Tells the story of an ordinary man who became the king of the largest slum in Rio, the head of a drug cartel and Brazil's most notorious criminal. (
Podobné produkty ako Nemesis: The Hunt for Brazil´s Most Wanted Criminal - Misha Glenny , Black edge: inside information, dirty money, and the quest to bring down the most wanted man (075355223x)Tells the story of an ordinary man who became the king of the largest slum in Rio, the head of a drug cartel and Brazil's most notorious criminal. (
Podobné produkty ako Nemesis: The Hunt for Brazil´s Most Wanted Criminal (Defekt) - Misha Glenny , Various: wanted! the outlaws - lp (0190759589717)Kokain není jen brazilský problém. Vyvolává ho poptávka z Evropy a Spojených států. Proto investigativní novinář a specialista na organizovaný zločin Misha Glenny rozplétá nitky, za které tahá narkomafie v Rio de Janeiru. Silný příběh vzestupu a pádu jednoho z drogových bossů velmi zblízka ukazuje, jak vypadá život v proslulé favele Rocinha. Antônio Francisco Bonfim Lopes, jemuž se přezdívá Nem, byl jen obyčejný člověk, jehož dcera onemocněla vzácnou nemocí. Na její léčbu potřeboval peníze. Tolik peněz, že musel opustit obyčejnou práci a vydat se na cestu vzhůru, uličkami rodné Rocinhy tam, kde sídlil "don" Lulu. Jen on mu peníze mohl půjčit. Stejně jako všichni ve favele věděl, že čekat pomoc od brazilského státu nemá smysl. A tak Antônio přehodil výhybku ve svém životě a stal se součástí narkobyznysu a postupně i jedním z jejích vládců. To vše se stalo v době, kdy ve favelách chtěli udělat i brazilské ozbrojené složky. Policie ale jen tak vstoupit do favely nemůže - a tak se z operace stala bitva o Rio. Glenny mluvil s Nemovou rodinou, přáteli i nepřáteli, s policisty a detektivy. A to, jak hluboko dokázal proniknout do chudé čtvrti, v níž šťastnější Rio vidí jen problémy, je neuvěřitelné. (
Podobné produkty ako Nemesis - Misha Glenny , Titanfall 2: angel city's most wanted bundle - xbox digital (7d4-00191)Kokain není jen brazilský problém. Vyvolává ho poptávka z Evropy a Spojených států. Proto investigativní novinář a specialista na organizovaný zločin Misha Glenny rozplétá nitky, za které tahá narkomafie v Rio de Janeiru. Silný příběh vzestupu a pádu jednoho z drogových bossů velmi zblízka ukazuje, jak vypadá život v proslulé favele Rocinha. Antônio Francisco Bonfim Lopes, jemuž se přezdívá Nem, byl jen obyčejný člověk, jehož dcera onemocněla vzácnou nemocí. Na její léčbu potřeboval peníze. Tolik peněz, že musel opustit obyčejnou práci a vydat se na cestu vzhůru, uličkami rodné Rocinhy tam, kde sídlil „don“ Lulu. Jen on mu peníze mohl půjčit. Stejně jako všichni ve favele věděl, že čekat pomoc od brazilského státu nemá smysl. A tak Antônio přehodil výhybku ve svém životě a stal se součástí narkobyznysu a postupně i jedním z jejích vládců. To vše se stalo v době, kdy ve favelách chtěli udělat i brazilské ozbrojené složky. Policie ale jen tak vstoupit do favely nemůže – a tak se z operace stala bitva o Rio. Glenny mluvil s Nemovou rodinou, přáteli i nepřáteli, s policisty a detektivy. A to, jak hluboko dokázal proniknout do chudé čtvrti, v níž šťastnější Rio vidí jen problémy, je neuvěřitelné. (
Podobné produkty ako Nemesis Drogová bitva o Rio - Glenny Misha , The witcher 3: wild hunt - game of the year digital (g3q-00196)Alex, Marty, Gloria and Melman are still in Africa and they are determined to find their way back home to New York! As they begin their journey across Europe, they join a travelling circus and then their adventures really take off! (
Podobné produkty ako Popcorn ELT Readers 3: Madagascar 3 - Europe´s Most Wanted with CD , NemesisZnámý britský novinář a historik Misha Glenny provádí ve své knize čtenáře světem organizovaného zločinu v éře globalizace. Autor ukazuje, jak globalizace přispěla k mezinárodnímu propojení celého spektra nelegálních aktivit od obchodu s bílým masem, drogami nebo zbraněmi ve východní Evropě, přes praní peněz na Blízkém východě, činnost drogových syndikátů v západních zemích, pašování v Indii, Jihoafrické republice nebo Kolumbii až po počítačovou zločinnost například v Brazílii. Glenny dokládá, jak organizovaný zločin pronikl v podobě stínové ekonomiky, která se na globální ekonomice podílí celou pětinou, do každodenního života a jak to vede ke stírání hranic mezi legálním a nelegálním. Propojení světa podle Glennyho neprohlubuje jen ekonomickou nebo kulturní spolupráci zemí a lidí, ale také otevírá brány pro expanzi zločineckých sítí. (
Podobné produkty ako McMafie - Misha Glenny , The witcher 3: wild hunt expansion pass - xbox digital (7d4-00040)Internet změnil fungování celé společnosti, a to včetně zločinu. Vedl ke vzniku zcela nových forem takzvané kybernetické kriminality. Kniha popisuje vývoj obrovského byznysu, jehož nejběžnější formou je obchodování s kradenými údaji o platebních kartách a jejich využívání, zahrnuje však i podvody s elektronickým bankovnictvím a všechny kriminální aktivity umožněné průniky do datových i mobilních sítí včetně průlomů do mezibankovní komunikace. Při tomto spektru aktivit pak nikoho neudiví, že tajemní hackeři a crackeři z bezpečí svých zešeřelých pracoven kradmo stahují z účtů každého z nás částky, jež jsou dohromady mnohem větší, než kolik utrží kolumbijská narkomafie. Na příběhu několika podvodníků i jejich skupin autor ukazuje, jak se obor "odnikání" vyhrazený původně technologickým nadšencům postupně integroval do světa organizovaného zločinu. Z druhé strany pak odvíjí příběh boje policejních složek s internetovou kriminalitou, která překračuje hranice jedné země. Vstoupíme do světa agentů provokatérů, komplikovaných mezinárodních vztahů i vzájemně si konkurujících tajných služeb. Nikdy nevíte, kdo sedí u počítače proti vám, kým je ve skutečném životě a jakou identitu jen předstírá. Takový je Temný trh... (
Podobné produkty ako Temný trh - Misha Glenny , Cuba brazil copacabana for men edt 100 ml (5425017735953)The author is among the few to have witnessed at first hand the devastating reality of life in the failed and desperate state of Somalia. In this book, he takes us to the heart of the struggle, meeting everyone from politicians, pirates, extremists and mercenaries to aid workers, civilians and refugees. (
Podobné produkty ako The World´s Most Dangerous Place - James Fergusson , Brazil keratin caffeine shampoo for men 300 ml (8595615710908)The runaway international No.1 bestseller that launched Tom Clancy's spectacular career - became a blockbuster film - and introduced Jack Ryan.THE HUNT IS ON...Silently, beneath the chill Atlantic waters, Russia's ultra-secret missile submarine, the Red October, is heading west.The Americans want her. The Russians want her back. With all-out war only seconds away, the superpowers race across the ocean on the most desperate mission of a lifetime. (
Podobné produkty ako The Hunt for Red October - Tom Clancy , Slavná nemesis ()Azzaro The Most Wanted, , Pánské sady pro muže, Se svou vůní se už nemusíte loučit ani na svých cestách mimo domov. Pánský parfémový set Azzaro The Most Wanted obsahuje plnou verzi vůně i její miniaturu, kterou snadno přibalíte do každého zavazadla a můžete ji tak mít vždy po ruce. Vlastnosti: obsahuje plnou velikost vůně a její miniaturu vůně vhodná pro každodenní nošení set za výhodnou cenu skvěle se hodí jako dárek Sada obsahuje: parfémovaná voda 100 ml The Most Wanted parfémovaná voda 10 ml The Most Wanted Parfum parfémovaná voda 10 ml (
Podobné produkty ako Azzaro The Most Wanted dárková sada pro muže , Nemesis (1509860304)Azzaro The Most Wanted Intense, Pánské sady pro muže, Luxusní vůně bude vždy tou pravou volbou, pokud chcete opravdu potěšit. Pánský parfémový set Azzaro The Most Wanted Intense v krásném balení radost obdarovaného ještě znásobí. Vsaďte na kouzlo dokonale sladěné sady a můžete si být jisti, že to bude to pravé. Vlastnosti: set za výhodnou cenu parfémovaná kosmetika prodlouží výdrž vůně luxusní provedení Sada obsahuje: The Most Wanted EDP Intense parfémovaná voda 100 ml The Most Wanted EDP Intense parfémovaná voda 10 ml sprchový gel a šampon 2 v 1 75 ml (
Podobné produkty ako Azzaro The Most Wanted Intense dárková sada pro muže , Wanted - blu-ray (u00313)Azzaro The Most Wanted Intense, 1 ks, Pánské sady pro muže, Speciální příležitosti si žádají speciální dárečky, ať už si jimi chcete udělat radost vy sami nebo potěšit své blízké. Dárková sada Azzaro The Most Wanted Intense v sobě ukrývá pečlivě vybranou a s láskou sestavenou kombinaci vůní a kosmetických produktů, které zaručeně vykouzlí úsměv na tváří vám či vašim blízkým, ať už se vrhnete do jejich zkoumání naráz, nebo je budete otevírat postupně v průběhu celého měsíce. Vlastnosti: potěší všechny muže skvěle se hodí jako dárek obsahuje plnou velikost vůně a její miniaturu parfémovaná kosmetika prodlouží výdrž vůně Sada obsahuje: Azzaro The Most Wanted EDP parfémovaná voda pro muže 100 ml Azzaro The Most Wanted EDP parfémovaná voda pro muže 10 ml Azzaro šampon a sprchový gel 2 v 1 75 ml (
Podobné produkty ako Azzaro The Most Wanted Intense dárková sada pro muže , The most beautiful: my life with prince (1409171205)Azzaro The Most Wanted Intense, 1 ks, Pánské sady pro muže, Luxusní vůně bude vždy tou pravou volbou, pokud chcete opravdu potěšit. Pánský parfémový set Azzaro The Most Wanted Intense v krásném balení radost obdarovaného ještě znásobí. Vsaďte na kouzlo dokonale sladěné sady a můžete si být jisti, že to bude to pravé. Vlastnosti: obsahuje plnou velikost vůně a její miniaturu potěší všechny muže skvěle se hodí jako dárek Sada obsahuje: AZZARO THE MOST WANTED EDTI toaletní voda intense 50 ml AZZARO THE MOST WANTED EDTI toaletní voda intense 10 ml (
Podobné produkty ako Azzaro The Most Wanted Intense dárková sada pro muže , Pop smoke: shoot for the stars aim for the moon - cd (0747475)Azzaro The Most Wanted Parfém pro muže 50 ml (
Podobné produkty ako Azzaro The Most Wanted 50 ml parfém pro muže , This land: the struggle for the left (0141994398)Azzaro The Most Wanted Parfém pro muže 100 ml (
Podobné produkty ako Azzaro The Most Wanted 100 ml parfém pro muže , Rabalux 3349 misha stolní led lampa, bíláAzzaro The Most Wanted, 100 ml, Parfémované vody pro muže, Dovolte, aby o vás parfémovaná voda Azzaro The Most Wanted prozradila, že do místnosti právě vstoupil muž, který dostane vše, po čem touží. Vůně plná mužné smyslnosti, svůdnosti a vášně nenechá chladným nikoho ve vašem okolí. fougère vůně dřevitá vůně podtrhne sex-appeal a přirozenou mužnost vůně vhodná pro každodenní nošení (
Podobné produkty ako Azzaro The Most Wanted parfémovaná voda pro muže 100 ml , Rabalux 3350 misha stolní led lampa, černáAzzaro The Most Wanted Parfémovaná voda pro muže 100 ml (
Podobné produkty ako Azzaro The Most Wanted 100 ml parfémovaná voda pro muže , Gladenfold: nemesis - cd (4251981701431)Azzaro The Most Wanted Parfémovaná voda pro muže 50 ml (
Podobné produkty ako Azzaro The Most Wanted 50 ml parfémovaná voda pro muže , Nemesis lockdown: chytridi (8595558304967)In 1990, in a drafty basement archive in Prague, two American historians made a startling discovery: a Nazi roster from 1945 that no Western investigator had ever seen. The long-forgotten document, containing more than 700 names, helped unravel the details behind the most lethal killing operation in World War Two.In the tiny Polish village of Trawniki, the SS set up a school for mass murder and then recruited a roving army of foot soldiers, 5,000 men strong, to help annihilate the Jewish population of occupied Poland. After the war, some of these men vanished, making their way to the U.S. and blending into communities across America. Though they participated in some of the most unspeakable crimes of the Holocaust, "Trawniki Men" spent years hiding in plain sight, their terrible secrets intact.In a story spanning seven decades, Citizen 865 chronicles the harrowing wartime journeys of two Jewish orphans from occupied Poland who outran the men of Trawniki and settled in the United States, only to learn that some of their one-time captors had followed. A tenacious team of prosecutors and historians pursued these men and, up against the forces of time and political opposition, battled to the present day to remove them from U.S. soil.Through insider accounts and research in four countries, this urgent and powerful narrative provides a front row seat to the dramatic turn of events that allowed a small group of American Nazi hunters to hold murderous men accountable for their crimes decades after the war's end. (
Podobné produkty ako Citizen 865 : The Hunt for Hitler´s Hidden Soldiers in America - Debbie Cenziper , Queen for the day nafukovaci korunaThe gripping story of a team of Nazi hunters at the U.S. Department of Justice as they raced against time to expose members of a brutal SS killing force who disappeared in America after World War Two. In 1990, in a drafty basement archive in Prague, two American historians made a startling discovery: a Nazi roster from 1945 that no Western investigator had ever seen. The long-forgotten document, containing more than 700 names, helped unravel the details behind the most lethal killing operation in World War Two. In the tiny Polish village of Trawniki, the SS set up a school for mass murder and then recruited a roving army of foot soldiers, 5,000 men strong, to help annihilate the Jewish population of occupied Poland. After the war, some of these men vanished, making their way to the U.S. and blending into communities across America. Though they participated in some of the most unspeakable crimes of the Holocaust, "Trawniki Men" spent years hiding in plain sight, their terrible secrets intact. In a story spanning seven decades, Citizen 865 chronicles the harrowing wartime journeys of two Jewish orphans from occupied Poland who outran the men of Trawniki and settled in the United States, only to learn that some of their one-time captors had followed. A tenacious team of prosecutors and historians pursued these men and, up against the forces of time and political opposition, battled to the present day to remove them from U.S. soil. Through insider accounts and research in four countries, this urgent and powerful narrative provides a front row seat to the dramatic turn of events that allowed a small group of American Nazi hunters to hold murderous men accountable for their crimes decades after the war's end. (
Podobné produkty ako Citizen 865 : The Hunt for Hitler´s Hidden Soldiers in America - Debbie Cenziper , Annihilator: for the demented - cd (9029694222)Azzaro The Most Wanted Intense, 100 ml, Toaletní vody pro muže, Dokažte sám sobě i svému okolí, že vaše energie je téměř nevyčerpatelná. Nezastavujte, překračujte své hranice, zdolávejte všechny výzvy. Toaletní voda pro muže Azzaro The Most Wanted Intense s vámi bude vždy držet krok. dřevitá vůně aromatická vůně s bylinnými tóny ocení ji každý moderní gentleman (
Podobné produkty ako Azzaro The Most Wanted Intense toaletní voda pro muže 100 ml , Blackfield: for the music - lp (9029513980)Azzaro The Most Wanted Intense, 50 ml, Toaletní vody pro muže, Dokažte sám sobě i svému okolí, že vaše energie je téměř nevyčerpatelná. Nezastavujte, překračujte své hranice, zdolávejte všechny výzvy. Toaletní voda pro muže Azzaro The Most Wanted Intense s vámi bude vždy držet krok. dřevitá vůně aromatická vůně s bylinnými tóny ocení ji každý moderní gentleman (
Podobné produkty ako Azzaro The Most Wanted Intense toaletní voda pro muže 50 ml , Froster rámeček na fotografie wanted (10583)Catrice The Joker, 20 g, Bronzery pro ženy, Chcete, aby váš obličej vypadal opáleně i během dní, kdy netrávíte čas venku, nebo když se slunce stále schovává za mraky? Bronzer Catrice The Joker vám pomůže během chvilky napodobit opálený, sluncem políbený vzhled z pohodlí vašeho domova. Postará se o jemné barevné tónování, díky kterému snadno vytvoříte efekt přirozeného opálení. Tento bronzer vám navíc umožní i případné zvýraznění kontur a korigování tvaru obličeje. Buďte bronzovovu bohyní, kdykoli se vám zachce. Vlastnosti: sjednocuje odstín opálení produkt je vhodný také ke konturování dodává tváři zdravý a svěží vzhled působí na pleti přirozeně Složení: veganský produkt Jak používat: Pro definování obličeje a zvýraznění kontur naneste po stranách čela, pod lícní kosti, na spodní část brady či po straně nosu. (
Podobné produkty ako Catrice The Joker bronzující pudr odstín 020 Most Wanted 20 g , Panic! at the disco: pray for the wicked - cd (7567865715)Ice Ghosts weaves together the epic story of the Lost Franklin Expedition of 1845-whose two ships and crew of 129 were lost to the Arctic ice-with the tale of the incredible discovery of the flagship's wreck in 2014. Paul Watson, who was on the icebreaker that led the discovery expedition, tells a fast-paced historical adventure story: Sir John Franklin and the crew of the HMS Erebus and Terror setting off in search of the fabled Northwest Passage, the hazards they encountered and the reasons they were forced to abandon ship hundreds of miles from the nearest outpost of civilization, and the decades of searching that exposed rumours of cannibalism and a few scattered papers and bones-until a combination of Inuit lore and the latest science yielded a discovery for the ages. (
Podobné produkty ako Ice Ghosts: The Epic Hunt for the Lost Franklin Expedition (Defekt) - Watson Paul , Most sebevrahů ()Join the hunt for the cosmic beauty in numbers with stories of the discovery of the ten most admired equations of all time. Here are the stories of the ten most popular equations of all time as voted for by readers of Physics World, including - accessibly described here for the first time - the favourite equation of all, Euler's equation. Each is an equation that captures with beautiful simplicity what can only be described clumsily in words. Euler's equation [eip + 1 = 0] was described by respondents as 'the most profound mathematic statement ever written', 'uncanny and sublime', 'filled with cosmic beauty' and 'mind-blowing'. Collectively these equations also amount to the world's most concise and reliable body of knowledge. Many scientists and those with a mathematical bent have a soft spot for equations. This book explains both why these ten equations are so beautiful and significant, and the human stories behind them. (
Podobné produkty ako A Brief Guide to the Great Equations: The Hunt for Cosmic Beauty in Numbers - Robert Crease , Hořící mostKniha - autor Sheelah Kolhatkar, 344 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (
Podobné produkty ako Black Edge: Inside Information, Dirty Money, and the Quest to Bring Down the Most Wanted Man (075355223X) , The lady and the generals: 'aung san suu kyi and burma''s struggle for freedom' (1846043735)The Instant #1 New York Times Bestseller'Biden splices a heartbreaking story with an election story and a foreign affairs story. And in so doing, he offers something for everyone, no matter which strand draws you in' - The New York Times Book ReviewFrom President-Elect Joe Biden, winner of the 2020 United States presidential election, Promise Me Dad is his deeply moving memoir about the year that would forever change both a family and a country.In November 2014, thirteen members of the Biden family gathered for their traditional Thanksgiving celebration. But this year felt different from previous. Joe and Jill Biden's eldest son, Beau, had been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumour fifteen months earlier, and his survival was uncertain. 'Promise me, Dad,' Beau had told his father. 'Give me your word that no matter what happens, you're going to be all right.' Joe Biden gave him his word.Promise Me, Dad chronicles the year that followed, which would be the most momentous and challenging in Joe Biden's extraordinary life and career. Vice President Biden travelled more than a hundred thousand miles that year, across the world, dealing with crises in Ukraine, Central America and Iraq. While Beau fought for, and then lost his life, the Vice President balanced the twin imperatives of living up to his responsibilities to his country and his responsibilities to his family, while contemplating the insistent and urgent question of whether he should seek the presidency in 2016. Even in the worst times, Biden was able to lean on the strength of his long, deep bonds with his family, on his faith, and on his deepening friendship with the man in the Oval Office, Barack Obama.Promise Me, Dad is a story of how family and friendships sustain us and how hope, purpose and action can guide us through the pain of personal loss into the light of a new future. (
Podobné produkty ako Promise Me, Dad : The heartbreaking story of Joe Biden´s most difficult year - Biden Joe , Dolce & gabbana the one for men edtKniha - autor Joshua Hammer, 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná To save ancient Arabic texts from Al Qaeda, a band of librarians pulls off a brazen heist worthy of Ocean's Eleven in this "fast-paced narrative that is...part intellectual history, part geopolitical tract, and part out-and-out thriller". (
Podobné produkty ako Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu: 'And Their Race to Save the World''s Most Precious Manuscripts' (1476777411) , Hugo boss the scent for her edpFor a decade, from 1973, The Golden State Killer stalked and murdered Californians in the dead of night, leaving entire communities afraid to turn off the lights. Then he vanished, and the case remained unsolved.In 1994, when cold-case investigator Paul Holes came across the old file, he swore he would unmask GSK and finally give these families closure. Twenty-four years later, Holes fulfilled that promise, identifying 73-year-old Joseph J. DeAngelo. Headlines blasted around the world: one of America's most prolific serial killers had been caught.That case launched Paul's career into the stratosphere, turning him into an icon in the true-crime world. But while many know the story of the capture of GSK, until now, no one has truly known the man behind it all.In UNMASKED, Paul takes us through his memories of a storied career and provides an insider account of some of the most notorious cases in contemporary American history, including Laci Peterson's murder and Jaycee Dugard's kidnapping. But this is also a revelatory profile of a complex man and what makes him tick: the drive to find closure for victims and their loved ones; the inability to walk away from a challenge - even at the expense of his own happiness. This is a story about the gritty truth of crime solving when there are no 'case closed' headlines. It is the story of a man and his commitment to his cases, and to the people who might have otherwise been forgotten. (
Podobné produkty ako Unmasked : Crime Scenes, Cold Cases and My Hunt for the Golden State Killer - Holes Paul , Witchery: symphony for the devil - cd (0194397274127)Many people will recognise the famous zebra crossing. Some visitors may have graffitied their name on its hallowed outer walls. Others might even have managed to penetrate the iron gates. But what draws in these thousands of fans here, year after year? What is it that really happens behind the doors of the most celebrated recording studio in the world?It may have begun life as an affluent suburban house, but it soon became a creative hub renowned around the world as a place where great music, ground-breaking sounds and unforgettable tunes were forged - nothing less than a witness to, and a key participant in, the history of popular music itself.What has been going on there for over ninety years has called for skills that are musical, creative, technical, mechanical, interpersonal, logistical, managerial, chemical and, romantics might be tempted add, close to magic.This is for the people who believe in the magic. (
Podobné produkty ako Abbey Road: The Inside Story of the World´s Most Famous Recording Studio (with a foreword by Paul McCartney) - David Hepworth , Doors: waiting for the sun - lp (8122798648)An illegal Muslim immigrant arrives in Hamburg with a traumatic past and the key to a fortune held in a private bank. He says his name is Issa. To the idealistic young human rights lawyer Annabel, determined to save him from deportation, he is a worthy cause. To the intelligence services of Britain, Germany and America, however, he is a potential jihadist - and a pawn between them as they seek to make a kill in the war on terror.A Most Wanted Man is a gripping and disquieting story of paranoia, disillusionment and betrayal in the moral no-man's land of the post-9/11 world. (
Podobné produkty ako A Most Wanted Man - John le CarréBarva se schopností změnit vaše rty, váš vzhled, váš výraz. Tvaruje, hydratuje. Vysoce intenzivní barvy. Úžasně krémové a luxusní složení pro smyslné, hladké rty (
Podobné produkty ako Estée Lauder Pure Color Love rtěnka - 315 Most WantedHerní doplněk / DLC - Xbox One S/Xbox One X, elektronická licence, klíč pro Xbox Live, žánr: Akční a Střílečky, pro uplatnění je vyžadována základní hra Vypnuto Staň se nejobávanějších pilotem v Angel CityK rozšíření je nutné vlastnit plnou hru. Díky balíčku Angel City’s Most Wanted získáte:Ion PrimeScorch PrimeBalíčky skinů 1 pro IonaScorcheRoninaNorthstarToneLegionBalíček kamufláží Angel CityBalíček volacích znamení Angel City (
Podobné produkty ako Titanfall 2: Angel City's Most Wanted Bundle - Xbox Digital (7D4-00191)We all try to influence others in our daily lives. We are all marketers, whether you are a manager motivating your team, an employee making a big presentation, an activist staging a protest or a company executive selling the next big thing. In For the Culture, Marcus Collins argues that the most powerful vehicle for influencing behaviour is true cultural engagement. To inspire communities, we first need to think hard about how we appeal to their values and what we will contribute to their culture.With a deep perspective based on a century’s worth of data, Collins breaks down the many ways in which culture influences behaviour. Using captivating stories from his own life as a top marketer – including spearheading digital strategy for Beyoncé, working with iTunes and Nike+ on their collaboration, and designing ads for McDonalds – he shows readers how they can do the same. Full of memorable examples, from 1960s hippy culture to the enduring success of Patagonia, For the Culture offers the essential tools for creating lasting engagement and influence. (
Podobné produkty ako For the Culture: The Power Behind the World's Most Successful Brands, from Apple to Beyoncé - Marcus CollinsEvery winter, Wren Silke is chased through the forest in a warped version of a childhood game. The boys who haunt her are judges, powerful and frightening pursuers, who know nothing of her true identity. If they knew she was an augur, their sworn enemy, the game would turn deadly. But Wren is on the hunt, too. Sent undercover as an intern to the Harkness Foundation - enemy headquarters - her family's survival rests on finding a secret meant to stay hidden. As the enmity between two ancient magics reaches breaking point, Wren is torn between old loyalties and new lies. And trapped in the most dangerous game of her life. Part thriller, part love story, this captivating debut novel will leave readers spellbound. (
Podobné produkty ako The Wren Hunt - Mary WatsonThe second novel in the Wheel of Time series - one of the most influential and popular fantasy epics ever published. The Forsaken are loose, the Horn of Valere has been found and the Dead are rising from their dreamless sleep. The Prophecies are being fulfilled - but Rand al'Thor, the shepherd the Aes Sedai have proclaimed as the Dragon Reborn, desperately seeks to escape his destiny.Rand cannot run for ever. With every passing day the Dark One grows in strength and strives to shatter his ancient prison, to break the Wheel, to bring an end to Time and sunder the weave of the Pattern. And the Pattern demands the Dragon. (
Podobné produkty ako The Great Hunt - Robert JordanTHE NEW DARK FANTASY ROMANCE NOVEL FROM ALEXANDRA CHRISTO, AUTHOR OF TIKTOK SENSATION, TO KILL A KINGDOM.Enter a world of Gods and monsters . . . Atia is an immortal who feeds on fear and nightmare. As the last of her kind, she hides in the shadows of the world to escape the wrath of the vengeful Gods. Silas is a Herald, carrying messages and ferrying the dead, as punishment for a past he can't remember. Atia would never dream of allying with someone like him, but when she breaks a sacred law and the gods send monsters to hunt her, Silas offers an irresistible deal: he'll help her take on the Gods and get vengeance for her family. But in return, she must help him break the curse that binds him and restore his humanity. All they need to do is kill three powerful creatures: a vampire, a banshee and one of the very Gods who has destroyed both their lives. Only together can they finally rewrite their destinies.Perfect for fans of Sarah J Maas, Tricia Levenseller and Alexandra Bracken, this is a thrilling fast-paced fantasy with breath-taking romance. (
Podobné produkty ako The Night Hunt - Alexandra ChristoThe second novel in the Wheel of Time series - one of the most influential and popular fantasy epics ever published.The Forsaken are loose, the Horn of Valere has been found and the Dead are rising from their dreamless sleep. The Prophecies are being fulfilled - but Rand al'Thor, the shepherd the Aes Sedai have proclaimed as the Dragon Reborn, desperately seeks to escape his destiny.Rand cannot run for ever. With every passing day the Dark One grows in strength and strives to shatter his ancient prison, to break the Wheel, to bring an end to Time and sunder the weave of the Pattern.And the Pattern demands the Dragon. (
Podobné produkty ako The Great Hunt - Robert JordanKniha - autor Hafsah Faizal, 408 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Set in a richly detailed world inspired by ancient Arabia, Hafsah Faizal's We Hunt the Flame is a breathtaking debut about discovery, conquering fear and taking identity into your own hands. The first in the Sands of Arawiya duology, perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo's Shadow and Bone series. People lived because she killed. People died because he lived. Zafira is the Hunter. Forced to disguise herself as a man, she risks everything to provide for her people. Nasir is the Prince of Death. A feared assassin who is forever bound to the command of his father, the sultan. Both are legends in their kingdom - but neither wants to be. And when Zafira embarks on a dangerous quest to return magic to their suffering land, Nasir is sent on a similar mission. But as their journey unfolds, an anvient evil begins to stir . . . Don't miss the epic sequel and conclusion to the duology, We Free... (
Podobné produkty ako We Hunt the Flame (9781250250797)Set in a richly detailed world inspired by ancient Arabia, Hafsah Faizal's We Hunt the Flame is a breathtaking debut about discovery, conquering fear and taking identity into your own hands. Perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo's Shadow and Bone series.People lived because she killed. People died because he lived.Zafira is the Hunter. Forced to disguise herself as a man, she risks everything to provide for her people.Nasir is the Prince of Death. A feared assassin who is forever bound to the command of his father, the sultan.Both are legends in their kingdom - but neither wants to be. And when Zafira embarks on a dangerous quest to return magic to their suffering land, Nasir is sent on a similar mission. But as their journey unfolds, an anvient evil begins to stir . . .Don't miss the epic sequel and conclusion to the Sands of Arawiya duology, We Free The Stars. (
Podobné produkty ako We Hunt the Flame - Hafsah FaizalThe second novel in the Wheel of Time series - one of the most influential and popular fantasy epics ever published.The Forsaken are loose, the Horn of Valere has been found and the Dead are rising from their dreamless sleep. The Prophecies are being fulfilled - but Rand al'Thor, the shepherd the Aes Sedai have proclaimed as the Dragon Reborn, desperately seeks to escape his destiny.Rand cannot run for ever. With every passing day the Dark One grows in strength and strives to shatter his ancient prison, to break the Wheel, to bring an end to Time and sunder the weave of the Pattern.And the Pattern demands the Dragon. (
Podobné produkty ako The Great Hunt (Defekt) - Robert JordanAn Easter EGGS-travaganza from bestselling authors Adam and Charlotte Guillain with illustrations by the rising star illustrator of The Big Freeze, Pippa Curnick.Poor Easter Chick works so hard to make Easter eggs for everyone, but the Easter Bunny always gets all the credit.So . . . It's time for Chick to hatch a cunning plan - which accidentally turns into the first ever Easter egg hunt! Find out how in this delicious, rhyming picture book, full of Easter fun and a brilliant teamwork message.Perfect for anyone who loves We're Going on an Egg Hunt, and Five Little Chicks.Adam and Charlotte Guillain are the creators of Supermarket Gremlins, School for Dads and the George's Amazing Adventures series.Pippa Curnick is the creator of The Big Freeze, Chatterbox Bear and the Indigo Wilde series, as well as the illustrator of Lucie Goose, written by Danny Baker. (
Podobné produkty ako The First Easter Egg Hunt - Adam GuillainKniha - autor James S. A. Corey, 544 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor James S. A. Corey, 544 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Now in paperback, this is the 5th novel in the "Expanse" space opera series, now a major TV series from SyFy. Previous novel "Leviathan Wakes" was nominated for the Hugo Award. (
Podobné produkty ako The Expanse 05. Nemesis Games (0356504255)LP vinyl - Wanted! The Outlaws je kompilační album od Waylon Jennings , Willie Nelson , Jessi Colter a Tompall Glaser, vydané RCA Records v roce 1976. Album se skládá výhradně z dříve vydaného materiálu. Wanted! The Outlaws je kompilační album od Waylon Jennings , Willie Nelson , Jessi Colter a Tompall Glaser, vydané RCA Records v roce 1976. Album se skládá výhradně z dříve vydaného materiálu. Rok vydání : 1976 (kompilace) Rok reedice : 2019 Seznam stop LP Waylon Jennings - My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys / Waylon Jennings - Honky Tonk Heroes / Jessi Colter - What's Happened To Blue Eyes / Jessi Colter - You Mean To Say / Waylon Jennings, Jessi Colter - Suspicious Minds / Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings - Good Hearted Woman (Live) / Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings - Heaven Or Hell / Willie Nelson - Me And Paul / Willie Nelson - Yesterday's Wine / Tompall Glaser - T For Texas / Tompall Glaser - Put Another Log On The Fire (Male Chauvinist National (
Podobné produkty ako Various: Wanted! The Outlaws - LP (0190759589717)Figurka - soška, postavička, sběratelská, výška 23 cm, materiál PVC, nepohyblivá, vhodná od 14 let Hlavní vlastnosti figurky The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - Imlerith - figurka Figurka Dark Horse bude pěkným dárkem pro sběratele Je ideální pro děti od 14 let Figurka ze série The Witcher (Zaklínač) vyniká kvalitním zpracováním Materiálem využitým při výrobě je PVC The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - Imlerith - figurka poslouží jako dekorace V balení naleznete jednu figurku Figurka Dark Horse měří 23 cm (
Podobné produkty ako The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - Imlerith - figurka (761568009989)"Totally in love with this novel." Loan Le, author of A Pho Love StoryA girl, a boy, a grandfather and a plan. The girl: Francine. Model teenager, dutiful granddaughter, absolutely no chill.The grandfather: Francine's beloved a gung. He has one final wish, a male heir to carry on the family traditions. It's an outdated idea, but Francine loves him, and she has a plan to bring him the boy he always wanted.The boy: Ollie. Family friend, former crush, no idea how Francine has convinced him to get mixed up in her off-the-wall, and totally sexist, honorary grandson plan. The plan: might work.But as Ollie and Francine's worlds collide, their secrets get tangled, and so do their feelings. Sometimes what you really want, isn't at all what you expected. (
Podobné produkty ako The Boy You Always Wanted - Michelle QuachThe third and final adventure in Benjamin Read and Laura Trinder's magical Midnight Hour series! 'A fantastic magical adventure featuring a cast of Ghibli-esque characters, a feisty heroine and a hedgehog. I loved it.' M.G. LEONARD, author of BEETLE BOY on book 1'Fans of Nevermoor will love this' THE BOOKSELLER on book 1 'I haven't enjoyed this kind of caper so much since Harry Potter' NEW STATESMAN on book 1 'Pure delight' THE GUARDIAN ON BOOK 1 Emily is locked out of the Midnight Hour, and things have grown dangerously dark in Victorian London. Her friends and family are on the run from the terrifying Midnight Hunt, while the foul Make Britain Dark Again party schemes to break the spell that keeps both worlds safe. It's going to take more than just Emily's big mouth to fix this one. But how's a girl meant to save the day (and night) when she's all out of snacks and her possibly-magic pocket hedgehog is hibernating? The ingeniously-plotted finale to the much-loved Midnight Hour trilogy, which began with The Midnight Hour and The Midnight Howl A hilarious, spooky adventure full of genuine scares and belly laughs! Coraline meets A Wrinkle in Time: all the makings of a modern classic (
Podobné produkty ako The Midnight Hunt (The Midnight Hour book 3) - Benjamin Read, Laura TrinderHerní doplněk - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: Akční a RPG Sauron vyslal smrtící válečníky Pánů šelem, aby zlikvidovali monstra v Mordoru. Talion se připojí k Torvinovi, trpasličímu lovci a využije jeho moc Ovládnutí, aby obrátil tyhle nové řádící bestie proti Pánům šelem a ukáže jim, že Mordor není možné zkrotit.Sauron vyslal smrtící válečníky Pánů šelem, aby zlikvidovali monstra v Mordoru. Talion se připojí k Torvinovi, trpasličímu lovci a využije jeho moc Ovládnutí, aby obrátil tyhle nové řádící bestie proti Pánům šelem a ukáže jim, že Mordor není možné zkrotit.Lord of the Hunt přidává hodiny hraní navíc a obsahujeNový příběh a historie: Objevte nové příběhy Torvina, trpasličího lovce, který vám pomůže zkrotit šelmy Mordoru a bojovat se sauronovými poskoky.Nové mise a výzvy: Nové zkoušky v Lovu šelem a sběratelské předměty odemykají nové trofeje a achievementy.Noví úhlavní nepřátelé: Postavte se proti válečníkům Pánů šelem, novým... (
Podobné produkty ako Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™ - Lord of the Hunt (86038)Hra na konzoli - Xbox One S / Xbox One X, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, elektronická licence, klíč pro Xbox Live, žánr: akční a RPG,. Zahrajte si tu nejodladěnější a nejkompletnější verzi té nejoceňovanější hry roku 2015 – Zaklínač 3: Divoký hon. Nyní je dostupná se všemi datadisky a dodatečným obsahem Omlouváme se, ale snažíte se o zobrazení videa, které není podporováno vaším zařízením. 93% Skvělé RPG ze zajímavého světa s dramatickým příběhem hrdinů, na kterých vám bude záležet. Dílčí drobné chyby vyvažují výborný scénář a mimořádně skvělé questy - Vypnuto Právem nejoceňovanější hra roku 2015 se všemi datadisky a dodatečným obsahem. Vypnuto... (
Podobné produkty ako The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of The Year DIGITAL (G3Q-00196)It is 2007 and the rogue Taliban leader Mullah Dadullah is using Afghanistan as a base to mastermind bombings around the world.Special Forces must be sent to stop him.Using classified sources and his unique insight into the SAS, Andy McNab gives a page-turning account of the secret mission to take down Dadullah, the most dangerous man alive.The Hunt is an explosive story of hostage negotiations, undercover missions and a final, epic assault on Dadullah's compund that could leave only one side alive. (
Podobné produkty ako The Hunt: The True Story of the Secret Mission to Catch a Taliban Warlord - Andy McNab