CZECH BOOK of RECORDS- The Czech Book of Records in English- an ideal gift for your friends abroad, your guests, business partners, expatriates associations – a book representing the Czech Republic in the best of lights, as a country of creative people, the birthplace and home of many contemporary and historical personalities, architectural gems, inventions, sportsmen, works of art and „everyday“ heroes...Discover the skillful people and breathtaking countryside of the Czech Republic, catch a tantalizing glimpse of its monuments, castles and chateaus, astronomical clocks, marvels of nature and its many geographical and social superlatives. The book’s unwritten motto could say:All that the Czech Republic has to boast of!The goal in producing this impressive 200 page book incorporating nearly two thousand photographs is to send a positive message about the Czech Republic abroad. The Czech Book of Records has chapters dedicated to ecclesiastical monuments, saints and pilgrimage sites, sports legends, it introduces famous writers and record-breaking books. There are chapters on Successes of Czech Healthcare, Czech Contributions to the World, Handicrafts and Folk Traditions, UNESCO – Intangible Cultural Heritage, Music, Film and Theatre, World of Spas, Football, World of Cars, Easter, Christmas, Nativity Scenes, Around and About Children, Modelling, Quick Overview of Great Czech Personas and Rarities, Wine Growing and Beer, it includes unconventional records from various walks of life... as well as chapters devoted to the best each of the 14 regions of the Czech Republic has to offer.In a nutshell, the CZECH BOOK OF RECORDS is a selection of the most interesting Czech records and curiosities and an introduction to the attractions and beauties of nature the Czech Republic has to offer to those visiting her.Did you know the Prague Castle is the largest castle complex in the world? And that the said castle can be seen in the Pelhřimov’s Museum of Records and Curiosities – made out of 10,850 wooden sticks?The authors – Luboš Rafaj, Miroslav Marek and Josef Vaněk – have been running the Good Day Agency Pelhřimov and managing the entire area of Czech records for a quarter of a century. They authored and published four Czech Books of Records in Czech, they are running the Czech Records Database, they validate the various Czech MOSTs and in Pelhřimov – the town of records – run a unique Museum of Records and Curiosities.---------------------------------------CZECH BOOK of RECORDS- reprezentativní Česká kniha rekordů v angličtině- ideální dárek pro Vaše zahraniční přátele, hosty, obchodní partnery, krajanské spolky, prostřednictvím kterého představíte ČR v tom nejlepším světle - jako zemi činorodých lidí, která dala světu (v historii i nyní) řadu pozoruhodných osobností, architektonických skvostů, vynálezů, špičkových sportovců, světově uznávaných uměleckých děl i docela "obyčejných" hrdinů ...Poznávejme šikovné lidi a úchvatnou krajinu České republiky včetně památkových objektů, hradů a zámků, orlojů, přírodních podivuhodností a zeměpisných i společnenských superlativů. Objevte zemi v srdci Evropy. Nepsaným mottem knihy budiž slogan :Vše, čím se může Česká republika pochlubit !Smyslem vydání této reprezentativní knihy o 200 stranách s téměř dvěma tisícovkami fotografií je vyslat pozitivní signál o České republice směrem do zahraničí. Czech Book of Records obsahuje i stránky věnované církevním památkám, světcům a poutním místům, legendám sportu, představuje světoznámé spisovatele a knihy rekordmanky. Nechybí kapitoly: Úspěchy českého zdravotnictví, Co Češi dali světu, Lidové tradice a řemesla, Školy a vzdělání, Památky UNESCO, Hudba, Film a divadlo, Lázeňství, Fotbal, Svět motorů, Velikonoce, Vánoce, Betlémy, Děti a pro děti, Modeling, Galerie českých osobností a superlativů České republiky, Vinařství, Pivo, netradiční rekordy z nejrůznějších oborů ... a také kapitoly věnované tomu nejlepšímu ze všech 14 krajů České republiky. Zkrátka publikace CZECH BOOK OF RECORDS je výběrem toho nejlepšího ze světa českých rekordů a kuriozit ve spojení s představením krás a lákadel ČR i z hlediska turistického ruchu. Víte o tom, že Pražský hrad je nejmohutnějším hradním komplexem na celém světě ? A že v pelhřimovském Muzeu rekordů a kuriozit je k vidění tentýž hrad, ovšem zhotovený z 10 850 špejlí ?Autoři - Luboš Rafaj, Miroslav Marek a Josef Vaněk - zastřešují už celé čtvrtstoletí v barvách Agentury Dobrý den Pelhřimov celou oblast rekordů České republiky. Sepsali a vydali čtyři reprezentativní České knihy rekordů v rodném jazyce, vedou Českou databanku rekordů, ověřují česká NEJ... po celé republice a provozují v Pelhřimově - českém městě rekordů zcela ojedinělé Muzeum rekordů a kuriozit. (
Podobné produkty ako Czech Book of Records - Marek, Vaněk, Luboš Rafaj , Jazzanova: strata records - the sound of detroit - cd (bbe690acd)Reprezentativní obrazová encyklopedie českých NEJ… plná videí, rekordů a kuriozit. 1596 údajů, 2210 fotografií a 390 QR kódů, prostřednictvím kterých se můžete přenést na řadu míst, kde padaly nové české rekordy, nebo vidět ještě víc, než je v knize. Muzeum rekordů a kuriozit Pelhřimov představuje JEDNIČKY ve svých oborech, perly České republiky a vše, co vzbuzuje národní hrdost. Tisíce fotografií a údajů o úctyhodných osobnostech a pozoruhodných výkonech obyčejných lidí s neobyčejnými schopnostmi, o architektonických skvostech, obřích výrobcích, unikátních činech i legráckách z dílny českých lidí, novinky z Pelhřimova – města rekordů. Slyšeli jste o robotovi, který bez doprovodu projel stopem celou republiku? Víte, kolik váží nejtěžší zlatá mince nebo kolik lidí se účastnilo největšího společného přípitku? Tušili jste, že nejvyšší hořící hranice měřila přes 20 m? Viděli jste klobouk, pod který se vešlo 98 lidí? Zajímá vás, kdo je nejsilnější, nejohebnější, nej… Věděli byste, jaké rekordy drží legenda divadla Semafor pan Jiří Suchý, přední čeští youtubeři, módní návrhářka Blanka Matragi, herečka Jiřina Bohdalová či fotbalista Petr Čech? V novém reprezentativním vydání České knihy rekordů najdete kromě tradičních kapitol, jako např. Siláci, Hry a hračky, Svatby, Z kuchyně, Česká republika UNESCO, Film, Divadlo, Zručnost, Děti a pro děti, Hudba, Psi, Příroda čaruje, Rekordy z obcí a měst, Zlaté české ručičky, Lidové tradice, Patenty a vynálezy, Fotbal, Hokej, Auto-moto, Zdraví a zdravotnictví, Handicapovaní hrdinové,... i zcela kapitoly zbrusu nové, jako např. Masaryk, Expo DUBAI, 3D tisk, Pekaři a pečení, Rekordy na Sněžce, Akrobacie, Střelba, zbraně a vojáci… (
Podobné produkty ako Česká kniha rekordů 7 - Luboš Rafaj, Marek Miroslav , Jazzanova: strata records - the sound of detroit (2x lp) - lp (bbe690alp)Lipnice nad Sázavou, městečko s hradem na vrcholu kopce v malebné krajině Vysočiny, je magickým místem, které odedávna svou bohatou historií a atraktivním prostředím přitahuje umělce, nacházející zde inspiraci pro svou tvorbu, i návštěvníky, kteří do města a jeho blízkého okolí přijíždějí v hojném počtu. Celobarevná publikace Marka Hanzlíka a Zdeňka Rafaje „Lipnice nad Sázavou včera a dnes" zachycuje na historických i současných fotografiích proměnu městečka v běhu času, jak se změnila jeho tvař a obraz okolní krajiny. (
Podobné produkty ako Lipnice nad Sázavou včera a dnes - Marek Hanzlík, Zdeněk Rafaj , The little book of feminism (1849538441)Mimořádná kniha svého druhu přináší teoretické základy počtu pravděpodobnosti. Jednotlivé kapitoly pojednávají o rozdělení pravděpodobnosti, náhodném vektoru, funkci náhodných veličin, vybraných diskrétních rozděleních, vybraných spojitých rozděleních a limitních větách. Mnoho obrázků a grafů přibližuje tvary pravděpodobnostní funkce, hustoty a distribuční funkce popisovaných pravděpodobnostních rozdělení. 2. vydání (
Podobné produkty ako Pravděpodobnost - Luboš Marek , Placka death row recordsPrvní díl z jedinečné řady 24 audio konverzací, sloužící jako vynikající pomůcka pro turisty i profesionální pracovníky. Obsahuje 32 témat k snadnému dorozumnění, více než 500 konverzačních obratů s výslovností, samostudium formou poslechu a opakování. Dále dvojjazyčnou nahrávku rodilých mluvčích, základní informace pro turisty a mapu. (
Podobné produkty ako Czech Phrase Book , The lost book of the grail (1846884217)Puzzle z kolekce Luckies of London. Model vyroben z papíru a plastu. (
Podobné produkty ako Puzzle Luckies of London Broken Records 200 elementów , Wylde zakk: book of shadows - cd (0634164644925)Little Tibet is a name given to Ladakh, a beautiful region in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir bordering Tibet to the east and bearing its influence. In the shadow of Great Himalaya, Indus Valley is inhabited by people of Tibetan descent. The book is telling us their stories – narrating about the history of Ladakh, about present-day people, and, finally expressing wishes and visions for the future. So, here you will find fairy-tales and folk tales as well as Buddhist stories – along with the stories of people the authors met and who had stories to tell. For them, the past, the presence and the future merge into one entity. Finally, a reader will also find completely new stories that arose from the creative work of children in the Spring Dales Public School. Life is changing rapidly. Where yesterday there was not even a dirt track, dozens of cars flow along a new road today. Next to the houses made of clay new concrete buildings are growing up. All together the Stories of Little Tibet form a kind of collage, which in a new context could reveal the actual life of people in Ladakh and the tradition from which it stems. (
Podobné produkty ako Stories of Little Tibet - Aneta Pavlová, Luboš Pavel - Pavel Luboš , Tiamat's wrath: book 8 of the expanse (0356510360)From the Beatles to Beck, Sinatra to Sam Smith, a parade of era-defining artists have passed through the doors of the Capitol Records Tower, one of Hollywood’s most distinctive landmarks and home to one of the world’s most defining labels for the past 75 years. To commemorate this extraordinary history of recorded music, TASCHEN presents this official account of Capitol Records, from its founding year of 1942 to today. With a foreword by Beck, essays by cultural historians and music and architecture critics, as well as hundreds of images from Capitol’s extensive archives, we follow the label’s evolution and the making of some of the greatest music of the 20th and 21st centuries. Through pop, rock, country, classical, soul, and jazz, the photographic and musical history includes the label’s most sucessful, cool, hip, and creative stars, as well as the one-hit wonders who had their all-too-brief moments in the spotlight. Along the way, we encounter the likes of Miles Davis, Nat King Cole, the Kingston Trio, and Frank Sinatra in Capitol’s first 20 years; the Beach Boys, the Band, and the Beatles in the 1960s; global rock magnets Pink Floyd, Wings, Steve Miller Band, Bob Seger, and Linda Ronstadt in the 1970s; Beastie Boys, Duran Duran, Radiohead, and Bonnie Raitt in the 1980s and 1990s; and such contemporary stars as Coldplay, Katy Perry, and Sam Smith. An unmissable milestone for music lovers, 75 Years of Capitol Records is a live and kicking celebration of the mighty giant of the industry that created the soundtrack to generations past, present, and future. Contributors (
Podobné produkty ako 75 Years of Capitol Records - Barney Hoskyns, Reuel Golden , Galerie slávy – luboš xaver veselýHudební CD - Jak se berlínský produkční kolektiv Jazzanova ocitá při reimaginaci písní od kultovního detroitského vydavatelství Strata? Jak se berlínský produkční kolektiv Jazzanova ocitá při reimaginaci písní od kultovního detroitského vydavatelství Strata? „Nedokázal jsem si představit dokonalejší kapelu, která by tuto práci zvládla,” říká DJ Amir o Jazzanově a kombinaci DJů. Rok vydání : 2022 (
Podobné produkty ako Jazzanova: Strata Records - The Sound of Detroit - CD (BBE690ACD) , Guinness world records 2022 (1913484114)1. díl z jedinečné řady 24 audio konverzací, sloužící jako vynikající pomůcka pro turisty i profesionální pracovníky. Obsahuje 32 témat k snadnému dorozumnění, více než 500 konverzačních obratů s výslovností, samostudium formou poslechu a opakování. Dále dvojjazyčnou nahrávku rodilých mluvčích, základní informace pro turisty a mapu. (
Podobné produkty ako Czech - Phrase Book + CD , Map of czech grammar (978-80-85836-13-4)Puzzle z kolekce Luckies of London. Model vyroben z papíru a plastu. (
Podobné produkty ako Puzzle Luckies of London Rock Legends Broken Records 200 elementów , hunting music of old czech masters - cd (su4228-2)The Book of Symbols combines original and incisive essays about particular symbols with representative images from all parts of the world and all eras of history. The highly readable texts and over 800 beautiful full-color images come together in a unique way to convey hidden dimensions of meaning. Each of the c. 350 essays examines a given symbol’s psychic background, and how it evokes psychic processes and dynamics. Etymological roots, the play of opposites, paradox and shadow, the ways in which diverse cultures have engaged a symbolic image—all these factors are taken into consideration.Authored by writers from the fields of psychology, religion, art, literature, and comparative myth, the essays flow into each other in ways that mirror the psyche’s unexpected convergences. There are no pat definitions of the kind that tend to collapse a symbol; a still vital symbol remains partially unknown, compels our attention and unfolds in new meanings and manifestations over time. Rather than merely categorize, The Book of Symbols illuminates how to move from the visual experience of a symbolic image in art, religion, life, or dreams, to directly experiencing its personal and psychological resonance. (
Podobné produkty ako The Book of Symbols , Guinness world records 2017 blockbusters (1910561495)Be More Barbie! For generations, Barbie has inspired women around the world. From the first Barbie doll released in 1959 to the pop-culture moment and huge box office success of the Barbie movie in 2023. She has been a doctor, a lawyer, a pilot, an astronaut, even a president! With so much experience, she's learnt a lot along the way and is ready to share these gems of wisdom.Whether you need a pick-me-up, Dreamhouse decor direction, fashion advice or simply someone to remind you that you've got this, Barbie will always be there to offer a helping hand. Filled with fun, playful thoughts and philosophies, and inspired by her signature style, kindness and curiosity, Barbie Book of Joy is a guide to having the best day! (
Podobné produkty ako Barbie Book of Joy , Sylloge nummorum graecorum. czech republic. volume iv. the luboš král collection. egypt: roman provi (978-80-7036-687-5)LP vinyl - Jak se berlínský produkční kolektiv Jazzanova ocitá při reimaginaci písní od kultovního detroitského vydavatelství Strata? Jak se berlínský produkční kolektiv Jazzanova ocitá při reimaginaci písní od kultovního detroitského vydavatelství Strata? „Nedokázal jsem si představit dokonalejší kapelu, která by tuto práci zvládla,” říká DJ Amir o Jazzanově a kombinaci DJů. Rok vydání : 2022 (
Podobné produkty ako Jazzanova: Strata Records - The Sound of Detroit (2x LP) - LP (BBE690ALP) , In quest of history on czech statehood and identity (9788024642888)LP vinyl - V sedmdesátých letech založil George Harrison label Dark Horse Records. Kompilace obsahuje nejzásadnější nahrávky, které na labelu vyšly. různí umělci V sedmdesátých letech založil George Harrison label Dark Horse Records. Kompilace obsahuje nejzásadnější nahrávky, které na labelu vyšly. Seznam stop LP A1 Ravi Shankar - I Am Missing You (2022 Remaster) / A2 Ravi Shankar - Dispute & Violence (2022 Remaster) / A3 Splinter - Costafine Town (2022 Remaster) / A4 Splinter - Lonely Man (2022 Remaster) / A5 Attitudes - Ain't Love Enough (2022 Remaster) / A6 Attitudes - Sweet Summer Music (2022 Remaster) / B1 Stairsteps - From Us To You (2022 Remaster) / B2 Stairsteps - Time (2022 Remaster) / B3 Keni Burke - Give All That You Can Give (2022 Remaster) / B4 Henry McCullough - Lord Knows (2022 Remaster) / B5 Henry McCullough - Mind Your Own Business (2022 Remaster) / B6 Jiva - Take My Love (2022 Remaster) (
Podobné produkty ako Various: Best Of Dark Horse Records: 1974 - 1977 (RSD) - LP (4050538806953) , Orchestra of karel vlach, dance orchestra of rudolf antonin dvorský: czech swing music - cd (4600383268552)Leonard Cohen made his name as a poet before he came to worldwide attention as a singer and songwriter. This collection of his poetry was written in Montreal, Mumbai and during his retirement in Mt Baldy. (
Podobné produkty ako Book of Longing - Leonard Cohen , Iron maiden: the book of souls (2x cd) - cd (9029556758)Although it may seem incredible, while humans have only inhabited the Earth for 3-4 million years, before we did, dinosaurs walked this ground for 150 million years. So how could we forget about them? Discover the first dinosaurs that lived during the Triassic period, such as the Herrerasaurus or the Eoraptor, the immense long-necked herbivores of the Jurassic period, like the Diplodocus, and the great predators of the Cretaceous, like the Tyrannosaurus rex. Fascinující cesta do pravěku. Krásná, velkoformátová encyklopedie. Podívej se s námi zblízka na prehistorická zvířata. Přestože se to zdá neuvěřitelné, dinosauři brázdili naši planetu 150 milionů let zatímco my lidé tu žijeme jen 3 nebo 4 milióny let. Jak bychom na ně mohli zapomenout? Seznam se s prvními dinosaury, kteří žili v období triasu, jako třeba herrerasaurus nebo eoraptor, s obrovskými býložravými dinosaury s dlouhým krkem z období jury, a dále s velkými predátory období křídy, jako byl proslulý tyrannosaurus rex. Poznej, kde a jak ti to ještěři žili a čím se živili, seznam se se zajímavými nálezy zkamenělin a s jejich osudem, přečti si názory paleontologů, odborníků na dávnou dobu pravěku. Obdivuj nádherná stvoření druhohor prostřednictvím úžasných obrázků. (
Podobné produkty ako The Amazing book of Dinosaurs AJ , Iron maiden: book of souls:live chapter (3x lp) - lp (9029576087)Friends are an important part of every toddler's social life... and now, part of their first art collection!Friendships are among the most important relationships we have. Friends play, laugh, and share - and comfort one another in times of need. Here, for the first time, a collection of work by all-star artists from across the centuries and around the world celebrates the concept of friendship via paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs, and more. A brief, tender, read-aloud text accompanies each work, and the work's title and artist's name are included as secondary references. Guaranteed to educate and inspire. (
Podobné produkty ako My Art Book of Friendship , Ahome plecháček se jménem marek (23200)Little Tibet is a name given to Ladakh, a beautiful region in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir bordering Tibet to the east and bearing its influence. In the shadow of Great Himalaya, Indus Valley is inhabited by people of Tibetan descent. The book is telling us their stories – narrating about the history of Ladakh, about present-day people, and, finally expressing wishes and visions for the future. So, here you will find fairy-tales and folk tales as well as Buddhist stories – along with the stories of people the authors met and who had stories to tell. For them, the past, the presence and the future merge into one entity. Finally, a reader will also find completely new stories that arose from the creative work of children in the Spring Dales Public School. Life is changing rapidly. Where yesterday there was not even a dirt track, dozens of cars flow along a new road today. Next to the houses made of clay new concrete buildings are growing up. All together the Stories of Little Tibet form a kind of collage, which in a new context could reveal the actual life of people in Ladakh and the tradition from which it stems. (
Podobné produkty ako Stories of Little Tibet - Pavel Luboš , Štilc marek: má vlast - cd (up0180)Kniha - autor Harriet Dyer, 94 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A comprehensive and concise guide to the history, theory and big issues of feminism. Covers everything from the corseted rabble-rousers of the suffragist movement to the sharp-fingered bloggers of today. Part of the "Little Book" series. (
Podobné produkty ako The Little Book of Feminism (1849538441) , Various: the best of czech classics (3x cd) - cd (su3891-2)A lauded 'masterpiece' that tells with compassion and humour the story of Janusz Korczak, a hero of the Polish Jewish ghetto**SHORTLISTED FOR THE CARNEGIE AWARD**'Powerful . . . shattering . . . a masterpiece' The Times'Testament of love and sacrifice . . . a masterpiece' Joshua Ferris, Guardian'Transcendent and timeless . . . masterpiece' Washington PostAron is a nine-year-old Polish Jew, and a troublemaker. His mother despairs of him. His father beats him. He tries to be good. But in 1939, as the walls go up around the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw, as lice and typhus rage, families starve and fight, it is Aron who finds a way - however dangerous, however treacherous - to survive. It isn't until he lands at the feet of Janusz Korczak - orphanage director and reluctant hero - that he learns of something greater than survival.**With new exclusive endmatter, featuring a biography of Korczak and questions for book clubs**Biographical Notes Jim Shepard is the National Book Award-finalist and highly acclaimed author of six novels and four collections of stories, including Nosferatu and Like You'd Understand, Anyway. He lives in Massachusetts with his family and teaches creative writing at the historic liberal arts establishment Williams College. (
Podobné produkty ako The Book of Aron - Shepard Jim , The best of czech fairy tales (978-80-7340-184-9)They chose not to speak and now they are gone. . .What?s left to fill the silence is no longer theirs. This is my story, woven from the threads of rumour and legend.Jakub Rand flees his village for Prague, only to find himself trapped by the Nazi occupation. Deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp, he is forced to sort through Jewish books for a so-called Museum of the Extinct Race. Hidden among the rare texts is a tattered prayer book, hollow inside, containing a small pile of dirt.Back in the city, Frantiska Roubickova picks over the embers of her failed marriage, despairing of her conversion to Judaism. When the Nazis summon her two eldest daughters for transport, she must sacrifice everything to save the girls from certain death.Decades later, Bram Presser embarks on a quest to find the truth behind the stories his family built around these remarkable survivors.The Book of Dirt is a completely original novel about love, family secrets, and Jewish myths. And it is a heart-warming story about a grandson?s devotion to the power of storytelling and his family?s legacy. (
Podobné produkty ako The Book Of Dirt - Presser Bram , Pospíšil luboš: poesis beat - cd (su6738-2)From the author of the phenomenal bestseller The Keeper of Stories, comes an utterly beautiful and charming novel full of mystery and secrets waiting to be uncovered... Her new chapter starts now... Jo Sorsby is hiding from her past when she agrees to run her uncle's beloved stationery shop.Glimpsing the lives of her customers between the warm wooden shelves, as they scribble little notes and browse colourful notebooks, distracts her from her bruised heart. When she meets Ruth, a vicar running from a secret, and Malcolm, a septuagenarian still finding himself, she suddenly realizes she isn't alone. They each have a story that can transform Jo's life...if only she can let them in. The perfect gift for book lovers, The Keeper of Stories meets The Lost Bookshop in this gorgeous novel about secrets, second chances and finding friendship in the most unlikely places. Netgalley reviewers LOVE The Book of Beginnings! 'Another extraordinary read by the author of The Keeper of Stories.' 'What a gem of a book!' 'Everything about the story moved me.' 'I am in awe of Sally Page's writing' 'So refreshingly original.' 'You just have to read it.' 'A read cover-to-cover-in-one-sitting book that gives all the feels.' 'Wonderful, just wonderful.' (
Podobné produkty ako The Book of Beginnings - Sally Page , The book: a cover-to-cover exploration of the most powerful object of our time (0393244792)Because some doors should never be opened.New York bookseller Cassie Andrews is not sure what she's doing with her life. She lives quietly, sharing an apartment with her best friend, Izzy. Then a favourite customer gives her an old book. Full of strange writing and mysterious drawings, at the very front there is a handwritten message: This is the Book of Doors. Hold it in your hand, and any door is every door. Cassie is about to discover that the Book of Doors is a special book - a magic book. A book that bestows extraordinary abilities on whoever possesses it. And she is about to learn that there are other magic books out there that can also do wondrous - or dreadful and terrifying - things. Because where there is magic there is power and there are those who will stop at nothing to possess it. Suddenly Cassie and Izzy are confronted by violence and danger, and the only person who can help them is Drummond Fox who has a secret library of magical books hidden in the shadows for safekeeping, a man fleeing his own demons. Because there is a nameless evil out there that is hunting them all . . Because this book is worth killing for.Addictive, brilliantly written and utterly irresistible, The Book of Doors is the spell-binding, mind-bending, heart-pounding new adventure that is perfect for fans of The Binding, The Midnight Library and A Discovery of Witches . . . (
Podobné produkty ako The Book of Doors - Gareth Brown , Funko pop! star wars the book of boba fett - majordomo (889698686532)Astrology is more than just the 12 signs of the zodiac - it's a layered, multi-faceted tool for understanding ourselves and others. In this fascinating guide, you can discover what your sun sign says about you, who you are most compatible with romantically, and how you can progress in life with insights from the heavens above. More advanced ideas regarding aspects such as Mercury Retrograde, Moon Signs and other astrological terms are explained fully and permit the reader to begin their journey into this lifelong passion.• Descriptions of all 12 signs• Controversies about whether there is a 13th sign addressed• Moon signs and their significancePart of the beautiful Mystic Archives series, this ornate hardback is a wonderful companion for anyone wanting to align their life with the magic of the stars. (
Podobné produkty ako The Book of Astrology - Marion Williamson , Funko pop! star wars the book of boba fett - krrsantan (889698686518)A deeply moving and brilliantly idiosyncratic visual book of days by the National Book Award-winning author of Just Kids and M Train. More than 365 images chart Smith's singular aesthetic - inspired by her wildly popular InstagramIn 2018, without any plan or agenda for what might happen next, Patti Smith posted her first Instagram photo: her hand with the simple message "Hello Everybody!" Known for shooting with her beloved Land Camera 250, Smith started posting images from her phone including portraits of her kids, her radiator, her boots, and her Abyssinian cat, Cairo. Followers felt an immediate affinity with these miniature windows into Smith's world, photographs of her daily coffee, the books she's reading, the graves of beloved heroes - William Blake, Dylan Thomas, Sylvia Plath, Simone Weil, Albert Camus. Over time, a coherent story of a life devoted to art took shape, and more than a million followers responded to Smith's unique aesthetic in images that chart her passions, devotions, obsessions, and whims. Original to this book are vintage photographs: anniversary pearls, a mother's keychain, and a husband's Mosrite guitar. Here, too, are never-before-seen photos of life on and off the road, train stations, obscure cafés, a notebook always nearby. In wide-ranging yet intimate daily notations, Smith shares dispatches from her travels around the world.With 365 photographs, taking you through a single year, A Book of Days is a new way to experience the expansive mind of the visionary poet, writer, and performer. Hopeful, elegiac, playful - and complete with an introduction by Smith that explores her documentary process - A Book of Days is a timeless offering for deeply uncertain times, an inspirational map of an artist's life. (
Podobné produkty ako A Book of Days - Patti Smith , Harry potter: the monster book of monsters: it roams and chomps!A story for every bedtime - a collection of stories, poems and illustrations from favourite classic Puffin books and brand new talents. Perfect for reading aloud or reading independently at bedtime, this wonderful collection features brand new stories, poems and illustrations from well-loved and exciting new Puffin talent including Jacqueline Wilson, Malorie Blackman, Anne Fine, Jamie Littler, Jeremy Strong, Tom Fletcher, Sam Copeland, Ed Vere, Nadia Shireen and many, more!Plus, rediscover carefully curated extracts from Puffin's classic family favourites like Eric Carle, Beatrix Potter, Allan Ahlberg, Michael Morpurgo, Julia Donaldson and Roald Dahl. And with quotes and motivational pieces from brilliantly inspiring leaders, scientists and actors on their own big dreams there is something magical for everyone to enjoy.5% of the RRP from this book will go towards helping the National Literacy Trust continue their life-changing work - from carrying out vital research, to delivering transformational programmes on the ground. This includes Puffin World of Stories, a programme funded by Puffin which aims to give primary schools the tools they need to help re-vitalise their school library as a hub of creativity and imagination. (
Podobné produkty ako The Puffin Book of Bedtime Stories , A map of days: miss peregrine's peculiar children book 4 (0735231567)A deeply moving and brilliantly idiosyncratic visual book of days by the National Book Award-winning author of Just Kids and M Train. More than 365 images chart Smith’s singular aesthetic - inspired by her wildly popular InstagramIn 2018, without any plan or agenda for what might happen next, Patti Smith posted her first Instagram photo: her hand with the simple message “Hello Everybody!” Known for shooting with her beloved Land Camera 250, Smith started posting images from her phone including portraits of her kids, her radiator, her boots, and her Abyssinian cat, Cairo. Followers felt an immediate affinity with these miniature windows into Smith’s world, photographs of her daily coffee, the books she’s reading, the graves of beloved heroes - William Blake, Dylan Thomas, Sylvia Plath, Simone Weil, Albert Camus.Over time, a coherent story of a life devoted to art took shape, and more than a million followers responded to Smith’s unique aesthetic in images that chart her passions, devotions, obsessions, and whims. Original to this book are vintage photographs: anniversary pearls, a mother’s keychain, and a husband’s Mosrite guitar. Here, too, are never-before-seen photos of life on and off the road, train stations, obscure cafés, a notebook always nearby.In wide-ranging yet intimate daily notations, Smith shares dispatches from her travels around the world. With 365 photographs, taking you through a single year, A Book of Days is a new way to experience the expansive mind of the visionary poet, writer, and performer. Hopeful, elegiac, playful - and complete with an introduction by Smith that explores her documentary process - A Book of Days is a timeless offering for deeply uncertain times, an inspirational map of an artist’s life. (
Podobné produkty ako A Book of Days - Patti Smith , Nevermoor 02: wundersmith: the calling of morrigan crow book 2 (1510103848)Because some doors should never be opened.New York bookseller Cassie Andrews is not sure what she’s doing with her life. She lives quietly, sharing an apartment with her best friend, Izzy. Then a favourite customer gives her an old book.Full of strange writing and mysterious drawings, at the very front there is a handwritten message:This is the Book of Doors. Hold it in your hand, and any door is every door. Cassie is about to discover that the Book of Doors is a special book – a magic book.A book that bestows extraordinary abilities on whoever possesses it. And she is about to learn that there are other magic books out there that can also do wondrous – or dreadful and terrifying – things. Because where there is magic there is power and there are those who will stop at nothing to possess it.Suddenly Cassie and Izzy are confronted by violence and danger, and the only person who can help them is Drummond Fox who has a secret library of magical books hidden in the shadows for safekeeping, a man fleeing his own demons. Because there is a nameless evil out there that is hunting them all . . . Because this book is worth killing for. Addictive, brilliantly written and utterly irresistible, The Book of Doors is the spell-binding, mind-bending, heart-pounding new adventure that is perfect for fans of The Binding, The Midnight Library and A Discovery of Witches . . . (
Podobné produkty ako The Book of Doors - Gareth Brown , Penis nema usi marek dobry e knihaUnderstanding the human mind and how it relates to the world that we experience has challenged philosophers for centuries. How then do we even begin to think about 'minds' that are not human?Science now has plenty to say about the properties of mind. In recent decades, the mind - both human and otherwise - has been explored by scientists in fields ranging from zoology to astrobiology, computer science to neuroscience. Taking a uniquely broad view of minds and where they might be found - including in plants, aliens, and God - Philip Ball pulls these multidisciplinary pieces together to explore what sorts of minds we might expect to find in the universe. In so doing, he offers for the first time a unified way of thinking about what minds are and what they can do, arguing that in order to understand our own minds and imagine those of others, we need to move on from considering the human mind as a standard against which all others should be measured, and to think about the 'space of possible minds'.By identifying and mapping out properties of mind without prioritizing the human, Ball sheds new light on a host of fascinating questions. What moral rights should we afford animals, and can we understand their thoughts? Should we worry that AI is going to take over society? If there are intelligent aliens out there, how could we communicate with them? Should we? Understanding the space of possible minds also reveals ways of making advances in understanding some of the most challenging questions in contemporary science: What is thought? What is consciousness? And what (if anything) is free will?The more we learn about the minds of other creatures, from octopuses to chimpanzees, and to imagine the potential minds of computers and alien intelligences, the greater the perspective we have on if and how our own is different. Ball's thrillingly ambitious The Book of Minds about the nature and existence of minds is more mind-expanding than we could imagine. In this fascinating panorama of other minds, we come to better know our own. (
Podobné produkty ako The Book of Minds - Philip Ball , A comparison of 20th century theories of style (in the context of czech and british scholarly discou (978-80-210-5944-3)The legendary Keanu Reeves and inimitable writer China Mieville team up on this genre-bending epic of ancient powers, modern war, and an outcast who cannot die. (
Podobné produkty ako The Book of Elsewhere - Keanu ReevesFrom its founding in Florence in 1921 as luggage supplier to the elite to its modern standing as purveyor of cult accessories and couture, the house of Gucci is a titan of the luxury fashion world. Over the last century, Gucci's signature leather goods and decadent garments have elegantly combined the understated with the opulent, united under the covetable double G logo.Little Book of Gucci tells the story of the brand's beginnings as a luxury luggage and equestrian outfitter, recounting how the family overcame rifts and wartime hardship to be reborn as a giant of 1990s haute couture and, under Alessandro Michele's current stewardship, made its mark on streetwear and a new generation of fans. Over 100 gorgeously curated images showcase Gucci's edgy yet sensual designs, confirming its place as the most influential label of our times. (
Podobné produkty ako Little Book of Gucci - Karen HomerováLittle Book of Dior is the pocket-sized and beautifully illustrated story of 70 years of opulent fashion. Christian Dior's spectacular rise to the upper echelons of the Parisian fashion world is one of the most compelling stories of twentieth-century fashion. Dior's debut collection in 1947 invented the New Look silhouette and revolutionized the way women dressed, shopped and saw themselves. Recounting Christian Dior's early life, the brand's inception, the triumphs of the couture collections on the catwalk and the red carpet, and the fashion house's evolution under Christian Dior's creative direction successors – Yves Saint Laurent, Marc Bohan, Gianfranco Ferré, John Galliano, Bill Gaytten, Raf Simons and Maria Grazia Chiuri – Little Book of Dior is a stylish gift for any lover of fashion. (
Podobné produkty ako Little Book of Dior - Karen HomerováFirst man on the Moon Neil Armstrong reveals the adventure of the first Moon landing, and how the Earth and the Moon came to be, in this unique non-fiction picture book.A young boy sits up in bed and gazes at the distant Moon through his window. He wonders if, one day, a human will stand on its surface and look back at the Earth. But Earth is already being studied from the Moon. An all-seeing Moon rock of almost impossible age, called Bok, has been looking down at our blue and green planet for millennia.Geologists - people who study rocks - have a saying: 'Rocks remember'. During his time, Bok has witnessed some truly wondrous things. Created in the Earth-shattering collision 4.5 billion years ago that led to the formation of the Moon, he has seen stars burst into being and meteors streak through the solar system. He has seen his own Moon surface be transformed with craters, and he has watched a fiery, volcanic planet transform into the haven we know today - as mountain ranges rose up, oceans appeared and dinosaurs roamed the Earth.And he found himself rudely awoken one early lunar morning by a strange creature picking him up and throwing him into a box.That is how Bok and Neil Armstrong first met, and this is their (true) story. (
Podobné produkty ako The Book of Bok - Neil ArmstrongThe Book of Mehrin summarizes four yers of the project aiming to build the Moravian Jewish Museum in Brno. The history of the Jewish presence in Moravia spans at least nine hundred yers and is extremely interesting. In many respects it differs from that of the Czech Republic as a whole and is often closer to Vienna and Slovakia. (
Podobné produkty ako The Book of Mehrin - Martin ReinerKniha - autor Paul Wilson, 160 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Feeling stressed? Need some help to regain balance in your life?The Little Book of Calm is full of wise advice to follow and thoughts to inspire. Pop it in your bag or pocket and dip in to it whenever you feel anxious. Open it at any page and you'll find a path to inner peace. (
Podobné produkty ako The Little Book of Calm (0241257441)Harry Potter: A History of Magic is the official book of the exhibition, a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration between Bloomsbury, J.K. Rowling and the brilliant curators of the British Library. It promises to take readers on a fascinating journey through the subjects studied at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry – from Alchemy and Potions classes through to Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures. Each chapter showcases a treasure trove of artefacts from the British Library and other collections around the world, beside exclusive manuscripts, sketches and illustrations from the Harry Potter archive. There's also a specially commissioned essay for each subject area by an expert, writer or cultural commentator, inspired by the contents of the exhibition – absorbing, insightful and unexpected contributions from Steve Backshall, the Reverend Richard Coles, Owen Davies, Julia Eccleshare, Roger Highfield, Steve Kloves, Lucy Mangan, Anna Pavord and Tim Peake, who offer a personal perspective on their magical theme. Readers will be able to pore over ancient spell books, amazing illuminated scrolls that reveal the secret of the Elixir of Life, vials of dragon's blood, mandrake roots, painted centaurs and a genuine witch's broomstick, in a book that shows J.K. Rowling's magical inventions alongside their cultural and historical forebears. This is the ultimate gift for Harry Potter fans, curious minds, big imaginations, bibliophiles and readers around the world who missed out on the chance to see the exhibition in person. (
Podobné produkty ako Harry Potter - A History of Magic: The Book of the ExhibitionKniha - autor Steven Erikson, 666 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The first book in an epic, 10-volume fantasy is an enthralling adventure by an outstanding new voice. "A brilliant book! Exciting, inventive, intelligent--frequently funny"--David Drake. (
Podobné produkty ako Malazan Book of the Fallen 01. Gardens of the Moon (0765348780)eBook: Another volume of the Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Czech Republic project has been published by the National Museum in cooperation with the Czech Numismatic Society in the end of 2021. The catalogue presents the collection of Egyptian provincial coins, collected by ing. Luboš Král, a long-standing member of the Czech Numismatic Society. In total, 584 coins is represented in this volume including a small quantity of duplicates (always stuck from different dies). The core of the collection consists of Alexandrian issues; coins of the Egyptian nomes, which are quite rare, are represented by mere two specimens (nos. 583–584). The collection documents the coin production in Egypt from the time of Augustus till the end of the provincial mint in 295/6. The basic criteria for incorporation into the collection have been the quality and good state of preservation of the numismatic material allowing its further classification. The presence of coins of particular rulers reflects their occurrence on the numismatic market as well as different volume of mint production. It is most apparent in the case of coinage from Augustus to Caligula and later of Marcus Aurelius and especially Septimius Severus and Caracalla, showing considerable decline. The core of the collection (almost 65%) consists of 3rd century coins from Elagabal till the rulers of the first Tetrarchy. The collection illustrates also the restrain from multi denominational system consisting of tetradrachms and several bronze denominations. From the reign of Commodus on, only tetradrachms are present in this catalogue. Na konci roku 2021 vyšel další svazek edice Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum (Česká republika), jehož vydavatelem je Národní muzeum ve spolupráci s Českou numismatickou společností. Kniha zveřejňuje sbírku epyptských provinciálních mincí, shromážděnou dlouholetým členem ČNS ing. Lubošem Králem. V knize je prezentováno 584 ražeb, jen malém množství se zde vyskytují duplikáty stejného typu – vždy jde však o různá razidla. Jádro souboru reprezentují alexandrijské ražby, egyptské nomy jsou zastoupeny pouze dvěma kusy (č. 583–584), neboť se na trhu vyskytují jen vzácně. Sbírka se snaží dokumentovat vývoj mincovní produkce od Augusta až do zániku provinciální mincovny v roce 295/6. Základním kritériem pro ražby zařazené do souboru je jejich dobrá zachovalost umožňující přesné určení. Zastoupení panovníků ve sbírce odráží především četnost výskytu na trhu, ale zprostředkovaně i menší objemy mincovní produkce. Dobře zřetelné je to u mincí od Augusta do Caliguly, znovu pak za Marka Aurelia a především za Septimia Severa a Caracally, kdy je z hlediska známých typů zřetelný propad produkce. Jádro kolekce (téměř 65 %) tvoří ražby z průběhu 3. století od Elagabala až k panovníkům prvé tetrachrie. Sbírka rovněž dokumentuje ústup od více nominálového peněžního systému tvořeného tetradrachmami a několika bronzovými nominály – počínaje Commodem jsou zde zastoupeny již pouze tetradrachmy. (
Podobné produkty ako Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Czech Republic. Volume IV. The Luboš Král Collection. Egypt: Roman Provincial Coinage - Jiří Militký, Luboš Král - e-knihaTranslated by Yuan Shibing and J.J.L.Duyvendak. With introductions by Robert Wilkinson. The two political classics in this book are the product of a time of intense turmoil in Chinese history.Dating from the Period of the Warring States (403-221BC), they anticipate Machiavelli's The Prince by nearly 2000 years. The Art of War is the best known of a considerable body of Chinese works on the subject. It analyses the nature of war, and reveals how victory may be ensured.The Book of Lord Shang is a political treatise for the instruction of rulers. These texts are anything but armchair strategy or ivory-tower speculation. They are serious, urgent and practical responses to the desperate situations in which they were written.They have been immensely influential both inside and outside China. (
Podobné produkty ako The Art of War / The Book of Lord Shang (Defekt) - Sun TzuKniha - autor Judea Pearl; Dana Mackenzie, 432 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Correlation is not causation." This mantra, chanted by scientists for more than a century, has led to a virtual prohibition on causal talk. Today, that taboo is dead. The causal revolution, instigated by Judea Pearl and his colleagues, has cut through a century of confusion and established causality -- the study of cause and effect -- on a firm scientific basis. His work explains how we can know easy things, like whether it was rain or a sprinkler that made a sidewalk wet; and how to answer hard questions, like whether a drug cured an illness. Pearl's work enables us to know not just whether one thing causes another: it lets us explore the world that is and the worlds that could have been. It shows us the essence of human thought and key to artificial intelligence. Anyone who wants to understand either needs The Book of Why. (
Podobné produkty ako The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect (0141982411)Kniha - autor Daron Nefcy, Dominic Bisignano, Amber Benson, 256 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá (
Podobné produkty ako Star vs. the Forces of Evil: The Magic Book of Spells (136802050X)From bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris - a nugget of wisdom in the phenomenal Ladybirds for Grown Ups series. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Also available: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipste (
Podobné produkty ako The Ladybird Book Of Mindfulness - Jason HazeleyFrom bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris - a nugget of wisdom in the phenomenal Ladybirds for Grown Ups series. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Also available: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipster (
Podobné produkty ako The Ladybird Book Of Dating - Jason HazeleyAleksandar Hemon grew up in a blissful Sarajevo, where his childhood was consumed by football, his adolescence by friends, movies and girls and where, as a young man, he poked at the pretensions of his beloved city with American music, bad poetry, and slightly better journalism. And then at twenty-seven Hemon flew to Chicago for a month-long visit. A matter of weeks later Sarajevo was engulfed in an atrocious war and Hemon found himself an exile - he wouldn't return home for five years, and when he did, he found his city irrevocably changed. (
Podobné produkty ako The Book of My Lives - Aleksandar HemonAlberto Vargas took over Esquire magazine’s monthly pin-up post in late 1940. By 1942, when the U.S. joined the war, he had more than a million ardent enlisted fans who carried his pin-ups in backpacks and duffel bags as reminders of the American girls they'd left behind. When Esquire was charged with obscenity over a particularly spicy pin-up in 1943 the military stepped in to fight for The Varga Girl, declaring her necessary to maintain the morale of young fighting men. Today these wartime pin-ups are the most collectible of Vargas’s work. Find them all in this pocket-sized delight. (
Podobné produkty ako The Little Book of Vargas - Dian HansonONE MAN'S TRUTH IS ANOTHER MAN'S LIE. When big-shot literary agent Peter Katz receives an unfinished manuscript entitled The Book of Mirrors, he is intrigued. The author, Richard Flynn is writing a memoir about his time at Princeton in the late 80s, documenting his relationship with the famous Professor Joseph Wieder. One night in 1987, Wieder was brutally murdered in his home and the case was never solved. Peter Katz is hell-bent on getting to the bottom of what happened that night twenty-five years ago and is convinced the full manuscript will reveal who committed the violent crime. But other people's recollections are dangerous weapons to play with, and this might be one memory that is best kept buried. (
Podobné produkty ako The Book of Mirrors - Eugen Ovidiu ChiroviciThe crayons are back in this board book all about feelings from the creators of the #1 New York Times bestselling The Day Crayons Quit and The Day the Crayons Came Home!Everyone knows the crayons love to colour, but did you know that crayons have feelings too? Sometimes they are happy and sometimes they feel downright blue.From the creative minds behind The Day the Crayons Quit and The Day the Crayons Came Home, comes a fun board book to help young readers understand and express their feelings. (
Podobné produkty ako The Crayons´ Book of Feelings - Drew DaywaltSince first appearing in Action Comics No. 1 in April 1938, Superman has stood as the pre-eminent symbol of truth and justice. Captivating minds for over 75 years, the Last Son of Krypton has appeared in thousands of comic books, cartoons, TV shows, and movies. His tragic beginning led to a life as an outsider, fighting for his adopted home while securing his standing as humanity’s iconic protector and champion. With 192 pages of the best images of the Man of Steel and text by Paul Levitz, author of the Eisner Award–winning 75 Years of DC Comics, The Little Book of Superman is your definitive guide to the biggest Super Hero of them all. All DC characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics. (s15) (
Podobné produkty ako The Little Book of Superman - Paul LevitzAn essential vocabulary builder for young children, with around a thousand everyday words and pictures, arranged thematically. There are lots of things to spot and talk about in this large format board book, that is perfect for poring over together. With characterful and slightly nostalgic illustrations by Kate Hindley. (
Podobné produkty ako Big Book Of English Words - Mairi Mackinnon