Eli - n - erste 2 - pb3 und der clown coco - jane cadwallader

Produkt Eli - n - erste 2 - pb3 und der clown coco - jane cadwallader sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Eli - n - erste 2 - pb3 und der clown coco - jane cadwallader upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

ELI - N - Erste 2 - PB3 und der Clown Coco - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - N - Erste 2 - PB3 und der Clown Coco - Jane Cadwallader

PB3 und sein Roboter Petra lernen auf der Erde das Zirkuskind Susi und ihren Onkel Coco kennen. Coco ist Clown und er hat ein Geheimnis... Nur merkt es keiner! Aber am Abend in der Zirkusvorstellung kommt sein großer Moment. Mit Spielen und Sprachübungen, Audioaufnahme der Geschichte und des Lieds, Bildwörterbuch. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - N - Erste 2 - PB3 und der Clown Coco - Jane Cadwallader , Pb3 und der clown coco (9788853621931)

ELI - N - Erste 2 - PB3 Und Das Gemüse + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - N - Erste 2 - PB3 Und Das Gemüse + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Ein Außerirdischer, sein Roboter Petra und Alex erleben zusammen ein Abenteuer. Mit Spielen und Sprachübungen Audioaufnahme der Geschichte und des Lieds Bildwörterbuch Th232mes Freundschaft, Abenteuer, Human Interest PB3 und sein Roboter Petra besuchen den Jungen Alex. Während Alex Obst und Gemüse für sie kauft, warte die beiden in einer Kiste. Doch da kommen zwei Männer und nehmen die Kiste mit! Sie bringen sie zu Tim, dem bösen Jungen aus der Schule (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - N - Erste 2 - PB3 Und Das Gemüse + CD - Jane Cadwallader , Pb3 et coco le clown (9788853606266)

PB3 und der Clown Coco - Cadwallader Jane

PB3 und der Clown Coco - Cadwallader Jane

Dobrodružný deň v cirkuse. PB3 so svojím robotom Petrou spoznajú cirkusantku Susi a jej strýka Coca. Coco je klaun, ktorý má tajomstvo... ale nikto o ňom nevie! Večer tak v cirkuse prichádza jeho veľká chvíľa. CEFR Level: A1 (patro.cz)

Podobné produkty ako PB3 und der Clown Coco - Cadwallader Jane , Der kleine biber und die tiere am fluss (978-80-7639-094-2)

ELI - N - Erste 2 - PB3 braucht Hilfe + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - N - Erste 2 - PB3 braucht Hilfe + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Die OOs sind da und wollen PB3 holen! Können die Kinder PB3 und seinen Roboter Petra retten? PB3 und Petra machen gerade Hausaufgaben zum Thema Erde. Da kommen plötzlich die bösen OOs und nehmen das Raumschiff von PB3 mit! Kinder helfen PB3 und Petra, sich zu verstecken vor den OOs, aber bald auch vor den Journalisten! Wie können der Außerirdische und sein Roboter auf den Planeten P3 zurückkehren? (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - N - Erste 2 - PB3 braucht Hilfe + CD - Jane Cadwallader , Expressivität in der sprache der märchen im deutschen und im tschechischen (978-80-210-6128-6)

PB3 und der Clown Coco (9788853621931)

PB3 und der Clown Coco (9788853621931)

Kniha - autor Jane Cadwallader, 32 stran, německy Dobrodružný deň v cirkuse. PB3 so svojím robotom Petrou spoznajú cirkusantku Susi a jej strýka Coca. Coco je klaun, ktorý má tajomstvo... ale nikto o ňom nevie! Večer tak v cirkuse prichádza jeho veľká chvíľa. CEFR Level: A1 (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako PB3 und der Clown Coco (9788853621931) , Der kleine fuchs und die tiere im wald (978-80-7639-095-9)

ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 et Coco le Clown - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 et Coco le Clown - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Coralie dîne avec son oncle Coco le clown. Tout ŕ coup BOUM PATATRAC quelque chose atterrit sur le toit de la roulotte jaune de Coco ! Jeux et activités Enregistrement de lhistoire et du chant Vocabulaire illustré Thčmes Le cirque Aventure PB3 et Martine atterrissent dans le cirque de Coco le jongleur avec leur soucoupe volante. Ils font la connaissance de toute la famille. Coco a un secret mais personne ne le comprend. Que vatil se passer pendant le spectacle ? Contenus Contenu lexical La famille Le temps et les repas Le visage Les vętements Les couleurs Contenu grammatical Le présent de lindicatif La forme négative Il y a Il ny a pas Les prépositions de lieu Les adjectifs possessifs La forme interrogative (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 et Coco le Clown - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader , Jane eyre ()

ELI - N - Erste 4 - Daniel und die Krone + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - N - Erste 4 - Daniel und die Krone + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Die Rucksackbande will das Schlossmuseum ausrauben! Können der Polizist Daniel und seine Kollegin die Krone und den Schmuck retten? Mit Spielen und Sprachübungen Audioaufnahme der Geschichte und des Lieds Bildwörterbuch Th232mes Themen, Abenteuer, Krimi Daniel und Eva sollen im Schloss die Räuber fangen. Sie ziehen sich alte Rüstungen an, um nicht gesehen zu werden, und warten. Lange passiert nichts, doch plötzlich läuft alles anders als geplant! (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - N - Erste 4 - Daniel und die Krone + CD - Jane Cadwallader , Jane utíká ()

ELI - N - Erste 3 - Onkel Karl und die Pinguine + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - N - Erste 3 - Onkel Karl und die Pinguine + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Onkel Karl bekommt einen Anruf aus der Antarktis Die Kaiserpinguine haben ein Problem! Die Kaiserpinguine wollen an den Ort wandern, wo sie jedes Jahr ihre Eier legen. Aber es gibt zu wenig Schnee! Onkel Karl, Nik und die Zwillingsschwestern reisen mit dem Heisluftballon in die Antarktis, um den Pinguinen zu helfen. Mit Spielen und Sprachübungen, Audioaufnahme der Geschichte und des Lieds, Bildwörterbuch. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - N - Erste 3 - Onkel Karl und die Pinguine + CD - Jane Cadwallader , Pb3 recycles (9788853620095)

ELI - N - Erste 3 - Onkel Karl und die Erdmännchen + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - N - Erste 3 - Onkel Karl und die Erdmännchen + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Sechs ErdmännchenBabys möchten nach Hause, zurück in die Wüste. Onkel Karl und die Kinder helfen ihnen! Mit Spielen und Sprachübungen Audioaufnahme der Geschichte und des Lieds Bildwörterbuch Th232mes Tiere, Abenteuer Die Erdmännchen im Garten des Nachbarn weinen Sie möchten nach Hause zu ihren Vätern und Müttern. Onkel Karl, Nik und seine Schwestern bringen sie mit dem Heißluftballon in die KalahariWüste zurück. Aber dort gibt es Männer, die Jagd auf Erdmännchen machen!. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - N - Erste 3 - Onkel Karl und die Erdmännchen + CD - Jane Cadwallader , Der mensch und die gesellschaft pro 2. stupeň zš: praktische materiallien für den deutsch unterricht (978-80-86307-41-1)

Young ELI Readers 2/A1: PB3 and Coco The Clown + Downloadable Multimedia - Jane Cadwallader


How PB3 and Robin help to save a life and a love!PB3 and his robot are excited to find themselves in a circus! Elephants and jugglers and an acrobat and a clown! They go with Sally to have tea in Coco the clown.s motorhome, visit the circus school and finally the big top. Little did they suspect that the excitement is just about to begin!Topics:CircusFamily- Games and language activities- An audio recording of the story and the song- A picture dictionaryVocabulary areas:Family, time and meals, the body and face, clothes, coloursGrammar and structures:Present simple, Present progressiveVerb + infinitiveInfinitive of purposeThere is / There arePrepositions of place and movementPossessive adjectivesDescriptive adjectivesQuestion words: Who? / What? / Why? / Where? (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Young ELI Readers 2/A1: PB3 and Coco The Clown + Downloadable Multimedia - Jane Cadwallader , Superdry svetr eli rib svetr

ELI - N - Erste 1 - Oma Fix und das Gelbe Band + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - N - Erste 1 - Oma Fix und das Gelbe Band + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Wo ein kleines gelbes Band viele Probleme lösen kann oder nicht? Mit Spielen und Sprachübungen Audioaufnahme der Geschichte und des Lieds Bildwörterbuch Th232mes Abenteuer, Magie Anna verliert auf dem Weg zur Schule immer ihre Sachen. Aber Oma Fix hat eine gute Idee Sie legt ein magisches gelbes Band in Annas Schultasche. Das Band holt alles, was Anna verliert, wieder zurück. Wunderbar bloß taucht jetzt ein anderes Problem auf! (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - N - Erste 1 - Oma Fix und das Gelbe Band + CD - Jane Cadwallader , Pověsti a pohádky němců z jizerských hor/sagen und märchen der deutschen... (978-80-908039-5-4)

ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Vegetables - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Vegetables - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

They dont have apples Potatoes or beans Or even a pea. They dont have pears. They dont have grapes. Poor Robin and PB3! Tags Friendship Adventure Human Interest In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary An extraterrestrial adventure in which a bully gets more than he expects. When Fred helps a friendly extraterrestrial, PB3, and his robot, Robin, to buy Earth fruit and vegetables he doesnt know that some sticky substance from outer space will come to his rescue and punish a school bully. Syllabus Topics Fruit and vegetables, colours Grammar and structures Present simple Present progressive Imperatives Possessive adjectives Can cant There is There are Question words what? why? Conjunctions and but Prepositions of place (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Vegetables - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader , Bytosti přírody a léčení země: naturwesen und erdheilung: leben mit der anderswelt (978-80-907420-8-6)

ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 et les légumes - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 et les légumes - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Le courage et lamitié sont toujours vainqueurs ! Thčmes Amitié Aventure Intéręts des humains Jeux et activités Enregistrement de lhistoire et du chant Vocabulaire illustré Voilŕ laventure dun extraterrestre et de Nath, son ami courageux. Quand Nath aide son ami extraterrestre, PB3, et son robot Martine ŕ acheter des fruits et légumes terrestres, il ne sait pas quune étrange pâte verte va laider ŕ punir un garçon de lécole qui nest pas trčs gentil. Contenus Contenu lexical Les fruits et légumes Les couleurs Le temps quil fait Contenu grammatical Le présent de lindicatif Les prépositions de lieu La forme négative (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 et les légumes - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader , Pb3 braucht hilfe (9788853617125)

ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Jacket - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Jacket - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

These are animals from a farm. A pig goes oink and a sheep goes baa. Theres a chicken and a duck and a horse of course. And a sad little goat with a curly coat. Tags Friendship Adventure Human Interest In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary An exciting adventure with a friendly extraterrestrial and his robot. When a big black spaceship arrives everyone is afraid. Who is in it? What do they want? Two children, Sue and Ben, dive into the sea and meet PB3 and his robot, Robin. Together they come face to face with the bad OOs from Planet X011 and together they discover a terrible plan. Can they stop Syllabus Topics Clothes, animals, colours, feelings Grammar and structures Present simple Present progressive Imperatives Possessive adjectives Adverbs There is There are Question words what? why? Conjunctions and but Prepositions of place (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Jacket - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader , Calamity jane - dvd (p00686)

PB3 and Coco the Clown - Cadwallader Jane

PB3 and Coco the Clown - Cadwallader Jane

How PB3 and Robin help to save a life and a love! PB3 and his robot are excited to find themselves in a circus! Elephants and jugglers and an acrobat and a clown! They go with Sally to have tea in Coco the clown’s motorhome, visit the circus school and finally the big top. Little did they suspect that the excitement is just about to begin! Tags Circus Family - Games and language activities - An audio recording of the story and the song - A picture dictionary Syllabus Vocabulary areas Family, time and meals, the body and face, clothes, colours Grammar and structures Present simple Present progressive Verb + infinitive Infinitive of purpose There is / There are Prepositions of place and movement Possessive adjectives Descriptive adjectives Question words: Who? / What? / Why? / Where? (patro.cz)

Podobné produkty ako PB3 and Coco the Clown - Cadwallader Jane , Pb3 et le recyclage (9788853618689)

PB3 et Coco le Clown - Cadwallader Jane

PB3 et Coco le Clown - Cadwallader Jane

Coralie večeria so svojím ujom, klaunom Cocom. Zrazu – BUM – niečo sa ocitlo na streche Cocovho žltého prívesu! PB3 a jeho robot Martin pristáli s ich lietajúcim tanierom u cirkusového žongléra Coca. Spoznali celú rodinu. Coco má tajomstvo, o ktorom nikto nevie. Čo sa udeje počas cirkusovej šou? CEFR level: A1 (patro.cz)

Podobné produkty ako PB3 et Coco le Clown - Cadwallader Jane , Pb3 y las verduras (9788853605337)

ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 2 - PB3 y la chaqueta + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 2 - PB3 y la chaqueta + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Una nave espacial aparece en el cielo y todo el mundo tiene miedo. żQuiénes son? żQué quieren? Temas Amistad Aventura Ingenio Juegos y actividades lingüísticas Una grabación de la historia y de la canción Un diccionario ilustrado ˇVive una increíble aventura con un simpático extraterrestre y su robot! Una nave espacial aparece en el cielo y todo el mundo tiene miedo. żQuiénes son? żQué quieren? Sofía y Javi conocen en la playa a PB3 el extraterrestre y al robot Robina. Todos juntos descubren el terrible plan de los malvados OOs, del Planeta X011. żQué va a suceder? Sílabo Gramática Presente de indicativo (verbos regulares e irregulares) Verbos ser y estar Verbos haber y tener Ir a infi nitivo Verbo gustar Artículos determinados e indeterminados Vocabulario En la playa Animales Ropa Colores (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 2 - PB3 y la chaqueta + CD - Jane Cadwallader , Pb3 y la chaqueta (9788853605344)

ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 a besoin d´aide - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 a besoin d´aide - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Zjednodušená francouzská četba pro děti na základní škole. Součástí knihy je poslechové CD, doplňkové aktivity a obrázkový slovník. příběh PB3 a robota Robina z planety P3, kteří se ocitnou na Zemi. Přátelé Coco a Coralie jim opět pomohou... (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 a besoin d´aide - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader , Der blauäugige kater schnurr erlebt neue abenteuer 2

ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 2 - PB3 y las verduras + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 2 - PB3 y las verduras + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Una aventura de extraterrestres en la que un chico malo se lleva una sorpresa. Temas Aventura Amistad Valentía Juegos y actividades lingüísticas Una grabación de la historia y de la canción Un diccionario ilustrado Una aventura de extraterrestres en la que un chico malo se lleva una sorpresa. El extraterrestre PB3 y la robot Robina quieren fruta y verdura para su planeta. Guille ayuda a sus nuevos amigos, y descubre que una sustancia verde del espacio le puede ayudar contra un chico malo del colegio. Sílabo Gramática Presente de indicativo (verbos regulares e irregulares) Verbos ser y estar hace impersonal hay impersonal Verbo tener Artículos determinados e indeterminados Vocabulario Fruta y verdura Colores (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 2 - PB3 y las verduras + CD - Jane Cadwallader , goldene trompeten aus böhmen und mähren - cd (410043-2)

ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Helping Hands - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Helping Hands - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Will the children be able to save PB3 and Robin from the OOs? And from the journalists? PB3 and Robin are happily doing their Earth homework! Little do they suspect that the evil OOs are chasing them! It looks like the end for our ET friends but a band of Earth children come to the rescue. Will they be able to save them? (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Helping Hands - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader , Ohňostroj - baterie výmetnic killer clown 136 ran (8595596321575)

ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 et la veste de Chloé - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 et la veste de Chloé - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Le courage et lamitié sont toujours vainqueurs ! Thčmes Amitié Aventure Jeux et activités Enregistrement de lhistoire et du chant Vocabulaire illustré Voilŕ lhistoire magnifique dun extraterrestre et de son robot. Quand une navette spatiale arrive, tout le monde a peur. Qui na pas peur ? Que fontils ensemble ? Deux enfants, Chloé et Arnaud prennent un bain de mer et rencontrent PB3 et son robot Martine. Ensemble, ils ont affronté les méchants OOs qui viennent de la plančte X011 et ils découvrent leur terrible plan. Comment arręter les Oos ? Contenus Contenu lexical Les vętements La nature Les couleurs Les animaux de la ferme Contenu grammatical Le présent de lindicatif Cest il est Le superlatif trčs (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 et la veste de Chloé - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader , Pellarová helena: aus der tiefe ruf'ich - cd (cr0347-2)

ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 2 - PB3 y el payaso Rataplán + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 2 - PB3 y el payaso Rataplán + CD - Jane Cadwallader

PB3 y Robina salvan una vida y una historia de amor. Juegos y actividades lingüísticas Una grabación de la historia y de la canción Un diccionario ilustrado Temas Amistad Amor El circo PB3 y su robot están muy contentos ˇvan al circo! Hay elefantes, acróbatas, malabaristas y payasos ˇtodo es espectacular! Van con Sandra a tomar un chocolate caliente a la caravana de Rataplán, visitan el colegio del circo y por fin van al gran espectáculo. ˇLes espera una sorpresa! Silabo Lessico La familia Las comidas del día El cuerpo Colores y formas La ropa Grammatica Presensente de indicativo (verbos regulares e irregulares) Los posesivos Verbos gustarencantar Verbos serestar Verbos hayestá(n) Formas reflexivas de los verbos Artículos determinados e indeterminados (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 2 - PB3 y el payaso Rataplán + CD - Jane Cadwallader , Pb3 y el payaso rataplán (9788853606259)

PB3 Und Das Gemüse - Cadwallader Jane

PB3 Und Das Gemüse - Cadwallader Jane

Ein Außerirdischer, sein Roboter Petra und Alex erleben zusammen ein Abenteuer. Mit Spielen und Sprachübungen; Audioaufnahme der Geschichte und des Lieds; Bildwörterbuch Themes: Freundschaft, Abenteuer, Human Interest PB3 und sein Roboter Petra besuchen den Jungen Alex. Während Alex Obst und Gemüse für sie kauft, warte die beiden in einer Kiste. Doch da kommen zwei Männer und nehmen die Kiste mit! Sie bringen sie zu Tim, dem bösen Jungen aus der Schule… (patro.cz)

Podobné produkty ako PB3 Und Das Gemüse - Cadwallader Jane , Pb3 a besoin d´aide (9788853617392)

PB3 et Coco le Clown (9788853606266)

PB3 et Coco le Clown (9788853606266)

Kniha - autor Jane Cadwallader, 32 stran, francouzsky Coralie večeria so svojím ujom, klaunom Cocom. Zrazu – BUM – niečo sa ocitlo na streche Cocovho žltého prívesu! PB3 a jeho robot Martin pristáli s ich lietajúcim tanierom u cirkusového žongléra Coca. Spoznali celú rodinu. Coco má tajomstvo, o ktorom nikto nevie. Čo sa udeje počas cirkusovej šou? CEFR level: A1 (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako PB3 et Coco le Clown (9788853606266) , Nussknacker und mausekönig (9788853615824)

Daniel und das ägyptische Grab - Jane Cadwallader

Daniel und das ägyptische Grab - Jane Cadwallader

Zlodeji ukradli zlato z hrobky staroegyptskej kráľovnej Nefertari! Policajti Daniel a Eva musia nájsť ukradnuté zlato. Putujú hore Nílom, vezmú tiež malú Anippe a zažívajú nebezpečné dobrodružstvá. V hrobke kráľovnej Nefertari sa totiž nenachádza iba zlato... CEFR Level: A2 (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Daniel und das ägyptische Grab - Jane Cadwallader , Coco - dvd (d01158)

ELI - A - Young 4 - The Children of the Forests - readers - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 4 - The Children of the Forests - readers - Jane Cadwallader

Do you enjoy walking among the trees and watching for forest animals? Do you know how important forests are for our world and our health? This book is about the three main different types of forests, about where you can find them, what the weather is like there and which animals live in and under the trees. It is also an adventure story about two children who overhear plans to destroy a part of their forest and who ask other children to join them to help save it. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Young 4 - The Children of the Forests - readers - Jane Cadwallader , Chanel coco edt

ELI - F - Poussins 4 - Henri et la couronne - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - Poussins 4 - Henri et la couronne - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Avec Henri, les surprises et les suspenses ne se font pas attendre. Thčmes Aventure Policier Jeux et activités Enregistrement de lhistoire et du chant Vocabulaire illustré Voilŕ une histoire amusante dHenri, notre grand héros, de voleurs et de fantômes. Qui va triompher ŕ la fin? Deux détectives, Henri et Emma vont au château pour surprendre des voleurs. Emma, enthousiaste, réussit ŕ convaincre Henri ŕ se déguiser en enfilant une armure. La nuit est longue et les évčnements prennent un pli inattendu. Dabord Henri sennuie mais une belle surprise lattend! Mystčre! Contenus Lexique Les matériels Les directions La ville Les parties du corps Les vętements Structures Le présent de lindicatif Limpératif Le pluriel (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - F - Poussins 4 - Henri et la couronne - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader , Chanel coco edp

ELI - A - Young 4 - Harry and the Crown - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 4 - Harry and the Crown - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Put your elbows up stamp your feet on the ground make circles with your shoulders and turn around do the Armour Jive and count to five 1 2 3 4 5 HEY! Tags Adventure Crime In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary In this amusing story Harry, the reluctant hero, braves robbers and ghosts and armour to triumph in the end (by accident!). Two detectives, Harry and Emma are sent to the castle to lie in wait for some robbers. The enthusiastic Emma persuades Harry to put on some armour as a disguise. The night is long and events take an un expected turn. Harrys mood turns from reluctant to bored to horrified! How will the night end? Syllabus Topics Materials, directions, places in a town, parts of the body, clothes. Grammar and structures Past simple Past continuous Be going to Will Giving directions If (zero conditional) Be made of See you (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Young 4 - Harry and the Crown - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader , Coco - dvd (d01086)

ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 4 - Pepe y el campeonato + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 4 - Pepe y el campeonato + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ˇPepe no quiere ir a un campeonato deportivo! En esta historia nuestro perezoso amigo juega al golf y al voleybol... ˇy obtiene resultados sorprendentes! Juegos y actividades lingüísticas Una grabación de la historia y de la canción Un diccionario ilustrado Temas Aventura Robos Misterio Pepe y sus amigos van a participar en el Campeonato Deportivo de la Policía. Llegan al hotel junto al mar donde se celebra el campeonato. Todo parece normal... pero algo raro está pasando en el hotel. Sílabo Vocabulario Deportes Momentos del día Ropa y tejidos Trabajo Colores Gramática Pretérito imperfecto Pretérito indefinido Presente de indicativo Ir a infinitive Tener que infinitivo Estar gerundio Pronombres (complemento directo e indirecto) Demostrativos El relativo que Adverbios temporales ya, antes, después (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 4 - Pepe y el campeonato + CD - Jane Cadwallader , Der schatz im silbersee ()

ELI - F - Poussins 4 - Henri et la tombe egyptienne - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - Poussins 4 - Henri et la tombe egyptienne - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Zjednodušená francouzská četba pro děti na základní škole. Součástí knihy je poslechové CD, doplňkové aktivity a obrázkový slovník. Příběh Henryho a jeho přátel, kteří se snaží odhalit tajemství starověké egyptské hrobky... (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - F - Poussins 4 - Henri et la tombe egyptienne - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader , Eli a magdaléna (978-80-748-2171-4)

ELI - F - Poussins 4 - Henri et la compétition sportive - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - Poussins 4 - Henri et la compétition sportive - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Henri nest pas du tout un fan des compétitions sportives ! Dans cette histoire notre héros affronte le golf et le volley et finit par nous surprendre ! Jeux et activités Enregistrement de lhistoire et du chant Vocabulaire illustré Thčmes Policier Aventure Henri et ses amis ont été sélectionnés ŕ une compétition sportive. Ils descendent dans un hôtel au bord de la mer oů la compétition va avoir lieu. Tout a lair normalmais quelque chose de louche va se passer ŕ lhôtel. Contenus Contenu lexical Le sport Le temps météorologique Les moments de la journée Les vętements Le monde qui nous entoure Contenu grammatical Le présent de lindicatif Les gallicismes Le passé composé et laccord du participe passé Les locutions de temps et de lieu (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - F - Poussins 4 - Henri et la compétition sportive - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - Poussins 3 - Tonton Jean et l’arbre Bakonzi - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - Poussins 3 - Tonton Jean et l’arbre Bakonzi - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Enthousiasmantes et instructives, les aventures de Tonton Jean sont faites pour ętre dévorées ! Thčmes Aventure Intéręts des humains Jeux et activités Enregistrement de lhistoire et du chant Vocabulaire illustré Voilŕ une histoire dans la foręt du Ruanda en compagnie de Tonton Jean, dAlain, dAude et de Julie (et du chien Bouboule bien entendu !).Vontils réussir ŕ sauver le Roi Kambogo? Grâce ŕ cette aventure, tu apprendras des choses intéressantes sur la foręt Nyungwe. Tonton Jean et les autres sembarquent pour lAfrique ŕ la recherche dun médicament pour soigner le Roi Kambogo... Mais ils ne savent pas que des hommes méchants veulent les en empęcher ! Contenus Lexique Les sensations physiques Les animaux de la foret Structures Le présent de lindicatif Les adjectifs possessifs Les adjectifs démonstratifs (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - F - Poussins 3 - Tonton Jean et l’arbre Bakonzi - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 1 - Granny Fixit and the Pirate - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 1 - Granny Fixit and the Pirate - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Look at the parrots! Pink and blue Grey and purple Green ones too. Parrots parrots everywhere One on the wardrobe One on the chair. Tags Friendship Adventure Magic In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary An action story about Granny Fixit, a sad pirate and a crowd of multicoloured parrots. When Jill and Ahmed find themselves by magic on a pirate ship they meet sad Pirate Bill. He has no pirate hat, treasure or parrot! But with Granny Fixit around no one stays sad for long! Syllabus Topics Animals, furniture, numbers, colours Grammar and structures Present simple Present progressive Imperatives Have for possession There is There are Can for ability Question words what? where? who? Conjunctions and but (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Young 1 - Granny Fixit and the Pirate - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - Poussins 3 - Tonton Jean et les pinguins - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - Poussins 3 - Tonton Jean et les pinguins - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Enthousiasmantes et instructives, les aventures de Tonton Jean sont faites pour ętre dévorées ! Thčmes Aventure Histoire danimaux Jeux et activités Enregistrement de lhistoire et du chant Vocabulaire illustré Allons vivre des aventures dans lAntarctique ! Des pingouins empereurs ne peuvent pas aller pondre leurs oeufs dans leur endroit habituel. Tonton Jean vatil pouvoir les aider ? Voilŕ une histoire drôle oů vous apprendrez beaucoup de choses sur les pingouins empereurs. Suivons Tonton Jean et les autres pour savoir comment ils vont faire pour permettre aux pingouins de pondre leurs oeufs. Contenus Lexique Les vętements Les éléments naturels La description physique la nourriture Structures Le présent de lindicatif Limpératif La forme négative (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - F - Poussins 3 - Tonton Jean et les pinguins - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 4 - Pepe y la corona + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 4 - Pepe y la corona + CD - Jane Cadwallader

En esta arriesgada aventura, Pepe y sus compańeros de la policía se enfrentan a... ˇlos fantasmas! Con una armadura intentan conseguir su objetivo ˇdetener a los ladrones! Temas Aventura Policías y ladrones Fantasmas Juegos y actividades lingüísticas Una grabación de la historia y de la canción Un diccionario ilustrado En esta arriesgada aventura, Pepe y sus compańeros de la policía se enfrentan a... ˇlos fantasmas! Con una armatura intentan conseguir su objetivo ˇdetener a los ladrones! Dos policías, Pepe y Eva, deben vigilar las joyas de un castillo. Se ponen una armadura para despistar a los ladrones, pero las cosas no salen como piensan. ˇVamos a ver cómo termina la historia! Sílabo Gramática Presente de indicativo (verbos regulares e irregulares) Verbo hay impersonalTener que infinitivo Ir a indicativo Pronombres Frases finales con para Frases temporales Adverbios de tiempo y de lugar Vocabulario Materiales Joyas Partes del cuerpo Describir un recorrid (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 4 - Pepe y la corona + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - Poussins 4 - Henri a un probléme éléctrique - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - Poussins 4 - Henri a un probléme éléctrique - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Avec Henri, les surprises et les suspenses ne se font pas attendre. Thčmes Aventure Policier Jeux et activités Enregistrement de lhistoire et du chant Vocabulaire illustré Henri et ses collčgues détectives vivent des aventures pour connaître le secret de Fabien le Magicien.. Mais ces derniers sont faits prisonniers ! Henri vatil ętre capable de les libérer? Vatil réussir ŕ résoudre lénigme? Contenus Lexique Les transports La nourriture Les sentiments La description physique Structures Le présent de lindicatif Le passé composé Larticle partitif (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - F - Poussins 4 - Henri a un probléme éléctrique - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 4 - Pepe y el apagón + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 4 - Pepe y el apagón + CD - Jane Cadwallader

En esta historia de detectives nuestro héroe Pepe debe resolver un misterio żpor qué hay apagones en la comisaría de policía? Temas Aventura Robos Misterio Magia Juegos y actividades lingüísticas Una grabación de la historia y de la canción Un diccionario ilustrado En esta historia de detectives nuestro héroe Pepe debe resolver un misterio żpor qué hay apagones en la comisaría de policía? Pepe y sus compańeros de la policía deben descubrir el secreto de un extrańo y famoso mago... ˇpero es un secreto peligroso! Pepe debe salvar a sus compańeros y resolver este misterio. żLo consigue? Sílabo Gramática Presente de indicativo (verbos regulares e irregulares) Estar gerundio Pronombres (sujeto, complemento directo y complemento indirecto) Demostrativos Frases relativas con que Frases temporales Vocabulario Alimentos, a la mesa Ladrones y policías Magia Describir personas (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 4 - Pepe y el apagón + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 1 - Granny Fixit and Yellow String - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 1 - Granny Fixit and Yellow String - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Ann is ALWAYS losing her things and her teacher is angry. But help is on the way! Granny Fixit and her piece of yellow string solve all her problems or do they? Tags Adventure Magic Games and language activities An audio recording of the story A picture dictionary Syllabus Vocabulary areas School, family and friends, the home, toys Grammar and structures Present simple Present progressive Imperatives Have for possession There is There are Can for ability Question words Where? What? Conjunctions and but Determiners this that a an a lot of (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Young 1 - Granny Fixit and Yellow String - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 4 - Harry and an Electrical Problem - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 4 - Harry and an Electrical Problem - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

When you have a problem and you dont know what to do. Just stop a moment and look around you. You might think your problem is as big as a house. But in fact it might be as small as a ... MOUSE! Tags Adventure Crime In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary In this detective story our reluctant hero Harry has to try to solve some breakins at the police station. Who is breaking into the police station? And why? Harry and his detective friends go on an adventure to discover the dark secret of a famous magician, but they get too close! Will Harry be able to rescue his friends? Will he be able to solve the puzzle? Syllabus Topics Transport, food, feelings, physical description Grammar and structures Past simple Past continuous Present perfect Going to Will Might Should Giving directions If will (1st conditional) So after (conjunctions) (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Young 4 - Harry and an Electrical Problem - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 4 - Harry and the Sports Competition - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 4 - Harry and the Sports Competition - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Harry is the very last person to volunteer for a sport competiton! In this story our reluctant hero braves golf and volleyball to come out tops (to everyones surprise!). Harry and his three friends are selected to take part in the Police Sport Competition. They arrive at the luxury hotel by the sea where the competition is to take place. Everything seems normal ... but something strange is going on at the hotel. Tags Adventure Crime Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary Syllabus Vocabulary areas Sports and leisure, time, clothes and materials, work, the world around us Grammar and structures Past simple Past progressive Present perfect Will ... Going to ... Tag questions Should Must Verbs infinitive ing form When clauses Adverbs (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Young 4 - Harry and the Sports Competition - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 1 - Katie, the Pirate and the Treasure - readers - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 1 - Katie, the Pirate and the Treasure - readers - Jane Cadwallader

Katie has some special friends Regazza the doll and Monty the mouse. They live in the Land of Forgotten Toys, the place where toys go when they are thrown away or are left forgotten in a toy box for a long time. One day Regazza and Monty go to find Katie. A pirate with a problem has just arrived in the Land of Forgotten Toys. Can she help him? This is a humorous adventure story about friendship and using cooperation to solve a problem. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Young 1 - Katie, the Pirate and the Treasure - readers - Jane Cadwallader

Young ELI Readers 3/A1.1: Uncle Jack and The Meerkats + Downloadable Multimedia - Jane Cadwallader

Young ELI Readers 3/A1.1: Uncle Jack and The Meerkats + Downloadable Multimedia - Jane Cadwallader

Six baby meerkats sad and far from home! Uncle Jack and the children come to the rescue!When Uncle Jack and the children find some homesick baby meerkats they decide to take them home to the Kalahari Desert. Getting there is easy in Uncle Jack’s balloon. But the desert is a dangerous place. Can they keep them safe? (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Young ELI Readers 3/A1.1: Uncle Jack and The Meerkats + Downloadable Multimedia - Jane Cadwallader

Young ELI Readers 4/A2: Harry and The Egyptian Tomb + Downloadable Multimedia - Jane Cadwallader

Young ELI Readers 4/A2: Harry and The Egyptian Tomb + Downloadable Multimedia - Jane Cadwallader

Harry and the Egyptian Tomb + CD audioAbout the series: The series Young ELI Readers is divided into four levels according to the language level of the readers. It's in line with the indications of the Common European Framework of Reference for Language and comprise useful language certification exercises. This ensures that learners will meet language and structures they have already studied or which are commensurate with their level, making reading an achievable, enjoyable and stimulating experienceStages:-Stage 1 (100 headwords) below A1-Stage 2 (200 headwords) A1 Starters-Stage 3 (300 headwords) A1.1 Movers-Stage 4 (400 headwords) A2 FlyersAbout Harry and the Egyptian Tomb + CD audio:Stage 4: A2 FlyersPlot:Two police officers, Harry and Emma, are sent to investigate an ancient Egyptian tomb where stolen gold is hidden. Harry is not happy and his mood gets worse whe he finds out that a young girl is going to be their guide. However, Harry and Emma go into the tomb of ancient Egyptian queen Nefertari, led by Chione. What dangers will they meet? And what will they find inside?The book contains five pages of exercises for revision at the end. An illustrated dictionary, placed on the inside of the cover, keeps the vocabulary the student needs within sight at all times. Fun cut out bookmarks personalize the book. Reading, speaking, writing and listening skills are fully practised and developed through exercises specifically designed for each skill. The text, either whole or partial, is narrated by native speakers on an Audio CD. The illustrations have been carried out by the most interesting of illustrators, with the conviction that visual ‘comments’ in the text aid the comprehension of a foreign language text. The Young ELI Readers compel the reader to fall in love with both the stories and illustrations. It's elegant book made up of fine details which surprise the reader: from the type of paper to the font chosen. This particularly clear and captivating design was created to guide the readers in the comprehension of the text and the execution of the activities.Syllabus:Grammar and structures: Present simplepast simple and progressivepresent perfectWill, going toinfinitive of purposeconjunctions: and, but, soclauses with before and afterprepositions: through, down, intolooks / sounds + adjectivesVocabulary areas: the world around us, feelings, food, materialsIn this Reader you will find:- Games and language activities- An audio recording of the story- A picture dictionary (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Young ELI Readers 4/A2: Harry and The Egyptian Tomb + Downloadable Multimedia - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 3 - Uncle Jack and the Emperor Penguins - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 3 - Uncle Jack and the Emperor Penguins - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Here are the Emperor Penguins as happy as can be. Theyre off to lay their eggs in a place far from the sea. They stay here all the winter as cold as cold can be. Until their babies hatch in a place far from the sea. Tags Adventure Social Issues Animal Story In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary Come on an Antarctic adventure! Some Emperor Penguins cannot get to the place where they go every year to lay their eggs. Will Uncle Jack be able to help them? In this hilarious story you will learn something about the habits of the Emperor Penguins and follow Uncle Jack and the others in their race against time to help the penguins to the place where they lay their eggs. Syllabus Topics Weather, food, physical description Grammar and structures Past simple regular and irregular forms Verb infinitive Verb ing Adverbs Can cant Must mustnt Question words what? why? who? Prepositions of place Comparative sentences Distributives every, all noun (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Young 3 - Uncle Jack and the Emperor Penguins - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Young ELI Readers 1/A1: Granny Fixit and The Ball + Downloadable Multimedia - Jane Cadwallader

Young ELI Readers 1/A1: Granny Fixit and The Ball + Downloadable Multimedia - Jane Cadwallader

Granny Fixit and the Ball + CD audioAbout the series:The series Young ELI Readers is divided into four levels according to the language level of the readers. It's in line with the indications of the Common European Framework of Reference for Language and comprise useful language certification exercises. This ensures that learners will meet language and structures they have already studied or which are commensurate with their level, making reading an achievable, enjoyable and stimulating experience.Stages:Stage 1 (100 headwords) Below A1Stage 2 (200 headwords) A1 StartersStage 3 (300 headwords) A1.1 MoversStage 4 (400 headwords) A2 FlyersAbout Granny Fixit and the Ball + CD audio:Stage 1: Below A1A hilarious adventure with Granny Fixit, a magic bag and a ball. This is a story about Granny Fixit and a boy who loseshis ball. There’s a skateboard chase through the town when a dog, a cat and then a squirrel take the ball. Can GrannyFixit get the ball back for the boy?The book contains five pages of exercises for revision at the end. An illustrated dictionary, placed on the inside of the cover, keeps the vocabulary the student needs within sight at all times. Fun cut out bookmarks personalize the book. Reading, speaking, writing and listening skills are fully practised and developed through exercises specifically designed for each skill. The text, either whole or partial, is narrated by native speakers on an Audio CD. The illustrations have been carried out by the most interesting of illustrators, with the conviction that visual ‘comments’ in the text aid the comprehension of a foreign language text. The Young ELI Readers compel the reader to fall in love with both the stories and illustrations. It's elegant book made up of fine details which surprise the reader: from the type of paper to the font chosen. This particularly clear and captivating design was created to guide the readers in the comprehension of the text and the execution of the activities.Syllabus:Verb tenses and patterns - Positive, negative, question, positive imperative forms and short answer forms including contractions:Present Simple (except negative questions), Present Continuous with present meaning (except negative questions), can/can’t for ability, requests and permission have got for possession Let’sSentence types - Simple one-clause sentences, Two clauses joined with and, but or or,Direct speech + noun/pronoun + say/askIn this Reader you will find:- Games and language activities- An audio recording of the story and the song- A picture dictionary (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Young ELI Readers 1/A1: Granny Fixit and The Ball + Downloadable Multimedia - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 3 - Tío Manuel y las suricatas + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 3 - Tío Manuel y las suricatas + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ˇPobres suricatas! Son muy pequeńas y están lejos de su familia. Tío Manuel y los nińos les ayudan a volver a casa.. Juegos y actividades lingüísticas Una grabación de la historia y de la canción Un diccionario ilustrado Temas Animales Aventura Amistad Tío Manuel, Jaime y las gemelas ven unas crías de suricata en una jaula. ˇQué pena! Lloran por su familia, que está en el desierto. Tío Manuel y los nińos vuelan en su globo y llevan los animalitos al desierto. Pero... ˇel desierto es peligroso! żQué aventura les espera dai leoni! Silabo Vocabulario Animales y naturaleza Tiendas y establecimientos Sentimientos Gramatica Presente de indicativo (verbos regulares e irregulares) Ir a infinitivo Tener que infinitivo Verbo doler Adjetivos posesivos Pronombres de complemento directo e indirecto Verbos serestar Verbo hay Ubicadores en el espacio (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 3 - Tío Manuel y las suricatas + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 1 - Abuelita Anita y el Pirata + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 1 - Abuelita Anita y el Pirata + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Esta es una historia sobre Abuelita Anita y el pirata Barbalarga, muy triste porque no tiene sombrero, ni papagayo ni cofre del tesoro. Temas Amistad Aventura Magia Juegos y actividades lingüísticas Una grabación de la historia y de la canción Un diccionario ilustrado Esta es una historia sobre Abuelita Anita y el pirata Barbalarga, muy triste porque no tiene sombrero, papagayo ni cofre del tesoro. Ahmed y Julia conocen, por arte de magia, al pirata Barbalarga. Está triste porque es un pirata sin sombrero ni tesoro... ˇpero Abuelita Anita está aquí! ˇQué bien! Sílabo Vocabulario Colores Números Muebles Gramática Presente de indicativo (verbos regulares e irregulares) Artículos determinados e indeterminados Verbos ser, estar y tener Verbo hay Indicar dónde están las cosas (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - Š - Infantiles y Juveniles 1 - Abuelita Anita y el Pirata + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Lectures ELI Poussins 1/A0: Mamie Petronille et le pirate + Downloadable multimedia - Jane Cadwallader

Lectures ELI Poussins 1/A0: Mamie Petronille et le pirate + Downloadable multimedia - Jane Cadwallader

Une histoire hilarante avec une mamie comme ou n’en fait plus !Themes :- Amitié- Aventure- Jeux et activités- Enregistrement de l’histoire et du chant- Vocabulaire illustréVoila l’histoire de mamie Pétronille, d’un pirate triste et de perroquets de toutes les couleurs. Quand Aurélie et Ahmed se retrouvent comme par magie sur un bateau pirate ils rencontrent Brigantin le pirate triste. Il n’a pas de chapeau de pirate, ni de trésor ni de perroquets ! Mais avec Mamie Pétronille dans les parages il ne va pas etre triste longtemps !ContenusContenu lexicalLes couleursLes meublesContenu grammaticalLe présent de l’indicatifLa forme interrogativeLes prépositions de lieu (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Lectures ELI Poussins 1/A0: Mamie Petronille et le pirate + Downloadable multimedia - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 3 - Uncle Jack and the Bakonzi Tree - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - A - Young 3 - Uncle Jack and the Bakonzi Tree - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

In the deep green forest what can you see? Ants and snakes and spiders and monkeys up a tree! In the deep green forest what can you do? Take photos. Climb up and swing from trees too! Tags Adventure Social Issues Spy In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary A nail biting adventure in the Rwandan rainforest with Uncle Jack, Jim, Daisy and May (and of course Grumpy the dog!). Can they save the life of King Kambogo? You will learn something about the Nyungwe Forest in this exciting adventure where Uncle Jack and the others fly off to Africa to look for a cure for King Kambogo. They dont realise but there are some bad men who dont want them to find the cure! Syllabus Topics Animals, nature, feelings Grammar and structures Past simple regular and irregular forms Verb infinitive Verb ing Adverbs Can cant Must mustnt Question words what? why? Prepositions of plac (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - A - Young 3 - Uncle Jack and the Bakonzi Tree - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - Poussins 1 - Mamie Pétronille et le ruban jaune - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

ELI - F - Poussins 1 - Mamie Pétronille et le ruban jaune - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader

Mamie Pétronille met la main dans son petit sac jaune. Questce quil y a dedans ? Oh ! Cest un morceau de ruban jaune. Thčmes École Magie Aventure Jeux et activités Enregistrement de lhistoire et du chant Vocabulaire illustré Aurélie perd TOUJOURS ses affaires et son maître est en colčre. Mais heureusement, Mamie Pétronille lui donne un morceau de ruban jaune pour résoudre son problčme mais le résoutelle vraiment ? Contenus Contenu lexical Lécole La famille et les amis La maison Les jouets Contenu grammatical Le présent de lindicatif Limperatif il y a Les adjectifs possessifs (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako ELI - F - Poussins 1 - Mamie Pétronille et le ruban jaune - readers + CD - Jane Cadwallader
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