Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Little Guides to Great Lives: Frida Kahlo - Isabel Thomas
Frida Kahlo was a colourful Mexican artist who endured great pain and hardship, but used her bright, vivid brushstrokes to express her emotions and reveal her true personality. She created over 50 self-portraits, and is considered to be one of the most influential and inspirational artists of the twentieth century. Little Guides to Great Lives is a brand-new series of small-format guides introducing children to the most inspirational figures from history in a fun, accessible way. From Curie to Kahlo and Darwin to Da Vinci, Little Guides to Great Lives tells the stories of the most amazing people from all over the world and across history, with colourful illustrations and fresh design to bring their incredible stories to life.
Podívejte se také Charles Ray: Great Ray Charles (mono) - LP (8122794453)
Little Guides to Great Lives: Anne Frank - Isabel Thomas, Paola Escobar
Anne Frank was an ordinary girl living in extraordinary times. Forced to go into hiding to escape the Nazis' persecution of Jews in World War II, Anne kept a diary that would become one of the most famous books in the world. Meet one of history's most inspiring figures in this beautifully-illustrated guide to her amazing life. From artists to aviators and scientists to revolutionaries, Little Guides to Great Lives is a brand new series of small-format guides introducing children to the most inspirational figures from history in a fun, accessible way
Podívejte se také Strom života: Charles Darwin (978-80-86803-77-7)
Little Guides to Great Lives: Leonardo Da Vinci - Isabel Thomas, Katja Spitzerová
Most famous as the painter who created the Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci is also one of history's greatest geniuses - he was a mathematician, architect, astronomer, scientist and musician...and he even invented the helicopter! From artists to aviators and scientists to revolutionaries, Little Guides to Great Lives is a brand new series of small-format guides introducing children to the most inspirational figures from history in a fun, accessible way. Launching with Leonardo da Vinci, Marie Curie, Nelson Mandela and Amelia Earhart, Little Guides to Great Lives tells the stories of the most amazing people from all over the world and across history, with colourful illustrations and fresh design to bring their incredible stories to life.
Podívejte se také Ručník Darwin petrolejová
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Good to Great - Jim Collins
Can a good company become a great one and, if so, how? After a five-year research project, the author concludes that good to great can and does happen. Here, he uncovers the underlying variables that enable any type of organization to make the leap from good to great while other organizations remain only good.
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Great Lives - Jane Elizabeth Cammack
Jesse Owens, Katherine Johnson, Sir David Attenborough, Dame Zaha Hadid, Stephen Hawking, Meryl Streep, Bill Gates, J.K. Rowling. Eight people from different backgrounds, eight great lives from the world of sport, cinema, books, business and science. How did they overcome difficulties in their life to make their dreams come true? Discover their lives and let them inspire you.
Objev podobné jako Great Lives - Jane Elizabeth Cammack
Great Lives in Graphics: David Attenborough
Great Lives in Graphics: David Attenborough gives young readers a visual snapshot of his life and television career, while educating them on topics from documentary filmmaking to climate change and biodiversity.
Objev podobné jako Great Lives in Graphics: David Attenborough
The Origin of Species - Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin's classic that exploded into public controversy, revolutionized the course of science, and continues to transform our views of the world. Few other books have created such a lasting storm of controversy as The Origin of Species. Darwin's theory that species derive from other species by a gradual evolutionary process and that the average level of each species is heightened by the "survival of the fittest" stirred up popular debate to fever pitch. Its acceptance revolutionized the course of science. As Sir Julian Huxley, the noted biologist, points out in his illuminating introduction, the importance of Darwin's contribution to modern scientific knowledge is almost impossible to evaluate: "a truly great book, one which can still be read with profit by professional biologist." Includes an Introduction by Sir Julian Huxley
Objev podobné jako The Origin of Species - Charles Darwin
The Descent of Man - Charles Darwin
In The Descent of Man Darwin addresses many of the issues raised by his notorious Origin of Species: finding in the traits and instincts of animals the origins of the mental abilities of humans, of language, of our social structures and our moral capacities, he attempts to show that there is no clear dividing line between animals and humans. Most importantly, he accounts for what Victorians called the 'races' of mankind by means of what he calls sexual selection. This book presents a full explanation of Darwin's ideas about sexual selection, including his belief that many important characteristics of human beings and animals have emerged in response to competition for mates.This was a controversial work. Yet Darwin tried hard to avoid being branded as a radical revolutionary. He is steeped in Victorian sensibilities regarding gender and cultural differences: he sees human civilization as a move from barbarous savagery to modern gentlefolk, and women as more emotional and less intellectual than men, thus providing a biological basis for the social assumptions and prejudices of the day.The Descent of Man played a major role in the emergence of social Darwinism. This complete version of the first edition gives the modern reader an unparalleled opportunity to engage directly with Darwin's proposals, launched in the midst of continuing controversy over On the Origin of Species. Janet Browne is the author of the prize-winning biography, Charles Darwin: Voyaging and Charles Darwin: The Power of Place.
Objev podobné jako The Descent of Man - Charles Darwin
The Origin of Species - Charles Darwin
With an Introduction by Jeff Wallace. 'A grain in the balance will determine which individual shall live and which shall die...'. Darwin's theory of natural selection issued a profound challenge to orthodox thought and belief: no being or species has been specifically created; all are locked into a pitiless struggle for existence, with extinction looming for those not fitted for the task.Yet The Origin of Species (1859) is also a humane and inspirational vision of ecological interrelatedness, revealing the complex mutual interdependencies between animal and plant life, climate and physical environment, and - by implication - within the human world. Written for the general reader, in a style which combines the rigour of science with the subtlety of literature, The Origin of Species remains one of the founding documents of the modern age.
Objev podobné jako The Origin of Species - Charles Darwin
Green Apple Step 1 A2 Great Expectations + CD - Charles Dickens
Zjednodušená anglická četba s poslechovým CD ( úroveň Starter) - Pip je chudý chlapec, který jednoho dne dostane od neznámé osoby obrovské množství peněz, kdo je ta záhadná osoba....
Objev podobné jako Green Apple Step 1 A2 Great Expectations + CD - Charles Dickens
On the Origin of Species - Charles Darwin
On the Origin of Species outlines Charles Darwin's world-changing theory that life on Earth had not been brought into being by a creator, but had arisen from a single common ancestor and had evolved over time through the process of natural selection. Received with both enthusiasm and hostility on its publication, it triggered a seismic shift in our understanding of humanity's place in the natural world. It is not only a brilliant work of science but also a clear, vivid, sometimes moving piece of popular writing that reflects both Darwin's genius and his boundless enthusiasm for our planet and its species.This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition of On the Origin of Species is complete and unabridged, and features an afterword by Oliver Francis.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
Objev podobné jako On the Origin of Species - Charles Darwin
On the Origin of Species - Charles Darwin
''can we doubt ... that individuals having any advantage, however slight, over others, would have the best chance of surviving and of procreating their kind?''In the Origin of Species (1859) Darwin challenged many of the most deeply held beliefs of the Western world. His insistence on the immense length of the past and on the abundance of life-forms, present and extinct, dislodged man from his central position in creation and called into question the role of the Creator. He showed that new species are achieved by natural selection, and that absence of plan is an inherent part of the evolutionary process.Darwin''s prodigious reading, experimentation, and observations on his travels fed into his great work, which draws on material from the Galapagos Islands to rural Staffordshire, from English back gardens to colonial encounters. The present edition provides a detailed and accessible discussion of his theories and adds an account of the immediate responses to the book on publication. The resistances as well as the enthusiasms of the first readers cast light on recent controversies, particularly concerning questions of design and descent. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World''s Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford''s commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Objev podobné jako On the Origin of Species - Charles Darwin
O pohlavním výběru - Charles Darwin - e-kniha
eBook: Kapitoly o pohlavním výběru tvoří součást Darwinovy knihy O původu člověka a pohlavním výběru. Jde o zcela klíčové dílo světového biologického písemnictví, které z nepochopitelných důvodů dosud chybělo na českém trhu (přeloženy byly jen kapitoly týkající se člověka). Co se týče obsahu, právě zde Darwin rozvíjí a vysvětluje svou teorii pohlavního výběru, který podle jeho přesvědčení hraje důležitou roli při utváření vnějšího vzhledu vyšších živých organismů. Po rozsáhlém úvodu do problematiky uvádí konkrétní případy pro jednotlivé živočišné skupiny, přičemž nejvíce pozornosti věnuje ptákům. Jde o dílo nabité zajímavými vědeckými poznatky a občas také úsměvnými pasážemi, přibližujícími čtenáři vědecké metody devatenáctého století.
Objev podobné jako O pohlavním výběru - Charles Darwin - e-kniha
Dřevěný hlavolam Great Minds - Darwin
Malé dřevěné hlavolamy od samotných filosofů a slavných osobností zaměstnají vaše ruce i hlavu. Jako bonus na krabičce najdete, čím se slavná osobnost proslavila. Rozměry balení: 4,8 cm × 4,8 cm × 7,6 cm
Objev podobné jako Dřevěný hlavolam Great Minds - Darwin
Strom života: Charles Darwin (978-80-86803-77-7)
Kniha - autor Petr Sís, 50 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Darwin celý život litoval, že neumí malovat. Zato uměl psát, a tak se Petr Sís nechal inspirovat zejména jeho sugestivními popisy. Z úžasně propracovaných obrázků, rozsáhlých úryvků z deníků, náčrtků a map dal dohromady brilantní úvod ke studiu Charlese Darwina a jeho evoluční teorie. Nejdříve vidíme malého Charlese jako školáka, který miloval přírodu, ale nedokázal vyhovět otcovým představám o jeho budoucím povolání. Pak jako mladého studenta medicíny, jenž se stále protiví otcovu úsilí naplánovat mu budoucnost. A poté přijde cesta kolem světa, která z něho udělá přírodovědce. Z této pětileté plavby na palubě lodě Beagle se vrátil do Anglie se zkušenostmi a materiály, jež se staly základem jeho celoživotní práce a odkazu. Nové vydání knihy, která v roce 2004 získala zlatou medaili Ragazzi Award na Mezinárodním veletrhu dětské knihy v Boloni jako nejlepší non-fiction publikace pro děti na...
Objev podobné jako Strom života: Charles Darwin (978-80-86803-77-7)
The Voyage of the Beagle - Charles Darwin - e-kniha
eBook: "I hate every wave of the ocean," the seasick Charles Darwin wrote to his family during his five-year voyage on the H.M.S. Beagle. It was this world-wide journey, however, that launched the scientist’s career.The Voyage of the Beagle is Darwin's fascinating account of his trip - of his biological and geological observations and collection activities, of his speculations about the causes and theories behind scientific phenomena, of his interactions with various native peoples, of his beautiful descriptions of the lands he visited, and of his amazing discoveries in the Galapagos archipelago.
Objev podobné jako The Voyage of the Beagle - Charles Darwin - e-kniha
Výraz emocí u člověka a u zvířat - Charles Darwin
Kniha vydaná v roce 1872 představuje nejmladší z trojice hlavních Darwinových děl o evoluční teorii. Důraz je kladen na univerzální povahu výrazu emocí, což se projevuje podobnostmi mezi různými etniky i mezi zvířaty a lidmi. To naznačuje vrozený původ emocí. Darwin spojuje mentální stavy s koordinací pohybů, jak již naznačuje příbuznost slov „motiv“ a „emoce“. Rozdíl mezi lidmi a zvířaty mnohdy spočívá v tom, že u lidí se jedná o symbolické náznaky, které byly u jejich zvířecích předků míněny doslova (například pohrdání a hnus jsou spojeny s pohyby, jejichž původním cílem bylo vyhnout se odpornému zápachu). Darwin tímto způsobem pojednává o jednotlivých emocích typu pláč, zoufalství, veselá nálada, hloubání, hněv, pohrdání, vina, překvapení či stud a detailně popisuje, jak se projevuje jejich výraz. Jedná se zároveň o jednu z prvních publikací, která byla doprovozena fotografiemi. Kniha představuje Darwinův hlavní příspěvek dějinám psychologie 19. století a může být považována za čtenářsky přístupný úvod do Darwinova pojetí evoluce.
Objev podobné jako Výraz emocí u člověka a u zvířat - Charles Darwin
The Little Guide to Yves Saint Laurent
Yves Saint Laurent, or YSL, is one of the most famous fashion designers of all time, whose impact on the fashion world is almost unmatched. A revolutionary designer for women, his designs took traditionally male styles and reinvented them for the modern women of the 1960s. From jumpsuits to safari jackets to his iconic tuxedo, YSL's designs revolutionised women's clothes forever.He can be credited with making ready-to-wear clothes reputable and desirable, in a marked move away from haute couture, and for championing trousers for women. Despite a life marred with addiction, war and mental health struggles, Yves remained a powerhouse of the fashion industry for 50 years, and his name – and initials – are now synonymous with quality, innovation and heritage. His collections may have sometimes generated controversy and criticism, but they have proved to be timeless and transformative.The Little Guide to Yves Saint Laurent charts his tumultuous rise to the top, accompanied by facts and quotes from, and about, the man himself and the fashion legacy he built.
Objev podobné jako The Little Guide to Yves Saint Laurent
A Little Guide to Meditation - Ms. Kiusam
A unique and wonderful mindfulness and meditation book to help families tap in to this superpower Relax your mind and heart. Take a deep, calm breath. Teaching children about the roots of meditation in African culture, this soothing illustrated manual guides young ones in active meditation—calming souls and grounding bodies in connection with the wider world.
Objev podobné jako A Little Guide to Meditation - Ms. Kiusam
Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen - KJ Charles
Bridgerton meets Poldark in this sweeping Regency romance of smugglers, adventure, mystery, and life-changing love from celebrated author KJ Charles.Abandoned by his father, Gareth Inglis grew up lonely, prickly, and well-used to disappointment. Still, he longs for a connection. When he meets a charming man in a London molly house, he falls head over heels-until everything goes wrong and he's left alone again. Then Gareth's father dies, turning the shabby London clerk into Sir Gareth, with a grand house on the remote Romney Marsh and a family he doesn't know.The Marsh is another world, a strange, empty place notorious for its ruthless gangs of smugglers. And one of them is dangerously familiar...Joss Doomsday has run the Doomsday smuggling clan since he was a boy. When the new baronet-his old lover-agrees to testify against Joss's sister, Joss acts fast to stop him. Their reunion is anything but happy, yet after the dust settles, neither can stay away. Soon, all Joss and Gareth want is the chance to be together. But the bleak, bare Marsh holds deadly secrets. And when Gareth finds himself threatened from every side, the gentleman and the smuggler must trust one another not just with their hearts, but with their lives."This felt like KJ's very own sexy and skullduggerous take on the romcom trend, and I loved it."-USA Today bestseller Talia Hibbert for The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting
Objev podobné jako Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen - KJ Charles
Charles Ray: Great Ray Charles (mono) - LP (8122794453)
LP vinyl - Druhé album Raye Charlese, z roku 1957, překvapivě neobsahuje jeho charakteristický zpěv. Jedná se o striktně instrumentální jazzovou nahrávku osmi písní od autorů jako Quincy Jones, Sonny Burke či Paul Webster. Portrétovou fotografii na přebalu alba pořídil slavný americký fotograf Marvin Israel. Druhé album Raye Charlese, z roku 1957, překvapivě neobsahuje jeho charakteristický zpěv. Jedná se o striktně instrumentální jazzovou nahrávku osmi písní od autorů jako Quincy Jones, Sonny Burke či Paul Webster. Portrétovou fotografii na přebalu alba pořídil slavný americký fotograf Marvin Israel. Geniální zpěvák, skladatel a muzikant byl v padesátých letech hlavním reprezentantem soulové hudby a průkopníkem fúze soulu s rhythm'n'blues nebo gospelem. Frank Sinatra ho nazval „jediným skutečným géniem v hudebním průmyslu”. Věnoval se hlavně soulu, jazzu, blues, ale i country. Rok vydání : 1957 Rok reedice : 2019 Seznam stop LP The Ray (2016 Mono Remaster)...
Objev podobné jako Charles Ray: Great Ray Charles (mono) - LP (8122794453)
The Little Guide to Taylor Swift - Orange Hippo!
Includes over 170 quotes drawn from Taylor's music, interviews, features and social media, covering everything from home-cooking to heartbreak and interspersed throughout with surprising facts about her life and career.
Objev podobné jako The Little Guide to Taylor Swift - Orange Hippo!
Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
One of Dickens's finest novels, Great Expectations chronicles the fortunes of its young protagonist Pip as he is unexpectedly endowed by a mysterious benefactor with the life of a gentleman, enabling him to escape to London from the prospect of a humble blacksmith's career in rural Kent. In the bustling, unforgiving capital he must learn for himself the pitfalls of love and wealth, and how to sort his friends from his enemies.Through the lives of its unforgettable and iconic characters - such as Magwitch, Miss Havisham and Estella - Great Expectations charts the course of an England undergoing rapid social and economic change, and tells a tale that is among the foremost classics of the English language.
Objev podobné jako Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
Regarded as one of Charles Dickens's masterpieces, Great Expectations is the story of the orphan Pip and his growth to adulthood.Supported by a mysterious anonymous benefactor, Pip travels to London to be educated as a gentleman and make himself worthy of the hand of the beautiful Estella, the ward of the reclusive Miss Havisham. But Pip finds life in London more dangerous and unpredictable than he could have imagined, and his future prospects turn out to be very different from what his great expectations had prepared him for.
Objev podobné jako Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
Considered by many to be Dickens' finest novel, Great Expectations traces the growth of the book's narrator, Philip Pirrip (Pip), from a boy of shallow dreams to a man with depth of character. From its famous dramatic opening on the bleak Kentish marshes, the story abounds with some of Dickens' most memorable characters. Among them are the kindly blacksmith Joe Gargery, the mysterious convict Abel Magwitch, the eccentric Miss Haversham and her beautiful ward Estella, Pip's good-hearted room-mate Herbert Pocket and the pompous Pumblechook. As Pip unravels the truth behind his own 'great expectations' in his quest to become a gentleman, the mysteries of the past and the convolutions of fate through a series of thrilling adventures serve to steer him towards maturity and his most important discovery of all - the truth about himself.
Objev podobné jako Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
A love story, a mystery, and a sharp critique of upper-class English society, Great Expectations remains one of Dickens's best-regarded works.
Objev podobné jako Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
A love story, a mystery, and a sharp critique of upper-class English society, Great Expectations remains one of Dickens's best-regarded works.
Objev podobné jako Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
The Little Guide to Coco Chanel : Style to Live By
The creative genius who gave us the Little Black Dress and Chanel No. 5. Almost 50 years after her death, Coco Chanel remains one of the world's most influential fashion designers. Her story is one of creative brilliance and innovation - she was a driving force in freeing women from the restrictive clothing they had been obliged to wear for generations. 'In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different,' Chanel would say, and throughout her life she demonstrated extraordinary passion and determination to change the world around her. There is much wisdom to glean from Chanel's self-reflections, while her sharp wit and joie de vivre will amuse, surprise and inspire in equal measure. This Little guide captures the essence of a woman not afraid to speak her mind.
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Charles Darwin: Vědec, který objevil teorii evoluce (978-84-135-4519-6)
Kniha - autor Carla Pascual; Eduardo Acín Dal Maschio; Wuji House, 32 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Mimořádnou schopností Charlese Darwina byla velká odvaha klást zapovězené otázky. Spolu s nezměrnou zvědavostí a mnohaletými zkušenostmi z výpravy kolem světa vytvořil teorii evoluce, což je jeden z největších vědeckých objevů v dějinách. Takových závratných úspěchů dosáhl Charles Darwin a toto je jeho příběh.
Objev podobné jako Charles Darwin: Vědec, který objevil teorii evoluce (978-84-135-4519-6)
Great Expectations - Charles Dickens - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Audiokniha Frankenstein namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň A2 pro mírně pokročilé posluchače. Pip is born poor, but one day his life mysteriously changes. He is sent to London to learn to become a gentleman. But who is paying for his education? Who is paying for his life in London? We follow Pip as he grows up, falls in love and finally discovers the truth about himself. On the way, we meet...
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The Secret Lives of the Planets: A User's Guide to the Solar System (1529319412)
Kniha - 280 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako The Secret Lives of the Planets: A User's Guide to the Solar System (1529319412)
Knížka QeeBoo The Little Guide to David Bowie by Orange Hippo!, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Sbírka citátů Davida Bowieho, které přesně vystihují, čím byl Ziggy Stardust tak výjimečný.
Objev podobné jako Knížka QeeBoo The Little Guide to David Bowie by Orange Hippo!, English
Great Expectations - Charles Dickens - e-kniha
eBook: Deep dive into one of the greatest coming-of-age stories by the master novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens. Charting young Pip’s experiences of poverty, prison, and fights to the death, ‘Great Expectations’ follows the entwined fates of wealthy spinster Miss Havisham, the beautiful but aloof Estella, and unsophisticated yet kind blacksmith Joe. As Pip journeys through life, his expectations are shaped and shunned by the people around him. Weaving the ultimate tale of good over evil, he must question love and loss at a time when social struggles are rife. The novel has been adapted into countless films and stage adaptations, most notably the 2012 blockbuster hit ´Great Expectations´, starring Ralph Fiennes and Helena Bonham Carter. Challenging our preconceived judgements, social standing, and moral cues, ´Great Expectation´ is ideal for fans of Dev Patel’s ‘The Personal History of David Copperfield’ and fans of West End’s ‘Oliver!’ Celebrated as one of the greatest novelists of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English writer and social critic, known for creating some of the world’s best-known fictional characters. His works include ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, ‘David Copperfield’, and ‘Great Expectations’. Exploring the hypocrisy of British society at a time when social struggles were rife, Dickens' work probe the institutions, rules, and social codes that formed the bedrock of society as we know it today. Articulated with wit, charm, and plenty of human insight, his work is firmly embedded in modern culture today.
Objev podobné jako Great Expectations - Charles Dickens - e-kniha
´It is what is is´ : The Little Guide to Love Island - Orange Hippo!
The perfect partner for lovers of the nation's favourite TV reality lovefest. Since day dot, Love Island has had its finger on the pulse of modern dating. Through the endearing chaos of infectious one-liners, fanny flutters and dramastic chats the reality show has well and truly turned our heads. An intriguing blend of catchy lingo, cringe-worthy clangers and hilarious trademark quips has established the villa as a melting pot for Britain's best banter. Collected here - like one huge, game-changing Love Island text - are the pearls of wisdom that has made the show an instant classic.A witty and amusing reminder of the words and phrases coined by the glamorous islanders over six series, this book allows the reader to crack on while reflecting on some of the most memorable, outrageous and entertaining moments from the show.
Objev podobné jako ´It is what is is´ : The Little Guide to Love Island - Orange Hippo!
Knížka home & lifestyle The Little Guide to Harry Styles by Orange Hippo! English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Růžový a kapesní příběh o novém králi popu.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle The Little Guide to Harry Styles by Orange Hippo! English
Darwinův mýtus - Život a lži Charlese Darwina - Benjamin Wiker
Během těch 150 let od vydání knihy O vzniku druhů oscilovala pověst Charlese Darwina mezi dvěma extrémy – sekulárním světcem a kacířem. Pravda je však mnohem komplikovanější. Zatímco Darwin byl podle všeho laskavým a spravedlivým mužem, jeho teorie evoluce a přírodního výběru byla jednou z nejdestruktivnějších myšlenek v dějinách.Kdo je tedy Charles Darwin? V co skutečně věřil – a co jeho výzkum skutečně prokázal? Benjamin Wiker nás ve své knize Darwinův mýtus: Život a lži Charlese Darwina zbavuje mýtů a mylných představ a vše uvádí na pravou míru.Kniha Darwinův mýtus, poučná i názorná, stírá darwinistická politicky korektní pozlátka a předkládá kritickou, vědeckou analýzu Darwinova života i jeho velmi proměnlivé historie.
Objev podobné jako Darwinův mýtus - Život a lži Charlese Darwina - Benjamin Wiker
A Nobleman´s Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel - K. J. Charles
Bridgerton goes Gothic in this sweeping Regency romance by celebrated author KJ Charles. Major Rufus d'Aumesty has unexpectedly become the Earl of Oxney, master of a remote Norman manor on the edge of the infamous Romney Marsh. There he's beset on all sides, his position contested both by his greedy uncle and by Luke Doomsday, son of a notorious smuggling clan.The earl and the smuggler should be natural enemies, but cocksure, enragingly competent Luke is a trained secretary and expert schemer-exactly the sort of man Rufus needs by his side. Before long, Luke becomes an unexpected ally...and the lover Rufus had never hoped to find. But Luke came to Stone Manor with an ulterior motive, one he's desperate to keep hidden even from the lord he can't resist.As the lies accumulate and family secrets threaten to destroy everything they hold dear, master and man find themselves forced to decide whose side they're really on...and what they're willing to do for love. Readers Rave about KJ Charles:"KJ Charles is one of the best romance novelists writing today. Historical romance at its finest." -Sarah MacLean, New York Times bestselling author"Once again KJ Charles has produced an absolute masterpiece!" -Joanna Shupe, USA Today bestselling author"A romantic, swashbuckling tale from start to finish."-Manda Collins, Bestselling Author of A Lady's Guide to Mischief and Mayhem
Objev podobné jako A Nobleman´s Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel - K. J. Charles
Classic Starts®: Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
Young Pip seems destined to follow in his family’s humble footsteps. Then one day, an anonymous gift suddenly transforms him into a rich young man . . . but will it also transform his life for the better? Dickens’s great bildungsroman, featuring iconic characters like Miss Havisham, is an enduring favorite in schools, libraries, and homes.
Objev podobné jako Classic Starts®: Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
The Little Guide to Formula One: High-Octane Quotes from the Pits to the Podium - Orange Hippo!
Thanks in part to the Netflix phenomenon Drive to Survive, F1's popularity has exploded in recent years. More viewers than ever now enjoy the high-octane, wheel-to-wheel battling of this global championship – and this little guide is the perfect companion. The Little Guide to Formula One features quotes from some of the greatest racing drivers of all time, including Ayrton Senna, Lewis Hamilton, Max Verstappen, Alain Prost, Michael Schumacher, and many others.Also included are numerous facts and trivia about the sport which has capitivated billions around the globe for more than seven decades. Perfect for seasoned F1 lovers or new fans learning the sport, this pocket-sized guide to the world's most popular form of motorsport captures the history, the people, the thrills, and – most importantly – the need to win. 'Being second is to be the first if the ones who lose.' Ayrton Senna'There's a lie that all drivers tell themselves.Death is something that happens to other people, and that's how you find the courage to get in the car in the first place. The closer you are to death, the more alive you feel. But more powerful than fear itself is the will to win.' James HuntIn 2015, Max Verstappen became the youngest driver to ever start an F1 race, aged just 17 years and 166 days.
Objev podobné jako The Little Guide to Formula One: High-Octane Quotes from the Pits to the Podium - Orange Hippo!
Great Expectations + CD - Charles Dickens, Gina D. B. Clemen
zjednodušená anglická četba pro mládež a dospělé s poslechovým CD ( úroveň 3) - Pip se má stát kovářem, ale osudová seznámení ho vedou jiným směrem, chce se stát gentlemanem...Jednoho dne však odhalí strašné tajemství
Objev podobné jako Great Expectations + CD - Charles Dickens, Gina D. B. Clemen
The Great Gatsby Cooking and Entertaining Guide - Veronica Hinke
A culinary journey into the decadence and sophistication of the Jazz Age, recreating the extravagant meals and cocktails featured in F.Scott Fitzgerald’s literary classic, The Great Gatsby.In time for the 100th anniversary of The Great Gatsby, step into a world of opulence and elegance in The Great Gatsby Cooking and Entertaining Guide. With the Roaring Twenties as a backdrop, each of the 64 recipes connect to F.Scott Fitzgerald’s iconic novel and the excitement and celebrations of the era. All of the dishes and drinks would have graced the tables of Jay Gatsby’s lavish parties. From exquisite cocktails like Martinis and Champagne Towers to sumptuous dishes like oysters Rockefeller, lobster bisque, and Beef Wellington, each recipe transports the reader to the world of flappers, speakeasies, and extravagant soirées. In addition to the delectable recipes, there is historical context, entertaining anecdotes, and exquisite photos, providing a complete experience that captures the spirit of the novel. It’s not just a cookbook; it’s a culinary journey through the pages of one of literature’s most beloved classics, inviting readers and fans to savor the flavors of a bygone era. LAVISH PARTY EXPERIENCE: This guide offers brilliant and easy ways for any home cook to entertain with fancy ingredients such as escargot, fine Champagne, caviar, and seafood-stuffed mushrooms. EXQUISITE RECIPES: Enjoy the extravagance of the 1920s with classic cocktails, sumptuous appetizers, and decadent main courses. A SNAPSHOT OF HISTORY: Cultural and historical insights with entertaining anecdotes, and literary context for a unique understanding of the Roaring Twenties. PERFECT GIFT FOR LITERARY LOVERS: Lovers of the literary classic are now able to enjoy and interact with the book in a new and exciting way.
Objev podobné jako The Great Gatsby Cooking and Entertaining Guide - Veronica Hinke
A Brief Guide to the Great Equations: The Hunt for Cosmic Beauty in Numbers - Robert Crease
Join the hunt for the cosmic beauty in numbers with stories of the discovery of the ten most admired equations of all time. Here are the stories of the ten most popular equations of all time as voted for by readers of Physics World, including - accessibly described here for the first time - the favourite equation of all, Euler's equation. Each is an equation that captures with beautiful simplicity what can only be described clumsily in words. Euler's equation [eip + 1 = 0] was described by respondents as 'the most profound mathematic statement ever written', 'uncanny and sublime', 'filled with cosmic beauty' and 'mind-blowing'. Collectively these equations also amount to the world's most concise and reliable body of knowledge. Many scientists and those with a mathematical bent have a soft spot for equations. This book explains both why these ten equations are so beautiful and significant, and the human stories behind them.
Objev podobné jako A Brief Guide to the Great Equations: The Hunt for Cosmic Beauty in Numbers - Robert Crease
Zrcadlová četba - Great Expectations - Nadějné vyhlídky (B1-B2) - Charles Dickens
Příběh malého Pipa začíná v bažinatém kraji Kentu. Když tam jednou o Vánocích náhodou potká uprchlého vězně, netuší, že se jeho život už brzy navždy změní. Sled úžasných událostí následujících po tomto setkání a tragický, záhadný příběh slečny Havishamové a její krásné, ale chladné adoptivní dcery Estelly činí z Nadějných vyhlídek jedno z nejoblíbenějších děl Charlese Dickense. The story of young Pip starts on marshes of Kent. When he accidentally meets an escaped convict one Christmas Eve, he has no idea that his life is about to change forever. The amazing events following that encounter, and the tragic, mysterious tale of Miss Havisham and her beautiful but cold adoptive daughter Estella, have made Great Expectations one of Dicken’s best-loved works.
Objev podobné jako Zrcadlová četba - Great Expectations - Nadějné vyhlídky (B1-B2) - Charles Dickens
Quentin Tarantino: The Complete Unofficial Guide - Jolin Dan
A complete guide to cult movie director Quentin Tarantino.
Objev podobné jako Quentin Tarantino: The Complete Unofficial Guide - Jolin Dan
Little Wombat´s Easter Surprise - Charles Fuge
A Little Wombat story about sharing, new friends, and of course, Easter eggs.Little Wombat is busy collecting eggs on his Easter hunt when he sees Rabbit hop by wearing a special Easter Bunny costume. It's such a good costume that the tail and nose won't come even off - but wait, is that really Rabbit? Or is it his new friend, Bilby?Perfect for an Australian Easter storytime, this book is about new friends, new experiences and new ways to celebrate Easter.
Objev podobné jako Little Wombat´s Easter Surprise - Charles Fuge
Collins Bird Guide - Lars Svensson, Killian Mullarney, Dan Zetterström
The ultimate reference book for bird enthusiasts – now in its third edition.With expanded text and additional colour illustrations, the third edition of the hugely successful Collins Bird Guide is a must for every birdwatcher.The new edition has an extra 32 pages allowing several groups more space and completely or partly new plates with more detailed text: grouse, loons, several groups of raptors, terns, owls, swifts, woodpeckers, swallows, redstarts and some other relatives to the flycatchers (formerlyoften called ‘small thrushes’), tits and a few finches and buntings are some of these. More than 50 plates are either new or have been repainted, completely or partly. Apart from this, a few new vignettes have been added. The section with vagrants has been expanded to accommodate more images and longer texts for several species. The entire text and all maps have of course also been revised.The book provides all the information needed to identify any species at any time of the year, covering size, habitat, range, identification and voice. Accompanying every species entry is a distribution map and illustrations showing the species in all the major plumages (male, female, immature, in flight, at rest, feeding: whatever is important).In addition, each group of birds includes an introduction which covers the major problems involved in identifying or observing them: how to organise a sea watching trip, how to separate birds of prey in flight, which duck hybrids can be confused with which main species. These and many other common birdwatching questions are answered.The combination of definitive text, up-to-date distribution maps and superb illustrations, all in a single volume, makes this book the ultimate field guide, essential on every bookshelf and birdwatching trip.
Objev podobné jako Collins Bird Guide - Lars Svensson, Killian Mullarney, Dan Zetterström
The Coen Brothers: The Complete Unofficial Guide - Jolin Dan
Gangster movie, Western, film noir, rom com, screwball, musical, even the Biblical epic... There are few genres left untouched and untwisted by sibling visionaries Joel and Ethan Coen. Since 1984''s Blood Simple, the inscrutable brothers have effortlessly forged their own cinematic path, avoiding prevailing trends while crafting bold, stylish and witty movies that feel fresh and distinctive despite being deeply rooted in their creators'' filmic passion and knowledge.This is a definitive guide to that path, bringing the reader through Joel and Ethan''s 20 features (not counting the mezzanine) and exploring thethemes, the tropes, the gags, the familiar faces - while also taking in all the Coen curios that litter this quirkily winding byway.From Texas to Minnesota, from Homer to Shakespeare, from Bluegrass to Busby Berkeley, from wrestling to bowling, from lost hats to severed toes, this book covers everything that one might reasonably consider (to use a word that would likely make Joel and Ethan wince) ''Coenesque''... And then some.
Objev podobné jako The Coen Brothers: The Complete Unofficial Guide - Jolin Dan
The Little Man´s Great Journey - Lenka Uhlířová
Velká cesta Malého Pána je dobrodružné vyprávění Lenky Uhlířové a autora námětu, respektovaného fotografa Jiřího Stacha, jehož obrázky vás zavedou do světa plného fantazie, kde nic není nemožné. Kniha se jistě zalíbí nejen malým čtenářům. Podle knihy byl natočený úspěšný film Malý Pán.
Objev podobné jako The Little Man´s Great Journey - Lenka Uhlířová
The Little Book of Charles Dickens - Orange Hippo!
The author of 20 much-loved novels and novellas, Charles Dickens combined humour and pathos to explore Victorian society in all its shades. Widely praised for his rich narratives and larger-than-life characters, he was not only a celebrity author but also an admired social reformer. Moving from the refined drawing rooms of the upper classes to the horrors of the workhouse or the filthy back streets of London, Dickens' writings shone a light on the harsh inequalities of the times.The Little Book of Charles Dickens showcases wonderful quotes from the author's writings, alongside fascinating facts about his life and achievements. By turns witty, comic, insightful and wise, this delightful volume is a fitting tribute to a literary giant.
Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Charles Dickens - Orange Hippo!
The Rough Guide to Green Britain & Northern Ireland: Compact Guide with eBook - Guide to travelling by electric vehicle (EV) - Rough Guides
Practical travel guide to Green Britain & Northern Ireland with a free eBook featuring points-of-interest structured lists of all sights and off-the-beaten-track treasures, with detailed colour-coded maps, practical details about what to see and to do in Green Britain & Northern Ireland. The Rough Guide to Green Britain & Northern Ireland also includes details on how to get there and around, pre-departure information, as well as top time-saving tips, like a visual list of things not to miss in Green Britain & Northern Ireland, expert author picks and itineraries to help you plan your trip. This guide book has been fully updated post-COVID-19.The Rough Guide to Green Britain & Northern Ireland covers: London & the Southeast, the Southwest, Central England, Northern England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.Inside this travel guide you''ll find:RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLERExperiences selected for every kind of trip to Green Britain & Northern Ireland, from off-the-beaten-track adventures in The White Cliffs of Dover to family activities in child-friendly places, like Northumberland National Park or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like The Eden Project in Cornwall.PRACTICAL TRAVEL TIPSEssential pre-departure information including Green Britain & Northern Ireland entry requirements, getting around, health information, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, food and drink, festivals, culture and etiquette, shopping, tips for travellers with disabilities and more.TIME-SAVING ITINERARIESCarefully planned routes covering the best of Green Britain & Northern Ireland give a taste of the richness and diversity of the destination, and have been created for different time frames or types of trip.DETAILED REGIONAL COVERAGEClear structure within each sightseeing chapter includes regional highlights, brief history, detailed sights and places ordered geographically, recommended restaurants, hotels, bars, clubs and major shops or entertainment options.INSIGHTS INTO GETTING AROUND LIKE A LOCALTips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots for the nearest EV charge points to each listing or wild swimming.HIGHLIGHTS OF THINGS NOT TO MISSRough Guides'' rundown of Snowdonia, Cumbria, Dorset, Suffolk''s best sights and top experiences helps to make the most of each trip to Green Britain & Northern Ireland, even in a short time.HONEST AND INDEPENDENT REVIEWSWritten by Rough Guides'' expert authors with a trademark blend of humour, honesty and expertise, to help to find the best places in Green Britain & Northern Ireland, matching different needs.BACKGROUND INFORMATIONComprehensive ''Contexts'' chapter features fascinating insights into Green Britain & Northern Ireland, with coverage of history, religion, ethnic groups, environment, wildlife and books, plus a handy language section and glossary.FABULOUS FULL COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHYFeatures inspirational colour photography, including the stunning Land''s End and the spectacular John O''Groats.COLOUR-CODED MAPPINGPractical full-colour maps, with clearly numbered, colour-coded keys for quick orientation in Northern England, Northern Ireland and many more locations in Green Britain & Northern Ireland, reduce the need to go online.USER-FRIENDLY LAYOUTWith helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhood to help you pick the best spots to spend your time.FREE EBOOKFree eBook download with every purchase of a printed book allows you to access all of the content from your phone or tablet, for on-the-road exploration.
Objev podobné jako The Rough Guide to Green Britain & Northern Ireland: Compact Guide with eBook - Guide to travelling by electric vehicle (EV) - Rough Guides
Horniny, minerály, drahokamy - Dan Green
Fascinují vás barevné minerály, třpytivé drahokamy, ale i vzácné fosilie, krásné schránky živočichů, mušlí, jaké na pláži jen tak nenajdete? Vydejte se tedy na cestu za poznáním vzácných pokladů neživé přírody. V knize je více než 1000 neuvěřitelných fotografií, díky nimž se stane vaším nepostradatelným průvodcem. Dozvíte se, že minerály nás přitahují nejen krásou a vzácností, ale vyprávějí i příběh o tom, jak vznikla Země a jak se měnila, jak vlastně své horniny donekonečna recykluje. Fosilie nám zase ukazují vývoj života i to, jak se vyrovnával s podmínkami na měnící se planetě. Jistě vás překvapí také mnoho zajímavostí - víte, která hornina je tak lehká, že plave na vodě, z jakého minerálu je hrot šípu pevnější než ocel, jak vznikají krystaly? Navštívíte některé z nejúžasnějších krajin a představíme vám mnohé přírodní divy. Možná se tím ve vás probudí zájem o svět kolem nás a vydáte se na vlastní cestu objevování. Naše planeta totiž oplývá nekonečným množstvím zázraků přírody.
Objev podobné jako Horniny, minerály, drahokamy - Dan Green
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