Newcomer - keigo higašino

Produkt Newcomer - keigo higašino sme našli 31x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Newcomer - keigo higašino upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

Newcomer - Keigo Higašino

Newcomer - Keigo Higašino

'An intriguing mashup of police procedural and golden age puzzle mystery' GuardianInternational bestseller Keigo Higashino returns with his latest mindbender - Newcomer - as newly transferred Tokyo Police Detective Kyochiro Kaga is assigned to a baffling murder.Detective Kyochiro Kaga of the Tokyo Police Department has just been transferred to a new precinct in the Nihonbashi area of Tokyo. Newly arrived, but with a great deal of experience, Kaga is promptly assigned to the team investigating the murder of a woman. But the more he investigates, the greater number of potential suspects emerges. It isn't long before it seems nearly all the people living and working in the business district of Nihonbashi have a motive for murder. To prevent the culprit from eluding justice, Kaga must unravel all the secrets surrounding a complicated life. Buried somewhere in the woman's past, in her family history, and the last few days of her life is the clue that will lead to the murderer.This is the second appearance in English of Police detective Kyochiro Kaga, the protagonist of the critically acclaimed Malice.'Detective Kaga pursues the case of a murdered woman from suspect to suspect, through a nostalgia-tinged Tokyo of family-run shops and Ginza bar girls. Clever and charming' Sunday Times (

Podobné produkty ako Newcomer - Keigo Higašino , Saenger newcomer set ii 1,6m 8-20g růžová (4039507261344)

Oddanost podezřelého X - Keigo Higašino


Román Oddanost podezřelého X prozaika Keiga Higašina vypráví příběh Jasuko, která v sebeobraně zavraždila svého bývalého manžela. Všechny stopy se jí snaží pomoci zahladit soused Tecuja Išigami, geniální matematik, jenž je do ní bezmezně zamilován. K vyšetřování zločinu je však přizván profesor Manabu Jukawa, Išigamiho přítel ze studií. Jukawa, známý též pod přezdívkou Galileo, postupně odkrývá pravdu, a to navzdory přerušenému vyšetřování ze strany policie. Román získal několik japonských literárních cen včetně prestižní Naokiho ceny pro spisovatele populární literatury. MEDAILONEK SPISOVATELE: Keigo Higašino (nar. 1958) patří v současnosti k nejčtenějším japonským spisovatelům. Proslavil se hlavně příběhy žánru "mystery", v nichž se často dotýká i společenské problematiky. Původně pracoval jako technik ve firmě Denso, avšak po úspěchu svého prvního románu Po škole (Hókago, 1985) se začal ve svých 27 letech naplno věnovat tvůrčímu psaní. Mezi jeho neznámější romány patří díla Tajemství (Himicu, 1998), Bílá noc (Bjakujakó, 1999) nebo Oddanost podezřelého X (Jógiša X no kenšin, 2005), za který Higašino získal významnou Naokiho cenu, udělovanou spisovatelům populární literatury. Za svá díla obdržel i mnohá jiná ocenění a důkazem jeho oblíbenosti je rovněž fakt, že většina jeho románů a povídek se dočkala filmového nebo televizního zpracování. (

Podobné produkty ako Oddanost podezřelého X - Keigo Higašino

A Midsummer´s Equation - Keigo Higašino


When a man's body is discovered at the base of some cliffs in the small resort town of Hari Cove, the police at first suspect a tragic accident, a misstep that cost the man his life. However, when the victim is found to have been a former policeman and that the cause of death was actually carbon monoxide poisoning, they begin a murder investigation. Manabu Yukawa, the physicist known as 'Detective Galileo', is in Hari Cove to speak at a conference on a planned underwater mining operation, and finds himself drawn into the case. Did the murder have something to do with the fight of the small community to rebuild itself, or does it have its roots in the town's history? In a series of twists as complex and surprising as any in Higashino's brilliant, critically acclaimed work, Yukawa uncovers the hidden relationship behind the tragic events that led to this murder. (

Podobné produkty ako A Midsummer´s Equation - Keigo Higašino

Saenger rybářsky prut newcomer ii 180 tele10-25g

Saenger rybářsky prut newcomer ii 180 tele10-25g

Varianta prutu 1,8 metru, zelená je vhodná především pro malé děti, které se učí nahazovat. Prut využijete především při chytání na malých potůčcích a menších říčkách. Vlasec 140 m/0,22 mm Naviják FD 25 s převodem 5,2:1 Barva: zelená (

Podobné produkty ako Saenger rybářsky prut newcomer ii 180 tele10-25g

Saenger Newcomer Set II 1,8m 10-25g Zelená (4039507261351)

Saenger Newcomer Set II 1,8m 10-25g Zelená (4039507261351)

Rybářský prut univerzální, akce 1 lbs, teleskopický, vrhací zátěž 10 - 25g, celková délka 1,8 m, přepravní délka 0,46 m Plánujete koupi nového prutu, případně chcete obdarovat své blízké? Rybářský prut Saenger Newcomer Set II 1,8m 10-25g Zelená možná splní vaše očekávání. Univerzální rybářský prut Saenger má konstrukci, která se hodí pro více druhů rybolovu. Zcela roztažený prut má délku 1,8 m. Při transportu jej lze složit, aby měl délku 0,46 m. Jelikož je prut teleskopický, nemusíte ho pro přenos rozkládat. V pravém úhlu zvládne maximální zátěž 1 lbs. Nejnižší zatížení může být 10 g, a oproti tomu nejvyšší 25 g. Základní vlastnosti rybářského prutu Saenger Newcomer Set II 1,8m 10-25g Zelená Tento univerzální prut najde uplatnění při základním rybolovu Dosahuje délky 1,8 m Saenger Newcomer Set II 1,8m 10-25g Zelená má transportní délku 0,46 m Zatížení prutu od 10 do 25 g (

Podobné produkty ako Saenger Newcomer Set II 1,8m 10-25g Zelená (4039507261351)

Saenger Newcomer Set II 2,7m 20-60g Modrá (4039507261399)

Saenger Newcomer Set II 2,7m 20-60g Modrá (4039507261399)

Rybářský prut univerzální, akce 2 lbs, teleskopický, vrhací zátěž 20 - 60g, celková délka 2,7 m, přepravní délka 0,61 m Chcete si koupit nový prut nebo chcete obdarovat své blízké? Rybářský prut Saenger Newcomer Set II 2,7m 20-60g Modrá možná splní vaše očekávání. Rybářský prut Saenger má univerzální konstrukci vhodnou pro různé druhy rybolovu. Prut má délku 2,7 m. Po složení pro transport dosahuje délky 0,61 m. Z důvodu, že je tento prut teleskopický, nemusíte ho pro transport rozkládat. V pravém úhlu zvládne maximální zátěž 2 lbs. Prut zvládne minimální zatížení 20 g ; nejvyšší pak 60 g. Klíčové funkce rybářského prutu Saenger Newcomer Set II 2,7m 20-60g Modrá Tento univerzální rybářský prut se hodí pro základní rybolov Jeho délka dosahuje 2,7 m Saenger Newcomer Set II 2,7m 20-60g Modrá má po složení transportní délku 0,61 m Prut odolá zatížení od 20 do 60 g (

Podobné produkty ako Saenger Newcomer Set II 2,7m 20-60g Modrá (4039507261399)

Saenger rybářsky prut newcomer ii 160 tele 8-20g

Saenger rybářsky prut newcomer ii 160 tele 8-20g

Varianta prutu 1,6 metru, růžová je vhodná především pro malé děti, které se učí nahazovat, ale jistě je ocení i vaše něžnější polovička, která bude mít s růžovým prutem u vody stále pocit, že je dámou. Prut využijete především při chytání na malých potůčcích a menších říčkách. Vlasec 160 m/0,20 mm Naviják FD 25 s převodem 5,2:1 Barva: růžová (

Podobné produkty ako Saenger rybářsky prut newcomer ii 160 tele 8-20g

Saenger rybářsky prut newcomer ii 210 tele 15-40g

Saenger rybářsky prut newcomer ii 210 tele 15-40g

Varianta prutu 2,1 metru, oranžová je vhodná především pro malé děti, které se učí nahazovat. Prut využijete především při chytání na malých potůčcích a menších říčkách. Vlasec 100 m/0,25 mm Naviják FD 25 s převodem 5,2:1 Barva: oranžová (

Podobné produkty ako Saenger rybářsky prut newcomer ii 210 tele 15-40g

Saenger rybářsky prut newcomer ii 270 tele 20-60g

Saenger rybářsky prut newcomer ii 270 tele 20-60g

Varianta prutu 2,7 metru, modrá je vhodná především pro malé děti, které se učí nahazovat. Prut využijete především při chytání na malých potůčcích a menších říčkách. Vlasec 120 m/0,30 mm Naviják FD 30 s převodem 5,2:1 Barva: modrá (

Podobné produkty ako Saenger rybářsky prut newcomer ii 270 tele 20-60g

Saenger Newcomer Set II 2,4m 15-45g Červená (4039507261382)

Saenger Newcomer Set II 2,4m 15-45g Červená (4039507261382)

Rybářská sada Rybářská sada Saenger Newcomer Set II je vhodná pro začátečníky, ale stejně tak i pro již zkušenější rybáře. Prut vyniká svými kompaktními rozměry, díky čemuž se velmi snadno převáží. Délka 2,4 m vyhovuje dorostencům i rybářům, kteří loví na menších řekách. Součástí sady je kromě prutu rovněž kvalitní naviják FD 30 s již namotaným vlascem, jehož průměr přesně odpovídá možnostem prutu. Sada Saenger Newcomer Set II je ideální pro rybolov na plavanou i položenou. Klíčové vlastnosti rybářské sady Saenger Newcomer Set II 2,4 m 15-45 g červené Sada rybářského prutu a navijákuVhodná pro dorostence i rybáře lovící na menších řekáchPrut vyniká svými kompaktními rozměryKvalitní naviják s již namotaným vlascemSaenger Newcomer Set II je ideální pro rybolov na plavanou i položenouBarevné provedení: černo-červené Délka prutu:2,4 m Převody navijáku:5,2:1 (

Podobné produkty ako Saenger Newcomer Set II 2,4m 15-45g Červená (4039507261382)

Saenger Newcomer Set II 2,1m 15-40g Oranžová (4039507261375)

Saenger Newcomer Set II 2,1m 15-40g Oranžová (4039507261375)

Rybářský prut univerzální, akce 1 lbs, teleskopický, vrhací zátěž 15 - 40g, celková délka 2,1 m, přepravní délka 0,55 m Chystáte se ke koupi nového prutu, případně chcete obdarovat své blízké? Rybářský prut Saenger Newcomer Set II 2,1m 15-40g Oranžová může být ideální volbou. Tento univerzální prut Saenger má konstrukci, která je vhodný pro různé druhy rybolovu. Délka prutu dosahuje 2,1 m. Délka během transportu dosahuje hodnoty 0,55 m. Konstrukce prutu je teleskopická, takže ho pro přenos není nutné rozkládat. Když se ohne do pravého úhlu, vydrží maximální zátěž 1 lbs. Minimální zátěž může být 15 g ; nejvyšší potom 40 g. Stěžejní parametry rybářského prutu Saenger Newcomer Set II 2,1m 15-40g Oranžová Tento univerzální prut slouží pro základní rybolov Jeho délka je 2,1 m Saenger Newcomer Set II 2,1m 15-40g Oranžová má transportní délku 0,55 m Zatížení prutu od 15 do 40 g (

Podobné produkty ako Saenger Newcomer Set II 2,1m 15-40g Oranžová (4039507261375)

Saenger Newcomer Set II 1,6m 8-20g Růžová (4039507261344)

Saenger Newcomer Set II 1,6m 8-20g Růžová (4039507261344)

Rybářský prut univerzální, teleskopický, vrhací zátěž 8 - 20g, celková délka 1,6 m, přepravní délka 0,45 m Chytáte se pořídit si nový rybářský prut nebo chcete udělat radost nějakému rybáři z vaší rodiny? Rybářský prut Saenger Newcomer Set II 1,6m 8-20g Růžová možná splní vaše očekávání. Rybářský prut Saenger má konstrukci přizpůsobenou pro různé typy chytání. Po roztažení prut měří 1,6 m. Délka během transportu dosahuje hodnoty 0,45 m. Prut je teleskopický, pro transport ho tedy není nutné rozkládat. Prut zvládne nejmenší zatížení 8 g ; nejvyšší pak 20 g. Základní funkce rybářského prutu Saenger Newcomer Set II 1,6m 8-20g Růžová Tento univerzální rybářský prut se hodí pro základní rybolov Jeho konstrukce má délku 1,6 m Saenger Newcomer Set II 1,6m 8-20g Růžová lze složit až do délky 0,45 m Prut zvládne zatížení od 8 do 20 g (

Podobné produkty ako Saenger Newcomer Set II 1,6m 8-20g Růžová (4039507261344)

Saenger Newcomer Set II 1,95m 10-30g Žlutá (4039507261368)

Saenger Newcomer Set II 1,95m 10-30g Žlutá (4039507261368)

Rybářská sada Rybářská sada Saenger Newcomer Set II je vhodná především pro začátečníky, a to i ty dětské, ale stejně tak i pro již zkušenější rybáře. Prut vyniká svými kompaktními rozměry, díky čemuž se velmi snadno převáží. Délka 1,95 m vyhovuje dětem učící se nahazovat, i rybářům, kteří loví na malých potůčcích a řekách. Součástí sady je kromě prutu rovněž kvalitní naviják s již namotaným vlascem, jehož průměr přesně odpovídá možnostem prutu. Sada Saenger Newcomer Set II je ideální pro rybolov na plavanou i položenou. Klíčové vlastnosti rybářské sady Saenger Newcomer Set II 1,95 m 10-30 g žlutéSada rybářského prutu a navijákuVhodná pro děti i rybáře lovící na malých potůčcích a řekáchPrut vyniká svými kompaktními rozměryKvalitní naviják s již namotaným vlascemSaenger Newcomer Set II je ideální pro rybolov na plavanou i položenouBarevné provedení: černo-žluté Délka prutu:1,95 m Převody navijáku:5,2:1 (

Podobné produkty ako Saenger Newcomer Set II 1,95m 10-30g Žlutá (4039507261368)

Saenger rybářsky prut newcomer ii tele 1,95 m 10-30 g

Saenger rybářsky prut newcomer ii tele 1,95 m 10-30 g

Pro své jasné barvy jsou oblíbené především u dětí, ale mají co nabídnout i zkušenějším rybářům. Malá transportní délka se hodí při delších cestách. Prut je opatřen kvalitním navijákem, který je vždy sladěn velikostně i barevně s daným prutem. Na navijáku je už namotán vlasec, jehož průměr odpovídá možnostem prutu. Stačí navázat háček a můžete vyrazit k vodě! Prut je vhodný pro chytání na plavanou i položenou. Varianta prutu 1,95 metru, žlutá je vhodná především pro děti, které se učí nahazovat, ale své místo si našla i u řady zkušených rybářů, kteří rádi loví na malých potůčcích a řekách. Díky malé transportní délce je prut vhodný na dlouhé vycházky nebo zahraniční cesty, protože jej bez problémů složíte do zavazadla. Vlasec 140 m/0,22 mm Naviják FD 25 s převodem 5,2:1 Barva: žlutá (

Podobné produkty ako Saenger rybářsky prut newcomer ii tele 1,95 m 10-30 g

Saenger rybářsky prut newcomer ii tele 2,4 m 15-45 g

Saenger rybářsky prut newcomer ii tele 2,4 m 15-45 g

Pro své jasné barvy jsou oblíbené především u dětí, ale mají co nabídnout i zkušenějším rybářům. Malá transportní délka se hodí při delších cestách. Prut je opatřen kvalitním navijákem, který je vždy sladěn velikostně i barevně s daným prutem. Na navijáku je už namotán vlasec, jehož průměr odpovídá možnostem prutu. Stačí navázat háček a můžete vyrazit k vodě! Prut je vhodný pro chytání na plavanou i položenou. Varianta prutu 2,4 metru, červená je vhodná především pro dorostence a dospělé, kteří chtějí začít chytat ryby, ale své místo si našla i u řady zkušených rybářů, kteří rádi loví na menších řekách. Díky malé transportní délce je prut vhodný na dlouhé vycházky nebo zahraniční cesty, protože jej bez problémů složíte do zavazadla. Vlasec 130 m/0,28 mm Naviják FD 30 s převodem 5,2:1 Barva: červená (

Podobné produkty ako Saenger rybářsky prut newcomer ii tele 2,4 m 15-45 g

My Androgynous Boyfriend 3 (Defekt) - Tamekou


(Androgynous) Boys' Night!It's time for a sleepover! And not just any sleepover-it's a sleepover at Kira's gorgeous house. With super fancy food on the menu, luxurious skin care, and late night chats about love, a good time is guaranteed to be had by all. However, the real excitement begins the next morning, when Sasame trips and falls into the burly arms of a mysterious delivery person.Just who is this newcomer? (

Podobné produkty ako My Androgynous Boyfriend 3 (Defekt) - Tamekou

Far from the Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy - e-kniha


eBook: Gabriel Oak is a young shepherd. With the savings of a frugal life, and a loan, he has leased and stocked a sheep-farm. He falls in love with a newcomer eight years his junior, Bathsheba Everdene, a proud beauty who arrives to live with her aunt, Mrs. Hurst. She comes to like him well enough, and even saves his life once, but when he makes her an unadorned offer of marriage, she refuses; she values her independence too much and him too little. (

Podobné produkty ako Far from the Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy - e-kniha

Kaguya-sama: Love Is War 7 - Aka Akasaka


Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first. Two geniuses. Two brains.Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first...?! Will Miyuki get reelected as student council president? Is newcomer Miko Ino going to be serious competition...or a school laughingstock? Then, Kaguya and Miyuki draw each other in art class: results may vary.Ishigami wants to do the right thing. Miyuki catches up on sleep, which has an unexpected effect on his attractiveness to women-especially Kaguya. And Kaguya anxiously awaits a certain invitation.Does underwear make the man? (

Podobné produkty ako Kaguya-sama: Love Is War 7 - Aka Akasaka

The Beasts of Paris - Stef Penney


Anne is a former patient from a women's asylum trying to carve out a new life for herself in a world that doesn't understand her. Newcomer Lawrence is desperate to develop his talent as a photographer and escape the restrictions of his puritanical upbringing. Ellis, an army surgeon, has lived through the trauma of one civil war and will do anything to avoid another bloodbath.Each keeps company with the restless beasts of Paris' Menagerie, where they meet, fight their demons, lose their hearts, and rebel in a city under siege.A dazzling historical epic of love and survival, Stef Penney carries the reader captivated through war-torn Paris. (

Podobné produkty ako The Beasts of Paris - Stef Penney

Lost - Ilustrajo Mariajo


A new book from award-winning illustrator Mariajo Ilustrajo, Lost is the story of a polar bear who finds himself lost, in a big concrete city.He politely asks the city folk for help but everyone is much too busy and impatient to help the newcomer. He finds himself travelling on the subway only to be noticed, finally by a little girl.The girl takes the homesick bear by the paw and under her innocent wing. Under the nose of her seemingly unaware mum, she feeds him dinner, gives him a bath and they read stories together.When the polar bear wistfully looks at a poster of the North Pole on her bedroom wall, the little girl realises that her friend needs help to get home.This is a story about the power friendship has to help you feel found, and even to transport you home. (

Podobné produkty ako Lost - Ilustrajo Mariajo

Formula One Circuits from Above 2022 - Bruce Jones


Explore more than 25 legendary F1 race tracks in high-definition satellite photography.From the glamour of Monaco and Yas Marina, to the heritage of Silverstone, Monza and Spa-Francorchamps, Formula One Circuits from Above showcases more than 25 legendary F1 race tracks as you've never seen them before. Powered by unique Google (TM) Earth photography, this stunning illustrated book highlights the signature properties of iconic circuits including Monza, Interlagos and the Nurburgring in incredible detail, providing an unparalleled insight into the unique strengths and challenges of each.This insightful commentary is accompanied by fascinating details on the history of each circuit, as well as the outstanding drivers and unforgettable moments that have defined them: the rivalries, the controversies and the spectacular feats of driving skill. Whether you're a seasoned F1 fan or a newcomer to the sport, Formula One Circuits from Above captures the colour, drama, history and excitement of Formula One. (

Podobné produkty ako Formula One Circuits from Above 2022 - Bruce Jones

Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion and Purpose (9781455508907)

Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion and Purpose (9781455508907)

Kniha - autor Tony Hsieh, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná ·Pay brand-new employees $2,000 to quit ·Make customer service the responsibility of the entire company-not just a department ·Focus on company culture as the no.1 priority ·Apply research from the science of happiness to running a business ·Help employees grow-both personally and professionally ·Seek to change the world ·Oh, and make money too . . . Sound crazy? It's all standard operating procedure at Zappos, the online retailer that's doing over $1 billion in gross merchandise sales annually. After debuting as the highest-ranking newcomer in Fortune magazine's annual "Best Companies to Work For" list in 2009, Zappos was acquired by Amazon in a deal valued at over $1.2 billion on the day of closing. In DELIVERING HAPPINESS, Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh shares the different lessons he has learned in business and life, from starting a worm farm to running a pizza business, through LinkExchange,... (

Podobné produkty ako Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion and Purpose (9781455508907)

White Teeth (0140297782)

White Teeth (0140297782)

Kniha - autor Zadie Smith, 542 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Zadie Smith's fizzing first novel is ... an astonishingly assured debut, funny and serious, and the voice has real writerly idiosyncrasy. I was delighted by White Teeth, and often impressed.Salman RushdieOne of the most talked about fictional dĂ©buts of recent years, White Teeth is a funny, generous, big-hearted novel, adored by critics and readers alike. Dealing - among many other things - with friendship, love, war, three cultures and three families over three generations, one brown mouse, and the tricky way the past has of coming back and biting you on the ankle, it is a life-affirming, riotous must-read of a book.White Teeth has won awards for Best Book and Best Female Newcomer at the BT Emma Awards (Ethnic and Multicultural Media Awards), the Guardian First Book Award, the Whitbread Prize for a first novel in 2000, the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for fiction 2000, the WH Smith... (

Podobné produkty ako White Teeth (0140297782)

Record of a Spaceborn Few: Wayfarers 3 (1473647649)

Record of a Spaceborn Few: Wayfarers 3 (1473647649)

Kniha - autor Becky Chambers, 368 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Centuries after the last humans left Earth, the Exodus Fleet is a living relic, a place many are from but few outsiders have seen. Humanity has finally been accepted into the galactic community, but while this has opened doors for many, those who have not yet left for alien cities fear that their carefully cultivated way of life is under threat. Tessa chose to stay home when her brother Ashby left for the stars, but has to question that decision when her position in the Fleet is threatened. Kip, a reluctant young apprentice, itches for change but doesn't know where to find it. Sawyer, a lost and lonely newcomer, is just looking for a place to belong. And when a disaster rocks this already fragile community, those Exodans who still call the Fleet their home can no longer avoid the inescapable question: What is the purpose of a ship that has reached its destination? (

Podobné produkty ako Record of a Spaceborn Few: Wayfarers 3 (1473647649)

The Spoiled Heart - Sunjeev Sahota


From the Booker-shortlisted author of The Year of the Runaways, a blazing new novel with a deeply moving family mystery at its heartNayan Olak keeps seeing Helen Fletcher around town and on his daily run out to the Peaks. She's come back to the old house at the end of the lane, with her teenaged son, Brandon, though nobody seems to remember much about her. Some trouble at school, back in the day.A certain defensiveness. Nayan is powerfully drawn to her, though he doesn't quite know why.He hasn't risked love since he lost his young family in a terrible accident twenty years before. All his energy has gone into work at the union, where he's now running for the leadership against accomplished newcomer, Megha.It's a huge moment for Nayan, the culmination of everything he believes. But as he grows closer to Helen, and to the possibility that their pasts may have been connected, much more is suddenly threatened than his chances of winning.'In this thoughtful, searching excavation of interlocking tragedies and contemporary politics, Sunjeev Sahota offers us a novel at once Shakespearean and thrillingly of our time' -Sarah Thankam Mathews, author of All This Could Be Different 'Fearlessly contemporary and flawlessly observed, A Spoiled Heart confirms Sunjeev Sahota's position as one of our essential novelists' -Karan Mahajan, author of The Association of Small Bombs (

Podobné produkty ako The Spoiled Heart - Sunjeev Sahota

Dalí Tarot - Johannes Fiebig


*Deck of 78 tarot cards with booklet in box Dalí poses as the Magician, his wife Gala becomes the Empress, and the death of Julius Caesar is reinterpreted as the Ten of Swords in the artist’s extraordinary custom tarot deck. First published in a 1984 limited edition that has since long sold out, this lush box set brings back all 78 cards, each dazzling in color, along with a companion book on the making-of and practical instructions. Legend has it that when preparing props for the James Bond film Live and Let Die, producer Albert Broccoli commissioned Surrealist maestro Salvador Dalí to create a custom deck of tarot cards. Inspired by his wife Gala, who nurtured his interest in mysticism, Dalí eagerly got to work, and continued the project of his own accord when the contractual deal fell through. The work was published in a limited art edition in 1984 that has since long sold out, making Dalí the first renowned painter to create a completely new set of cards. Drawing on Western masterpieces from antiquity to modernity (including some of his own), Dalí seamlessly combined his knowledge of the arcane with his unmistakable wit. The result is a surreal kaleidoscope of European art history. TASCHEN resurrects all 78 cards in a fresh celebration of Dalí’s inimitable custom set, complete with a booklet by renowned German tarot author Johannes Fiebig offering: an introduction to Dalí’s life and the project’s making-of a comprehensive explanation of each card’s composition, its meaning, and practical advice step-by-step instructions on how to perform readings a jargon-free approach simplifying tarot for the newcomer (

Podobné produkty ako Dalí Tarot - Johannes Fiebig

Honey & Spice - Bolu Babalola


FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR, BOLU BABALOLA COMES THE ROMANCE WE'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR. 'A triumph of a novel.' BETH O'LEARY 'Hilarious, hot and heartfelt.' MEG CABOT 'Succulent, addictive romance. Simply wonderful.' LIZZIE DAMILOLA BLACKBURN'Smart, sexy and energetic.I'm excited for everyone to read this book.' EMMA GANNON'Romance will never be dead, as long as Bolu is writing it.' JESSIE BURTON__________Kiki Banjo is an expert in relationship-evasion. In fact, she has made it her mission to protect the women of Whitewell University from the dangers of players and heartbreak, supplying advice, tips and essentials to paying men no mind on her student radio show, Brown Sugar.And then Kiki meets distressingly handsome newcomer Malakai Korede, who threatens to tear apart the community of women she's fought so hard to protect. Kiki publicly declares Malakai the 'Wasteman of Whitewell' on Brown Sugar and brings a stop to her girls chasing his attentions.But when she and Malakai suddenly find themselves shackled into a fake relationship to salvage their respective reputations and save their academic futures, she is in danger of falling for the very wasteman she warned her sisters about.With her heart compromised and defences weakened, Kiki has to learn to open herself up to the perils of love... and face up to a past that forced her to close down in the first place.A funny and sparkling debut, Honey & Spice is full of delicious tension and romantic intrigue that will make you weak at the knees.__________'A blissful celebration of first loves, second chances and sisterhood. Bolu is an expert at her craft.' JENDELLA BENSON'Addictive.Desire prickles under every word.' ANNIE LORD (

Podobné produkty ako Honey & Spice - Bolu Babalola

Starstruck - Lauren Conrad

Starstruck - Lauren Conrad

As the drama surrounding Madison, Carmen, Gaby, and Kate is played out in front of the cameras and the relentless paparazzi, the girls quickly discover that fame comes at a price. Featuring hot new characters and old favorites from the #1 New York Times bestselling series L.A. Candy, the second Fame Game novel chronicles the rise and fall of Hollywood’s newest reality stars.---Are the stars of The Fame Game ready for their close-ups?Madison Parker has discovered that not all publicity is good publicity. After turning herself in for stealing some bling, the reality star is stuck doing community service while her Fame Game castmates soak up all the screen time. Not that newcomer Kate Hayes needs more attention—ever since her breakout song became an overnight sensation she's suddenly acting like she's Katy Perry. Aspiring actress Carmen Curtis is finally making a name for herself, but she's finding it harder than ever to get out from behind her famous mother's shadow. And in Hollywood, leading men are a dime a dozen, but a good man is hard to find. So when two of the girls have their eye on the same guy, that can mean only one thing: on-camera drama.In the second novel in bestselling author Lauren Conrad's Fame Game series, friendships are tested, lines are crossed, and fashion crimes are committed—and that's before the cameras even start rolling.Anyone who has ever wondered what it is like to make it in Hollywood will love this fun, addictive series written by someone who has seen—and lived—it all. Full of dishy details about young Hollywood that only an insider can reveal, bestselling author, fashion designer, and television star Lauren Conrad shows that the real drama happens behind the scenes. (

Podobné produkty ako Starstruck - Lauren Conrad

Starstruck (Defekt) - Lauren Conrad

Starstruck (Defekt) - Lauren Conrad

As the drama surrounding Madison, Carmen, Gaby, and Kate is played out in front of the cameras and the relentless paparazzi, the girls quickly discover that fame comes at a price. Featuring hot new characters and old favorites from the #1 New York Times bestselling series L.A. Candy, the second Fame Game novel chronicles the rise and fall of Hollywood’s newest reality stars.---Are the stars of The Fame Game ready for their close-ups?Madison Parker has discovered that not all publicity is good publicity. After turning herself in for stealing some bling, the reality star is stuck doing community service while her Fame Game castmates soak up all the screen time. Not that newcomer Kate Hayes needs more attention—ever since her breakout song became an overnight sensation she's suddenly acting like she's Katy Perry. Aspiring actress Carmen Curtis is finally making a name for herself, but she's finding it harder than ever to get out from behind her famous mother's shadow. And in Hollywood, leading men are a dime a dozen, but a good man is hard to find. So when two of the girls have their eye on the same guy, that can mean only one thing: on-camera drama.In the second novel in bestselling author Lauren Conrad's Fame Game series, friendships are tested, lines are crossed, and fashion crimes are committed—and that's before the cameras even start rolling.Anyone who has ever wondered what it is like to make it in Hollywood will love this fun, addictive series written by someone who has seen—and lived—it all. Full of dishy details about young Hollywood that only an insider can reveal, bestselling author, fashion designer, and television star Lauren Conrad shows that the real drama happens behind the scenes. (

Podobné produkty ako Starstruck (Defekt) - Lauren Conrad

Starstruck (Defekt) - Lauren Conrad

Starstruck (Defekt) - Lauren Conrad

As the drama surrounding Madison, Carmen, Gaby, and Kate is played out in front of the cameras and the relentless paparazzi, the girls quickly discover that fame comes at a price. Featuring hot new characters and old favorites from the #1 New York Times bestselling series L.A. Candy, the second Fame Game novel chronicles the rise and fall of Hollywood’s newest reality stars.---Are the stars of The Fame Game ready for their close-ups?Madison Parker has discovered that not all publicity is good publicity. After turning herself in for stealing some bling, the reality star is stuck doing community service while her Fame Game castmates soak up all the screen time. Not that newcomer Kate Hayes needs more attention—ever since her breakout song became an overnight sensation she's suddenly acting like she's Katy Perry. Aspiring actress Carmen Curtis is finally making a name for herself, but she's finding it harder than ever to get out from behind her famous mother's shadow. And in Hollywood, leading men are a dime a dozen, but a good man is hard to find. So when two of the girls have their eye on the same guy, that can mean only one thing: on-camera drama.In the second novel in bestselling author Lauren Conrad's Fame Game series, friendships are tested, lines are crossed, and fashion crimes are committed—and that's before the cameras even start rolling.Anyone who has ever wondered what it is like to make it in Hollywood will love this fun, addictive series written by someone who has seen—and lived—it all. Full of dishy details about young Hollywood that only an insider can reveal, bestselling author, fashion designer, and television star Lauren Conrad shows that the real drama happens behind the scenes. (

Podobné produkty ako Starstruck (Defekt) - Lauren Conrad

50 Ultimate Sports Cars. 40th Anniversary Edition - Peter Fiell, Charlotte Fiell


For the seasoned car collector or the awestruck newcomer, this volume is the consummate sports car anthology. Bringing together 50 of the most exquisite, desirable, and adrenaline-charging sports cars of all time, it recounts the enthralling endeavors in automotive design and engineering in pursuit of optimum dynamic performance for both road and track. This expertly curated roundup of glorious, high-speed two-seaters includes both all-out sports racers as well as their street-legal homologated brethren.Indeed, some of the most desirable cars across all auto-collecting genres are from the glorious golden era of sports car racing, which existed up until the late 1960s. In that time, gentleman privateers would drive their cars to a competition event, such as the famous 24 Hours of Le Mans, race them hard-perhaps winning their class or even the race-before coolly driving them home again. Showcasing 50 of the most sought-after sports cars ever created, from the 1912 Stutz Model A Bear Cat and the 1938 Alfa Romeo 8C 2900B MM Spider to the 1955 Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR "Uhlenhaut Coupe"-the world's most expensive car-and the 1962/64 Ferrari 250 GTO Series II, this spectacular volume is an automobilia treasure trove.Each fabled model is presented with lavish spreads, complete with stunning imagery taken by the world's leading car photographers alongside rare archival gems, from original factory photos to famous motorsports event posters. Each entry is also accompanied by expert descriptive texts and specs, tapping into the authors' transatlantic expertise and insider knowledge. About the seriesTASCHEN is 40! Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible publishing, helping bookworms around the world curate their own library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia at an unbeatable price.Today we celebrate 40 years of incredible books by staying true to our company credo. The 40 series presents new editions of some of the stars of our program-now more compact, friendly in price, and still realized with the same commitment to impeccable production. (

Podobné produkty ako 50 Ultimate Sports Cars. 40th Anniversary Edition - Peter Fiell, Charlotte Fiell
Saenger Newcomer Set II 1,6m 8-20g Růžová (4039507261344)