Rise of empire : the riyria revelations - michael j. sullivan

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Rise Of Empire : The Riyria Revelations - Michael J. Sullivan


The birth of the Nyphron Empire has brought war to Melengar. To save her kingdom, Princess Arista runs a desperate gamble when she defies her brother and hires Royce and Hadrian to perform a dangerous mission behind the enemy's lines. As the power of the Nyphron Empire grows, so does Royce's suspicion that the wizard Esrahaddon is using the thieves as pawns in his own shadowy struggle for power. To find the truth, he must unravel the secret of Hadrian's past. What he discovers leads the thieves to the ends of the world on a journey amid treachery and betrayals, forcing Hadrian to face a past he hoped never to see again. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Rise Of Empire : The Riyria Revelations - Michael J. Sullivan , Empire of the vampire: empire of the vampire (1) (0008350442)

Rise Of Empire : The Riyria Revelations (Defekt) - Michael J. Sullivan


The birth of the Nyphron Empire has brought war to Melengar. To save her kingdom, Princess Arista runs a desperate gamble when she defies her brother and hires Royce and Hadrian to perform a dangerous mission behind the enemy's lines. As the power of the Nyphron Empire grows, so does Royce's suspicion that the wizard Esrahaddon is using the thieves as pawns in his own shadowy struggle for power. To find the truth, he must unravel the secret of Hadrian's past. What he discovers leads the thieves to the ends of the world on a journey amid treachery and betrayals, forcing Hadrian to face a past he hoped never to see again. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Rise Of Empire : The Riyria Revelations (Defekt) - Michael J. Sullivan , Empire of pain: the secret history of the sackler dynasty (1529063078)

Percepliquis - Michael J. Sullivan

Percepliquis - Michael J. Sullivan

Vše k tomu směřovalo… Elfové překročili řeku Nidwalden. O budoucnosti rozhodnou dva zloději… "Zahlédla jsem dlouhou cestu. Po té tě povede ta, jež nese světlo. Ta pouť vede hluboko pod zem a do zoufalství. Povedou tě hlasy mrtvých. Vrátíš se v čase. Tři tisíce let stará bitva znovu vzplane. Chlad se chce zmocnit světa, smrt si jde pro všechny a volba je na tobě. Ty jediný můžeš zachovat rovnováhu, ty nakloníš váhy, ale není jasné, na kterou stranu. Musíš volit mezi světlem a tmou a tvá volba mnohé ovlivní." Tenkinská věštkyně Fan Irlanu.br> Percepliquis je závěrečný svazek fantasy série Dobrodružství Riyria, ságy, na jejímž počátku byli dva zloději polapeni na nesprávném místě ve správný čas a tím vrženi do víru událostí, jež stále gradují a nakonec vedou k tomuto okamžiku. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Percepliquis - Michael J. Sullivan , Night trains: the rise and fall of the sleeper (1781255598)

Smaragdová bouře - Michael J. Sullivan

Smaragdová bouře - Michael J. Sullivan

Bývalý žoldnéř Hadrian Blackwater se vydává na dobrodružnou pouť po širém moři, aby našel ztraceného Novronova Dědice. Jediná naděje spočívá v tom, že se postaví bezohlednému a vychytralému Merrrickovi Mariusovi. V obavě, že se přítel nedokáže tohoto úkolu zhostit, se ke starému společníkovi přidává i Royce Melborn, jenž se rozhodne doprovodit ho ještě na této poslední výpravě. Zrada a proradnost, s nimiž se cestou setkají, přimějí Hadriana, aby čelil minulosti, se kterou nechtěl mít už nikdy nic společného. Smaragdová bouře je čtvrtou knihou podmanivých Dobrodružství Riyria. Místo navzájem těsně navazujících knih jde o šestidílnou fantasy sérii pojatou jako dobrodružný příběh rozdělený do samostatných epizod. Každá z nich byla navíc napsána předtím, než vyšla první z nich, prvky celého příběhu jsou tak propleteny, ačkoli všechny mají vlastní příběh a závěr. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Smaragdová bouře - Michael J. Sullivan , Soundtrack: minions: the rise of gru - cd (3571791)

Zimní slavnost - Michael J. Sullivan

Zimní slavnost - Michael J. Sullivan

Nová říše se chystá oslavit vítězství nad Lidovým hnutím v den, jenž by neměl být nikdy zapomenut. Ve svátek Zimní slavnosti budou nejen popraveni dva významní zrádci (Degan Gaunt a Arista, čarodějka z Melengaru), ale uskuteční se rovněž svatba císařovny Modiny. Ovšem tajní vládci ve své samolibosti nepočítají s odhodláním Royce a Hadriana, jimž se konečně podařilo nalézt Dědice Novronova a netouží po ničem jiném, než zničit jejich pečlivě připravované plány. Zimní slavnost je pátou knihou šestidílné série, která se snaží vyhnout současným trendům v žánru fantasy, jež tíhnou ke zdlouhavým a temným vyprávěním. Představuje návrat ke kořenům v podobě čirého dobrodružství, jež se odehrává ve věrohodném, ovšem nikterak přespříliš složitém světě. Jde o výtažek z nejlepších prvků tradiční fantasy - má báječné hrdiny, napínavou zápletku, humor i patřičný spád a potěší tak čtenáře jakéhokoli věku. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Zimní slavnost - Michael J. Sullivan , Soundtrack: star wars : the rise of skywalker - cd (8743994)

Smaragdová bouře - Sullivan Michael J.

Smaragdová bouře - Sullivan Michael J.

Bývalý žoldnéř Hadrian Blackwater se vydává na dobrodružnou pouť po širém moři, aby našel ztraceného Novronova Dědice. Jediná naděje spočívá v tom, že se postaví bezohlednému a vychytralému Merrrickovi Mariusovi. V obavě, že se přítel nedokáže tohoto úkolu zhostit, se ke starému společníkovi přidává i Royce Melborn, jenž se rozhodne doprovodit ho ještě na této poslední výpravě. Zrada a proradnost, s nimiž se cestou setkají, přimějí Hadriana, aby čelil minulosti, se kterou nechtěl mít už nikdy nic společného. Smaragdová bouře je čtvrtou knihou podmanivých Dobrodružství Riyria. Místo navzájem těsně navazujících knih jde o šestidílnou fantasy sérii pojatou jako dobrodružný příběh rozdělený do samostatných epizod. Každá z nich byla navíc napsána předtím, než vyšla první z nich, prvky celého příběhu jsou tak propleteny, ačkoli všechny mají vlastní příběh a závěr. (patro.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Smaragdová bouře - Sullivan Michael J. , Rise of the tomb raider 20th celebration edition - ps4 (5021290075511)

Zimní slavnost - Sullivan Michael J.

Zimní slavnost - Sullivan Michael J.

Nová říše se chystá oslavit vítězství nad Lidovým hnutím v den, jenž by neměl být nikdy zapomenut. Ve svátek Zimní slavnosti budou nejen popraveni dva významní zrádci (Degan Gaunt a Arista, čarodějka z Melengaru), ale uskuteční se rovněž svatba císařovny Modiny. Ovšem tajní vládci ve své samolibosti nepočítají s odhodláním Royce a Hadriana, jimž se konečně podařilo nalézt Dědice Novronova a netouží po ničem jiném, než zničit jejich pečlivě připravované plány. Zimní slavnost je pátou knihou šestidílné série, která se snaží vyhnout současným trendům v žánru fantasy, jež tíhnou ke zdlouhavým a temným vyprávěním. Představuje návrat ke kořenům v podobě čirého dobrodružství, jež se odehrává ve věrohodném, ovšem nikterak přespříliš složitém světě. Jde o výtažek z nejlepších prvků tradiční fantasy – má báječné hrdiny, napínavou zápletku, humor i patřičný spád a potěší tak čtenáře jakéhokoli věku. (patro.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Zimní slavnost - Sullivan Michael J. , Snuts: burn the empire - lp (9029623535)

Star Wars The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire - Kempshall Chris


When Palpatine declared the birth of his new Empire, he expected it would stand for millennia. Instead, it lasted only 24 years. This is the story of how a tyrannical regime rose from the ashes of democracy, ruled the galaxy with an iron fist, and then collapsed into dust.It is a story of war and heroes, of the power of propaganda and the dangers of complacency. But most of all, it is a story of normal people trying to live their lives in the face of a brutal dictatorship. From the ruthlessness of Darth Vader's campaigns to the horrors of the Tarkin Initiative, this book offers fresh new insights into the dark entity at the core of Star Wars. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Star Wars The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire - Kempshall Chris , Rise of the tomb raider: 20 year celebration - xbox digital (g3q-00427)

Empire of the Vampire: Empire of the Vampire (1) (0008350442)

Empire of the Vampire: Empire of the Vampire (1) (0008350442)

Kniha - 400 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Empire of the Vampire: Empire of the Vampire (1) (0008350442) , Soundtrack: john williams: star wars - the rise of skywalker (2x lp) - lp (8743492)

Empire of Storms - Sarah J. Maasová


Only the greatest sacrifice can turn the tide of war. War is brewing in the fifth book of the #1 bestselling Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. The long path to the throne has only just begun for Aelin Galathynius as war looms on the horizon. Loyalties have been broken and bought, friends have been lost and gained, and those who possess magic find themselves increasingly at odds with those who don't. With her heart sworn to the warrior-prince by her side and her fealty pledged to the people she is determined to save, Aelin will delve into the depths of her power to protect those she loves. But as monsters emerge from the horrors of the past, dark forces stand poised to claim her world. The only chance for salvation lies in a desperate quest that may take more from Aelin than she has to give, a quest that forces her to choose what - and who -she's willing to sacrifice for the sake of peace. Kingdoms collide in this fifth book in the #1 New York Times bestselling Throne of Glass series. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Empire of Storms - Sarah J. Maasová , Snuts: burn the empire (coloured) - lp (9029623530)

Empire of Storms - Sarah J. Maasová


Only the greatest sacrifice can turn the tide of war. War is brewing in the fifth book of the #1 bestselling Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. The long path to the throne has only just begun for Aelin Galathynius as war looms on the horizon. Loyalties have been broken and bought, friends have been lost and gained, and those who possess magic find themselves increasingly at odds with those who don't. With her heart sworn to the warrior-prince by her side and her fealty pledged to the people she is determined to save, Aelin will delve into the depths of her power to protect those she loves. But as monsters emerge from the horrors of the past, dark forces stand poised to claim her world. The only chance for salvation lies in a desperate quest that may take more from Aelin than she has to give, a quest that forces her to choose what - and who -she's willing to sacrifice for the sake of peace. Kingdoms collide in this fifth book in the #1 New York Times bestselling Throne of Glass series. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Empire of Storms - Sarah J. Maasová , Bowie david: the rise and fall of ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars (2012 remastered version) (2564628737)

The Betrayal of Anne Frank - Rosemary Sullivan


‘Hums with living history, human warmth and indignation’ New York Times Less a mystery unsolved than a secret well kept The mystery has haunted generations since the Second World War: Who betrayed Anne Frank and her family? And why? Now, thanks to radical new technology and the obsession of a retired FBI agent, this book offers an answer. Rosemary Sullivan unfolds the story in a gripping, moving narrative. Over thirty million people have read The Diary of a Young Girl, the journal teenaged Anne Frank kept while living in an attic with her family and four other people in Amsterdam during World War II, until the Nazis arrested them and sent them to a concentration camp. But despite the many works – journalism, books, plays and novels – devoted to Anne’s story, none has ever conclusively explained how these eight people managed to live in hiding undetected for over two years – and who or what finally brought the Nazis to their door. With painstaking care, retired FBI agent Vincent Pankoke and a team of indefatigable investigators pored over tens of thousands of pages of documents – some never before seen – and interviewed scores of descendants of people familiar with the Franks. Utilising methods developed by the FBI, the Cold Case Team painstakingly pieced together the months leading to the infamous arrest – and came to a shocking conclusion. The Betrayal of Anne Frank: A Cold Case Investigation is the riveting story of their mission. Rosemary Sullivan introduces us to the investigators, explains the behaviour of both the captives and their captors and profiles a group of suspects. All the while, she vividly brings to life wartime Amsterdam: a place where no matter how wealthy, educated, or careful you were, you never knew whom you could trust. Rosemary Sullivan is the author of eleven books. She is also a poet, essayist and journalist. She has edited eight anthologies. She has lectured across Canada and in the US, England, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden. Belgium, Spain, India, Puerto Rico, Chile, and Mexico. Sullivan teaches at the University of Toronto. She was awarded the Lorne Pierce Medal (2008) by the Royal Society of Canada for distinguished contributions to Canadian literature and culture. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Betrayal of Anne Frank - Rosemary Sullivan , Captain tsubasa: rise of new champions - ps4 (3391892009804)

The Garden of Empire - J.T. Greathouse


WAR MAKES MONSTERS OF EVERYONE.Foolish Cur, once named Wen Alder, finds that his allies in the rebellion might cross any line if it means freedom from the Empire. But he can't overcome a foe as strong as Emperor Tenet alone.REBELLION HAS UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES.Koro Ha, Foolish Cur's former tutor, discovers the Empire is not so forgiving of those who raise a traitor. And their suspicion may cost him and his people more than he can imagine.THE GODS ARE LURKING IN THE SHADOWS.As war against the Empire rages, Foolish Cur knows there is a greater threat. The emperor plans his own coup against the gods, and they will wreak destruction if he tries. To stop him, Foolish Cur might have to risk everything - and resort to ancient magics that could tear the world apart.This is perfect for fans of Robin Hobb and Shelley Parker-Chan. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Garden of Empire - J.T. Greathouse , Cyberpunk 2077: mercenary on the rise - puzzle (5908305240341)

The Rise of Magicks (Chronicles of The One)


The brilliant conclusion to the Chronicles of the One trilogy - an epic story of love, war, family and magic.Fallon Swift has spent all her life preparing for this moment. No longer can she stand by whilst her fellow Magicks are hunted by the fanatical Purity Warriors or rounded up and experimented on by the government.Fallon must follow her destiny to restore the magical shield that once protected them all. But she can't do it alone. It is time to build her army, to take on her nemesis and take down the enemy.She has learned to fight, now she must restore the light and banish the dark forever. The final battle has begun... (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Rise of Magicks (Chronicles of The One) , Enslaved: rise of ymir (coloured) (2x lp) - lp (bnm022lp)

Minions 2: The Rise of Gru Story of the Movie


Minions: The Rise of Gru, will be released in UK cinemas in July 2022.This retelling of the highly anticipated movie Minions: The Rise of Gru brings the magic home so fans can experience the Minions' adventures again and again. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Minions 2: The Rise of Gru Story of the Movie , The hound of the baskervilles

Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078)

Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078)

Kniha - autor Patrick Radden Keefe, 528 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The story of the Sackler Dynasty, Purdue Pharma, and their involvement in the opioid crisis that has created millions of addicts, even as it generated billions of dollars in profit. (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078) , The turn of the screw

The Empire of Time - David Wingrove

The Empire of Time - David Wingrove

There is only the war. Otto Behr is a German agent, fighting his Russian counterparts across three millennia, manipulating history for moments in time that can change everything. Only the remnants of two great nations stand and for Otto, the war is life itself, the last hope for his people. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Empire of Time - David Wingrove , Resident evil: revelations - ps4 (5055060936184)

Empire of the Damned - Jay Kristoff


The highly anticipated sequel to the SUNDAY TIMES bestselling EMPIRE OF THE VAMPIRE 'Bloody brilliant'V.E. Schwab 'A ripping read'Joe Abercrombie Gabriel de Leon has saved the Holy Grail from death, but his chance to end the endless night is lost. After turning his back on his silversaint brothers once and for all, Gabriel and the Grail set out to learn the truth of how Daysdeath might finally be undone.But the last silversaint faces peril, within and without. Pursued by children of the Forever King, drawn into wars and webs centuries in the weaving, and ravaged by his own rising bloodlust, Gabriel may not survive to see the truth of the Grail revealed. A truth that may be too awful for any to imagine. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Empire of the Damned - Jay Kristoff , Dixit 7. rozšíření (revelations) (3558380041009)

Empire of the Damned - Jay Kristoff


From holy cup comes holy light;The faithful hands sets world aright.And in the Seven Martyrs' sight,Mere man shall end this endless night.Gabriel de Leon has saved the Holy Grail from death, but his chance to end the endless night is lost. Drawn into an uneasy alliance with the mysterious vampire Liathe, Gabriel must now deliver the Grail to ancients of the Blood Esani, and learn the truth of how Daysdeath might be finally undone.But the Last Silversaint faces peril, within and without.Pursued by terrors of the Blood Voss, drawn into warfare between the Blood Dyvok and duskdancers of the frozen Highlands, and ravaged by his own rising bloodlust, Gabriel may not survive to see the Grail learn her truth.And that truth may be too awful for any to imagine. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Empire of the Damned - Jay Kristoff , The heart of the matter (0099478420)

Empire of the Vampire - Jay Kristoff


It has been twenty-seven long years since the last sunrise.For nearly three decades, vampires have waged war against humanity; building their eternal empire even as they tear down our own. Now, only a few tiny sparks of light endure in a sea of darkness.Gabriel de Leon, half man, half monster and last remaining silversaint - a sworn brother of the holy Silver Order dedicated to defending the realm from the creatures of the night - is all that stands between the world and its end.Now imprisoned by the very monsters he vowed to destroy, the last silversaint is forced to tell his story. A story of legendary battles and forbidden love, of faith lost and friendships won, of the Wars of the Blood and the Forever King and the quest for humanity's last remaining hope:The Holy Grail. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Empire of the Vampire - Jay Kristoff , The wisdom of crowds: the riotous conclusion to the age of madness (0575095989)

Absence zázraků - Malone Michael J.

Absence zázraků - Malone Michael J.

Matku Johna Dochertyho převezli do pečovatelského domu. Postihla ji totiž silná mrtvice, po které už nebyla schopná se sama o sebe postarat. Aby John mohl péči zaplatit, nezbývá mu nic jiného než prodat rodný dům. Když na půdě prochází staré věci, narazí v jedné krabici na důkaz, že měl staršího bratra. Jmenoval se Thomas a záhadně zmizel, když John byl batole a mladší Chris ještě nebyl na světě. Rodiče o něm svým dalším synům nikdy neřekli.Toto odhalení přivede Johna na cestu, která ho navždy změní. Donutí ho vrátit se ve vzpomínkách do minulosti a přehodnotit své dětství. John se rozpomíná na hluboko pohřbené události, které zásadně ovlivnily jeho dospělý život, ale až dosud v jeho paměti představovaly jen prázdná místa. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Absence zázraků - Malone Michael J. , J' fenzi man of the night for men eau de parfum - parfémovaná voda 100 ml (35824)

The Fall: The End of the Murdoch Empire - Michael Wolff


Meet the Murdochs and the disastrously dysfunctional family of Fox News. Until recently, they formed the most powerful media and political force in America. Now their empire is cracking up and crashing down. In his irresistible trilogy on the chaotic Trump presidency - Fire and Fury, Siege, and Landslide - the journalist Michael Wolff led readers deep into the twisted corridors of the White House. Drawing on years of unprecedented access to the Murdoch family and key players, he plunges us behind the scenes of another empire of influence, and the result is astonishing and unforgettable. Here is Rupert Murdoch, the ninety-two-year-old billionaire - concerned about his legacy, but more concerned about profits. Here are his contentious children, jockeying to take over when the old man is gone. Here is star anchor Tucker C arlson considering a run for the presidency while his bosses have other plans for him. Sean Hannity, the richest man in television, has his own plans: to put Trump back in office. While presenter Laura Ingraham is just trying to survive in a man's world. As the fallout from the 2020 election and the Dominion lawsuit pummels the reputation of the network, the battling Murdoch heirs position themselves for the final act in this riveting drama. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Fall: The End of the Murdoch Empire - Michael Wolff , The legend of zelda: breath of the wild - nintendo switch (045496420055)

The The Art of Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire


Discover the electrifying artwork behind the action-packed blockbuster, Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire. Dive into the creation of Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire with this deluxe art book. Featuring commentary from the filmmakers, this volume explores how a team of world-class artists brought stunning creatures and epic battles to life for an all-new, big screen Monsterverse adventure. Illustrated with stunning visuals from the production, including never-before-seen concept art and storyboards, this book is the ultimate companion to one of the most highly anticipated films of 2024. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The The Art of Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire , Morning of the earth , soundtrack: morning of the earth - lp (5054197111921)

The Fall: The End of the Murdoch Empire - Michael Wolff


THE BOOK THAT BROUGHT DOWN RUPERT MURDOCHMeet the Murdochs and the disastrously dysfunctional family of Fox News. Until recently, they formed the most powerful media and political force in America. Now their empire is cracking up and crashing down.In his irresistible trilogy on the chaotic Trump presidency - Fire and Fury, Siege, and Landslide - the journalist Michael Wolff led readers deep into the twisted corridors of the White House. Drawing on years of unprecedented access to the Murdoch family and key players, he plunges us behind the scenes of another empire of influence, and the result is astonishing and unforgettable. Here is Rupert Murdoch, the ninety-two-year-old billionaire - concerned about his legacy, but more concerned about profits.Here are his contentious children, jockeying to take over when the old man is gone. Here is star anchor Tucker Carlson considering a run for the presidency while his bosses have other plans for him. Sean Hannity, the richest man in television, has his own plans: to put Trump back in office.While presenter Laura Ingraham is just trying to survive in a man's world. As the fallout from the 2020 election and the Dominion lawsuit pummels the reputation of the network, the battling Murdoch heirs position themselves for the final act in this riveting drama. "Michael Wolff's books were my foundation and port of entry for working on Succession." Jeremy Strong ("Kendall Roy")Praise for Fire and Fury:#1 New York Times bestseller, a Book of the Year in the Guardian, Sunday Times, Observer, Financial Times'The pages of Wolff's book are littered with insults and intrigue, backstabbing and dysfunction' Washington Post'What makes the book significant is its sly, hilarious portrait of a hollow man, into the black hole of whose needy, greedy ego the whole world has virtually vanished' Guardian (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Fall: The End of the Murdoch Empire - Michael Wolff , Michael george: songs from the last century - cd (0886978404220)

The Last Days of the Ottoman Empire - Gingeras Ryan


'A tour de force of accessible scholarship' The Guardian'Impressive ... It is a complicated story that still reverberates, and Gingeras narrates it with lucid authority' New StatesmanThe Ottoman Empire had been one of the major facts in European history since the Middle Ages. Stretching from the Adriatic to the Indian Ocean, the Empire was both a great political entity and a religious one, with the Sultan ruling over the Holy Sites and, as Caliph, the successor to Mohammed.Yet the Empire's fateful decision to support Germany and Austria-Hungary in 1914 doomed it to disaster, breaking it up into a series of European colonies and what emerged as an independent Saudi Arabia. Ryan Gingeras's superb new book explains how these epochal events came about and shows how much we still live in the shadow of decisions taken so long ago. Would all of the Empire fall to marauding Allied armies, or could something be saved? In such an ethnically and religiously entangled region, what would be the price paid to create a cohesive and independent new state? The story of the creation of modern Turkey is an extraordinary, bitter epic, brilliantly told here. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Last Days of the Ottoman Empire - Gingeras Ryan , The lost book of the grail (1846884217)

The Architecture of Modern Empire - Arundhati Royová


From the bestselling author of Azadi and My Seditious Heart, a piercing exploration of modern empire, nationalism and rising fascism that gives us the tools to resist and fight back†I try to create links, to join the dots, to tell politics like a story, to make it real…’Over a lifetime spent at the frontline of solidarity and resistance, Arundhati Roy’s words have lit a clear way through the darkness that surrounds us. Combining the skills of the architect she trained to be and the writer she became, she illuminates the hidden structures of modern empire like no one else, revealing their workings so that we can resist. Her subjects: war, nationalism, fundamentalism and rising fascism, turbocharged by neoliberalism and now technology.But also: truth, justice, freedom, resistance, solidarity and above all imagination – in particular the imagination to see what is in front of us, to envision another way, and to fight for it. Arundhati Roy’s voice – as distinct and compelling in conversation as in her writing – explores these themes and more in this essential collection of interviews with David Barsamian, conducted over two decades, from 2001 to the present. WITH AN AFTERWORD FROM NAOMI KLEIN (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Architecture of Modern Empire - Arundhati Royová , Funko pop! deluxe 10" sw rise of skywalker - d-0 (889698399135)

Empire of the Vampire (Defekt) - Jay Kristoff


It has been twenty-seven long years since the last sunrise.For nearly three decades, vampires have waged war against humanity; building their eternal empire even as they tear down our own. Now, only a few tiny sparks of light endure in a sea of darkness.Gabriel de Leon, half man, half monster and last remaining silversaint - a sworn brother of the holy Silver Order dedicated to defending the realm from the creatures of the night - is all that stands between the world and its end.Now imprisoned by the very monsters he vowed to destroy, the last silversaint is forced to tell his story. A story of legendary battles and forbidden love, of faith lost and friendships won, of the Wars of the Blood and the Forever King and the quest for humanity's last remaining hope:The Holy Grail. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Empire of the Vampire (Defekt) - Jay Kristoff , Vanguard alta rise 45 (alta rise 45)



Před svítáním je největší tma...Ve hře Rise of the Ronin budeš prozkoumávat rozvíjející se svět, zatímco budeš bojovat za příchod nové éry pro Japonsko. Jsi Ronin, válečník osvobozený od všech pánů a pout, jehož osud se prolíná s příběhovými postavami. Nech se vtáhnout do pohlcujícího akčního zážitku. Příběh epických rozměrůJsi rónin, bojovník bez pána, a svůj osud máš ve svých rukou. Příběh se bude vyvíjet různými způsoby v závislosti na tvých rozhodnutích a postavách, s kterými se spojíš. V misích na tebe čekají zásadní rozhodnutí: například zda zavraždíš nebo ochráníš klíčové postavy. Prostřednictvím rozmanitého systému možností budeš utvářet chod dějin. Propracovaný soubojový systémRise of the Ronin nabízí propracovaný, ale snadno osvojitelný soubojový systém, který má mnoho vrstev rostoucí komplexity a je tak vhodný pro prakticky libovolný herní styl. Postav se nepřátelům s velkým výběrem zbraní pro boj zblízka nebo je zlikviduj z bezpečné vzdálenosti pomocí autentických střelných zbraní z daného historického období. Svět inspirovaný skutečnou historiíObdobí Bakumacu předznamenává konec šógunátu a spolu se střetnutím východu se západem započíná zcela novou éru. Prožij tuto kulturní revoluci v širém otevřeném světě, kde se setkáš s klíčovými osobnostmi určujícími běh dějin i s obyčejnými lidmi, kteří hledají světlo v temnotách. (tonerpartner.cz)

Podobné produkty ako PS5 hra RISE OF THE RONIN , The ocean at the end of the lane (1472283368)

The Betrayal of Anne Frank : A Cold Case Investigation - Rosemary Sullivan


Less a mystery unsolved than a secret well kept The mystery has haunted generations since the Second World War: Who betrayed Anne Frank and her family? And why? Now, thanks to radical new technology and the obsession of a retired FBI agent, this book offers an answer. Rosemary Sullivan unfolds the story in a gripping, moving narrative. Over thirty million people have read The Diary of a Young Girl, the journal teenaged Anne Frank kept while living in an attic with her family and four other people in Amsterdam during World War II, until the Nazis arrested them and sent them to a concentration camp. But despite the many works – journalism, books, plays and novels – devoted to Anne’s story, none has ever conclusively explained how these eight people managed to live in hiding undetected for over two years – and who or what finally brought the Nazis to their door. With painstaking care, retired FBI agent Vincent Pankoke and a team of indefatigable investigators pored over tens of thousands of pages of documents – some never before seen – and interviewed scores of descendants of people familiar with the Franks. Utilising methods developed by the FBI, the Cold Case Team painstakingly pieced together the months leading to the infamous arrest – and came to a shocking conclusion. The Betrayal of Anne Frank: A Cold Case Investigation is the riveting story of their mission. Rosemary Sullivan introduces us to the investigators, explains the behaviour of both the captives and their captors and profiles a group of suspects. All the while, she vividly brings to life wartime Amsterdam: a place where no matter how wealthy, educated, or careful you were, you never knew whom you could trust. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Betrayal of Anne Frank : A Cold Case Investigation - Rosemary Sullivan , Jackson michael: michael - cd (0196587566326)

Natives : Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire - Akala


From the first time he was stopped and searched as a child, to the day he realised his mum was white, to his first encounters with racist teachers - race and class have shaped Akala's life and outlook. In this unique book he takes his own experiences and widens them out to look at the social, historical and political factors that have left us where we are today.Covering everything from the police, education and identity to politics, sexual objectification and the far right, Nativesspeaks directly to British denial and squeamishness when it comes to confronting issues of race and class that are at the heart of the legacy of Britain's racialised empire.Natives is the searing modern polemic and Sunday Times bestseller from the BAFTA and MOBO award-winning musician and political commentator, Akala. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Natives : Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire - Akala , Sirenia: riddles, ruins & revelations - cd (npr950dp)

The Red Prince : The Fall of a Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Europe - Timothy Snyder


Wilhelm von Habsburg wore the uniform of an Austrian officer, the court regalia of a Habsburg archduke, the simple suit of a Parisian exile, the decorations of the Order of the Golden Fleece and, every so often, a dress. He spoke the Italian of his archduke mother, the German of his archduke father, the English of his British royal friends, the Polish of the country his father wished to rule and the Ukrainian of the land Wilhelm wished to rule himself.Timothy Snyder's masterful biography is not only a reconstruction of the life of this extraordinary man - a man who remained loyal to his Ukrainian dreams even after the country's dissolution in 1921- but also charts the final collapse of the ancien regime in Europe and the rise of a new world order. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Red Prince : The Fall of a Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Europe - Timothy Snyder

Revolution 1989 : The Fall of the Soviet Empire - Victor Sebestyen


For more than 40 years after the Second World War the Iron Curtain divided Europe physically, with 300 km of walls and barbed wire fences; ideologically, between communism and capitalism; psychologically, between people imprisoned under totalitarian dictatorships and their neighbours enjoying democratic freedoms; and militarily, by two mighty, distrustful power blocs, still fighting the cold war. At the start of 1989, ten European nations were still Soviet vassal states. By the end of the year, one after another, they had thrown off communism, declared national independence, and embarked on the road to democracy. One of history's most brutal empires was on its knees. Poets who had been languishing in jails became vice presidents. When the Berlin Wall fell on a chilly November night it seemed as though the open wounds of the cruel twentieth century would at last begin to heal. The Year of Revolutions appeared as a beacon of hope for oppressed people elsewhere who dared to dream that they too could free themselves. In a dizzying few months of almost entirely peaceful revolutions the people's will triumphed over tyranny. An entire way of life was swept away. Now, twenty years on, Victor Sebestyen reassesses this decisive moment in modern history. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Revolution 1989 : The Fall of the Soviet Empire - Victor Sebestyen

Influence Empire : The Story of Tencent and China´s Tech Ambition - Chen Lulu


'Influence Empire by Lulu Yilun Chen is so much more than the long-awaited story of Tencent and its vital everything app, WeChat, the messaging tool used by 1.3 billion people. It's also the sobering account of an entire generation of high-flying Chinese tech entrepreneurs, whose wings were clipped by the omnipotent hand of their own government.' -- Brad Stone, author of Amazon Unbound and The Everything StorePRE-ORDER NOW: the first definitive look at Tencent, one of the world's largest tech companies. __________In 2017, a company known as Tencent overtook Facebook to become the world's fifth largest company.It was a watershed moment, a wake-up call for those in the West accustomed to regarding the global tech industry through the prism of Silicon Valley: Facebook, Google, Apple and Microsoft.Yet to many of the two billion-plus people who live just across the Pacific Ocean, it came as no surprise at all.Founded by the enigmatic billionaire Pony Ma, the firm that began life as a simple text-message operator invested in and created some of China's most iconic games en route to dreaming up WeChat - the Swiss Army knife super-app that combines messaging, shopping and entertainment. Through billions of dollars of global investments in marquee names from Fortnite to Tesla and a horde of start-ups, Ma's company went on to build a near-unparalleled empire of influence.In this fascinating narrative - crammed with insider interviews and exclusive details - Lulu Chen tells the story of how Tencent created the golden era of Chinese technology, and delves into key battles involving Didi, Meituan and Alibaba. It's a chronicle of critical junctures and asks just what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur in China.__________Lulu Yilun Chen has written a sharply informed, smart and compelling account of the rise of some of the most powerful companies in China, which also stand among the biggest and richest tech giants in the world.Despite their enormous size and power, few outside of China know of or understand these companies. Now, thanks to Influence Empire: Inside the Story of Tencent and China's Tech Ambition, that will finally change. -- Howard French, former NY Times Shanghai bureau chief and author of Everything Under the Heavens: How the Past Helps Shape China's Push for Global Power (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Influence Empire : The Story of Tencent and China´s Tech Ambition - Chen Lulu

World of Warcraft: Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (143915760X)

World of Warcraft: Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (143915760X)

Kniha - autor Christie Golden, 392 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Now in paperback, this "New York Times" bestseller reveals the origin of Arthas Menethil, the featured villain in the Wrath of the Lich King video game. (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako World of Warcraft: Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (143915760X)

Party of One: The Rise of Xi Jinping and the Superpower Future of China - Wong Chun Han


Party of One: The Rise of Xi Jinping and the Superpower Future of China shatters the many myths and caricatures that shroud one of the world's most secretive political organisations and its leader. Many observers misread Xi's intentions during his early years in power, projecting onto him their own hopes that he would emerge as a liberal-minded reformer who steers China toward more political openness, rule of law, and pro-market economics - and overlooking how he has advanced his career by masking his beliefs under a cloak of strategic ambiguity.Combining narrative drama and incisive analysis, Party of One explains how Xi has shaken up the world's most populous nation with hard-edged authoritarianism, and set this rising superpower on a collision course with Western liberal democracies. Chun Han Wong draws on his years of first-hand reporting across China - spanning conversations with Party insiders and grassroots members, insights from scholars and diplomats who've studied and interacted closely with the Party bureaucracy, as well as analyses of official speeches and documents - to piece together a broad, digestible account of how Xi inspired fear and fervor in his Party, his nation, and beyond. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Party of One: The Rise of Xi Jinping and the Superpower Future of China - Wong Chun Han

The Trial of Adolf Hitler : The Beer Hall Putsch and the Rise of Nazi Germany - David King

The Trial of Adolf Hitler : The Beer Hall Putsch and the Rise of Nazi Germany - David King

Longlisted for the JQ Wingate Prize On the evening of November 8, 1923, the thirty-four-year-old Adolf Hitler stormed into a beer hall in Munich, fired his pistol in the air, and proclaimed a revolution. Seventeen hours later, all that remained of his bold move was a trail of destruction. Hitler was on the run from the police. His career seemed to be over. In The Trial of Adolf Hitler, the acclaimed historian David King tells the true story of the monumental criminal proceeding that followed when Hitler and nine other suspects were charged with high treason. Reporters from as far away as Argentina and Australia flocked to Munich for the sensational four-week spectacle. By its end, Hitler would transform the fiasco of the beer hall putsch into a stunning victory for the fledgling Nazi Party. It was this trial that thrust Hitler into the limelight, provided him with an unprecedented stage for his demagoguery, and set him on his improbable path to power. Based on trial transcripts, police files, and many other new sources, including some five hundred documents recently discovered from the Landsberg Prison record office, The Trial of Adolf Hitler is a gripping true story of crime and punishment - and a haunting failure of justice with catastrophic consequences. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Trial of Adolf Hitler : The Beer Hall Putsch and the Rise of Nazi Germany - David King

Ravenspur: Rise of the Tudors - Conn Iggulden

Ravenspur: Rise of the Tudors - Conn Iggulden

Witness the rise of the Tudors in the stunning conclusion to Conn Iggulden's powerful retelling of the Wars of the Roses. 'An utterly compelling page-turner full of historical facts. A fascinating read' SunEngland, 1470. A divided kingdom cannot stand. King Edward of York has been driven out of England. Queen Elizabeth and her children tremble in sanctuary at Westminster Abbey. The House of Lancaster has won the crown, but York will not go quietly.Desperate to reclaim his throne, Edward lands at Ravenspur with a half-drowned army and his brother Richard at his side. Every hand is against them, every city gate is shut, yet the brothers York go on the attack. But neither sees that their true enemy is Henry Tudor, now grown into a man. As the Red Dragon - 'the man of destiny' - his claim to the throne leads to Bosworth Field and a battle that will call an end to the Wars of the Roses . . .'A tough, pacy chronicle of bloody encounters, betrayals and cruelties. Superb' Daily Mail'Iggulden is in a class of his own when it comes to epic, historical fiction' Daily Mirror'Superb, fantastic, extraordinary' Sunday Express (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Ravenspur: Rise of the Tudors - Conn Iggulden

Arch Enemy - Rise Of The Tyrant (LP)

Arch Enemy - Rise Of The Tyrant (LP)

Typ: Nové vydání;LP deska;Album Země interpreta: Švédsko Varianta: Rise Of The Tyrant (LP) Balení obsahuje: LP Žánr: Metal;Death Metal Subžánr: Death Metal;Melodic Death Metal Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029 Barva podle výrobce: Black Hmotnost: 180 g Složení setu: 1 ks Vydavatelství: Century Media Datum vydání: 2023-07-28 Barva: Černá Interpret / Téma: Arch Enemy Rok vydání: 2023.0 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM (muziker.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Arch Enemy - Rise Of The Tyrant (LP)

Rise Of The Northstar: Showdown - CD (4251981700755)

Rise Of The Northstar: Showdown - CD (4251981700755)

Hudební CD V roce 2023 vydávají Rise Of The Northstar své třetí album, jehož přípravě a vzniku kapela zasvětila poslední tři roky, což se projevilo na komplexnosti a propracovanosti nahrávky. Rise Of The Northstars jsou francouzkská crossover-metalová skupina, která patří k největším nadějím tohoto žánru. V roce 2023 vydávají Rise Of The Northstar své třetí album, jehož přípravě a vzniku kapela zasvětila poslední tři roky, což se projevilo na komplexnosti a propracovanosti nahrávky. Rise Of The Northstars jsou francouzkská crossover-metalová skupina, která patří k největším nadějím tohoto žánru. Jejich image vychází z japonské popkultury. Seznam stop CD The Anthem / Showdown / Third Strike / Crank It Up / One Love / Shogun No Shi / Clan / Raijin / Golden Arrow / Rise [???] (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Rise Of The Northstar: Showdown - CD (4251981700755)

Daughter of the Empire (Defekt) - Raymond Elias Feist


From the imagination of two of fantasy's greatest names comes a magnificent epic of heroic and dynastic struggle.At age 17, Mara's ceremonial pledge of servantship to the goddess Lashima is interrupted by the news that her father and brother have been killed in battle on Trigia, the world through the rift.Now Ruling Lady of the Acoma, Mara finds that not only are her family's ancient enemies, the Minwanabi, responsible for the deaths of her loved ones, but her military forces have been decimated by the betrayal and House Acoma is now vulnerable to complete destruction. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Daughter of the Empire (Defekt) - Raymond Elias Feist

EastWest Sounds VOICES OF THE EMPIRE (Digitální produkt)

EastWest Sounds VOICES OF THE EMPIRE (Digitální produkt)

Strašidelně krásné. Etnicky rozmanité. Jedinečně silné. EastWest Voices of the Empire je knihovna virtuálních nástrojů, která přináší úchvatné vokály pro vaše další filmové dílo.Kniha Voices of the Empire, v níž vystupuje jedinečný talent Uyanga Bold, nabízí podmanivou směs východních a západních hudebních vlivů. Uyanga, klasicky školená operní zpěvačka s bezkonkurenčním hlasovým rozsahem, vdechuje svým vystoupením syrové emoce a nepopiratelnou autenticitu.Uvolněte svou kreativitu s:Desítky vokálních nástrojů s mnoha samply: Prozkoumejte rozsáhlou sbírku vokálních stylů inspirovaných Mongolskem, Bulharskem a Západem, které jsou ideální pro vytváření jedinečných zvukových textur.Expresivní fráze v každé tónině: S obrovskou knihovnou předem nahraných frází, které se přizpůsobí jakékoli hudební tónině, rychle vytvoříte působivé vokální linky.Jemnost legata: Vytvářejte expresivní a přirozeně znějící vokální výkony pomocí mnoha legatových artikulací, včetně dvou jedinečných mongolských stylů.EastWest Voices of the Empire je ideálním nástrojem pro skladatele a producenty, kteří chtějí pozvednout své soundtracky, hudbu k videohrám a další díla pomocí nezapomenutelných vokálů.DOWNLOAD: http://eastwestsounds.com/register Typ: Vokální Podporované formáty pluginů: VST2;VST3;AAX;AU Kompatibilita: Windows 10 <;MacOS 10.13 < Hardwarové požadavky: Quad-Core Processor;16 GB RAM Licence: Plná verze (muziker.cz)

Podobné produkty ako EastWest Sounds VOICES OF THE EMPIRE (Digitální produkt)

The Broken Empire 1. Prince of Thorns (1937007685)

The Broken Empire 1. Prince of Thorns (1937007685)

Kniha - autor Mark Lawrence, 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná When he was nine, he watched his mother and brother killed before him. By the time he was 13, he was the leader of a band of bloodthirsty thugs. By 15, he intends to be king. It's time for Prince Honorous Jorg Ancrath to return to the castle he turned his back on and take what's rightfully his. (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Broken Empire 1. Prince of Thorns (1937007685)

Absence zázraků - Malone Michael J. - e-kniha

Absence zázraků - Malone Michael J. - e-kniha

eBook:,V hlubinách paměti se skrývají ty nejtemnější vzpomínky. Matka Johna Dochertyho prodělala mrtvici a John musí prodat rodný dům, aby mohl zaplatit za její péči. Při třídění věcí na půdě najde důkaz, že měl staršího bratra, který zmizel, když John byl ještě batole. Rodiče o něm pak už nikdy nemluvili. Toto odhalení přivede Johna na cestu, která mu navždy změní život. Donutí ho rozpomenout se na traumatické události z dětství. Ačkoli ho zásadně ovlivnily, až dosud po nich v jeho paměti zůstávala jen prázdná místa. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Absence zázraků - Malone Michael J. - e-kniha

Tyranie zásluh - Michael J. Sandel - e-kniha


eBook: Toto jsou pro demokracii nebezpečné časy. Celá desetiletí se propast mezi vítězi a poraženými ve společnosti prohlubovala, ovlivňovala politiku a vzdalovala nás od sebe. K překonání zloby a nevraživosti vůči politickým a kulturním elitám bude zapotřebí, aby mainstreamové politické strany, podobně jako jejich protějšky po celém světě, přehodnotily svou misi a svůj účel. Bude třeba, aby si uvědomily, že meritokratická etika orientovaná na trh, kterou tolik propagovaly, podněcovala roztrpčenost a nakonec vyvolala i ostrou populistickou odezvu. Naděje na obrodu našeho morálního a občanského života závisí na tom, zda pochopíme, jak se v posledních čtyřech desítkách let postupně rozpadala společenská pouta i vzájemný respekt. Tato kniha se snaží vysvětlit, jak k tomu došlo, a uvažuje nad tím, jak by bylo možné nalézt cestu zpět k politice obecného dobra. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Tyranie zásluh - Michael J. Sandel - e-kniha

The Rise of Amphibians : 365 Million Years of Evolution - Carroll Robert


For nearly 100 million years, amphibians and their ancestors dominated the terrestrial and shallow water environments of the earth. Archaic animals with an amphibious way of life gave rise not only to modern frogs, salamanders, and caecilians but also to the ancestors of reptiles, birds, and mammals. In this landmark publication, one of the leading paleontologists of our time explores a pivotal moment in vertebrate evolution, the rise of amphibians. Synthesizing findings from the rich and highly diverse fossil record of amphibians, Robert Carroll traces their origin back 365 million years, when particular species of fish traveled down an evolutionary pathway of fin modification that gave rise to legs. This period of dramatic radiation was followed by a cataclysmic extinction 250 million years ago. After a long gap, modern amphibian groups gradually emerged. Now the number of amphibian species and individuals throughout the tropical and temperate regions of the earth exceeds that of mammals. The Rise of Amphibians is documented with more than two hundred illustrations of fossil amphibians and sixteen exquisite color plates depicting amphibians in their natural habitats throughout their long existence. The most comprehensive examination of amphibian evolution ever produced, The Rise of Amphibians is an essential resource for paleontologists, herpetologists, geologists, and evolutionary biologists. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Rise of Amphibians : 365 Million Years of Evolution - Carroll Robert

The Golden Age - The Spanish Empire of Charles V - Hugh Thomas


Beginning with the return of the remnants of Magellan's circumnavigation in 1522 and ending with Charles' death in 1558, the author brings to life the periods of the Renaissance, revealing how the Spaniards were able to conquer Guatemala, Yucatan, Columbia, Venezuela, Peru and Chile and why Cabeza de Vaca walked from Florida to Mexico. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Golden Age - The Spanish Empire of Charles V - Hugh Thomas

Revolution 1989 : The Fall of the Soviet Empire (Defekt) - Victor Sebestyen


For more than 40 years after the Second World War the Iron Curtain divided Europe physically, with 300 km of walls and barbed wire fences; ideologically, between communism and capitalism; psychologically, between people imprisoned under totalitarian dictatorships and their neighbours enjoying democratic freedoms; and militarily, by two mighty, distrustful power blocs, still fighting the cold war. At the start of 1989, ten European nations were still Soviet vassal states. By the end of the year, one after another, they had thrown off communism, declared national independence, and embarked on the road to democracy. One of history's most brutal empires was on its knees. Poets who had been languishing in jails became vice presidents. When the Berlin Wall fell on a chilly November night it seemed as though the open wounds of the cruel twentieth century would at last begin to heal. The Year of Revolutions appeared as a beacon of hope for oppressed people elsewhere who dared to dream that they too could free themselves. In a dizzying few months of almost entirely peaceful revolutions the people's will triumphed over tyranny. An entire way of life was swept away. Now, twenty years on, Victor Sebestyen reassesses this decisive moment in modern history. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Revolution 1989 : The Fall of the Soviet Empire (Defekt) - Victor Sebestyen

Empire Of The Sun - Ice On The Dune (Blue Coloured) (LP)

Empire Of The Sun - Ice On The Dune (Blue Coloured) (LP)

Subžánr: Electropop;Dance Rock;New Wave;Synth-pop Varianta: Ice On The Dune (Blue Coloured) (LP) Typ: Barevná;LP deska Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Blue Datum vydání: 2024-06-28 Země původu: Německo Interpret / Téma: Empire Of The Sun Žánr: Elektronický;Pop;Rock Rok vydání: 2024.0 Barva: Modrá Balení obsahuje: LP Vydavatelství: Universal Music (muziker.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Empire Of The Sun - Ice On The Dune (Blue Coloured) (LP)

John Williams - Star Wars: The Rise Of The Skywalker (2 LP)

John Williams - Star Wars: The Rise Of The Skywalker (2 LP)

Subžánr: Soundtrack;Stage & Screen Země interpreta: USA Vydavatelství: Walt Disney Records;Universal Music Typ: LP deska;Album Varianta: Star Wars: The Rise Of The Skywalker (2 LP) Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969;1950 - 1959;1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989;2020 - 2029 Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2020.0 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Hmotnost: 180 g Datum vydání: 2020-03-27 Složení setu: 2 ks Interpret / Téma: John Williams Země původu: Evropská unie Balení obsahuje: LP Žánr: Classical Barva: Černá (muziker.cz)

Podobné produkty ako John Williams - Star Wars: The Rise Of The Skywalker (2 LP)

The Unlikely Rise of Harry Sponge - Mangan Stephen


A high-energy, laugh-out-loud, fully illustrated adventurestory by much-loved actor Stephen Mangan and talented artistAnita Mangan.Grumpy old King Chisel has a problem.He needs an heir to his kingdom - fast! So he challenges the bestkids from across the country to compete in the Crown Duels, withthe ultimate winner becoming king or queen. Step forward:GLORIA SQUAT-FURTHER: champion athleteHUXLEY BEELINE: mathematical geniusJONNY MOULD: artistic aceGOSSAMER FOUNTAIN: empathy expertHARRY SPONGE: ordinary boy. Not to be underestimated.The ridiculous prime minister, Farting Bernie, is in charge andthe contest swiftly descend into chaos. Who will rise to the topand survive wild sabotaging, saggy royal pants, the most disgustingmeal ever invented, and a pair of frisky goats?The wildly funny, brilliantly silly adventurefrom the bestselling author and illustrator of Escape the Roomsand The Fart That Changed the World. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Unlikely Rise of Harry Sponge - Mangan Stephen
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