The special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 04A TWLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru HDC 04A TWLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1788810000 1 ks , Greentek hdc-8 (hdc-8)The special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 07A TWLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru HDC 07A TWLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1788510000 1 ks , Peterson stroboplus hdc (hn238744)The special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 04A TOLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru HDC 04A TOLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1788820000 1 ks , Sady krimpovacich konektoru ploche konektoryPouzdro konektoru HDC 04A TWLU 1PG11G Weidmüller 1652480000 10 ks od výrobce Weidmüller v kategorii Kontaktní díly a krytky pro konektory RockStar za skvělou cenu u Conrada. (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru HDC 04A TWLU 1PG11G Weidmüller 1652480000 10 ks , Elpinio ochrana konektoru kabelu - motýl (elp052)The special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 04A SLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro HDC 04A SLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1788830000 1 ks , Elpinio ochrana konektoru kabelu - hvězdička (elp063)The special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 04A ELU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Šroubovací pouzdro HDC 04A ELU 1M20G Weidmüller 1900320000 1 ks , Emos hdc-3 lte dvb-t2 (2702021000)The special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 04A KOLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Kryt na spojku HDC 04A KOLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1788840000 1 ks , Elpinio ochrana konektoru kabelu - ryba velká - žlutozelená (elp070)Pouzdro konektoru HDC 16A SLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1934720000 1 ks od výrobce Weidmüller v kategorii Kontaktní díly a krytky pro konektory RockStar za skvělou cenu u Conrada. (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru HDC 16A SLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1934720000 1 ks , Gravity ks rd 1 (ks rd 1)Pouzdro konektoru HDC 16A TSLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1041760000 1 ks od výrobce Weidmüller v kategorii Kontaktní díly a krytky pro konektory RockStar za skvělou cenu u Conrada. (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru HDC 16A TSLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1041760000 1 ks , Spona dragoun 1 ksThe special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 06B TSLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru HDC 06B TSLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1788100000 1 ks , Mucholapka 1 ks (8594021250565)The special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 06B TOLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru HDC 06B TOLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1788120000 1 ks , York mikrohadřík 1 ks (5903355116325)Pouzdro konektoru. HDC pouzdro, velikost: 4, stupeň krytí: IP 65, boční kabelový vstup, zástrčkové pouzdro, příčné třmeny ve spodní části, standardní, velké kabely vstupy: M 20. HDC pouzdra poskytují dokonalou ochranu díky speciální tlakové slitiny a vícestupňovému utěsnění povrchu. Vynikající blokovací systém je vyroben z ušlechtilé oceli. Výsledkem je dlouhá životnost, odolnost proti korozi a nárazuvzdornost. Blokovací systém pouzdra nabízí bezpečnost. Jedinečný, patentovaný upevňovací systém umožňuje blokování pouzdra, spolehlivé upevnění a chrání jej před nechtěním otevřením. Díky laserovému značení jej lze okamžitě identifikovat. Trvalé označení je vypáleno laserem přímo na pouzdro. Každý produkt tak lze ihned zařadit. Pouzdra Weidmüller RockStar® IP65/NEMA typ 4X jsou první volbou, pokud jde o průmyslová pouzdra s třídou ochrany IP65. HDC 10B TSBU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru HDC 10B TSBU 1M20G Weidmüller 1787560000 1 ks , Colgate recyclean 1 ks (8718951379473)The special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 10B TOBU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru HDC 10B TOBU 1M20G Weidmüller 1787600000 1 ks , Linteo mega (1 ks) (8594158375742)Pouzdro konektoru. HDC pouzdro, velikost: 2, stupeň krytí: IP 65, kabelový vstup shora, zástrčkové pouzdro, koncová uzamykací svorka na spodní straně, standardní, velikost kabelového vstupu: M 20. HDC pouzdra poskytují dokonalou ochranu díky speciální slitině lité pod tlakem a vícestupňovému povrchovému těsnění. Důmyslný blokovací systém je vyroben z nerezové oceli. Výsledkem je dlouhá životnost, odolnost vůči korozi a nárazuvzdornost. Blokovací systém pouzdra nabízí bezpečnost. Náš unikátní patentovaný pružinový systém zajišťuje blokování pouzdra pevným držením a zabraňuje náhodnému otevření. Laserový popis umožňuje snadnou a rychlou identifikaci. Každé pouzdro je trvale označeno laserovým popisem tak, aby každý produkt mohl být rychle rozpoznán a zařazen. Weidmüller RockStar® IP65 / NEMA typ 4X kryty - nejlepší volba pro průmyslová pouzdra s ochranou IP65. HDC 10A TOLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru HDC 10A TOLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1788620000 1 ks , Orion váleček tepovače, 1 ksThe special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 15 A TSLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru HDC 15A TSLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1788860000 1 ks , Velvet turbo 1 ks (5901478002730)The special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 07A TOLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru HDC 07A TOLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1788520000 1 ks , Spontex premium 1 ks (9001378680581)The special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 10A TSLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru HDC 10A TSLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1967660000 1 ks , York sada plastových ramínek, 9 ks + 1 ks zdarmaThe special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 04A TOLU 1M16G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru HDC 04A TOLU 1M16G Weidmüller 1206090000 1 ks , Eta kartáče boční 1+1 ks 1515 00070 (eta151500070 )The special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 04A TOLU 1PG1 1G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru HDC 04A TOLU 1PG11G Weidmüller 1652470000 1 ks , Osvěžovač vzduchu - meloun (1 ks) (3071)The special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 07A TWLU 1PG1 1G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru HDC 07A TWLU 1PG11G Weidmüller 1652400000 1 ks , Stabilo marathon - 1 ks - modrá (9556091126538)Pouzdro konektoru HDC IP68 04A TOS 1M25G Weidmüller 1513390000 1 ks od výrobce Weidmüller v kategorii Kontaktní díly a krytky pro konektory RockStar za skvělou cenu u Conrada. (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru HDC IP68 04A TOS 1M25G Weidmüller 1513390000 1 ks , Colgate 3d density 1 ks (8718951307117)The new RockStar® enclosures are resistant to seawater and offer a high degree of shock resistance, meet IP 68 and IP 69K, and have been developed for use under extreme environmental conditions and designed for the high vibration requirements acc. to DIN EN 61373 cat. 2 (bogie). As such, this housing family is ideally suited for fault- and maintenance-free operation of heavy-duty connectors in transport and traffic engineering as well as in power engineering and in applications with extreme requirements. During development, measures were also implemented to make the enclosures extremely EMC-resistant. HDC IP68 04A TOS 1M20 (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru HDC IP68 04A TOS 1M20 Weidmüller 1082390000 1 ks , Colgate recyclean kids 1 ks (8718951435858)The special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 25A TSLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru Weidmüller HDC 25A TSLU 1M20G 1788680000, 1 ks , Stabilo marathon - 1 ks - černá (9556091126545)The special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 25A TOLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru Weidmüller HDC 25A TOLU 1M20G 1788710000, 1 ks , Stabilo liner - 1 ks - modrá (9556091105779)Crimps provide a electrical and mechanical connection between wire and contact that is both secure and reliable. The optimal crimp connection is gas-tight and corrosion-resistant. (
Podobné produkty ako Krimpovací konektor, zásuvka, slitina mědi Weidmüller HDC-C-HD-BM0.5AG, 100 ks , Pronto duster (1+2 ks) (4000290009338)The special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 10B SBU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro HDC 10B SBU 1M20G Weidmüller 1901360000 1 ks , Linteo classic xxl (1 ks) (8594158373731)The special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 10A SLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro HDC 10A SLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1901100000 1 ks , Durex intense vibrations 1 ks (5038483263037)The special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 06B SDLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro HDC 06B SDLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1900360000 1 ks , Osvěžovač vzduchu - cherry (1 ks) (3069)The special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 06B SLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro HDC 06B SLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1900460000 1 ks , Philips filtrační patrona awp260, 1 ksThe special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 10B SDLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro HDC 10B SDLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1901570000 1 ks , Vanocni banka 10 cm 1 ksThe special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 10B SDBO 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro HDC 10B SDBO 1M20G Weidmüller 1901490000 1 ksThe special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 10B SLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro HDC 10B SLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1901620000 1 ksThe special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 07A SLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro HDC 07A SLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1788530000 1 ksThe special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 04A HLINÍK (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro HDC 04A ALU Weidmüller 1497600000 1 ksThe special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 04A AWLU (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro HDC 04A AWLU Weidmüller 1497700000 1 ksThe special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 04A SLU 1PG1 1G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro HDC 04A SLU 1PG11G Weidmüller 1652490000 1 ksThe special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 04A ELU 1PG1 3S (
Podobné produkty ako Šroubovací pouzdro HDC 04A ELU 1PG13S Weidmüller 1900330000 1 ksPouzdro konektoru. HDC pouzdro, velikost: 2, stupeň krytí: IP 65, soklové pouzdro, podélný třmen ve spodní části, standardní, s víkem, velké kabelové vstupy: M 20. HDC pouzdra poskytují dokonalou ochranu díky speciální tlakové slitiny a vícestupňovému utěsnění povrchu. Vynikající blokovací systém je vyroben z ušlechtilé oceli. Výsledkem je dlouhá životnost, odolnost proti korozi a nárazuvzdornost. Blokovací systém pouzdra nabízí bezpečnost. Jedinečný, patentovaný upevňovací systém umožňuje blokování pouzdra, spolehlivé upevnění a chrání jej před nechtěním otevřením. Díky laserovému značení jej lze okamžitě identifikovat. Trvalé označení je vypáleno laserem přímo na pouzdro. Každý produkt tak lze ihned zařadit. Pouzdra Weidmüller RockStar® IP65/NEMA typ 4X jsou první volbou, pokud jde o průmyslová pouzdra s třídou ochrany IP65. HDC 10A SDLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro Weidmüller HDC 10A SDLU 1M20G 1901010000, 1 ksHDC 16A SDLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro Weidmüller HDC 16A SDLU 1M20G 1934710000, 1 ksThe new RockStar® enclosures are resistant to seawater and offer a high degree of shock resistance, meet IP 68 and IP 69K, and have been developed for use under extreme environmental conditions and designed for the high vibration requirements acc. to DIN EN 61373 cat. 2 (bogie). As such, this housing family is ideally suited for fault- and maintenance-free operation of heavy-duty connectors in transport and traffic engineering as well as in power engineering and in applications with extreme requirements. During development, measures were also implemented to make the enclosures extremely EMC-resistant. HDC IP68 04A BOC (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro HDC IP68 04A ADS Weidmüller 1083130000 1 ksThe new RockStar® enclosures are resistant to seawater and offer a high degree of shock resistance, meet IP 68 and IP 69K, and have been developed for use under extreme environmental conditions and designed for the high vibration requirements acc. to DIN EN 61373 cat. 2 (bogie). As such, this housing family is ideally suited for fault- and maintenance-free operation of heavy-duty connectors in transport and traffic engineering as well as in power engineering and in applications with extreme requirements. During development, measures were also implemented to make the enclosures extremely EMC-resistant. HDC IP68 04A AWS-3500 (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro HDC IP68 04A AWS Weidmüller 1081490000 1 ksThe new RockStar® enclosures are resistant to seawater and offer a high degree of shock resistance, meet IP 68 and IP 69K, and have been developed for use under extreme environmental conditions and designed for the high vibration requirements acc. to DIN EN 61373 cat. 2 (bogie). As such, this housing family is ideally suited for fault- and maintenance-free operation of heavy-duty connectors in transport and traffic engineering as well as in power engineering and in applications with extreme requirements. During development, measures were also implemented to make the enclosures extremely EMC-resistant. HDC IP68 04A AS (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro HDC IP68 04A AS Weidmüller 1081470000 1 ksPouzdro HDC IP68 04A AWS 1M25 Weidmüller 2430170000 1 ks od výrobce Weidmüller v kategorii Kontaktní díly a krytky pro konektory RockStar za skvělou cenu u Conrada. (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro HDC IP68 04A AWS 1M25 Weidmüller 2430170000 1 ksThe new RockStar® enclosures are resistant to seawater and offer a high degree of shock resistance, meet IP 68 and IP 69K, and have been developed for use under extreme environmental conditions and designed for the high vibration requirements acc. to DIN EN 61373 cat. 2 (bogie). As such, this housing family is ideally suited for fault- and maintenance-free operation of heavy-duty connectors in transport and traffic engineering as well as in power engineering and in applications with extreme requirements. During development, measures were also implemented to make the enclosures extremely EMC-resistant. HDC IP68 04A BOC 1PG13 (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro HDC IP68 04A ADS 1PG13 Weidmüller 1083120000 1 ksThe new RockStar® enclosures are resistant to seawater and offer a high degree of shock resistance, meet IP 68 and IP 69K, and have been developed for use under extreme environmental conditions and designed for the high vibration requirements acc. to DIN EN 61373 cat. 2 (bogie). As such, this housing family is ideally suited for fault- and maintenance-free operation of heavy-duty connectors in transport and traffic engineering as well as in power engineering and in applications with extreme requirements. During development, measures were also implemented to make the enclosures extremely EMC-resistant. HDC IP68 04A 1M20 AWS-3500 (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro HDC IP68 04A AWS 1M20 Weidmüller 1081480000 1 ksThe new RockStar® enclosures are resistant to seawater and offer a high degree of shock resistance, meet IP 68 and IP 69K, and have been developed for use under extreme environmental conditions and designed for the high vibration requirements acc. to DIN EN 61373 cat. 2 (bogie). As such, this housing family is ideally suited for fault- and maintenance-free operation of heavy-duty connectors in transport and traffic engineering as well as in power engineering and in applications with extreme requirements. During development, measures were also implemented to make the enclosures extremely EMC-resistant. HDC IP68 04A TOS 1PG13 (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro HDC IP68 04A TOS 1PG13 Weidmüller 1082410000 1 ksThe special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 10B KLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Kryt na spojku HDC 10B KLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1787740000 1 ksThe special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 10B KBU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Kryt na spojku HDC 10B KBU 1M20G Weidmüller 1787720000 1 ksThe special die-cast alloy and the multi-layered surface sealing provide complete protection for the HDC housings. The cleverly designed interlock system is manufactured from stainless steel. This guarantees a long lifespan with high resistance to corrosion and impact. The housing interlock system provides integrated safety. Our unique, patented spring system provides the housing interlock with a secure grip and prevents accidental opening. The laser marking allows for easy and quick identification. Each housing is permanently labelled with a laser marking so that each product can be quickly designated and positioned. Weidmüller RockStar® IP 65 / NEMA Type 4X housings - your first choice for industrial housings with IP 65 protection. HDC 07A KOLU 1M20G (
Podobné produkty ako Kryt na spojku HDC 07A KOLU 1M20G Weidmüller 1788540000 1 ksPro rychlou, spolehlivou montáž osvětlovacích systémů resp. pro montáž světel na velmi malém prostoru. Díly, přivádějící napětí jsou chráněny proti dotyku v zakrytém a nezakrytém stavu. (
Podobné produkty ako Pouzdro konektoru Wieland 93.732.4553.0, černá, 1 ks