From fleeing the hells towards the healthy, sustainable and spiritual practices of the consumer societyNázev v češtině: Náboženské praktiky v japonských horských oblastech. Od úniku před pekly k zdraví prospěšným, ekologicky optimálním a duchovním praktikám konzumní společnostiKniha uvažuje o japonských horách jako o místech náboženských úkonů. Autorka čtenáři nabízí pohled na historický i současný stav náboženských praktik, pričemž nezanedbává ekonomický aspekt jejich vývoje. První tři kapitoly, věnované historickému vývoji náboženských praktik v horské oblasti Tatejama, odhalují souvislost mezi horami a představami o posmrtném životě v Japonsku. Příklad poutnického místa Tatejama, populárního v období Edo, pomáhá představit si jakým způsobem fungovalo v tomto období poutnické místo a náboženský kult. Autorka přitom poukazuje na ekonomickou stránku provozu poutnického místa. Terénní výzkum a účast na náboženských praktikách v horských oblastech Tatejama a Dewa Sanzan umožnil autorce sledovat jejich současný stav. Získaný výzkumný materiál poodhaluje například úlohu konceptu kulturního dědictví v úsilí o udržování náboženských praktik v současnosti. Tato část poskytuje zajímavý pohled na to, jak se poskytovatelé náboženských praktik a jejich účastníci přizpůsobují novodobým podmínkám. Novodobým asketickým úkonům probíhajícím ve vodopádech je věnovaná poslední kapitola. Přesto, že jsou považované za marginální praktiky, komplexnost kvalit, se kterými jsou spojované, je příkladem kreativity v úsilí o jejich udržení. (
Podobné produkty ako Religious practices in the Japanese mountains - From fleeing the hells towards the healthy, sustainable and spiritual practices of the consumer societ , Religious practices in the japanese mountains (978-80-210-9197-9)eBook:,Kniha uvažuje o japonských horách jako o místech náboženských úkonů. Autorka čtenáři nabízí pohled na historický i současný stav náboženských praktik, pričemž nezanedbává ekonomický aspekt jejich vývoje. První tři kapitoly, věnované historickému vývoji náboženských praktik v horské oblasti Tatejama, odhalují souvislost mezi horami a představami o posmrtném životě v Japonsku. Příklad poutnického místa Tatejama, populárního v období Edo, pomáhá představit si jakým způsobem fungovalo v tomto období poutnické místo a náboženský kult. Autorka přitom poukazuje na ekonomickou stránku provozu poutnického místa. Terénní výzkum a účast na náboženských praktikách v horských oblastech Tatejama a Dewa Sanzan umožnil autorce sledovat jejich současný stav. Získaný výzkumný materiál poodhaluje například úlohu konceptu kulturního dědictví v úsilí o udržování náboženských praktik v současnosti. Tato část poskytuje zajímavý pohled na to, jak se poskytovatelé náboženských praktik a jejich účastníci přizpůsobují novodobým podmínkám. Novodobým asketickým úkonům probíhajícím ve vodopádech je věnovaná poslední kapitola. Přesto, že jsou považované za marginální praktiky, komplexnost kvalit, se kterými jsou spojované, je příkladem kreativity v úsilí o jejich udržení. (
Podobné produkty ako Religious practices in the Japanese mountains - Malá Zuzana - e-kniha , The seed of compassion: lessons from the life and teachings of his holiness the dalai lama (0241456975)Elektronická kniha - ze série Spisy Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, autor Zuzana Malá, 172 stran, anglicky Kniha uvažuje o japonských horách jako o místech náboženských úkonů. Autorka čtenáři nabízí pohled na historický i současný stav náboženských praktik, pričemž nezanedbává ekonomický aspekt jejich vývoje. První tři kapitoly, věnované historickému vývoji náboženských praktik v horské oblasti Tatejama, odhalují souvislost mezi horami a představami o posmrtném životě v Japonsku. Příklad poutnického místa Tatejama, populárního v období Edo, pomáhá představit si jakým způsobem fungovalo v tomto období poutnické místo a náboženský kult. Autorka přitom poukazuje na ekonomickou stránku provozu poutnického místa. Terénní výzkum a účast na náboženských praktikách v horských oblastech Tatejama a Dewa Sanzan umožnil autorce sledovat jejich současný stav. Získaný výzkumný materiál poodhaluje například úlohu konceptu kulturního dědictví v úsilí o... (
Podobné produkty ako Religious practices in the Japanese mountains (978-80-210-9197-9) , The brother of the other: mmigration from belarus, russia and ukraine to the czech republic and the (978-80-210-8577-0)Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná An updated 25th anniversary edition of this leading coaching book, which has sold more than one million copies to date. (
Podobné produkty ako Coaching for Performance: The Principles and Practices of Coaching and Leadership (1473658128) , The stranger in the woods: the extraordinary story of the last true hermit (1524711098)This publication has several modest goals: We shall describe how we conceptualised religious memory for the purposes of qualitative and quantitative survey research, and we shall explain how we operationalised religious communicative and cultural memory and why we believe that the questionnaire we designed and present here can also be applied in other contexts outside Czech society. Given the volume of data we obtained, we want to present at least a portion of our results and show what types of findings were achieved through our conceptualisation and operationalisation of religious memory. Finally, we want to present non-Czech-speaking readers with a comprehensive work describing changes in religiosity in Czech society, in this case from the perspective of memory studies. In other words, we want to offer an international audience a piece of work broader than just a journal article focusing on the study of religion in the Czech Republic. (
Podobné produkty ako Continuity and Discontinuities of Religious Memory in the Czech Republic - Hásová Veronika , 9 from the nine worlds: magnus chase and the gods of asgard (0241359430)On the peaceful Japanese island of Teshima there is Shinzo--on no A-kaibu, a library of heartbeats, a place where the heartbeats of visitors from all around the world are collected. In this small, isolated building, the heartbeats of people who are still alive or have already passed away continue to echo. Several miles away, in the ancient city of Kamakura, two lonely souls meet: Shuichi, a forty-year-old illustrator, who returns to his home-town to fix up the house of his recently deceased mother, and eight-year-old Kenta, a child who wanders like a shadow around Shuichi's house.Day by day, the trust between Shuichi and Kenta grows until they discover they share a bond that will tie them together for life. Their journey will lead them to Teshima and to the library of heartbeats . . . (
Podobné produkty ako The Library of Heartbeats: A sweeping, heart-rending Japanese-set novel from the author of The Phone Box at the Edge of the World - Laura Imai Messina , How we understand the beats: the reception of the beat generation in the united states and the czech (978-80-210-9048-4)With an Introduction and Notes by Dr Andrew Frayn, Lecturer in Twentieth-Century Literature and Culture at Edinburgh Napier University.In these two compelling novels H.G. Wells imagines terrifying futures in which civilisation itself is threatened.The narrator of The War of the Worlds is quick to discover that what appeared to be a falling star was, in fact, a metallic cylinder landing from Mars. Six million people begin to flee London in panic as tentacled invaders emerge and overpower the city. With their heat-ray, killing machines, black gas, and a taste for fresh human blood, is there anything that can be done to stop the Martians?In The War in the Air, naive but resourceful Bert Smallways is thrilled by speed and fascinated by the new flying machines. His curiosity sweeps him away by accident into a German plan to conquer America, beginning with the destruction of New York. The ease of movement in aerial warfare means that nothing and nobody is safe as Total War erupts, civilisation crumbles, and Bert's hopes of getting back to London to marry his love seem impossibly distant. (
Podobné produkty ako The War of the Worlds and The War in the Air - Herbert George Wells , Trivium: in the court of the dragon - cd (7567864122)eBook:,Práce In the Shadow of Munich. British Policy towards Czechoslovakia from the Endorsement to the Renunciation of the Munich Agreement (1938 to 1942) [Ve stínu Mnichova. Britská politika vůči Československu od přijetí do oduznání Mnichovské dohody (1938-42)] sleduje rozdílné přístupy a postupné proměňování britské politiky vůči Československu v době od mnichovské konference v září 1938 do britského prohlášení ze srpna 1942, že Mnichovská dohoda nebude mít jakýkoli vliv na budoucí teritoriální uspořádání. Klíčovým tématem práce je přitom vliv Mnichova na britskou politickou scénu a na následnou britskou politiku vůči Československu ve středoevropském kontextu a také jeho rezonance v jednáních s československými exilovými představiteli. Práce je výsledkem autorova mnohaletého výzkumu zejména v britských archivech, doplněného o materiály z archivů českých, a rovněž reflexe rozsáhlého množství pramenných edic, deníků a memoárové a odborné literatury. Snaží se přitom rozptýlit řadu mýtů a stereotypů, v jejichž zajetí zůstává dosavadní česká a zčásti též anglofonní historiografie při interpretaci britské politiky vůči Československu bezprostředně před 2. světovou válkou a v jejím průběhu. (
Podobné produkty ako In the Shadow of Munich. British Policy towards Czechoslovakia from 1938 to 1942 - Vít Smetana - e-kniha , The hound of the baskervillesKniha - autor Jan Váně; Dušan Lužný; František Kalvas; Martina Štípková; Veronika Hásová, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá (
Podobné produkty ako Continuity and Discontinuities of Religious Memory in the Czech Republic (978-80-7364-089-7) , The turn of the screweBook:,Práce se zabývá především anglickým termínem wit v jeho moderním i historickém kontextu. Dále se zabývá literárními a estetickými důsledky pojmů wit a esprit a jejich použitím v teoretických spisech několika kritiků v období raně moderní Anglie a Francie. Práce má dva hlavní cíle. Prvním cílem je přehodnocení anglického pojmu wit, který je dnes považován za poněkud zastaralý výrazový prostředek historických poetických systémů a prezentovat jej jako životaschopnou a užitečnou součást současného uměleckého diskurzu. Druhým cílem této práce je poskytnout srovnávací výklad raně moderních anglických a francouzských teoretických textů zabývající se termíny wit a esprit. (
Podobné produkty ako From Rhetoric to Aesthetics: Wit and Esprit in the English and French Theoretical Writings of the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries - Kl , Spiritual-religious literature: through the lens of comparative imagology (978-80-210-9764-3)Kniha se věnuje kulturním procesům vyjednávání symbolických hranic přináležení v českém imigračním kontextu. Na základě kvalitativní analýzy biografických rozhovorů s přistěhovalci z Běloruska, Ukrajiny a Ruska žijících v České republice autorka zjišťuje, jak se utvářejí symbolické hranice přináležení skrze stigma v každodenních interakcích v sociálním a kulturním kontextu imigrace. Kniha si všímá rozporuplné kulturní reprezentace této skupiny migrantů v českém prostoru etnizovaných vztahů – zvláštního napětí mezi pozicí ‚Druhého‘ (‚Other) a ‚Bratra‘ (‚Brother‘) ve vztahu k Čechům. Toto napětí odráží minulé i současné procesy vytváření národa ve střední a východní Evropě, historické politické vztahy mezi socialistickým Československem a Sovětským svazem a migrační procesy v období po roce 1989. Kniha nabízí nový vhled do kulturního repertoáru českého imigračního kontextu a vyjednávání hranic češství. (
Podobné produkty ako The Brother of the Other: Immigration from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine to the Czech Republic and the boundaries of belonging - Radka Klvaňová , Portugal. the man: in the mountain in the cloud - lp (7567864186)Elektronická kniha - ze série Spisy Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, autor Klára Bicanová, 154 stran, anglicky Práce se zabývá především anglickým termínem wit v jeho moderním i historickém kontextu. Dále se zabývá literárními a estetickými důsledky pojmů wit a esprit a jejich použitím v teoretických spisech několika kritiků v období raně moderní Anglie a Francie. Práce má dva hlavní cíle. Prvním cílem je přehodnocení anglického pojmu wit, který je dnes považován za poněkud zastaralý výrazový prostředek historických poetických systémů a prezentovat jej jako životaschopnou a užitečnou součást současného uměleckého diskurzu. Druhým cílem této práce je poskytnout srovnávací výklad raně moderních anglických a francouzských teoretických textů zabývající se termíny wit a esprit. (
Podobné produkty ako From Rhetoric to Aesthetics: Wit and Esprit in the English and French Theoretical Writings of the La (978-80-210-6662-5) , The ocean at the end of the lane (1472283368)This is the story of one lost poem, two great rivers, and three remarkable lives – all connected by a single drop of water. In the ruins of Nineveh, that ancient city of Mesopotamia, there lies hidden in the sand fragments of a long-forgotten poem, the Epic of Gilgamesh. In Victorian London, an extraordinary child is born at the edge of the dirt-black Thames.Arthur’s only chance of escaping poverty is his brilliant memory. When his gift earns him a spot as an apprentice at a printing press, Arthur’s world opens up far beyond the slums, with one book soon sending him across the seas: Nineveh and Its Remains. In 2014 Turkey, Narin, a ten-year-old Yazidi girl, waits to be baptised in the waters of the River Tigris.The ceremony is cruelly interrupted, and soon Narin and her grandmother must journey across war-torn lands in the hope of finding the sacred valley of their people. In 2018 London, broken-hearted Zaleekhah, a hydrologist, moves to a houseboat on the Thames to escape the wreckage of her marriage. Zaleekhah foresees a life drained of all love and meaning – until an unexpected connection to her homeland changes everything.A dazzling feat of storytelling from one of the greatest writers of our time, Elif Shafak’s There are Rivers in the Sky is a rich, sweeping novel that spans centuries, continents and cultures, entwined by rivers, rains, and waterdrops:‘Water remembers. It is humans who forget.’ (
Podobné produkty ako There are Rivers in the Sky: From the bestselling author of The Island of Missing Trees - Elif Shafaková , Continuity and discontinuities of religious memory in the czech republic (978-80-7364-089-7)Kniha - autor Lenka Tkáč-Zabáková; Dominika Hlavinová Tekeliová; Ján Gallik, 112 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Vliv a význam náboženství a křesťanské tradice ve specifické kulturně-geografické konstrukci střední Evropy se stal významným impulsem pro tvorbu národních (sebe)obrazů. Tato kniha se zamýšlí nad duchovně a nábožensky orientovanými literárními aktivitami, které byly rovněž využity jako prostředek kulturní homogenizace a kulturní diverzifikace. Ve snaze přitáhnout pozornost veřejnosti k možnostem různých pohledů na literární obrazy, klišé, národní symboly či mýty používají autoři nástroje srovnávací imagologie. Zohledňují různé významné neliterární okolnosti a rozšiřují diskurz analýzou kulturních obrazů křesťanské tradice právě jako prostředku kulturní a národní (sebe)identifikace. Publikace tak přispívá k mezikulturnímu dialogu a stává se cenným vstupem do probíhající diskuse o významu literární tvorby autorů spojených s... (
Podobné produkty ako Spiritual-Religious Literature: Through the Lens of Comparative Imagology (978-80-210-9764-3) , Diaries from a crypt: the final days of seven parachutists from the time of the heydrich terror (978-80-7557-186-1)'Original, compulsive, uplifting: this is another triumph for Balen' - Alex O'Connell, The Times Children's Book of the Week'Balen's best book yet: ambitious, funny, spirited, moving, heartfelt and bold all at once. She's a force to be reckoned with' - Ross Montgomery_______________From the author of October, October, winner of the Yoto Carnegie Medal 2022, comes a life-affirming story about blended families and learning to find room in your heart for new life and new love.Tom is still quiet and timid, even though his dad has been gone for nearly two years now. Zofia has a raging storm that makes her want to fight the whole world until she gets what she wants.And what she wants is for scaredy-cat Tom to get out of her life. Tom hates loud, unpredictable Zofia just as much, but he's moving into Zofia's house. Because his mum and Zofia's dad are in love... and they're having a baby.Tom and Zofia both wish the stupid baby had never happened. But then Tom's mum gets ill, and it begins to look horribly like their wish might come true...A story of learning to trust, trying to let go and diving into the unknown with hope in your heart, with a stunning cover illustrated by CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal winner Sydney Smith. (
Podobné produkty ako The Light in Everything: from the winner of the Yoto Carnegie Medal 2022 - Katya Balen , The heart of the matter (0099478420)'Stunning... will long remain in the reader's mind' - Kristin HannahThis morning, I met the man who started the fire. He did something terrible, but then, so have I.I left him. I left him and now he may be dead. Once upon a time there was a beautiful village that held a million stories of love and loss and peace and war, and it was swallowed up by a fire that blazed up to the sky.The fire ran all the way down to the sea where it met with its reflection. A family from two nations, England and Greece, live a simple life in a tiny Greek village: Irini, Tasso and their daughter, lovely, sweet Chara, whose name means joy. Their life goes up in flames in a single day when one man starts a fire out of greed and indifference.Many are killed, homes are destroyed, and the region's natural beauty wiped out. In the wake of the fire, Chara bears deep scars across her back and arms. Tasso is frozen in trauma, devastated that he wasn't there when his family most needed him.And Irini is crippled by guilt at her part in the fate of the man who started the fire. But this family has survived, and slowly green shoots of hope and renewal will grow from the smouldering ruins of devastation. Once again, Christy Lefteri has crafted a novel which is intimate and epic, sweeping and delicate.The Book of Fire explores not only the damage wrought by human folly, and the costs of survival in our changing world, but also - and ultimately - our powers of redemption and renewal. (
Podobné produkty ako The Book of Fire: The moving, captivating and unmissable new novel from the author of THE BEEKEEPER OF ALEPPO - Christy Lefteri , No mercy: the brand new novel from the queen of crime (1472249445)Kniha - autor Radka Klvaňová, 168 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Kniha se věnuje kulturním procesům vyjednávání symbolických hranic přináležení v českém imigračním kontextu. Na základě kvalitativní analýzy biografických rozhovorů s přistěhovalci z Běloruska, Ukrajiny a Ruska žijících v České republice autorka zjišťuje, jak se utvářejí symbolické hranice přináležení skrze stigma v každodenních interakcích v sociálním a kulturním kontextu imigrace. Kniha si všímá rozporuplné kulturní reprezentace této skupiny migrantů v českém prostoru etnizovaných vztahů – zvláštního napětí mezi pozicí ‚Druhého‘ (‚Other) a ‚Bratra‘ (‚Brother‘) ve vztahu k Čechům. Toto napětí odráží minulé i současné procesy vytváření národa ve střední a východní Evropě, historické politické vztahy mezi socialistickým Československem a Sovětským svazem a migrační procesy v období po roce 1989. Kniha nabízí nový vhled do kulturního repertoáru českého imigračního kontextu a... (
Podobné produkty ako The Brother of the Other: mmigration from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine to the Czech Republic and the (978-80-210-8577-0) , Harry potter and the order of the phoenix 5 (9781408855690)Kniha - 40 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá (
Podobné produkty ako The Seed of Compassion: Lessons from the Life and Teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama (0241456975) , Night trains: the rise and fall of the sleeper (1781255598)Kniha - 272 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná (
Podobné produkty ako The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons in Creative Leadership from the CEO of the Walt Disney Company (1787630471) , Bowie david: the rise and fall of ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars (2012 remastered version) (2564628737)Stepping back from the world is an ancient human impulse. Over the last year we have had to retreat. But throughout history, we have chosen to.We were doing it more and more, anyway. Mindfulness and meditation are all the rage. Wellness tourism, yoga breaks, meditation apps, and spiritual boot camps have been booming - entry-level to hardcore.Retreat investigates this human obsession, mining neuroscience, psychology and history to reveal why we seek solitude, what we get out of it, and what is going on in our brains and bodies when we achieve it. What has it meant to the world's great thinkers, and what does it mean, in our age, as an activity we pay for?Is isolation a means of engaging more fully with reality, or evading it? And what has retreat meant at a time when humanity has - to an unprecedented extent - been forced to withdraw? Nat Segnit has felt the pull of solitude and the fear of it, as well as the warmth of company. To answer these questions, he has been on retreats around the world and met yogic scholars, cognitive and social scientists, religious leaders, philosophers and artists.Retreat is endlessly enlightening, sceptical and open-minded. It is about seeking happiness, fulfilment, a change of perspective, and relief from stress and anxiety. And it is surprisingly, joyously, full of human encounter. Ultimately, it is about the discovery that retreat is a mental state that can be achieved anywhere, in a monastery or shopping centre, a cave or a crowd. (
Podobné produkty ako Retreat: The Risks and Rewards of Stepping Back from the World , Anaal nathrakh: in the constellation of the black widow - lp (0893663)Two experts show that innovation is a skill that can be learned and describe eight essential practices for achieving success. Innovation is the ruling buzzword in business today. Technology companies invest billions in developing new gadgets; business leaders see innovation as the key to a competitive edge; policymakers craft regulations to foster a climate of innovation. And yet businesses report a success rate of only four percent for innovation initiatives. Can we significantly increase our odds of success? In The Innovator's Way, innovation experts Peter Denning and Robert Dunham reply with an emphatic yes. Innovation, they write, is not simply an invention, a policy, or a process to be managed. It is a personal skill that can be learned, developed through practice, and extended into organizations. Denning and Dunham identify and describe eight personal practices that all successful innovators perform: sensing, envisioning, offering, adopting, sustaining, executing, leading, and embodying. Together, these practices can boost a fledgling innovator to success. Weakness in any of these practices, they show, blocks innovation. Denning and Dunham chart the path to innovation mastery, from individual practices to teams and social networks. (
Podobné produkty ako The Innovator´s Way : Essential Practices for Successful Innovation - Peter J. Denning, Dunham Robert , Trivium: in the court of the dragon (2x lp) - lp (7567863977)From New York Times #1 best-selling author Rick Riordan and award-winning author Mark Oshiro comes a new standalone adventure featuring two of the most popular characters from the world of Percy Jackson and the Olympians. ONE PROPHECY. TWO DEMIGODS. A HEROIC QUEST. Nico di Angelo is pretty familiar with the realms of death, being the son of Hades and all. So when a desperate voice starts plaguing his dreams, Nico is convinced it's coming from the Underworld and belongs to an old friend - a reformed Titan called Bob. Then an ominous prophecy leaves Nico in no doubt - Bob needs his help and Nico must rescue him. Of course Nico's boyfriend, Will Solace, the son of Apollo (the god of light) insists on joining the quest too. But can will even survive in the darkest part of the world? And what does the prophecy mean when it says that Nico will have to leave something of equal value behind? As Nico faces demons both internal and external, his relationship with Will is tested to its very core. Can love find its way, even through the depths of hell? COMING SEPTEMBER 2023 - Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Chalice of the Gods. Join the original heroes from The Lightning Thief in a brand-new adventure! (
Podobné produkty ako The Sun and the Star (From the World of Percy Jackson) - Rick Riordan, Mark Oshiro , Les parisiennes: how the women of paris lived, loved and died in the 1940s (1474601731)Kniha - autor Antonín Zita, 202 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Kniha se zabývá srovnáním recepce autorů Beat Generation v USA a v Česku, a to ve dvou časových obdobích - v 50. a 60. letech 20. století a poté od 90. let až do současnosti. Zatímco samotné publikace Beat Generation autorů zůstaly nezměněné, kontexty těchto publikací byly zásadně odlišné: v USA byla díla autorů Beat Generation často redukována senzacechtivými kritiky na nevyzrálé vychvalování drog, sexu i násilí, v Československu naopak tito autoři získali přízeň čtenářů díky neobvyklosti svého literárního jazyka, kterou jejich próza a poezie představovaly na literárním trhu značně pokřiveném tezemi socialistického realismu. Tato studie tedy dokládá, jak mohou odlišné kontexty ovlivnit přístup čtenářů k literárnímu textu a jejich autorům, což ve výsledku pomáhá přeměnit daný text na odlišné umělecké dílo. (
Podobné produkty ako How We Understand the Beats: The Reception of the Beat Generation in the United States and the Czech (978-80-210-9048-4) , The dark pictures: volume 2 (house of ashes and the devil in me) - ps4 (3391892023848)This publication has several modest goals: We shall describe how we conceptualised religious memory for the purposes of qualitative and quantitative survey research, and we shall explain how we operationalised religious communicative and cultural memory and why we believe that the questionnaire we designed and present here can also be applied in other contexts outside Czech society. Given the volume of data we obtained, we want to present at least a portion of our results and show what types of findings were achieved through our conceptualisation and operationalisation of religious memory. Finally, we want to present non-Czech-speaking readers with a comprehensive work describing changes in religiosity in Czech society, in this case from the perspective of memory studies. In other words, we want to offer an international audience a piece of work broader than just a journal article focusing on the study of religion in the Czech Republic. (
Podobné produkty ako Continuity and Discontinuities of Religious Memory in the Czech Republic - Dušan Lužný, Jan Váně, František Kalvas, Veronika Hásová , The dark pictures: volume 2 (house of ashes and the devil in me) - xbox (3391892023862)Kniha představuje výsledky široce koncipovaného vědeckého výzkumu, který byl v souvislosti s výročím začátku 1. světové války realizován nejen ve střední Evropě, ale i v Gruzii, Skandinávii nebo pobaltských zemích. Ukazuje proměny nacionalistické rétoriky v politických a estetických diskurzech v souvislostech se změnou mapy Evropy v roce 1918 a vznikem nových států. Z různých pohledů kniha sleduje, jakými způsoby byl poválečný moderní vizuální jazyk šířen mimo tradiční centra a jakou roli přitom sehrála mezinárodní avantgardní síť, cirkulace moderních časopisů a další aspekty. Zásadním vědeckým přínosem je narušení tradiční představy, vytvořené v západním diskursu dějin umění a založené na černobílém rozdělení na národní, oficiální ideologii mladých států a mezinárodní utopické programy světa "bez hranic". Autoři knihy na různých příkladech přesvědčivě ukazují, že umělci, poháněni vlasteneckým étosem, často následovali obě myšlenky paralelně nebo v různých fázích jejich života. Návraty k národně koncipovaným programům v zemích, které vyvstaly na troskách Rakousko-Uherské monarchie, jsou inovativně interpretovány jako efektivní strategie preferující nejednoznačné umělecké projevy, usilující uplatnit se v každodenním životě a odpovídající specifickým sociálně-ekonomickým potřebám dotyčných států. Představením "neznámého" umění a uměleckých manifestů ze sousedních zemí publikace otevírá nové obzory a vybízí další badatele k rekonstruování vlastní i globální kulturní historie v horizontální perspektivě, bez nacionalistických přístupů. (
Podobné produkty ako Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism in the Avant-Garde and Modernism. The Impact of the First World War - Vojtěch Lahoda, Lidia Głuchowska , The wisdom of crowds: the riotous conclusion to the age of madness (0575095989)The CEO of Disney, one of Time's most influential people of 2019, shares the ideas and values he embraced to reinvent one of the most beloved companies in the world and inspire the people who bring the magic to life.Robert Iger became CEO of The Walt Disney Company in 2005, during a difficult time. Morale had deteriorated, competition was intense, and technology was changing faster than at any time in the company's history. His vision came down to three clear ideas: Recommit to the concept that quality matters, embrace technology instead of fighting it, and think bigger-think global-and turn Disney into a stronger brand in international markets.Fourteen years later, Disney is the largest, most respected media company in the world, counting Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm and 21st Century Fox among its properties. Its value is nearly five times what it was when Iger took over, and he is recognized as one of the most innovative and successful CEOs of our era.In The Ride of a Lifetime, Robert Iger shares the lessons he's learned while running Disney and leading its 200,000 employees, and he explores the principles that are necessary for true leadership, including:Optimism. Even in the face of difficulty, an optimistic leader will find the path toward the best possible outcome and focus on that, rather than give in to pessimism and blaming.Courage. Leaders have to be willing to take risks and place big bets. Fear of failure destroys creativity.Decisiveness. All decisions, no matter how difficult, can be made on a timely basis. Indecisiveness is both wasteful and destructive to morale.Fairness. Treat people decently, with empathy, and be accessible to them.This book is about the relentless curiosity that has driven Iger for forty-five years, since the day he started as the lowliest studio grunt at ABC. It's also about thoughtfulness and respect, and a decency-over-dollars approach that has become the bedrock of every project and partnership Iger pursues, from a deep friendship with Steve Jobs in his final years to an abiding love of the Star Wars mythology."The ideas in this book strike me as universal" Iger writes. "Not just to the aspiring CEOs of the world, but to anyone wanting to feel less fearful, more confidently themselves, as they navigate their professional and even personal lives." (
Podobné produkty ako The Ride of a Lifetime : Lessons in Creative Leadership from the CEO of the Walt Disney Company - Robert Iger , The lost book of the grail (1846884217)Across the planet, the futures of young people hang in the balance as they face the harsh realities of the environmental crisis. Isn't it time we made their voices heard?The Children of the Anthropocene, by conservationist and activist Bella Lack, chronicles the lives of the diverse young people on the frontlines of the environmental crisis around the world, amplifying the voices of those living at the heart of the crisis.Advocating for the protection of both people and the planet, Bella restores the beating heart to global environmental issues, from air pollution to deforestation and overconsumption, by telling the stories of those most directly affected. Transporting us from the humming bounty of Ecuador's Choco Rainforest and the graceful arcs of the Himalayan Mountains, to the windswept plains and vibrant vistas of life in Altiplano, Bella speaks to young activists from around the world including Dara McAnulty, Afroz Shah and Artemisa Xakriabá, and brings the crisis vividly to life.It's time we passed the mic and listened to different perspectives. Bella's manifestos for change will inspire and mobilize you to rediscover the wonders and wilds of nature and, ultimately, change the way you think about our planet in crisis. This is your chance to hear the urgent stories of an endangered species too often overlooked: the children of the Anthropocene. ____________________________'Extraordinarily moving, wild and engaging - the book of the moment' Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland and author of Climate Justice'A visionary statement for the future [...] Pragmatic, positive & beautifully written' Ben Macdonald, Award-Winning Conservation Writer, Wildlife TV Producer and Naturalist (
Podobné produkty ako The Children of the Anthropocene: Stories from the Young People at the Heart of the Climate Crisis , Ori and the will of the wisps - xbox one (lfm-00019)eBook: A constant development of information and communication technologies, including their introduction into the education, place more and more demands on teachers who have to be prepared to work with modern ICT tools and to create suitable educational materials for the needs of teaching designed in this fashion.The submitted publication reacts on those topical calls, and it strives for an overall analysis of ways and approaches to the employment of ICT tools by the teachers of pre-primary, basic and secondary schools in the area of realization of teaching supported by modern didactic means and digital technologies. This analysis, delimiting theoretical bases of the solved issue based on analyses of relevant learning theories, is also completed by several researches - their courses and results. (
Podobné produkty ako Perception and Possibilities of ICT Tools in the Education from the Teachers´ Perspective - Jiří Dostál, Milan Klement, K. Bártek - e-kniha , Yardbirds: the best of the yardbirds - cd (charly604cd)Kniha - 464 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 464 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A world expert presents a sympathetic exploration of the causes of trauma and the new treatments making it possible for sufferers to reclaim their lives. (
Podobné produkty ako The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma (0141978619) , The story of the trapp family singers (0060005777)When facing life's questions, who do you turn to for advice? We all need mentors, particularly when the odds seem stacked against us. To find his own, bestselling author and podcast guru Tim Ferriss tracked down more than 100 eclectic experts to help him, and you, navigate life. Through short, action-packed profiles, he shares their secrets for success, happiness, meaning, and more. No matter the challenge or opportunity, something in these pages can help. You will learn: - The three books legendary investor Ray Dalio recommends most often - Lessons and tips from elite athletes like Maria Sharapova, Kelly Slater, Tony Hawk and Dan Gable - How and why Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz says no to most incoming requests - The meditation and mindfulness practices of David Lynch, Jimmy Fallon, Sharon Salzberg, Rick Rubin, Sarah Elizabeth Lewis and others - The high-school loss that motivated actor Terry Crews for life . . . and how you can use the lesson - Why TED curator Chris Anderson thinks `pursue your passion' is terrible advice - How Yuval Noah Harari's Sapiens went from repeated rejections to global mega-bestseller - Why comedian Patton Oswalt wishes at least one catastrophic failure on anyone in the arts - Astrophysicist Janna Levin's unique reframe that helps her see obstacles as opportunities - Why actor Ben Stiller likes to dunk his head in a bucket of ice in the morning TIM FERRISS is one of Fast Company's `Most Innovative Business People' and an early-stage tech investor/advisor in Uber, Facebook, Twitter, Alibaba and more. He is also the author of The 4-Hour Work Week, The 4-Hour Body, The 4-Hour Chef and Tools of Titans. The Observer and other media have named him `the Oprah of audio' due to the influence of his podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show, which has exceeded 200 million downloads. (
Podobné produkty ako Tribe of Mentors : Short Life Advice from the Best in the World - Timothy Ferriss , The lord of the rings - elven - hrnek (3665361048251)Tolkien's works are punctuated by dramatic and explosive battles. Men versus Orcs, Elves versus Sauron, Goblins versus Dwarves - the history of Middle-earth has seen some of the greatest characters pitted against each other time and time again. From the iconic battle of Helm's Deep to the Destruction of Isengard, The Battles of Tolkien analyzes each battle in depth, with clear maps showing the lay of the land, and exactly how and where the armies attacked. This is essential reading for anyone who loves Tolkien's works and wants to explore the wars within them. (
Podobné produkty ako The Battles of Tolkien: An Illustrate Exploration of the Battles of Tolkien´s World, and the Sources that Inspired his Work from Myth, Literature andeBook: Over the past thirty years, the Czech public administration has been the subject of research rooted in law, economics, and history. However, only minimal attention has been paid to what Czech public officials actually do on the job (policy work) and the extent of politically motivated interference in their work (politicisation). This book aims to fill this gap by presenting the evidence derived from a large-N survey of the Czech ministries, the first of its kind in the country. The findings presented in the book offer new insights into the activities within the “ivory towers” of the Czech ministries and defy popular notions of an appallingly politicised bureaucracy. (
Podobné produkty ako Policy Work and Politicisation in the Ministries of the Czech Republic: The Dilemmas of State Service - Jan Kohoutek - e-knihaThe monograph In the Shadow of Totalitarianism Sport and the Olympic Movement in the “Visegrád Countries” 1945–1989 is devoted to the history of sport in selected countries of Central Europe from the end of World War II until the end of the 80s, i. e. communist regimes downfall. The development of sport and the Olympic Movement in Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary are observed in mutual interaction with ideologically homogenous and totalitarian systems whose metamorphoses of power were different within the chronological development in the above mentioned period of time. (
Podobné produkty ako In the Shadow of Totalitarism - Sport and the Olymic Movement in the "Visegrád Countries" 1945-1989 - Marek WaicFrom New York Times #1 best-selling author Rick Riordan and award-winning author Mark Oshiro comes a new standalone adventure featuring two of the most popular characters from the world of Percy Jackson and the Olympians. ONE PROPHECY. TWO DEMIGODS. A HEROIC QUEST. Nico di Angelo is pretty familiar with the realms of death, being the son of Hades and all. So when a desperate voice starts plaguing his dreams, Nico is convinced it's coming from the Underworld and belongs to an old friend - a reformed Titan called Bob. Then an ominous prophecy leaves Nico in no doubt - Bob needs his help and Nico must rescue him. Of course Nico's boyfriend, Will Solace, the son of Apollo (the god of light) insists on joining the quest too. But can will even survive in the darkest part of the world? And what does the prophecy mean when it says that Nico will have to leave something of equal value behind? As Nico faces demons both internal and external, his relationship with Will is tested to its very core. Can love find its way, even through the depths of hell? COMING SEPTEMBER 2023 - Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Chalice of the Gods. Join the original heroes from The Lightning Thief in a brand-new adventure! (
Podobné produkty ako From the World of Percy Jackson: The Sun and the Star (The Nico Di Angelo Adventures) - Rick Riordan, Mark OshiroTravel back in time to discover secrets of mummies and other human remains from around the world in this fascinating book, publishing 100 years after the discovery of King Tutankhamun's tomb.From ancient Egyptian mummies and European bog bodies to the plaster citizens of Pompeii, painted people of the Steppe and Japanese self-mummifying monks, this book reveals what scientists and experts have uncovered about our ancestors' lives from the bodies they left behind. Find out what these people ate, wore, believed in, enjoyed doing and much, much more in this unique and stunningly illustrated book.With an engaging text by Matt Ralphs, written in consultation with experts from the British Museum, and beautiful, respectful artwork by Gordy Wright, this is a book that will delight and inspire anyone aged 9+ with an interest in history, archaeology and anthropology. (
Podobné produkty ako Secrets of the Dead : Mummies and Other Human Remains from Around the World - Matt RalphsKniha - 150 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (
Podobné produkty ako 9 From the Nine Worlds: Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard (0241359430)Publikace shrnuje příspěvky z mezinárodního workshopu konaného Praze v červnu 2012, který navázal na semináře v Gießenu, Łódzi a Praze (2010, 2011). Tématem je reprezentace šoa/holokaustu v literatuře a filmu v 70. a 80. letech. Jednotlivé příspěvky se soustřeďují zvláště na polskou, českou a německojazyčnou literaturu (polská literatura v širším kontextu, Henryk Grynberg, Ida Henefeld-Ron, A leksander Rozenfeld; Viktor Fischl, Arnošt Lustig; Edgar Hilsenrath, Cordelia Edvardson), ale také na literaturu slovenskou (Ján Johanides) a maďarsko-rumunskou (Ana Novac). Druhou oblastí záběru je film: analýza proslulého Lanzmannova dokumentu Šoa, pohledy na českou filmovou a televizní tvorbu s tematikou holokaustu v daném období. Příspěvky vycházejí v anglickém a německém jazyce ve spolupráci s Centrem pro studium holokaustu a židovské literatury a Centrem židovských studií FF UK. (
Podobné produkty ako The Representation of the Shoah in Literature and Film in Central Europe - Jiří HolýAs read on BBC Radio 4 'Book of the Week'Shortlisted for the Stanford Dolman Travel Book of the Year AwardLonglisted for the RSL Ondaatje Prize'Sherman's is a special book. Every sentence, every thought she has, every question she asks, every detail she notices, offers something. The Bells of Old Tokyo is a gift . . . It is a masterpiece.' SpectatorFor over 300 years, Japan closed itself to outsiders, developing a remarkable and unique culture. During its period of isolation, the inhabitants of the city of Edo, later known as Tokyo, relied on its public bells to tell the time. In her remarkable book, Anna Sherman tells of her search for the bells of Edo, exploring the city of Tokyo and its inhabitants and the individual and particular relationship of Japanese culture - and the Japanese language - to time, tradition, memory, impermanence and history.Through Sherman's journeys around the city and her friendship with the owner of a small, exquisite cafe, who elevates the making and drinking of coffee to an art-form, The Bells of Old Tokyo presents a series of hauntingly memorable voices in the labyrinth that is the metropolis of the Japanese capital: An aristocrat plays in the sea of ashes left by the Allied firebombing of 1945. A scientist builds the most accurate clock in the world, a clock that will not lose a second in five billion years. A sculptor eats his father's ashes while the head of the house of Tokugawa reflects on the destruction of his grandfather's city ('A lost thing is lost. To chase it leads to darkness').The result is a book that not only engages with the striking otherness of Japanese culture like no other, but that also marks the arrival of a dazzling new writer as she presents an absorbing and alluring meditation on life through an exploration of a great city and its people. (
Podobné produkty ako The Bells of Old Tokyo: Travels in Japanese TimeThe First Mistake is the stunning second novel from The Other Woman author Sandie Jones, who delivers twist after heart-stopping twist, in this addictively readable domestic suspense about a wife, her husband, and her best friend. Perfect for fans of The Mother-in-Law and My Lovely Wife. For Alice, life has never been better. After the death of her first husband, she has remarried, with a successful business, two children and a beautiful house. In Beth, she also has the best friend she has always wanted. A friend without judgement, she is the most trustworthy and loyal person Alice knows. So when Alice begins to suspect her husband Nathan is having an affair, Alice turns to Beth to help her find the truth. She can trust Beth, can't she . . .? (
Podobné produkty ako The First Mistake : A gripping psychological thriller about trust and lies from the author of The Other Woman - Sandie JonesA brand-new translation of a philosophical classic of the ancient world, The Teaching of Ptahhatp, written in Egypt 4,000 years ago. The Teaching of Ptahhatp, composed two millennia before the birth of Plato, is the oldest surviving statement of philosophy in the ancient world and the earliest witness to the power of the written word. It ought to begin the list of the world's philosophy classics, yet it has been largely forgotten since it was rediscovered in the nineteenth century.Egyptologist Bill Manley's new translation corrects this oversight, rendering into approachable modern English for the first time Ptahhatp's profound yet practical account of 'the meaning of life', written many centuries before the supposed dawn of western philosophy. Manley introduces Ptahhatp, who served as Vizier to the Old Kingdom pharaoh Izezi (c. 2410-2375 BC), and the world of dynamic ideas and new technologies - writing among them - within which he worked, illuminating the nuances of his language and philosophy.In addition, Manley's new translation of Why Things Happen, the oldest surviving account of creation from anywhere in the world, reveals how Ptahhatp's account of the human condition is founded in distinctive ancient Egyptian beliefs about the nature of truth and reality. Taken together, Manley's new translations and expert commentary provide a new perspective on the Pyramid Age and overturn traditional prejudices about the origins of writing and philosophy. The 'oldest book in the world' is a testament to a common thread that connects humanity across time; Ptahhatp grapples with the pitfalls of greed, ambition, celebrity, success, confrontation, friendship, sex and even the office environment, and his teachings remain remarkably relevant in the modern day. (
Podobné produkty ako The Oldest Book in the World: Philosophy in the Age of the Pyramids - Bill ManleyPublikace, na níž se podíleli odborníci aktuálně působící v Evropě, Americe i Asii, je rozčleněna do čtyř tematických bloků. První se věnuje Janu Husovi ("The Person and Work of Jan Hus"), druhý se zabývá problematikou násilí a inkvizicí ("Hussite Revolution and Inquisition"), třetí obsahuje texty o utrakvistické liturgii ("Liturgy") a poslední rozebírá interakci české reformace s reformacemi evropskými ("Utraquism and Reformation"). Celkem dvanáct studií reflektuje fenomén české reformace v pozdním středověku a raném novověku, přičemž tak v intencích Collegia Europaea rozvíjí úsilí o internacionalizaci bádání k českým náboženským dějinám a jejich filosofickému, teologickému, církevně-politickému a kulturnímu kontextu. (
Podobné produkty ako The Bohemian Reformation and Religious Practice 11When facing life's questions, who do you turn to for advice? We all need mentors, particularly when the odds seem stacked against us. To find his own, bestselling author and podcast guru Tim Ferriss tracked down more than 100 eclectic experts to help him, and you, navigate life. Through short, action-packed profiles, he shares their secrets for success, happiness, meaning, and more. No matter the challenge or opportunity, something in these pages can help. You will learn: - The three books legendary investor Ray Dalio recommends most often - Lessons and tips from elite athletes like Maria Sharapova, Kelly Slater, Tony Hawk and Dan Gable - How and why Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz says no to most incoming requests - The meditation and mindfulness practices of David Lynch, Jimmy Fallon, Sharon Salzberg, Rick Rubin, Sarah Elizabeth Lewis and others - The high-school loss that motivated actor Terry Crews for life . . . and how you can use the lesson - Why TED curator Chris Anderson thinks `pursue your passion' is terrible advice - How Yuval Noah Harari's Sapiens went from repeated rejections to global mega-bestseller - Why comedian Patton Oswalt wishes at least one catastrophic failure on anyone in the arts - Astrophysicist Janna Levin's unique reframe that helps her see obstacles as opportunities - Why actor Ben Stiller likes to dunk his head in a bucket of ice in the morning TIM FERRISS is one of Fast Company's `Most Innovative Business People' and an early-stage tech investor/advisor in Uber, Facebook, Twitter, Alibaba and more. He is also the author of The 4-Hour Work Week, The 4-Hour Body, The 4-Hour Chef and Tools of Titans. The Observer and other media have named him `the Oprah of audio' due to the influence of his podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show, which has exceeded 200 million downloads. (
Podobné produkty ako Tribe of Mentors : Short Life Advice from the Best in the World (Defekt) - Timothy FerrissWhen facing life's questions, who do you turn to for advice? We all need mentors, particularly when the odds seem stacked against us. To find his own, bestselling author and podcast guru Tim Ferriss tracked down more than 100 eclectic experts to help him, and you, navigate life. Through short, action-packed profiles, he shares their secrets for success, happiness, meaning, and more. No matter the challenge or opportunity, something in these pages can help. You will learn: - The three books legendary investor Ray Dalio recommends most often - Lessons and tips from elite athletes like Maria Sharapova, Kelly Slater, Tony Hawk and Dan Gable - How and why Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz says no to most incoming requests - The meditation and mindfulness practices of David Lynch, Jimmy Fallon, Sharon Salzberg, Rick Rubin, Sarah Elizabeth Lewis and others - The high-school loss that motivated actor Terry Crews for life . . . and how you can use the lesson - Why TED curator Chris Anderson thinks `pursue your passion' is terrible advice - How Yuval Noah Harari's Sapiens went from repeated rejections to global mega-bestseller - Why comedian Patton Oswalt wishes at least one catastrophic failure on anyone in the arts - Astrophysicist Janna Levin's unique reframe that helps her see obstacles as opportunities - Why actor Ben Stiller likes to dunk his head in a bucket of ice in the morning TIM FERRISS is one of Fast Company's `Most Innovative Business People' and an early-stage tech investor/advisor in Uber, Facebook, Twitter, Alibaba and more. He is also the author of The 4-Hour Work Week, The 4-Hour Body, The 4-Hour Chef and Tools of Titans. The Observer and other media have named him `the Oprah of audio' due to the influence of his podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show, which has exceeded 200 million downloads. (
Podobné produkty ako Tribe of Mentors : Short Life Advice from the Best in the World (Defekt) - Timothy FerrissKniha - 496 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (
Podobné produkty ako The Stolen Heir: A Novel of Elfhame, from the author of The Folk of the Air series (1471413624)An untried acolyte desperate to speak with the orisha she worships accidentally reignites a cosmic war. The fate of her gods - and of her world - now lies in her inexperienced hands. Perfect for fans of N. K. Jemisin, Suyi Davies Okungbowa, Daughters of Nri, and Godkiller. Ashake is an acolyte in the temple of Ifa, yearning for the day she is made a priest and sent out into the world to serve the orisha.But of all the acolytes, she is the only one the orisha refuse to speak to. For years she has watched from the sidelines as peer after peer passes her by and ascends to full priesthood. Desperate, Ashake attempts to summon and trap an orisha-any orisha.Instead, she experiences a vision so terrible it draws the attention of a powerful enemy sect and thrusts Ashake into the center of a centuries-old war that will shatter the very foundations of her world. (
Podobné produkty ako Guardians of the Gods - In the Shadow of the Fall - Ogundrian TobiKniha - autor Rick Riordan, 212 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Join Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase and Carter and Sadie Kane as they do battle with an ancient Egyptian magician determined to become a god. Against impossible odds, the four demigods and magicians team up to prevent the apocalypse.Contains the short stories The Son of Sobek, The Staff of Serapis and The Crown of Ptolemy, together in one volume for the first time.Plus, read an exciting extract from The Sword of Summer, the first book in Rick Riordan's latest series, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard. (
Podobné produkty ako Demigods and Magicians: Three Stories from the World of Percy Jackson and the Kane Chronicles (0141367288)Sharing seasonal, holistic recipes and a way of life for body and soul - with a focus on gut-friendly ferments, slow cooking and gluten-free eating. A joyful celebration of seasonal eating and wellbeing from the popular cafe and yoga studio, Egg Of The Universe. Embracing our philosophy of better living through nutritious wholefoods and mindful movement, here are over 100 of the most popular recipes from our cafe for you to recreate at home. There's something here for everyone: light and energising breakfasts, salads bursting with colour and crunch, restorative broths and wholesome slow-cooked braises and curries, plus the pickles, ferments, tonics, homemade breads and healthy sweet treats for which the cafe is renowned - all nutritionally balanced to keep your gut and your tastebuds happy. As well as advice on sustainable preparation techniques and wholefood ingredients, we've included a seasonal program of yoga, meditation and wellness practices to help you connect with the world around you and get the best out of each and every day. (
Podobné produkty ako Egg of the Universe: From the community kitchen cafe and yoga studio - Harry Lancaster, Bryony LancasterFrom the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Wish comes a poignant love story about risking everything for a dream - and whether it's possible to leave the past behind. Fate drew them together . .. but will their dreams tear them apart?Colby Mills once felt destined for a musical career, but tragedy grounded his dreams. Now the dust has settled, he spontaneously takes a gig playing at a bar in Florida, seeking a rare break from his duties at home.But when he meets Morgan Lee, his world is turned upside-down, and Colby can't help but wonder if the responsibilities he has shouldered need dictate his life forever. Morgan is on her way to Nashville with plans to become a star and she wants Colby to come with her. While they are falling headlong in love, Beverly is on a heart-pounding journey of another kind.Fleeing an abusive husband with her six-year-old son, she is trying to piece together a new life in a small town far off the beaten track. Danger is never far and her money is fast running out. In the course of a single unforgettable week, three very different people will have their own ideas of love put to the test.As fate draws them together, they will each be forced to question whether the dream of a better life can ever overcome the weight of the past. Praise for Nicholas Sparks:'This one won't leave a dry eye' Daily Mirror'A fiercely romantic and touching tale' Heat'An A-grade romantic read' OK!'Pulls at the heartstrings' Sunday Times'An absorbing page-turner' Daily Mail (
Podobné produkty ako Dreamland: From the author of the global bestseller, The Notebook - Nicholas SparksPublikace shrnuje příspěvky z mezinárodního workshopu konaného v listopadu 2011 v Praze. Seminář se zabýval tématem šoa/holokaustu v literatuře, v divadle a filmu v padesátých a šedesátých letech. Navázal na předchozí workshopy v německém Gießenu a v polské Łódzi (2010, 2011). Jednotlivé příspěvky se soustřeďují zvláště na českou a polskou literaturu (Jiří Weil, Norbert Frýd, Jan Otčenášek, Ladislav Fuks, Josef Škvorecký, Adolf Rudnicki, diskurz šoa v polské literatuře), na drama a divadlo (Leon Kruczkowski, Ireneusz Iredyński, Hedda Zinner, západoněmecké drama s tématem šoa), film (Spalovač mrtvol, Jákob lhář), ale také na kresby dětí v Terezíně či zobrazení šoa z pohledu dítěte. Příspěvky vycházejí v anglickém a německém jazyce ve spolupráci s Centrem židovských studií FF UK. Je psána anglicky a německy. (
Podobné produkty ako The Representation of the Shoah in Literature, Theatre and Film in Central Europ - Holý JiříFlowers have been a popular motif in art for centuries. As the epitome of natural beauty and earthly mortality since the Baroque era, flowers have lost none of their fascination for artists in the 20th and 21st centuries. Why does modern and contemporary art turn so frequently to this multi-faceted subject? (
Podobné produkty ako Flowers! In the Art of the 20th and 21st Centuries - Stefanie Weißhorn-Ponert, Regina Selter