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Jimmy and the Crawler - Raymond Elias Feist

A fantastic new novella from the master of magic and adventure. Bestselling author Raymond E. Feist returns to the city of Krondor and one of his most loved characters, Jimmy the Hand.The Crawler: a name whispered in fear... In the crime-ridden back alleys of Krondor a rival gang has sprung up to threaten the Upright Man's Mockers. Does the Crawler control the rival gang? Where does his power come from? And does it threaten the peace of the Kingdom? James, personal squire to Prince Arutha of Krondor, but in the underworld known as the thief and trickster Jimmy the Hand, must travel to Kesh in disguise.There, working with William, lieutenant of the prince's household guard and son of the magician Pug, and Jazhara, niece to the Keshian lord Hazara-Khan, he must attempt to unmask the mysterious Crawler and rid Krondor of his influence.

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cena 268.0 Kč

Mágův konec - Raymond Elias Feist

Apokalypsa v Midkemii. Zatímco se ve sporu o korunu Království střetávají armády, Pug a jeho společníci zjišťují, že o osud celého světa se hraje vyšší hra, která daleko přesahuje vše, s čím se doposud setkali. Do událostí vstoupili samotní bohové, klíčová rozhodnutí však stojí před nejslavnějším čarodějem midkemijské historie. Velkolepé završení epické ságy.

Podívejte se také Smith Jimmy: Back At The Chicken Shack - LP (3579051)

cena 473.0 Kč

Faerie Tale - Raymond Elias Feist

A contemporary novel of masterful horror replete with magic, fantasy, and more than a little stylish sensuality."--The Washington Post Phil Hastings was a lucky man--he had money, a growing reputation as a screenwriter, a happy, loving family with three kids, and he'd just moved into the house of his dreams in rural of magic--and about to be altered irrevocably by a magic more real than any he dared imagine.For with the Magic came the Bad Thing, and the Faerie, and then the Fool . . . and the resurrection of a primordial war with a forgotten People--a war that not only the Hastings but the whole human race could lose."Absorbing, thought-provoking, and thoroughly magical. Feist's skillfully crafted prose illuminates many of the darker sides of fairy stories. . . . Try it as a bedtime story . . . but only on nights when you can take some time getting to sleep."--The West Coast Review of Books

Podívejte se také Stojanový věšák Elias (8591957648862)

cena 214.0 Kč

Král popela - Raymond Elias Feist

Garn tvořilo původně pět království. Pak však přišla zrada. Královskou rodinu Rudovlasů nezachránila ani jejich spřízněnost s ohněm: král Sandury je popravil do posledního. Zbývají tedy čtyři království, která se ale potácejí na pokraji války. Proslýchá se ale, že svému osudu mohl uniknout novorozený dědic. Čtyři králové proto vypsali za hlavu nevinného dítěte odměnu, aby zabránili tomu, že někde vyroste královský potomek s pomstou v srdci.

Objev podobné jako Král popela - Raymond Elias Feist

cena 439.0 Kč

Koruna v ohrožení - Raymond Elias Feist

Bitva je v plném proudu. Zatímco vojska Velké Keshe postupují nezadržitelně vpřed, lord James Jamison Dasher začíná rozplétat spletité předivo, které stojí za válečnými manévry. Ukazuje se, že vyhlídka na mír nemusí být nakonec tak lákavá. Nebezpečí převratu nabírá zřetelné obrysy s každým dnem a král stále nestanovil následníka trůnu. Mladý Hal z Crydee a jeho přítel Tyr Hawkins, šampion Dvora mistrů, byli pověřeni, aby doprovodili princeznu Stephané do bezpečí. Mají ale vůbec kam jít? Pug s Magnusem usilovně pátrají po tajemném strůjci konfliktu, je možné, že mají poslední události společného jmenovatele?

Objev podobné jako Koruna v ohrožení - Raymond Elias Feist

cena 348.0 Kč

Mág: Mistr - Raymond Elias Feist - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Druhý díl série Trhlinové války. Pug se coby válečný zajatec a otrok lopotí pod horkým kelewanským sluncem. S překvapením zjišťuje, že se tento svět i přes všechny odlišnosti jeho domovině v mnohém podobá. Mohl by zde objevit to, co mu na Midkemii stále unikalo? Do příběhu vstupuje mistr Milamber, který v osudech obou světů sehraje důležitou roli. Mezitím pokračuje tsuranská invaze do Ostrovního království, které je zmítáno nejen táhlou válkou, ale i vnitřními mocenskými spory. Politika ovlivňuje trhlinovou válku na obou stranách.

Objev podobné jako Mág: Mistr - Raymond Elias Feist - audiokniha

cena 340.0 Kč

Mág: Učedník - Raymond Elias Feist - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Sirotek Pug z pevnosti stojí na prahu životní změny. Doufá, že bude některým z mistrů přijat a vyučí se řemeslu, které mu zajistí živobytí. Nečekaná souhra okolností jej zavede ke Kulganovi, dvornímu mágovi vévody z Crydee. Netuší, že velké změny čekají nejen jeho, ale také celé Ostrovní království a Midkemii. Vše začne objevením záhadného vraku lodi, která za bouře ztroskotá na pobřeží... První díl čtyřdílné série Trhlinové války.

Objev podobné jako Mág: Učedník - Raymond Elias Feist - audiokniha

cena 320.0 Kč

A Darkness Returns - Raymond Elias Feist

As worlds collide… Hatushaly, last scion of the Firemane dynasty, his beloved Hava, and their dubious friend Donte have been transported across space and time from the war-torn world of Garn to the relative peace of Midkemia. There, on Sorcerer's Isle, under the guidance of the magician Magnus and his erstwhile father Pug, in his reincarnated form, Hatu will explore and expand his unique magical abilities. With the evil Pride Lords defeated, the Church of the One has risen to bring death and destruction to his home world.The Church is sending forces against Marquensas, where Daylon is now king, and Declan Smith finds himself suddenly and unexpectedly raised to the status of prince and war commander. But an even greater menace than the Church of the One lies in wait, a creature from the Void, bent on the destruction of all living things. Pug, Nakor and Magnus will need to join forces with Hatu, Hava and Declan if they are to save the worlds of Midkemia and Garn from everlasting darkness… A spectacular new epic series from the globally bestselling author of MAGICIAN.

Objev podobné jako A Darkness Returns - Raymond Elias Feist

cena 590.0 Kč

Stříbrný trn - Raymond Elias Feist - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Trhlina je uzavřena a na trůn usedl mladý král, ale tolik potřebný mír je stále ještě daleko. Za severní hranicí Ostrovního království se náhle objevuje nová hrozba. Záhadný Murmandamus pozvedl svou korouhev a sjednocuje pod ní peklomory, gobliny i četné vyvrhele lidské společnosti. Princ Arutha musí čelit nové hrozbě s vědomím, že v sázce jsou životy jeho nejbližších. Podaří se mu nalézt Stříbrný trn?

Objev podobné jako Stříbrný trn - Raymond Elias Feist - audiokniha

cena 320.0 Kč

Talon of the Silver Hawk : Conclave of Shadows: Book One - Raymond Elias Feist

Evil has come to a distant land high among the snow-capped mountains of Midkemia, as anexterminating army wearing the colors of theDuke of Olasko razes village after village, slaughtering men, women, and children without mercy. And when the carnage is done, only one survivor remains: a young boy named Kieli. A youth no longer, there is now but one road for him to travel: the path of vengeance. And he willnot be alone. Under the tutelage of the rescuerswho discovered him, Kieli will be molded into a sure and pitiless weapon. And he will accept the destiny that has been chosen for him ... asTalon of the Silver Hawk. But the prey he so earnestly stalks is hunting himas well. And Talon must swear allegiance toa shadowy cause that already binds his mysterious benefactors -- or his mission, his honor, and his life will be lost forever.

Objev podobné jako Talon of the Silver Hawk : Conclave of Shadows: Book One - Raymond Elias Feist

cena 214.0 Kč

Dcera Impéria - Raymond Elias Feist, Janny Wurtsová

Spolu s Janny Wurts vás R. E. Feist zavede na opačnou stranu Trhliny a uvrhne do víru podivuhodného světa tsuranského impéria, jehož výbojům museli čelit hrdinové Feistova bestselleru Sága Trhlinové války. Fascinující, do detailu propracovaný příběh o zradě a věrnosti, o cti válečníka a o povinnostech vůdce rodu, hájícího své barvy ve vražedné Velké hře tsuranské politiky je protipólem epicky rozmáchlého Mága, s nímž si co do čtivosti rozhodně nezadá.

Objev podobné jako Dcera Impéria - Raymond Elias Feist, Janny Wurtsová

cena 303.0 Kč

Zlo v Sethanonu - Raymond Elias Feist - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Nad Midkemií duje zlý vichr. Murmandamus svolává své legie a chystá se k invazi do Ostrovního království. Arutha je odhodlán čelit této hrozbě, ale bez pomoci přátel zkáze zabránit nedokáže. Pug a Thomas se vydávají na nebezpečnou výpravu, která je zavede až na počátek času. Jediný kdo může zvrátit výsledek válek Chaosu, je Macros. Podaří se ho přivést zpět? Vše se rozhodne v Sethanonu. Závěrečný díl světově proslulé série Trhlinové války, která významně ovlivnila tvář novodobé fantastiky.

Objev podobné jako Zlo v Sethanonu - Raymond Elias Feist - audiokniha

cena 380.0 Kč

Správce impéria: Vrah - Raymond Elias Feist - audiokniha

Audiokniha: První část třetí knihy trilogie Sága o Impériu. Ochránce Impéria lady Mara z Acoma se sice zbavila svého úhlavního nepřítele, rodu Minwanabi, leč zášť lorda Tasaia jde vskutku za hrob. Spolek nájemných vrahů Hamoi se chystá vyplnit odkaz zemřelého lorda. A v pozadí se již šikují další nepřátelé – například Jiro z Anasati. Nyní tedy Mara zoufale potřebuje získat nové spojence a tak neváhá při jejich hledání upřít svou pozornost ani za hranice Tsuranského císařství.

Objev podobné jako Správce impéria: Vrah - Raymond Elias Feist - audiokniha

cena 390.0 Kč

Exile´s Return (Defekt) - Raymond Elias Feist

Saved by a mage's intervention from certain death, Kaspar, the evil Duke of Olasko, is lord no more -- reduced to an exile's existence and forced to wander the harshest realms of the world he once enslaved. Merciless deserts, forbidding mountains, and vast oceans now separate the once powerful despot from his former seat of power -- his dark dreams of vengeance overwhelmed by the daily struggle for survival. But there is a larger drama that will entangle the broken dictator. An evil devastating and deadly seeks entrance to the land -- the mystical tool of a dark empire hungry for conquest and destruction -- and Kaspar has inadvertently discovered the key. Suddenly, Midkemia's last hope is a disgraced and exiled duke whose history is written in blood, and who now must wield his sword as her champion . . . if he so chooses..

Objev podobné jako Exile´s Return (Defekt) - Raymond Elias Feist

cena 49.0 Kč

Král popela - Raymond Elias Feist - e-kniha

eBook: Garn tvořilo původně pět království. Pak však přišla zrada. Královskou rodinu Rudovlasů nezachránila ani jejich spřízněnost s ohněm: král Sandury je popravil do posledního. Zbývají tedy čtyři království, která se ale potácejí na pokraji války. Proslýchá se ale, že svému osudu mohl uniknout novorozený dědic. Čtyři králové proto vypsali za hlavu nevinného dítěte odměnu, aby zabránili tomu, že někde vyroste královský potomek s pomstou v srdci.

Objev podobné jako Král popela - Raymond Elias Feist - e-kniha

cena 439.0 Kč

Shadow of a Dark Queen (The Serpentwar Saga, Book 1) (Defekt) - Raymond Elias Feist

The astonishing first volume in Raymond E. Feist's bestselling Serpentwar Saga... A nest of vipers is stirring.. . Ancient powers are readying themselves for a devastating confrontation.A dark queen has raised her standard and is gathering armies of unmatched might. Into this battleground of good and evil a band of desperate men are forced, whose only hope for survival is to face this ancient power and discover its true nature. Among them are some unlikely heroes - Erik, a bastard heir denied his birth right, and his friend Roo, an irrepressible scoundrel with a penchant for thievery.They are accompanied by the mysterious Miranda, upon whom all must wager their lives.

Objev podobné jako Shadow of a Dark Queen (The Serpentwar Saga, Book 1) (Defekt) - Raymond Elias Feist

cena 59.0 Kč

Ochránce Impéria - Otrok - Raymond Elias Feist, Janny Wurtsová

Fascinující příběh Mary z Acoma pokračuje - tentokrát se odehrává přímo na pozadí událostí, popisovaných v bestsellru Mág: Mara koupí vzpurného midkemijského otroka Kevina. Ten jí posléze prokáže neocenitelné služby poté, co Vojevůdce Almecho zahyne při konfliktu se Ctihodným Milamberem...."

Objev podobné jako Ochránce Impéria - Otrok - Raymond Elias Feist, Janny Wurtsová

cena 357.0 Kč

Dcera impéria - Raymond Elias Feist, Janny Wurtsová - audiokniha

Audiokniha: První kniha ze Ságy o impériu zavede posluchače na druhou stranu trhliny. Domovský svět tsuranů, jejichž výpadům museli čelit hrdinové série Trhlinové války, se od Midkemie liší v mnohém. Vládnou zde přísné tradice a nelítostná politická hra. V ní musí obstát mladá Mara z Acoma. Na její starobylý rod těžce dopadly důsledky válečných intrik a před Marou teď stojí nelehký úkol: uhájit svůj dům proti mocným nepřátelům, kteří usilují o jeho zničení.

Objev podobné jako Dcera impéria - Raymond Elias Feist, Janny Wurtsová - audiokniha

cena 390.0 Kč

Ochránce impéria – Otrok - Raymond Elias Feist, Janny Wurtsová - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Druhá kniha Ságy o impériu. Maře z Acoma se podařilo uhájit svůj dům a navzdory všem očekáváním zvítězila v prvním kole Velké hry Rady. Na odpočinek však není čas. Intriky tsuranské politiky nikdy nekončí a silní nepřátelé se připravují k dalšímu střetnutí. Mara však nalezne spojence a posilu tam, kde by ji nečekala. Díky tomu získá čerstvý pohled na zkostnatělou společnost vlastního národa, což může být klíčovou výhodou v rozhodujících momentech.

Objev podobné jako Ochránce impéria – Otrok - Raymond Elias Feist, Janny Wurtsová - audiokniha

cena 390.0 Kč

Ochránce impéria: Milenec - Raymond Elias Feist, Janny Wurst - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Krevní msta mezi domem Minwanabi a Acoma vrcholí. Hrozí, že spor se zvrhne v ničivou občanskou válku. Mara se snaží využít těžce vybudované pozice, aby této katastrofě zabránila. Tasaio z Minwanabi je krutý a nekonečně prohnaný nepřítel vždy připravený ke smrtícímu výpadu. Mara však zjišťuje, že není jediná, kdo si začal uvědomovat slabiny zkostnatělé tsuranské politiky. Strůjcem velkých změn by mohl být i samotný císař. Kdo nakonec získá přízeň bohů a zvítězí?

Objev podobné jako Ochránce impéria: Milenec - Raymond Elias Feist, Janny Wurst - audiokniha

cena 390.0 Kč

Shadow of a Dark Queen (1) - Raymond Elias Feist

Acclaimed, New York Times bestselling fantasist Raymond E. Feist gets his masterful Serpentwar Saga off to a spectacular start with Shadow of a Dark Queen. Feist's classic epic fantasy adventure returns readers to ever-imperiled Midkemia, a breathtaking, richly imagined realm of magic and intrigue, where two unlikely heroes must rally the forces of the land to stand firm against a malevolent race of monsters intent upon conquest and annihilation. Locus magazine calls Shadow of a Dark Queen, "the place to start for those yet to discover Feist's fantasy worlds." For fans of Terry Goodkind, George R. R. Martin, and Terry Brooks--and for anyone not already in the thrall of this astonishing author's literary magic--that is excellent

Objev podobné jako Shadow of a Dark Queen (1) - Raymond Elias Feist

cena 214.0 Kč

King of Foxes (Conclave of Shadows 2) - Raymond Elias Feist

In the second instalment of The Conclave of Shadows. The Conclave demands its membership price from their new protege: Tal must gather information on the sinister magician Laso Varen. But, to do this means service with the sorcerer's master, Duke Kaspar of Olasko - the very man he suspects of killing his family.A POWERFUL NEW EPIC FANTASY SERIES FROM ONE OF THE GREAT MASTERS OF THE GENRE Talon, orphan of the Orosini tribe and last of his people has been transformed by the Conclave of Shadows from a trusting young boy to the dashing young nobleman Talwin Hawkins: educated, confident and now Roldem's premier swordsman. The title, won at the Masters' Court, in front of the King, brought him a step closer to his desire - to avenge the massacre of his family. Two participants in the slaughter are dead by his hand; Lieutenant Campaneal fell under his blade during the Master's Tournament and the other, Raven, died whilst attempting to butcher an Orodon village as he did Tal's people.But still his lust for vengeance will not be sated until the reason for the massacres has been uncovered and their architect revealed and punished. The Conclave demands its price from Tal: he must gather information on Laso Varen, a magician of terrible power and subtle craft, dangerous beyond contemplation. To do this means service with the sorcerer's master, Duke Kaspar of Olasko - and swearing loyalty to the very man he suspects of killing his family, even if it means becoming the Duke's right-hand and tracking down his enemies - the members of the Conclave and Talon's own friends.

Objev podobné jako King of Foxes (Conclave of Shadows 2) - Raymond Elias Feist

cena 268.0 Kč

Hadí sága 5 - Hněv krále démonů - Ústup - Raymond Elias Feist

Smaragdová královna už dobyla celý Novindus a začala s přípravou na invazi, jakou Midkemie dosud neviděla. Jejím záměrem ovšem není dobýt nové země, ale jen ničit a drancovat. Útočníci mají jediný cíl - obsadit Sethanon a zmocnit se kamene života. Také James, nyní vévoda z Krondoru, se na invazi připravuje: shromažďuje peníze, zásoby, vojáky, zbraně. Z jeho nepřátel činí podstrčené informace nevědomé spojence, úplatky spojencům či pohrůžky protivníkům zajišťují dočasný smír vsude tam, odkud musí ke Krondoru převelet Královské vojáky. A pak už nezbývá než čekat.

Objev podobné jako Hadí sága 5 - Hněv krále démonů - Ústup - Raymond Elias Feist

cena 232.0 Kč

Hadí sága 7 - Střepy rozbité koruny - Chaos - Raymond Elias Feist

Nápor na Shethanon byl odražen. Smaragdová královna a její přisluhovači jsou mrtví, ale desetitisíce jejích bývalých vojáků jsou síla, se kterou je zapotřebí i nadále počítat. Obnova Krondoru se tak shodou okolností může pro království stát velice problematickou záležitostí. A jako by zpustošení a vyčerpání země nestačilo, vstupují na scénu proradní sousedé, připraveni pohotově využít slabé chvíle Ostrovního království k prosazení svých požadavků.

Objev podobné jako Hadí sága 7 - Střepy rozbité koruny - Chaos - Raymond Elias Feist

cena 232.0 Kč

The Snowman - Raymond Briggs

A classic board book edition of the now famous Christmas tale. James builds a snowman in the garden and wakes up in the night to find that it has come to life. He shows the Snowman his house, and in return the Snowman takes him on a magical journey.

Objev podobné jako The Snowman - Raymond Briggs

cena 236.0 Kč

The End Game - Raymond Khoury

Eminent scientist Dr Ralph Padley is dying - and he knows it's time to finally tell the truth. Padley has a dark secret, which, if it got out, would have deadly consequences. But there are powerful men who will stop at nothing to silence him. FBI Special Agent Reilly has an agenda of his own. For months he has sought the man who kidnapped and brainwashed his five-year-old son. But that man is a ghost - a highly protected CIA official with no name and no identity, and who may have links to Reilly's own father. Watched, manipulated, and framed for crimes he didn't commit, Reilly becomes a fugitive, making it next to impossible for him to uncover the truth about his past while protecting the family he loves. He's left with no choice but to risk everything to unearth secrets that would shake the country to its core - if he's ever allowed to get that far.

Objev podobné jako The End Game - Raymond Khoury

cena 214.0 Kč

When the Wind Blows - Raymond Briggs

Raymond Briggs'' world-famous graphic account of one ordinary couple''s attempt to stand firm in the face of nuclear annihilation remains as powerful today as it was when it was first published in 1982.Following Jim and Hilda Blogg in the days before and after a nuclear attack on Britain, When the Wind Blows is alternately funny, shocking, heartbreaking and devastating. Few can read it and not be deeply moved.Despite writing some of the most beloved and enduring children''s books of all time - The Snowman, Father Christmas and Fungus the Bogeyman - When the Wind Blows is very much a story for adults. Not only does it articulate the fears of the generations who grew up in the shadow of the Cold War, but it also speaks today of our own fears, living as we do in a nuclear age.Written and illustrated by Briggs, When the Wind Blows has never been out of print.

Objev podobné jako When the Wind Blows - Raymond Briggs

cena 325.0 Kč

The Snowman Pop-Up - Raymond Briggs

One winter's night, a snowman comes to life and a magical adventure begins . . .This special edition includes a magical pop-up scene, with a story based on the beloved picture book by Raymond Briggs. Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without Raymond Briggs's classic story, The Snowman. This brand-new edition features a magical pop-up scene, and artwork from the much-loved animated film.With a story inspired by Raymond Briggs' classic picture book, this is a wintery gift edition sparkling with festive magic. The Snowman is the perfect festive read for ALL the family!

Objev podobné jako The Snowman Pop-Up - Raymond Briggs

cena 266.0 Kč

The Dog in Photography - Raymond Merritt

With more than 400 canine portraits, this book is both a picture tribute to our favorite four-legged friend and a unique history of dogs in photography. From the 19th century right through to today, we see how the camera has been the key witness to our timeless affection for dogs, capturing their beauty, character, joy, and abiding friendship. In celebration of the world’s favorite animal, we bring you over 400 photographs of or about dogs. With pictures from the 19th century to today, the collection includes works by Man Ray, Eric Fischl, Wolfgang Tillmans, Donna Ruskin, Fatima NeJame, Vincent Versace, and of course Elliott Erwitt and William Wegman. Together, their pictures, unique in style but united in canine affection, are testimony if ever there was one that dogs are not only best friends, but also pure photographic inspiration.

Objev podobné jako The Dog in Photography - Raymond Merritt

cena 599.0 Kč

PER | Level 1: Ali and His Camera - Pizante Raymond

Original / British EnglishAli wants to take photos of people and places in Istanbul, but he has a big problem. He hasnt got a camera. How can he get one?

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 1: Ali and His Camera - Pizante Raymond

cena 200.0 Kč

The Peter Principle - Hull Raymond, Dr Laurence J. Peter

''The Peter Principle has cosmic implications.'' - New York Times''The classic book which warns of the dangers of over-promotion'' The TimesIn a hierarchy, every employee rises to the level of their own incompetence.This simple maxim, defined by this classic book over 40 years ago, has become a beacon of truth in the world of work. From the civil service to multinational companies to hospital management, it explains why things constantly go wrong: promotion up a hierarchy inevitably leads to over-promotion and incompetence. Through barbed anecdotes and wry humour the authors define the problem and show how anyone, whether at the top or bottom of the career ladder, can avoid its pitfalls. Or, indeed, avoid promotion entirely!

Objev podobné jako The Peter Principle - Hull Raymond, Dr Laurence J. Peter

cena 325.0 Kč

PER | Level 2: Lady in the Lake - Raymond Chandler

Contemporary / American EnglishDetective Philip Marlowe is looking for Derace Kingsleys wife, Crystal. Is she dead or not? Marlowe finds more than one dead body and learns about women, drugs, men in love, and a police cover-up. Who killed The Lady in the Lake and why?

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 2: Lady in the Lake - Raymond Chandler

cena 210.0 Kč

Jimmy Forrest - Out of the Forrest (LP)

Dekáda interpreta: 1960 - 1969;1980 - 1989;1970 - 1979;1950 - 1959 Typ: LP deska;Album;Audiofilní kvalita Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g Barva: Černá Země původu: Evropská unie Žánr: Jazz Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Subžánr: Jazz Datum vydání: 2016-05-23 Rok nahrávky: 1961.0 Vydavatelství: Analogue Productions Země interpreta: USA Složení setu: 1 ks Interpret / Téma: Jimmy Forrest Varianta: Out of the Forrest (Vinyl LP) Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2016.0

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cena 1240.0 Kč

PER | Level 1: Ali and His Camera Bk/CD Pack - Pizante Raymond

Original / British EnglishAli wants to take photos of people and places in Istanbul, but he has a big problem. He hasnt got a camera. How can he get one?

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 1: Ali and His Camera Bk/CD Pack - Pizante Raymond

cena 223.0 Kč

English Grammar in Use 5th edition Edition with answers and eBook - Raymond Murphy

Raymond Murphy's English Grammar in Use is the first choice for intermediate (B1-B2) learners and covers all the grammar you will need at this level. This book has clear explanations and practice exercises that have helped millions of people around the world improve their English. It also includes an interactive ebook with audio that you can use online or download to your iPad or Android tablet. It is perfect for self-study and can also be used by teachers as a supplementary book in classrooms.

Objev podobné jako English Grammar in Use 5th edition Edition with answers and eBook - Raymond Murphy

cena 746.0 Kč

Feist: Multitudes - LP (4848168)

LP vinyl - Šesté studiové album na LP Samotné album, zahrnující celkem 12 skladeb, vyjde Šesté studiové album na LP Feist je kanadská nezávislá popová zpěvačka, skladatellka a kytaristka Seznam stop In Lightning / Forever Before / Love Who We Are Meant To / Hiding Out In The Open / The Redwing / I Took All Of My Rings Off / Of Womankind / Become The Earth / Borrow Trouble / Martyr Moves / Calling All The Gods / Song For Sad Friends

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cena 839.0 Kč

Feist: Multitudes - CD (4873183)

Hudební CD - Šesté studiové album na CD Samotné album, zahrnující celkem 12 skladeb, vyjde Šesté studiové album na CD Feist je kanadská nezávislá popová zpěvačka, skladatellka a kytaristka Seznam stop In Lightning / Forever Before / Love Who We Are Meant To / Hiding Out In The Open / The Redwing / I Took All Of My Rings Off / Of Womankind / Become The Earth / Borrow Trouble / Martyr Moves / Calling All The Gods / Song For Sad Friends

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cena 379.0 Kč

Renoir - Peter H. Feist

One of the leading lights of the Impressionist movement, Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841–1919) remains a towering figure in art history with enduring public appeal. Sun-kissed, charming, and sensual, his work shows painting at its most lighthearted and luminous, while championing the plein air and color innovations of his time. Renoir’s oeuvre was prolific, with some several thousand works in his lifetime. Much influenced by forerunners such as Courbet, Degas, Manet, Delacroix, he worked with contemporary peers such as Monet to explore fresh uses of color and brushwork, rendering texture and depth with different-hued daubs. Drawn to intimate and tender human scenes, his subjects include lovers, mothers, and numerous nudes. As his career progressed, Renoir investigated different styles and techniques, shifting away from the feathery Impressionist touch to a more robust, classical corporeality, sometimes called his “Ingres period,” and later to monumental pieces such as The Bathers. From the abundant output of his lengthy career, this essential artist introduction selects key Renoir works to explore his innovations in the art of painting, as much as his traditions in pursuit of beauty, harmony, and the female form.

Objev podobné jako Renoir - Peter H. Feist

cena 402.0 Kč

Jimmy\'s Cruise in the Pinafore - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha

eBook: 'Jimmy's Cruise in the Pinafore' is another short story from famed American author Louisa May Alcott, that follows the young, kind hearted Jimmy through his difficult adolescence. The parallels between young Jimmy and Alcott in her own youth are profound, with twelve year old Jimmy having to work multiple menial jobs to make ends meet for his family and make up for his absent father. It is a tale celebrating the human spirit, its resilience in the face of overwhelming odds and the importance of family, with a healthy dose of adventure. Jimmy's beautiful spirit and unflinching soul makes this book a beautiful read full of valuable lessons for readers of all ages, as well as anyone who loved 'Oliver Twist'.

Objev podobné jako Jimmy\'s Cruise in the Pinafore - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Wizard and the Prophet: Science and the Future of Our Planet (1509884181)

Kniha - autor Charles C. Mann, 616 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Wizard and the Prophet: Science and the Future of Our Planet (1509884181)

cena 422.0 Kč

Burlesque and the Art of the Teese / Fetish and the Art of Teese (0060591676)

Kniha - autor Dita von Teese, 256 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Dita von Teese, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The "Queen of the New Burlesque" reinvents the world of pin-ups, stripteases, and sexual role play in this beautifully designed double-sided look at modernAmerican burlesque and fetish. Color photos.

Objev podobné jako Burlesque and the Art of the Teese / Fetish and the Art of Teese (0060591676)

cena 953.0 Kč

Stříbrný trn ()

Audiokniha MP3 - autor Raymond E. Feist, čte Libor Böhm Fantasy audiokniha Stříbrný trn od Raymond Elias FeistTrhlina je uzavřena a na trůn usedl mladý král, ale tolik potřebný mír je stále ještě daleko. Za severní hranicí Ostrovního království se náhle objevuje nová hrozba. Záhadný Murmandamus pozvedl svou korouhev a sjednocuje pod ní peklomory, gobliny i četné vyvrhele lidské společnosti. Princ Arutha musí čelit nové hrozbě s vědomím, že v sázce jsou životy jeho nejbližších. Podaří se mu nalézt Stříbrný trn?Raymond Elias FeistRaymond Elias Feist se narodil roku 1945 v Jižní Kalifornii (USA) kde také vyrůstal. Vzdělání získal na Kalifornské univerzitě v San Diegu, kde promoval jako bakalář v oboru komunikace. Je velmi úspěšným spisovatelem, který předkládá čtenářům vždy precizně provedenou, strhující a poutavou četbu. Patří mezi ty nejlepší ve svém oboru a stal se již klasikem, ke kterému se obrací tisíce fanoušků. Téměř všechny jeho knihy se brzy...

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cena 320.0 Kč

Venice: The Lion, the City and the Water

The great Dutch author and traveller Cees Nooteboom (author of Roads to Santiago and The Following Story) sheds new light on the city, its history and its treasures VENICE: "A dream of palaces and churches, of power and money, dominion and decline, a paradise of beauty." By the author of Roads to Santiago and Roads to BerlinWith this treasury of his time spent in Venice over a period of fifty-five years, Nooteboom makes himself the indispensable companion for all lovers of "the sailing, amphibious city", and for every new visitor.Because he is a master storyteller with an inexhaustible curiosity, and always with a suitcase of books (to which new discoveries are added), he brings vividly and poetically to life not only the tumultuous history of the Republic but along the way its doges, its villains, its heroes, its magnificent painters, its architects, its scholars, its skies, its canals and piazzas and alleyways, and on his expeditions its "bronze voices of time".Those who know and love this city and its literature will recognise Nooteboom - in Laura Watkinson's fine translation - as the dazzling heir and companion to Montaigne, Thomas Mann, Rilke, Ruskin, Proust, Brodsky, and Donna Leon. His homage to Venice is a generous introduction, learned and enchanting, and worthy of its magnificent subject."His writing is lyrical and densely textured. He is a poet of time and memory" - COLIN THUBRONTranslated from the Dutch by Laura Watkinson

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cena 357.0 Kč

The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse (1529105102)

Kniha - 128 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá

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cena 445.0 Kč

The Power and the Glory (0099286092)

Kniha - autor Graham Greene, 240 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Graham Greene, 240 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Vintage Classic edition.

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cena 269.0 Kč

The Sound and the Fury (0099475014)

Kniha - autor William Faulkner, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A towering, intense novel of family from the winner of the Nobel Prize for LiteratureWith an introduction by Richard HughesEver since the first furore was created on its publication in 1929, The Sound and the Fury has been considered one of the key novels of this century. Depicting the gradual disintegration of the Compson family through four fractured narratives, The Sound and the Fury explores intense, passionate family relationships where there is no love, only self-centredness. At its heart this is a novel about lovelessness - 'only an idiot has no grief; only a fool would forget it. What else is there in this world sharp enough to stick to your guts?'Born in 1897 in New Albany, Mississippi, William Faulkner was the son of a family proud of their prominent role in the history of the south. He grew up in Oxford, Mississippi, and left high school at fifteen to work in his grandfather's...

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cena 308.0 Kč

The Iliad and the Odyssey - Homér

Translated by George Chapman, with Introductions by Jan Parker.Hector bidding farewell to his wife and baby son, Odysseus bound to the mast listening to the Sirens, Penelope at the loom, Achilles dragging Hector''s body round the walls of Troy - scenes from Homer have been reportrayed in every generation. The questions about mortality and identity that Homer''s heroes ask, the bonds of love, respect and fellowship that motivate them, have gripped audiences for three millennia.Chapman''s Iliad and Odyssey are great English epic poems, but they are also two of the liveliest and readable translations of Homer. Chapman''s freshness makes the everyday world of nature and the craftsman as vivid as the battlefield and Mount Olympus. His poetry is driven by the excitement of the Renaissance discovery of classical civilisation as at once vital and distant, and is enriched by the perspectives of humanist thought.

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cena 148.0 Kč

The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me - Roald Dahl

"The Pelican spread his huge white wings and flew down on to the road beside me. ''Hop in,'' he said, opening his enormous beak . . ."MEET BILLY. A kid with a dream. He wants to turn an old wooden house into an incredible sweetshop full of treats!AND MEET THE LADDERLESS WINDOW-CLEANING COMPANY: Monkey, Pelican (Pelly) and Giraffe (who needs ladders when you''ve got a giraffe?!).They have just landed a big break cleaning all six hundred and seventy-seven windows of the mansion owned by the richest man in all of England! All they need now is a little help from Billy.Can these unlikely new friends make Billy''s wildest dreams come true and take him on an adventure he''ll never forget . . .?The text in this edition of The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me was updated in 2022 for young independent readers.

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cena 223.0 Kč

The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm - Christopher Paolini

It's been a year since Eragon departed Alagaësia in search of the perfect home to train a new generation of Dragon Riders. Now he is struggling with an endless sea of tasks: constructing a vast dragonhold, wrangling with suppliers, guarding dragon eggs and dealing with belligerent Urgals and haughty elves. Then a vision from the Eldunarí, unexpected visitors and an exciting Urgal legend offer a much-needed distraction and a new perspective. This volume features three original stories set in Alagaësia, interspersed with scenes from Eragon's own unfolding adventure. Included is an excerpt from the memoir of the unforgettable witch and fortune-teller Angela the herbalist, penned by Angela Paolini, the inspiration for the character, herself! Relish the incomparable imagination of Christopher Paolini in this thrilling new collection of stories based in the world of the Inheritance Cycle.

Objev podobné jako The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm - Christopher Paolini

cena 399.0 Kč

The Good, The Bad and The History - Jodi Taylor

BOOK 14 IN THE CHRONICLES OF ST MARY'S SERIES, FROM THE MILLION-COPY BESTSELLER JODI TAYLOR. 'Brilliant, hilarious, keeps you on your toes' Reader review 'The characters make me come back time and time again' Reader review 'I have not found another author who can tell a story involving time travel as well' Reader review St Mary's is under investigation. Their director has been shot and Max is Number One Suspect.Can things get any worse? We all know the answer to that one. Max needs to get away - fast - and a Brilliant Idea soon leads her to a full-scale uprising in twentieth-century China. If she can come by a historical treasure or two in the process, even better.That is, if she makes it out alive. Then there's the small matter of Insight - the sinister organisation from the future hell bent on changing History for their own dark ends. Having successfully infiltrated their ranks, Max is perfectly placed to stop them.But she knows her cover will soon be blown - because it's already happened. Can Max take down Insight before they come after her? The circle is closing, and only one can survive... For fans of Terry Pratchett, Jasper Fforde, Richard Osman's Thursday Murder Club series and Doctor Who.

Objev podobné jako The Good, The Bad and The History - Jodi Taylor

cena 268.0 Kč

The Cop and the Anthem and Other Stories - O. Henry

O. Henry was a master of the short story and one of the most popular American writers of the twentieth century. This selection of tales from across his writing career ranges from New York apartments to the cattle-lands of Texas, taking in con men, clerks, hustlers, shop assistants, tramps and tricksters. They all highlight his ironic, comic eye, his gift for evoking speech and setting, and his unique approach to life's quirks of fate. The Penguin English Library - collectable general readers' editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century to the end of the Second World War.

Objev podobné jako The Cop and the Anthem and Other Stories - O. Henry

cena 249.0 Kč

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