Typ: LP deska;Nové vydání;Album Varianta: Significant Other (2LP) Žánr: Nu Metal Interpret / Téma: Limp Bizkit Země původu: Německo Subžánr: Nu Metal Vydavatelství: Interscope Records Balení obsahuje: LP Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2017.0 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva: Černá Složení setu: 2 ks (muziker.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Limp Bizkit - Significant Other (2LP) , The other hand (0340920246)NakupteWC souprava ORION Black Limpz kategorieDům a zahrada > Domácnost > Koupelna > Koupelnové doplňkyza279.00Kč (tipa.eu)
Podobné produkty ako WC souprava ORION Black Limp , In other words (1408866137)NakupteDržák zubních kartáčků ORION Black Limpz kategorieDům a zahrada > Domácnost > Koupelna > Koupelnové doplňkyza51.00Kč (tipa.eu)
Podobné produkty ako Držák zubních kartáčků ORION Black Limp , Death and other horrors ()NakupteKoš odpadkový ORION Black Limp 7lz kategorieDům a zahrada > Domácnost > Odpadkové košeza189.00Kč (tipa.eu)
Podobné produkty ako Koš odpadkový ORION Black Limp 7l , Love & other natural disasters (006299123x)Říkáte si, že koupelnové doplňky nemohou být užitečné a designové zároveň?Tato plastová WC souprava s uzavíratelnou nádobou a štětkou v kombinaci černého plastu PP a horního lemu v imitaci dřeva spojuje nároky po praktickém využití. Je z hygienických i estických důvodů uzavřena víčkem, které je součástí štětky s rukojetí. (4home.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Orion UH WC souprava BLACK Limp , The kiltem massacre and other horror stories ()Chaotickému povalování kartáčků a zubní pasty na umyvadle nebo pod zrcadlem je konec. Kelímek na zubní kartáčky v moderním provedení doladí design nejedné koupelny. Lze jej totiž díky kombinaci černé barvy a horního lemu v imitaci dřeva použít jak na kartáčky, tubu s pastou, tak i na uložení štětců pro nanášení pudru, tužek na obočí apod. Tento držák je vyroben z odolného plastu PP, takže se bude i dobře čistit a udržovat. (4home.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Orion UH držák zubních kartáčků BLACK Limp , Gorillaz: gorillaz presents song machine, season 1 (2lp+cd) - cd+lp (9029520940)Balení obsahuje: LP Varianta: Eighties Collected (180 g) ( 2LP) Žánr: Pop;Reggae Vydavatelství: Music On Vinyl Subžánr: Reggae;Pop Země původu: Německo Datum vydání: 2022-05-05 Hmotnost: 180 g Barva: Černá Typ: Kompilace;LP deska Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2022.0 Složení setu: 2 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Interpret / Téma: Various Artists (muziker.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Various Artists - Eighties Collected (180 g) ( 2LP) , Bush kate: the other sides (4x cd) - cd (9029556888)LP vinyl - Insomnium je melodická death metalová kapela z Joensuu ve Finsku. Zvuková a lyrická témata jejich hudby zobrazují temnotu, smutek, ztrátu Insomnium je melodická death metalová kapela z Joensuu ve Finsku. Zvuková a lyrická témata jejich hudby zobrazují temnotu, smutek, ztrátu, bolest a přírodu. Jde především o melodickou death metalovou kapelu s občasnými prvky doom metalu a progresivního metalu . Rok vydání 2023 9. Album Seznam stop 2LP+CD 1696 / White Christ (feat. Sakis Tolis) / Godforsaken (feat. Johanna Kurkela) / Lilian / Starless Paths / The Witch Hunter / The Unrest / The Rapids (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Insomnium: Anno 1696 (2LP+CD) - LP (0196587181017) , The brother of the other (978-80-210-8577-0)Dávkovač mýdla v moderním provedení doladí design nejedné koupelny nebo kuchyňského dřezu. Lze jej totiž díky kombinaci černé barvy a horního lemu v imitaci dřeva použít jak na tekuté mýdlo, tak i na saponát při ručním umývání nádobí.Tělo a dávkovací trubička jsou vyrobeny z odolného plastu PP, mačkadlo nerezového vzhledu z ABS plastu. I plnění je snadné, stačí odšroubovat mačkadlo, naplnit a opět našroubovat na závit zpět. Pak tlakem na horní část mačkadla nadávkujete tolik mýdla nebo saponátu, kolik potřebujete. Neslouží na pěnové náplně. (4home.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Orion UH dávkovač mýdla BLACK Limp 0,38 l , Weller paul: other aspects live.. (2x cd + dvd) - dvd (9029549398)Země interpreta: USA Typ: LP deska;Barevná Vydavatelství: Universal Music Žánr: World Music;Country;Folk;Pop Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva: Bílá Složení setu: 2 ks Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Země původu: Německo Subžánr: Country;Synth-pop;Pop Datum vydání: 2024-04-19 Rok vydání: 2024.0 Varianta: The Tortured Poets Department (Ivory Coloured) (2LP) Barva podle výrobce: Ivory Balení obsahuje: LP Interpret / Téma: Taylor Swift (muziker.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Taylor Swift - The Tortured Poets Department (Ivory Coloured) (2LP) , Jarre jean-michel: welcome to the other side - lp (0194398953519)Stylový odpadkový koš v černé barvě se hodí do každé domácnosti. Své využití najde v jídelně, studentském pokoji nebo v kanceláři. Především ale vynikne v koupelně, kde se nakombinován s ostatními položkami z kolekce BLACK stane zajímavým prvkem.Je vyroben z plastu PS, takže jej v případě potřeby snadno umyjete a uzavřen víkem z plastu HIPS, takže obsah zůstane bezpečně uvnitř koše. (4home.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Orion UH odpadkový koš s víkem BLACK Limp, 7 l , Giddens rhiannon: there is no other (2x lp) - lp (7559792471)Typ: LP deska;Album;Barevná;Limitovaná edice;Otevírací obal Varianta: The End, So Far (Clear Vinyl) (180 g Vinyl) (2LP) Interpret / Téma: Slipknot Země interpreta: USA Hmotnost: 180 g Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029 Datum vydání: 2022-09-30 Barva podle výrobce: Clear Rok vydání: 2022.0 Složení setu: 2 ks Žánr: Alternative Metal;Metal;Nu Metal;Heavy Metal Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva: Čirá Země původu: Německo Subžánr: Heavy Metal;Nu Metal Balení obsahuje: LP Vydavatelství: Roadrunner Records (muziker.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Slipknot - The End, So Far (Clear Vinyl) (180 g Vinyl) (2LP) , Griff: one foot in front of the other - mixtape - cd (9029675259)LP vinyl - Osmnácté studiové dostalo název „Screem Writers Guild”. Celým albem se prolíná téma filmových hororů. Prvním singlem z alba je skladba Lucyfer Prime Evil". Lordi jsou finská metalová skupina založená v roce 1992. Osmnácté studiové dostalo název „Screem Writers Guild”. Celým albem se prolíná téma filmových hororů. Prvním singlem z alba je skladba Lucyfer Prime Evil„. Lordi jsou finská metalová skupina založená v roce 1992. Poprvé se prosadili v roce 2002 singlem ”Would You Love a Monsterman?", celosvětové popularity však dosáhli až v roce 2006, kdy vyhráli soutěž Eurovize. Rok vydání 2023 Seznam stop 2LP (Red+Black Splatter Vinyl - limitovaná edice 400ks) LP1 A1 Dead Again Jayne / A2 SCG XVIII: Nosferiuz Horror Show / A3 Unliving Picture Show / A4 Inhumanoid / B1 Thing in the Cage / B2 Vampyro Fang Club / B3 The Bride LP2 C1 Lucyfer Prime Evil / C2 Scarecrow / C3 Lycantropical Island / D1 In the Castle of Dracoolove / D2 The SCG Awards / D3... (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Lordi: Screem Writers Guild 2LP (Red+Black Splatter) (2xLP) -- LP (4251981703329) , Blind guardian: imaginations from the other side (2x cd) - cd (0727361432607)LP vinyl - V průběhu roku 2020 skupina Gorillaz zveřejňovala jednotlivé nahrávky a zpřístupňovala je na digitálních službách. Sbírku více i méně experimentálních tracků nakonec kapela vydala v roce 2020 také na fyzických nosičích. V průběhu roku 2020 skupina Gorillaz zveřejňovala jednotlivé nahrávky a zpřístupňovala je na digitálních službách. Postupně na internetu v rámci projektu Sound Machine nabídla sedm epizod se skladbami, kde se objevují například Robert Smith z The Cure, Elton John, již zesnulý Tony Allen, populárí britští rappeři Skepta, Kano a slowthai nebo punková dvojice Slaves. Sbírku více i méně experimentálních tracků nakonec kapela vydala v roce 2020 také na fyzických nosičích. Rozšířená verze CD Softpak je bohatší o šest skladeb. Za animovanou čtveřicí Gorillaz stojí zpěvák Damon Albarn a komiksový ilustrátor Jamie Hewlett. Skupina byla stvořena v roce 1998, jejími členy jsou kreslené postavičky 2D (zpěv a klávesy), Murdoc (baskytara),... (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Gorillaz: Gorillaz Presents Song Machine, Season 1 (2LP+CD) - CD+LP (9029520940) , Griff: one foot in front of the other - mixtape - lp (9029675261)LP vinyl - V reedici vychází na purpurově-černém mramorovém vinylu šesté studiové album z roku 2016. jedné se o koncepční album s příběhem o sově, která započne válku s orlem. Avatar jsou skupinou ze švédského Göteborgu, které se věnuje melodickému death-metalu. V reedici vychází na purpurově-černém mramorovém vinylu šesté studiové album z roku 2016. jedné se o koncepční album s příběhem o sově, která započne válku s orlem. Avatar jsou skupinou ze švédského Göteborgu, které se věnuje melodickému death-metalu. Seznam stop 2LP (purple+black marbled in gatefold - limitovaná edice 1000ks) LP1 A1 Regret / A2 House of Eternal Hunt / A3 The Eagle has Landed / A4 New Land / A5 Tooth, Beak & Claw / B1 For The Swarm / B2 Fiddler's Farewell / B3 One More Hill / B4 Black Waters / B5 Night Never Ending LP2 C1 Pray the Sun Away / C2 When The Snow Lies Red / C3 Raven Wine / C4 Sky Burial (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Avatar: Feathers & Flesh 2LP (Purple+Black Marbled In Gatefold) (2xLP) - LP (4251981702919) , Fear a brother like no other (978-80-88126-32-4)Subžánr: Nu Metal;Heavy Metal Žánr: Metal;Nu Metal;Heavy Metal;Alternative Metal Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Německo Typ: Limitovaná edice;LP deska;Barevná;Album Vydavatelství: Roadrunner Records Země interpreta: USA Varianta: The End, So Far (Limited Edition) (Yellow Vinyl) (180 g Vinyl) (2LP) Barva: Žlutá Barva podle výrobce: Yellow Interpret / Téma: Slipknot Datum vydání: 2022-09-30 Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029 Rok vydání: 2022.0 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Hmotnost: 180 g Složení setu: 2 ks (muziker.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Slipknot - The End, So Far (Limited Edition) (Yellow Vinyl) (180 g Vinyl) (2LP) , Prine john: live at the other end, dec. 1975 (2x cd) - cd (0349784472)eBook: Cílem knihy je nabídnout čtenáři výsledky výzkumu spotřeby statků a služeb v českých domácnostech. První dvě kapitoly se věnují dopadům spotřeby na životní prostředí a teoretickým přístupům k analýze spotřeby a chování. Zbývajících pět kapitol se věnuje podrobněji spotřebnímu chování s významnými dopady na životní prostředí, jako je poptávka po energiích a dopravě, energeticky úsporné chování a energeticky úsporné opatření v domácnosti, vlastnictví osobního automobilu a spotřeba biopotravin. Cílem této knihy je poukázat na environmentální efekty, které jsou spojeny s těmito vybranými typy chování a přinést nové poznatky o tom, jak jsou tyto typy spotřebního chování časté v různých segmentech české společnosti. Publikace, kterou vám předkládáme, upozorňuje také na některé politiky a jiné intervenční nástroje, které mohou být použity k ovlivňování spotřebního chování. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Environmentally Significant Behaviour in the Czech Republic: Energy, Food and Transportation - Jan Urban, Milan Ščasný, Iva Zvěřinová - e-kniha , Prine john: live at the other end, dec. 1975 (4x lp) - lp (0349784497)A hilarious and heart-warming queer rom-com about the first openly non-binary contestant on a cooking show who becomes distracted by their beautiful, clumsy competitor.Every recipe needs a little chemistry . . .Recently divorced Dahlia Woodson is ready to reinvent herself and she's found the perfect opportunity: the hit cooking competition show Chef's Special. Falling flat on her face on the first day is admittedly not the best start, but Dahlia isn't going to let it mess up her focus. London Parker is also there to win. As the first non-binary contestant on Chef's Special, they have a lot to prove, and they have enough on their mind without being distracted by the pretty contestant who crashed into them on Day One and hasn't really stopped talking since. After filming a few episodes, Dahlia and London grow closer and things get a little steamy as they spend more time together outside of the show. Suddenly winning isn't as important as either of them thought, but when their relationship starts to feel the heat both in and out of the kitchen, Dahlia and London realise that love doesn't always follow a recipe..............................................................................................Raves for Love & Other Disasters!'Wildly charming, exquisitely vibrant, and achingly tender . . . I can't wait to buy it for everyone I've ever met' Rosie Danan'With only one book, Anita Kelly has landed among my all-time favorite authors' Meryl Wilsner'Anita Kelly has the perfect recipe for romance . . . I didn't want it to end and I'm so hungry for more' Ruby Barrett (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Love & Other Disasters , The devil’s apple and other tales / ďáblovo jablko a jiné povídky (999-00-020-6999-4)Audiokniha MP3 - autor Howard Phillips Lovecraft a Montague Rhodes James, čte Courtney Claar, Sam Kellett, Roy McCrerey a Alex Went The very first step into the Darkness is called Death and Other Horrors, and it contains three short storiesThe author of the first of these – The Haunted Dolls’ House – is Montague Rhodes James. A scientist at first, James eventually gained success writing Gothic horror stories. Cool Air, and Azathoth, by Howard Phillips Lovecraft, complete the collection. Lovecraft was not well-known during his life, but became an influential horror-story writer after his death. It was he who proclaimed M. R. James as the “master of terror and monstrous visions”. The atmosphere of horror and mystery is underlined by excellent performances by all actors and music as well as by the original graphic design of the cover. (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Death and Other Horrors () , The case of bizarre death and other tales / případ bizarní smrti a další příběhy (999-00-020-3027-7)Kniha - autor Chris Cleave, 378 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Other Hand (0340920246) , The brother of the other: mmigration from belarus, russia and ukraine to the czech republic and the (978-80-210-8577-0)Kniha - autor Jhumpa Lahiri, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In Other Words is at heart a love story: that of a writer for another language. For Jhumpa Lahiri, that love was for Italian, which captivated and capsized her during a trip to Florence after college. In 2012 she decided to move to Rome with her family, for 'a trial by fire, a sort of baptism' into a new language and world. Presented in a dual-language format, In Other Words is a book about exile, linguistic and otherwise, written with an intensity and clarity not seen since Nabokov. It is a surprising, powerful and eloquent book. (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako In Other Words (1408866137)Kniha - autor Bernardine Evaristo, 464 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná This is Britain as you've never read it. This is Britain as it has never been told. From Newcastle to Cornwall, from the birth of the twentieth century to the teens of the twenty-first, Girl Woman Other follows a cast of twelve characters on their personal journeys through this country and the last hundred years. They're each looking for something - a shared past, an unexpected future, a place to call home, somewhere to fit in, a lover, a missed mother, a lost father, even just a touch of hope. (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Girl, Woman, Other (0241984998)The Other Side tells of a dream kingdom which becomes a nightmare, of a journey to Pearl, a mysterious city created deep in Asia, which is also a journey to the depths of the subconcious, or as Kubin himself called it, 'a sort of Baedeker for those lands which are half known to us'. Written in 1908, and more or less half way between Meyrink and Kafka, it was greeted with wild enthusiasm by the artists and writers of the Expressionist generation. ' Expressionist illustrator Kubin wrote this fascinating curio, his only literary work in 1908. A town named Pearl, assembled and presided over by the aptly named Patera, is the setting for his hallucinatory vision of a society founded on instinct over reason. Culminating apocalyptically - plagues of insects, mountains of corpses and orgies in the street - it is worth reading for its dizzying surrealism alone. Though ostensibly a gothic macabre fantasy, it is tempting to read The Other Side as a satire on the reactionary, idealist utopianism evident in German thought in the early twentieth century, highly prescient in its gloom, given later developments. The language often suggests Nietsche. The inevitable collapse of Patera's creation is lent added horror by hindsight. Kubin's depiction of absurd bureaucracy is strongly reminiscent of Kafka's The Trial, and his flawed utopia, situated next to a settlement of supposed savages, brings to mind Huxley's Brave New World; it precedes both novels, and this superb new translation could demonstrate its influence on subsequent modern literature.' Kieron Pim in Time Out It will appeal to fans of Mervyn Peake and readers who like the darkly decadent, the fantastic and the grotesque in their reading. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Other Side - Alfred KubinPoppy never thought her husband wanted children - especially not with her best friend. When Poppy arrives home to find her husband and best friend sitting side by side at her kitchen table, she thinks they're planning her a birthday surprise . . . Little does she know, they're waiting to tell her about their affair. And worse, that they're having a baby. Now everywhere she goes, mothers are reminding her of their betrayal. So when Poppy meets a woman who wants to help her fight back, it seems like a good idea. But how well does she know her? Is she there to help . . . or does she have an agenda of her own? What readers are saying: 'I stayed up late reading this . . . it was brilliant' 'An evocative, exciting story filled with a dark humour' 'Just as compelling and moreish as I'd expected' 'I was hooked and raced through' (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Those Other Women - Nicola MoriartyMateriál: ocel, kůže Materiál skla: minerální Pásek: kožený Průměr ciferníku: 35 mm Zobrazení času: analogové Strojek: bateriový Quartz Barva ciferníku: světle hnědá Barva: béžová (bibloo.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Fossil Other Hodinky Hnědá BéžováThis is Britain as you've never seen it.This is Britain as it has never been told.From Newcastle to Cornwall, from the birth of the twentieth century to the teens of the twenty-first, Girl Woman Other follows a cast of twelve characters on their personal journeys through this country and the last hundred years. They're each looking for something - a shared past, an unexpected future, a place to call home, somewhere to fit in, a lover, a missed mother, a lost father, even just a touch of hope . (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Girl, Woman, Other - Bernardine EvaristováThe Other Woman by debut author Sandie Jones, is a gripping psychological thriller, perfect for fans of Michelle Frances's The Girlfriend and B A Paris's Behind Closed Doors. When Emily meets Adam she knows he is the One. That together they can deal with anything that is thrown at them. But lurking in the shadows is another woman, Pammie. Emily chose Adam, but she didn't choose his mother. There's nothing a mother wouldn't do for her son, and now Emily is about to find out just how far Pammie will go to get what she wants . . . (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Other Woman - Sandie JonesHans Christian Andersen is one of the world's most popular storytellers, and his fairy tales are among the best-loved works of literature. Readers the world over know his poignant tale of "The Little Mermaid," who sacrifices everything for love, and "Thumbelina," the miniscule maiden who captures the heart of many members of the animal kingdom. Several of Andersen's stories are so well known—among them "The Emperor's New Clothes" and "The Ugly Duckling"—that their titles alone have become meaningful figures of speech. The Little Mermaid and Other Fairy Tales collects seventeen of Andersen's incomparable stories, among them "The Princess and the Pea," "The Red Shoes," "The Wild Swans," and his fantasy masterpiece, "The Snow-Queen." The book is illustrated in full color by W. Heath Robinson. The Little Mermaid and Other Fairy Tales is one of Barnes & Noble's Collectible Editions classics. Each volume features authoritative texts by the world's greatest authors in an exquisitely designed foil-stamped binding, with distinctive gilt edging and an attract silk-ribbon bookmark. Decorative, durable, and collectible, these books offer hours of pleasure to readers young and old and are an indispensable cornerstone for any home library. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Little Mermaid and Other Fairy‘Tobermory’ – the title story of this collection – is widely considered one of Saki’s finest pieces, in which a short-sighted dinner-party guest introduces a talking cat to the diners, inadvertently revealing gossip and pushing fickle characters into the limelight – in the process undermining the common perceptions of grandiose and genteel high society. From some of his earliest successes, such as ‘Gabriel-Ernest’, ‘The Bag’ and the Clovis stories, about a young man with an impish sense of humour, to later tales such as ‘The Boar-Pig’, which is as bizarre as it is hilarious, and ‘The Toys of Peace’, which he was never able to see in print, this selection contains a wealth of well-known tales with vastly different themes – from reincarnation to psychological warfare – and bearing every trademark token of wit with which Saki has enthralled generations of eager readers. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Tobermory and Other Stories - SakiDracula and Other Horror Classics collects the most memorable tales of horror by Bram Stoker. In addition to Dracula—the landmark vampire novel that set the pattern for virtually all vampire fiction written after its publication in 1897—this omnibus collects the novels The Jewel of Seven Stars and The Lair of the White Worm. In also includes a dozen of Stoker's short tales of the macabre, including "Dracula's Guest," a sidebar to his famous novel. For more than a century, Bram Stoker's fiction has inspired countless writers of horror and fantasy fiction. This volume allows readers a unique opportunity to appreciate the full range of his dark imagination. Dracula and Other Horror Classics is one of Barnes & Noble's Collectible Editions classics. Each volume features authoritative texts by the world's greatest authors, in exquisitely designed bonded-leather bindings with distinctive gilt edging and an attractive ribbon bookmark. Decorative, durable, and collectible, these books offer hours of pleasure to readers young and old and are an indispensable cornerstone for every home library. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Dracula and Other Horror ClassFrom the winner of the Pulitzer Prize, a profoundly moving story of an island refuge, and a community of outcasts living on borrowed time.A novel inspired by the true story of the once racially integrated Malaga Island off the coast of Maine, by the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Tinkers.In 1792, formerly enslaved Benjamin Honey and his Irish wife, Patience, discovered an island where they could make a life together. More than a century later, the Honeys' descendants remain there, with an eccentric, diverse band of neighbors- a pair of sisters raising three Penobscot orphans; Theophilus and Candace Larks and their nocturnal brood; the prophetic Zachary Hand To God Proverbs, a Civil War veteran who carves Biblical images in a hollow tree. Then comes the intrusion of "civilization"- eugenics-minded state officials determine to cleanse" the island, and a missionary schoolteacher selects one light-skinned boy to save. The rest will succumb to the authorities' institutions or cast themselves on the waters in a new Noah's Ark.Full of lyricism and power, This Other Eden explores the hopes and dreams and resilience of those seen not to fit a world brutally intolerant of difference. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako This Other Eden - Paul HardingA rare, funny and poignant novel celebrating the beauty of OPEN ADOPTION and NON-TRADITIONAL FAMILIES.They look just like any other family... but between the four children there are THREE sets of parents who committed to an open adoption of biological siblings, keeping the children connected after the death of their grandmother.Tabitha the planner of the group, is insistent that everything happens just so. Quiet single mother Ginger resists the forced togetherness, and newest mother Elizabeth is still reeling from going directly from failed fertility treatments into adopting a newborn.But when the three women receive a surprising call from their children’s birth mother, announcing she is pregnant again and wants them to help her find an adoptive family for this child too, the delicate bonds they are still struggling to form threaten to collapse. As tensions start to rise on their joint family holiday, the three women reckon with their own feelings about what it means to be a mother and what they owe each other as a family.The New York Times bestselling author of The Weird Sisters returns with a striking and intimate new novel about three very different women facing an impossible question: what makes a family? (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Any Other Family - Eleanor BrownováKniha - autor Misa Sugiura, 352 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá This delightfully disastrous queer YA rom-com is a perfect read for fans of Jenny Han, Morgan Matson, and Sandhya Menon. When Nozomi Nagai pictured the ideal summer romance, a fake one wasn’t what she had in mind. That was before she met the perfect girl. Willow is gorgeous, glamorous, and…heartbroken? And when she enlists Nozomi to pose as her new girlfriend to make her ex jealous, Nozomi is a willing volunteer. Because Nozomi has a master plan of her own: one to show Willow she’s better than a stand-in, and turn their fauxmance into something real. But as the lies pile up, it’s not long before Nozomi’s schemes take a turn toward disaster…and maybe a chance at love she didn’t plan for. (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Love & Other Natural Disasters (006299123X)Rok nahrávky: 1974.0 Rok vydání: 2019.0 Subžánr: Americana;Folk Barva podle výrobce: Black Typ: Album;LP deska;Nové vydání;Remastered Dekáda interpreta: 1960 - 1969;1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999 Datum vydání: 2019-11-08 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Vydavatelství: 4AD Složení setu: 1 ks Hmotnost: 180 g Žánr: Rock;Country Země interpreta: USA Varianta: No Other (Vinyl LP) Země původu: Evropská unie Interpret / Téma: Gene Clark Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Černá (muziker.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Gene Clark - No Other (LP)Kniha - autor Sarah Hogle, 358 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná When your nemesis also happens to be your fiancé, happily ever after becomes a lot more complicated in this wickedly funny, lovers-to-enemies-to-lovers romantic comedy debut. Naomi Westfield has the perfect fiancé: Nicholas Rose holds doors open for her, remembers her restaurant orders, and comes from the kind of upstanding society family any bride would love to be a part of. They never fight. They’re preparing for their lavish wedding that's three months away. And she is miserably and utterly sick of him. Naomi wants out, but there's a catch: whoever ends the engagement will have to foot the nonrefundable wedding bill. When Naomi discovers that Nicholas, too, has been feigning contentment, the two of them go head-to-head in a battle of pranks, sabotage, and all-out emotional warfare. But with the countdown looming to the wedding that may or may not come to pass, Naomi finds her... (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako You Deserve Each Other (0593085426)Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. Readers and critics were scandalized by The Awakening when it was first published but it is now regarded as amongst the boldest and earliest of feminist fiction. It is published here with a selection of Chopin's strikingly perceptive short stories and introduced by Dr J. Michelle Coghlan, specialist in American literature.In The Awakening Edna Pontellier is on holiday with her husband and two young children at a sleepy resort town on the Louisiana Gulf Coast. There, she is pursued by the charming and unmarried Robert Lebrun. Edna doesn't play by the rules; flirtation turns to an affair which awakens in Edna her own desire to break away from her passionless marriage, her children and the strict conventions of nineteenth-century society. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Awakening : & Other Stories - Kate ChopinHans Christian Andersen's "The Snow Queen" has delighted readers for more than a century and inspired numerous adaptations. This anthology gathers 100 tales that share the winter theme of Andersen's classic. In addition to stories by Andersen and the Brothers Grimm, it includes works by Dickens, Louisa May Alcott, Wilde, selections from Andrew Lang's fairy books, and Alexandre Dumas's The History of a Nutcracker. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Snow Queen and Other Winter TalesA collection of Kafka's greatest short fiction, translated by Michael HofmannKafka's masterpiece of unease and black humour, Metamorphosis, the story of an ordinary man transformed into an insect, is brought together in this collection with the rest of his works that he thought worthy of publication. It includes Contemplation, a collection of his earlier short studies; The Judgement, written in a single night of frenzied creativity; The Stoker, the first chapter of a novel set in America; and an eyewitness account of an air display. Together, these stories, fragments and miniature gems reveal the breadth of his vision, his sense of the absurd, and above all his acute, uncanny wit.Translated with an introduction by Michael Hofmann (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Metamorphosis and Other Stories - Franz KafkaIn 1891, Paul Gauguin (1848–1903) arrives on the French Polynesian island of Tahiti. In this lush paradise, he is liberated from the concerns of the city-dwelling European. He is free: to love, to sing, and to create. In Copenhagen, Gauguin’s wife enjoys no such freedom. She would rather forget her odious husband and his degenerate artwork. Instead, in a city resistant to the avant-garde, she is tasked with selling a collection of his extravagantly priced Tahitian paintings. When they finally go on sale?in Paris, shortly after Gauguin’s return?sales are catastrophic. For Monet, Renoir, and the rest of the old guard, nothing indicates that these bizarre, visionary works are of any lasting significance. Gauguin: The Other World is a revelatory biography of an artist whose qualities as a man won him few admirers in his own lifetime, but whose talents as a painter would have an enormous influence on the art of Picasso, Matisse, and many more. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Gauguin: The Other World - Fabrizio DoriCheats. Liars. Fakes. Friends? A breathtaking contemporary YA thriller – serious questions and hot romance in an irresistible twisty mystery. Perfect for fans of One of Us is Lying, We Were Liars and A Good Girl's Guide to Murder. Jo used to be the perfect high-school girl – class president, popular, bright and successful.But when nude photos of her were leaked to the entire school, her grades plummeted, her friends fell away and now she's a reckless, difficult social outcast. The girl who 'deserved' it. Then her former best friend Maddie disappears.Everyone else assumes Maddie has just run away but that doesn’t add up to Jo. To discover the truth, Jo needs to get back in with the group of classmates who have shut her out: the boys who betrayed her and the clique of girls who whisper behind her back. And she has to make it look as if she wants to be there.The only way back in is through Hudson. An old fling with his own reasons for finding Maddie, he persuades Jo to fake date him. And it works.But as the truth about Maddie’s disappearance comes to light, so do long-hidden secrets from Jo’s past. Who is Jo really trying to find—Maddie, or the girl she herself used to be? (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Not Like Other Girls - Meredith AdamoSvětově uznávaný fotograf Angelo Purgert, který získal mnoho mezinárodních ocenění, vytvořil originální umělecký projekt s názvem Jiný svět, který přichází čtyři roky po velmi úspěšném fotografickém projektu První republika. Hlavním námětem fotografií v této knize je útěk od dnešní přetechnizované doby do světa, kde mizí předsudky mezi lidmi jejich rasou a životním prostředím a kde vládnou klidné a pokojné vztahy. Fotografie také vyjadřují návrat člověka k původním lidským hodnotám a vznikaly v nádherných přírodních scenériích Šumavy a středních čech. Kniha přinášející výběr těch nejzajímavějších snímků z projektu je opatřena anglickým překladem. Fotografický projekt Jiný svět má charitativní podtext a finanční výtěžek z této knihy podpoří Kliniku dětské hematolgie a onkologie v Praze 5, Motole. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Jiný svět / Other World - Angelo PurgertThe story of the heart can never be unwritten.Macy Sorensen is settling into an ambitious if emotionally tepid routine: work hard as a new pediatrics resident, plan her wedding to an older, financially secure man, keep her head down and heart tucked away.But when she runs into Elliot Petropoulos—the first and only love of her life—the careful bubble she’s constructed begins to dissolve. Once upon a time, Elliot was Macy’s entire world—growing from her gangly bookish friend into the man who coaxed her heart open again after the loss of her mother...only to break it on the very night he declared his love for her.Told in alternating timelines between Then and Now, teenage Elliot and Macy grow from friends to much more—spending weekends and lazy summers together in a house outside of San Francisco devouring books, sharing favorite words, and talking through their growing pains and triumphs. As adults, they have become strangers to one another until their chance reunion. Although their memories are obscured by the agony of what happened that night so many years ago, Elliot will come to understand the truth behind Macy’s decade-long silence, and will have to overcome the past and himself to revive her faith in the possibility of an all-consuming love. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Love and Other Words - Christina LaurenováSixteen-year-old Odile Ozanne is an awkward, quiet girl, but everyone knows she's destined to land a coveted seat on the Conseil.In her apprenticeship, she competes to become one of the judges to decide who amongst the town's residents may travel across the border. If she earns the position, she'll decree who may be escorted deep into the woods, who may cross the border's barbed wire fence, who may make the arduous trek over the western mountain range - or perhaps the eastern range-to descend into the next valley over. It's the same valley, the same town.However, to the east, the town is twenty years ahead in time. To the west, it's twenty years behind. The towns repeat in an endless sequence across the wilderness.The only border crossings permitted by the Conseil are mourning tours: furtive viewings of the dead in towns where the dead are still alive. Odile, wise beyond her years, will surely pass the Conseil's vetting. But when she happens upon a mourning tour she wasn't supposed to see, she realizes her dear friend Edme's parents have crossed the border from the east, from twenty years in the future, to view their son still alive in Odile's present.Edme, who's so funny and light. Edme, who's a violin virtuoso at just sixteen. Edme, who's the first boy to even see Odile, to really like her....And it's Edme who's going to die. Sworn to secrecy by the Conseil in order to preserve the timeline, Odile finds herself drawn even closer to the doomed boy. When Edme dies far sooner than Odile expects, when she does nothing to thwart his fate, she's deeply shaken.The loss, her foreknowledge, the weight of her rare and varied grief all throw Odile's own future, her adult life, into a devastating, downward spiral. If your soul was stricken by the years, your teeth bloodied from all of life's blows, would you risk being seen by the armed patrols, would you gamble with everyone's lives, with your own, with the annihilation of an entire timeline to hike across the border and get back to where it all went wrong? (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Other Valley - Scott Alexander HowardThe Other Woman by debut author Sandie Jones, is a gripping psychological thriller, perfect for fans of Michelle Frances's The Girlfriend and B A Paris's Behind Closed Doors. When Emily meets Adam she knows he is the One. That together they can deal with anything that is thrown at them. But lurking in the shadows is another woman, Pammie. Emily chose Adam, but she didn't choose his mother. There's nothing a mother wouldn't do for her son, and now Emily is about to find out just how far Pammie will go to get what she wants . . . (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Other Woman (Defekt) - Sandie JonesováBeauty and the Beast & Other Classic Fairy Tales features one hundred and one stories in which beauties and beasts capture the charm and magic of the classic fairy tale... Chosen from The Blue Fairy Book and other fairy tale collections by Andrew Lang, the selections include, in addition to the beloved title tale, a cornucopia of stories both well-known and less well-known that are a testament to the power of stories from all countries and cultures to enchant and entertain with their fantastic characters. Beauty and the Beast and Other Classic Fairy Tales is one of Barnes and Noble's Collectible Editions classics. Each volume features authoritative texts by the world's greatest authors in an exquisitely designed bonded-leather binding, with distinctive gilt edging and a ribbon bookmark. Decorative, durable, and collectible, these books offer hours of pleasure to readers young and old and are an indispensable cornerstone for every home library. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Beauty and the Beast and OtherGeorge Bernard Shaw is one of the most famous and celebrated Irish playwrights and this new collection brings together the very best of his witty and entertaining comedies in one volume; Pygmalion, Major Barbara and Androcles and the Lion.Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition has a preface by Oscar-winning actress Judi Dench.Pygmalion was first performed in 1914 and was an instant hit which then inspired the hit musical and award winning film, My Fair Lady. It tells the story of Eliza Doolittle and Henry Higgins, who tries to elevate a feisty flower girl out of her working-class roots and into high society. In Major Barbara, idealistic Barbara is a major in the Salvation Army, at odds with her millionaire father as they war over the best route to salvation. Androcles and the Lion is a clever retelling of the Bible story about a gentle Christian who pulls a thorn from a lion's paw. All three plays are not only wonderfully amusing, they also showcase Shaw's intense concerns about poverty, class and inequality. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Pygmalion & Other Plays - George Bernard ShawNikola Tesla's life is as interesting for his idiosyncrasy as it is for his brilliance. The inventor's mind knew no limits and his incredible sense of possibility rings through his memoir. This authorative volume of My Inventions includes three additional articles by Tesla which were published in The Electrical Experimenter magazine and represent the breadth of his interests: 'Tesla would pour Lightning from Airships to Consume Foe' (1916), 'The Action of The Eye' (1893), 'The Problem of Increasing Human Energy' (1900). Samantha Hunt, author of The Invention of Everything Else, contributes an introduction to Tesla's works, separating fact from fiction (there are published works out there that attest Tesla was an alien), while maintaining the natural awe of Tesla's eccentric existence. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako My Inventions & Other Writings - Nikola TeslaThe hilarious and deeply moving diary novel from bestselling author Alex Barclay – this might just be the funniest book ever to make you cry your eyes out. This is the diary of me, Ellery Brown, aged fifteen and a half. I’m supposed to be recording my feelings about my mum, since she died, so why do I keep thinking about who my dad might be instead? Until now, I’ve had literally NO IDEA who my dad is. My best friend Meg and I have narrowed it down to three authors my mum knew. (She was an author too.) But as they’re all on different CONTINENTS, we’re going to need fake IDs, passports, plane tickets and to get away from my self-obsessed grandmother . . . One thing’s for sure: this year is going to be INTERESTING! (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako My Heart & Other Breakables - Alex BarclayMeet Naomi and Nicholas: the Perfect Couple.Their glorious, lavish wedding is coming up in three short months . . . and they are utterly, miserably sick of each other.Unfortunately, whoever backs out first will end up bearing the brunt of the wedding bill. When Naomi finds out that Nicholas has been feigning contentment too, the two of them go head-to-head in a battle of sabotage, pranks, and all-out emotional warfare to see who can annoy the other into surrendering first.Now that they have nothing to lose, they're finally being themselves. In fact, they're having so much fun getting on each other's nerves that it starts to feel like something else entirely...Perfect for fans of Helen Hoang's The Love Quotient and Sally Thorne's The Hating Game, YOU DESERVE EACH OTHER is laugh-out-loud funny, painfully relatable, and bitingly smart. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako You Deserve Each Other - Sarah HogleKniha - 376 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá - 376 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá My Family and Other Animals is Gerald Durrell's hilarious account of five years in his childhood spent living with his family on the island of Corfu. With snakes, scorpions, toads, owls and geckos competing for space with one bookworm brother and another who's gun-mad, as well as an obsessive sister, young Gerald has an awful lot of natural history to observe. This richly detailed, informative and riotously funny memoir of eccentric family life is a twentieth-century classic.This edition features an afterword by Peter Olney, former Keeper of Birds at the London Zoo, and a distinguished ornithologist who was awarded the Zoological Society of London's Silver Medal in 2003.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and... (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako My Family and Other Animals (1909621986)