Kniha - autor Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, 352 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From the New York Times bestselling author of Everybody Lies comes a data-driven book that debunks the lies we tell ourselves about how to improve our lives. One part Moneyball, one part Emily Oster, this book uses hard data and facts to break down cultural myths about self-help--from career choices to relationships to happiness--showing how the right data can lead us to make better, smarter decisions about how to improve our lives. (
Podobné produkty ako Don't Trust Your Gut (006323937X) , Gut&gunstig čistič myčky nádobí 250 ml (4311501745984)Bears With Benefits Trust your gut vitamin mit Apple Cider Vinegar sugarfree 60 ks obsahuje ocet fermentovaných jablek, který se tradičně používá v lidovém léčitelství. (
Podobné produkty ako Bears With Benefits Trust your gut vitamin mit Apple Cider Vinegar sugarfree 60 ks , Trust primo (21674)Koncentrovaný komplex vitaminů s jablečným otcem podporuje metabolismus a zlepšuje fungování střev. Napomáhá detoxikaci organismu. Receptura obsahuje vitaminy B6, B12, kyselinu listovou, jód a jablečný ocet, což je přírodní prebiotikum vyráběné z fermentovaných jablek. V lidovém léčitelství se používá tisíce let pro své všestranné účinky. Jablečný ocet má antimikrobiální a antioxidační účinky, efektivně tak detoxikuje organismus a zabraňuje kvasinkovým infekcím. Příznivě ovlivňuje metabolismus a stav střevní mikroflóry, vyrovnává překyselení organismu. Snižuje cholesterol, podporuje krvetvorbu a zlepšuje kožní bariéru. Některé studie naznačují, že ocet navozuje pocit sytosti, což může vést ke ztrátě hmotnosti. Zlepšuje celkovou pohodu zažívání a trávení. Medvídci jsou bez obsahu cukru a umělých přísad, doslazení přírodní stévií. Vhodní i pro vegany. Dávkování: 2 medvídci denně. Složení: sladidlo maltitolový sirup, želírovací činidlo modifikovaný bramborový škrob, prášek z jablečného octa, kyselina citrónová, prášek z červené řepy, prášek z granátového jablka, barvivo (koncentrát z mrkve a černého rybízu), přírodní aroma, rostlinný olej (kokosový a řepkový), sladidlo steviol glykosidy, leštící látka: karnaubský vosk, pyridoxin hydrochlorid, kyselina pteroylmonoglutamová, jodid draselný, kyanokobalamin Upozornění: Pro děti od 6 let.Skladujte v teplotě od 5–25 °C. Výrobce: Bears with Benefits, Schloßstraße 23, 82031 Grünwald, Německo (
Podobné produkty ako Bears With Benefits Trust Your Gut Vitamins gumoví medvídci s prebiotiky pro lepší zažívání 60 ks , Trust madell (21672)Bears With Benefits Trust Your Gut Vitaminy pro lepší zažívání & detox bez cukru gumídci 60 ks Koncentrovaný komplex vitaminů s jablečným octem. Bez obsahu cukru, doslazeno přírodní stévií. Vhodné pro vegany. (
Podobné produkty ako Bears With Benefits Trust Your Gut Vitaminy pro lepší zažívání & detox bez cukru gumídci 60 ks , Trust ziva (21953)A great reissuing of a classic children's die-cut picture book to tie in with Nick Sharratt's position as official illustrator for World Book Day 2006. Don't put your finger in the jelly, Nelly.You might upset a jellyphant!With a larger format and the best covers yet, this reissue will ensure the continuing longevity of JELLY, NELLY. (
Podobné produkty ako Don´t Put Your Finger In The Jelly, Nelly - Nick Sharratt , Trust rydo (24133)Everyone knows that regular exercise and weight training lead to physical strength. But how do we strengthen ourselves mentally for the truly tough times? And what should we do when we face these challenges? Or as psychotherapist Amy Morin asks, what should we avoid when we encounter adversity? Through her years counseling others and her own experiences navigating personal loss, Morin realized it is often the habits we cannot break that are holding us back from true success and happiness. Indulging in self-pity, agonizing over things beyond our control, obsessing over past events, resenting the achievements of others, or expecting immediate positive results holds us back. This list of things mentally strong people don't do resonated so much with readers that when it was picked up by it received ten million views. Now, for the first time, Morin expands upon the thirteen things from her viral post and shares her tried-and-true practices for increasing mental strength. Morin writes with searing honesty, incorporating anecdotes from her work as a college psychology instructor and psychotherapist as well as personal stories about how she bolstered her own mental strength when tragedy threatened to consume her. Increasing your mental strength can change your entire attitude. It takes practice and hard work, but with Morin's specific tips, exercises, and troubleshooting advice, it is possible to not only fortify your mental muscle but also drastically improve the quality of your life. (
Podobné produkty ako 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don´t Do : Take Back Your Power, Embrace Change, Face Your Fears, and Train Your Brain for Happiness and Success - Am , Herní židle trustIn today's connection economy, the most successful leaders inspire their people with purpose and meaning. Powerful corporate storytelling can mobilise people around an organisational objective in a way that a focus on market share never will. Be it a digital transformation or a diversity and inclusion initiative, corporate change needs the support of the people in that organisation in order to stick.Yet, while all stories can move people to take action, storytelling isn't a one size fits all. The most effective influencers learn to flex their narrative based on the audience's time or their level of expertise.A story that works on the stage doesn't work in the boardroomA story that works in the boardroom doesn't work in a team meetingA story that works in a team meeting doesn't work in a one-to-one conversation A story that works in one-to-one conversation doesn't work in sales...Anjali Sharma introduces leaders and ambitious influencers to the Who, Why and How of strategic storytelling in business, enabling them bring about change and drive corporate success by telling exactly the right story in the right way. (
Podobné produkty ako Strategic Storytelling: Why Some Stories Drive Your Success at Work But Others Don´t - Sharma Anjali , Syn gut tenisový výplet 200 m natural 130 (40448)essence Trust Your Intuition, 5 g, Paletky očních stínů pro ženy, Paletka pro líčení očí essence Trust Your Intuition vám otevře možnosti vytváření těch nejúžasnějších variací očního make-upu. Vlastnosti: odstíny jsou snadno kombinovatelné pigmentace je velmi intenzivní třpytivý i matný efekt metalický efekt pro denní i večerní líčení Složení: veganský produkt Jak používat: Nanášejte stíny na oční víčka štětečkem, pěnovým aplikátorem nebo bříšky prstů. (
Podobné produkty ako essence Trust Your Intuition paletka očních stínů mini 5 g , Syn gut tenisový výplet 200 m natural 125 (40447)Elastické gumičky do vlasů - Disney Frozen II Trust your journey Se sadou si jednoduše vytvoříte pohádkové vlasové kreace a postačí Vám gumičky ve čtyřech designových provedeních pohádky Frozen II. obsah: 4 ks (
Podobné produkty ako Cérda Elastické gumičky do vlasů - Disney Frozen II Trust your journey , Syn gut tenisový výplet 200 m černá 130 (40452)Stříbrný přívěsek 925 - kroužek, gravírovaný nápis, obrys pravidelného srdce vykládaný čirými blýskavými zirkony. (
Podobné produkty ako Stříbrný 925 přívěsek - kroužek s nápisem "Trust your wings", kontura srdce se zirkony , Polish your rusty englishNerezová láhev o objemu 540 ml s licenčním motivem. Láhev není vhodná do myčky nádobí a mikrovlnné trouby. (
Podobné produkty ako Wednesday Láhev nerezová - Don´t Care , Don't let go (1474601804)Jews Don't Count is a book for people on the right side of history. People fighting the good fight against homophobia, disablism, transphobia and, particularly, racism. People, possibly, like you.It is the comedian and writer David Baddiel's contention that one type of racism has been left out of this fight. In his unique combination of reasoning, polemic, personal experience and jokes, Baddiel argues that those who think of themselves as on the right side of history have often ignored the history of anti-Semitism. He outlines why and how, in a time of intensely heightened awareness of minorities, Jews don't count as a real minority. (
Podobné produkty ako Jews Don´t Count - David Baddiel , Gut & günstig sprej na trouby a grily 500 ml (4311536964244)Takes time out to consider: the madness of Galapagos tortoises; the similarities between Jeremy Paxman and AC/DC's bass guitarist; the problems and perils of being English God's dumbest creation; then there are the cars: whether it's the poxiest little runabout or an exotic, firebreathing supercar, no one does cars like Clarkson. (
Podobné produkty ako Don´t Stop Me Now - Jeremy Clarkson , Gut und günstig classic tablety do myčky 60 ks (4311501484951)Roy Grace, creation of the CWA Diamond Dagger award winning author Peter James, faces his most complex case yet in Dead If You Don't. Kipp Brown, successful businessman and compulsive gambler, is having the worst run of luck of his life. He's beginning to lose, big style. However, taking his teenage son, Mungo, to their club's Saturday afternoon football match should have given him a welcome respite, if only for a few hours. But it's at the stadium where his nightmare begins. Within minutes of arriving at the game, Kipp bumps into a client. He takes his eye off Mungo for a few moments, and in that time, the boy disappears. Then he gets the terrifying message that someone has his child, and to get him back alive, Kipp will have to pay. Defying instruction not to contact the police, Kipp reluctantly does just that, and Detective Superintendent Roy Grace is brought in to investigate. At first it seems a straightforward case of kidnap. But rapidly Grace finds himself entering a dark, criminal underbelly of the city, where the rules are different and nothing is what it seems . . . (
Podobné produkty ako Dead If You Don´t - Peter James , Gut und günstig čistič na sklokeramické desky 300 ml (4311536963988)Don't tickle the lion! You might make it roar... Little ones just won't be able to resist tickling the touchy-feely patches to hear each animal make a sound in this hilarious novelty book. At the end, readers will find all the animals being noisy at once. An exciting new series for babies and toddlers, from the creators of That's not my... (
Podobné produkty ako Don´t Tickle the Lion! - Sam Taplin , Trust nado - us (23746)Charlotte Nicholls can hardly believe it, but it seems she’s landed in paradise. Living in a cottage in a shady cove on the beautiful Bay of Islands, surrounded by the splendor of New Zealand, Charlotte revels in her new life. She and her nearly four-year-old daughter, Chloe, have started over, with the help of Charlotte’s birth mother, Anna, who has recently reentered Charlotte’s life after a twenty-six-year absence. Little Chloe is thriving in her new home, and despite lingering effects from a terrible trauma Chloe has suffered, Charlotte is hopeful that love will pull her through. And though their relationship is tentative, Charlotte and Anna are slowly rebuilding their trust after nearly a lifetime apart.But the horrors of the past—both recent and long buried—are never far from Charlotte’s mind. And then their idyll is suddenly shattered, as a series of events is set in motion that Charlotte can neither control nor comprehend. It will take all of Charlotte’s strength to keep her little family together, in the face of a world that will do everything it can to tear them apart. (
Podobné produkty ako Don´t Let Me Go - Susan Lewisová , Trust mila 2.0 (16697)As chosen by The BBC RADIO 2 BOOK CLUB and one of The TELEGRAPH'S CRIME BOOKS OF THE YEAR. 'An original take on a courtroom drama that puts the reader in the position of the jury. Superb character-driven fiction. Masterful' Guardian In London a young man stands accused of murder.All the evidence points to him; the police see an open and shut case.But at his trial, this man, who has tried tostay out of trouble all his life, tells an extraordinary story. It is about ayoung woman who tried to protect her brother and got into terrible trouble.It's about a young man who, in order to save her, entered a dark, violent worldhe'd avoided for so long.He now stands in the dock and wants totell you the truth. He needs you to believe him. Will you? (
Podobné produkty ako You Don´t Know Me - Imran Mahmood , Trust teza 4k (24280)You mustn't tickle the bear, or it might growl at you... but it's hard to resist that fluffy touchy-feely patch! This hilarious book has four touchy-feely patches which make a sound when you press them (bear, eagle, moose and wolf), along with holes in the pages and a musical finale guaranteed to get little children dancing. (
Podobné produkty ako Don´t tickle the Bear! - Sam Taplin , Trust bigfoot xl (23728)Don't tickle the hippo! You might make it snort... Little ones just won't be able to resist tickling the touchy-feely patches to hear each animal make a sound in this hilarious novelty book. At the end, readers will find all the animals being noisy at once. An exciting new series for babies and toddlers, from the creators of That's not my... (
Podobné produkty ako Don´t Tickle the Hippo! - Sam Taplin , Trust primo headset (21665)For the last decade, Carey Douglas has poured her heart into working for the Tripps. Now, with a new show, a book about to launch and a brand built on their marriage, the couple are on the verge of superstardom. There's only one problem: they can't stand each other. With disaster looming, the Tripps embark on their book tour and Carey is given the impossible task of keeping the quarrelling couple in line. Only this time she has a companion: James McCann, engineering whiz, know-it-all and enticing new addition to the team. While on the road, Carey and James vow to work together to keep their bosses' secrets hidden. But if they stop playing along - and start playing for keeps - they may actually have the chance to build something beautiful together . . . (
Podobné produkty ako The Honey-Don´t List - Christina Laurenová , Trust tytan 2.1 (19019)Charlotte Nicholls has a secret that haunts her. She and three-year-old Chloe have left their home and friends, and are now building a new life for themselves elsewhere. All Charlotte wants to do is to forget the past, to blot out what went before, and to look only to the future. (
Podobné produkty ako Don´t Let Me Go - Lewis Susan , Conception: in your multitude - cd (4050538787177)The first story collection from Kate Atkinson in twenty years, Normal Rules Don't Apply is a dazzling array of eleven interconnected tales from the bestselling author of Shrines of Gaiety and Life After LifeIn this first full collection since Not the End of the World, we meet a queen who makes a bargain she cannot keep; a secretary who watches over the life she has just left; a man whose luck changes when a horse speaks to him.With clockwork intricacy, inventiveness and sharp social observation, Kate Atkinson conjures a feast for the imagination, a constantly changing multiverse in which nothing is quite as it seems.____________Praise for Kate Atkinson:'Inexhaustibly ingenious' HILARY MANTEL'Simply one of the best writers working today, anywhere in the world' GILLIAN FLYNN'A brilliant and profoundly original writer' RACHEL CUSK'Atkinson is a novelist of unrivalled immediacy, authority, and skill' FINANCIAL TIMES'Atkinson has a plotter's mind: intricate, clever, satisfying' THE SUNDAY TIMES'One of our finest novelists' SUNDAY EXPRESS'Kate Atkinson is an international treasure: She creates characters with the ease of Agatha Christie, makes narratives out of mysteries and mystery out of narrative, and has written some of the most memorable scenes and dialogue I've encountered in the past decade' VANITY FAIR'I can think of few writers who can make the ordinary collide with the extraordinary to such beguiling effect' OBSERVER'One of the country's most innovative, exciting and intelligent authors.' SCOTSMAN (
Podobné produkty ako Normal Rules Don´t Apply - Kate Atkinsonová , How to murder your life (1785036068)vhodné do myčky nádobí Sklenka vína po náročném dni v práci je dokonalý relax. Se sklenicí na víno DON`T ASK 480 ml dáte celému světu jasně najevo, jaký jste měli den a sklenka Vám díky ryskám naznačí kolik vína bude potřeba. Ideální i jako vtipný dáreček pro kamarádku, kolegyni v práci nebo pro všechny milovníky vína a lehké nadsázky. (
Podobné produkty ako DON`T ASK Sklenice na víno 480 ml , Celeste: not your muse - lp (3579635)Charlotte Nicholls can hardly believe it, but it seems she’s landed in paradise. Living in a cottage in a shady cove on the beautiful Bay of Islands, surrounded by the splendor of New Zealand, Charlotte revels in her new life. She and her nearly four-year-old daughter, Chloe, have started over, with the help of Charlotte’s birth mother, Anna, who has recently reentered Charlotte’s life after a twenty-six-year absence. Little Chloe is thriving in her new home, and despite lingering effects from a terrible trauma Chloe has suffered, Charlotte is hopeful that love will pull her through. And though their relationship is tentative, Charlotte and Anna are slowly rebuilding their trust after nearly a lifetime apart.But the horrors of the past—both recent and long buried—are never far from Charlotte’s mind. And then their idyll is suddenly shattered, as a series of events is set in motion that Charlotte can neither control nor comprehend. It will take all of Charlotte’s strength to keep her little family together, in the face of a world that will do everything it can to tear them apart. (
Podobné produkty ako Don´t Let Me Go (Defekt) - Lewis Susan , Yes: open your eyes - cd (4029759148005)As chosen by The BBC RADIO 2 BOOK CLUB and one of The TELEGRAPH'S CRIME BOOKS OF THE YEAR. 'An original take on a courtroom drama that puts the reader in the position of the jury. Superb character-driven fiction. Masterful' Guardian In London a young man stands accused of murder.All the evidence points to him; the police see an open and shut case.But at his trial, this man, who has tried tostay out of trouble all his life, tells an extraordinary story. It is about ayoung woman who tried to protect her brother and got into terrible trouble.It's about a young man who, in order to save her, entered a dark, violent worldhe'd avoided for so long.He now stands in the dock and wants totell you the truth. He needs you to believe him. Will you? (
Podobné produkty ako You Don´t Know Me (Defekt) - Imran Mahmood , Bratz: flaunt your fashion - ps5 (5060528039031)Kelímek z kolekce Villeroy & Boch. Model vyroben z porcelánu. (
Podobné produkty ako Hrnek Villeroy & Boch Don´t talk to me , Bratz: flaunt your fashion - ps4 (5060528038430)Obraz na plátně s realistický zobrazeným motivem ve vysoké kvalitě dostupný v různých rozměrech. Moderní obrazy pro moderní bydlení a moderní interiér. Motiv v digitální kvalitě vytištěn na kvalitním plátně, které je natažené na dřevěném rámu. Plátno natažené i po stranách rámu vytváří na stěně neopakovatelný 3D efekt. Ekologický výrobek bez zápachu. Obrazy na stěnu, které Vás prostě inspirují. (
Podobné produkty ako Motivační obraz na zeď Don´t create limitations , I'm your man: život leonarda cohena ()Obraz na plátně s realistický zobrazeným motivem ve vysoké kvalitě dostupný v různých rozměrech. Moderní obrazy pro moderní bydlení a moderní interiér. Motiv v digitální kvalitě vytištěn na kvalitním plátně, které je natažené na dřevěném rámu. Plátno natažené i po stranách rámu vytváří na stěně neopakovatelný 3D efekt. Ekologický výrobek bez zápachu. Obrazy na stěnu, které Vás prostě inspirují. (
Podobné produkty ako Motivační obraz na zeď Don´t be afraid , Celeste: not your muse - cd (0856985)(
Podobné produkty ako Body Don´t wake the dreamer (Velikost: 74) , Make your bed: small things that can change your life...and maybe the world (0718188861)(
Podobné produkty ako Body Don´t wake the dreamer (Velikost: 92) , Trust gxt845 tural - us (22457)Šperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení . (
Podobné produkty ako Guess Pozlacené náušnice kruhy Hoops Don`t Lie JUBE01486JWYGGrumpy old women meet Bridget Jones in the continuing story of Marie Sharp, first met in the bestseller 'No! I Don't Want to Join a Bookclub' - perfect for fans of Jenny Eclair and Sue Townsend (
Podobné produkty ako No! I Don´t Need Reading Glasses - Virginia IronsideŠperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení . (
Podobné produkty ako Guess Pozlacené náušnice kruhy Hoops Don`t Lie JUBE01486JWYGŠperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení . (
Podobné produkty ako Guess Pozlacené náušnice kruhy Hoops Don`t Lie JUBE01485JWYGŠperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení . (
Podobné produkty ako Guess Pozlacené náušnice kruhy Hoops Don`t Lie JUBE01491JWYGT/UŠperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení . (
Podobné produkty ako Guess Nepřehlédnutelné náušnice kruhy Hoops Don`t Lie JUBE01498JWYGPKT/UŠperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení . (
Podobné produkty ako Guess Pozlacené náušnice kruhy Hoops Don`t Lie JUBE01491JWYGPKT/UŠperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení . (
Podobné produkty ako Guess Pozlacené náušnice kruhy Hoops Don`t Lie JUBE01491JWYGWHT/UŠperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení . (
Podobné produkty ako Guess Výrazné kruhové náušnice Hoops Don`t Lie JUBE01498JWYGT/UŠperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení . (
Podobné produkty ako Guess Pevný pozlacený náramek Hoops Don`t Lie JUBB01481JWYGSŠperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení . (
Podobné produkty ako Guess Pozlacené náušnice kruhy Hoops Don`t Lie JUBE01485JWYGŠperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení . (
Podobné produkty ako Guess Pozlacené náušnice kruhy Hoops Don`t Lie JUBE01491JWYGT/UŠperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení . (
Podobné produkty ako Guess Pozlacené náušnice kruhy Hoops Don`t Lie JUBE01491JWYGPKT/UŠperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení . (
Podobné produkty ako Guess Nepřehlédnutelné náušnice kruhy Hoops Don`t Lie JUBE01498JWYGPKT/UŠperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení . (
Podobné produkty ako Guess Pozlacené náušnice kruhy Hoops Don`t Lie JUBE01491JWYGWHT/UŠperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení . (
Podobné produkty ako Guess Pevný pozlacený náramek Hoops Don`t Lie JUBB01481JWYGSŠperky značky Guess jsou dodávány v originálním látkovém sáčku s logem značky. Krabička není součástí balení . (
Podobné produkty ako Guess Výrazné kruhové náušnice Hoops Don`t Lie JUBE01498JWYGT/U