Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
King of Foxes (Conclave of Shadows 2) - Raymond Elias Feist
In the second instalment of The Conclave of Shadows. The Conclave demands its membership price from their new protege: Tal must gather information on the sinister magician Laso Varen. But, to do this means service with the sorcerer's master, Duke Kaspar of Olasko - the very man he suspects of killing his family.A POWERFUL NEW EPIC FANTASY SERIES FROM ONE OF THE GREAT MASTERS OF THE GENRE Talon, orphan of the Orosini tribe and last of his people has been transformed by the Conclave of Shadows from a trusting young boy to the dashing young nobleman Talwin Hawkins: educated, confident and now Roldem's premier swordsman. The title, won at the Masters' Court, in front of the King, brought him a step closer to his desire - to avenge the massacre of his family. Two participants in the slaughter are dead by his hand; Lieutenant Campaneal fell under his blade during the Master's Tournament and the other, Raven, died whilst attempting to butcher an Orodon village as he did Tal's people.But still his lust for vengeance will not be sated until the reason for the massacres has been uncovered and their architect revealed and punished. The Conclave demands its price from Tal: he must gather information on Laso Varen, a magician of terrible power and subtle craft, dangerous beyond contemplation. To do this means service with the sorcerer's master, Duke Kaspar of Olasko - and swearing loyalty to the very man he suspects of killing his family, even if it means becoming the Duke's right-hand and tracking down his enemies - the members of the Conclave and Talon's own friends.
Podívejte se také Stojanový věšák Elias (8591957648862)
Hadí sága 5 - Hněv krále démonů - Ústup - Raymond Elias Feist
Smaragdová královna už dobyla celý Novindus a začala s přípravou na invazi, jakou Midkemie dosud neviděla. Jejím záměrem ovšem není dobýt nové země, ale jen ničit a drancovat. Útočníci mají jediný cíl - obsadit Sethanon a zmocnit se kamene života. Také James, nyní vévoda z Krondoru, se na invazi připravuje: shromažďuje peníze, zásoby, vojáky, zbraně. Z jeho nepřátel činí podstrčené informace nevědomé spojence, úplatky spojencům či pohrůžky protivníkům zajišťují dočasný smír vsude tam, odkud musí ke Krondoru převelet Královské vojáky. A pak už nezbývá než čekat.
Podívejte se také Protective P-King of vert black (SPTrcc073nad)
Shadow of a Dark Queen (1) - Raymond Elias Feist
Acclaimed, New York Times bestselling fantasist Raymond E. Feist gets his masterful Serpentwar Saga off to a spectacular start with Shadow of a Dark Queen. Feist's classic epic fantasy adventure returns readers to ever-imperiled Midkemia, a breathtaking, richly imagined realm of magic and intrigue, where two unlikely heroes must rally the forces of the land to stand firm against a malevolent race of monsters intent upon conquest and annihilation. Locus magazine calls Shadow of a Dark Queen, "the place to start for those yet to discover Feist's fantasy worlds." For fans of Terry Goodkind, George R. R. Martin, and Terry Brooks--and for anyone not already in the thrall of this astonishing author's literary magic--that is excellent
Podívejte se také Tempo Kondela Němý sluha Elias, bílá
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Mágův konec - Raymond Elias Feist
Apokalypsa v Midkemii. Zatímco se ve sporu o korunu Království střetávají armády, Pug a jeho společníci zjišťují, že o osud celého světa se hraje vyšší hra, která daleko přesahuje vše, s čím se doposud setkali. Do událostí vstoupili samotní bohové, klíčová rozhodnutí však stojí před nejslavnějším čarodějem midkemijské historie. Velkolepé završení epické ságy.
Objev podobné jako Mágův konec - Raymond Elias Feist
Faerie Tale - Raymond Elias Feist
A contemporary novel of masterful horror replete with magic, fantasy, and more than a little stylish sensuality."--The Washington Post Phil Hastings was a lucky man--he had money, a growing reputation as a screenwriter, a happy, loving family with three kids, and he'd just moved into the house of his dreams in rural of magic--and about to be altered irrevocably by a magic more real than any he dared imagine.For with the Magic came the Bad Thing, and the Faerie, and then the Fool . . . and the resurrection of a primordial war with a forgotten People--a war that not only the Hastings but the whole human race could lose."Absorbing, thought-provoking, and thoroughly magical. Feist's skillfully crafted prose illuminates many of the darker sides of fairy stories. . . . Try it as a bedtime story . . . but only on nights when you can take some time getting to sleep."--The West Coast Review of Books
Objev podobné jako Faerie Tale - Raymond Elias Feist
Král popela - Raymond Elias Feist
Garn tvořilo původně pět království. Pak však přišla zrada. Královskou rodinu Rudovlasů nezachránila ani jejich spřízněnost s ohněm: král Sandury je popravil do posledního. Zbývají tedy čtyři království, která se ale potácejí na pokraji války. Proslýchá se ale, že svému osudu mohl uniknout novorozený dědic. Čtyři králové proto vypsali za hlavu nevinného dítěte odměnu, aby zabránili tomu, že někde vyroste královský potomek s pomstou v srdci.
Objev podobné jako Král popela - Raymond Elias Feist
Talon of the Silver Hawk : Conclave of Shadows: Book One - Raymond Elias Feist
Evil has come to a distant land high among the snow-capped mountains of Midkemia, as anexterminating army wearing the colors of theDuke of Olasko razes village after village, slaughtering men, women, and children without mercy. And when the carnage is done, only one survivor remains: a young boy named Kieli. A youth no longer, there is now but one road for him to travel: the path of vengeance. And he willnot be alone. Under the tutelage of the rescuerswho discovered him, Kieli will be molded into a sure and pitiless weapon. And he will accept the destiny that has been chosen for him ... asTalon of the Silver Hawk. But the prey he so earnestly stalks is hunting himas well. And Talon must swear allegiance toa shadowy cause that already binds his mysterious benefactors -- or his mission, his honor, and his life will be lost forever.
Objev podobné jako Talon of the Silver Hawk : Conclave of Shadows: Book One - Raymond Elias Feist
Koruna v ohrožení - Raymond Elias Feist
Bitva je v plném proudu. Zatímco vojska Velké Keshe postupují nezadržitelně vpřed, lord James Jamison Dasher začíná rozplétat spletité předivo, které stojí za válečnými manévry. Ukazuje se, že vyhlídka na mír nemusí být nakonec tak lákavá. Nebezpečí převratu nabírá zřetelné obrysy s každým dnem a král stále nestanovil následníka trůnu. Mladý Hal z Crydee a jeho přítel Tyr Hawkins, šampion Dvora mistrů, byli pověřeni, aby doprovodili princeznu Stephané do bezpečí. Mají ale vůbec kam jít? Pug s Magnusem usilovně pátrají po tajemném strůjci konfliktu, je možné, že mají poslední události společného jmenovatele?
Objev podobné jako Koruna v ohrožení - Raymond Elias Feist
Mág: Mistr - Raymond Elias Feist - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Druhý díl série Trhlinové války. Pug se coby válečný zajatec a otrok lopotí pod horkým kelewanským sluncem. S překvapením zjišťuje, že se tento svět i přes všechny odlišnosti jeho domovině v mnohém podobá. Mohl by zde objevit to, co mu na Midkemii stále unikalo? Do příběhu vstupuje mistr Milamber, který v osudech obou světů sehraje důležitou roli. Mezitím pokračuje tsuranská invaze do Ostrovního království, které je zmítáno nejen táhlou válkou, ale i vnitřními mocenskými spory. Politika ovlivňuje trhlinovou válku na obou stranách.
Objev podobné jako Mág: Mistr - Raymond Elias Feist - audiokniha
Mág: Učedník - Raymond Elias Feist - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Sirotek Pug z pevnosti stojí na prahu životní změny. Doufá, že bude některým z mistrů přijat a vyučí se řemeslu, které mu zajistí živobytí. Nečekaná souhra okolností jej zavede ke Kulganovi, dvornímu mágovi vévody z Crydee. Netuší, že velké změny čekají nejen jeho, ale také celé Ostrovní království a Midkemii. Vše začne objevením záhadného vraku lodi, která za bouře ztroskotá na pobřeží... První díl čtyřdílné série Trhlinové války.
Objev podobné jako Mág: Učedník - Raymond Elias Feist - audiokniha
A Darkness Returns - Raymond Elias Feist
As worlds collide… Hatushaly, last scion of the Firemane dynasty, his beloved Hava, and their dubious friend Donte have been transported across space and time from the war-torn world of Garn to the relative peace of Midkemia. There, on Sorcerer's Isle, under the guidance of the magician Magnus and his erstwhile father Pug, in his reincarnated form, Hatu will explore and expand his unique magical abilities. With the evil Pride Lords defeated, the Church of the One has risen to bring death and destruction to his home world.The Church is sending forces against Marquensas, where Daylon is now king, and Declan Smith finds himself suddenly and unexpectedly raised to the status of prince and war commander. But an even greater menace than the Church of the One lies in wait, a creature from the Void, bent on the destruction of all living things. Pug, Nakor and Magnus will need to join forces with Hatu, Hava and Declan if they are to save the worlds of Midkemia and Garn from everlasting darkness… A spectacular new epic series from the globally bestselling author of MAGICIAN.
Objev podobné jako A Darkness Returns - Raymond Elias Feist
Stříbrný trn - Raymond Elias Feist - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Trhlina je uzavřena a na trůn usedl mladý král, ale tolik potřebný mír je stále ještě daleko. Za severní hranicí Ostrovního království se náhle objevuje nová hrozba. Záhadný Murmandamus pozvedl svou korouhev a sjednocuje pod ní peklomory, gobliny i četné vyvrhele lidské společnosti. Princ Arutha musí čelit nové hrozbě s vědomím, že v sázce jsou životy jeho nejbližších. Podaří se mu nalézt Stříbrný trn?
Objev podobné jako Stříbrný trn - Raymond Elias Feist - audiokniha
Dcera Impéria - Raymond Elias Feist, Janny Wurtsová
Spolu s Janny Wurts vás R. E. Feist zavede na opačnou stranu Trhliny a uvrhne do víru podivuhodného světa tsuranského impéria, jehož výbojům museli čelit hrdinové Feistova bestselleru Sága Trhlinové války. Fascinující, do detailu propracovaný příběh o zradě a věrnosti, o cti válečníka a o povinnostech vůdce rodu, hájícího své barvy ve vražedné Velké hře tsuranské politiky je protipólem epicky rozmáchlého Mága, s nímž si co do čtivosti rozhodně nezadá.
Objev podobné jako Dcera Impéria - Raymond Elias Feist, Janny Wurtsová
Zlo v Sethanonu - Raymond Elias Feist - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Nad Midkemií duje zlý vichr. Murmandamus svolává své legie a chystá se k invazi do Ostrovního království. Arutha je odhodlán čelit této hrozbě, ale bez pomoci přátel zkáze zabránit nedokáže. Pug a Thomas se vydávají na nebezpečnou výpravu, která je zavede až na počátek času. Jediný kdo může zvrátit výsledek válek Chaosu, je Macros. Podaří se ho přivést zpět? Vše se rozhodne v Sethanonu. Závěrečný díl světově proslulé série Trhlinové války, která významně ovlivnila tvář novodobé fantastiky.
Objev podobné jako Zlo v Sethanonu - Raymond Elias Feist - audiokniha
Jimmy and the Crawler - Raymond Elias Feist
A fantastic new novella from the master of magic and adventure. Bestselling author Raymond E. Feist returns to the city of Krondor and one of his most loved characters, Jimmy the Hand.The Crawler: a name whispered in fear... In the crime-ridden back alleys of Krondor a rival gang has sprung up to threaten the Upright Man's Mockers. Does the Crawler control the rival gang? Where does his power come from? And does it threaten the peace of the Kingdom? James, personal squire to Prince Arutha of Krondor, but in the underworld known as the thief and trickster Jimmy the Hand, must travel to Kesh in disguise.There, working with William, lieutenant of the prince's household guard and son of the magician Pug, and Jazhara, niece to the Keshian lord Hazara-Khan, he must attempt to unmask the mysterious Crawler and rid Krondor of his influence.
Objev podobné jako Jimmy and the Crawler - Raymond Elias Feist
Správce impéria: Vrah - Raymond Elias Feist - audiokniha
Audiokniha: První část třetí knihy trilogie Sága o Impériu. Ochránce Impéria lady Mara z Acoma se sice zbavila svého úhlavního nepřítele, rodu Minwanabi, leč zášť lorda Tasaia jde vskutku za hrob. Spolek nájemných vrahů Hamoi se chystá vyplnit odkaz zemřelého lorda. A v pozadí se již šikují další nepřátelé – například Jiro z Anasati. Nyní tedy Mara zoufale potřebuje získat nové spojence a tak neváhá při jejich hledání upřít svou pozornost ani za hranice Tsuranského císařství.
Objev podobné jako Správce impéria: Vrah - Raymond Elias Feist - audiokniha
Exile´s Return (Defekt) - Raymond Elias Feist
Saved by a mage's intervention from certain death, Kaspar, the evil Duke of Olasko, is lord no more -- reduced to an exile's existence and forced to wander the harshest realms of the world he once enslaved. Merciless deserts, forbidding mountains, and vast oceans now separate the once powerful despot from his former seat of power -- his dark dreams of vengeance overwhelmed by the daily struggle for survival. But there is a larger drama that will entangle the broken dictator. An evil devastating and deadly seeks entrance to the land -- the mystical tool of a dark empire hungry for conquest and destruction -- and Kaspar has inadvertently discovered the key. Suddenly, Midkemia's last hope is a disgraced and exiled duke whose history is written in blood, and who now must wield his sword as her champion . . . if he so chooses..
Objev podobné jako Exile´s Return (Defekt) - Raymond Elias Feist
Král popela - Raymond Elias Feist - e-kniha
eBook: Garn tvořilo původně pět království. Pak však přišla zrada. Královskou rodinu Rudovlasů nezachránila ani jejich spřízněnost s ohněm: král Sandury je popravil do posledního. Zbývají tedy čtyři království, která se ale potácejí na pokraji války. Proslýchá se ale, že svému osudu mohl uniknout novorozený dědic. Čtyři králové proto vypsali za hlavu nevinného dítěte odměnu, aby zabránili tomu, že někde vyroste královský potomek s pomstou v srdci.
Objev podobné jako Král popela - Raymond Elias Feist - e-kniha
Shadow of a Dark Queen (The Serpentwar Saga, Book 1) (Defekt) - Raymond Elias Feist
The astonishing first volume in Raymond E. Feist's bestselling Serpentwar Saga... A nest of vipers is stirring.. . Ancient powers are readying themselves for a devastating confrontation.A dark queen has raised her standard and is gathering armies of unmatched might. Into this battleground of good and evil a band of desperate men are forced, whose only hope for survival is to face this ancient power and discover its true nature. Among them are some unlikely heroes - Erik, a bastard heir denied his birth right, and his friend Roo, an irrepressible scoundrel with a penchant for thievery.They are accompanied by the mysterious Miranda, upon whom all must wager their lives.
Objev podobné jako Shadow of a Dark Queen (The Serpentwar Saga, Book 1) (Defekt) - Raymond Elias Feist
Ochránce Impéria - Otrok - Raymond Elias Feist, Janny Wurtsová
Fascinující příběh Mary z Acoma pokračuje - tentokrát se odehrává přímo na pozadí událostí, popisovaných v bestsellru Mág: Mara koupí vzpurného midkemijského otroka Kevina. Ten jí posléze prokáže neocenitelné služby poté, co Vojevůdce Almecho zahyne při konfliktu se Ctihodným Milamberem...."
Objev podobné jako Ochránce Impéria - Otrok - Raymond Elias Feist, Janny Wurtsová
Dcera impéria - Raymond Elias Feist, Janny Wurtsová - audiokniha
Audiokniha: První kniha ze Ságy o impériu zavede posluchače na druhou stranu trhliny. Domovský svět tsuranů, jejichž výpadům museli čelit hrdinové série Trhlinové války, se od Midkemie liší v mnohém. Vládnou zde přísné tradice a nelítostná politická hra. V ní musí obstát mladá Mara z Acoma. Na její starobylý rod těžce dopadly důsledky válečných intrik a před Marou teď stojí nelehký úkol: uhájit svůj dům proti mocným nepřátelům, kteří usilují o jeho zničení.
Objev podobné jako Dcera impéria - Raymond Elias Feist, Janny Wurtsová - audiokniha
Ochránce impéria – Otrok - Raymond Elias Feist, Janny Wurtsová - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Druhá kniha Ságy o impériu. Maře z Acoma se podařilo uhájit svůj dům a navzdory všem očekáváním zvítězila v prvním kole Velké hry Rady. Na odpočinek však není čas. Intriky tsuranské politiky nikdy nekončí a silní nepřátelé se připravují k dalšímu střetnutí. Mara však nalezne spojence a posilu tam, kde by ji nečekala. Díky tomu získá čerstvý pohled na zkostnatělou společnost vlastního národa, což může být klíčovou výhodou v rozhodujících momentech.
Objev podobné jako Ochránce impéria – Otrok - Raymond Elias Feist, Janny Wurtsová - audiokniha
Ochránce impéria: Milenec - Raymond Elias Feist, Janny Wurst - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Krevní msta mezi domem Minwanabi a Acoma vrcholí. Hrozí, že spor se zvrhne v ničivou občanskou válku. Mara se snaží využít těžce vybudované pozice, aby této katastrofě zabránila. Tasaio z Minwanabi je krutý a nekonečně prohnaný nepřítel vždy připravený ke smrtícímu výpadu. Mara však zjišťuje, že není jediná, kdo si začal uvědomovat slabiny zkostnatělé tsuranské politiky. Strůjcem velkých změn by mohl být i samotný císař. Kdo nakonec získá přízeň bohů a zvítězí?
Objev podobné jako Ochránce impéria: Milenec - Raymond Elias Feist, Janny Wurst - audiokniha
Hadí sága 7 - Střepy rozbité koruny - Chaos - Raymond Elias Feist
Nápor na Shethanon byl odražen. Smaragdová královna a její přisluhovači jsou mrtví, ale desetitisíce jejích bývalých vojáků jsou síla, se kterou je zapotřebí i nadále počítat. Obnova Krondoru se tak shodou okolností může pro království stát velice problematickou záležitostí. A jako by zpustošení a vyčerpání země nestačilo, vstupují na scénu proradní sousedé, připraveni pohotově využít slabé chvíle Ostrovního království k prosazení svých požadavků.
Objev podobné jako Hadí sága 7 - Střepy rozbité koruny - Chaos - Raymond Elias Feist
Zeke Sky: Intergalactic Demon King (Digipack) - CD (4251981702315)
Hudební CD - V roce 2021 dokončil Zeke Sky nahrávání svého debutového alba, které vychází teprve nyní v roce 2022 pod názvem „Intergalactic Demon King”. V roce 2021 dokončil Zeke Sky nahrávání svého debutového alba, které vychází teprve nyní v roce 2022 pod názvem „Intergalactic Demon King”. Zeke Sky je americký kytarista, pianista, zpěvák a skladatel, jehož vliv na hudební scénu vzrůstá již od zveřejnění prvních nahrávek na internetu v roce 2018. Kombinuje psychedelický rok, progresivní metal a world music. Rok vydání : 2022 (1.album) Seznam stop CD Overture / On The Tip Of The Tongue / Light The Sky / Intergalactic Demon King / Level The Heights / Light In The Hollow / Firewitch Forever / Faith And Sorrow / Endlessly Forever / Say Your Prayers / LionHeart
Objev podobné jako Zeke Sky: Intergalactic Demon King (Digipack) - CD (4251981702315)
Warhammer Zabíječ démonů - William King
Třetí kniha o Gotrekovi a Felixovi ze světa Warhammeru. Po boji se skaveny v Nulenu se Gotrek s Felixem připojí k výpravě, která míří na sever a má za úkol nalézt ztracené trpasličí síně v Karad Dumu. Oba přísahají, že je najdou nebo položí životy při pokusu o jejich nalezení. Strašlivé Pustiny Chaosu překonají v gondole experimentální trpasličí vzducholodi. Do hry však vstupuje nové, strašlivé zlo, jehož démonická síla po věky dřímala pod městem.
Objev podobné jako Warhammer Zabíječ démonů - William King
Night Demon - Year Of The Demon (LP)
Barva: Černá Rok vydání: 2022.0 Interpret / Téma: Night Demon Vydavatelství: Century Media Varianta: Year Of The Demon (LP) Žánr: Heavy Metal Datum vydání: 2022-03-25 Subžánr: Heavy Metal Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Typ: LP deska;Kompilace Složení setu: 1 ks Země interpreta: USA Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Německo Hmotnost: 180 g Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM
Objev podobné jako Night Demon - Year Of The Demon (LP)
The Demon of Unrest - Erik Larson
On November 6, 1860, Abraham Lincoln became the fluky victor in a tight race for president. The country was bitterly at odds; Southern extremists were moving ever closer to destroying the Union, with one state after another seceding and Lincoln powerless to stop them. Slavery fueled the conflict, but somehow the passions of North and South came to focus on a lonely federal fortress in Charleston Harbor: Fort Sumter.Master storyteller Erik Larson offers a gripping account of the chaotic months between Lincoln's election and the Confederacy's shelling of Sumter--a period marked by tragic errors and miscommunications, enflamed egos and craven ambitions, personal tragedies and betrayals. Lincoln himself wrote that the trials of these five months were "so great that, could I have anticipated them, I would not have believed it possible to survive them."At the heart of this suspense-filled narrative are Major Robert Anderson, Sumter's commander and a former slave owner sympathetic to the South but loyal to the Union; Edmund Ruffin, a vain and bloodthirsty radical who stirs secessionist ardor at every opportunity; and Mary Boykin Chesnut, wife of a prominent planter, conflicted over both marriage and slavery and seeing parallels between them. In the middle of it all is the overwhelmed Lincoln, battling with his duplicitous secretary of state, William Seward, as he tries desperately to avert a war that he fears is inevitable--one that will eventually kill 750,000 Americans.Drawing on diaries, secret communiques, slave ledgers, and plantation records, Larson gives us a political horror story that captures the forces that led America to the brink--a dark reminder that we often don't see a cataclysm coming until it's too late.
Objev podobné jako The Demon of Unrest - Erik Larson
King B.B.: King Of The Blues + My Kind Of Blues - CD (8436559469722)
Hudební CD - Tato typická sběratelská edice obsahuje dvě z jeho nejlepších alb: King of the Blues a My Kind of Blues, obě původně vydána labelem Crown v roce 1960. Legendární BB King, všeobecně oslavovaný jako vládnoucí král blues, byl ve své době nejvíce napodobovaným bluesovými kytaristy a jeho hudební vliv po celém světě je nevyčíslitelný. BB technika byla klamně složitá; s jemnými filigrány jednotlivých strun přerušovaných hlasitými akordy, jemnými vibráty a ohnutými tóny. Technika rockové kytary je do značné míry odvozena od Kingovy hry. Tato typická sběratelská edice obsahuje dvě z jeho nejlepších alb: King of the Blues a My Kind of Blues, obě původně vydána labelem Crown v roce 1960. Tato dvě mistrovská díla ve stylu bluesmeets - městského soulu byla zabalena do tohoto velmi speciálního vydání, která obsahuje také 5 bonusových skladeb. Zde je obsažena smetánka z hitů BB Kinga pro Crown Records během jeho nejinspirovanějších let. Bezpochyby je to...
Objev podobné jako King B.B.: King Of The Blues + My Kind Of Blues - CD (8436559469722)
Bride of the Shadow King 3: Heart of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia
A KING DESPERATE TO SAVE HIS BRIDE. A QUEEN DISCOVERING THE DARK POTENTIAL OF HER POWER. After nearly losing one another in a savage attack on the city, Vor and Faraine return to Mythanar fully committed to their marriage.But the situation in the Under Realm remains dire. With the world poised on the brink of collapse, Vor struggles to protect his kingdom. Though Faraine longs to support him as queen, she fights the weakness in her body at every turn .. . not to mention the strange changes warping her gods-gift.When war drags them apart, Vor and Faraine face the consequences of their choices. How can Vor lead those who have lost faith in him? Torn between honor and desire, he must decide where his heart truly lies: with his kingdom or his queen. Meanwhile, as Faraine explores the new dimensions of her power, she starts to believe the coming cataclysm may be prevented.But in doing so, will she unleash a darkness in herself far more disastrous?Breathtaking stakes. Ultimate reveals. This is the epic finale you've been waiting for!
Objev podobné jako Bride of the Shadow King 3: Heart of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia
Bride of the Shadow King 1: Bride of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia
For fans of The Bridge Kingdom and A Deal with the Elf King, this sweeping tale of love and betrayal is equal blends sweet and spice. A shunned princess. A reluctant king.A marriage that could save both their kingdoms . . .but destroy their hearts. Though she is the oldest daughter, Princess Faraine lives in the background, shunned from court and kept out of sight. Her chronic illness makes her a liability to the crown, and she has learned to give place to her beautiful, favored younger sister in all things.When the handsome and enigmatic Shadow King comes seeking a bride, Faraine is not surprised that her sister is his choice. Though not eager to take a human bride, King Vor is willing to do what is necessary for the sake of his people. When he meets the lively Princess Ilsevel, he quickly agrees to a marriage arrangement.So why can’t he get the haunting eyes of her older sister out of his head?
Objev podobné jako Bride of the Shadow King 1: Bride of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia
Bride of the Shadow King 2: Vow of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia
For fans of The Bridge Kingdom and A Deal with the Elf King, this sweeping tale of love and betrayal is equal blends sweet and spice. A treacherous bride. A heartbroken groom.Is their marriage over before it's begun? Her deceit discovered, Faraine finds herself trapped in the Shadow Realm at the mercy of her new husband. She's surrounded by enemies, far from any allies, and her best bet for survival is to convince Vor to send her home. But to do so means to give up on the alliance.Which would spell disaster for her people. With the tremors growing worse and poison spreading through his realm, Vor is more desperate than ever to find a solution. Only, it cannot involve his wife.Vor wants nothing to do with the woman he has inadvertently married. At one time, he thought he might love her, but now? How can love flourish where trust is broken? When circumstances require them to spend more time together, however, Vor's blood is stirred in ways he doesn't like to acknowledge. Can two lost hearts find healing and hope in one another? Or is their love already poisoned beyond recovery?
Objev podobné jako Bride of the Shadow King 2: Vow of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia
Aurora Rage Of The Ocean parfémovaná voda unisex 100 ml
Aurora Rage Of The Ocean, 100 ml, Parfémované vody unisex, Zahalte se i vy do vůně, díky níž budete mít skvělou náladu po celý den. Unisex parfémovaná voda Aurora Rage Of The Ocean je vyjádřením optimismu a pocitu naprostého štěstí. čistá svěží vůně dřevitá vůně pudrová vůně pro osobnosti s nekonvenčním stylem svěží vůně, ideální do teplého počasí
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King of Scars (1510104453)
Kniha - 512 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Leigh Bardugo, 512 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá The much-anticipated first book in a brand-new duology by New York Times bestselling author, Leigh Bardugo. Face your demons... or feed them. Nikolai Lantsov has always had a gift for the impossible.No one knows what he endured in his country's bloody civil war - and he intends to keep it that way. Now, as enemies gather at his weakened borders, the young king must find a way to refill Ravka's coffers, forge new alliances, and stop a rising threat to the once-great Grisha Army. Yet with every day a dark magic within him grows stronger, threatening to destroy all he has built.With the help of a young monk and a legendary Grisha Squaller, Nikolai will journey to the places in Ravka where the deepest magic survives to vanquish the terrible legacy inside him. He will risk everything to save his country and himself. But some secrets aren't meant...
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King of Wrath - Ana Huang
A brand new steamy billionaire romance from the bestselling author of the Twisted series.She's the wife he never wanted . . . and the weakness he never saw coming.Ruthless. Meticulous. Arrogant. Dante Russo thrives on control, both personally and professionally.The billionaire CEO never planned to marry - until the threat of blackmail forces him into an engagement with a woman he barely knows: Vivian Lau, jewellery heiress and daughter of his newest enemy.It doesn't matter how beautiful or charming she is. He'll do everything in his power to destroy the evidence and their betrothal.There's only one problem: now that he has her . . . he can't bring himself to let her go.***Elegant. Ambitious. Well-mannered. Vivian Lau is the perfect daughter and her family's ticket into the highest echelons of high society.Marrying a blue-blooded Russo means opening doors that would otherwise remain closed to her new-money family.While the rude, elusive Dante isn't her idea of a dream partner, she agrees to their arranged marriage out of duty.Craving his touch was never part of the plan.Neither was the worst thing she could possibly do: fall in love with her future husband.
Objev podobné jako King of Wrath - Ana Huang
King of Rabbits - Neblett Karla
Kai lives on a rural council estate in Somerset with his three older sisters, and his mum who is being led into an addiction by his troubled father. Kai adores three things: his dad, his friend Saffie and the school rabbit Flopsy - and is full of ambition to be the fastest runner in Middledown Primary. But Kai's natural optimism and energy collide with an adult world he doesn't understand. And when his life drifts towards an event that will change everything, will his love of nature and the wild rabbits in the woods provide him with the resilience he needs to overcome the odds?
Objev podobné jako King of Rabbits - Neblett Karla
Ruby: The King of Gems
A showstopping survey of the ruby, king of the gems This is the most ambitious book ever published on ruby, the king of gems. From emperors and empresses, kings and queens, Maharanis to Hollywood royalty, a stunning array of style icons are shown wearing their favourite ruby jewelry, alongside classic images of rubies throughout the centuries. The book also showcases sixty of the world’s most significant and renowned pieces of ruby jewelry, including many previously unseen designs from royal and private collections. Historic creations are represented alongside pieces from major modern and contemporary jewelry houses, among them Cartier, Boucheron, Van Cleef & Arpels, Chaumet, Mellerio dits Meller and Graff. Additionally, Ruby offers practical guidance on what to look for in a quality ruby gemstone, a look at extraordinary jewelry techniques as well as the author Joanna Hardy's travelogue from visits to the world's great ruby deposits.
Objev podobné jako Ruby: The King of Gems
King of Scars - Leigh Bardugová
Face your demons . . . or feed them. Nikolai Lantsov has always had a gift for the impossible. No one knows what he endured in his country's bloody civil war - and he intends to keep it that way. Now, as enemies gather at his weakened borders, the young king must find a way to refill Ravka's coffers, forge new alliances, and stop a rising threat to the once-great Grisha Army. Yet with every day a dark magic within him grows stronger, threatening to destroy all he has built. With the help of a young monk and a legendary Grisha Squaller, Nikolai will journey to the places in Ravka where the deepest magic survives to vanquish the terrible legacy inside him. He will risk everything to save his country and himself. But some secrets aren't meant to stay buried--and some wounds aren't meant to heal.
Objev podobné jako King of Scars - Leigh Bardugová
King of Greed - Ana Huang
He had her, he lost her…and he’ll do anything to win her back. Powerful, brilliant, and ambitious, Dominic Davenport clawed his way up from nothing to become the King of Wall Street. He has everything—a beautiful home, a beautiful wife, and more money than he could spend in a lifetime. But no matter how much he accumulates, he’s never satisfied. In his endless quest for MORE, he drives away the only person who saw him as enough. It isn’t until she’s gone that he realizes there may be more to life than riches and glory…but by then, it may be too late. *** Kind, intelligent, and thoughtful, Alessandra Davenport has played the role of trophy wife for years. She stood by her husband while he built an empire, but now that they’ve reached the top, she realizes he’s no longer the man she fell for. When it becomes clear that she’ll always come second to his work, she finally takes charge of her life and puts herself first—even if it means leaving the only man she’s ever loved. But what she didn’t count on was his refusal to let her go…or for him to fight for their marriage, no matter what it takes.
Objev podobné jako King of Greed - Ana Huang
King of Pride - Ana Huang
She’s his opposite in every way…and the greatest temptation he’s ever known.Reserved, controlled, and proper to a fault, Kai Young has neither the time nor inclination for chaos—and Isabella, with her purple hair and inappropriate jokes, is chaos personified. With a crucial CEO vote looming and a media empire at stake, the billionaire heir can’t afford the distraction she brings. Isabella is everything he shouldn’t want, but with every look and every touch, he’s tempted to break all his rules…and claim her as his own. *** Bold, impulsive, and full of life, Isabella Valencia has never met a party she doesn’t like or a man she couldn’t charm…except for Kai Young. It shouldn’t matter. He’s not her type—the man translates classics into Latin for fun, and his membership at the exclusive club where she bartends means he’s strictly off limits. But she can’t deny that, beneath his cool exterior, is a man who could make her melt with just a touch. No matter how hard they try, they can’t resist giving into their forbidden desires. Even if it costs them everything.
Objev podobné jako King of Pride - Ana Huang
King of Thorns - Mark Lawrence
The second book in the Broken Empire series, Lawrence takes his young anti-hero one step closer to his grand ambition. To reach greatness you must step on bodies, and many brothers lie trodden in my wake. I've walked from pawn to player and I'll win this game of ours, though the cost of it may drown the world in blood... The land burns with the fires of a hundred battles as lords and petty kings fight for the Broken Empire. The long road to avenge the slaughter of his mother and brother has shown Prince Honorous Jorg Ancrath the hidden hands behind this endless war. He saw the game and vowed to sweep the board. First though he must gather his own pieces, learn the rules of play, and discover how to break them. A six nation army, twenty thousand strong, marches toward Jorg's gates, led by a champion beloved of the people. Every decent man prays this shining hero will unite the empire and heal its wounds. Every omen says he will. Every good king knows to bend the knee in the face of overwhelming odds, if only to save their people and their lands. But King Jorg is not a good king. Faced by an enemy many times his strength Jorg knows that he cannot win a fair fight. But playing fair was never part of Jorg's game plan.
Objev podobné jako King of Thorns - Mark Lawrence
King of Nothing - Nathanael Lessore
From the Yoto Carnegie Medal shortlisted author of Steady For This comes a hilarious and heartwarming new teen comedy!'Rib-achingly funny, poignant and thoughtful' - Guardian'Immensely readable . . . confirms [Nathanael Lessore] as a major new name in writing for teenagers' - ObserverANTON AND HIS FRIENDS ARE THE KINGS OF YEAR 9.They're used to ruling the school and Anton wears the crown. The other kids run away when he's about but that's the way he wants it - he's got a reputation to live up to after all.So when he gets into serious trouble at school, he doesn't really care, but his mum most definitely does. She decides it's time for Anton to make some new friends and join the Happy Campers, a local activity group. Anton would quite literally rather do anything else, especially when he finds out Matthew, the biggest loser in school, is also a member.But after Matthew unexpectedly saves Anton's life, Anton figures maybe this kid is worth a shot. Teaching him some game is the least Anton can do to repay the debt.As the boys strike up an unlikely friendship, Anton finds himself questioning everything he thought was important. Does he want ruling the school to be his crowning glory or should he set his sights on better things?Perfect for teen readers of Alex Wheatle, Jason Reynolds and Patrice Lawrence.
Objev podobné jako King of Nothing - Nathanael Lessore
King of Shadows - Susan Cooperová
Nat Field's short life has been shadowed by loss and horror. His one escape is his talent for acting, and he has been picked by a dazzling international director to perform at Shakespeare's Globe, London's amazing new copy of the theater for which William Shakespeare wrote his plays four hundred years ago.Brought from all over the U.S., the members of the American Company of Boys begin to rehearse at the Globe. But strange, eerie echoes of the past begin creeping in. Nat goes to bed mysteriously sick -- is it the dreadful bubonic plague of the sixteenth century? He wakes up healthy, but he's no longer in the present, he's in 1599, acting at the original Globe. And his costar is Shakespeare: no longer a vague historical figure, but a quirky, warm-hearted writer/actor whose friendship changes Nat forever.Nat has a new life, blazing with excitement, edged with danger, but why is he here? Is he trapped in Elizabethan London? Will he ever go home?Playing deftly with Time and Destiny as she did in her classic fantasy sequence The Dark Is Rising, Susan Cooper tells a vivid, fascinating and ultimately very moving story of the painful business of growing up, against a background of the timeless, glowing magic of the theater.
Objev podobné jako King of Shadows - Susan Cooperová
Bag of Bones - Stephen King
Hodder are boosting Stephen King's backlist with new covers, new author brand lettering and a marketing campaign which directs readers to the right King title for them.
Objev podobné jako Bag of Bones - Stephen King
King of Sloth - Ana Huang
Charming, easy-going, and rich beyond belief, Xavier Castillo has the world at his fingertips. He also has no interest in taking over his family's empire (much to his father's chagrin), but that hasn't stopped women from throwing themselves at him . . . unless the woman in question is his publicist. Nothing brings him more joy than riling her up, but when a tragedy forces them closer than ever, he must grapple with the uncertainty of his future - and the realization that the only person immune to his charms is the only one he truly wants. Cool, intelligent, and ambitious, Sloane Kensington is a high-powered publicist who's used to dealing with difficult clients. However, none infuriate - or tempt - her more than a certain billionaire heir, with his stupid dimples and laid-back attitude. She may be forced to work with him, but she'll never fall for him . . . no matter how fast he makes her heart beat or how thoughtful he is beneath his party persona. He's her client, and that's all he'll ever be. Right?
Objev podobné jako King of Sloth - Ana Huang
Wolves of Calla - Stephen King
WOLVES OF THE CALLA is the fifth volume in Stephen King's epic Dark Tower series. The Dark Tower is soon to be a major motion picture starring Matthew McConaughey and Idris Elba, due in cinemas August 18, 2017.In the fifth novel in StephenKing's bestselling fantasy series, Roland and his ka-tet are bearing through the forests of the Mid-World on their journey to the Dark Tower. Tracking their every move is a group of farmers from the town of Calla Bryn Sturgis. The trackers have been warned that the Wolves, a band of masked riders, are about to gallop out of the dark land of Thunderclap and raid their town. And they want to enlist the help of the four gunslingers.How can Roland and his tet both protect the innocent community and return to New York to save our world's incarnation of the Dark Tower from the machinations of the evil Sombra Corporation?
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Feist: Multitudes - LP (4848168)
LP vinyl - Šesté studiové album na LP Samotné album, zahrnující celkem 12 skladeb, vyjde Šesté studiové album na LP Feist je kanadská nezávislá popová zpěvačka, skladatellka a kytaristka Seznam stop In Lightning / Forever Before / Love Who We Are Meant To / Hiding Out In The Open / The Redwing / I Took All Of My Rings Off / Of Womankind / Become The Earth / Borrow Trouble / Martyr Moves / Calling All The Gods / Song For Sad Friends
Objev podobné jako Feist: Multitudes - LP (4848168)
Feist: Multitudes - CD (4873183)
Hudební CD - Šesté studiové album na CD Samotné album, zahrnující celkem 12 skladeb, vyjde Šesté studiové album na CD Feist je kanadská nezávislá popová zpěvačka, skladatellka a kytaristka Seznam stop In Lightning / Forever Before / Love Who We Are Meant To / Hiding Out In The Open / The Redwing / I Took All Of My Rings Off / Of Womankind / Become The Earth / Borrow Trouble / Martyr Moves / Calling All The Gods / Song For Sad Friends
Objev podobné jako Feist: Multitudes - CD (4873183)
Renoir - Peter H. Feist
One of the leading lights of the Impressionist movement, Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841–1919) remains a towering figure in art history with enduring public appeal. Sun-kissed, charming, and sensual, his work shows painting at its most lighthearted and luminous, while championing the plein air and color innovations of his time. Renoir’s oeuvre was prolific, with some several thousand works in his lifetime. Much influenced by forerunners such as Courbet, Degas, Manet, Delacroix, he worked with contemporary peers such as Monet to explore fresh uses of color and brushwork, rendering texture and depth with different-hued daubs. Drawn to intimate and tender human scenes, his subjects include lovers, mothers, and numerous nudes. As his career progressed, Renoir investigated different styles and techniques, shifting away from the feathery Impressionist touch to a more robust, classical corporeality, sometimes called his “Ingres period,” and later to monumental pieces such as The Bathers. From the abundant output of his lengthy career, this essential artist introduction selects key Renoir works to explore his innovations in the art of painting, as much as his traditions in pursuit of beauty, harmony, and the female form.
Objev podobné jako Renoir - Peter H. Feist
Rule of Wolves (King of Scars 2) - Leigh Bardugová
The wolves are circling and a young king will face his greatest challenge in the explosive finale of the instant #1 New York Times-bestselling King of Scars Duology. The Grishaverse will be coming to Netflix soon with Shadow and Bone, an original series! The Demon King. As Fjerda's massive army prepares to invade, Nikolai Lantsov will summon every bit of his ingenuity and charm - and even the monster within - to win this fight. But a dark threat looms that cannot be defeated by a young king's gift for the impossible. The Stormwitch. Zoya Nazyalensky has lost too much to war. She saw her mentor die and her worst enemy resurrected, and she refuses to bury another friend. Now duty demands she embrace her powers to become the weapon her country needs. No matter the cost. The Queen of Mourning. Deep undercover, Nina Zenik risks discovery and death as she wages war on Fjerda from inside its capital. But her desire for revenge may cost her country its chance at freedom and Nina the chance to heal her grieving heart. King. General. Spy. Together they must find a way to forge a future in the darkness. Or watch a nation fall.
Objev podobné jako Rule of Wolves (King of Scars 2) - Leigh Bardugová
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (8595680301803)
Desková hra - strategická hra, pro 1 až 5 hráčů, délka hry 50 min, v českém jazyce, vhodné od 14 let Všichni nadšenci do World of Warcraft, zbystřete. Právě se k vám dostává nová strategická hra World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, která je založena na principu známého systému Pandemic. Kdo jej ovládá, nebude mít problém se do hry rychle vžít. Přesto ukrývá mnoho překvapivých herních prvků a odlišnou hratelnost. Staňte se legendárními hrdiny a postavte se nemrtvé armádě paladina Arthase, která zaútočila na Azeroth. Vyrazte na ledový Northrend, postavte se čelem všem jeho nástrahám a dobijte brány mrazivé pevnosti. Podaří se vám Arthase už nadobro zničit? Nebo se stanete jeho další obětí? Hra World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King je určena pro 1 až 5 hráčů ve věku od 14 let. Je kompletně v českém jazyce a partie trvá necelou hodinu. Klíčové vlastnosti deskové hry World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich KingStrategická hra na principu...
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