Pohledy z okna mého bytu / views from the window of my flat - jiří hanke

Produkt Pohledy z okna mého bytu / views from the window of my flat - jiří hanke sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Pohledy z okna mého bytu / views from the window of my flat - jiří hanke upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

Pohledy z okna mého bytu / Views from the Window of my Flat - Jiří Hanke


V rozsáhlém časosběrném projektu Pohledy z okna mého bytu (1981-2003) vytvořil fotograf a galerista Jiří Hanke jeden z legendárních souborů české fotografie. Na příkladu „osudu“ jedné z mnoha ulic Kladna jedinečným způsobem zachytil období normalizace i následných transformačních devadesátých let. Především ale osobitě zúročil možnosti fotografie, tematizoval fenomén času a přinesl ojedinělou výpověď o každodenních momentech, ve kterých se koncentroval ubíhající čas. (

Podobné produkty ako Pohledy z okna mého bytu / Views from the Window of my Flat - Jiří Hanke , Leifheit vysavač na okna window cleaner

Views from the Inside. Czech Underground Literature and Culture (1948–1989) - Martin Machovec - e-kniha

Views from the Inside. Czech Underground Literature and Culture (1948–1989) - Martin Machovec - e-kniha

eBook:,Svazek Views from the Inside přináší v pěti literárních dokumentech svědectví předních představitelů kultury českého undergroundu. Stavem hudebního undergroundu 70. let, jeho ideovými východisky a společenskou rolí se zabývá Ivan Martin Jirous ve své, dnes již věhlasné a opakovaně vydávané studii Zpráva o třetím českém hudebním obrození, kterou zde doplňuje vzpomínková stať Paula Wilsona. Tři následující texty byly psány pro konferenci o české literatuře, která se konala na New York University v březnu 1990. K původním východiskům českého literárního podzemí na přelomu 40. a 50. let se vrací Egon Bondy. Oblast samizdatové literární produkce 80. let mapuje ve své zprávě o Revolver Revue Jáchym Topol a undergroundová literatura 70. i 80. let je rovněž tématem druhé studie Ivana Martina Jirouse v tomto svazku. Kniha je doplněna doslovem editora M. Machovce, aktualizovanou bibliografií anglicky vydaných textů, filmografií a diskografií. (

Podobné produkty ako Views from the Inside. Czech Underground Literature and Culture (1948–1989) - Martin Machovec - e-kniha , Leifheit sada vysavače na okna window cleaner

Malování podle čísel - Pohled z okna (HRAmal01195nad)

Malování podle čísel - Pohled z okna (HRAmal01195nad)

Malování podle čísel - tématika lidé a osobnosti, plátno, sada štětců, barvy a vymalovaný vzor součástí balení Klíčové vlastnosti malování podle čísel Malování podle čísel - Pohled z okna Malování podle čísel je vhodné pro všechny tvořivé lidi Materiálem plátna je len Téma: lidé a osobnosti V balení se nachází plátno, sada štětců, barvy a vymalovaný vzor K tomu, aby byl výsledek podle představ, poslouží 20 akrylových barev (

Podobné produkty ako Malování podle čísel - Pohled z okna (HRAmal01195nad) , Sterka na okna leifheit window cleaner 51007

Jiří Hanke - Jiří Hanke


Jiří Hanke (1944) vydal fotografická alba Lidé z Podhůří, Otisky generace, Pohledy z okna mého bytu, Stop Time a dva svazky portrétů těch, které pozval vystavovat v Malé galerii České spořitelny v Kladně. Monografie připomíná i další etapy díla, zejména soubory Pařížské fragmenty, Ozvěny, Tv Image a Podnikatelé. Soustavně se autor vrací ke Kladnu, fotografovanému od roku 1973. Nejedná se ale o pouhou charakteristiku města s jeho obyvateli. Přitažlivost knihy spočívá i v tom, že vypovídá o fotografování jakožto aktivní přítomnosti v životě domovské obce. Osobní vztah k rodišti se tak přechyluje v obecnější výpověď lidské existence. (

Podobné produkty ako Jiří Hanke - Jiří Hanke , Diaries from a crypt: the final days of seven parachutists from the time of the heydrich terror (978-80-7557-186-1)

Hledání Ameriky / In search of America - Jiří Hanke


"V USA jsem si více méně pro sebe zachytil zajímavá místa," vzpomíná Jiří Hanke. "Po návratu si moje žena všimla podobnosti mezi fotografií brány nad cestou do texaského ranče a silnicí vedoucí k dolu Nosek u Tuchlovic. Postupně vznikl soubor, který hledá tvarové a dějové podobnosti mezi českou a americkou krajinou." Ve dvojicích snímků fotograf nalézá spřízněnost strukturních obrysů krajin texaského venkova, Harlemu, Central Parku, Manhattanu, Long Islandu s Kladnem a prostorem středních Čech. Bytostný Středočech Hanke se v cyklu Hledání Ameriky ale stává Evropanem, do stavu spřízněnosti na kladenskou stranu povolává Basilej, Rujánu a bratislavskou Petržalku. Vytváří páry městských panoramat; parků; mostních konstrukcí a světa v jejich stínu, kde účel stavby ztrácí svůj smysl; newyorské Flatiron Building a jedné kladenské restaurace; nadčasové krásy českých i amerických koňských těl; paralelních prostorů pro reklamy, jejichž ikonické instalace, třeba na objednávku firmy Camel, kolonizují náš svět; aut, karavanů, maringotek, coby novodobé podoby naší nomádské samoty; vrakovišť; lidí z okraje - Ameriku reprezentují bezdomovci, na naší straně nastupují i důchodci-kutilové - a všichni jako by vypadli z jedné divadelní komedie. (

Podobné produkty ako Hledání Ameriky / In search of America - Jiří Hanke , The seed of compassion: lessons from the life and teachings of his holiness the dalai lama (0241456975)

Diamondi - Diamantové malování - POHLED Z OKNA, 40x50 cm, Vypnuté plátno na rám (601906B)

Diamondi - Diamantové malování - POHLED Z OKNA, 40x50 cm, Vypnuté plátno na rám (601906B)

Diamantové malování - motiv lidí a osobností, s rámem a s vypnutím plátna, orientace na šířku, kulaté diamanty, 17 barev, aplikační pero, diamanty, ochranná fólie, pinzeta a sáčky v balení, vhodné od 4 let Klíčové vlastnosti produktu Diamondi - Diamantové malování - POHLED Z OKNA, 40x50 cm, Vypnuté plátno na rám Diamantové malování okouzlí všechny tvořivé jedince Námět: lidé a osobnosti V balení se nachází aplikační pero, diamanty, ochranná fólie, pinzeta a sáčky Orientace na šířku Malování zvládnete i bez předchozích zkušeností Kulatý tvar diamantů Obraz je v rámu Vypnuté plátno vám umožňuje okamžitě začít malovat K tomu, abyste měli obrázek tip ťop, využijete 17 barev (

Podobné produkty ako Diamondi - Diamantové malování - POHLED Z OKNA, 40x50 cm, Vypnuté plátno na rám (601906B) , The last piece of my heart (1471163024)

Tangerine Dream - Views From A Red Train (2 LP)

Tangerine Dream - Views From A Red Train (2 LP)

Typ: LP deska;Album Varianta: Views From A Red Train (2 LP) Interpret / Téma: Tangerine Dream Země původu: Německo Vydavatelství: Kscope Balení obsahuje: LP Subžánr: Elektronický;New Age;Progressive;Ambient Země interpreta: Německo Žánr: Elektronický Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;1980 - 1989;2020 - 2029;1960 - 1969;1970 - 1979;2010 - 2019 Rok vydání: 2022.0 Barva: Černá Barva podle výrobce: Black Složení setu: 2 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Datum vydání: 2022-08-19 (

Podobné produkty ako Tangerine Dream - Views From A Red Train (2 LP) , No mercy: the brand new novel from the queen of crime (1472249445)

Diamondi - Diamantové malování - POHLED Z OKNA, 40x50 cm, bez rámu a bez vypnutí plátna (601906A)

Diamondi - Diamantové malování - POHLED Z OKNA, 40x50 cm, bez rámu a bez vypnutí plátna (601906A)

Diamantové malování - motiv lidí a osobností, bez rámu a bez vypnutí plátna, orientace na šířku, kulaté diamanty, 17 barev, aplikační pero, diamanty, ochranná fólie, pinzeta a sáčky v balení, vhodné od 4 let Klíčové vlastnosti produktu Diamondi - Diamantové malování - POHLED Z OKNA, 40x50 cm, bez rámu a bez vypnutí plátna Diamantové malování si oblíbí všichni tvořiví lidé Téma: lidé a osobnosti V balení se nachází aplikační pero, diamanty, ochranná fólie, pinzeta a sáčky Obraz je orientovaný na šířku Diamantové malování zvládnou děti i dospělí Kulatý tvar kamínků Plátno je zapotřebí před malováním vypnout K dokonalému výsledku vám pomůže 17 barev (

Podobné produkty ako Diamondi - Diamantové malování - POHLED Z OKNA, 40x50 cm, bez rámu a bez vypnutí plátna (601906A) , Dreams from my father: a story of race and inheritance (1782119256)

Perception and Possibilities of ICT Tools in the Education from the Teachers´ Perspective - Jiří Dostál, Milan Klement, K. Bártek - e-kniha


eBook: A constant development of information and communication technologies, including their introduction into the education, place more and more demands on teachers who have to be prepared to work with modern ICT tools and to create suitable educational materials for the needs of teaching designed in this fashion.The submitted publication reacts on those topical calls, and it strives for an overall analysis of ways and approaches to the employment of ICT tools by the teachers of pre-primary, basic and secondary schools in the area of realization of teaching supported by modern didactic means and digital technologies. This analysis, delimiting theoretical bases of the solved issue based on analyses of relevant learning theories, is also completed by several researches - their courses and results. (

Podobné produkty ako Perception and Possibilities of ICT Tools in the Education from the Teachers´ Perspective - Jiří Dostál, Milan Klement, K. Bártek - e-kniha , 9 from the nine worlds: magnus chase and the gods of asgard (0241359430)

The Satire of Ishmael Reed - From Non-standard Sexuality to Argumentation - Jiří Šalamoun

The Satire of Ishmael Reed - From Non-standard Sexuality to Argumentation - Jiří Šalamoun

Satira Ishmaela Reeda. Od nestandardní sexuality k argumentaci Tato kniha se zaměřuje na tvorbu afroamerického spisovatele Ishmaela Reeda a sleduje, jak se napříč jeho padesátiletou románovou tvorbou proměňuje způsob, jímž autor uplatňuje satiru. Přestože je každý Reedův román originálním knižním počinem, v uplatnění satiry lze najít jisté pravidelnosti a vývojové tendence. Zatímco v Reedově rané satiře převládá společenská kritika založená na zobrazení nestandardní sexuality, v jeho současnější satiře (čímž je označována autorova románová tvorba od roku 1993 dále) dominuje společenská kritika založená na argumentaci. Uvedené mody satiry jsou v knize dále propojeny se dvěma druhy amerického rasismu, s rasismem zjevným a skrytým. Kniha dokládá, že spolu s tím, jak se zjevný rasismus stal v americkém společenském diskurzu nepřípustným a byl nahrazen rasismem skrytým, aktualizoval Ishmael Reed svoji satiru, aby i nadále zůstala efektivním modem společenské kritiky. Kniha je určena pro čtenáře z řad odborné i širší veřejnosti, kteří mají zájem o tvorbu Ishmaela Reeda i afroamerickou literaturu obecně. Inspirativní může být i pro ty, jež se zajímají o žánr satiry a její vývoj. (

Podobné produkty ako The Satire of Ishmael Reed - From Non-standard Sexuality to Argumentation - Jiří Šalamoun , Coheed and cambria: vaxis ii: a window of the waking mind - cd (7567864076)

Zuty - Malování podle čísel - POHLED Z OKNA NA EIFFELOVU VĚŽ A KOTĚ (IMAGE WORLD-AP), 80x100 cm, vyp (HRAmmb04727nad)

Zuty - Malování podle čísel - POHLED Z OKNA NA EIFFELOVU VĚŽ A KOTĚ (IMAGE WORLD-AP), 80x100 cm, vyp (HRAmmb04727nad)

Malování podle čísel - tématika velcí malíři, plátno, sada štětců, barvy a vymalovaný vzor součástí balení Klíčové vlastnosti malování podle čísel Zuty - Malování podle čísel - POHLED Z OKNA NA EIFFELOVU VĚŽ A KOTĚ (IMAGE WORLD-AP), 80x100 cm, vyp Malování podle čísel si zamilují tvořiví jedinci Materiálem plátna je dřevo a len Téma: velcí malíři V balení se nachází plátno, sada štětců, barvy a vymalovaný vzor K tomu, abyste měli obrázek tip ťop, využijete 43 akrylových barev (

Podobné produkty ako Zuty - Malování podle čísel - POHLED Z OKNA NA EIFFELOVU VĚŽ A KOTĚ (IMAGE WORLD-AP), 80x100 cm, vyp (HRAmmb04727nad) , Z mého severoitalského deníku

The Stolen Heir: A Novel of Elfhame, from the author of The Folk of the Air series (1471413624)

The Stolen Heir: A Novel of Elfhame, from the author of The Folk of the Air series (1471413624)

Kniha - 496 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako The Stolen Heir: A Novel of Elfhame, from the author of The Folk of the Air series (1471413624) , A colleague from the middle of nowhere (999-00-035-3136-0)

The Children of the Anthropocene: Stories from the Young People at the Heart of the Climate Crisis


Across the planet, the futures of young people hang in the balance as they face the harsh realities of the environmental crisis. Isn't it time we made their voices heard?The Children of the Anthropocene, by conservationist and activist Bella Lack, chronicles the lives of the diverse young people on the frontlines of the environmental crisis around the world, amplifying the voices of those living at the heart of the crisis.Advocating for the protection of both people and the planet, Bella restores the beating heart to global environmental issues, from air pollution to deforestation and overconsumption, by telling the stories of those most directly affected. Transporting us from the humming bounty of Ecuador's Choco Rainforest and the graceful arcs of the Himalayan Mountains, to the windswept plains and vibrant vistas of life in Altiplano, Bella speaks to young activists from around the world including Dara McAnulty, Afroz Shah and Artemisa Xakriabá, and brings the crisis vividly to life.It's time we passed the mic and listened to different perspectives. Bella's manifestos for change will inspire and mobilize you to rediscover the wonders and wilds of nature and, ultimately, change the way you think about our planet in crisis. This is your chance to hear the urgent stories of an endangered species too often overlooked: the children of the Anthropocene. ____________________________'Extraordinarily moving, wild and engaging - the book of the moment' Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland and author of Climate Justice'A visionary statement for the future [...] Pragmatic, positive & beautifully written' Ben Macdonald, Award-Winning Conservation Writer, Wildlife TV Producer and Naturalist (

Podobné produkty ako The Children of the Anthropocene: Stories from the Young People at the Heart of the Climate Crisis , Z mého života - dvd (764)

Coheed And Cambria: Vaxis II: A Window Of The Waking Mind - CD (7567864076)

Coheed And Cambria: Vaxis II: A Window Of The Waking Mind - CD (7567864076)

Hudební CD - Desáté studiové album kapely navazuje na svého předchůdce, zároveň prog-rocková skupina mezi oběma deskami učinila nejdelší pauzu ve své kariéře. Opět jde o rozsáhlou koncepční nahrávku, která má být druhou částí díla rozděleného do pěti kapitol. Desáté studiové album kapely navazuje na svého předchůdce, zároveň prog-rocková skupina mezi oběma deskami učinila nejdelší pauzu ve své kariéře. Opět jde o rozsáhlou koncepční nahrávku, která má být druhou částí díla rozděleného do pěti kapitol. Americká progresivně rocková kapela vznikla v roce 1995 v New Yorku. Její tvorba vstřebala vlivy popu, heavy metalu i post hard-core. Většina desek Coheed And Cambria je koncepčního charakteru, jejich základem je sci-fi série The Amory Wars, za kterou stojí zpěvák a kytarista kapely Claudio Sanchez. Rok vydání : 2022 (10.album) Seznam stop CD The Embers of Fire / Beautiful Losers / Comatose / Shoulders / A Disappearing Act / Love Murder One / Blood / The Liars... (

Podobné produkty ako Coheed And Cambria: Vaxis II: A Window Of The Waking Mind - CD (7567864076) , Love from the dark side ()

James: The Powerful Reimagining of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from the Booker Prize-Shortlisted Author of The Trees - Percival Everett


Selected as one of the top ten reads of 2024 by The Times and Sunday Times'Percival Everett is a giant of American letters, and JAMES is a canon-shatteringly great book' – Hernan Diaz, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Trust'Who should read this book? Every single person in the country' – Ann Patchett, bestselling author of Tom LakeJAMES is an enthralling and ferociously funny novel that leaves an indelible mark, inspiring us to see Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in a wholly new and transformative light. Shortlisted for the 2022 Booker Prize for his novel The Trees, Percival Everett is one of the most decorated writers of our lifetime.The Mississippi River, 1861. When the enslaved Jim overhears that he is about to be sold to a new owner in New Orleans and separated from his wife and daughter forever, he decides to hide on nearby Jackson’s Island until he can formulate a plan. Meanwhile, Huck Finn has faked his own death to escape his violent father who recently returned to town. Thus begins a dangerous and transcendent journey by raft along the Mississippi River, towards the elusive promise of the free states and beyond. As James and Huck begin to navigate the treacherous waters, each bend in the river holds the promise of both salvation and demise.With rumours of a brewing war, James must face the burden he carries: the family he is desperate to protect and the constant lie he must live. And together, the unlikely pair must face the most dangerous odyssey of them all . . .From the shadows of Huck Finn’s mischievous spirit, Jim emerges to reclaim his voice, defying the conventions that have consigned him to the margins. (

Podobné produkty ako James: The Powerful Reimagining of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from the Booker Prize-Shortlisted Author of The Trees - Percival Everett , Roxette: bag of trix (music from the roxette vaults) (4x lp) - lp (5054197081934)

The Book of Fire: The moving, captivating and unmissable new novel from the author of THE BEEKEEPER OF ALEPPO - Christy Lefteri


'Stunning... will long remain in the reader's mind' - Kristin HannahThis morning, I met the man who started the fire. He did something terrible, but then, so have I.I left him. I left him and now he may be dead. Once upon a time there was a beautiful village that held a million stories of love and loss and peace and war, and it was swallowed up by a fire that blazed up to the sky.The fire ran all the way down to the sea where it met with its reflection. A family from two nations, England and Greece, live a simple life in a tiny Greek village: Irini, Tasso and their daughter, lovely, sweet Chara, whose name means joy. Their life goes up in flames in a single day when one man starts a fire out of greed and indifference.Many are killed, homes are destroyed, and the region's natural beauty wiped out. In the wake of the fire, Chara bears deep scars across her back and arms. Tasso is frozen in trauma, devastated that he wasn't there when his family most needed him.And Irini is crippled by guilt at her part in the fate of the man who started the fire. But this family has survived, and slowly green shoots of hope and renewal will grow from the smouldering ruins of devastation. Once again, Christy Lefteri has crafted a novel which is intimate and epic, sweeping and delicate.The Book of Fire explores not only the damage wrought by human folly, and the costs of survival in our changing world, but also - and ultimately - our powers of redemption and renewal. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Fire: The moving, captivating and unmissable new novel from the author of THE BEEKEEPER OF ALEPPO - Christy Lefteri , Bolshoi theatre orchestra: legends of the bolshoi - highlights from european operas - cd (4600383160702)

Nirvana - From The Muddy Banks Of The Wishkah (2 LP)

Nirvana - From The Muddy Banks Of The Wishkah (2 LP)

Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999 Datum vydání: 2016-06-10 Subžánr: Akustický;Blues;Alternative Rock;Grunge;Rock Typ: Album;LP deska Žánr: Blues;Grunge;Rock Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2016.0 Hmotnost: 180 g Složení setu: 2 ks Varianta: From The Muddy Banks Of The Wishkah (2 LP) Barva: Černá Interpret / Téma: Nirvana Země původu: Evropská unie Balení obsahuje: LP Vydavatelství: DGC Země interpreta: USA (

Podobné produkty ako Nirvana - From The Muddy Banks Of The Wishkah (2 LP) , Coheed and cambria: vaxis ii: a window of the waking mind (coloured) (2x lp) - lp (7567864078)

The Seed of Compassion: Lessons from the Life and Teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama (0241456975)

Dreamland: From the author of the global bestseller, The Notebook - Nicholas Sparks


From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Wish comes a poignant love story about risking everything for a dream - and whether it's possible to leave the past behind. Fate drew them together . .. but will their dreams tear them apart?Colby Mills once felt destined for a musical career, but tragedy grounded his dreams. Now the dust has settled, he spontaneously takes a gig playing at a bar in Florida, seeking a rare break from his duties at home.But when he meets Morgan Lee, his world is turned upside-down, and Colby can't help but wonder if the responsibilities he has shouldered need dictate his life forever. Morgan is on her way to Nashville with plans to become a star and she wants Colby to come with her. While they are falling headlong in love, Beverly is on a heart-pounding journey of another kind.Fleeing an abusive husband with her six-year-old son, she is trying to piece together a new life in a small town far off the beaten track. Danger is never far and her money is fast running out. In the course of a single unforgettable week, three very different people will have their own ideas of love put to the test.As fate draws them together, they will each be forced to question whether the dream of a better life can ever overcome the weight of the past. Praise for Nicholas Sparks:'This one won't leave a dry eye' Daily Mirror'A fiercely romantic and touching tale' Heat'An A-grade romantic read' OK!'Pulls at the heartstrings' Sunday Times'An absorbing page-turner' Daily Mail (

Podobné produkty ako Dreamland: From the author of the global bestseller, The Notebook - Nicholas Sparks , Breakthrough: spectacular stories of scientific discovery from the higgs particle to black hol (0571366716)

Diaries from a crypt: The final days of seven parachutists from the time of the Heydrich Terror (978-80-7557-186-1)

Diaries from a crypt: The final days of seven parachutists from the time of the Heydrich Terror (978-80-7557-186-1)

Kniha - autor Jana Raila Hlavsová, 216 stran, anglicky, pevná s přebalem lesklá Seven Czechoslovak parachutists hidden in the crypt of the Church of St. Cyril and Methodius in Resslova Street in Prague for 21 days. From the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich to the very last battle in the church and the church crypt. This is the story of their fate there and the fate of the Czech resistance outside those very walls. Some of it really happened. Some things we can only hope and some things we will never know. These are fictitious diaries based on the real historical events surrounding the Czech resistance and parachutists in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia during May and June 1942. Every single day is based on historical documents, photos and the statements of the resistance members who survived. (

Podobné produkty ako Diaries from a crypt: The final days of seven parachutists from the time of the Heydrich Terror (978-80-7557-186-1) , Bowie david: the rise and fall of ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars (2012 remastered version) (2564628737)

There are Rivers in the Sky: From the bestselling author of The Island of Missing Trees - Elif Shafaková


This is the story of one lost poem, two great rivers, and three remarkable lives – all connected by a single drop of water. In the ruins of Nineveh, that ancient city of Mesopotamia, there lies hidden in the sand fragments of a long-forgotten poem, the Epic of Gilgamesh. In Victorian London, an extraordinary child is born at the edge of the dirt-black Thames.Arthur’s only chance of escaping poverty is his brilliant memory. When his gift earns him a spot as an apprentice at a printing press, Arthur’s world opens up far beyond the slums, with one book soon sending him across the seas: Nineveh and Its Remains. In 2014 Turkey, Narin, a ten-year-old Yazidi girl, waits to be baptised in the waters of the River Tigris.The ceremony is cruelly interrupted, and soon Narin and her grandmother must journey across war-torn lands in the hope of finding the sacred valley of their people. In 2018 London, broken-hearted Zaleekhah, a hydrologist, moves to a houseboat on the Thames to escape the wreckage of her marriage. Zaleekhah foresees a life drained of all love and meaning – until an unexpected connection to her homeland changes everything.A dazzling feat of storytelling from one of the greatest writers of our time, Elif Shafak’s There are Rivers in the Sky is a rich, sweeping novel that spans centuries, continents and cultures, entwined by rivers, rains, and waterdrops:‘Water remembers. It is humans who forget.’ (

Podobné produkty ako There are Rivers in the Sky: From the bestselling author of The Island of Missing Trees - Elif Shafaková , A view from the bridge (0141189967)

The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons in Creative Leadership from the CEO of the Walt Disney Company (1787630471)

The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons in Creative Leadership from the CEO of the Walt Disney Company (1787630471)

Kniha - 272 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons in Creative Leadership from the CEO of the Walt Disney Company (1787630471) , Edgedancer: from the stormlight archive (1250166543)

The Royal Rabbits of London: Escape From the Tower - Santa Montefiore

The Royal Rabbits of London: Escape From the Tower - Santa Montefiore

`Packed with fun, fantasy and the sort of adventure guaranteed to have sticky little fingers hungrily turning the pages' The Mail on Sunday Life is an adventure. Anything in the world is possible - by will and by luck, with a moist carrot, a wet nose and a slice of mad courage! Little Shylo Tawny-Tail is proud to call himself one of the Royal Rabbits of London, a secret order who live under Buckingham Palace and fight evil across the world. But high up in London's famous skyscraper, the Shard, the horrible Ratzis are plotting to cause chaos during a visit from the President of the United States. And when the Grand Burrow is attacked and Shylo is kidnapped, it looks as though they might just manage it! Can Shylo escape in time to save the day?The Hobbit meets Fantastic Mr Fox meets Watership Down in this bestselling series from Santa Montefiore and Simon Sebag Montefiore, which proves even the smallest rabbit can be the biggest hero. Featuring illustrations throughout by award-winning illustrator Kate Hindley.PRAISE FOR THE ROYAL RABBITS OF LONDON: `The Royal Rabbits of London is sweet, funny and beautifully illustrated' The Times `Enchanting....Kate Hindley's illustrations are a treat' The Lady (

Podobné produkty ako The Royal Rabbits of London: Escape From the Tower - Santa Montefiore , The hound of the baskervilles

Retreat: The Risks and Rewards of Stepping Back from the World

Retreat: The Risks and Rewards of Stepping Back from the World

Stepping back from the world is an ancient human impulse. Over the last year we have had to retreat. But throughout history, we have chosen to.We were doing it more and more, anyway. Mindfulness and meditation are all the rage. Wellness tourism, yoga breaks, meditation apps, and spiritual boot camps have been booming - entry-level to hardcore.Retreat investigates this human obsession, mining neuroscience, psychology and history to reveal why we seek solitude, what we get out of it, and what is going on in our brains and bodies when we achieve it. What has it meant to the world's great thinkers, and what does it mean, in our age, as an activity we pay for?Is isolation a means of engaging more fully with reality, or evading it? And what has retreat meant at a time when humanity has - to an unprecedented extent - been forced to withdraw? Nat Segnit has felt the pull of solitude and the fear of it, as well as the warmth of company. To answer these questions, he has been on retreats around the world and met yogic scholars, cognitive and social scientists, religious leaders, philosophers and artists.Retreat is endlessly enlightening, sceptical and open-minded. It is about seeking happiness, fulfilment, a change of perspective, and relief from stress and anxiety. And it is surprisingly, joyously, full of human encounter. Ultimately, it is about the discovery that retreat is a mental state that can be achieved anywhere, in a monastery or shopping centre, a cave or a crowd. (

Podobné produkty ako Retreat: The Risks and Rewards of Stepping Back from the World , The turn of the screw

Grateful Dead: The Best Of: Skeletons From The Closet - LP (0349784779)

Grateful Dead: The Best Of: Skeletons From The Closet - LP (0349784779)

LP vinyl - Vinylová reedice prvního kompilačního alba Grateful Dead z roku 1974. Legendární rocková skupina ze San Francisca vznikla v roce 1965 a patří k zásadním reprezentantům zlatého věku rockové hudby. Vinylová reedice prvního kompilačního alba Grateful Dead z roku 1974. Legendární rocková skupina ze San Francisca vznikla v roce 1965 a patří k zásadním reprezentantům zlatého věku rockové hudby. Na přelomu šedesátých a sedmdesátých let se proslavila dlouhými a divokými improvizacemi během koncertních vystoupení. V tvorbě pracovala s vlivy nejrůznějších hudebních stylů od rocku a psychedelie, přes folk a bluegrass, až třeba ke gospelu, jazzu nebo reggae. Rozpadla se v roce 1995, kdy zemřela vůdčí osobnost skupiny, kytarista a zpěvák Jerry Garcia. V roce 2007 skupina obdržela Grammy za celoživotní přínos. Obsah: LP1 The Golden Road (To Unlimited Devotion) [2018 Remaster] Truckin' (2019 Remaster) Rosemary (2019 Remaster) Sugar Magnolia (2019 Remaster) St.... (

Podobné produkty ako Grateful Dead: The Best Of: Skeletons From The Closet - LP (0349784779) , Leifheit window cleaner 51003 vysavač na okna s mopem a tyčí 43 cm

The Shadow of Perseus: A compelling feminist retelling of the myth of Perseus told from the perspectives of the women who knew him best - Claire Heywo


Myth remembers Perseus as one of its greatest heroes. A slayer of monsters. A rescuer of damsels.But the women who knew him best have a different story to tell. His mother, Danae.His trophy, Medusa.His wife, Andromeda.As Perseus becomes obsessed with the promise of his own destiny, his heroic journey casts a shadow of violence and destruction across all three women's lives.It takes strength to survive a legend. Perfect for fans of Jennifer Saint, Elodie Harper and Natalie Haynes, author of Daughters of Sparta Claire Heywood returns with an imaginative reinterpretation of the myth of the great hero Perseus, bringing to life the voices of three women who are side-lined in the traditional version, and whose stories reveal a man who might not, in fact, be a hero at all. (

Podobné produkty ako The Shadow of Perseus: A compelling feminist retelling of the myth of Perseus told from the perspectives of the women who knew him best - Claire Heywo , Česká filharmonie, jiří bělohlávek: the best of czech classics / dvořák - concertos (3x cd) - cd (su3965-2)

Wham! - The SIngles : Echoes From The Edge of The Heaven (Coloured) (2 LP)

Wham! - The SIngles : Echoes From The Edge of The Heaven (Coloured) (2 LP)

Typ: Misprint;Barevná;Kompilace;LP deska Balení obsahuje: LP Žánr: Dance;Pop;Disco Barva: Modrá Subžánr: New Wave;Disco;Synth-pop Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989 Datum vydání: 2023-07-07 Složení setu: 2 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Blue Rok vydání: 2023.0 Vydavatelství: Sony Music Varianta: The Singles : Echoes From The Edge of The Heaven (Coloured) (2 LP) Interpret / Téma: Wham! Země interpreta: Spojené království (

Podobné produkty ako Wham! - The SIngles : Echoes From The Edge of The Heaven (Coloured) (2 LP) , Scruggs earl: i saw the light with some help from my friends (2x cd) - cd (5017261214447)

Burzum - From The Depths Of Darkness (2 LP)

Burzum - From The Depths Of Darkness (2 LP)

Typ: LP deska;Album Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Evropská unie Varianta: From The Depths Of Darkness (2 LP) Země interpreta: Norsko Subžánr: Dark Ambient;Metal;Black Metal Žánr: Metal;Black Metal Vydavatelství: Back On Black Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019 Rok nahrávky: 2011.0 Barva: Černá Hmotnost: 180 g Interpret / Téma: Burzum Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Rok vydání: 2011.0 Složení setu: 2 ks Datum vydání: 2011-12-19 Barva podle výrobce: Black (

Podobné produkty ako Burzum - From The Depths Of Darkness (2 LP) , Empire of the vampire: empire of the vampire (1) (0008350442)

The Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science (014103887X)

The Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science (014103887X)

Kniha - autor Norman Doidge, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá (

Podobné produkty ako The Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science (014103887X) , The heart of the matter (0099478420)

50 masterpieces of Czech Fin de Siecle Art from the Collections of the Gallery of West Bohemia in Pilsen


The collection of the fin de siécle art from the collections of the Gallery of West Bohemia in Pilsen is one of the best in the context of Czech public collections. It includes all the important styles and trends that appeared on the art scene of the time, i.e. naturalism, symbolism, impressionism and art nouveau. Czech art at this time was in the process of integration into international structures and many artists from the Czech lands studied, exhibited or worked in the key cultural capitals of Europe, such as Vienna, Munich and Paris. Two personalities who achieved worldwide fame are represented in the Pilsen collection: one of the most important representatives of art nouveau, Alfons Mucha, and the later co-founder of abstract painting, František Kupka. In addition to these artists, the Pilsen collection also contains works by other important artists who shaped the art scene of the time - among them Antonín Slavíček, Jan Preisler, Jaroslav Špillar, Luděk Marold and Václav Brožík, to name but a few. This book, which is the third outcome of a long-term joint project of the Gallery of West Bohemia in Pilsen and the prestigious London publishing house Scala Arts & Heritage, presents fifty works selected by the Gallery Director Roman Musil with annotations by leading Czech and foreign experts on fine art at the turn of the 20th century. Authors: Aleš Filip, Šárka Leubnerová, Roman Musil, Alena Pomajzlová, Marie Rakušanová, Ivana Skálová, Markéta Theinhardtová (

Podobné produkty ako 50 masterpieces of Czech Fin de Siecle Art from the Collections of the Gallery of West Bohemia in Pilsen , The wisdom of crowds: the riotous conclusion to the age of madness (0575095989)

The Ride of a Lifetime : Lessons in Creative Leadership from the CEO of the Walt Disney Company - Robert Iger


The CEO of Disney, one of Time's most influential people of 2019, shares the ideas and values he embraced to reinvent one of the most beloved companies in the world and inspire the people who bring the magic to life.Robert Iger became CEO of The Walt Disney Company in 2005, during a difficult time. Morale had deteriorated, competition was intense, and technology was changing faster than at any time in the company's history. His vision came down to three clear ideas: Recommit to the concept that quality matters, embrace technology instead of fighting it, and think bigger-think global-and turn Disney into a stronger brand in international markets.Fourteen years later, Disney is the largest, most respected media company in the world, counting Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm and 21st Century Fox among its properties. Its value is nearly five times what it was when Iger took over, and he is recognized as one of the most innovative and successful CEOs of our era.In The Ride of a Lifetime, Robert Iger shares the lessons he's learned while running Disney and leading its 200,000 employees, and he explores the principles that are necessary for true leadership, including:Optimism. Even in the face of difficulty, an optimistic leader will find the path toward the best possible outcome and focus on that, rather than give in to pessimism and blaming.Courage. Leaders have to be willing to take risks and place big bets. Fear of failure destroys creativity.Decisiveness. All decisions, no matter how difficult, can be made on a timely basis. Indecisiveness is both wasteful and destructive to morale.Fairness. Treat people decently, with empathy, and be accessible to them.This book is about the relentless curiosity that has driven Iger for forty-five years, since the day he started as the lowliest studio grunt at ABC. It's also about thoughtfulness and respect, and a decency-over-dollars approach that has become the bedrock of every project and partnership Iger pursues, from a deep friendship with Steve Jobs in his final years to an abiding love of the Star Wars mythology."The ideas in this book strike me as universal" Iger writes. "Not just to the aspiring CEOs of the world, but to anyone wanting to feel less fearful, more confidently themselves, as they navigate their professional and even personal lives." (

Podobné produkty ako The Ride of a Lifetime : Lessons in Creative Leadership from the CEO of the Walt Disney Company - Robert Iger

The Angel of the West Window (Dedalus) (Dedalus European Classics) - Gustav Meyrink


A complex and ambitious novel which centres on the life of the Elizabethan magus, John Dee, in England, Poland and Prague, as it intertwines past and present, dreams and visions, myth and reality in a world of the occult, culminating in the transmutation of physical reality into a higher spiritual existence. John Dee, through his 20th century descendant, is led by the Green Angel to the 'Other Side of the Mirror'. From the erotically alluring Assja Shotokalungin (in all her incarnations), the pliant Jane, the mischievous Queen Elizabeth 1 to the earless charlatan Kelley, the truly grotesque Bartlett Greene and the sinister Emperor Rudolph1, John Dee heads a cast which lingers in the mind long after the book has been put down. (

Podobné produkty ako The Angel of the West Window (Dedalus) (Dedalus European Classics) - Gustav Meyrink

Inland : From the award-winning author of The Tiger's Wife - Téa Obrehtová

Inland : From the award-winning author of The Tiger's Wife - Téa Obrehtová

A MAN SEARCHING FOR A HOME HE CAN'T FIND. A WOMAN BOUND TO A HOME SHE CAN'T LEAVE. Nora is an unflinching frontierswoman awaiting the return of the men in her life, biding her time with her youngest son - who is convinced that a mysterious beast is stalking the land around their home - and her husband's seventeen-year-old cousin, who communes with spirits. Lurie is a former outlaw and a man haunted by ghosts. He sees lost souls who want something from him, and he finds reprieve from their longing in an unexpected relationship that inspires a momentous expedition across the West. (

Podobné produkty ako Inland : From the award-winning author of The Tiger's Wife - Téa Obrehtová

No Mercy: The brand new novel from the Queen of Crime (1472249445)

No Mercy: The brand new novel from the Queen of Crime (1472249445)

Kniha - 416 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako No Mercy: The brand new novel from the Queen of Crime (1472249445)

Wham! - The Singles : Echoes From The Edge of The Heaven (Box Set) (12x7" + MC)

Wham! - The Singles : Echoes From The Edge of The Heaven (Box Set) (12x7" + MC)

Balení obsahuje: 7" Vinyl;Kazeta Rychlost: 45 RPM Typ: Box Set;Kazeta;7" vinylová deska;Single;Kompilace;Limitovaná edice Rok vydání: 2023.0 Složení setu: 13 kusů Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989 Barva: Černá Datum vydání: 2023-07-07 Barva podle výrobce: Black Interpret / Téma: Wham! Varianta: The Singles : Echoes From The Edge of The Heaven (Box Set) (12x7" + MC) Subžánr: Synth-pop;New Wave;Disco Země interpreta: Spojené království Vydavatelství: Sony Music Žánr: Disco;Dance;Pop (

Podobné produkty ako Wham! - The Singles : Echoes From The Edge of The Heaven (Box Set) (12x7" + MC)

The Library of Heartbeats: A sweeping, heart-rending Japanese-set novel from the author of The Phone Box at the Edge of the World - Laura Imai Messina


On the peaceful Japanese island of Teshima there is Shinzo--on no A-kaibu, a library of heartbeats, a place where the heartbeats of visitors from all around the world are collected. In this small, isolated building, the heartbeats of people who are still alive or have already passed away continue to echo. Several miles away, in the ancient city of Kamakura, two lonely souls meet: Shuichi, a forty-year-old illustrator, who returns to his home-town to fix up the house of his recently deceased mother, and eight-year-old Kenta, a child who wanders like a shadow around Shuichi's house.Day by day, the trust between Shuichi and Kenta grows until they discover they share a bond that will tie them together for life. Their journey will lead them to Teshima and to the library of heartbeats . . . (

Podobné produkty ako The Library of Heartbeats: A sweeping, heart-rending Japanese-set novel from the author of The Phone Box at the Edge of the World - Laura Imai Messina

Coheed And Cambria: Vaxis II: A Window Of The Waking Mind (Coloured) (2x LP) - LP (7567864078)

Coheed And Cambria: Vaxis II: A Window Of The Waking Mind (Coloured) (2x LP) - LP (7567864078)

LP vinyl - Desáté studiové album kapely navazuje na svého předchůdce, zároveň prog-rocková skupina mezi oběma deskami učinila nejdelší pauzu ve své kariéře. Opět jde o rozsáhlou koncepční nahrávku, která má být druhou částí díla rozděleného do pěti kapitol. Americká progresivně rocková kapela vznikla v roce 1995 v New Yorku. Její tvorba vstřebala vlivy popu, heavy metalu i post hard-core. Většina desek Coheed And Cambria je koncepčního charakteru, jejich základem je sci-fi série The Amory Wars, za kterou stojí zpěvák a kytarista kapely Claudio Sanchez. Barva LP : Bílá Rok vydání : 2022 (10.album) Seznam stop LP1 The Embers of Fire / Beautiful Losers / Comatose / Shoulders / A Disappearing Act / Love Murder One / Blood / The Liars Club / Bad Man LP2 Our Love / Ladders of Supremacy / Rise, Naianasha (Cut The Cord) / Window of the Waking Mind (

Podobné produkty ako Coheed And Cambria: Vaxis II: A Window Of The Waking Mind (Coloured) (2x LP) - LP (7567864078)

The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared (9780349141800)

The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared (9780349141800)

Kniha – autor Jonas Jonasson, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Jonas Jonasson, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The international bestselling sensation. Sitting quietly in his room in an old people's home, Allan Karlsson is waiting for a party he doesn't want to begin. His one-hundredth birthday party to be precise. The Mayor will be there. The press will be there. But, as it turns out, Allan will not . . . Escaping (in his slippers) through his bedroom window, into the flowerbed, Allan makes his getaway. And so begins his picaresque and unlikely journey involving criminals, several murders, a suitcase full of cash, and incompetent police. As his escapades unfold, Allan's earlier life is revealed. A life in which - remarkably - he played a key role behind the scenes in some of the momentous events of the twentieth century. Translated by Roy Bradbury. Biographical Notes Jonas Jonasson was a journalist for the... (

Podobné produkty ako The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared (9780349141800)

Stoletý stařík, který vylezl z okna a zmizel

Stoletý stařík, který vylezl z okna a zmizel

Audiokniha MP3 - autor Jonas Jonasson, čte Martin Stránský Jedna z nejvtipnějších knih poslední doby Alan Karlsson má narozeniny. Je mu sto let. Vlastně důvod k oslavě. Starosta i místní tisk se připravují na velkolepou oslavu, stoletý stařík má však docela jiné plány; jednoduše zmizí – a brzy je celé Švédsko kvůli jeho útěku vzhůru nohama. Jenže s podobnými věcmi už má Allan své zkušenosti – v mládí koneckonců uvedl do zmatku celý svět. Jonas Jonasson ve svém románu vypráví o jednom veselém útěku a také o šíleném životním příběhu svéhlavého muže, který se sice nikdy nezajímal o politiku, ale přesto byl vždy nějak zapleten do velkých historických událostí 20. století. Kniha se záhy stala čtenářským hitem a nejprodávanějším švédským románem let 2010 a 2011. V současnosti byla přeložena nebo se překládá do 35 jazyků. Fenomenální úspěch letos sklízí v Německu, bestsellerem se stala mj. v Holandsku, Dánsku, Norsku, Francii, Itálii, Španělsku... Podle knihy byl... (

Podobné produkty ako Stoletý stařík, který vylezl z okna a zmizel

Pocha: Simple Korean Food from the Streets of Seoul


Pocha; short for pojangmacha, which literally translates as ‘covered wagon’; pocha is a tented or tarpaulin-covered stall, bar or market vendor serving up cheap and unfussy Korean comfort food, snacks and drinks. In Pocha, Su Scott is going home to the streets where she grew up and the food that shaped her. From daybreak to sundown, 80 delicious and playful recipes take you on a journey through the narrow streets of Seoul and sheltered halls of tarpaulin-roofed markets where dust motes and steam glitter in the glow of orange tungsten lights.This is unfussy, easy, comforting food from a country that has perfected late night eating and drinking culture. From Corn Dogs and Fried Chicken to Kimchi Pancakes and Perilla Oil Noodles for slurping (and perhaps some ice-cold soju to wash it all down), Pocha invites you to bring the beating heart of Korea's food scene into your kitchen. Filled with vibrant location photography from Seoul that weaves a tale of Su's touching return to her home country, Pocha is an electric and tender cookbook. (

Podobné produkty ako Pocha: Simple Korean Food from the Streets of Seoul

Penance: From the author of Boy Parts - Eliza Clark


A GRANTA BEST OF YOUNG BRITISH NOVELIST 2023'An unmissable banger.' ALICE SLATER'A meta-meditation on the mysteries, malice, and minutiae of adolescence.' TOM BENN'You've never read anything like this.' JULIA ARMFIELDDo you know what happened already? Did you know her? Did you see it on the internet? Did you listen to a podcast? Did the hosts make jokes?Did you see the pictures of the body? Did you look for them?It's been nearly a decade since the horrifying murder of sixteen-year-old Joan Wilson rocked the small seaside town of Crow-on-Sea. Based on hours of interviews with witnesses and family members, and even correspondence with the killers themselves, journalist Alec Z. Carelli has constructed what he claims is the 'definitive account' of the crime.It's a riveting snapshot of lives scarred by tragedy, and a town left in turmoil. The only question is: how much of Carelli's story is true?'Deeply disturbing and hilarious.' IMOGEN CRIMP 'Insanely propulsive . .. She's a master of structure that Clark.' JENNY MUSTARDWHAT READERS ARE SAYING:'This will no doubt be THE book of the summer. You need to pre-order this NOW.' @books.with.han'Once again, Eliza Clark conjures her dark magic to pen something disturbing and addictive.' @mostardentlyalice'Eliza's writing is pure brilliance and she captivates you with every page.' @zoreadsbooks'Taking aim at our relationship with true crime, the brutality of teenage girls and classicism, it was easily my favourite read of 2023 so far.' @charlotte__reads_'So cleverly written I am mind blown.' @jordslibrary'Eliza Clark is a genius.' @mydarkgrace**Eliza Clark's incendiary debut, Boy Parts, is available now** (

Podobné produkty ako Penance: From the author of Boy Parts - Eliza Clark

Orange Goblin - Thieving From The House Of God (LP)

Orange Goblin - Thieving From The House Of God (LP)

Subžánr: Heavy Metal;Doom Metal;Groove Metal;Stoner Metal Interpret / Téma: Orange Goblin Typ: Otevírací obal;Nové vydání;Album;LP deska Balení obsahuje: LP Vydavatelství: Rise Above Žánr: Metal Země původu: Evropská unie Barva podle výrobce: Black Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Hmotnost: 180 g Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999 Rok nahrávky: 2003.0 Datum vydání: 2018-07-26 Rok vydání: 2018.0 Barva: Černá Varianta: Thieving From The House Of God (Vinyl LP) Země interpreta: Spojené království (

Podobné produkty ako Orange Goblin - Thieving From The House Of God (LP)

Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise (0099598477)

Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise (0099598477)

Kniha - autor Anders Ericsson; Robert Pool, 304 stran, anglicky - autor Anders Ericsson; Robert Pool, 304 stran, anglicky Anders Ericsson has spent three decades studying the geniuses and sports stars amongst us and reveals in "Peak" that, contrary to popular belief, we all have that same potential within us, it's just a question of exercising it and having a little guidance along the way. (

Podobné produkty ako Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise (0099598477)

Fish Hooks of the Pacific Islands : A Pictorial Guide to the Fish Hooks from the Peoples of the Pacific Islands - Blau Daniel


The fish hook derives its form from its practical intention - to catch a fish. But in cultures where fishing is and always has been a main livelihood, the crafting of fish hooks becomes an Art. This volume features more than 600 fish hooks used by the peoples of the Pacific Islands, with life-size illustrations and accompanying texts. (

Podobné produkty ako Fish Hooks of the Pacific Islands : A Pictorial Guide to the Fish Hooks from the Peoples of the Pacific Islands - Blau Daniel

The History of Space Exploration: Discoveries from the Ancient World to the Extraterrestrial Future - Launius


For centuries humanity has engaged in a virtual exploration of space through astronomical observation, aided by astounding scientific and technological advances. In more than sixty years since the launch of Sputnik 1 in 1957, more than 6,000 functioning satellites have been launched into Earth’s orbit and beyond – some to the farthest reaches of the Solar System – and more than 540 people have travelled into space. Unprecedented in its chronological and geographical scope, this book charts the history of space exploration from the first gunpowder rockets through the Moon landings, and into a future of space tourism. Numerous sidebars focus on the key individuals and inventions that brought us closer to the farthest reaches of the universe. Filled with astonishing images from the Smithsonian, NASA archives and other international collections, this is the first in-depth, fully illustrated survey of this universal human journey.Table of Contents1. Laying the Foundations for Space Exploration • 2. WWII Paves the Way for Space Exploration • 3. Making Space Exploration Real • 4. The Space Age Dawns • 5. The Race to the Moon • 6. New Nations/New Missions • 7. Spaceplanes and Orbital Stations • 8. The Lure of the Red Planet • 9. Beyond Mars • 10. Transterrestrial Expectations (

Podobné produkty ako The History of Space Exploration: Discoveries from the Ancient World to the Extraterrestrial Future - Launius

The Light in Everything: from the winner of the Yoto Carnegie Medal 2022 - Katya Balen


'Original, compulsive, uplifting: this is another triumph for Balen' - Alex O'Connell, The Times Children's Book of the Week'Balen's best book yet: ambitious, funny, spirited, moving, heartfelt and bold all at once. She's a force to be reckoned with' - Ross Montgomery_______________From the author of October, October, winner of the Yoto Carnegie Medal 2022, comes a life-affirming story about blended families and learning to find room in your heart for new life and new love.Tom is still quiet and timid, even though his dad has been gone for nearly two years now. Zofia has a raging storm that makes her want to fight the whole world until she gets what she wants.And what she wants is for scaredy-cat Tom to get out of her life. Tom hates loud, unpredictable Zofia just as much, but he's moving into Zofia's house. Because his mum and Zofia's dad are in love... and they're having a baby.Tom and Zofia both wish the stupid baby had never happened. But then Tom's mum gets ill, and it begins to look horribly like their wish might come true...A story of learning to trust, trying to let go and diving into the unknown with hope in your heart, with a stunning cover illustrated by CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal winner Sydney Smith. (

Podobné produkty ako The Light in Everything: from the winner of the Yoto Carnegie Medal 2022 - Katya Balen

The Sun and the Star (From the World of Percy Jackson) - Rick Riordan, Mark Oshiro


From New York Times #1 best-selling author Rick Riordan and award-winning author Mark Oshiro comes a new standalone adventure featuring two of the most popular characters from the world of Percy Jackson and the Olympians. ONE PROPHECY. TWO DEMIGODS. A HEROIC QUEST. Nico di Angelo is pretty familiar with the realms of death, being the son of Hades and all. So when a desperate voice starts plaguing his dreams, Nico is convinced it's coming from the Underworld and belongs to an old friend - a reformed Titan called Bob. Then an ominous prophecy leaves Nico in no doubt - Bob needs his help and Nico must rescue him. Of course Nico's boyfriend, Will Solace, the son of Apollo (the god of light) insists on joining the quest too. But can will even survive in the darkest part of the world? And what does the prophecy mean when it says that Nico will have to leave something of equal value behind? As Nico faces demons both internal and external, his relationship with Will is tested to its very core. Can love find its way, even through the depths of hell? COMING SEPTEMBER 2023 - Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Chalice of the Gods. Join the original heroes from The Lightning Thief in a brand-new adventure! (

Podobné produkty ako The Sun and the Star (From the World of Percy Jackson) - Rick Riordan, Mark Oshiro

Too Late: The most addictive thriller of the year, from the global bestseller - Colleen Hooverová


A breath-taking psychological suspense about obsession and dangerous love. The definitive edition of Too Late from the TikTok phenomenon and #1 bestselling author of Verity. Sloan will go through hell and back for those she loves. And she does so, every single day. C aught up with the alluring Asa Jackson, a notorious drug trafficker, Sloan has finally found a lifeline to cling to, even if it's meant compromising her morals. She was in dire straits trying to pay for her brother's care until she met Asa. But as Sloan became emotionally and economically reliant on him, he in turn developed a disturbing obsession with her - one that becomes increasingly dangerous every day.When undercover DEA agent C arter enters the picture, Sloan's surprised to feel an immediate attraction between them, despite knowing that if Asa finds out, he will kill him. And Asa has always been a step ahead of everyone in his life, including Sloan. No one has ever gotten in his way.No one except Carter.Together, Sloan and C arter must find a way out before it's too late . . . (

Podobné produkty ako Too Late: The most addictive thriller of the year, from the global bestseller - Colleen Hooverová

Endgame : The explosive new thriller from the bestselling author of Ragdoll - Daniel Cole

Endgame : The explosive new thriller from the bestselling author of Ragdoll - Daniel Cole

A locked room. A dead body. A secret that went to the grave. When retired police officer Finlay Shaw is found dead in a locked room, everyone thinks it's suicide. But disgraced detective William 'Wolf' Fawkes isn't so sure. Together with his former partner Detective Emily Baxter and private detective Edmunds, Wolf's team begin to dig into Shaw's early days on the beat. Was Shaw as innocent as he seemed? Or is there more to his past than he'd ever let on? But not everyone wants Wolf back - and as his investigation draws him ever deeper into police corruption, it will not only be his career on the line - but the lives of those he holds closest as well... The explosive new thriller from the Sunday Times and international bestseller, perfect for fans of Fiona Cummins and Helen Fields. (

Podobné produkty ako Endgame : The explosive new thriller from the bestselling author of Ragdoll - Daniel Cole

Never: The brand new series from the author of MAGNOLIA PARKS - Jessa Hastings


Never . . . is an awfully long time. Growing up, Daphne always knew Peter Pan would come for her. The way he'd come for her mother, and her grandmother Wendy before that. The Darling girls. Their stories are all the same: the forever-young boy at their window after their thirteenth birthday, and the shimmering, magical land behind a star. When Peter doesn't show for Daphne until she's seventeen, inexplicably full-grown and with no excuse for his tardiness, Daphne doesn't know what to think. Still, she has always been told that Peter Pan is her destiny. It's beyond choice to take his hand and leap into the stars, no matter what comes next. But in Neverland, Peter's true colours begin to show. One moment, he's making Daphne's heart flutter, and the next, he's forgotten her entirely. So when Daphne stumbles into the path of Jamison Hook, the pirate son of Peter's nemesis, she lets herself get swept up in his vulgar charm, despite the warning signs. Both boys are trouble, and both have dangerous secrets about this strange fantasy land they call home and if she loses her heart to either one, Daphne might just lose herself, too. (

Podobné produkty ako Never: The brand new series from the author of MAGNOLIA PARKS - Jessa Hastings
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