Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Bližšie k láske - Vex King
Obľúbený mentálny kouč prináša po bestselleri Dobré vibrácie, dobrý život efektívneho sprievodcu, ako si do života pritiahnuť správnych ľudí a vybudovať, udržať a prehĺbiť zmysluplné medziľudské vzťahy. Vex King upozorňuje, že väčšina z nás v záujme vzťahov popiera samých seba, až napokon celkom potlačí svoje vlastné ja. No keď sa nerešpektujeme takí, akí sme, nemôžeme mať úprimné vzťahy. Dobré vzťahy sa začínajú s vyrovnaným vzťahom so sebou samým, chápaním našich túžob a potrieb. Len vtedy priťahujeme tých správnych ľudí aj partnerov a vieme dávať aj prijímať lásku bez toho, aby nás ničili deštruktívne emócie a traumy. Vďaka jednoduchým tipom a trikom Vexa Kinga si osvojíte zdravé návyky, ktoré vám otvoria cestu k láske, akú si naozaj zaslúžite.
Podívejte se také Hexbug Vex Válec (807648071849)
Dobré vibrácie, dobrý život - Vex King
Prijať sám seba je kľúčom k vnútornému mieru. Sme tvorcami vlastných životov. Máme to vo vlastných rukách. Ak si zvolíme správnu cestu, môžeme dospieť k cieľu. Vex King prekonal mnoho ťažkostí a pre tisíce mladých ľudí sa stal zdrojom nádeje a inšpiráciou. Vychádzajúc z osobných skúseností a intuitívnej múdrosti nás učí, že sebaláska nie je len koncept, ale aj umenie, ktoré treba ovládať. Nemožno ju však zamienať za sebeckosť a bezohľadnosť. Autor rozdelil svoju knihu na sedem častí, čo umožňuje čitateľovi krok za krokom kráčať k cieľu, postupne si precvičovať sebalásku a dosiahnuť najvyššie šťastie.
Podívejte se také Polštář 45x30 cm, Pat&Mat, defekt (99853A)
Dobré vibrace, dobrý život - Vex King
Jak se naučit opravdu milovat sám sebe? Jak přetvořit negativní emoce v pozitivní? Je možné najít trvalé štěstí? Vex King odpovídá na všechny tyto otázky a mnohé další. V knize Dobré vibrace, dobrý život popisuje autor svou osobní zkušenost a moudrost intuice, která mu nakonec pomohla dosáhnout v životě to, co si předsevzal, a zároveň předává toto vědění dál svým čtenářům. V knize se dozvíte:- jak o sebe pečovat, překonat toxické energie a postavit vlastní spokojený život na první místo,- jak pěstovat pozitivní životní styl včetně vědomého vnímání a meditace,- jak změnit to, v co věříte, tak abyste dokázali přijmout velké příležitosti, které život poskytuje,- jak projevit vlastní cíle za použití vyzkoušených a účinných metod,- jak překonat strach a naladit se na stejnou vlnu s vesmírem,- jak najít svůj vyšší smysl a stát se zářným vzorem pro ostatní.Ukazuje sebelásku jako vyzkoušenou a funkční metodu pro dosažení spokojenosti a přijetí vlastní hodnoty. V knize dokazuje, že pokud změníte způsob, jakým myslíte, cítíte, mluvíte a jednáte, začnete měnit svět. Srozumitelně představuje spiritualitu pro novou generaci: moderní, soucitnou a filozofickou.
Podívejte se také Tyreweld sprej na opravu defekt 500ml (HT4YA)
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Good Vibes, Good Life - Vex King
#1 Sunday Times bestseller - over 500k copies sold worldwide. Join the self-love revolution with Instagram visionary Vex King and discover inspirational messages and universal wisdom to help you manifest positive vibes. Vex overcame adversity to become a source of hope for thousands of young people, and now draws from his personal experience and his intuitive wisdom to inspire you to: - practise self-care, overcome toxic energy and prioritize your wellbeing - cultivate positive lifestyle habits, including mindfulness and meditation - change your beliefs to invite great opportunities into your life - manifest your goals using tried-and-tested techniques - overcome fear and flow with the Universe - find your higher purpose and become a shining light for others In this book, Vex will show you that when you change the way you think, feel, speak and act, you begin to change the world.
Objev podobné jako Good Vibes, Good Life - Vex King
Najlepšia kniha o svojpomoci - Vex King
Obľúbený mentálny kouč Vex King vo svojich knihách pomáha ľuďom nájsť cestu k sebaláske, zmyslupným vzťahom a šťastiu. Teraz svojim čitateľom prináša ďalší kľúč k naplnenému životu, ktorý vytvoril spolu so svojou manželkou Kaushal.Tento Denník je úplne iný ako denníky, s ktorými ste sa stretli doteraz. Je plný svojpomocných cvičení, aktivít a vizuálnych podnetov. Pomôže vám pochopiť a regulovať emócie, vybudovať a udržať si funkčné návyky, pestovať pozitívne vzorce myslenia, pracovať na sebauvedomovaní, sebaláske a pocite vďačnosti. S týmto každodenným spoločníkom si vytvoríte zdravý vzťah so samým sebou aj s ostatnými.
Objev podobné jako Najlepšia kniha o svojpomoci - Vex King
Uzdravenie ako cesta k slobode - Vex King
„Bolesť, zármutok a peklo, ktorým prechádzate... nebudú trvať večne. Uzdravíte sa. Dosiahnete nové výšiny. Váš život bude ako prechádzka v nebi. Ste predurčení na niečo väčšie.“ „Ak ste čítali moju knihu Dobré vibrácie, dobrý život, už viete, aké dôležité je vibrovať na vyšších frekvenciách. V knihe Uzdravenie ako cesta k slobode, ktorú som písal niekoľko rokov, vás chcem posunúť ešte ďalej a pomôcť vám vyliečiť to, čo vás obmedzuje. V procese vnútorného uzdravovania sa odpútate od starých návykov, vytvoríte si nový, posilňujúci systém presvedčení a prijmete neznámu budúcnosť, dôverujúc vlastnej sile a schopnostiam bez ohľadu na to, čo vám príde do cesty.“ Vex King vyvinul techniky vnútorného uzdravenia, aby sa oslobodil od problémovej minulosti a vyliečil si emocionálnu bolesť a traumu. Tieto techniky, ktoré využívajú princípy jogy a jedinečné cvičenia, sú jednoduché, zrozumiteľné a prinášajú výnimočné výsledky. Prevziať zodpovednosť za vlastné uzdravenie je jedným z najväčších prejavov sebalásky. Keď sa rozhodnete absolvovať tento proces a zvýšiť si vibrácie – energiu, ktorá vami prúdi a ktorú vyžarujete do sveta – otvoríte vo svojom živote priestor radostnejším zážitkom. V tejto knihe vám autor ukazuje cestu za uzdravením naprieč jednotlivými vrstvami vášho ja, čo zahŕňa: prácu s energiou vášho tela, objavovanie a zvyšovanie vnútorných vibrácií, vytváranie pozitívnych vzťahov, skúmanie vlastnej minulosti a prepisovanie obmedzujúcich presvedčení, odhalenie svojho skutočného ja a rozdúchanie vnútorného ohňa.
Objev podobné jako Uzdravenie ako cesta k slobode - Vex King
Healing Is the New High - Vex King
Achieve genuine inner healing, let go of trauma and find clarity, resilience and freedom with #1 Sunday Times bestselling author Vex King.''A fantastic playbook to sort yourself out.'' Chris Evans, DJ & TV Presenter Vex developed powerful inner healing techniques to help him break free from his troubled past, heal his emotional pain and trauma, and create a new and empowering belief system. Since then, he''s helped thousands of people worldwide unlock their own healing journey. And now he''s here to help you become your own healer too.Vex shares how to experience healing through the layers of the self, combining yogic principles and simple, accessible techniques for exceptional, long-lasting results. These transformative practices include:· Working with your body''s energy· Exploring and raising your inner vibration · Creating positive relationships · Exploring your personal history and rewriting limiting beliefs · Uncovering your true self and reigniting your fireTaking charge of your inner healing is one of the greatest acts of self-love. By committing to this process and raising your vibration - the energy that courses through you and you radiate out into the world - you''ll create space to welcome more joyful experiences into your life.
Objev podobné jako Healing Is the New High - Vex King
Dobré vibrácie, dobrý život - Vex King - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Kniha Dobré vibrácie, dobrý život prináša odpovede na mnohé otázky, ktoré si často kladieme: Ako sa naučím mať rád samého seba či samu seba? Ako zmením negatívne pocity na pozitívne? Môžem nájsť trvalé šťastie? Svetoznámy motivátor a instagramový guru Vex King odpovedá na tieto otázky a ešte na množstvo ďalších. Vex zvíťazil nad nepriazňou osudu a stal sa vzorom pre desaťtisíce mladých ľudí. Čerpá z osobnej skúsenosti a z intuitívnej múdrosti. Inšpiruje vás k tomu, aby ste: sa starali o seba, prekonali negatívnu energiu a na prvé miesto kládli seba, pestovali vo svojom živote pozitívne návyky vrátane všímavosti a meditácie, zmenili svoje presvedčenie a otvorili sa nevídaným možnostiam, realizovali svoje ciele pomocou osvedčených techník, prekonali strach a plynuli s vesmírom, našli svoj životný zámer a stali sa pre druhých žiarivým majákom. Ak zmeníte svoje myslenie, cítenie, reč a konanie, začnete meniť svet. Táto kniha povzbudí všetkých, ktorí hľadajú cestu z temnoty, a ponúka nástroje, ktoré im na nej pomôžu. Titul Dobré vibrácie, dobrý život sa stal bestsellerom č. 1 The Sunday Times a preložili ho do devätnástich jazykov. „Pravdou je, že ľudia vás budú súdiť tak či tak, či už žijete podľa seba, alebo podľa iných."
Objev podobné jako Dobré vibrácie, dobrý život - Vex King - audiokniha
Dobré vibrace, dobrý život - Vex King - e-kniha
eBook: Jak se naučit opravdu milovat sám sebe? Jak přetvořit negativní emoce v pozitivní? Je možné najít trvalé štěstí? Vex King odpovídá na všechny tyto otázky a mnohé další. V knize Dobré vibrace, dobrý život popisuje autor svou osobní zkušenost a moudrost intuice, která mu nakonec pomohla dosáhnout v životě to, co si předsevzal, a zároveň předává toto vědění dál svým čtenářům. V knize se dozvíte: - jak o sebe pečovat, překonat toxické energie a postavit vlastní spokojený život na první místo, - jak pěstovat pozitivní životní styl včetně vědomého vnímání a meditace, - jak změnit to, v co věříte, tak abyste dokázali přijmout velké příležitosti, které život poskytuje, - jak projevit vlastní cíle za použití vyzkoušených a účinných metod, - jak překonat strach a naladit se na stejnou vlnu s vesmírem, - jak najít svůj vyšší smysl a stát se zářným vzorem pro ostatní. Ukazuje sebelásku jako vyzkoušenou a funkční metodu pro dosažení spokojenosti a přijetí vlastní hodnoty. V knize dokazuje, že pokud změníte způsob, jakým myslíte, cítíte, mluvíte a jednáte, začnete měnit svět. Srozumitelně představuje spiritualitu pro novou generaci: moderní, soucitnou a filozofickou.
Objev podobné jako Dobré vibrace, dobrý život - Vex King - e-kniha
Things No One Taught Us About Love - Vex King
Things No One Taught Us About Love is a concise paperback that distils the ideas found in Vex King’s hardback book Closer to Love, reworked and presented in the warm, relatable style of his No. 1 bestseller Good Vibes, Good, Life. This extraordinary book is for anyone looking to harness the power of the universe, and their own self-understanding, to manifest stronger, deeper relationships.Bestselling author of Good Vibes, Good Life, Vex King is back with a life-changing guide to strengthening your relationships by learning to love yourself, and understanding the true nature of love. Many of us expect romantic love to solve our problems and validate our worth. This burden strains modern relationships.Partners become frustrated when unable to meet each other’s idealized and impossible demands. Broken dreams of a life-long romance can leave people feeling incomplete and hopping from one partner to another. It’s no wonder we struggle, given that society fails to teach us about the true nature of love.We’ve been misled into thinking love is external - somewhere out there - rather than a force within us. Vex King dismantles the myths and misconceptions surrounding love and relationships. Packed with personal stories, expert advice and inspirational messages, Things No-one Taught Us About Love will help you understand how you love, create healthy habits, set boundaries that work for you, and heal unprocessed emotion and trauma.
Objev podobné jako Things No One Taught Us About Love - Vex King
Self-Help for Your Nerves - Dr. Claire Weekes
Essential guide for everything you need to know to keep relaxed through every day lifeRepackage of the phenomenally successful guide to dealing with nervous illness – Self Help for Your Nerves. This guide offers the most comprehensive insight and advice into coping with nervous stress.Sufferers of nervous illness regard Self Help for Your Nerves as their bible – many believe that if they had found it earlier they would have been saved years of unnecessary suffering.Dr Claire Weekes looks at:How the Nervous System WorksWhat is Nervous IllnessCommon factors in the development of nervous illnessRecurring Nervous AttacksPlus important chapters on depression, sorrow, guilt and disgrace, obsessions, sleeplessness, confidence, loneliness and agoraphobia.The book also shows the Dr Claire Weekes method, a practical programme on learning to take your place among people without fear.
Objev podobné jako Self-Help for Your Nerves - Dr. Claire Weekes
Closer to Love: How to Attract the Right Relationships and Deepen Your Connections - Vex King
Do you love your partner but want to rekindle that 'in love' feeling?Do you go on plenty of dates but can't seem to click with the right person?Do you keep having the same conflicts with your partner?Vex King, the Sunday Times bestselling author of Good Vibes, Good Life and Healing is the New High is back with Closer to Love, a practical, emotional and spiritual guide to deeper and more fulfilling love.Modern relationships are more complex than ever, but our inherent need to give and receive love is as true today as it ever was. So, how can we find true connections, unconditional love and pure, lasting relationships?In three clear steps, Vex will help you to:- Understand the role you play within your connections- Build meaningful and mindful relationships- Learn how to love authentically and unconditionallyWritten with wisdom and truth, this game-changing book about love will change your life.
Objev podobné jako Closer to Love: How to Attract the Right Relationships and Deepen Your Connections - Vex King
Greatest Hits (Defekt) - Barnett Laura
The new novel from the author of number one bestseller The Versions of Us. 'Barnett has that rare talent, like Curtis Sittenfeld or Kate Atkinson, of building up the mundane aspects of everyday life until they acquire meaning' THE TIMES. 'Barnett excels herself in this mesmerising ballad of a book...Greatest Hits is not just about music, it's about people: their ambitions, friendships and flaws. An absolute must read' STYLIST. If you could choose just sixteen moments to define your entire life, what would they be? Cass Wheeler has seen it all - from the searing heights of success, to earth-shattering moments of despair. She has known passion, envy, pride, fear, and love. She has been a daughter, a mother, a singer, a lover. A musician born in 1950, Cass is now taking one day to select the sixteen songs in her repertoire that have meant the most to her. And behind each song lies a story - from the day her mother abandoned her, to her passionate first love, to the moment she lost everything. The dreams, the failures, the second chances. But what made her disappear so suddenly from her public life and, most importantly, can she find her way back? Biographical Notes. Laura Barnett is a writer, journalist and theatre critic. She has been on staff at the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph, and writes for a number of national newspapers and magazines.Laura was born in 1982 in south London, where she now lives with her husband. Her debut novel, The Versions of Us , was a Number One bestseller, with rights sold in 24 countries and television rights optioned by Trademark Films.
Objev podobné jako Greatest Hits (Defekt) - Barnett Laura
Longevity Book (Defekt) - Cameron Diaz, Sandra Bark
Kniha o tom, jak žít ve zdraví, síle, kráse a pohodě v každém věku. Jakmile Cameron Diaz oslavila devětatřicáté narozeniny, na pořadu dne se objevila „ta“ otázka. V téměř každém rozhovoru se novináři Cameron ptali, jestli se obává čtyřicítky. „Když se tyto otázky staly nedílnou součástí každého rozhovoru, došlo mi, jakou důležitost věku přikládáme,“ říká Cameron. Titul Longevity Book se stal logickým pokračováním Body Book, bestselleru deníku The New York Times, v němž se autorka zabývala tématy jako zdravý životní styl a důležitost harmonie těla a ducha. I v nové knize se snaží poskytnout čtenářkám co nejvíce užitečných poznatků a rad, které jim pomohou lépe zvládnout novou životní fázi, do níž vstupují ve věku kolem čtyřicítky. Na rozdíl od celé řady jiných knih na podobné téma však Longevity Book nevychází z postoje, že se s věkem má bojovat všemi dostupnými prostředky a že je bezpodmínečně nutné, aby se ženy snažily vypadat mladší, než ve skutečnosti jsou. Tato kniha zkoumá, jak nás čas ovlivňuje jak po tělesné, tak po emociální stránce – protože tyto dvě složky našeho zdraví jsou od sebe neoddělitelné. Longevity Book poskytuje čtivý a zevrubný výklad o fungování ženského těla i mysli. Průměrná délka našeho života je delší než kdykoli dřív v minulosti. Abychom si však tento dar dlouhověkosti mohli náležitě užívat, je zcela zásadní dobře porozumět hlasu svého těla a připravit se na vše, co nás čeká, abychom mohly zrát s grácií. Longevity Book je kniha, která vám poskytne všechny zásadní informace a nabídne ucelený pohled na to, jak si můžeme užívat života plnými doušky, a to v každém věku. Nechte se inspirovat Cameron Diaz a zrajte s grácií!
Objev podobné jako Longevity Book (Defekt) - Cameron Diaz, Sandra Bark
MS The Little Black Book Of All-Time Greatest Hits
Zpěvník LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF ALL-TIME GREATEST HITS Zpěvníky z edice Little Black Book obsahují texty a akordy k desítkám populárních skladeb. Tato verze těchto zpěvníků kapesní velikosti představuje ty největší hity všech dob. Seznam skladeb: Ain’t No Mountain High Enough [Ross, Diana] Alright [Supergrass] Are You Gonna Go My Way [Kravitz, Lenny] Avalon [Roxy Music] Baby Come Back [Equals, The] Back For Good [Take That] Bad Day [Powter, Daniel] Because Of You [Clarkson, Kelly] Big Love [Fleetwood Mac] Black Night [Deep Purple] Born To Die [Del Rey, Lana] Bright Eyes [Garfunkel, Art] Can’t Get You Out Of My Head [Minogue, Kylie] Cry [Godley & Cr?me] Dancing In The Street [Martha & The Vandellas] Do You Realize?? [Flaming Lips, The] Dream Lover [Darin, Bobby] Easy [Commodores, The] Enjoy The Silence [Depeche Mode] Enola Gay [Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark] Everlasting Love [Love Affair] Galveston [Campbell, Glen] Geno [Dexy’s Midnight Runners] Groovin’ [Young Rascals, The] Halfway To Paradise [Fury, Billy] Heartbreak Hotel [Presley, Elvis] Hounds Of Love [Bush, Kate] I Can Help [Swan, Billy] I Don’t Feel Like Dancin’ [Scissor Sisters] I Never Loved A Man (The Way I Love You) [Franklin, Aretha] I Only Have Eyes For You [Flamingos, The] I’m Waiting For The Man [Velvet Underground, The] Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me) [Temptations, The] Karma Chameleon [Culture Club] Last Train To Clarksville [Monkees, The] Life On Mars? [Bowie, David] Love Really Hurts Without You [Ocean, Billy] Lucky Man [Verve, The] Me And Bobby McGee [Joplin, Janis] Miss You [Rolling Stones, The] Money (That's What I Want) [Beatles, The] Movin’ On Up [Primal Scream] Mr. Blue Sky [Electric Light Orchestra] My Baby Just Cares For Me [Simone, Nina] My Girl [Madness] Perfect Day [Reed, Lou] Please Mr. Postman [Marvelettes, The] Rehab [Winehouse, Amy] Rolling In The Deep [Adele] Senses Working Overtime [XTC] Shakin’ All Over [Johnny Kidd & The Pirates] Sign Your Name [D’Arby, Terence Trent] Sir Duke [Wonder, Stevie] Solsbury Hill [Gabriel, Peter] Stars [Simply Red] Steady, As She Goes [Raconteurs, The] The Dark End Of The Street [Carr, James] The Look Of Love [ABC] The Night [Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons] The Suburbs [Arcade Fire] The Tracks Of My Tears [Miracles, The] There Goes The Fear [Doves] This Ain’t A Love Song [Scouting For Girls] This Old Heart Of Mine (Is Weak For You) [Isley Brothers, The] Tonight’s The Night [Stewart, Rod] Up On The Roof [Drifters, The] Valerie [Zutons, The] Warwick Avenue [Duffy] We’ve Gotta Get Out Of This Place [Animals, The] What’s Going On [Gaye, Marvin] Whip It [Devo] Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On [Lewis, Jerry Lee] Wild Thing [Troggs, The] Will You Love Me Tomorrow [Shirelles, The] You Can’t Hurry Love [Supremes, The] You To Me Are Everything [Real Thing, The] You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ [Righteous Brothers, The]
Objev podobné jako MS The Little Black Book Of All-Time Greatest Hits
Straightforward Intermediate: Student´s Book (Defekt) - Philip Kerr
Učebnice angličtiny pro střední školy a dospělé. Popis: A new general English course for adults and young adults based on observation of what good teachers do in the classroom. Straightforward is transparent in its structure, pragmatic in its methodology and varied in its content. Key features A practical approach to methodology that prioritizes what works in the real,as opposed to the ideal, classroom Double-page lessons offer a balanced mix of language input, skills work and oral tasks A wide range of speaking tasks help students become flexible communicators in English Engaging and modern topics promote reaction and interest amongst students An extensive, fully integrated lexical syllabus enriches students' vocabulary and encourages greater awareness of lexical patterns Functional language lessons provide students who use English in their daily lives with language that is immediately useful Did You Know sections give up-to-date cultural information and encourage cross-cultural comparison.
Objev podobné jako Straightforward Intermediate: Student´s Book (Defekt) - Philip Kerr
Choices Pre-Intermediate Students´ Book (Defekt) - Michael Harris
12 thematic modules for Pre-Intermediate and 10 thematic modules for Elementary and Upper Intermediate, each divided into sections:- Topic Talk (opening page) - networks that provide guided choice by marrying functional language with lexical items- Grammar Skills- Writing Workshop- Speaking WorkshopText Builder in units for process writing Grammar Practice - Grammatical structures compared and contrasted. Students trained in choosing forms that best express given meanings and intentions Language Review/Self Assessment every second module. Revision exercises where students check their answers and use a feedback guide to choose what they need to practise more Listening with two levels of difficulty (slow speed and authentic speed) catering for different levels of students. Also gives the option of listening to the more difficult version after students have listened to the easier level Culture Choice - 6 x lessons at back of Students' Book every two units which include cultural input, literature, songs and projects At the back of the Students' Book:- Skills Builder - while doing listening, reading, writing and communicative activities, learners are given suport with strategies and language- Culture Choice (optional lessons which present reading texts, poems and songs with projects related to the students' own culture)- Language Choice booklet (further practice of vocabulary and grammar with a reference section for each language point that is presented).
Objev podobné jako Choices Pre-Intermediate Students´ Book (Defekt) - Michael Harris
The Jungle Book: Including The Second Jungle Book (Defekt) - Rudyard Kipling
The Jungle Book introduces Mowgli, the human foundling adopted by a family of wolves. It tells of the enmity between him and the tiger Shere Khan, who killed Mowgli's parents, and of the friendship between the man-cub and Bagheera, the black panther, and Baloo, the sleepy brown bear, who instructs Mowgli in the Laws of the Jungle. This edition includes The Second Jungle Book which contains some of the most thrilling of the Mowgli stories.It includes Red Dog, in which Mowgli forms an unlikely alliance with the python Kaa, How Fear Came and Letting in the Jungle as well as The Spring Running, which brings Mowgli to manhood and the realisation that he must leave Bagheera, Baloo and his other friends for the world of man.
Objev podobné jako The Jungle Book: Including The Second Jungle Book (Defekt) - Rudyard Kipling
MS ABBA: Gold - Greatest Hits Singalong PVG (Book and Audio Online)
Zpěvník ABBA GOLD SING-ALONG Tato kniha obsahuje řadu skladeb zaznamenaných pro klavír, zpěv a doprovodnou kytaru. Jde o nejlepší skladby kapely ABBA. Karaoke verze těchto skladeb najdete online ke stažení. Seznam skladeb: Chiquitita Dancing Queen Does Your Mother Know Fernando Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) I Have A Dream Knowing Me, Knowing You Lay All Your Love On Me Mamma Mia Money, Money, Money One Of Us S.O.S. Super Trouper Take A Chance On Me Thank You For The Music The Name Of The Game The Winner Takes It All Voulez-vous Waterloo
Objev podobné jako MS ABBA: Gold - Greatest Hits Singalong PVG (Book and Audio Online)
Carole King - Her Greatest Hits (Songs of Long Ago) (LP)
Typ: LP deska;Album;Kompilace;Nové vydání Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;1960 - 1969;1970 - 1979;2000 - 2009;1980 - 1989;1950 - 1959;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Barva podle výrobce: Black Subžánr: Soft Rock;Folk Rock Datum vydání: 2018-05-04 Vydavatelství: Sony Music Žánr: Pop Interpret / Téma: Carole King Rok vydání: 2018.0 Barva: Černá Země původu: Evropská unie Balení obsahuje: LP Varianta: Her Greatest Hits (Songs of Long Ago) (Vinyl LP) Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Hmotnost: 180 g Země interpreta: USA
Objev podobné jako Carole King - Her Greatest Hits (Songs of Long Ago) (LP)
New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate Students´ Book (Defekt) - David Mower
New Reading and Listening Texts motivate students to speak and think in English. * New exam zones in the Powerbook build students' exam skills and confidence. * New comprehensive testing programme provides total evaluation for students * Grammar and skills development give students a solid base for learning. * Training in independent study skills ensures good learning habits. * Cross curricular and cross cultural topics motivate students and engage their interest in the wider world.
Objev podobné jako New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate Students´ Book (Defekt) - David Mower
Mentors : How to Help and be Helped (Defekt) - Russell Brand
Could happiness lie in helping others and being open to accepting help yourself? Mentors - the follow up to Sunday Times number one bestseller, Recovery - describes the benefits of seeking and offering help. `I have mentors in every area of my life, as a comic, a dad, a recovering drug addict, a spiritual being and as a man who believes that we, as individuals and the great globe itself, are works in progress and that through a chain of mentorship we can improve individually and globally, together . . . One of the unexpected advantages my drug addiction granted is that the process of recovery that I practise includes a mentorship tradition. I will encourage you to find mentors of your own and explain how you may better use the ones you already have. Furthermore, I will tell you about my experiences mentoring others and how invaluable that has been on my ongoing journey to self-acceptance and how it has helped me to transform from a bewildered and volatile vagabond to a (mostly) present and (usually) focussed husband and father.' - Russell Brand Mentors: How to Help and Be Helped describes the impact that a series of significant people have had on the author - from the wayward youths he tried to emulate growing up in Essex, through the first ex-junkie sage, to the people he turns to today to help him be a better father. It explores how we all - consciously and unconsciously - choose guides, mentors and heroes throughout our lives and examines the new perspectives they can bring.
Objev podobné jako Mentors : How to Help and be Helped (Defekt) - Russell Brand
HOLLY (Defekt) - Stephen King
Holly Gibneyová, jedna z nejpodmanivějších a nejvynalézavějších postav Stephena Kinga, se vrací v tomto napínavém románu, aby vyřešila hrůznou pravdu o několikanásobném zmizení v městečku na Středozápadě. Holly Stephena Kinga představuje triumfální návrat oblíbené postavy Holly Gibneyové. Čtenáři byli svědky Hollyina postupného přerodu z plaché (ale také statečné) samotářky v románu Pan Mercedes přes partnerku Billa Hodgese v knize Právo nálezce až po plnohodnotnou, chytrou a občas drsnou soukromou detektivku v knize Outsider. V novém Kingově románu je Holly odkázána sama na sebe a stojí proti dvojici nepředstavitelně zvrácených a skvěle maskovaných protivníků. Když Penny Dahlová zavolá do detektivní agentury Finders Keepers a doufá, že jí pomůžou najít její ztracenou dceru, Holly se zdráhá případ přijmout. Její partner Pete má covid. Její velmi komplikovaná matka právě zemřela. A Holly má být na dovolené. Ale něco v zoufalém hlase Penny Dahlové způsobí, že Holly nemůže odmítnout. Jen pár bloků od místa, kde zmizela Bonnie Dahlová, žijí profesoři Rodney a Emily Harrisovi. Jsou to manželé osmdesátníci, oddaní jeden druhému a celoživotní akademici v částečném důchodu. Ve sklepě svého dobře udržovaného, knihami obloženého domu, však ukrývají hrozivé tajemství, které možná souvisí s Bonniiným zmizením. A ukáže se, že je téměř nemožné odhalit, co mají za lubem: jsou bystří, trpěliví a bezohlední. Holly musí zapojit všechny své ohromné schopnosti, aby v tomto novém mrazivém mistrovském díle Stephena Kinga přechytračila a přelstila zvrácené profesory.
Objev podobné jako HOLLY (Defekt) - Stephen King
Pohádka (Defekt) - Stephen King
Charlie Reade vypadá jako obyčejný středoškolák, ale už toho má dost za sebou, život se s ním rozhodně nemazlil: máma mu umřela při autonehodě, z táty se stal alkoholik. Ve svých sedmnácti Charlie potkává Howarda Bowditche, samotáře z domu na vysokém kopci. Na zahradě za domem stojí zamčená kůlna, z níž se linou příšerné zvuky. Pan Bowditch umírá a Charlie zjišťuje, že mu dům odkázal - spolu s tajemstvím, které bude zatraceně těžkým břemenem. V kůlně je totiž portál do jiného světa. Ten jiný svět je v ohrožení a spolu s ním i ten náš. V paralelním vesmíru jsou honosné paláce s vysokými věžemi, zatuchlé podzemní kobky a magické hodiny, které umějí vrátit čas.
Objev podobné jako Pohádka (Defekt) - Stephen King
Inheritance : Book Four (Defekt) - Christopher Paolini
Not so very long ago, Eragon - Shadeslayer, Dragon Rider - was nothing more than a poor farm boy, and his dragon, Saphira, only a blue stone in the forest. Now, the fate of an entire civilization rests on their shoulders. Long months of training and battle have brought victories and hope, but they have also brought heartbreaking loss. And still, the real battle lies ahead: they must confront Galbatorix. When they do, they will have to be strong enough to defeat him. And if they cannot, no one can. There will be no second chances. The Rider and his dragon have come farther than anyone dared to hope. But can they topple the evil king and restore justice to Alagaesia? And if so, at what cost?
Objev podobné jako Inheritance : Book Four (Defekt) - Christopher Paolini
Billy Summers (Defekt) - Stephen King
Billy Summers is a man in a room with a gun. He's a killer for hire and the best in the business. But he'll do the job only if the target is a truly bad guy. And now Billy wants out. But first there is one last hit. Billy is among the best snipers in the world, a decorated Iraq war vet, a Houdini when it comes to vanishing after the job is done. So what could possibly go wrong? How about everything. This spectacular can't-put-it-down novel is part war story, part love letter to small town America and the people who live there, and it features one of the most compelling and surprising duos in King fiction, who set out to avenge the crimes of an extraordinarily evil man. It's about love, luck, fate, and a complex hero with one last shot at redemption. You won't put this story down, and you won't forget Billy.
Objev podobné jako Billy Summers (Defekt) - Stephen King
Fairy Tale (Defekt) - Stephen King
Legendary storyteller Stephen King goes into the deepest well of his imagination in this spellbinding novel about a seventeen-year-old boy who inherits the keys to a parallel world where good and evil are at war, and the stakes could not be higher - for their world or ours. Charlie Reade looks like a regular high school kid, great at baseball and football, a decent student. But he carries a heavy load. His mom was killed in a hit-and-run accident when he was ten, and grief drove his dad to drink. Charlie learned how to take care of himself - and his dad. Then, when Charlie is seventeen, he meets a dog named Radar and his aging master, Howard Bowditch, a recluse in a big house at the top of a big hill, with a locked shed in the backyard. Sometimes strange sounds emerge from it. Charlie starts doing jobs for Mr. Bowditch and loses his heart to Radar. Then, when Bowditch dies, he leaves Charlie a cassette tape telling a story no one would believe. What Bowditch knows, and has kept secret all his long life, is that inside the shed is a portal to another world.
Objev podobné jako Fairy Tale (Defekt) - Stephen King
Self Harm: Why Teens Do It And What Parents Can Do To Help - Michelle Mitchell - e-kniha
eBook: Supporting a young person who is self-harming feels like a minefield. Why are they doing it? And Why can\'t they just stop? Self-harm goes against every innate instinct of self-protection and survival, and remains a distressing and difficult issue for parents and carers. Uncovering the wide and varied reasons and ways young people self-harm, this book offers fresh insights into how to prevent, understand and respond to self-harm. With 20 years experience in the latest research, Michelle Mitchell combines interviews, expert advice and personal stories in one unique resource to provide parents and carers with the practical help and comfort they need.
Objev podobné jako Self Harm: Why Teens Do It And What Parents Can Do To Help - Michelle Mitchell - e-kniha
Read People Like a Book - Patrick King
How to get inside people's heads without them knowing.Read People Like a Book isn't a normal book on body language of facial expressions. Yes, it includes all of those things, as well as new techniques on how to truly detect lies in your everyday life, but this book is more about understanding human psychology and nature.We are who we are because of our experiences and pasts, and this guides our habits and behaviors more than anything else. Parts of this book read like the most interesting and applicable psychology textbook you've ever read. Take a look inside yourself and others!Understand the subtle signals that you are sending out and increase your emotional intelligence.Patrick King is an internationally bestselling author and social skills coach. His writing draws of a variety of sources, from scientific research, academic experience, coaching, and real life experience.Learn the keys to influencing and persuading others.-What people's limbs can tell us about their emotions.-Why lie detecting isn't so reliable when ignoring context.-Diagnosing personality as a means to understanding motivation.-Deducing the most with the least amount of information.-Exactly the kinds of eye contact to use and avoidFind shortcuts to connect quickly and deeply with strangers.The art of reading and analyzing people is truly the art of understanding human nature. Consider it like a cheat code that will allow you to see through people's actions and words.Decode people's thoughts and intentions, and you can go in any direction you want with them.
Objev podobné jako Read People Like a Book - Patrick King
The Book Of Answers (Defekt) - Carol Bolt
AS SEEN ON TIKTOK: The Book of Answers holds the solution you've been looking for.Ask a yes or no question, open the book and find your answer...Is my partner the one?Should I travel this weekend?Should I ask my boss for a pay rise?The perfect gift for those looking for new perspectives and enlightenment...or simply (spookily accurate) fun!HOW TO USE THE BOOK OF ANSWERS:1. Simply hold the closed book in your hands and take ten to fifteen seconds to concentrate on your question.2. Whilst visualising or saying your question out loud, place one palm on the book's front cover and stroke the edge of the pages back to front.3. When you sense the time is right, open to the page your fingers land on and there is your answer!Beautifully packaged with over 700 guiding insights, The Book of Answers is a brilliant and original gift.
Objev podobné jako The Book Of Answers (Defekt) - Carol Bolt
The Book-Lovers' Retreat (Defekt) - Heidi Swain
The brilliantly escapist summer read from your favourite author.One long summer. One perfect setting. Can fiction inspire real life...?Sometimes a book grabs you by the heart and grows to mean everything to you. That's what Hope Falls is to friends Emily, Rachel and Tori. So, when they get the chance to spend a whole summer at the cottage in Lakeside where the film adaptation was located, they know it is going to be the holiday of a lifetime.Spending six weeks away will give them a chance to re-evaluate their life choices. For Emily to decide which way her career will go - the safe route, or the more risky creative option? And for Rachel to decide whether to move in with her partner Jeremy. Then Tori has to drop out at the last moment, and her space is offered to another Hope Falls afficionado, Alex.But when Alex turns out not to be who they expected, the holiday takes an unforeseen turn. And as the summer develops, so does their friendship. Could this be where they uncover their future selves, find love in all its forms and where their lives will change course forever...?
Objev podobné jako The Book-Lovers' Retreat (Defekt) - Heidi Swain
The Book of Speculation (Defekt) - Swylerová Erika
For fans of The Night Circus, comes a sweeping and captivating debut novel about a young librarian who discovers that his family labours under a terrible curse. Simon Watson lives alone on the Long Island Sound. On a day in late June, Simon receives a mysterious book connected to his family. The book tells the story of two doomed lovers, two hundred years ago. He is fascinated, yet as he reads Simon becomes increasingly unnerved. Why do so many women in his family drown on 24th July? And could his beloved sister risk the same terrible fate? As 24th July draws ever closer, Simon must unlock the mysteries of the book, and decode his family history, before it's too late.
Objev podobné jako The Book of Speculation (Defekt) - Swylerová Erika
Wolves of Calla (Defekt) - Stephen King
WOLVES OF THE CALLA is the fifth volume in Stephen King's epic Dark Tower series. The Dark Tower is soon to be a major motion picture starring Matthew McConaughey and Idris Elba, due in cinemas August 18, 2017.In the fifth novel in StephenKing's bestselling fantasy series, Roland and his ka-tet are bearing through the forests of the Mid-World on their journey to the Dark Tower. Tracking their every move is a group of farmers from the town of Calla Bryn Sturgis. The trackers have been warned that the Wolves, a band of masked riders, are about to gallop out of the dark land of Thunderclap and raid their town. And they want to enlist the help of the four gunslingers.How can Roland and his tet both protect the innocent community and return to New York to save our world's incarnation of the Dark Tower from the machinations of the evil Sombra Corporation?
Objev podobné jako Wolves of Calla (Defekt) - Stephen King
King of Swords (Defekt) - Nick Stone
This book is set in Miami, 1981. When Detective Max Mingus and his partner Joe are called to the scene of a death at Miami's Primate Park, it looks like another routine - if slightly bizarre - investigation. Until two things turn up: the victim's family, slaughtered; and a partly digested tarot card in the dead man's stomach; 'The King of Swords'. An increasingly bloody trail leads Max and Joe first to a sinister fortune-teller and her scheming pimp son, then to the infamous Solomon Boukman. Few have ever met the most feared criminal in Miami, but rumours abound of a forked tongue, voodoo ceremonies and friends in very high places. Against a backdrop of black magic and police corruption, Max and Joe must distinguish the good guys from the bad - and track down some answers. What is the significance of the King of Swords? What makes those who have swallowed the card go on a killing spree just before they die? And can Max find out the truth about Solomon Boukman, before death's shadow reaches his own front door?
Objev podobné jako King of Swords (Defekt) - Nick Stone
New Success Pre-Intermediate Students´ Book w/ Active Book Pack (Defekt) - Stuart McKinlay
*12 thematic units each consisting of 8 pages * Each unit clearly divided into sections (Grammar and Listening, Reading and Vocabulary, Vocabulary, Listening and Speaking, Writing) *Exam Revision every 2 units *End matter - Student Activities for information-gap exercises - Culture Shocks (three lessons based around different aspects of British culture) - Wordlists with a phonetic transcription *ActiveBook - a digital version of the Students' Book with full audio and video and interactive activities
Objev podobné jako New Success Pre-Intermediate Students´ Book w/ Active Book Pack (Defekt) - Stuart McKinlay
Album Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd The Book of Korean Self-Care, Isa Kujawski
Kniha z kolekce Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd. Zlepšete celkové zdraví a rovnováhu ve svém životě pomocí korejských postupů a tradic zaměřených na wellness mysli, těla a ducha, přírodu, péči o pleť, jídlo jako lék a přírodní léčbu.
Objev podobné jako Album Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd The Book of Korean Self-Care, Isa Kujawski
Homecoming Book II: Maestro (Defekt) - R. A. Salvatore
Something terrible, unspeakable, immense, has come to Menzoberranzan and is leaving death and destruction in its wake. The primordial of Gauntlgrym stirs, sending Cattie-brie and Gromph to Luskan, and the ruins of the only power that can keep the beast in check. The damage of the Darkening, of war, and of a demon-ravaged Underdark has sent cracks out across the North. Some of this damage may never be repaired. And Drizzt is going home. But not to Mithral Hall. Not to Icewind Dale. He's going to Menzoberranzan. Bruenor is ready to march with him bringing along an army of dwarves to end the scourge of Menzoberranzan, but Drizzt needs to see what's happening there. The dwarf army may not be necessary. The City of Spiders might already have fallen to the demons and their wicked prince. But even if that's true, what's to say the demons will stop there? Maestro picks up where Archmage left off, plunging Drizzt into his most dangerous adventure yet, and with all the action, adventure, beloved characters, dark elves, monsters, and demon princes Drizzt fans adore.
Objev podobné jako Homecoming Book II: Maestro (Defekt) - R. A. Salvatore
The Book of All Books (Defekt) - Roberto Calasso
A splendid reimagining of key stories from the Bible, by the author of The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony. A man named Saul is sent to search for some lost donkeys and on the way is named king of his people. The queen of a remote African realm travels for three years with her multitudinous retinue to meet the king of Jerusalem and pose him a few riddles. A man named Abraham hears a divine voice speaking words that reverberate throughout the Bible: 'Go away from your land, from your kindred and from the house of your father toward the land that I will show you'. In The Book of All Books, Roberto Calasso weaves together stories of promise and separation from one of the founding texts of Western civilisation. These tales of grace and guilt, of the chosen and the damned, cast many Biblical figures and indeed the whole book in a light as astonishing as it is disquieting. The Book of All Books is part of a larger work which began with The Ruin of Kasch (1983) and includes The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony, Ka, and The Celestial Hunter.
Objev podobné jako The Book of All Books (Defekt) - Roberto Calasso
The Shakespeare Book : Big Ideas Simply Explained (Defekt)
This is the perfect study guide to the complete works of Shakespeare, covering everything from the romantic comedy of Romeo and Juliet to the tragedy Macbeth, alongside his Elizabethan history plays, sonnets, and other poems With detailed plot summaries and an in-depth analysis of the major characters and themes, this is a brilliant, innovative exploration of the entire canon of Shakespeare plays, sonnets and poetry, from the comedies of Twelfth Night and As You Like It to the tragedies of Julius Caesar and Hamlet, plus lost plays and lesser known works of poetry. Packed with witty illustrations and memorable quotes, The Shakespeare Book brings the Bard's best-loved characters and storylines to life, and explores all of his key themes and much-quoted phrases. Easy-to-understand graphics and illustrated timelines also offer an at-a-glance summary of each play. Whether you're a Shakespeare scholar, a student of the great Bard, or simply someone who wants to learn more, The Shakespeare Book offers a fuller appreciation of his phenomenal talent and the lasting legacy of his plays and poetry.
Objev podobné jako The Shakespeare Book : Big Ideas Simply Explained (Defekt)
The Book of Mirrors (Defekt) - Eugen Ovidiu Chirovici
ONE MAN'S TRUTH IS ANOTHER MAN'S LIE. When big-shot literary agent Peter Katz receives an unfinished manuscript entitled The Book of Mirrors, he is intrigued. The author, Richard Flynn is writing a memoir about his time at Princeton in the late 80s, documenting his relationship with the famous Professor Joseph Wieder. One night in 1987, Wieder was brutally murdered in his home and the case was never solved. Peter Katz is hell-bent on getting to the bottom of what happened that night twenty-five years ago and is convinced the full manuscript will reveal who committed the violent crime. But other people's recollections are dangerous weapons to play with, and this might be one memory that is best kept buried.
Objev podobné jako The Book of Mirrors (Defekt) - Eugen Ovidiu Chirovici
Pod Kupolí (Defekt) - Stephen King, Murin Wolf
Malé městečko odřízne od okolního světa neproniknutelná bariéra neznámého původu a obyvatelé jsou vydáni napospas svému osudu. Ovzduší se postupně znečišťuje, zásoby se tenčí, energetické zdroje docházejí, pokusy o proražení bariéry jsou marné. Vláda státu je bez ohledu na veškeré své zdroje bezmocná a může pouze přihlížet zvenčí. Radní s diktátorskými sklony, ilegální výrobna drog a jediná slyšitelná radiostanice, vtloukající lidem do hlavy jen boží lásku - to jsou přísady, které působí jako katalyzátor už beztak výbušné situace. Výsledkem je postupný rozklad lidského společenství, kde přestávají platit pravidla civilizace. To vše nabízí Kingova mistrná studie lidské bezmoci, arogance a násilí.
Objev podobné jako Pod Kupolí (Defekt) - Stephen King, Murin Wolf
The End Of Alchemy (Defekt) - Mervyn King
The past twenty years saw unprecedented growth and stability followed by the worst financial crisis the industrialised world has ever witnessed. In the space of little more than a year what had been seen as the age of wisdom was viewed as the age of foolishness. Almost overnight, belief turned into incredulity. Most accounts of the recent crisis focus on the symptoms and not the underlying causes of what went wrong. But those events, vivid though they remain in our memories, comprised only the latest in a long series of financial crises since our present system of commerce became the cornerstone of modern capitalism. Alchemy explains why, ultimately, this was and remains a crisis not of banking - even if we need to reform the banking system - nor of policy-making - even if mistakes were made - but of ideas. In this refreshing and vitally important book, former governor of the Bank of England Mervyn King - an actor in this drama - proposes revolutionary new concepts to answer the central question: are money and banking a form of Alchemy or are they the Achilles heel of a modern capitalist economy?
Objev podobné jako The End Of Alchemy (Defekt) - Mervyn King
King´s Cage : Red Queen Book 3 - Victoria Aveyardová
Mare Barrow is a prisoner, powerless without her lightning, tormented by her mistakes. She lives at the mercy of a boy she once loved, a boy made of lies and betrayal. Now a king, Maven continues weaving his web in an attempt to maintain control over his country - and his prisoner. As Mare remains trapped in the palace, the remnants of the Red Rebellion continue organizing and expanding. As they prepare for war, no longer able to linger in the shadows, Cal - the exiled prince with his own claim on Mare's heart - will stop at nothing to bring her back. Blood will turn on blood and allegiances will be tested on every side. If the Lightning Girl's spark is gone, who will light the way for the rebellion?
Objev podobné jako King´s Cage : Red Queen Book 3 - Victoria Aveyardová
The Little Box of Daily Rituals: 52 Cards with Simple Steps to Help You Improve Your Self-Care Routine - Summersdale
A deck of 52 beautiful cards featuring simple, self-care rituals and bite-sized tips to help you incorporate them into your daily life. The box also includes a booklet on how to practise daily rituals and a stand for displaying the cards. You don't need to set aside hours of your day to feel the benefits of daily rituals.There are so many little moments when you can pause, be present and find calm. Whether you would like to feel more positive or perhaps spend more time on self-care, the journey begins with this box. Alongside a booklet covering the essentials of rituals and how to incorporate them into your daily life, this box contains a set of 52 beautifully designed cards, each with a ritual on one side and a tip on the reverse.Each card can be displayed individually using the wooden stand, allowing you to bring tranquil inspiration to any shelf, windowsill, desk or side table. This is the perfect gift for anyone looking to instil calm and self-care in their day.
Objev podobné jako The Little Box of Daily Rituals: 52 Cards with Simple Steps to Help You Improve Your Self-Care Routine - Summersdale
The Double Dangerous Book for Boys (Defekt) - Conn Iggulden
Spark your imagination, forge your own adventures and unearth long-lost skills.In this long-awaited follow-up to his much-loved bestseller, written with his sons Cameron and Arthur, Conn Iggulden presents a brand-new compendium of cunning schemes, projects, tricks, games and tales of extraordinary courage.Whether it's building a flying machine (keep your temper with this one) or learning how to pick a padlock (or your own front door, but not someone else's), discovering our forgotten explorers and the world's greatest speeches, or mastering the lauded task of solving a Rubik's cube, The Double Dangerous Book for Boys is the ultimate companion to be cherished by readers and doers of all ages.
Objev podobné jako The Double Dangerous Book for Boys (Defekt) - Conn Iggulden
The Usborne Book of the Moon (Defekt) - Laura Cowan
Welcome to the story of our Moon - a story of Moon dust and Moon rabbits, cheese and astronauts, deep thoughts and bold plans. Read, dream and wonder as you discover ancient legends about the Moon's creation, meet the very first astronomers and learn about the Space Race. Published to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing.
Objev podobné jako The Usborne Book of the Moon (Defekt) - Laura Cowan
The Ladybird Book Of Boxing Day (Defekt) - Jason Hazeley
A HILARIOUS, BRAND NEW BOOK IN THE PHENOMENAL LADYBIRDS FOR GROWN UPS SERIES, FOR CHRISTMAS 2016* The Ladybird Book of Boxing Day - a nugget of wisdom from bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Other new titles from the Ladybirds for Grown Ups Series: How it Works: The Student How it Works: The Cat How it Works: The Dog How it Works: The Grandparent The Ladybird Book of Red Tape The Ladybird Book of the People Next Door The Ladybird Book of the Sickie The Ladybird Book of the Zombie Apocalypse The Ladybird Book of the Meeting Previous titles in the Ladybirds for Grown Ups series: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum How it Works: The Dad The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipster
Objev podobné jako The Ladybird Book Of Boxing Day (Defekt) - Jason Hazeley
The Great Book of Amber 1-10 (Defekt) - Roger Zelazny
One of the most revered names in sf and fantasy, the incomparable Roger Zelazny was honored with numerous prizes--including six Hugo and three Nebula Awards--over the course of his legendary career. Among his more than fifty books, arguably Zelazny's most popular literary creations were his extraordinary Amber novels. The Great Book of Amber is a collection of the complete Amber chronicles--featuring volumes one through ten--a treasure trove of the ingenious imagination and phenomenal storytelling that inspired a generation of fantasists, from Neil Gaiman to George R.R. Martin.Includes:Nine Princes in AmberThe Guns of AvalonSign of the UnicornThe Hand of OberonThe Courts of ChaosTrumps of DoomBlood of AmberSign of ChaosKnights of ShadowsPrince of Chaos
Objev podobné jako The Great Book of Amber 1-10 (Defekt) - Roger Zelazny
The Movie Book : Big Ideas Simply Explained (Defekt) - Dorling Kindersley
The ultimate guide to the greatest movies ever to grace the silver screen! Introducing a brand new edition to The Movie Book, an all-encompassing guide that reflects on the history of cinema, from Hollywood's golden age of black-and-white films to international art-house and modern-day masterpieces. This fantastic book on films is your detailed guide to 100 seismic films, proving something for everyone to explore and love. So get your popcorn ready and sit back as we take you on a cinematic journey through time, promising: -Profiles more than 100 of the greatest films ever made and the ideas, themes, and plots behind them -Features iconic quotes from the films, alongside those of critics -Famous film stills and posters bring the films to life. -Thought-provoking graphics explore the central ideas and narratives behind some of the featured films. -Organized chronologically to guide readers through the history of film easily Liberally sprinkled with gorgeous stills, pithy quotes and trivia detail, The Movie Book brings you new insights into your favourites and introduces you to little-known masterpieces from around the world. From vital visionaries of the early 20th century, to the rebel era of the 60s and 70s, The Movie Book will take you on a beautifully vibrant journey into an array of cinematic masterpieces, organized chronologically, so whether you are a film fanatic or a movie newbie, this comprehensive guide is jam-packed with film favourites, to love and explore. Discover the most quintessential quotes from some of the most celebrated and important films of all time, complemented with key quotes from directors, critics and reviewers, providing you with an in-depth understanding of each fabulous film included throughout this film book. There's no doubt that one film can influence another and this indispensable and crystal clear guide explains what inspired Quentin Tarantino to use a glowing briefcase in Pulp Fiction or how Jaws triggered decades of summer action blockbusters. This new edition includes up-to-date and in-depth explorations of recent major contributions to cinema around the world, such as the multi-award winning Parasite, as well as updates to the directory. A must-have volume for anyone with a passion for cinema. Whether you're a film and media student or simply just wish to expand your knowledge about the greatest films ever made, this comprehensive movie guide is sure to delight. At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. So why stop there? If you love The Movie Book, then why not complete DK's bestselling Big Ideas series! With over 25 titles in the series, this curated collection promises something for everyone to love. Discover space like you've never seen before with The Astronomy Book; take a journey into the past with The History Book, or challenge yourself to think deeper with The Philosophy Book.
Objev podobné jako The Movie Book : Big Ideas Simply Explained (Defekt) - Dorling Kindersley
Tricked: The Iron Druid Chronicles, Book Four (Defekt) - Kevin Hearne
Cutting a deal with a trickster god rarely goes well for any human brave or foolish enough to try it, but Atticus doesn't feel like he has a choice. With members of the Norse pantheon out for his blood, he can't train his apprentice in peace, so he asks Coyote to help him fake his own death. The cost, however, might wind up being every bit as high as if he'd made no deal at all.There are things hiding in the Arizona desert that don't want any company, and Coyote makes sure they know Atticus has arrived. And then there's the hound of Hel, Garm, who's terribly difficult to shake and not at all convinced that Atticus is dead.Being tricked by a trickster is par for the course. But it's the betrayal from someone he thought was a friend that shakes Atticus to the core and places his life in jeopardy. The real trick, he discovers, might be surviving his own faked death.
Objev podobné jako Tricked: The Iron Druid Chronicles, Book Four (Defekt) - Kevin Hearne
Happy Earth 1 Activity Book (New Edition) (Defekt) - Bill Bowler
A two-level, topic-based course with an emphasis on culture for children who have done two years of reading and writing. Happy Earth bridges the gap between primary and secondary courses.Key features A balance of world information, cartoon fun, songs, and raps. Clear signposting of language structures, providing an introduction to grammar. Plays for reading aloud and acting. A rich variety of reading tasks. iTools resource disk with digital classroom resources, worksheet builder, and test builder. Photocopiable Teacher's Resource Books including materials for mixed ability classes. Material to prepare students for the Cambridge Young Learners examinations.
Objev podobné jako Happy Earth 1 Activity Book (New Edition) (Defekt) - Bill Bowler
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