. 350 essays examines a given symbol’s psychic background, and how it evokes psychic processes and dynamics. Etymological roots, the play of opposites, paradox and shadow, the ways in which diverse cultures have engaged a symbolic image—all these factors are taken into consideration.Authored by writers from the fields of psychology, religion, art, literature, and comparative myth, the essays flow into each other in ways that mirror the psyche’s unexpected convergences. There are no pat definitions of the kind that tend to collapse a symbol; a still vital symbol remains partially unknown, compels our attention and unfolds in new meanings and manifestations over time. Rather than merely categorize, The Book of Symbols illuminates how to move from the visual experience of a symbolic image in art, religion, life, or dreams, to directly experiencing its personal and psychological resonance.

Objev podobné jako The Book of Symbols - Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism

cena 849.0 Kč

MS The Little Black Book Of Great Songs For Ukulele

Noty pro ukulele LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF GREAT SONGS FOR UKULELE Zpěvníky z edice Little Black Book obsahují texty a akordy k desítkám populárních skladeb. Tato verze těchto zpěvníků kapesní velikosti představuje ty největší hity v aranžmá pro ukulele. Seznam skladeb: 5 Years Time [Noah & The Whale] Ain't No Sunshine [Withers, Bill] Alison [Costello, Elvis] All Along The Watchtower [Hendrix, Jimi] Always On My Mind [Presley, Elvis] America [Razorlight] Angels [Williams, Robbie] Better Together [Johnson, Jack] Bigmouth Strikes Again [Smiths, The] Both Sides Now [Mitchell, Joni] Boys Don't Cry [Cure, The] Bright Side Of The Road [Van Morrison] Can't Help Falling In Love [Williams, Andy] Crazy [Cline, Patsy] Crippled Inside [Lennon, John] Daniel [John, Elton] Daydream [Lovin' Spoonful, The] Dream Catch Me [Faulkner, Newton] Dreams [Fleetwood Mac] Every Breath You Take [Police, The] Free Bird [Lynyrd Skynyrd] Give A Little Bit [Supertramp] Golden Brown [Stranglers, The] Good People [Johnson, Jack] Have I Told You Lately [Van Morrison] Here Comes Your Man [Pixies, The] Here, There And Everywhere [Beatles, The] Homeward Bound [Simon & Garfunkel] I Don't Want To Talk About It [Everything But The Girl] I Walk The Line [Cash, Johnny] If You Could Read My Mind [Lightfoot, Gordon] I'm A Believer [Monkees, The] I'm Yours [Mraz, Jason] Love Is All Around [Wet Wet Wet] Maggie May [Stewart, Rod] Many Rivers To Cross [Cliff, Jimmy] Marrakesh Express [Crosby, Stills & Nash] Mr. Tambourine Man [Byrds, The] New York, New York [Adams, Ryan] Oh, Pretty Woman [Orbison, Roy] Other Side Of The World [Tunstall, KT] Perfect Skin [Cole, Lloyd] Poker Face [Lady Gaga] Price Tag [Jessie J] Rolling In The Deep [Adele] Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To Town [Rogers, Kenny] Run [Snow Patrol] Sloop John B [Beach Boys, The] Somewhere In My Heart [Aztec Camera] Starman [Bowie, David] Stuck In The Middle With You [Stealers Wheel] Sunday Morning [Velvet Underground, The] Suzanne [Cohen, Leonard] Sweetest Thing [U2] That's Entertainment [Jam, The] The Boxer [Simon And Garfunkel] The Cave [Mumford & Sons] The Day We Caught The Train [Ocean Colour Scene] The First Cut Is The Deepest [Stevens, Cat] The Power Of Love [Frankie Goes To Hollywood] The Scientist [Coldplay] The Sound Of Silence [Simon And Garfunkel] The Weight [Band, The] Try A Little Tenderness [Redding, Otis] Unchained Melody [Righteous Brothers, The] Waiting In Vain [Marley, Bob] Waltz #2 (Xo) [Smith, Elliott] What's Up [4 Non Blondes] Where Did You Sleep Last Night? [Nirvana] Who'll Stop The Rain [Creedence Clearwater Revival] Why Does It Always Rain On Me? [Travis] Will You? [O'connor, Hazel] Wonderful Tonight [Clapton, Eric] Wuthering Heights [Bush, Kate] Yellow [Coldplay] You Do Something To Me [Weller, Paul] Your Cheatin' Heart [Williams, Hank] You've Got To Hide Your Love Away [Oasis]

Objev podobné jako MS The Little Black Book Of Great Songs For Ukulele

cena 469.0 Kč

The State Of Affairs : Rethinking Infidelity - a book for anyone who has ever loved - Esther Perelová

Is there such a thing as an affair-proof marriage? Is it possible to love more than one person at once? Why do people cheat? Can an affair ever help a marriage?Infidelity is the ultimate betrayal. But does it have to be? Relationship therapist Esther Perel examines why people cheat, and unpacks why affairs are so traumatic; because they threaten our emotional security. In infidelity, she sees something unexpected - an expression of longing and loss.A must-read for anyone who has ever cheated or been cheated on, or who simply wants a new framework for understanding relationships.

Objev podobné jako The State Of Affairs : Rethinking Infidelity - a book for anyone who has ever loved - Esther Perelová

cena 268.0 Kč

Beastie Boys Book (057130804X)

Kniha - autor Michael Diamond; Adam Horovitz, 592 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Number One New York Times Best Seller A panoramic experience that tells the story of Beastie Boys, a book as unique as the band itself - by band members ADROCK and Mike D, with contributions from Amy Poehler, Colson Whitehead, Wes Anderson, Luc Sante, and more. The inspiration for the Spike Jonze "live documentary" Beastie Boys Story, coming soon to IMAX theaters and Apple TV+ Named One of The Best Books of the Year by Rolling Stone The Guardian Paste Formed as a New York City hardcore band in 1981, Beastie Boys struck an unlikely path to global hip hop superstardom. Here is their story, told for the first time in the words of the band. Adam "ADROCK" Horovitz and Michael "Mike D" Diamond offer revealing and very funny accounts of their transition from teenage punks to budding rappers; their early collaboration with Russell Simmons and Rick Rubin; the debut album...

Objev podobné jako Beastie Boys Book (057130804X)

cena 880.0 Kč

The Communication Book: 44 Ideas for Better Conversations Every Day (0241982286)

Kniha - autor Mikael Krogerus; Roman Tschäppeler, 208 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá The authors of the international bestseller The Decision Book teach us how to communicate better at work and in everyday life. The internationally bestselling duo Mikael Krogerus and Roman Tschäppeler have tested the 44 most important communication theories - from Aristotle's thoughts on presenting through Proust on asking questions to the Harvard Negotiation Project - for their practicality in daily business life. In The Communication Book they distil them into a single volume that in their winning way turns seemingly difficult ideas into clear and entertaining diagrams. From running better meetings and improving the conversations in your head to brushing up on your listening skills and small talk, the pair masterfully fuses theoretical knowledge and business advice with humour and practicality. With sections on work, the self, relationships and language, they show...

Objev podobné jako The Communication Book: 44 Ideas for Better Conversations Every Day (0241982286)

cena 279.0 Kč

Different for Boys - Patrick Ness

Anthony “Ant” Stevenson isn’t sure when he stopped being a virgin. Or even if he has. The rules aren’t always very clear when it comes to boys who like boys. In fact, relationships of all kinds feel complicated, even with Ant’s oldest friends. There’s Charlie, who’s both virulently homophobic and in a secret physical relationship with Ant. Then there’s drama kid Jack, who may be gay and has become the target of Charlie’s rage. And, of course, there’s big, beautiful Freddie, who wants Ant to ditch soccer, Charlie’s sport, and try out for the rugby team instead. Ant’s story of loneliness and intimacy, of unexpected support and heart-ripping betrayal, is told forthrightly with tongue-in-cheek black-bar redactions over the language that teenagers would actually use if, you know, they weren’t in a story. Award-winning author Patrick Ness explores teen sexuality, friendship, and romance with a deft hand in this structurally daring, illustrated short novel.

Objev podobné jako Different for Boys - Patrick Ness

cena 294.0 Kč

The Flower Book: A Celebration of Gorgeous Flowers for Your Home - Siegfried

A celebration of gorgeous flowers for your home and the ideal gift for those who love giving, receiving, and arranging flowers. Flower farmer and floral designer Rachel Siegfried celebrates, bloom by bloom, the loveliest flowers for the home, with beautiful close-up photography that reveals the flowers' intricate colours, shapes, and textures. She takes you through the seasons, from spring tulips to summer sweet peas and autumn dahlias, recommending how to select the best flowers, keep them fresh at home, and display each one to celebrate its natural beauty. Her vintage-style flower arrangements are inspired by her love of the English country garden and the hedgerows around her Oxfordshire flower farm. The Flower Book is a gift, as beautiful as a flower bouquet, but it will last forever. Embrace the beauty of locally grown flowers and be inspired by Rachel's natural, rustic designs.

Objev podobné jako The Flower Book: A Celebration of Gorgeous Flowers for Your Home - Siegfried

cena 707.0 Kč

The Big Book of PRAGUE for Little Storytellers (978-80-87034-43-9)

Kniha - 10 stran, anglicky, leporela Knihy, ve kterých se to obrázky jen hemží - ukrývají spousty příběhů! Oblíbený a osvědčený základní "stavební kámen" každé dětské knihovničky. Ještě neumíte číst písmenka? Obrázky však umíte "číst" určitě!

Objev podobné jako The Big Book of PRAGUE for Little Storytellers (978-80-87034-43-9)

cena 179.0 Kč

The River Cafe Look Book, Recipes for Kids of all Ages - Ruth Rogers

The first children's cookbook from London's iconic and world renowned River Cafe - a collection of 50 fresh and playful recipes for kids to cook and for everyone to enjoyThis highly anticipated, child-friendly cookbook comes direct from the kitchen of the iconic and beloved Michelin-star restaurant River Cafe on the banks of the Thames in London. Its fabulous recipes bring the warmth, beauty, and sumptuous ease of Italian family home-cooking to kids of all levels of kitchen expertise, introducing inventive garden-fresh meals such as Smashed Broad Bean Bruschetta, Fusilli Zucchini, and Grilled Peaches as well as classics such as Carbonara and Focaccia. With engaging combinations of ingredients and images bursting with natural produce, this brightly-coloured warm and friendly book encourages young readers to connect with their food - and to get messy in the kitchen!

Objev podobné jako The River Cafe Look Book, Recipes for Kids of all Ages - Ruth Rogers

cena 797.0 Kč

Paw Patrol - PAW Patrol Telling The Time Activity Book: Get set for school!

Learn with the PAW Patrol pups! Help your little learner get ready to go, go, go with this colourful PAW Patrol activity book. Children are introduced to telling the time alongside their loveable and playful PAW Patrol friends. Introduces time words, analogue clocks and digital clocks to childrenLook out for the badge awarded at the end of the bookIdeal for pre-schoolers getting ready for school Children will be on a roll in no time!

Objev podobné jako Paw Patrol - PAW Patrol Telling The Time Activity Book: Get set for school!

cena 99.0 Kč

A Riddle for a King (Times Children’s Book of the Week, from the bestselling author of the Etymologicon) - Mark Forsyth

An exciting adventure, filled with magic, fun, friendships and weird and wonderful creatures! The story introduces readers to some brain-bendy puzzles and might just convince you that up is down and down is up...

Objev podobné jako A Riddle for a King (Times Children’s Book of the Week, from the bestselling author of the Etymologicon) - Mark Forsyth

cena 236.0 Kč

The Communication Book: 50 Ideas for Better Conversations Every Day - Mikael Krogerus, Roman Tschäppeler

The authors of the international bestseller The Decision Book teach us how to communicate better at work and in everyday lifeThe internationally bestselling duo Mikael Krogerus and Roman Tschappeler have tested the 44 most important communication theories - from Aristotle's thoughts on presenting through Proust on asking questions to the Harvard Negotiation Project - for their practicality in daily business life. In The Communication Book they distil them into a single volume that in their winning way turns seemingly difficult ideas into clear and entertaining diagrams.From running better meetings and improving the conversations in your head to brushing up on your listening skills and small talk, the pair masterfully fuses theoretical knowledge and business advice with humour and practicality. With sections on work, the self, relationships and language, they show that we can improve not only what we communicate, but how we do so.Whether you're a CEO or starting out - or want to improve your relationships at home - this smartly-illustrated and compact guide will improve your communication skills and help you form more meaningful connections at work, while smiling too.

Objev podobné jako The Communication Book: 50 Ideas for Better Conversations Every Day - Mikael Krogerus, Roman Tschäppeler

cena 268.0 Kč

Criminology Book Two for the WJEC Level 3 Applied Diploma - Annie Townend, Rob Webb

Endorsed by the WJEC Eduqas exam board as providing high quality support for students studying for the Level 3 Applied Diploma in Criminology, this updated new edition of Criminology Book Two provides everything students need for success.

Objev podobné jako Criminology Book Two for the WJEC Level 3 Applied Diploma - Annie Townend, Rob Webb

cena 650.0 Kč

The Painter´s Daughters: The award-winning debut novel selected for BBC Radio 2 Book Club - Howes Emily

SELECTED FOR THE BBC RADIO 2 BOOK CLUBWINNER OF THE MSLEXIA NOVEL COMPETITION'Beautifully written . . .I raced through it' HILARY MANTEL'As exquisitely and tenderly rendered as a Gainsborough painting' TRACY CHEVALIER'A wonderfully powerful and haunting novel with a hugely gripping plot' DEBORAH MOGGACH1759, Ipswich. Sisters Peggy and Molly Gainsborough are the best of friends and do everything together. They spy on their father as he paints, they rankle their mother as she manages the books, they tear barefoot through the muddy fields that surround their home.But there is another reason they are inseparable: from a young age, Molly has had a tendency to forget who she is, to fall into mental confusion, and Peggy knows instinctively that no one must find out.When the family move to Bath, the sisters are thrown into the whirl of polite society, where the merits of marriage and codes of behaviour are crystal clear, and secrets much harder to keep. As Peggy goes to greater lengths to protect her sister from the threat of an asylum, she finds herself falling in love, and their precarious situation is soon thrown catastrophically off course. The discovery of a betrayal forces Peggy to question all she has done for Molly - and whether any one person can truly change the fate of another.

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Criminology Book One for the WJEC Level 3 Applied Certificate & Diploma - Annie Townend, Rob Webb

Endorsed by the WJEC Eduqas exam board as providing high quality support for students studying for the Level 3 Applied Certificate or Diploma in Criminology, this updated new edition of Criminology Book One provides everything students need for success.

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