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The Other Mothers - Katherine Faulkner
The outstanding new thriller from the author of international bestseller, Greenwich Park ''This is The Undoing meets Big Little Lies'' Abigail Dean''The elevated, devourable thriller you''ve been looking for'' Ashley Audrain''Relentlessly twisty'' Sarah Vaughan ''Next-level mum noir'' Ellery Lloyd _______________ You want to be one of them. Until you know them.You''ve been desperate for a story to launch your freelance career. But you want something else even more: new friends to help you navigate motherhood. And then you see them at your son''s new playgroup. The other mothers. Those sleek, sophisticated mothers. The women you want to be. One of them welcomes them into their circle. And, on the other side of glass, their lives are exactly like the one you''ve always dreamt of; their elegant London townhouses a world away from your cramped basement flat - and your endless bills. They seem to have it all. But they also have their secrets. And it''s soon clear that you can''t trust everyone at playgroup. _______________MORE love for The Other Mothers:''As addictive as it gets'' Fabulous''I loved it'' Harriet Walker''I read this brilliantly plotted, brilliantly observed thriller in one sitting ... so good'' India Knight ''Wonderful sense of growing dread in the dark side of motherland'' Fiona Barton''I finished it in one sitting'' Kate Collins ''Faulkner''s first novel was fantastic, but this is another step up'' Holly Watt''Smart, slick and utterly captivating'' Sarah Bonner''I couldn''t turn the pages fast enough'' Teresa Driscoll
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Greenwich Park - Katherine Faulkner
Helen has it all... Daniel is the perfect husband. Rory is the perfect brother. Serena is the perfect sister-in-law. And Rachel? Rachel is the perfect nightmare. When Helen, finally pregnant after years of tragedy, attends her first antenatal class, she is expecting her loving architect husband to arrive soon after, along with her confident, charming brother Rory and his pregnant wife, the effortlessly beautiful Serena. What she is not expecting is Rachel. Extroverted, brash, unsettling single mother-to-be Rachel, who just wants to be Helen's friend. Who just wants to get know Helen and her friends and her family. Who just wants to know everything about them. Every little secret... Masterfully plotted and utterly addictive, Greenwich Park is a dark, compelling look at motherhood, friendships, privilege and the secrets we keep to protect ourselves.
Podívejte se také The Kiltem Massacre and other horror stories ()
Greenwich Park - Katherine Faulkner
Helenin idylický život – pohledný manžel architekt, nádherný viktoriánský dům a konečně i vytoužené miminko na cestě – nabere nečekaný směr poté, co poprvé navštíví předporodní kurz. Potká tam totiž Rachel, nepředvídatelnou budoucí svobodnou matku. Rachel neprojevuje příliš mateřské chování: kouří, pije a o rodičovství se moc nezajímá. Helen to k ní přesto přitahuje. Možná, že Rachel prostě potřebuje kamarádku. A popravdě, Helen si taky připadá tak trochu osamělá. S Rachel je alespoň zábava. Dokáže Helen rozesmát a vzbudit v ní důvěru. Když je s ní, zapomíná na svoje starosti. Jenže její čím dál nevyzpytatelnější chování je znepokojující. A Helen není jediná, kdo si toho všimnul. Její kamarádi a rodina brzy pojmou podezření, že její podivná nová kamarádka nějakým záhadným způsobem sdílí jejich společnou historii. Když Rachel začne hrozit, že odhalí dávný zločin, čímž by mohla zničit jejich životy, ukáže se, že široké koruny stromů a teplé světlo lamp v Greenwich Parku skrývají víc než jedno tajemství.
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Ostatní matky - Katherine Faulkner
Když poblíž jejího domova za záhadných okolností zemře mladá chůva, je si novopečená matka Tash jistá, že by z toho konečně mohl být námět na článek, který by jí pomohl znovu nastartovat její novinářskou kariéru.Mezitím taky potřebuje najít co nejbližší školku pro svého synka. Nedaleko ní se rozprostírá nádherná čtvrť plná bohatých a přátelských rodin, které žijí v přepychových domech a zvou ji na okázalé návštěvy, během nichž si jejich syn může hrát s ostatními dětmi. Když však zemře další mladá žena z okolí Tashiných nových přátel, začne jí být jasné, že tu něco nehraje. A čím víc pátrá, tím zajímavější věci o ostatních matkách ze synovy školky zjišťuje.Jsou tyto ženy skutečně jejími přítelkyněmi? Nebo existuje jiný, nebezpečnější důvod, proč ji přijaly do jejich exkluzivních životů? Kdo přesně koho vyšetřuje?
Objev podobné jako Ostatní matky - Katherine Faulkner
Greenwich Park (Defekt) - Katherine Faulkner
Helenin idylický život – pohledný manžel architekt, nádherný viktoriánský dům a konečně i vytoužené miminko na cestě – nabere nečekaný směr poté, co poprvé navštíví předporodní kurz. Potká tam totiž Rachel, nepředvídatelnou budoucí svobodnou matku. Rachel neprojevuje příliš mateřské chování: kouří, pije a o rodičovství se moc nezajímá. Helen to k ní přesto přitahuje. Možná, že Rachel prostě potřebuje kamarádku. A popravdě, Helen si taky připadá tak trochu osamělá. S Rachel je alespoň zábava. Dokáže Helen rozesmát a vzbudit v ní důvěru. Když je s ní, zapomíná na svoje starosti. Jenže její čím dál nevyzpytatelnější chování je znepokojující. A Helen není jediná, kdo si toho všimnul. Její kamarádi a rodina brzy pojmou podezření, že její podivná nová kamarádka nějakým záhadným způsobem sdílí jejich společnou historii. Když Rachel začne hrozit, že odhalí dávný zločin, čímž by mohla zničit jejich životy, ukáže se, že široké koruny stromů a teplé světlo lamp v Greenwich Parku skrývají víc než jedno tajemství.
Objev podobné jako Greenwich Park (Defekt) - Katherine Faulkner
Greenwich Park (Defekt) - Katherine Faulkner
Helenin idylický život – pohledný manžel architekt, nádherný viktoriánský dům a konečně i vytoužené miminko na cestě – nabere nečekaný směr poté, co poprvé navštíví předporodní kurz. Potká tam totiž Rachel, nepředvídatelnou budoucí svobodnou matku. Rachel neprojevuje příliš mateřské chování: kouří, pije a o rodičovství se moc nezajímá. Helen to k ní přesto přitahuje. Možná, že Rachel prostě potřebuje kamarádku. A popravdě, Helen si taky připadá tak trochu osamělá. S Rachel je alespoň zábava. Dokáže Helen rozesmát a vzbudit v ní důvěru. Když je s ní, zapomíná na svoje starosti. Jenže její čím dál nevyzpytatelnější chování je znepokojující. A Helen není jediná, kdo si toho všimnul. Její kamarádi a rodina brzy pojmou podezření, že její podivná nová kamarádka nějakým záhadným způsobem sdílí jejich společnou historii. Když Rachel začne hrozit, že odhalí dávný zločin, čímž by mohla zničit jejich životy, ukáže se, že široké koruny stromů a teplé světlo lamp v Greenwich Parku skrývají víc než jedno tajemství.
Objev podobné jako Greenwich Park (Defekt) - Katherine Faulkner
Greenwich Park - Katherine Faulkner - e-kniha
eBook: Helenin idylický život – pohledný manžel architekt, nádherný viktoriánský dům a konečně i vytoužené miminko na cestě – nabere nečekaný směr poté, co poprvé navštíví předporodní kurz. Potká tam totiž Rachel, nepředvídatelnou budoucí svobodnou matku. Rachel neprojevuje příliš mateřské chování: kouří, pije a o rodičovství se moc nezajímá. Helen to k ní přesto přitahuje. Možná, že Rachel prostě potřebuje kamarádku. A popravdě, Helen si taky připadá tak trochu osamělá. S Rachel je alespoň zábava. Dokáže Helen rozesmát a vzbudit v ní důvěru. Když je s ní, zapomíná na svoje starosti. Jenže její čím dál nevyzpytatelnější chování je znepokojující. A Helen není jediná, kdo si toho všimnul. Její kamarádi a rodina brzy pojmou podezření, že její podivná nová kamarádka nějakým záhadným způsobem sdílí jejich společnou historii. Když Rachel začne hrozit, že odhalí dávný zločin, čímž by mohla zničit jejich životy, ukáže se, že široké koruny stromů a teplé světlo lamp v Greenwich Parku skrývají víc než jedno tajemství.
Objev podobné jako Greenwich Park - Katherine Faulkner - e-kniha
Ostatní matky - Katherine Faulkner - e-kniha
eBook: Když poblíž jejího domova za záhadných okolností zemře mladá chůva, je si novopečená matka Tash jistá, že by z toho konečně mohl být námět na článek, který by jí pomohl znovu nastartovat její novinářskou kariéru.Mezitím taky potřebuje najít co nejbližší školku pro svého synka. Nedaleko ní se rozprostírá nádherná čtvrť plná bohatých a přátelských rodin, které žijí v přepychových domech a zvou ji na okázalé návštěvy, během nichž si jejich syn může hrát s ostatními dětmi. Když však zemře další mladá žena z okolí Tashiných nových přátel, začne jí být jasné, že tu něco nehraje. A čím víc pátrá, tím zajímavější věci o ostatních matkách ze synovy školky zjišťuje.Jsou tyto ženy skutečně jejími přítelkyněmi? Nebo existuje jiný, nebezpečnější důvod, proč ji přijaly do jejich exkluzivních životů? Kdo přesně koho vyšetřuje?
Objev podobné jako Ostatní matky - Katherine Faulkner - e-kniha
The Garden Party and Other Stories - Katherine Mansfield - e-kniha
eBook: Written during the final stages of her illness, The Garden Party and Other Stories is full of a sense of urgency and was Katherine Mansfield\'s last collection to be published during her lifetime. The fifteen stories, many of them set in her native New Zealand, vary in length and tone from the opening story, \"At the Bay,\" a vivid impressionistic evocation of family life, to the short, sharp skectch \"Mrs. Brill,\" in which a lonely woman\'s precarious sense of self is brutally destroyed when she overhears two young lovers mocking her. Sensitive revelations of human behaviour, these stories reveal Mansfield\'s supreme talent as an innovator who freed the story from its conventions and gave it a new strength and prestige.
Objev podobné jako The Garden Party and Other Stories - Katherine Mansfield - e-kniha
PER | Level 4: The Doll´s House and Other Stories - Katherine Mansfield
Classic/ British EnglishKatherine Mansfield is one of the most famous short story writers in the English language. These four stories take place about a hundred years ago in England and New Zealand. They are sometimes funny, sometimes sad and often cruel.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: The Doll´s House and Other Stories - Katherine Mansfield
Bliss and Other Stories - Katherine Mansfield - e-kniha
eBook: Instrumental in revisioning the potential of the short story form, Katherine Mansfield’s ‘Bliss and Other Stories’ captures the accuracy of raw emotion and social experience. Inviting readers to reflect upon our most vulnerable of states, this collection constitutes a deep dive into what it means to be human. Featuring a selection of new poetry and short story by acclaimed New Zealand author Paul Morris, as inspired by Mansfield herself. ‘Bliss and Other Stories’ is the ideal companion for fans of Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams fans of ‘The Notebook’. Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923) was a short story writer and poet from New Zealand who was widely considered one of the most influential and important authors of the modernist movement. Having settled in England at the age of 19, Virginia Woolf and D.H. Lawrence were among her literary friends and admirers. She died of tuberculosis at the age of 34. Her life and best-know short stories were adapted into the 1973 TV series \\\'A Picture of Katherine Mansfield\\\'.
Objev podobné jako Bliss and Other Stories - Katherine Mansfield - e-kniha
Something Childish and Other Stories - Katherine Mansfield - e-kniha
eBook: Instrumental in revisioning the potential of the short story form, Katherine Mansfield’s ‘Something Childish and Other Stories’ captures the vulnerability of raw emotion in its most charged state. Inviting readers to reflect upon our social experiences, this collection constitutes a deep dive into what it truly means to be human. ‘Something Childish and Other Stories’ is the ideal companion for fans of Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams in ‘The Notebook’. Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923) was a short story writer and poet from New Zealand who was regarded as one of the most influential and important authors of the modernist movement. Her life was turned into a TV series in 1973 called ´A Picture of Katherine Mansfield´, and many of her stories have been made into movies and TV shows, such as ´Winners and Losers´ (1975) based on the story ´The Woman at the Store´ and the most recent from 2021 ´Dill Pickle´ starring Caroline Duncan and Jim Thalman.
Objev podobné jako Something Childish and Other Stories - Katherine Mansfield - e-kniha
The Mothers - Brit Bennett
The Mothers is a dazzling debut about young love, a big secret in a small community and the moments that haunt us most. All good secrets have a taste before you tell them, and if we'd taken a moment to swish this one around our mouths, we might have noticed the sourness of an unripe secret, plucked too soon, stolen and passed around before its season. It's the last season of high school life for Nadia Turner, a rebellious, grief-stricken, seventeen-year-old beauty. Mourning her own mother's recent suicide, she takes up with the local pastor's son. Luke Sheppard is twenty-one, a former football star whose injury has reduced him to waiting tables at a diner. They are young; it's not serious. But the pregnancy that results from this teen romance - and the subsequent cover-up - will have an impact that goes far beyond their youth. As Nadia hides her secret from everyone, including Aubrey, her God-fearing best friend, the years move quickly. Soon, Nadia, Luke and Aubrey are full-fledged adults and still living in debt to the choices they made that one seaside summer, caught in a love triangle they must carefully manoeuvre and dogged by the constant, nagging question: what if they had chosen differently? In entrancing, lyrical prose, THE MOTHERS asks whether a 'what if' can be more powerful than an experience itself.
Objev podobné jako The Mothers - Brit Bennett
The Sound and the Fury - William Faulkner
A complex, intense American novel of family from the winner of the Nobel Prize for LiteratureWith an introduction by Richard HughesEver since the first furore was created on its publication in 1929, The Sound and the Fury has been considered one of the key novels of this century. Depicting the gradual disintegration of the Compson family through four fractured narratives, the novel explores intense, passionate family relationships where there is no love, only self-centredness. At its heart, this is a novel about lovelessness - 'only an idiot has no grief; only a fool would forget it.What else is there in this world sharp enough to stick to your guts?'
Objev podobné jako The Sound and the Fury - William Faulkner
The School for Good Mothers - Chan Jessamine
In this taut and explosive debut novel, one lapse in judgement lands a young mother in a government reform program where custody of her child hangs in the balance.Frida Liu is struggling. She doesn’t have a career worthy of her Chinese immigrant parents’ sacrifices. What’s worse is she can’t persuade her husband, Gust, to give up his wellness-obsessed younger mistress. Only with their angelic daughter Harriet does Frida finally feel she’s attained the perfection expected of her. Harriet may be all she has, but she’s just enough.Until Frida has a horrible day.The state has its eyes on mothers like Frida — ones who check their phones while their kids are on the playground; who let their children walk home alone; in other words, mothers who only have one lapse of judgement. Now, a host of government officials will determine if Frida is a candidate for a Big Brother-like institution that measures the success or failure of a mother’s devotion. Faced with the possibility of losing Harriet, Frida must prove that she can live up to the standards set for mothers — that she can learn to be good.This propulsive, witty page-turner explores the perils of “perfect” upper-middle-class parenting, the violence enacted upon women by the state and each other, and the boundless love a mother has for her daughter.
Objev podobné jako The School for Good Mothers - Chan Jessamine
The School for Good Mothers - Chan Jessamine
Frida Liu is a struggling mother. She remembers taking Harriet from her cot and changing her nappy. She remembers giving her a morning bottle. They'd been up since four am.Frida just had to finish the article in front of her. But she'd left a file on her desk at work. What would happen if she retrieved it and came back in an hour? She was so sure it would be okay.Now, the state has decided that Frida is not fit to care for her daughter. That she must be re-educated. Can this mistake cost her everything?THE SCHOOL FOR GOOD MOTHERS is an explosive and thrilling novel about the pressures of perfectionism, parenthoodand privilege.
Objev podobné jako The School for Good Mothers - Chan Jessamine
The Dog Lover's A to Z - Clare Faulkner
Do you know the difference between a blep and a boop? Or that dogs can detect a faint heat source from a distance away with just their cold noses? Combining a mix of interesting pup trivia, pooch idiosyncrasies, and new playful language from social media, this A to Z is a pawsome celebration of the special, and often very funny, relationship between our favourite pets and their adoring humans. From Afghans and Australian Shepherds all the way through to Yorkshire Terriers and Zoomies, The Dog Lover's A to Z mixes Clare Faulkner’s adorable illustrations with funny, engaging written entries to create a charming guide that's the perfect gift for dog lovers everywhere.
Objev podobné jako The Dog Lover's A to Z - Clare Faulkner
The Other Hand (0340920246)
Kniha - autor Chris Cleave, 378 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako The Other Hand (0340920246)
The Explorer - Katherine Rundellová
Winner of the Costa Children's Book Award 2017.From his seat in the tiny aeroplane, Fred watches as the mysteries of the Amazon jungle pass by below him. He has always dreamed of becoming an explorer, of making history and of reading his name amongst the lists of great discoveries. If only he could land and look about him.As the plane crashes into the canopy, Fred is suddenly left without a choice. He and the three other children may be alive, but the jungle is a vast, untamed place. With no hope of rescue, the chance of getting home feels impossibly small.Except, it seems, someone has been there before them . Katherine Rundell spent her childhood in Africa and Europe. After completing a degree in English and a doctorate on John Donne, she is now a full-time writer and a Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, where she studies Renaissance literature and climbs old buildings at night. Katherine is the bestselling author of The Wolf Wilder and Rooftoppers, which won the Waterstones Children's Book Prize and the Blue Peter Book Award and was shortlisted for many others. In 2017 she was selected as one of Hay Festival's Hay30 influential young thinkers to watch. Hannah Horn is a UK-based artist who specialises in illustration, paint and printmaking. Born in Aberdeen, Hannah studied fashion illustration at the London College of Fashion. In her career thus far she has produced work for a diverse range of projects including fashion, print, skateboarding brands and album artwork. The Explorer is her first children's fiction illustration project.
Objev podobné jako The Explorer - Katherine Rundellová
The Bodyguard - Katherine Centerová
A laugh-out-loud, fake-dating romcom: Hannah, a kickass bodyguard, is secretly assigned to protect Hollywood heartthrob Jack by posing as his girlfriend. She's got his back. He's got her heart. They've got a secret. What could possibly go wrong? Hannah Brooks looks more like a kindergarten teacher than somebody who could kill you with her bare hands. But the truth is, she's an elite bodyguard and she's just been hired to protect a superstar actor from his stalker. Jack Stapleton's a Hollywood heartthrob - captured by paparazzi on beaches the world over, rising out of the waves in clingy board shorts and glistening like a Roman deity. When Jack's mom gets sick, he comes home to the family's Texas ranch to help out. Only one catch: He doesn't want his family to know about his stalker. Or the bodyguard thing. And so Hannah - against her will and her better judgment - finds herself pretending to be Jack's girlfriend as a cover. Protecting Jack should be easy. But protecting her own heart? That's the hardest thing she's ever done...
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The Other Woman - Sandie Jonesová
The Other Woman by debut author Sandie Jones, is a gripping psychological thriller, perfect for fans of Michelle Frances's The Girlfriend and B A Paris's Behind Closed Doors. When Emily meets Adam she knows he is the One. That together they can deal with anything that is thrown at them. But lurking in the shadows is another woman, Pammie. Emily chose Adam, but she didn't choose his mother. There's nothing a mother wouldn't do for her son, and now Emily is about to find out just how far Pammie will go to get what she wants . . .
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The Other Side - Jennifer Higgie
''Endlessly intriguing . . . I was enchanted'' - DAILY TELEGRAPH''Illuminating in every sense of the word'' - John HiggsIn an illuminating blend of memoir and art history, The Other Side explores the lives and work of a group of extraordinary women artists. From the twelfth-century mystic Hildegard of Bingen and the nineteenth-century spiritualist Georgiana Houghton to the pioneering Hilma af Klint, these women all - in their own unique ways - shared the same goal: to communicate with, and learn from, other dimensions. Weaving in and out of their myriad lives, Jennifer Higgie considers the solace of ritual, the gender exclusions of art history, the contemporary relevance of myth, the boom in alternative ways of understanding the world and the impact of spiritualism on feminism and contemporary art.
Objev podobné jako The Other Side - Jennifer Higgie
The Other Tenant - Lesley Kara
THE TWISTY NEW THRILLER FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR''The Other Tenant has such an original premise and I was hooked from the very first line. Dark, atmospheric and so compulsive, I raced through this cleverly plotted thriller. The ending gave me chills. I loved it''Claire Douglas, bestselling author of THE GIRLS WHO DISAPPEARED‘DON’T GET TOO COMFORTABLE’Marlow has always lived in unusual places. But when she accepts a position as a live-in property guardian, she finds herself moving somewhere she swore she’d never return to.Right from the start, she knows it’s a terrible mistake. The elegant Victorian school is due to be turned into luxury apartments, but its eerie, empty corridors are full of Marlow’s worst memories.And now something sinister is happening on the site. One of the other tenants has disappeared without warning, and Marlow suspects that the nine other guardians know far more than they’re letting on. She’s determined to find out what happened to the missing woman – but which of these strangers can she trust?And can she uncover the truth before her own past catches up with her?_‘A twisty tale full of menace, with a great setting where everyone is a suspect – The Other Tenant is guaranteed to keep you guessing to the last page’T. M. Logan, author of The Dream Home and The Holiday''I loved this tense thriller - the set up is so intriguing and the characters leap off the page, with plenty of twists and turns that kept me reading late into the night''Laura Marshall, bestselling author of Friend Request''The Other Tenant will take up residence in your mind from the very first page. A cleverly plotted thriller. I raced through it!''Holly Seddon, internationally bestselling author of The Woman on the Bridge''A highly original setting and a creepy, atmospheric story - I was gripped!''Jackie Kabler, bestselling author of The Perfect Couple‘Totally gripping from start to finish. I simply HAD to find out the truth’S.E. Lynes, bestselling author of The Housewarming‘Lesley Kara is the queen of foreboding! She maintains a lingering sense of impending disaster from the first page until the last’Emma Christie, author of Find Her FirstReaders are gripped by The Other Tenant!''I could not put it down. Would definitely recommend to others'' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐''I love any book by Lesley Kara and this one is no different, it kept me gripped and immersed until the very end'' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐''A dark, twisty read. It was a slow burn thriller but once it got going WOW it was a rollercoaster of a read'' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Objev podobné jako The Other Tenant - Lesley Kara
The Winter of the Witch - Katherine Arden
A magical and captivating coming of age novel set in medieval Russia - perfect for fans of Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus and Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials.One girl can make a difference...Moscow is in flames, leaving its people searching for answers - and someone to blame. Vasilisa, a girl with extraordinary gifts, must flee for her life, pursued by those who blame their misfortune on her magic.Then a vengeful demon returns, stronger than ever. Determined to engulf the world in chaos, he finds allies among men and spirits. Mankind and magical creatures alike find their fates resting on Vasya's shoulders.But she may not be able to save them all.'heart-stoppingly good...beautifully written, this adventure shimmers and shines with magic of all kinds. Unmissable.' Sunday Express'If you're a lover of fairytales you are in for an absolute treat. It's truly magical' The Pool'Katherine Arden's Winternight Trilogy isn't just good-it's hug-to-your-chest, straight-to-the-favourites-shelf, reread-immediately good, and each book just gets better. 'Laini Taylor
Objev podobné jako The Winter of the Witch - Katherine Arden
The Rom-Commers - Katherine Centerová
She's rewriting his love story. But can she rewrite her own?Emma has big dreams, though she hasn't let herself think about them in years. Until her big break comes along: the chance to re-write a screenplay with her hero, Charlie-freaking-Yates! Even better: it's a rom-com - Emma's dream come true.Charlie is a Hollywood legend. He's also, as it turns out, kind of a jerk. He's written the worst rom-com Emma's ever read - and it turns out Charlie doesn't believe in love at all...But Emma's not going down without a fight. To help Charlie write the perfect rom-com, she needs to make him understand true romance. But the more she tries to teach him about love, the more real it all starts to seem . . .
Objev podobné jako The Rom-Commers - Katherine Centerová
The Wolf Wilder - Katherine Rundell
Go on an adventure with Katherine Rundell..._______________From the winner of the Costa Children''s Book Prize''A writer with an utterly distinctive voice and a wild imagination'' - Philip Pullman''A truly compelling read... totally original'' - Jacqueline Wilson_______________Feodora and her mother live in the snowbound woods of Russia, in a house full of food and fireplaces. Ten minutes away, in a ruined chapel, lives a pack of wolves. Feodora’s mother is a wolf wilder, and Feo is a wolf wilder in training. A wolf wilder is the opposite of an animal tamer: it is a person who teaches tamed animals to fend for themselves, and to fight and to run, and to be wary of humans.When the murderous hostility of the Russian Army threatens her very existence, Feo is left with no option but to go on the run. What follows is a story of revolution and adventure, about standing up for the things you love and fighting back. And, of course, wolves.
Objev podobné jako The Wolf Wilder - Katherine Rundell
The Golden Mole - Katherine Rundellová
The world is more astonishing, more miraculous and more wonderful than our wildest imaginings.‘Rare and magical book.’ Bill Bryson‘A witty, intoxicating paean to Earth’s most wondrous creatures.’ Observer‘Exquisite and timely.’ Maggie O’Farrell** Shortlisted for the Waterstones and Foyles Book of the Year **** Shortlisted for the Wainwright Prize for Nature Writing **In The Golden Mole, Katherine Rundell, the award-winning author of Super-Infinite and Impossible Creatures, takes us on a globe-spanning tour of the world’s strangest and most awe-inspiring animals, including pangolins, wombats, lemurs and seahorses. But each of these animals is endangered. And so, this most passionately persuasive and sharply funny book is also an urgent, inspiring clarion call: to treasure and act – to save nature’s vanishing wonders, before it is too late.‘Deeply affecting, intimate and wildly funny . . . I loved it.’ Edmund de Waal‘A wondrous ode to nature’s astonishing beauty – and an elegy for all the life we are in the midst ofdestroying.’ Amia Srinivasan‘An exuberant celebration of everything from bats, crows and hedgehogs to narwhals and wombats . . . Rundell is incapable of writing a dull sentence.’ Observer‘There is a constant joy in the book . . . A sense throughout of delight and wonder, and a reminder thatthese emotions also matter – may even save us. This is the point.’ New StatesmanKatherine Rundell''s book The Golden Mole was a Sunday Times bestseller w/c 04-11-2023
Objev podobné jako The Golden Mole - Katherine Rundellová
The Good Thieves - Katherine Rundell
Go on an adventure with Katherine Rundell ... _______________FOYLES CHILDREN''S BOOK OF THE YEAR 2019From the winner of the Costa Children''s Book Award_______________''An amazing adventure story, told with sparkling style and sleight of hand'' - Jacqueline Wilson''Read everything she writes'' - Daily Mail_______________Fresh off the boat from England, Vita Marlowe has a job to do. Her beloved grandfather Jack has been cheated out of his home and possessions by a notorious conman with Mafia connections. Seeing Jack''s spirit is broken, Vita is desperate to make him happy again, so she devises a plan to outwit his enemies and recover his home. She finds a young pickpocket, working the streets of the city. And, nearby, two boys with highly unusual skills and secrets of their own are about to be pulled into her lawless, death-defying plan.Katherine Rundell''s fifth novel is a heist as never seen before - the story of a group of children who will do anything to right a wrong.
Objev podobné jako The Good Thieves - Katherine Rundell
The Brother of the Other - Radka Klvaňová
Kniha se věnuje kulturním procesům vyjednávání symbolických hranic přináležení v českém imigračním kontextu. Na základě kvalitativní analýzy biografických rozhovorů s přistěhovalci z Běloruska, Ukrajiny a Ruska žijících v České republice autorka zjišťuje, jak se utvářejí symbolické hranice přináležení skrze stigma v každodenních interakcích v sociálním a kulturním kontextu imigrace. Kniha si všímá rozporuplné kulturní reprezentace této skupiny migrantů v českém prostoru etnizovaných vztahů – zvláštního napětí mezi pozicí ‚Druhého‘ (‚Other) a ‚Bratra‘ (‚Brother‘) ve vztahu k Čechům. Toto napětí odráží minulé i současné procesy vytváření národa ve střední a východní Evropě, historické politické vztahy mezi socialistickým Československem a Sovětským svazem a migrační procesy v období po roce 1989. Kniha nabízí nový vhled do kulturního repertoáru českého imigračního kontextu a vyjednávání hranic češství.
Objev podobné jako The Brother of the Other - Radka Klvaňová
The Other Valley - Scott Alexander Howard
Sixteen-year-old Odile Ozanne is an awkward, quiet girl, but everyone knows she's destined to land a coveted seat on the Conseil.In her apprenticeship, she competes to become one of the judges to decide who amongst the town's residents may travel across the border. If she earns the position, she'll decree who may be escorted deep into the woods, who may cross the border's barbed wire fence, who may make the arduous trek over the western mountain range - or perhaps the eastern range-to descend into the next valley over. It's the same valley, the same town.However, to the east, the town is twenty years ahead in time. To the west, it's twenty years behind. The towns repeat in an endless sequence across the wilderness.The only border crossings permitted by the Conseil are mourning tours: furtive viewings of the dead in towns where the dead are still alive. Odile, wise beyond her years, will surely pass the Conseil's vetting. But when she happens upon a mourning tour she wasn't supposed to see, she realizes her dear friend Edme's parents have crossed the border from the east, from twenty years in the future, to view their son still alive in Odile's present.Edme, who's so funny and light. Edme, who's a violin virtuoso at just sixteen. Edme, who's the first boy to even see Odile, to really like her....And it's Edme who's going to die. Sworn to secrecy by the Conseil in order to preserve the timeline, Odile finds herself drawn even closer to the doomed boy. When Edme dies far sooner than Odile expects, when she does nothing to thwart his fate, she's deeply shaken.The loss, her foreknowledge, the weight of her rare and varied grief all throw Odile's own future, her adult life, into a devastating, downward spiral. If your soul was stricken by the years, your teeth bloodied from all of life's blows, would you risk being seen by the armed patrols, would you gamble with everyone's lives, with your own, with the annihilation of an entire timeline to hike across the border and get back to where it all went wrong?
Objev podobné jako The Other Valley - Scott Alexander Howard
The Other Woman (Defekt) - Sandie Jonesová
The Other Woman by debut author Sandie Jones, is a gripping psychological thriller, perfect for fans of Michelle Frances's The Girlfriend and B A Paris's Behind Closed Doors. When Emily meets Adam she knows he is the One. That together they can deal with anything that is thrown at them. But lurking in the shadows is another woman, Pammie. Emily chose Adam, but she didn't choose his mother. There's nothing a mother wouldn't do for her son, and now Emily is about to find out just how far Pammie will go to get what she wants . . .
Objev podobné jako The Other Woman (Defekt) - Sandie Jonesová
The Other Edie Trimmer - Jacqueline Wilsonová
''I seemed to be seeing double. I saw two Edies instead of one - but they weren''t the same.'' Edie is fascinated by Victorian times, and she''s just desperate to be cast in the lead role of her drama club production of Oliver. When she''s given a real Victorian notebook she''s determined to write the best story ever, all about a girl in a workhouse. But when she starts writing, something strange happens.Edie finds herself in Victorian London. She feels the same, but everything around her is completely different to what she knows. Soon, she realises she''s living the life of another Edie Trimmer - and is in danger of being sent to a real workhouse!Will she forget everything she knows about her other life - and will she ever be able to make it back to her family?A heart-warming time travel adventure about family and friendship from the much-loved, bestselling Jacqueline Wilson.Discover Jacqueline Wilson''s other bestselling titles: Little StarsEmerald StarHetty FeatherProject FairyThe Runaway Girls
Objev podobné jako The Other Edie Trimmer - Jacqueline Wilsonová
The Other Edie Trimmer - Jacqueline Wilsonová
''I seemed to be seeing double. I saw two Edies instead of one - but they weren''t the same.'' Edie is fascinated by Victorian times, and she''s just desperate to be cast in the lead role of her drama club production of Oliver. When she''s given a real Victorian notebook she''s determined to write the best story ever, all about a girl in a workhouse. But when she starts writing, something strange happens.Edie finds herself in Victorian London. She feels the same, but everything around her is completely different to what she knows. Soon, she realises she''s living the life of another Edie Trimmer - and is in danger of being sent to a real workhouse!Will she forget everything she knows about her other life - and will she ever be able to make it back to her family?A heart-warming time slip adventure about family and friendship from the much-loved, bestselling Jacqueline Wilson.
Objev podobné jako The Other Edie Trimmer - Jacqueline Wilsonová
To The Other Side - Erika Meza
''A thoughtful, profound, important book'' Irish Independent''A realistic but hopeful look at two children''s emigration'' Publishers WeeklyPowerful and timely, To The Other Side explores the journey of two young refugee children in search of safety. Perfect for opening up conversations about conflict and war, encouraging empathy and understanding.A young boy and his older sister have left home to play a game. To win, she tells him, they must travel across endless lands together and make it to the finish line.Each child imagines what might be waiting for them across the border: A spotted dog? Ice cream! Or maybe a new school. But the journey is difficult, and the monsters are more real than they imagined.And when it no longer feels like a game, the two children must still find a way to forge ahead, and reach the other side.A stunning, symbolic and emotionally rich picture book about the spirit and strength it takes to leave your home behind. Beautifully brought to life by author-illustrator Erika Meza.Praise''One of the best picture books I''ve read in recent memory'' Steve Antony''Perceptive and exquisitely illustrated'' Flavia Z. Drago''Beautiful. Beautifully illustrated. Beautifully told'' Jarvis ''An incredible book'' Mark Bradley''Simply impeccable'' Steven Lenton''An instant classic'' Celine Kiernan
Objev podobné jako To The Other Side - Erika Meza
The Other Wes Moore - Wes Moore
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the governor-elect of Maryland, the “compassionate” (People), “startling” (Baltimore Sun), “moving” (Chicago Tribune) true story of two kids with the same name from the city: One went on to be a Rhodes Scholar, decorated combat veteran, White House Fellow, and business leader. The other is serving a life sentence in prison. Selected by Stephen Curry as his “Underrated” Book Club Pick with LiteratiThe chilling truth is that his story could have been mine. The tragedy is that my story could have been his.In December 2000, the Baltimore Sun ran a small piece about Wes Moore, a local student who had just received a Rhodes Scholarship. The same paper also ran a series of articles about four young men who had allegedly killed a police officer in a spectacularly botched armed robbery. The police were still hunting for two of the suspects who had gone on the lam, a pair of brothers. One was named Wes Moore. Wes just couldn’t shake off the unsettling coincidence, or the inkling that the two shared much more than space in the same newspaper. After following the story of the robbery, the manhunt, and the trial to its conclusion, he wrote a letter to the other Wes, now a convicted murderer serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole. His letter tentatively asked the questions that had been haunting him: Who are you? How did this happen?That letter led to a correspondence and relationship that have lasted for several years. Over dozens of letters and prison visits, Wes discovered that the other Wes had had a life not unlike his own: Both had had difficult childhoods, both were fatherless; they’d hung out on similar corners with similar crews, and both had run into trouble with the police. At each stage of their young lives they had come across similar moments of decision, yet their choices would lead them to astonishingly different destinies.Told in alternating dramatic narratives that take readers from heart-wrenching losses to moments of surprising redemption, The Other Wes Moore tells the story of a generation of boys trying to find their way in a hostile world.
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Gauguin: The Other World - Fabrizio Dori
In 1891, Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) arrives on the French Polynesian island of Tahiti. In this lush paradise, he is liberated from the concerns of the city-dwelling European. He is free: to love, to sing, and to create. In Copenhagen, Gauguin's wife enjoys no such freedom. She would rather forget her odious husband and his degenerate artwork. Instead, in a city resistant to the avant-garde, she is tasked with selling a collection of his extravagantly priced Tahitian paintings. When they finally go on sale-in Paris, shortly after Gauguin's return-sales are catastrophic. For Monet, Renoir, and the rest of the old guard, nothing indicates that these bizarre, visionary works are of any lasting significance. Gauguin: The Other World is a revelatory biography of an artist whose qualities as a man won him few admirers in his own lifetime, but whose talents as a painter would have an enormous influence on the art of Picasso, Matisse, and many more.
Objev podobné jako Gauguin: The Other World - Fabrizio Dori
The Other Side of the Valley - Ashling Lindsay
The enchanting story of Pip and the grand yet lonely valley where he lived, and the comfort zone he stepped out of. This is the second story from incredible author–illustrator Ashling Lindsay after An Unexpected Thing in 2022, shortlisted for the Academy of British Book Cover Design Award.Pip lived all alone on one side of a beautiful, wide valley. And he had absolutely everything he needed. Every morning he drank his tea, watered his plants and checked his post box for letters. And every night, he sat and looked out into the deep dark sky at the planets, comets and stars. And sometimes it made him feel quite small. Until one day, a leaf fluttered in through Pip’s open window. He looked at it. It was not an ordinary leaf—it certainly didn’t belong to any of the trees on his side of the valley. It shimmered and shone in the sunlight and was unlike anything Pip had ever seen before! But where did it come from? Pip peered out of his window and wondered... maybe there was something more on the other side of the Valley after all. This is a meaningful picture book all about travel, exploration and trying new things, encouraging little ones who may be stuck in their ways to venture out of their comfort zones. Whether it’s trying new foods, reading new books or preparing to go to a new school, there’s something for all readers to take away from this sweet fable.
Objev podobné jako The Other Side of the Valley - Ashling Lindsay
The Zebra's Great Escape - Katherine Rundell
_______________A TIMES CHILDREN''S BOOK OF THE WEEK**''The year''s most magnificent adventure'' - Guardian****''Fizzing with anarchic energy'' - Daily Mail****''An intoxicating adventure'' - Observer****''Utterly engaging'' - Sunday Times**_______________Mink doesn’t believe in rules. She loves running wild and free. So, when a zebra appears in the square where she lives and she finds out that his parents have been captured by the evil Mr Spit, she knows that it’s up to her to help. So begins a grand adventure to rescue a whole menagerie of animals – an adventure that will take all of Mink’s courage and determination. Written with generous helpings of warmth and humour, this is a timeless picture book about bravery, friendship and the importance of taking action. With stunning illustrations by award-winning illustrator Sara Ogilvie, illustrator of The Detective Dog, this modern classic from bestselling children''s author Katherine Rundell is an unmissable treat.
Objev podobné jako The Zebra's Great Escape - Katherine Rundell
The Bear and The Nightingale : (Winternight Series) - Katherine Arden
Beware the evil in the woods. . . In a village at the edge of the wilderness of northern Russia, where the winds blow cold and the snow falls many months of the year, an elderly servant tells stories of sorcery, folklore and the Winter King to the children of the family, tales of old magic frowned upon by the church. But for the young, wild Vasya these are far more than just stories. She alone can see the house spirits that guard her home, and sense the growing forces of dark magic in the woods. . . Atmospheric and enchanting, with an engrossing adventure at its core, The Bear and the Nightingale is perfect for readers of Naomi Novik's Uprooted, Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus, and Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials.
Objev podobné jako The Bear and The Nightingale : (Winternight Series) - Katherine Arden
The Girl in The Tower : (Winternight Trilogy) - Katherine Arden
For a young woman in medieval Russia, the choices are stark: marriage or life in a convent. Vasya will choose a third way: magic. . . The court of the Grand Prince of Moscow is plagued by power struggles and rumours of unrest. Meanwhile bandits roam the countryside, burning the villages and kidnapping its daughters. Setting out to defeat the raiders, the Prince and his trusted companion come across a young man riding a magnificent horse. Only Sasha, a priest with a warrior's training, recognises this 'boy' as his younger sister, thought to be dead or a witch by her village. But when Vasya proves herself in battle, riding with remarkable skill and inexplicable power, Sasha realises he must keep her secret as she may be the only way to save the city from threats both human and fantastical. . . A spellbinding fairytale full of magic and wonder, perfect for fans of Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus and Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials. *Make sure you've read all the books in the Winternight Trilogy*1. The Bear and the Nightingale2. The Girl in the Tower3. The Winter of the Witch
Objev podobné jako The Girl in The Tower : (Winternight Trilogy) - Katherine Arden
The Other Black Girl - Zakiya Dalila Harris
Twenty-six-year-old editorial assistant Nella Rogers is tired of being the only Black employee at Wagner Books. Fed up with the isolation and the micro-aggressions, she's thrilled when Hazel starts working in the cubicle beside hers. They've only just started comparing natural hair care regimens, though, when a string of uncomfortable events cause Nella to become Public Enemy Number One and Hazel, the Office Darling.Then the notes begin to appear on Nella's desk: LEAVE WAGNER. NOW.It's hard to believe Hazel is behind these hostile messages. But as Nella starts to spiral and obsess over the sinister forces at play, she soon realises that there is a lot more at stake than her career.Dark, funny and furiously entertaining, The Other Black Girl will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last twist.
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The Other Side of Truth - Beverley Naidoo
Puffin Classics: the definitive collection of timeless stories, for every child. Not a speck, not a stain on her gray school skirt and blue blouse to show what terrible thing had happened . . . If only by putting on something fresh and new, they could begin the day again.When twelve-year-old Sade''s mother is killed, she and her little brother Femi are forced to flee from their home in Nigeria to Britain. They''re not allowed to tell anyone - not even their best friends - as their whole journey is secret, dangerous - and illegal. Their dad promises to follow when he can, but once the children arrive in London, things go from bad to worse when they''re abandoned by the people they had been told would protect them.Sade faces challenge after challenge - but her dad has always taught her to stand up for what is right, and to tell the truth no matter what. And with that strength of spirit in her heart, Sade will find the courage to fight for the new, happy life she, Femi and her dad deserve.A powerful novel which explores what it means to be classified as ''illegal'' and the difficulties which come with being a refugee - winner of the Carnegie Medal 2000.''A marvellous read ... that refuels the desire for justice and freedom'' - Jon Snow''Beverley Naidoo breaks the rules, producing books for young people which recognize that they want to know about the real world'' Guardian''This novel wholly deserves its classic status . . . still relevant and poignant.'' Booktrust
Objev podobné jako The Other Side of Truth - Beverley Naidoo
Babymetal - The Other One (White Coloured) (LP)
Datum vydání: 2023-03-24 Varianta: The Other One (White Coloured) (LP) Rok vydání: 2023.0 Subžánr: Power Metal;Kawaii Metal;Progressive Metal Interpret / Téma: Babymetal Vydavatelství: Cooking Vinyl Typ: LP deska;Barevná;Album Barva podle výrobce: White Balení obsahuje: LP Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Barva: Bílá Země interpreta: Japonsko Žánr: Metal
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Babymetal - The Other One (Clear Coloured) (LP)
Typ: Barevná;LP deska;Album Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Žánr: Metal Země interpreta: Japonsko Barva podle výrobce: Clear Složení setu: 1 ks Subžánr: Kawaii Metal;Power Metal;Progressive Metal Datum vydání: 2023-03-24 Varianta: The Other One (Clear Coloured) (LP) Barva: Průhledná Rok vydání: 2023.0 Interpret / Téma: Babymetal Vydavatelství: Cooking Vinyl Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM
Objev podobné jako Babymetal - The Other One (Clear Coloured) (LP)
The Other Side of Disappearing - Kate Clayborn
'Poignant, observant, tender, and deeply romantic. This book is everything' CHRISTINA LAUREN From the acclaimed author of Georgie, All Along and Love Lettering, a pitch-perfect, radiantly transporting love story about an unexpected road trip, true crime obsessions, and hard won vulnerability . .. Hairstylist Jess Greene has spent the last decade raising her younger half-sister, Tegan - and keeping a shocking secret. The boyfriend her reckless mother ran away with is actually an accomplished con man and subject of a wildly popular podcast, The Last Con of Lynton Baltimore.Now thirty-one, Jess didn't bargain on Tegan eventually piecing together the connection for herself. But Tegan plans to do exactly what Jess has always feared - leave their safe, stable home to search for their mother - and she'll be accompanied by the prying podcast host and her watchful, handsome producer, Adam. Unwilling to let the sister she's spent so much of her life protecting go it alone, Jess reluctantly joins them.Together, the four make their way across the country, unravelling the mystery of where the couple disappeared to and why. But soon Jess is discovering other things too. Like a renewed sense of vulnerability and curiosity, and a willingness to expand beyond the walls she's so carefully built.And in Adam, she finds an unexpected connection she didn't even know was missing, if only she can let go and let him in . . .Why readers love Kate Clayborn â â â â â! 'A glorious feat and a must read' TESSA BAILEY'You get everything with this book: the most tender of love stories, a complicated relationship between sisters, and an engrossing mystery you won't be able to put down' CARLEY FORTUNE'Totally original and so romantic . . .the moving love story I'm always looking for' BETH O'LEARY'Kate Clayborn delivers another masterclass in romance' ALICIA THOMPSON 'A delight from beginning to end and beyond' JULIA WHELAN
Objev podobné jako The Other Side of Disappearing - Kate Clayborn
The Brother of the Other - Radka Klvaňová - e-kniha
eBook: Kniha se věnuje kulturním procesům vyjednávání symbolických hranic přináležení v českém imigračním kontextu. Na základě kvalitativní analýzy biografických rozhovorů s přistěhovalci z Běloruska, Ukrajiny a Ruska žijících v České republice autorka zjišťuje, jak se utvářejí symbolické hranice přináležení skrze stigma v každodenních interakcích v sociálním a kulturním kontextu imigrace. Kniha si všímá rozporuplné kulturní reprezentace této skupiny migrantů v českém prostoru etnizovaných vztahů – zvláštního napětí mezi pozicí ‚Druhého‘ (‚Other) a ‚Bratra‘ (‚Brother‘) ve vztahu k Čechům. Toto napětí odráží minulé i současné procesy vytváření národa ve střední a východní Evropě, historické politické vztahy mezi socialistickým Československem a Sovětským svazem a migrační procesy v období po roce 1989. Kniha nabízí nový vhled do kulturního repertoáru českého imigračního kontextu a vyjednávání hranic češství.
Objev podobné jako The Brother of the Other - Radka Klvaňová - e-kniha
The Other Miss Bridgerton: A Bridgerton Prequel (0349430152)
Kniha - 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Book three in Sunday Times bestselling author Julia Quinn's dazzlingly witty Bridgerton prequel series. A generation before the Bridgertons, there were the Rokesbys . . . She was in the wrong place . . . Poppy Bridgerton may be fiercely independent and adventurous but even she was not prepared to be kidnapped by pirates from the Dorset coast! He found her at the wrong time . . . Despite his reputation as a rascal and reckless privateer, Captain Andrew James Rokesby is stunned to find Poppy tied up and waiting for him in his cabin. Can two wrongs make the most perfect right? Poppy has no idea that Andrew is actually the son of an earl, but when he learns that she is a Bridgerton, he knows he will likely have to wed her to avert a scandal. On the high seas, their war of words soon gives way to an intoxicating passion. But when Andrew's secrets are revealed, will his declaration of love be enough to...
Objev podobné jako The Other Miss Bridgerton: A Bridgerton Prequel (0349430152)
Bridgerton prequel - The other Miss Bridgerton - Julia Quinnová
Go back to where it all began with the third book in Sunday Times bestselling author Julia Quinn's dazzlingly witty Bridgerton prequel series, featuring the ancestors of the Bridgerton characters we all know and love. A generation before the Bridgertons, there were the Rokesbys . . . She was in the wrong place . . . Poppy Bridgerton may be fiercely independent and adventurous but even she was not prepared to be kidnapped by pirates from the Dorset coast! He found her at the wrong time . . . Despite his reputation as a rascal and reckless privateer, Captain Andrew James Rokesby is stunned to find Poppy tied up and waiting for him in his cabin. Can two wrongs make the most perfect right? Poppy has no idea that Andrew is actually the son of an earl, but when he learns that she is a Bridgerton, he knows he will likely have to wed her to avert a scandal. On the high seas, their war of words soon gives way to an intoxicating passion. But when Andrew's secrets are revealed, will his declaration of love be enough to capture her heart . . . ?
Objev podobné jako Bridgerton prequel - The other Miss Bridgerton - Julia Quinnová
Babymetal - Babymetal Returns: The Other One (2 LP)
Složení setu: 2 ks Barva podle výrobce: Black Typ: Album;LP deska Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Žánr: Metal Subžánr: Kawaii Metal;Power Metal Barva: Černá Rok vydání: 2023.0 Vydavatelství: CBS Interpret / Téma: Babymetal Varianta: Babymetal Returns: The Other One (2 LP) Datum vydání: 2023-06-16
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Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Other Coronation - Clement Cheroux
The coronation of George VI on 12 May 1937 was one of the biggest media events of the interwar period. While other photographers focused on the new King, his family and the ceremonial splendour of the day, Henri Cartier-Bresson turned his lens on the crowds that gathered in the streets of London to watch the pageantry. In a witty reversal of the expected order of proceedings, he shows us ordinary people of all ages and walks of life, some climbing on monuments or each other’s shoulders, others straining to get a better view with cardboard periscopes and mirrors on sticks. A few even slump on the ground, the festivities having proved too much. Presented alongside contemporary news clippings from around the world, these remarkable images reflect Cartier-Bresson’s unmistakeable photographic eye and capture the British public at a unique historical moment.
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The Warm Hands of Ghosts - Katherine Arden
The sweeping new novel from New York Times bestselling author Katherine Arden.''A wonderful clash of fire and ice ... A book you won''t want to let go of.'' Diana Gabaldon''A spectacular tour de force ... I love this book so much and want everyone to read it!'' Naomi Novik''Well-researched and beautifully written, this is a compelling, memorable novel.’ The Guardian''Darkly beautiful and deeply humane ... The Warm Hands of Ghosts will stir your heart, and settle into your bones.'' Ava Reid''Visionary, imaginative and brilliantly written.'' Anthony Horowitz‘This exquisite novel took me over like a haunting ... One of the best historical fantasies I''ve ever read’ Emma Törzs‘A historical fantasy that will touch the hearts of many readers’ Fantasy Hive______________World War One, and as shells fall in Flanders, a Canadian nurse searches for her brother believed dead in the trenches despite eerie signs that suggest otherwise in this gripping and powerful historical novel from the bestselling author of The Bear and the Nightingale.January 1918. Laura Iven has been discharged from her duties as a nurse and sent back to Halifax, Canada, leaving behind a brother still fighting in the trenches of the First World War. Now home, she receives word of Freddie''s death in action along with his uniform -but something doesn''t quite make sense. Determined to find out more, Laura returns to Belgium as a volunteer at a private hospital. Soon after arriving, she hears whispers about ghosts moving among those still living and a strange inn-keeper whose wine gives soldiers the gift of oblivion. Could this have happened to Freddie - but if so, where is he?November 1917. Freddie Iven awakens after an explosion to find himself trapped under an overturned pillbox with an enemy soldier, a German, each of them badly wounded. Against all odds, the two men form a bond and succeed in clawing their way out. But once in No Man''s Land, where can either of them turn where they won''t be shot as enemy soldiers or deserters? As the killing continues, they meet a man - a fiddler - who seems to have the power to make the hellscape that surrounds them disappear. But at what price?A novel of breath-taking scope and drama, of compulsive readability, of stunning historical research lightly worn, and of brilliantly drawn characters who will make you laugh and break your heart in a single line, The Warm Hands of Ghosts is a book that will speak to readers directly about the trauma of war and the power of those involved to love, endure and transcend it.______________More love for The Warm Hands of Ghosts . . .''Immersive and timeless, and an ode to the enduring power of memory.’ Vaishnavi Patel''A page-turner of the highest order ... A haunting, fantastic read!’ Helene Wecker''I absolutely devoured it!'' Santa Montefiore''Wonderful storytelling. Inventive, haunting and deeply moving.'' Sarah Winman''An exquisite, brilliant gem of a story.’ Conn Iggulden''Simply stunning.'' Kate Quinn‘Absolutely incredible; I had chills all through reading it.'' Shannon Chakraborty‘A sweeping, fantastical tour-de-force of a novel.’ I Newspaper‘Arden’s prose is full of emotion… an unforgettable, inspiring read.’ Historical Novel Society''Arden’s gripping historical fantasy will draw readers in and keep them engaged.'' Library Journal, starred review''Lyrically beautiful prose, a brave heroine and a story shot through with the darkness of war'' Daily Mail''Eerie and fanciful, yet gruesomely down-to-earth.'' The Spectator‘Mixing historical fiction with the paranormal, this haunting, atmospheric tale of separated siblings is a real gem of a book.’ Heat Magazine‘A gripping tale of loss, mystery, ghosts and queer romance.’ BBC Culture Online
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