Girl one (defekt) - murphy sara flannery

Produkt Girl one (defekt) - murphy sara flannery sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Girl one (defekt) - murphy sara flannery upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

Girl One (Defekt) - Murphy Sara Flannery


Her birth was mankind's greatest breakthrough. Her life is man's greatest threat. Josephine Morrow is Girl One, the first of nine Miracle Babies conceived without male DNA on an experimental commune known as the Homestead. The Girls were raised at the Homestead in the shadow of controversy - plagued by zealots calling them aberrations - until a suspicious fire claimed the lives of three people, leaving the survivors to scatter across the United States. Years later, upon learning that her mother has gone missing, Josie sets off on a desperate road trip, tracking down the only people who might help: her estranged sisters. Tracing clues her mother left behind, they journey back through their past, uncovering secrets about their origins and unlocking devastating abilities they never knew they had. But someone out there is determined to stop Josie reaching the truth about what really happened at that ranch - and where her mother is now. A rousing tale of love, ambition, power, and the extraordinary bonds of sisterhood, Girl One combines the provocative imagination of Naomi Alderman's The Power with the compelling, atmospheric storytelling of The Girls. (

Podobné produkty ako Girl One (Defekt) - Murphy Sara Flannery , Tyreweld sprej na opravu defekt 500ml (ht4ya)

Girl One - Murphy Sara Flannery


Her birth was mankind's greatest breakthrough. Her life is man's greatest threat. Josephine Morrow is Girl One, the first of nine Miracle Babies conceived without male DNA on an experimental commune known as the Homestead. The Girls were raised at the Homestead in the shadow of controversy - plagued by zealots calling them aberrations - until a suspicious fire claimed the lives of three people, leaving the survivors to scatter across the United States. Years later, upon learning that her mother has gone missing, Josie sets off on a desperate road trip, tracking down the only people who might help: her estranged sisters. Tracing clues her mother left behind, they journey back through their past, uncovering secrets about their origins and unlocking devastating abilities they never knew they had. But someone out there is determined to stop Josie reaching the truth about what really happened at that ranch - and where her mother is now. A rousing tale of love, ambition, power, and the extraordinary bonds of sisterhood, Girl One combines the provocative imagination of Naomi Alderman's The Power with the compelling, atmospheric storytelling of The Girls. (

Podobné produkty ako Girl One - Murphy Sara Flannery , Polštář 45x30 cm, pat&mat, defekt (99853a)

Pravidla lásky (Defekt) - Sara Cate


Říká mi, že jsem dokonalá. Jeho bezchybná submisivní partnerka. Jeho hodná holka. Zlomil mě vztah s přítelem, který mě zanedbával, a toužila jsem, aby mi někdo řekl, že za to stojím. Pak jsem nečekaně získala práci u šéfa, před kterým padám na kolena – doslova. Dělám kvůli němu věci, ke kterým by se skutečná sekretářka nikdy neodvážila. Emerson Grant mi říká, že mu víc, než jen stačím. Jsem hodná jeho chvály. Existuje ale spousta důvodů, proč bych se od něj měla držet dál. Je majitelem Klubu prostopášníků a není jen mým novým šéfem – je dvakrát tak starý jako já. A navíc je to otec mého bývalého. V jeho přítomnosti se cítím milovaná a zbožňovaná. Patřím mu. Jsem hodná holka, ale začínám být zamilovaná do toho nesprávného. Emerson Grant ví, co chce – a chce mě. Jak daleko zajdu, abych si vysloužila jeho uznání? (

Podobné produkty ako Pravidla lásky (Defekt) - Sara Cate , Kevin murphy thick.again bezoplachová péče 100 ml (hkvmrwxn130127)

Beautiful Broken Things (Defekt) - Sara Barnardová


Beautiful Broken Things is a moving story of friendship from debut author Sara Barnard, shortlisted for the YA Book Prize and selected as part of Zoella's Book Club. Now with a bold cover look.I was braveShe was recklessWe were troubleBest friends Caddy and Rosie are inseparable. Their differences have brought them closer, but as she turns sixteen Caddy begins to wish she could be a bit more like Rosie – confident, funny and interesting. Then Suzanne comes into their lives: beautiful, damaged, exciting and mysterious, and things get a whole lot more complicated. As Suzanne's past is revealed and her present begins to unravel, Caddy begins to see how much fun a little trouble can be. But the course of both friendship and recovery is rougher than either girl realizes, and Caddy is about to learn that downward spirals have a momentum of their own.'I felt like I was living this book' - Zoella'This book is exquisite, and exactly what YA needs . . . This author is one to watch!' - Holly Bourne, author of Am I Normal Yet? (

Podobné produkty ako Beautiful Broken Things (Defekt) - Sara Barnardová , Tegan and sara: still jealous - cd (9362487554)

Záře Noelia Gonzales, Sara Boccaccini Meadows (Defekt) - Noelia Gonzales, Sara Boccaccini Meadows


Hvězdy, planety, vesmírná tělesa. Naučte se je v 15 kapitolách pozorovat na obloze a objevte o nich zajímavé informace. Poznejte měsíční fáze, ovládněte umění orientace podle Polárky a zjistěte, jak se dá cestovat časem a prostorem – stačí vyjít na zahradu nebo otevřít okno do noci a vaše vesmírná výprava může začít. Zanese vás na ni tato kniha, která vám ukáže, jak je lidstvo odnepaměti propojeno se souhvězdími, jež prozařují naše nebesa. Autorka Noelia González a ilustrátorka Sara Boccaccini Meadows pro vás připravily perfektní seznámení s noční oblohou, které si vychutnáte, ať obýváte kterýkoli kout této planety. (

Podobné produkty ako Záře Noelia Gonzales, Sara Boccaccini Meadows (Defekt) - Noelia Gonzales, Sara Boccaccini Meadows , Tegan and sara: still jealous - lp (9362487693)

Záře Noelia Gonzales, Sara Boccaccini Meadows (Defekt) - Noelia Gonzales, Sara Boccaccini Meadows


Hvězdy, planety, vesmírná tělesa. Naučte se je v 15 kapitolách pozorovat na obloze a objevte o nich zajímavé informace. Poznejte měsíční fáze, ovládněte umění orientace podle Polárky a zjistěte, jak se dá cestovat časem a prostorem – stačí vyjít na zahradu nebo otevřít okno do noci a vaše vesmírná výprava může začít. Zanese vás na ni tato kniha, která vám ukáže, jak je lidstvo odnepaměti propojeno se souhvězdími, jež prozařují naše nebesa. Autorka Noelia González a ilustrátorka Sara Boccaccini Meadows pro vás připravily perfektní seznámení s noční oblohou, které si vychutnáte, ať obýváte kterýkoli kout této planety. (

Podobné produkty ako Záře Noelia Gonzales, Sara Boccaccini Meadows (Defekt) - Noelia Gonzales, Sara Boccaccini Meadows , Kevin murphy plumping.rinse kondicionér pro řídnoucí vlasy 1000 ml (hkvmrwxn129382)

Knihovna malých zázraků (Defekt) - Sara Nisha Adams


Objev zmuchlaného seznamu četby, zastrčeného do staré knížky v knihovně, je počátkem neobyčejné cesty. Seznam knih otevírá bránu k novým a nádherným světům, od věčných příběhů lásky a přátelství až k epické cestě chlapce s tygrem přes Tichý oceán a to právě v okamžiku, kdy Alíša potřebuje uniknout od osobních starostí. A když vdovec Mukéš dorazí do knihovny, protože touží navázat vztah se svojí knihomolskou vnučkou, zasvětí ho Alíša do tajemství nalezeného seznamu četby. Nejistá teenagerka a osamělý dědeček tak zakládají neobyčejný čtenářský klub o dvou členech. Knihovna malých zázraků je inspirující a hřejivá óda na vyprávění a jeho moc přenášet nás do jiných světů, spojovat nás a připomínat nám, že nový začátek nás čeká už možná na další stránce… (

Podobné produkty ako Knihovna malých zázraků (Defekt) - Sara Nisha Adams , Jupiter 1285-sak - nástěnné svítidlo sara 1xe27/60w (53261)

The Twilight Garden (Defekt) - Sara Nisha Adams


The uplifting, unforgettable new novel from the acclaimed author of The Reading List'It was a complete joy to spend time in The Twilight Garden' SALLY PAGEIn a small pocket of London, between the houses of No.77 and No.79 Eastbourne Road, lies a neglected community garden.Once a sanctuary for people when they needed it most, the garden's gate is now firmly closed. And that's exactly how Winston at No.79 likes it - anything to avoid his irritating new next-door neighbour.But when a mystery parcel drops on Winston's doormat - a curious bundle of photographs of a community garden, his garden, bursting with life years ago - a seed of an idea is planted . . (

Podobné produkty ako The Twilight Garden (Defekt) - Sara Nisha Adams , Jupiter 1283-sa3 - závěsné svítidlo sara 3xe27/60w (53259)

Rozpuštění (Defekt) - Sara Blaedelová, Mads Peder Nordbo


„Sakra, Beato! Je úplně nabobtnalá a kůži má celou rozpraskanou. Prsty mi projely skrz… je rozpuštěná.“V poklidném venkovském městečku Tommerup na dánském ostrově Fyn vládne letní idyla. Charlotta, mladá matka dvou malých dětí, zmizí jednoho rána po cestě do školy, kde pracuje. Její zoufalý manžel přijde na policii v Odense nahlásit zmizení, ale policejní inspektor Liam Stark a komisařka Dea Torpová se rozhodnou, že pátrání nezahájí, protože žena je pryč teprve několik hodin.Dalšího rána však žena stále není doma a brzy začíná být jasné, že se stala obětí zločinu.V následujících dnech se případ rozroste do takových rozměrů, že se lidé po celém Fynu bojí vyjít z domu, aby se nestali dalšími z řady zmizelých.Liam s Deou svádějí boj s neúprosně utíkajícím časem, polapení v nemilosrdné hře, kde lidé umírají mučivou smrtí, a policie může jen bezmocně přihlížet. (

Podobné produkty ako Rozpuštění (Defekt) - Sara Blaedelová, Mads Peder Nordbo , Kays sara: struck by lightning (rsd 2022) - lp (7567864109)

At The Water´s Edge (Defekt) - Sara Gruenová

At The Water´s Edge (Defekt) - Sara Gruenová

SHORTLISTED FOR THE ROMANTIC NOVELISTS' ASSOCIATION HISTORICAL ROMANTIC NOVEL AWARDA gripping and poignant love story set in a remote village in the Scottish Highlands at the end of the Second World War.'the only fault I can find with this book is that I've already finished it' Jodi Picoult'truly enthralling' Scotsman'breathtaking' Harper's Bazaar1945. After disgracing themselves at a high society party, spoilt young Philadelphia socialites Maddie and Ellis Hyde are cut off from the family without a penny. Ellis decides their salvation will be to hunt down the Loch Ness Monster, a venture his father very publicly failed at. So, oblivious to WW2 raging around them, they make their way to the Scottish Highlands, where Maddie has to face reality and decide just who the real monsters are. (

Podobné produkty ako At The Water´s Edge (Defekt) - Sara Gruenová , Vaughan sarah: sara vaughan with clifford brown - lp (8436542011723)

The Circle (Defekt) - Sara B. Elfgrenová, Mats Strandberg

The Circle (Defekt) - Sara B. Elfgrenová, Mats Strandberg

On a night after the apparent suicide of high school student Elias Malmgren, a blood-red moon fills the night sky. Minoo wakes up outside her house, still in her pajamas, and is drawn by an invisible force to an abandoned theme park on the outskirts of town. Soon five of her classmates—Vanessa, Linnéa, Anna-Karin, Rebecka, and Ida—arrive, compelled by the same force. A mystical being takes over Ida’s body and tells them they are fated to fight an ancient evil that is hunting them. As the weeks pass, each girl discovers she has a unique magical ability. They begin exploring their powers. The six are wildly different and definitely not friends . . . but they are the Chosen Ones. In this gripping first installment of The Engelsfors Trilogy, a parallel world emerges in which teenage dreams, insanely annoying parents, bullying, revenge, and love collide with dangerous forces and ancient magic. An international sensation with rights sold in 26 countries, The Circle is razor-sharp and remarkable from start to finish. (

Podobné produkty ako The Circle (Defekt) - Sara B. Elfgrenová, Mats Strandberg , Jupiter 1284-sa5 - závěsné svítidlo sara 5xe27/60w (53260)

Batman: Prokletí Bílého rytíře (Black Label) (Defekt) - Sean Murphy, Klaus Janson, Matt Hollingsworth


Azraelův meč tasen! Městská džungle Gothamu duní válkou mezi Batmanem a Jokerem – válkou, v níž se hranice mezi hrdinou a padouchem povážlivě stírá. Teď, když kladné povahové rysy Jacka Napiera zmizely pod nánosy líčidel klaunského prince zločinu, je Joker konečně připraven povznést konflikt na vyšší úroveň – a jeho armáda získává nového rekruta. S planoucím mečem v ruce a tíží staletí na ramenou je Azrael nejtemnějším rytířem, jakého kdy Gotham spatřil. Jeho ostří kosí Batmanovy nepřátele jednoho po druhém – a kousek po kousku tento novodobý křižák přetváří Gotham ve svou vlastní verzi nebe na Zemi. Pouze Batman a jeho odcizení spojenci jej mohou zastavit – ale nedůvěra mezi nimi vyhloubila až příliš hluboký příkop. A když Joker s Azraelem vynesou na světlo utajenou historii Wayneovy rodiny, může být veškerá víra v Temného rytíře definitivně ztracena. V knize Batman: Prokletí Bílého rytíře, dechberoucím pokračování přelomového komiksového románu Batman: Bílý rytíř, pokračuje oceňovaný scenárista a kreslíř Sean Murphy ve svém vzrušujícím a tematicky provokativním přetváření batmanovského mýtu. Toto unikátní vydání v pevné vazbě obsahuje všech osm sešitů z řady DC Black Label, jakož i speciál Batman: Bílý rytíř uvádí Von Freeze, ke kterému napsal scénář Sean Murphy a který nakreslil legendární Klaus Janson. (

Podobné produkty ako Batman: Prokletí Bílého rytíře (Black Label) (Defekt) - Sean Murphy, Klaus Janson, Matt Hollingsworth , Jupiter 1286-sal - stolní lampa sara 1xe27/60w (53262)

Good Girl, Bad Girl (Defekt) - Michael Robotham

Good Girl, Bad Girl (Defekt) - Michael Robotham

The girl with no past.Six years ago, Evie Cormac was discovered, filthy and half-starved, hiding in a secret room in the aftermath of a shocking crime. Now approaching adulthood, Evie is damaged, self-destructive and has never revealed her true identity.The boy who survived.Forensic psychologist Cyrus Haven, a man haunted by his own past, is investigating the death of champion figure-skater Jodie Sheehan. When Cyrus is called upon to assess Evie, she threatens to disrupt the case and destroy his ordered life. Because Evie has a unique and dangerous gift - she knows when someone is lying. And nobody is telling the truth. (

Podobné produkty ako Good Girl, Bad Girl (Defekt) - Michael Robotham , Jupiter 1282-sa1 - závěsné svítidlo sara 1xe27/60w (53258)

One by One (Defekt) - Ruth Ware


Snow is falling in the exclusive alpine ski resort of Saint Antoine, as the shareholders and directors of Snoop, the hottest new music app, gather for a make or break corporate retreat to decide the future of the company. At stake is a billion-dollar dot com buyout that could make them all millionaires, or leave some of them out in the cold.The clock is ticking on the offer, and with the group irrevocably split, tensions are running high. When an avalanche cuts the chalet off from help, and one board member goes missing in the snow, the group is forced to ask - would someone resort to murder, to get what they want? (

Podobné produkty ako One by One (Defekt) - Ruth Ware , Kevin murphy young.again.rinse vyživující kondicionér pro zralé vlasy 1000 ml (hkvmrwxn130097)

The One Plus One (Defekt) - Jojo Moyes

The One Plus One (Defekt) - Jojo Moyes

One eternal optimist . . .Jess Thomas, with two jobs and two kids and never enough money, wears flip flops in the hope of spring. And when life knocks her down she does her best to bounce right back. But no one told her it's okay to ask for help.Plus one lost stranger . . .Ed Nicholls is the good guy gone bad. He had it all, then one stupid mistake cost him everything. Now he'll do anything to make it right.Equals a chance encounter . . .Ed doesn't want to save anyone and Jess doesn't want saving, but could Jess and Ed add up to something better together? (

Podobné produkty ako The One Plus One (Defekt) - Jojo Moyes , Tegan and sara: still jealous (rsd 2022) (coloured) - lp (9362487710)

This Girl (Defekt) - Colleen Hooverová


From the New York Times bestselling author of It Ends With Us, Colleen Hoover's bestselling Slammed series comes to its gripping conclusion. There are two sides to every love story. Now hear Will's. Layken and Will's love has managed to withstand the toughest of circumstances, and the young lovers, now married, are beginning to feel safe and secure in their union. As much as Layken relishes their new life together, she finds herself wanting to know everything there is to know about her husband, even though Will makes it clear he prefers to keep the painful memories of the past where they belong. Still, he can't resist his wife's pleas, and so he begins to untangle his side of the story, revealing for the first time his most intimate feelings and thoughts, retelling both the good and bad moments, and sharing a few shocking confessions of his own from the time when they first met. In This Girl, Will tells the story of their complicated relationship from his point of view. Their future rests on how well they deal with the past in this final instalment of the beloved Slammed series. (

Podobné produkty ako This Girl (Defekt) - Colleen Hooverová , Venkovní bodové svítidlo sara 1xgu10/30w/230v ip54 černá (119355)

Poster Girl (Defekt) - Veronica Roth


A fallen regime. A missing child. A chance at freedom.By the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Divergent, Poster Girl is a haunting adult dystopian mystery that explores the expanding role of surveillance on society - an inescapable reality that we welcome all too easily.WHAT'S RIGHT IS RIGHT. Sonya Kantor knows this slogan - she lived by it for most of her life. For decades, everyone in the Seattle-Portland megalopolis lived under it, as well as constant surveillance in the form of the Insight, an ocular implant that tracked every word and every action, rewarding or punishing by a rigid moral code set forth by the Delegation.Then there was a revolution. The Delegation fell. Its most valuable members were locked in the Aperture, a prison on the outskirts of the city. And everyone else, now free from the Insight's monitoring, went on with their lives.Sonya, former poster girl for the Delegation, has been imprisoned for ten years when an old enemy comes to her with a deal: find a missing girl who was stolen from her parents by the old regime, and earn her freedom. The path Sonya takes to find the child will lead her through an unfamiliar, crooked post-Delegation world where she finds herself digging deeper into the past - and her family's dark secrets - than she ever wanted to. (

Podobné produkty ako Poster Girl (Defekt) - Veronica Roth , Venkovní bodové svítidlo sara 1xgu10/30w/230v ip54 bílá (119327)

Girl, Forgotten (Defekt) - Karin Slaughter


The stunning new thriller from international No.1 bestseller Karin Slaughter, author of Pieces of Her, now a major Netflix seriesA girl with a secret...Longbill Beach, 1982. Emily Vaughn gets ready for prom night, the highlight of any high school experience. But Emily has a secret. And by the end of the evening, she will be dead.A murder that remains a mystery...Forty years later, Emily's murder remains unsolved. Her friends closed ranks, her family retreated inwards, the community moved on. But all that's about to change.One final chance to uncover a killer...Andrea Oliver arrives in town with a simple assignment: to protect a judge receiving death threats. But her assignment is a cover. Because, in reality, Andrea is here to find justice for Emily - and to uncover the truth before the killer decides to silence her too... (

Podobné produkty ako Girl, Forgotten (Defekt) - Karin Slaughter , Tegan and sara: tonight we're in the dark - lp (9362489506)

Third Girl (Defekt) - Agatha Christie


A perplexed girl thinks she might have killed someone... Three single girls shared the same London flat. The first worked as a secretary; the second was an artist; the third who came to Poirot for help, disappeared convinced she was a murderer. Now there were rumours of revolvers, flick-knives and blood stains. But, without hard evidence, it would take all Poirot's tenacity to establish whether the third girl was guilty innocent or insane... (

Podobné produkty ako Third Girl (Defekt) - Agatha Christie , Tegan and sara: hey , i'm just like you - cd (9362489850)

Heartstopper Volume One (Defekt) - Alice Osemanová


Now in a gorgeous special-edition hardback: with an extra never-before-in-print mini-comic, beautiful endpapers and an exquisite foiled cover, this is an unmissable edition. Heartstopper is the bestselling LGBTQ+ graphic novel series about life, love, and everything that happens in between. *Also an acclaimed live-action Netflix series!*'Absolutely delightful. Sweet, romantic, kind. Beautifully paced. I loved this book.' RAINBOW ROWELL, author of Carry OnBoy meets boy. Boys become friends. Boys fall in love. Charlie and Nick are at the same school, but they've never met ... until one day when they're made to sit together. They quickly become friends, and soon Charlie is falling hard for Nick, even though he doesn't think he has a chance.But love works in surprising ways, and Nick is more interested in Charlie than either of them realised.By Alice Oseman, winner of the YA Book Prize, Heartstopper is about love, friendship, loyalty and mental illness. It encompasses all the small stories of Nick and Charlie's lives that together make up something larger, which speaks to all of us.'The queer graphic novel we wished we had at high school.' Gay TimesThis special-edition hardback contains an extra never-before-in-print mini-comic, beautiful endpapers and an exquisite foiled cover. Collect all four Heartstopper hardbacks in 2023!Heartstopper was Children's #1 bestseller in the TCM chart on 23 April 2022. (

Podobné produkty ako Heartstopper Volume One (Defekt) - Alice Osemanová , Sencor scooter one (scooter one 2020)

Heartstopper Volume One (Defekt) - Alice Osemanová


Charlie and Nick are at the same school, but they've never met ... until one day when they're made to sit together. They quickly become friends, and soon Charlie is falling hard for Nick, even though he doesn't think he has a chance. But love works in surprising ways, and Nick is more interested in Charlie than either of them realised. By Alice Oseman, winner of the YA Book Prize, Heartstopper is about love, friendship, loyalty and mental illness. It encompasses all the small stories of Nick and Charlie's lives that together make up something larger, which speaks to all of us. (

Podobné produkty ako Heartstopper Volume One (Defekt) - Alice Osemanová , Focusrite vocaster one (fr vocaster one)

Heartstopper Volume One (Defekt) - Alice Osemanová


Charlie and Nick are at the same school, but they've never met ... until one day when they're made to sit together. They quickly become friends, and soon Charlie is falling hard for Nick, even though he doesn't think he has a chance. But love works in surprising ways, and Nick is more interested in Charlie than either of them realised. By Alice Oseman, winner of the YA Book Prize, Heartstopper is about love, friendship, loyalty and mental illness. It encompasses all the small stories of Nick and Charlie's lives that together make up something larger, which speaks to all of us. (

Podobné produkty ako Heartstopper Volume One (Defekt) - Alice Osemanová , Kevin murphy staying.alive vyživující kondicionér pro všechny typy vlasů 1000 ml (hkvmrwxn120721)

Bad Girl Reputation (Defekt) - Elle Kennedy


Return to Avalon Bay in this sexy second chance story about two exes who can't stay away from each other . . .When former bad girl Genevieve West returns home for her mother's funeral, she's prepared to keep her distance from her ex-boyfriend, Evan Hartley. Their history is rife with turbulence. And passion. A heck of a lot of passion . . . which she's trying desperately to forget.But it's impossible not to run into Evan in the small coastal town where they once ran wild. And the moment she sees her gorgeous ex again, it's clear to Gen that Evan is still as unruly, sexy and irresistible as ever. This time around, however, she's resolved to walk a new path. No more partying. No more foolish mistakes. Her plan is to temporarily remain in town to help her father run his business, but the second he finds somebody else, she's out of there.Evan has other ideas. He knows they can be good together, but he just has to convince Genevieve of that, even if it means turning over a new leaf himself. But can a bad reputation ever truly be shed? Do second chances really work? Genevieve and Evan are about to find out.Why readers love Avalon Bay:'Delicious, complicated and drama-filled. . . I read it in one sitting, and you will, too' L. J. Shen, USA Today bestselling author'A deliciously sexy story with a wallop of emotions that sneaks up on you' Vi Keeland, No.1 New York Times bestselling author'Elle Kennedy delivers another sexy and addictive read, and my latest personal favourite from her!' Tijan, New York Times bestselling author'With plenty of steam alongside the youthful romance, this winsome story about following one's heart will especially appeal to hopeless romantics' Publishers Weekly (

Podobné produkty ako Bad Girl Reputation (Defekt) - Elle Kennedy , Kevin murphy angel.rinse vyživující kondicionér pro jemné barvené vlasy 250 ml (hkvmrwxn130095)

The Downstairs Girl (Defekt) - Lee Stacey


Seventeen-year-old Jo Kuan is leading a double life. By day, she works as a lady's maid, navigating life on the margins of a society determined that a person's worth is measured by the colour of their skin. By night, she's the voice behind the most radical advice column in 1890s Atlanta. Jo is used to feeling invisible, but she won't let it hold her back. While her priority is making sure that she and her father, Old Gin, remain safe in their hideaway beneath a print shop, she still has ambition. And strong opinions of her own that she begins to share in a newspaper advice column under the pseudonym 'Miss Sweetie'. Suddenly, all of Atlanta is talking about her ideas, although little do they know that the witty advice comes from a penniless Chinese girl. As curiosity about Miss Sweetie mounts, Jo's secret identity may not stay secret for much longer. And as she learns more of the hard truths about her identity and her country, she must find the courage to decide between being herself or staying invisible . . . (

Podobné produkty ako The Downstairs Girl (Defekt) - Lee Stacey , Murphyho večné zákony murphy´s eternal laws (978-80-8162-025-6)

365 pohádek z celého světa (Defekt) - Sara Ugolotti, Rosalba Troiano, Stafania Leonardi Harley


Krásná kolekce nesmrtelných příběhů pro děti: tradiční lidové příběhy, pohádky, bajky a legendy z celého světa můžete číst dětem před spaním po celý rok. Vychutnejte si společné čtení v postýlce s jedním z úžasných příběhů, jako jsou ty od H. Ch. Andersena, bratří Grimmů či legendy a pověsti z celého světa. Na každý den vychází jedna pohádka, a tak se budete mít celý rok na co těšit a prožijete se svými dětmi krásné rodinné chvíle. (

Podobné produkty ako 365 pohádek z celého světa (Defekt) - Sara Ugolotti, Rosalba Troiano, Stafania Leonardi Harley , Kays sara: struck by lightning (ep) (rsd 2022) (coloured) - lp (7567864065)

A Little Hatred : Book One (Defekt) - Joe Abercrombie


The chimneys of industry rise over Adua and the world seethes with new opportunities. But old scores run deep as ever.On the blood-soaked borders of Angland, Leo dan Brock struggles to win fame on the battlefield, and defeat the marauding armies of Stour Nightfall. He hopes for help from the crown. But King Jezal's son, the feckless Prince Orso, is a man who specialises in disappointments.Savine dan Glokta - socialite, investor, and daughter of the most feared man in the Union - plans to claw her way to the top of the slag-heap of society by any means necessary. But the slums boil over with a rage that all the money in the world cannot control.The age of the machine dawns, but the age of magic refuses to die. With the help of the mad hillwoman Isern-i-Phail, Rikke struggles to control the blessing, or the curse, of the Long Eye. Glimpsing the future is one thing, but with the guiding hand of the First of the Magi still pulling the strings, changing it will be quite another... (

Podobné produkty ako A Little Hatred : Book One (Defekt) - Joe Abercrombie , Insta360 one r / one x bike bundle

Fashion Girl - Deník s perem (bruneta) (Defekt)


Deník s perem ze série hraček fashion girl k doplnění kreativní výbavy každé mladé dámy. (

Podobné produkty ako Fashion Girl - Deník s perem (bruneta) (Defekt) , Lea one x camo (one x camo)

Girl Online: On Tour (Defekt) - Zoe Suggová

Girl Online: On Tour (Defekt) - Zoe Suggová

The sequel to the number-one bestseller Girl Online. Penny's bags are packed . . . When Noah invites Penny on his European music tour, she can't wait to spend time with her rock-god-tastic boyfriend. But, between Noah's jam-packed schedule, less-than-welcoming bandmates and threatening messages from jealous fans, Penny wonders whether she's really cut out for life on tour. She can't help but miss her family, her best friend Elliot . . . and her blog, Girl Online. Can Penny learn to balance life and love on the road, or will she lose everything in pursuit of the perfect summer? (

Podobné produkty ako Girl Online: On Tour (Defekt) - Zoe Suggová , Insta360 one r / one x sky bundle

The Complete Short Stories: Volume one : Volume One (Defekt) - Roald Dahl


Collects adult short stories, in which the author begins by using his experiences in the war to write fiction. In 27 stories, written between 1944 and 1953, this title includes tales such as 'Man from the South'; 'Lamb to the Slaughter'; and 'The Sound Machine'. (

Podobné produkty ako The Complete Short Stories: Volume one : Volume One (Defekt) - Roald Dahl , Gotthard: one life one soul - cd (0194397768220)

One Hundred Illustrated Stories (Defekt)


An enchanting collection of one hundred of the best-loved stories ever told, from elegant retellings of Grimm and Andersen to lively folk tales from around the world. Includes favourite stories such as The Twelve Dancing Princesses, Aladdin, Jack and the Beanstalk and many more. Beautifully presented with illustrations that capture the warmth and wonder of these classic tales. An essential addition to every family bookshelf and a wonderful gift to be treasured. (

Podobné produkty ako One Hundred Illustrated Stories (Defekt) , Sodastream spirit one touch (spirit one touch)

Princess Saves Herself in This one (Defekt) - Amanda Lovelace

Princess Saves Herself in This one (Defekt) - Amanda Lovelace

Winner of the 2016 Goodreads Choice Award, the princess saves herself in this one is a collection of poetry about resilience. It is about writing your own ending. From Amanda Lovelace, a poetry collection in four parts: the princess, the damsel, the queen, and you. The first three sections piece together the life of the author while the final section serves as a note to the reader. This moving book explores love, loss, grief, healing, empowerment, and inspiration.the princess saves herself in this one is the first book in the "women are some kind of magic" series. Author Bio growing up a word-devourer & avid fairy tale lover, it was only natural that amanda lovelace began writing books of her own, & so she did. when she isn’t reading or writing, she can be found waiting for pumpkin spice coffee to come back into season & binge-watching gilmore girls. (before you ask: team jess all the way.) the lifelong poetess & storyteller currently lives in new jersey with her husband, their bunnycat, & a combined book collection so large it will soon need its own home. she has her B.A. in english literature with a minor in sociology. her first collection, the princess saves herself in this one, won the Goodreads choice award for best poetry of 2016 and is a USA TODAY and Publishers Weekly bestseller. (

Podobné produkty ako Princess Saves Herself in This one (Defekt) - Amanda Lovelace

An Anonymous Girl (Defekt) - Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen

An Anonymous Girl (Defekt) - Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen

Seeking women ages 18-32 to participate in a study on ethics and morality. Generous compensation. Anonymity guaranteed. When Jessica Farris signs up for a psychology study conducted by the mysterious Dr. Shields, she thinks all she'll have to do is answer a few questions, collect her money, and leave. But as the questions grow more and more intense and invasive and the sessions become outings where Jess is told what to wear and how to act, she begins to feel as though Dr. Shields may know what she's thinking . . . and what she's hiding. As Jess's paranoia grows, it becomes clear that she can no longer trust what is real in her life, and what is one of Dr. Shields' manipulative experiments. Caught in a web of deceit and jealousy, Jess quickly learns that some obsessions can be deadly. From Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen, the authors of the top ten bestseller The Wife Between Us, comes an electrifying new novel about doubt, passion, and deadly obsession . . . (

Podobné produkty ako An Anonymous Girl (Defekt) - Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen

An Anonymous Girl (Defekt) - Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen

An Anonymous Girl (Defekt) - Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen

Seeking women ages 18-32 to participate in a study on ethics and morality. Generous compensation. Anonymity guaranteed. When Jessica Farris signs up for a psychology study conducted by the mysterious Dr. Shields, she thinks all she'll have to do is answer a few questions, collect her money, and leave. But as the questions grow more and more intense and invasive and the sessions become outings where Jess is told what to wear and how to act, she begins to feel as though Dr. Shields may know what she's thinking . . . and what she's hiding. As Jess's paranoia grows, it becomes clear that she can no longer trust what is real in her life, and what is one of Dr. Shields' manipulative experiments. Caught in a web of deceit and jealousy, Jess quickly learns that some obsessions can be deadly. From Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen, the authors of the top ten bestseller The Wife Between Us, comes an electrifying new novel about doubt, passion, and deadly obsession . . . (

Podobné produkty ako An Anonymous Girl (Defekt) - Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen

Girl Online: On Tour 2 (Defekt) - Zoe Suggová


The sequel to the number-one bestseller Girl Online. Penny joins her rock-star boyfriend, Noah, on his European music tour.Penny's bags are packed. When Noah invites Penny on his European music tour, she can't wait to spend time with her rock-god-tastic boyfriend. But, between Noah's jam-packed schedule, less-than-welcoming bandmates and threatening messages from jealous fans, Penny wonders whether she's really cut out for life on tour. She can't help but miss her family, her best friend Elliot . . . and her blog, Girl Online. Can Penny learn to balance life and love on the road, or will she lose everything in pursuit of the perfect summer? (

Podobné produkty ako Girl Online: On Tour 2 (Defekt) - Zoe Suggová

One Piece 101 (Defekt) - Eiičiró Oda


Join Monkey D. Luffy and his swashbuckling crew in their search for the ultimate treasure, One Piece!As a child, Monkey D. Luffy dreamed of becoming King of the Pirates. But his life changed when he accidentally gained the power to stretch like the cost of never being able to swim again! Years later, Luffy sets off in search of the One Piece, said to be the greatest treasure in the world...It’s a family brawl as Kaido faces off against Yamato! But Kaido and his powerful pirates aren’t going to go down easily, even against the Straw Hats’ best fighters. The key to victory may hinge on the peculiar ability of a young girl! (

Podobné produkty ako One Piece 101 (Defekt) - Eiičiró Oda

One Way (Defekt) - S. J. Morden

One Way (Defekt) - S. J. Morden

A murder mystery set on the frozen red wastes of Mars. Eight astronauts One killer No way home +++ WE STAND AT THE DAWN OF A NEW ERA Frank Kittridge is serving life for murdering his son's drug dealer. So when he's offered a deal by Xenosystems Operations - the company that runs the prison - he takes it, even though it means swapping one life sentence for another. THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A BETTER TIME TO BE ALIVE He's been selected to help build the first permanent base on Mars. Unfortunately, his crewmates are just as guilty of their crimes as he is - and he'll have to learn to trust them if they're to succeed. THE FUTURE OF SPACE TRAVEL IS IN SAFE HANDS As the convicts set to work on the frozen wastes of Mars, the accidents multiply. Until Frank begins to suspect they might not be accidents at all . . . XENOSYSTEMS OPERATIONS: MAKING DREAMS A REALITY There's a murderer amongst them, and everyone's a suspe (

Podobné produkty ako One Way (Defekt) - S. J. Morden

One Last Stop (Defekt) - Casey McQuistonová


From Casey McQuiston, New York Times bestselling author of Red, White & Royal Blue comes One Last Stop, a romantic comedy that will stop readers in their tracks. . .Moving to New York City is supposed to prove cynical twenty-three-year-old August right: magic and cinematiclove stories don’t exist.But then, she meets this gorgeous girl on the train.Jane. Dazzling, charming, mysterious, impossible Jane. Jane with her rough edges and swoopy hair and soft smile.August’s subway crush becomes the best part of her day, but pretty soon she discovers there’s one big problem: Jane is displaced in time from the 1970s, and August is going to have to use everything she tried to leave in her own past to help Jane. Maybe it’s time to start believing in some things, after all.'A dazzling romance, filled with plenty of humor and heart.' - Time Magazine, 'The 21 Most Anticipated Books of 2021''Dreamy, other worldly, smart, swoony, thoughtful, hilarious - all in all, exactly what you'd expect from Casey McQuiston!' - Jasmine Guillory, New York Times bestselling author of The Proposal and Party for Two (

Podobné produkty ako One Last Stop (Defekt) - Casey McQuistonová

One Last Secret (Defekt) - Adele Parks


One Last Secret ... would you kill to keep it?Another incredible domestic thriller from the Sunday Times Number One bestselling author of sensational books like Both Of You...One last clientA week at a beautiful chateau in the south of France - it should be a straightforward final job for Dora. She's a smart, stunning and discreet escort and Daniel has paid for her services before. This time, all she has to do is convince the assembled guests that she is his girlfriend. Dora is used to playing roles and being whatever men want her to be. It's all about putting on a front.One last chanceIt will be a last, luxurious look at how the other half lives, before Dora turns her back on the escort world and all its dangers. She has found someone she loves and trusts. With him, she can escape the life she's trapped in. But when Dora arrives at the chateau, it quickly becomes obvious that nothing is what it seems...One last secretDora finds herself face to face with a man she has never forgotten, the one man who really knows her. And as old secrets surface, it becomes terrifyingly apparent that one last secret could cost Dora her life...From the Sunday Times Number One bestseller Adele Parks comes a blisteringly provocative novel about power, sex, money and revenge. (

Podobné produkty ako One Last Secret (Defekt) - Adele Parks

The Patchwork Girl of Oz (Defekt) - Lyman Frank Baum

The Patchwork Girl of Oz (Defekt) - Lyman Frank Baum

"You need a lot, you know, such as are not easily found" When the crooked Dr Pipt uses his patented Powder of Life on Scraps the Patchwork Girl, a terrible accident turns Unc Nunkie and Margolette into marble statues. With no magic powder left to restore them, it is down to Ojo the Unlucky and Scraps to find the five ingredients needed to brew up another batch. But the Land of Oz a big place - can one unlucky Munchkin rescue his uncle and save the day? Part of the Wizard of Oz Collection - Journey through the magical world of Oz with Dorothy and friends in this 15 book collection by L. Frank Baum, redesigned and anglicised. These beloved children's classics will make the perfect gift; timeless and loved by all. (

Podobné produkty ako The Patchwork Girl of Oz (Defekt) - Lyman Frank Baum

Moudrá krev - Flannery O'Connorová


Hazel Motes se vrací z války domů na americký Jih, a jelikož je přesvědčen, že jedinou cestou, jak se vyhnout hříchu, je "nemít duši", zakládá Církev bez Krista. Jeho nápad okopíruje jistý Hoover Shoats, který si založí konkurenční Svatou církev Krista bez Krista, aby na ní bohapustě vydělával. Hazel ve svém nitru bojuje se silnou láskou a zároveň nenávistí k Bohu a vydává se za Hooverem, aby si s ním vyřídil účty. Louhem vypálené oči, maniak v gorilím převleku, miniaturní mumie ukradená z místního muzea, auto, které jezdí bez benzinu, oleje i vody v chladiči, a "moudrá krev" duševně chorých, kteří někdy vidí víc než ti "normální" - Flannery O'Connorová ve svém prvním románu předkládá dokonalý, hořce groteskní pohled na americkou podnikavost. (

Podobné produkty ako Moudrá krev - Flannery O'Connorová

Odyssey One Domovský svět (Defekt) - Evan Currie


Pozemský průzkum neznámých částí Galaxie pokračuje. Nikoli však bez následků. Když nebezpeční mimozemšťané Drasinové, které se vesmírné lodi Odyssea a jejím priminský spojencům podařilo již dvakrát odrazit, objeví ve vzdálené soustavě průzkumnou čínskou loď Wej-fang, je rázem ohrožena nejen její posádka, ale i samotná existence lidstva. Drasinské dronové lodě pronásledují Wej-fang až do Sluneční soustavy a chystají se na příkaz svých tajemných vládců napadnout Zemi. Odyssea, která pod velením kapitána Erica Westona právě plní novou misi na priminském světě Ranquilu, se musí vrátit na domácí půdu, aby vypomohla nově postaveným pozemským lodím a automatizovaným obranným systémům. Bude to však stačit? Lze se ubránit mnohonásobné přesile a technické převaze? Zvládne se lidstvo sjednotit a pod společnou vlajkou zabránit totální zkáze? Třetí část úspěšného vědecko-fantastického eposu kombinuje klasickou space operu a moderní akční vyprávění plné napětí a vzrušujících zvratů. (

Podobné produkty ako Odyssey One Domovský svět (Defekt) - Evan Currie

Sara Bareilles - More Love (Songs From Little Voice Season One) (LP)

Sara Bareilles - More Love (Songs From Little Voice Season One) (LP)

Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2020.0 Datum vydání: 2020-11-13 Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029 Barva: Černá Typ: Album;LP deska Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Země interpreta: USA Vydavatelství: Epic Žánr: Indie;Pop Subžánr: Indie Pop;Pop Varianta: More Love (Songs From Little Voice Season One) (LP) Země původu: Německo Interpret / Téma: Sara Bareilles Balení obsahuje: LP (

Podobné produkty ako Sara Bareilles - More Love (Songs From Little Voice Season One) (LP)

The Girl in the Eagle´s Talons (Defekt) - Karin Smirnoff


The untapped natural resources of Sweden's far north are sparking a gold rush, with the criminal underworld leading the charge. But it's not the prospect of riches that brings Lisbeth Salander to the small town of Gasskas. Her niece's mother is the latest woman in the region to have vanished without trace.Two things soon become clear: Svala is a remarkably gifted teenager -- and she's being watched.Journalist Mikael Blomkvist is also heading north. He has seen better days.Millennium magazine is in its final print issue, and relations with his daughter are strained. Worse still, there are troubling rumours surrounding the man she's about to marry. When the truth behind the whispers explodes into violence, Salander emerges as Blomkvist's last hope.The new thriller from Swedish bestselling author Karin Smirnoff will submerge you in a world of conspiracy and betrayal, old enemies and new friends, snow-bound wilderness and corporate greed.Lisbeth Salander is BACK. (

Podobné produkty ako The Girl in the Eagle´s Talons (Defekt) - Karin Smirnoff

Bitevní mág - Peter A. Flannery

Bitevní mág - Peter A. Flannery

Svět podléhá spalujícímu stínu Posedlých a pouze moc bitevního mága ho může zachránit. Ale prastaré pouto mezi mágy a draky selhává. Příliš mnoho draků je černých. Černí draci jsou nepřáteli lidstva. Černí draci jsou šílení. Falco Danté je churavý kluk ve světě válečníků, a co hůř, je synem vraha. Hnán touhou porozumět svému otci se odhodlá k činu, který ho dožene na pokraj beznaděje. Najde způsob, jak spasit svou duši před věčnými plameny pekla? (

Podobné produkty ako Bitevní mág - Peter A. Flannery

Me Talk Pretty One Day (Defekt) - David Sedaris


* A brilliant, savage, hilarious new collection of writings from David Sedaris - it's as if Garrison Keillor's evil twin meets Woody Allen (

Podobné produkty ako Me Talk Pretty One Day (Defekt) - David Sedaris

The One and Only Bob (Defekt) - Katherine Applegateová


The One and Only Ivan is now a major motion picture available on Disney+!Return to the unforgettable world of the Newbery Medal-winning and #1 New York Times bestselling novel The One and Only Ivan in this incredible sequel, starring Ivan's friend Bob!Bob sets out on a dangerous journey in search of his long-lost sister with the help of his two best friends, Ivan and Ruby. As a hurricane approaches and time is running out, Bob finds courage he never knew he had and learns the true meaning of friendship and family.Bob, Ivan and Ruby have touched the hearts of millions of readers, and their story isn't over yet. Catch up with these beloved friends before the star-studded film adaptation of The One and Only Ivan hits cinemas in August 2020! (

Podobné produkty ako The One and Only Bob (Defekt) - Katherine Applegateová

One of Us Is Next (Defekt) - Karen McManus

One of Us Is Next (Defekt) - Karen McManus

The sequel to the international bestseller One of Us is LyingWelcome back to Bayview High . . .It's been a year since the events of One Of Us Is Lying.But nothing has settled for the residents of Bayview. Not now someone has started playing a sinister game of Truth or Dare.Choose truth? You must reveal your darkest secret.Choose dare? Well, that could be even more dangerous. Even deadly.When the game takes an even darker turn, suddenly no one at Bayview High knows who to trust.But they need to find out who is behind the game, before it's too late. (

Podobné produkty ako One of Us Is Next (Defekt) - Karen McManus

The Girl on the Train film tie-in (Defekt) - Paula Hawkins


THE RUNAWAY SUNDAY TIMES NO.1 BESTSELLER AND THRILLER OF THE YEAR 'Really great suspense novel. Kept me up most of the night. The alcoholic narrator is dead perfect' STEPHEN KING Rachel catches the same commuter train every morning. She knows it will wait at the same signal each time, overlooking a row of back gardens. She's even started to feel like she knows the people who live in one of the houses. ‘Jess and Jason', she calls them. Their life - as she sees it - is perfect. If only Rachel could be that happy. And then she sees something shocking. It's only a minute until the train moves on, but it's enough. Now everything's changed. Now Rachel has a chance to become a part of the lives she's only watched from afar. Now they'll see; she's much more than just the girl on the train… (

Podobné produkty ako The Girl on the Train film tie-in (Defekt) - Paula Hawkins

Surrender: 40 Songs, One Story by Bono (Defekt) - Bono


Bono - artist, activist and the lead singer of Irish rock band U2 - has written his autobiography: honest and irreverent, intimate and profound, Surrender is the story of the remarkable life he's lived, the challenges he's faced and the friends and family who have shaped and sustained him.'When I started to write this book I was hoping to draw in detail what I'd previously only sketched in songs. The people, places, and possibilities in my life. Surrender is a word freighted with meaning for me. Growing up in Ireland in the seventies with my fists up (musically speaking), it was not a natural concept. A word I only circled until I gathered my thoughts for the book. I am still grappling with this most humbling of commands. In the band, in my marriage, in my faith, in my life as an activist. Surrender is the story of one pilgrim's lack of progress ... With a fair amount of fun along the way.' - BonoAs one of the music world's most iconic artists and the cofounder of organizations ONE and (RED), Bono's career has been written about extensively. But in Surrender, Bono's autobiography, he picks up the pen, writing for the first time about his remarkable life and those he has shared it with. In his unique voice, Bono takes us from his early days growing up in Dublin, including the sudden loss of his mother when he was 14, to U2's unlikely journey to become one of the world's most influential rock bands, to his more than 20 years of activism dedicated to the fight against AIDS and extreme poverty. Writing with candour, self-reflection, and humour, Bono opens the aperture on his life - and the family, friends and faith that have sustained, challenged and shaped him.Surrender's subtitle, "40 Songs, One Story," is a nod to the book's 40 chapters, which are each named after a U2 song. Bono has also created 40 original drawings for Surrender which will appear throughout the book. (

Podobné produkty ako Surrender: 40 Songs, One Story by Bono (Defekt) - Bono

Odyssey One 2: V srdci dění (Defekt) - Evan Currie


Po legendární první plavbě, která pozemšťany zavedla do hlubokého vesmíru plného nových příležitostí, tvorů i děsivých nepřátel, tráví kapitán Eric Weston a posádka vesmírné lodi LSAK Odyssea několik měsíců doma na Zemi, kde admiralita pečlivě zvažuje jejich další osud. Když však noví mimozemští spojenci Země uzavřou se Severoamerickou konfederací obrannou dohodu, vydává se Odyssea splnit nový úkol: vrátit se na Ranquil, válkou zničený domovských svět vzdálených bratranců pozemšťanů, poskytnout mu životně důležitou podporu proti invazi Drasinů.Weston a jeho lidé návrat vítají, avšak po příletu na Ranquil poznávají, že ne všechno je takové, jak se zdá. Drasinové jsou sice hrozivým nepřítelem, Weston ale tuší, že válku, která by mohla navždy změnit tvář vesmíru, vede mocná neviditelná síla, pro jejíž odhalení budou nuceni obětovat loď, kariéru a možná i život… (

Podobné produkty ako Odyssey One 2: V srdci dění (Defekt) - Evan Currie
Tyreweld sprej na opravu defekt 500ml (HT4YA), Polštář 45x30 cm, Pat&Mat, defekt (99853A), KEVIN MURPHY Thick.Again bezoplachová péče 100 ml (HKVMRWXN130127), Tegan And Sara: Still Jealous - CD (9362487554), Tegan And Sara: Still Jealous - LP (9362487693), KEVIN MURPHY Plumping.Rinse kondicionér pro řídnoucí vlasy 1000 ml (HKVMRWXN129382), JUPITER 1285-SAK - Nástěnné svítidlo SARA 1xE27/60W (53261), JUPITER 1283-SA3 - Závěsné svítidlo SARA 3xE27/60W (53259), Kays Sara: Struck By Lightning (RSD 2022) - LP (7567864109), Vaughan Sarah: Sara Vaughan With Clifford Brown - LP (8436542011723), JUPITER 1284-SA5 - Závěsné svítidlo SARA 5xE27/60W (53260), JUPITER 1286-SAL - Stolní lampa SARA 1xE27/60W (53262), JUPITER 1282-SA1 - Závěsné svítidlo SARA 1xE27/60W (53258), KEVIN MURPHY Young.Again.Rinse vyživující kondicionér pro zralé vlasy 1000 ml (HKVMRWXN130097), Tegan And Sara: Still Jealous (RSD 2022) (Coloured) - LP (9362487710), Venkovní bodové svítidlo SARA 1xGU10/30W/230V IP54 černá (119355), Venkovní bodové svítidlo SARA 1xGU10/30W/230V IP54 bílá (119327), Tegan And Sara: Tonight We're In The Dark - LP (9362489506), Tegan And Sara: Hey , I'm Just Like You - CD (9362489850), Sencor SCOOTER ONE (SCOOTER ONE 2020), Focusrite Vocaster One (FR VOCASTER ONE), KEVIN MURPHY Staying.Alive vyživující kondicionér pro všechny typy vlasů 1000 ml (HKVMRWXN120721), KEVIN MURPHY Angel.Rinse vyživující kondicionér pro jemné barvené vlasy 250 ml (HKVMRWXN130095), Murphyho večné zákony Murphy´s eternal laws (978-80-8162-025-6), Kays Sara: Struck By Lightning (EP) (RSD 2022) (Coloured) - LP (7567864065), Insta360 ONE R / ONE X Bike Bundle, Lea One X camo (One X camo), Insta360 ONE R / ONE X Sky Bundle, GOTTHARD: One Life One Soul - CD (0194397768220), SodaStream Spirit One Touch (Spirit One Touch)