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Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Dracula T. Pk with CD - Bram Stoker, Margaret Tarner

zjednodušená anglická četba, vhodná při přípravě na zkoušku FCE jako doplňkový materiál ( úroveň B1 - Intermediate, slovní zásoba 1 600 slov) Kniha je balena s audio CD a obsahuje 8 stran cvičení.věk 15+

Podívejte se také New Success Pre-Intermediate Students´ Book: with ActiveBook (9781408271513)

cena 256.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Emma T. Pk with CD - Jane Austenová

zjednodušená anglická četba, vhodná při přípravě na zkoušku FCE jako doplňkový materiál ( úroveň B1 - Intermediate, slovní zásoba 1 600 slov) Kniha je balena s audio CD a obsahuje 8 stran cvičení.věk 15+

Podívejte se také Life Vision Intermediate Workbook CZ with Online Practice (9780194080675)

cena 256.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Bristol Murder T. Pk with CD - Philip Prowse

zjednodušená anglická četba, vhodná při přípravě na zkoušku FCE jako doplňkový materiál ( úroveň B1 - Intermediate, slovní zásoba 1 600 slov) Kniha je balena s audio CD a obsahuje 8 stran cvičení. věk 15+ Popis: Macmillan Readers v úrovni Intermediate můžete číst asi po třech až čtyřech letech studia angličtiny. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1600 slov. Knihy mají až 128 stran. Kniha je balena s audio CD a je obsahuje 8 stran cvičení. Angličtina použitá v popisu knihy nevyjadřuje pokročilost.Peter, a long-distance lorry driver, gives a lift to a 16-year-old hitch-hiker. As the boy confides in him, Peter discovers that his name is John and that he has run away from home after a violent row with his uncle. But John's uncle has been found dead and the police are making a nationwide search for John.

Podívejte se také New Headway Fourth Edition Intermediate Workbook with Key (9780194770279)

cena 256.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Kiss Before Dying, A T. Pk with CD - Ira Levin

zjednodušená anglická četba, vhodná při přípravě na zkoušku FCE jako doplňkový materiál ( úroveň B1 - Intermediate, slovní zásoba 1 600 slov) Kniha je balena s audio CD a obsahuje 8 stran cvičení.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Kiss Before Dying, A T. Pk with CD - Ira Levin

cena 242.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Much Ado About Nothing T. Pk with CD - William Shakespeare

Zjednodušená anglická četba, vhodná při přípravě na zkoušku FCE jako doplňkový materiál ( úroveň B1 - Intermediate, slovní zásoba 1 600 slov) Kniha je balena s audio CD a obsahuje 8 stran cvičení. Popis: Macmillan Readers v úrovni Intermediate můžete číst asi po třech až čtyřech letech studia angličtiny. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1600 slov. Knihy mají až 128 stran. Kniha je balena s audio CD a je obsahuje 8 stran cvičení. Angličtina použitá v popisu knihy nevyjadřuje pokročilost.Much Ado About Nothing is Shakespeare's famous comedy / drama about the war of power and understanding between men and women and the disguises they wear in their romantic relationships.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Much Ado About Nothing T. Pk with CD - William Shakespeare

cena 247.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Pre-Intermediate: Daisy Miller T. Pk with CD - Henry James, Rachel Bladon

Macmillan Readers v této pokročilosti můžete číst asi po dvou letech studia angličtiny, knihy mají 80 až 69 stran. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1 400 slov. Kniha je balena s poslechovým CD a obsahuje 8 stran cvičení. věk 15+ mistrovské dílo slavného amerického realisty Henryho Jamese. Daisy Miller je příběh nevinné dívky, která hledá lásku a uznání ve společnosti, kde se do slušného chování počítá všechno... Popis: A masterpiece by the great American realist Henry James. Daisy Miller is the story of an innocent girl's love and recognition in a society where respectable behaviour counts for everything. Macmillan Readers Pre-Intermediate úroveň A2-B1 podle Společného evropského referenčního rámceMacmillan Readers v této pokročilosti můžete číst asi po dvou letech studia angličtiny. Většina titulů je balena společně s audio CD a mnohé jsou rozšířeny o 8 stran cvičení. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1 400 slov. Knihy mají 80 až 69 stran a jsou na hřbetu značeny žlutou barvou .Zdarma si ke všem knihám můžete stáhnout pracovní list se cvičeními a klíčem. Najdete ho na našich anglických stránkách www.macmillanenglish.com. Na nich nejdříve vyberte pokročilost a pak klikněte na požadovaný titul, hledané odkazy naleznete vlevo od názvu titulu.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Pre-Intermediate: Daisy Miller T. Pk with CD - Henry James, Rachel Bladon

cena 247.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Pre-Intermediate: Tenant of Wildfell Hall, The T. Pk with CD - Anne Brontëová

Macmillan Readers v této pokročilosti můžete číst asi po dvou letech studia angličtiny, knihy mají 80 až 69 stran. Titul je balen společně s audio CD a je rozšířen o 8 stran cvičení. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1 400 slov.věk 15+Když se záhadná Helen Graham a její syn stěhují do Wildfell Hall, vzbudí to u nových sousedů zvědavost. Kdo přesně je Helen Grahamová a proč si drží svou minulost v tajnosti?...

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Pre-Intermediate: Tenant of Wildfell Hall, The T. Pk with CD - Anne Brontëová

cena 247.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Pre-Intermediate: Far from the M. Crowd T. Pk with CD - Thomas Hardy, John Escott

Macmillan Readers v této pokročilosti můžete číst asi po dvou letech studia angličtiny, knihy mají 80 až 69 stran. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1 400 slov. Kniha je balena s poslechovým CD a obsahuje 8 stran cvičení. věk 15+ Jeden z největších románů Hardyho, daleko od hlučícího davu vypráví příběh života a osudových lásek odvážné a krásné Betsabé Everdene... Popis: Macmillan Readers v této pokročilosti můžete číst asi po dvou letech studia angličtiny, knihy mají 80 až 69 stran. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1 400 slov.One of Hardy's greatest novels, Far from the Madding Crowd tells the story of the life and loves of the brave and the beautiful Bathsheba Everdene.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Pre-Intermediate: Far from the M. Crowd T. Pk with CD - Thomas Hardy, John Escott

cena 247.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Elementary: Stranger T. Pk with CD - Norman Whitney

Macmillan Readers v úrovni Elementary můžete číst asi po jednom až dvou letech studia angličtiny. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1 100 slov. Knihy mají 64 až 80 stran. Kniha je balena s audio CD a obsahuje 8 stran cvičení. věk 15+ Popis: Macmillan Readers v úrovni Elementary můžete číst asi po jednom až dvou letech studia angličtiny. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1 100 slov. Knihy mají 64 až 80 stran. Kniha je balena s audio CD a je obsahuje 8 stran cvičení. Angličtina použitá v popisu knihy nevyjadřuje pokročilost.A dark and handsome stranger opens a shop in the quiet village of Woodend. Anna begins to wonder about the visitors who come to Dave Slatin's shop. What exactly do they buy?

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Elementary: Stranger T. Pk with CD - Norman Whitney

cena 233.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Elementary: L.A. Winners T. Pk with CD - Prowsw Philip

Macmillan Readers v úrovni Elementary můžete číst asi po jednom až dvou letech studia angličtiny. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1 100 slov. Knihy mají 64 až 80 stran. Kniha je balena s audio CD a obsahuje 8 stran cvičení.věk 14+ Lenny Samuel má najít dostihového koně, šampiona v důchodu. Soukromý detektiv si myslí, že to bude jednoduchý úkol...

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Elementary: L.A. Winners T. Pk with CD - Prowsw Philip

cena 233.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Upper-Intermediate: Ghost, The Pk with CD - Robert Harris, John Escott

zjednodušená anglická četba, vhodná při přípravě na zkoušku FCE jako doplňkový materiál ( úroveň B2 - Upper-Intermediate, slovní zásoba 2 200 slov) Popis: úroveň B2 podle Společného evropského referenčního rámce Macmillan Readers v této pokročilosti můžete číst asi po více než třech letech studia angličtiny. Většina titulů je balena společně s audio CD a mnohé jsou rozšířeny o 8 stran cvičení. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 2 200 slov. Knihy mají 80 až 144 stran a jsou na hřbetu značeny modrou barvou . When British Prime Minister Adam Lang?s ghost writer, Mike McAra, dies in mysterious circumstances, a new writer is brought in to write Lang?s biography. But it soon becomes clear that Lang and his wife Ruth are a much more complicated couple than they first seem. The Ghost is a powerful commentary on the policies employed by the British government on ?The War on Terror? during the Tony Blair years.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Upper-Intermediate: Ghost, The Pk with CD - Robert Harris, John Escott

cena 266.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Elementary: Unquiet Graves T. Pk with CD - Jones Allan Frewin

Macmillan Readers v úrovni Elementary můžete číst asi po jednom až dvou letech studia angličtiny. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1 100 slov. Knihy mají 64 až 80 stran. Kniha je balena s audio CD. věk 14-16 Čtyři přátelé se spojí při vykopávkách v jihovýchodní Anglii. Jak Regan, Tom a Jack se dovídají více o chování bezohledného majitele panství z devatenáctého století... Popis: Macmillan Readers v úrovni Elementary můžete číst asi po jednom až dvou letech studia angličtiny. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1 100 slov. Knihy mají 64 až 80 stran. Kniha je balena s audio CD. Angličtina použitá v popisu knihy nevyjadřuje pokročilost.Four friends join an archaeological dig in south eastern England. As Regan, Tom and Jack find out more about the young ward of the ruthless nineteenth century owner of the manor house and the local village, they begin to get seriously worried about Frankie’s increasingly disturbed behaviour.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Elementary: Unquiet Graves T. Pk with CD - Jones Allan Frewin

cena 261.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Elementary: Viking Tales Pk with CD - Rose Chris

A collection of five short stories about the Vikings and their myths. In their world humans and Gods live side by side, along with giants and elves.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Elementary: Viking Tales Pk with CD - Rose Chris

cena 233.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Intermediate: China Book with Audio CD - Jennifer Gascoigne

Focusing on countries and cultures, this title provides an informative overview of Chinese history, its people, culture, traditions, economy, landscape and sport. It includes an audio CD.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Intermediate: China Book with Audio CD - Jennifer Gascoigne

cena 247.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Intermediate: China Book with Audio CD (Defekt) - Jennifer Gascoigne

Focusing on countries and cultures, this title provides an informative overview of Chinese history, its people, culture, traditions, economy, landscape and sport. It includes an audio CD.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Intermediate: China Book with Audio CD (Defekt) - Jennifer Gascoigne

cena 79.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Othello Othello Book with Audio CD - William Shakespeare

Othello is one of William Shakespeare's most famous tragic plays, and has been adapted for Intermediate level readers. The story is about Othello, the Moorish general of Venice, and what happens when he marries the beautiful daughter of a rich and powerful Venetian. Also comes with audio CD.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Othello Othello Book with Audio CD - William Shakespeare

cena 256.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Upper-Intermediate: Agnes Grey + CD - Anne Brontëová

Agnes Grey is a classic story written by Anne Bronte. The story is about Agnes, the eighteen-year-old daughter of a poor clergyman. When her family loses a lot of money, Agnes decides to help by finding a job as a governess. But it proves to be a lot more difficult than Agnes imagined... Also comes with audio CD.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Upper-Intermediate: Agnes Grey + CD - Anne Brontëová

cena 280.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Upper-Intermediate: Bleak House - Charles Dickens

zjednodušená anglická četba, vhodná při přípravě na zkoušku FCE jako doplňkový materiál ( úroveň B2 - Upper-Intermediate, slovní zásoba 2 200 slov)věk 16+

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Upper-Intermediate: Bleak House - Charles Dickens

cena 190.0 Kč

Awesomely Austen - Illustrated and Retold: Jane Austen's Emma

Emma Woodhouse is pretty, clever and rich, and sees no reason why she would ever need to get married.But she loves matchmaking for her neighbours, despite the advice of her friend Mr Knightley, who warns her against meddling. Her latest success - the wedding of her governess - makes her certain that she can find the right match for anyone.Can Emma's lucky streak continue? Or will best laid plans unravel... as they always seem to do?Katy Birchall is the author of the IT Girl and Secrets of a Teenage Heiress series. An Austen obsessive, she's incredibly excited to introduce Emma Woodhouse to a whole new raft of readers.Eglantine Ceulemans captures all of Austen's satire and wit, bringing her colourful casts to life with warm and funny black and white illustrations.Illustrated and retold editions are also available for: Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion, Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park and Northanger Abbey. The perfect way to discover Austen for the first time, this bright and bold collection features some of the most inspiring and famous heroines in English literature. For readers aged eight and up.

Objev podobné jako Awesomely Austen - Illustrated and Retold: Jane Austen's Emma

cena 219.0 Kč

Little People, Big Dreams: Jane Austen: My First Jane Austen (0711243069)

Kniha - 24 stran, anglicky, Prostorové pohádky, leporela - autor Isabel Sanchez Vegara, 24 stran, anglicky, prostorové pohádky, leporela Little Jane was born into a large family with seven brothers and sisters. She grew up reading and writing stories in the English countryside. As an adult, she wrote witty commentaries about landed gentry in a way that no one had ever done before, portraying young women who bravely made their own choices. These novels made Jane one of the most loved British writers of all time. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical images and a detailed profile of the author's life. Little People, BIG DREAMS is a best-selling series of books and educational games that explore the lives of outstanding people, from designers and artists to scientists and activists. All of them achieved incredible things, yet each began life as a child with a...

Objev podobné jako Little People, Big Dreams: Jane Austen: My First Jane Austen (0711243069)

cena 192.0 Kč

Jane Austen: Seven Novels

In a publishing career that spanned less than a decade, Jane Austen revolutionized the literary romance, using it as a stage from which to address issues of gender politics and class-consciousness rarely expressed in her day. The novels included in this beautiful leatherbound collection--Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, and Lady Susan--represent all of Austen's mature work as a novelist, and provide the reader with an introduction to the world she and her memorable characters inhabited. Jane Austen: Seven Novels is part of Barnes & Noble’s series of quality leatherbound volumes. Each title in the series presents a classic work in an attractively designed edition bound in genuine bonded leather. These books make elegant additions to any home library.

Objev podobné jako Jane Austen: Seven Novels

cena 1190.0 Kč

MS Jane Austen: The Music

Noty pro klavír JANE AUSTEN: THE MUSIC Tato kniha je určena pro pokročilé klavíristy. Obsahuje skladby z populárních filmů na motivy knih Jane Austenové Pýcha a předsudek a Rozum a cit. Seznam skladeb: A Particular Sum All The Delights Of The Season Canon Collins Combe Magna Double Wedding Elizabeth Observed Excellent Notion Farewell To The Regiment Lydia's Wedding My Father's Favourite Patience Pemberley Pride And Prejudice (Opening Title Music) Rosings Sad Fountains Steam Engine The Dreame The Gardiners There Is Nothing Lost Thinking About Lizzy Weep You No More Willoughby

Objev podobné jako MS Jane Austen: The Music

cena 390.0 Kč

The Jane Austen Society - Natalie Jenner

Only a few months after the end of the Second World War, a new battle is beginning in the little village of Chawton. Once the final home of Jane Austen, the Chawton estate is dwindling, and the last piece of Austen's heritage is at risk of being sold to the highest bidder... Drawn together by their love of her novels, eight very different people - from a local farmer to a glamorous film star - must unite to attempt something remarkable. As new friendships form, and the griefs of the past begin to fade, they rally together to create the Jane Austen Society, and to save the beloved novelist's home and legacy. But can her words change all their lives in return? A heartbreaking and uplifting novel of hope, loss and love. Perfect for fans of Miss Austen by Gill Hornby and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Annie Barrows and Mary Ann Shaffer

Objev podobné jako The Jane Austen Society - Natalie Jenner

cena 241.0 Kč

The Complete Novels of Jane Austen (1684129060)

Kniha - autor Jane Austen, 1232 stran, anglicky, pevná, kůže This new, enhanced leather-bound edition includes all the completed novels of beloved author Jane Austen. Jane Austen’s stories of clever women, elusive love, and social mores have struck a chord with millions of fans who consider her work compelling, heartwarming, and essential. Adapted time and again for screen and stage, these enduring classics remain as enjoyable as ever, and are the perfect addition to every home library. This collector’s edition includes all six of Austen’s completed novels: Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey, and Persuasion. New readers will be enchanted once they open the genuine leather cover, see the specially designed endpapers, and read these brilliant stories, while readers familiar with Austen's genius will enjoy the introduction from an acclaimed Austen scholar that provides background and context for the works they’ve...

Objev podobné jako The Complete Novels of Jane Austen (1684129060)

cena 565.0 Kč

Jane Austen, the Secret Radical - Helena Kelly

''A sublime piece of literary detective work that shows us once and for all how to be precisely the sort of reader that Austen deserves.'' Caroline Criado-Perez, GuardianAlmost everything we think we know about Jane Austen is wrong. Her novels don''t confine themselves to grand houses and they were not written just for readers'' enjoyment. She writes about serious subjects and her books are deeply subversive. We just don''t read her properly - we haven''t been reading her properly for 200 years.Jane Austen, The Secret Radical puts that right. In her first, brilliantly original book, Austen expert Helena Kelly introduces the reader to a passionate woman living in an age of revolution; to a writer who used what was regarded as the lightest of literary genres, the novel, to grapple with the weightiest of subjects - feminism, slavery, abuse, the treatment of the poor, the power of the Church, even evolution - at a time, and in a place, when to write about such things directly was seen as akin to treason.Uncovering a radical, spirited and politically engaged Austen, Jane Austen, The Secret Radical will encourage you to read Jane, all over again.

Objev podobné jako Jane Austen, the Secret Radical - Helena Kelly

cena 325.0 Kč

Jane Austen: The Visual Encyclopedia - Claire Saimová

From the novels to the screen, from adaptions to filming secrets, dive into the world of Jane Austen. Discover her life, inspirations, correspondence and the incredible influence of her work in her time through to today. A modest young lady of the country gentry, like many of her heroines, Jane Austen could have made her life the theme of one of her novels.To understand the origins of her inspiration and her talent, first discover her life, her family, her loved ones, and the England so dear to her heart. Explore Jane Austen's work, which consists of six completed novels, two incomplete novels, letters and early writings. Austen's prestige as one of the most famous British novelists can be attributed to her unique writing style, biting irony, iconic characters, and timeless stories.From the written word to the screen, from adaptations to secrets and filming locations, this book invites you on a fascinating journey of discovery through Austen's writing to its heritage and influence. Want to walk in the footsteps of Jane Austen, dressing in Regency style or simply enjoying a delicious tea time? Look no further than The Complete Jane Austen Encyclopedia!

Objev podobné jako Jane Austen: The Visual Encyclopedia - Claire Saimová

cena 1181.0 Kč

Hag-Seed: The Tempest Retold - Margaret Atwoodová

„It’s got a thunderstorm in it. And revenge. Definitely revenge.’ Felix is at the top of his game as Artistic Director of the Makeshiweg Theatre Festival. His productions have amazed and confounded. Now he’s staging a Tempest like no other: not only will it boost his reputation, it will heal emotional wounds. Or that was the plan. Instead, after an act of unforeseen treachery, Felix is living in exile in a backwoods hovel, haunted by memories of his beloved lost daughter, Miranda. And also brewing revenge. After twelve years, revenge finally arrives in the shape of a theatre course at a nearby prison. Here, Felix and his inmate actors will put on his Tempest and snare the traitors who destroyed him. It’s magic! But will it remake Felix as his enemies fall? Margaret Atwood’s novel take on Shakespeare’s play of enchantment, revenge and second chances leads us on an interactive, illusion-ridden journey filled with new surprises and wonders of its own.Margaret Atwood is the author of more than forty books of fiction, poetry and critical essays including The Handmaid’s Tale, the Booker-winning The Blind Assassin, the MaddAddam trilogy and her latest novel, The Heart Goes Last. Her work has received many awards around the world. She has also worked as a cartoonist, illustrator, librettist, playwright and puppeteer. Her first encounters with Shakespeare took place in the 1950s at her Toronto high school, and she has consistently named him as one of the most important influences on her own work. 'The Tempest is, in some ways, an early multi-media musical. If Shakespeare were working today he’d be using every special effect technology now makes available. But The Tempest is especially intriguing because of the many questions it leaves unanswered. What a strenuous pleasure it has been to wrestle with it!'

Objev podobné jako Hag-Seed: The Tempest Retold - Margaret Atwoodová

cena 53.0 Kč

Paddywax Library Jane Austen vonná svíčka 170 g

Paddywax Library Jane Austen, 170 g, Vonné svíčky Vůně do bytu, Vonná svíčka Paddywax Library Jane Austen provoní váš domov nádhernou vůní a vytvoří tak útulnou atmosféru, díky níž se budete vždy cítit skvěle. Vlastnosti: květinová vůně sladké aroma designový obal ideální jako dárek Složení: 100% sójový vosk bavlněný knot Jak používat: Svíčku pokládejte na dostatečně tepelně odolný povrch. Nenechávejte hořet déle než 4 hodiny. Nikdy nedovolte, aby svíčka dohořela až do úplného konce. Hořící svíčku nenechávejte nikdy bez dozoru a v blízkosti lehko vznětlivých předmětů. Uchovávejte mimo dosah dětí a domácích zvířat. Nechte vždy svíčku hořet minimálně po tu dobu, než se roztaví celá horní vrstva. Předejdete tak vzniku nežádoucí prohlubně ve vosku. Pro optimální hoření doporučejeme knot pravidelně zastřihávat na doporučenou délku.

Objev podobné jako Paddywax Library Jane Austen vonná svíčka 170 g

cena 322.0 Kč

Knížka Allison & Busby The Jane Austen Remedy, Ruth Wilson

Kniha z kolekce Allison & Busby. Inspirativní poznatky z autorčiných lekcí z románů Jane Austenové. Krásné, život potvrzující paměti o lásce, sebepřijetí a léčivé síle čtení.

Objev podobné jako Knížka Allison & Busby The Jane Austen Remedy, Ruth Wilson

cena 469.0 Kč

Speakout Intermediate Workbook with key with Audio CD Pack - Antonia Clare

Speakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skills areas using authentic materials from the BBC. With its wide range of support material, it meets the diverse needs of learners in a variety of teaching situations and helps bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world.

Objev podobné jako Speakout Intermediate Workbook with key with Audio CD Pack - Antonia Clare

cena 574.0 Kč

Popcorn ELT Readers 3: Kieran´s Karate Adventure with CD (do vyprodání zásob)

Kieran has a blue belt in karate but he is bullied and cant control his temper. Does he have the discipline he needs to be successful in the school karate competition?

Objev podobné jako Popcorn ELT Readers 3: Kieran´s Karate Adventure with CD (do vyprodání zásob)

cena 252.0 Kč

Teen ELI Readers 3/B1: Robin Hood with Audio CD

The daring and handsome nobleman Robin Hood is forced to live as an outlaw in Sherwood Forest, after the evil Sheriff of Nottingham kills his family and takes his land and money. With the help of his Merry Men, Robin becomes a hero, stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Will the wicked Sheriff of Nottingham manage to capture Robin and his friends? Will Robin regain his land and be able to offer Marian, his love, a real home? Read about this legendary hero of the English Middle Ages and discover all the exciting and romantic adventures he has with his band of Merry Men! Tags Adventure Friendship In this reader you will find: - Focus on… - Comprehension activities - Glossary of difficult words - Test yourself - CLIL activity Sylabus Grammar and Structures Verb Tenses: present /past simple, present /past continuous, present / past perfect (continuous) Question forms Future tenses Conditionals Clauses with if, when, unless, as soon as , until, as long as Modal verbs – present, past, future, conditional Verb patterns Synonyms Adjectives, comparatives and superlatives Too / enough Direct / indirect speech Active / passive Functions Express opinions Make suppositions Make requests Make suggestions Agree /disagree Invite Give information Give directions Apologise Promise

Objev podobné jako Teen ELI Readers 3/B1: Robin Hood with Audio CD

cena 241.0 Kč

New Success Pre-Intermediate Workbook: with Audio CD (9781408297148)

Kniha - autor Lindsay White, 128 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Nová čtyřdílná řada učebnic se cvičeními ve zkouškovém formátu, speciálně napsaná pro středoškoláky s věkově cílenými tématy a s multimediálními komponenty. Doporučujeme k přípravě na maturitu a další jazykové zkoušky. - pracovní sešit s poslechovým CD

Objev podobné jako New Success Pre-Intermediate Workbook: with Audio CD (9781408297148)

cena 379.0 Kč

Global Pre-intermediate: Workbook with key + CD - Adrian Tennant

nový šestidílný všeobecný kurz angličtiny pro dospělé studenty - pracovní sešit s klíčem správných řešení a poslechovým CD Popis: Global je moderní šestidílná učebnice angličtiny z produkce nakladatelství Macmillan Education určená pro dospělé studenty ve věku nad 20 let, je tedy vhodná pro vysoké školy a jazykové školy. - Základní součást učebnice angličtiny Global tvoří sada Student's Book & eWorkbook. - Učebnice zohledňuje dospělé studenty volbou témat, textů i typů aktivit. - Učebnice Global získala dvě ocenění jako nejlepší učebnice angličtiny pro dospělé. První ocenění za vlastní tištěnou učebnici a druhé za revoluční elektronický workbook. - Revoluční Global eWorkbook kombinuje výhody tištěného pracovního sešitu a multimediálního výukového programu, která umožňuje audio nahrávky a videa používat také v mobilních zařízeních. - Internetová stránka www.macmillanenglish.com/global nabízí mnoho zajímavých informací, možnost vyzkoušet si jednu lekci z učebnice a v neposlední řadě pracovní listy a slovníček ke stažení zdarma. - Global digital je multimediální software určený pro použití ve spojení s počítačem a projektorem nebo na interaktivní tabuli. Integruje stránky z učebnice, nahrávky, interaktivní cvičení, klíč k učebnici, přehled gramatiky a další prvky. Umožňuje tak učiteli snadno ovládat všechny součásti učebnice z jednoho místa a vést hodinu novým, pro studenty zajímavým způsobem Global is a true multimedia course, with a range of digital components fully integrated into its structure. Stylish print coursebooks are mirrored by digital versions for interactive whiteboards. The innovative eWorkbook enables students to take control of their learning, at their own pace, whenever and wherever they like. All of these features combine to give both you the teacher and your students the best of all worlds. KEY FEATURES: • Information-rich, intelligent topics • Global English sections written especially for Global by Professor David Crystal • Global Voices featuring authentic recordings of native and non-native speakers of English • eWorkbook with a host of innovative features for self-study, including 'on-the-go' listening and audio files to view on portable media players such as iPods • Teacher's Book with specialist methodology essays from award-winning guest ELT authors, and a Teacher's Resource CD-ROM with a range of tests and worksheets for use in class • Global Digital software for use on Interactive Whiteboards

Objev podobné jako Global Pre-intermediate: Workbook with key + CD - Adrian Tennant

cena 328.0 Kč

Level 3: Nanny McPhee & the Big Bang+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers) - Thompson Emma

Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. Nanny McPhee is a unique character who appeals to children everywhere. Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang Popcorn ELT Reader is based on the film of the same name.

Objev podobné jako Level 3: Nanny McPhee & the Big Bang+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers) - Thompson Emma

cena 268.0 Kč

Business Advantage Upper-intermediate Personal Study Book with Audio CD

An innovative, new multi-level course for the university and in-company sector.

Objev podobné jako Business Advantage Upper-intermediate Personal Study Book with Audio CD

cena 366.0 Kč

New Inside Out Student Book: Pre Intermediate With CD ROM - Vaughan Jones, Sue Kay

New Inside Out takes all the best elements of the original Inside Outseries - including the emphasis on personalisation and meaning - and adds a host of brand-new features. Sue and Vaughan have gone back to the classroom to write this new edition, working with teachers and students to find out exactly what works in the real world. The result is one of the most relevant and exciting general English courses available.

Objev podobné jako New Inside Out Student Book: Pre Intermediate With CD ROM - Vaughan Jones, Sue Kay

cena 664.0 Kč

Young ELI Readers 4/B2: Moby Dick with Audio CD - Herman Melville

"Jedna z celosvetovo najčítanejších kníh. Moby Dick je sága o kapitánovi Ahabovi a jeho neustálom prenasledovaní Moby Dicka, veľkej bielej veľryby, ktorá ho počas ich posledného stretnutia zmrzačila. Mladý námorník Ismael rozpráva tento klasický americký príbeh o obrovskej bielej veľrybe a jej posadnutom lovcovi, kapitánovi Ahabovi. Začnite cestu za morom v známom veľrybárskom meste New Bedford v štáte Massechusetts a plavte sa do neznámej krajiny na veľrybárskej lodi Pequod. Stretnite sa s Queequegom, podivným kanibalom, ktorý učí Ismaela, o čom je skutočný priateľ, s prvým dôstojníkom Starbuckom, ktorý nám ukazuje význam vernosti a ťažkej práce a s ostatnými zaujímavými členmi posádky lode. " CEFR Level: B2

Objev podobné jako Young ELI Readers 4/B2: Moby Dick with Audio CD - Herman Melville

cena 199.0 Kč

Pearson English Readers: Level 5 The Body Book with MP3 CD - Stephen King

Gordie Lanchance and his three friends are always ready for adventure.When they hear about a dead body in the forest they go to look for it. Then they discover how cruel the world can be.

Objev podobné jako Pearson English Readers: Level 5 The Body Book with MP3 CD - Stephen King

cena 275.0 Kč

New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate: Workbook (With Key) + Audio CD Pack - Philip Kerr

New Inside Out takes all the best elements of the original Inside Outseries - including the emphasis on personalisation and meaning - and adds a host of brand-new features.

Objev podobné jako New Inside Out Pre-Intermediate: Workbook (With Key) + Audio CD Pack - Philip Kerr

cena 299.0 Kč

New Inside Out Upper-Intermediate: WB (With Key) + Audio CD Pack - Sue Kay

Nové vydání učebnice Inside Out přináší nové materiály (texty, nahrávky, témata), avšak zachovává si hlavní vlastnosti původního vydání, které byly u učitelů i studentů tak oblíbené - personalised speaking tasks a anecdotes. Hlavní koncept zůstává stejný - umožnit studentům dosáhnout co nejlepších výsledků v dovednosti, které si cení nejvíce - v mluvení a konverzaci. - pracovní sešit s odpovědním klíčem a poslechovým CD Popis:New Inside Out je reakcí na připomínky a náměty tisíců studentů a učitelů, kteří používají Inside Out a zúčastnili se výzkumu vedeného nakladatelstvím Macmillan. Nové vydání učebnice Inside Out přináší nové materiály (texty, nahrávky, témata), avšak zachovává si hlavní vlastnosti původního vydání, které byly u učitelů i studentů tak oblíbené - personalised speaking tasks a anecdotes.Hlavní koncept zůstává stejný - umožnit studentům dosáhnout co nejlepších výsledků v dovednosti, které si cení nejvíce - v mluvení a konverzaci.NovinkyNew Inside Out obsahuje tyto nové prvky:jasně označené oddíly v učebnici (Reading, Grammar, Pronunciation, Vocabulary apod.)Useful phrases - oddíly s praktickými obraty, které studenti mohou ihned využítCD-ROM - každá učebnice nyní obsahuje výukový CD-ROM určený k samostudiu nebo při práci v počítačové učebněDVD - videoprogram na DVD, který doplňuje témata ve Student's BookTeacher's Book obsahuje kopírovatelné materiály (Resource Pack)New Inside Out nyní obsahuje oddíly Grammar, které ještě více pomáhají učiteli při výuce gramatiky, kterou si studenti mohou procvičit více v oddílech Grammar Extra na konci učebniceoddíly Vocabulary Extra na konci každé lekce procvičují a opakují osvojenou slovní zásobuInternetInternetová stránka www.insideout.net obsahuje další informace , které vám umožní seznámit se s učebnicí New Inside Out, a materiály, které můžete využít při výuce.K této učebnici je k dispozici e-learning Macmillan Practice Online. Internetové kurzy angličtiny Macmillan Practice Online nabízí flexibilitu a nezávislost. Studenti mohou přistupovat k MPO z kteréhokoli počítače připojeného k internetu - ve třídě, doma, v práci, na cestách nebo v internetové kavárně. Není potřeba nic instalovat ani nastavovat. MPO funguje na všech počítačích s internetovým vyhledávačem.

Objev podobné jako New Inside Out Upper-Intermediate: WB (With Key) + Audio CD Pack - Sue Kay

cena 340.0 Kč

English File Pre-intermediate Workbook with Answer Key (3rd) without CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig

Published 2019.English File Third Edition provides a comprehensive package of completely new lessons, and up to date texts. A proven balance of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and skills gives students the language they need and fresh lively lessons and engaging topics make classes enjoyable, and provide the motivation and opportunity to practice and improve.New file structure makes courses easier to prepare, teach and organizeA fine-fined syllabus provides confidence for teachers and studentsEngaging topics and texts bring the classroom to lifeVideo content films especially for English FileDigital learning and teaching toolsOnline and mobile audio and video content.

Objev podobné jako English File Pre-intermediate Workbook with Answer Key (3rd) without CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig

cena 408.0 Kč

Maturita Solutions Intermediate Teacher´s Book with Teacher´s Resource CD-ROM (2nd) - Tim Falla, Paul A. Davies

An enhanced edition of the popular English course for secondary students, now with a multi-dimensional package to cater to a range of abilities in the classroom. A new, refreshed edition of the five-level English course for teenagers, with a clear structure, supported approach to speaking, practice, and exam preparation still at its heart. The Teacher's Book shows at a glance the resources available for each unit, and provides numerous ways to extend the material in the Student's Book for both fast finishers and weaker students. This pack includes: •Teacher's Book •Teacher's Resource CD-ROM Key features •Clear, two-colour design •Teaching notes for every lesson in the Student's Book •Numerous ideas for mixed-ability classes - optional extension activities for fast finishers and weaker students, and suggestions for stretching stronger students too •Culture and language notes •Unit overviews give a map of all the resources available for each unit, and include ideas for songs and useful web links •Printable worksheets to revise and extend the core unit vocabulary and grammar (perfect for mixed-ability classes), additional unit reviews for extra vocabulary support, and communicative worksheets for pairwork speaking •Extra interactive vocabulary and grammar exercises to use in class

Objev podobné jako Maturita Solutions Intermediate Teacher´s Book with Teacher´s Resource CD-ROM (2nd) - Tim Falla, Paul A. Davies

cena 610.0 Kč

Gone with the Wind - Margaret Mitchellová

The pampered daughter of a wealthy Georgian plantation owner of Irish descent, sixteen-year-old Scarlett O'Hara soon realizes that young men can't resist her charms, despite her forthright manners and her refusal to embrace her mother's ladylike ways. Her romantic intrigues lead her to an early marriage, but when the war between the Union and the Southern States breaks out and she is left a young widow, Scarlett's life is turned upside down, and she finds herself embroiled, together with the world surrounding her, in a long struggle for survival. Both a coming-of-age tale and a historical epic, Gone with the Wind is regarded as one of the great American novels, and is perhaps one of the most popular stories in the Western canon. Famously inspiring the iconic 1939 Oscar-winning film starring Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable, it is Margaret Mitchell's only published novel, and a living testament to the irrepressible resilience of the American spirit.

Objev podobné jako Gone with the Wind - Margaret Mitchellová

cena 232.0 Kč

The Jungle Book + CD (Black Cat Readers Early Readers Level 3) - Rudyard Kipling

This book features essentials of the English language, such as introducing oneself and asking basic questions. It also offers young readers an excellent opportunity to learn other more unusual vocabulary items as the story develops in its jungle setting. Each chapter is preceded by a picture dictionary which helps children understand some of the less common words, and sparks off pre-reading classroom discussions. Following each chapter is a multiple-choice reading comprehension, a ‘fun activity’ – such as join the dots, listen and match, colouring in and much more. There is also an acting activity which encourages even the shyest child to learn and speak English. The accompanying cassette is of course, an essential prop for rehearsals.

Objev podobné jako The Jungle Book + CD (Black Cat Readers Early Readers Level 3) - Rudyard Kipling

cena 161.0 Kč

face2face Upper Intermediate Workbook with Key

The Workbook offers additional practise for students of face2face Starter, with self-study exercises which practise all the language taught in the Student's Book - including exercises on pronunciation and spelling. It also features a Reading and Writing Portfolio linked to the CEF, which contains ten extra double-page lessons to be used either for self-study or in class. What's more, a list of 'Can do' statements helps students to track their own progress in reading and writing. The Workbook also features a removable Answer Key, which can simply be pulled free of the books binding.

Objev podobné jako face2face Upper Intermediate Workbook with Key

cena 315.0 Kč

Global Revised Intermediate - Workbook with key

Global is an award winning 6-level general English course with sophisticated content and international appeal. Information-rich topics are combined with a global outlook in a stimulating design. • The Global Voices sections give students the opportunity to listen to authentic native and non-native speakers in their own time, furthering their learning. • Global English sections provide extra reading practice with texts written especially for the course by David Crystal, wo rld-renowned expert on the English language. • The Teacher's Book includes a range of specialist methodology essays written by award winning ELT authors. • The eBook offers students a page-faithful version of the print coursebook with interactive audio.

Objev podobné jako Global Revised Intermediate - Workbook with key

cena 361.0 Kč

Roadmap B1 Pre-Intermediate Workbook with Online Audio with key

The right route for every learner. Roadmap is a new, eight-level general English course for adults that recognises every class is different, every learner is unique. Roadmap's rich content and flexible organisation allows teachers to personalise their lessons to give learners the specific language training they need to progress. Engaging and clearly-organised with an extensive range of support materials, Roadmap makes lessons easy to prepare and fun to teach.

Objev podobné jako Roadmap B1 Pre-Intermediate Workbook with Online Audio with key

cena 404.0 Kč

English File Intermediate Teacher´s Book with Test and Assessment CD-ROM (3rd) - Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, Paul Selingson

A new edition of the best-selling English File, improved throughout with brand new digital components to use inside and outside the classroom. English File Third edition – the best way to get your students talking. The English File concept remains the same – fun, enjoyable lessons which get students talking through the right mix of language, motivation, and opportunity – but now the content and the components have been updated and improved for students and teachers. The English File third edition digital components help to make the most of teaching and learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom. The digital package includes: iTools (a digital classroom resource), iTutor and iChecker for students, Pronunciation App for mobiles, Online Workbook, Student's and Teacher's websites.

Objev podobné jako English File Intermediate Teacher´s Book with Test and Assessment CD-ROM (3rd) - Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, Paul Selingson

cena 1014.0 Kč

Maturita Solutions Upper Intermediate Teacher´s Book with Teacher´s Resource CD-ROM (2nd) - Andrew Jurascheck, Amanda Begg, Meredith Levy

An enhanced edition of the popular English course for secondary students, now with a multi-dimensional package to cater to a range of abilities in the classroom. A new, refreshed edition of the five-level English course for teenagers, with a clear structure, supported approach to speaking, practice, and exam preparation still at its heart. The Teacher's Book shows at a glance the resources available for each unit, and provides numerous ways to extend the material in the Student's Book for both fast finishers and weaker students. This pack includes: •Teacher's Book •Teacher's Resource CD-ROM Key features •Clear, two-colour design •Teaching notes for every lesson in the Student's Book •Numerous ideas for mixed-ability classes - optional extension activities for fast finishers and weaker students, and suggestions for stretching stronger students too •Culture and language notes •Unit overviews give a map of all the resources available for each unit, and include ideas for songs and useful web links •Printable worksheets to revise and extend the core unit vocabulary and grammar (perfect for mixed-ability classes), additional unit reviews for extra vocabulary support, and communicative worksheets for pairwork speaking •Extra interactive vocabulary and grammar exercises to use in class

Objev podobné jako Maturita Solutions Upper Intermediate Teacher´s Book with Teacher´s Resource CD-ROM (2nd) - Andrew Jurascheck, Amanda Begg, Meredith Levy

cena 610.0 Kč

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