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PER | Level 5: Jamaica Inn Bk/MP3 Pack - Daphne du Maurier
Classic / British EnglishWhen her mother dies, Mary Yellan goes to live with her aunt and uncle at Jamaica Inn. Strange things happen there at night, and Mary slowly discovers that she and her aunt are in terrible danger. Can she save herself and her aunt before it is too late?This Pack contains a Book and MP3
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PER | Level 5: Rebecca - Daphne du Maurier
Classic / British EnglishAfter the death of his beautiful wife Rebecca, Maxim de Winter goes to Monte Carlo to forget the past. There he meets and marries a quiet young woman and takes her back to Manderley, his family home in Cornwall. But will the memory of Rebecca destroy the new marriage?
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PER | Level 2: Birds the Bk/MP3 - Daphne du Maurier
Nat and his family live near the sea. Nat watches the birds over the sea. Suddenly the weather is colder, and there is something strange about the birds. They are angry. They start to attack. They want to get into the house. They want to kill.
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Rebecca - Daphne du Maurier
orking as a lady's companion, the orphaned heroine of Rebecca learns her place. Life begins to look very bleak until, on a trip to the South of France, she meets Maxim de Winter, a handsome widower whose sudden proposal of marriage takes her by surprise. Whisked from glamorous Monte Carlo to his brooding estate, Manderley, on the Cornish Coast, the new Mrs de Winter finds Max a changed man. And the memory of his dead wife Rebecca is forever kept alive by the forbidding Mrs Danvers
Objev podobné jako Rebecca - Daphne du Maurier
Rebecca - Daphne du Maurier
Hlavná hrdinka románu sa na francúzskej Riviére zaľúbi do príťažlivého a zámožného Angličana Maximiliana de Winter. Ľúbostný vzťah zakrátko spečatia manželským sľubom a zdá sa, že mladá manželka si rýchlo zvykne na nový domov na romantickom anglickom pobreží. Netuší však, že na jej šťastie čoskoro začne vrhať tieň tajomný prízrak Maximovej prvej ženy – nebohej Rebeccy. Vo vytváraní stiesňujúceho ovzdušia nemalú úlohu zohráva komorná, pani Danversová, ktorá je presvedčená, že nikto nemôže a nesmie nahradiť predchádzajúcu šarmantnú a vo všetkom dokonalú pani domu. Neštíti sa pritom nijakých prostriedkov, aby novej manželke strpčila život. Čoraz ponurejšiu atmosféru podfarbuje zlovestné hučanie mora, ktorého vlny skrývajú pochmúrne rodinné tajomstvo. Podarí sa novej pani de Winterovej zistiť pravdu a vystúpiť z tieňa svojej predchodkyne?
Objev podobné jako Rebecca - Daphne du Maurier
Rebecca - Daphne du Maurier
NOW A MAJOR NETFLIX FILM starring Lily James, Armie Hammer, Kristin Scott Thomas and Lily Collins. ''The moment I finished this story, I turned to page one and started it over again'' MALORIE BLACKMAN''Excellent entertainment . . . du Maurier created a scale by which modern women can measure their feelings'' STEPHEN KING''Rebecca is a masterpiece in which du Maurier pulls off several spectacular high-wire acts that many great writers wouldn''t attempt'' JIM CRACE, GUARDIAN On a trip to the South of France, the shy heroine of Rebecca falls in love with Maxim de Winter, a handsome widower. Although his proposal comes as a surprise, she happily agrees to marry him. But as they arrive at her husband''s home, Manderley, a change comes over Maxim, and the young bride is filled with dread. Friendless in the isolated mansion, she realises that she barely knows him. In every corner of every room is the phantom of his beautiful first wife, Rebecca, and the new Mrs de Winter walks in her shadow.Not since Jane Eyre has a heroine faced such difficulty with the other woman. An international bestseller that has never gone out of print, Rebecca is the haunting story of a young girl consumed by love and the struggle to find her identity.''As a new generation of readers are introduced to the wicked housekeeper Mrs Danvers and learn Maxim de Winter''s terrible secret, this chilling, suspenseful tale is as fresh and readable as it was when it was first written'' DAILY TELEGRAPH
Objev podobné jako Rebecca - Daphne du Maurier
Rebecca - Daphne du Maurier, Clifford Williams
Max de Winter brings his shy young bride to Manderley, his great house in Cornwall. Everywhere, she senses the overpowering presence of Rebecca, Max''s drowned wife. Mrs Danvers, the grim housekeeper, will not allow her to forget her shortcomings. She doubts Max''s love until Rebecca''s body is found. Max confesses that he murdered Rebecca, hating her depravity. The husband and wife now face the exciting fight to save Max from the gallows.3 women, 8 men
Objev podobné jako Rebecca - Daphne du Maurier, Clifford Williams
Mrtvá a živá - Daphne du Maurier - audiokniha
Audiokniha: „Dovedla bych zápasit s živou ženou, ale mrtvá je nad mé síly.“ Když bezejmenná vypravěčka potká v Monte Carlu ovdovělého krajana Maxima de Wintera, slovo dá slovo a brzy je i ruka v rukávě. Zámožný anglický šlechtic je sice dvakrát starší než ona, ale co na tom, pokud spolu můžou obývat ženichovo Manderlay, bájně skvostné sídlo na pobřeží hrabství Cornwall! Do ráje se však připlazí had. Rezervovaný Maxim jako by doma nadále žil ve stínu první choti Rebeccy, jež tragicky zahynula při plachtění v zálivu, a dusnou atmosféru na panství přiživuje i chování služebnictva, hlavně nevraživé hospodyně. Zdrcená novomanželka zjišťuje, že původní milady de Winter jako by nade všemi i z hrobu vládla nezměrnou mocí, zvlášť když vyjde najevo, že její smrt na jachtě nemusela být nešťastná náhoda. Uhrančivý psychologický román s detektivní zápletkou předkládá klasické téma britského lpění na společenské maškarádě, kde se krutost umocňuje neurózami skrytými pod maskou usměvavosti. A tak narychlo sezdanou dvojici hluboce osamělých lidí čeká křížová cesta láskou, mrazivé procitnutí i prubířská zkouška ohněm. Slavná próza z roku 1938 se dočkala řady filmových i divadelních adaptací, nejvýrazněji už o dva roky později, kdy ji s Laurencem Olivierem a Joan Fontaineovou natočil režisér Alfred Hitchcock. Snímek získal dva Oscary. Operu (1983) podle ní zkomponoval Wilfred Josephs. Nejnovější filmovou verzi režiséra Bena Wheatleyho (2020) nabízí Netflix pod názvem Rebeka s Lily Jamesovou, Armiem Hammerem a Kristin Scott Thomasovou. „Úžasně ponurý milostný příběh. Bezkonkurenční výkon.“ – The Independent „Skvělé klamání tělem. Ani druhá milady de Winter není zrovna oslnivá bytost, a přece ji dnes řadíme k nejzářnějším postavám anglické beletrie.“ – The Guardian
Objev podobné jako Mrtvá a živá - Daphne du Maurier - audiokniha
The Glass-Blowers (Defekt) - Daphne du Maurier
Perhaps we shall not see each other again. I will write to you, though, and tell you, as best I can, the story of your family. A glass-blower, remember, breathes life into a vessel, giving it shape and form and sometimes beauty; but he can with that same breath, shatter and destroy it' Faithful to her word, Sophie Duval reveals to her long-lost nephew the tragic story of a family of master craftsmen in eighteenth-century France. The world of the glass-blowers has its own traditions, it's own language - and its own rules. 'If you marry into glass' Pierre Labbe warns his daughter, 'you will say goodbye to everything familiar, and enter a closed world'. But crashing into this world comes the violence and terror of the French Revolution against which, the family struggles to survive. The Glass Blowers is a remarkable achievement - an imaginative and exciting reworking of du Maurier's own family history.
Objev podobné jako The Glass-Blowers (Defekt) - Daphne du Maurier
Mrtvá a živá (Defekt) - Daphne du Maurier
Dramatický příběh s tajemnou a ponurou atmosférou líčí osudy Maxe de Wintera a jeho druhé manželky, s níž se po smrti své první ženy, oslnivě krásné Rebeky, která zemřela za podivných okolností, seznámí na dovolené v Monaku. Po svatbě se spolu přesunou na de Winterovo velkolepé sídlo Manderley, v němž však stále přežívá Rebečin duch…
Objev podobné jako Mrtvá a živá (Defekt) - Daphne du Maurier
Cornwall a Daphne du Maurier - František Nepraš
Život přední britské autorky 20. století Daphne du Maurier je nerozlučně spjatý s místy na jihozápadním konci Anglie, s regionem Cornwall. Autor čtenáře čtivou formou seznamuje s pozoruhodnými osudy spisovatelky, jejími knihami a s místy, kde žila a kde se odehrává většina jejích barvitých, napínavých příběhů. Provází nás obdivuhodnými, tajuplnými končinami Cronwallu, jeho historií a krásami. Daphne du Maurier vyrůstala v Londýně, ale ve svých 20 letech si zvolila za svůj domov Cornwall. A zde, mezi svéráznými potomky Keltů, v nádherné krajině u moře s divokým pobřežím, na němž se tyčí romantické skály, se zrodilo její dílo, které dodnes zná celý svět.
Objev podobné jako Cornwall a Daphne du Maurier - František Nepraš
Má sestřenka Rachel - Daphne du Maurier - audiokniha
Audiokniha: „Jsou ženy, které ne vlastní vinou přivolávají neštěstí…" Píše se rok 1830. Po náhlé smrti bratrance Ambrože, jenž mu byl opatrovníkem i rádcem, je čtyřiadvacetiletý Filip Ashley na cornwallské panství sám. I když ne docela. Zakrátko z daleké Florencie přicestuje poloviční Italka, se kterou se jeho vychovatel před osudnou nemocí narychlo oženil, a prosí o podporu, jelikož jí v postavení nezaopatřené vdovy nic jiného nezbývá. Svědomí Filipovi velí příbuzné pomoct, byť se mu ani trochu nechce. Během osmi měsíců zbývajících do jeho právní zletilosti se však mladíkův vztah k sestřence Rachel změní. Samotářský hoch, pobývající až dosud v izolaci od nástrah velkého světa, předvede veletoč a projeví až pošetilou vášeň k vdově, jejíž způsoby se tolik liší od upjatosti slečen ze sousedství. Jsou však ženy, jež přinášejí jen smůlu. Co když je to prostě tak, že city z Racheliny strany jsou povýtce zištné – neměl by se tudíž zamilovaný kolísající Filip radši řídit radami zesnulého Ambrože, který se ho v posledních dopisech snažil varovat? A proč italský právník tak podezřele tlačí na spěšné vyrovnání? První filmová adaptace děsivého melodramatu (1952, Henry Koster) o dopadech zištnosti a žárlivosti staví na výkonech Olivie de Haviland a Richarda Burtona. Čtyřdílnou minisérii podle této látky uvedla BBC v roce 1983 s Geraldine Chaplinovou. Nejnovější adaptaci (2017) natočil Roger Michell s Rachel Weiszovou v titulní úloze. „Jedinečná literární čarodějka. V oboru uhranutí a oklamání nemá autorka konkurenci.“ – The New York Times. „Napínavé, spletité a nepopiratelně živelné dílo, které dává moc do rukou ženám. (…) Od první stránky jsme zpátky v trudnomyslné atmosféře románu Živá a mrtvá, která je tak báječně živnou půdou pro vražedné pochyby. A sklíčenost korunovaná strachem o peníze, toť esence britské samoty, kterou autorka ve své době pojmenovala jako nikdo jiný.“ – The Guardian. „Nenapadá mě oblíbenější spisovatel, který by se tak vítězoslavně vzpíral typologickému zařazení. (…) Bude-li jedenadvacáté století věkem literatury žánrové, pak Daphne du Maurier udělala vše proto, aby to zastánce klasického středního literárního proudu bolelo jen pramálo.“ – Margaret Forsterová, autorka životopisu Daphne: The Secret Life of the Renowned Storyteller. „Měla tolik tváří, tolik převleků, a pojmenování contessa, kterého užíval sluha Giuseppe i Rainaldi, místo aby jí říkali paní Ashleyová, jí dodávalo jakýsi nimbus, který jsem zprvu nevnímal… Oči měla černé jako trnky, dravčí rysy jako Rainaldi a procházela těmi zatuchlými pokoji vily mlčky s vlnivými pohyby hada.“ – ukázka z textu.
Objev podobné jako Má sestřenka Rachel - Daphne du Maurier - audiokniha
The Birds And Other Stories - Daphne du Maurier
FROM THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF REBECCAWith an Introduction by ''Britain''s most sophisticated film critic'' David Thomson, THE TIMES''A remarkable imagination continually provokes both pity and terror'' OBSERVER ''One of the last century''s most original literary talents'' DAILY TELEGRAPH''She wrote exciting plots . . . a writer of fearless originality'' GUARDIAN ''How long he fought with them in the darkness he could not tell, but at last the beating of the wings about him lessened and then withdrew . . .''A classic of alienation and horror, The Birds was immortalised by Hitchcock in his celebrated film. The five other chilling stories in this collection echo a sense of dislocation and mock man''s sense of dominance over the natural world.
Objev podobné jako The Birds And Other Stories - Daphne du Maurier
Cornwall a Daphne du Maurier (978-80-7422-669-4)
Kniha - autor František Nepraš, 428 stran, česky, pevná s přebalem lesklá Život přední britské autorky 20. století Daphne du Maurier je nerozlučně spjatý s místy na jihozápadním konci Anglie, s regionem Cornwall. Autor čtenáře čtivou formou seznamuje s pozoruhodnými osudy spisovatelky, jejími knihami a s místy, kde žila a kde se odehrává většina jejích barvitých, napínavých příběhů. Provází nás obdivuhodnými, tajuplnými končinami Cronwallu, jeho historií a krásami. Daphne du Maurier vyrůstala v Londýně, ale ve svých 20 letech si zvolila za svůj domov Cornwall. A zde, mezi svéráznými potomky Keltů, v nádherné krajině u moře s divokým pobřežím, na němž se tyčí romantické skály, se zrodilo její dílo, které dodnes zná celý svět.
Objev podobné jako Cornwall a Daphne du Maurier (978-80-7422-669-4)
PER | Level 5: The Brethren - John Grisham
Contemporary / American EnglishThree former judges are in prison. They call themselves the Brethren and organize a pen-pal scam. The money is pouring in. But then the Brethren contact the wrong pen-pal — a powerful man with dangerous friends.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: The Brethren - John Grisham
PER | Level 5: The Rainmaker - John Grisham
Contemporary / American EnglishI have no job. I have no money. I have debts I can’t pay. I do, however, have a case.Rudy Baylor is ready to finish law school but loses his first job before he has even started. Then Dot and Bud Black ask for his help in their fight against a powerful insurance company. Their son, Donny Ray, is dying. His claim for medical insurance has been refused. Can Rudy, an inexperienced student, really give them any hope?
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: The Rainmaker - John Grisham
PER | Level 5: The Partner - John Grisham
Contemporary / American EnglishPatrick Lanigan, a lawyer, dies in a car crash. Later, the partners in his law firm discover that Patrick is not really dead. He is living in Brazil, and he has 90 million dollars of his partners’ money…
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: The Partner - John Grisham
PER | Level 5: Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
Classic / British EnglishResting one night on a boat on the River Thames, Charlie Marlow tells his friends about his experiences as a steamboat captain on the River Congo. There, in the heart of Africa, his search for the extraordinary Mr Kurtz caused him to question his own nature and values – and the nature and values of his society.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
PER | Level 5: The Bourne Supremacy - Robert Ludlum
A Chinese politician assassinated in Hong Kong. Jason Bourne’s name found at the scene…the killer has returned! Who’s paying him and who will he kill next? But American officials know there never was an assassin called Bourne. So who is the impostor? How can he be stopped?
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: The Bourne Supremacy - Robert Ludlum
PER | Level 5: The Citadel - Archibald Joseph Cronin
When Andrew Manson starts work as a doctor he discovers some unpleasant facts about the medical profession. He struggles against a system that seems to value money more than curing illness. But the system is extremely powerful. Will he win his battle?
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: The Citadel - Archibald Joseph Cronin
PER | Level 5: The Prisoner of Zenda - Anthony Hope
Classic / British EnglishRudolf Rassendyll, a daring young Englishman looking for adventure, arrives in Ruritania for the new king’s coronation. The two men meet by chance the day before and are shocked to find that they look exactly the same! A trick leaves Rudolf in the king’s place while the king becomes the Prisoner of Zenda.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: The Prisoner of Zenda - Anthony Hope
PER | Level 5: A Time to Kill - John Grisham
Contemporary / American EnglishTen-year-old Tonya Hailey is attacked and raped by two local men. Carl Lee, Tonya’s father, shoots them. Now only his lawyer and friend, Jake Brigance, stands between him and the electric chair. Is there a legal defense for Carl Lee’s actions?
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: A Time to Kill - John Grisham
PER | Level 5: The Invisible Man - Herbert George Wells
Classic / British EnglishA stranger arrives in a small village wearing a long coat and gloves. His head is covered in bandages and dark glasses hide his eyes. The villagers are curious. Who is he? When they discover the stranger’s terrible secret, they realize that they are in great danger.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: The Invisible Man - Herbert George Wells
PER | Level 5: Middlemarch Bk/MP3 Pack - George Eliot
In Middlemarch, in the heart of England, Dorothea wants to change the world and Dr Lydgate hopes to make great scientific discoveries. But after disastrous marriages, they both lose control of their lives. Can they ever achieve their dreams? Middlemarch is generally considered to be one of the greatest novels in the English language.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: Middlemarch Bk/MP3 Pack - George Eliot
PER | Level 5: Outstanding Short Stories - Edgar Allan Poe
Classic / British EnglishThis collection brings together some of the best examples of late nineteenthand early twentieth-century short stories. Some are about ordinary people to whom something unexpected happens. Others are about unusual characters or events. Some of the stories are funny and others are more serious. All of them are highly enjoyable.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: Outstanding Short Stories - Edgar Allan Poe
PER | Level 5: The Brethren Bk/MP3 Pack - John Grisham
Contemporary / American EnglishThree former judges are in prison. They call themselves the Brethren and organize a pen-pal scam. The money is pouring in. But then the Brethren contact the wrong pen-pal — a powerful man with dangerous friends.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: The Brethren Bk/MP3 Pack - John Grisham
PER | Level 5: Jane Eyre Bk/MP3 Pack - Charlotte Brontë
Classic / British EnglishJane Eyre, a poor orphan, grows up in misery until she becomes the governess in the house of wealthy Mr Rochester and falls in love. But mysterious events take place in the house at night, and Mr Rochester appears to be hiding a terrible secret. Can Jane even hope for happiness?This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: Jane Eyre Bk/MP3 Pack - Charlotte Brontë
PER | Level 5: Cold Mountain Bk/MP3 Pack - Charles Frazier
Contemporary / American English Inman leaves the horrors of the American Civil War and begins a long, dangerous journey home to Ada, the woman he loves. Along the way, he witnesses great poverty, cruelty, and violence. Will he ever see Ada again? And if he does, will she recognize the man he has become? This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: Cold Mountain Bk/MP3 Pack - Charles Frazier
PER | Level 5: Four Weddings and a Funeral - Richard Curtis
Contemporary / British EnglishFour Weddings and a Funeral – one of the most successful films from Britain.It’s a Saturday morning, and Charles is still asleep. He should be on his way to Angus and Laura’s wedding! Charles is always late, and he is worried that he will never find the right woman to marry. Then he meets Carrie…
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: Four Weddings and a Funeral - Richard Curtis
PER | Level 5: Tales from Shakespeare Bk/MP3 Pack - Charles Lamb
Classic / British EnglishThis Book includes stories based on seven of Shakespeare’s greatest plays. We meet many of Shakespeare’s most famous characters – magical Prospero
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: Tales from Shakespeare Bk/MP3 Pack - Charles Lamb
PER | Level 5: Wuthering Heights Bk/MP3 for Pack - Emily Brontëová
Classic / British English On the wild and lonely Yorkshire moors, a tragic story unfolds as Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff fall in love. But it is a dangerous love, filled with unhappiness and suffering. When Catherine finally breaks Heathcliff 's heart, Heathcliff decides to break everyone else's and plans a terrible revenge. This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: Wuthering Heights Bk/MP3 for Pack - Emily Brontëová
PER | Level 5: The Citadel Bk/MP3 Pack - Archibald Joseph Cronin
When Andrew Manson starts work as a doctor he discovers some unpleasant facts about the medical profession. He struggles against a system that seems to value money more than curing illness. But the system is extremely powerful. Will he win his battle?
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: The Citadel Bk/MP3 Pack - Archibald Joseph Cronin
PER | Level 5: British and American Short Stories - David Herbert Lawrence
Contemporary / British EnglishThese stories paint colourful pictures of life in Britain and America in the past. We meet some unusual people. There’s the dreamy boy who wakes up one day to find a bird making a nest in his hair! And there’s the man who tries to catch a ghost.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: British and American Short Stories - David Herbert Lawrence
PER | Level 5: The Invisible Man Bk/MP3 Pack - Herbert George Wells
Classic / British EnglishA stranger arrives in a small village wearing a long coat and gloves. His head is covered in bandages and dark glasses hide his eyes. The villagers are curious. Who is he? When they discover the stranger’s terrible secret, they realize that they are in great danger.This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: The Invisible Man Bk/MP3 Pack - Herbert George Wells
PER | Level 5: The Prisoner of Zenda Bk/MP3 Pack - Anthony Hope
Classic / British EnglishRudolf Rassendyll, a daring young Englishman looking for adventure, arrives in Ruritania for the new king’s coronation. The two men meet by chance the day before and are shocked to find that they look exactly the same! A trick leaves Rudolf in the king’s place while the king becomes the Prisoner of Zenda.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: The Prisoner of Zenda Bk/MP3 Pack - Anthony Hope
PER | Level 5: A Time to Kill Bk/MP3 Pack - John Grisham
Contemporary / American English Ten-year-old Tonya Hailey is attacked and raped by two local men. Carl Lee, Tonya's father, shoots them. Now only his lawyer and friend, Jake Brigance, stands between him and the electric chair. Is there a legal defense for Carl Lee's actions? This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: A Time to Kill Bk/MP3 Pack - John Grisham
PER | Level 5: More Tales from Shakespeare Bk/MP3 Pack - Lamb Mary
Classic / British English: This collection of six short stories, based on Shakespeare’s plays, is the perfect introduction to one of the world’s greatest writers. Meet the tragic young lovers Romeo and Juliet, mad King Lear, angry young Hamlet, and many more of the most famous characters in world literature. This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: More Tales from Shakespeare Bk/MP3 Pack - Lamb Mary
PER | Level 5: The Mayor Of Casterbridge Bk/MP3 Pack - Thomas Hardy
Classic / British EnglishMichael Henchard is a wealthy and respected man, but he has a terrible secret. Twenty years ago, when he was unemployed and penniless, he sold his wife to a sailor. Now she is looking for him again. Why? And what will happen when she finds him?This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: The Mayor Of Casterbridge Bk/MP3 Pack - Thomas Hardy
PER | Level 5: The Phantom of the Opera Bk/MP3 Pack - Gaston Leroux
Classic / American EnglishThere is a climate of secrecy and fear at the Paris Opera. People are dying and a beautiful, talented young singer has disappeared. Is this the work of the Opera ghost? Is the ghost a man or a monster? And what else will he do to get what he wants?This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: The Phantom of the Opera Bk/MP3 Pack - Gaston Leroux
PER | Level 5: The Story of the Internet Bk/MP3 Pack - Bryant Stephen
Original / British EnglishThe Internet is the fastest growing phenomenon in technology the world has ever seen, revolutionising business and the lives of almost every person on the planet – in less than ten years.This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: The Story of the Internet Bk/MP3 Pack - Bryant Stephen
PER | Level 5: A Tale of Two Cities Bk/MP3 Pack - Charles Dickens
Classic / British EnglishThis great story is set against the background of the French Revolution. Two men – one French, one English, but very similar in appearance – are in love with the same woman. The three of them, like the people of France, are faced with the dangers of life at a time when the guillotine never rests.This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: A Tale of Two Cities Bk/MP3 Pack - Charles Dickens
PER | Level 5: Round the World in Eighty Days Bk/MP3 Pack - Jules Verne
Classic / British EnglishPhileas Fogg is living quietly in London. Then he makes a bet that he can travel around the world in eighty days. The result is a crazy, exciting race against time across Europe, Asia and America. There are many dangers along the way – and a detective who wants to arrest him!
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: Round the World in Eighty Days Bk/MP3 Pack - Jules Verne
PER | Level 5: The Hound of the Baskervilles Bk/MP3 Pack - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Classic / British EnglishSir Charles Baskerville is found dead just outside his home, Baskerville Hall. Many of the Baskerville family have died mysteriously. People say that they were killed by a gigantic devil-like creature – the Hound of the Baskervilles! Can that be true? And can Sherlock Holmes save the new owner of Baskerville Hall from a terrible death?This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: The Hound of the Baskervilles Bk/MP3 Pack - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
PER | Level 5: The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
Classic / British EnglishDr Jekyll is a London doctor who is liked and respected for his work. Mr Hyde is an evil man, completely unknown in London society. There is a murder and Hyde seems to be responsible. So why does the good doctor give Mr Hyde the key to his house – and decide to leave everything to Mr Hyde in his will?
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
PER | Level 5: The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Bk/MP3 Pack - Robert Louis Stevenson
Classic / British EnglishDr Jekyll is a London doctor who is liked and respected for his work. Mr Hyde is an evil man, completely unknown in London society. There is a murder and Hyde seems to be responsible. So why does the good doctor give Mr Hyde the key to his house – and decide to leave everything to Mr Hyde in his will?
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Bk/MP3 Pack - Robert Louis Stevenson
PER | Level 2: Gandhi - Jane Rollason
Original / American EnglishMahatma Gandhi died in 1948, but his name is famous around the world. He fought for change in South Africa and then at home in India. But he lived a simple life and he protested without violence. People watched him and they loved him. Many follow his ideas today.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 2: Gandhi - Jane Rollason
PER | Level 4: Seven - Bruno Anthony
Contemporary / American English Detective Somerset has seven days before he can retire from work and escape from the city. Detective Mills is starting his first week on the job. This story is about seven days and seven shocking murders. The serial killer has one thing on his mind -- seven deadly sins.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: Seven - Bruno Anthony
PER | Level 6: The Moonstone - Wilkie Collins
Classic / British EnglishThe Moonstone is an ancient Indian diamond which brings disaster to everyone who owns it. Rachel Verinder’s uncle gives her the diamond as a birthday present, but that same night it is stolen… The Moonstone is now seen as the first, and one of the best, English detective novels.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 6: The Moonstone - Wilkie Collins
PER | Level 2: The Wave - Rhue Morton
Contemporary / British EnglishMr Ross wants to teach his history class about Hitler and the Nazis. He starts a class team. He calls it The Wave. His students love it. Other students want to be in it. But some people don’t like it. And then it starts to feel dangerous. Can anybody stop it?
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 2: The Wave - Rhue Morton
PER | Level 2: Simply Suspense - Stockton Frank
Classic / British EnglishThere are three exciting short stories in this book. They are all about … fear! Three people are in dangerous places. What can they do? Will anybody help them?
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 2: Simply Suspense - Stockton Frank
PER | Level 1: Speed Queens - Rod Smith
Racing was a men's sport - and then came the women. Danica Patrick is from the United States. Mika Duno is Venezuelan. Laleh Seddigh is from Iran. They race with men and they are winners. Read their stories.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 1: Speed Queens - Rod Smith
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