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Macmillan Readers Upper-Intermediate: Ghost, The Pk with CD - Robert Harris, John Escott

zjednodušená anglická četba, vhodná při přípravě na zkoušku FCE jako doplňkový materiál ( úroveň B2 - Upper-Intermediate, slovní zásoba 2 200 slov) Popis: úroveň B2 podle Společného evropského referenčního rámce Macmillan Readers v této pokročilosti můžete číst asi po více než třech letech studia angličtiny. Většina titulů je balena společně s audio CD a mnohé jsou rozšířeny o 8 stran cvičení. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 2 200 slov. Knihy mají 80 až 144 stran a jsou na hřbetu značeny modrou barvou . When British Prime Minister Adam Lang?s ghost writer, Mike McAra, dies in mysterious circumstances, a new writer is brought in to write Lang?s biography. But it soon becomes clear that Lang and his wife Ruth are a much more complicated couple than they first seem. The Ghost is a powerful commentary on the policies employed by the British government on ?The War on Terror? during the Tony Blair years.

Podívejte se také English File Fourth Edition Upper Intermediate Workbook with Answer Key (9780194039888)

cena 266.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Pre-Intermediate: Far from the M. Crowd T. Pk with CD - Thomas Hardy, John Escott

Macmillan Readers v této pokročilosti můžete číst asi po dvou letech studia angličtiny, knihy mají 80 až 69 stran. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1 400 slov. Kniha je balena s poslechovým CD a obsahuje 8 stran cvičení. věk 15+ Jeden z největších románů Hardyho, daleko od hlučícího davu vypráví příběh života a osudových lásek odvážné a krásné Betsabé Everdene... Popis: Macmillan Readers v této pokročilosti můžete číst asi po dvou letech studia angličtiny, knihy mají 80 až 69 stran. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1 400 slov.One of Hardy's greatest novels, Far from the Madding Crowd tells the story of the life and loves of the brave and the beautiful Bathsheba Everdene.

Podívejte se také Denver John: The Album - CD (4260494433432)

cena 247.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Emma T. Pk with CD - Jane Austenová

zjednodušená anglická četba, vhodná při přípravě na zkoušku FCE jako doplňkový materiál ( úroveň B1 - Intermediate, slovní zásoba 1 600 slov) Kniha je balena s audio CD a obsahuje 8 stran cvičení.věk 15+

Podívejte se také New Headway Upper-Intermediate Student´s Book: The Second edition (01-943580-0-3)

cena 256.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Pre-Intermediate: Tenant of Wildfell Hall, The T. Pk with CD - Anne Brontëová

Macmillan Readers v této pokročilosti můžete číst asi po dvou letech studia angličtiny, knihy mají 80 až 69 stran. Titul je balen společně s audio CD a je rozšířen o 8 stran cvičení. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1 400 slov.věk 15+Když se záhadná Helen Graham a její syn stěhují do Wildfell Hall, vzbudí to u nových sousedů zvědavost. Kdo přesně je Helen Grahamová a proč si drží svou minulost v tajnosti?...

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Pre-Intermediate: Tenant of Wildfell Hall, The T. Pk with CD - Anne Brontëová

cena 247.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Bristol Murder T. Pk with CD - Philip Prowse

zjednodušená anglická četba, vhodná při přípravě na zkoušku FCE jako doplňkový materiál ( úroveň B1 - Intermediate, slovní zásoba 1 600 slov) Kniha je balena s audio CD a obsahuje 8 stran cvičení. věk 15+ Popis: Macmillan Readers v úrovni Intermediate můžete číst asi po třech až čtyřech letech studia angličtiny. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1600 slov. Knihy mají až 128 stran. Kniha je balena s audio CD a je obsahuje 8 stran cvičení. Angličtina použitá v popisu knihy nevyjadřuje pokročilost.Peter, a long-distance lorry driver, gives a lift to a 16-year-old hitch-hiker. As the boy confides in him, Peter discovers that his name is John and that he has run away from home after a violent row with his uncle. But John's uncle has been found dead and the police are making a nationwide search for John.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Bristol Murder T. Pk with CD - Philip Prowse

cena 256.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Upper-Intermediate: Agnes Grey + CD - Anne Brontëová

Agnes Grey is a classic story written by Anne Bronte. The story is about Agnes, the eighteen-year-old daughter of a poor clergyman. When her family loses a lot of money, Agnes decides to help by finding a job as a governess. But it proves to be a lot more difficult than Agnes imagined... Also comes with audio CD.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Upper-Intermediate: Agnes Grey + CD - Anne Brontëová

cena 280.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Dracula T. Pk with CD - Bram Stoker, Margaret Tarner

zjednodušená anglická četba, vhodná při přípravě na zkoušku FCE jako doplňkový materiál ( úroveň B1 - Intermediate, slovní zásoba 1 600 slov) Kniha je balena s audio CD a obsahuje 8 stran cvičení.věk 15+

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Dracula T. Pk with CD - Bram Stoker, Margaret Tarner

cena 256.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Kiss Before Dying, A T. Pk with CD - Ira Levin

zjednodušená anglická četba, vhodná při přípravě na zkoušku FCE jako doplňkový materiál ( úroveň B1 - Intermediate, slovní zásoba 1 600 slov) Kniha je balena s audio CD a obsahuje 8 stran cvičení.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Kiss Before Dying, A T. Pk with CD - Ira Levin

cena 242.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Much Ado About Nothing T. Pk with CD - William Shakespeare

Zjednodušená anglická četba, vhodná při přípravě na zkoušku FCE jako doplňkový materiál ( úroveň B1 - Intermediate, slovní zásoba 1 600 slov) Kniha je balena s audio CD a obsahuje 8 stran cvičení. Popis: Macmillan Readers v úrovni Intermediate můžete číst asi po třech až čtyřech letech studia angličtiny. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1600 slov. Knihy mají až 128 stran. Kniha je balena s audio CD a je obsahuje 8 stran cvičení. Angličtina použitá v popisu knihy nevyjadřuje pokročilost.Much Ado About Nothing is Shakespeare's famous comedy / drama about the war of power and understanding between men and women and the disguises they wear in their romantic relationships.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Much Ado About Nothing T. Pk with CD - William Shakespeare

cena 247.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Pre-Intermediate: Daisy Miller T. Pk with CD - Henry James, Rachel Bladon

Macmillan Readers v této pokročilosti můžete číst asi po dvou letech studia angličtiny, knihy mají 80 až 69 stran. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1 400 slov. Kniha je balena s poslechovým CD a obsahuje 8 stran cvičení. věk 15+ mistrovské dílo slavného amerického realisty Henryho Jamese. Daisy Miller je příběh nevinné dívky, která hledá lásku a uznání ve společnosti, kde se do slušného chování počítá všechno... Popis: A masterpiece by the great American realist Henry James. Daisy Miller is the story of an innocent girl's love and recognition in a society where respectable behaviour counts for everything. Macmillan Readers Pre-Intermediate úroveň A2-B1 podle Společného evropského referenčního rámceMacmillan Readers v této pokročilosti můžete číst asi po dvou letech studia angličtiny. Většina titulů je balena společně s audio CD a mnohé jsou rozšířeny o 8 stran cvičení. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1 400 slov. Knihy mají 80 až 69 stran a jsou na hřbetu značeny žlutou barvou .Zdarma si ke všem knihám můžete stáhnout pracovní list se cvičeními a klíčem. Najdete ho na našich anglických stránkách www.macmillanenglish.com. Na nich nejdříve vyberte pokročilost a pak klikněte na požadovaný titul, hledané odkazy naleznete vlevo od názvu titulu.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Pre-Intermediate: Daisy Miller T. Pk with CD - Henry James, Rachel Bladon

cena 247.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Upper-Intermediate: Bleak House - Charles Dickens

zjednodušená anglická četba, vhodná při přípravě na zkoušku FCE jako doplňkový materiál ( úroveň B2 - Upper-Intermediate, slovní zásoba 2 200 slov)věk 16+

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Upper-Intermediate: Bleak House - Charles Dickens

cena 190.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Elementary: Stranger T. Pk with CD - Norman Whitney

Macmillan Readers v úrovni Elementary můžete číst asi po jednom až dvou letech studia angličtiny. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1 100 slov. Knihy mají 64 až 80 stran. Kniha je balena s audio CD a obsahuje 8 stran cvičení. věk 15+ Popis: Macmillan Readers v úrovni Elementary můžete číst asi po jednom až dvou letech studia angličtiny. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1 100 slov. Knihy mají 64 až 80 stran. Kniha je balena s audio CD a je obsahuje 8 stran cvičení. Angličtina použitá v popisu knihy nevyjadřuje pokročilost.A dark and handsome stranger opens a shop in the quiet village of Woodend. Anna begins to wonder about the visitors who come to Dave Slatin's shop. What exactly do they buy?

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Elementary: Stranger T. Pk with CD - Norman Whitney

cena 233.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Elementary: Viking Tales Pk with CD - Rose Chris

A collection of five short stories about the Vikings and their myths. In their world humans and Gods live side by side, along with giants and elves.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Elementary: Viking Tales Pk with CD - Rose Chris

cena 233.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Elementary: L.A. Winners T. Pk with CD - Prowsw Philip

Macmillan Readers v úrovni Elementary můžete číst asi po jednom až dvou letech studia angličtiny. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1 100 slov. Knihy mají 64 až 80 stran. Kniha je balena s audio CD a obsahuje 8 stran cvičení.věk 14+ Lenny Samuel má najít dostihového koně, šampiona v důchodu. Soukromý detektiv si myslí, že to bude jednoduchý úkol...

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Elementary: L.A. Winners T. Pk with CD - Prowsw Philip

cena 233.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Elementary: Unquiet Graves T. Pk with CD - Jones Allan Frewin

Macmillan Readers v úrovni Elementary můžete číst asi po jednom až dvou letech studia angličtiny. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1 100 slov. Knihy mají 64 až 80 stran. Kniha je balena s audio CD. věk 14-16 Čtyři přátelé se spojí při vykopávkách v jihovýchodní Anglii. Jak Regan, Tom a Jack se dovídají více o chování bezohledného majitele panství z devatenáctého století... Popis: Macmillan Readers v úrovni Elementary můžete číst asi po jednom až dvou letech studia angličtiny. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 1 100 slov. Knihy mají 64 až 80 stran. Kniha je balena s audio CD. Angličtina použitá v popisu knihy nevyjadřuje pokročilost.Four friends join an archaeological dig in south eastern England. As Regan, Tom and Jack find out more about the young ward of the ruthless nineteenth century owner of the manor house and the local village, they begin to get seriously worried about Frankie’s increasingly disturbed behaviour.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Elementary: Unquiet Graves T. Pk with CD - Jones Allan Frewin

cena 261.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Intermediate: China Book with Audio CD - Jennifer Gascoigne

Focusing on countries and cultures, this title provides an informative overview of Chinese history, its people, culture, traditions, economy, landscape and sport. It includes an audio CD.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Intermediate: China Book with Audio CD - Jennifer Gascoigne

cena 247.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Intermediate: China Book with Audio CD (Defekt) - Jennifer Gascoigne

Focusing on countries and cultures, this title provides an informative overview of Chinese history, its people, culture, traditions, economy, landscape and sport. It includes an audio CD.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Intermediate: China Book with Audio CD (Defekt) - Jennifer Gascoigne

cena 79.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Othello Othello Book with Audio CD - William Shakespeare

Othello is one of William Shakespeare's most famous tragic plays, and has been adapted for Intermediate level readers. The story is about Othello, the Moorish general of Venice, and what happens when he marries the beautiful daughter of a rich and powerful Venetian. Also comes with audio CD.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Othello Othello Book with Audio CD - William Shakespeare

cena 256.0 Kč

PER | Level 2: The Ghost of Genny Castle - John Escott

Original / British EnglishClaire is staying with her aunt Min. There is an old castle with a black tower in the village. It has a dangerous secret – accidents happen there, animals and people die. One day, Claire goes to the castle. She wants to know its secret.

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 2: The Ghost of Genny Castle - John Escott

cena 210.0 Kč

Business Advantage Upper-intermediate Personal Study Book with Audio CD

An innovative, new multi-level course for the university and in-company sector.

Objev podobné jako Business Advantage Upper-intermediate Personal Study Book with Audio CD

cena 366.0 Kč

Choices Upper Intermediate Students´ Book - Michael Harris

12 thematic modules for Pre-Intermediate and 10 thematic modules for Elementary and Upper Intermediate, each divided into sections:- Topic Talk (opening page) - networks that provide guided choice by marrying functional language with lexical items- Grammar Skills- Writing Workshop- Speaking WorkshopText Builder in units for process writing Grammar Practice - Grammatical structures compared and contrasted. Students trained in choosing forms that best express given meanings and intentions Language Review/Self Assessment every second module. Revision exercises where students check their answers and use a feedback guide to choose what they need to practise more Listening with two levels of difficulty (slow speed and authentic speed) catering for different levels of students. Also gives the option of listening to the more difficult version after students have listened to the easier level Culture Choice - 6 x lessons at back of Students' Book every two units which include cultural input, literature, songs and projects At the back of the Students' Book:- Skills Builder - while doing listening, reading, writing and communicative activities, learners are given suport with strategies and language- Culture Choice (optional lessons which present reading texts, poems and songs with projects related to the students' own culture)- Language Choice booklet (further practice of vocabulary and grammar with a reference section for each language point that is presented).

Objev podobné jako Choices Upper Intermediate Students´ Book - Michael Harris

cena 618.0 Kč

New Headway Upper Intermediate Workbook with Key (4th) - John Soars, Liz Soars

The world's best-selling English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus with a strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels. With its proven methodology, Headway is the course you can always trust. The strong grammar focus, clear vocabulary syllabus and integrated skills work give you lessons that really work in class. Constant updates mean the material is always current, and with a huge range of components available - including new digital resources for interactive whiteboards - you've always got support where you need it. Key features: • Clear focus on grammar. • Balanced, integrated-skills syllabus. • Real-world speaking skills - Everyday English, Spoken English, Music of English. • Digital resources for interactive whiteboards - New Headway iTools. • Full teacher support - resources, photocopiables, tests and more - in print and online.

Objev podobné jako New Headway Upper Intermediate Workbook with Key (4th) - John Soars, Liz Soars

cena 346.0 Kč

New Headway Upper Intermediate Workbook with Key (3rd) - John a Liz Soars

The third edition of the best-selling course, maintaining the successful core content but updated and refreshed. Language levels: Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate Key features •Streamlined units, now at eight pages. They are easy to navigate, with clearly divided sections. •Fresh modern design, with an emphasis on maximum clarity on the page. •Every aspect of the previous edition has been reviewed. There are small changes to make activities run more smoothly, as well as major changes to text and topic. •The clear, systematic, effective grammar syllabus has been retained, but has been modified where necessary for even greater clarity. •Grammar Spots highlight key areas, getting students to analyse form and use. •Up-to-date texts with global appeal reflect changing trends and the use of English worldwide. •Challenging reading and listening texts from a variety of authentic sources develop comprehension skills and integrate speaking practice, usually personalised. •Writing now has a separate section at the back of the book, with a fuller syllabus, providing models and follow-up activities.

Objev podobné jako New Headway Upper Intermediate Workbook with Key (3rd) - John a Liz Soars

cena 172.0 Kč

New Headway Upper Intermediate Workbook with Answer Key (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars

Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs.

Objev podobné jako New Headway Upper Intermediate Workbook with Answer Key (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars

cena 324.0 Kč

New Opportunities Upper Intermediate Language Powerbook - Michael Harris

* New Reading and Listening Texts motivate students to speak and think in English. * New exam zones in the Powerbook build students' exam skills and confidence. * New comprehensive testing programme provides total evaluation for students * Grammar and skills development give students a solid base for learning. * Training in independent study skills ensures good learning habits. * Cross curricular and cross cultural topics motivate students and engage their interest in the wider world.

Objev podobné jako New Opportunities Upper Intermediate Language Powerbook - Michael Harris

cena 379.0 Kč

New Headway Upper Intermediate Multipack A with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars

Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs.

Objev podobné jako New Headway Upper Intermediate Multipack A with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars

cena 324.0 Kč

New Headway Upper Intermediate Multipack B with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars

Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs.

Objev podobné jako New Headway Upper Intermediate Multipack B with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars

cena 324.0 Kč

New Opportunities Upper Intermediate Language Powerbook Pack - Michael Harris

New Reading and Listening Texts motivate students to speak and think in English. New exam zones in the Powerbook build students' exam skills and confidence. New comprehensive testing programme provides total evaluation for students. Grammar and skills development give students a solid base for learning. Training in independent study skills ensures good learning habits. Cross curricular and cross cultural topics motivate students and engage their interest in the wider world.

Objev podobné jako New Opportunities Upper Intermediate Language Powerbook Pack - Michael Harris

cena 379.0 Kč

New Inside Out Upper-Intermediate: WB (With Key) + Audio CD Pack - Sue Kay

Nové vydání učebnice Inside Out přináší nové materiály (texty, nahrávky, témata), avšak zachovává si hlavní vlastnosti původního vydání, které byly u učitelů i studentů tak oblíbené - personalised speaking tasks a anecdotes. Hlavní koncept zůstává stejný - umožnit studentům dosáhnout co nejlepších výsledků v dovednosti, které si cení nejvíce - v mluvení a konverzaci. - pracovní sešit s odpovědním klíčem a poslechovým CD Popis:New Inside Out je reakcí na připomínky a náměty tisíců studentů a učitelů, kteří používají Inside Out a zúčastnili se výzkumu vedeného nakladatelstvím Macmillan. Nové vydání učebnice Inside Out přináší nové materiály (texty, nahrávky, témata), avšak zachovává si hlavní vlastnosti původního vydání, které byly u učitelů i studentů tak oblíbené - personalised speaking tasks a anecdotes.Hlavní koncept zůstává stejný - umožnit studentům dosáhnout co nejlepších výsledků v dovednosti, které si cení nejvíce - v mluvení a konverzaci.NovinkyNew Inside Out obsahuje tyto nové prvky:jasně označené oddíly v učebnici (Reading, Grammar, Pronunciation, Vocabulary apod.)Useful phrases - oddíly s praktickými obraty, které studenti mohou ihned využítCD-ROM - každá učebnice nyní obsahuje výukový CD-ROM určený k samostudiu nebo při práci v počítačové učebněDVD - videoprogram na DVD, který doplňuje témata ve Student's BookTeacher's Book obsahuje kopírovatelné materiály (Resource Pack)New Inside Out nyní obsahuje oddíly Grammar, které ještě více pomáhají učiteli při výuce gramatiky, kterou si studenti mohou procvičit více v oddílech Grammar Extra na konci učebniceoddíly Vocabulary Extra na konci každé lekce procvičují a opakují osvojenou slovní zásobuInternetInternetová stránka www.insideout.net obsahuje další informace , které vám umožní seznámit se s učebnicí New Inside Out, a materiály, které můžete využít při výuce.K této učebnici je k dispozici e-learning Macmillan Practice Online. Internetové kurzy angličtiny Macmillan Practice Online nabízí flexibilitu a nezávislost. Studenti mohou přistupovat k MPO z kteréhokoli počítače připojeného k internetu - ve třídě, doma, v práci, na cestách nebo v internetové kavárně. Není potřeba nic instalovat ani nastavovat. MPO funguje na všech počítačích s internetovým vyhledávačem.

Objev podobné jako New Inside Out Upper-Intermediate: WB (With Key) + Audio CD Pack - Sue Kay

cena 340.0 Kč

New Headway Upper Intermediate Student´s Book with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars

Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs.

Objev podobné jako New Headway Upper Intermediate Student´s Book with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars

cena 647.0 Kč

New Headway Upper Intermediate Student´s Book with iTutor DVD-ROM (4th) - John Soars, Liz Soars

A completely new Upper Intermediate level of the world's most trusted English course, with brand new digital resources bringing you a completely up-to-date blended Headway course. With fully revised texts and topics, refreshed design and artwork, and brand new digital resources, the Upper Intermediate Fourth Edition takes the Headway experience to a new level. Headway Upper Intermediate Fourth edition remains true to its trusted methodology that has worked for millions of students around the world, but delivers it in a revised and up-to-date format. The brand new digital components for teachers and learners – iTools, iTutor and iChecker – make teaching and learning with Headway Fourth edition a truly flexible and interactive experience. Key Features: •New and updated texts and topics •Integrated skills syllabus with a clear grammar focus •iTools – an all-in-one teaching resource for the interactive classroom •iTutor and iChecker – interactive self-study discs that come with the Student's Book and the Workbook •Full teacher support – resources, photocopiables, tests and more - online and in print •Brand new video content, available for students on iTutor with interactive exercises With the Fourth edition of the best-selling adult course book you can now experience the trusted Headway methodology using the latest in classroom technology: •iTools bring the Fourth edition Student's Book and Workbook alive on the classroom wall, complete with interactive exercises, audio, video, and other teaching resources. The built-in tools like zoom, highlight and screen shade give you and your students a truly interactive teaching and learning experience. iTools also includes customizable flipcharts, wordlists and grammar reference to help you make the most of your Headway lessons. •iTutor is the digital companion to the Student's Book that allows students to revise, review and improve their English outside the classroom. To read more about iTutor and how it encourages learner autonomy, see the iTutor tab. •iChecker is a new digital resource, available to students with the Workbook. It contains all Workbook audio and practice tests to help students identify areas where they need more study. To learn more, see the iChecker tab.

Objev podobné jako New Headway Upper Intermediate Student´s Book with iTutor DVD-ROM (4th) - John Soars, Liz Soars

cena 692.0 Kč

PER | Easystart: Hannah and the Hurricane Bk/CD Pack - John Escott

Original / British English Hannah loves her job on old Mr Duval's small boat. The boat takes people to the beautiful coral reef every day. Then a rich man arrives with a big new boat. Suddenly, there isn't any work for Hannah and Mr Duval. Then the hurricane comes ...

Objev podobné jako PER | Easystart: Hannah and the Hurricane Bk/CD Pack - John Escott

cena 210.0 Kč

PER | Easystart: The Big Bag Mistake Bk/CD Pack - John Escott

The 'Penguin Active Reading' series are edited into simplified text together with exercises designed to develop four language skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Objev podobné jako PER | Easystart: The Big Bag Mistake Bk/CD Pack - John Escott

cena 210.0 Kč

face2face Upper Intermediate Workbook with Key

The Workbook offers additional practise for students of face2face Starter, with self-study exercises which practise all the language taught in the Student's Book - including exercises on pronunciation and spelling. It also features a Reading and Writing Portfolio linked to the CEF, which contains ten extra double-page lessons to be used either for self-study or in class. What's more, a list of 'Can do' statements helps students to track their own progress in reading and writing. The Workbook also features a removable Answer Key, which can simply be pulled free of the books binding.

Objev podobné jako face2face Upper Intermediate Workbook with Key

cena 315.0 Kč

Roadmap B2 Upper-Intermediate Workbook with Online Audio with key - Lindsay Warwick

Ten units provide additional practice of material covered in the Students’ Book. The Workbook also includes: Additional grammar, vocabulary and functional language practice activities Additional reading, writing and listening practice activities An answer key at the back of the book allow learners to check their answers.

Objev podobné jako Roadmap B2 Upper-Intermediate Workbook with Online Audio with key - Lindsay Warwick

cena 404.0 Kč

Roadmap B2+ Upper-Intermediate Workbook with Online Audio with key - Lindsay Warwick

The right route for every learner. Roadmap is a new, eight-level general English course for adults that recognises every class is different, every learner is unique. Roadmap's rich content and flexible organisation allows teachers to personalise their lessons to give learners the specific language training they need to progress. Engaging and clearly-organised with an extensive range of support materials, Roadmap makes lessons easy to prepare and fun to teach.

Objev podobné jako Roadmap B2+ Upper-Intermediate Workbook with Online Audio with key - Lindsay Warwick

cena 404.0 Kč

Straightforward Upper-Intermediate: Workbook (with Key) Pack - Philip Kerr

A general English course for adults and young adults based on observation of what good teachers do in the classroom. The lessons offer a balanced mix of language input, skills work and oral tasks.

Objev podobné jako Straightforward Upper-Intermediate: Workbook (with Key) Pack - Philip Kerr

cena 256.0 Kč

Lifestyle Upper Intermediate Workbook w/ CD Pack - Irene Barrall

Lifestyle is designed to meet the everyday language requirements of people who need English for work, travel and socializing. As well as dealing with how people communicate at work, it also helps learners interact effectively outside of the work environment, enabling them to ‘get things done’ in a variety of situations.

Objev podobné jako Lifestyle Upper Intermediate Workbook w/ CD Pack - Irene Barrall

cena 437.0 Kč

Business Advantage Upper-intermediate Students Book with DVD - Michael Handford

An innovative, new multi-level course for the university and in-company sector.

Objev podobné jako Business Advantage Upper-intermediate Students Book with DVD - Michael Handford

cena 727.0 Kč

Speakout Upper Intermediate Workbook with key, 2nd Edition - Louis Harrison

Speakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skills areas using authentic materials from the BBC. With its wide range of support material, it meets the diverse needs of learners in a variety of teaching situations and helps bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world.

Objev podobné jako Speakout Upper Intermediate Workbook with key, 2nd Edition - Louis Harrison

cena 556.0 Kč

Empower 2nd edition Upper-intermediate Workbook with Answers - Wayne Rimmer

Empower Second Edition combines up-to-date content from expert authors with validated, CEFR-aligned assessment to measure progress. Your adult and young adult learners will develop all four skills through this six-level British English course, further enhanced with online content in our Cambridge One platform. The robust assessment, integrated into the course, means learners are always working towards a measurable goal. A series of documentary style videos (in addition to the Lesson C videos) bring English to life in authentic, real-world contexts. These high-interest supplementary videos are thematically linked to the topics and language of each unit and come with a downloadable worksheet. Reliable, accurate and meaningful End-of-unit tests, mid- and end-of-course competency tests provided by the world leaders in language assessment. A CEFR test report is provided which reliably benchmarks the learner’s level in each of the four skills. A Student’s Book and eBook with thought-provoking images and texts and engaging video, designed to generate an emotional response; all helping teachers to deliver motivating and memorable lessons. Workbook with answers can be used alongside the Student's Book and offers additional consolidation activities. Downloadable audio and the Workbook vox pop video is available on Cambridge One.

Objev podobné jako Empower 2nd edition Upper-intermediate Workbook with Answers - Wayne Rimmer

cena 361.0 Kč

Maturita Solutions Upper Intermediate Teacher´s Book with Teacher´s Resource CD-ROM (2nd) - Andrew Jurascheck, Amanda Begg, Meredith Levy

An enhanced edition of the popular English course for secondary students, now with a multi-dimensional package to cater to a range of abilities in the classroom. A new, refreshed edition of the five-level English course for teenagers, with a clear structure, supported approach to speaking, practice, and exam preparation still at its heart. The Teacher's Book shows at a glance the resources available for each unit, and provides numerous ways to extend the material in the Student's Book for both fast finishers and weaker students. This pack includes: •Teacher's Book •Teacher's Resource CD-ROM Key features •Clear, two-colour design •Teaching notes for every lesson in the Student's Book •Numerous ideas for mixed-ability classes - optional extension activities for fast finishers and weaker students, and suggestions for stretching stronger students too •Culture and language notes •Unit overviews give a map of all the resources available for each unit, and include ideas for songs and useful web links •Printable worksheets to revise and extend the core unit vocabulary and grammar (perfect for mixed-ability classes), additional unit reviews for extra vocabulary support, and communicative worksheets for pairwork speaking •Extra interactive vocabulary and grammar exercises to use in class

Objev podobné jako Maturita Solutions Upper Intermediate Teacher´s Book with Teacher´s Resource CD-ROM (2nd) - Andrew Jurascheck, Amanda Begg, Meredith Levy

cena 610.0 Kč

PER | Easystart: Lucky Break Bk/CD Pack - John Escott

Original / American English Tom breaks his leg in a football game -- it's not his lucky day! A week later, Tom sees his favorite movie star. But Tom falls again--and suddenly the movie star is falling too! Reporters are taking pictures of Tom. Is this his lucky break?

Objev podobné jako PER | Easystart: Lucky Break Bk/CD Pack - John Escott

cena 210.0 Kč

New Headway Fourth Edition Upper Intermediate Student's Book - John Soars, Liz Soars

The world's best-selling English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus with a strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels. With its proven methodology, Headway is the course you can always trust. The strong grammar focus, clear vocabulary syllabus and integrated skills work give you lessons that really work in class. Constant updates mean the material is always current, and with a huge range of components available - including new digital resources for interactive whiteboards - you've always got support where you need it. Key features: • Clear focus on grammar. • Balanced, integrated-skills syllabus. • Real-world speaking skills - Everyday English, Spoken English, Music of English. • Digital resources for interactive whiteboards - New Headway iTools. • Full teacher support - resources, photocopiables, tests and more - in print and online.

Objev podobné jako New Headway Fourth Edition Upper Intermediate Student's Book - John Soars, Liz Soars

cena 692.0 Kč

New Headway Upper Intermediate Student´s Book (3rd) - John a Liz Soars

The third edition of the best-selling course, maintaining the successful core content but updated and refreshed. Language levels: Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate Key featuresStreamlined units, now at eight pages. They are easy to navigate, with clearly divided sections.Fresh modern design, with an emphasis on maximum clarity on the page.Every aspect of the previous edition has been reviewed. There are small changes to make activities run more smoothly, as well as major changes to text and topic.The clear, systematic, effective grammar syllabus has been retained, but has been modified where necessary for even greater clarity.Grammar Spots highlight key areas, getting students to analyse form and use.Up-to-date texts with global appeal reflect changing trends and the use of English worldwide.Challenging reading and listening texts from a variety of authentic sources develop comprehension skills and integrate speaking practice, usually personalised.Writing now has a separate section at the back of the book, with a fuller syllabus, providing models and follow-up activities.

Objev podobné jako New Headway Upper Intermediate Student´s Book (3rd) - John a Liz Soars

cena 340.0 Kč

New Headway Upper Intermediate Workbook Without Key (3rd) - John Soars, Liz Soars

Expanding vital core grammar in exploratory language focus sections, this title includes texts from a variety of sources that aim to provide the rich vocabulary input that learners need at this level.

Objev podobné jako New Headway Upper Intermediate Workbook Without Key (3rd) - John Soars, Liz Soars

cena 172.0 Kč

PER | Level 3: The Climb - John Escott

Original / British EnglishA mysterious stranger has come to the island where Costas lives. Why is the man there, and why is he looking at Eagle’s Rock? Costas wants to be the first person to climb the dangerous rock. But will the stranger climb it first?

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 3: The Climb - John Escott

cena 223.0 Kč

Intelligent Business Upper Intermediate Coursebook w/ CD Pack - Tonya Trappe

* Career skills sections help to develop key communicative skills * Each unit ends with a Dilemma and Decision page which enables students to review language whilst completing problem solving activities * Thorough writing support is provided with a dedicated Style Guide Booklet * Each unit opens like an addition of The Economist(c) * The Coursebook includes a CD with all the listening material

Objev podobné jako Intelligent Business Upper Intermediate Coursebook w/ CD Pack - Tonya Trappe

cena 1171.0 Kč

Intelligent Business Upper Intermediate Workbook w/ CD Pack - Louise Pile

At the back of the workbook is a complete BEC exam including a listening test. There is also a CD which contains all the audio material from the Workbook.

Objev podobné jako Intelligent Business Upper Intermediate Workbook w/ CD Pack - Louise Pile

cena 911.0 Kč

Choices Upper Intermediate Workbook w/ Audio CD Pack - Rod Fricker

The Workbook is the key vocabulary and grammar practice resource for your students.

Objev podobné jako Choices Upper Intermediate Workbook w/ Audio CD Pack - Rod Fricker

cena 341.0 Kč

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