Petr žitavský: kázání na velké svátky / peter of zittau: sermons on the principal feasts - anna pumrová

Produkt Petr žitavský: kázání na velké svátky / peter of zittau: sermons on the principal feasts - anna pumrová sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Petr žitavský: kázání na velké svátky / peter of zittau: sermons on the principal feasts - anna pumrová upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

Petr Žitavský: Kázání na velké svátky / Peter of Zittau: Sermons on the Principal Feasts - Anna Pumrová

Petr Žitavský: Kázání na velké svátky / Peter of Zittau: Sermons on the Principal Feasts - Anna Pumrová

Opat zbraslavského kláštera Petr Žitavský (1. pol. 14. st.) je znám především jako autor převážné části Zbraslavské kroniky. Tato publikace přináší vědeckou edici jiného jeho literárního díla - sbírky kázání na velké svátky (Sermones de principalibus festis), a to na základě rukopisu dochovaného v univerzitní knihovně v Lipsku. Edici latinského originálu předchází důkladná úvodní studie (v anglické a české verzi), zabývající se jak okolnostmi vzniku díla, tak jeho historicko-textologickou analýzou, která text zasazuje do kontextu dobové homiletické tvorby. Kniha je doprovozena barevnou obrazovou přílohou (s ukázkami rukopisu) a rejstříky autorit. (

Podobné produkty ako Petr Žitavský: Kázání na velké svátky / Peter of Zittau: Sermons on the Principal Feasts - Anna Pumrová , Kk's priest: sermons of the sinner - cd (0750238773220)

KK's Priest: Sermons Of The Sinner - CD (0750238773220)

KK's Priest: Sermons Of The Sinner - CD (0750238773220)

Hudební CD - Kenneth Keith „ KK ” Downing Jr. je anglický hudebník. Je spoluzakladatelem a bývalým kytaristou heavy metalové kapely Judas Priest. Sermons Of The Sinner je jeho první album sólo. Kenneth Keith „ KK ” Downing Jr. je anglický hudebník. Je spoluzakladatelem a bývalým kytaristou heavy metalové kapely Judas Priest. Sermons Of The Sinner je jeho první album sólo. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop CD Incarnation / Hellfire Thunderbolt / Sermons of the Sinner / Sacerdote Y Diablo / Raise Your Fists / Brothers of the Road / Metal Through and Through / Wild and Free / Hail for the Priest / Return of the Sentinel (

Podobné produkty ako KK's Priest: Sermons Of The Sinner - CD (0750238773220) , Kk's priest: sermons of the sinner (lp + cd) - lp (0750238773602)

Stručné odpovede na veľké otázky ()

Stručné odpovede na veľké otázky ()

Audiokniha MP3 - autor Stephen Hawking, čte Michal Ďuriš Obráťme pozornosť na najnaliehavejšie otázky ľudstvaPočas celej svojej výnimočnej životnej a profesionálnej dráhy Stephen Hawking rozšíril naše poznatky o vesmíre a objasnil niektoré z jeho najväčších záhad. A hoci jeho teoretická práca o čiernych dierach, imaginárnom čase a viacnásobných históriách zaviedla jeho myseľ do najvzdialenejších končín vesmíru, Hawking bol vždy presvedčený, že pomocou vedy dokážeme vyriešiť problémy aj na našej planéte.V čase, keď čelíme potenciálne katastrofickým zmenám na Zemi – od zmeny podnebia cez ubúdania prírodných zdrojov po hrozbu umelej super inteligencie –, obrátil Stephen Hawking pozornosť na najnaliehavejšie otázky ľudstva.Stručné odpovede na veľké otázky, posledná kniha Stephena Hawkinga, je intelektuálne podnetným, vášnivo vyargumentovaným osobným pohľadom vedca na výzvy, ktorým čelíme ako ľudstvo, a na to, kam ako planéta ďalej smerujeme. (

Podobné produkty ako Stručné odpovede na veľké otázky () , Netrebko anna: diva -the very best of (2018) - cd (4835791)

KK's Priest: Sermons Of The Sinner (LP + CD) - LP (0750238773602)

KK's Priest: Sermons Of The Sinner (LP + CD) - LP (0750238773602)

LP vinyl - Kenneth Keith „ KK ” Downing Jr. je anglický hudebník. Je spoluzakladatelem a bývalým kytaristou heavy metalové kapely Judas Priest. Sermons Of The Sinner je jeho první album sólo. Kenneth Keith „ KK ” Downing Jr. je anglický hudebník. Je spoluzakladatelem a bývalým kytaristou heavy metalové kapely Judas Priest. Sermons Of The Sinner je jeho první album sólo. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop LP Incarnation / Hellfire Thunderbolt / Sermon Of The Sinner / Sacerdote Y Diablo / Raise Your Fists / Metal Through And Through / Wild And Free / Hail For The Priest / Return Of The Sentinel CD Incarnation / Hellfire Thunderbolt / Sermons Of The Sinner / Sacerdote Y Diablo / Raise Your Fists / Brothers Of The Road / Metal Through And Through / Wild And Free / Hail For The Priest / Return Of The Sentinel (

Podobné produkty ako KK's Priest: Sermons Of The Sinner (LP + CD) - LP (0750238773602) , Na březích nilu / on the banks of the nile (978-80-7036-597-7)

Kázání na hoře - Petr Vaďura


Tzv. Kázání na hoře, obsažené v 5.-7. kapitole Matoušova evangelia, bylo v dějinách interpretováno různě. Jeho doslovné chápání bylo v protikladu ke kompromisnímu výkladu v křesťanské praxi, či bylo interpretováno jako učení pro výjimečné skupiny adresátů, např. mnichy a mnišky, případně jako líčení stavu, který teprve nastane. Petr Beneš se v rozhovoru s Petrem Vaďurou snaží ukázat, že se tento text týká každodenního života a staví nás před aktuální otázky, jako je nenásilí či bezpodmínečné odpuštění. (

Podobné produkty ako Kázání na hoře - Petr Vaďura , On the waves of tsf (978-80-87481-42-4)

Kázání na hoře - Petr Vaďura, Petr Beneš - e-kniha


eBook: Tzv. Kázání na hoře, obsažené v 5.-7. kapitole Matoušova evangelia, bylo v dějinách interpretováno různě. Jeho doslovné chápání bylo v protikladu ke kompromisnímu výkladu v křesťanské praxi, či bylo interpretováno jako učení pro výjimečné skupiny adresátů, např. mnichy a mnišky, případně jako líčení stavu, který teprve nastane. Petr Beneš se v rozhovoru s Petrem Vaďurou snaží ukázat, že se tento text týká každodenního života a staví nás před aktuální otázky, jako je nenásilí či bezpodmínečné odpuštění. (

Podobné produkty ako Kázání na hoře - Petr Vaďura, Petr Beneš - e-kniha , Cmorik peter: best of... - cd (8588006725070)

Stručné odpovede na veľké otázky - Hawking Stephen

Stručné odpovede na veľké otázky - Hawking Stephen

Počas celej svojej výnimočnej životnej a profesionálnej dráhy Stephen Hawking rozšíril naše poznatky o vesmíre a objasnil niektoré z jeho najväčších záhad. A hoci jeho teoretická práca o čiernych dierach, imaginárnom čase a viacnásobných históriách zaviedla jeho myseľ do najvzdialenejších končín vesmíru, Hawking bol vždy presvedčený, že pomocou vedy dokážeme vyriešiť problémy aj na našej planéte. V čase, keď čelíme potenciálne katastrofickým zmenám na Zemi – od zmeny podnebia cez ubúdania prírodných zdrojov po hrozbu umelej super inteligencie –, obrátil Stephen Hawking pozornosť na najnaliehavejšie otázky ľudstva. Stručné odpovede na veľké otázky, posledná kniha Stephena Hawkinga, je intelektuálne podnetným, vášnivo vyargumentovaným osobným pohľadom vedca na výzvy, ktorým čelíme ako ľudstvo, a na to, kam ako planéta ďalej smerujeme. (

Podobné produkty ako Stručné odpovede na veľké otázky - Hawking Stephen , Green peter: man of the world : antology 1968 - 1988 (2x cd) - cd (5050749201423)

Stručné odpovede na veľké otázky - Stephen Hawking - audiokniha


Audiokniha: Počas celej svojej výnimočnej životnej a profesionálnej dráhy Stephen Hawking rozšíril naše poznatky o vesmíre a objasnil niektoré z jeho najväčších záhad. A hoci jeho teoretická práca o čiernych dierach, imaginárnom čase a viacnásobných históriách zaviedla jeho myseľ do najvzdialenejších končín vesmíru, Hawking bol vždy presvedčený, že pomocou vedy dokážeme vyriešiť problémy aj na našej planéte. V čase, keď čelíme potenciálne katastrofickým zmenám na Zemi – od zmeny podnebia cez ubúdania prírodných zdrojov po hrozbu umelej super inteligencie –, obrátil Stephen Hawking pozornosť na najnaliehavejšie otázky ľudstva. Stručné odpovede na veľké otázky, posledná kniha Stephena Hawkinga, je intelektuálne podnetným, vášnivo vyargumentovaným osobným pohľadom vedca na výzvy, ktorým čelíme ako ľudstvo, a na to, kam ako planéta ďalej smerujeme. „Neopúšťať planétu Zem je ako byť stroskotancom na pustom ostrove a nepokúšať sa odtiaľ uniknúť." "Bojujme spoločne za to, aby každá žena a každý muž mohli prežiť slušný a bezpečný život, prekypujúci možnosťami a láskou. My všetci sme cestovatelia v čase, na spoločnej ceste do budúcnosti. Pracujme však spolu na tom, aby sa z tejto budúcnosti stalo miesto, ktoré chceme navštíviť. Buďte odvážni, zvedaví, odhodlaní, prekonávajte prekážky. Dá sa to." (

Podobné produkty ako Stručné odpovede na veľké otázky - Stephen Hawking - audiokniha , Funko pop! keychain wdw50- peter on ppf (889698603935)

Zbraslavská kronika - Petr Žitavský, Ota Durynský - audiokniha

Zbraslavská kronika - Petr Žitavský, Ota Durynský - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,Zbraslavská kronika Rozhlasová četba ze středověkého rukopisu Čte Jaromír Meduna Režie Lukáš Hlavica Zbraslavská kronika (Chronicon aulae regiae)je mimořádné literární dílo českého středověku. Vznikala v letech 1305–1339 v cisterciáckém klášteře na Zbraslavi, založeném českým králem Václavem II. Opati Ota Durynský a Petr Žitavský v ní zachytili důležité události českých a v mnohém i evropských dějin období let 1253–1338. Za husitských válek byl rukopis dovezen do Jihlavy, dnes je uložen ve Státním okresním archivu Jihlava. V roce 1998 byl prohlášen za archivní kulturní památku. Literární kvality tohoto latinského rukopisu, dostupného v českém překladu, vedly k rozhodnutí uvést pasáže z ní v roce 700. výročí narození Karla IV. jako rozhlasovou četbu na pokračování. Tuto nahrávku Českého rozhlasu si nyní můžete poslechnout na CD. Protože jsme komponovaly četbu na pokračování ve vysílacím čase určeném pro beletristická díla, musely jsme mnoho řádek škrtnout. To, co režisér Lukáš Hlavica s Jaromírem Medunou natočili, je strhující obraz slávy i krize Českého království jako důležité součásti evropského křesťanského západu. Alena Zemančíková dramaturgyně Českého rozhlasu Ota Durynský a Petr Žitavský Oba byli opati cisterciáckého kláštera na Zbraslavi, založeného roku 1292 králem Václavem II. Reprezentovali klášterní duchovenstvo a hájili jeho zájmy. Ve třech knihách popsali události z let 1253-1338. Jaromír Meduna (1953) Jaromír Meduna je český filmový a divadelní herec a vynikající dabér. Svůj nezaměnitelný charakteristický hlas propůjčil desítkám známých osobností, jako jsou Robert De Niro, Gene Hackman, Anthony Hopkins, John Malkovich, Liam Neeson nebo představitel Hercula Poirota David Suchet. Jak sám sebe představil posluchačům? „Narodil jsem se v roce 1953 v rodině úředníka a švadleny, tedy v rodině slušné. Já jsem byl prvním komediantem, dokud se ovšem nenarodil a nedospěl můj syn Jan, který se zvrhl po mně. Můj otec nikdy nedal výpověď, názvy podniků kde pracoval se sice měnily, ale bylo to vždy reorganizacemi. Já jsem změnil angažmá sedmkrát. Ostrava, Příbram, Liberec a několikrát Praha. Před rokem jsem dal výpověď z Divadla na Vinohradech a teď už půl roku žiji životem spokojeného důchodce. Pracuji dál a práce mě baví – protože nemusím.“ (

Podobné produkty ako Zbraslavská kronika - Petr Žitavský, Ota Durynský - audiokniha , Green day: best of live on the radio 1992 - lp (cl75907)

The Man on the Beach - Anna Ihrén - e-kniha


eBook: Trying to process a life crisis Gothenburg policeman, Dennis Wilhelmson, decides to take a trip to his quiet childhood island, Smögen. Dennis is looking forward to enjoying some peaceful days at the small town island, where nothing really ever happens... or so he thought. Everything changes when the body of a young man is found in the habour basin and an old friend of his is missing without a trace. Dennis is now involuntarily thrown in to the biggest murder investigation the area has ever seen.Enter Sandra Haraldsson, a young ambitious and very straight forward police aspirant. This was definitely not the calm and harmonious summer Dennis had been planning for himself to recover. But can Sandra heal his heart while they take on the investigation?The Man on the Beach is the first part in the series "The Smögen Murders".- (

Podobné produkty ako The Man on the Beach - Anna Ihrén - e-kniha , The hand on the wall (0062338110)

A Horror and a Beauty - The World of Peter Ackroyd's London Novels - Petr Chalupský


Peter Ackroyd je jedním z předních současných britských „londýnských“ spisovatelů, který se zaměřuje na tuto metropoli, jeho historii, vývoj a identitu jak ve svých prózách, tak literatuře faktu.Jeho románový Londýn je silně idiosynkratický konstrukt, který vychází z autorových myšlenek o povaze tohoto města, ale také z jeho pojetí anglické literární senzibility obecně tak, jak je rozvíjí ve svých přednáškách i historických a literárních studiích. Jedná se o neobyčejně heterogenní město nezměrné rozmanitosti a bohatosti lidských zkušeností, nálad, emocí, aktivit a událostí, ale také nástrojů, jejichž prostřednictvím jsou (re)prezentovány a vyobrazeny. Tato heterogenita se podle Ackroyda většinou rodí mimo sídla a sféry kulturní produkce hlavního proudu a etablovaných společenských norem a konvencí, a to obzvláště v okultních praktikách, podvratných činnostech a spiknutích radikálních jedinců či skupin, nejrůznějších zločinných a podvodných činech, pochybných vědeckých experimentech, populárních dramatických rituálních a zábavných formách. Jejich neustálé střetávání se a soupeření s formami oficiálně doporučovanými a schvalovanými generují životní energii města nezbytnou pro jeho dynamické proměny a duchovní obrodu.Tato kniha představuje svět Ackroydových londýnských románů jako osobitý chronotop určený svými specifickými prostorovými a časovými vlastnostmi a jejich vzájemnou propojeností. Ačkoliv se takováto koncepce městského prostoru vzpírá kategorizaci, kniha je tematicky uspořádána na základě šesti aspektů definujících tento Londýn tak, jak je Ackroyd rozeznává: vztah mezi minulostí a přítomností města, jeho nadpřirozené projevy, jeho zločinné tendence, psychogeografické a antikvářské strategie jeho obyvatel, jeho divadelnost a jeho bytostně literární charakter. (

Podobné produkty ako A Horror and a Beauty - The World of Peter Ackroyd's London Novels - Petr Chalupský , Ambrose akinmusire: on the tender spot of every calloused moment - cd (0892619)

Camper Van Cooking: From quick fixes to family feasts, 70 recipes, all on the move - Claire Thomson, Matt Williamson


Camper Van Cooking offers 70 recipes and meal solutions that will make the road trip a breeze. Life on wheels doesn't have to mean eating out of cans and packets: from the romance of fireside cooking, to cooking on one burner, through easy lunches, greedy brunches and leisurely picnics, and simple sweets and treats, there are so many inspiring options. Chefs Claire Thomson and Matt Williamson have all the advice, tips and tricks you will need to plan the food for your trip, from essential equipment to basic store cupboard staples. The fabulous recipes include spinach and paneer curry, egg-fried rice, frying pan toad-in-the-hole, Spanish tortilla sandwiches, Bloody Mary prawn subs, toasted waffles with grated chocolate, one-pan fry-up, cherry chocolate mess, and raspberry ripple rice pudding. Make your camper van feasts special with Camper Van Cooking and enjoy life on the wild side! (

Podobné produkty ako Camper Van Cooking: From quick fixes to family feasts, 70 recipes, all on the move - Claire Thomson, Matt Williamson , Rachmaninov sergey, philadelphia orchestra: rhapsody on a theme of paganini / isle of the dead / pia (rcd16413)

Stručné odpovede na veľké otázky (978-80-556-3948-2)

Stručné odpovede na veľké otázky (978-80-556-3948-2)

Kniha - autor Stephen Hawking, 232 stran, slovensky, pevná s přebalem lesklá Počas celej svojej výnimočnej životnej a profesionálnej dráhy Stephen Hawking rozšíril naše poznatky o vesmíre a objasnil niektoré z jeho najväčších záhad. A hoci jeho teoretická práca o čiernych dierach, imaginárnom čase a viacnásobných históriách zaviedla jeho myseľ do najvzdialenejších končín vesmíru, Hawking bol vždy presvedčený, že pomocou vedy dokážeme vyriešiť problémy aj na našej planéte. V čase, keď čelíme potenciálne katastrofickým zmenám na Zemi – od zmeny podnebia cez ubúdania prírodných zdrojov po hrozbu umelej super inteligencie –, obrátil Stephen Hawking pozornosť na najnaliehavejšie otázky ľudstva. Stručné odpovede na veľké otázky, posledná kniha Stephena Hawkinga, je intelektuálne podnetným, vášnivo vyargumentovaným osobným pohľadom vedca na výzvy, ktorým čelíme ako ľudstvo, a na to, kam ako planéta ďalej smerujeme. (

Podobné produkty ako Stručné odpovede na veľké otázky (978-80-556-3948-2) , The hound of the baskervilles

A Horror and a Beauty: The World of Peter Ackroyd's London Novels - Petr Chalupský - e-kniha

A Horror and a Beauty: The World of Peter Ackroyd's London Novels - Petr Chalupský - e-kniha

eBook:,Peter Ackroyd je jedním z předních současných britských „londýnských“ spisovatelů, který se zaměřuje na tuto metropoli, jeho historii, vývoj a identitu jak ve svých prózách, tak literatuře faktu. Jeho románový Londýn je silně idiosynkratický konstrukt, který vychází z autorových myšlenek o povaze tohoto města, ale také z jeho pojetí anglické literární senzibility obecně tak, jak je rozvíjí ve svých přednáškách i historických a literárních studiích. Jedná se o neobyčejně heterogenní město nezměrné rozmanitosti a bohatosti lidských zkušeností, nálad, emocí, aktivit a událostí, ale také nástrojů, jejichž prostřednictvím jsou (re)prezentovány a vyobrazeny. Tato heterogenita se podle Ackroyda většinou rodí mimo sídla a sféry kulturní produkce hlavního proudu a etablovaných společenských norem a konvencí, a to obzvláště v okultních praktikách, podvratných činnostech a spiknutích radikálních jedinců či skupin, nejrůznějších zločinných a podvodných činech, pochybných vědeckých experimentech, populárních dramatických rituálních a zábavných formách. Jejich neustálé střetávání se a soupeření s formami oficiálně doporučovanými a schvalovanými generují životní energii města nezbytnou pro jeho dynamické proměny a duchovní obrodu. Tato kniha představuje svět Ackroydových londýnských románů jako osobitý chronotop určený svými specifickými prostorovými a časovými vlastnostmi a jejich vzájemnou propojeností. Ačkoliv se takováto koncepce městského prostoru vzpírá kategorizaci, kniha je tematicky uspořádána na základě šesti aspektů definujících tento Londýn tak, jak je Ackroyd rozeznává: vztah mezi minulostí a přítomností města, jeho nadpřirozené projevy, jeho zločinné tendence, psychogeografické a antikvářské strategie jeho obyvatel, jeho divadelnost a jeho bytostně literární charakter. (

Podobné produkty ako A Horror and a Beauty: The World of Peter Ackroyd's London Novels - Petr Chalupský - e-kniha , The turn of the screw

On the Origin of Species


When Darwin set sail at the end of 1831, it was only with a vague notion that all life forms, both present and extinct, were more strongly related than the Christian version of the world's creation purported them to be. During his five-year voyage of research and discovery on board HMS Beagle, and later from his home in Kent, he painstakingly collected a mass of evidence from across the planet - from Paraguay and the Galapagos Islands to Staffordshire and Scotland - building a compelling case for a theory that would change the world we live in - and the way we look at it - for ever.The foundation of evolutionary biology and natural selection - which prompted as huge a revolution in the fields of science and religion as Copernicus's heliocentric model of the universe and Newton's law of gravity, Darwin's On the Origin of Species is perhaps the most important book of scientific observation ever written. (

Podobné produkty ako On the Origin of Species , Funko pop! ride wdw50- hook on peter pan flight (889698595124)

The Zhivago Affair - Peter Finn, Petra Couvée

The Zhivago Affair - Peter Finn, Petra Couvée

1956. Boris Pasternak presses a manuscript into the hands of an Italian publishing scout with these words: ‘This is Doctor Zhivago. May it make its way around the world.’ Pasternak knew his novel would never be published in the Soviet Union as the authorities regarded it as seditious, so, instead, he allowed it to be published in translation all over the world - a highly dangerous act. 1958. The life of this extraordinary book enters the realms of the spy novel. The CIA, recognising that the Cold War was primarily an ideological battle, published Doctor Zhivago in Russian and smuggled it into the Soviet Union. It was immediately snapped up on the black market. Pasternak was later forced to renounce the Nobel Prize in Literature, igniting worldwide political scandal. (

Podobné produkty ako The Zhivago Affair - Peter Finn, Petra Couvée , Lenin on the train (0141979941)

On the Origin of Species (Defekt)


When Darwin set sail at the end of 1831, it was only with a vague notion that all life forms, both present and extinct, were more strongly related than the Christian version of the world's creation purported them to be. During his five-year voyage of research and discovery on board HMS Beagle, and later from his home in Kent, he painstakingly collected a mass of evidence from across the planet - from Paraguay and the Galapagos Islands to Staffordshire and Scotland - building a compelling case for a theory that would change the world we live in - and the way we look at it - for ever.The foundation of evolutionary biology and natural selection - which prompted as huge a revolution in the fields of science and religion as Copernicus's heliocentric model of the universe and Newton's law of gravity, Darwin's On the Origin of Species is perhaps the most important book of scientific observation ever written. (

Podobné produkty ako On the Origin of Species (Defekt) , On the come up (1406372161)

On the Shortness of Life (014101881X)

On the Shortness of Life (014101881X)

Kniha - 112 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The Stoic writings of the philosopher Seneca offer powerful insights into the art of living, the importance of reason and morality, and continue to provide profound guidance to many through their eloquence, lucidity and timeless wisdom. (

Podobné produkty ako On the Shortness of Life (014101881X) , Writing on the wall (8595637002906)

On the Waves of TSF - Seifert Jaroslav

On the Waves of TSF - Seifert Jaroslav

The famous modernist manifesto Revolutionary Anthology Devětsil, published in the winter 1922, lists two editors, Jaroslav Seifert (1901–1986) and Karel Teige (1900–1951). Similarly, we should preface the 1925 collection Na vlnách TSF (On the Waves of TSF) with the names of these two authors, leading representatives of the Czech avantgarde between the two World Wars and founding members of the artists’ group Devětsil. Karel Teige laid out the verses of his friend Jaroslav Seifert as striking typographical poems. Purportedly, he “depleted” nearly all the font cases he could find at Obzina’s printing shop. In any case, he faithfully fulfilled the precepts of poetism about the world and poetry—to be multisensory. Imbued with “all the beauties of the world,” Seifert’s verses are introduced with a mischievously reversed paraphrase of Karel Hynek Máchas (1810–1836) famous words: Light grief on the face / Deep laughter in the heart. With the effortlessness mimicking wireless transmission, Seifert and Teige transport us to Paris (Seifert visited the City of Light with Teige in 1924), to places where pineapples grow, to Australia, Marseille, New York, to distant ocean shores, and back to the banks of the Vltava river in Prague—all this facilitated, as it were, by Télégraphie sans fil (literally from French: wireless telegraphy). To be sure, the greatest concern of the lyrically gloomy narrator is joyfully unambiguous honeymoon destinations; if die we must, let us die of love... In subsequent editions (1938), Seifert’s youthful manifesto was titled Svatební cesta (Honeymoon). Understandably so, because the changed circumstances of Czech poetry hardly allowed for stepping into the same river twice; the former associates parted ways in their creative endeavors. Teige became a multifaceted art theoretician and embraced surrealism. After breaking with the communist party in 1929, Seifert became a lifelong social democrat and devoted himself primarily to newspaper journalism. The first edition of Na vlnách TSF gradually became rare until only reprints allowed us to explore the sources of this visual, almost hedonistic poetry. As a reprint, the collection is appearing for the fifth time, this time in its most faithful facsimile incarnation and in two independent permutations—in the original Czech version and as an English-Czech remake by Zdeněk Trinkewitz, translated by Dana Loewy. The Czech-born translator lives in the United States where early in her career, she won a student translation prize by the American Translators Association (1992). Subsequently, she received an honorary mention by the foremost Czech translators association and her translations of Jaroslav Seifert’s early work were published in 1997 by Hydra Books, a division of Northwestern University Press. (

Podobné produkty ako On the Waves of TSF - Seifert Jaroslav , Empire of the vampire: empire of the vampire (1) (0008350442)

On the Origin of Species - Charles Darwin


On the Origin of Species outlines Charles Darwin's world-changing theory that life on Earth had not been brought into being by a creator, but had arisen from a single common ancestor and had evolved over time through the process of natural selection. Received with both enthusiasm and hostility on its publication, it triggered a seismic shift in our understanding of humanity's place in the natural world. It is not only a brilliant work of science but also a clear, vivid, sometimes moving piece of popular writing that reflects both Darwin's genius and his boundless enthusiasm for our planet and its species.This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition of On the Origin of Species is complete and unabridged, and features an afterword by Oliver Francis.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. (

Podobné produkty ako On the Origin of Species - Charles Darwin , The lord of the rings - herní podložka na stůl (8435497255152)

On the Origin of Time - Thomas Hertog


'A wonderful book about Stephen Hawking's biggest legacy' Spectator'Truly mind-stretching... Immensely rewarding' The Times'This superbly written book offers insight into an extraordinary individual, the creative process, and the scope and limits of our current understanding of the cosmos' Sir Martin ReesStephen Hawking's closest collaborator offers the intellectual superstar's final thoughts on the universe. Perhaps the biggest question Stephen Hawking tried to answer in his extraordinary life was how the universe could have created conditions so perfectly hospitable to life.In order to solve this mystery, Hawking studied the big bang origin of the universe, but his early work ran into a crisis when the math predicted many big bangs producing a multiverse - countless different universes, most of which would be far too bizarre to harbour life. Holed up in the theoretical physics department at Cambridge, Stephen Hawking and his friend and collaborator Thomas Hertog worked on this problem for twenty years, developing a new theory of the cosmos that could account for the emergence of life. Peering into the extreme quantum physics of cosmic holograms and venturing far back in time, they were startled to find a deeper level of evolution in which the physical laws themselves transform and simplify until particles, forces, and even time itself fades away.This discovery led them to a revolutionary idea: The laws of physics are not set in stone but are born and co-evolve as the universe they govern takes shape. As Hawking's final days drew near, the two collaborators published their theory, which proposed a radical new Darwinian perspective on the origins of our universe. On the Origin of Time offers a striking new vision of the universe's birth that will profoundly transform the way we think about our place in the order of the cosmos and may ultimately prove to be Hawking's greatest legacy. (

Podobné produkty ako On the Origin of Time - Thomas Hertog , The heart of the matter (0099478420)

On the Shoulders of Giants - Umberto Eco


The final collection from the internationally acclaimed and bestselling author of The Name of the Rose and The Prague Cemetery, on the subjects of art and culture.In this collection of essays we find Umberto Eco’s perennial areas of interest explored in a lively and engaging style, accompanied by beautiful reproductions of the art he discusses. In these wide-ranging pieces he explores the roots of our civilization, changing ideas of beauty, our obsession with conspiracies and the emblematic heroes of the great narrative, amongst other fascinating topics.Umberto Eco was one of the most influential, and entertaining, intellectuals of the last century, as well as being a critically acclaimed and bestselling writer of both fiction and non-fiction. (

Podobné produkty ako On the Shoulders of Giants - Umberto Eco , The wisdom of crowds: the riotous conclusion to the age of madness (0575095989)

World Order: Reflections on the Character of Nations and the Course of History (0141979003)

World Order: Reflections on the Character of Nations and the Course of History (0141979003)

Kniha - autor Henry Kissinger, 420 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The summation of Henry Kissinger's thinking about history, strategy and statecraft, WORLD ORDER examines the great tectonic plates of history to explain the attitudes that states and empires - and in particular his four great 'world orders', the European, Islamic, Chinese and American - have taken to the rest of the world from the formation of Europe to our own times. Henry Kissinger draws upon a lifetime's historical study and unmatched experience as a world statesman. (

Podobné produkty ako World Order: Reflections on the Character of Nations and the Course of History (0141979003) , Lesní zvěř: movable feasts - cd (mam540-2)

The Heartbeat of Trees - Peter Wohlleben


FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER, THE HIDDEN LIFE OF TREES ‘A simultaneously stimulating and soothing blend of nature writing and science … Strongly encourages tree hugging for our own, human sake’ Guardian Summer Reads 2021 A powerful return to the forest, where trees have heartbeats and roots are like brains that extend underground. Where the colour green calms us, and the forest sharpens our senses. In The Heartbeat of Trees, renowned forester Peter Wohlleben draws on new scientific discoveries to show how humans are deeply connected to the natural world. In an era of climate change, many of us fear we’ve lost our connection to nature, but Wohlleben is convinced that age-old ties linking humans to the forest remain alive and intact. We just have to know where to look. Drawing on science and cutting-edge research, The Heartbeat of Trees reveals the profound interactions humans can have with nature, exploring: the language of the forest the consciousness of plants and the eroding boundary between flora and fauna A perfect book to take with you into the woods, The Heartbeat of Trees shares how to see, feel, smell, hear, and even taste the forest. Peter Wohlleben, renowned for his ability to write about trees in an engaging and moving way, reveals a wondrous cosmos where humans are a part of nature, and where conservation and environmental activism is not just about saving trees, it’s about saving ourselves, too. (

Podobné produkty ako The Heartbeat of Trees - Peter Wohlleben , Kázání na hoře (978-80-7558-107-5)

The Tale of Peter Rabbit (0723247706)

The Tale of Peter Rabbit (0723247706)

Kniha - autor Beatrix Potter, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the publication of "The Tales of Peter Rabbit," all 23 of Beatrix Potter's original tales are now available in these special editions, which take the very first printings of Potter's works as their guide, and introduces favorite characters to a new generation. Full-color illustrations. (

Podobné produkty ako The Tale of Peter Rabbit (0723247706) , Muk petr: sny zůstanou / definitive best of - cd (9029533285)

Anxiety: Meditations on the Anxious Mind - The School of Life Press

Anxiety: Meditations on the Anxious Mind - The School of Life Press

A guide to our anxious minds; offering a route to calm, self-compassion and mental well-being. Far more than we tend to realise, we're all - in private - deeply anxious. There is so much that worries us across our days and nights: whether our hopes will come true, whether others will like us, whether the people we care about will be OK, whether we can escape humiliation and grief...Anxiety is deeply normal and, like so much else that troubles our minds, it can be understood and brought under our control. We all deserve to wake up every day without a sense of foreboding. This is a guide to anxiety: why we feel it, how we experience it when it strikes and what we can do when we come under its influence. Across a series of essays that look at the subject from a number of angles, the tone is helpful, compassionate and in the best sense practical. We have suffered for too long under the rule of anxiety. Here - at last - is a pathway to a calmer, more compassionate and more light-hearted future. (

Podobné produkty ako Anxiety: Meditations on the Anxious Mind - The School of Life Press , The legend of zelda: breath of the wild - nintendo switch (045496420055)

Empire Of The Sun - Ice On The Dune (Blue Coloured) (LP)

Empire Of The Sun - Ice On The Dune (Blue Coloured) (LP)

Subžánr: Electropop;Dance Rock;New Wave;Synth-pop Varianta: Ice On The Dune (Blue Coloured) (LP) Typ: Barevná;LP deska Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Blue Datum vydání: 2024-06-28 Země původu: Německo Interpret / Téma: Empire Of The Sun Žánr: Elektronický;Pop;Rock Rok vydání: 2024.0 Barva: Modrá Balení obsahuje: LP Vydavatelství: Universal Music (

Podobné produkty ako Empire Of The Sun - Ice On The Dune (Blue Coloured) (LP) , Empire of pain: the secret history of the sackler dynasty (1529063078)

A Man on the Moon : The Voyages of the Apollo Astronauts - Andrew Chaikin

A Man on the Moon : The Voyages of the Apollo Astronauts - Andrew Chaikin

This is the definitive account of the heroic Apollo programme. When astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took their 'giant leap for mankind' across a ghostly lunar landscape, they were watched by some 600 million people on Earth 240,000 miles away. Drawing on hundreds of hours of in-depth interviews with the astronauts and mission personnel, this is the story of the twentieth century's greatest human achievement, minute-by-minute, through the eyes of those who were there. From the tragedy of the fire in Apollo 1 during a simulated launch, Apollo 8's bold pioneering flight around the moon, through to the euphoria of the first moonwalk, and to the discoveries made by the first scientist on the moon aboard Apollo 17, this book covers it all. (

Podobné produkty ako A Man on the Moon : The Voyages of the Apollo Astronauts - Andrew Chaikin , Morning of the earth , soundtrack: morning of the earth - lp (5054197111921)

The Next Great Migration: The Beauty and Terror of Life on the Move

The Next Great Migration: The Beauty and Terror of Life on the Move

We are surrounded by stories of people on the move. Wild species, too, are escaping warming seas and desiccated lands in a mass exodus. Politicians and the media present this upheaval of migration patterns as unprecedented, blaming it for the spread of disease and conflict, and spreading anxiety across the world as a result.But the science and history of migration in animals, plants, and humans tell a different story. Far from being a disruptive behaviour, migration is an ancient and lifesaving response to environmental change, a biological imperative as necessary as breathing. Climate changes triggered the first human migrations out of Africa. Falling sea levels allowed our passage across the Bering Sea. Unhampered by borders, migration allowed our ancestors to people the planet, into the highest reaches of the Himalayan Mountains and the most remote islands of the Pacific, disseminating the biological, cultural and social diversity that ecosystems and societies depend upon.In other words, migration is not the crisis - it is the solution.Tracking the history of misinformation from the 18th century through to today's anti-immigration policies, The Next Great Migration makes the case for a future in which migration is not a source of fear, but of hope. (

Podobné produkty ako The Next Great Migration: The Beauty and Terror of Life on the Move , The founders: elon musk, peter thiel and the company that made the modern internet (1786498294)

The Saints of Salvation - Peter F. Hamilton

The Saints of Salvation - Peter F. Hamilton

Humanity rises to meet a powerful alien threat, in this extraordinary conclusion to Peter F. Hamilton's Salvation Sequence. This is a high-octane adventure from 'the most powerful imagination in science fiction' (Ken Follett).Live in hiding - or die for freedomHumanity welcomed the Olyix and their utopian technology. But mankind was tricked. Now these visitors are extracting a terrible price.For two years, the Olyix have laid siege to Earth, harvesting its people for their god. One by one, cities are falling to their devastating weaponry. And while millions have fled to seek refuge in space, others continue to fight an apparently unwinnable war.As Earth's defeat draws near, a team attempts to infiltrate the Salvation of Life - the Olyix's arkship. If it succeeds, those chosen will travel to a hidden enclave thousands of light years away. Once there, they must signal its location to future generations, to bring the battle to the enemy. Maybe allies scattered throughout space and time can join forces. Yet in the far future, humanity are still hunted by their ancient adversary. And as forces battle on in the cold reaches of space, hope seems distant indeed . . . (

Podobné produkty ako The Saints of Salvation - Peter F. Hamilton , Frampton peter band: frampton forgets the words - cd (3532758)

The Secret of Cold Hill - Peter James

The Secret of Cold Hill - Peter James

From the number one bestselling author, Peter James, comes The Secret of Cold Hill. The spine-chilling follow-up to The House on Cold Hill. Now a smash-hit stage play.Cold Hill House has been razed to the ground by fire, replaced with a development of ultra-modern homes. Gone with the flames are the violent memories of the house's history, and a new era has begun.Although much of Cold Hill Park is still a construction site, the first two families move into their new houses. For Jason and Emily Danes, this is their forever home, and for Maurice and Claudette Penze-Weedell, it's the perfect place to live out retirement. Despite the ever present rumble of cement mixers and diggers, Cold Hill Park appears to be the ideal place to live. But looks are deceptive and it's only a matter of days before both couples start to feel they are not alone in their new homes.There is one thing that never appears in the estate agent brochures: nobody has ever survived beyond forty in Cold Hill House and no one has ever truly left . . .show less (

Podobné produkty ako The Secret of Cold Hill - Peter James

The World of Late Antiquity - Peter Brown


A remarkable study in social and cultural change that explains how and why the Late Antique world, between c. 150 and c. 750 AD, came to differ from 'Classical civilization'. The first century AD was one of momentous events: the end of the Roman empire, the rise of Christianity across western Europe and the disappearance of Persia from the Near East; an era in which the most deep-rooted of ancient institutions disappeared for all time creating divergent legacies which are still present. Renowned historian Peter Brown examines these changes and the reactions to them, to show that the period of Late Antiquity was one of outstanding new beginnings and far-reaching impacts. The result is a lucid answer to a crucial question in world history; how the exceptionally homogenous Mediterranean world of the first century AD became divided into the three mutually estranged societies of the Middle Ages: Catholic Western Europe, Byzantium and the Islamic world. Brown's remarkable study in social and cultural transformation explains how and why the Late Antique world, came to differ from the 'Classical civilization' of the Greeks and Romans. Featuring a new preface and updated with colour illustrations throughout, The World of Late Antiquity demonstrates that we still have much to learn from this enduring and intriguing period of history. (

Podobné produkty ako The World of Late Antiquity - Peter Brown

The Tales of Ise (Defekt) - Macmillan Peter


One of the three seminal works of Japanese literature, this beautiful collection of poems and tales offers an unparalleled insight into ancient Japan.Along with the Tale of Genji and One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each, The Tales of Ise is considered one of the three most important works of Japanese literature. A poem-tale collection from the early Heian period, it contains many stories of amorous adventures, faithful friendship and travels in exile, framing the exquisite poems at the work's heart.The Tales of Ise has influenced waka, Noh, tales and diaries since the time it was written, and is still the source of endless inspiration in novels, poetry, manga and cartoons. This volume has been translated by Peter MacMillan and includes a preface by the renowned Japanologist Donald Keene. (

Podobné produkty ako The Tales of Ise (Defekt) - Macmillan Peter

The Fairy Atlas. Fairy Folk of the World - Anna Claybourneová


Magical, mysterious and sometimes mischievous, the fairy folk of the world are notoriously elusive, but this charming compendium will reveal their secrets. (

Podobné produkty ako The Fairy Atlas. Fairy Folk of the World - Anna Claybourneová

Kid Cudi - Man On The Moon: End Of The Day (2 LP)

Kid Cudi - Man On The Moon: End Of The Day (2 LP)

Balení obsahuje: LP Interpret / Téma: Kid Cudi Subžánr: Pop Rap;Soul;House Žánr: Funk;Soul;Pop;Elektronický;Hip Hop Země původu: Německo Varianta: Man On The Moon: End Of The Day (2 LP) Typ: LP deska;Album Vydavatelství: Universal Music Země interpreta: USA Datum vydání: 2009-09-14 Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2009.0 Barva: Černá Složení setu: 2 ks (

Podobné produkty ako Kid Cudi - Man On The Moon: End Of The Day (2 LP)

The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself (1786071037)

The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself (1786071037)

Kniha - autor Sean Carroll, 480 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Breaks down how the universe works at the quantum, cosmic and human levels to reveal how our everyday lives connect to the underlying laws of nature. Now in paperback. (

Podobné produkty ako The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself (1786071037)

The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself (1101984252)

The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself (1101984252)

Kniha - autor Sean Carroll, 464 stran, anglicky (

Podobné produkty ako The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself (1101984252)

The Conference of the Birds (Defekt) - Petr Sís


An award-winning author and illustrator offers a beautiful and uplifting adaptation of the beloved Sufi poem Celebrated children's book creator Peter Sis presents his first book for adults with The Conference of the Birds--a lyrical and richly illustrated story of love, faith, and the beauty of the human journey. Sis's deeply felt version of the classic twelfth-century Persian epic poem tells the story of a flock of birds in search of the true king, Simorgh, who lives on the mountain of Kaf. Drawn from all species, the flock travels through the seven valleys: quest, love, understanding, detachment, unity, amazement, and death. The birds that endure reach the mountain to learn a profound lesson: that Simorgh the king is, in fact, each of them and all of them. (

Podobné produkty ako The Conference of the Birds (Defekt) - Petr Sís

The Daily Stoic Journal : 366 Days of Writing and Reflection on the Art of Living - Ryan Holiday

The Daily Stoic Journal : 366 Days of Writing and Reflection on the Art of Living - Ryan Holiday

Ryan Holiday has led the popular revival of stoicism since 2014, with his acclaimed bestsellers The Obstacle is the Way, Ego is the Enemy, and - in partnership with Stephen Hanselman - The Daily Stoic. This latter offered powerful quotations, fresh anecdotes, and insightful commentary on the wisdom of Epictetus, Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius. Now Holiday and Hanselman are back with The Daily Stoic Journal, an interactive guide to integrating this ancient philosophy into our 21st century lives. Readers will find weekly explanations and quotations to inspire deeper reflection on Stoic practices, as well as daily prompts and a helpful introduction explaining the various Stoic tools of self-management. The beautifully designed hardback features space for morning and evening notes, along with advice to encourage ongoing writing and insights, day by day through the year. As a companion volume for those who already love The Daily Stoic, or as a stylish stand-alone journal, this is perfect for anyone seeking inner peace and clarity in our volatile world. (

Podobné produkty ako The Daily Stoic Journal : 366 Days of Writing and Reflection on the Art of Living - Ryan Holiday

Christendom: The Triumph of a Religion - Peter Heather


'A fascinating story about a religion in a surprisingly precarious position' Dan Jones, Sunday Times'Superb storytelling ... captivating and profound' Literary Review'A page-turner' The SpectatorIn the fourth century AD, a new faith exploded out of Palestine. Overwhelming the paganism of Rome, and converting the Emperor Constantine in the process, it resoundingly defeated a host of other rivals.Almost a thousand years later, all of Europe was controlled by Christian rulers, and the religion, ingrained within culture and society, exercised a monolithic hold over its population. But, as Peter Heather shows in this compelling history, there was nothing inevitable about Christendom's rise to Europe-wide dominance. In exploring how the Christian religion became such a defining feature of the European landscape, and how a small sect of isolated congregations was transformed into a mass movement centrally directed from Rome, Heather shows how Christendom constantly battled against both so-called 'heresies' and other forms of belief.From the crisis that followed the collapse of the Roman Empire, which left the religion teetering on the edge of extinction, to the astonishing revolution in which the Papacy emerged as the head of a vast international corporation, Heather traces Christendom's chameleon-like capacity for self-reinvention and willingness to mobilize well-directed force. Christendom's achievement was not, or not only, to define official Christianity, but - from its scholars and its lawyers, to its provincial officials and missionaries in far-flung corners of the continent - to transform it into an institution that wielded effective religious authority across nearly all of the disparate peoples of medieval Europe. This is its extraordinary story. (

Podobné produkty ako Christendom: The Triumph of a Religion - Peter Heather

The Inner Life Of Animals (Defekt) - Peter Wohlleben

The Inner Life Of Animals (Defekt) - Peter Wohlleben

The mysteries and emotional richness of the animal world revealed as never before, from the author of the Sunday Times bestseller The Hidden Life of Trees. Can horses feel shame? Do deer grieve? Why do roosters deceive hens? We tend to assume that we are the only living things able to experience feelings but have you ever wondered what’s going on in an animal’s head? From the leafy forest floor to the inside of a bee hive, The Inner Life of Animals opens up the animal kingdom like never before. We hear the stories of a grateful humpback whale, of a hedgehog who has nightmares, and of a magpie who commits adultery; we meet bees that plan for the future, pigs who learn their own names and crows that go tobogganing for fun. And at last we find out why wasps exist. (

Podobné produkty ako The Inner Life Of Animals (Defekt) - Peter Wohlleben

The Silk Roads: A New History of the World - Peter Frankopan

The Silk Roads: A New History of the World - Peter Frankopan

The sun is setting on the Western world. Slowly but surely, the direction in which the world spins has reversed: where for the last five centuries the globe turned westwards on its axis, it now turns to the east. For centuries, fame and fortune was to be found in the west in the New World of the Americas. Today, it is the east which calls out to those in search of adventure and riches. The region stretching from eastern Europe and sweeping right across Central Asia deep into China and India, is taking centre stage in international politics, commerce and culture and is shaping the modern world. This region, the true centre of the earth, is obscure to many in the English-speaking world. Yet this is where civilization itself began, where the world's great religions were born and took root. The Silk Roads were no exotic series of connections, but networks that linked continents and oceans together. Along them flowed ideas, goods, disease and death. This was where empires were won and where they were lost. As a new era emerges, the patterns of exchange are mirroring those that have criss-crossed Asia for millennia. The Silk Roads are rising again. A major reassessment of world history, The Silk Roads is an important account of the forces that have shaped the global economy and the political renaissance in the re-emerging east. (

Podobné produkty ako The Silk Roads: A New History of the World - Peter Frankopan

The War on the West : How to Prevail in the Age of Unreason - Douglas Murray


In The War on the West, international bestselling author Douglas Murray asks: if the history of humankind is a history of slavery, conquest, prejudice, genocide and exploitation, why are only Western nations taking the blame for it? It's become, he explains, perfectly acceptable to celebrate the contributions of non-Western cultures, but discussing their flaws and crimes is called hate speech. What's more it has become acceptable to discuss the flaws and crimes of Western culture, but celebrating their contributions is also called hate speech. Some of this is a much-needed reckoning; however, some of it is part of a larger international attack on reason, democracy, science, progress, and the citizens of the West by dishonest scholars, hatemongers, hostile nations and human rights abusers hoping to distract from their ongoing villainy. In The War on the West, Douglas Murray shows how many well-meaning people have been lured into protests and polarisation by such lies and hypocrisy. A blistering and important polemic, Murray's latest book carefully and methodically shows how far political discourse has strayed in Europe and America from its stated goals: justice and equality. Propelled by an incisive deconstruction of inconsistent arguments and activism, towards a clarion call for the defence of enlightenment values, The War on the West is one of the most important books for a generation, cementing Murray as one of the world's foremost political writers. (

Podobné produkty ako The War on the West : How to Prevail in the Age of Unreason - Douglas Murray

The New Silk Roads : The Present and Future of the World - Peter Frankopan

The New Silk Roads : The Present and Future of the World - Peter Frankopan

A brand new book from the Sunday Times and internationally bestselling author of The Silk Roads 'Masterly mapping out of a new world order' – Evening Standard Revised and updated edition The New Silk Roads takes a fresh look at the relationships being formed along the length and breadth of the ancient trade routes today. The world is changing dramatically and in an age of Brexit and Trump, the themes of isolation and fragmentation permeating the western world stand in sharp contrast to events along the Silk Roads, where ties are being strengthened and mutual cooperation established. This prescient contemporary history provides a timely reminder that we live in a world that is profoundly interconnected. Following the Silk Roads eastwards from Europe through to China, by way of Russia and the Middle East, Peter Frankopan assesses the global reverberations of continual shifts in the centre of power – all too often absent from headlines in the west. The New Silk Roads asks us to re-examine who we are and where we stand in the world, illuminating the themes on which all our lives and livelihoods depend. The Silk Roads, a major reassessment of world history, has sold over 1 million copies worldwide. (

Podobné produkty ako The New Silk Roads : The Present and Future of the World - Peter Frankopan

On the Waves of TSF / Na vlnách TSF - Jaroslav Seifert

On the Waves of TSF / Na vlnách TSF - Jaroslav Seifert

The famous modernist manifesto Revolutionary Anthology Devětsil, published in the winter 1922, lists two editors, Jaroslav Seifert (1901-1986) and Karel Teige (1900-1951). Similarly, we should preface the 1925 collection Na vlnách TSF (On the Waves of TSF) with the names of these two authors, leading representatives of the Czech avantgarde between the two World Wars and founding members of the artists' group Devětsil. Karel Teige laid out the verses of his friend Jaroslav Seifert as striking typographical poems. Purportedly, he "depleted” nearly all the font cases he could find at Obzina's printing shop. In any case, he faithfully fulfilled the precepts of poetism about the world and poetry-to be multisensory. Imbued with "all the beauties of the world,” Seifert's verses are introduced with a mischievously reversed paraphrase of Karel Hynek Máchas (1810-1836) famous words: Light grief on the face / Deep laughter in the heart. With the effortlessness mimicking wireless transmission, Seifert and Teige transport us to Paris (Seifert visited the City of Light with Teige in 1924), to places where pineapples grow, to Australia, Marseille, New York, to distant ocean shores, and back to the banks of the Vltava river in Prague-all this facilitated, as it were, by Télégraphie sans fil (literally from French: wireless telegraphy). To be sure, the greatest concern of the lyrically gloomy narrator is joyfully unambiguous honeymoon destinations; if die we must, let us die of love... In subsequent editions (1938), Seifert's youthful manifesto was titled Svatební cesta (Honeymoon). Understandably so, because the changed circumstances of Czech poetry hardly allowed for stepping into the same river twice; the former associates parted ways in their creative endeavors. Teige became a multifaceted art theoretician and embraced surrealism. After breaking with the communist party in 1929, Seifert became a lifelong social democrat and devoted himself primarily to newspaper journalism. The first edition of Na vlnách TSF gradually became rare until only reprints allowed us to explore the sources of this visual, almost hedonistic poetry. As a reprint, the collection is appearing for the fifth time, this time in its most faithful facsimile incarnation and in two independent permutations-in the original Czech version and as an English-Czech remake by Zdeněk Trinkewitz, translated by Dana Loewy. The Czech-born translator lives in the United States where early in her career, she won a student translation prize by the American Translators Association (1992). Subsequently, she received an honorary mention by the foremost Czech translators association and her translations of Jaroslav Seifert's early work were published in 1997 by Hydra Books, a division of Northwestern University Press. (

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On the Waves of TSF (978-80-87481-42-4)

Kniha - autor Jaroslav Seifert, 152 stran, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The famous modernist manifesto Revolutionary Anthology Devětsil, published in the winter 1922, lists two editors, Jaroslav Seifert (1901–1986) and Karel Teige (1900–1951). Similarly, we should preface the 1925 collection Na vlnách TSF (On the Waves of TSF) with the names of these two authors, leading representatives of the Czech avantgarde between the two World Wars and founding members of the artists’ group Devětsil. Karel Teige laid out the verses of his friend Jaroslav Seifert as striking typographical poems. Purportedly, he “depleted” nearly all the font cases he could find at Obzina’s printing shop. In any case, he faithfully fulfilled the precepts of poetism about the world and poetry—to be multisensory. Imbued with “all the beauties of the world,” Seifert’s verses are introduced with a mischievously reversed paraphrase of Karel Hynek Máchas (1810–1836) famous words: Light grief on the... (

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