Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Never Ever Getting Back Together (Defekt) - Sophie Gonzales

Romance, revenge, and reality TV. The new queer YA rom-com from Sophie Gonzales, bestselling author of Only Mostly Devastated. Eighteen-year-old Maya dumped her cheating ex-boyfriend Jordy two years ago. So, when she receives a call to participate in Second Chance Romance - a reality show in which the now-famous Jordy re-dates his ex-girlfriends - she isn't interested . . . until she realizes she can use this opportunity to exact her revenge. If she can make it to the final spot on the show, she can reject Jordy in front of the nation, and publicly break his heart. Maya's fellow contestants include Skye, the beautiful, charismatic girl Jordy cheated on Maya with. Skye charms the socks off everyone she meets, except for Maya, who knows that underneath all the sparkle, she's the girl who dated her boyfriend while he was still her boyfriend. The reality show is a challenging environment. Amidst backstabbing, bickering, and having to see Jordy again, Maya finds herself becoming friends with Skye. Together, they come up with a plan for the ultimate revenge on Jordy. But as she spends more time with Jordy and Skye, Maya is torn. Is Jordy a good guy who made a mistake? Is there more than friendship between her and Skye? As the season finale approaches, can Maya execute her plan, or will she go off-script? About the Author Sophie Gonzales is a YA contemporary author. She graduated from the University of Adelaide and lives in Adelaide, Australia. When she isn't writing, she can be found ice skating, performing in musical theatre, and practicing the piano.

Podívejte se také Out Of This World: Out Of This World (2x LP) (Coloured) - LP (4251981700168)

cena 119.0 Kč

Never Ever Getting Back Together - Sophie Gonzales

Romance, revenge, and reality TV. The new queer YA rom-com from Sophie Gonzales, bestselling author of Only Mostly Devastated. Eighteen-year-old Maya dumped her cheating ex-boyfriend Jordy two years ago. So, when she receives a call to participate in Second Chance Romance - a reality show in which the now-famous Jordy re-dates his ex-girlfriends - she isn't interested . . . until she realizes she can use this opportunity to exact her revenge. If she can make it to the final spot on the show, she can reject Jordy in front of the nation, and publicly break his heart. Maya's fellow contestants include Skye, the beautiful, charismatic girl Jordy cheated on Maya with. Skye charms the socks off everyone she meets, except for Maya, who knows that underneath all the sparkle, she's the girl who dated her boyfriend while he was still her boyfriend. The reality show is a challenging environment. Amidst backstabbing, bickering, and having to see Jordy again, Maya finds herself becoming friends with Skye. Together, they come up with a plan for the ultimate revenge on Jordy. But as she spends more time with Jordy and Skye, Maya is torn. Is Jordy a good guy who made a mistake? Is there more than friendship between her and Skye? As the season finale approaches, can Maya execute her plan, or will she go off-script? About the Author Sophie Gonzales is a YA contemporary author. She graduated from the University of Adelaide and lives in Adelaide, Australia. When she isn't writing, she can be found ice skating, performing in musical theatre, and practicing the piano.

Podívejte se také Kayak: Out Of This World - CD (0194398540924)

cena 223.0 Kč

The Perfect Guy Doesn´t Exist - Sophie Gonzales

What happens when the fictional 'perfect guy' comes to life and is convinced you're his soulmate? While her parents are away for the week, sixteen-year-old Ivy McIntosh plans on binge-watching her favourite TV show and hanging out with her best friend, Henry. But things quickly go downhill on the very first morning, when Ivy wakes up to find Weston, the gorgeous lead character of her favourite show, in her bedroom. And, oh yeah, he thinks that she's his soulmate.Ivy realizes that her writing has somehow brought Weston as she's imagined him to life, and now he's living out her fanfiction dreams. But those fairytale dreams soon turn into disasters. Mack, Ivy's best-friend-turned-enemy who lives next door, and Henry get involved and the three of them need to figure out why Weston is here and how to get rid of him.As Ivy and Mack grow closer again, old feelings resurface and they finally face the fallout of their broken friendship, and question if they've both secretly always wanted something more . . .The new sapphic YA friends-to-enemies-to-lovers novel from bestselling author Sophie Gonzales, with her trademark humour and heart.

Podívejte se také Kayak: Out Of This World (2x LP + CD) - LP (0194398541013)

cena 250.0 Kč

Umění přežít (Defekt) - Laurence Gonzales

Kniha přispěla k záchraně mnoha lidí v krizových životních situacích. Kdo přežije, kdo zemře a proč. Pravdivé příběhy o zázračných přežitích i náhlých úmrtích. Za deset let od svého prvního vydání přispěl bestseller Laurence Gonzalese nejen k záchraně mnoha lidí v těch nejodlehlejších pustinách, ale i k ozdravným změnám v životech bezpočtu běžných čtenářů. Kombinace dobrodružného vyprávění, vědeckých poznatků o přežití a praktických rad pomohla lidem – od nejvýznačnějších byznysmenů přes armádní důstojníky a pedagogy až po lékaře psychiatry – pochopit, jak účinněji zvládat stres, vyhodnocovat rizika a rozhodovat se pod tlakem. Příběhy mnohdy až neuvěřitelné jsou rámovány zázračným přežitím autorova otce při letecké katastrofě na konci druhé světové války. Muž, který měl zahynout, ale nestalo se tak, stál u zrodu neskonalé touhy svého syna přijít na kloub otázce, na niž se jen těžko hledá odpověď – proč někdo přežije a někdo ne. V novém vydání Laurence Gonzales přibližuje v předmluvě, jak může kniha čtenářům pomoct překonávat i ty nejtěžší životní překážky. Jeho poutavé vyprávění jistě osloví, poučí a motivuje celou novou generaci čtenářů.

Objev podobné jako Umění přežít (Defekt) - Laurence Gonzales

cena 159.0 Kč

Umění přežít (Defekt) - Laurence Gonzales

Kniha přispěla k záchraně mnoha lidí v krizových životních situacích. Kdo přežije, kdo zemře a proč. Pravdivé příběhy o zázračných přežitích i náhlých úmrtích. Za deset let od svého prvního vydání přispěl bestseller Laurence Gonzalese nejen k záchraně mnoha lidí v těch nejodlehlejších pustinách, ale i k ozdravným změnám v životech bezpočtu běžných čtenářů. Kombinace dobrodružného vyprávění, vědeckých poznatků o přežití a praktických rad pomohla lidem – od nejvýznačnějších byznysmenů přes armádní důstojníky a pedagogy až po lékaře psychiatry – pochopit, jak účinněji zvládat stres, vyhodnocovat rizika a rozhodovat se pod tlakem. Příběhy mnohdy až neuvěřitelné jsou rámovány zázračným přežitím autorova otce při letecké katastrofě na konci druhé světové války. Muž, který měl zahynout, ale nestalo se tak, stál u zrodu neskonalé touhy svého syna přijít na kloub otázce, na niž se jen těžko hledá odpověď – proč někdo přežije a někdo ne. V novém vydání Laurence Gonzales přibližuje v předmluvě, jak může kniha čtenářům pomoct překonávat i ty nejtěžší životní překážky. Jeho poutavé vyprávění jistě osloví, poučí a motivuje celou novou generaci čtenářů.

Objev podobné jako Umění přežít (Defekt) - Laurence Gonzales

cena 159.0 Kč

Out Of This World: Out Of This World (2x LP) (Coloured) - LP (4251981700168)

LP vinyl - První album pojmenované podle názvu skupiny a také jednom z hitů Europe „Out Of This World” produkoval Ron Nevison (Kiss, Ozzy Osbourne a další). K albu je připojen 7-skladbový koncertní disk obsahující i skladby z repertoáru Europe. První album pojmenované podle názvu skupiny a také jednom z hitů Europe „Out Of This World” produkoval Ron Nevison (Kiss, Ozzy Osbourne a další). K albu je připojen 7-skladbový koncertní disk obsahující i skladby z repertoáru Europe. Skupinu Out Of This World založil bývalý kytarista švédských Europe Kee Marcello a zpěvák skupiny Fates Warning Tommy Heart, které doplnili Darby Todd (ex-Gary Moore, The Darkness) a Ken Sandin (Alien). Na klávesy pak ve čtyřech skladbách hostoval Don Airey (Deep Purple) Barva LP : Modrá Rok vydání : 2022 Seznam stop LP1 TWILIGHT / HANGING ON / IN A MILLION YEARS / LIGHTING UP MY DARK / STARING AT THE SUN / THE WARRIOR / UP TO YOU / AIN'T GONNA LET YOU GO / ONLY YOU CAN TEACH ME HOW...

Objev podobné jako Out Of This World: Out Of This World (2x LP) (Coloured) - LP (4251981700168)

cena 629.0 Kč

If This Is A Man/The Truce - Primo Levi

With the moral stamina and intellectual pose of a twentieth-century Titan, this slightly built, duitful, unassuming chemist set out systematically to remember the German hell on earth, steadfastly to think it through, and then to render it comprehensible in lucid, unpretentious prose. He was profoundly in touch with the minutest workings of the most endearing human events and with the most contempible. What has survived in Levi's writing isn't just his memory of the unbearable, but also, in THE PERIODIC TABLE and THE WRENCH, his delight in what made the world exquisite to him. He was himself a "magically endearing man, the most delicately forceful enchanter I've ever known" - PHILIP ROTH

Objev podobné jako If This Is A Man/The Truce - Primo Levi

cena 384.0 Kč

Haven´t They Grown (Defekt) - Sophie Hannahová

The new standalone from the 'Queen of psychological suspense' - with a disturbingly impossible situation. '[One] of the great unmissables of the genre - intelligent, classy and with a wonderfully gothic imagination' The TimesAll Beth has to do is drive her son to his Under-14s away match, watch him play, and bring him home.Just because she knows that her former best friend lives near the football ground, that doesn't mean she has to drive past her house and try to catch a glimpse of her. Why would Beth do that, and risk dredging up painful memories? She hasn't seen Flora Braid for twelve years.But she can't resist. She parks outside Flora's house and watches from across the road as Flora and her children, Thomas and Emily, step out of the car. Except...There's something terribly wrong.Flora looks the same, only older - just as Beth would have expected. It's the children that are the problem. Twelve years ago, Thomas and Emily Braid were five and three years old. Today, they look precisely as they did then. They are still five and three. They are Thomas and Emily without a doubt - Beth hears Flora call them by their names - but they haven't changed at all.They are no taller, no older.Why haven't they grown?

Objev podobné jako Haven´t They Grown (Defekt) - Sophie Hannahová

cena 179.0 Kč

Freak Out! (Defekt) - Pauline Butcher

Náhodné setkání s americkou rockovou hvězdou, ke kterému došlo 16. srpna 1967, zcela změnilo Angličance Pauline Butcherové život. Jako zaměstnankyně firmy poskytující sekretářské služby byla povolána do hotelu, kde v době prvního londýnského koncertu Mothers of Invention bydlel i Frank Zappa. Během přepisování textů k albu Absolutely Free je konfrontována s jeho názory, a přestože si dovolí jeho texty kritizovat jako příliš ulítlé a obscénní, Zappa si prostořekou Angličanku oblíbí a pozve ji, aby pro něj pracovala v Hollywoodu, kde si právě kupuje dům. V Laurel Canyonu tak Pauline zcela zblízka poznává Frankův každodenní život, jeho vztah se členy kapely i členkami groupies, způsob jeho tvorby a myšlení. Během společného života v rozpadávajícím se srubu s Frankem, jeho rodinou a dalšími excentrickými obyvateli či návštěvníky má možnost se seznámit s držiteli Oskarů i hvězdami hudebního nebe, což ji nezřídka přivede do situací, které vtipně glosuje. Freak out! Můj život s Frankem Zappou je nejintimnějším portrétem tohoto charizmatického hudebníka, jaký byl kdy napsán.

Objev podobné jako Freak Out! (Defekt) - Pauline Butcher

cena 199.0 Kč

If This Is A Man/The Truce (50th Anniversary Edition): Surviving Auschwitz - Primo Levi

A new edition of Primo Levi's classic memoir of the Holocaust, with an introduction by David Baddiel, author of Jews Don't Count'With the moral stamina and intellectual poise of a twentieth-century Titan, this slightly built, dutiful, unassuming chemist set out systematically to remember the German hell on earth, steadfastly to think it through, and then to render it comprehensible in lucid, unpretentious prose... One of the greatest human testaments of the era' Philip Roth'Levi's voice is especially affecting, so clear, firm and gentle, yet humane and apparently untouched by anger, bitterness or self-pity... If This Is a Man is miraculous, finding the human in every individual who traverses its pages' Philippe Sands'The death of Primo Levi robs Italy of one of its finest writers... One of the few survivors of the Holocaust to speak of his experiences with a gentle voice' Guardian'[What] gave it such power... was the sheer, unmitigated truth of it; the sense of what a book could achieve in terms of expanding one's own knowledge and understanding at a single sitting... few writers have left such a legacy... A necessary book' Independent

Objev podobné jako If This Is A Man/The Truce (50th Anniversary Edition): Surviving Auschwitz - Primo Levi

cena 329.0 Kč

Kayak: Out Of This World - CD (0194398540924)

Hudební CD - Skupina Kayak a jejich 18.album Out Of This World z roku 2021. Skupina Kayak a jejich 18.album Out Of This World z roku 2021. Rok vydání : 2021 (18.album) Seznam stop CD Out Of This World / Waiting / Under A Scar / Kaja / Mystery / Critical Mass / As The Crow Flies / The Way She Said Goodbye / Traitor's Gate / Distance To Your Heart / Red Rag To A Bull / One By One / A Writer's Tale / Cary / Ship Of Theseus

Objev podobné jako Kayak: Out Of This World - CD (0194398540924)

cena 359.0 Kč

Slova a zázraky (Defekt) - Ann-Sophie Kaiser

Berlín i celé Německo povstávají z poválečných ruin. Ze spálenišť se ještě kouří, ale lidé se pokoušejí o nový začátek. Navzdory nočním můrám se všichni snaží vyrovnat s minulostí.Slova a zázraky je kniha o rodině Klingerových s knihkupeckou tradicí. Mladá žena Ruth se snaží vzkřísit Knihkupectví Klinger k novému životu. Založil ho její otec, během války vyhořelo a ona tvrdě pracuje na jeho obnově.Zbyli sami se synem Petříkem, stále optimistickou švagrovou Rózou a matkou Alžbětou, která ve válce ztratila manžela i syna a stáhla se do ústraní. Na pozadí právě rozděleného Berlína a bojů mezi okupačními mocnostmi se odehrávají všední lidské příběhy.Dívka Lore, která bezprizorní stanula před jejich dveřmi, skrývá bolestné tajemství. Krásná Róza se zamiluje do bratra svého zmizelého manžela a je to vztah nebezpečný a komplikovaný, stejně jako všechny, které poznamenala válka. Všechny tři ženy - Ruth, Roza a Lore - začnou společnými silami budovat knihkupectví.Když se všem začne dařit, ve dveřích stane zbídačelý manžel Ruth, který se nečekaně vrátí ze zajateckého tábora.V Berlíně ale nastává nevídaný rozkvět. A Lore dostane revoluční nápad, jak dát knihkupectví nový směr.

Objev podobné jako Slova a zázraky (Defekt) - Ann-Sophie Kaiser

cena 99.0 Kč

Read This if You Want to Be Instagram Famous - Henry Carroll

So you've got an Instagram account, you're posting pictures, but your follower count has flatlined. Read This If You Want to Be Instagram Famous holds the answers to fixing up your feed and finding thousands of new followers. Packed with the essential secrets of the hottest Instagrammers around, the book features tips covering photographic techniques, captioning, codes of conduct, kit and managing your account. Put the advice into practice and soon you too will be hailed as an Instagram icon.

Objev podobné jako Read This if You Want to Be Instagram Famous - Henry Carroll

cena 357.0 Kč

Waterboys: Out Of All This Blue (2x CD) - CD (4050538292480)

Hudební CD Nová deska skotské kapely je rovnou dvojalbem. Točilo se v Dublinu a Tokyu, nahrávky produkoval sám Mike Scott, aranže smyčců řešil Trey Pollard z Spacebomb Collective. Deska z roku 2017 skotské kapely je rovnou dvojalbem. Točilo se v Dublinu a Tokyu, nahrávky produkoval sám Mike Scott, aranže smyčců řešil Trey Pollard z Spacebomb Collective. Out Of All This Blue je k dispozici na 2CD a 2LP, případně v rozšířených variantách na 3CD a 3LP, které jsou bohatší o několik bonusových skladeb a alternativní, instrumentální a živé verze základních písniček. Waterboys jsou skotská kapela, kterou v roce 1983 založil Mike Scott poté, co opustil kapelu Funhouse. V hudbě Waterboys lze vystopovat řadu hudebních vlivů, nejpodstatnější jsou ovšem vlivy keltské muziky a rock'n'rollu. Seznam stop CD1 Do We Choose Who We Love / If I Was Your Boyfriend / Santa Fe / If the Answer Is Yeah / Love Walks In / New York I Love You / The Connemara Fox / The Girl in the Window...

Objev podobné jako Waterboys: Out Of All This Blue (2x CD) - CD (4050538292480)

cena 339.0 Kč

Kayak: Out Of This World (2x LP + CD) - LP (0194398541013)

LP vinyl - Skupina Kayak a jejich 18.album Out Of This World z roku 2021. Skupina Kayak a jejich 18.album Out Of This World z roku 2021. Rok vydání : 2021 (18.album) Seznam stop CD / LP Out Of This World / Waiting / Under A Scar / Kaja / Mystery / Critical Mass / As The Crow Flies / The Way She Said Goodbye / Traitor's Gate / Distance To Your Heart / Red Rag To A Bull / One By One / A Writer's Tale / Cary / Ship Of Theseus

Objev podobné jako Kayak: Out Of This World (2x LP + CD) - LP (0194398541013)

cena 569.0 Kč

Fall Out Boy: Take This To Your Grave - LP (7567864559)

LP vinyl - Vinylová reedice debutové desky americké skupiny Fall Out Boy. Album vyšlo původně v roce 2003, později k tomuto albu byla vydána i speciální limitovaná edice, která obsahovala i taneční remix písně Grand Theft Autumn. Vinylová reedice debutové desky americké skupiny Fall Out Boy. Album vyšlo původně v roce 2003, později k tomuto albu byla vydána i speciální limitovaná edice, která obsahovala i taneční remix písně Grand Theft Autumn. Fall Out Boy je americká pop punková a pop rocková skupina, která vznikla v roce 2001. Skládá se ze zpěváka a rytmického kytaristy Patricka Stumpa, hlavního kytaristy Joe Trohmana, basisty Peta Wentze a bubeníka Andyho Hurleyho. Prvního komerčního úspěchu dosáhli s albem From Under The Cork Tree, které vyšlo v roce 2005. Deska byla několikrát oceněna, stala se dvakrát platinovou a v USA se jí prodalo více jak 2,5 milionu kusů. Rok vydání : 2003 (1.album) Rok reedice : 2021 Seznam stop LP Tell That Mick He Just Made My...

Objev podobné jako Fall Out Boy: Take This To Your Grave - LP (7567864559)

cena 599.0 Kč

Nej... VESMÍR v pohybu (Defekt) - Anne-Sophie Baumann

Jak se kosmonauti připravují na cestu do vesmíru? Z čeho se skládá raketa? Proč se Marsu říká rudá planeta? Jaká je poloha Země ve sluneční soustavě? Kniha Nej… VESMÍR v pohybu poskytuje odpovědi na všechny tyto i na mnohé další otázky v uceleném a zábavném formátu. Díky informacím z první ruky poskytnutým astronauty, astronomy a experty v oboru tato kniha nabízí vše, co potřebujete vědět, a je průvodcem, který čtenáře vezme na fantastickou cestu ke hvězdám a ještě dál! Více než 40 pohyblivých částí pro praktickou ukázku zázraků vesmíru!

Objev podobné jako Nej... VESMÍR v pohybu (Defekt) - Anne-Sophie Baumann

cena 279.0 Kč

This Is Where I Leave You (Defekt) - Jonathan Tropper

A side-splitting and heartbreaking tale, soon to be a major Hollywood movie starring Tina Fey, Connie Britton and Jason Bateman.

Objev podobné jako This Is Where I Leave You (Defekt) - Jonathan Tropper

cena 9.0 Kč

If You Could See the Sun (Defekt) - Ann Liang

In this genre-bending, speculative YA debut, a Chinese American girl monetizes her strange new invisibility powers by discovering and selling her wealthy classmates' most scandalous secrets.Alice Sun has always felt invisible at her elite Beijing international boarding school, where she's the only scholarship student among China's most rich and influential teens. But then she starts uncontrollably turning invisible--actually invisible.When her parents drop the news that they can no longer afford her tuition, even with the scholarship, Alice hatches a plan to monetize her strange new power--she'll discover the scandalous secrets her classmates want to know, for a price.But as the tasks escalate from petty scandals to actual crimes, Alice must decide if it's worth losing her conscience--or even her life.

Objev podobné jako If You Could See the Sun (Defekt) - Ann Liang

cena 179.0 Kč

Záře Noelia Gonzales, Sara Boccaccini Meadows - Noelia Gonzales, Sara Boccaccini Meadows

Hvězdy, planety, vesmírná tělesa. Naučte se je v 15 kapitolách pozorovat na obloze a objevte o nich zajímavé informace. Poznejte měsíční fáze, ovládněte umění orientace podle Polárky a zjistěte, jak se dá cestovat časem a prostorem – stačí vyjít na zahradu nebo otevřít okno do noci a vaše vesmírná výprava může začít. Zanese vás na ni tato kniha, která vám ukáže, jak je lidstvo odnepaměti propojeno se souhvězdími, jež prozařují naše nebesa. Autorka Noelia González a ilustrátorka Sara Boccaccini Meadows pro vás připravily perfektní seznámení s noční oblohou, které si vychutnáte, ať obýváte kterýkoli kout této planety.

Objev podobné jako Záře Noelia Gonzales, Sara Boccaccini Meadows - Noelia Gonzales, Sara Boccaccini Meadows

cena 357.0 Kč

The Streets - None Of Us Are Getting Out Of This Life Alive (LP)

Typ: LP deska;Mixtape;Album Vydavatelství: Island Records Datum vydání: 2020-07-10 Interpret / Téma: The Streets Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Rok vydání: 2020.0 Subžánr: Pop;Experimental;Hip Hop;Elektronický Rok nahrávky: 2020.0 Žánr: Hip Hop;Pop Barva podle výrobce: Black Barva: Černá Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Evropská unie Složení setu: 1 ks Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: LP Varianta: None Of Us Are Getting Out Of This Life Alive (Vinyl LP) Země interpreta: Spojené království

Objev podobné jako The Streets - None Of Us Are Getting Out Of This Life Alive (LP)

cena 927.2 Kč

Sally Hansen Salon Effects umělé nehty OV171 Out Of This Pearl 24 ks

Sally Hansen Salon Effects, 24 ks, Manikúra a pilníky pro ženy, Rozšiřte škálu možností, jak upravit své nehty k dokonalosti. Produkt Sally Hansen Salon Effects vám pomůže s domácí manikúrou – ještě vylepší vaši běžnou rutinu a skvěle doplní nástroje či kosmetiku, kterou v ní už používáte. Postará se o to, aby vaše nehty měly vždy perfektní tvar a celkově pěstěný vzhled a vaše ruce tak vypadaly ještě krásněji.

Objev podobné jako Sally Hansen Salon Effects umělé nehty OV171 Out Of This Pearl 24 ks

cena 210.0 Kč

If Then : How One Data Company Invented the Future (Defekt) - Lepore Jill

The Simulmatics Corporation, founded in 1959, mined data, targeted voters, accelerated news, manipulated consumers, destabilized politics, and disordered knowledge--decades before Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Cambridge Analytica. Silicon Valley likes to imagine it has no past but the scientists of Simulmatics are the long-dead grandfathers of Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk. Borrowing from psychological warfare, they used computers to predict and direct human behavior, deploying their "People Machine" from New York, Cambridge, and Saigon for clients that included John Kennedy's presidential campaign, the New York Times, Young & Rubicam, and, during the Vietnam War, the Department of Defence. In If Then, distinguished Harvard historian and New Yorker staff writer, Jill Lepore, unearths from the archives the almost unbelievable story of this long-vanished corporation, and of the women hidden behind it. In the 1950s and 1960s, Lepore argues, Simulmatics invented the future by building the machine in which the world now finds itself trapped and tormented, algorithm by algorithm.

Objev podobné jako If Then : How One Data Company Invented the Future (Defekt) - Lepore Jill

cena 149.0 Kč

Jak se stát Pařížankou (Defekt) - Anne Berest, Audrey Diwanová, Sophie Mas, Caroline de Maiqret

Pařížanka a Paříž. Synonyma pro specifický životní styl i názory. Pařížanku poznáte všude na světě díky jejímu osobitému šarmu a způsobu, jakým si dokáže vychutnávat život. Je neustále šik a elegantní. Nemusí se ani moc namáhat a muži jí padají k nohám. Samozřejmě že Pařížanka je žena jako všechny ostatní, ale se špetkou něčeho navíc… A pokud se chcete dozvědět i něco z jejích tajných triků, zkuste zalistovat touto knihou, která vyšla z pera skutečných rodilých Pařížanek. Život je krásný… po francouzsku!

Objev podobné jako Jak se stát Pařížankou (Defekt) - Anne Berest, Audrey Diwanová, Sophie Mas, Caroline de Maiqret

cena 189.0 Kč

This Is Planet Earth : Your Ultimate Guide to the World We Call Home (Defekt)

The Earth as you've never seen it before.The ancient Greeks called it Gaia; the Romans Terra. We know it simply as Earth, the planet we call home. And what a planet it is.Formed around 4.6 billion years ago from the debris of the big bang and long-dead stars, at first it was nothing special, but somehow it evolved to become the most amazing place in the known Universe. The only living planet we know of, it also has a very unusual moon, a remarkably dynamic surface, a complex atmosphere and a deeply mysterious interior.This is Planet Earth is dedicated to the wonders of planet Earth. Its past is long and dramatic and its future shrouded in mystery. Yet despite centuries of research, only now are we starting to understand Earth's complexity.

Objev podobné jako This Is Planet Earth : Your Ultimate Guide to the World We Call Home (Defekt)

cena 149.0 Kč

Chilly Gonzales - A Very Chilly Christmas (LP)

Subžánr: Pop;Vánoce;Classical Varianta: A Very Chilly Christmas (LP) Vydavatelství: Gentle Threat Žánr: Pop;Vánoce;Classical Interpret / Téma: Chilly Gonzales Rok vydání: 2020.0 Datum vydání: 2020-11-13 Typ: Album;LP deska Barva podle výrobce: Black Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;1990 - 1999 Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země interpreta: Kanada Země původu: Německo Složení setu: 1 ks Barva: Černá

Objev podobné jako Chilly Gonzales - A Very Chilly Christmas (LP)

cena 661.3 Kč

Just Haven´t Met You Yet: The new feel-good love story from the author of THIS TIME NEXT YEAR - Sophie Cousensová

The stunning new love story from the bestselling author of This Time Next Year'Impossible to put down' CATHY BRAMLEY'A sure-fire hit!' LAURA JANE WILLIAMS'Packed full of holiday sparkle' JOSIE SILVER____________________________Tell me the story of how you two met. . .Laura has built a career out of interviewing people about their epic real life love stories. When she picks up the wrong suitcase at the airport, Laura wonders if this could be the start of something that is written in the stars. From piano sheet-music to a battered copy of her favourite book, Laura finds in the bag evidence of everything she could hope for in a partner.If Laura's job has taught her anything it is that when it comes to love, you cannot let opportunity pass you by. Now Laura is determined to track down the owner of the suitcase, and her own happy ending. But what if fate has other ideas?

Objev podobné jako Just Haven´t Met You Yet: The new feel-good love story from the author of THIS TIME NEXT YEAR - Sophie Cousensová

cena 250.0 Kč

Amy Gets Eaten - Adam Kay

The first-ever picture book from Adam Kay and Henry Paker - now Children’s Picture Book of The Year 2024 – The Week Junior Book Awards!The judges said: “This poo-filled picture book [...] reveals scientific facts in an engaging, silly and original way, with lots of icky illustrations to add to the fun.”This is the hilarious (and admittedly a tiny bit gross) tale of Amy, a small piece of sweetcorn who is eaten by Noah, a medium-sized boy. The story follows Amy on her funny, gooey and anatomically-accurate adventure through the human body as she discovers lots of facts about digestion. (It's fair to say that parents might learn a little bit too.)Praise for Kay's Anatomy:'An enjoyably gross look at the human body. Hours of gruesome fun guaranteed' i'Like listening to a teacher who makes pupils fall about' Sunday Times'Totally brilliant!' Jacqueline Wilson'Fun and informative' Malorie Blackman'Very funny - this exciting book is bound to inspire the next generation of medics' Sunday ExpressPraise for Kay's Marvellous Medicine:'A ridiculously funny read that will delight, gross out and educate all at the same time' Independent'Educational and entertaining. It should be on the national curriculum!' Harry Hill'Completely marvellous and very funny' BookTrust

Objev podobné jako Amy Gets Eaten - Adam Kay

cena 236.0 Kč

Stereophonics - Word Gets Around (LP)

Typ: Album;LP deska Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009 Hmotnost: 180 g Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Varianta: Word Gets Around (Vinyl LP) Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Evropská unie Žánr: Rock;Pop Rok vydání: 2016.0 Subžánr: Pop Rock;Alternative Rock Barva podle výrobce: Black Interpret / Téma: Stereophonics Vydavatelství: Universal Music Datum vydání: 2016-12-02 Barva: Černá Země interpreta: Spojené království

Objev podobné jako Stereophonics - Word Gets Around (LP)

cena 620.2 Kč

Jak se stát Pařížankou ...Ať žijete kdekoli (Defekt) - Anne Berest, Audrey Diwanová, Sophie Mas, Caroline de Maiqret

Pařížanku můžete z Paříže kdykoliv kamkoliv odvézt, ale její šarm jí nikdy nevezmete. Pařížanka a Paříž. Synonyma pro specifický životní styl i názory. Pařížanku poznáte všude na světě díky jejímu osobitému účesu a způsobu, jakým si dokáže vychutnávat život. Je neustále šik a elegantní. Nemusí se ani moc namáhat a muži jí padají k nohám. Samozřejmě že Pařížanka je žena jako všechny ostatní, ale se špetkou něčeho navíc…A pokud se chcete dozvědět i něco z jejích tajných triků, zkuste zalistovat touto knihou, která vyšla z pera skutečných rodilých Pařížanek. Život je krásný… po francouzsku!

Objev podobné jako Jak se stát Pařížankou ...Ať žijete kdekoli (Defekt) - Anne Berest, Audrey Diwanová, Sophie Mas, Caroline de Maiqret

cena 189.0 Kč

Before the Coffee Gets Cold (1529029589)

Kniha - autor Toshikazu Kawaguchi, 214 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako Before the Coffee Gets Cold (1529029589)

cena 252.0 Kč

Geoffrey Gets the Jitters - Nadia Shireen

Shortlisted for the Oscar’s Book Prize, 2024.From the creator of Barbara Throws a Wobbler - the ultimate story to chase (and laugh) your worries away‘A wise and comical look at anxiety and how to banish it ... With funny pictures and a guide to different kinds of worries, this is soothing for all ages’ - The TimesGeoffrey''s got the jitters! It started last night when he was thinking about school - a funny, wiggly feeling in his tummy that grew and grew. But when Geoffrey''s tummy jitters started talking to him - that''s when he knew they were out of control. Geoffrey had to do something...Through a laugh-out-loud story and loveable character, Nadia Shireen shows how to understand and dispel anxieties, one jitter at a time.Selected as one of The Sunday Times Best Children''s Book of the Year.

Objev podobné jako Geoffrey Gets the Jitters - Nadia Shireen

cena 236.0 Kč

Pavlo Gets the Grumps - Natalia Shaloshvili

A book-shaped hug that we all need on a day when everything just feels BLAH.Pavlo does not feel like going to the park. Not today.He does not want to go swimming.He even says no to the cinema.What''s going on, Pavlo?Pavlo''s got the grumps.This comforting picture book takes a look at bad days and big emotions, and reminds us that we all have grumpy days sometimes but no feeling lasts forever.Natalia Shaloshvili''s expressive illustrations are sad and funny at the same time, reassuring little ones that we are loved by our family and friends even when we''re not our happiest selves.Pavlo guides young children on their emotional learning journey and shows how joy is always just around the corner.

Objev podobné jako Pavlo Gets the Grumps - Natalia Shaloshvili

cena 384.0 Kč

She Gets the Girl - Rachael Lippincott

Read the instant New York Times bestseller and TikTok sensation -- THE new swoon-worthy hate-to-love rom com from #1 New York Times bestselling co-author of Five Feet Apart Rachael Lippincott and debut writer Alyson Derrick. The perfect summer read for fans of Adam Silvera, Casey McQuiston, Becky Albertalli and Alice Oseman's HEARTSTOPPER series!Alex and Molly are two girls who don’t belong on the same planet, let alone the same college campus . . .Alex Blackwood is a little bit headstrong, with a dash of chaos and a whole lot of flirt. She knows how to get the girl. Keeping her on the other hand . . . not so much.Molly Parker has everything in her life totally in control, except for her complete awkwardness with just about anyone besides her mum. She knows she’s in love with the impossibly cool Cora Myers. She just . . . hasn’t actually talked to her yet.When the girls' paths cross unexpectedly, and Alex discovers Molly’s hidden crush, they realise they might have a common interest after all. Because maybe if Alex can help Molly to get her dream girl, she can prove to her ex that she’s serious about love.As the two embark on their five-step plans to get their girls to fall for them, though, they both begin to wonder if maybe they’re the ones falling . . . for each other.Read what everyone is saying about She Gets the Girl:'Adorable. There's no better word to describe this book. It is so full of hilarious & cute moments that it is bursting at the seams.' - Amazon reviewer 'A great sapphic rom-com style story. I truly loved reading this book from start to finish!' - Amazon reviewer 'The ending made me swoon.' - Amazon reviewer 'Both hilarious and poignant, no doubt in my mind that this gem will be one of the best books I read this year.' - Amazon reviewer

Objev podobné jako She Gets the Girl - Rachael Lippincott

cena 241.0 Kč

Sally Hansen Miracle Gel™ gelový lak na nehty bez užití UV/LED lampy odstín 207 Out Of This Pearl 14,7 ml

Sally Hansen Miracle Gel™, 14,7 ml, Nehty pro ženy, Nádherná manikúra jako po návštěvě nehtového studia? Lak na nehty Sally Hansen Miracle Gel™ umožňuje vytvořit si ji v pohodlí vlastního domova. Pokrývá povrch nehtů souvislou vrstvou dlouhotrvající intenzivní barvy s lesklým finišem, a pomáhá tak dodat nehtům pěstěný, dokonale upravený vzhled. Můžete s jeho pomocí jednoduše zvýraznit své nehty a nebo třeba podtrhnout styl vašeho outfitu. Tak která barva se zaleskne na vašich nehtech? Vlastnosti: zářivá a sytá barva má efekt gelové manikúry zajišťuje vysoký lesk má dlouhotrvající výdrž Jak používat: Lak nanášejte pomocí štětečku na odlakované odmaštěné nehty. Pro lepší výsledný efekt aplikujte 2 vrstvy.

Objev podobné jako Sally Hansen Miracle Gel™ gelový lak na nehty bez užití UV/LED lampy odstín 207 Out Of This Pearl 14,7 ml

cena 94.0 Kč

The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed out of the Window and Disappeared (Defekt) - Jonas Jonasson

Sitting quietly in his room in an old people's home, Allan Karlsson is waiting for a party he doesn't want to begin. His one-hundredth birthday party to be precise. The Mayor will be there. The press will be there. But, as it turns out, Allan will not . . . Escaping (in his slippers) through his bedroom window, into the flowerbed, Allan makes his getaway. And so begins his picaresque and unlikely journey involving criminals, several murders, a suitcase full of cash, and incompetent police. As his escapades unfold, Allan's earlier life is revealed. A life in which - remarkably - he played a key role behind the scenes in some of the momentous events of the twentieth century.

Objev podobné jako The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed out of the Window and Disappeared (Defekt) - Jonas Jonasson

cena 139.0 Kč

How The Light Gets In - Louise Pennyová

NOMINATED FOR THE CWA GOLD DAGGERThere is more to solving a crime than following the clues.Welcome to Chief Inspector Gamache's world of facts and feelings.As a fierce, unrelenting winter grips Quebec, shadows are closing in on Chief Inspector Armand Gamache. When he receives a message about a mysterious case in Three Pines, he is compelled to investigate - a woman who was once one of the most famous people in the world has vanished.The investigation gathers momentum and Gamache is drawn into a web of murder, lies and unimaginable corruption at the heart of the city. Facing his most challenging, and personal, case to date, can he save the reputation of the Surete, those he holds dear and himself?Ten million readers.Three pines.One inimitable Chief Inspector Gamache.

Objev podobné jako How The Light Gets In - Louise Pennyová

cena 279.0 Kč

Before the Coffee Gets Cold - Tošikazu Kawaguči

In a small back alley in Tokyo, there is a café which has been serving carefully brewed coffee for more than one hundred years. But this coffee shop offers its customers a unique experience: the chance to travel back in time. In Before the Coffee Gets Cold, we meet four visitors, each of whom is hoping to make use of the café's time-travelling offer, in order to: confront the man who left them, receive a letter from their husband whose memory has been taken by early onset Alzheimer's, to see their sister one last time, and to meet the daughter they never got the chance to know. But the journey into the past does not come without risks: customers must sit in a particular seat, they cannot leave the café, and finally, they must return to the present before the coffee gets cold . . . Toshikazu Kawaguchi's beautiful, moving story explores the age-old question: what would you change if you could travel back in time? More importantly, who would you want to meet, maybe for one last time?

Objev podobné jako Before the Coffee Gets Cold - Tošikazu Kawaguči

cena 312.0 Kč

Mirabelle Gets up to Mischief - Harriet Muncaster

Meet Mirabelle. Her mum is a witch and her dad is a fairy, and Mirabelle is a bit of both. She likes casting spells with her fairy wand and flying around on her witchy broomstick, but most of all, the thing she really, really likes to do, is cause mischief. And in Mirabelle Gets up to Mischief, she does just that!

Objev podobné jako Mirabelle Gets up to Mischief - Harriet Muncaster

cena 207.0 Kč

Isadora Moon Gets in Trouble - Harriet Muncasterová

Half vampire, half fairy, totally unique! Isadora Moon is special because she is different. Her mum is a fairy and her dad is a vampire and she is a bit of both. When Isadora's cousin, Mirabelle, comes to stay, Isadora is really excited.Mirabelle, who is a witch, is older than Isadora and always has the best ideas for things to do. So when she suggests that instead of taking Pink Rabbit Isadora should take a dragon to 'Bring Your Pet to School Day', Isadora ignores her worries and goes along with the plan. But looking after a dragon turns out to be a little bit harder than the pair of them expect . . .

Objev podobné jako Isadora Moon Gets in Trouble - Harriet Muncasterová

cena 207.0 Kč

The Devil Gets His Due - Elizabeth O'Roark

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas . . .right? The Devils series is a sexy blend of spice, romance and grumpy men. Prepare to laugh, swoon and cry . .. perfect for fans of Christina Lauren and Emma Chase. ___ Some people marry the enemy in Vegas .. . Keeley managed to get knocked up by him too.Keeley: Last January, I drunk-married my nemesis-hot, oversized geek Graham Tate. With no memory of how it came about, there was only one solution: run off before he woke up and pretend it didn't happen. It would have worked perfectly if I hadn't wound up pregnant.Graham is the opposite of everything I want in a man-practical, disciplined, frugal-but living with him until the baby arrives has me wondering if, perhaps, I've been wanting the wrong things all along. And if that drunk version of me last January might have been onto something. Graham: I never planned to have kids, and I certainly wouldn't have planned on one with Keeley Connolly-a woman who does not believe in savings accounts or personal safety and thinks Lucky Charms is a health food because of the non-marshmallow bits.A woman who also didn't think twice about marrying me in Vegas and ditching me hours later. I can't wait to put this behind me and return to my careful, chaos-free life in New York. But the more time I spend with Keeley, the more I'm remembering the things that led me to marry her in the first place...and wondering if I can live without them when this ends.

Objev podobné jako The Devil Gets His Due - Elizabeth O'Roark

cena 268.0 Kč

Before the Coffee Gets Cold - Tošikazu Kawaguči

In a small back alley in Tokyo, there is a café which has been serving carefully brewed coffee for more than one hundred years. But this coffee shop offers its customers a unique experience: the chance to travel back in time. In Before the Coffee Gets Cold, we meet four visitors, each of whom is hoping to make use of the café's time-travelling offer, in order to: confront the man who left them, receive a letter from their husband whose memory has been taken by early onset Alzheimer's, to see their sister one last time, and to meet the daughter they never got the chance to know. But the journey into the past does not come without risks: customers must sit in a particular seat, they cannot leave the café, and finally, they must return to the present before the coffee gets cold . . . Toshikazu Kawaguchi's beautiful, moving story explores the age-old question: what would you change if you could travel back in time? More importantly, who would you want to meet, maybe for one last time?

Objev podobné jako Before the Coffee Gets Cold - Tošikazu Kawaguči

cena 312.0 Kč

Before the Coffee Gets Cold - Tošikazu Kawaguči

The million-copy bestselling seriesNow as a beautiful, collectible hardback - the perfect giftToshikazu Kawaguchi's moving Before the Coffee Gets Cold, translated from Japanese by Geoffrey Trousselot, explores the age-old question: what would you do if you could travel back in time? More importantly, who would you want to meet, maybe for one last time?In a small back alley in Tokyo, there is a cafe which has been serving carefully brewed coffee for more than one hundred years. But this coffee shop offers its customers a unique experience: the chance to travel back in time. In Before the Coffee Gets Cold, we meet four visitors, each of whom is hoping to make use of the cafe's time-travelling offer, in order to: confront the man who left them, receive a letter from their husband whose memory has been taken by early onset Alzheimer's, see their sister one last time, and meet the daughter they never got the chance to know.But the journey into the past does not come without risks: customers must sit in a particular seat, they cannot leave the cafe, and finally, they must return to the present before the coffee gets cold . . .Continue the heartwarming series with Tales from the Cafe and Before Your Memory Fades.

Objev podobné jako Before the Coffee Gets Cold - Tošikazu Kawaguči

cena 411.0 Kč

MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios - Joanna Robinson, Dave Gonzales

Marvel Entertainment was a struggling toymaker not even twenty years ago. Today, Marvel Studios is the dominant player both in Hollywood and in global pop culture. But what accounts for its stunning rise? In MCU, beloved culture writers Joanna Robinson, Dave Gonzales, and Gavin Edwards draw on more than a hundred interviews with actors, producers, directors, and writers to present the definitive chronicle of Marvel Studios and its sole, ongoing production, the Marvel Cinematic Universe.As they delve into the studio's key moments - from the contentious hiring of Robert Downey Jr. for Iron Man to the negotiations over Disney's acquisition of Marvel to studio head Kevin Feige's embrace of streaming TV - the authors demonstrate that the genius of Marvel was its resurrection and modification of Hollywood's old studio system. Dishy and authoritative, MCU is the first book to tell the Marvel Studios story in full - and an essential, effervescent account of popular culture.

Objev podobné jako MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios - Joanna Robinson, Dave Gonzales

cena 499.0 Kč

Isadora Moon gets the Magic Pox - Harriet Muncaster

Isadora Moon is special because she''s different. Her mum is a fairy, her dad is a vampire, and she''s a bit of both. When Isadora''s teacher announces the class are having a maths test on Monday, Isadora gets a nervous feeling in her tummy. She really doesn''t like tests . . . or maths! Maybe, Isadora could pretend to be ill so she can stay at home instead? Isadora calls her naughty cousin Mirabelle for help and she gives her a spell that will help Isadora get out of the test. To Isadora''s delight, it works! But between a potion mishap and magic pox fluffballs bouncing around all over the place, Isadora starts feeling a bit guilty. Luckily, her mum is on hand to help set things right and together they come up with a new, magical way to say goodbye to the magic pox and even make revising for the maths test fun! With irresistible pink and black artwork throughout by author/illustrator Harriet Muncaster, Isadora Moon is a unique heroine with an out-of-this-world family!

Objev podobné jako Isadora Moon gets the Magic Pox - Harriet Muncaster

cena 207.0 Kč

Farmyard Tales Stories Pig Gets Stuck - Heather Amery

Curly the pig is stuck: will Mrs Boot be able to get him out? Young children will love finding out what happens in this charming short story, specially written for new readers.

Objev podobné jako Farmyard Tales Stories Pig Gets Stuck - Heather Amery

cena 71.0 Kč

Motivační obraz na zeď Its never gets easier

Obraz na plátně s realistický zobrazeným motivem ve vysoké kvalitě dostupný v různých rozměrech. Moderní obrazy pro moderní bydlení a moderní interiér. Motiv v digitální kvalitě vytištěn na kvalitním plátně, které je natažené na dřevěném rámu. Plátno natažené i po stranách rámu vytváří na stěně neopakovatelný 3D efekt. Ekologický výrobek bez zápachu. Obrazy na stěnu, které Vás prostě inspirují.

Objev podobné jako Motivační obraz na zeď Its never gets easier

cena 288.0 Kč

Rozvoj řeči dětí - America X Gonzales, Lois Jean Brady, Jim Elliott

Řeč v akci, řeč v pohybu, to je hlavní myšlenka užitečné knihy obsahující 90 aktivit pro rozvoj řečových dovedností. Děti s postižením, zejména ty s poruchou autistického spektra nebo vývojovou dysfázií, si řečové dovednosti osvojují snadněji, pokud jejich nácvik obsahuje i pohybovou část. Aktivity lze využít ve škole i při individuální práci a s dětmi je mohou provádět učitelé, logopedi i sami rodiče. Nepotřebujete k nim žádné zvláštní pomůcky ani vybavení, stačí to, co je ve třídě, v herně nebo doma. Kniha obsahuje krátké případové studie.America X Gonzales je logopedka, Lois Jean Brady se specializuje na logopedickou práci s dětmi s postižením a má více než třicetiletou praxi a Jim Elliott se věnuje rozvoji pohybových dovedností u dětí s PAS a s dalšími poruchami.

Objev podobné jako Rozvoj řeči dětí - America X Gonzales, Lois Jean Brady, Jim Elliott

cena 268.0 Kč

MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios - Gavin Edwards, Joanna Robinson, Dave Gonzales

Marvel Entertainment was a struggling toymaker not even twenty years ago. Today, Marvel Studios is the dominant player both in Hollywood and in global pop culture.But what accounts for its stunning rise?In MCU, beloved culture writers Joanna Robinson, Dave Gonzales, and Gavin Edwards draw on more than a hundred interviews with actors, producers, directors, and writers to present the definitive chronicle of Marvel Studios and its sole, ongoing production, the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As they delve into the studio's key moments - from the contentious hiring of Robert Downey Jr. for Iron Man to the negotiations over Disney's acquisition of Marvel to studio head Kevin Feige's embrace of streaming TV - the authors demonstrate that the genius of Marvel was its resurrection and modification of Hollywood's old studio system.Dishy and authoritative, MCU is the first book to tell the Marvel Studios story in full - and an essential, effervescent account of popular culture.

Objev podobné jako MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios - Gavin Edwards, Joanna Robinson, Dave Gonzales

cena 357.0 Kč

Tales from the Cafe: Before the Coffee Gets Cold (1529050863)

Kniha - autor Toshikazu Kawaguchi, 208 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In a small back alley in Tokyo, there is a cafe which has been serving carefully brewed coffee for more than one hundred years. But this coffee shop offers its customers a unique experience: the chance to travel back in time... From the author of Before the Coffee Gets Cold comes Tales from the Cafe, a story of four new customers each of whom is hoping to take advantage of Cafe Funiculi Funicula's time-travelling offer. Among some faces that will be familiar to readers of Toshikazu Kawaguchi's previous novel, we will be introduced to: The man who goes back to see his best friend who died 22 years ago The son who was unable to attend his own mother's funeral The man who travelled to see the girl who he could not marry The old detective who never gave his wife that gift . . . This beautiful, simple tale tells the story of people who must face up to their past, in order to move...

Objev podobné jako Tales from the Cafe: Before the Coffee Gets Cold (1529050863)

cena 272.0 Kč

What to Do When Your Brain Gets Stuck - Dawn Huebner

A Gold NAPPA Winner (National Parenting Publications Awards) Moonbeam Silver Children’s Book Award for Activity Books What To Do When Your Brain Gets Stuck guides children and their parents through the cognitive-behavioral techniques used to treat obsessive compulsive disorder. This interactive self-help book turns kids into super-sleuths who can recognize and more appropriately respond to OCD''s tricks. With engaging examples, activities, and step-by-step instructions, it helps children master the skills needed to break free from OCD''s sticky thoughts and urges, and live happier lives. This What-to-Do Guide is the complete resource for educating, motivating, and empowering children to work toward change. This book is part of the Magination Press What-to-Do Guides for Kids series and includes an “Introduction to Parents and Caregivers.” What-to-Guides for Kids are interactive self-help books designed to guide 6–12 year old''s and their parents through the cognitive-behavioral techniques most often used in the treatment of various psychological concerns. Engaging, encouraging, and easy to follow, these books educate, motivate, and empower children to work towards change.

Objev podobné jako What to Do When Your Brain Gets Stuck - Dawn Huebner

cena 429.0 Kč

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