Construction and detailing for interior design - drew plunkett

Produkt Construction and detailing for interior design - drew plunkett sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Construction and detailing for interior design - drew plunkett upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

Construction and Detailing for Interior Design - Drew Plunkett


Construction and detailing are vital skills for all students studying interior design and architecture. This new edition of this book allows each student the means to find and put into practice the appropriate solution to fabrication issues and also to express their own personal aesthetic. The relation of existing building shells to the construction and detailing of new elements is also explored. Practical tips are given throughout the book, the roles of consultants, manufacturers, suppliers and fabricators are explained, and theories of modern, sustainable approaches to interior detailing are discussed. The chapters are packed with professional, annotated drawings and explanatory photographs of techniques, materials and tools. Through these, the principles of sound construction are explained. This second edition includes revised diagrams to increase clarity, more on sustainability and more on services and lighting. Drew Plunkett is Head of the Department of Interior Design at the Glasgow School of Art. Since 1981 he has practised as an interior designer based in London and Glasgow. Plunkett is also active as an exhibitor, curator and critical writer. His published work includes a chapter in the book Four Studies on Charles Rennie Mackintosh and articles and reviews for Designers’ Journal, The Architects’ Journal, Blueprint, Magazine of the Mackintosh Society and Building Design. (

Podobné produkty ako Construction and Detailing for Interior Design - Drew Plunkett , Myphone hammer construction stříbrná (smartfon hammer construction srebrny)

Small Homes, Grand Living – Interior Design for Compact Spaces

Small Homes, Grand Living – Interior Design for Compact Spaces

> Na tento produkt bohužel nelze uplatnit slevový poukaz.Malé prostory? Nekonečné možnosti. Small Homes, Grand Livings vás naučí, jak proměnit nejmenší prostory ve funkční a designový skvost. Malé prostory jsou následky rozrůstajících se měst a centralizování. Nízký počet m2 ale není důvod, abychom nemohli žít pohodlný a plnohodnotný život. Nechte se inspirovat. Zkušení architekti a designéři vám ukážou, jak vyčarovat i z toho nejmenšího koutku prostorný úložný prostor. Lámete si hlavu nad tím, kam dát krásné křeslo, které jste dostali k Vánocům? Kam strčit kufr nebo bicykl? V této publikaci najdete odpovědi na všechny podobné otázky.Editor: Gestalten256 stran (

Podobné produkty ako Small Homes, Grand Living – Interior Design for Compact Spaces , Meguiar's detailing mitt (x1804)

Chair Anatomy: Design and Construction - James Orrom


A comprehensive design resource that reveals how the iconic chairs of the 20th and 21st centuries have been designed for mass production. Chair Anatomy reveals in photos and illustrations the form and the construction details – the anatomy – of a selection of nearly sixty chairs chosen from the last 160 years of modern chair design. It also introduces the designers behind these chairs, their backgrounds and their routes to creating the chairs. In reducing chairs to their constituent parts, the book gets to the heart of each design: how pieces are designed and produced to fit together; why a certain material imparts a certain quality; functional advance or comfort level; and how the chair’s structure can withstand stress while being elegant and economical to produce. In short, a chair is architecture in miniature. This revised and expanded edition features five new chairs, including the Hemp Chair by Werner Aisslinger (2011), Bruto by Konrad Lohöfener (2018) and Chubby by Dirk van der Kooij (2012). Each represents new technological, constructional and aesthetic solutions. (

Podobné produkty ako Chair Anatomy: Design and Construction - James Orrom , W drew peak pullover hoodie eu

Prague Interior Design Guide - kolektiv autorů

Prague Interior Design Guide - kolektiv autorů

Průvodce pro každého, kdo chce objevovat nová místa pro své vlastní příběhy. A ještě něco navíc… Pojďte s námi stránku po stránce odhalovat a obdivovat 50 nejzajímavějších současných pražských interiérů. Kavárny, galerie, obchody, hotely, restaurace. Zkrátka místa veřejně přístupná všem zájemcům o moderní design, který vznikl v Praze v posledních deseti letech. Výběr interiérů je vždy subjektivní, přesto jsme se inspirovali anketou předních osobností současného designu, architektury a teorie umění, které nominovaly svá oblíbená místa. Skvostné interiéry můžete obdivovat také díky autorským fotografiím KIVY, Moniky Hlaváčové a Zuzany Vernerové. Přijměte naše pozvání a račte vstoupit! Navíc zakoupením této knihy přispějete částkou 390 Kč na dobročinné organizace Dejme dětem šanci a Vojtěška. Podpoříte tak děti z dětských domovů při jejich začleňování do běžného života či pomůžete vybudovat multisenzorickou místnost pro děti se zdravotním postižením, tzv. snoezelen. Kniha je v anglickém jazyce. Video ke knize (

Podobné produkty ako Prague Interior Design Guide - kolektiv autorů , Famous detailing brush (ag-fb)

Interior Design Guide - Brno a jižní Morava

Interior Design Guide - Brno a jižní Morava

Jižní Morava, to nejsou jen vinice, dechberoucí příroda a její komplexní metropole Brno. Region ukrývá také spoustu architektonických skvostů a působivých vnitřních prostor. V této fotografické publikaci naleznete 50 nejkrásnějších interiérů z Brna a jižní Moravy z hlediska současného designu. Pojďte s námi objevovat kavárny, butiky, hotely, ateliéry, obchody, vinařství, divadla i další prostory, které, až na výjimky dané jejich významem pro konkrétní oblast či odvětví, vznikly na jižní Moravě za posledních 10 let. Vždyť architekti a studia netvoří jen interiéry. Tvoří nové světy, jejichž jedinečnou atmosféru zachycují fotografie Moniky Hlaváčové a Martina Zemana. Publikaci Brno & South Moravia Interior Design Guide, volně navazující na publikaci Prague Interior Design Guide, vydává a financuje společnost Authentica, s.r.o., společně se svými partnery TIC BRNO a Centrálou cestovního ruchu Jižní Morava. Veškerý výtěžek z prodeje na tomto e-shopu bude věnován ve prospěch dobročinné organizace Vojtěška, z. s. a dalších. (

Podobné produkty ako Interior Design Guide - Brno a jižní Morava , Ozobot bit construction kit (ozo-630402-00)

Givi E203 Interior Lining for the Bottom and Lid of OBKN37 Trekker Outback

Givi E203 Interior Lining for the Bottom and Lid of OBKN37 Trekker Outback

GIVI vnitřní obložení dna a víka (vložka) pro kufry OBKN37 TREKKER OUTBACK. Počet v balení (ks): 1 Barva podle výrobce: Silver Země původu: Vietnam Barva: Stříbrná Typ: E203 (

Podobné produkty ako Givi E203 Interior Lining for the Bottom and Lid of OBKN37 Trekker Outback , Marketing for small and medium enterprises

Givi E204 Interior Lining for the Bottom and Lid of OBKN48 Trekker Outback

Givi E204 Interior Lining for the Bottom and Lid of OBKN48 Trekker Outback

GIVI vnitřní obložení dna a víka (vložka) pro kufry OBKN48 TREKKER OUTBACK. Typ: E204 Počet v balení (ks): 1 Země původu: Vietnam Barva podle výrobce: Silver Barva: Stříbrná (

Podobné produkty ako Givi E204 Interior Lining for the Bottom and Lid of OBKN48 Trekker Outback , Meguiar's ultimate interior detailer (g16216)

Insiders & Company: The new artisans of interior design

Insiders & Company: The new artisans of interior design

> Na tento produkt bohužel nelze uplatnit slevový poukaz.Insiders & Company je kniha, která vám přiblíží moderní řemeslo, které v žádném případě není zapomenuto. Mnoho lidí začalo přicházet na to, že je mnohem lepší ruční výroba, která vydrží dlouhé časy – však za starých časů tomu nebylo jinak! Seznamte se tedy s řemeslníky a designéry, kteří spojují tradiční procesy a moderní materiály, aby předefinovali moderní standart, s ohlédnutím na minulost. Zlaté staré časy!272 stran v Anglickom jazyku (

Podobné produkty ako Insiders & Company: The new artisans of interior design , Meguiar's quik interior detailer (g13616)

High on Living: Residential Architecture & Interior Design - Ralf Daab


High on Living - Residential Architecture and Interior Design" presents livable spaces that are functional, aesthetic, and sustainable. They integrate various styles, materials, and technologies to create personalized spaces that reflect the tastes and lifestyles of their occupants. Whether in the vast landscapes of Scandinavia, the majestic Alps, the southern European coasts, or the rugged beauty of the American desert, the projects featured here are captivating examples of how architecture and interior design are crafted with a sense of belonging. They impressively demonstrate how architects and interior designers incorporate the unique conditions and characteristics of a region into their plans. The living spaces express a deep connection to the environment and culture that surrounds them. They are works of art that capture the soul of the region and remind us of how man and nature can coexist in harmony. (

Podobné produkty ako High on Living: Residential Architecture & Interior Design - Ralf Daab , Foliatec interior color spray - bezbarvý (2008)

Givi E201 Interior Lining for the Bottom and Lid of OBKN58 Trekker Outback/Trekker Alaska 56

Givi E201 Interior Lining for the Bottom and Lid of OBKN58 Trekker Outback/Trekker Alaska 56

GIVI vnitřní obložení dna a víka (vložka) pro kufry OBKN58 TREKKER OUTBACK / ALA56 TREKKER ALASKA. Typ: E201 Počet v balení (ks): 1 Země původu: Vietnam Barva podle výrobce: Silver Barva: Stříbrná (

Podobné produkty ako Givi E201 Interior Lining for the Bottom and Lid of OBKN58 Trekker Outback/Trekker Alaska 56 , Meguiar's quik interior detailer wipes (g13600)

Givi E202 Interior Lining for the Bottom and Lid of OBKN42 Trekker Outback/Trekker Alaska 56

Givi E202 Interior Lining for the Bottom and Lid of OBKN42 Trekker Outback/Trekker Alaska 56

GIVI vnitřní obložení dna a víka (vložka) pro kufry OBKN42 TREKKER OUTBACK / ALA44 TREKKER ALASKA. Barva: Stříbrná Země původu: Vietnam Barva podle výrobce: Silver Typ: E202 Počet v balení (ks): 1 (

Podobné produkty ako Givi E202 Interior Lining for the Bottom and Lid of OBKN42 Trekker Outback/Trekker Alaska 56 , Foliatec interior color spray - bílá (2001)

Futurekind: Design by and for the People - Robert Phillips


Manual and manifesto, an inspiration and a call-to-arms, this rich and timely survey presents over 60 innovative, socially and environmentally conscious design projects changing the world for the better Improving lives is no longer the role only of governments and experts: enabled by the latest technologies, anyone can help to design and create products for the social and environmental good. Part manual, part manifesto, part call-to-arms, Futurekind presents more than 60 world-changing projects that, through a process of collaboration between communities and designers, are shaping a better future for us all. Contents List Introduction • 1. Civic Empowerment • 2. Health • 3. Environment + Sustainability 4. Accessible Design • 5. Education • 6. Economic Empowerment • 7. Access to Knowledge • 8. Community Engagement (

Podobné produkty ako Futurekind: Design by and for the People - Robert Phillips , Foliatec interior color spray - červená (2006)

Futurekind: Design by and for the People (Defekt) - Robert Phillips


Manual and manifesto, an inspiration and a call-to-arms, this rich and timely survey presents over 60 innovative, socially and environmentally conscious design projects changing the world for the better Improving lives is no longer the role only of governments and experts: enabled by the latest technologies, anyone can help to design and create products for the social and environmental good. Part manual, part manifesto, part call-to-arms, Futurekind presents more than 60 world-changing projects that, through a process of collaboration between communities and designers, are shaping a better future for us all. Contents List Introduction • 1. Civic Empowerment • 2. Health • 3. Environment + Sustainability 4. Accessible Design • 5. Education • 6. Economic Empowerment • 7. Access to Knowledge • 8. Community Engagement (

Podobné produkty ako Futurekind: Design by and for the People (Defekt) - Robert Phillips , Bosch sada vrtaku hex 9 multi construction 5ks 2608589530

Jaromír Funke - Between Construction and Emotion - Antonín Dufek


The first large-scale monograph on this internationally renowned photographer. Jaromír Funke (1896-1945) was a innovator of modern photography, just like Jaroslav Rössler, Man Ray, László Moholy-Nagy, Albert Renger-Patzsch, Aleksander Rodchenko, Paul Strand, and Edward Weston, to name but a few. Like them, Funke set out (in 1922) on the road towards abstraction, which would eventually lead him to his own particular "ism” - photogenism. Funke also responded to Cubism and created exemplary works of the New Objectivity and Constructivism, but he stood closest to Bauhaus. During the 1920s, he was one of the first to adopt irrational approaches such as Poetism and Surrealism. In the second half of the 1930s, Funke established his "emotional photography” on the basis of Breton's notion of the magic encounter. He was a typical universally educated intellectual of his era. This book focuses primarily on the ideas that shaped and transformed Funke's work, while placing it within the context of European avant-garde photography and culture, of which he was a pioneer. The book was prepared in cooperation with Jaromír Funke's daughter Miloslava Rupešová. (

Podobné produkty ako Jaromír Funke - Between Construction and Emotion - Antonín Dufek , Meguiar's quik interior detailer 3,78 l (d14901)

Backyard Blueprints: Design, furniture and plants for a small garden - David Stevens


Every house in the world has a backyard, a vital outdoor space where life happens. In this book the author shows you how to make the most of the area and create a haven of peace (or fun) that is right for you and your lifestyle. The backyard makes an important link between the house and the wider garden or may constitute the whole garden. Even if the house walls cast shadows for most of the day and the soil is poor, this book has masses of tricks for bringing the space alive with plants and turning it into a green paradise. First impressions count and the backyard may well have a high proportion of “hard landscape”, or paving of various kinds, which may take the lion’s share of the budget. This makes sound planning and clever use of space especially important. This book shows how to get the area right without expensive changes of mind and with future needs planned. (

Podobné produkty ako Backyard Blueprints: Design, furniture and plants for a small garden - David Stevens , Foliatec interior color spray - černá matná (2002)

Choosing and Using Paper for Great Graphic Design - Mark Hampshire, Keith Stephenson


A must-have reference for using paper and print finishes in design workIn the world of print, paper choice influences every design project and designers often complain about the lack of genuinely good reference material for projects requiring a strong design input. Choosing and Using Paper for Great Graphic Design fills this gap. Case studies detail how the paper was chosen, the innovative treatments applied (folding, binding, cutting, embossing, printing, etc), and why they make the piece successful. By highlighting what was made possible through the paper choice, and how it affected the final design, this guide shows how paper influences and enhances graphic design and explains how to choose and use the right paper for the job. It explains how to turn ideas into reality.A primary resource to inspire original creative thought, it showcases the very best designs created through the ingenious and groundbreaking use of paper and printing techniques. (

Podobné produkty ako Choosing and Using Paper for Great Graphic Design - Mark Hampshire, Keith Stephenson , Foliatec interior color spray - černá lesklá (2003)

Plunkett & Macleane (DVD)

Plunkett & Macleane (DVD)

DVD film Plunkett & Macleane [1999]. Český dabing. České titulky. Dolby Digital. Hrají: Jonny Lee Miller, Robert Carlyle. Bohatým berou a chudým nedávají. Zkrachovalý lékárník Will Plunkett a zchudlý důstojník James Macleane se dají dohromady a s pomocí svých známostí proniknou do nejvyšších vrstev, kde začnou loupit ve velkém. Jejich galntní chování k obětem jim přinese značnou slávu a pozornost. Povedené kousky těchto lupičů však záhy vzbudí až příliš velký rozruch, a tak britský parlament rozhodne, že je nutno polapit je za každou cenu. (

Podobné produkty ako Plunkett & Macleane (DVD) , Sure interior&surface cleaner 1 l (7615400191338)

Nature Inside: Plants and Flowers in the Modern Interior - Penny Sparke


The story of how plants and flowers have shaped interior design for over 200 years From ferns in 19th-century British parlors to contemporary 'living walls' in commercial spaces, plants and flowers have long been incorporated into the design of public and private spaces. Spanning two centuries, Nature Inside explores the history and popularity of indoor plants, revealing the close relationship between architecture, interior design, and nature. Studying the international modern interior through the lens of plants in the human environment, author Penny Sparke attributes a degree of the interest in indoor plants to urbanization, and, more recently, the climate crisis, which serve as ongoing reminders that people must maintain a connection to, and respect for, the natural world. While architectural and interior design styles have evolved alongside the popularity of various plant species, the human need to bring nature indoors has remained constant. (

Podobné produkty ako Nature Inside: Plants and Flowers in the Modern Interior - Penny Sparke , Bogza l.a.: songs for voice and piano - cd (up0172)

Syntactic and FSP Aspects of the Existential Construction in Norwegian - Pavel Dubec


Monografie Syntactic and FSP Aspects of the Existential Construction in Norwegian demonstruje aplikaci Firbasovy teorie aktuálního členění na norských psaných textech a zkoumá norskou existenciální konstrukci („presenteringskonstruksjonen“) z hlediska syntaxe, statické sémantiky, dynamické sémantiky a aktuálního členění větného. (

Podobné produkty ako Syntactic and FSP Aspects of the Existential Construction in Norwegian - Pavel Dubec , Various: sonatas for violin and piano - cd (cq0059-2)

Interior Chinatown


A deeply personal novel about race, pop culture, immigration, assimilation, and escaping the roles we are forced to play.Willis Wu doesn't perceive himself as the protagonist in his own life: he's merely Generic Asian Man. Sometimes he gets to be Background Oriental Making or even Disgraced Son, but always he is relegated to a prop. Yet every day, he leaves his tiny room in Chinatown and enters the Golden Palace restaurant where Black and White, a procedural cop show, is in perpetual production. He's a bit player here, too, but he dreams of being Kung Fu Guy-the most respected role that anyone who looks like him can attain. Or is it?After stumbling into the spotlight, Willis finds himself launched into a wider world than he's ever known, discovering not only the secret history of Chinatown, but also the buried legacy of his own family. Infinitely inventive and deeply personal, Interior Chinatown is Charles Yu's most moving, daring, and masterful novel yet. (

Podobné produkty ako Interior Chinatown , Meguiar's detailing swabs - sada 20 ks pěnových detailingových tyčinek (g301)

Syntactic and FSP Aspects of the Existential Construction in Norwegian - Pavel Dubec - e-kniha

Syntactic and FSP Aspects of the Existential Construction in Norwegian - Pavel Dubec - e-kniha

eBook:,Monografie Syntactic and FSP Aspects of the Existential Construction in Norwegian demonstruje aplikaci Firbasovy teorie aktuálního členění na norských psaných textech a zkoumá norskou existenciální konstrukci („presenteringskonstruksjonen“) z hlediska syntaxe, statické sémantiky, dynamické sémantiky a aktuálního členění větného. (

Podobné produkty ako Syntactic and FSP Aspects of the Existential Construction in Norwegian - Pavel Dubec - e-kniha , Meguiar's quik interior detailer bottle, 946 ml (d20149)

Fashion Bags and Purses (Design and Make) - Christina Brodie


This book contains a range of beautiful bag designs, which can be easily made from cheap and accessible components. Each of these designs is elegant and striking, ranging from the chic and elegant feather purse to the funky exotic fabrics bag. Each project is set out in a simple and straightforward way, starting with an image of the finished piece, listing the supplies you will need and the tools required, then following with an illustrated making sequence. Even absolute beginners can confidently and successfully tackle all the projects. The final section is packed with design ideas, enabling you to take your new skills further, and it also contains helpful pattern making advice and patterns to follow. Projects include: * City-girl's daily commuter combat bag - all the compartments you need for iPod, mobile phone, make-up, keys and purse as well as a no-dip-zip, stylish buckles, adjustable shoulder strap and an undercarriage separate zipped compartment for yoga/gym gear or going out shoes for the evening. * Yummy Mummy bag in strong, brightly-printed fabric with loads of compartments. * Pendant Purse * Exotic Fabric Bag * Patchwork Tote * Feather Purse (

Podobné produkty ako Fashion Bags and Purses (Design and Make) - Christina Brodie , Leather & vinyl interior scrub brush (ht-vlb-1)

The School for Good and Evil (The School for Good and Evil, Book 1) - Soman Chainani


THE SCHOOL FOR GOOD AND EVIL will soon be a major motion picture from Netflix, starring Academy Award winner Charlize Theron, Kerry Washington, Laurence Fishburne, Michelle Yeoh, Cate Blanchett, and many more! A beautiful Collector's Edition of the first in the bestselling School for Good and Evil series - perfect for gifting! Best friends Sophie and Agatha have been chosen to be students at the fabled School for Good and Evil, where ordinary boys and girls are trained to become fairy-tale heroes and villains. One will train for Good, taking classes in Princess Etiquette and Animal Communication. One will become Evil's new hope: learning Uglification and Death Curses.Sophie and Agatha think they know where they belong, but when they are swept into the Endless Woods, they're switched into the opposite schools. Together they'll discover who they really are and what they are capable of. Because the only way out of a fairy tale .. . is to live through it. (

Podobné produkty ako The School for Good and Evil (The School for Good and Evil, Book 1) - Soman Chainani , Legal english and its lexical and grammatical structure for czech lawyers and translators (978-80-759-8584-2)

Andy Warhol. Love, Sex, and Desire. Drawings 1950–1962 - Blake Gopnik, Michael Dayton Hermann, Drew Zeiba


Well before Andy Warhol's rise to the pinnacle of Pop Art, he created and exhibited seductive drawings celebrating male beauty. Andy Warhol Love, Sex, & Desire: Drawings 1950-1962 features over three hundred drawings rendered primarily in ink on paper portraying young men, many of them nude, some sexually charged, and occasionally adorned with whimsical black hearts and delightful embellishments. They lounge or preen, proud of or even bored by their beauty, while the artist sketches them, rapt. They rarely engage with their keen observer, and likewise Warhol's focus is on their form, their erotic qualities, and unbridled sexuality. If his subjects are content to revel in their attractiveness, so too is Warhol. His confident hand illustrates a multitude of colorful characters, yet also reveals much about this enigmatic artist.Warhol was already a booming commercial illustrator when he exhibited studies from this body of work at the Bodley Gallery on New York's Upper East Side in 1956.He mistakenly saw these illustrations as his way of breaking into the New York art scene, underestimating the pervading homophobia of the time. While he never saw through his plan to publish the drawings as a monograph, he did produce more than a thousand elegant, seemingly effortless drawings from life. This volume finally brings his project to fruition by gathering his most striking images, published here for the first time in a comprehensive book and chosen by the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. Edited and featuring an introduction by the Foundation's Michael Dayton Hermann, and essays by Warhol biographer Blake Gopnik and art critic Drew Zeiba. The inclusion of poems by James Baldwin, Thom Gunn, Harold Norse, Essex Hemphill and Allen Ginsberg create moments of introspection, which expand on the themes and moods present in the drawings.In style, the drawings evoke the sketches of Jean Cocteau and even Matisse: highly distilled and sure of line, yet loose. The sly voyeurism, meanwhile, is entirely Warhol's own, and even the most risque drawings contain a kind of droll humor-a sense of ironic detachment-that would become a Warhol trademark. His confident hand illustrates a multitude of colorful characters, yet also reveals much about this enigmatic artist. (

Podobné produkty ako Andy Warhol. Love, Sex, and Desire. Drawings 1950–1962 - Blake Gopnik, Michael Dayton Hermann, Drew Zeiba , Legal english and its lexical and grammatical structure: for czech lawyers and translators (978-80-7598-584-2)

Džbán s šálkem Affek Design Tea for one

Džbán s šálkem Affek Design Tea for one

Džbán se šálkem z kolekce Affek Design. Model vyroben ze skla. (

Podobné produkty ako Džbán s šálkem Affek Design Tea for one , Quick, easy and healthy recipes for busy moms and dads (978-80-896-4613-5)

Meguiar's Detailing Mitt (X1804)

Meguiar's Detailing Mitt (X1804)

Houba na auto - Meguiar's Detailing Mitt je špičková a extrémně hustá rukavice z mikrovlákna, kterou využijete pro leštění oken, čištění kožených povrchů a mnoho dalších úkonů v interiéru i exteriéru. Může se pochlubit vysokou gramáží až 920 g/m2 a také dokonalými absorpčními schopnostmi. Je vhodná pro lakované i nelakované povrchy, ale stejně tak vhodná je pro kožené, čalouněné či plastové díly v interiéru i exteriéru vozu. Rukavici lze prát na 60 °C bez použití aviváže. Dopřejte svému automobilu dokonalou péči do sebemenšího detailu s touto praktickou rukavicí. Klíčové vlastnosti utěrky Meguiar's Detailing MittSpeciální mikrovlákno s vysokou gramážíIdeální pro stírání detailerů, leštění oken a ostatních povrchůDokonalá absorpční schopnostPro všechny povrchy v interiéru i exteriéruMožno prát v pračce na 60°C (

Podobné produkty ako Meguiar's Detailing Mitt (X1804) , The lady and the generals: 'aung san suu kyi and burma''s struggle for freedom' (1846043735)

Tréninkové tričko adidas Performance Design for Training béžová barva

Tréninkové tričko adidas Performance Design for Training béžová barva

Tréninkové tričko z kolekce adidas Performance. Model vyroben z recyklovaného materiálu odvádějícího vlhkost. (

Podobné produkty ako Tréninkové tričko adidas Performance Design for Training béžová barva , Duo bohemico: czech music for flute and guitar - cd (cr0912-2)

Where Architects Stay: Lodgings for Design Enthusiasts - Sibylle Kramer


It bodes well when architecture meets vacation. It is a combination that promises relaxation and pleasure, inspiration and style, all in one. Every one of the more than 60 vacation domiciles pre-sented in this guide to architecture and accommodation is a unique jewel that meets, perhaps even exceeds, the high esthetic expectations of the traveling architect. A brief encounter with any one of these will make the heart of every design enthusiast beat a little faster.Each of these very special lodgings is distinguished by the highest stylistic quality, personal touches, originality and passion for detail: Whether minimalist, experimental, posh or lavish; whether newly built or refurbished; whether houseboat, luxury loft or treehouse; whether one-time church, vineyard, mill or pump room; whether located in the trendiest metropolis, high in the mountains or on a remote coastline; whether holiday home, resort, glamping or bed and breakfast... See 31 in Traunkirchen, Austria (Lakonis Architekten) Mill House in Stalham, England (Acme) Tepoztlán Lounge in Mexico (Cadaval & Sol?-Morales) Tower House on Mani Peninsula, Greece (Z-level, Elena Zervoudakis) Manshausen Island Resort in Steigen, Norway (Stinessen Arkitektur) (

Podobné produkty ako Where Architects Stay: Lodgings for Design Enthusiasts - Sibylle Kramer , Fitmin for life cat adult fish and chicken 8 kg (8595237032075)

Swatch The City and The Design SUOZ334

Swatch The City and The Design SUOZ334

Swatch The City and The Design SUOZ334 (

Podobné produkty ako Swatch The City and The Design SUOZ334 , Jamník tomáš & kahánek ivo: works for cello and piano - cd (su3947-2)

Swatch The City and The Design SUOZ334

Bubbletecture: Inflatable Architecture and Design - Sharon Francis


A fascinating and fun guide to more than 200 inflatable designs Although inflatable objects have been around for more than 200 years, architects, artists, and designers keep rediscovering this deceptively simple - often playful, and occasionally bizarre - technology. Bubbletecture brings together inflatables in every conceivable size, shape, and hue across the realms of architecture, design, art, and fashion. From inflatable dresses and hats to buildings employing cutting-edge technologies, from ingenious chairs, lights, bowls, and even egg cups to children's toys and provocative art installations, Bubbletecture demonstrates that inflatable design is simply irresistible. Architects featured include OMA (Rem Koolhaas), BIG (Bjarke Ingels), and Arata Isozaki, and design stars such as Snarkitecture. It includes work by cutting edge artists such Yayoi Kusama, Christo, and Anish Kapoor and by well-known fashion-designers such as Balenciaga, Yohji Yamamoto, Comme des Garçons, and many more. Following in the footsteps of Nanotecture, Mobitecture, and Pet-tecture, this guide is a must-have for designers, architects, and artist, both professional and students, as well as anyone who has every blown up a beach ball! Sharon Francis is an architect with more than twenty years' experience in private practice in the UK, Hong Kong, and the USA. She has taught at three Australian universities and contributed to several architecture- and design-based books. She currently lives and works in New York City. (

Podobné produkty ako Bubbletecture: Inflatable Architecture and Design - Sharon Francis

Scandinavia Dreaming – Nordic Homes, Interiors and Design

Scandinavia Dreaming – Nordic Homes, Interiors and Design

> Na tento produkt bohužel nelze uplatnit slevový poukaz.Sever Evropy má něco do sebe. To musíme všichni uznat. Jestli ho také milujete, tak tato publikace je pro vás jako stvořená. Najdete v ní návody, jak svému domovu vdechnout útulnou, sofistikovanou atmosféru s nadčasovým severským nádechem. Napříč knihou vás budou inspirovat uznávané skandinávské firmy jako je Hay, Ferm Leving, Kustaa Saksi nebo Frama, které jsou svým nábytkem a bytovými doplňky známé po celém světě. Vytříbené vizuální zpracování této knihy vás doslova pohltí a vtáhne do těch nejkrásnějších skandinávských domovů.Editor: Angel Trinidad & Gestalten288 stran (

Podobné produkty ako Scandinavia Dreaming – Nordic Homes, Interiors and Design

Famous Detailing Brush (AG-FB)

Famous Detailing Brush (AG-FB)

Štětec detailingový, velice jemný, pro dokonalé vyčištění interiéru či exteriéru Štětec Famous Detailing Brush je nezbytnou součástí výbavy každého motoristického nadšence. S tímto štětcem perfektně vyčistíte interiér i exteriér vašeho motocyklu či automobilu. Perfektně zpracovaný a velice jemný kartáč vám umožni vyčistit i ta nejmenší zákoutí v interiéru i exteriéru od prachu a dalších nečistot. Ideálně doporučujeme používat jeden kartáč na čištění exteriéru a druhý na interiér, abyste zabránili přenosu případné mastnoty a dalších nečistot. Klíčové vlastnosti štětce Famous Detailing BrushŠtětec pro dokonalé vyčištění interiéru či exteriéru vašeho vozuPerfektně zpracovaný a velice jemný kartáčNezbytné příslušenství pro každého motoristického nadšence (

Podobné produkty ako Famous Detailing Brush (AG-FB)

Coaching for Performance: The Principles and Practices of Coaching and Leadership (1473658128)

Coaching for Performance: The Principles and Practices of Coaching and Leadership (1473658128)

Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná An updated 25th anniversary edition of this leading coaching book, which has sold more than one million copies to date. (

Podobné produkty ako Coaching for Performance: The Principles and Practices of Coaching and Leadership (1473658128)

Trust Reno Headset for PC and laptop

Trust Reno Headset for PC and laptop

Specifications HEADPHONE Earcup type Over-ear Construction Closed-back Frequency range 50-20.000Hz Sensitivity 105dB Impedance 32Ohm MICROPHONE Type condenser Frequency range 30-16.000Hz Sensitivity -36dB Impedance 2.2kOhm CONTROLS Inline remote control yes Volume knob yes CONNECTION Cable length 1.8m Connector attached 3.5mm Connector on adapter cable 2x 3.5mm OTHER Accessories adapter cable Compatiblity pc,laptop,phone,tablet Netto weight 178g connection (

Podobné produkty ako Trust Reno Headset for PC and laptop

Candino For Him and Her C4610/2


Candino For Him and Her C4610/2 (

Podobné produkty ako Candino For Him and Her C4610/2

TRUST Reno Headset for PC and laptop

TRUST Reno Headset for PC and laptop

Specifications HEADPHONE Earcup type Over-ear Construction Closed-back Frequency range 50-20.000Hz Sensitivity 105dB Impedance 32Ohm MICROPHONE Type condenser Frequency range 30-16.000Hz Sensitivity -36dB Impedance 2.2kOhm CONTROLS Inline remote control yes Volume knob yes CONNECTION Cable length 1.8m Connector attached 3.5mm Connector on adapter cable 2x 3.5mm OTHER Accessories adapter cable Compatiblity pc,laptop,phone,tablet Netto weight 178g connection (

Podobné produkty ako TRUST Reno Headset for PC and laptop

Cascha Capo for Acoustic and Electric Guitar

Cascha Capo for Acoustic and Electric Guitar

Kapodastr Kapodastr pro akustickou a elektrickou kytaru. Díky chytrému systému upínání jej snadno ovládnete jednou rukou, čemuž napomáhá i velice nízká váha – pouhých 40 gramů. Je vyroben z kvalitního kovu, pružina je z odolné oceli a části přicházející do styku s kytarou jsou vyrobeny ze silikonu, který ochrání povrch nástroje. (

Podobné produkty ako Cascha Capo for Acoustic and Electric Guitar

Candino For Him and Her C4631/1


Candino For Him and Her C4631/1 (

Podobné produkty ako Candino For Him and Her C4631/1

Paris for One and Other Stories (1405928166)

Paris for One and Other Stories (1405928166)

Kniha - autor Jojo Moyes, 288 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Jojo Moyes, 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako Paris for One and Other Stories (1405928166)

Bauhaus Goes West: Modern Art and Design in Britain and America - Alan Powers


Bauhaus Goes West is a story of cultural exchange – between the Bauhaus émigrés in the years following the school’s closure in 1933 and the countries to which they moved, focusing in particular on Britain. Taking as its starting point the cultural connections between the UK and Germany in the early part of the 20th century, the book offers a timely re-evaluation of the school’s influence on and relationship with modern art and design in Britain, concluding with the school’s American legacy. Following the closure of the Bauhaus in 1933, teachers and students found new opportunities in Britain and the United States. Among them were Walter Gropius, Marcel Breuer and László Moholy-Nagy, who simultaneously spent time in London before moving to America, an episode often overlooked but freshly explored here in the context of the interaction between German Modernism and British-based design reform from 1900. Other Bauhaus-trained artists – women as well as men – stayed in the UK and made important contributions into the 1960s. In America, Mies van der Rohe and Josef and Anni Albers had significant late careers, but, over time, the Bauhaus became a shorthand for Modernism’s failure. Now, the centenary of the school’s founding provides a key opportunity to reconsider how its values emerged and were contested both during its lifetime and beyond.Table of ContentsIntroduction • 1. England and Germany • 2. Gropius Arrives • 3. Marcel Breuer •4. Moholy-Nagy • 5. Finding English Modernism • 6. Other Bauhäusler in Britain •7. O my America! • 8. Conclusion (

Podobné produkty ako Bauhaus Goes West: Modern Art and Design in Britain and America - Alan Powers

Meguiar's Quik Interior Detailer (G13616)

Meguiar's Quik Interior Detailer (G13616)

Oživovač plastů - použití na kovy, kůži, plasty, pryže a těsnění, aplikování rozprašovačem, objem 473 ml Dopřejte svému autu jedinečný lesk všech netextilních povrchů díky čističi Quik Interior Detailer. Hledáte účinný prostředek, díky kterému by vám v autě zářila například palubní deska? Pořiďte si čistič Quik Interior Detailer s rozprašovačem a dopřejte svému autu jedinečný lesk všech netextilních povrchů. Krom palubní desky s ním vyčistíte i obložení dveří, kovové a dřevěné dekory, dotykové a LCD obrazovky, plastové, vinylové, gumové i kožené části. Čistič je k čištěnému povrchu velmi šetrný a stoprocentně odstraní prach, mastnotu a skvrny. Proč vyčistit interiér svého auta tímto čističem? pohodlné nanesení díky rozprašovačiurčeno pro všechny netextilní povrchyočistí i dotykové a LCD displeješetrný k povrchu a nezanechává stopystoprocentní odstranění prachu, mastnoty a skvrn (

Podobné produkty ako Meguiar's Quik Interior Detailer (G13616)

The New Interior - Christopher Long


V knize The New Interior zkoumá Christopher Long, jak během pouhých sedmi let těsně před vypuknutím první světové války tři přední vídeňští modernisté - Josef Hoffmann, Adolf Loos a Oskar Strnad - redefinovali myšlenku moderní interiér. Tato kniha sleduje vývoj jejich debat, prací a to, jak se každý designér snažil zarámovat svou vlastní osobitou vizi bydlení. Výsledkem byl rozkol, který se nese až do současnosti, mezi imperativy stylu, funkce a životaschopnosti. In The New Interior, Christopher Long examines how, in the course of just seven years immediately prior to the outbreak of World War I, three of the leading Viennese modernists-Josef Hoffmann, Adolf Loos, and Oskar Strnad-redefined the idea of the modern interior. This book follows the progress of their debates and works, and how each designer sought to frame his own distinctive vision of living. The result was a split that carries up to the present day, between the imperatives of style, function, and livability. Christopher Long is Martin S. Kermacy Centennial Professor in the School of Architecture at the University of Texas at Austin. His many books include Josef Frank: Life and Work (2002), The New Space: Movement and Experience in Viennese Modern Architecture (2016), Essays on Adolf Loos (2019), Adolf Loos: The Last Houses/Poslední domy (2020), and Adolf Loos: Meaning, Context, Reception (2023). (

Podobné produkty ako The New Interior - Christopher Long

Meguiar's Ultimate Interior Detailer (G16216)

Meguiar's Ultimate Interior Detailer (G16216)

Detailer - čistič interiérových povrchů, saténový vzhled, 450 ml Chcete mít svůj automobil vždy stoprocentně vyšperkovaný? Z toho důvodu hledáte autokosmetiku, která je vysoce kvalitní a zároveň ji lze jednoduše aplikovat i v domácích podmínkách? Potom by vám v garáži neměla chybět ani autokosmetika Meguiar's Ultimate Interior Detailer. Jedná se totiž o skvělý produkt pro péči o interiérové povrchy, který hloubkově čistí a zároveň dodává perfektní, odolnou ochranu proti UV záření a stárnutí. Ultimate Interior Detailer zanechává saténový vzhled, díky čemuž bude váš interiér působit luxusně a tento efekt dlouho vydrží. Přípravek Meguiar's zlikviduje nečistoty z volantu, displejů, palubní desky, výplní dveří i středových konzolí. Klíčové vlastnosti čističe Meguiar's Ultimate Interior Detailer Čistič interiérových povrchů je určen na přírodní a umělou kůži, vinyl, plasty a gumuMeguiar's Ultimate Interior Detailer... (

Podobné produkty ako Meguiar's Ultimate Interior Detailer (G16216)

Meguiar's Carpet & Interior Cleaner (G9416)

Meguiar's Carpet & Interior Cleaner (G9416)

Čistič interiéru - materiál textil, objem 473 ml, textílií, plastů igumy, 473ml Velmi účinný čistič textilií, plastů i gumy odstraní i nejvíce odolné skvrny a po vyčištění nezanechává žádné zbytky a mapy. Trápí vás znečištěný interiér vašeho vozu? Pak nezoufejte! Carpet & Interior Cleaner zatočí i s těmi nejodolnějšími skvrnami a poradí si dokonce i se skvrnami od oleje. Jeho aplikace je jednoduchá a je vhodný na čištění koberců, čalounění, vinylu, gumy a popruhů bezpečnostních pásů. Po vyčištění nezanechává žádné zbytky a mapy a je bezpečný i pro kožené povrchy. Hlavní přednostiOdstraní ty nejvíce odolné skvrny a znečištěníZlikviduje i skvrny na bázi olejů a vodyNeodbarvuje čištěný povrchNezanechává žádné zbytky a mapy po vyčištěníIdeální pro čištění koberců, čalounění, vinylu, gumy a popruhů bezpečnostních pásůBezpečný pro kožené povrchyJednoduché použitíŠetrný k životnímu prostředí... (

Podobné produkty ako Meguiar's Carpet & Interior Cleaner (G9416)

SANIT all interior WIPES (3114)

SANIT all interior WIPES (3114)

Antibakteriální ubrousky dezinfekční ubrousky k okamžitému použití pro plošnou dezinfekci ploch, předmětů a povrchů, ničí bakterie, viry a plísně, nehořlavé, vhodné na všechny druhy materiálů, bez chloru, alkoholu, aldehydů a fenolů Dezinfekční ubrousky k okamžitému použití pro plošnou dezinfekci ploch, předmětů a povrchů. Jsou vhodné pro široké spektrum použití – domácnosti, kanceláře, kosmetické salony, sportovní centra, zdravotnická zařízení. Eliminují široké spektrum mikroorganismů, ověřeno a zkontrolováno autorizovanými laboratořemi. Klíčové vlastnosti Antibakteriálních ubrousků SANIT all interior WIPESBaktericidní ČSN EN 13727+A2Virucidní ČSN EN 14476Mykobaktericidní ČSN EN 14348NehořlavéNeobsahuje chlór, alkohol, aldehydy ani fenolyNemá vedlejší účinky BezpečnostPoužívejte biocidní přípravky bezpečně. Před použitím si vždy přečtěte údaje na obalu a připojené informace o přípravku.Uchovávejte v originálních obalech... (

Podobné produkty ako SANIT all interior WIPES (3114)

Write and Design Your Own Magazines - Sarah Hull

Write and Design Your Own Magazines - Sarah Hull

Making magazines is fun and easy - and this marvellous guide offers advice every step of the way. Learn how to write 5-star reviews and intriguing articles, make giggle-inducing comics and zines, showcase your artistic skills and much more. Includes links to specially selected websites for inspiration, hints and tips. (

Podobné produkty ako Write and Design Your Own Magazines - Sarah Hull

Viskóza Mandalas and more design C digital print

Viskóza Mandalas and more design C digital print

Výrobce: Evropský výrobce, Barva: barevná, Gramáž: 105 g/m2, Motív: Geo vzory, Šířka: 150 cm, Složení: 100%VI, Ošetrování: 20 (

Podobné produkty ako Viskóza Mandalas and more design C digital print

Viskóza Mandalas and more design B digital print

Viskóza Mandalas and more design B digital print

Výrobce: Evropský výrobce, Barva: barevná, Ošetrování: 20, Gramáž: 105 g/m2, Motív: Geo vzory, Složení: 100%VI, Šířka: 150 cm (

Podobné produkty ako Viskóza Mandalas and more design B digital print

Úplet Flowers and magic design A digital print

Úplet Flowers and magic design A digital print

Výrobce: Evropský výrobce, Barva: barevná, Gramáž: 210 g/m2, Motív: Stromy a květy, Šířka: 150 cm, Složení: 95%CO + 5%EL, Ošetrování: 2 (

Podobné produkty ako Úplet Flowers and magic design A digital print
myPhone Hammer Construction stříbrná (SMARTFON HAMMER CONSTRUCTION srebrny), Meguiar's Detailing Mitt (X1804), w drew peak pullover hoodie eu, Famous Detailing Brush (AG-FB), Ozobot BIT Construction Kit (OZO-630402-00), MARKETING FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES, Meguiar's Ultimate Interior Detailer (G16216), Meguiar's Quik Interior Detailer (G13616), FOLIATEC Interior Color Spray - bezbarvý (2008), Meguiar's Quik Interior Detailer Wipes (G13600), FOLIATEC Interior Color Spray - bílá (2001), FOLIATEC Interior Color Spray - červená (2006), bosch sada vrtaku hex 9 multi construction 5ks 2608589530, Meguiar's Quik Interior Detailer 3,78 l (D14901), FOLIATEC Interior Color Spray - černá matná (2002), FOLIATEC Interior Color Spray - černá lesklá (2003), SURE Interior&Surface Cleaner 1 l (7615400191338), Bogza L.A.: Songs For Voice And Piano - CD (UP0172), Various: Sonatas for Violin and Piano - CD (CQ0059-2), Meguiar's Detailing Swabs - sada 20 ks pěnových detailingových tyčinek (G301), Meguiar's Quik Interior Detailer Bottle, 946 ml (D20149), Leather & Vinyl Interior Scrub Brush (HT-VLB-1), Legal English and Its Lexical and Grammatical Structure for Czech Lawyers and Translators (978-80-759-8584-2), Legal English and Its Lexical and Grammatical Structure: for Czech Lawyers and Translators (978-80-7598-584-2), Quick, Easy and Healthy Recipes for busy Moms and Dads (978-80-896-4613-5), The Lady and the Generals: 'Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma''s Struggle for Freedom' (1846043735), Duo Bohemico: Czech Music for Flute and Guitar - CD (CR0912-2), Fitmin For Life Cat Adult Fish and Chicken 8 kg (8595237032075), Jamník Tomáš & Kahánek Ivo: Works For Cello And Piano - CD (SU3947-2), Sonatori Ensemble: Trio Sonatas for Piano, Flute and Cello - CD (310252-2)